Tūtohu Archives: MMA

Mana HUA paunatia-I, Whakaahua ME PÄRONGO MEI "BELLATOR MMA: PAKIHI oti "

KÅINGALOTÚ Louis (Pipiri 18, 2015) - I muri paunatia-mai i Center Scottrade i runga i Rāpare, Kimbo Poro a Ken Shamrock ka tino whakatau ia ratau "Pakihi oti."

"Bellator MMA: Kimbo vs. Shamrock,"E te pahiatia e ora, me te noa i runga i te te Koi i 9 p.m. AND / 8 p.m. CT, āhuatanga i te hui matua i waenganui i te faahitihia Poro me "te tangata te nuinga Dangerous o te Ao." Ko te whawhai he tata e whitu nga tau i roto i te mahi, i muri i te aituā whiore meinga te whakakorenga o to ratou hui whakamahere tuatahi.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua, Ka haere te whawhai mo te taitara tekau mā i runga i rite ki whakaritea ka Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (23-2) titiro ki te paruru i tona taitara ki te streaking Daniel Weichel (35-8). I runga i tona ngana tuarua, Hit "Pitbull" te tohu e hiahiatia ana o te 145-pauna.

I roto i te mau taumahamaha nui i waenganui i rua nui atu whawhai ora, Bobby Lashley (12-2) titiro ki te haere tonu i ana ara tūturu i roto i te Bellator MMA ki te kēmu rawa Rana "Ko e tangata" Charles (9-2). Lashley i tuatahi inumia ki te kanohi James Thompson, engari derailed he wharanga o te honga.

Ko tētahi o opuaraa tino whaihua o MMA Henry Corrales (12-0), titiro ki te pupuri i ana record kohakore ki te toa mā whitu mua Daniel Straus (22-6), ko wai e toru hinganga kua tukua anake i roto i tona whakamutunga 22 pito.

I roto i te a'ee teata te whakatuwheratanga o te ahiahi, Mike Chandler (12-3) ka ngana ki te hoki ki te kororia ono tekau ka ia faces Derek Āpure (15-4). Te Māori Missouri i whai wāhi i roto i te nui o pakanga rongonui i roto i te whare herehere Bellator a ki te ana kōrero i te paunatia-mai ko tetahi tohu, mahere ia i runga i te hanga i tona ho'iraa tetahi poto o motuhake.

Pāwhiri ki konei mō KATOA paunatia-IN Whakaahua

Kāri Main (9 p.m. AND)

Bellator Takahanga Main Heavyweight: Kimbo Poro (232) vs. Ken Shamrock (204.4)

Whawhai Bellator mā whitu Taitara: Sharing Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (144.9) vs. Daniel Weichel (144.5)

Featured Bellator Whawhaitia Heavyweight: Bobby Lashley (239) vs. Rana Charles (228)

Featured Bellator Whawhaitia tekau mā: Daniel Straus (144.4) vs. Henry Corrales (144.9)

Ngā Bellator Whawhai Kōmāmā: Michael Chandler (155.6) vs. Derek Āpure (152.8)

Kāri hukihuki (7:45 p.m. AND)

Bellator whā Whawhai: A.J. Siscoe (135.5) vs. Garrett Mueller (135.6)

Bellator tekau mā Whawhai: Ko Kaini Royer (184.6) vs. Enrique Watson (185.8)

Bellator 166 LB. Catchweight Fight: Rashard Lovelace (160.6) vs. Demagio Smith (164.8)

Bellator tekau mā Whawhai: Justin Lawrence (145.7) vs. Sean Wilson (145.8)

Bellator Welterweight Whawhai: Steve Mann (169.8) vs. Justin Guthrie (170.3)

Bellator Whawhaitia Kōmāmā: Garrett Gross (155.2) vs. Chris Heatherly (160)

Bellator Welterweight Whawhai: Arama pūtau (170.3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (171)

Bellator Whawhaitia Kōmāmā: Eric Irvin (155.2) vs. Hugh Tauru (155.6)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Whawhai: Rana O'Connor (115.3) vs. Miles McDonald (115.3)

Big Brothers Big mau tuahine o Southern Nevada collaborates ki hoa hapori hou ki te whakarewa i "tangata i roto i te Tautäwhi" kaupapa, hāngai ana nga tangata kimi rite Big Brothers

Ko te hiahia mo te ki te tangata tūao he BIG: i reira e tēnei wā i runga i 550 mau tamaroa e tatari ana i te Big te taea'e i roto i te Southern Nevada.

Las Vegas - Pipiri 19th, 2015 - Ki te tutaki ki a koutou 12 tau Ryan tawhito, kia waiho ai ia hei ata iti i te tuatahi, engari kotahi whiwhi koe ki e mohio ana ki a ia he rorirori ia, ngutu me te putaatu. Aroha ia poitūkohu, taataahiraa, te tākaro huna me te rapu ki tona teina tuahine Alexia me ratou e rua kuri, Zach a Zoey. Kua Ryan kua tatari hoki te Big te taea'e no te tata 15 marama. "E hiahia ana ahau ki te taata ahau e taea e titiro atu ana ki te iri i roto i ki, me te pea ako he hākinakina hou ki,"Ryan parau te kaimahi te hōtaka i Big Brothers Big mau tuahine o Southern Nevada (BBBSN) ka whakauru ia ia tona whaea i roto i te timatanga o te 2014. "Mahue ia tatou te papa o Ryan i te ia te tamaiti. E mohio ana ahau e whai hua Ryan i he Big te taea'e kaiako ki te tango ia ia ki te kēmu peisipolo he hero kiriata super ranei. I tenei wāhi i roto i tona ora, Ahau e kore ahau e whakaaro ahau hanga te taua pānga ano he taata taea,"Parau te whaea o Ryan BBBSN.

He rau o BBBSN mau tamaroa rite Ryan e tatari ana tangata ki te sPänui o runga ki te paraharaha, me te riro Big Brothers. "Ka mau matou i te titiro i to tatou mau tautooraa kimi, ka takoto e ti'a ia tatou ki te tuu i te aronga nui i runga i ngā tangata, me te inoi ki a ratou huru,"Ka mea a Athena Gould, Āpiha Program tino no te BBBSN, "Katoa e te reira, ko te 4 haora ia marama, me te he 18 marama tukupā ki to tatou hōtaka ki ngä tetahi o tatou tamariki tatari, ka hoatu ki a ratou i te pana anō kia ki te angitu i roto i te ora ratou hiahia. "

Ko te wahi i tenei Tangata i roto i te Tautäwhi haere mai ki te tākaro. Nhoa hapori EW ki te BBBSN tae Tuff-N-Uff, he amateu rohewhakahaere r MMA, Vegas Lions a Vegas pahuakapa s Football, Consulting Alston Pakihi, Tari Depot, Kaua rawa e Homai Whakatika Foundation me te Gianniosis Realty Rōpū i ope piri ki miramira 'atelita, me te ahurea taata-centric e ka arotahi te mutunga i runga tane tautooraa tūao kimi.

Ka tū te hui tuatahi i roto i te taha ki a Tuff-N-Uff o ā-tau "Future Stars o MMA Pōkai i te Mack"Po i te Thomas & Pokapū Mack i te Rāhoroi, Pipiri 27th. "Matou He whakakake ki te manaaki i te tuatahi Tangata i roto i te Tautäwhi rōpū i te hui nui rawa o to tatou whakahaere o te tau,"Ka mea a Jeff Meyer, Tumu o Tuff-N-Uff, "Ka riro ia Fans i te tika motuhake & te oha ki to tatou whawhai timata i te 5pm, me te pai ai i te whai wāhi ki te noho i roto i te te VIP wāhanga ka tīmata i te whawhai i te 6pm. Te ti'aturi nei tatou i ki te faaitoito i to tatou mau pā, me whawhai ki te mahi i to ratou hapori rite kaiakopono." Tangata hiahia i roto i te hono i te Tangata i roto i te Tautäwhi rōpū i ratou tuatahi Me RSVP haerenga ki Kyle Dunlap (kdunlap@bbbsn.org / 774-571-0291) i roto i te tikanga ki te haere ki te hui & te oha a noho i roto i te wāhanga VIP i whakatoea mo BBBSN.

E akiakitia ana tangata i roto i te hapori Las Vegas ki te whai wāhi i roto i te heke mai Tangata i roto i te Tautäwhi ngā puta noa i 2015 me. Haerenga Future ngā, engari kāore e whāiti ki: i muri i te scenes ki te tākarote mau o nga Lions Vegas whutupaoro kapa; ako ki te rohe whawhai MMA i gyms rohe; me te Hiking i Whero Rock Canyon. Kyle Dunlap, Hapori Kaiwhakahaere Whanaungatanga me Big te taea'e ki BBBSN, Kei te titiro ki te tāpiri atu motuhake, me te whakaongaonga, ngā taata-centric ki te Tangata i roto i te Tautäwhi rārangi. Tena i roto i te pa ki te tiki Kyle ki te ui e pā ana ki te whai wāhi i roto i te hōtaka, e hautū i te haereraa i mo te rōpū o te 20-30 takitahi, ranei e pā ana ki te takiuru ki runga ki te waiho i te kaiakopono. Takitahi titiro ki te tīmata te Kia hoki tukanga Misa tono Big tirotiro: www.mentorvegas.com

Mō Big Brothers Big mau tuahine o Southern Nevada:

BBBSN, nui whatunga tautäwhi o te rohe o kaituku me te tūao tautokona, mau ano tiaau mō ngā tamariki i roto i tona hōtaka ki te whakatutuki i ngā putanga ine pērā i te angitu mātauranga, wawata teitei, nui whakawhirinaki, pai ake te whanaungatanga me te pare o te whanonga meá. To'u Tupú arahina ki a BBBSN kei ​​runga 75% atu pea ki te paetahi atu ratou hoa. Mai 1973, Kua whakaratohia BBBSN i runga 20,000 kaiakopono ki te tamarikitanga rohe. Ko te reira i te whāinga o te BBBSN ki te mahi 300 to'u tupú atu rohe i roto i 2015. Misioni i te pai-kore a ko te ki te whakarato tamariki e anga te ati ki te kaha, me te mea pumau tonu, ngaio te tautoko tetahi-ki-kotahi whanaungatanga e taui i to ratou oraraa no te te pai, ake ake.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki te pehea, ki te takoha kaitūao ranei, tirohia to ratou paetukutuku i http://www.bbbsn.org, karanga ranei (702) 222-9000. Tūhono ki BBBSN i www.facebook.com/BBBSSN, www.linkedin.com/company/big-brothers-big-sisters-of-southern-nevada a www.twitter.com/BBBSSN


Las Vegas (Pipiri 17, 2014) -World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) ka hoki ki a NBC me te utunga katoa-hou o tona hōtaka mahi-Kikī 'unstoppable' whakaatu i te pai, tata mahi aito te ao i te Arts Mixed (MMA) whakatairanga, i runga i Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 11, timata i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT.

MMA pūrākau Bas Rutten a Renzo Gracie, me te hōia NBCSN auvaha i Todd Harris ka tu i te hōtaka e rua haora-, "WSOF mohio ahea: Ko te Road Ahead,"A ka piri i roto i te taiwhanga i manuhiri, me te kingi toa WSOF te ao Rawiri Manga(whitu tekau - 185 pauna) a Marlon Moraes (whā - 135 pauna), nei tino tata, e pāngia mahi i roto i te whare herehere WSOF tapatekau i runga i te whakaaturanga.

I tua atu, te whakaatu ka ngā tētahi i roto i-hohonu titiro i te tūturu, reigning WSOF World Lightweight (155 pauna) Champion Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje, me te mahi kai kino i te kingi WSOF World Welterweight (170 pauna) Champion Rousimar "Toquinho" Palhares, kingi WSOF World tekau mā (145 pauna) Champion Lance Palmer and newly crowned WSOF World Heavyweight Champion Blagoy Ivanov.

"Ko matou oaoa ki te whakaora i tetahi kohinga pakeke-patu o te fakangalongata'a rawa, pāngia tata ngā kohinga o WSOF o hihiri toa ao me ētahi atu superstars,"Ka mea a WSOF Palesiteni, e ono-wā toa ao, e rua-wā Hall o te Famer Rangatira Matua. “NBC has been an incredible partner and highly instrumental in building the WSOF brand over the course of the last two and a half years, me te raupapa 'unstoppable' ko te whakaatu ki to ratou fafauraa ki to tatou kamupene me te hākinakina o MMA ".

Me Manga, me Moraes, Ka arokite i te mano, i te tino-tapoko, WSOF pupūtanga aito te ao i waenganui i te parururaa i hīanga, Palhares me te kaiwero, e rua-wā toa ao Jake Shields, ka tona toa hou i roto i te whare herehere WSOF i runga i te whakaatu mo NBC kaimātakitaki i roto i "WSOF mohio ahea: Ko te Road Ahead. "

Palhares a Shields ka kanohi atu i roto i te hui matua o te WSOF 22, ora i runga i NBCSN i Las Vegas.

Mai te whakarewa i roto i te Nov. 2012, Kua catapulted WSOF ki te aronga o te ao MMA me tona whetu-hokowhitu, taitara ao raupapa kaupapa ora i runga i NBCSN me te hōtaka atu i runga i NBC.

Kua pai te whakawhānui i te whakatairanga i tona tapuwae ki te i runga i 100 whenua me ona hötaka whawhai rerekē hei wāhanga o te whakaaetanga tau-maha ki a IMG, rangatira o te ao i roto i te te ihirangi hākinakina tohatoha.

Mō te Ao Series o te whawhai (WSOF)
Ao Series o te whawhai (WSOF) Ko te ao pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere kiWSOF.com. A pee i te Ao Series o Fighting i runga i Twitter (MMAWorldSeries) a Ao Series o Fighting te peresideni Ray Sefo (SugarRaySefo).

Spike TV ME BELLATOR MMA te whakahere i te papû TIROHANGA AT RUA O TE rongonui rawa me te uaua FIGHTERS I MMA AAMU WITH "Heoi: KIMBO vs. Raukoroa "


Spike TV a Bellator MMA he titiro mālohi, me te hōhonu i tetahi o te tino korero e pā ana ki whawhai o 2015 i roto i te "Hei whakamutunga: Kimbo vs. Raukoroa. " Whakaputaina e Leigh Haimona, debuts te pakipūmeka kotahi-haora i runga i te Koi WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 i 11:00pm ET/PT.



Ken Raukoroa a Kimbo Poro tangohia e ara tino rerekē ki te stardom. Ko Kimbo Poro werohia te sensation ipurangi ki te whāiti ngali pō, ia ko Ken Raukoroa te pionie MMA i whawhai ki tona ara ki te runga ki te fakapapau kaimahi-rite me te fakatapui.


I mahara ratou huarahi e rua ki te whiti i roto i te whare herehere e whitu nga tau i mua. Heoi, i runga i taua ra nō o Oketopa 4, 2008, pahuatia te aituā e warea ana te ao MMA o tetahi o nga whawhai tino tūmanako i roto i te aamu o te hākinakina. He whawhai o hanganga hautoa e kore ko – inaianei te hopea e. I Rāmere, Pipiri 19, te kiki kōrero huarahi whawhai me YouTube sensation Kimbo Poro me “Te tangata o te Ao te nuinga o Dangerous,” Ka tutaki i teie nei Ken Raukoroa i roto i te hui matua o “Bellator: Pakihi oti.”


"I te pae hopea" e tango i te i roto i-hohonu titiro i nga ngā whitu tau ki muri, me te aro te ngā ariā whakatakotoria e pā ana ki whakakorenga o te whawhai o te. Te whakaaturanga haere ki nga ara gritty o Miami te wahi i hanga e Kimbo he ingoa mo ia, ka ki San Diego ki te haere ki wāhi whakangungu korokē Ken Raukoroa o. Ka whiwhi mātaki te kite onge o enei toa faingataa waho o te whare herehere ki te pūkete tangata tuatahi o ratou aroraa whaiaro, me ngā paetae.


Mō Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA Ko te Mixed whakahaere Arts ārahi ngā tokomaha nga whawhai pai o roto i te ao nei. I raro i te aronga o te kaiwhakatairanga whawhai hōia Scott Coker, Ko te wātea Bellator ki meimei 500 miriona mau fare te ao i roto i runga i 140 whenua. I roto i te United States, Ka taea te kite i Bellator i runga i te Koi, te rangatira pouaka MMA. Uru Bellator MMA te o te rōpū whakahaere e ngā runga ngaio ahumahi i roto i te hanga pouaka, rōpū takahanga ora, whanaketanga whawhai / whanaunga, ähua wāhi, i hanga e tautoko / whanaketanga, raihana ao, marketing, pānuitanga, publicity me te kōmihana whanaunga. Hāngai Bellator i roto i Santa Monica, California, ka puritia e te whakangahau Rapa Viacom, home ki rama pirimia whakangahau o te ao e hono ki te hunga i roto i te ihirangi mālohi puta noa i te pouaka whakaata, nekehanga pikitia, ipurangi me te pūkoro tüäpapa.

Mō Koi:

Koi Kei te wātea i roto i te 98.7 miriona mau fare, e ko te wehenga o Viacom Networks Media. He waeine o Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Networks Media he tetahi o kaihanga ārahi o te ao o te hōtaka, me te ihirangi puta noa i tüäpapa päpähomaha katoa. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com a hoki ake-ki-te-miniti me te mōhiohio press pūranga me ngā whakaahua, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. A pee i tatou i runga i Twitter spiketvpr mo te hou i roto i whawhati whakahōunga rongo, muri-te-scenes mōhiohio me ngā whakaahua.

Whara ki James Thompson derails 'Bellator: Rematch taumahamaha Pakihi oti ', Rana Charles sitepu ake ki Bobby 'te Dominator' Lashley i runga i te pānui poto



Santa MONICA, Calif. (Pipiri 11, 2015) - Ahakoa kei te rite a Kimbo Slice me Ken Shamrock ki te tiaki i a raatau “Pakihi Kaore I Whakamutu” Pipiri 19, Me Bobby Lashley me te score James Thompson o ki te kia noho tetahi wahi iho te aho.


Kua Thompson kua takoha atu te kāri matua e tika ana ki te whara aifaro i tukua i roto i te whakangungu, me te rite ki te hua, Rana Charles(9-2) Kua whakaae ki te whakaki i-i roto i te i runga i te pānui poto ki "te Dominator." ano ka te whawhai tango i te wahi i runga i te wahi matua o te kāri Spike-teata.


Charles, ka hanga i tona ahua tuawha mo te whakatairanga Scott Coker-arahina, whakamutunga whakataetae i roto i te hui matua o te 2014 "Monster Energy Cup." I muri iho e rua whawhai, Kua poipoia hoki "Ko e tangata" ki ki te whakauru ia tonu e rua ki te whiwhi i te pere ki te nguha taitara taumahamaha nga momo o Lashley. 29-tau-tawhito i te Phoenix, Ariz. Kua mutu Maori e whitu o tona whakaora e iwa i mua i te taenga scorecards o nga kaiwhakawa,.


He nonoke angitu,-3 6-waewae, Bobby “Ko te Dominator” Lashley (12-2) tīmata whakangungu i roto i te toi grappling i te pakeke 12 a e haere i runga i ki te riro e rave rahi taitara tae atu e toru Toa National i Missouri Valley College, he NAIA National Championship, he e ti◊aturi World Championship Silver Medal, e rua Armed Forces Toa Wrestling i roto i tona wa i roto i te US. Army. I tua atu ki te mahi nonoke ngaio ki stints i roto i te WWE, ECW a TNA, Timata Lashley tona mahi MMA i roto i 2008, a ka te hanga e ia he tohu mahi faahiahia e ngā Bellator MMA tāpaetanga toa mo Karl Etherington me Josh Burns.


“Bellator: Pakihi kia oti” - Rāmere, Pipiri 19, Pokapū Scottrade, St. Louis, Koe.

Kāri Main (9 p.m. AND)


Bellator Takahanga Main Heavyweight: Kimbo Poro (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Whawhai Bellator mā whitu Taitara: Āpure Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Featured Bellator Whawhaitia Heavyweight: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. Rana Charles (9-2)

Featured Bellator Whawhaitia tekau mā: Daniel Straus (22-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Ngā Bellator Whawhai Kōmāmā: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Āpure (15-4)


Kāri hukihuki (6:45 p.m. AND)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Whawhai: Rana O'Connor (5-4) vs. Miles McDonald (0-1)

Bellator mā whitu Prelim Whawhai: Justin Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean Wilson (34-25)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim Whawhai: Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh Tauru (4-2)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim Whawhai: Rashard Lovelace (tuatahi) vs. Demagio Smith (1-1)

Bellator mā whitu Prelim Whawhai: Ko Kaini Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator whā Prelim Whawhai: A.J. Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0)

Bellator Welterweight Dark Prelim: Arama pūtau (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0)

Bellator Welterweight Dark Prelim: Steve Mann (10-1) vs. Justin Guthrie (17-8)

Bellator Kōmāmā Dark Prelim: Garrett Gross (6-3) vs. Chris Heatherly (8-3)


M-1 Challenge 58 Official Results



Marcelo Brito vs.. Murad Abdulaev

M-1 Wero Werere Toa Toa Toa

Pipiri 6, 2015 ● Ingushetia, Russia

No te Tonu Tuku

Ko te whakatau a Mural Abdulaev a Marcello Brito

Hei hopu i te taitara welterweight M-1 Challenge wero

M Hou- I karaunahia a Mural Abdulaev, te toa wiringa paetae welterweight

M-1 Perehitini o te ao a Vadim Finkelchtein


INGUSHETIA, Russia (Pipiri 7, 2015) – Inapo i te M-1 Challenge 58: Te Pakanga i Nga Maunga 4,Mural “Hunter” I wikitoria a Abdulaev e 5-a tawhio noa te whakatau mo Marcelo Brito kia mau i a ia te taitara kaiwhakataetae wero paerewa M-1 watea., i waho i Ingushetia, Russia.


Abdulaev (13-10, 6 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), whawhai i roto i Russia, noho korekore ana i te whakataetae M-1 o te Ao me tana wikitoria tuatoru. Brito (13-6-0, 2 KO / TKO, 5 SUB), na wai i whakakapi tana taangata whenua whara o Brazil Igor Fernandes, i mahi i tana tuatahi M-1 Ao.


I nga mahi kaari matua, Russian na te ara o te pauna huruhuru Azerbaijan Pūnaha Nizami (10-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 5 SUB) patua Antun “Killer” Racic (17-6-0, 0 KO / TKO, 13 SUB), o Croatia, na te mutunga o te tukunga tuatoru-whanui ma te paeta-a-ringa.


Taumahamaha Alexi “Pereki” Utu (20-8-0, 16 KO / TKO, 1 SUB), o Peraruhia, ka whana ke atu ki te tukinga tuarua o nga Ruhia Baga agaev (27-17-0, 5 KO / TKO, 2 SUB).


American featherweight Lee “American Bulldog” Morrison (13-5-0, 4 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) i wini i te whakatau a te nuinga-toru a te nuinga Pavel Vitruk (12-2-0, 3 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), he tangata no Ukraine e whawhai ana i waho o St.. Petersburg, Russia.


Hōia Palāsilá Charles “Gracie” Andrade (28-23-1, 6 KO / TKO, 22 SUB) hiahiatia anake 34 hēkona hei akiaki i te taumahatanga pakeke o Ruhia i mua Abukar Yandiev (4-1-0, 1 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) ki te tuku me te matau rekereke.


Whitu Russian Magomed Mutaev (6-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 0 SUB) i wini i te tukinga hangarau i te wa o te Paniora Solves Enoc Torres‘ (16-9-0, 5 KO / TKO, 7 SUB) i whakamutua te whawhai i muri i te rauna tuatahi.


Whawhai i runga i te kāri tuatahi, tino whenua Arama Tsurov (2-1-0) mutu te taitara toa Tajikistan pro-debuting Bakhitoyor Ibragimov (0-1-0) i runga i nga whiua i te rauna whakatuwhera, Russian ono tekau Khamzat Dalziev (3-1-0) i wini i te whakatau wehe wehe tuarua mai i a Russia Akhied Nazarov (0-1-0), Tekau mā Russian Movsar Evloev (2-0-0) Tuhinga ka whai mai Lu Zhenhong (6-3-0), Tuhinga o mua, Taumahamaha te marama Russian Arama “Kararehe” Yandiev (8-0-0) i noho hinga kore me te tukunga tuatahi o te ra Lithuanian Valdas Pocevicius (33-32-0), me te taumaha Ruhia Djambulat Kurbanov (7-1-`) i wikitoria pera i mua i te wikitoria o IukereinianaAlexander Panasyuk (5-1-0) i tukuna na te papa-ringa i te rauna tuatahi.


Tekau mā Russian Ko te rbanali Abdusalamov (5-2-0) Tuhinga o mua Pierre Sauvage (6-1-0), te whiu i te French i te mutunga o te rauna whakamutunga, Ingushetia tino paiKhamzat Aushev (6-3-0) e tika ana kia 26-hēkona anake ki te tuku i te taumaha Paniora Javier Fuentas(6-2-0) me te raka rekereke, Arkamat Evkurov (3-1-0) ka werohia tana huarahi ki te takiwa o te rauna tuatahiVladimir Tanu (1-2-0) i te pakanga o nga taumaha taumaha Ruhia, me te mā whitu Ruslan Esmurziev(2-1-0) pakaru te tuatahi pro o hoa Russian Marat Kishaev (0-1-0), i mate KO ia i whiua.


I te M- Ka whawhai te naamana o te Waenganui i te taumaha taumaha Evgeniy Gladkov (3-0-0) i noho hinga kore i te wikitoria mo Maxim Plaksin (0-2-0), ia welterweight Rustam Kuhurkhev (1-0-0) I toa hi tuatahi ki a Boris Dzhelilov (0-2-0).



Kua oti te hua me te taiwhanga pikitia i raro:




Mural Abdulaev (13-1-0)


Marcelo Brito (13-7-0), Brazil

(I riro i a Abdulaev te taitara welterweight wero M-1 watea kau)





Alexi Kudin (20-8-0), Peraruhia

WKO / TKO2 (Pakihono waewae – 1:40)

Baga agaev (27-17-0), Russia



Charles Andrade (28-23-1), Brazil

WSUB1 (Matau rekereke – 0:34)

Abukar Yandiev (4-1-0), Russia


Magomed Mutaev (6-2-0), Russia

WTKO1 (Kokonga Tuhinga – 5:00)

Solves Enoc Torres (16-9-0), Spain



Pūnaha Nizami (10-2-0), Russia

WSUB3 (Armbar – 4:27)

Antun Racic (17-6-0), Croatia


Lee Morrison (14-5-0), USA


Pavel Vitruk (12-2-0), Russia



Akram Evkurov (4-1-0), Russia

WKO / TKO1 (Nifó – 1:43)

Vladimir Tanu (1-2-0), Russia



Arama Yandiev (8-0-0), Russia

WSUB1 (RNC — 0:34)

Valdas Pocevisius (33-32-0), Lithuania



Arama Tsurov (3-1-0), Russia

WKO / TKO1 (Nifó – 4:16)

Bakhitier Ibragimov (0-1-0), Tajikistan


Khamzat Dalgiev (3-1-0), Russia


Akhred Nazarov (0-1-0), Russia


Dzambulat korbanov (7-1-0), Russia

WSUB1 (Armbar – 3:18)

Alexander Panasyuk (5-1-1), Ukraine


Khamzat Aushev (6-3-0), Russia

WSUB1 (Matau rekereke – 0:26)

Javier Fuentas (6-3-0), Spain



Movsar Evloev (2-0-0), Russia


Lu Zhenhong (6-3-0), China


Kurbanali Abdisalamov (4-2-0), Russia

WKO3 (Nifó – 4:25)

Pierre Sauvage (6-0-0), France


Ruslan Esmurziev (2-1-0), Russia

WKO1 (Nifó — 4:35)

Marat Kishaev (0-0-0) Russia


Tuhinga o mua



Evgeniy Gladov (3-0-0), Russia

Kua Toa

Maxim Plaksin (0-2-0), Russia


Rustam Kuhurkhoev (1-0-0), Russia

Kua Toa

Boris Dzhelilov (0-2-0), Russia


Kei a Marcelo Brito te turanga o Mural Abdulaev

Ko te toa M-1 Wero wero paetaeupae hou a Mural Abdulaev


Ko Tural Ragimov i patu i a Antun Racic


E whakaatu ana a Charles Andrade i tona whakaute mo Abukar Yandiev

Pavel Vitruk & Ka whakaranua e Lee Morrison ki nga maunga

Alexi Kudin toses Baga Agaev

Magomd Mutaev & Solves Enoc Torres

Khamzat Dagev& Akhred Nazarov

Rustam Kuhukhoev & Boris Dzhelilov

Ka mutu a Djammbulat Kurbanov i a Alexander Panasyuk

Khmzat Aushev ka akiaki i a Javier Fuentas kia tukuna

Movsar Eloev whao Lu Zhenhong tika i runga i te kauwae

Ka whakaekehia e Evgeniy Glakov a Maxim Plaksin

Ruslan Esmurziv & Marat Kishaev

I hinga a Adam Yandiev i a Valdas Pocevicius

Pierre Sauvage & Ko te rbanali Abdusalamov

Vladimir Tanu & Akromat Evkurov

Takahanga Ka Ū: M-1 Challenge 59: Kharitonov-Garner II i roto i te Astana, Katatānga









Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global




https://www.facebook.com/M1Rongo Hou

ABOUT M-1 AO: Nō i roto i te 1997, Kua whakapumautia M-1 Global ano i roto i te MMA (MMA) hei hinonga tuatahi mo te rapu me te whakawhanake i nga whakatupuranga o te ao toa o te ao. Me ona mahi i roto i St Petersburg, Russia, Kua tū atu atu i te M-1 waitohu 160 ngā takahanga te ao, tae atu M-1 Tīpakonga, M-1 Challenge, Nga mahinga M-1 o te Ao me te M-1 o te HWGP o te Ao, i roto i te tua ki te tahi-te whakatairanga ngā kaupapa Strikeforce me M-1 Global i runga i te US. whatunga, Showtime. Ora hopu, pouaka me te aunui hunga me ona uara production pai, me te kēmu-ups, M-1 Kua ngā Takahanga Pāwhānui etahi o runga ingoa te hākinakina o, tae atu taumahamaha rongonui Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Zentsov Roma, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid pau a Stephan Struve. 2015 fafau ia riro tetahi atu autaia tau o te whakataetae-ao o te piha haapiiraa ki te maramataka o te mau ohipa titauraa tafunaki e te pūnaha totohe taranata-taonga rangatira ★ M-1 Global Champions i roto i nga whawhai nui i roto i te hākinakina.

ABOUT M-1GLOBAL.TV: Kia pai MMA mahi inaianei i roto i te tautuhinga teitei kawea ki a koutou byM-1Global.tv, whakahere i te pai whawhai anake i M-1 Global me ētahi atu rōpū MMA. M-1Global.tv Ko te tūāpapa nui whakawhanakehia ngā ki te kawe tahi i te pātengi raraunga ataata whawhai tino ngaio. E whakarato ana hoki i te atanga ngāwari, me te pūmanawa, te tautururaa i te katoa ki te tīmata te whakamahi i te tūāpapa i roto i kore wa ia te haapae i tetahi kaipahua. Haunga te mātakitaki i nga whawhai mua i runga i te hiahia i tetahi wa watea ki te kiritaki, E taea e ia oaoa i te LIVE mahi kaimätakitaki, wātea katoa ki M-1Global.tv kaiwhakamahi i roto i te marama iti-utu ki te marama ohaurunga mamati. Tou te ao o te mahi. Ahakoa te Wā!


Marcelo Brito vs.. Murad Abdulaev

M-1 Wero Werere Toa Toa Toa

Pipiri 6, 2015 ● Ingushetia, Russia


No te Tonu Tuku

Pauna Official & PICTURES

M-1 Challenge 58: Te Pakanga i Nga Maunga 4

Brito vs.. Tuhinga o mua Pipiri 6 i roto i te Ingushetia, Russia

Pauna Official




L-R: Marcelo Brito & Mural Abdunaev

L-R: Marcel Brito & Mural Abdulaev



MARCELO BRITO (13-6-0), Brazil 169 ½ lbs. (77.1 kg)

Tuhinga o mua (12-1-0), Russia 169 ½ lbs. (77.0 kg)


Baga agaev


ALEXI “Pereki” KUDIN (19-8-0), Belarus KAUPAPA I RATATA NEI

BAGA AGAEV (10-1-0), Estonia 249 ½ lbs. (113.3 kg)


L-R: Charles Andrade & Abukar Yandiev


CHARLES “Gracie” ANDRADE (28-22-0), Brazil 189 lbs. (86.0 kg)

ABUKAR YANDIEV (4-0-0), Russia 184 lbs. (83.5 kg)


L-R: Antun Racic & Tural Ragimoiv


ANTUN “Killer” HIKI (17-5-0), Croatia 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)

RAGIMOV TURA (9-2-0), Russia 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)


L-R: Lee Morrison & Pavel Vitruk

LEE “American Bulldog” Morrison (13-5-0), USA 144 lbs. (65.4 kg)

Pavel VITRUK (12-1-0), Russia 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)







VLADIMIR BURY (1-1-0), Russia 233 lbs. (105.9 kg)

AKROMAT EVJUROV (3-1-0), Russia 221 lbs. (100.4 kg)


L-R: Arama Yandiev & Valdas Pocevičiaus


ADAM “Beard” YANDIEV (6-0-0), Russia 201 ½ lbs. (91.5 kg)
VALDAS POCEVISIUS (33-31-0), Lithuania 204 lbs. (92.6 kg)


L-R: Solves Enoc Torres & Magomed Mutaev


Enoc solves TORRES (16-8-0), Spain 184 ½ lbs. (83.9 kg)

MAGOMED MUTAEV (5-2-0), Russia 184 lbs. (83.7 kg)



BAKHITOYOR IBRAGIMOV (Tuatahi Pro), Tajikistan154 ½lbs. (70.3 kg)

ADAM TSUROV (1-1-0), Russia 154 lbs. (70.0 kg)


AKHRED NAZAROV (Tuatahi Pro), Russia 154 ½ lbs. (70.3 kg)

KHAMZAT DALGIEV (2-1-0), Russia 154 lbs. (70.0 kg)


L-R: Djambulat Kurbanov & Alexander Panasyuk

ALEXANDER PANASYUK (5-0-0), Ukraine 154 lbs. (154 kg)

DJAMBULAT KURBANOV (6-1-0), Russia 155 lbs. (70.6 kg)


L-R: Javier Fuentas & Kzamzat Aushev

Javier FUENTAS (6-1-0), Spain 154 ½ lbs. (70.3 kg)

KHAMZAT AUSHEV (5-3-0), Russia 154 lbs. (70.0 kg)


L-R: Movsar Eloev & Lu Zhenhong


LU ZHENHONG (6-2-0), China 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)

MOYSAR ELOEV (1-0-0), Russia 141 lbs. (64.0 kg)


L-R: Ko te rbanali Abdusalamov & Pierre Sauvage

POHAKAKI KOREUTU (6-0-0), France 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)

KURBANAL te ABDUSALAMOV (4-2-0), Russia 147 lbs. (66.8 kg)


MARAT KISHAEV (Tuatahi Pro), Russia 144 lbs. (65.6 kg)

RUSLAN ESMURZIEV (1-1-0), Russia 144 lbs. (65.5 kg)


Tuhinga o mua

Evgeniy Gladkov & Maxim Plaksin

MAXIM PLAKSIN (0-1-0), Russia 220 lbs. (99.8 kg)

EVANGIENI GLADKOV (2-0-0), Russia 216 lbs. (98.2 kg)


BORIS DZHELILOV (0-1-0), Russia 172 lbs. (78.2 kg)

RUSTAM KUHURKHOEV (Tuatahi Pro), Russia 176 lbs. (80 kg)


Abukar Yaneiev


L-R: Lee Morrison & Pavel Vitruk

TA: M-1 Challenge 58: Te Pakanga i Nga Maunga 4

No: Rāhoroi, Pipiri 6, 2015

8:00 a.m. (New York City), 4:00 p.m. (Moscow)


HEA: Ingushetia, Russia 1:30


Kaiwhakatairanga: M-1 Global



M-1 Challenge 58 ka whakaorahia kia ora i te ao katoa i runga i te whakamarama teitei o te www.M1Global.TV. Ka taea ki te mataara i te whawhai tuatahi, me te kāri matua i te takiuru ki runga ki ki te rēhita i Viewers www.M1Global.TV. Kia mataara katoa o te mahi pā i runga i to ratou rorohiko, me te i runga i waea atamai me papa Andriod me Apple.

Ka puhipuhia ano te Whatunga Whawhai M-1 Challenge 58 ora i te TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable me Armstrong Cable i roto i te Amerika, me te motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i te neke atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europa, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.




Takahanga Ka Ū: M-1 Challenge 59: Kharitonov-Garner II i roto i te Astana, Katatānga









Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global




https://www.facebook.com/M1Rongo Hou

ABOUT M-1 AO: Nō i roto i te 1997, Kua whakapumautia M-1 Global ano i roto i te MMA (MMA) hei hinonga tuatahi mo te rapu me te whakawhanake i nga whakatupuranga o te ao toa o te ao. Me ona mahi i roto i St Petersburg, Russia, Kua tū atu atu i te M-1 waitohu 160 ngā takahanga te ao, tae atu M-1 Tīpakonga, M-1 Challenge, Nga mahinga M-1 o te Ao me te M-1 o te HWGP o te Ao, i roto i te tua ki te tahi-te whakatairanga ngā kaupapa Strikeforce me M-1 Global i runga i te US. whatunga, Showtime. Ora hopu, pouaka me te aunui hunga me ona uara production pai, me te kēmu-ups, M-1 Kua ngā Takahanga Pāwhānui etahi o runga ingoa te hākinakina o, tae atu taumahamaha rongonui Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Zentsov Roma, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid pau a Stephan Struve. 2015 fafau ia riro tetahi atu autaia tau o te whakataetae-ao o te piha haapiiraa ki te maramataka o te mau ohipa titauraa tafunaki e te pūnaha totohe taranata-taonga rangatira ★ M-1 Global Champions i roto i nga whawhai nui i roto i te hākinakina.

ABOUT M-1GLOBAL.TV: Kia pai MMA mahi inaianei i roto i te tautuhinga teitei kawea ki a koutou i M-1Global.tv, whakahere i te pai whawhai anake i M-1 Global me ētahi atu rōpū MMA. M-1Global.tv Ko te tūāpapa nui whakawhanakehia ngā ki te kawe tahi i te pātengi raraunga ataata whawhai tino ngaio. E whakarato ana hoki i te atanga ngāwari, me te pūmanawa, te tautururaa i te katoa ki te tīmata te whakamahi i te tūāpapa i roto i kore wa ia te haapae i tetahi kaipahua. Haunga te mātakitaki i nga whawhai mua i runga i te hiahia i tetahi wa watea ki te kiritaki, E taea e ia oaoa i te LIVE mahi kaimätakitaki, wātea katoa ki M-1Global.tv kaiwhakamahi i roto i te marama iti-utu ki te marama ohaurunga mamati. Tou te ao o te mahi. Ahakoa te Wā!

Whawhai Foaki e Whatunga M-1 Challenge 58 LIVE mai i Russia Rahoroi, Pipiri 6 i 9 a.m. AND

No te Tonu Tuku

Toronto (Pipiri 5, 2015) — Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, kei te kawe tonu i nga pakanga pai o te ao me te kaha ake o nga mahi a tenei Hatarei, Pipiri 6 i 9 a.m. ET kahea M-1 Challenge 58: Te Pakanga i Nga Maunga 4mai i Ingushetia, Russia.


Whawhai haapurororaa ora a Whatunga o M-1 Challenge 58 Ka rangi ki runga ki TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable me Armstrong Cable i roto i te Amerika, motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


I roto i te hui matua, Brazil's Marcelo Brito (13-6) whawhai Murad Abdulaev (14-3) mo te taitara welterweight M-1, atu Lee Morrison (12-5) kanohi Pavel Vitruk (12-1) i roto i te mahi mā, heavyweights Alexei Kudin (19-8) a Denis Smoldarev (10-1) ka maka ki raro, Palāsilá Charles Andrade (28-23) titiro ki te ringa Abukar Yandiev (4-0) tana hinganga ngaio tuatahi i te wa e tuki ana ratou i 185 pauna, a Antun Racic (17-5) tutaki Pūnaha Nizami (9-2) i roto i te huruhuru taumaha huruhuru.


I muri mai, Ma te Whatunga Whawhai ka whakaata i te prelims ora hoki UFC Whawhai Night: Boetsch vs.. Hendersonanake i roto i te Canada i 8 p.m. ET ki 10 p.m. AND.


Ka whakaatuhia e nga timatanga te tukinga o te taumaha taumaha taumaha i waenga i a Texan taumaha taumaha Shawn Jordan(17-6) me New Orleans’ ake kaitoi tuuturu Derrick Lewis (12-3, 1NC), he tukinga welterweight matching 69-whawhai hoia Brian Ebersole (51-16-1, 1NC) Tuhinga o mua Omari Akhmedov(14-2), he tukinga maamaha i waenga i a New Yorker Chris Wade (9-1) me te California Christos Giagos(11-3), me te tangata whenua o Massachusetts Joe Kaitoha (10-3) kanohi ki te tangata whenua o Ohio Justin Edwards (9-4) Tuhinga o mua Toa Whawhai hōia.


Ko te kapinga ora i mua i te pakanga ka uru ki nga timatanga a te ahiahi o te Rahoroi me te Whawhai Toa Live-Whakaaturanga Ora a UFC i 7 p.m. AND, ngā arokite, matapae me te tātari.


Hoki te rārangi ki tonu i te rärangi päho Fight Whatunga a, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com, te whai ia tatou i runga i Twitterfightnet, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, ka tirotiro i tatou ki runga ki Instagramfightnet.

Whawhai Foaki e Whatunga RFA 26 LIVE, WSOF 21 Rāmere, Pipiri 5 Tīmata i 10 p.m. AND

No te Tonu Tuku

Toronto (Pipiri 4, 2015 — Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, presents back-to-back world-class championship mixed martial arts broadcasts this Friday, Pipiri 5, timata i 10 p.m. ki te whakaaturanga ora o RFA 26: Smith vs. Smith from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, Colorado.


Immediately following the live broadcast, Fight Network will present WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki in its entirety from Edmonton Expo Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Fight Network will televise both cards exclusively in Canada, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


Kia whakakitea ora i 10 p.m. AND, RFA 26 will be headlined by a welterweight title bout as RFA welterweight champion Benjamin Smith (14-2) puts his title on the line against No. 1 nguha Gilbert Smith(10-4). I roto i te hui tahi-matua, Brazilian submission ace Thiago “MonstinhoAlves (8-2) battles Colorado’s own Marcus “Bad Intentions” Edwards (9-3). The main card will also feature a pair of bantamweights bouts, as NCAA Division I wrestler JarredShutoutMercado (12-2) will lock horns with jiu-jitsu black belt Bruno Frazatto (6-2), while Hawaiian knockout artist Boston “Tōnuitanga Boom” Salmon (3-0) will clash with collegiate wrestler Danny Mainus (3-3). Also on the main card, former RFA middleweight title challenger Andrew “El Dirte” Sanchez (5-2) squares off with Respect FC and SFFN champion Clinton Williams (5-1) and undefeated heavyweight prospect Brandon Griffin(4-0) battles The MMA Lab destroyer Ashley Gooch (7-4).


WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki features a championship doubleheader. I roto i te hui matua, reigning WSOF featherweight champion Lance Palmer (9-1) will put his title on the line for the first time against Canadian challenger and battle-tested veteran Chris “The Polish HammerHorodecki (21-5-1), while the co-feature pits WSOF heavyweight champion SmealinhoThe PrinceRam aagainst Bulgarian standout Blagoi Ivanov (11-1). Two featherweight rising stars will put their unblemished records on the line when Hakeem Dawodu (4-0) tutaki Chuka “Ko te Lion kingi” Willis(4-0), atu MarkSweet DreamsDrummond (7-2) whawhai Michael “The Messenger” Hill in an all-Canadian welterweight clash.


The live action continues on Saturday, Pipiri 6, timata i 9 a.m. AND ki M-1 Challenge 58: Te Pakanga i Nga Maunga 4 from Ingushetia, Russia, ngā Marcelo Brito (13-6) vs. Murad Abdulaev(14-3) mo te taitara welterweight M-1, atu Lee Morrison (12-5) kanohi Pavel Vitruk (12-1) i roto i te mahi mā, me heavyweights Alexei Kudin (19-8) a Denis Smoldarev (10-1) ka maka ki raro. Whawhai haapurororaa ora a Whatunga o M-1 Challenge 58 Ka rangi ki runga ki TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable me Armstrong Cable i roto i te Amerika, motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


I muri mai, Ma te Whatunga Whawhai ka whakaata i te prelims ora hoki UFC Whawhai Night: Boetsch vs.. Henderson anake i roto i te Canada i 8 p.m. AND ki 10 p.m. AND. Ka whakaatuhia e nga timatanga te tukinga o te taumaha taumaha taumaha i waenga i a Texan taumaha taumaha Shawn Jordan (17-6) me New Orleans’ ake kaitoi tuuturu Derrick Lewis (12-3, 1NC), he tukinga welterweight matching 69-whawhai hoia Brian Ebersole (51-16-1, 1NC) Tuhinga o mua Omari Akhmedov (14-2), he tukinga maamaha i waenga i a New Yorker Chris Wade (9-1) me te California Christos Giagos (11-3), me te tangata whenua o Massachusetts Joe Kaitoha(10-3) kanohi ki te tangata whenua o Ohio Justin Edwards (9-4) Tuhinga o mua Toa Whawhai hōia.


Live rohe whawhai-mua, ka arahi ki te prelims i runga i Rāhoroi evening with Fight Network’s Live-Whakaaturanga Ora a UFC i 7 p.m. AND, ngā arokite, matapae me te tātari.


Hoki te rārangi ki tonu i te rärangi päho Fight Whatunga a, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com, te whai ia tatou i runga i Twitterfightnet, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, ka tirotiro i tatou ki runga ki Instagramfightnet.

Fight Network Signs Exclusive Multi-Year Programming Deal with World Series of Fighting

No te Tonu Tuku

Toronto (Pipiri 3, 2015) – Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, today announced an exclusive multi-year programming agreement with Las Vegas-based mixed martial arts organization Ao Series o te whawhai(WSOF.com) to broadcast live events and the existing archive in Canada, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


The deal kicks off this weekend with a short tape delay broadcast of WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki from Edmonton Expo Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Airing Pipiri 6 at Midnight ET, the event is headlined by WSOF featherweight champion Lance Palmer defending against Canada’s own Chris Horodecki, while WSOF heavyweight champion Smealinho Rama, another Canadian, defends the coveted title against Bulgarian powerhouse Blagoi Ivanov.


WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki will repeat on Rāhoroi, Pipiri 6 i 4 p.m. AND a Rātapu, Pipiri 7 i 2 p.m. AND.


WSOF is led by president Ray Sefo, a six-time world kickboxing champion and two-time Hall of Famer. The promotion has staged 20 events to date, featuring internationally renowned superstars such as Andrei Arlovski, Anthony Johnson, Rawiri Manga, Rousimar Palhares, Jake Shields, Yushin Okami and Jon Fitch. .


WSOF has also spawned the careers of the next generation of MMA superstars, including reigning bantamweight champion Marlon Moraes, featherweight champion Palmer, undefeated lightweight champion Justin Gaethjeand undefeated light heavyweight Tyrone Spong.


The first event scheduled to air live on Fight Network is the blockbuster WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields world championship i runga i kāri Aug. 1, 2015 i roto i te Las Vegas, headlined by a showcase of elite grapplers as WSOF welterweight champion Palhares defends against former Strikeforce champion and UFC title challenger Shields.


Also featured at WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields is a bantamweight title bout pitting the champion Moraes against undefeated Brazilian Sheymon Moraes, and a light heavyweight special attraction featuring Spong in the toughest test of his MMA career against heavy-handed veteran Mike Kyle, who makes his third appearance in the WSOF cage.


WSOF has rapidly become one of the top promotions in North America and we’re thrilled to bring these world-class live events to our viewers,” said Chad Midgley, VP of Content at Fight Network. “Shows feature a great assortment of established names and highly touted prospects, providing a perfect balance of nostalgia for longtime fans while exposing viewers to fresh talent. With regularly scheduled events in Canada, homegrown stars can now be seen nationally across the country.


We are thrilled to partner with such a dynamic and robust television platform like Fight Network, and bring our live event programming to the highly passionate combat sports fan base in Canada where we have made a concerted effort to establish WSOF’s footprint,” ka mea peresideni WSOF, e ono-wā toa ao, e rua-wā Hall o te Famer, Rangatira Matua.


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