Tag Archives: New York City

WORLD SERIES gelut Statement ON MMA legalization ing NEW YORK

Las Vegas (Maret 22, 2016) - New York State liwati aturan landmark dina ngidinke Campuran Martial Arts mangsa (MMA) lomba kanggo njupuk Panggonan ana.

World Series of Fighting CEO Carlos Silva digawe ujar ngisor:

“Iki dina macem lan sajarah kanggo olahraga gedhe kita. Those who have been lobbying for the legalization of MMA in NY State, kalebu World Series of COO anyar Fighting kang Michael Mersch, kudu commended kanggo terus ono lan prasetya sing kanggo ningali liwat wacana aturan sing pungkasanipun bakal ngidini pembuangan kanggo nonton live MMA ing Empire State, lan pejuang saingan ana. We recently opened an office in Manhattan so, bebarengan karo partner televisi kita, NBC, kita looking nerusake kanggo nggawa kita account saka MMA profesional kanggo New York banget rauh. "

Brooklyn POLICE Kerja Niyazov LOOKING TO Mbuktekaken HE IS 'NEW YORK iku finest’ ON AUG. 25 IN pelanduk ISLAND

BROOKLYN, NY (Agustus 3, 2015) – Karo Pugilism profesional murub sapunika ing New York City, siji boxing pejabat polisi Brooklyn bakal katon kanggo mbuktekaken iku saestu “New York Finest” Selasa, Sep. 25 ing Brooklyn Brawl ing Coney Island.

Minangka bagéan saka kertu dibandhingke ing Brooklyn siklon’ MCU Park mengko sasi iki, Pejabat Brooklyn NYPD Dimash Niyazov (7-0-3, 5KOs) meets Ariel “Geni” Duran (8-7-1, 5KOs) Queens ing bab entheng Highly diantisipasi-dijadwal kanggo wolung babak.

“Aku bakal madhep Ariel Duran, sing bakal dadi tantangan sandi toughest minangka pro, kita perang ing perang wolung jangka judhul,” ngandika Niyazov, saka Sheepshead Bay. “Duran medun saka kelas bobot luwih lan mantan nduwèni judhul New York State. Panjenenganipun tansah ndadekke geni nanging aku arep kanggo nyelehake geni sing metu karo gaya sandi. Iku bakal dadi perang saka borough kaya aku makili Brooklyn lan reps Queens.”

Karo boxing ngalami resurgence ing wilayah New York – nggawe penampilan ing TV nasional lan looking kanggo bali menyang umur sawijining Golden, nalika ilmu manis ana andel ing Perdana wektu lan kaca olahraga – boxing juara-nguripake-promosi Dmitriy Salita wiwit seri Brooklyn Brawl taun iki ing ajang standout. Salita bangga saiki kertu dibandhingke ing Coney Island, panggonan pantai hiburan kang menehi thrills kanggo hordes saka revelers saben mangsa panas.

“Brooklyn Brawl wis diprodhuksi sawetara saka gelut paling apik ing wilayah New York ing memori anyar lan cocog kita ing Sep. 25 duwe resep kanggo padha,” Tembung ngandika.

Ing acara utama, mantan Challenger judhul donya Alex Miskirtchian (25-3-1, 9 KOs) menang slate marang kondhang Brooklyn battler Cornelius Lock (22-7-2, 14 KOs) ing tawuran featherweight dijadwal kanggo 10 babak. Salita uga utamané bungah babagan enem-babak Jr. Kelas welter tawuran antarane Treysean “Pemicu” Wiggins (6-1, 5KOs) saka Newburgh, N.Y.. lan Francisco “Kucing” Figueroa (20-7-1, 13 KOs) The Bronx.

Mbukak lawang ing 6 PM. Log on kanggo BrooklynCyclones.com kanggo njaluk karcis utawa nelpon 718-507-TIXX (718-507-8499).

Informasi Broadcast bakal announced ing tanggal mengko. Partners perusahaan kasengsem kudu ngontak Mark Fratto atmfratto@linacremedia.com

Kanggo informasi tiket lan anyar ing “Brooklyn Brawl: Boxing Ing Beach,” mangga log on toBrooklynCyclones.com lan SalitaPromotions.com. Turuti kabeh tumindak liwat media sosial anjog nganti acara – lan ing perang wengi – ingBrooklynBrawlNY on Twitter lan ingBrooklynBrawl ing Instagram, utawa dening ngakses tags #BrooklynBrawl lan #BoxingAtTheBeach.

Kita Amateur Sabanjure Boxing Show ana, May 23rd at Gleason’s

Gabung ing, Ana ing wayah sore ing 23rd of May lan seneng kasenengan saka boxing amatir ing tingkat werna suket.


Kita bakal gawe jadwal akèh bouts. Kita bakal sijine bouts minangka Master, Senior lan Juniors.


Yen sampeyan pengin saingan, hubungi matchmaker kita Jieun Lee ing matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net utawa teks dheweke ing 917 858 3955.


Kabeh Matchmaking wis rampung dening email utawa teks.


Ing nimbang-in kanggo nuduhake iki bakal miwiti ing 4:00PM lan bab kapisan bakal miwiti ing 6:00PM.


Kabeh bouts kita direstoni dening USABoxingMetro. Kabeh boxers kudu duwe buku boxing karo wong supaya melu.


Rega tiket punika $20 saben wong. Anak 6 lan ing ora daya. Kabeh anggota gedung olahraga lan Pemain amatir kadhaptar kaliyan buku-buku sing ing pituwas tangan $15 saben wong.



P.S. Yen sampeyan ora bisa nggawe nanging isih pengin ndeleng sing gelut, padha bakal streaming ing

Situs web Gleason Planet: www.gleasonsgym.net


Beat The Streets New York Announces Partnership With FloSports To Live Stream All Matches From Times Square

‘Salsa in the Square’ event to feature Team USA and Cuban National Team wrestlers in annual fundraiser

NEW YORK (May 12, 2015)Beat the Streets New York (BTSNY) Executive Director, Jim Fallis announced today that BTSNY and FloSports will partner to live stream all the matches on May 21, in Times Square, as part of the annual fundraising Gala. Taun iku acara iki, “Salsa in the Square,” will feature Olympic wrestlers from Team USA and the Cuban national team. Prior to the Olympic matches, BTS youth will compete in match ups in freestyle, women’s freestyle and Greco.

“This is an historic partnership in that it is the first time that we will have a media partner that will stream all the matches and work hand in hand in the marketing of our event,” said Fallis. “As we grow and continue to provide more kids in New York City with the opportunity to beat the streets through wrestling, bringing our message to a larger audience will be critical. This partnership is a huge step in doing that and taking our event to the next level. I want to thank FloSports and all the people that made this possible and we look forward to the thousands of fans that will be able to enjoy live streaming of over 30 matches during the day.”

“We’re really excited to work with Beat the Streets New York to live stream this high-profile wrestling event,” FloSports CEO Martin Floreani said. “It’s a fantastic opportunity to highlight some really talented wrestlers and also to raise awareness for a non-profit that is doing excellent work with youth.”

Broadcasting will begin at 3:45 P.M. Lan ing Kemis, May 21 on FloWrestling.com, with matches that will highlight wrestlers from Beat the Streets New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. There will be five matches featuring girls and wrestlers from five different states.
During the Cuba vs USA match, BTSNY will present their annual outstanding awards to student athletes from the BTS program.

The lineup for the main event will be released shortly.


FloSports, an innovative sports media and events company based in Austin, Texas, changes the way athletes and fans interact with their passion in sports. Focused on untapped sports markets historically neglected by traditional media, FloSports brings together fragmented communities and provides them the platform to connect with the sports they love through live streaming of premier events, original video programming, weekly studio shows, branded entertainment, and event creation and execution. FloSports is dedicated to growing and elevating these communities that share a deep commitment to the sports that matter to them at FloTrack.com, FloWrestling.com and Gymnastike.com

The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full human and athletic potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTSW works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to help New York City’s student-athletes achieve their personal and athletic goals. Through the operation of wrestling programs in middle and high schools in the five boroughs, BTSW and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life skills of physical fitness, teamwork, and self-empowerment. The goal of fostering strong, dedicated, and optimistic kids is delivered through coaching, after-school programs, and mentoring. More information can be found at www.btsny.org.

Salita Signs Amateur Standout; Mantan Olympian; Asian Games Champion Serdar Hudayberdiyev

The Salita Promotions stable continues to grow in size, and scope.

Brooklyn, NY (May 7, 2015)--Dmitriy Salita, the New York City based boxing promoter, is proud to announce a new talent is coming aboard.

Serdar Hudayberdiyev,
a 2012 Olympian for Turkmenistan, and junior welterweight prospect, is now in the fold. He carried the flag for his country at the Olympics, and Salita expects him to make as much progress, if not more, in the professional ranks.
He will connect with his community as well as the Russian speaking community in NYC and he is looking forward to representing his people,” Tembung ngandika.

Fans can expect to see a seasoned product in his professional debut that will come this summer.

The 28-year-old boxer, named the 2009 Best Athlete of Turkmenistan by the State Committee of Tourism and Sport, is light on his feet and aggressive. He can lead or counter. He has been working on firming up his jab and setting down on his punches.

He is coming off an impressive showing at the Asian Games in Korea. His nation holds him in high regard and has immense hopes for him. He currently is the only professional boxer hailing from Turkmenistan.

He will join future heavyweight star Jarrell Miller, saka Brooklyn; Cruiserweight contender Junior Wright, saka Chicago; armada fisted Dimash Niyazov saka Staten Island; signee anyar Bakhtiyar Eyubov, hitter KO saka Kazahkstan, middleweight contender Steven Martinez and other rising stars on the Salita roster.

Mangga log on dhisik Kanggo www.salitapromotions.com kanggo informasi sing luwih pejuang Salita lan promosi mbesuk.

Terminologi inks Kazakh BKO Bangkok Knockout artis Bakhtier Eubov

Brooklyn, NY (Maret 3, 2015)–Promosi Terminologi iku bungah kanggo ngumumke star mangsa liyane wis ditambahaké menyang daptar tugas sing.
Saiki mungsuh sing bakal nyedhak ing dering nganggo Bakhtiyar Eyubov, padha ora bisa dadi bungah, amarga prospek iku dening kabeh akun hitter daya.
Yeyubov, 5-0 minangka penerjemah, karo limang knockous kanggo kang kredit, asalé saka Kazakhstan, Tanah kelairan padha Men bintang Gennady Golovkin. Kaya Golovkin, Eyubov katon kanggo mbusak hakim saka rumus. Pancen, wong bakal arep saka lonceng mbukak, minangka papat saka limang KOs kang wis teka ing babak siji.
Kanthi luwih saka 150 menang ing Pemain amatir, mayoritas sungguh dening KO, iku cetha sing gaya kang bakal pas menyang Pros cukup uga, lan Terminologi iku bungah supaya pembuangan New York City-wilayah ilmu manis mriksa wong metu ing mangsa cedhak.
Eyubov wis sante reputasi minangka ingkang banger fearsome, supaya wong iku wis kanggo setuju kanggo gelut saka 147 kilogram kabeh cara nganti abot cahya, 175 kilogram, kanggo mbujuk foes kanggo Jersey munggah karo wong. Ing hitter 28 taun-lawas wis nyimpulaken thusly dening promosi Terminologi: “Iku puncher awak agresif lan yakuwi kanggo njaluk KO saben wektu. Eyubov duwe gaya macem lan iku banget luwe kanggo menek menyang ndhuwur lan dadi juara donya.”
Eyubov bakal ngatur dening Wilson Naranjo, sing saged juara ex Luis Ayu lan dirating donya contender Raphael Vasquez.
Terminologi bakal rauh ngumumke kertu perang profesional kang sabanjuré, lan nalika kita bisa ndeleng talenta prospek Eyubov kangge kita sesambetan. Nganti banjur mriksa metu video
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs  Cliff Newton USA   February 17, 2012
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov KOR vs Cliff Newton Amerika Serikat Februari 17, 2012
Kanggo luwih info mriksa metu Salitapromotions.com