Tag Archives: Mixed Martial Arts

Gegard Mousasi u petak će braniti BELLATOR MMA Svjetsko prvenstvo u srednjoj kategoriji protiv Johna Saltera, Kolovoz 13

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ANĐELI - Svjetsko prvenstvo BELLATOR MMA u srednjoj kategoriji naći će se u petak, Kolovoz 13 u Mohegan Sun Areni kada je trenutni titl od 185 kilograma Gegard Mousasi (47-7-2) brani pojas protiv br. 1-zauzela John Salter (18-4).

Glavna karta BELLATORA 263: Mousasi vs.. Salter emitira se uživo u emisiji SHOWTIME u 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT, dok će preliminarni dio događaja uživo prenositi na 6 poslije podne. I / 3 poslije podne. PT na YouTube kanalu BELLATOR MMA, SHOWTIME Sportski YouTube kanal i Pluto TV. Dodatni natječaji za taj događaj bit će objavljeni uskoro.

Ulaznice za događaj kreću u prodaju sljedeći četvrtak, Srpanj 1 na BELLATOR.com i Ticketmaster.com s pretprodajom koja se održava u srijedu, Lipanj 30.

Borba iz Leidena, Južna Holandija, Holandija, Mousasi je učvrstio legendarni status u sportu, osvojivši naslove s više promocija u karijeri od 56 borbi. Nedavno, Mousasi je pobijedio bivšeg prvaka BELLATOR-a u poluteškoj kategoriji Douglasa Lima, raščišćavajući mu put do udarca u drugoj vožnji naslova u srednjoj kategoriji. Pobjedama u svojoj etaži na katu protiv Lyota Machide, Rory MacDonald, Chris Weidman, Vitor Belfort, Jacare Souza, Dan Henderson i Mark Hunt, nizozemska MMA legenda sada se suočava s teškim izazovom Johna Saltera.

Salter iz Sjeverne Karoline ulazi u naslov za naslov u kolovozu 13 vozeći pobjednički niz u tri borbe pobjedama nad Chidi Njokuani, Andrew Kapel i Mousasijev suigrač Costello van Steenis. 36-godišnjak se može pohvaliti zagušljivim repertoarom za borbu i hrvanje, završavajući šest od njegovih osam pobjeda BELLATOR predajom. Borba će biti Salterova deseta s promocijom i prvom prilikom za osvajanje zlata BELLATOR.

BELLATOR MMA 263: Mousasi vs.. Salter Glavni Card:
Petak, Kolovoz 13 - Nastavi živjeti SHOWTIME
9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT

Glavni naslov svjetskog prvaka u srednjoj kategoriji: C-Gegard Mousasi (47-7-2) vs. #1-John Salter (18-4)

*Kartica podložne promjenama.

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za dodatne informacije.

Fedor Emelianenko se vraća kući u moskovsku VTB Arenu u listopadu. 23 na glavni događaj BELLATOR: Moskva


Opis se automatski generira


LOS ANGELES - S velikim ponosom BELLATOR MMA to najavljuje u subotu, Listopada. 23, promocija će održati svoj prvi događaj u Moskvi, Rusija, u VTB Areni i da će naslov povijesne kartice biti najveći mješoviti borilački umjetnik u teškoj kategoriji svih vremena, Fedor "Posljednji car" Emelianenko (39-6, 1 NC).

Emelianenkov protivnik, zajedno s dodatnim uparivanjima, i detalji emisije SHOWTIME bit će objavljeni sljedećih tjedana.

“Imao sam zadovoljstvo surađivati ​​s Fedorom 12 godine i devet njegovih borbi tijekom vremena s BELLATOROM i STRIKEFORCEOM,”Rekao je predsjednik BELLATORA Scott Coker. “Čast mi je vratiti ga kući da se natječe pred njegovim obožavateljima koji su pratili cijelu njegovu karijeru. Pored Fedora, predstavit ćemo duboki spisak ruskih talenata BELLATOR-a i sastaviti povijesnu kartu za naše prvo putovanje u Rusiju u listopadu. 23."

Ulaznice za Fedorov dugo očekivani povratak kući sada su u prodaji i mogu se kupiti na Kassir.ru.

Naširoko smatran najvećim teškašem u povijesti mješovitih borilačkih vještina, Fjodor Emelianenko vraća se u kavez BELLATOR-a prvi put od njegove dominantne pobjede u prvom krugu nad TKO-om Quinton "Rampage" Jackson u 2019. Uz sjajnu karijeru u kojoj je vidio kako zarađuje 30 zaustavljanja u njegovom 39 pobjede nad legendarnom oporbom, bivši svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji PRIDE FC borit će se u svojoj zemlji Rusiji prvi put nakon pet godina. Četverostruki svjetski prvak u borbenom sambu, "Posljednji car" sastavio je suludu osmogodišnju neporaženu seriju na putu da postane međunarodna MMA ikona. Emelianenko je osnovao tim Fedor, u kojem je nekoliko vrhunskih ruskih boraca, uključujući BELLATOR-ovog svjetskog prvaka u poluteškoj kategoriji Vadima Nemkova i Valentina Moldavskog, koji se večeras bori za privremeni naslov u teškoj kategoriji. Već se pokazao strašnim glavnim trenerom, s posljednje tri pobjede koje su stigle do završnice prvog kruga, Fedor želi dodati još jedno uzbudljivo poglavlje u svoju etapu borbene karijere u listopadu 23.

BELLATOR se kasnije večeras vraća u akciju kao Tim Fedor Valentin Moldavsky (10-1) borbe za Privremeno prvenstvo u teškoj kategoriji protiv br. 1 zauzela Tim Johnson (15-6) na Bellator 261: Johnson vs. Moldavski. Večerašnji događaj emitirat će se uživo u emisiji SHOWTIME u 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT u Americi i uživo na OKKO Sport u Rusiji.

Ažurirano Bellator: Moskva Kartica:

Glavni događaj u teškoj kategoriji: Fjodor Emelianenko (39-6, 1 NC) vs. TBA


*Kartica podložne promjenama.

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za dodatne informacije.

Kompletni rezultati vaganja & Fotografije za sutrašnji BELLATOR 261: Johnson vs. Događaj Moldavsky – Uživo na Showtime


Uncasville, Conn. - Bellator 261: Johnson vs. Moldavski bit će emitirani sutra, Petak, Lipanj 25 u SHOWTIME u 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT, dok će preliminarni okršaji strujati na YouTube kanalu BELLATOR MMA s početkom u 6:30 poslije podne. I / 3:30 poslije podne. PT.

BELLATOR MMA 261: Johnson vs. Moldavski Glavni Card:
Petak, Lipanj 25 - Nastavi živjeti SHOWTIME
9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT

Glavni privremeni naslov svjetskog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji: #1-Timothy Johnson (260) vs. #3-Valentin Moldavsky (234)
Flyweight Co-Main Event: #2-Liz carmouche (125.5) vs. #3-Kana Watanabe (125.25)
Pero Bout: #6-Daniel Weichel (145.5) vs. Keoni Diggs (146)
Lagan Bout: #4-Myles porota (156) vs. #6-Sidney Outlaw (156)
Poluteškoj Bout: Christian Edwards (206) vs. Simon Biyong (204.5)

Prethodno Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanal | SHOWTIME Sportski YouTube kanal | TV Pluton
6:30 poslije podne. I / 3:30 poslije podne. PT

Lagan Bout: Soren Bak (156) vs. Bobby Lee (155.25)
Lagan Bout: Isaiah Hokit (155.75) vs. Corey Samuels (156)
Bantamweight Bout: Jaylon Bates (136) vs. Cody Matthews (135)
Srednjoj Bout: Taylor Johnson (185.25) vs. Lance Wright (184.75)
Pero Bout: John Macapa (144.75) vs. Ivana de Isusa (145.5)

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za dodatne informacije.


BELLATOR MMA vodeća je svjetska organizacija mješovitih borilačkih vještina u kojoj sudjeluju mnogi najbolji borci na svijetu. Pod vodstvom veterana borbe promotorske Scott Coker, Događaji BELLATOR odvijaju se u većim gradovima širom svijeta i na televiziji ih se može vidjeti više 160 dostupne publike od preko milijardu ljudi. U Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, BELLATOR se može vidjeti u SHOWTIME. BELLATOR se sastoji od izvršnog tima koji uključuje vrhunske profesionalce u industriji televizijske produkcije, live događaj orkestracija, Razvoj borac / odnosi, mjesto nabave, Stvaranje sponzorstvo / razvoj, Međunarodna licenciranje, marketing, oglašavanje, publicitet i provizija odnosi. BELLATOR ima sjedište u Hollywoodu, Kalif. a u vlasništvu je zabavnog giganta ViacomCBS, dom svjetskih premijera zabavnih brandova koji povezuju s publikom kroz zanimljiv sadržaj preko televizije, film, online i mobilne platforme.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), podružnica ViacomCBS Inc. u stopostotnom vlasništvu, posjeduje i upravlja premium uslugom SHOWTIME®, koja sadrži kritički hvaljene originalne serije, provokativni dokumentarci, kino-hit filmovi, komedija i glazbeni specijalci i naporni sportovi. SHOWTIME je dostupan kao samostalna usluga streaminga na svim glavnim uređajima za streaming i Showtime.com, kao i putem kabela, DBS, davatelji usluga telekomunikacija i streaminga. SNI također posluje s vrhunskim uslugama THE FILM CHANNEL i Flix®, kao i verzije sve tri marke na zahtjev. SNI prodaje i distribuira sportskih i zabavnih sadržaja za izložbu pretplatnicima na pay-per-view osnovi kroz Showtime PPV®. Za više informacija, ići www.SHO.com.



Opis se automatski generira
LOS ANGELES – Ne. 1 ranked heavyweight Timothy Johnson i Nema. 3 ranked heavyweight Valentin Moldavsky previewed their monumental inaugural interim heavyweight title fight at Bellator 261 on SHOWTIME during a virtual media day Wednesday. Johnson vs. Moldavsky caps off an amazing main card this Friday, Lipanj 25 živjeti Showtime po 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT.

The Bellator 261 main card also features a top-five women’s flyweight bout in the co-main event slot as the No. 2 zauzela Liz carmouche takes on the undefeated No. 3 zauzela Kana Watanabe. Također, lightweights square off as No. 4 zauzela Myles porotaclashes with the No. 6 zauzela Sidney Outlaw in a contest holding major title implications and former title challenger No. 6 rangiran pero Daniel Weichel battles the undefeated Keoni Diggs in a 145-pound bout. Top prospect Christian Edwards opens the action on SHOWTIME in a light heavyweight banger against Simon Biyong.

Evo što su borci imali za reći srijeda:

Tim Johnson BELLATOR Heavyweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Johnson’s full media session

“I’m counting this as a title, I’ll let everyone else put interim in front of it. Moldavsky is a championship level fighter and so am I, so in my eyes this fight is to become the best heavyweight in the division.”

“It was easy to focus on his gameplan because it is the exact same thing I do. We both are strong wrestlers and have heavy ground and pound. I guess we are going to have see who does it better on Friday.”

“My resurgence in my career comes from me not doubting myself. I lost a few in a row and it was an easy excuse to quit and doubt myself, but I didn’t, and I was able to rip off three in a row and put myself in a position to win a title.”

Valentin Moldavsky BELLATOR Heavyweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Moldavsky’s full media session

“Yes, there are some similarities between me and Tim. My style is a little different, iako, I like to take people down and finish them there.”

“Now that this is a title fight, I understand that there is more on the line, but this is just another fight for me. I plan to do what I always do and that is fight my fight and come out with a victory.”

“It is an honor to train with Fedor and represent his team.”

“His wrestling is not better than mine, and my sambo is going to be more impactful than his wrestling.’

Liz Carmouche BELLATOR Women’s Flyweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Carmouche’s full media session

“I plan to get a dominant finish and earn a title shot. I don’t think either of us want this to go to a decision. Weather it be me knocking her out, cutting her open or ground and pound, I plan to finish this fight in a dominating fashion.”

“It is really exciting to fight in front of the fans and feel that energy again. Walking in and walking out is where you feel it, but when I step foot in the cage it is just me and my opponent.”

“This has nothing to do with Kana and her record. I have to put on a dominant performance and show why I deserve to be the champion in this division. When I got to Bellator, I wanted to climb all the way up the rankings, and that is what I have done and plan on continuing to do.”

“Without giving too much away I see a lot of possibilities here. I see a lot of disabilities in her game that I can capitalize on that will enhance my game. This will allow me to put on a great performance and finish her.”

Kana Watanabe BELLATOR Women’s Flyweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Watanabe’s full media session

“I am very flattered by the comparison to Rhonda, but my judo and my ground and pound is very advanced and much different than Rhonda’s.”

“If I have a positive showing Friday, then I believe I deserve a shot at the title.”

“Liz is one of the biggest names I have ever fought, but this does not change my mindset or make me feel pressure. I am honored to fight Liz and can’t wait to step foot in the cage with her.”

“I am honored to be the co-main event on Friday. That all means nothing, iako, if I don’t put on a show and an impressive performance. I plan to do that.’

Myles Jury BELLATOR Lightweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Jury’s full media session

“I try to focus on the things I can control, but a win Friday along with how I have been fighting should put me in the conversation for a title shot.”

“I credit my toughness for this two-fight win streak. I continue to show up and work hard. When I was on that three-fight losing streak, I did not allow for myself to get down. After Friday I will be on a three-fight win streak and in a great spot for a shot at the title, and I credit my toughness and resilience for that.”

Sidney Outlaw BELLATOR Lightweight

“I have improved in every way possible. Jury is just another guy who breathes air, so I have nothing to worry about.”

“Fighting guys like Michael Chandler have helped me, but at the end of the day it is me vs. mene. I am confident, and that has translated to every other aspect of my life. I am prepared for this fight and am going to put on a show.”

Daniel Weichel BELLATOR Featherweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Weichel’s full media session

“I think Keoni is a tough fighter, but I am looking forward to giving him his first loss. I am extremely excited for this fight and giving him his first loss is going to be a challenge for me, and I look forward to It.”

"Iskreno, I don’t want to look ahead of this fight. It was easy to do that in the Grand Prix, and I did not like it. Keoni is a tough opponent, and my focus has been on him. I had a great camp and look forward to showing that Friday night.”

Keoni Diggs BELLATOR Featherweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Diggs full media session

“I’m stoked for the challenge. This is my toughest fight to date, and it’s against the toughest opponent. I am looking forward to making a statement and solidifying myself in this division.”

“My game plan never changes. I am going to take what he gives me and beat him. I believe I am better than him everywhere, I am not really looking forward to wins and losses, but I just want to put on a great performance and show what I am capable of.”

“Just because he has more fights doesn’t mean he has mystical powers. I train with some very tough people, and I am a veteran myself. I have a lot of confidence in myself and don’t see him doing anything that will shock me when we step in the cage.”

Christian Edwards BELLATOR Light Heavyweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Edward’s full media session

“Simon is very tough, and it is definitely the toughest opponent of my career. I know my skill set, iako, and I know what I can do, and I expect to show that Friday.”

“I know Simon is very powerful and athletic. It is his first fight in the United States, so I expect him to come out flying. I plan to weather the storm and then take him into deep waters where I can finish the fight.”

Simon Biyong BELLATOR Light Heavyweight

*Kliknite OVDJE to view Biyong full media session

“It is a dream to fight in the United States and making my debut here is a huge opportunity. I was originally on the prelims and now I am on the main card, what more could I ask for?"

“I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare for Edwards, but it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day it is a fight. It is short notice for me, and it is short notices for him. I will be ready and can’t wait to show my skills.”

“I am here to put myself in a position to get a ranked opponent, and Christian Edwards is in my way. I think he looked good in his last fight, but I am not his last opponent. I hope he is ready because I am.”

BELLATOR MMA is a leading global mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Pod vodstvom veterana borbe promotorske Scott Coker, Događaji BELLATOR odvijaju se u većim gradovima širom svijeta i na televiziji ih se može vidjeti više 160 dostupne publike od preko milijardu ljudi. U Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, BELLATOR se može vidjeti u SHOWTIME. BELLATOR se sastoji od izvršnog tima koji uključuje vrhunske profesionalce u industriji televizijske produkcije, live događaj orkestracija, Razvoj borac / odnosi, mjesto nabave, Stvaranje sponzorstvo / razvoj, Međunarodna licenciranje, marketing, oglašavanje, publicitet i provizija odnosi. BELLATOR ima sjedište u Hollywoodu, Kalif. a u vlasništvu je zabavnog giganta ViacomCBS, dom svjetskih premijera zabavnih brandova koji povezuju s publikom kroz zanimljiv sadržaj preko televizije, film, online i mobilne platforme.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), podružnica ViacomCBS Inc. u stopostotnom vlasništvu, posjeduje i upravlja Vrhunski TV mreža Showtime®, Filmski kanal i Flix®, a također nudi Showtime NA UPIT®, Filmski kanal Na zahtjev i Flix na zahtjev®, a mreža je provjera autentičnosti usluga SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. Showtime Digitalni Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of SNI, upravlja samostalan streaming servis Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS, and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Amazon, Apple®, Google, LG Smart TV, Oculus Go, Godine®, Samsung Smart TV, Xbox One and PlayStation®4. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Amazon’s Prime Video Channels, Apple TV Channels, AT&T TV Now, FuboTV, Hulu, The Roku Channel, Sling TV and YouTube TV. Viewers can also watch on computers at Showtime.com. SNI prodaje i distribuira sportskih i zabavnih sadržaja za izložbu pretplatnicima na pay-per-view osnovi kroz Showtime PPV®. Za više informacija, ići www.SHO.com.

Paradigm Sports Signs UFC Strawweight Mackenzie Dern

#6 UFC Strawweight Mackenzie Dern signs with Paradigm Sports

Irvine, KAO ŠTO (Lipanj 22, 2021) Paradigm Sports is proud to announce its full-service representation of mixed martial arts (MMA) star Mackenzie Dern.

Dern is the current #6 ranked UFC Strawweight, and has been steadily climbing the rankings with a 4-fight win streak. Dern boasts an impressive professional record of 11-1, her most recent win being a first round submission over Nina Nunes in April.

On signing with Paradigm Sports, Dern said: “I’m excited for the next phase of my career and working with Paradigm. I really feel that, kao tim, we will reach my full potential as a fighter inside and outside of the cage!"

Paradigm Sports Senior Vice President, Tim Simpson, navedeno: “We are thrilled to welcome Mackenzie into the Paradigm Sports family. She is a phenomenal athlete and one with championship potential. On behalf of our whole team, it is an honor to partner with her and her family, and we look forward to helping her build upon the successful career she has already begun.”

Paradigm Sports is a full-service management agency that has set itself apart as a multi-platform sports business and media company that handles the careers of a global roster of elite combat sports athletes, including Conor McGregor, Israel Adesanya, Michael Page and Cris Cyborg.



LOS ANGELES – June 17, 2021 – BELLATOR MMA’s Featherweight and Lightweight World Champion Patricio Pitbull (32-4) and undefeated top-ranked challenger AJ McKee (17-0) previewed their must-watch Featherweight World Grand Prix Final and 145-pound title fight during a virtual press conference Wednesday. Both fighters’ head coaches, Eric Albarracin of Team Pitbull Brothers, a Antonio McKee of Team Bodyshop, also chimed in with a look at the final preparations both fight camps are taking as we approach the massive event.

Bellator 263: Pitbull vs. McKee will emanate from the Forum in Inglewood, Kalifornija, and will air live on SHOWTIME at 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT. Tickets for the event go on sale tomorrow, Petak, Lipanj 18 at BELLATOR.com and Ticketmaster.com.

Here is what the fighters and their coaches had to say Wednesday:

Patricio Pitbull, BELLATOR Featherweight World Champion & BELLATOR Lightweight World Champion

“I’m a little bit older and faster than the rest of my division and I’m going to use this in my favor. (22:47)

“Of all the opponents I’ve faced, AJ is the most dangerous, and I know that. Uz to se, rekao je, I know that I’m going to win this fight and prove his father wrong. (26:18)

“At the beginning of his career, he faced very low-level guys. He has a few wins over tough opponents, but he’s never fought anyone like me. He claims that he is ready for me, but he isn’t, and he’ll learn that very quickly in front of his home crowd.” (38:48)

AJ McKee, Ne. 1 Ranked BELLATOR Featherweight & Featherweight World Grand Prix Finalist

“It’s been a great journey and this is something I’ve dreamed of my entire career. Kao sto sam rekao, I’ve been calling Pitbull’s name since I first stepped into that cage and he’s ignored me, pretending like he doesn’t know who I am. Na kraju dana, there is nowhere else for him to run and he has to look me in my eyes. I’m looking forward to it. Everyone says I haven’t been tested and I agree. Ali, when you do see me get tested, a whole different animal will come out. (23:22)

“After I beat Pitbull and become the face of BELLATOR, we can run it back for that second belt too. Becoming champ-champ is something that I said I was always going to do, and that I will do. I went through the trials and tribulations of not wanting to fight, to then having my passion for this come back and me seeing all my goals be within reach. It’s going to be fun, especially after the long break due to my knee surgery. I can’t wait to get in there again. The Mercenary does one thing: he signs the contract and then takes the person out. (24:22)

“I’ve been preparing for this fight for six years because Pitbull has been at the top for so long. Još jednom, I have a foot longer reach on him, so he has to come to me. He says he is training with gold medal wrestlers, but I will do the same thing to him that I did to Pat Curran and Darrion Caldwell. I’m comfortable off my back. Just because he’s Brazilian, that doesn’t mean anything in terms of Jiu jitsu. I have that evolved Jiu jitsu and that’s what I get people with when they don’t see it coming.” (31:45)

Scott Coker, BELLATOR President

“We’re excited to be back in California and we are excited to be back in the Forum, a place where we have had so many great fights. It’s going to be an amazing event. My staff is excited and the fighters are excited. When you think about live sports, it needs fans. We got a taste of it last week at the Mohegan Sun, which has been an amazing partner for us, but it’s time to travel and get back to what BELLATOR does best. That is putting on great fights touring from city-to-city, starting with this amazing fight on July 31. (4:10)

“This is the fight that everyone wanted to see. We have so many amazing athletes in this division that we went through the lottery system for matchups, which provided us with amazing fights. But at the beginning, I was wishing that the final would be McKee versus Pitbull. When we signed McKee, he had zero fights to his name. Sada, look at where he is today. Back then, Pitbull was our champion and obviously still is today, so this fight is the “OG” vs. the new guard and we’ll have to see what happens.” (5:13)

Eric Albarracin, Team Pitbull Brothers Head Coach

“Patricio’s had a bullseye on his back since he became the champ in 2014, when he beat Pat Curran and this run has gone exactly as we planned. We were the matchmakers, we sent Darrion Caldwell to the other side of the bracket to take out some of the young bucks and he did. Onda, AJ took him out and here we are. I think this is the perfect matchup for the finals. We have a young, up-and-coming, undefeated fighter and the pound-for-pound best fighter on the planet, Patricio Pitbull. This is going to be the greatest fight in BELLATOR history. (7:20)

“Even at 17-0, AJ is still very young in the game. He’s very unpredictable. Ali, at the end of the day it’s Pitbull who is the pound-for-pound best on the planet, it’s Pitbull who is the double champ, it’s Pitbull who has the best coaches in the game and they don’t know how to prepare for that.” (8:18)

Antonio McKee, Team Bodyshop Head Coach

“I lived a different life, one where it wasn’t all good. I was dealing with a lot of stuff that a lot of African American men deal with. No mother and no father, growing up in the streets of Los Angeles. It was what it was, but I made the right decisions and never got caught for anything that I did that could have put me away for the rest of my life and found my drive and motivation through my son. The things that AJ would say as a kid, like ‘Daddy if you die, can I die with you?’ I didn’t care about living and I didn’t have a problem with killing either. And then one day AJ says ‘Dad, whatever you do and wherever you go, I want to come with you.’ I was ready to clock out, but then I realized that I needed to be here for him. He had nothing but me, so that gave me the drive and the strength to find a better way out.

“I made it this far, did my thing as a wrestler and was the best in the world. I did what I was doing, but I didn’t have the right mindset, so I had to check my mental and learn how to be a respectable human being. Once I did that, things started to shift for me and now here we are. I did things to keep AJ in private school, not to buy cars, glazba, and jewelry. I did it all to pay for his school tuition.” (14:36)

559 Fights MMA this Saturday in Visalia

559 Fights is back

VISALIA – Live mixed martial arts action is back this Saturday at Valley Strong Ballpark home of the Visalia Rawhide.

559 Fights is the first amateur MMA promotion in the State to do a live event with a crowd since the pandemic started.

Doors open for the 17-bout event at 6pm and fights start at 7. U glavnom turniru, Oceano strawweight Gabby Lopez (5-0) fights Rocklin’s Valerie Thurs (3-4) za 559 Fights title.

U suradnji-glavni događaj, Visalia 145-pounder Mark Hernandez (2-2-1) battles Bakersfield’s Sal Bruno (2-2-2) for the interim Featherweight crown.

“We are definitely glad to be back. And back with such an amazing fight card," 559 Fights President Jeremy Luchau said. “It’s been a long time and we are excited to see some of the veterans back and a great mix of new local talent.”

For ticket information visit www.559fights.com

The fight card also features a grappling tournament featuring many of the Valley’s top talent, both on the mat and in the cage, including Bellator veteran Nick Bustamante, Tachi Palace Fights vet Christian Avalos, and Visalia black belt Marc De La Cruz.

“Really excited to see some pretty good grappling,”Rekao je Luchau. “There are a ton of great grappling events in the state and beyond and the Valley always has some great athletes. We are blessed to be able to put some great matches together.”

Featherweight World Champion Patricio Pitbull Meets AJ McKee in the BELLATOR Featherweight World Grand Prix Finals on Saturday, Srpanj 31 — Uživo na Showtime



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LOS ANGELES — And then there were two…

What began with 16 featherweight athletes vying for a one-million-dollar grand prize and the BELLATOR Featherweight World Championship has been narrowed to the greatest BELLATOR athlete in the history of the promotionPatricio Pitbull (32-4) and the company’s best-ever homegrown fighter in No. 1 zauzelaAJ McKee (17-0).

The culmination of the BELLATOR Featherweight World Grand Prix takes place Saturday, Srpanj 31 na forum u Inglewood, Kalifornija, and marks the company’s first domestic event hosted away from “The Fightsphere” since February 2020.

Bellator 263: Pitbull vs. McKeeemitira se uživo u emisiji SHOWTIME u 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT and tickets for the event go on sale this Friday, Lipanj 18 at BELLATOR.com and Ticketmaster.com with a pre-sale taking place on Thursday.

“This is without a doubt going to be the biggest BELLATOR fight of all time,”Rekao je predsjednik BELLATORA Scott Coker. “AJ McKee has been calling for a shot at Pitbull’s title since his very first professional victory inside our cage six years ago. Now he’s finally getting the opportunity to realize his dream of becoming a world champion against the winningest fighter in BELLATOR history. For Pitbull a win over McKee in this tournament final would be a statement piece to add to his long list of accolades and legacy as the best 145-pounder on the planet.”

One half of the vaunted Pitbull Brothers duo, Patricio has long been considered the crown jewel of BELLATOR MMA, where he sits atop the pound-for-pound rankings. Holding a remarkable record of 32-4 with wins over elite competition including the likes ofPat CurranJuan ArchuletaDaniel Weichel (x2) and most recently a second triumph over Emmanuel Sanchez, the 33-year-old stands alone as the featherweight king. Dodatno, he was able to capture the Lightweight World Championship in a 2019 contest opposite Michael Chandler, becoming only the second BELLATOR athlete to hold two titles simultaneously. S 23 finishes in 36 profesionalne borbe, Pitbull has shown time and time again that he possesses the well-rounded skillset required to reign over multiple weight classes.

With a perfect record of 17-0, AJ McKee has exceeded the lofty expectations placed on him since his professional debut at the ripe age of 20-years-old. With an even six knockouts and six submissions, the now-26-year-old McKee has shown a knack for securing finishes—and fast—with nine coming in the first round. “Mercenary” has earned dominant victories over every man who has opposed him including former champions Pat Curran, Georgi Karakhanyan, and Darrion Caldwell, who McKee submitted most-recently with a rare, modified neck crank that was later dubbed the “McKee-otine.” Finally, the Long Beach native will face the man he has called for since signing with BELLATOR, as he takes on Patricio Pitbull in the much-anticipated Featherweight World Grand Prix Final.

The preliminary portion of the event streams live at 7 poslije podne. ET / 4 poslije podne. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel, as well as Pluto TV and features former featherweight title challenger and No. 2 zauzelaEmmanuel Sanchez(20-5) versus Denmark’s No. 8 zauzelaMads Burnell(15-3), a bantamweight tilt between No. 3 zauzelaMagomed “Tiger” Magomedov(18-1) i Nema. 4 RaufeonSupaStots(16-1) and a lightweight affair pitting undefeatedUsman Nurmagomedov (12-0) protivManny zid(12-6).

Bellator 263: Pitbull vs. McKeeGlavni Card:

Subota, Srpanj 31 - Nastavi živjeti SHOWTIME

10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT

Featherweight World Title Main EventC-Patricio Pitbull(32-4) vs. #1-AJ McKee (17-0)

Prethodno Card:

BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanal | SHOWTIME Sportski YouTube kanal | TV Pluton

7 poslije podne. ET / 4 poslije podne. PT

Pero Bout: #2-Emmanuel Sanchez(20-5) vs. #8-Mads Burnell (15-3)

Bantamweight Bout: #3-Magomed Magomedov(18-1) vs. #4-Raufeon Stots(16-1)

Lagan Bout: Usman Nurmagomedov (12-0) vsManny zid(12-6)

*Kartica podložne promjenama.

Molimo posjetiteBellator.com za dodatne informacije.

Official Fight Night Results, Quotes & Photos for BELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. Amosov

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#1-Yaroslav Amosov (26-0) defeated c-Douglas Lima (32-9) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)

Yaroslav Amosov after winning the title:

“I am happy because this is my life. It’s been a long time in training. It’s the result I wanted and I am happy. Now I must recover. Ali, nije važno, I have my undefeated record.”

#3-Jason Jackson (15-4) poražen #6-Paul Daley (43-18-2) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Jason Jackson following his unanimous decision win:

“It’s not easy to come out here and do what me and Paul Daley just did. We came out here, we fought our ass off.

“I needed to prove to myself that I could go in there and fight the champ. This guy went five rounds with Douglas Lima. Tako, I knew if I take this opportunity to fight him and go and fight the way I trained, then I could beat Douglas Lima and win the championship.”

#6-Aron Pico (8-3) poražen Aiden Lee (9-5) putem dostave (anaconda choke) na 1:33 od krugu tri

Aaron Pico speaks post victory:

“He’s a warrior, najprije. My team and I put in a lot of work, but I feel like I could’ve done a little bit better. Thank God I have no injuries, I can fight next month if I needed to. And I just want to say thank you to all of the fans.”

“I’ll fight anybody in the top ten honestly. Ja ću se boriti nikoga. I feel like I’m ready. I’m sorry I didn’t get the knockout tonight but I’m happy with the submission.”

Mark Lemminger (12-3) poražen Demarques Jackson (11-6) putem TKO (punches) na 3:30 od krugu dva

Mark Lemminger on his win:

“He’s strong. He was slowing down [as the fight went on], but he still felt pretty strong. I was able to control my position. I didn’t make the same mistake I made last time I was here and I put him belly down and I got the stoppage.”

Prethodno Card:
Kyle Crutchmer (7-1) poražen Levan Chokheli (9-1, 1 NC) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Justin Gonzales (12-0) poražen #9-Tywan Claxton (6-3) preko Splita odlukom (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Bobby King (10-3) poražen Nick Newell (16-4) preko Splita odlukom (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)
Lucas Brennan (5-0) poražen Matthew Skibicki (4-4) putem dostave (anaconda choke) na 1:54 okruglog jedan
Marina Mokhnatkina (5-2) poražen #8-Amanda Bell (7-8) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Alex Polizzi (8-1) poražen Gustavo Trujillo (3-2) putem dostave (straight armbar) na 4:22 okruglog jedan

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za dodatne informacije.


Za immediate release: Milford, New Hampshire (Lipanj 9, 2021) - New England Borbe (NEF) vraća se sa svojim sljedećim događajem, "NEF 44: Natrag u crno,”U kolovozu 21, 2021 u Hampshire Domeu u Milfordu, New Hampshire. U emisiji će se prikazivati ​​obje mješovite borilačke vještine (MMA) i kickboxing borbe. Ranije danas, NEF announced the addition of an amateur title fight to the card.Nathanial Grimard(3-0) održat će se naBrandon “BAMF” Maillet-Fevens(3-1) for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Championship.

Grimard and Maillet-Fevens were originally scheduled to meet at “NEF 43” last year until the event was indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grimard has not let the global pandemic slow down his fight aspirations. With New England states closed for MMA events, Grimard ventured south to Florida last February and again just last week, picking up back-to-back wins to open his amateur career at a perfect 3-0. The Exeter, New Hampshire native represents Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire where he trains under UFC and Bellator veteran, and former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, Devin Powell.

“I’m very excited for this opportunity to fight for title,” said Grimard.  “I have been improving every fight, and I believe I have the skills and hard work to win the belt. I can’t wait to show my improvements in the NEF cage. I expect to see the best version of Brandon, and I think we will put on a great fight for August 21st.”

“Nate is exactly what you’d want in a fighter,” said Grimard teammate and Nostos co-proprietor Carol Linn Powell.  “He does BJJ, striking, rvanje, drills, Snaga i uređaj, spars smart, even puts the Gi on. He has been working so hard for this sport and never stopped when the world did. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of a title shot and I can’t wait to see him win that belt.”

Brandon Maillet-Fevens is one of the great comeback stories of NEF history. After losing his amateur debut at “NEF 36” in November 2018, Maillet-Fevens went on a three-fight win-streak, finishing all three of his opponents in those fights. In his most recent outing pre-pandemic, Maillet-Fevens defeated Tyler Knights (0-1) via second-round submission at “NEF 41” in November 2019. Maillet-Fevens represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based in Lewiston, ME.

“It’s been a long year and half, but we never stopped working, never stopped perfecting our skills, because we knew this day was coming,” declared Maillet-Fevens.  “I think this is a very exciting matchup. You’ve got two proven finishers that are hungry to take that next step in our careers. I know we’re both ready to go in there, put on a great show, and leave it all in the cage. I’m grateful and excited for this opportunity and I’m looking forward to a great fight!"

“Brandon is one of those guys who shows up every day, works hard, never complains, and even when he’s not fighting he’s in the gym getting better and helping his teammates,” noted CMBJJ coach Jesse Erickson.  “He’s a role model for my up-and-comers. I’m very much looking forward to this contest!"

Ulaznice za “NEF 44: Natrag u crnom ”u prodaji su sada nawww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA i kickboxing događaj održat će se u Hampshire Domeu u Milfordu, New Hampshire u subotu, Kolovoz 21, 2021, s vremenom zvona od 7 popodne.

O New England borbama

New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaji promocije tvrtke. NEF-ova misija je stvaranje najkvalitetnijih događaja za borce i navijače. Nef je izvršni tim ima veliko iskustvo u borilačkim sportovima upravljanje, Proizvodnja događaji, Odnosi s medijima, marketing, Pravna i oglašavanje.