Tag Архив: Смесени бойни изкуства

Busy May & June for M-1 Global


ST. PETERSBURG, Русия (Март 31, 2017) – M-1 Global президент Вадим Finkelchtein (pictured above) has announced five M-1 Challenge events to be held this May and June.
Below is a Q & A with the veteran MMA promoter:
Can you tell us about plans for upcoming M-1 Global events?
VF: “In the next 2-3 months we will promote an extremely full schedule of events. Through the middle of Юнид, we will promote fiveI’m not afraid to use these wordsgrandiose tournaments. 22 април there’s an event being held in Nazran, which was arranged with the support of the local government, and dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ingushetia. На Май 19тата, in collaboration with Rostec and Rosoboronexport corporations, we will hold a truly spectacular event in Sochi. Our traditional tournament in Orenburg is set for 26 май, which regularly takes place at the highest level with a crowded venue. На Юниe 1st, we will hold another event in St. Petersburg as part of the International Иconomic Forum program. And already on Юнид 15 – A major tournament will be held June 15тата в Харбин, Китай, during the program of the Russian-Chinese Иxpo. Both in St. Petersburg and China, we are included in the official program, so we will be participating in truly large-scale events.
Fans are interested in fighters whose performances will decorate these tournaments. Can you reveal some of the competing fighters?
VF: “We will really surprise the audience at these events. A lot of negotiations are ongoing, including those with fighters who are the TopP-20 ranked fighters in the world. There will also be fights involving new fighters. Разбира се, we intend to make fights that fans have been waiting for a long time. One is the is the Idrisov vs. Buchinger rematch and, разбира се, probably the most anticipated fight in Russian MMA today, Shlemenko срещу Иmeev.
The fight between Alexander Shlemenko and Ramazan Иmeev had already been postponed twice. What prevents this fight from being canceled for the third time?
VF: “The desire of the two fighters can play the major role here. Иverything has been done on our side. Alexander Shlemenko is ready for this fight. We’re waiting word back from Ramazan Иmeev. This fight is interesting for fans and we will try to make it happen. People are starting to understand more and more about MMA and we are making fights that our fans want to happen. Not only does this apply to Shlemenko и Иmeev. but for other popular fighters as well, including undefeated M-1 welterweight champion Alexey Kunchenko, top lightweight Artiom Damkovsky, Damir Ismagulov, Sergey Romanov и много други. We try to sign contracts with only fighters who want to be in spectacular fights. Look at the last events in Moscow. Were any of the 11 fights boring? Do Not! Иven in undercard matches we have fighters who deliver exciting fights and often early finishes. This is the hallmark of our promotion. We do not hold uninteresting events or boring fights.
Днес, many promotions sign fighters who were fired from UFC. Why are you not doing this?
VF: “Certainly in that way. If fighters are interesting to the Russian public and well known, we will sign him. В противен случай, I believe that it is wrong to sign, така да се каже, cast-off fighters. This will not add credibility and strengthen our organization in the MMA world. We do that a different way. We build stars that UFC chases. It may be more difficult but M-1 is more respected by the West for doing it this way. Виж, those fighters who leave M-1 for the UFC leave because they’ve been developed through serious schooling, as we do not feed themtomato cans” опоненти. We do not make easy fights for anybody. Marcin Tybura, Rashid Магомедов, Mairbek Taisumov, Алексей Oleinik, Islam Makhachev, Alexander Volkov, и т.н.. All of them are our former fighters. They were not known at the beginning of their careers but now they are all doing excellent. Fighters of the other promoters who moved in UFC are often fired after a while because, here in Russia, they did not face tough opposition.
How do you fight the departure of your fighters to the West?
VF: “Тук, I disagree with you. It used to be that way. Сега, to the contrary, many fighters want to perform in M-1 because it is no less prestigious than performing for Bellator, where the emphasis is on the show. Example of this are Alexander Shlemenko, Сергей Харитонов, и други. These warriors gladly come to us and agree to fight here because the opposition in M-1 is not weak. Разбира се, regarding the departure of the fighters to the West, money plays a great role. But there are fighters who are grateful to M-1 for fame they gained. We paved the road to a greatness for them and, consequently, they do not rush to leave M-1 anywhere.


Кикотене & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Март 30, 2017 FNU Бойни спортове Show: King Mo vs. Rampage Preview, Arum says UFC will take half of Conor’s purse against Floyd

Мъжко животно, Rich and Tony break down last week’s big fights and preview the upcoming week’s combat sports cards. The main focus is Bellator 175 in MMA this week. We also discuss some of the latest news, such as a claim made by Bob Arum that the UFC wants to take half of Conor MacGregor’s purse when and if he fights Floyd Mayweather Jr. in a boxing match. We also have a good laugh about Rampage Jackson being mad at King Mo Lawal forfat shaminghim.. Rampage’s defense is vintage Cartman from South Park: “I’m not fat, I’m just big boned.

Най-руски тежка категория Сергей Харитонов се ангажира да се бори за M-1 Challenge 80 карта юни 15 в Китай

МОСКВА (Март 27, 2017) – Руската тежка категория Сергей “Но на Командосите” Харитонов поела ангажимент да бойна Юни 15 на M-1 Challenge 80 карта в Харбин, Китай. Харитонов ще квадратни един срещу ветерана Бразилският ММА боец Маркъс Viniciuds “планина” Lopes в основното събитие.
Харитонов (23-6-0, М-1: 3-0-0) не е побеждаван в три M-1 Challenge събития като победи бившия M-1 Challenge шампион в тежка категория Kenny “Двойка” Събирам два пъти, в М-1 Предизвикателство 59 в 2015 в Казахстан (WKO / TKO4 – щанци) и M-1 Challenge 43 в 2013 в Китай, (OR / TKO3 – нараняване), и На финансите Алексей при M-1 Challenge 53 в 2014 Русия (Kho2).
Харитонов, който също се е борил в Strikeforce и PRIDE, Побеждава някои от най-големите в тежка категория на ММА бойци на всички времена, включително и Allistair Overeem, Андрей Арловски, Fabricio Werdum и Pedro Rizzo.
Lopes (15-0-0, М-1: 2-1-0) победен Евгени Myakinkin от три кръгли единодушно решение през миналия февруари M-1 Challenge 74. Лопес спечелиха три кръгли единодушно решение над Курбан Ibragimov в дебюта си в М-1 през юли миналата година. самотен Неговата M-1 загуба дойде при M-1 Challenge 71 през миналия октомври до бившия M-1 Challenge светлина шампион в тежка категория Стивън Puetz, който се използва дросел задържане за трети кръг победа подаване.
А борец налягане и твърд насрещната, Лопес е жиу-житцу шампион в родния си Бразилия на, където повечето от неговите ММА боеве са били задържани по време на неговото 6 1/2-години професионална кариера.
В скорошно интервю с M-1 Global News, Харитонов каза, “Получих много оферти, но аз предпочитам да се бият в M-1 Global.” По-долу е пълен Q & А с Харитонов:
Знаете ли кой вашият опонент ще бъде най-M-1 Challenge и, ако не, какви са вашите очаквания?
SK: “Не все още не знам нищо. Получих оферта от M-1, за да се бият в Китай. Откакто започнах да говоря с (M-1 Global президент) Вадим Finkelchtein за дълго време и се разбират помежду си, Дадох съгласието Вадим каза съм популярен в Китай и че той ме искаше да представлява Русия в този турнир. В този момент, Аз нямам мисли или предположения за тази битка, защото аз съм фокусиран върху предстоящия ми Bellator бой. Това е основната ми цел в момента и след това борбата ще се мисли за борбата М-1.”
Bellator не е дал разрешение да се бие през декември миналата година в Русия. Какво се е променило това време и е трудно да се получи разрешение да се бие отново в M-1?
SK: “Не е имало проблеми. Аз не искам да коментирам как стигнахме до споразумение, малко едно нещо е сигурно, Получавал съм разрешение и след следващото ми Bellator бори Аз ще се боря в M-1 Challenge 80 в Китай.”
Вие се бори в Китай в M-1 Challenge 53. Харесва ли ви местната аудитория там и какви са общите си впечатления от турнира?
SK: “Всичко беше наред. Хареса ми на нивото на организация, Феновете’ отношение към атлетите, и отговорът от страна на обществеността. Мисля, че M-1 има добър опит по отношение на холдинговите турнири в Китай, така че това време те могат да го още по-голямо шоу направи.”
Приемате ли оферти да се бори от други руски организации и защо решихте да се бият в M-1?
SK: “Да, Получих много оферти, особено напоследък. Аз няма да кажа конкретно, но те са били от големите руски ММА организации. Но имам сериозни отношения с М-1 и мен и Вадим се познават помежду си и. Разбираме се добре и се доверят един на друг. Следователно, О предпочитат да се бият в M-1 Global.”


Кикотене & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Fight Network представя LFA 7: Санчес срещу. Май & GLORY 39 BrusselsDoubleheader на живо този уикенд

За незабавно пускане – март 24, 2017


TORONTO – Fight Network, в света премиер 24/7 мултиплатформен канал, посветен на пълно покритие на бойните спортове, представя пълен с екшън уикенд с бойни спортни действия на живо, започвайки тази вечер, Петък, Март 24 при 9 p.m. И, с LFA 7: Санчес срещу. Май излъчван от Арена Тиатър в Хюстън, Texas.

Излъчване на живо по Fight Network в Канада и в световен мащаб 30 държави в Европа, Африка и Близкия изток, LFA 7: Санчес срещу. Май ще включва сблъсък в категория муха между непобедени Роберто Санчес (5-0) и Klayton май (8-2) и съ-основно събитие в категория петел, което се сблъсква с веднъж победен Адриан Янез (5-1) срещу Неделя Пиларте (6-1).

GLORY, световната водеща лига по кикбокс, започва своя пролетен сезон с двубой на живо по Fight Network тази събота, Март 25 от Forest National в Брюксел, Белгия.

Up първо при 1 p.m. И, GLORY 39 Серия SuperFight включва сблъсък за световното първенство в лека категория GLORY, като действащ шампион на GLORY Ситичай (113-30-5, 30 KO) защитава колана си срещу No. 1 класиран претендент Дилън Салвадор (49-11-1, 21 KO).

Пълната карта с шест битки за GLORY 39 Серия SuperFight можете да намерите по-долу:

  • Главен двубой за Световна титла в лека категория: Sitthichai vs. Дилън Салвадор
  • Лек двубой със заглавие: Марат Григорян срещу. Антон Петров
  • Heavyweight Bout: Хесди Гергес срещу. Чи Луис-Пари
  • Catchweight (150 LB / 68 кг) Пристъп: Qinghao Meng срещу.. Килиан Мулун
  • Welterweight Bout: Арут Григорян vs. Павол Гарай
  • Лек Bout: Tyjani Beztati vs. сабри бен хения

The GLORY 39 Брюксел основната карта се излъчва на живо тази събота, Март 25 при 4 p.m. И, оглавявана от наскоро коронования GLORY шампион в полусредна категория Седрик “Най-доброто” Думбе (65-4-1, 39 KO) на Франция, защитавайки колана си за първи път срещу швейцарски нападател и номер 1. 2 класирана полусредна категория Йоан Конголо (64-8, 46 KO).

Пълната карта с пет битки за GLORY 39 Брюксел можете да намерите по-долу:

  • Срещен заглавие на световната титла в полусредна категория: Cédric Doumbé vs. Йоан Конголо
  • Финална среща на турнира в категория перо: Победител в Bout A срещу. Победител в Bout B
  • Тежка категория съвместно заглавие: Джамал Бен Садик срещу.. Гуто Иносенте
  • Полуфинален двубой B на турнира в категория перо: Сергей Адамчук vs.. Нафи Билаловски
  • Полуфинален двубой A на турнира в категория перо: Petchpanomrung Kiatmookao vs. Алексей Улянов

Двойният двубой на GLORY ще бъде предаван на живо ексклузивно по Fight Network в Канада и Турция.

За пълния списък на график предаването Fight Нетуърк, моля, посетете www.fightnetwork.com, ни последват в Twitterfightnet, станете фен на Facebook и да ни посетите на Instagramfightnet.


За незабавно освобождаване:

Март 23, 2017







Лос Анджелис – Bellator MMA is bringing its biggest event ever to the “Big Apple!"

Madison Square Garden, “The World’s Most Famous Arena” and Mecca of combat sports, will host Bellator’s first-ever mixed martial arts event in the state of New York on Saturday, Юни 24 с Bellator NYC: Слънца срещу. Silva. The blockbuster pay-per-view features two of the sport’s most recognizable names in Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) и Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC), who will finally meet in a light heavyweight fight that has been brewing since 2011.

The double main event also features Fedor Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC), an MMA legend that many consider to be the greatest heavyweight fighter of all-time, поемането на Мат Mitrione (11-5) in a bout that will undoubtedly produce fireworks between the heavy-handed strikers.

Допълнително, the Viacom-owned promotion is adding two world championship bouts. Първи, Douglas Lima (28-6) defends his belt against top free agent signing Лоренц Ларкин (18-5, 1 NC) и след това, current lightweight champ Michael Chandler(16-3) will put his world title on the line against the undefeated Brent Primus (7-0).

“As a fight promoter, my goal is to put together the biggest cards possible for our fans around the world,- каза президентът на Bellator Скот Кокър. “Bringing an event of this magnitude to a city and arena like New York and Madison Square Garden has been something Bellator, Spike and Viacom have wanted to make happen for quite some time. На Юни 24, the goal becomes reality, when we put on the biggest event in promotional history, Bellator NYC."

Bellator NYC: Слънца срещу. Silva протича Събота, Юни 24 and airs LIVE on pay-per-view beginning at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT. Prior to the pay-per-view event, SPIKE ще се излъчи Bellator 180 LIVE and FREE on both coasts, започващ най- 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT. Допълнително, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 p.m. И/ 3 p.m. PT. Additional contests will be announced in the coming days.

Tickets for the event starting at $60, Не включително приложимите такси и данъци за услуги, влезе в продажба Петък, Март 31 at Ticketmaster, TheGarden.com and Bellator.com. Fans can sign up for Bellator Nation here to participate in a presale that will take place Сряда, March 29-Thursday, Март 30.

Bellator NYC: Слънца срещу. Silva will be distributed by G&G Closed Circuit Events to bars, restaurants and other commercial establishments throughout the U.S. и Канада. G&G Events is a leading provider of closed circuit television and has distributed some of the biggest events in sports, including De La Hoya vs. Мейуедър, Мейуедър срещу. “Canelo” Alvarez and Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, as well as Bellator 120: Rampage vs. King Mo. “G&G is thrilled about Bellator being back in the pay-per-view business with this tremendous event. We look forward to handling the distribution nationwide and for Canada,” said G&G President Nicolas Gagliardi. G&G Events can be contacted at www.ggccevents.com или на телефон(888) 258-7115.

Допълнително, through Bellator’s global distribution partners, Bellator NYC: Слънца срещу. Silva will be available in over 140 страни по света.

Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC, a run that saw him defeat current middleweight champion Michael Bisping, and compete against the likes of Jon Jones, Anderson Silva (два пъти), Рашад Евънс, „Шогун“ Руа, Demian Maia and Brian Stann. In addition to his in-ring action, the West Linn, Ore. native has mastered the art of being in front of the camera, doing broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. Following a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen returned to the cage against Tito Ortiz при Bellator 170 през януари.

“The Axe Murderer” has fought in some of the most memorable feuds and battles the sport has ever seen. His wars with“Rampage” Джаксън, Tito Ortiz, Mirko Cro Cop, Vitor Belfort, Дан Хендерсън |, Kazushi Sakuraba, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. Silva is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man that he has despised for quite some time. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), KO на годината (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards, including one for each of his last three fights. He now looks to continue entertaining fans inside the Bellator cage and begins with a bout several years in the making.

Бивш шампион PRIDE, "Последният император" е един от най-почитаните и уважавани в тежка категория бойци на спорта е виждал. Каменно лице и тихо, Emelianenko се похвали един от най-впечатляващите непобедени ивици в историята на ММА, не губи двубой между 2001 и 2009. А мулти-световен шампион по MMA и Самбо, Фьодор наскоро се върна в спорта след кратко прекъсване, accumulating two decisive wins since his return to action.

Matt Mitrione remains poised to make an impact in the Bellator heavyweight division following two emphatic wins since signing with Bellator in 2016. The Illinois native and standout defensive end at Purdue University earned All-Big Ten honors in 2000 and subsequently earned his way into the NFL where he played six seasons as a member of the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings. Mitrione ultimately found his way into MMA where he became a high-level competitor, defeating the likes of the late Kimbo Slice, Derrick Lewis and Gabriel Gonzaga.

Hailing from Atlanta, Ga. “The Phenom” has been ruling the roost at 170-pounds in Bellator for the better part of three years. A winner of 16 на неговата последна 18 конкурси, the American Top Team product remains set on doing away with all viable contenders at welterweight and his first step since reclaiming the strap from Андрей Koreshkov comes against one of Bellator’s newest signees, Лоренц Ларкин.

Set to enter the Bellator fray is a “Monsoon” of violent proportions – unanimously ranked on lists compiling the top-ten welterweights on the planet, Larkin is set to continue his career in Bellator, after inking an exclusive, multi-fight contract last week. A known finisher, the pride of Riverside, Халиф. will make his promotional debut a winner of four out of five.

Chandler will look to defend his belt for the first time since successfully defending it in a “Fight of the Year” candidate against Benson Henderson през ноември миналата година. A 16-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Chandler has consistently proven that he belongs among the world’s elite, riding into his bout on Юни 24 on a streak of four straight victories.

Also a native of Oregon, the surging Primus remains unbeaten after five consecutive wins to begin his Bellator MMA career. На само 31, Primus has been committed to honing his craft since he was 13, going as far as to sell his landscaping business to keep his hopes of someday becoming a champion alive. На Юни 24, he finally has the opportunity to make his dreams come to fruition.

Follow the conversation using #BellatorNYC on social media.


Обновено Bellator NYC: Слънца срещу. Silva Бойна карта:

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) срещу. Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC)

Основно събитие в тежка категория: Fedor Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC) срещу. Мат Mitrione (11-5)

Среща за световна титла в полусредна категория: Douglas Lima (28-6) срещу. Лоренц Ларкин (18-5, 1 NC)

Среща за световна титла в лека категория: Michael Chandler (16-3) срещу. Brent Primus (7-0)

Алексей Nevzorov & Movsar Evloev to fight for Interim M-1 Challenge bantamweight title

M-1 Challenge 76, Април 22, в Ингушетия
МОСКВА (Март 21, 2017) – M-1 Global has ordered an Interim M-1 Challenge bantamweight title fight, due to a long-term injury to reigning champion Павел Vitruk, between top contenders Алексей Nevzorov и Movsar Evloev при M-1 Challenge 76, Април 22, в Ингушетия, Русия.
Representing the famed Alexander Nevsky OEMK Team in Stary Oskol, Русия, the home gym for living legend Fedor Emelianenko, Nevsorov (12-2-0, М-1: 6-1-0) е спечелил последните си три двубоя, including a second-round stoppage of Андрей Lezhnev през миналия декември в M-1 Challenge 73, and a three-round decision last September over East Nagibin при M-1 Challenge 70.
Nevorov (pictured above) will be dropping down in weight from featherweight to bantamweight to fight for the title.
Also Russian fighter, Евлоев (6-0-0, М-1: 6-0-0) is coming off the best victory of his young career, positioning himself for this title shot with a three-round decision over his much more experienced foe, American opponent Lee Morrison (see pictured below), при M-1 Challenge 73.
Known for his tremendous physicality, coupled with an excellent grappling game and diverse striking skill set, Nevzorov has been tabbed as a future MMA star.
A featherweight match between Russian East Nagibin (8-2-0, М-1: 4-1-0) и Brazilian Diego D’Avila (18-5-0, М-1: 1-0-0) has also been announced for M-1 Challenge 76.
Nagibin is coming off an impressive third-round stoppage (щанци) на The rbanali Abdusalamov при M-1 Challenge 72 през ноември миналата година, while D’Avila won his M-1 Global debut last, задушаване от Залимбег Омаров for the M-1 Challenge 73 Подаване на нощта.


Кикотене & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global



Bantamweight Main event:
Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo vs. Iván “El Brasil” Flores


José Alday replaces injured Joey Ruquet, will face Irving Hernández Cristi in a featherweight battle

Unbeaten Nate Diaz protégés Cristian Díaz and José Aguayo to make their respective debuts in La Jaula

NEW YORK – March 17, 2017 – Combate Americas today announced the completion of a stellar, 11-bout card for its debut in Tijuana, Mexico on Thursday, Март 30, live on Azteca America in the U.S. при 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m from the Auditorio Municipal.

TV Azteca will broadcast “Combate12” in Mexico on Friday at 11:00 вечерта, and UFC Fight Pass® will distribute an English-language version of the event as a video on demand (VOD).

“Combate12” will be headlined by a bantamweight (135 лира) showdown between Argentinean Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (10-4) and Monterrey, Mexico native IvánEl Brasil” Цветя (8-1-1).

Rojo, a veteran of season three of The Ultimate Fighter Latin America, will look to make a statement in his first start in La Jaula, гръдния Combate Americas, when he faces Flores, who will be on a mission to defend the honor of his house.

Rojo will fight for the first time in Mexico after an extensive career in South American arenas where he has become one of the most popular fighters in the region.
Цветя, междувременно, will look to rebound from a second round (3:11) подаване (ръката-триъгълник задуши) defeat at the hands of Mark “The Bumblebee” Delarosa at “Combate10” in Mexico City, Mexico in January.

Another contestant from the third season of The Ultimate Fighter Latin America, Costa Rican Walter Zamora (9-2), will face Monterrey native AlexGallito” Цветя (8-1) in the “Combate12” co-main event; the Mexican fighter has one goal only, and that is to defend the honor of his country in the featherweight (145 паунда) край.

In one of the most anticipated Combate Americas battles of 2017, ErickThe Ghost Pepper” González (5-2) на Los Angeles, California returns to action less than two months after his “Fight of the Night” performance against Danny “The Realist” Ramírez in the main event of “Combate11.”

Gonzalez will collide with Marco AntonioLa RocaElpidio (7-1) от Мексико Сити. Elpidio was victorious by way of split decision over RodrigoKazulaVargas at “Combate10.”

After sustaining a broken nose in training, Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet of Las Vegas, Nev. has been replaced by Jose “El Pochito” Alday (9-2) of Hermosillo, Сонора, Мексико.

Alday, whose last start on October 15 against Mahatma Chit-Bala Garcia Avalos resulted in a draw, will square off with Irving “Moreno” Hernandez (4-2) Тихуана. Hernandez is a winner of his last three bouts, two by (T)KO.

В допълнение, two of UFC star Nate Diaz’s Stockton, Calif.-based, undefeated protégés, José Aguayo (2-0) and Christian Giovannie (1-0), will make their respective promotional debuts.

Aguayo will face Gilbert Santos (1-2) Ensenada, Mexico in a featherweight matchup, while Giovannie will fight Angel Gonzalez (0-0), also of Ensenada, in a bantamweight tilt.

Main Event
Marcelo Rojo (10-4) срещу. Iván Hernández Flores (8-1-1)
Делене: 135 паунда. (Категория петел)

Co-Main Event
Walter Zamora (9-2) срещу. Алекс “Gallito” Цветя (8-1)
Делене: 145 паунда. (Перо)

Marco Antonio Elpidio (7-1) срещу. Erick González (5-2)
Делене: 155 паунда. (Лек)

Christopher Ramírez (5-1) срещу. Alex Velasco (6-1)
Делене: 170 паунда. (Борец от полусредна категория)

Pablo Sabori (6-3) срещу. Levy Saúl Marroquín (7-1)
Делене: 145 паунда. (Перо)

José Aguayo (2-0) срещу. Gilbert Santos (1-2)
Делене: 145 паунда. (Перо)

Ramón Lopez (1-2) срещу. Mark Бонийа (4-3)
Делене: 155 паунда. (Лек)

José Alday (9-2) срещу. Irving Hernández (4-2)
Делене: 145 паунда. (Перо)

Pablo Olea (5-5) срещу. Eduardo Varela Soto (2-1)
Делене: 135 паунда. (Категория петел)

Christian Giovannie (1-0) срещу. Ángel González (0-0)
Делене: 135 паунда. (Категория петел)

Oscar Quintero (2-1) срещу. Oscar Chairez (1-0)
Делене: 125 паунда. (Flyweight)




Lewiston, Maine (Март 17, 2017) – New England Битки (NEF) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE” в събота, Април 29, 2017 най Androscoggin Bank Colisee в Lewiston на, Maine. По-рано днес, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s title fight to the card. Джесика “The Black WidowBorga (5-2) returns to take on ScaryKerri Kenneson (4-1) to crown a new NEF MMA Amateur Women’s Bantamweight Champion.


The bout is historic in that it will not only determine the first NEF women’s champion, but the fight will represent the first female MMA title matchup ever held on Maine soil.


Our women’s division has grown so much in the past couple of years,” каза NEF съсобственик и промоутър Nick DiSalvo. “It was time to add a title picture to the mix. This is the first of what we hope to be many female title fights between superior athletes in the NEF cage.


Джесика Борга, a Florida resident, will be making her third appearance in the NEF cage in less than a year. She dropped a hard-fought decision to Rachael Joyce (3-0) last September atNEF 25.Borga returned to Maine a few weeks later to win a decision over Brianne Genschel (0-1), delivering an impressive, dominant performance against the black belt. Borga trains out of Champions MMA in Lakeland, Florida and is currently on a three-fight win streak. She is the holder of two regional titles won in her home state, and she is looking to add a third belt to her collection on Април 29.


I’m so honored and excited to be back in the NEF cage not only to fight for such a great promotion, but to fight for their first-ever women’s title against a great opponent,” said Borga. “I can’t wait to put on a show for everyone, and I promise I won’t disappoint!”


A native of Bow, New Hampshire, Kerri Kenneson trains with Team Link in Hooksett. She has won her last four in a row, including a victory over NEF veteran Kylie O’Hearn (1-2) миналото лято. Kenneson’s sole loss came in her MMA debut two years ago this April. Coming off a win on a fight card last month in New York State, Kenneson is confident that she will defeat Borga and claim the NEF bantamweight title atNEF 28.


If I haven’t already done so, this fight will solidify that I am the best in the Northeast, and I’ll be coming for the rest,” Kenneson declared. “She’s all for show. She’s about to feel what I’m capable of and she’s not going to like it.

New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE,” на Събота, Април 29, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 х 525 и онлайн на адрес www.TheColisee.com.

За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, follow the promotion on Twitter and Instagram @nefights, and join the official Facebook groupNew England Fights.


За незабавно освобождаване: Lewiston, Maine (Март 16, 2017) – New England Битки (NEF) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE” в събота, Април 29, 2017 най Androscoggin Bank Colisee в Lewiston на, Maine. По-рано днес, the fight promotion announced the addition an amateur women’s bout to the card. Alex Walker (2-1) ще се срещне Katie Baker (0-0) at the strawweight limit of 115-pounds.


Walker and Baker were originally scheduled to face each other last month atNEF 27.” За съжаление, a medical issue forced Walker to withdraw from the contest just days before the fight. Now fully healed, Walker is back training regularly at the Kaze Dojo in Lancaster, New Hampshire in preparation forNEF 28.


Injuries have plagued me and my team for the last two years, but I am healthy now, so watch out,” exclaimed Walker. “I am going on a run and nothing will stop me!”


Losing her opponent so close to the event was definitely a disappointment for Baker and her many fans. Training in the martial arts from an early age, the eighteen-year-old had waited years to compete in the MMA cage. Baker is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine. She made her amateur boxing debut last year.


I was really bummed when Alex withdrew from our fight,” said Baker. “You make the sacrifices it takes to train and diet, not to mention the disappointment of those who purchased tickets. But I knew, and our fans knew, Alex is a warrior and would not back out unless something was wrong. I’m looking forward to finally meeting her in the cage on April 29th.”


New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE,” на Събота, Април 29, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 х 525 и онлайн на адрес www.TheColisee.com.

За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, follow the promotion on Twitter and Instagram @nefights, and join the official Facebook groupNew England Fights.

За New England Битки

New England Битки (“NEF”) е борба събития промоции фирма. Мисията NEF е да създаде най-качествени събития за бойци и фенове на Мейн, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.

Two New Main Card Bouts Complete Bellator 175 за март 31


Лос Анджелис -(Март 15, 2017) A lightweight feature fight pitting undefeated knockout artist Стив Kozola (7-0) срещу Джейк Робъртс (7-1) and a featherweight feature clash pairing AKA phenom Noad “Neo” Всичко (10-2) срещу Lloyd Carter (10-8) допълва основната карта на Bellator 175: Rampage vs. King Mo 2 на Петък, Март 31 at Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL.

The stacked main card is headlined by a heavyweight rematch pitting “Rampage” Джаксън (37-11) срещу "King Mo" Lawal (20-6, 1 NC), as the two powerhouses look to run it back following nearly three years since their first meeting. Also featured on the Spike-televised main card is a featherweight co-main event pitting Emmanuel Sanchez (14-3) срещу Marcos Galvao (18-7-1) and a heavyweight battle between sluggers Сергей Харитонов (23-6) и Chase Гормли (14-5).

Bellator 175: Rampage vs. King Mo 2 will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT, докато предварителните действия ще се излъчват в Bellator.com и мобилното приложение Bellator. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the Allstate Arena Box Office, както и Ticketmaster и Bellator.com.

Please see below for a complete list of preliminary action.

пълен Bellator 175: Rampage vs. King Mo 2Main Card:

Основно събитие в тежка категория: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-11) срещу. Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal (20-6, 1 NC)

Перо в тежка категория: Emmanuel Sanchez (14-3) срещу. Marcos Galvao (18-7-1)

Бой за тежка категория: Сергей Харитонов (23-6) срещу. Chase Гормли (14-5)

Лек двубой: Стив Kozola (7-0) срещу. Джейк Робъртс (7-1)

Перо в тежка категория: Noad All (10-2) срещу. Lloyd Carter (10-8)


Bellator.com-Streamed Предварителен Card:

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Хоакин Бъкли (6-1) срещу. Джъстин Патерсън (9-1)

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Prince McLean (8-8) срещу. Adam Maciejewski (13-6)

Лек предварителен двубой: Damian Norris (7-2) срещу. Том Шоф (8-2)

Предварителен двубой в полутежка категория: Matt Paul (2-1) срещу. James Bochnoviv (5-1)

Предварителна битка с тегло на теглото: Нейт Уилямс (25-15) срещу. Manny Vazquez (9-2)

Lightweight PreliminaryVOW” Пристъп: J.D. Hardwick (2-0) срещу. Tim Cho (4-2)

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Tom Holder (Pro Debut) срещу. Josh Streaker (Pro Debut)

Предварителна битка с тегло на теглото: Cory Galloway (8-7) срещу. David Garcia (4-3-1)

Лек предварителен двубой: Brian Akins (1-0) срещу. Mike DeLaVega (1-2)

Предварителен бой с леко тегло: James Esposito (0-1) срещу. Asef Askar (Pro Debut)

Предварителна битка с тегло на теглото: Max Fuentes (2-0) срещу. Brandon Shelhart (3-1)