标记档案: 新墨西哥

巴雷拉-德莱昂诺夫. 20 在 FITE 和 Golden Boy 按次付费


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马可·安东尼奥·巴雷拉 去打仗丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂


星期六, NOV. 20, 2021,


Facebook Watch 和 FITE 上的 Golden Boy Fight Night 将播放 Tapia Promotions 的初步比赛“最后的车站” (最后的车站) 住

来自山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥

阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (十一月. 3, 2021) – 两位墨西哥拳击传奇将在名人堂成员的最后一晚戴上手套马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉 十多年来仅第二次重返擂台,与前两届世界冠军对阵丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂周六, 十一月 20, 2021, 住在山神度假村的酒店按次付费 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥.

观众有机会在感恩节假期提前五天响起菲特PPV Facebook Watch Paid Online 和 Golden Boy Fight Night 将在电视上播放惊心动魄的, 六轮超次中量级展览以及四场额外的主卡比赛按次付费观看$9.99 在4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和 Golden Boy Fight Night 都将提供西班牙语广播 事件的$4.99.

提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN 和 FITE 将直播五场出色的预赛免费在 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

那些希望参加令人难忘的, 10-亲临Tapia促销盛会可购票从 $75 通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。

巴雷拉 (67-7, 44 科斯) 自从国际拳击名人堂将这位传奇拳击手入选以来,他将仅第二次亮相 2017. “娃娃脸刺客”最后一次在六轮比赛中与退役拳击手耶稣索托卡拉斯交手,比赛时间为两分钟, 16-盎司手套, 六月没有法官 11, 2021, 里维拉峰, 加利福尼亚州.

排名不. 43 ESPN有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一, 巴雷拉在三个重量级别上获得了世界冠军,并赢得了 43 在他辉煌的职业生涯开始时连续取得胜利.

从不回避对手, 瓜达拉哈拉的骄傲, 哈利斯科, 墨西哥, 已经与许多最优秀的科学进行了斗争, 包括名人堂成员埃里克·莫拉莱斯 (三次), 约翰尼·塔皮亚, 和胡安·曼努埃尔·马尔克斯, 以及未来的IBOFer曼尼帕奎奥, 保利·阿亚拉, 纳西姆·哈米德, 和阿米尔·卡恩.

狮子 (45-7, 35 科斯), 奇瓦瓦, 墨西哥, 将在七年多的时间里首次戏剧性地重返著名的方阵. 在西柯汶纳战斗, 加利福尼亚州。, 该 2000 墨西哥奥运代表队成员开启了他的职业生涯 24 连胜, 含 23 淘汰赛.

前两级世界冠军, 德莱昂声称空缺的世界拳击组织 (WBO) 十月超轻量级冠军 2005 并进行了六次成功的防御. 在获得第一个世界冠军近七年后, 这位左撇子重击手在 9 月对 Jhonny Gonzalez 的八轮技术决定中获得了第二名 2012 申领世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 羽冠.

在第一个令人兴奋的按次付费合作功能中, 不败阿贝尔·门多萨(30-0, 23 科斯) 埃尔帕索, 得克萨斯州, 希望保持自己完美的战绩,并在与墨西哥斗士的比赛中登上 135 磅级别的上层梯队维克多优势 (20-5-1, 10 科斯) 在10轮对阵.

按次付费卡将是次中量级对决阿尔伯克基拳击手的不败战绩克林顿·查韦斯 (5-0, 4 科斯) 挨打的脸克里斯蒂安卡斯蒂略占位符图像 (3-1, 3 科斯), 以及一场重达 270 磅的大逃杀比赛,两名街头牛肉选手在首次亮相职业拳击比赛时科迪贝克 发生在乔纳森赖斯.

第五次按次付费的战斗和完整的初步卡“最后的车站” (最后的车站) 将很快公布.

“我们很高兴与 FITE 和 Golden Boy Promotions 合作,将这个重要的夜晚带给世界各地的拳击迷,”特蕾莎·塔皮亚说, Tapia推广总裁. “很荣幸能够最后一次展示两位传奇战士展示他们的才华。”

“FITE 很高兴为世界各地的用户提供这个特殊的 PPV 活动,” 说迈克尔·韦伯, FITE首席运营官. “马可·安东尼奥·巴雷拉和丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂重返擂台将是一场您不容错过的战斗。”

“Golden Boy Promotions 很高兴能与 Tapia Promotions 和 FITE 合作,度过这个具有历史意义的拳击之夜,“霍亚说:, 金童董事长兼CEO. “我很自豪地说,我曾与巴雷拉和庞塞·德莱昂合作过, 谁是这项运动的两个伟大的墨西哥传奇人物. 我一直很喜欢他们的拳击风格,并且知道他们会进行一场令人难忘的战斗. 我迫不及待地想看到他们重返赛场参加他们的“Ultima Batalla”十一月. 20.”

关于 BARRERA-DE LEON: 最后的车站 (最后的车站)

两位传奇的前世界冠军最后一次重返拳击台,参加一场特别的六轮次中量级表演赛, 作为 Tapia Promotions 的礼物屏障 vs. Ponce De Leon“La Ultima Batalla”——“最后一站”周六, 十一月 20, 在山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥. 惊心动魄的五战主卡将通过按次付费观看 $9.99 通过两者菲特PPV 和金童战斗之夜在 Facebook 观看在线付费 4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和金童搏击之夜都将提供该赛事的西班牙语广播 $4.99. 提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN FITE 将在以下网址免费播放五场出色的预赛比赛 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

门票开始 $75 可以通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。


Teresa Tapia 成立了 Tapia Promotions 以延续她传奇已故丈夫的遗产, 六届世界冠军/名人堂成员约翰尼·塔皮亚 (Johnny Tapia) 提供惊心动魄的拳击赛事,与各地的球迷战斗. 美国最早的女性拳击发起人之一, Teresa 成功地管理了 Johnny Tapia 的职业生涯 1995-2011, 并接受了他的 2017 入选国际拳击名人堂 (国际博览局). 另外, 在 2004, 特蕾莎成为甜蜜科学史上第一位也是唯一一位获得IBOF特别表彰奖的女拳击经理. 多方面的推动者扩展到 2020 制作体育真人秀节目《明星与冠军》,” 近距离观察拳击手在拳击场内外的生活.


FITE 是现场体育和娱乐的优质全球平台,提供超过 5 MM 注册用户的许多行业大型 PPV 活动和 SVOD 套餐. FITE 可通过其 iOS 和 Android 移动应用程序在全球范围内使用, 苹果电视, Android的电视, 年, 亚马逊消防电视, 和华为应用. 此外, FITE 支持三星, LG, 考克斯轮廓, Vizio SmartCast™, 维珍媒体, Shaw Communications 的 Blue Curve IPTV, 福克斯, 的Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, 玉米, 网络范围, 维达/海信, VEWD, 网络电视, 康卡斯特的 Xfinity 1 和 Xfinity Flex 以及 7,000 款智能电视. 可在线获取 www.FITE.tv. 跟着我们 叽叽喳喳, Instagram的YouTube的领英 和 Facebook的FITE开启了.


总部位于洛杉矶的 Golden Boy 成立于 2002 奥斯卡·德拉霍亚, 第一个拥有全国拳击宣传公司的西班牙裔人。 Golden Boy 是一个媒体和娱乐品牌,致力于让格斗娱乐更容易和更实惠. 公司的内部制作团队为RingTV.com 以及遍布全球的国际频道. 该公司拥有顶级拳击手的专有权,并推广了这项运动历史上一些规模最大、票房最高的赛事. 现在, Golden Boy 是世界上最成功的拳击娱乐公司之一,为拳击手和球迷塑造了拳击的未来。

Marco Antonio Barrera and Daniel Ponce de Leon to Make Triumphant Returns to Boxing in Six-Round Welterweight Showdown

Tickets for “La Ultima Batalla” (最后的车站) are available

exclusively via the Inn of the Mountain Gods Website

阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (七. 13, 2021) – International Boxing Hall of Famer and former three-division world champion马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉 will return to the ring for the first time in more than a decade when he squares off against former two-time world titleholder丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂周六, 十一月 20, 2021, 在山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥.

Come celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday five days early as these two legendary fighters square off in a six-round welterweight clash and headline an electrifying, eight-fight Tapia Promotions card.

巴雷拉 (67-7, 44 科斯) makes his dramatic comeback four years after being inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2017. Ranked by No. 43 ESPN有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一, the “Baby Faced Assassin” has captured world titles across three weight divisions and earned 43 在他辉煌的职业生涯开始时连续取得胜利.

从不回避对手, 瓜达拉哈拉的骄傲, 哈利斯科, 墨西哥, has battled many of the sweet science’s finest including fellow Hall of Famers Erik Morales (三次), 约翰尼·塔皮亚, 和胡安·曼努埃尔·马尔克斯, 以及未来的IBOFer曼尼帕奎奥, 保利·阿亚拉, 纳西姆·哈米德, 和阿米尔·卡恩.

狮子 (45-7, 35 科斯), 奇瓦瓦, 墨西哥, 将在七年多的时间里首次戏剧性地重返著名的方阵. Fighting out of Huntington Park, 加利福尼亚州。, 该 2000 墨西哥奥运代表队成员开启了他的职业生涯 24 连胜, 含 23 淘汰赛.

前两级世界冠军, 德莱昂声称空缺的世界拳击组织 (WBO) 十月超轻量级冠军 2005 并进行了六次成功的防御. 在获得第一个世界冠军近七年后, 这位左撇子重击手在 9 月对 Jhonny Gonzalez 的八轮技术决定中获得了第二名 2012 申领世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 羽冠.

In the first of two exciting co-features, undefeated super featherweight contender阿贝尔·门多萨(30-0, 23 科斯) hopes to keep his perfect record intact and ascend to the upper echelon of the 130-pound division when he takes on fellow El Paso, 得克萨斯州, brawlerAntonio Escalante (29-11, 20 科斯) 在10轮对阵.

The second co feature pitsJosh “Pitbull” Torres (23-7-2, 14 科斯), returning to Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino against once-beatenSteven “Manos de Oro” Villalobos (15-1-1, 11 科斯) in a welterweight showdown.

Rounding out the card will be a found-round, 270-pound battle royale pitting Streetbeefs standouts科迪贝克 和Johnathon Rice making their pro debuts, undefeated up-and-comers克林顿·查韦斯(阿尔伯克基, N.M.), Javier Fernandez(San Antonio, 得克萨斯州) 和天使查韦斯(萨克拉门托, 加利福尼亚州。) against opponents to be named, 和Luis Angel Jimenez of El Paso in his initial pro bout.

门票for the thrilling eight-fight extravaganza promoted by Tapia Promotions start at $75 and are on sale exclusively viaHTTPS://innofthemountaingods.com


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (八月 30, 2017) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland on星期五, 十一月 3, 2017 在灵气与 “NEF 31: 老港口。” 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. 杰达 “里尔·基拉” 贝利 (0-0) 定要面对 Danae Dostie (0-0) in a female bantamweight contest.

贝利, a senior at Hermon High School in Hermon, 缅因, will turn 18 (the legal minimum age for one to compete in MMA in Maine) a mere eight days before the fight, thereby making her the youngest person in history to ever compete in a regulated MMA fight in the state. She has trained in the martial arts since the age of four and has been a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor since age twelve. Bailey also wrestles for Bucksport High School as Hermon does not have a team. 在年龄 15, she traveled to New Mexico to train at the world famous Jackson Wink MMA Academy where she worked with the likes of former UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Holly Holm (11-3). Bailey regularly competes in Jiu-Jitsu tournaments throughout the New England region.

I’ve been wanting to fight for as long as I can remember,” Bailey说. “November 3rd will be the day I can showcase what I have, and begin my career with a bang.

Standing opposite Bailey in the cage will be a fellow amateur debut in the form of Danae Dostie. Dostie is a graduate of Fryeburg Academy High School in Fryeburg, Maine where she was a standout athlete on the track and field team. She currently serves as a member of the military police with the Maine Army National Guard. Dostie represents Kenney’s MMA of Lisbon, 缅因.

I’m very excited for my first fight in NEF,” said Dostie. “It will be fun to see how this fight goes. I know either way I will learn a lot.

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 31: 旧港,” will see the company debut in Portland, 缅因州全新, 最先进的场地 Aura. 该活动预定于 星期五, 十一月 3, 2017. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.auramaine.com.



阿尔伯克基, 新墨西哥 – 一月 6, 2017 – March 18th, Victory Boxing Promotions and Rumble in Rio team up to present a night of charity boxing at the Albuquerque Convention Center. The card kicks off with eight amateurguns & hosesbouts between New Mexico Police and Firefighters who will fight to benefit the Jim Franklin Bike Giveaway Program and various New Mexico children’s organizations in New Mexico. The professional portion of the card will feature top prospects from the area, including flyweight 马修·希腊 (6-0, 6KO) and super featherweight Alex Holguin (9-1, 6KO). 强硬 卡洛斯 “该提布隆” 桑切斯 (11-0, 10KO), who hails from San Felipe, 墨西哥, will also be looking to remain undefeated in a six round bout at junior welterweight.

It’s the promotion’s second foray into the Land of Enchantment. Matthew Griego wowed Albuquerque crowds at Victory Boxing’s July event, stopping Marco Alcaraz in the second round of their bout. Alex Holguin and Carlos Sanchez also came away with wins that evening.

The Rumble in Rio is in its 12th year in the state of New Mexico. It was inspired by Jim Franklin, who was an evidence technician in the Rio Rancho Police Department. For several years Jim would take old bicycles from storage and rebuild them and give them out to children of low-income families in the area for Christmas. This effort prompted Officer Pete Camacho to createRumble in Rio,” and allowed the Jim Franklin Bike Giveaway Program to expand and provide more bicycles to more kids. So began the tradition ofCops and Firefighters Fighting for the Kids”.

The Rumble in Rio Board now includes members from multiple public safety agencies from New Mexico,” said Andrew Garcia, President of Rumble in Rio. “Our fighters are EMTs, Police Officers, Corrections Officers and Firefighters from around the state and have represented dozens of departments.

It’s an honor to team up with Rumble in Rio for this event,” 胜利拳击促销活动说’ 发起人克里斯·米登多夫. “Any time we have the opportunity to put our events to work in the community, that’s something we’d like to do.

Doors for Rumble in Rio open at 6 P.M.March 18th, 第一个钟声在 7 P.M.



lick 这里 To Watch A Video Preview Of This Segment: HTTP://s.sho.com/1KLdpqm


纽约 (二月. 25, 2016) – Noted mixed martial arts journalist Jon L. Wertheim takes an in-depth and personal look at how Holly Holm, a barely known underdog, was able to knock out women’s MMA queen Ronda Rousey. In the piece, Wertheim visits Jackson Wink MMA Academy in Albuquerque, N.M., the home of Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn. Wertheim investigates how the world-renowned trainers helped guide Holm to victory last November and have established their once-unheralded outpost in Albuquerque as a mecca for some of the best MMA fighters in the world.


Wertheim’s report appears on the next edition of 60 MINUTES SPORTS, 首映 星期二, 三月 1 在 9 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime. Nathalie Sommer is the producer.

WMMAA: The future of MMA

Mexican Consulate in Albuquerque, Efren Leyba, 和
WMMAA Pan-American president Tomas Yu (中心)
阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (二月 15, 2016) – 第二届世界MMA协会年会 (WMMAA) Pan-American Congress, recently held at The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque, 新墨西哥, was a major success by all standards.
(L-R) — WMMAA Pan-American president Tomas Yu, MMA巨星
Jon Jones and legendary coach Chris Luttrell
The Pan-American Movement”, as it was named, brought together sports, 旅游, and education for a common goal with more than 12 participating countries.
The Congress provided a rare opportunity for the entire WMMAA Pan-American family to collaborate with special partnerships like The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of CommerceThe Mexico Consulate in Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Global Education Department. PANAM Members, representatives of National Federations, Commissions, Association and the Organizing Committee of the WMMAA Pan-American Championship (OCPC), as well as athletes, 教练, 媒体, sponsors and other stakeholders to meet and discuss issues of importance to the entire MMA movement.
In his closing speech to the Congress, Pan-American Division President 托马斯·玉 paid tribute to the excellent collaboration between Pan-American members.
If you asked me to sprawl a couple of times, I would most definitely need some nitro coffee from Villa Myriam before I run out of breath, followed by the guaranteed use of Sore No More,” 宇说. “But when it comes to fighting for our youth, for our MMA global goalsfor cleaner competition, for a healthier, more peaceful and more flourishing SPORTI will sprawl-jab-cross-kick like a champion. I will sprint the steepest trail in the Sandia Mountains. I will never stop until we raise our hands by victory. I am counting and exhorting all involved in the MMA industry to join us. We must go for the KO.
Over the course of the three-day Congress and 13-day PANAM Camp, there were special guest such as Legacy Champion Damacio页, former UFC champion 乔恩 “骨头” 琼斯 卡洛斯 - 康迪特. Participants heard from many respected speakers such as Health Committee Director Curt Chavez from eVOLV Strong, 赫克托·莫利纳, Director of PANAM Regulatory Committee and Director of PANAM Medical Committee, 博士. Justo Pavia. The congress had interesting discussions on the following themes: 运动员, 2016 Expo MMA, structure of theWMMAA Pan-American Movement”, global officialslicense and database, new era of Digital Sports Marketing Revolution, 而 2016 Pan-American Championships.

Each day was divided in two general sessions with a half-day devoted to Rules and Regulations discussions for PANAM. The plenary sessions were followed by three simultaneous breakout sessions on respective sub-themes.

All sessions were live-cast over the internet to allow the general public to hear discussions as it happened.
Two sessions began with presentations from a panel of speakers. The moderators of each panel were then responsible for the ensuing discussion period, which gave participants an opportunity to voice their opinions on issues. The main points from each session were carefully recorded byENLACEthe new exclusive WMMAA correspondent programto inform the Editorial Committee of the discussions at the end of each day. The final document reflected the main ideas to come out of the proceedings in Albuquerque, as well as information collected through the virtual WMMAA Pan-American Congress, allowing the WMMAA Pan-American family and public to submit written contributions.
The mission of the 2016 WMMAA Pan-American Congress was to bring together sports, tourism and education for a united front and review the status of the WMMAA PANAM Movement in today’s evolving global society. Information was gathered and opinions sought regarding its future, in addition to providing structure, guidance, proposals and recommendations to all constituents and other stakeholders of the WMMAA PANAM Movement for its structured showcase and harmonious development within the global youth community.
该 2016 WMMAA Pan-American Congress was a great success and has left the WMMAA Pan-American Movement with a blueprint for the future. It is now time, 再次, for the PANAM family to translate words into action: We are the Future of MMA!

结肠癌惊险刺激与一致决定在球迷穆尼奥斯布雷克击败斯科特也赢得了戴维斯, 威廉姆斯, 纽曼, 富尔顿, 克拉克和Russell

费城, PA (二月 2, 2015)–他的球迷来自数百甚至数千公里以外. JR不败. 中量级 普里查德结肠 使他们的行程是幸福的,因为他捣烂6轮一致决定在崎岖的海克特·穆尼奥斯突出8回合卡在 2300 竞技场在费城.

结肠癌看着使其成为长夜短,他降落发送穆尼奥斯到画布中带来的第一轮巨大的勾拳 2300 舞台上震耳欲聋的声音. Colon continued to drill Munoz with power shot after power shot which drew blood over the left eye of Munoz as early as round three. Colon continued to show fluid movement while landing hard shots on the game Munoz who fought the last few rounds with that left eye closing. The blood was running down the face of Munoz which was a result of Colon’s master performance.

波多黎各科隆赢得了进球的 60-53 两次, 60-51 并且现在 13-0. Munoz of Albuquerque, NM现 23-14-1.

格雷森布雷克 通过一些逆境中战斗,赢得了重量级回合在安东尼·普雷斯科特6轮一致决定.

布雷克受了重伤在第二轮由一个大的右手,但能坚持下去,扭转局面. Blake started taking control of the bout and he hurt Prescott in round five with a hard right of his own.

州立大学的布雷克, PA赢得分数 58-56 所有的卡和现在 6-3. 樱桃山普雷斯科特, 新泽西州是 5-5-2.

Kyrone戴维斯 捣烂了乔纳森·加西亚6轮一致决定在一个有趣的回合中量级.

威尔明顿戴维斯, DE赢得分数 60-54 所有的卡和现在 6-0. Garcia of Aguada, PR是 4-12.

Rayell威廉姆斯 克服了第四回合击倒获胜的轻量级回合在瑞安Picou 6轮一致决定.

威廉姆斯得到了行动的更好,但被抓了右手跌跌撞撞他回到画布上. He was able to recover and box his way to the unanimous decision by scores of 59-55 两次, 58-55.

威廉姆斯, 谁是 2008 奥海了克利夫兰, OH是 6-0. Picou of Las Vegas is 2-5.

伯爵纽曼 从极左到身体下降Yusshua撒督在第三轮赢得了4轮一致决定在重量级较量.

布鲁克林纽曼, 纽约赢得了 40-35 在所有卡片吻合现在 4-1. Zadok of Atlanta. GA是 2-3-1.

斯蒂芬·富尔顿 费城赢得了埃里克Gotay 6轮一致决定在JR. 羽量级回合.

富尔顿赢得分数 60-54 和 59-55 两次现 4-0. Gotay of Puerto Rico is 3-3.

Jamontay克拉克 盒装他的方式在多米尼克福斯特4轮一致决定在重量级较量.

克拉克福斯特流血的鼻子在第二轮和停业利润率赢得 40-36 在所有卡.

辛辛那提克拉克, OH是 4-0. Foster of of Las Vegas is 2-7-1.

在开幕回合, 安东尼奥·拉塞尔 在预定的4轮轻量级回合打进了一个可怕的和邪恶的第二轮停工超过哈罗德·雷耶斯.



停工的时间为 2:10 第二轮的国会高地罗素, MD谁做他的亲亮相. Reyes of Puerto Rico is 1-2.

KINGS PROMOTIONS返回与拳击在另一个伟大的夜晚 星期六, 二月 21 AT Econo Lodge酒店阿伦敦, PA特色瑞星JR. LIGHTWEIGHT FRANK DE ALBA

来自费城的权重 (再加上新闻发布会和称重视频)

费城, PA (一月 30, 2015)–

冒号 – 穆尼奥斯

普里查德结肠 151.4 – 海克特·穆尼奥斯 153.8
斯蒂芬·富尔顿 123.1 – 埃里克Gotay 122.9
安东尼·普雷斯科特 150.2 – 格雷森布雷克 146.7
Kyrone戴维斯 159.8 – 乔纳森·加西亚 160
Raynell威廉姆斯 133.9 – 瑞安Picou 135.5
Jamontay克拉克 150.6 – 多米尼克·福斯特 150.6
伯爵纽曼 180 – Yuwshua屁股 181.1
安东尼奥·拉塞尔 116.2 – Harold Reyes 120

促进者: 国王的促销 & XFE
地点: 2300 竞技场
1ST贝尔: 6:45 PM

门票拳击成本这个伟大的夜晚 $100, $75$50 并且可以通过调用被购买 610-587-5950www.hboxing.eventbrite.com
国王促销活动新闻发布会 013015
国王促销活动新闻发布会 013015
国王促销权衡 013015
国王促销权衡 013015
第1回合将开始 6:45 PM与门开口 6 PM.

不败Kyrone戴维斯将面临乔纳森·加西亚本周六在 2300 竞技场在费城

费城, PA (一月 27 2015)–这个星期六 晚上,在 2300 竞技场, 不败的中量级Kyrone戴维斯将在老将乔纳森·加西亚在6轮的较量由国王的促销推广表演.

主要活动将看到不败 普里查德结肠 (12-0, 10 KO的) 奥罗科维斯的, Puerto Rico taking on 海克特·穆尼奥斯 (23-13-1, 15 KO的) 阿尔伯克基, 新墨西哥州在8轮JR. 中量级的战斗.

戴维斯从威尔明顿, 特拉华州的记录 5-0 三击倒和前业余突出的兴奋,他的战斗 这个星期六.

“培训进展顺利. I know that Garcia is a durable guy who has fought good competition. My goal 周六 是把上好的, 清洁性能. Not to get hit and give everyone a good show for my first fight in Philly,”说 20 岁的戴维斯.

戴维斯 91-9 作为一个业余, 谁赢得了两个全国PAL锦标赛,并参加了奥运选拔赛期待着他在当地亮相.

“甚至不知道我出生在新泽西州,住在特拉华州, 我训练在费城. I have not fought here professionally and I am coming back to show everyone what I am doing. I am going to fight smart and push for the knockout. I just want to be a great pro.

“我精神很好,并已投入大量的公路工作. I have a great team with my trainer Stephen Edwards. This is the longest camp we have had as I was supposed to fight in December and went that did not happen, 我们住的培训. I am in the best shape. This is my first six round fight but we prepared to go even longer so it wont be a problem. I expect to perform at the next level.


享御 “其关闭” 戴维斯 (一月 31, 2015


在 6 轮较量:

Raynell威廉姆斯 (5-0, 3 KO的) 克利夫兰, OH将争夺 瑞安Picou (2-4) 拉斯维加斯的轻量级回合.

格雷森布雷克 (5-3, 2 KO的) 州立学院, PA会打 安东尼·普雷斯科特 (5-4-2, 2 KO的) 在重量级较量.

在 4 轮较量:

伯爵纽曼 (3-1, 3 KO的) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将尽的战斗 Yuwshua屁股 (2-2-1) 亚特兰大, GA在一个重量级的战斗.

迦勒厂 (5-0, 4 KO的) 阿什兰市, TN将广场下车用 大卫·洛佩兹 (4-11-3, 1 KO) 考德威尔, 在中量级回合ID.

Jamatay克拉克 (3-0, 3 KO的) 辛辛那提, OH会打 多米尼克·福斯特 (2-6-1) 拉斯维加斯, NV在一个重量级的战斗.

罗伯特Irizarry (2-0-1) 樱桃山, 新泽西州将在 路易斯·阿塞韦多 (1-0-1) 伯利恒, PA在超轻量级回合.

威利·琼斯 (4-0, 2 KO的) 坦帕, FL会打 莫伊塞斯·里奥斯 (5-2, 4 KO的) 阿雷西博的, PR一个重量级的战斗.

安东尼奥·拉塞尔 国会高地, MD将会使他的亲亮相反对 加布里埃尔·布拉克斯顿 (2-7, 1 KO) 红橡木, GA在最轻量级的战斗.

斯蒂芬·富尔顿 (3-0, 1 KO) 费城将在 埃里克Gotay (3-2, 1 KO) 在多明尼加共和国在超轻量级回合.

门票拳击成本这个伟大的夜晚 $100, $75$50 并且可以通过调用被购买 610-587-5950www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

第1回合将开始 7 PM 与门开口 6 PM.

斯蒂芬 “摩托车” 富尔顿承担埃里克Gotaythis周六在 2300 竞技场在费城

费城, PA (一月 26, 2015)–这个星期六 晚上,在 2300 竞技场, 不败超轻量级斯蒂芬 “摩托车” 富尔顿会看时,他对埃里克Gotay在4轮较量由国王的促销推广表演保持完美.

主要活动将看到不败 普里查德结肠 (12-0, 10 KO的) 奥罗科维斯的, Puerto Rico taking on 海克特·穆尼奥斯 (23-13-1, 15 KO的) 阿尔伯克基, 新墨西哥州在8轮JR. 中量级的战斗.

费城富尔顿有纪录 3-0 同 1 敲除和他有一个很好的训练营,因为他准备为他的第二故乡连续外观.

“一切都已经很大. I been working on a strength and conditioning. I have been getting great pad work and my trainers have been pushing me real hard. We are looking to fight 6-rounds but I am preparing for more,”说 20 岁的富尔顿.



富尔顿, 谁做了他的首次亮相费城超过本杰明·布尔戈斯在4轮一致决定 十二月 5 欣赏他的家乡,但他更喜欢打出城.

“我喜欢从这里客场作战. There is more pressure fighting home, 但我很专注。”

这种压力是没有什么新富尔顿作为装饰的业余是全国银手套冠军, 一个马戏团的冠军,并在世界拳击系列比赛,他去了哪里 2-1.


“我想确保人们注意到我,喜欢我的战斗作风. A lot of people will notice me by the end of the year and hopefully I can get some television time. Take a good look at me and see where I am, 因为我在几年, 我会成为世界冠军.

在 6 轮较量:

Raynell威廉姆斯 (5-0, 3 KO的) 克利夫兰, OH将争夺 瑞安Picou (2-4) 拉斯维加斯的轻量级回合.

格雷森布雷克 (5-3, 2 KO的) 州立学院, PA会打 安东尼·普雷斯科特 (5-4-2, 2 KO的) 在重量级较量.

Kyrone戴维斯 (5-0, 3 KO的) 威尔明顿, DE将在 乔纳森·加西亚 (4-11, 1 KO) 阿瓜达的, PR在中量级回合.

在 4 轮较量:

伯爵纽曼 (3-1, 3 KO的) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将尽的战斗 Yuwshua屁股 (2-2-1) 亚特兰大, GA在一个重量级的战斗.

迦勒厂 (5-0, 4 KO的) 阿什兰市, TN将广场下车用 大卫·洛佩兹 (4-11-3, 1 KO) 考德威尔, 在中量级回合ID.

Jamatay克拉克 (3-0, 3 KO的) 辛辛那提, OH会打 多米尼克·福斯特 (2-6-1) 拉斯维加斯, NV在一个重量级的战斗.

罗伯特Irizarry (2-0-1) 樱桃山, 新泽西州将在 路易斯·阿塞韦多 (1-0-1) 伯利恒, PA在超轻量级回合.

威利·琼斯 (4-0, 2 KO的) 坦帕, FL会打 莫伊塞斯·里奥斯 (5-2, 4 KO的) 阿雷西博的, PR一个重量级的战斗.

安东尼奥·拉塞尔 国会高地, MD将会使他的亲亮相反对 加布里埃尔·布拉克斯顿 (2-7, 1 KO) 红橡木, GA在最轻量级的战斗.

门票拳击成本这个伟大的夜晚 $100, $75$50 并且可以通过调用被购买 610-587-5950www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

第1回合将开始 7 PM 与门开口 6 PM.