Tag Archives: MMA


Saint Louis (June 18, 2015) - Ngemuva nesisindo-ins at Scottrade Center ngoLwesine, Kimbo Slice futhi Ken Shamrock ekugcineni axazulule zabo "Business Unfinished."

"Bellator MMA: Kimbo vs. Shamrock,"Okusho Akazikhukhumezi bukhoma and free on Spike at 9 p.m. KANYE / 8 p.m. CT, sibonisa umcimbi omkhulu phakathi Slice elisanda kushiwo, "The World eziyingozi kunazo Man." Le mpi kuba cishe iminyaka engu ekwenziweni, ngemuva engozini Fluke wabangela ukwesulwa emhlanganweni enihlela.

In the umcimbi co-main, empini ubuqhawe featherweight ngeke niqhubeke njengoba kuhlelwe lapho Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (23-2) ibheka ukuvikela isicoco sakhe ngokumelene streaking Daniel Weichel (35-8). On umzamo wakhe wesibili, "Pitbull" hit uphawu ezidingekayo 145-amakhilogremu.

In a scrap esibucayi wesibhakela phakathi ezimbili ezinkudlwana kunokuphila fighters, Bobby Lashley (12-2) ubukeka ukuqhubeka izindlela zakhe Ezingakanqotshwa e Bellator MMA ngokumelene kakhulu umdlalo Dan "The Man" Charles (9-2). Lashley ekuqaleni ngesenzo nobuso James Thompson, kodwa ukulimala nokuphazamiseka ngenxa yokubambezeleka kwenkomfa enyakazayo.

Omunye amathemba MMA sika ethembisayo Henry Corrales (12-0), ubukeka ukugcina irekhodi lakhe ningenasici ngokumelene owabe iqhawe featherweight Daniel Straus (22-6), oye kuphela wahlupheka ukunqotshwa ezintathu wakhe wokugcina 22 imikhawulo.

In the iziqubu kokuvula isiqephu ubusuku, Mike Chandler (12-3) izozama ukubuyela enkazimulweni engasindi lapho f yenaAces Derek Fields (15-4). The Missouri bomdabu iye yaba nesandla inala izimpi edume ngaphakathi yezinyoni Bellator futhi uma imibono yakhe ngesikhathi nesisindo-ins sasikuphi inkomba, ahlose ekwenzeni homecoming yakhe lutho short of ekhethekile.

Chofoza lapha ukuze uthole BONKE kala-IN IZITHOMBE

IKhadi Main (9 p.m. KANYE)

Bellator wesibhakela Main Indawo: Kimbo Slice (232) vs. Ken Shamrock (204.4)

Bellator featherweight Title Fight: Champ Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (144.9) vs. Daniel Weichel (144.5)

Bellator Okufakiwe Fight Heavyweight: Bobby Lashley (239) vs. Dan Charles (228)

Bellator Okufakiwe Fight featherweight: Daniel Straus (144.4) vs. Henry Corrales (144.9)

Bellator Okufakiwe Fight Esilula: Michael Chandler (155.6) vs. Derek Fields (152.8)

IKhadi Preliminary (7:45 p.m. KANYE)

Bellator Bantamweight Fight: A.J. Siscoe (135.5) vs. Garrett Mueller (135.6)

Bellator featherweight Fight: Kain Royer (184.6) vs. Enrique Watson (185.8)

Bellator 166 LB. Catchweight Fight: Rashard Lovelace (160.6) vs. Demagio Smith (164.8)

Bellator featherweight Fight: Justin Lawrence (145.7) vs. Sean Wilson (145.8)

Bellator Welterweight Fight: Steve Mann (169.8) vs. Justin Guthrie (170.3)

Bellator Fight Esilula: Garrett Gross (155.2) vs. Chris Heatherly (160)

Bellator Welterweight Fight: Adam Cella (170.3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (171)

Bellator Fight Esilula: Eric Irvin (155.2) vs. Hugh isondo lokugijimisa indiphi elenzelwe into esindayo (155.6)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Fight: Dan O'Connor (115.3) vs. Miles McDonald (115.3)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nevada Southern uyasebenzisana nabalingani ezintsha zomphakathi ukuba ukwethula "Madoda e mentoring" isinyathelo, okuhloswe ngaso ukuqasha amadoda njengoba Big Brothers

Isidingo amadoda ngokuzithandela kuba BIG: kukhona njengamanje kuka 550 abafana ilinde Big Brother in Nevada Southern.

Las Vegas - June 19th, 2015 - Uma wahlangana 12 Ngonyaka Ryan ubudala, angase abe ethule kancane ekuqaleni, kodwa uma uthola ukuthi bayamazi yena funny, ikhuluma naphumayo. Uthanda basketball, izintaba, ukudlala Fihla futhi afune nge yakhe abasebasha Udadewabo Alexia and ezimbili zazo izinja, Zach and Zoey. Ryan ubulokhu elinde a Big Brother cishe 15 izinyanga. "Ngifuna umfana I bangabheka phambili ukuzihlalela futhi mhlawumbe funda umdlalo othile omusha a nge,"Ryan utshela abasebenzi esimisweni Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nevada Southern (BBBSN) lapho unina wabhalisa kuye ekuqaleni 2014. "Ubaba Ryan sobunxele kithi lapho eseneminyaka usana. Ngiyazi Ryan ingazuza abanesimo Big Brother umeluleki ukuthatha kuye umdlalo baseball noma super hero movie. Kuleli qophelo ekuphileni kwakhe, Angicabangi I am okwenza umthelela kuyafana umfana konke ayengakwenza,"Umama Ryan sitshela BBBSN.

BBBSN has amakhulu abafana nje Ryan ukuthi balinde amadoda step kuze kube plate futhi babe Big Brothers. "Sithathe a look at imizamo yethu ukuheha bese kunqunywa ukuthi kudingeka ukubeka sizogxila omkhulu ezibhekiswe amadoda nokuvuselela ubuntu babo,"Kusho Athena Gould, Chief Program Officer ngoba BBBSN, "Okudingekayo 4 amahora angu- ngenyanga futhi i 18 ukuzibophezela ngenyanga Uhlelo lwethu to mentor abafana bethu ukulinda futhi abanike push extra kungase kudingeke siphumelele ekuphileni. "

Lokhu lapho Men in mentoring lingena play. Nestamente ababambisene nomphakathi ukuze BBBSN kuhlanganise Tuff-N-Uff, a amateu wendawor MMA inhlangano, Vegas Lions and Vegas Outlaws Football amaqembu, Alston Business Consulting, Office Depot, Never Give Up Foundation kanye Gianniosis Realty Group babe ahlangana to Isici esivelele Izenzakalo guy-centric yezemidlalo nezamasiko ukuthi bayogcina sigxile imizamo besilisa zokuzithandela ukunxenxa.

Umcimbi izobanjwa ngokuhlanganyela Tuff-N-Uff sika wonyaka "Ikusasa Stars of MMA Paka Mack"Ebusuku Thomas & Mack Center on Saturday, June 27th. "We bayazigqaja isingathe kuqala Men in Mentoring iqembu at event ngobukhulu ngonyaka inhlangano lethu,"Kusho uJeff Meyer, CEO of Tuff-N-Uff, "Abalandeli bayothola ufa ekhethekile & bayakhonza nge fighters yethu kuqalwe 5 ntambama and intando nethuba ukuhlala in a VIP ingxenye lapho kulwelwa ukuqala at 6pm. Sethemba ukukhuthaza abalandeli bethu futhi fighters ukukhonza umphakathi wabo njengoba abeluleki." Noma ubani onesithakazelo ajoyina Men in mentoring iqembu at wawo wokuqala sikhathi kufanele RSVP Kyle Dunlap (kdunlap@bbbsn.org / 774-571-0291) ukuze uye emihlanganweni ahlangane & yokubingelela uhlale esigabeni VIP egcinelwe BBBSN.

Men in the emphakathini Las Vegas bayakhuthazwa ukuba babambe iqhaza esikhathini esizayo Men in mentoring izenzakalo kulo 2015 kanjalo. Uyoshaywa umoya Future zihlanganisa, kodwa ayigcini: ekusithekeni ne playaba- of the Vegas Lions football team; ukuqeqeshwa MMA fighters basekhaya gyms wendawo; futhi izintaba at Red Rock Canyon. Kyle Dunlap, Community Manager Relations and Big Brother nge BBBSN, Ofuna ukwengeza eliyingqayizivele more and okuthakazelisayo, Izenzakalo guy-centric kuya Men in Mentoring uhlelo. Sicela ithintane Kyle ukubuza mayelana iqhaza ohlelweni, ibamba baya iqembu 20-30 abantu, noma mayelana ukubhalisela ukuba umeluleki. Ngabanye looking ukuqala the Big inqubo Brother isicelo futhi ukuvakashela: www.mentorvegas.com

Mayelana Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nevada Southern:

BBBSN, ngobukhulu donor nabacimi osekelwa mentoring network le ndawo, lisiphatheleni uqobo balandise izingane ohlelweni yokuphumelela kahle ngemiphumela eyi ezifana impumelelo zemfundo, sinamaphupho ephakeme, ukuzethemba okukhulu, ubudlelwano kangcono futhi Ukugwema ukuziphatha okuyingozi. Youth wafundiswa nge BBBSN siphezu 75% Ulakho iziqu kuka ontanga yabo. Kusukela 1973, BBBSN uye wanikeza phezu 20,000 abeluleki ukuba intsha yendawo. Kuyinto umgomo BBBSN ukukhonza 300 eyengeziwe kwentsha wasekhaya 2015. Mission yinhlangano engenzi-nzuzo ukuhlinzeka izingane ezibhekene nobunzima eqinile futhi sikhuthazela, efanele asekelwa eyodwa-to-one ubudlelwano ukuthi sokuguqula izimpilo zabo zibe ngcono, phakade.

Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mayelana nendlela banikele noma ivolontiya, sicela uvakashele website yabo at http://www.bbbsn.org, noma ikholi (702) 222-9000. Xhuma nge BBBSN at www.facebook.com/BBBSSN, www.linkedin.com/company/big-brothers-big-sisters-of-southern-nevada futhi www.twitter.com/BBBSSN


Las Vegas (June 17, 2014) -World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) bayobuyela NBC nge isitolimende yonke-entsha ye noHlelo ezimatasa 'Unstoppable' ngani the best, yamuva ubuqhawe emhlabeni action kusukela Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ukukhuthazwa, on Saturday, July 11, isiqala at 4 p.m. KANYE/1 p.m. PT.

MMA legends Bas Rutten futhi Renzo Gracie, ebesizinikele NBCSN ummemezeli Todd Harris uzosingatha uhlelo amahora amabili-, "WSOF Unstoppable: The Road Phambili,"Inamathele in studio by izivakashi ebusa WSOF nezwe champions David Branch(middleweight - 185 amakhilogremu) futhi UMarlon Moraes (bantamweight - 135 amakhilogremu), ogama yakamuva, neziqubu abafanele yezinyoni WSOF decagon kuyoba obala.

Ukwengeza, the show izoba esinzulu look at Ezingakanqotshwa, reigning WSOF World Lightweight (155 amakhilogremu) Champion Justin "The Gqamisa" Gaethje, futhi isenzo esisabekayo kusukela ebusa WSOF World Welterweight (170 amakhilogremu) Champion Rousimar "Toquinho" Palhares, eyayibusa WSOF World featherweight (145 amakhilogremu) Champion Lance Palmer and newly crowned WSOF World Heavyweight Champion Blagoy Ivanov.

"Sijabula ukuletha kwenye sokuhlanganiswa kanzima-ukushaya of the ekhumbuleka kakhulu, neziqubu yamuva featuring iqoqo WSOF sika ashukumisayo Champions emhlabeni kanye nezinye superstars,"Kusho WSOF President, ayisithupha-time emhlabeni iqhawe futhi esigcwele ezimbili Hall of Famer Baba Chiefs. “NBC has been an incredible partner and highly instrumental in building the WSOF brand over the course of the last two and a half years, futhi 'Unstoppable' uchungechunge kungubufakazi ukuzibophezela kwabo enkampanini yethu futhi lo mdlalo MMA. "

Kanye Yegatsha Moraes, the Sebawoti kuqala kakhulu-Kulindeleke, WSOF ubuqhawe emhlabeni Yimpi ephakathi sivikele kingpin Palhares kanye inselele futhi esigcwele ezimbili zomhlaba iqhawe Jake Shields, ogama Ukunqoba kuka zakamuva yezinyoni WSOF kuyoba obala for NBC ababukeli ngesikhathi "WSOF Unstoppable: The Road Phambili. "

Palhares futhi Shields iyobhekana kwenzeka main of WSOF 22, bahlala on NBCSN kusukela Las Vegas.

Kusukela sethula in Nov. 2012, WSOF uye catapulted kuze ephambili emhlabeni MMA nge layo esigcwele izinkanyezi, ubuqhawe emhlabeni umcimbi bukhoma series on NBCSN kanye izinhlelo ezengeziwe on NBC.

Ukukhuthazwa ngempumelelo landiswa lokungcolisa yayo ukuze phezu 100 amazwe ehlukene ukulwa layo izinhlelo njengengxenye isivumelwano ngonyaka multi-with IMG, umholi wezwe in ukusatshalaliswa kwezemidlalo okuqukethwe.

Mayelana World Series of Fighting (WSOF)
World Series of Fighting (WSOF) iyinhlangano yomhlaba wonke UNdunankulu professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ukulwa ukukhuthazwa elalinikezelwe wokwethula the best ezimatasa ubalwela impi abalandeli ngekukhipha kungenzeka komdlalo-ups umhlabeleli phakathi fighters elite evela emhlabeni wonke. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakasheleWSOF.com. Landela World Series of Ukulwa on Twitter (MMAWorldSeries) futhi World Series of Ukulwa President Ray Sefo (SugarRaySefo).

Spike TV KANYE BELLATOR MMA ukwethula BHEKA esichazayo ngehora lesibili fighters kunazo owaziwa ngokungenakulinganiswa neyinkimbinkimbi ngokungaphezulu IN MMA UMLANDO "FINALLY: KIMBO vs. Shamrock "


Spike TV and Bellator MMA ukwethula look esicindezelayo futhi anokuqonda kwelinye kakhulu wakhuluma mayelana nokulwisana of 2015 in "Ekugcineni: Kimbo vs. Shamrock. " Ezivezwa Leigh Simons, the documentary ihora elilodwa debuts on Spike ULWESITHATHU, JUNE 17 at 11:00pm ET/PT.



Ken Shamrock futhi Kimbo Slice wathatha izindlela ezahlukene kakhulu stardom. Kimbo Slice kwaba i ukuzwa internet ukwelulela engena spotlight esasibonakala ubusuku lapho Ken Shamrock kwaba iphayona MMA owalwa eya phezulu ukuzimisela isisebenzi-like nokuzinikela.


Izindlela zabo ezimbili okwakufanele ukuwela ku yezinyoni eminyakeni eyisikhombisa edlule. Nokho, ngalolo suku Wezigigaba of October 4, 2008, a engozini engavamile inkunzi emhlabeni MMA omunye ukulwa kulindelwe kakhulu emlandweni sport. A impi enkulu engakaze ibonwe ukuthi asikaze – Manje ekugcineni kuyoba khona ukuzwana. On Friday, June 19, elidumile ukulwa emgwaqweni nganekwane ukuzwa YouTube Kimbo Slice futhi “Emhlabeni Iningi Dangerous Man,” Manje Ken Shamrock uzohlangana kwenzeka main of “Bellator: Business Unfinished.”


"FINALLY" kuzothatha esinzulu look at the izenzakalo eminyakeni eyisikhombisa edlule futhi ukhuluma imibono zungu ehlukahlukene ephathelene ukwesulwa ukulwa sika. The show uhamba ezitaladini enamatshana of Miami lapho Kimbo wenza igama yena eSan Diego ukuvakashela ayinamthetho ukuqeqeshwa Facility Ken Shamrock sika. Ababukeli uzothola amazwibela ezingavamile la maqhawe nzima ngaphandle kwe-yezinyoni nomuntu akhawunti lokuqala emzabalazweni wabo siqu futhi impumelelo.


About Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA kuyinto ekuholeni Mixed Martial Arts inhlangano enesihloko eziningi fighters best in the world. Ngaphansi kokuqondisa esingumakadebona impi umgqugquzeli Scott Coker, Bellator kuyatholakala cishe 500 amakhaya million emhlabeni kuka 140 amazwe. In the United States, Bellator kungabonwa Spike, the MMA umholi ithelevishini. Bellator MMA sakhiwe yiqembu executive oluhlanganisa top emkhakheni ukukhiqizwa ithelevishini, live umcimbi orchestration, ukuthuthukiswa fighter / ubudlelwano, kwempahla kwenkundla yokudlalela, Indalo uxhaso / ukuthuthukiswa, kwamalayisensi international, marketing, ukukhangisa, emphakathini kanye nobudlelwane ikhomishana. Bellator isekelwe Santa Monica, California futhi ephethwe ukuzijabulisa giant Viacom, ekhaya UNdunankulu ukuzijabulisa brand zezwe ukuxhuma izilaleli kokuqukethwe esicindezelayo yonkana ithelevishini, motion picture, intanethi and mobile.

Mayelana Spike:

Spike itholakala 98.7 amakhaya million futhi is a division of Viacom Media Networks. A iyunithi Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ungomunye Abadali emhlabeni anothile lwezinhlelo kanye nokuqukethwe kuzo zonke izingxenyekazi media. Ikheli le-inthanethi Spike sika www.spike.com kanye up-to-minute the-nolwazi press ezigciniwe kanye nezithombe, vakashela Spike sika press indawo at http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr yakamuva in izindaba updates, ngemuva-the-izigcawu ulwazi nezithombe.

Ukulimala Bellator James Thompson derails ': Rematch Unfinished Business 'sosondonzima, Dan Charles isinyathelo ngokumelene Bobby 'The Dominator' Lashley isaziso iDemo



Santa Monica, Calif. (June 11, 2015) – While Kimbo Slice and Ken Shamrock are prepared to take care their “Unfinished Business” on June 19, Bobby Lashley futhi score James Thompson kuyodingeka ixazululwe endaweni ethile phansi line.


Thompson usephoqeleke off the ikhadi main ngenxa yokulimala engadalulwanga wahlupheka ngesikhathi beqeqeshwa futhi ngenxa, Dan Charles(9-2) ivumile ukugcwalisa-in isaziso esifushane ngokumelene "The Dominator." Le mpi ngeke namanje kwenzeke ingxenye esemqoka ikhadi Spike-isiqephu.


Charles, kuyoba evela Eyesine ukugqugquzelwa Scott Coker-kwaholela, last ukuncintisana kwenzeka main of 2014 ethi "Monster Energy Cup." Ngemva kokushiya kulwelwa ezimbili, "Umuntu" uye bounced emuva nge onqobayo amabili iqonde ukuze uthole shot olubhekiswe wesibhakela isihloko Olwa ukuthandwa of Lashley. The Phoenix oneminyaka engu-29 ubudala, Ariz. Native sekuphelile eziyisikhombisa ukunqoba kwakhe ayisishiyagalolunye engakafiki scorecards abahluleli '.


A 6-foot-3 wrestling standout, Bobby “The Dominator” Lashley (12-2) uqale ukuzilolonga in the ubuciko kulokho kubambana at age 12 futhi uzohamba ukuwina izihloko eziningana kuhlanganise Championships ezintathu National at Missouri Valley College, an naia National Championship, a CISM World Championship Silver Medal futhi Armed Forces Wrestling Championships ababili ngesikhathi sakhe e-US. Army. Ngaphezu a professional wrestling career kanye stints in the WWE, ECW and TNA, Lashley waqala MMA career yakhe 2008, futhi uye wakha i career uphawu umxhwele lokho kuhlanganisa Bellator MMA ukuzithoba iwina phezu Karl Etherington and Josh Burns.


“Bellator: Unfinished Business” - Friday, June 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

IKhadi Main (9 p.m. KANYE)


Bellator wesibhakela Main Indawo: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator featherweight Title Fight: Field Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Okufakiwe Fight Heavyweight: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. Dan Charles (9-2)

Bellator Okufakiwe Fight featherweight: Daniel Straus (22-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Bellator Okufakiwe Fight Esilula: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


IKhadi Preliminary (6:45 p.m. KANYE)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Fight: Dan O'Connor (5-4) vs. Miles McDonald (0-1)

Bellator featherweight Prelim Fight: Justin Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean Wilson (34-25)

Bellator Esilula Prelim Fight: Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh isondo lokugijimisa indiphi elenzelwe into esindayo (4-2)

Bellator Esilula Prelim Fight: Rashard Lovelace (DEBUT) vs. Demagio Smith (1-1)

Bellator featherweight Prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: A.J. Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0)

Bellator Welterweight Dark Prelim: Adam Cella (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0)

Bellator Welterweight Dark Prelim: Steve Mann (10-1) vs. Justin Guthrie (17-8)

Bellator Esilula Dark Prelim: Garrett Gross (6-3) vs. Chris Heatherly (8-3)


M-1 Challenge 58 Official Results



Marcelo Brito vs. Murad Abdulaev

Vacant M-1 Challenge Welterweight Championship

June 6, 2015 ● Ingushetia, Russia

For Eliseduze Release

Mural Abdulaev decisions Marcello Brito

To capture M-1 Challenge welterweight title

New M- Challenge welterweight champion Mural Abdulaev is crowned by

M-1 Global president Vadim Finkelchtein


Ingushetia, Russia (June 7, 2015) – Last night at M-1 Challenge 58: Battle in the Mountains 4,Mural “Hunter” Abdulaev won a unanimous 5-round decision over Marcelo Brito to capture the vacant M-1 Challenge welterweight title, outdoors in Ingushetia, Russia.


Abdulaev (13-10, 6 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), ukulwa out of Russia, remained unbeaten in M-1 Global competition with his third victory. Brito (13-6-0, 2 KO / TKO, 5 SUB), who replaced his injured Brazilian countryman Igor Fernandes, made his M-1 Global debut.


In main card action, Russian by way of Azerbaijan featherweight Tural Nizami (10-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 5 SUB) wanqoba Antun “Killer” Racic (17-6-0, 0 KO / TKO, 13 SUB), of Croatia, by way of a late third-round submission via an arm-bar.


Wesibhakela AlexiBrickKudin (20-8-0, 16 KO / TKO, 1 SUB), of Belarus, kicked his way to a second-round knockout of Russian Baga Agaev (27-17-0, 5 KO / TKO, 2 SUB).


American featherweight Lee “American Bulldog” Morrison (13-5-0, 4 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) won a three-round majority decision from Pavel Vitruk (12-2-0, 3 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), a native of Ukraine who fights out of St. Petersburg, Russia.


Veteran Brazilian Charles “Gracie” Andrade (28-23-1, 6 KO / TKO, 22 SUB) needed only 34 seconds to force previously undefeated Russian middleweight Abukar Yandiev (4-1-0, 1 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) into submission with a heel hook.


Middleweight Russian Magomed Mutaev (6-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 0 SUB) won by technical knockout when Spaniard Enoc Kuyasiza Ekuxazululeni Torres‘ (16-9-0, 5 KO / TKO, 7 SUB) corner-men halted the fight after the first round.


Ukulwa ekhadini zokukwazi, intandokazi langakubo Adam Tsurov (2-1-0) stopped pro-debuting Tajikistan lightweight Bakhitoyor Ibragimov (0-1-0) on punches in the opening round, Russian engasindi Khamzat Dalziev (3-1-0) won a second round split decision from Russian Akhied Nazarov (0-1-0), Featherweight Russian Movsar Evloev (2-0-0) took a two-round decision from Lu Zhenhong (6-3-0), of China, Russian ukukhanya sosondonzima Adam “Beast” Yandiev (8-0-0) remained undefeated with an early first-round submission of Lithuanian Valdas Pocevicius (33-32-0), and Russian lightweight Djambulat Kurbanov (7-1-`) won as previously undefeated UkrainianAlexander Panasyuk (5-1-0) submitted due to an arm-bar in the first round.


Featherweight Russian The Abdusalamov rbanali (5-2-0) upset previously unbeaten Pierre Sauvage (6-1-0), punching out the Frenchman late in the final round, Ingushetia favoriteKhamzat Aushev (6-3-0) needed only 26-seconds to submit Spanish lightweight Javier Fuentas(6-2-0) with a heel lock, Arkamat Evkurov (3-1-0) punched his way to a first-round stoppage ofVladimir Bury (1-2-0) in a battle of Russian heavyweights, and featherweight Ruslan Esmurziev(2-1-0) ruined the pro debut of fellow Russian Marat Kishaev (0-1-0), who was a KO victim of punches.


In M- Medieval knight fights heavyweight Evgeniy Gladkov (3-0-0) remained unbeaten with victory over Maxim Plaksin (0-2-0), while welterweight Rustam Kuhurkhev (1-0-0) won hi pro debut against Boris Dzhelilov (0-2-0).



Imiphumela Complete and picture gallery ngezansi:




Mural Abdulaev (13-1-0)


Marcelo Brito (13-7-0), Brazil

(Abdulaev won vacant M-1 Challenge welterweight title)





Alexi Kudin (20-8-0), Belarus

WKO / TKO2 (Leg Kicks1:40)

Baga Agaev (27-17-0), Russia



Charles Andrade (28-23-1), Brazil

WSUB1 (Heel Hook0:34)

Abukar Yandiev (4-1-0), Russia


Magomed Mutaev (6-2-0), Russia

WTKO1 (Corner umisiwe – 5:00)

Enoc Kuyasiza Ekuxazululeni Torres (16-9-0), Spain



Tural Nizami (10-2-0), Russia

WSUB3 (Armbar – 4:27)

Antun Racic (17-6-0), Croatia


Lee Morrison (14-5-0), USA


Pavel Vitruk (12-2-0), Russia

IKHADI Preliminary


Akram Evkurov (4-1-0), Russia

WKO / TKO1 (Punches – 1:43)

Vladimir Bury (1-2-0), Russia



Adam Yandiev (8-0-0), Russia

WSUB1 (RNC0:34)

Valdas Pocevisius (33-32-0), Lithuania



Adam Tsurov (3-1-0), Russia

WKO / TKO1 (Punches – 4:16)

Bakhitier Ibragimov (0-1-0), Tajikistan


Khamzat Dalgiev (3-1-0), Russia


Akhred Nazarov (0-1-0), Russia


Dzambulat Kurbanov (7-1-0), Russia

WSUB1 (Armbar – 3:18)

Alexander Panasyuk (5-1-1), Ukraine


Khamzat Aushev (6-3-0), Russia

WSUB1 (Heel Hook0:26)

Javier Fuentas (6-3-0), Spain



Movsar Evloev (2-0-0), Russia


Lu Zhenhong (6-3-0), China


Kurbanali Abdisalamov (4-2-0), Russia

WKO3 (Punches – 4:25)

Pierre Sauvage (6-0-0), France


Ruslan Esmurziev (2-1-0), Russia

WKO1 (Punches — 4:35)

Marat Kishaev (0-0-0) Russia





Evgeniy Gladov (3-0-0), Russia


Maxim Plaksin (0-2-0), Russia


Rustam Kuhurkhoev (1-0-0), Russia


Boris Dzhelilov (0-2-0), Russia


Mural Abdulaev has position on Marcelo Brito

New M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Mural Abdulaev


Tural Ragimov strikes Antun Racic


Charles Andrade shows his respect for Abukar Yandiev

Pavel Vitruk & Lee Morrison mix it up in the mountains

Alexi Kudin toses Baga Agaev

Magomd Mutaev & Enoc Kuyasiza Ekuxazululeni Torres

Khamzat Dagev& Akhred Nazarov

Rustam Kuhukhoev & Boris Dzhelilov

Djammbulat Kurbanov finishes off Alexander Panasyuk

Khmzat Aushev forces Javier Fuentas into submission

Movsar Eloev nails Lu Zhenhong right on the chin

Evgeniy Glakov attacks Maxim Plaksin

Ruslan Esmurziv & Marat Kishaev

Adam Yandiev defeated Valdas Pocevicius

Pierre Sauvage & The Abdusalamov rbanali

Vladimir Bury & Akromat Evkurov

Indawo oluzayo: M-1 Challenge 59: Kharitonov-Garner II e Astana, Kazakhstan









Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global





ABOUT M-1 GLOBAL: Wasekelwa in 1997, M-1 Global umise ngokwaso in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) njengoba inhlangano uNdunankulu for ethola nokuthuthukisa emhlabeni elilandelayo-isizukulwane superstar fighters. With ihhovisi layo in St Petersburg, Russia, the brand M-1 uye ngidlale ngaphezu 160 izenzakalo emhlabeni wonke, kuhlanganise M-1 Selection, M-1 Challenge, Izenzakalo M-1 Global and M-1 Global HWGP, ngaphezu co-ekukhuthazeni Strikeforce izenzakalo and M-1 Global on the US. inethiwekhi, Isikhathi Sombukiso. Live umxhwele, ithelevishini kanye broadband izethameli kanye eliphakeme namagugu ayo production and match-ups, M-1 izenzakalo Global baye baba nezihloko amanye amagama lo mdlalo top, kuhlanganise wesibhakela edume Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid kuzona futhi Stephan Struve. 2015 uthembisa ukuba omunye unyaka block of-class emhlabeni ukuncintisana nekhalenda full of Challenge izenzakalo agqugquzelwa talent-rich system umbango usezingeni M-1 Global Champions phakathi fighters kunabo bonke mdlalo.

MAYELANA M-1GLOBAL.TV: Jabulela MMA action manje kwencazelo high esilethwa kuwe byM-1Global.tv, enikeza kuphela ukulwa best kusuka M-1 Global nezinye izinhlangano MMA. M-1Global.tv kuyinto platform omkhulu athuthukiswe ngqo makuqoqwe oluphelele kakhulu fight isiqophi database. Liphinde lunikeze interface lula futhi enembile, usiza wonke umuntu ukuba uqale ukusebenzisa platform in akukho isikhathi ngenkathi egwema sabaphangi. Ngaphandle ukubukela ukulwa on ukufuneka esidlule nganoma isiphi isikhathi esikahle ikhasimende, ababukeli bayakwazi ukujabulela isenzo LIVE, konke kuyatholakala kulabo M-1Global.tv ngokusebenzisa ngenyanga ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe low-ngenyanga subscription digital. World Your of action. Anytime!


Marcelo Brito vs. Murad Abdulaev

Vacant M-1 Challenge Welterweight Championship

June 6, 2015 ● Ingushetia, Russia


For Eliseduze Release


M-1 Challenge 58: Battle in the Mountains 4

Brito vs. Abdulaev headlines June 6 in Ingushetia, Russia





L-R: Marcelo Brito & Mural Abdunaev

L-R: Marcel Brito & Mural Abdulaev



MARCELO BRITO (13-6-0), Brazil 169 ½ lbs. (77.1 kg)

MURAL ABDULAEV (12-1-0), Russia 169 ½ lbs. (77.0 kg)


Baga Agaev


ALEXIBrickKUDIN (19-8-0), Belarus WEIGH IN LATER

BAGA AGAEV (10-1-0), Estonia 249 ½ lbs. (113.3 kg)


L-R: Charles Andrade & Abukar Yandiev


CHARLES “Gracie” Andrade (28-22-0), Brazil 189 lbs. (86.0 kg)

ABUKAR YANDIEV (4-0-0), Russia 184 lbs. (83.5 kg)


L-R: Antun Racic & Tural Ragimoiv


ANTUN “Killer” RACIC (17-5-0), Croatia 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)

TURAL RAGIMOV (9-2-0), Russia 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)


L-R: Lee Morrison & Pavel Vitruk

LEE “American Bulldog” Morrison (13-5-0), USA 144 lbs. (65.4 kg)

Pavel VITRUK (12-1-0), Russia 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)



IKHADI Preliminary




VLADIMIR BURY (1-1-0), Russia 233 lbs. (105.9 kg)

AKROMAT EVJUROV (3-1-0), Russia 221 lbs. (100.4 kg)


L-R: Adam Yandiev & Valdas Pocevičiaus


ADAMU “Beard” YANDIEV (6-0-0), Russia 201 ½ lbs. (91.5 kg)
VALDAS POCEVISIUS (33-31-0), Lithuania 204 lbs. (92.6 kg)


L-R: Enoc Kuyasiza Ekuxazululeni Torres & Magomed Mutaev


ENOC ukuzixazulula TORRES (16-8-0), Spain 184 ½ lbs. (83.9 kg)

MAGOMED MUTAEV (5-2-0), Russia 184 lbs. (83.7 kg)



BAKHITOYOR IBRAGIMOV (Pro Debut), Tajikistan154 ½lbs. (70.3 kg)

ADAM TSUROV (1-1-0), Russia 154 lbs. (70.0 kg)


AKHRED NAZAROV (Pro Debut), Russia 154 ½ lbs. (70.3 kg)

KHAMZAT DALGIEV (2-1-0), Russia 154 lbs. (70.0 kg)


L-R: Djambulat Kurbanov & Alexander Panasyuk

ALEXANDER PANASYUK (5-0-0), Ukraine 154 lbs. (154 kg)

DJAMBULAT KURBANOV (6-1-0), Russia 155 lbs. (70.6 kg)


L-R: Javier Fuentas & Kzamzat Aushev

Javier FUENTAS (6-1-0), Spain 154 ½ lbs. (70.3 kg)

KHAMZAT AUSHEV (5-3-0), Russia 154 lbs. (70.0 kg)


L-R: Movsar Eloev & Lu Zhenhong


LU ZHENHONG (6-2-0), China 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)

MOYSAR ELOEV (1-0-0), Russia 141 lbs. (64.0 kg)


L-R: The Abdusalamov rbanali & Pierre Sauvage

PIERRE SAUVAGE (6-0-0), France 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)

KURBANAL the ABDUSALAMOV (4-2-0), Russia 147 lbs. (66.8 kg)


MARAT KISHAEV (Pro Debut), Russia 144 lbs. (65.6 kg)

RUSLAN ESMURZIEV (1-1-0), Russia 144 lbs. (65.5 kg)



Evgeniy Gladkov & Maxim Plaksin

MAXIM PLAKSIN (0-1-0), Russia 220 lbs. (99.8 kg)

EVGENIY GLADKOV (2-0-0), Russia 216 lbs. (98.2 kg)


BORIS DZHELILOV (0-1-0), Russia 172 lbs. (78.2 kg)

RUSTAM KUHURKHOEV (Pro Debut), Russia 176 lbs. (80 kg)


Abukar Yaneiev


L-R: Lee Morrison & Pavel Vitruk

INI: M-1 Challenge 58: Battle in the Mountains 4

NINI: Saturday, June 6, 2015

8:00 a.m. (New York City), 4:00 p.m. (Moscow)


LAPHO: Ingushetia, Russia 1:30





M-1 Challenge 58 will be streamed live worldwide in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Ababukeli bazokwazi ukubukela ukulwa zokukwazi kanye ikhadi main ngokungena kwi babhalise www.M1Global.TV. Abalandeli kungenzeka watch zonke isinyathelo computer abo, kanye Andriod and Apple amafoni smart and amaphilisi.

Fight Network will also air M-1 Challenge 58 bephila TV Cablevision sika Optimum, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable and Armstrong Cable in the iU.S., kanye lonke in Canada, Amadivaysi Roku yonkana North America, futhi omhlaba in ngaphezu 30 amazwe kulo lonke elaseYurophu, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.




Indawo oluzayo: M-1 Challenge 59: Kharitonov-Garner II e Astana, Kazakhstan









Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global





ABOUT M-1 GLOBAL: Wasekelwa in 1997, M-1 Global umise ngokwaso in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) njengoba inhlangano uNdunankulu for ethola nokuthuthukisa emhlabeni elilandelayo-isizukulwane superstar fighters. With ihhovisi layo in St Petersburg, Russia, the brand M-1 uye ngidlale ngaphezu 160 izenzakalo emhlabeni wonke, kuhlanganise M-1 Selection, M-1 Challenge, Izenzakalo M-1 Global and M-1 Global HWGP, ngaphezu co-ekukhuthazeni Strikeforce izenzakalo and M-1 Global on the US. inethiwekhi, Isikhathi Sombukiso. Live umxhwele, ithelevishini kanye broadband izethameli kanye eliphakeme namagugu ayo production and match-ups, M-1 izenzakalo Global baye baba nezihloko amanye amagama lo mdlalo top, kuhlanganise wesibhakela edume Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid kuzona futhi Stephan Struve. 2015 uthembisa ukuba omunye unyaka block of-class emhlabeni ukuncintisana nekhalenda full of Challenge izenzakalo agqugquzelwa talent-rich system umbango usezingeni M-1 Global Champions phakathi fighters kunabo bonke mdlalo.

MAYELANA M-1GLOBAL.TV: Jabulela MMA action manje kwencazelo high alethwe kuwe by M-1Global.tv, enikeza kuphela ukulwa best kusuka M-1 Global nezinye izinhlangano MMA. M-1Global.tv kuyinto platform omkhulu athuthukiswe ngqo makuqoqwe oluphelele kakhulu fight isiqophi database. Liphinde lunikeze interface lula futhi enembile, usiza wonke umuntu ukuba uqale ukusebenzisa platform in akukho isikhathi ngenkathi egwema sabaphangi. Ngaphandle ukubukela ukulwa on ukufuneka esidlule nganoma isiphi isikhathi esikahle ikhasimende, ababukeli bayakwazi ukujabulela isenzo LIVE, konke kuyatholakala kulabo M-1Global.tv ngokusebenzisa ngenyanga ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe low-ngenyanga subscription digital. World Your of action. Anytime!

Yilwa Network Presents M-1 Challenge 58 LIVE from Russia Saturday, June 6 at 9 a.m. KANYE

For Eliseduze Release

TORONTO (June 5, 2015) — Fight Network, UNdunankulu wezwe 24/7 isiteshi sethelevishini abazinikezele ukuqedela izindaba combat yezemidlalo, continues to deliver the best international fights with more live action this Saturday, June 6 at 9 a.m. ET when M-1 Challenge 58: Battle in the Mountains 4emanates from Ingushetia, Russia.


Yilwa ukusakaza Network bukhoma of M-1 Challenge 58 ngeke baveze on TV Cablevision sika Optimum, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable and Armstrong Cable in the iU.S., lonke in Canada, Amadivaysi Roku yonkana North America, futhi omhlaba in phezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


In the umcimbi main, Brazil’s Marcelo Brito (13-6) izimpi Murad Abdulaev (14-3) for the M-1 welterweight title, okuningi Lee Morrison (12-5) ubuso Pavel Vitruk (12-1) in action featherweight, heavyweights Alexei Kudin (19-8) futhi Denis Smoldarev (10-1) will throw down, Brazilian Charles Andrade (28-23) looks to hand Abukar Yandiev (4-0) his first professional loss when they clash at 185 amakhilogremu, futhi Antun Racic (17-5) ihlangana Tural Nizami (9-2) in a featherweight tussle.


Kamuva, Fight Network will televise the prelims bukhoma ngoba UFC Fight Night: Boetsch vs. Hendersonkuphela in Canada kusuka 8 p.m. ET to 10 p.m. KANYE.


The prelims will feature an explosive heavyweight clash between heavy-handed Texan Shawn Jordan(17-6) and New Orleansown knockout artist Derrick Lewis (12-3, 1NC), a welterweight matchup pitting 69-fight veteran Brian Ebersole (51-16-1, 1NC) against Dagestani prospect Omari Akhmedov(14-2), a lightweight bout between New Yorker Chris Wade (9-1) and Californian Christos Giagos(11-3), plus Massachusetts native Joe Proctor (10-3) faces Ohio native Justin Edwards (9-4) in a lightweight showcase of Ultimate Fighter Veterans.


Live pre-fight coverage will lead into the prelims on Saturday evening with Fight Network’s UFC Pre-Show Live at 7 p.m. KANYE, featuring izibonisi kuqala, izibikezelo and analysis.


Ukuze uthole uhlu full of ukusakaza isimiso Fight Network, sicela uvakashele tv.fightnetwork.com, silandele on Twitterfightnet, uba ngumlandeli ku-Facebook ahambele us on Instagramfightnet.

Yilwa Network Presents RFA 26 LIVE, WSOF 21 Friday, June 5 Kusukela 10 p.m. KANYE

For Eliseduze Release

TORONTO (June 4, 2015 — Fight Network, UNdunankulu wezwe 24/7 isiteshi sethelevishini abazinikezele ukuqedela izindaba combat yezemidlalo, presents back-to-back world-class championship mixed martial arts broadcasts this Friday, June 5, isiqala at 10 p.m. nge isethulo bukhoma RFA 26: Smith vs. Smith from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, Colorado.


Immediately following the live broadcast, Fight Network will present WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki in its entirety from Edmonton Expo Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Fight Network will televise both cards exclusively in Canada, futhi omhlaba in phezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


Angabiki bukhoma at 10 p.m. KANYE, RFA 26 will be headlined by a welterweight title bout as RFA welterweight champion Benjamin Smith (14-2) puts his title on the line against No. 1 Olwa Gilbert Smith(10-4). In the umcimbi co-main, Brazilian submission ace Thiago “MonstinhoAlves (8-2) battles Colorado’s own Marcus “Bad Intentions” Edwards (9-3). The main card will also feature a pair of bantamweights bouts, as NCAA Division I wrestler JarredShutoutMercado (12-2) will lock horns with jiu-jitsu black belt Bruno Frazatto (6-2), while Hawaiian knockout artist Boston “Boom Boom” Salmon (3-0) will clash with collegiate wrestler Danny Mainus (3-3). Also on the main card, former RFA middleweight title challenger Andrew “El Dirte” Sanchez (5-2) squares off with Respect FC and SFFN champion UClinton Williams (5-1) and undefeated heavyweight prospect Brandon Griffin(4-0) battles The MMA Lab destroyer Ashley Gooch (7-4).


WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki features a championship doubleheader. In the umcimbi main, reigning WSOF featherweight champion Lance Palmer (9-1) will put his title on the line for the first time against Canadian challenger and battle-tested veteran Chris “The Polish HammerHorodecki (21-5-1), while the co-feature pits WSOF heavyweight champion SmealinhoThe PrinceRam aagainst Bulgarian standout Blagoi Ivanov (11-1). Two featherweight rising stars will put their unblemished records on the line when Hakeem Dawodu (4-0) ihlangana Chuka “The Lion King” Willis(4-0), okuningi MarkSweet DreamsDrummond (7-2) izimpi Michael “The Messenger” Hill in an all-Canadian welterweight clash.


The live action continues on Saturday, June 6, isiqala at 9 a.m. KANYE kanye M-1 Challenge 58: Battle in the Mountains 4 from Ingushetia, Russia, featuring Marcelo Brito (13-6) vs. Murad Abdulaev(14-3) for the M-1 welterweight title, okuningi Lee Morrison (12-5) ubuso Pavel Vitruk (12-1) in action featherweight, futhi heavyweights Alexei Kudin (19-8) futhi Denis Smoldarev (10-1) will throw down. Yilwa ukusakaza Network bukhoma of M-1 Challenge 58 ngeke baveze on TV Cablevision sika Optimum, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable and Armstrong Cable in the iU.S., lonke in Canada, Amadivaysi Roku yonkana North America, futhi omhlaba in phezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


Kamuva, Fight Network will televise the prelims bukhoma ngoba UFC Fight Night: Boetsch vs. Henderson kuphela in Canada kusuka 8 p.m. KANYE to 10 p.m. KANYE. The prelims will feature an explosive heavyweight clash between heavy-handed Texan Shawn Jordan (17-6) and New Orleansown knockout artist Derrick Lewis (12-3, 1NC), a welterweight matchup pitting 69-fight veteran Brian Ebersole (51-16-1, 1NC) against Dagestani prospect Omari Akhmedov (14-2), a lightweight bout between New Yorker Chris Wade (9-1) and Californian Christos Giagos (11-3), plus Massachusetts native Joe Proctor(10-3) faces Ohio native Justin Edwards (9-4) in a lightweight showcase of Ultimate Fighter Veterans.


Live pre-impi Ukusabalala kuyoholela angena prelims ngomgqibelo evening with Fight Network’s UFC Pre-Show Live at 7 p.m. KANYE, featuring izibonisi kuqala, izibikezelo and analysis.


Ukuze uthole uhlu full of ukusakaza isimiso Fight Network, sicela uvakashele tv.fightnetwork.com, silandele on Twitterfightnet, uba ngumlandeli ku-Facebook ahambele us on Instagramfightnet.

Fight Network Signs Exclusive Multi-Year Programming Deal with World Series of Fighting

For Eliseduze Release

TORONTO (June 3, 2015) – Fight Network, UNdunankulu wezwe 24/7 isiteshi sethelevishini abazinikezele ukuqedela izindaba combat yezemidlalo, today announced an exclusive multi-year programming agreement with Las Vegas-based mixed martial arts organization World Series of Fighting(WSOF.com) to broadcast live events and the existing archive in Canada, futhi omhlaba in phezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


The deal kicks off this weekend with a short tape delay broadcast of WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki from Edmonton Expo Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Airing June 6 at Midnight ET, the event is headlined by WSOF featherweight champion Lance Palmer defending against Canada’s own Chris Horodecki, while WSOF heavyweight champion Smealinho Rama, another Canadian, defends the coveted title against Bulgarian powerhouse Blagoi Ivanov.


WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki will repeat on Saturday, June 6 at 4 p.m. KANYE futhi Sunday, June 7 at 2 p.m. KANYE.


WSOF is led by president Ray Sefo, a six-time world kickboxing champion and two-time Hall of Famer. The promotion has staged 20 events to date, featuring internationally renowned superstars such as Andrei Arlovski, Anthony Johnson, David Branch, Rousimar Palhares, Jake Shields, Yushin Okami and Jon Fitch. .


WSOF has also spawned the careers of the next generation of MMA superstars, including reigning bantamweight champion Marlon Moraes, featherweight champion Palmer, undefeated lightweight champion Justin Gaethjeand undefeated light heavyweight Tyrone Spong.


The first event scheduled to air live on Fight Network is the blockbuster WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields world championship ikhadi Aug. 1, 2015 in Las Vegas, headlined by a showcase of elite grapplers as WSOF welterweight champion Palhares defends against former Strikeforce champion and UFC title challenger Shields.


Also featured at WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields is a bantamweight title bout pitting the champion Moraes against undefeated Brazilian Sheymon Moraes, and a light heavyweight special attraction featuring Spong in the toughest test of his MMA career against heavy-handed veteran Mike Kyle, who makes his third appearance in the WSOF cage.


WSOF has rapidly become one of the top promotions in North America and we’re thrilled to bring these world-class live events to our viewers,” said Chad Midgley, VP of Content at Fight Network. “Shows feature a great assortment of established names and highly touted prospects, providing a perfect balance of nostalgia for longtime fans while exposing viewers to fresh talent. With regularly scheduled events in Canada, homegrown stars can now be seen nationally across the country.


We are thrilled to partner with such a dynamic and robust television platform like Fight Network, and bring our live event programming to the highly passionate combat sports fan base in Canada where we have made a concerted effort to establish WSOF’s footprint,” wathi WSOF umengameli, ayisithupha-time emhlabeni iqhawe futhi esigcwele ezimbili Hall of Famer, Baba Chiefs.


Ukuze uthole uhlu full of ukusakaza isimiso Fight Network, sicela uvakashele tv.fightnetwork.com, silandele on Twitterfightnet, uba ngumlandeli ku-Facebook ahambele us on Instagramfightnet.