Tag-Archiv: Nationale Meisterschaften

Die Boxerin der dritten Generation, Kayla Gomez, wird von Mutter und Großmutter in die Enge getrieben / 2020 USA National Boxing Championships März. 25-April. 4, in Shreveport, Louisiana

COLORADO SPRINGS, Runde. (März 15, 2021) - Es gibt nicht mehr eine Familienangelegenheit im USA-Boxen alsKayla Gomezs, in dem ihre Mutter, Kristall-Aceves, und Großmutter, Cindy Aceves, arbeite ihre Ecke.

Sie werden wieder zusammen sein 2020 USA Boxing National Championships, aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie von Dezember letzten Jahres auf März verschoben 25 – April 3, in Shreveport, Die.

Der 18-jährige Gomez, der in El Paso lebt (TX), ist ein Jugendfliegengewicht (112 lbs.) Boxer, wer wurde Zweiter bei der 2019 Nationale Meisterschaften, Hervorhebung ihres ersten Jahres im Jugendwettbewerb. Sie hat einen wachsenden Vorrat an Goldmedaillen, nachdem sie an der Spitze gelandet ist 2019 & 2018 Western Regional Open, 2018 & 2017 Junior Open Championships, und 2018 & 2017 Eastern Regional Open. Sie ist auch eine 5-fache nationale Junioren-Olympiasiegerin (2015 durch 2019).  

Ein selbst beschriebener mehrdimensionaler Boxer, Kayla ist eine Counter Puncher und vollendete Boxerin, Veteranen-artige „Ringkunst“,”Aber auch fähig, ein technischer Schläger und Druckkämpfer zu sein. Sie fing zuerst an zu boxen 2012 nach einem Dokumentarfilm über die 2012 Olympia.

„Die Inspiration des Boxertrainings, um eine Goldmedaille zu gewinnen, hat mich motiviert, diesen einzigartigen Sport zu lernen,Erklärte Gomez. „Ich widme mein ganzes Leben dem Boxen und ab sofort, Amateurboxen hat mein Leben positiv beeinflusst, Ich ebne mir in naher Zukunft den Weg, um verschiedene Auszeichnungen und Erfahrungen für eine olympische Goldmedaille und meine Profikarriere zu sammeln. “

Ihrer Mutter, Kristall, ist ein Amateur-Boxer, der an vielen Turnieren teilgenommen hat. Sie wird dieses Jahr nicht an diesen Meisterschaften teilnehmen, da sie sich derzeit voll und ganz auf ihre Tochter und ihre Zukunft konzentriert. Sie wird bei anderen antreten 2021 Turniere.

„Als Boxer, Meine Mutter weiß, wie es ist, in meiner Position zu sein, Also anstatt sauer auf mich zu werden, Sie gibt mir Alternativen, wenn ich mich schlecht fühle oder nicht, um eine bessere Chance zu haben, der beste Kämpfer zu sein, den ich sein kann,"Kayla erklärte, wie es ist, wenn ihre Mutter und Großmutter in ihrer Ecke arbeiten. „Wir haben alle eine großartige Beziehung und arbeiten gut im Ring zusammen. Sie verstehen, wie es ist, in meiner Position zu sein. "

Ein Abiturient, Kayla ist aufgrund ihres vollen Terminkalenders in einem K-12-Programm für eine Online-Schule. Sie plant, das College zu besuchen und ihr Boxen mit Bildungschancen zu teilen.

„Meine Ausbildung ist genauso wichtig wie mein Boxen,Sie schloss. „Ich werde das College besuchen und sehr hart arbeiten, um mein Ziel zu erreichen, eine Goldmedaille bei der zu gewinnen 2024 Olympische Spiele und Beginn meiner Profikarriere danach. “

Kayla Gomez ist eine Legacy-Boxerin mit einer vielversprechenden Zukunft.



Zwitschern: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USA Boxing

ÜBER USA BOXING:  Die Mission von USA Boxing ist es, den Athleten und Trainern der Vereinigten Staaten zu ermöglichen, nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erreichen, Charakter entwickeln, unterstütze den Boxsport, und fördern und wachsen olympisches Boxen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Verantwortung von USA Boxing liegt nicht nur in der Produktion von olympischem Gold, sondern auch alle Aspekte des Amateurboxens in den Vereinigten Staaten überwachen und regeln.

USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 USA Trials virtual reunion a major KO

Olympian Raul Marquez on USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 US Trials virtual reunion

COLORADO SPRINGS, Runde. (November 24, 2020) – USA Boxing and the USA Boxing Alumni Association recently held a virtual reunion via Zoom for competitors at the 1992 USA Boxing Trials, including a pair of 1992 USA Olympians, Raul Marquez and Montell Griffin. The group was comprised of 19 fighters who competed at the 1992 USA Olympic Trials, plus a few administrators, who happily spoke non-stop for an hour and 45 Minuten. They gleefully reminisced, shared personal updates from the past 22 Jahre, remembered their most memorable experiences as amateur boxers, and even got emotional at times as they rebounded.

Some have kept in touch through emails and social media, but visibly seeing each other on the Zoom call was eye-opening for these ring brothers. “You all are part of USA Boxing,” said call host Mike McAtee, Executive Director of USA Boxing. “Hector Colon and Raul Marquez got their brothers on this call. It was a natural fit. Wir haben 13 kids getting ready to qualify in May for the Olympics. USA Boxing touches 36,000 kids every day. It changed our lives, and we can have an impact saving lives. “It’s an honor seeing you all. You are the backbone of USA Boxing. Boxing made us who we are, you have inspired boxers. This was long overdue, and we plan to have reunions with other Olympic Trials classes in the future.

This is very cool to see everybody and I enjoy listening to you,” zusätzlich Chris Cugliari, Direktor der USA Boxing Alumni Association. “You’re all helping bring the spirit back to USA Boxing Alumni. Boxing people love being around boxing people, and that’s what the USA Boxing Alumni Association is all about. We’re bringing that spirit back. I love having you guys in our alumni program. This has been a blast!”

I’m not much of a boxer, but I’m happy to be part of this boxing program,” kommentiert Barry Siff, USA Boxing volunteer marketing advisor. “I grew up in Detroit during the 1980’s and hung out at Kronk (Turnhalle). I’m happy to be on this call. We all need to help Mike and the team going forward. Don’t wait until 2028 in Los Angeles. We have Tokyo next year and Paris in 2024. Kids can learn from you. I’m happy to be part of USA Boxing.

USA Boxing Alumni Association Erstellt, um lebenslang zu verfechten, für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Beziehungen zwischen USA Boxing und seinen Alumni, –Boxer, Beamte, Trainer und Boxfans — Die Alumni Association verbindet Generationen von Champions, inspirieren und den zukünftigen Boxchampions von USA Boxing etwas zurückgeben, in den und aus dem Ring. Die USA Boxing Alumni Association steht allen offen, die das Boxen lieben und mit dem Amateurboxen in Verbindung bleiben möchten. Mitglieder erhalten Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Sonderveranstaltungen, die von der Alumni Association veranstaltet werden, einschließlich des jährlichen Empfangs der Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association. Beitritt zur Alumni Association, einfach unter registrieren alumni@usaboxing.org Für ein $40.00 pro Jahr Mitgliedsbeitrag. Neue Mitglieder erhalten ein T-Shirt, Schlüsselbund und E-Wallet.

FIGHTERS’ ZITATE(Robert Allen und Tarick Salmaci were also on the call but unable to speak due to technical problems)

HECTOR COLON: I love you guys. It’s been so long. I hope we can communicate like this more often. We need you all to support USA Boxing and USA Boxing Alumni. My first international fight was in Barbados and I knocked out my opponent in 26 Sekunden. I remember receiving the Adidas bag and shoes. It was such a special thing. I dreamed of making the Olympics and I should have, but I found God calling me away from the sport. I was proud watching you and I rooted for you. “It’s great to be back in USA Boxing and giving back to USA Boxing, because it helped me become the person I am today. I could have gone the wrong way. Let’s do this again and keep giving back to our sports.

RAUL MARQUEZ:I’m very excited to be here. I feel honored and I’m probably the only one here who fought most of the guys here. I have a lot of memories. I’m honored to be here with you, my boxing family. It’s beautiful. “Everybody here knows how hard it is to win a tournament. We know what it takes because we were all elite. We have to give back. I’m still involved in boxing.

ORLANDO HARRIS:I had the greatest time in USA Boxing. I started late. I fought once before I went into the military. I got better and learned how to fight in the military. I had to because I had to do good or go back to my unit. In ’04 I got into car accident. Everybody died but me. They say I’m disabled, but I’m not, I still coach boxing.

PAULIE AYALA:The ’92 Olympic Trials is my most memorable moment because I was there. In 1988, I lost in The Westerns in the semifinals and I left boxing. I wasn’t focused. I watched you people excel and didn’t fight again until 1992. I lost to Sergio (Reyes), who I had fought 16 times before that fight. I met a lot of you guys fighting in Russia. What’s inspiring is listening to all of you.

MONTELL GRIFFIN:I was late going to the rty, coming in 1991. I had two fights going into the Golden Gloves, but I lied and said I had 12 so I could fight in the opens. My first fight was in 1991. I had to fight the No. 1 Kerl, Jeremy Williams, to make the Olympic team. Diejenigen 1 ½ years as were the best of my life. I looked up to all of you guys and have respect for all.

ANTWUN ECHOLS:I made it to Team USA, and I was an Olympic alternate. Raul (Marquez), he likes to talk, and I was excited to fight him. I learned a lot. I love being with all the guys. Larry Nicholson took me under his wing. He talked to me daily. I was a young kid, and my family life wasn’t good. When I went to the ’92 championships, these people were my family. “I was raw off the streets of Davenport (Iowa) and Larry took care of me…danke. If it wasn’t for the people at the Olympic Center, I don’t know where I’d be today.

DANNY RIOS: “In 1992, I lost in the semifinals of the US Championships. So, I had to win the Golden Gloves to go to the Olympics. At the Trials I won my first fight and lost my second. I later turned pro. I’m working security and helping to train fighters at a local gym. I hope to have my own gym. I’m glad to see you all after all these years.

SKIPPER KELP: “I’m in Vegas. I moved here when I was in the amateurs. The best thing was the camaraderie. We grew up together. Zusammen, we came of age as teenagers and I met some of my best friends for life. We were all at the elite level, the best versus the best, and eventually we fought each other. I met a lot of guys in 1989 in Russland. “I own Fight Capital Gym in Las Vegas. When you go to Vegas, call me and come to my gym. We have a brotherhood for life. Amateur boxing brings people together. To reconnect like this is awesome.

DANELL NICHOLSON:My most memorable moment was representing USA Boxing at the 1992 Olympiade, because I became an Olympian and met all these great athletes. Meeting you is really my most memorable. You can’t beat boxing!”

RONALD SIMMS:I was probably on the amateur team longer than anybody. I stayed on so long that I have a lot of memories. I was part of the 1988, 1992 und 1996 Olympic teams. I saw a lot of talent come through. Ich habe angefangen in 1995; this sport is addictive and I’m still involved in amateur boxing. We still have the most talented kids in amateur boxing. “My dream was to make the Olympic Team and I still haven’t made it. My goal was to be No. 1 and I was in 1995. Dann, I wanted to quit, but my coach said it wasn’t the time. The lessons I learned from you guys and sharing with kids is what it’s all about. I’m in India working as the chief coach, tun was ich liebe.”

PAUL VADEM:I’m glad to see everyone. I have so many memories, the most memorable is seeing you, my boxing brothers. We trained together to make names for ourselves. We will always have this to go back on. I get emotional. It didn’t matter where you came from, your economical values, and we competed against each other. But at the end of the day we respected each other. “I’m a speaker and author today. What I had learned in boxing is why I’m able to do what I do. Danke Shon. Dies ist schön. I’m thankful to see you all.

JAMES JOHNSON:It’s amazing to see some of these faces, It’s great to see you, Jungs! I remember the Olympic Festival. Randall Crippen. He was talkative……I gave him a diploma at the end of the match. “I broke my hand in competition and they wouldn’t let me fight. I did and I drew a hometown kid in (Worcester) Massachusetts, Bobby Harris, und gewann. With one hand, I lost in the final. It’s good to see you guys. I’m living in Flint, Michigan. I went on to get my college career and today I’m a network engineer.

DEAN FLETCHER:I was an amateur a long time. I have many memories, but one is the years I was on the Board of Directors as an athlete representative. Kids today, the reason you can’t fight twice a day is me. “The traveling, I can’t let that go. When things aren’t going well, I think of my amateur days. Nothing but love for you guys.

LARRY NICHOLSON:My most memorable things is being the 1993 Boxer des Jahres. I accomplished a lot. I won silver at the 1993 und 1994 Weltmeisterschaft. Should have been gold. You were great fighters and role models. I had an opportunity to go to collegeNorth Michigan Universityand I have a degree. “I’m still involved in boxing today as head coach of the Michigan Golden Gloves. I’m very happy where I am right now. I didn’t go pro because I love amateur boxing, the discipline and life. I worked with three Olympic teams. We’ve done well as frat brothers.

MARK LANTON:It’s a pleasure to see everybody like this. My most memorable moment was winning the Western Trials. I was an Army soldier when I was an amateur fighter. In Iraq, manchmal, Frank Vassar kept in touch with me. I’m retired now from the military. I worked at the VA as a federal police officer. I’m totally retired. I coach kids at a local gym and I’m living the life in Orlando.

FRANK VASSAR:Winning the US Olympic Sports Festival and National Golden Gloves in 1999 was my most memorable. I was in the Army, the National Guards, when I was boxing. I got commissioned in the Air Force. I did three combat tours and was injured. Crazy stuff. I’m glad I made it back. I always enjoyed going to tournaments and seeing you guys. I love all you guys.

RICHARD BONDS: In 1989, I remember fighting Jeremy Williams. He was the best and that put me on the map. The next four years I was going to Colorado and that was the best. I was a college student and got a criminal justice degree at the University of Memphis. I met Echols at dual. We’d come together three or four times a year, maybe more and when you saw somebody it was like yesterday. “In 1992, I wanted to make the Olympic team. I lost my first fight in Worcester and didn’t make it to the Olympics. There were only 12 weight classes and I was one of those guys. You are my frat brothers.

2020 USA Boxing National Championships Die 2020 USA Boxing National Championships will be held December 5-12 im Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Louisiana.



Zwitschern: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxingFacebook: /USA Boxing

Shreveport to Host 2020 USA Boxing National Championships

Louisiana city to host USA Boxing’s Return to National Stage
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. (Sieben. 18) – USA Boxing gab heute bekannt, dass die 2020 USA Boxing National Championships will now take place at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Die., Dezember. 5-12.

Hurricane Laura wreaked havoc on the city of Lake Charles and rendered their Civic Center inhospitable for this year’s National Championships. This came on top of the pandemic which already nearly wiped out the 2020 National Tournament calendar,” angegeben Michael Campbell, USA Boxing Events and Operations Manager. “Our events staff immediately pivoted and was determined to replace the event with as little disruption as possible for our coaches and boxers that had been training with their goals fixed on participating in this event to end the year.

Shreveport stepped up quickly to provide us a great alternative within the same footprint as the planned event, therefore we could keep our same scheduled dates and remain in the great state of Louisiana. Shreveport will provide good accessibility, weather and hospitality for our members and their Convention Center will be ideal for the implementation of our #BackToBoxing protocols that are designed to ensure the safety of our boxers, Trainer, officials and members of the community.

“Shreveport, Bossier City, and the State of Louisiana are proud to host the 2020 National Boxing Championships in December,” sagte, Kelly Wells, Executive Director for the Shreveport-Bossier Sports Commission. “Primarily, I would like to acknowledge my unwavering respect for Lake Charles and their investment in USA Boxing, which ultimately highlights Louisiana as a destination for national, elite sporting events.
As they recover from the detrimental effects of Hurricane Laura, Shreveport-Bossier is excited to keep this event within our state, which is expected to bring an estimated $2 million in economic impact to the area. We’re honored to welcome approximately 1,000 athletes to Shreveport-Bossier, as well as their coaches, Freunde, families and other boxing enthusiasts. On behalf of the Sports Commission team and Shreveport-Bossier community, I would like to thank the USA Boxing family for entrusting us with this incredible event, as well as Lt. Governor Nungesser, the Louisiana Office of Tourism, the Shreveport Convention Center, Hilton Shreveport and the local boxing community. We’ll deliver nothing less than world-class hospitality in sportsman’s paradise.
Registration for the event will open Oct. 1. The fact sheet, which will include check-in information, hotels and schedule will be released in the coming days.

Zur Erinnerung, due to COVID-19 and being the sole USA Boxing tournament in 2020, this year’s National Championships will be an open tournament, with a minimum bout requirement, for pee-wee to elite divisions. Boxers competing in Olympic/International Federation weight divisions in junior, youth and elite age groups will be competing for their place on Team USA’s High Performance teams. Complete selection procedures will be announced in the next few weeks. More information about High Performance can be found hier.

This year’s championships will also have other changes to help provide a safer and easier tournament experience for our members, including staggered check-in days, set late coaches check-in hours, no general weigh-in, as well as a quota for all weight classes. All important changes and information will be released hier.

Continue to check USABoxing.org and USA Boxing’s social media platforms for important updates on this year’s tournament.

Tournament Information
Austragungsort: Shreveport Convention Center
Registration Opens: Oktober. 1
Registration Closes: November. 30
Early Check-in: Dezember. 5
Full Check-in: Dezember. 6
Staggered Check-in: Dezember. 7-10
First day of bouts: Dezember. 7

Is USA Boxing Nationals Champion Jared Anderson America’s next great heavyweight?

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (Dezember 21, 2017) – Christmas came early for Jared Anderson, who not only won the heavyweight title at the recent USA Boxing National Championships, the 18-year-old also captured the Most Outstanding Boxer Award in the Elite Division.
Seeded No. 7 in an eight-boxer field at The Nationals, Anderson, in Ordnung, defeated No. 2 Jesus Flores in der ersten Runde, 5-0, edged No. 3 Adrian Tillman im Halbfinale, 3-2, and upset five-time national champion Cam F. Awesome, 5-0, in der Meisterschaft endgültig.
In USA Boxing’s most recently listed heavyweight ratings (November. 17, 2017), Tillman and Awesome are ranked No. 1 und 2, beziehungsweise, Flores is No. 5, and Anderson is unranked.
I think that’s going to change,” Anderson noted. “Winning the heavyweight title and Most Outstanding Boxing Award meant the world to me. Maybe some people had never heard of me, but I’ve been boxing since I was eight, and I’ve faced a lot of different styles.
I had a vendetta going with Tillman and, instead of boxing, I tried to take his head off. Simple work allowed me to beat Awesome. He is a good fighter. Cam does what he wants in the ringthrows jabs, sits there and builds up pointsand intimidates some opponents. I took the fight to him. Not wild, obwohl, because he’d have been there in the ring, calm and smiling, and I would have lost. I used my jab more than anything against him.
One of 11 siblings in two households, Anderson is another USA Boxing success story. Growing up in Toledo, Ohio, Anderson was constantly getting into trouble in school and boxing eventually saved him. His mother convinced her son to meet a local boxing coach, who introduced Jared to boxing, drilling discipline into him, something Jared desperately needed at that point in his young life.
Boxing in Toledo has also aided his overall development in boxing. “We push each other,” Anderson explained. “We support each other and perfect our crafts. There’s a lot of support here at all the gyms in Toledo.
Anderson represented Team USA at this past August’s 2017 Bradenburg Cup in Frankfurt, Deutschland, at which Anderson won the heavyweight title, as well as the Most Outstanding Boxer Award, which should have been a warning for other leading U.S. Schwergewichte.
As a young boxer, Anderson admired three legends who were all products of USA Boxing, U.S.. Olympians and Olympic medal winners: 1. Sugar Ray Leonard – “Schnelle Hände, Geschwindigkeit, a phenomenal boxer.” 2. Evander Holyfield – “A warrior who could bang or box. Moved up successfully from cruiserweight to heavyweight.” 3.Muhammad Ali — “Not just because he was a great boxer, but more so because of his life.
Jetzt, Anderson stand 6′ 2 and weighs 200 lbs., but he’s only 18 and should continue growing even larger. Letztlich, he wants to be heavyweight champion of the world, but Jared does have a plan.
I want to stay as active as possible next year, competing in tournaments, and turn pro but not until after the (2020) Olympiade,” Anderson concluded. “I’m not turning pro until after the (2020) Olympiade. I want to win a gold medal, turn pro and win the world heavyweight title, so I can move my mother out of the ‘hood.
Remember the name, boxing fans, Jared Anderson has the potential to be America’s next great heavyweight.
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Facebook: /USA Boxing
ÜBER USA BOXING: Die Mission von USA Boxing ist es, die Vereinigten Staaten zu ermöglichen’ Sportler und Trainer, um nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erreichen, Charakter entwickeln, unterstütze den Boxsport, und fördern und wachsen olympisches Boxen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Verantwortung von USA Boxing liegt nicht nur in der Produktion von olympischem Gold, sondern auch alle Aspekte des Amateurboxens in den Vereinigten Staaten überwachen und regeln.