Tag Archives: Холимог тулааны урлаг



LOS ANGELES – Bellator has announced plans to host a year-long grand prix heavyweight tournament in 2018 featuring eight of the roster’s biggest stars with the winner becoming the new Bellator world heavyweight champion. The Bellator MMA World Grand Prix 2018 Heavyweight Tournament will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network.


The star-studded list of participants includes newly signed Quinton "түйвээлт" Жексон (37-12), Рой Нелсон (23-14), Chael Sonnen (30-15-1),Фрэнк Мир (18-11), “King Mo” (21-6, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт), Fedor Emelianenko (36-5, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт), Мэтт Mitrione (12-5) and Bellator light heavyweight champion Райан Бадер (24-5).


Spanning multiple events and locations throughout 2018, the three-round tournament allows for matchups never before thought possible and will ultimately crown a new Bellator heavyweight champion. Өмнө нь, Bellator President Scott Coker orchestrated the most recent successful heavyweight tournament in mixed martial arts with the STRIKEFORCE Heavyweight Grand Prix that spanned from 2011-12.


Matchups, dates and locations for the single-elimination grand prix will be determined shortly, as will tournament alternates who will be available to fill in due to any unforeseen circumstances.


A five-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, “Rampage’s” legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Дэн Хендерсон |, “King Mo,” Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his trilogy with fellow Bellator athlete Вандерлей Силва.


Лас-Вегас гарч тэмцэх, Roy Nelson made his Bellator debut earlier this year with a hard-fought victory over Javy Ayala following an eight-year, 19-fight run with UFC that saw him earn wins over Mirko Cro Cop, Антонио Родриго Ногейра, “Bigfoot” Silva and Cheick Kongo. “Big Country” also memorably defeated the late Kimbo дээр зүсмэл гэж яригдах and later went on to win season 10 нь Ultimate Fighter. Нь 19 нь түүний 22 ажил Хасагдах буюу хүлээн замаар ирж ялалт, the long-time fan-favorite looks to add a championship to his impressive resume.


Chael Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC and WEC, a run that saw him defeat former middleweight champion Michael Bisping, and compete against the likes of Jon Jones, Андерсон Силва (хоёр дахин их), Rashad Evans, “Shogun” Rua, Demian Maia and Brian Stann. In addition to his in-ring action, the West Linn, Ore. native has mastered the art of being in front of the camera, having done broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. Following a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen returned to the cage against Тито Ортиз үед Bellator 170 in January and then went on to defeat Wanderlei Silva in the main event of Bellator: NYC.


Фрэнк Мир дараах Bellator энэ оны эхээр орсон 15 years under in the UFC where he became a two-time world champion, цуглуулсан 16 victories and defeated the who’s who of heavyweight contenders, Брок Lesnar зэрэг, "Алмас" Силва, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Roy Nelson. Лас-Вегас гарч тэмцэх, Мир өөрийн хуучин дэмжих нь өрсөлдөж байхдаа олон тооны бүртгэлийг тогтоосон, Хамгийн зодоон онцолсон (27), ялалт (16), , танилцуулах (8) хүнд жингийн түүхэнд. Нь 14 нь түүний 18 ажил Хасагдах буюу хүлээн замаар ирж ялалт, the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt will now try his hand in Bellator’s heavyweight division.


“King Mo” will again fight at heavyweight and look to build off his success within the division following recent wins against Satoshi Ishii and Cheick Kongo. A winner in nine out of his last 11 тулаан, the 36-year-old will look to claim heavyweight gold in 2018 and add to his championship collection that already includes a STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title. The “Moneyweight” fighter owns additional wins over Linton Vassell, Gegard Mousasi, Roger Gracie and has split a pair of bouts with “Rampage” Jackson with their series tied at one win each.


Асан бахархал аварга, "Өнгөрсөн эзэн хаан" хамгийн их эрхэмлэн хүндтэй хүнд сөнөөгч спорт харсан нэг юм. Чулуун нүүртэй, нам гүм, Emelianenko ММА түүхэн дэх хамгийн гайхалтай ялагдаагүй зураасаар нэг нь хөдөлмөр зарсан, хооронд нь дайралт хийвэл алдаж үгүй ​​биш 2001 болон 2009. ММА болон самбо дахь олон удаагийн дэлхийн аварга, Fedor саяхан товч завсарласны дараа спортод буцаж, accumulating two decisive wins since his return to action and competing against Matt Mitrione in an instant classic at Bellator: NYC.


Matt Mitrione remains poised to make an impact in the Bellator heavyweight division following three knockout wins since signing with Bellator in 2016, including a first-round KO of Fedor Emelianenko at Bellator NYC this June. The Illinois native and standout defensive end at Purdue University earned All-Big Ten honors in 2000 and subsequently earned his way into the NFL where he played six seasons as a member of the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings. Mitrione ultimately found his way into MMA where he became a high-level competitor, defeating the likes of the late Kimbo Slice, Derrick Lewis and Gabriel Gonzaga.


Bader will make his third appearance for Bellator and first since defending his light heavyweight championship at Bellator 186. Fighting out of Tempe, Ariz., Bader began his professional career on an impressive run, steamrolling the competition en route to a 12-fight winning streak and winning one of the most competitive seasons of Ultimate Fighter in franchise history on Spike in 2008. “Darth” continued his path of dominance by collecting 15 over some of the 105-pound division’s top talent, including victories over former world champions Antonio Rogerio Nogueira, Rashad Evans, as well as two wins over Фил Дэвис. Currently riding a four-fight winning streak with victories in nine of his past ten bouts, the former two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler from Arizona State University will look to become a current two-division champion in Bellator MMA.


Bellator Heavyweight Grand Prix Participants:

Bellator World Light Heavyweight Champion Райан Бадер (24-5)

Fedor Emelianenko (36-5, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт)

Quinton "түйвээлт" Жексон (37-12)

“King Mo” Lawal (21-6, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт)

Фрэнк Мир (18-11)

Мэтт Mitrione (12-5)

Рой Нелсон (23-14)

Chael Sonnen (30-15-1)




LOS ANGELES - Bellator олон тулаанд хүрснээ мэдэгдэхэд таатай байна, олон жилийн гэрээ Жейк Хагер, WWE-тэй бараг есөн жил ажиллахдаа өмнө нь "Жек Сваггер" гэж нэрлэдэг байсан. Энэхүү хэлэлцээрээр Хейгер ММА-ийн анхны тоглолтоо Bellator торны дотор хийх болно.


Хагер хүнд жинд өрсөлдөх бөгөөд дебютээ хийхээр төлөвлөж байна 2018.


Перригийн уугуул, Okla., Хагер үргэлжлүүлэн Оклахомагийн Их Сургуульд коллежийн бөх болно, Тэрээр бүх Америк байсан бөгөөд нэг улиралд 285 фунт жингийн хамгийн олон зүүгээр сургуулийн дээд амжилтыг тогтоов. 30. Төгссөнийхөө дараа бөхийн домогт зарлагч, нутаг нэгт Оклахома Сүүнертэй ярилцлаа, Жим Росс, Хагер мэргэжлийн барилдаанд шилжиж WWE-тэй гарын үсэг зурав.


WWE-д байхдаа, Хагер байгууллагад байх хугацаандаа олон удаа хүсч байсан мэргэжлийн цол хэргэмийг нэхэх болно, түүний дотор хүнд жингийн WWE дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн, ECW аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн, WWE АНУ-ын аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн.


Энэ оны эхээр WWE-т гүйж дууссаныхаа дараа, Хагер өөр нэгэн өргөн чөлөө рүү зүглэв, холимог тулааны ур чадвартаа бүрэн анхаарч, дэлхийн хамгийн шилдэг тамирчдын эсрэг өөрийгөө сорьж байна.


“Энэ бол миний удаан хугацаанд хийхийг хүсч ирсэн зүйл. Энэ бол миний нэг хэсэг юм, Тиймээс энэ нь утга учиртай юм. Би энэ тохиролцоонд маш их баяртай байна. Би Беллатороос маш их хайрыг мэдэрсэн,”Гэж Хагер хэлэв. “Нүүрэнд нь цохиулж, цусыг нь амтлах хэрэгтэй зарим төрлийн залуус байдаг гэж би боддог. Би үргэлж ММА-ийн фен байсаар ирсэн, Би таван настайгаасаа хойш барилдаж ирсэн. Беллатортой хамт байх нь гайхалтай юм. Тэд үнэхээр тавих болно 100 түүнд чиглэсэн хувь!"


"Жейк Хагерын 2018 онд Bellator-д дебют хийхийг харах гэж байгаадаа баяртай байна" гэж Bellator-ийн Ерөнхийлөгч Скотт Кокер хэлэв. “Түүнийг ММА-д өрсөлдөх сонирхолтой байгааг сонсоод коллежийн түвшинд юу хийснийг нь харахад, Түүнийг манай жагсаалтад багтаах нь надад маш их сонирхолтой байсан. Жейк өмнө нь WWE-тэй ажиллаж байсан Bellator-т ​​шинэ фенүүдээ илчилж, тэр торны доторх жинхэнэ наймаа гэдгээ нотлох бүх боломжийг түүнд олгоно гэж би бодож байна. ”


Хагер бол Белаторын саяхан хийсэн хамгийн өндөр албан тушаалд гарын үсэг зурсан хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн цуврал бөгөөд аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнд түрүүлэх хүнд жингийн ангилалд нэгджээ. 2018 Саяхан зарлагдсан найман хүний ​​бүрэлдэхүүнтэй хүнд жингийн Bellator Grand Prix-ээр дамжуулан.



Damir Ismagulov takes decision in Super Fight over Rogerio Karranca

M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Damir Ismagulov (орой дээр) won a decision over Rogerio Karranca in their non-title, Super Fight at M-1 Challenge 85
MOSCOW (Арваннэгдүгээр 11, 2017) — M-1 Challenger lightweight champion Damir Ismagulov ялагдсан Rogerio Karranca in a non-title, Super Fight last night in the M-1 Challenge 85Гол үйл явдал, at the Ice Palace in Moscow.
In another true international MMA event, 10 different countries were represented by the 24 сөнөөгч: ОХУ-, АНУ-ын, Бразил, Гүрж, Герман, Казахстан, Украйн, Хорват, Switzerland and Spain.
Ismagulov (13-2-0, 8-1-0), fighting out of Russia by way of Kazakhstan, needed all five rounds to take a decision over his Brazilian opponent, M-1 Global pro-debuting Karranca (13-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
Хамтран боломжуудтай тохиолдолд, Америкийн өд жин NateThe TrainLandwehr (10-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0) took a three-round decision from always tough Viktor Kolesnik (11-3-1, M-1: 2-1-1), ОХУ-.
Гүржийн гэрэл хүнд жингийн Giga Kukhalashvili (9-3-0, M-1: 2-0-0), undefeated Russian lightweight Abubakar Mestoev (6-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0) and Kazakh flyweight Arman Ashimov(7-2-1, M-1: 2-0-0) all registered opening-round knockout via punches, тус тус, over late replacement Sebastian Heil (6-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), ХБНГУ-ын, ОХУ-ын Алексей “Даалгавар” Makhno (16-6-0, M-1: 4-3-0) болон Родриго “Муу жаал” Melonio (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), ХБНГУ-ын.
Урьдчилсан карт дээр, former M-1 Challenge champion Максим Divnich (13-3-0, M-1: 7-4-0), ОХУ-ын гарч тэмцэх, lost a decision to hot Russian lightweight prospect Ruslan Rakhmonkulov (11-1-1, M-1: 1-0-0), who was making his M-1 Global debut.
Америкийн өд жин The Finisher” Жош залруулах байшин (16-4-0, M-1: 4-0-0) took a three-round decision over Ukranian Alexander Luna (21-11-0, M-1: 1-1-0), as did Ukrainian Андрей “Төмөр” Lezhnev (17-7-0, M-1: 5-3-0) харьцуулахад Russian Ilfat Amirov (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
Russian middleweight used a rear-naked choke for a second-round submission win against Croatian Kristijan Мөнгө (9-4-2, M-1: 0-3-2) and Russian bantamweight Sergey Klyuev(5-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0) remained unbeaten using an arm-bar for a first-round victory by way of an opening round submission of previously unbeaten Spaniard Oscar Suarez (3-1-1, M-1: 0-1-0).
Georgian flyweight Vazha Tsiptauri (3-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0) employed a Guillotine Choke for a third-round win by submission over his Swiss opponent, Frederico Gutzwiller (3-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), бол Maxim Yakobyuk (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) forced VictorTatraTrushov (2-1-0) into a second-round submission in a battle of Russian heavyweights.
Complete results and photo gallery gallery (click on pictures for IDs):
Damir Ismagulov (13-2-0, M-1: 8-1-0), Kazakhstan by way of Russia
Rogerio Karranca (13-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Бразил
Nate Landwehr (10-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0), АНУ-ын
Victor Kolesnik (11-3-1, M-1: 2-1-1), ОХУ-
Giga Kukhalashvili (9-3-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Гүрж
WKO1 (Гаргагч цоолтуур – 1:16)
Sebastian Heil (6-2-0, M-1; 0-1-0), Герман
Abubaker Mestoev (6-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0), ОХУ-
WKO1 (Гаргагч цоолтуур – 3:27)
Alexey Makhano (16-6-0, M-1: 4-3-0), ОХУ-
Arman Ashimov (7-2-1, M-1: 2-0-0), Казахстан
WKO1 (Гаргагч цоолтуур – 3:27)
Rodrigo Melonio (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Бразил
Maxim Yakobyuk (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), ОХУ-
WSUB2 (Side Choke1:16)
Victor Trushov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), ОХУ-
Vitaliy Slipenko (9-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), ОХУ-
WSUB2 (Арын нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах – 2:19)
Kristijan Мөнгө (9-4-2, M-1: 0-3-2), Хорват
Ruslan Rakhmonkulov (11-1-1, M-1: 1-0-0), ОХУ-
Максим Divnich (13-3-0, M-1: 7-4-0), Russia by way of Ukraine
Sergey Klyuev (5-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), ОХУ-
WSUB1 (Arm Bar0:45)
Oscar Suarez (3-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Испани
Андрей Lezhnev (17-7-0, M-1: 5-3-0), Украйн
Ilfat Amirov (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), ОХУ-
Жош залруулах байшин (16-4-0, M-1: 4-0-0), АНУ-ын
Aleksander Lunga (21-11-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Украйн
Vazha Tsiptauri (2-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Гүрж
WSUB3 (Guillotine багалзуурдаж алах – 0:32)
Frederico Gutzwiller (3-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Швейцарь, 124,78 кг. (56,6 кг.)

From Russia with love…..

…..M-1 Ring Card Girls


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FNU тэмцэх Спорт харуулах: The MMA Report

“Зүрхний” Tom Padgett and “Rabble Rousin "” Rich Bergeron catch up after a three-week hiatus. Тони “Торнадо” Penecale will join us again next week for the broadcast. This week we cover as much as we can jam into the show to make up for lost time. From GSP’s triumphant return to McGregor’s conditions to come back to the cage, we cover it all. Эцэст нь, Tom asks a very important question: Where are the legends of MMA?





LOS ANGELES – Bellator is pleased to announce that it has reached a multi-fight deal with Quinton "түйвээлт" Жексон (37-12), exclusively securing the talents of one of the most well-known and fan-favorite competitors in MMA history. This multi-fight deal was the result of a lengthy negotiation with Jackson’s manager Tiki Ghosn from Arsenal Sports Agency, and it promises to deliver to the Bellator fans more of the signature MMA action “Rampage” is known for.


“Rampage” is expected to return to the Bellator cage in early 2018.


Fighting out of Irvine, Калифорни мужийн., “Rampage” has made five appearances with Bellator, accruing an impressive mark of 4-1. His legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way due to his exciting fighting style and unique personality. The former PRIDE star and UFC champion is the proud owner of epic highlight-reel slams and knockouts earned throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Дэн Хендерсон |, "Хаан Mo,” Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his trilogy with fellow Bellator athlete Вандерлей Силва.


The Memphis, Tenn.-native was also a coach on one of the most memorable and successful seasons of Ultimate Fighter on Spike in 2010. Coaching opposite Rashad Evans, the season featured multiple future Bellator stars, оролцуулах Мэтт Mitrione, Рой Нелсон and the late Kimbo дээр зүсмэл гэж яригдах.


“I am excited for this new beginning and looking forward to an action packed 2018,” Jackson said. “I can’t wait to get back in the cage and put on exciting fights for both the ‘Rampage’ and Bellator fans.”


“With ‘Rampage’ Jackson, you know what you’re going to get every time he steps inside the Bellator cage – an exciting fight and interest from fans all over the world,” Bellator President Scott Coker said. “I knew that keeping ‘Rampage’ with Bellator was integral to our continued growth as a promotion and I’m pleased that we were able to come to an agreement that allows us to plan some great future matchups for him.”


An avid user of the video platform and community for gamers, Twitch, via his channel “RampageIsHuman,” Jackson has managed to connect with his fans in a yet another unique way. Whether on the silver screen, in the Bellator cage or the pro wrestling ring, the 39-year-old remains one of the most-recognized stars in the sport’s history.


The addition of Jackson adds depth to an ever-growing Bellator roster, which has recently seen free agents Gegard Mousasi, Рори Макдональд, Фрэнк Мир, Рой Нелсон, Michael McDonald and current Bellator light heavyweight champ Райан Бадер join the Viacom-owned promotion.


Check out this highlight-reel featuring some of “Rampage’s” top Bellator moments: https://youtu.be/0eSzSVe8q2g


Гол үйл явдал:
CO-гол үйл явдал:
Tickets are on sale NOW through TheBombFactory.com

Хьюстон, АНУ-ын Техасын – Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will return to northern Texas next month at LFA 28 with a pair of talented veterans facing undefeated prospects at the top of the card.
Үндсэн тохиолдолд, Legacy FC standout EvanThe ButcherCutts faces top undefeated prospect JaleelThe RealestWillis in a welterweight war. Хамтран headliner нь, UFC vet DamonThe LeechJackson squares off with undefeated Kansan ThaiLandsharkClark in a lightweight showdown. LFA 28 – Cutts vs. Willis takes place this Баасан, December 8th at The Bomb Factory in Dallas, АНУ-ын Техасын. бүх гол карт амьд телевизээр, дор AXS телевизээр орон даяар болно 9 p.m. БОЛОН / 6 p.m. PT.
Evan Cutts is a long-time Legacy FC standout that has made a name for himself by taking out big name prospects,” Заасан Soares. “He will make his LFA debut against Jaleel Willis, who is one of the top undefeated welterweight prospects in the sport. LFA started at The Bomb Factory in Dallas in January and returned in July. LFA 28 will continue our exciting history in Big D on Баасан, December 8th.”
Tickets for LFA 28 – Cutts vs. Willis are available for purchase NOW at TheBombFactory.com.
Cutts (8-3) is a longtime Legacy FC standout that will be making his LFA debut in front of his friends and family in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) газар. “The Butcherhas made a career out of cutting through the dreams of highly-touted prospects, while proving to be one of the most formidable ground specialists in the 170-pound division. Онд 2011, not long after his 20th birthday, the now 26-year-old Texan made his pro debut and quickly gained global recognition later that year. This happened when he faced Reagan Penn, the prodigious younger brother of UFC Hall of Fame member B.J. Пенн. Cutts eagerly took the high-profile bout and made the most of his opportunity by defeating the jiu-jitsu wunderkind. Cutts later reached the quarter-finals of Bellator’s hit reality television show Fight Master. Now the Legacy FC standout is looking to hand another highly-touted prospect his first career loss in the main event of LFA 28.

Уиллис (8-0) makes his LFA debut to much fanfare. Widely-regarded as one of the top prospects in the world at 170-pounds, the Memphis native has done it all and made it look easy up to this point. The Bellator and WSOF vet has run roughshod over the competition throughout his three and a half year career. After winning a regional title in his hometown over the summer, Willis signed a multi-fight contract with LFA, the leading developmental organization for prospects looking to reach the UFC. His first assignment as an LFA fighter will be the perfect task for the hungry, young welterweight. The 25-year-old heads into enemy territory to face a man many consider a trueprospect killerin the headlining bout of LFA 28. If successful, the man known asThe Realestcould cement his case as the realest threat to current LFA welterweight champion James Nakashima, while also pushing himself up the overall pound-for-pound prospect list.

The co-main event of LFA 28 will feature another showdown between a battle-tested veteran looking to regain past glory and an aspiring undefeated prospect looking for a marquee win. Three-time UFC vet and former Legacy FC featherweight champion DamonThe LeechJackson is moving back up to the lightweight division, which is the same weight class where he made his UFC debut on the main card of UFC 177. He will take on undefeated Bellator vet ThaiLandshark” Кларк, who will be competing in his first live televised fight. The Kansas native is looking to take advantage of this opportunity by staying undefeated against his toughest test to date.
Үндсэн карт (Televised on AXS TV at 9 p.m. БОЛОН / 6 p.m. PT):
Үндсэн үйл явцыг | Welterweight дайралт хийвэл (170 LB)
Evan Cutts (8-3) сүсэг. Jaleel Уиллис (8-0)
Хамтран Үндсэн үйл | Хөнгөн дайралт хийвэл (155 LB)
Damon Jackson (12-2-1) сүсэг. Thai Clark (7-0)
Light-Heavyweight Bout (205 LB)
– Alonzo Menifield (4-0) сүсэг. Otavio Lacerda (9-4)
Bantamweight дайралт хийвэл (135 LB)
Miles Johns (5-0) сүсэг. Caio Machado (10-4)
Bantamweight дайралт хийвэл (135 LB)
Steven Peterson (15-6) сүсэг. Tristan Grimsley (7-7)
Welterweight дайралт хийвэл (170 LB)
Melvin Jordan (5-2) сүсэг. Nikolay Veretennikov (4-3)
Welterweight дайралт хийвэл (170 LB)
Ramiz Brahimaj (4-0) сүсэг. Chad Box (3-0)
Есдүгээр сард 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) starting in January 2017. Legacy FC and RFA have launched the careers of over 150 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
LFA 28 will be the third LFA event to take place in the City of Dallas. It will also be the seventh time that the LFA has traveled toThe Lone Star Stateof Texas. Further information about LFA 28 Удахгүй зарлах болно. The entire main card of LFA 28 Амьд телевизээр, наад AXS телевизээр үндэсний болно 9 p.m. БОЛОН / 6 p.m. PT.
Зочилно уу LFAfighting.com дайралт хийвэл шинэчлэлтүүд, мэдээлэл. LFA is on Facebook at Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting болон Twitter дээр @LFAfighting.



Мөн, Appearances by Fan-Favorite and Monster Energy Athlete "Rampage’ Jackson and MMA Legend Dan Henderson

LOS ANGELES - Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series closes its 2017 season with a fourth and final stop at Homestead-Miami Speedway in Homestead, FLA. тухай Ням гараг, Эцсийн. 19. Set to take place during Ford Championship Weekend, fighters will take to the cage Ням гараг morning ahead of the final race of the 2017 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs that will determine the next Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Champion.


Just hours prior to the start of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Ford EcoBoost 400 Ням гаригт, Эцсийн. 19, the Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series will feature MMA action throughout the morning beginning at 11:30 a.m. БОЛОН at the Monster Energy Fan Zone at Homestead-Miami Speedway in the display area on the north side of the track. Admission to the event is free and open to fans.


Нэмж хэлэхэд, тухай Бямба гариг, Эцсийн. 18 нь 1-2 p.m. БОЛОН, fans will have the opportunity to meet former world champ and Monster Energy athlete Quinton "түйвээлт" Жексон, as well as former PRIDE and STRIKEFORCE titleholder Dan “Hendo” Henderson, at the Monster Energy Fan Zone at Homestead-Miami Speedway in the display area on the north side of the track. Admission to the event is free and open to fans.


“The Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series has been a huge success this year and I’m looking forward to heading to Homestead-Miami Speedway during NASCAR’s championship weekend for another great event to end 2017,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “This is a monumental weekend for Monster Energy, including Hans Molenkamp, Tom Norwood, Cody Dresser, Mitch Covington and their entire team, as they close out their first season with NASCAR, and I’m excited to once again make Bellator MMA a part of the fan experience.”


Through Bellator MMA, alongside longstanding partner Monster Energy, mixed martial arts will be included as a pre-race activation exclusively for fans in attendance. The lineup Ням гаригт will consist of four MMA bouts featuring some of the best regional up-and-coming talent, with the main event prospects in consideration to be signed to a multi-fight Bellator MMA contract.


The Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway takes place Ням гараг, Арваннэгдүгээр 19 үед 2:30 p.m. БОЛОН. Tickets to the race are available at www.Homestead-MiamiSpeedway.com эсвэл дуудаж, 305-230-5255.


Шинэчлэгдсэн Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series at Homestead-Miami Speedway Fight Card:

Featherweight Main Event: Matt Wagy (10-4, Delray Beach, FLA.) сүсэг. Kester Mark (5-4, Холливудын, FLA.)

Middleweight дайралт хийвэл: Johnny Eblen (2-0, Boca Raton, FLA.) сүсэг. Emmanuel Verdier (3-1, Miami, FLA.)

Women’s Strawweight Amateur Bout: Thais Souza (0-1, Deerfield Beach, FLA.) сүсэг. Ashley Samples (0-2, Athens, Ga.)

Өд дайралт хийвэл: Landon Stewart (Pro Дэбют, Miami, FLA.) сүсэг. Rudial Mora (Pro Дэбют, Miami, FLA.)


Please visit Bellator.com for details.

*Event schedule subject to change.





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M-1 Challenge 85: Арваннэгдүгээр 10, 2017 Москва хотод, ОХУ-



CANCUN, MX – November 7, 2017 - Combate Américas announced earlier the official matchups for the quarterfinal, or opening stage, of the highly-anticipated “COPA COMBATE,” one-night, eight-man bantamweight (135 кг) Холимог тулааны урлаг (ММА) tournament that will award its winner a grand prize of $100,000, live on both Telemundo and NBCSN from Cancun, Mexico on Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 11 үед 11:30 p.m. БОЛОН/10:30 p.m. СТ.

үйл явдал, which takes place at Grand Oasis Cancun, marks both the first NBCU simulcast in history of an MMA event, and the first-ever Telemundo broadcast of MMA programming.

“COPA COMBATE” also represents the first time that world-class fighters from the U.S., Latin America and Spain will represent their respective countries in an epic, one-night tournament showdown in which the winner will have persevered through three consecutive bouts.

In the first quarterfinal stage bout in tournament bracket “A,” vicious striker Mikey “El Terrible” Erosa (12-5) from San Juan, Puerto Rico will take on red-hot Marcelo “The Pitbull” Rojo (12-4) from Cordoba, Аргентин.

Үед 36 Хуучин жил, Erosa is the oldest competitor in the tournament field. A combat sports tri-athlete who also boxes and kickboxes professionally, Erosa is the first recognized Puerto Rican world champion in the sport of MMA.

The 29-year-old Rojo is both the number one ranked bantamweight, as well as the top ranked featherweight (145 кг) in his native Argentina.

A former semifinalist on Ultimate Fighter: Латин Америк reality television series, Rojo has produced 10 нь түүний 12 ажил замаар ялалт (T)KO or submission and will enter the tournament riding a four-fight win streak, including two consecutive wins in his first two Combate Americas starts.

On the same side of the tournament draw, wildcard entrant and relentless brawler Рики "Gallero" Паласиос (9-1) Номлолын, АНУ-ын Техасын, will clash with fast-rising star Carlos “Lobo” Rivera (12-2) Мексик хотын, Мексик.

The 30-year-old Palacios, the longest standing member of the Combate Americas fighter roster, has won all six of bouts in La Jaula, the Combate Americas circular cage.

In his last two starts, Паласиос, also unbeaten as a professional boxer, earned victories over two different Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) veterans – a split decision over Ромын Салазар тухай Дөрөвдүгээр 20, мөн санал нэгтэй шийдвэр дээш Chris Avila тухай Оны долдугаар сар 27.

Rivera is a 24-year-old member of the famed “Bonebreakers” fight squad. He has produced 8 нь түүний 10 мэргэжлийн ажил замаар ялалт (T)К.О, эсвэл хүлээн авах, and will enter La Jaula for the first time in his career, with three straight victories under his belt.

On the other side of the tournament draw, 25-year-old trailblazer John “Sexi Mexi” Castaneda (14-2) Mankato нь, Эхлэн. will battle national Muay Thai champion Кевин “El FrioMoreyra (4-1) of Lima, Перу улс.

Tied with Palacios for the greatest number of wins – six – in La Jaula, Castaneda recently re-signed with Combate Americas where he has yet to be beaten, after emerging victorious by way of unanimous decision over Cheyden Leialoha in UFC President Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series тухай Наймдугаар 1.

Moreyra is an aggressive-minded, 24-year-old who also boasts a 4-1 record as a professional Muay Thai combatant, and is regarded as Peru’s fastest rising MMA star.

In the second tournament bracket “B” bout, тулаан-тест, number one ranked Spanish bantamweight Marc “Lufo” Gómez (20-10) of Barcelona will collide with number one-ranked Colombian bantamweight Andres “Doble A Leal “ Ayala (14-4) of Bogota.

Үед л 25 Нас жил, Gómez has already racked up 30 Мэргэжлийн bouts, making him the most experienced of the tournament field and, нь түүний 20 ажил мэргэжил ялалт, an astonishing 17 замаар ирсэн (T)К.О, эсвэл хүлээн авах.

Ayala is a gutsy, 27-year-old striker who also boasts a spectacular finish rate, нь 9 нь түүний 11 career conquests having come by way of (T)К.О, эсвэл хүлээн авах. In addition to his place as the top ranked 135-pound fighter in his country, Ayala also owns a top 10 ranking in Mexico.

The live simulcast of “COPA COMBATE” on Telemundo and NBCSN will feature the tournament’s complete semifinal stage consisting of two bouts that pit the winners of the quarterfinal stage matchups in each tournament bracket against one another, as well as the championship stage showdown.

In addition to the tournament action, Telemundo’s and NBCSN’s live television coverage of “COPA COMBATE” will feature the previously announced women’s strawweight (115 кг) co-main event between undefeated knockout artist Melissa “Super Melly” Martinez (2-0) Мексик хотын, Мексик, and submission expert and Miesha Tate pupil Gloria “Gloriosa” Bravo (4-2) of Santiago, Chile.

The entire quarterfinal stage of the tournament, as well as two tournament alternate bouts and a second women’s bout that will be announced soon, will stream live on the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app and TelemundoDeportes.com. Coverage on NBCSN will be live streamed on NBCSports.com and the NBC Sports app.

# # #

Combate Americas is the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) sports franchise, rapidly becoming the number two sport, after soccer, for Spanish speaking sports fans worldwide. The Combate Americas franchise includes reality TV programming, live events and mobile programming. The company’s CEO, Campbell McLaren, is universally recognized as the co-founder/co-creator of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). New York Magazine described McLaren as “UFC цаана маркетингийн суут ухаантан” болон Yahoo! Спортын Тэр тунхагласан “зүгээр л дотор нь хэн ч өнөөдөр тухай илүү спортын талаар илүү мэддэг.” With an unprecedented product and a blue-chip ownership and management team, Combate Americas is poised to break new ground and bring about a new era in world championship level MMA competition.

Bellator 186: Bader vs. Vassell Results & Зургийн цомог


Райан Бадер (24-5) ялагдсан Linton Vassell (18-6, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт) TKO дамжуулан (гаргагч цоолтуур) үед 3:58 шатанд хоёр

Зургийн цомог: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hx0r62nfbc8y2ql/AABxoV96f8xO-PA6cKykGLCxa?dl=0

Ilima-Lei МакФарлэйн (7-0) ялагдсан Emily Ducote (6-3) via verbal submission (arm bar) үед 3:42 шатанд таван


Зургийн цомог: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s7b7l5wfa27nvi8/AAA4YdcUjaoAJcMGyzNCb8jba?dl=0


Фил Дэвис (18-4, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт) ялагдсан Leo Leite (10-1) санал нэгтэй шийдвэр дамжуулан (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Зургийн цомог: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/76ipvbxw3r1v660/AABQ-Tg_EQpxsW0F7FiGsoT1a?dl=0


Харин Рут (4-0) ялагдсан Крис Демпси (11-6) К.О дамжуулан (цоолтуурын) үед :27 шатанд хоёр


Зургийн цомог: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/185k0c5hl9wh7m2/AACIEShWpmwRdgFOW8jAWqmOa?dl=0


Та Awad (21-9) ялагдсан Zach Freeman (9-3) TKO дамжуулан (гаргагч цоолтуур) үед 1:07 дугуй нэг


Зургийн цомог: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h8r8f5gixl91luv/AACa8tdrvMVwwUHt2EFYd-8ra?dl=0


Урьдчилсан карт үр дүн:

Tywan Claxton (1-0) ялагдсан Johnny Bonilla-Bowman (1-1) Хасагдах дамжуулан (flying-knee) үед 1:29 дугуй нэг


Зургийн цомог: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wbn0zv5dxry7n8q/AACBqdJ3F7GdInsklCwGrFLta?dl=0

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VirSoFoCUYE

Логан Storley (7-0) ялагдсан Мэтт Secor (9-5) санал нэгтэй шийдвэр дамжуулан (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


Зургийн цомог: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6y7cftw9kn32g1v/AAD1sI8H4qzSkzGGwFr9DbYsa?dl=0


Mike Wilkins (8-4) ялагдсан Brett Martinez (6-5) хүлээн дамжуулан (Арын-нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах) үед 1:09 шатанд хоёр

Frank Buenafuente (8-4) ялагдсан Francis Healy (7-5) санал нэгтэй шийдвэр дамжуулан (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Доминик Mazzotta (13-2) ялагдсан Matt Lozano (8-6) TKO дамжуулан (Эмч зогсоож болиулах нь боломгүй) үед 2:37 дугуй нэг

Michael Trizano (5-0) ялагдсан Mike Otwell (3-2) хүлээн дамжуулан (D’arce Choke) үед 2:07 шатанд хоёр

Scott Clymer (1-0) ялагдсан Mike Putnam (1-2) TKO дамжуулан (гаргагч цоолтуур) үед

Andrew Salas (4-1) ялагдсан Ethan Goss (3-4) хуваах шийдвэр дамжуулан (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Josh Fremd (2-0) ялагдсан Ryan Parker (0-1) хүлээн дамжуулан (Арын-нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах) үед 1:25 шатанд хоёр