Tag Archives: Mixed Martial Arts


OHARRA berehalako: Lewiston, Maine (March 15, 2017) – New England Borrokak (NEF) Arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldia aurkeztuko du “NEF 28: garaiezina” larunbatean, April 29, 2017 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, borroka promozioak afizionatuen arteko bikote pare bat txartelari gehitzea iragarri zuen. Ken Dunn(0-4) aurrez aurre dago Eddie DeRoche (0-1) Hegaztien arteko borrokan eta debuta duten borrokalari amateurretan Caleb Austin (0-0) de Rumford, Maine eta James Ploss (0-0) from Kaze Dojo Lancaster-en, NH ezaugarriek euli-pisuari ekiteko nahasketa egingo dute.


Caleb Austin bi aldiz Maine estatu mailako borroka txapelduna eta "200 irabazi klub esklusiboko kidea da,”Maine Borrokan gailurra da. Austinek duela gutxi amaitu du bere batxilergoko ibilbidea 208-11. Kaleberen aita, Eric Austin - Maine estatu mailako borroka txapeldun ohia ere - kaiolan galdu gabeko beterano bat da, joan izana 2-0 NEFen atzera 2012. Bere aita bezala, Caleb-ek apirilean estreinatu zuen NEF-ren zaleentzako bere borroka ikusgai jartzeko prestatzen ari da 29garren.


"Nire bizitza osoa eta heldua izan naiz NEFko komunitatearen inguruan,"Adierazi zuen Austinek iruzkinak jaso zituenean. "Aspaldi itxaron dut buelta emateko 18 nire aitak egiten zuen borroka-arte mistoen kirolean lehiatzeko hautagai izateko. Nire trebezia probatu nahi dut, irudikatu Rumford eta ikuskizuna jarri NEF kaiolan. Prest nago. "


Austinen aurkaria, James Ploss, Lansevereko Kaze Dojo ezagunean Greg Williamsekin entrenatzen du, New Hampshire. Zaleentzat ezagunak diren izen asko dituzten NEF beteranoak, tartean, Allan Josselyn, Mike Bezanson eta Alex Walker, kazkabarra Kaze Dojotik. Ploss-ek White Mountains gimnasioan debuta sendoen tradizioa aurrera eramateko konpromisoa hartu du eta prozesuko promesa pertsonal bat jarraitzeko.


“Borroka benetakoa da niretzat,"Ploss-ek adierazi du iritzia lortzeko orduan. "Borrokatuko nuela esan zidan gizonari agindu diot. Handik gutxira hil zen. Berari eta niri frogatu nahi dut kirol honetan arrakasta izan dezakedala. Nire helburua besteen lorpena bultzatzea da. "


Eddie DeRoche Austin-ekin borrokatu zen Rumford-eko Mountain Valley High School-erako, Maine. Bere garaian han, DeRoche bi estatuko finalista izan zen. Ekainean egin zuen debuta NEF-k 2016 at “NEF 24: SUSTATUTAKO LURRA "Skyler Bang-en aurka egindako ahaleginean. Berpiztu egin zen debuta egiteko aukera, DeRochek apirilaren NEF kaiolan bere lehen garaipena aurkitzeko konpromisoa hartu du 29garren NEF-n 28.


"Nire lehen borroka ikaskuntza esperientzia bikaina izan da,"Adierazi du DeRochek, iruzkina lortzeko. "Niri eskertu nuen eta beharrezko doikuntzak egin nituen, apirilean bigarren aldiz NEF kaiolan sartu nintzenean. 29garren."


DeRoche-ren aurkaria, Ken Dunn, NEF-ren erredentzioa bilatzen ari da 28. Dunnek aurreko hiru bidaia egin ditu NEF kaiolara, promozioarekin berriro hasi zenetik 2015 eta NEF hexagonoaren barruan bere lehen garaipena gose da.


"NEF-ko zaleei erakutsi nahi diet Velado-n jaurtiketa eta izenburuko jaurtiketa merezi dudala,"Adierazi zuen Dunnek iruzkinak jaso zituenean. “Eddie Deroche aurkari duina da. Ilusioa egiten dit haren aurka lehiatzeak. Bide luzea da goiko aldean kulunkatu nahi baduzu, eta ez naiz iritsi arte.

New England Fights Androscoggin Bank Colisee-ra itzuli da Lewiston, Maine bere borroka-arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldiarekin, “NEF 28: garaiezina,” on Larunbata, April 29, 2017. Sarrerak salgai daude orain Coliseeko leihatilan 207-783-2009 x 525 eta online at www.TheColisee.com.

Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean www.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, jarraitu promozioa Twitter eta Instagram @nefights-en, eta sartu Facebook talde ofizialean “Ingalaterrako Borroka Berriak.”


LOS ANGELES — (March 14, 2017) – Following an undisclosed injury to Darrion Caldwell, budding superstar Leandro “Pitbull” Higo (17-2) will now challenge current champion Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (19-4) in a bantamweight world title fight at Bellator 177: Dantas vs. Pikuinside the Budapest Sports Arena on April 14.

Horrez gain, John “Macapa”(21-1-2) egingo diete aurre Daniel Weichel (38-9) in a featherweight contest and Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) cumple Helen Harper (4-1) at 125-pounds. Rounding out the Spike-televised MMA action will be a featherweight matchup pitting Hungarian-born Adam “The Kid” Borics (5-0) aurka Anthony “Pretty Boy” Taylor(1-2).

Warrior 177: Dantas vs. Pikuwill be broadcast on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, bitartean Bellator Kickboxing 6 will air immediately following the MMA portion of the event, hassiric 11pm ET/10pm CT.


Osatua Warrior 177: Dantas vs. Piku Txartel nagusia:

Bantamweight World Title Bout: Eduardo Dantas (19-4) vs. Leandro Higo (17-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Daniel Weichel (38-9) vs. John “Macapa”Teixeira (21-1-2)

Flyweight Feature Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) vs. Helen Harper (4-1)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Anthony Taylor (1-2) vs. Adam Borics (5-0)

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Brian Moore (9-5) vs. Ludovit Klein (6-0)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Mate Kertesz (3-0) vs. Adam Polgar (10-8)


Lewiston, Maine (March 13, 2017) – New England Borrokak (NEF) Arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldia aurkeztuko du “NEF 28: garaiezina” larunbatean, April 29, 2017 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the card. Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (3-2) returns to take on Beste “The FinisherBelcarris (0-0) Borroka 135-kilo pisu batean.

Leland, a resident of South Portland, Maine, is a mainstay of the NEF cage. He fought his sophomore amateur contest atNEF Iback in February 2012 and has competed on eight of the promotion’s cards since, including one appearance as a professional boxer. Holding a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt from the Academy of MMA in Portland, it should come as no surprise that all three of Leland’s professional victories have come by way of submission. He forced veteran Nick Santos to tap to an arm triangle choke last month atNEF 27.In doing so, Leland snapped a two-fight losing streak. He will look to stay on the winning track on April 29.

I’m very excited to get back in the cage once again,” Said Leland. “I want to keep this momentum going. I’m ready for war and putting in more work this year than I ever have before. Be prepared for a hell of a fightyou will be sorry if you miss it! Mother f**king beast mode!”

Andre Belcarris will make his professional debut atNEF 28,but he already has a wealth of experience in the MMA cage. He began competing in the sport as an amateur in 2010 and has had more than 30 fights sincean astounding number for an amateur mixed-martial-artist. Belcarris fights out of Bennington, Vermont where he is a member of team Northeast Assassins. In direct contrast to Leland’s mat skills, Belcarris is a striker with 11 knockout wins to his credit in the amateur ranks.

I am honored to share the cage with a fighter of Eli’s caliber,” stated Belcarris when reached for comment. “It means that my time has finally come. Espero su artifizialak!”

New England Fights Androscoggin Bank Colisee-ra itzuli da Lewiston, Maine bere borroka-arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldiarekin, “NEF 28: garaiezina,” larunbatean, April 29, 2017. Sarrerak salgai daude orain Coliseeko leihatilan 207-783-2009 x 525 eta online at www.TheColisee.com.

Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web guneanwww.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, jarraitu promozioa Twitter eta Instagram @nefights-en, eta sartu Facebook talde ofizialean “Ingalaterrako Borroka Berriak.”

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak (“NEF”) borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.




Luma Pisuko Ko-Ekitaldi Nagusia:
Walter Zamora vs. Alex “Gallito” Flores

Erick “Ghost Pepper” Gonzalez vs. Marco Antonio “La Roca” Elpidio
Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet vs. Jose Salasar

NEW YORK – March 10, 2017 – Combate Americas announced its second event of the year in a Mexican territorya debut visit to the city of Tijuana – on Osteguna, March 30, live on Azteca America (10 p.m. ETA/PT) and UFC Fight Pass® (8 p.m. ETA/5 p.m. PT), from Auditorio Fausto Gutierrez Moreno.

Bantamweight batean (135 kilo) main event, Argentinar Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (10-4) will square off with fellow rising star and Monterrey, Mexico native Iván “El Brasil” Flores (8-1-1).

Rojo, a semifinalist on the third season of The Ultimate Fighter Latin America, will make his promotional debut in La Jaula, Combate Ameriketan kaiola, and set out to prove that he has the tools necessary to lead Combate Americasfast-growing, 135-libra zatiketa.

“I’m not only here as a guest. I came here to become the most important fighter in my division,” said Rojo. “MMA has grown in Argentina, and it’s about time that we show that on this side of the continent. This fight will be a duel between the North against South.”

On the other side, Flowers, who suffered his first career defeat at the hands of unbeaten Mark “The Bumblebee” Delarosa at the Combate Americas event in Mexico City, Mexico on Urtarrilaren 19, now wants to return to the win column immediately.

“When you face a Mexican fighter, you have to be prepared for the most difficult fight of your life. I hope (Rojo) is aware of that, if he wants to be victorious” said Flores.

Rojo will fight for the first time in Mexico after an extensive career in South American arenas where he has become one of the most popular fighters in the region.

In the featherweight (145 kilo) co-nagusia Ekitaldia, Walter Zamora (9-2) of Costa Rica will battle Alex “Gallito” Flores (8-1) of Monterrey.

Zamora’s debut in Combate Americas will once again personify the sports rivalry between Mexican and Central American fighters.

“Mexico is always the one to beat at any sport,” Zamora explained. “It won’t be any different against Flores. We are going to put on a good show. It will be a spectacular evening because the best fighters of the Americas will be present in Tijuana.”

In other action in La Jaula, Erick “Ghost Pepper” González (5-2) Los Angeleseko, Kalifornia. will return to action just six weeks after his heroic, “Fight of the Night” performance against Danny “The Realist” Ramírez at Combate11 on February 16.

Gonzalez will battle Marco Antonio “La Roca” Elpidio (7-1) of Mexico City in a lightweight (155 kilo) afera. Elpidio was victorious by way of split decision over Rodrigo “Kazula” Vargas at the Combate Americas event in Mexico City.

Gonzalez’s three-fight win streak was snapped when he gave up a unanimous decision to Ramirez.

In another bantamweight scrap, Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet (4-1) Las Vegas, Nev. egingo dute talka Jose Salasar (4-2) Tijuana.

Ruquet notched a spectacular victory by submission (atzerako biluzik choke) bigarren txandan (1:47) of action against Jose “The Ghost” Ceja at the Combate Americas event in Mexico City.

Additional Combate12 bouts will be announced soon.

UFC FIGHT PASS is a digital subscription service which gives fans access to exclusive live UFC events and fights, exclusive live MMA and combat sports events from around the world, exclusive original and behind the scenes content and unprecedented 24-7 sarbidea munduko borroka liburutegi handienera.

Download the UFC App now.


Matt Probin delivers a flying knee on a Muay Thai fight card in Thailand


Lewiston, Maine (March 10, 2017) – New England Borrokak (NEF) Arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldia aurkeztuko du “NEF 28: garaiezina” larunbatean, April 29, 2017 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Matt “Pretty Boy” Probin (0-0) bilduko Rob “Beast” Best (0-0) Borroka 145-kilo pisu batean.

Probin, a well known boxer, kickboxer and mixed-martial-artist, came to Maine and began training in the Pine Tree State in 2015. A native of Blackpool, Ingalaterra, Probin had spent time training in North Carolina prior to arriving in Maine. He put together a 6-2 record as an amateur MMA competitor and won a regional title in the Carolinas. While he has not competed in MMA since moving to Maine, Probin has stayed active competing in other combat sports. He da 2-2 boxeolari profesional gisa, and he has also spent time training Muay Thai in Thailand in recent years. Probin even competed at the world famous Bangla Boxing Stadiumone of Thailand’s premier Muay Thai venues. He will make his professional MMA debut on April 29 Bangor kide gisa, Maine’s Young’s MMA.

I feel like this has been a long time coming,” said Probin when reached for comment. “I’m excited to make my debut for NEF and put on a show for my friends and fans in my adopted hometown. Ez keinu!”

With more than two-dozen fights since 2011, Rob Best has been one of the Northeast’s most continuously active MMA competitors in recent years. Amateur bat bezala, Best captured a regional lightweight title in New York state. He is a member of Mohawk Valley MMA based in the Utica area. Like Probin, the bout on April 29 will be Best’s professional MMA debut.

New England Fights Androscoggin Bank Colisee-ra itzuli da Lewiston, Maine bere borroka-arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldiarekin, “NEF 28: garaiezina,” larunbatean, April 29, 2017. Sarrerak salgai daude orain Coliseeko leihatilan 207-783-2009 x 525 eta online at www.TheColisee.com.

Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web guneanwww.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, jarraitu promozioa Twitter eta Instagram @nefights-en, eta sartu Facebook talde ofizialean “Ingalaterrako Borroka Berriak.”

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak (“NEF”) borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.

FNU COMBAT SPORTS SHOW: Lou Duva Tribute Show, Psychic Tom Padgett absolutely crushes UFC 209 Predictions, Garcia vs. Thurman Recap and Analysis

Tony Penecale (Ezkerretik) and Lou Duva (eskuin) at the Brockton, Massachusetts dedication of the Rocky Marciano statue.

Our show this week was dedicated to Lou Duva (above right with our co-host Tony Penecale). Lou died earlier this week at the ripe old age of 1994. He was a great friend to Rocky Marciano, a promoter of 19 munduko txapeldun, and a man who had all his irons in the one fire that lit his life: boxeo. The promoter/trainer/manager/legend appeared on the FNU Combat Sports show years back, but unfortunately the audio is grainy and spotty. If you listen closely the gems our talk contains outweigh the difficult spots to hear.

The full Lou Duva interview is here:


I’m also posting a couple specific remastered clips here:






Tom, Tony and Rich also recap Garcia vs. Thurman, The latest on Mayweather vs. McGregor, UFC 209 and the many controversies attached, GSP’s dark warning about weight cutting, and Tony Bellew’s shocking upset of David Haye.


Here’s the tape: (THE TAPE DOESN’T LIE)





LOS ANGELES – Bellator President Scott Coker announced today that Ryan Grab has been named Senior Director of Communications and Athlete Strategy. Grab, who most recently served as the Director of Communications for Phoenix International Raceway, a member of the Daytona, Fla.-based ISC family of racetracks, will oversee all communications and media relations for Bellator MMA and Kickboxing effective immediately.


“We are pleased to welcome Ryan to our staff,"Esan Coker. “His years of experience in the MMA industry will have an immediate impact on our team at Bellator and we look forward to him assisting with the overall growth of the organization.”


Prior to his time with Phoenix International Raceway, Grab spent over five years with Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Las Vegas. In addition to PR, Grab also held a role within the organization’s Athlete Development department where he was responsible for organizing and programming educational summits for active athletes, as well as promoting health and wellness initiatives within the sport.


“I am excited about the new opportunity with Bellator and Viacom,” Grab said. “I am looking forward to again working with Scott Coker to promote some of the best athletes in the world and continuing to elevate the Bellator brand as a premier global combat sports property.”


After earning his Master’s degree from the University of Georgia, Grab began his career in sports as an intern with UFC in 2010 and joined the communications team full-time in 2011. He also spent two years promoting the STRIKEFORCE brand following the UFC’s acquisition of the property, which saw the successful career launch of several future MMA world champions.


Grab will work with Director of Communications Danny Brener of BZA Public Relations, as well as current Bellator PR staff member, Public Relations Manager C.J. Tuttle, as they continue in their roles with Bellator. He will be based in Viacom’s newly opened west coast headquarters in Hollywood’s Columbia Square and can be reached by email at Ryan.Grab@bellator.com edo telefono bidez (706)-540-3425.




OHARRA berehalako: Lewiston, Maine (March 7, 2017) – New England Borrokak (NEF) Arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldia aurkeztuko du “NEF 28: garaiezina” larunbatean, April 29, 2017 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Aaron “Relentless” Lacey (4-0) du aurpegia sinatu WalterAll-DaySmith-Cotito (4-5) Borroka 145-kilo pisu batean.

Aaron Lacey, undefeated as a professional, has won seven in a row going back to his amateur career. He was prepared to compete at “NEF 27” Azken hilabetea, but Mother Nature had other plans when a snowstorm prevented his opponent from making the trip to Lewiston from Florida. The setback has made Lacey even hungrier to return to action, but the Young’s MMA standout knows that he has his toughest test to date in front of him in the form of Cotito.

This is going to be an amazing fight,” said Lacey. “Walter is a skilled and dangerous opponent, and he is realistically one of the most dangerous people I have fought to date. That’s alright with me thoughthe tougher the opponent, gogorragoa egiten dut lan. After what went down in February, I’m chomping at the bit to get back in there.

The fight for Cotito will represent a rubber match of sorts with Young’s opponents. In the spring of 2013, Cotito took Ray Wood (8-3) deep into the third round before Wood, then Young’s standout featherweight prospect, was able to finish the fight. Cotito would gain a measure of revenge against the Bangor gym when he submitted Bruce Boyington (14-10) at “NEF X” later that year. Between a pair of recent appearances for global fight promotion Bellator, Cotito scored a second-round submission of Elias Leland (3-2) at “NEF 25” joan den irailean.

I’m super excited to fight this kid that they’re all talking about,” exclaimed Cotito. “He has a lot of potential, they keep sayinggood, this just makes it more exciting for me! Nobody has seen the real Walter Cotito in the cage yet. Don’t miss this fight because ‘All-Dayis coming for you!”

New England Fights Androscoggin Bank Colisee-ra itzuli da Lewiston, Maine bere borroka-arte martzialen hurrengo ekitaldiarekin, “NEF 28: garaiezina,” larunbatean, April 29, 2017. Sarrerak salgai daude orain Coliseeko leihatilan 207-783-2009 x 525 eta online at www.TheColisee.com.

Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean www.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, jarraitu promozioa Twitter eta Instagram @nefights-en, eta sartu Facebook talde ofizialean “Ingalaterrako Borroka Berriak.”

Alexander Shlemenko defeats Paul Bradley, Kunchenko retains M-1 Challenge title

OHARRA berehalako
M-1 CHALLENGE 74 Emaitza ofizialak

(R) Alexander Shlemenko kicked his way to another victory
MOSKUA (March 4, 2017) — Errusiako middleweight Alexander “Ekaitz” Shlemenko garaitu American Paul “Jaun” Bradley and undefeated M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Alexei Kunchenko retained his title last night in the loaded M-1 Challenge 75 card at Olympic Sports Complex in Moscow, Errusiak
A three-time Bellator champion, Shlemenko (55-9-0. 1 NC, M-1: 5-0-0) spoiled the M-1 Global debut of former Ring of Combat champion Bradley (23-8-0, M-1: 0-1-0), borrokan San Diego kanpo, by way of a three-round unanimous decision in the main event of the evening. Shlemenko, who last year captured the M-1 Grand Prix Middleweight Championship, remained undefeated in M-1 Global competition.
Kunchenko (16-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0), Errusiako, kept his professional MMA record intact with his 16garren irabazi, half of which in M-1 Global competition, with a five-round unanimous decision over fellow countryman Maksim Grabovich (5-3-0, M-1: 4-1-0) co-feature-en.
(R) — Alexey Kunchenko cruised to his 16th pro win with a defeat
Popular Russian welterweight Sergey “StreetfighterRomanov (11-1-0, M-1: 4-0-0) made a strong statement as a legitimate title contender with his three-round unanimous decision over Russian MMA veteran Mogamed “Wolf Zuria” Sultanakhmedov (18-6-0, M-1: 10-2-0), the former M-1 Selection middleweight champion.
Former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Maxim Divnich (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0) kokatu du bere burua izenburua jaurtiketa bestearengatik, stopping American KeonThe Black Assassin” Caldwell (11-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0) on punches in the second round.
In the final main card fight, Brasilgo argi heavyweight Carlos “Cachorrao” Eduardo (15-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) made an impressive M-1 Global debut, taking a three-round decision from his Ukrainian opponent, BorisBoraPolezhay (15-6-0, M-1: 1-1-0).
Aurretiazko txartela ekintzan, Errusiako middleweight Valery “Errusiako Hammer” Myasinikov (11-1-2, M-1: 2-1-2) lived up to his nickname with an opening-round knockout of Brazilian Amilcar Alves (15-11-0, M-1: 0-1-0), undefeated Russian welterweight Abubakar Mestoev (4-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) took a three-round unanimous decision from German Niko Samsonidse (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), pro-debuting Russian lightweight Roman Bogatov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) used an arm-triangle choke to submit Ukrainian Aleksey Sotnikov (4-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), South Korean Bok Kil Young (8-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1) eta Errusiako Viktor Kolesnik (9-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1) hiru-txandan zozketa bat borrokatua, Russian welterweight Danila Prikaza (6-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0) locked in a rear-naked choke hold to defeat German ArdaBoma YeAdas (8-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) by first-round submission, and Georgian lightweight Raul Tutarauli (8-4-0, M-1: 4-1-0) punched out Mohamed Grabinski (14-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Alemaniako, bigarren txandan.
Complete results & Argazki galeria behean:
Txartel nagusia
Ekitaldi nagusia – Middleweights
Alexander Shlemenko (55-9-0, 1 NC, M-1: 5-0-0), Errusiak
Paul Bradley (23-8-0, 2 NC, M-1: 0-1-0), USA
Alexei Kunchenko (16-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0), Errusiak
Maksim Grabovich (5-3-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Errusiak
(Kunchenko retained M-1 Challenge welterweight title)
Seregey Romanov (11-1-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Errusiak
Magomed Sultanakhmedov (18-6-0, M-1: 10-2-0), Errusiak
Maxim Divnich (12-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Errusiak
WTKO/KO2 (punches – 2:03)
Keon Caldwell (11-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), USA
LIGHT heavyweights
Carlos Eduardo (15-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilen
Boris Polezhay (15-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ukrainako
Valery Myasinikov(11-1-2, M-1: 2-2-2), Errusiak.
WTKO/KO1 (punches – 2:59)
Amilcar Alves (15-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilen
Abubakar Mestoev (4-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Errusiak
Niko Samsonidse (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Alemanian
Danila Prikaza (6-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Errusiak
WSUB1 (atzerako biluzik choke – 1:54)
Arda Adas (8-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Alemanian
Roman Bogatov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiak
WSUB1 (beso-triangelu choke – 1:56)
Aleksey Sotnikov (4-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Ukrainako
Bok Kil Young (8-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Hego Korea
Viktor Kolesnik (9-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Errusiak
Raul Tutarauli (8-4-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Georgia
WTKO/KO2 (punches – 3:50)
Mohamed Grabinski (14-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Alemanian



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Julia Budd (10-2) garaitu Marloes Coenen (23-8) TKO bidez (punches) at 2:42 Kopako lau


Quotes: “I have dreamt about this moment forever. When I zen 21 and first started kickboxing, I dreamt about being a champion and I didn’t make it, I lost.Budd said. “Beraz, this is my dream come true. The moment I signed with Bellator, I saw all the champions up there on the banners and I said to myself that i want to be up there with them some day. Now it feels like everything has come together.

Theres only one message that I want to give out to all the fighters out there and that’s please listen to your body. I’m very proud of all the women in MMA and I’m very grateful for Bellator,” Coenen said. This company picked me up when I was in a dark place and Scott Coker has given me so many opportunities throughout my career. Bellator MMA will always be my home.

Fernando Gonzalez (26-14) garaitu Brandon Girtz (14-6) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28, 29-27, 30-26)


Quote: “Everything I thought was going to happen Gaur gauean, happened. Every time he was going to go for a take down, I wanted to make him pay for it.Gonzalez esan. I had to keep him busy and make him scramble. My plan was to box with him and then keep him away with the leg kicks. I wanted to make him work and get him tired and it proved to be effective in the third round. My next fight, Nahi dut Andrey Koreshkov. He is one of the best and Bellator’s former champion. I think I will win that fight, which will put me right in line with Douglas Lima next.

Justin Txepetxa (13-2) garaitu Roman Pizzolato (8-9) aurkezteko bidez (arm triangle) at 2:35 Bat txandan


Quote: “I’m so grateful for Bellator and Spike to be able to come out here, do what I love and perform. Baina, for me, it’s about so much more than the competition, it’s all about knocking some dude out, so that we can knock out the water crisis with my team out there in the Congo,” Wren said. They are so incredible. I just train them and put the tools in their hands. They are much better fighters than I ever could be in this cage, so I want to be as good as I can, so that I can give them a voice.

Rafael Lovato Jr.. (5-0) garaitu Charles Hackman (4-5) TKO bidez 0:13 Bat txandan


Quote: “I was completely prepared for this fight and had an incredible camp," Lovato Jr. esan. “I’m just so happy and thankful to be with Bellator now. I’m so excited about my future, so let’s ride this wave.

Preliminary Card Results/Photos:

Justin Patterson (9-1) garaitu Jason Witt (7-4) TKO bidez 0:13 txandan hiru

Gabrielle Holloway (6-5) garaitu Alexis Dufresne (6-3) TKO bidez 2:53 Kopako bi of

Emily Ducote (5-2) garaitu Katy Collins (6-2) aurkezteko bidez (atzeko biluzik choke) at 4:53 Bat txandan

Emmanuel Rivera (6-0) garaitu Treston Thomison (10-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-26, 30-27 2x)

Cody Pfister (13-6-1) garaitu Jonathan Gary (12-8-2) aurkezteko bidez (atzeko biluzik choke) at 4:04 Bat txandan


Quote: "Jonathan Gary is a class act, a great guy, and I’m glad that I had the chance to compete against him Gaur gauean. My retirement caught a lot of people by surprise," Pfister said. “I’m going to take time off to focus on other aspirations, but who knows, maybe I’ll be back. Bellator is a class company and I’m honored that my last fight will be with them. Scott Coker and Bellator know how to take care of the fighters and I really like what they’ve done with the company.”