Yorliq Archives: Nelson Lara

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE ochadi 2018 STAR boks juma kuni guvohi long ho'l jonli

NYU YORK (Jan. 23, 2018) – Juma night fireworks are in store for fans on Facebook as FIGHTNIGHT LIVE partners with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing for its first show of the New Year. Fight fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 7:30 p.m. VA live from Long Island, har qanday qurilmada qaerda Facebook mumkin, as the combat sports platform opens 2018 to'qqiz oylik platformasi bo'yicha o'n birinchi namoyishi bilan.
“Biz qator o'sishi bilan juda xursand bo'lganman, va Juma ning show will be incredible with the addition of a mystery commentator, hafta o'tgach namoyon bo'ladi, kim. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE qator faqat o'z 1,000,000th ko'rinishini erishish uchun imkoniyat bor 11 ko'rsatadi va biz ularni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun, hamma joyda kurash muxlislari minnatdorchilik bildiraman,” dedi Mark Fratto, Linacre Media asosiy. “Juma Kuni, Barcha Long-Aylend va butun dunyo bo'ylab muxlislar bir necha Star boks Facebook sahifasi orqali ajoyib matchups va FIGHTNIGHT LIVE sahifa qo'lga sozlaning imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi.”
Asosiy tadbirda Juma kuni tun, Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi ning Entoni “Namoyish Vaqti” Karperis (14-3, 5 KOS) The Paramount da 17 marta jang joyi uning 13 g'alaba qidirib esa, taking on Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara (17-9-4, 9 KOS). Undefeated fighters Tyrone “Pretty Boy” James (6-0, 3 KOS), Wendy Toussaint (7-0, 2 KOS) va Michael Stoute (2-0) Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi olomonni va Facebook auditoriyaga zabt etish uchun qarash qiladi, and fight fans will witness the pro debut of Huntington’s own Shon Kennedi, plus musiqiy chiqishlari va yana.
“Bu boks hayajonli kecha bo'ladi. ShK ventilyatorlari necha Mag'lubiyatsiz istiqbollari va Entoni Karperis ko'rasiz, who is always in fan-friendly wars. Fights from The Paramount are reminiscent of the old days at the Blue Horizon – hayajonli jang, kızdırdı va chaqqon muxlislari,” dedi Joe DeGuardia, CEO va Star boks Prezidenti. “Bu butun dunyo Facebookda bu ko'rish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi, deb katta. The world is changing so much and for boxing and it’s great that fans can tune in from anywhere and be a part of the action. Ha, the Paramount will be sold out Juma tun – lekin siz hali Facebook aylanmoqda tomonidan kurashlar ko'rish mumkin.”
Dasturlash birinchi sakkiz oy mobaynida, the numbers on the 10-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of more than 93,000 fight fans tuning in per event and nearly one-million fans served. The Yetti. 9 “Real afzali Aktsiyalar: Empire State” Dam olish World Casino dan (225,000), Avgust CES “Super Shanba” Foxwoods dan (203,000), sentyabr. CES “Twin River Twinbill” Linkolnning, R.I. (157,000) butun tepasida 150,000 views, and collectively the 10-show series saw a total of almost 17,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 930,933-plus users across all devices.
xom auditoriyaga raqamga qo'shimcha ravishda, to'liq-interaktiv, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 130,000 umumiy jonli post janglar (13,000-plus shou boshiga), ko'proq, shu jumladan, 91,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi,” bundan ko'proq 16,000 Fikr va 4900-plus aktsiyalar.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 foiz erkaklar, 24 foiz ayollar. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, qaysi taxminan kengdir 30.0 tinglovchilarning foiz, o'rtacha.
The Yetti. 9 “Real afzali Aktsiyalar: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 views va Yetti. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to uch-to'rtdan-of-a-million faqat to'rt oy ichida fikr. The Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Super Shanba” ko'rsatish bilan alohida-alohida ajralib turadi 3,336 live hours of content viewed, paytda Yetti. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 kuzatuvchi bo'lgan shovqinlarni including almost 39,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi.”
Juma Kuni tun, Jan. 26, Hantington Paramount yashaymiz, Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi, N.Y., ShK ventilyatorlari yuqori ta'sir kutish mumkin, grafika bilan to'liq bir nechta kamera Oqimli tajribasi, animatsiyalar, qayta ko'rish, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Mark Abrams of AWE, NBC Sports Filadelfiya, 15Rounds.com va AbramsBoxing.com. Former Golden Gloves Champion Cara Castronuova, Endi Knockout Semizlik jamg'armasi, will contribute analysis and deliver post-fight interviews in the ring. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, sharhlovchilar so'rang va efir davomida Facebook tomoshabinlar savollariga javob beradi.
Yaratilgan va Nyu-York Siti chiqib Linacre Media tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE qator professional spiker xususiyatlari, bir necha kamera yuritadigan, televizor grafik, qayta ko'rish va orqasida-sahnalari foydalanish va intervyular. Facebook mavjud qaerda oqib shou global mavjud. tashabbus emas, balki faqat o'rnatish uchun dunyo bo'ylab o'z muxlislarini beradi, balki o'z qobiliyatlarini namoyish etish uchun savaşçısı global platforma faol beradi, Tarǵibotchilar bir yaxshi beradi “efir” yechim va homiylar markali mazmuni orqali ommaviy lariga uchun qobiliyatini beradi.
Qo'shimcha FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Qishki / Bahor 2018 xurmo rasman kelgusi hafta e'lon qilinadi.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE onlayn mavjud: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE Facebook "da,@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. so'nggi Linacre Media voqealar va radioeshittirish jadvaliga uchun, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents yoki #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Mario Barrios Training Camp Quotes & Rasmlar

Undefeated Rising Contender Battles Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE seshanbaFS1 da & Boks Chempionlar Fox Deportes seshanba kuni, Aprel 25
From Fitz Tunica Casino & Hotel in Tunica, Missisipi
Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TrappFotos
Oakland (Aprel 21, 2017) – Undefeated rising contender Mario Barrios has wrapped up training camp and is set for a main event showdown against Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara satrlari, deb Premer boks Chempionlar TOE-TO-TOE seshanba FS1 va Boks Chempionlar Fox Deportes bo'yicha Seshanba, Aprel 25 from the Fitz Tunica Casino & Hotel in Tunica, Missisipi.
Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round matchup of exciting welterweights as once-beaten Oscar Molina (13-1-1, 10 KOS) takes on Georgia’sLevan Ghvamichava (17-3-1, 13 KOS) in a 10-round showdown.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, da boshlanadi $20 va hozir indirimdedir. Tickets can be purchased through the Fitz Gift Shop or Ticketmaster atwww.Ticketmaster.com yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what Barrios had to say from training camp:
On fighting in his first main event on FS1:
Fighting in the main event on FS1, on national television, is going to be an incredible blessing. I know it’ll be a tremendous boost to my career. I want to set the pace from the opening bell, and give the fans a night to remember. These are the type of fights I’ve always dreamed of.
On his recent training camp with Virgil Hunter in the Bay Area:
Training with Virgil Hunter has been great. This will be my third fight with him as the lead in my corner. We are working tremendously well as a team and I’m happy where my career is at. We got a lot of good sparring in, with a lot of different looks. I feel my punches are sharp and my timing is on point. I’m going to shine in this fight.
On his matchup with Nelson Lara
I really don’t know much about Nelson Lara, except for the fact that he’s coming off a couple of wins. I’m sure his confidence is high, so I’m expecting a tough fight. Shuningdek, I know he’s fought at lightweight or super-lightweight for most of his career, so he’s got more experience fighting at this weight. One thing for sure isI’ll be ready for anything he brings to the ring.
On moving up two weight classes
It’s hard to believe, but I started off my career at super-bantamweight while standing six feet plus. It was getting to make those smaller weights. I was killing myself to make super featherweight, so my team and I felt it was best to skip lightweight, and move to super-lightweight. It’s a big jump, but I feel real strong at this weight. This is where I want to make my run toward a world title, at super lightweight. You’ll see a stronger Mario Barrios.
On fighting in Mississippi
I actually fought out here early in my career but at a different venue. The fans are great and they get loud. A lively crowd is always fun to fight in front of. I plan on giving the Mississippi fans a great night of boxing.
# # #
Muxlislar janglarni FOX Sports GO-da jonli translyatsiya qilishlari mumkin, FS1 yoki FOX Deportes tasmalari orqali ingliz yoki ispan tillarida mavjud. Janglar ish stolida FOXSportsGO.com saytida va ilovalar do'koni orqali mavjud, yoki ulangan qurilmalar, shu jumladan Apple TV, Android TV, Yong'in TV, Xbox One va Roku. Bunga qo'chimcha, barcha dasturlar SiriusXM kanalidagi FOX Sports-da ham mavjud 83 sun'iy yo'ldosh radiolarida va SiriusXM ilovasida.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun: tashrif www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTtp://www.foxsports.com/Ko'zgular / bosh sahifa, www.foxdeportes.com va www.TGBPromotions.com. TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes VaSwanson_Comm va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports vawww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, eng yaxshi pivo.

Unbeaten Rising Contender Mario Barrios Battles Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara in Main Event of of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, Aprel 25 From Fitz Tunica Casino & Hotelin Tunica, Missisipi

Ko'proq! 2012 Meksika Olympian Oscar Molina Takes on Exciting Welterweight Levan Ghvamichava in Co-Main Event
Endi o'sish bo'yicha chipta!
TUNICA, XONIM (Aprel 11, 2017) – Undefeated rising contender Mario Barrios (18-0, 10 KOS) will face Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara (17-7-4, 9 KOS) in a 10-round super lightweight attraction that headlines Premer boks Chempionlar TOE-TO-TOE seshanba FS1 vaBoks Chempionlar Fox Deportes bo'yicha Seshanba, Aprel 25 from the Fitz Tunica Casino & Hotel in Tunica, Missisipi.
Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round matchup of exciting welterweights as once-beaten Oscar Molina (13-1-1, 10 KOS) takes on Georgia’s Levan Ghvamichava (17-3-1, 13 KOS) in a 10-round showdown.
I’m excited to be back on FS1 and FOX Deportes for this fight,” Said Barrios. “This is a great platform for young fighters to show their talents and that’s what I plan on doing April 25. Everyone tune-in to see me put on a great performance and for an exciting night of fights from Tunica.
I’m very excited to fight once again in the U.S. and on FS1 and FOX Deportes,” Said Lara. “I’m grateful to TGB Promotions for the opportunity. Mario Barrios is a very skilled, yosh, Mag'lubiyatsiz kelajak, however I have faced much better competition and will be well prepared for victory on Aprel 25.”
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, da boshlanadi $20 va hozir indirimdedir. Tickets can be purchased through the Fitz Gift Shop or Ticketmaster atwww.Ticketmaster.com yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000.
This show epitomizes what the Premier Boxing Champions series on FS1 and FOX Deportes is all about – yosh, hungry boxers making the climb to the top,” said Tom Brown, TGB aktsiyalar Prezidenti. “We’ve watched Mario Barrios grow up in the ring. His fight against tough veteran Nelson Lara represents another big step in his progression. Oscar Molina is shifting from 154 pounds to 147 pounds and will face one of the toughest challenges of his career when he takes on rugged Levan Ghvamichava. This is a fan-friendly card that promises plenty of excitement.
Standing more than six feet tall, the 21-year-old Barrios won his first 12-round fight last July when he defeated Devis Boschiero after winning seven times in a busy 2015 kampaniya. The San-Antonio native followed up that victory with stoppage wins over Claudio Rosendo Tapia last December and Yardley Suarez in March to run his record to a perfect 18 wins in his first 18 pro boshlanadi.
Originally from Nicaragua but now fighting out of Costa Rica, Lara was unbeaten in 17 Uning birinchi 18 pro fights after turning pro in 2004. Lara enters this bout having won his last two contests by stoppage including his most recent triumph in March. Lara will fight in the U.S. for the third time as a pro in a career that has seen him enter the ring in six different countries.
Molina, Norwalk of, Calif., just east of Los Angeles, bo'lgan 2012 Mexican Olympian who tore through his opposition after turning professional in 2013, registering knockouts in 10 uning 14 jang. The 27-year-old fought 10-round draw with Dominque Dolton last year before losing an exciting contest against 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd. Now fighting at 147-pounds, Molina will look to climb the ranks in his new division.
Ghvamichava returns to the ring in Tunica after a dropping a split decision to top contender Yordenis Ugas in February. Priot to that, the 31-year-old had delivered a sensational knockout of Breidis Prescott last July. Trained by Virgil Hunter in California, Ghvamichava is originally from Poti, Gruziya. He carried a five-fight winning streak from 2014 uchun 2015 that included wins over previously unbeaten fighters Chris Singleton and Jonathan Garcia plus veterans Cosme Rivera and Sergio Reyes.
# # #
Muxlislar janglarni FOX Sports GO-da jonli translyatsiya qilishlari mumkin, FS1 yoki FOX Deportes tasmalari orqali ingliz yoki ispan tillarida mavjud. Janglar ish stolida FOXSportsGO.com saytida va ilovalar do'koni orqali mavjud, yoki ulangan qurilmalar, shu jumladan Apple TV, Android TV, Yong'in TV, Xbox One va Roku. Bunga qo'chimcha, barcha dasturlar SiriusXM kanalidagi FOX Sports-da ham mavjud 83 sun'iy yo'ldosh radiolarida va SiriusXM ilovasida.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun: tashrif www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTtp://www.foxsports.com/Ko'zgular / bosh sahifa, www.foxdeportes.com va www.TGBPromotions.com. TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes VaSwanson_Comm va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports vawww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, eng yaxshi pivo.

Robinzon Castellanos GOLDEN BOY LIVE ON San-Antonio yutdi!

Castellanos WBC SILVER tuklar TITLE zabt etadi va WBC tuklar MAJBURIY CHALLENGER aylandi

Photo Kredit: Golden Boy Aktsiyalar


Los Angeles (Jan. 27) – Off boshlab 2015 with impressive Golden Boy Live! Noyabr kuni Filadelfiya ko'rsatish. 20, Golden Boy Aktsiyalar San-Antonio uchun chora va yuqori baholandi Show olib, Texas where Robinson “Robin Hood” Castellanos (21-10, 13 KOS) displayed his power against Rocky Juarez (30-11-1, 21 KOS) Dushanba Fox sport qutidagi Butning ham Cowboys Dancehall kechasi 1 va Fox Deportes’ Golden Boy Live! qator. Castellanos dominated Juarez early on in the fight with quick jabs and powerful uppercuts that continued to pressure Juarez through to the final round. The battle between the two great seasoned fighters ended when Castellanos knocked down Juarez three times in the 12th round before winning the bout via unanimous decision with a score card of 118-106, 118-106 va 118-107. Castellanos hozir WBC Silver tuklar chempioni va joriy WBC tuklar jahon chempioni Alakazam Gonsales qarshi majburiy challenger aylanadi.


“Men chempion majburiy va bu vaqt emasman [Johnny Gonsales] menga jang qilish kerak bo'ladi,” Said Castellanos.


Ilgari WBC tomonidan dunyoda beshinchi o'rinni, Celaya, Guanajuato, Meksika Robinson Castellanos, g'alaba qozonish uchun bir toshloq boshidan rebounded 13 Uning oxirgi 14 jang, yilda boshlangan bir martaba to'lagan 2002. Uning zafarlar sobiq jahon chempioni Celestino ustidan qaror g'alaba o'z ichiga oladi “Pelenchin” Ichida Caballero 2013 va uning eng katta ta'sir oktyabr oyida bo'ldi 2014, u qoqib 23-0 Beshinchi turda Ronny Rios.


Juarez boshqalar haqida. Castellanos:

“Juarez vs. Castellanos” Juarez uchun 12-tur navbat bo'ldi’ WBC Silver tuklar Sarlavha va yakuniy tuklar nom ajratuvchi Golden Boy aktsiyalar va Leija Battah aktsiyalar tomonidan taqdim etilgan va Corona Extra tomonidan homiylik qilingan, O'Reilly Avto ehtiyot qismlar va Meksika – Ishonish yashash!.



Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif www.goldenboypromotions.bilan, www.leijabattahpromo.com, www.FOXSports.com/FOXSports1,

www.FOXDeportes.com, follow on Twitter at @ GoldenBoyBoxing, LeijaBattahPr, Swanson_comm, FOXSports, @ FOXSports1, @FOXDeportes and follow the conversation using #GoldenBoyLive, Golden Boy Facebook Sahifa yoki Facebook muxlisi www.facebook.com/LeijaBattah va InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing yokiLeijaBattahPr bizni tashrif. Fox sport haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun 1 tashrif www.FOXSports.com/watch/FOXSports1 vaFOXSports bo'yicha izdoshi bo'lib. FOX Deportes tashrifi haqida batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, www.FOXDeportes.com, da Twitter izdoshi bo'lish www.twitter.com/FOXDeportes va tashrif www.facebook.com/FOXDeportes Then Facebook.

GOLDEN BOY LIVE! YaNVAR ON Texas iqtidorli Rising xususiyatlari 26 ROCKY Juarez VS. Robinzon Castellanos UNDERCARD

Eng yaxshi Texas nokaut san'atkor Travell MAZION GETS

CO-asosiy voqea

Los Angeles (Jan. 23) – Oldin Rocky Juarez (30-10-1, 21 KOS) va Robinson “Robin Hood” Castellanos (20-10, 13 KOS) Juarez uchun kvadrat’ WBC Silver tuklar Sarlavha va yakuniy nom tugatish Butning da Cowboys Dancehall San-Antonio, Texas, The Golden Boy Live! Dushanba kuni karta, Yanvar 26 Austin o'z etadi Travell “Black Magic” Mazion (9-0, 9 KOS) Uning yosh Ishga eng katta kurashda u Meksika urushlar paytida Nestor “Chaqaloq” Roses (11-3, 7 KOS). Shuningdek, Mag'lubiyatsiz KeAndre Gibson (11-0-1, 5 KOS) sakkiz-dumaloq televidenieda-ochilish Butning qarshi xususiyatli bo'ladi Nelson Lara (15-6-5, 8 KOS) bo'yicha Fox Sports 1 va Fox Sports.


Bundan tashqari, tadbirda San Antonio ning super bantamweight standout bo'ladi Xaver Rodriguez (11-0-1, 1 KO) va Elis super tuklar chiqish, Texas Arturo Esquivel (9-1, 2 KOS) va Lone Star Shtat bosh iste'dod bir necha ular bir hasrat sakkiz-navbat kartasida raqobat sifatida.


Chiptalar, baholi $100 (Ring – Satrlarni 1-3), $65 (Ring – Satrlarni 4-7), $35 (Kursi yashash) va $20 (Umumiy kirish), Ortiqcha soliqlar, to'lovlar va xizmat to'lovlari da Leija-Battah aktsiyalar chaqirib telefon orqali hozir indirimdedir (210) 979-3302, m@leijabattahpromo.com yoki matn “Chiptalar” uchun 210-556-7390. To'rt Stollar ham mavjud $260, Ortiqcha soliqlar, to'lovlar va xizmat to'lovlari.


Afsonaviy ayol qiruvchi Enn Wolf murabbiylik, 19-yoshda Travell “Black Magic” Mazion (9-0, 9 KOS) Boks bugun eng yaxshi istiqbollari biri hisoblanadi, U birinchi turda beshta jang nihoyasiga yetdi bo'lib, ularda mukammal professional rekord tomonidan dalolat bir haqiqat. Uning eng katta yil uchun tayyor hali, Mazion Cowboys Dance zalida hamraisi asosiy voqea diqqat markazida orziqib qidirmoqda, u allaqachon to'rt g'alaba qaerda.


Qidirmoqda A qattiq ritmli faxriysi Yangi yil boshlanadi qozongan yo'lda qaytib olish, 29-yoshda Nestor “Chaqaloq” Roses (9-3, 6 KOS) allaqachon o'z ish faoliyati davomida sobiq jahon chempioni Viktor Ortiz va eng yaxshi kelajak yamoq Omotoso bilan halqa bo'ldi, u yanvar kuni Mazion sinash uchun tajribaga ega, uni ochiq-oydin ekanligini 26.


KeAndre Gibson (11-0-1, 5 KOS) Endi Las-Vegas, uning uyiga qiladi, u mashhur bosh murabbiyi Kenni Adams ostida tayyorlaydi qaerda, lekin 24 yoshli ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn kelajak Texasdagi juda mashhur bo'lib kelgan, U John Nater va Xose Hernandez ustidan ta'sirchan g'alabalarni qo'lga kiritdi qaerda. Uning qozongan fazilat yanvar kuni davom umid 26, Gibson Nikaragua yuziga bo'ladi Nelson Lara sakkiz-davra matchup ichida. Lara (15-6-5, 8 KOS) sobiq WBA Fedebol chempioni Fidel Maldonado Jr bilan sentyabr juftlik off kelguvchidir.


Oltita tur uchun rejalashtirilgan bir super bantamweight swing Butning In, San Antonio ona Xaver Rodriguez(11-0-1, 1 KO) U oladi qachon uyda yana bir bor o'zining ta'sirchan boks bo'yicha ko'nikmalarini namoyon etish uchun ko'rinadi Quincy Wesby (2-7) Dallas. Buyon A professional 2011, U arqonlar o'rtasida bo'lgan qadamlarni 20-yoshli Rodriguez har doim bir olomon tashqarida olib.


To'rt-davra engil Butning In, San Antonio ning Cristian Santibanez (1-2) Austin ning urushlar Alberto Romero (1-3-1) va shuningdek, to'rt raund mo'ljallangan kichik ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn matchup mahalliy sevimli bo'lgan Armando Cardenas (5-0, 2 KOS) San-Antonio, kim Laredo qarshi o'z mukammal rekordini xavflarini Albert Espinoza (2-5) a ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning ichida.


Junior Texan yulduz chiqish tuklar Arturo Esquivel (9-1, 2 KOS) qarshi off duch keladi Iso Sandoval (3-5-3) olti davra kurashda. Robert Vela (10-0-2, 5 KOS) Robstown nisbatan off duch keladiRamiro Torres (4-27-1, 2 KOS) to'rt-davra engil o'yinda San-Antonio.


Juarez vs. Castellanos Juarez uchun 10-tur Butning hisoblanadi’ WBC Silver tuklar Sarlavha va Corona Extra tomonidan Golden Boy aktsiyalar va Leija Battah aktsiyalar tomonidan taqdim etilgan va homiylik final nom tugatish Butning, O'Reilly Avto ehtiyot qismlar va Meksika – Ishonish yashash!. Cowboys Dancehall eshik ochiladi 5:00 p.m. CT, va birinchi navbat da boshlanadi 5:30 p.m. CT. Fox Sports 1 va Fox Deportes’ efirga Airs yashash 10:00 p.m. VA / 7:00 p.m. PT.


Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.leijabattahpromo.com, www.FOXSports.com/FOXSports1, www.FOXDeportes.com, GoldenBoyBoxing da Twitter amal, LeijaBattahPr, Swanson_comm, FOXSports, @ FOXSports1, FOXDeportes Va foydalanib suhbatni rioya #GoldenBoyLive, Golden Boy Facebook Sahifa yoki Facebook muxlisi www.facebook.com/LeijaBattah va InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing yokiLeijaBattahPr bizni tashrif. Fox sport haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun 1 tashrif www.FOXSports.com/watch/FOXSports1 vaFOXSports bo'yicha izdoshi bo'lib. FOX Deportes tashrifi haqida batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, www.FOXDeportes.com, da Twitter izdoshi bo'lish www.twitter.com/FOXDeportes va tashrifwww.facebook.com/FOXDeportes Facebook "da.