Tag Archives: Mixed Martial Arts


Portland, Maine (Abuztua 21, 2017) - New England Borrokak (NEF) will make its debut in Portland on Ostirala, Azaroa 3, 2017 at Aura with “NEF 31: The Old Port.” Lehenago, gaur egun, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts title bout to the card. Nate Boucher (2-0) egingo diete aurre Justin Witham (3-4) with the winner to be crowned the new NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Champion. The 125-pound title currently sits vacant.

Nate Boucher brings a background in wrestling with him to the cage. He competed for Mountain Valley High School (MVHS) in Rumford, Maine prior to training in MMA. Boucher made his NEF debut in 2014, just months after his eighteenth birthdaythe legal age limit for competing in MMA in Maine. Earlier this month in Bangor, Boucher made his return to the NEF cage. He was victorious by first-round submission over Jeremiah Barkac (0-1). Boucher is currently a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ).

It’s an amazing feeling knowing that my childhood dream is coming true,” said Boucher when reached for comment. “This fight was only a matter of time. All my years of training is for this moment.

Justin Witham got off to a slow start in his amateur career. He lost his first three in a row prior to his first victory over Brent Ouellette (0-1) by technical knockout in the first round. Witham is currently riding a two-fight win streak. Urte honetan, he submitted previous flyweight champion Ryan Burgess (2-2) in a non-title bout, avenging an earlier loss to Burgess. Witham represents the Shatterproof Combat Club.

Much respect to my opponent and anyone who steps inside the cage,” said Witham. “Every fighter has a fight that makes or breaks him. I will not break. This is the culmination of three years of hard work. Blood, sweat and tearstime away from my loved ones. Capturing the 125-pound title means everything to me and I will not be leaving without it over my shoulder!”

NEF hurrengo mistoa-borroka-arteen gertaera, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company make its long-awaited debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Ostirala, Azaroa 3, 2017. Sarrerak salgai daude orain www.auramaine.com.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.





LOS ANGELES – Bellator is set to make its debut at Bryce Jordan Center on the campus of Penn State University in University Park, Pa. on Ostirala, Azaroa 3 egiteko Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell.

Ekitaldi nagusia ere Warrior 186, newly crowned light heavyweight champion Ryan “Darth” Bader (23-5) will make his first title defense against British sensation Linton “The Swarm” Vassell (18-5, 1 NC).

Horrez gain, two Bellator competitors who spent their college years as members of the Penn State Nittany Lions wrestling team, Phil Davis(17-4, 1 NC) eta Eta Ruth (3-0), will return to their alma mater to compete in MMA for the first time in their careers. Their opponents are yet to be determined.

Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets start at just $25 and will be available at the Bryce Jordan Center Box Office and Ticketmaster. A Bellator Nation presale takes place Asteazkena, Abuztua 30 – Thursday, Abuztua 31, while public on-sale begins Friday, September 1 at 10 a.m. ETA. Additional bouts will be announcing in the coming weeks.

Bader returns to the cage for the first time since dethroning former Penn State wrestling standout Phil Davis as light heavyweight champion in June at Warrior 180. Fighting out of Tempe, Ariz., Bader began his professional career on an impressive run, steamrolling the competition en route to a 12-fight winning streak and winning one of the most competitive seasons of The Ultimate Fighter in franchise history on Spike in 2008. “Darth” continued his path of dominance by collecting wins over some of the 205-pound division’s top talent, including victories over former world champions Antonio Rogerio Nogueira, “Rampage” Jackson, Rashad Evans, as well as a previous win over Phil Davis. Currently riding a three-fight winning streak with victories in eight of his past nine bouts, the former two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler from Arizona State University will look to protect his belt on Azaroa 3.

Currently training at Combat Club in South Florida alongside Matt Mitrione, Michael Chandler and Robbie Lawler, Vassell has once again put himself in position to fight for Bellator’s 205-pound title. After making his professional debut in 2008, the Milton Keynes, England native has tallied 18 garaipenekin, Barne 14 finishes and 10 coming inside the first round, as well as seven wins over nine bouts in just four years with Bellator. Following three consecutive victories over two former champs in Liam McGeary and Emanuel Newton, as well as Francis Carmont, the 34-year-old Vassell will attempt to become the second-ever Bellator light heavyweight champion who hails from the United Kingdom.

A native of Harrisburg, Pa., Phil “Mr. Wonderful” attended Harrisburg High School and would go on to an extremely successful wrestling career at Penn State University. After transitioning to the sport MMA, Davis made his pro debut in 2008 and went on to win his first nine bouts. He’s established himself as one of the best light heavyweights in all of MMA, winning the Bellator Light Heavyweight Grand Prix and Bellator 205-pound title. The San Diego-based fighter now boasts career wins over Liam McGeary,Alexander Gustafsson, Lyoto Machida,"King Mo" Lawal, Glover Teixeira, Antonio Rogerio Nogueira and Francis Carmont.

One of the most celebrated wrestlers in Penn State University history, Ed Ruth has followed in the footsteps of Phil Davis by pursuing a career in MMA. The 3x NCAA D1 champion, who now trains out of Fresno, Kalifornia., makes his fourth appearance inside the Bellator cage looking to keep his undefeated streak intact. With three consecutive KO finishes, Ruth has established himself as a new threat in the middleweight division. Born in Harrisburg, Pa., Ruth returns to familiar territory for this upcoming bout with plans to put on another exciting bout for his hometown fans.


Eguneratua Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell Borroka Txartela:

Light Heavyweight Championship Main Event: Ryan Bader (23-5) vs. Linton Vassell (18-5, 1 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: Phil Davis (17-4, 1 NC) vs. TBA

Middleweight Feature Bout: Eta Ruth (3-0) vs. TBA

One-on-One with M-1 Global president Vadim Finkelchtein

San Petersburgo, Errusiak (Abuztua 16, 2017) – M-1 Global lehendakari Vadim Finkelchtein recently sat down with mixfight.ru to discuss the recent M-1 Challenge 82 in Finland, M-1 Challenge 83 in next month in Kazan, Errusiak, and what fight he considers to be the most anticipated this autumn.

M-1 Challenge 82 tournament has just ended in Helsinki. Tell us your impressions and did everything go as planned beforehand?

VF: “Bai, the tournament fully met our expectations. We initially set it very high, promotingM-1 Challenge 82 at the largest venue in Finland, Hartwall Arena. In the history of Finland’s MMA tournaments, prior to our show, MMA shows had never been held in large arenas. There were halls for 1,500 ra 2,000 ikuslek, at most, and that’s why M-1 Global had such as a large responsibility. I am very glad that we managed to fill the arena by 70-80 ehuneko, setting record attendance for MMA tournaments in Finland. Our matchmakers did a great job. They managed to gather some of the best Finnish fighters for this tournament and found some worthy opponents for them as well. This attracted a lot of attention to the tournament, ikastaroa, for Finnish MMA fans.

Do you plan to come back to Finland and hold tournaments on a regular basis there?

VF: “Undoubtedly! We have such intentions. We have seen good interest in our tournaments, not only on the part of the audience, but television and the media as well. This year we have signed a contract with one of the leading TV channels of FinlandRUUTUto broadcast all M-1 Challenge tournaments. I think we will definitely return next year to Finland.

When is the next M-1 Challenge tournament and where?

VF: “The next tournament will be held in Kazan (Errusiak) on September 23rd. This will be the first M-1 tournament in this city and we’re thoroughly prepared for it. The main event forM-1 Challenge 83 is a fight between Brandon Halsey and Mikhail Ragozin, one of the most promising Russian heavyweights. Mikhail is a pupil of Alexander Shlemenko, who is also a New Stream team fighter.

Fans are now excited about the tournament in St. Petersburgo, ikastaroa, especially the title super-bout between two bright punchers, Alexei Kunchenko and Sergei Romanov. What do you expect from this fight?
VF: “I’m sure this fight will be the pinnacle of the entire season in Russian MMA. This will be a duel between the two strongest fighters in this weight category in Russia, but it’s also a fight between two bright and prominent shock-punchers. Kunchenko has never been defeated. He is more experienced of the two, he has already won the belt and has defended it a few times. And Romanov is very hungry, winning fighter, who improves progressively as a professional from fight to fight. Eta, ikastaroa, there will be crowded fan sectors on his side in St. Petersburgo. Already, as of today, 2 ½ months before the tournament, Sergey’s fans have bought more than 1000 sarrerak! I myself am looking forward to this fight!”



Twitter & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global



HOUSTON, Texas – Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) uda lanpetua izan du. Azken hilabeteko buletinean, LFA alumea pilatu zela jakinarazi zen $200,000 UFC bonoan ekainean, Zach Freeman RFAko zuzendari ohiak segurtasun ziurtagiria lortu zuen “Urteko ezinegona” hautagaia New York hirian, eta hiru LFA izenburu inauguratu ziren uda hasiera lortzeko.

Udan uztailean berotzen jarraitu zuen. UFC ostatatua 5 gertaerak lehenengoarekin batera 3 Dana White-ren UFC presidentearen asteburuko web sail berriaren atalak “Dana White-renak Asteartea Gaueko Contender Series” Hilabete osoan.
Gertaera horietan parte hartu zuen LFAko ikasle kopurua izugarria izan zen. 19 LFAren alde borrokatu duten borrokalariak edo hura sortzeko batu ziren bi promozioak (RFA eta Legacy FC) UFCan lehiatu zen. UFC 213 Valentina Shevchenko zuzendariak horrela egingo zuen 20 borrokalari, baina Amanda Nunesek tituluaren aurkako borrokatik erretiratu zen borroka egunean.
Ikusgarria izan zen Lanaren alumea Dana White-ren ikuskizun berrian. Uztailean eman zituzten lehen hiru ataletan, 17 of the 30 lehiakideen (56.6%) aurretik LFAn lehiatu zen, RFA, edo Legacy FC. Hiru ataletako bakoitzean bi ere izan ziren “LFA vs. LFA” partiduak. Estatistik ikusgarriena, ordea, da LFAko borrokalari batek Dana White-k atal bakoitzetik sinatu zuela.
Joera hori abuztuan zehar laugarren LFA borrokalari batekin laugarren ataleko UFC izenpetu zen “Dana White-renak Asteartea Gaueko Contender Series”. Orain arte ikuskizunean sinatutako lau LFA izarrak Boston Salmon dira (Astea 1), Sean O´Malley (Astea 2), Geoff Neal (Astea 3), eta Julian Marquez (Astea 4). Gaur egun badaude 32 LFAko borrokalariek lasterketan lehiatzea programatu zutenAsteartea agian udako seriea. LFAk ere badu gaur egun 19 alumea UFC borrokalariaren azken sailkapenean sailkatu zen.
LFAko borrokalari ohiek iazko hilean UFCn harritzen zuten parte hartzaile kopuru handiarekin, Are gehiago, elkarretaratze horietan lortu zutena are garrantzitsua da. Agian mordoaren izarrik handiena Brian Ortega RFA lumako txapeldun ohia izan zen. Gizona bezala ezagutzen “T-City” bere erregistro ezin hobea hobetu du 12-0 eta bere UFC borrokalariaren sailkapena gora igotzen ikusi zuen #6 munduan.
Ortegak bere UFC errekorra hautsi zuen 214 uztailaren 29an. Renato Moicano izar jabea duen ikaskidearekin batera sartuko da, Ortegak UFC errekorra izan zuen hirugarren txandan jarraian. Marra hori luzatu zuen Moicano-k azken markoan aurkeztuz $50,000 UFC “Gaueko emanaldia” hobaria Guillotine Choke irabazi zuen.
Urrengo Larunbata tan UFC Fight Night 114, RFA handia Dustin Ortizek UFC beste errekor bat hautsi zuen bere burua ziurtatzeko $50,000 UFC “Gaueko emanaldia” bonus. Ortizek balentria hau lortu zuen Hector Sandoval 15 segundotan kolpatuz UFC flyweight historiako akabera azkarrena grabatzeko. Bere taldekidea eta RFAko hegaztien pisu txapelduna den Sergio Pettis, txartel berdina bururatu zitzaion. Pettis-ek Brandon Moreno-ren aurkako bere aurkako borroka irabazi zuen aho batez bi gorenen arteko borroka batean 10 sailkatuta UFC flywights.
UFC hurrengo asteetan desaktibatuta egongo da, baina iraila UF Octagon ospetsuaren barruan lehian dauden LFAko handientzat bezain handia izango da. UFC 215 on Irailaren 9an UFC munduko titulu erronka handiko bi LFA ikasle izango dira. Legacy FC taldeko Ray Borg handiak UFC flyweight tituluaren jaurtiketa egiteko txartela zuzenduko du, Shevchenkok, azkenean, UFC emakumezkoen pisu txikiko tituluarekin pitzadura bat lortuko du ekitaldi ko-nagusian. Beste zazpi LFA ikaslek ere badute UFC erasoak datorren hilabeterako iragarrita.
LFA abuztuan hasi zen promozioaren historiako lehen tituluaren defentsarekin. Ekainean koroatu zuten LFAko txapeldun inauguratuetako bi (Eryk Anders eta Roberto Sanchez) dagoeneko egin dute UFCren debuta, baina LFA luma pisu txapelduna Kevin “Heriotzaren aingerua” Aguilarrek bere titulua defendatu ahal izan zuen LFAko ekitaldi nagusian 18 Iraganean honetan Ostirala. Partidako aurkari oso baten aurka golak sartuz egin zuen #1 lehiakidea eta mundu mailako BJJ gerriko beltza Justin Rader.
LFA orain uda amaitzeko lau ikuskizunekin dago lau aste barru lau estatu desberdinetan. Laukoitza goiburua datorren astean hasiko da Hego Dakotan LFAn 19. Sustapena ekialdean Minnesotara joango da hurrengo astean LFAra 20. LFA-k irailaren lehen egunean hasiko du Missouri LFA-n 21. Ondoren, lau asteko bidaiaren azken itzulia Colorado-n jaitsiko da LFA-n 22.
LFA 19 – Michaud vs. Rodrigues gertatzen Ostirala, Abuztuaren 18an Sanford Pentagonoan Sioux Falls at, South Dakota. Ekitaldiak Hego Dakota estatuan ospatuko den bigarren LFA ekitaldia izango da. RFA bisitatu du “Rushmore mendia Estatuak” Bateratzea baino lau aldiz lehenago. LFA 19 da hiru aldiz UFC albaitaria David Daviden arteko solderweight gerra batekin “Bulldawg” Michaud (11-3) eta Brasilgo zentroa Ciro “Boy Bad” Rodrigues (20-7).


LFA 20 – Curry vs. Barnes gertatzen Ostirala, Abuztuak 25 Prior Lake-eko Mystic Lake Casino Hotel hotelean, Minnesota. Gertaera Minnesotako estatuan ospatuko den LFAren hirugarren ekitaldia izango da. RFA eta Legacy FC ostatutako konbinatua bederatzi gertaerak “Lur 10,000 Lakuak” fusioa baino lehen. LFA 20 dago Chad izar gorenaren arteko iragartze soldadurarekin “Blitz” Curry eta RFA tituluaren aurkari ohia Nick “Fenixoa” Barnes.
LFA 21 – Noblitt vs. Branjão gertatzen Ostirala, Irailak 1 Branson-eko Branson Convention Center-en, Missouri. Gertakariak Missouri estatuan ospatu den lehenengo LFA ekitaldia izango da. RFAk bisitatu du “Erakutsi Estatua” Bateratzea baino lau aldiz lehenago. LFA 21 Kyle James Noblitt estatubatuar potentzial estatubatuarraren arteko borroka arina da (8-0) eta etengabeAntônio Paulo Brasilgo prospektorea lortu zuen “mountain” Branjão (4-0).
LFA 22 – Heinisch vs. Perez gertatzen Ostirala, Irailaren 8an Broomfield-eko 1.STBANK zentroan, Colorado. Gertaera Coloradoko estatuan ospatuko den LFAren hirugarren ekitaldia izango da. RFA bisitatu du “Mendeurreneko Estatua” fusioaren aurretik zortzi aldiz. LFA 22 Colorado-ko Ian-en Ian LFAren pisu ertaineko titulua da “Urakana” Heinisch (8-0) eta Brasilgo dinamoa Markus “Maluko” Perez (8-0).
Lau ekitaldi hauen txartel nagusia AXS telebistako telebistan zuzenean eta nazioan emango da 9 p.m. ETA / 6 p.m. PT.
Irailean 2016, RFA eta Legacy FC-ko funtzionarioek iragarri zuten bat egingo zutela Arte Marzialen Mistoko garapen garapen erakundea osatzeko (MMA) Urtarrilean hasita 2017. RFA eta Legacy FC jarri dute martxan gorako karrerak 100 Hori MMA Pinnacle iritsi UFC lehiatzen arabera kirolariak.
Please visit LFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. LFA Facebook-en dago Legacy Aliantza Fighting. LFA Instagramen ere dago @LFAfighting and Twitter at @LFAfighting.

Zayats defeats Vanttinen by decision in M-1 Challenge 82 main event

Emaitza ofizialak
Mikhail Zayats was too much for Marcus Vanttinen

HELSINKI, Finland (Abuztua 6, 2017) – Errusiako argi heavyweight Mikhail Zayats garaitu Marcus “Caveman” Vanttinen by unanimous decision in last night’s M-1 Challenge 82main event, which headlined the first M-1 Global event held in Finland during the last nine years.

Zayats (23-8-0, M-1: 13-5-0) returned to an M-1 Global-promoted event for the first time in nearly six years. The Russian strongman see pictured below), who had fought the past few years in Bellator, ruined the night for local favorite Vanttinen (24-6-0, M-1: 2-3-0), one of six Finnish fighters on the Helsinki card.

International fighters represented nine different countries: Errusiak, Finland, Brasilen, USA, Portugal, Frantzian, Suitzan, Ukraine and Sweden.
Finnish bantamweight JanneJamboElonen-Kulmala (15-5-1, M-1: 0-0-1) and Brazilian veteran fighter Heilton (Dos Santos) Davella (15-6-1, M-1: 0-1-1) fought to a three-round split-draw, Finnish flyweight Mikhail “Hulk” Sila (17-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0) took a three-round unanimous decision from Vitali Branchuk (22-7-0, M-1: 2-3-0), Ukrainako.

Jambonails Davella
(L) Silander made hometown fans happy
Russian lightweight prospect Pavel Gordeev (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) and Ukrainian welterweight Alexander “Iron Capture” Butenko (44-12-3, M-1: 10-2-1), hurrenez hurren, won three-round unanimous decisions over Brazilian Michel “Sassarito” Silva (18-7-0, M-1: 0-2-0) and American Keith “One” Johnson (12-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0).

Gordeev is a promising prospect
(L) Butenko and Johnson put on a good show.
Also on the main card, Finnish welterweight Juho Valamaa (15-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) made a successful M-1 debut with a first-round technical knockout victory of Portugal’s Aires Bendrouis (10-6-0, M-1: 0-1-0).

Valamaa celebrated
Aurretiazko txarteleko On, Swedish bantamweight Son LeBuddahBinh (5-3-0, M-1: 1-2-0) lost a three-round unanimous decision to Oleg Lichkovakha (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiako egindako borrokan, and Ukrainian heavyweight BorisBoraPolezhay (17-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0) defeated Finland’s Toni Valtonen (27-16-0, M-1: 6-3-0) Erabaki arabera.
Errusiako middleweight Ruslan Shamolov (3-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0) stopped AmericanMotownMoses Murrietta (5-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0) inaugurazio txandan, French lightweightArnaud Kherfallah (4-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0) used a guillotine choke to force Patrik Pietila (8-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Finlandiako, to tap-out in round one, and Russian flyweight Akaki Khorava (2-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0) tapped out in the second round as his Swiss opponent,FredericoMuskitoGutzwiller (3-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), locked on an arm-bar.
In M-1’s popular Medieval Fight, Ukrainian heavyweight Vladimir Nicheporenkodefeated Russian Yuro Slobodyanik by way of a first-round knockout.

Emaitzak Bete beheko:
Emaitza ofizialak
Txartel nagusia
Ekitaldi nagusia – LIGHT heavyweights
Mikhail Zayats (23-8-0, M-1: 13-5-0), Errusiak
Marcus Vanttinen (24-7-0, M-1: 2-3-0), Finland lbs. (kg)
Juho Valmaa (14-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Finland
WTKO1 (4:52referee stoppage)
Aires Bendrouis (10-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Portugal
Alexander Butenko (44-12-3, M-1: 10-2-1), Ukrainako
Keith Johnson (12-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), USA
Pavel Gordeev (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Errusiak
Michel Silva (18-7-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Brasilen
Janne Elonen-Kulmala (15-5-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Finland
Heilton (Dos Santos) Davella (15-6-1, M-1: 0-1-1), Brasilen
Mikael Silander (17-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Finland
Vitali Branchuk (22-7-0, M-1: 2-3-0), Ukrainako
Boris Polezhay (17-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukrainako
Toni Valtonen (27-16-0, M-1: 6-3-0), Finland
Ruslan Shamilov (3-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Errusiak
WKO1 (3:10)
Moses Murrietta (5-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), USA
Arnaud Kherfallah (4-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Frantzian
WSUB1 (4:22 – gillotina choke)
Patrik Pietila (8-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Finland
Oleg Lichkovakha (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiak
Son Le Binh (5-3-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Suedian
Frederico Gutzwiller (3-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Suitzan
WSUB2 (1:59 – armbar)
Akaki Khorava (2-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Georgia
Heavyweights – 3 X 5
Vladimir Nicheporenko, Ukrainako
WKO1 (1:22)
Yuri Sloboyanik, Errusiak


Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
ABOUT M-1 GLOBAL: Urtean sortu 1997, M-1 Global finkatu da Mixed Martial Arts in (MMA) ataria ezagutzeko eta munduko Superstar borrokalari belaunaldiko garatzeko entitateak gisa. Bere St Petersburg bulego With, Errusiak, M-1 markaren baino gehiago taularatu ditu 200 Mundu osoko ekitaldiak, M-1 Hautaketa barne, M-1 Challenge, M-1 globala eta M-1 Global HWGP ekitaldiak, gain Strikeforce gertaera eta M-1 Global US on co-sustapenaren alde. sarea, Showtime. Liluragarria zuzeneko, telebista eta banda zabaleko bere ekoizpen superior balioak eta match-ak dituzten ikusleak, M-1 Ekitaldi orokorrak kirola, bere goiko izen batzuk nabarmendu dute, mitikoaren heavyweight barne Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid gastuak eta Stephan Struve. 2017 has been another sensational year of world-class competition, featuring a full calendar of Challenge events, fueled by a talent-rich contention system ranking M-1 Global Champions among the greatest fighters in the sport.

FNU Combat Kirol Show: UFC 214 breakdown, Nobody Likes Dana White, Tom and Tony break down Broner vs. Garcia and Lomachenko vs. Marriaga

This week’s combat sports show is a split personality situation. We had technical difficulties getting all of us together for the show, so we recorded Tom and Tony chatting with each other on Thursday night. I’ve added my portion today. It all worked out to some incredible insight about Mayweather vs. McGregor, Dana White’s growing problem with disgruntled stars in the UFC, Broner vs. Garcia and Lomachenko vs. Marriaga. We also break down Jon Jones beating Daniel Cormier at UFC 214 and the implications for a Brock Lesnar showdown in the Octagon. It’s far from likely, but it’s intriguing. We also touch on the retirements of Juan Manuel Marquez and Wladimir Klitschko.

Tom and Tony Talk Shop:

Rich Wraps it Up:



August 11th, 2017

559 Fights is proud to announce our events will now be streamed globally via paid subscription on FloCombat, duten hasita 559 Borrokak 58 on Abuztua 11 at Tower Theatre in Fresno.

Part of the FloSports Network, FloCombat is the authority for MMA and combat sports news, ekitaldiak, interviews, eta gehiago.August 11th FloCombat brings you live coverage of the 559 Fights fight 58. Catch all the action and become a PRO MEMBER TODAY!

559 Fights is one of California’s top amateur mixed martial arts promotions, promoting successful events across the state since 2012 and helping to launch the careers of several of California’s top fighters.

Along with a throwback heavyweight title between Leo Cantu (10-4-1, Kerman) and Josue Aispuro (3-1, Avenal), 559 Borrokak 58 includes two championship bouts.

Heavyweight and Cruiserweight champ Andrew Chatman (6-0, Fresno) moves down in weight to fight Joseph Gaceta (2-1, Ridgecrest) for the CAMO State Light-Heavyweight Championship. Yuni Valencia (4-2, Farmersville) and Emilio Horta (2-2, Ridgecrest) will clash for the 559 Fights Lightweight Championship.

Sarrerak hasteko $25 and can be purchased at the Tower Theatre Box Office or www.559fights.

VIP Tables and VIP Package info text or call 559-813-0307

M-1 Challenge 82 Weights & Pictures

HELSINKI, Finland (Abuztua 4, 2017) – The official weigh in for biharko M-1 Challenge 82 event was held today in Helsinki. Official weights are below:
Txartel nagusia
Ekitaldi nagusia – LIGHT heavyweights – 3 X 5
Mikhail Zayats (22-8-0, M-1: 12-5-0), Errusiak 205 kgs. (93 kg)
Marcus Vanttinen (24-6-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Finland 202 ½ kgs. (92, 9 kg)

Aires Bendrouis (10-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Portugal 172 kgs. (78,2 kg)
Juho Valmaa (14-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Finland 169 ½ kgs. (77,1 kg)
Keith Johnson (12-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), USA 169 ½ kgs. (77,1 kg)
Alexander Butenko (43-12-3, M-1: 9-2-1), Ukrainako 169 kgs. (77,1 kg)
Lightweights – 3 X 5
Michel Silva (18-6-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilen 153 kgs. (69,6 kg)
Pavel Gordeev (7-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Errusiak 154 ½ kgs. (70,3 kg)

Vitali Branchuk (22-6-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Ukrainako 125 kgs. (56,7)Mikael “Hulk” Sila (16-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Finland 124 ½ (56,6 kg)

Heilton (Dos Santos) Davella (15-6-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilen 134 ½ kgs. (61,1 kg)

Helton (Dos Santos) Davella (15-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilen 134 ½ kgs. 61,1 (kg)
Janne Elonen-Kulmala (15-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Finland 135 kgs. (61,3 kg)
Heavyweights – 3 X 5
Toni Valtonen (27-15-0, M-1: 6-2-0), Finland 204 ½ kgs. (92,9 kg)
Boris Polezhay (16-6-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ukrainako 204 ½ kgs. (92,9 kg)
Middleweights – 3 X 5
Ruslan Shamilov (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Errusiak 184 ½ kgs. (83,9 kg)
Moses Murrietta (5-0-0, M-1: 10-0), USA 184 ½ kgs. (83,9 kg)
Lightweights – 3 X 5
Arnaud Kherfallah (3-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Frantzian 154 kgs. (70,1 kg)
Patrik Pietila (8-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Finland 154 ½ kgs. (70,2 kg)
Son Le Binh (5-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Suedian 124 ½ kgs. (56,6 kg)
Oleg Lichkovakha (7-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Errusiak 125 kgs. (56,7 kg)
FredericoMuskitoGutzwiller (2-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Suitzan 125 kgs. (56.7 kg)
Akaki Khorava (2-1-0), Georgia 125 kgs. (56,7)
Heavyweights – 3 X 5
Vladimor Nicheporenko, Ukrainako 220 kgs. (100 kg)
Yuri Slobyanik, Errusiak 225 kgs. (102,2 kg)
NOIZ: Larunbata, Abuztua 5, 2017
NON: Helsinki, Finland
Live korrontea: www.m1global.tv (11.30 a.m. ETA / 8:30 a.m. in USA)

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M-1 Challenge 82: Abuztua 5, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland
Larunbat honetan in Helsinki, Finland

Iron Boy MMA 7 Live on Pay-Per-View August 12 from Phoenix

PHOENIX (Abuztua 3, 2017) – The United States Southwest has been turning out top mixed-martial-arts fighters on a consistent basis for more than a decade. The next generation will be showcased Larunbata Gau, Abuztua 12, on the Iron Boy MMA 7 Epaileak txartel, airing live on pay-per-view from Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona.
Integrated Kirol Media banatu egingo “Iron Boy MMA 7live in the United States, Honela hasten 11 p.m. ETA / 8 p.m. PT, kable on, satellite and internet pay-per-view via DirecTV, iN Demand, Vubiquity, and DISH, in addition to being available worldwide on the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), bat bakarrik iradoki txikizkako prezioa $19.95.
We are very excited to partner with Integrated Sports Media on Iron Boy MMA 7,” esan Roberto Vargas, President of Iron Boy Promotions. “This card is the most talent-packed MMA card we’ve presented, and we can’t wait to share with the rest of the country what Arizona MMA fans have already experienced – lehergai, quality fights from some of the best fighters in the country.
Arizona and New Mexico have developed a bitter fighting rivalry over the past few years. The main event continues that trend as featherweight Randy Steinke (17-11-1, TB: 1-0-0), fighting out of Glendale, DU, hartzen Frank Baca (16-4-0, IB: 0-0-0), Albuquerqueko, NM.
Randy Steinke

Frank Baca
The 31-year-old Steinke has been a professional MMA fighter for the 10 urte, including fights in the World Series of Fighting, Combates America and King Of The Cage. Braca is a King of the Cage veteran who most recently fought in Bellator.
Mesa, Arizona featherweightRollin'Noland Hyland (3-1-0, IB: 2-0-0) meets Idaho’s Anthony Pagliaro (3-5-0, IB: 0-0-0), while featherweight Roman “El GallitoSalazar(10-6-0, TB: 0-0-0), of Queen Creek, DU, faces Colombian invader DumarCoraon de LeonRoa (11-6-0, TYB: 0-0-0).
Arizona featherweight Andres “Punisher” Ponce (2-5-1, IB: 0-1-0) throws-down with BoostyareBullitNefarios (2-2-0, IB: 0-1-0), Las Vegas, Nevada.
The main card features several pro-debut fighters such as Arizona bantamweight Junior Cortez vs. New Mexikoko Fallon Ring. Arizona featherweight Daniel Peru (1-0-0, IB: 1-0-0) is matched against pro-debuting Brendon Trujillo, of New Mexico, while heavyweight Waldo Cortez makes his pro debut against fellow Arizonian Darrell “Superman” Denslow (0-1-0, IB: 0-0-0). Undefeated bantamweight Kevin “QuicksandNatividad (3-0-0, IB: 0-0-0), Tempe, DU, puts his perfect record on the line versus Las VegasFardThe Messenger” Muhammad.
Six amateur MMA matches are scheduled to open theIron Boy MMA 7” Epaileak txartel.
Sarrerak tasatuak $55.00, $40.00 eta $30.00 and available to purchase online atwww.ironboy.com or at the Celebrity Theatre box office.

Twitter: @IntegratedPPV, @ironboyboxing, @FiteTV



Matt Andrikut v Mike Hansen square off in MMA action from NEF 25.

OHARRA berehalako: Rumford, Maine (Abuztua 3, 2017) – New Mike Hansen’s dreams of becoming a mixed martial arts (MMA) champion were admittedly premature. Then they were derailed for nearly a decade by a combination of injuries, service to his country and fatherhood.


The teenage ambition that made Hansen believe he could conquer the world, or at least his little corner of it, never went away, arren.


Twenty-nine months after resurrecting his career with New England Fights, Rumford’s Hansen (5-5) finally gets that coveted title shot. He will battle hometown favorite C.J. Ewer (2-0) at “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” this Larunbata, Abuztua 5 at Cross Insurance Center for the organization’s vacant middleweight title. The card starts at 7 p.m.

Hansen, aktibatuta 32 Uztailaren 21, says the opportunity fulfills an early goal while living and fighting in Massachusetts back in 2005.


“I was 19 years old and thought I had a great head on my shoulders, so I called out the (World Fighting League) champion at the time, who was John “Doomsday” Howard,” Hansen said. “I said that I wanted that belt and that I was coming after him. Knowing what I know now, he probably would have whipped the (crap) out of me.”


Howard went on to compete at the highest level with Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) and is now a veteran of 37 journeys into the cage. Hansen’s career path had many more stops, starts and detours.


He started with six amateur wins out of the gate and won his initial professional foray with ease. The title fight will take place on the eve of the 12garren anniversary of that pro debut.


“Being 19 urte zaharra, I was kind of cocky. I remember telling my dad nobody could compete with my wrestling,” Hansen said. “Back then, MMA hadn’t really evolved. The wrestler had the advantage over the jiu-jitsu guy. You could just hold a guy down and snuggle and hug and sweat out a win.”


After his first knockout loss, Hansen promised his father he would quit the sport. But he had already caught the fever, and his confidence was sky high.


Hansen was training for a bout at Laconia, New Hampshire’s bike week when he suffered a broken ankle two weeks before the weigh-in. He recovered and was in training for another fight when he was stabbed and beaten with a baseball bat in what could have been a fatal case of mistaken identity.


He remarkably walked out of the hospital a day later and soon embarked on a more structured path as a combat engineer in the United States Army. While enlisted, Hansen suffered a serious shoulder injury. Even after retirement, a return to the MMA cage seemed unlikely.


Then came a fateful call from an old friend and neighbor, NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson, and the rest is history. Hansen has carved out a reputation as one who will take on any opponent in any weight class at any time, and perhaps there is no greater example than the Ewer matchup.


“The belts are vacant at 170, 185 eta 205 (kilo). I can make weight for all those if I have enough time,” Hansen said. “I guess Peterson thought it made sense to kill two birds with one stone and put me in with Ewer at 185. Six weeks ago is when they called me, and at first they asked me about 170. I really liked the fight, but the weight didn’t make sense. I was sitting on the couch at 248.”


Hansen has spent most of his time in the heavyweight and light heavyweight divisions. He was glaringly outweighed in his last bout, a February loss to Ras Hylton.


Only once previously has he downsized to the middleweight threshold, a February 2016 loss to Zach Elkins. In the case of Ewer, who has done most of his work at 170, meeting in the middle might play to Hansen’s advantage.


“We’re two different styles of fighters. He’s coming up in weight and I’m coming down,” Hansen said. “He’s never been in the cage against anybody with my kind of power. When I’m hitting somebody at 200 kilo, I’m hitting them with the force of somebody who’s 245. My opponents have told me they’ve never been hit harder by a guy my size. I feel like it’s my fight to lose, as long as I don’t make any mistakes and go in there with the stamina I need to have.”


Hansen is confident against Ewer, who had a 5-2 amateur record with notable wins over Ricky Dexter and Crowsneck Boutin before turning pro. He knows better, ordea, than to underestimate any fighter out of the Young’s MMA stable.


“I feel like I’m the more talented fighter and that I have more tools in my tool box. But I know Young’s MMA is a great camp and that he trains with a lot of great guys,” Hansen said. “Chris (Young) finds a way to set you up to fight the fight you need to win. Look at the Pat Kelly fight (against Rafael Velado). They prepared to turn that into a kickboxing fight, and then he went out and did just that.”


Hansen has seen his name rise into the New England top-five conversation. Most of the fighters ahead of him have experience with larger promotions.


He said a win over Ewer could inspire him to travel and continuing to pursue the dream. That’s consistent with the personality he has shown through this second act of his career.


“I’ve been fighting the top-level guys in NEF for about the past two-and-a-half years,” Hansen said, “I always told Peterson to set me up with a guy who’s in the top 10 or just above me. I wanted to work my way up.”


From his days as a high school state wrestling champion at Mountain Valley High School, Hansen flaunted a distaste for winning that served him well.


In those days, he wore a T-shirt that read, ‘Nobody remembers second place,’ with four gold medals beneath it. Hansen’s attitude remains, but the mainstay of Berserker’s MMA out of the Greater Rumford Community Center noted that it is never only about himself.


“I want to win the title for all the people who have supported me and trained with me in Rumford. I also want it for my gym. We’ve done this three times in the amateurs and now we’re going to do it with a pro,", Esan zuen. "(GRCC is) just a little on-profit that helps people pursue their dreams. I’d love to hang that belt on the wall. It shows people in the community what we’re capable of here, and hopefully it gets them interested and grows the gym. That’s my goal.”


Tickets for “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” are available at CrossInsuranceCenter.com. For more information on the fight card and event updates, please visit NewEnglandFights.com.


Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.