Tag Archives: MMA

Reebok Rebellion Could Revolutionize MMA as We Know It

S: Rich Bergeron

You know the Reebok battle is getting heated when people are trashing the terms of the deal both figuratively and LITERALLY:

UFC Lightweight Contender MylesFuryJury really threw his Reebok gear in the garbage recently to make a point in a Twitter post that had UFC Head Honcho DanaThe BaldfatherWhite crying foul.

What was more telling about the incident, čeprav, je bil “Uncle Dananot stepping in to punish the frustrated fighter for his blatant disrespect of a major UFC business partner. This was a watershed moment for theReebok Rebellion.

What could Dana do, po vsem? Myles was actually pulling a page right out of the UFC President’s own marketing handbook. Jury was being in-your-face offensive to sell his argument. Dana does that every day.

Higher-profile fighters are consistently rubbing Mr. White the wrong way these days when it comes to the Reebok deal, and though he gave Jury and Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone a pass for their recent criticism, he bit back against the likes of Brandon Schaub.

There may be a different kind of fireworks in July when this raw deal officially takes effect and all the fighters who don’t agree with Schaub and Jury start to realize their shortsightedness. Some of those UFC fighters might even regret not joining their peers on the unofficial public picket line when it might have actually mattered.

The worst part about this whole fiasco is the timing. The Federal Trade Commission is once again reportedly investigating the UFC in the wake of a series of high-profile Class-Action Anti-Trust complaints winding their way through the civil courts.

It’s hard not to question whether the world’s most powerful mixed martial arts promotion is overstepping its bounds in the way they are trying to control every aspect of a fighter’s career. It seems like a really bad deal to exchange a little bit of money and the right to fight under the UFC banner for the blood, sweat and tears it takes to stay at the top of the MMA game these days. Even to be at the middle of the pack in the UFC is a heck of a challenge. Fighters have to be starting to ask themselves when the accumulated bumps bruises, dislocations, torn ligaments, broken bones and concussions become so bad that the money doesn’t matter anymore.

What will happen when a tidal wave of former UFC fighters find out that the glory of having fought their hearts out for the fans isn’t paying the bills and/or sending their kids to college? What happens when the cushy medical coverage expires and your legendary fighter status means nothing to the doctors and the hospital billing you outrageous and astronomical fees to keep you healthy enough to live to old age?

Ask Marc Coleman. It’s not pretty.

The more the UFC fight or flight equation turns toward having no freedom to be an entrepreneur and no ability to build your own brand, the more Scott Coker’s phone is going to continue to ring off the hook. At least in Bellator, fighters can still have their own personal sponsors on their shorts.

They don’t throw all their fighters out for losing a few fights in a row, bodisi. They don’t publicly berate their fighters at post-fight press conferences for not putting on a show. They pay what they can, and they do their best to just be considered a UFC competitor.

Phil Davis may be the first of many UFC defectors that could begin to trickle in if this Reebok deal eliminates as much income and opportunity as it sounds like it will.

I am actually disappointed that Viacom isn’t making a bigger push to acquire more UFC fighters with more lucrative contracts, but no business wants to lose money. It’s harder for Bellator to gain massive revenues in return for their investments in their fighters due to the overhead of doing their own production for free television. Še, hkrati, Coker and Bellator’s current management seems to actually care a little more about the people who do battle under their banner. They know better than anyone that your sponsors can really keep you alive.

Fighters who value their freedom and want a little more control over their careers might start to see the only UFC competition as a much greener pasture in the wake of this sneaker giant’s exclusive apparel contract. What is supposed to look like a major step forward for the UFC might actually represent three steps back for this organization that is already struggling with cancelled and postponed fights due primarily to an increasing amount of training injuries to top fighters.

Of course we can’t forget Former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones allegedly crashing a rented SUV into a pregnant woman’s car and breaking her arm before fleeing the scene on foot. This is yet another unfortunate example of the UFC not caring enough about their fighters. How could they not recognize this guy had a problem that needed to be addressed a long time before this tragic incident unfolded? How can the UFC justify not having their own random drug testing in place like other professional sports? How are illegal drugs OK for a fighter to do out of competition in the first place? Who made the rules with that gaping loophole in them?

Georges St. Pierre has been one of the UFC’s most vociferous critics on the PED-testing front. The former champion continues to sit on the sidelines after one of the most punishing fights of his career led him to announce his retirement with the door left open only a crack. Only a broad, comprehensive drug testing program can bring him back now, St. Pierre maintains.

Even fighters like Ronda Rousey are getting a little upset with the career control measures being wielded over them by their bigwig bosses. The UFC will not even let Ronda appear in a few scripted WWE events. Just because these skits last longer than some of her actual fights doesn’t mean they are much different than what she does in her movie career. Her UFC bosses are fine with her pursuing action movie roles, so why not a little fake wrestling? Maybe it’s the fact that WWE stole the Tapout brand and took it right out of the cage and into the wrestling ring. Maybe it’s jealousy that WWE has the kind of fan base that makes them a legitimate threat, and it’s the kind of fans the UFC desperately needs. Maybe it’s the fact that the UFC lost their chance at retaining Brock Lesnar’s services again and they are still getting over it.

Whatever the reason, the UFC is clamping down more and more on what fighters can and can’t do inside and outside the cage, and it goes far beyond fake wrestling. Contracts are becoming more and more restrictive in every way.

The UFC also used to foster a climate where no fighter would dare speak a foul word about management or any business deal management put in place. The punishment would be worse than a fine if Dana decided to give you the Brendan Schaub treatment in the press.

Complain, and you’d be called a coward or a bum. You’re not a team player, some ignorant fans will still say when you stick your neck out while under UFC contract. Še, this climate is not enough to stop this new little wave of protest that might grow to a frightening crescendo just before or after this Reebok deal officially becomes reality.

The mindless minions who criticize fighters for speaking out for their own best interests just eat right out of Dana White’s hand, even when he’s passing out rat poison. It is disgusting to hear and see so many people agreeing with a guy who never even fought an official amateur bout of any kind instead of listening to someone who actually put in the effort to compete in even one professional cage fight.

When it comes to matters of what it really meansto be a F#$%ing fighter,” Dana can give all the foul-mouthed speeches he wants, but it’s the actual fighters who bled for years under the UFC banner who gave that speech real meaning and resonance to the fans who now worship the ground Dana walks on. Večinoma, these fans only like White so much because he talks and cusses just like them. Vedno, one UFC fighter I interviewed years ago told me there is something wrong with the sport when the most recognizable figure in MMA is Dana White. I couldn’t agree more.

Freedom is not a word to be taken lightly, and free speech is not as free as it used to be. You sign on the dotted line to step in the UFC cage, and you have to play by their rules, even the ones you don’t like or don’t agree with. That was bad enough when that was the only problem fighters faced. Zdaj, it’s much worse because of the Reebok deal and the ramifications and ripple effects it will cause.

Some people forget this deal also alienates other long time sponsors of the UFC and its fighters. Think of all those apparel companies who will not be able to sell their products now in association with any official UFC event. The upcoming UFC Fan Expo situation is a prime example of how the UFC just doesn’t seem to care about the businesses and backers that helped put them on the map in the first place.

The people behind this powerhouse MMA league will alienate anyone or any group of people to make a buck off the backs of better men than themselves. This Reebok deal is living proof of that. Even if all the money from the Reebok partnership does go to the fighters, all those businesses that end up locked out of fighter sponsorship deals will have to line up to sign exclusive contracts with the organization itself. Either that, or they will convert to Bellator supporters and follow burned UFC fighters to that organization.

Suddenly that second fiddle is sounding like it could steal the show, and my prediction that Bellator could fail looks premature and presumptuous now.

So you want to be a f$%^ing fighter?”

Let me give you Scott Coker’s number.

BOJ NETWORK MMA & Kickboxing programsko shemo (Maj 18-25, 2015)

Boj Network je 24/7 televizijski program namenjen za dokončanje pokritosti borilne športe. To airs programe za celotno področje bojne športne zvrsti, vključno z živimi bojev in up-to-the-minute novice in analize mešanih borilnih veščin, kickboxing, profesionalna rokoborba, tradicionalne borilne veščine, boks, Boj novice, kot tudi iz boja temo dramske serije, dokumentarnih in igranih filmov.


Spodaj najdete vrhunce programiranja ta teden:

Ponedeljek, Maj 18

6:30 p.m. IN – 2014 Taškent Judo Grand Prix– Poudarki iz 2014 Velika nagrada Judo Taškent iz Oktober. 16-18, 2014 v Uzbekistanu.

7:00 p.m. IN – 5 Rounds – Voditeljice John Ramdeen in Robin Črno povabijo posebne goste razčleniti vikend ukrepov MMA.

7:30 p.m. IN – Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

8:00 p.m. INFinal Fight Championship 5: Rodriguez vs. Simonjič – Featuring Ricco Rodriguez vs. Tomaž Simonjic na glavnem turnirju MMA in Pavel Zhuravle vs.. Vinchenzo Renfurm v dvoboju za kickboxing iz Osijeka, Hrvaška.

Torek, Maj 19

1:00 a.m. INDa 2 Toe z Urijanom Faberjem – John Ramdeen klepeta s superzvezdnikom UFC v super kategoriji Urijahom Faberjem o njegovi vzgoji in razvoju v športu.

1:30 a.m. INHip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-team MMA znotraj 12m s 12m areni z oviro strukture tristopenjskega.

2:30 am. IN – XPTV – Pokritost regionalnega U.S. pro in amaterski MMA.

7:30 a.m. INBoj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. INXtreme Fighting Championship – Florida, ki temelji profesionalni MMA ponaša vrhunske ameriške perspektive, mednarodne zvezde in UFC veterani.

8:00 p.m. IN – 5 Rounds – Voditeljice John Ramdeen in Robin Črno povabijo posebne goste razčleniti vikend ukrepov MMA.

8:30 p.m. IN — Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

Sreda, Maj 20

3:00 a.m. INTexas Fight Night – MMA ukrep iz Teksasa vključuje vrhunske možnosti Lone Star članica je v kletki.

6:00 p.m. INBest of Cage Rage – Poleg klasičnih borb, ki temeljijo na UK organizacije Cage Rage s Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley in drugi.

7:00 p.m. INBoj News Now Extra: MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

7:30 p.m. INBoj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

8:00 p.m. INBoj Spirit Sezona 4 – Zbirke mednarodnih MMA bojev iz SFL, FFC, M-1 in več.

9:00 p.m. INCage Warriors 74 – Nastopata Kianzad vs.. Siiskanen – Nastopata Mannie Kianzad vs., Agnieszka Niedzwiedz za naslov prvaka ženske v prvi kategoriji v nočni kategoriji od novembra. 15, 2014 9v Londonu.

11:00 p.m. INMMA Meltdown Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency pokvari vse dogajanje v MMA, razpravljanje kvote, Napovedi, plus posebni gostje na teden in ekskluzivne intervjuje.

11:30 p.m. INTakedown Wrestling – Obsežna pokritost amaterskih rokoborba dogodkov, vključno z najnovejšimi novicami, zadaj-the-scenes pokritost dogodkov in ekskluzivnih intervjujev.

Četrtek, Maj 21

1:30 a.m. INUltimate Challenge MMA 8: Dynamite – Featuring Neil Grove vs. Martin Thompson, Tom Watson vs., Denniston Sutherland, Dean Amasinger vs.. Scott Jansen in Jason Young vs.. Abdul Mohamed od okt. 24, 2009 v Londonu.

6:00 p.m. INPrvenstvo Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA iz Floride featuring všeč Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, So McCorkie, Luis Palomino in drugi.

7:00 p.m. INBoj Rookies – Nadebudni tekmovalca vzpenjali uspeha v športu, kot novinci tekmujejo za priložnost, da postanejo strokovnjaki in dobili izkušnje, potrebne za uspeh na višji ravni.

8:00 p.m. INBoj News Now: MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

8:30 p.m. IN Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

9:00 p.m. IN – Bojišča MMA: O.N.E. – Featuring eno noč, turnir MMA z enim samim sesanjem iz Tulse, OK, Roan Carneiro predstavili, Brock Larson, Cody McKenzie, Trey Houston, Jesse Taylor in drugi.

Petek, Maj 22

2:00 a.m. INPancrase Classics – Klasične pionirska MMA bitke odlikuje Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen in drugi.

4:00 a.m. INBest of DEEP – Poleg vrhunskih borb od zgodovinskega japonskega GLOBOKO promocijo vključno Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai in Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. INBest of Jewels – Klasične bojev iz all-ženski japonski MMA ligi, Jewels.

6:00 – p.m. IN – M-1 Challenge – Professional MMA iz Evrope, ki vsebuje najpogostejša možnosti in mednarodno zvezdos.

7 p.m. INUFC 187 Tehtanje – Pokrivanje uradnih tehtanj za UFC v živo 187: Jones vs. Johnson v Las Vegasu.

8:00 p.m. IN — NSS 18 – Nastopata Overeem vs.. Rozalski – Featuring Valentijn Overeem vs. Marcin Rozalski, Jan Blachowicz vs. Mario Miranda in Curt Warburton vs. Artur Sowinski od februar. 24, 2012 V Pobiranje, Poljska.

11:00 p.m. INTrde udarce Pretepaške 43 – LIVE MMA od Calgary, Canada, z Jasonom Zentgrafom vs.. Nick Ring, Mixhsa Cirkunov vs.. Shaun Asher in Sergei Juskevic vs.. LT Nelson,

Sobota, Maj 23

1:00 a.m. INSuperKombat: World Grand Prix III – Featuring Andrei Stoica vs. Ali Cenik za naslov v super križarki, plus polfinale turnirja v križarki od junija 21, 2014 v Constanti, Romunija.

4:00 a.m. INDa 2 Toe Chris Weidman – John Ramdeen se poglobljeno pogovarja s prvakom UFC v srednji kategoriji Chrisom Weidmanom.

6:00 a.m. INBest of TKO – Featuring Patrick Cote vs. Steve Vigneault iz TKO 14.

7:00 a.m. IN – Best of Gladiator Challenge – Featuring Quinton “Rampage” Jackson vs. Dave Taylor iz Gladiator Challenge 2.

10:00 a.m. INBest of SportFight – Vrhunska kakovost MMA iz Pacific Northwest, ga UFC veterani Matt Lindland in Chael Sonnen gostila. Ta epizoda ima vzpon SportFight prvak Enoch Wilson.

2:00 p.m. IN – NSS 31: Ob vs. Drwal – V živo MMA iz Gdanska, Poljska, feat. Michal Materia vs.. Tomasx Drwal, Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. Rolles Gracie in Goran Reljić vs. Attila Vegh.

7:00 p.m. INUFC 187 Pre-Show – V ŽIVO pokrivanje in analiza za UFC 187: Jones vs. Johnson v Las Vegasu.

8:00 p.m. INWSOF Kanada 1: Ford vs.. Powell – Z Ryanom Fordom vs.. Joel Powell za kanadski naslov prvaka v srednji kategoriji WSOF, plus Michael Hill vs.. Ryan Dickson iz februarja. 21, 2014 v Edmontonu, AB.

10:00 p.m. INWSOF Kanada 2: Loiseau vs.. Lewis – Nastopa David “Vrana” Loisean vs.. Dwayne Lewis, plus Josh Hill vs.. Mike Adams in Tim Hague vs.. Matt Baker od junija 7, 2014 v Edmontonu, AB.

Nedelja, Maj 24

1:00 a.m. INUFC 187 Post-Show – V ŽIVO Pokritost za UFC 1878: Jones vs. Johnson v Las Vegasu.

6:00 a.m. INPancrase Classics – Klasične pionirska MMA bitke odlikuje Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Ime Marquardt, Chael Sonnen in drugi.

10:00 a.m. INBest of ADCC – Featuring kompilacije največjih spoprijemajo tekmah doslej potekala, ponaša Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza in Royler Gracie.

2:00 p.m. INEnfusion LIVE #29: Amsterdam – VŽIVO profesionalni kickboxing iz Amsterdama, Holland.

7:00 p.m. INUSA Wrestling Tedenski – Host Scott Casber daje tedensko novice in analize centriranje okoli USA Wrestling, nacionalni upravni organ športa v, vključno z intervjuji, funkcije in pogled nazaj v preteklost.

7:30 p.m. INVelika nagrada Judo Qingdao 2014 – Utrinki z velike nagrade Juda Qingdao izNov. 19-21 na Kitajskem.





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Brandon Halsey Defeats Kendall Grove Via Technical Knockout Vacates Bellator Middleweight Title Due To Missing Weight



All photos by: Bellator MMA/Eric Coleman

TEMECULA, Kalifornija. (Maj 15, 2015) – While Brandon “Bull” Halsey (9-0) can no longer say he’s Bellator MMA’s Middleweight World Champion, he’s still managed to show his talent with a one-sided destruction of proven veteran Kendall “Spyder” Grove (21-15).


The contest served as the feature main event of Petek “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” card at Pechanga Resort & Casino v Temecula, Kalifornija.


Halsey nearly finished the fight in the early going, moving to an arm-triangle choke that would have finished a lesser opponent, but Grove somehow battled through the effort. Vedno, it was a one-sided round for the former champ.


Grove was able to avoid such a precarious position in the second, but he was still forced to be on the defensive throughout most of the frame. With a high-paced wrestling attack, Halsey simply pushed his way to the floor and enjoyed top position for almost the entirety of the round.


The pattern continued as the fight wore on, with Halsey simply overpowering his opponent and constantly earning himself the dominant position. Grove briefly threatened with an armbar in the fourth frame, but Halsey simply yanked his limb free and pounded away with punches shortly after until he earned the TKO win at the 2:25 mark of the frame.


The undefeated Halsey, who was stripped of the Bellator MMA Middleweight World Title for failing to make weight, will look to again earn the belt in his next appearance.


“I was my own worst enemy. It was how I performed. He didn’t throw anything at me that I wasn’t ready for. I was just trying to tough through the injury. I had to tough it out and come out with the victory,” Halsey said.


“Obviously, you want to be as dominant as possible. I just felt like I couldn’t explode through my combinations or explode through the fight and finish how I wanted to. But like I said, you’ve got to deal with adversity, and I did it the best I could,” Halsey continued.


“I learned my lesson. I thank Bellator. I apologize to the commission. It’s unprofessional not to make weight. Brez izgovorov, but anybody knows that it’s hard to cut weight with an injury. The belt’s just a decoration, so I’m still the champ in my eyes. No one has taken the belt from me.”


In the night’s co-main event, former Bellator MMA Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (17-4), of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilija, took a step toward another shot at the title with a hard-fought decision victory over the hard-hitting Mike “Marine” Richman, of Rose Mount, Od.


While Richman showed excellent takedown defense throughout the 15-minute affair, Dantas’ work rate helped him earn the favor of the judges. Constantly pressing and looking to bring the fight to the floor, Dantas was able to just edge out Richman on the cards, 29-28 according to all three officials.


I went out there and fought the way I trained to fight,” Dantas said after the win. “I knew Mike Richman was going to come with everything, but I wanted to win this fight and get back to the title. The only fight that makes sense next is for the title.


In a welterweight contest, Fernando “Menifee Maniac” Gonzalez (24-13), of Menifee, Kaliforniji., scored a thrilling, come-from-behind victory over “Curtious” Curtis Millender (7-2), San Bernardino, Kalifornija.


With Millender enjoying a six-inch height advantage, the smaller Gonzalez struggled to score points in the first two rounds. But when the fight hit the floor in the third, Gonzalez latched onto a guillotine choke and earned a tap from his opponent at the 1:14 v zadnjem krogu.


“Jaz sem 4-0 zdaj,” Gonzalez said after the win. “That’s one step closer to the title, and I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with whoever is next.


With the result, Gonzalez now boasts four-straight Bellator MMA victories and put himself in line for a potential shot at the promotion’s Welterweight Title.


In the night’s first main-card matchup, neporažen možnosti Darrion “Volk” Caldwell (7-0), of Rahway, New Jersey, used a superior wrestling game to outwork more experienced opponent Rafael “Bat” Silva (22-5), of Lajes, Brazilija, en route a unanimous-decision victory.


With Caldwell scoring takedowns throughout the matchup, Silva looked for submissions when available, but he simply couldn’t find the necessary hold to work past his opponent’s defense. Namesto, Caldwell kept his pressure high, and judges awarded him the fight, 29-28 na vseh treh karticah.


After the victory, Caldwell made it clear he’s clearing his way to a shot at the Bellator MMA World Title.


I don’t think there are any fighters out there as explosive as me at 135 funtov, or as fast,” Caldwell said. “Sčasoma, I’ll be able to prove that.


In the night’s final preliminary bout, Guam’s Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1) scored a third-round knockout of Mexico’s Antonio Duarte (18-6).


Poleg tega, Peresno možnosti Jordanija Parsons (11-1), San Diego, Kaliforniji., earned a third-round decision win over the previously undefeated Brazilian Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (30-1).


V svetlo težji tekmovanju, Virgil Zwicker (14-4-1), of Temecula, Kaliforniji., earned a first-round knockout win over Razak Al-Hassan (12-5), od Milwaukee, Wisc.


And in the night’s first fight, Ricky “Sniper” Rainey (11-3), of Gastonia, N.C., earned a second-round knockout win over Jessie Juarez (22-10), Torrance, Kalifornija.

Brandon Halsey (9-0) def. Kendall Grove (21-15)


Eduardo Dantas (17-4) def. Mike Richman (18-6 )


Fernando Gonzalez (24-14) def. Curtis Millender (7-2)


Darrion Caldwell (7-0) def. Rafael Silva (22-5)


O Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA je vodilni Mixed Martial Arts organizacija, ki vključuje mnoge izmed najboljših borcev na svetu. Pod vodstvom veterana boj promotorja Scott Coker, Bellator je na voljo skoraj 400 v milijonih domov po vsem svetu v več kot 120 države. V Združenih državah Amerike, Bellator je mogoče videti na Spike, televizijski voditelj MMA. Bellator MMA je sestavljena iz izvajalske ekipe, ki vključuje vrhunske strokovnjake v industriji v televizijske produkcije, dogodek v živo orkestracija, razvoj fighter / odnosi, prizorišče naročila, Oblikovanje sponzorstvo / razvoj, licenciranje, marketing, oglaševanje, javnosti in provizije odnosi. Bellator ima sedež v Santa Monica, California v lasti zabava velikan Viacom, dom svetovnih premier zabavne blagovnih znamk, ki se povezujejo z občinstvom skozi privlačne vsebine preko televizije, motion picture, spletne in mobilne platforme.


O Spike:

Spike je na voljo v 98.7 milijonov domov in je delitev Viacom Media Networks. Enota Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks je ena od vodilnih svetovnih ustvarjalcev programiranja in vsebin na vseh medijskih platformah. Spike Internet naslov www.spike.com in up-to-the-minute in arhivskega novinarski informacije in fotografije, obiščite tiskovno stran Spike je na http://www.spike.com/press. Sledite nam na Twitterju @spiketvpr Za najnovejše breaking news posodobitve, zadaj-the-scenes informacije in fotografije.



TEMECULA, Kalifornija. (Maj 14, 2015) - Vsi šestindvajset športniki tekmujejo na jutri "Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove "dogodek so bili srečni, rehidraciji, ko stopite na tehtnico na današnje uradno tehtanje, ki je potekala na Cabaret gledališča notranjosti Pechanga Resort and Casino v Temecula, Kalifornija.

"Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,"Ki je na sporedu v živo in brezplačno na Spike na 9 p.m. IN / 8 p.m. CT, Ima glavni dogodek med Brandon "Bull" Halsey (8-0) in dobro upoštevati veteran Kendall "Da Spyda" Grove (21-14). Prvotnemu prvak ni uspelo zadeti zahtevano oznako 185-funtov. Kot rezultat, Grove je edini borec, ki lahko pusti dogodek kot prvak, če Halsey ne uspe zmagati, on ne bo prisiljen izprazniti pas.

V so-glavni dogodek, bantamweight bitka bo šel na, kot je načrtovano med nekdanjo 135 funtov prvaka Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas(16-4) in Proge Mike "The Marine" Richman (18-5), kljub Richman manjkajoče teže.

V kritičnem welterweight bitke med dvema Hometown borci, Cinderella Man Fernando "The Menifee Maniac" Gonzalez (23-13) izgleda, da nadaljujejo svojo vročo streak proti mladi Curtis "Curtious" Millender (7-1).

Na otvoritvi televizijskem dvoboju večera, eden izmed najbolj obetavne možnosti MMA je Darrion "Volk" Caldwell (6-0), Izgleda, da bo njegov rekord brezhiben pred težko Rafael "Bat" Silva (22-4), ki je utrpela le en poraz v njegov zadnji 15 Konci


Glavni Card (9 p.m. IN)


Bellator Srednja kategorija Naslov Fight: Champ Brandon Halsey (188.1 lbs.) vs. Kendall Grove (184.9 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Eduardo Dantas (135.2 lbs.) vs. Mike Richman (139.8 lbs.)


Bellator Velterska kategorija Fight: Fernando Gonzalez (170.9 lbs.) vs. Curtis Millender (170.8 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Darrion Caldwell (135.7 lbs.) vs. Rafael Silva (135.7 lbs.)

Predhodni Card (7:45 p.m. IN)

Bellator Srednja kategorija Fight: Benji Boards (186 lbs.) vs. Ben Reiter (186 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Joe Taimanglo (136.2 lbs.) vs. Antonio Duarte (135.1 lbs.)


Bellator lahka stvar Fight: Jordanija Parsons (145.5 lbs.) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (146 lbs.)


Bellator Svetloba Heavyweight Fight: Virgil Zwicker (206.7 lbs.) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (205.6 lbs.)


Bellator Velterska kategorija Fight: Jesse Juarez (171 lbs.) vs. Ricky Rainey (170.7 lbs.)


Bellator lahka stvar Fight: A.J. Jenkins (146 lbs.) vs. Arlene Blencowe (145.8 lbs.)


Bellator Lahki Fight: Steve Kozola (155.8 lbs.) vs. Ian Butler (155.2 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: Shawn Bunch (135.4 lbs.) vs. Rolando Perez (135.3 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight Fight: John Yoo (135.4 lbs.) vs. Albert Morales (134.4 lbs.)


O Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA je vodilni Mixed Martial Arts organizacija, ki vključuje mnoge izmed najboljših borcev na svetu. Pod vodstvom veterana boj promotorja Scott Coker, Bellator je na voljo skoraj 400 v milijonih domov po vsem svetu v več kot 120 države. V Združenih državah Amerike, Bellator je mogoče videti na Spike, televizijski voditelj MMA. Bellator MMA je sestavljena iz izvajalske ekipe, ki vključuje vrhunske strokovnjake v industriji v televizijske produkcije, dogodek v živo orkestracija, razvoj fighter / odnosi, prizorišče naročila, Oblikovanje sponzorstvo / razvoj, licenciranje, marketing, oglaševanje, javnosti in provizije odnosi. Bellator ima sedež v Santa Monica, California v lasti zabava velikan Viacom, dom svetovnih premier zabavne blagovnih znamk, ki se povezujejo z občinstvom skozi privlačne vsebine preko televizije, motion picture, spletne in mobilne platforme.


2015 Azijske WMMAA prvenstvo, ki bo potekala maja 22-25 v Tadžikistanu

Za takojšnjo objavo

(L-R) – Vadim Finkelchtein, Predsednik WMMAA; Joel Bouzou, Podpredsednik WMMAA;

Fedor Emelianenko, Častni predsednik WMMAA


NIZOZEMSKA (Maj 14, 2015) – The 2015 Asian Svet Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) Prvenstvo bo potekalo maja 22-25 v Palači športov v Khujand, Tadžikistan.


Več kot 100 športniki se pričakuje, da tekmujejo kot del skupin, ki so sestavljeni iz osmih članov (sedem športniki in en trener), predstavljajo raznoliko skupino sodelujočih držav, vključno s Tadžikistanom, Kazahstan, Kirgizistan, Iran, Afganistan, Indija in Južna Koreja.


Ruski predsednik MMA unija in WMMAA častni predsednik Fedor Emelianenko, verjetno največji MMA borec vseh časov, bo prisoten pri 2015 Asian WMMMA prvenstvo.


“V imenu Svetovnega združenja MMA,” Fedor je dejal, “Jaz Tadžikistanu povabiti doslej MMA ventilator, kadar 2015 Azijske MMA prvenstvo bo potekalo. Rad bi se zahvalil Emomalii Rahmonom, predsednik Tadžikistana, za njegovo brezmejno podporo razvoju MMA v Tadžikistanu in želim neskončno veliko uspeha pri razvoju našega ljubljenega športa po vsej azijski celini.”


Športniki in trenerji bodo prispele Sobota, Maj 23 ko bodo fizikalne izpiti potekajo, kakor tudi uradne tehtajo-ins in črpa, plus sodniki / sodnik seminar. Predhodne in polfinale napadi bodo sporna naslednji dan (So, Maj 23) s prvenstva v nedeljo (Maj 24). Športniki in trenerji bo vzletajoPonedeljek, Maj 25.


Ena delitev se je razširil še v letošnjem letu, za skupno sedem teže razredov: bantamweight – 134 ½ lbs. (-61.2 kg), Peresno (145 lbs., -65.8 kg), lahki (154 1/2 lbs., -70.3 kg), welterweight (169 ½ lbs., -77.2 kg), srednji (185 lbs., -84 kg), light težka (205 lbs., -93 kg) in težka (206 lbs. ali več, +93kg).


Khujand je eno najstarejših mest v Srednji Aziji, sega v leto 2500, kakor tudi drugo največje mesto v Tadžikistanu. Khuhand ima prebivalcev več kot 155,000, ki se nahaja na Sir Darja reke ob izlivu dolini Fergana.







O WMMAA: Njen cilj je, da je uradni svetovni upravni organ za mešane borilne veščine. Organizacija neprofitna ustanovljena leta 2012, WMMAA je na misijo, da razvijejo standardiziran in reguliran organizacijo, vključno s konkurenco, Usposabljanje, službujejo, Testiranje in rast, ko je to potrebno. Več kot 400 države so zaprosile za članstvo WMMAA.






Igor Fernandes vs. Murad Abdulaev

Sprostilo M-1 Challenge Velterska kategorija prvenstvo

Junij 6, 2015 ● Ingushetia, Rusija


Igor Fernandes battles Murad Abdulaev for vacant

M-1 Challenge welterweight title

Morrison-Vitruk, Buisson-Ragimov also on

M-1 Challenge 58: Bitka v gorah 4

Junij 6 v Ingušetiji, Rusija


ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Maj 13, 2015) – Brazilian invader Igor “Chatubinha” Fernandes will battle Russian foe Murad “Hunter” Abdulaev junij 6 for the vacant M-1 Challenge welterweight title, headlining M-1 Challenge 58: Bitka v gorah 4, v Ingušetiji, Rusija.

Fernandes (18-6-0, 2 KO / TKO, 13 SUB), who has won his last six fights, will be making his M-1 debut against Abdulaev (14-3-1, 5 KO / TKO, 1 SUB), who is unbeaten in two M-1 Challenge fights.

During the past few years, Fernandes has been too dangerous for many fighters to take on, leaving him inactive for the past 26 mesecev. The gifted welterweight immediately deserved and received a title shot upon signing with M-1 Global.

M-1 Challenge 58
M-1 Challenge 58

Abdulaev has won 11 za njegov zadnji 12 pretepi. A dangerous striker with a solid ground game, Abdulaev is coming off an impressive knockout win over Daniel Taber last October at M-1 Challenge 52.

The M-1 Challenge welterweight championship was vacated by Rashid Magomedov who left the promotion.

A pair of potentially explosive featherweight fights have also been announced for M-1 Challenge 58 as American Lee “Ameriški buldog” Morrison obrazi Pavel Vitruk, in Antun Račić sreča Turnih Nizami.

Morrison (13-5-0, 4 KO / TKO, 4 SUB, fighting out of Okanogon Washington, is out to snap his two-fight losing streak to Ragimov (SUB1 – arm-lock) na M-1 Challenge 49 last June and a five-round decision to defending champion Marat Gufurov for the M-1 Challenge title at M-1 Challenge 47. The physically strong, experienced American fighter is planning a rebound June 6.

Last February at M-1 Challenge 55, Vitruk (12-1-0, 3 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) lost at M-1 Challenge 55 in a battle of unbeaten fighters to Max Coga by way of a third-round submission (čok). The Ukraine native who lives in St. Petersburg, Russia is a Muay Thai specialist.

Racic (17-5-0, 13 SUB) je mlada, Croatian prospect who has won his last four fights in a row. He prefers to use his vast arsenal of submission moves. V svoji zadnji boj, Racic defeated Lemmi Krusic (16-4-0), of Slovenia, this past October.

Ragimov (9-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) earned a title shot after he defeated Morrison, in which he lost to M-1 Challenge featherweight champion John “To je” Buchinger last October at M-1 Challenge 52. In the Fight of the Night, Ragimov was stopped by punches in the fourth round, after suffering a fractured and displaced finger on his left hand, as well as torn ligaments in his right hand.

M-1 Challenge 58 se bodo predvajale v živo v visoki ločljivosti na www.M1Global.TV. Gledalci bodo lahko gledali preliminarne bori in glavno kartico s prijavo na registrirati www.M1Global.TV. Ventilatorji lahko gledal vse tožbe na svojih računalnikih, kakor tudi na Android, Apple in pametne telefone in tablet.

Vse bitke in borci so predmet sprememb. Dodatne boji, da bo kmalu objavila.

Boj Mreža bo zrak M-1 Challenge 57 živijo na Cablevisión je Optimum TV, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable in Armstrong Cable v ZDA, kot tudi organizirane v Kanadi, Roku naprave po vsej Severni Ameriki, in po svetu v več kot 30 države po Evropi, Afrika in Bližnji vzhod.









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@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (Maj 11, 2015) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the signing of one of mixed martial art’s most sought-after prospects, In Ruth. A dominant and decorated collegiate wrestler, Ruth joins Bellator MMA with an exclusive, multi-boj ponudba.


The 25-year-old’s focus is currently set on the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, where the general consensus is that he will be a shoo-in to compete in the 86kg. delitev.


I’ve known for a long time now that after I get Olympic gold around my neck, I was going to go get some MMA gold for my waist,” said the phenom Ruth. “I’ve been talking with all the major organizations, and at the end of the day, I really believe in what Scott Coker is doing with Bellator. They’re signing the top talent, they’re putting on exciting fights, and they’re letting me secure my own sponsors. It will be a little while until I step into the cage for the first timebut when I do, everyone they put in front of me is in for a world of hurt.


Ruth attended High School at Blair Academy in Susquehanna Township, PA, where he was the top-ranked recruit in Nation for his weight class. Ruth would elect to stay local and attend wrestling powerhouse Penn State University. The masterful grappler added three National Championships and four All-American accolades to his trophy room while wrestling with the Penn State University’s Nittany Lions.


The three-time national champion joins blue-chip amateur wrestling prospect Aaron Pico on the roster. Both competitors will turn their focus to MMA following the Olympic Games next year. When the time comes, Ruth will be competing in Bellator’s middleweight division alongside current title-holder Brandon Halsey, Kendall Grove, Rafael Carvalho, Joe Schilling, Alexander Shlemenko, Melvin Manhoef, med drugim.

BOJ NETWORK MMA & Kickboxing programsko shemo (Maj 11-17, 2015)

Boj Network je 24/7 televizijski program namenjen za dokončanje pokritosti borilne športe. To airs programe za celotno področje bojne športne zvrsti, vključno z živimi bojev in up-to-the-minute novice in analize mešanih borilnih veščin, kickboxing, profesionalna rokoborba, tradicionalne borilne veščine, boks, Boj novice, kot tudi iz boja temo dramske serije, dokumentarnih in igranih filmov.


Spodaj najdete vrhunce programiranja ta teden:

Ponedeljek, Maj 11

6:30 p.m. IN – 2014 Astana Judo Grand Prix– Poudarki iz 2014 Judo Astana Grand Prix iz Oktober. 10-12, 2014 v Astani, Kazahstan.

7:00 p.m. IN – 5 Rounds – Voditeljice John Ramdeen in Robin Črno povabijo posebne goste razčleniti vikend ukrepov MMA.

7:30 p.m. IN – Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

8:00 p.m. INFinal Fight Championship 4: Perak vs, Joni – Featuring Maro Perak vs. Tibor Joni v glavni dogodek MMA in Sergej Lascenko vs. Mladen Brestovac v Kickboxing atrakcija od maja 5, 2013 v Zadru, Hrvaška.

Torek, Maj 12

1:00 a.m. INDa 2 Toe z Firas Zahabi – Sit-down intervju z Tristar Gym head coach Firas Zahabi, trener za rad Georges St. Pierre in Rory MacDonald.

1:30 a.m. IN – Hip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-team MMA znotraj 12m s 12m areni z oviro strukture tristopenjskega.

2:30 am. IN – XPTV – Pokritost regionalnega U.S. pro in amaterski MMA.

4:30 a.m. IN – Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. IN – Xtreme Fighting Championship – Florida, ki temelji profesionalni MMA ponaša vrhunske ameriške perspektive, mednarodne zvezde in UFC veterani.

8:00 p.m. IN – 5 Rounds – Voditeljice John Ramdeen in Robin Črno povabijo posebne goste razčleniti vikend ukrepov MMA.

8:30 p.m. IN — Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

Sreda, Maj 13

3:00 a.m. IN – Texas Fight Night – MMA ukrep iz Teksasa vključuje vrhunske možnosti Lone Star članica je v kletki.

6:00 p.m. IN – Best of Cage Rage – Poleg klasičnih borb, ki temeljijo na UK organizacije Cage Rage s Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley in drugi.

7:00 p.m. IN – Boj News Now Extra: MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

7:30 p.m. IN — Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

8:00 p.m. IN – Boj Spirit Sezona 4 – Zbirke mednarodnih MMA bojev iz SFL, FFC, M-1 in več.

9:00 p.m. IN – Cage Warriors 74 – Featuring Nicolas Dalby vs. Mohsen Bahari za welterweight naslov na Cage Warriors od november. 15, 2014 v Londonu.

11:00 p.m. IN – MMA Meltdown Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency pokvari vse dogajanje v MMA, razpravljanje kvote, Napovedi, plus posebni gostje na teden in ekskluzivne intervjuje.

11:30 p.m. IN – Takedown Wrestling – Obsežna pokritost amaterskih rokoborba dogodkov, vključno z najnovejšimi novicami, zadaj-the-scenes pokritost dogodkov in ekskluzivnih intervjujev.

Četrtek, Maj 14

1:30 a.m. IN – Ultimate Challenge MMA 7: Zločin – Featuring Ben Smith vs / Amokrane Sabet in Francis Hegney vs. Tim Radcliffe od september. 19, 2009 v Londonu.

6:00 p.m. IN – Prvenstvo Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA iz Floride featuring všeč Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, So McCorkie, Luis Palomino in drugi.

7:00 p.m. IN – Boj Rookies – Nadebudni tekmovalca vzpenjali uspeha v športu, kot novinci tekmujejo za priložnost, da postanejo strokovnjaki in dobili izkušnje, potrebne za uspeh na višji ravni.

8:00 p.m. IN – Boj News Now: MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

8:30 p.m. IN Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

9:00 p.m. IN – Super Fight League 3 – Featuring James Thompson vs. Bobby Lashley in Trevor Prangley vs. Baga Agaev od maja 6, 2012 v New Delhiju, Indija.

Petek, Maj 15

2:00 a.m. IN – Pancrase Classics – Klasične pionirska MMA bitke odlikuje Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen in drugi.

4:00 a.m. IN – Best of DEEP – Poleg vrhunskih borb od zgodovinskega japonskega GLOBOKO promocijo vključno Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai in Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. IN – Best of Jewels – Klasične bojev iz all-ženski japonski MMA ligi, Jewels.

6:00 – p.m. IN – M-1 Challenge – Professional MMA iz Evrope, ki vsebuje najpogostejša možnosti in mednarodno zvezdos.

7:00 p.m. IN — Boj News Now. MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

7:30 p.m. IN Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

8:00 p.m. IN – Da 2 Toe z Urija Faber – John Ramadeen klepeti z UFC bantamweight zvezdnik Urija Faber o njegovi vzgoji in razvoju v športu.

8:30 p.m. IN – Hip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-team MMA znotraj 12m s 12m areni z oviro strukture tristopenjskega.

9:00 p.m. IN — NSS 17 – Featuring vs Mamed Khalidov. Jesse Taylor, Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. James Thompson in Jan Blachowicz vs. Tameau Thierry Sokoudjou od november,. 26, 2011 v Lodzu, Poljska.

Sobota, Maj 16

1:00 a.m. IN – SuperKombat: World Grand Prix II – Featuring Jamie Bates, Flavius ​​Boiciuc, Miles Simson in Mijan Vidovic v eni noči, single-odprava lahka težka turnir od Mamaia, Romunija.

6:00 a.m. IN – Best of TKO – Featuring Shonie Carter vs. Jason MacDonald iz TKO 21.

7:00 a.m. IN – UFC Fight Night: Edgar vs. Faber Pre-Show – LIVE pokritost pre-boj UFC Fight Night: Edgar vs. Faber na Filipinih.

10:00 a.m. IN – Best of SportFight – Vrhunska kakovost MMA iz Pacific Northwest, ga UFC veterani Matt Lindland in Chael Sonnen gostila. Ta epizoda ima vzpon SportFight prvak Enoch Wilson.

4:00 p.m. IN – DEEP: 63 Vpliv – Featuring Kazuhiro Nakamura vs. Henry Miller in Tatsumiutsu Wada vs. Yuki Motoya od avgust. 25, 2013 8n Tokyo.

7:00 p.m. IN – Borbenosti MMA Sezona 4 – Zbirka mednarodnih bojev iz SFL, Legend, FFC, M-1 in več.

8:00 p.m. IN – Boj News Now: MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

8:30 p.m. IN Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

9:00 p.m. IN – Svetovni Combat Games: Sambo paket – Pokritost Sambo dogodka iz 2013 SportAccord Svetovni Combat Games iz okt. 19, 2013.

9:00 p.m. IN – Svetovni Combat Games: Sambo paket 2 – Pokritost Sambo dogodka iz 2013 SportAccord Svetovni Combat Games iz okt. 20, 2013.

Nedelja, Maj 17

12:30 a.m. IN — Svetovni Combat Games: Sumo paket – Pokritost Sumo dogodka iz 2013 SportAccord Svetovni Combat Games iz okt. 19, 2013.

6:00 a.m. IN – Pancrase Classics – Klasične pionirska MMA bitke odlikuje Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Ime Marquardt, Chael Sonnen in drugi.

10:00 a.m. IN – Best of ADCC – Featuring kompilacije največjih spoprijemajo tekmah doslej potekala, ponaša Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza in Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. IN – Elite Muay Thai: Tajska vs. Challenger – Največji Muay Thai serija na svetu, ki vsebuje premium mednarodne stand-up borcev takingon znani Thai National ekipo.

7:00 p.m. IN – USA Wrestling Tedenski – Host Scott Casber daje tedensko novice in analize centriranje okoli USA Wrestling, nacionalni upravni organ športa v, vključno z intervjuji, funkcije in pogled nazaj v preteklost.

7:30 p.m. IN – Taškent Judo Grand Prix 2014 – Poudarki iz Judo Taškent Grand Prix od okt. 16-18 v Uzbekistanu.






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“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” lineup skupaj z 14 pretepi, vključno z dodatkom težko hitting veteranov Justin Lawrence, Adam Cella


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (Maj 11, 2015) - Junij je blockbuster “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” Dogodek ima sedaj popolno zasedbo 14 akcijski zapakirane tekmovanja z dodatkom Spike.com-pretočili matchups za featherweights Justin “Ameriški Kid” Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean “P-Town” Wilson (34-25), lightweights Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh Pulley (4-2) in bantamweights A.J. “Pojdimo” Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0), kot tudi par temnih predhodnih tekmovanj s welterweights Adam “Natural” Cell (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0) in lightweights Garrett Bruto (6-3) vs. Chris “Stump” Heatherly (8-3),


Poleg enega najbolj pričakovanih bojev v zgodovini tega športa z Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” poteka Petek, Junij 19, na St. Louis’ Scottrade Center in airs živijo na Spike.


Vstopnice za “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business,” ki se začnejo na samo $30, Trenutno na naprodaj Ticketmaster.com


Prvo tekmovanje noč je poteka 6 p.m. CT lokalni čas, medtem ko je glavna kartice Spike televizijski začne dve uri kasneje.


Lawrence, na Pacifiku, Mo., je nekdanji nacionalni boks in kickboxing prvak in RFA peresno prvak, ki sedaj omogoča njegovo Bellator MMA debi na moč treh boj zmagovalni niz. On se sooča Wilson, Omaha, ki je neverjetno borili do sodnikov’ Odločitev samo enkrat 59 karierne natečaji.


Irvin, Pilot Knob, Mo., Ponaša se s štirimi boj zmagovalni serija in je 6-1 v svojih zadnjih sedmih nastopih. Sedaj se bori za Bellator MMA prvič in sreča kolega Missouri domorodno Pulleya, ki upa, da snap dve boj izgublja streak na.


Cella je petkratni Shamrock FC veteran in "TUF" član nekdanji cast ki zdaj sooča z nepremagan Kurtz - a Missouri borec, ki ima že tri karierne zmage kljub pravkar obrača pro januarja.


V bitki borcev, ki temeljijo na Illinois, Gross je osvojil štiri od svojih zadnjih pet izlete in je šel na sodnike’ Odločitev samo enkrat v devetih poklicnih nastopov. Njegov nasprotnik, Heatherly, je velika predstava veteran, ki upa, da snap razočaranje dve boj izgublja streak, prvi zaporedni izgube svoji karieri.


Siscoe in Mueller vsak da svoje Bellator MMA prvi nastop.


“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” - Petek, Junij 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Glavni Card (9 p.m. IN)


Bellator Težji Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator lahka stvar Naslov Fight: Polje Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Oblikovan Težji Boj: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Oblikovan Peresno Boj: Daniel Straus (22-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Bellator Oblikovan Lightweight Boj: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


Predhodni Card (7 p.m. IN)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Fight: Dan O'Connor (5-4) vs. Miles McDonald (0-1)

Bellator lahka stvar Prelim Fight: Justin Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean Wilson (34-25)

Bellator Lahki Prelim Fight: Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh Pulley (4-2)

Bellator Lahki Prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Bellator lahka stvar Prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: A.J. Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Dark Prelim: Adam Cella (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Dark Prelim: Steve Mann (10-1) vs. Justin Guthrie (17-8)

Bellator Lahki Dark Prelim: Garrett Bruto (6-3) vs. Chris Heatherly (8-3)

Veteran knockout umetnik Benji “Britev” Radach vrne v kletko soočiti Ben Reiter na “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove”


EASY Tweet: Hard-hitting MMA veteran benjyradach vrne soočiti nepremagan nekdanje PennWrestling zvezda BenReiterMMA Maj 15 #Bellator


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (Maj 7, 2015) - Ena izmed najhuje hitting pionirjev MMA bo vrnil k dejanjem, za prvič po letu 2010, kot Benji “Britev” Deske(21-6) se je strinjala, da je odšel poškodovanemu A.J. Matthews (7-3) v srednji predhodne boju proti Ben “Hunter” Reiter (15-0-1).


Nov dodatek spet dokonča polno devet bout predhodno kartico predvidoma v podporo štirih glavnih kartic tekmovanj na “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove.”


Featured matchups noč vključujejo nepremagan Bellator MMA Svetovni prvak v srednji kategoriji Brandon “Bull” Halsey (8-0) proti visok Hawaiian scrapper Kendall “Spyder” Grove (21-14), nekdanji Bellator MMA svetovni prvak Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike “Marine” Richman (18-5), welterweights Fernando “Menifee Maniac” Gonzalez (23-13) vs. “Curtious” Curtis Millander (7-1) in bantamweights Darrion “Volk” Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael “Bat” Silva (22-4).


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” poteka Petek, Maj 15, na Pechanga Resort & Casino v Temecula, Kalifornija. Glavni airs noč je kartica v živo na Spike TV na 9 p.m. IN (6 p.m. PT lokalni čas), medtem ko je predhodni napadi tok na Spike.com.


Vstopnice za “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,” ki se začnejo na samo $50, Trenutno na naprodaj Pechanga.com in Pechanga Resort & Casino box office.


Vrata za “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” odprt pri 4 p.m. PT lokalni čas, in prvo tekmovanje poteka 45 minut kasneje.


Boj profesionalno, saj 2001, Radach borili za mnoge izmed največjih promocij MMA je, vključno Strikeforce, EliteXC, Mednarodni Fight League in UFC. Sedemnajst odborov ih 21 karierne zmag so prišli s Knockout, in on ne skriva svojih namer, ko vstopi v kletko. Ponaša mimo spopadli z MMA veljakov, kot so Brian Foster, Gerald Harris, Matt Horwich, Chris Leben, Gustavo Machado, Murilo “Ninja” Rua in Scott Smith, med drugim, Radach dal njegov boj kariero na čakanju v 2010, kot je nagovoril različne godrnjav poškodb. Sedaj popolnoma okreval, Radach izgleda, da bi uspešno vrnitev k ukrepanju.


Radach zdaj izpolnjuje top nepremagan možnost in nekdanji UPenn wrestling zvezdo Reiter, ki se bori za drugič pod Bellator MMA banner po porabi veliko svojega zgodnji karieri v Peruju.


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” - Petek, Maj 15, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, Kalifornija.

Glavni Card (9 p.m. IN)


Bellator Srednja kategorija Naslov Fight: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall Grove (21-14)

Bellator Oblikovan Bantamweight Boj: Eduardo Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike Richman (18-5)

Bellator Oblikovan Velterska kategorija Fight: Fernando Gonzalez (23-13) vs. Curtis Millender (7-1)

Bellator Oblikovan Bantamweight Boj: Darrion Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael Silva (22-4)

Predhodni Card (7:45 p.m. IN)


Bellator Srednja kategorija Prelim Fight: Benji Boards (21-6) vs. Ben Reiter (14-0)

Bellator Svetloba Težji Prelim Fight: Virgil Zwicker (13-4-1) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (12-4)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: Joe Taimanglo (20-6-1) vs. Antonio Duarte (18-5)

Bellator lahka stvar Prelim Fight: Jordanija Parsons (10-1) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (30-0)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Prelim Fight: Jesse Juarez (22-9) vs. Ricky Rainey (10-3)


Dark napadi (ca.. 11 p.m. IN)


Bellator Lahki Dark Prelim: John Yoo (0-0) vs. Albert Morales (1-0)

Bellator Lahki Dark Prelim: Shawn Bunch (3-1) vs. Rolando Perez (7-4)

Bellator Lahki Dark Prelim: Steve Kozola (5-0) vs. Ian Butler (1-1)

Bellator Lahki Dark Prelim: A.J. Jenkins (17-5) vs. Arlene Blencowe (5-4)