Таг Арцхивес: Планина Валлеи Хигх Сцхоол

Тензије веома високе, као бивши Соколови колегама Припремите се за ММА Цаге Баттле

Левистон, Мејн (Јануар 10, 2018) – Одрастање у истом плаво-оковратника заједнице и унапређење кроз исти, катом спортски програм не мора да два мушкарца најбоље пријатеље.




Бивши Планина Валлеи Хигх Сцхоол саиграчи, и будући Нова Енглеска Поединки Микед Мартиал Артс противнике, Рајан Бургесс Нејт Баучер су доказ старе максиме, “блискост ствара презир.”




Бургесс, 24, и Баучер, 21, ће се борити у Фливеигхт аматерског борбе на "НЕФ 32: Супер СуботаСубота, Фебруар 3. Борба на Андросцоггин банке Колизе ће одредити број један уцесник у подели на 125 фунти, и зарадите победника за титулу против шампиона Јустин Витхам.




То ће бити скоро годину дана од Бургесс, троструки шампион Мејн средњу школу рвање и прошлост: НЕФ држаоц, ушао у кавез. Он је позвао: НЕФ сувласник и матцхмакер Матт Петерсон и посебно захтевао Боуцхер борбу.




Зашто? С једне стране, то је пословна одлука након боуцхер затварању, Сплит-одлука губитак за Витхам у наслову борбе у новембру.




"Ја сам се за годину дана. Надао сам се да скочи назад у борбу за наслов,"Објаснио Берџесс. "Након борбе Нате са Витхам, Знао сам да би желео да одмах реванљ. Када је постало јасно да је то неће десити до априла, Питао сам да ли бисмо могли да урадимо у овој борби у фебруару, и Нате га је узео. "




Бургесс (2-2) потом покренуо једну или две друштвене бомбе медија који су се појавили да укаже одређени ниво анимозитета према својим ближњима Фалцон. Врло је вероватно мање лично од тактичка; Бургесс осетио прилику да искористе оно што он види као један од пукотине у боуцхер је оклоп.




"Нејт, откако је био дете, има став јадно када изгуби. Надам се да га понизи мало и уверите се да не морају да брину о овој борби добијају у рукама судија,", Рекао је Берџесс. "Нејт вероватно могао да буде два- или-три пута државни првак, ако је себи дао прилику за то. Ако још увек има исти став који је имао тада, то ће завршити на исти начин. "




Бургесс је једна од само четири три-време државних шампиона у историји МВХС. Случајно, Боуцхер брат, Итан, Такође остварио подвиг.




боуцхер, који је већ изведен четири времену Мејн гимназија мат шампиона, и два пута Нова Енглеска финалиста, Јеремија Баркац од Дектер током његовог боравка у НЕФ хексагону, изгледа и звучи као другачијег карактера од оног који су се борили даље од мат као тинејџер.




Након освајања прве две борбе са лакоћом, боуцхер (2-1) није био једини у згради који су сматрали да је учинио довољно да заслужи појас у Портланду.




"Мислио сам контролисао прве две рунде борбе. Сва три, стварно. Прва два сам имао прилично (Витам) цхокед се,", Рекао је Баучер. "На крају је бити искуство учења за мене да не могу да напусте борбу са судијама. Велика је ствар о аматерске редовима је, док наравно стало до моје запис, на крају крајева то је део процеса учења да би сте бољи професионалац. "




У одговору на Бургесс’ Воллеис на Фацебоок, Боуцхер питање понашање бившег шампиона после победе у НЕФ каиш две борбе у каријери.




"Нисам баш за трасх талк. Управо сам уживати у спорту. Ја волим да се борим и онда само иди кући. Он то чини мало да изгради свој его мислим,", Рекао је Баучер. "Он је пао појас, јер је имао проблема одлучивања тежину, што је прилично непоштовање, по мом мишљењу. Он је на неко време, па сад сам испред њега, и зна да мора да прође кроз мене. "




Бургесс рекао је користио ту отпуштање да заврши своје факултетско образовање и развије своје акредитиве као асистент физиотерапеут, указујући да је медицинска струка је већа вероватноћа да ће бити његов дугорочни каријера него ВМА.




Док је наставио свој распоред тренинга у Румфорд Цоммунити Центер са Берсеркерс ВМА, Бургесс је рекао да је мање интензиван и структурирано пре своје губитке против Витхам и Дустин Веинотт. Бургесс претходно поражен оба ривала.




"Физички сам још требало да их тукли, али ментално нисам био припремљен као што би требало да буде. Сада сам много више фокусиран,", Рекао је Берџесс. "У то време сам био завршетку школе, ради са скраћеним радним временом 20 на 30 сати недељно и иде у школу због вероватно још један 40. Изгубио сам две борбе у којој сам био под тежином. Ја сам добија на тежини, док су остали момци су смањење тежине. Ја бих тамо на граници и да ће ставити на 10 на 15 поундс између Мерење и борби. "




Боуцхер додуше никада није достигао свој потенцијал као у средњој школи рвач. Он је пратио другачији пут од Бургесс, уписа у Централни Маине Бразилиан Јиу-Јитсу - где и данас тренира и данас - у доба 13.




"Имам неке од најтежих и најбољих партнера за обуку у држави,", Рекао је Баучер. "Моја Јиу-Јитсу је прешла дуг пут, Скоро тачка где је положио рве са мало. Наравно, рвање је оно што сам увек вратим када ми је потребно. Мој упадљиво је ноћ-и-дан. Било је ужасно за моју прву борбу. "




Он је додао да је његов највећи успех у ВМА је дошао на рачун бивших рвача.




Бургесс рачуна на Боуцхер потценити остатак свог репертоара. Као неко ко је горе рву на средњој школи Јуниор Варсити тима у седмом разреду, Он је рекао да је његова историја као брзи студија је пренесена у домену Јиу-Јитсу и бокс.




"Мислим да ће бити изненађени. Он мисли да зна шта сам довести за сто,", Рекао је Берџесс. "Све што зна о мени је моја борба, али имам много више од тога да се ослоним. Већ знам шта он доноси на столу. И он неће да уче за два месеца оно што сам научио за две године."




Отварање звоно на Фебруар 3 је постављен за 7 п.м. Улазнице се продају ввв.ТхеЦолисее.цом.




О Нове Енглеске Бои



Нев Енгланд Фигхтс ("НЕФ") је борба настани промоције компанија. Мисија НЕФ је да створи најквалитетније догађаје за Маине бораца и фанове подједнако. Извршни тим НЕФ има велико искуство у борби спортски менаџмент, Производња догађаји, односи са медијима, маркетинг, правни и оглашавање.


Мајк Хансен

Левистон, Мејн (Јун 15, 2016) – Fighting anyone, било куда, anytime and under any circumstances has become Mike Hansen’s calling card with New England Fights.

No surprise, онда, that the 30-year-old father of three from Rumford, ME will gladly entertain the idea of a mixed martial arts contest … against an opponent about whom he admittedly knows precious little … on the eve of Father’s Day.

Хансен (4-4) will take on Robert Laroski in a heavyweight clash at “NEF 24: Promised Land” on Субота, Јун 18 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

There is no fear of the unknown in a man who has carved out his reputation confronting substantially bigger foes since his days as a state champion wrestler at Mountain Valley High School. During his relatively short time in NEF, Hansen has fought as a middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight.

“When I took the fight (at NEF 23 in Massachusetts) against Brendan Battles, people were saying, ‘You’re crazy! He’s going to bust your head!’ I understand why the weight classes exist, and I respect that it’s about safety and all that, but I’ve always felt that a fighter should be ready to fight anybody, no matter what,” Hansen said. “In high school, I would drink two gallons of water and put lead in my uniform just so I could get to the minimum weight for the unlimited class.”

That’s the attitude of a fighter whose skill and talent level far exceed his current record as a professional.

Hansen’s docket includes a stoppage win over former NEF “Fighter of the Year” Crowsneck Boutin. His record also includes TKO losses to Battles and Cody Anderson and a choke-out at the hands of Zach Elkins.

When he reflects upon his unique life story, Хансен, who fought twice for the World Fighting League as a 20-year-old college student, marvels that he ever got back into the cage at all.

“I started the winter of 2004-05. I started training because I had gone from 187 на 242 pounds in a few months. I was seeing stretch marks,” Hansen recalled. “I was pretty upset with myself for allowing that to happen. I started doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu two nights a week to get in shape. Then I went home for the summer and ended up with my first fight in August. My friends got me the fight without my coaches knowing about it. They told me it was a good thing I won, or they would have kicked my butt.”

Hansen kept a promise to his father to quit the sport after a knockout loss to Alexander Chianurashvili in 2006. He was studying at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, with intentions to enter the medical field.

He was stabbed and attacked with a baseball bat by three men in a case of mistaken identity not long thereafter. “I walked out of the hospital the next day, and all three of them were still in there from the beating I gave them in self-defense,” Hansen said proudly.

That dogged determination served Hansen well in the United States Army, where he studied in the elite Combatives program.

“They ask you ‘Who wins the fight?’ and the answer is, ‘Whoever’s buddy gets there first to help him clean up.’ That’s what Combatives taught me: How to survive that extra 30 на 60 секунде,” Hansen said. “Work ethic is what it taught me. It helped me grow and do things I might have questioned mentally whether or not I could do. Not many people find that extra little motivation. The Army taught me how to find it and utilize it.”

A few years later, Hansen found that inner fire again. Even as he returned to coaching wrestlers in his hometown, his own physical fitness suffered as work and fatherhood took precedence.

Hansen vividly describes sitting in a bean bag chair, eating snack food, watching TV at 2:11 а.м. when his phone rang. He assumed it was a friend in trouble.

“It was (NEF co-owner) Мет Питерсон. Our families grew up maybe 200 yards apart. My high school wrestling coach had called him, unbeknownst to me, to tell him he needed to get me back in the cage,” Hansen said.

Three weeks later и 20 pounds lighter, Hansen dispatched super heavyweight fixture Artie Mullen at “NEF 16: New Blood Rising,” and the comeback was on.

У 15 months that have followed, Hansen has been instrumental in launching Berserkers MMA and building his reputation as both a fighter and an instructor.

Life is blossoming at home, also. Hansen is the father of two girls, узраста 5 и 2, and a boy of four months. His older daughter, Kaydn, often accompanies Dad to the gym at Greater Rumford Community Center. He returns the favor by chaperoning field trips for her kindergarten class.

“She and her friends will be on the playground practicing boxing stances and stuff,” Hansen said. “Her teacher says it’s adorable. Hopefully she is learning to take care of herself so I don’t have to.”

Kaydn’s parents are making plans to take her to her first live NEF show after she turns 6. За сада, she is content to watch her Dad’s fights on YouTube.

“If we’re watching TV together,” Hansen said, “we have a thing where I get two shows and then she gets two shows. If I put in a fight tape, she’ll say, ‘Daddy, I know this doesn’t count as one of your shows, because this is your work.’”

Отварање звоно на Јун 18 је постављен за 7 п.м. Tickets for “NEF 24: Promised Land” start at $25 а су доступни на ввв.ТхеЦолисее.цом или позивом на бок оффице Цолисее у 207.783.2009, extension 525.

For more information on the events and fight card updates, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, пратите их на Твиттер@нефигхтс и придружите званичну Фацебоок групу "Нев Енгланд борби."


Левистон, Мејн (Април 22, 2016) – During the years 2003-2006, Matt Glover (1-0) био the player from Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine that you did не want to end up facing from the other side of the pigskin. Standing over six feet tall and weighing 250-pounds, the nightmarish middle linebacker helped to build Mountain Valley (MV) into a modern day football dynasty by punishing ball carriers for four decorated years and leading MV to two state championships in the process. He bench pressed over 400 pounds in the weight room and was hell on wheels on the field making him a powerful two-way double-threat player on both offense and defense. His reputation is legendary in the River Valley area of Western Maine as a feared and respected athlete.


After graduating from Mountain Valley in 2007, Glover left football behind to go to work. He married his longtime girlfriend, Lindsey, and had a son. They bought a home together. Throughout the summer and fall seasons, he traveled the agricultural fair circuit in Maine with his pulling horses, a family tradition he had been brought up in from an early age.


“My family has been competing in horse pulling since I was a kid,” Glover explained. “It takes up a lot of time and it keeps my dad young. I get up early every morning to exercise my horse teams before I go into work at night. Between my dad, my wife and I, we have 11 draft horses. We bale our own hay for all of them. I love backing them up to the drag and watching them dig.”


But despite the fullness of his life, the call of competition still beckoned to him and left him with a sense of longing. “I would have killed to have had that same feeling again,” Glover recalled. “And then I stepped into the cage.”


У рано 2015, Matt’s younger brother, Ryan—another Mountain Valley football standout—made his mixed martial arts (ММА) debut at “NEF 16.” Ryan swarmed his opponent in his first fight and stopped him in a blistering 12 секунде. Matt was in attendance that night and found his curiosity piqued at the prospect of competing in a different kind of contact sport.


Later in 2015, Ryan competed for the inaugural NEF Amateur Heavyweight Championship. He dropped a decision that night to current title holder, Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (3-1). После победе, the trash talk quickly escalated between Leahy and members of Berserkers MMA, based out of Rumford and led by head coaches Gary Dolloff and Mike Hansen (3-3). “When Billy Leahy called out all of the guys at Berserkers after he beat my brother, then it was game-on,” recalled Matt.


Matt began training closely with members of the Berserkers coaching staff, including Hansen and others, who he credits for his accelerated learning curve in the sport. Додатно, Matt sparred extensively with brother Ryan, who was preparing for a fight of his own on the same night that Matt was scheduled to make his MMA debut. “My brother and I are not like other brothers,” Matt explained. “We go into the gym and beat the hell out of each other and then ride home in the same truck—that’s just how we have always been. Push, push, push—everything is competition with us. From the first one to get to the next hay bale in the hay field to the first one to get to the supper table—it’s just how we operate.”


“Matt’s a real competitive person,” his wife, Lindsey, confirmed. “Everything is a competition with him. I knew that cagefighting would feed that competitive hunger that he feels all the time when he’s not pulling his horses.”


Matt officially made his MMA debut back in February at “NEF 21: THE IMMORTALS” against durable veteran Gravin Guillen (2-5). Matt exceeded debut expectations by finishing Guillen in just 1:30 of the first round by technical knockout (ТКО). When the ref cleared the scene, Guillen’s face showed the effects of Glover’s record-breaking exploits in the weight room. Glover’s Rumford fans that were in attendance in heavy numbers that night, voiced their approval in thunderous applause. “At first, I had butterflies,” Glover remembered, “but once I heard all the people cheering, all it did was pump me up. I was ready to fight. Победили или изгубили, I knew they had my back and more.”


This weekend, Glover is poised to make his second appearance in the NEF cage when he takes on 6’6” Ras Hylton (1-0) from rival gym, Прва класа ВМА. Hylton made his debut on the same night as Glover and, like his challenger this weekend, made quick work of his opponent by earning a TKO victory at 1:21 првог кола.


Berserkers MMA Founder and Head Coach, Мајк Хансен, predicts a dominant night for Glover. “Matt happens to be much stronger than he even appears, which is incredible if you have ever seen him,” Hansen stated. “A guy of his size normally struggles with agility, but Matt doesn’t. He is a super athlete and easy to coach. Matt improves daily and will be a juggernaut in the heavyweight amateur division.


“Ras is used to being the bigger guy in all of his fights. That will not be the case on Saturday night. Matt will put his hands on Hylton in a way he’s never been touched before. I don’t see Ras walking away from this fight with his hand held high. He should consider it a win if he can walk away at all when Matt’s done with him.”


Going into Субота ноћ, Glover feels well prepared to continue building on his success in the sport of MMA that he started to create back in February. If his athletic history is any indicator, he should be confident in the future. “I’m ready for this fight,” Glover stated. “In this fight, I’m more relaxed because my brother’s not fighting and I can just focus on my fight… After that first win, I knew I was hooked because there’s no better feeling.”


“When people first started speaking to Matt about competing in MMA, I was completely against it 110%,” Lindsey stated. “But after watching him train so hard with the guys in the gym and seeing that he has the same passion for that as he does for his horse pulling, I felt more at ease and decided that if this was something he wanted to pursue, I would support him in any way that I possibly could.


“The Glover brothers fighting in MMA is a big thing for Rumford,” Lindsey stated in closing. “Every time it’s getting close to fight night, this town comes alive. No matter where he goes within the sport, this town and his family support him.”


Нев Енгланд бори "следећи догађај, "НЕФ 22: Сви путеви воде овде,” takes place this Субота, Април 23, 2016 на Андросцоггин банке Цолисее у Левистону, Мејн. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 и су на продају сада у ввв.ТхеЦолисее.цом или позивом на бок оффице Цолисее на 207.783.2009 к 525. За више информација о новостима догађаја и ФИГХТ ЦАРД, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, пратите их на Твиттер@нефигхтс и придружите званичну Фацебоок групу "Нев Енгланд борби."


Левистон, Мејн (Март 17, 2016) - Нев Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ), Број један регионални борба промоција Америке, одржаће свој следећи догађај, “НЕФ 22: Сви путеви воде овде” о Субота, Април 23, 2016 на Андросцоггин банке Цолисее у Левистону, Мејн. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (ММА) and professional boxing bouts. Раније данас, NEF announced the addition of a professional light-heavyweight bout to the MMA portion of the “НЕФ 22” Борба картица. Микрофон “Бркови” Хансен (3-3) је потписао за лице Џеси “Тхе Барбариан” Баугхман (0-1) на тежини борбе од 205 килограма.


Mike Hansen is the founding member of Berserkers MMA based out of Rumford, Мејн. He is an alumni of Mountain Valley High School (МВХС) where he won a state championship wrestling as a heavyweight in 2004. Hansen made his MMA debut shortly after graduating from high school, only to step away from the sport for a decade in order to serve his country as a combat engineer in the United States Army. He returned to the MMA cage in 2015 as a member of the NEF roster. After restarting his career with a record of 2-1, Hansen dropped his first bout of 2016 to Zach Elkins (1-1) прошлог месеца. He will look to rebound from that loss on Април 23.


I’m looking forward to getting back in the cage fast coming off this loss,” said Hansen. “I wasn’t mentally in that fight, so this time around with Baughman, I’m going to be mentally focused. Jesse is a big guy and a tough fighterand he seems like a guy I could get along with. Тако, when we are done smashing each other up, hopefully we can get a drink.


Like Hansen, Baughman is a United States military veteran, where he served in a recon unit of the special forces and earned a level-three certification in Army combatives. He is currently a member of Team Link based out of Hooksett, Нев Хампсхире. As an amateur MMA fighter, Baughman put together a perfect record of 5-0 and was the number-one ranked light-heavyweight in the northeast region prior to turning professional. Baughman made his pro debut last November atNEF 20against Matt Andrikut (2-0).


“О April 23rd, I’m looking forward to getting back in there and putting on a show,” Саид Баугхман. “My fans from New Hampshire want to see a warand best believe they will! Mike Hansen is a worthy opponent. He knows going in, this will be a bloody battle till the end. I have the best guys around preparing me for this matchup. Big thanks to Taylor Trahan, Кевин Хејли, Brett Trahan and Rob Belliveau.


Нев Енгланд бори "следећи догађај, "НЕФ 22: Сви путеви воде овде," одвија Субота, Април 23, 2016 на Андросцоггин банке Цолисее у Левистону, Мејн. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 и су на продају сада у ввв.ТхеЦолисее.цом или позивом на бок оффице Цолисее на 207.783.2009 к 525. За више информација о новостима догађаја и ФИГХТ ЦАРД, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, пратите их на Твиттер@нефигхтс и придружите званичну Фацебоок групу "Нев Енгланд борби."