Tag Archives: Crefftau Ymladd Cymysg


Lewiston, Maine (Ionawr 16, 2018) – Kam Arnold might be the ultimate Maine mixed martial artist from central casting.



Blue-collar sensibilities shaped his young life. He grew up in a small community where young boys often had to conjure up their own forms of entertainment. And yes, sometimes that meant fighting solely for the sake of fighting.



“I have two older brothers, and friends who were around all the time that are like brothers. We pretty much adopted them, eich bod yn gwybod?” Arnold said. “And any time you have that situation, there are fights going on in the yard all the time. I remember one time seeing my brothers rolling around on the stairs in the house, and of course I just had to jump in and get involved in that.”



Arnold, sy'n troi 25 this month, is more structured but no less passionate today about exercising his grit, guile and strength in such physical encounters.



Veteran of one, quick knockout win in the New England Fights cage, Arnold returns for another dose on Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee. He will confront Kyle Kenney in an amateur bantamweight bout at “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn."



Fighting under the Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) umbrella, Arnold made a dramatic first impression, dispatching Glenn Kasabian mewn 1 minute, 54 eiliad.



“Glenn’s a tough dude. Mae'n rhyfelwr. He’s a great guy outside the cage. Mae gen i lawer o barch iddo. He wanted to stand up with me. It’s one of things where I just flipped the switch,” Arnold recalled. “He’s pretty rangy, pretty tall. I went in there wanting to let him know he was in for a battle, and fortunately it turned out in my favor. I was the better fighter that night.”



Arnold admittedly was disappointed that the result wasn’t enough to earn the 2017 “NEF Rookie of the Year” dyfarniad. He vows not to leave any doubt about his potential in the local hexagon when he takes on Kenney, an opponent about whom he knows precious little.



"Ie, I was pretty bummed, but I know everybody else busts their ass just like I do,” Arnold said. “I have high expectations for myself, and I want to make a statement with this fight.”



A native of Casco, on the shores of Maine’s Sebago Lake, Arnold describes a hard-knocks upbringing that clashed with the bucolic, tourist-trap surroundings.


Arnold’s family had close ties to a motorcycle club, although he is reluctant to discuss its impact on his life other than to agree that it enhanced his fighting spirit.



“They’re all genuine people. I will say that. I have an awful lot of people supporting me in this. I would be nothing without them. My father and mother are the two toughest people I know,” Arnold said. “As a kid growing up, I had to be tough. That’s just the way it was. I just come from a blue-collar family. I don’t really want to get into all the details of it, but I just had to be tough. It made me what I am today.”



In addition to grappling with his older siblings and their friends, Arnold unfortunately was a victim of circumstances that are all too prominent in today’s schoolyards and playgrounds.



“I was a very small kid for my age,” he explained. “I got bullied a lot in school and had to find a way to manage that. Yn anffodus, I got into a lot of fights because I had to defend myself.”



Arnold learned many of those self-defense techniques through his passion for combat sports.



He fell in love with professional wrestling, MMA, and especially boxing, although “there weren’t many options to pursue boxing in small-town Maine,” dywedodd.



While attending Oxford Hills and Lake Region high schools, Arnold briefly took up high school wrestling. It was not until adulthood that he found his way to Lewiston’s CMBJJ, one of the hub facilities that has helped build NEF’s talent base over the past six years.



“Of course there’s a part of me that wishes I had started this earlier, pan oeddwn i 18 neu 19, like a lot of guys,” said Arnold, sy'n troi 25 this month. “But I’m thankful for where I’m at now, and for Matt Peterson and NEF for giving this opportunity to show what I can do.”



Boxing and stand-up skills proved Arnold’s bread-and-butter in his debut. He hopes the Kenney fight will give him a chance to exhibit the wider array of lessons he has learned from his training partners.



Arnold credits former NEF amateur flyweight champion Dustin Veinott with the bulk of his development.



“I feel like I have the best coaching staff in the state,” Arnold said. “I haven’t really had the opportunity to travel around and cross-train, but I have so much faith in the guys at my own gym.



“Dustin Veinott has been crucial. I feel like with his knowledge I can go anywhere I want to in this sport. And when you combine that with Jesse Erickson, Travis Wells, Matt Denning, the sky is the limit. They’ve put their belief in me, and I want to show them I’ve earned it.”



When asked for a prediction about the February fight, Arnold somewhat channeled Clubber Lang’s reply of “pain” from Rocky III.



“Look for some blood,” Arnold said. “It’s coming. I can’t wait to put on a show.”



The opening bell Chwefror 3 ei osod ar gyfer 7 p.m. Mae tocynnau ar gael yn www.TheColisee.com or by calling the box office at207.783.2009 est. 525.

Tensiynau Rhedeg Uchel fel Cyn Hebogiaid teammates Paratoi ar gyfer MMA Cage Brwydr

Lewiston, Maine (Ionawr 10, 2018) – Tyfu i fyny yn yr un gymuned coler las a hyrwyddo trwy'r un, rhaglen chwaraeon storied reidrwydd yn gwneud dau ddyn ffrindiau gorau.




Cyn-teammates Ysgol Uwchradd Valley Mountain, a New England yn y dyfodol Ymladd gwrthwynebwyr crefft ymladd cymysg, Ryan Burgess a Nate Boucher yn dystiolaeth o'r hen wireb, “cynefindra bridiau dirmyg.”




Burgess, 24, a Boucher, 21, Bydd frwydr mewn bout pwysau pryf amatur yn "Fframwaith yr Amgylchedd Naturiol 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn"Ar Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3. Bydd y frwydr yn Androscoggin Bank Colisee penderfynu ar y rhif un contender yn yr adran 125-punt, ac yn ennill yr enillydd teitl ergyd yn erbyn pencampwr Justin Witham.




Bydd yn wedi bod bron i flwyddyn ers Burgess, o dair amser pencampwr Maine reslo ysgol yn uchel ac titleholder NEF gorffennol, cerdded i mewn i'r cawell. Galwodd NEF cyd-berchennog a matchmaker Matt Peterson a gofyn yn benodol am y frwydr Boucher.




Pam? Ar un llaw, roedd yn benderfyniad busnes ar ôl cau Boucher yn, colli hollt-penderfyniad i Witham mewn Tachwedd Teitl bout.




"Rydw i wedi bod allan am flwyddyn. Yr oeddwn yn gobeithio i neidio i'r dde yn ôl i mewn i ymladd teitl,"Esboniodd Burgess. "Ar ôl ymladd Nate gyda Witham, Roeddwn yn gwybod y byddai'n dymuno i'r rematch ar unwaith. Unwaith y daeth yn amlwg nad oedd yn mynd i ddigwydd tan fis Ebrill, Gofynnais a gallem wneud frwydr hon ym mis Chwefror, a chymerodd Nate hynny. "




Burgess (2-2) wedyn lansio un neu ddau o grenadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol oedd yn ymddangos i ddangos rhywfaint o ddrwgdeimlad tuag at ei gyd-Falcon. Mae'n debyg llai personol na'r tactegol; synhwyro Burgess cyfle i fanteisio ar yr hyn y mae'n ei weld fel un o'r chinks mewn arfwisg Boucher yn.




"Nate, byth ers iddo fod yn blentyn, Mae agwedd piss-wael pan mae'n colli. Yr wyf yn gobeithio i ostyngedig ychydig iddo a gwneud yn siŵr nad oes ganddo i chi boeni am y frwydr hon gael yn nwylo beirniaid,"Meddai Burgess. "Nate yn ôl pob tebyg y gallai fod wedi bod yn ddau- neu dri-amser pencampwr wladwriaeth pe bai wedi cael y cyfle i wneud hynny ei hun. Os bydd yn dal i fod yr un agwedd oedd ganddo bryd hynny, mae'n mynd i roi diwedd ar yr un ffordd. "




Burgess yn un o bedwar bencampwyr wladwriaeth tri-amser yn unig yn hanes MVHS. Trwy gyd-ddigwyddiad, brawd Boucher yn, Ethan, Hefyd, cyflawni y gamp.




Boucher, sydd eisoes wedi cymryd pedwar-amser yn bencampwr mat ysgol uwchradd Maine, a dwy-amser Lloegr Newydd yn rownd derfynol, Jeremiah Barkac o Dexter yn ystod ei amser yn y hecsagon Fframwaith yr Amgylchedd Naturiol, edrych ac yn swnio fel cymeriad gwahanol na'r un a oedd yn brwydro i ffwrdd oddi wrth y mat yn ei harddegau.




Ar ôl ennill ei ddau ymladd cyntaf yn rhwydd, Boucher (2-1) nid oedd yr unig un yn yr adeilad a oedd yn teimlo ei fod wedi gwneud digon i ennill y gwregys yn Portland.




"Roeddwn i'n meddwl fy mod yn rheoli dau gylch cyntaf y frwydr. Mae'r tri, 'n sylweddol. Mae'r ddau cyntaf i mi 'n bert lawer wedi cael (Witham) tagu allan,"Meddai Boucher. "Mae'n dod i ben i fyny fod yn brofiad dysgu i mi nad ydych yn gallu gadael y frwydr i'r beirniaid. Y peth gwych am y rhengoedd amatur yn, tra, wrth gwrs, yr wyf yn gofalu am fy record, ar ddiwedd y dydd mae'n rhan o'r broses ddysgu i wneud i chi yn broffesiynol yn well. "




Mewn ymateb i Burgess’ volleys ar Facebook, Cwestiynodd Boucher ymddygiad y cyn-bencampwr ar ôl ennill y strap NEF dau ymladd yn ei yrfa.




"Dydw i ddim yn fawr am y sgwrs sbwriel. Fi jyst mwynhau'r gamp. Rwy'n hoffi i ymladd ac yna dim ond mynd adref. Mae'n gwneud yn ychydig yn i adeiladu ei ego rwy'n credu,"Meddai Boucher. "Roedd yn gollwng y gwregys am ei fod yn cael trafferth gwneud pwysau, sydd yn eithaf amharchus, yn fy marn i. Bu'n allan am ychydig, felly nawr rwy'n o'i flaen, ac mae'n gwybod ei fod yn rhaid iddo fynd drwy i mi. "




Dywedodd Burgess ei fod yn arfer bod layoff i gwblhau ei addysg coleg a datblygu ei gymwysterau fel cynorthwyydd therapydd corfforol, sy'n dangos bod y proffesiwn meddygol yn fwy tebygol o fod yn ei yrfa yn y tymor hir na MMA.




Tra parhaodd ei amserlen hyfforddi yng Nghanolfan Gymunedol Rumford gyda Berserkers MMA, Dywedodd Burgess ei fod yn llai dwys ac yn strwythuredig cyn iddo colledion yn erbyn Witham a Dustin Veinott. Burgess trechu ddau cystadleuwyr yn flaenorol.




"Yn gorfforol Rwy'n dal y dylai fod wedi curo nhw, ond yn feddyliol nid oeddwn mor barod ag y dylwn i wedi bod yn. Nawr rwy'n llawer mwy o ffocws,"Meddai Burgess. "Ar y pryd roeddwn yn gorffen ysgol, gweithio'n rhan-amser 20 i 30 awr yr wythnos ac yn mynd i'r ysgol ar gyfer pob tebyg arall 40. Rwy'n colli dau ymladd lle'r oeddwn i dan bwysau. Roeddwn yn ennill pwysau tra bod y guys eraill yn torri phwysau. Byddwn yn mynd i mewn 'na ar y terfyn ac y byddent yn ei roi ar 10 i 15 bunnoedd rhwng y pwyso i mewn ac yn y frwydr. "




Boucher cyfaddef byth yn cyrraedd ei botensial fel wrestler ysgol uwchradd. Mae wedi dilyn llwybr gwahanol na Burgess, cofrestru yn Central Maine Brasil Jiu-Jitsu - lle mae'n dal yn hyfforddi heddiw - ar ôl cyrraedd oedran 13.




"Mae gen i rai o'r partneriaid hyfforddi caletaf a gorau yn y wladwriaeth,"Meddai Boucher. "Mae fy jiu-jitsu wedi dod yn bell, bron y pwynt lle y mae wedi llwyddo yn fy reslo ychydig bach. Wrth gwrs, reslo yw hyn yr wyf bob amser yn mynd yn ôl i'r pan fo'i angen arnaf. Fy trawiadol yw nos-a-diwrnod. Roedd yn ofnadwy ar gyfer fy frwydr gyntaf. "




Ychwanegodd fod ei lwyddiant mwyaf mewn MMA wedi dod ar draul cyn reslwyr.




Burgess yn cyfrif ar Boucher i amcangyfrif yn rhy isel gweddill ei repertoire. Fel rhywun a ddechreuodd reslo ar y tîm Varsity iau ysgol ganol yn seithfed radd, dywedodd fod ei hanes fel astudiaeth gyflym wedi ei gario drosodd i mewn i deyrnas o jiu-jitsu a bocsio.




"Rwy'n credu ei fod yn mynd i fod yn synnu. Mae'n meddwl ei fod yn gwybod yr hyn yr wyf yn dod at y bwrdd,"Meddai Burgess. "Mae pob ei fod yn gwybod am i mi yw fy reslo, ond mae'n rhaid i mi lawer mwy na hynny i ddisgyn yn ôl ar. Rwyf eisoes yn gwybod yr hyn y mae'n dod at y bwrdd. Ac nid mae'n mynd i ddysgu mewn dau fis hyn yr wyf wedi ei ddysgu mewn dwy flynedd."




Mae'r gloch agoriadol ar Chwefror 3 ei osod ar gyfer 7 p.m. Mae tocynnau ar gael yn www.TheColisee.com.




Ynglŷn ymladd Lloegr Newydd



Ymladd Lloegr Newydd ("NEF") yn ymladd hyrwyddo digwyddiadau cwmni. Cenhadaeth NEF yw creu digwyddiadau o'r safon uchaf ar gyfer diffoddwyr a chefnogwyr fel ei gilydd Maine yn. Tîm gweithredol NEF yn brofiad helaeth mewn rheoli chwaraeon ymladd, cynhyrchu Digwyddiadau, cysylltiadau cyfryngau, marchnata, cyfreithiol a hysbysebu.




YR ANGELAU - Bellator is pleased to announce that it has come to an agreement with John McCarthy to serve as color commentator during broadcasts on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network, which kicks off with Bellator 192 ar Dydd Sadwrn, Ionawr 20.


“With the addition of ‘Big’ John to our broadcast team, we have put together the premier group of MMA commentators ahead of our Jan. 20 debut on the Paramount Network,” Bellator President Scott Coker said. “With John and Chael providing analysis, you’re getting two people who have spent more time in the cage than they have spent with a headset on, and that will translate to a positive viewing experience for Bellator fans.”


Over the past 20 flynyddoedd, “Big” John McCarthy has set the bar when it comes to officiating in MMA, a sport where he has overseen countless fights promoted by Bellator and other promotions all over the world, serving as the referee for some of the biggest bouts in the history of the sport. A former Los Angeles Police Officer, and a Self-Defense Instructor at the Los Angeles Police Academy, McCarthy is also the founder of “C.O.M.M.A.N.D.,” a program that trains and certifies hopeful MMA referees and judges. McCarthy’s regulatory work is equally as impressive, as he was a key figure in the writing of the sport’s Unified Rules, which are recognized by the ABC and athletic commissions all across North America.


Along with his broadcasting duties, the man behind the catchphrase “Let’s get it on!” will also provide a unique level of first-hand insight to the plethora of original content produced by Bellator’s digital team.


“I first want to say how grateful I am for the opportunity I have been given to work with the incredible team Bellator has assembled. It is always so hard to leave something you love, but I have always wanted to step away based on my terms rather than someone else’s. My goals are to work as hard as I can to meet the expectations everyone will have for me and to hopefully someday exceed them.” McCarthy said. “I cannot think of anyone I would rather be working with than Scott Coker. Scott has always been a person I admire because of his honesty, loyalty and love for the martial arts. I want to thank everyone from Bellator and Viacom for the trust you are bestowing upon me to keep the commentating of Bellator MMA at the highest levels of the sport.”


Yn ogystal,, Chael Sonnen has signed an extension to remain a part of select Bellator broadcasts, breaking down all the action alongside Bellator announcers Mike Goldberg ac Mauro Ranallo.


Chael Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC and WEC, a run that saw him defeat former middleweight champion Michael Bisping, and compete against the likes of Jon Jones, Anderson Silva (ddwywaith), Rashad Evans, Rua “Shogun”, Demian Maia and Brian Stann. In addition to his in-ring action, the West Linn, Ore. native has mastered the art of being in front of the camera, having done broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. Following a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen returned to the cage against Tito Ortiz yn Bellator 170 in January and then went on to defeat Wanderlei Silva during the main event of Bellator: NYC.


Bellator and the soon-to-launch Paramount Network open 2018 with a bang when Bellator 192: Lima vs. MacDonald emanates from The Forum in California on Jan. 20. Anchored by a welterweight world title fight featuring Douglas Lima defending his championship against Rory MacDonald, the blockbuster event also will see the aforementioned Chael Sonnen compete against “Rampage” Jackson in the opening contest of 2018’s Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix.

M-1 Global kicks-off 2018 in February with M-1 Challenge 87 & 88

SAINT PETERSBURG, Rwsia (Ionawr 8, 2018) – M-1 Global will kick-off its 21stseason with a pair of international events in February, M-1 Her 87 ac M-1 Her 88, yn y drefn honno, Chwefror. 9 in Saint Petersburg and Chwefror. 22 ym Moscow.
Both events will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Bydd gwylwyr yn gallu gwylio'r ymladd rhagarweiniol a phrif cerdyn drwy fynd i gofrestru ar www.M1Global.TV. Gall Fans wylio'r holl gamau ar eu cyfrifiaduron, yn ogystal ag ar ffonau a thabledi smart Android ac Afal.
Finnish flyweight Mikael “Hulk” sila (17-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0) takes on Kazakh fighter Ariman Ashimov (10-2-1, M-1: 2-0-0) in the lone fight announced this far for M-1 Her 87, which will feature the grand opening of M-1 Arena. The Silander-Ashimov winner will be positioned for a potential title shot against M-1 Challenge flyweight champion Alexander Doskalchuk, o Wcráin.
Mikael Silander (R) will be making his Russian MMA debut Chwefror. 9 yn Saint Petersburg
Ariman Ashimov hopes to improve to 3-0-0 in M-1 Challenge competition on Chwefror. 9
Two M-1 Challenge title fights have been announced as the M-1 Her 88 co-main events on Chwefror. 22 ym Moscow.
M-1 Challenge Lightweight Champion Damir Ismagulov (14-2-0, M-1: 8-1-0), o Rwsia, defends his belt against his dangerous Georgian challenger, Raul Tutarauli(18-3-0, M-1: 6-1-0), while M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Champion Movsar Evloev (8-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0) puts his perfect pro record on the line against Kazakhstan-native Sergey Morozov (10-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0), who also fights out of Russia.
Damir Ismagulov (ar ben) makes his second title defense Chwefror. 22
Raul Tutarauli (ar ben) gets his first title shot Chwefror. 22
Movsar Evloev (L) plans to keep his prefect record intact
Sergey Morozov is hoping to upset Movar Evloev to become M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Champion
Mae'r holl ymladd a diffoddwyr yn destun newid. Additional matches for M-1 Her 87ac M-1 Her 88 will soon be announced.
Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

LUNGHI YN ALLAN i ddial teammate ERBYN Corson YN Fframwaith yr Amgylchedd Naturiol 32

Lewiston, Maine (Ionawr 5, 2018) - Ymladd Lloegr Newydd (NEF) dychwelyd i Lewiston ar Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018 gyda digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf hyrwyddo frwydr yn, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn.” Yn gynharach heddiw, NEF announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the card. Shawn Long (2-0) Bydd yn dychwelyd i Maine i ymgymryd â Devin Corson (1-0) mewn pwysau ymladd o 145-bunnoedd.

Shawn Lunghi made his debut in the NEF cage in the fall of 2016. He faced off with a much more experienced Alex Clark (4-2) that evening and impressed many with his performance. Lunghi would pick up the win with a second round submission. Mae'r Tampa, Florida native would follow up that win with yet another victory this past spring in his home state. Later in the year, iddo ennill ei wregys brown yn Brasil Jiu-Jitsu yn Robson Moura y Cenhedloedd Unedig (RMNU). Ar “NEF 32,” Bydd Lunghi yn edrych i ddial am golled a ddioddefwyd gan ei teammate Winston Cortez (0-1) yn erbyn Devin Corson (1-0) yn “NEF 27” y llynedd. Yn ogystal,, Byddai buddugoliaeth dros Corson rhoi Lunghi mewn sefyllfa i herio ar gyfer yr NEF MMA Amatur Pwysau Plu Teitl yn ddiweddarach.

"Rwy'n hynod wylaidd ac yn gyffrous i gael eu gwahodd yn ôl i Lewiston i ymladd dros NEF,” Dywedodd Long. “3 Chwefror yn sefyll fel prawf mawr i mi a fy pharatoi fel artist ymladd yn ogystal â chyfle i ymladd gwych ymladdwr i fyny-a-dod fel Devin. Rwy'n awyddus am y cyfle i arddangos y gwelliannau a wneuthum yn fy gêm, yn ogystal ag i ddial colled Winston i Devin. "

gwneud Devin Corson ei ymddangosiad cyntaf NEF yn gynnar 2017 at the young age of 19. He sent the crowd into a frenzy that night, repeatedly lifting Winston Cortez up over head and slamming him time and time again on his way to a unanimous decision victory. It was one of the most memorable debuts for any fighter in the NEF cage. Corson is a product of The Outlet Mixed Martial Arts Training Center based in Dexter, Maine.

“Mae'n fraint cael dychwelyd i'r cawell Fframwaith yr Amgylchedd Naturiol,” Corson a nodir. “Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ymladd ddyn sydd wedi ei wregys brown mewn jiu-jitsu. Rwyf bob amser yn barod am her. Im 'jyst yn hapus i fod yn ôl.”

Digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf NEF, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn,” yn gweld y cwmni yn gwneud ei dychwelyd i Androscoggin Bank Colisee yn Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online atwww.TheColisee.com.

Ynglŷn ymladd Lloegr Newydd

Ymladd Lloegr Newydd ("NEF") yn ymladd hyrwyddo digwyddiadau cwmni. Cenhadaeth NEF yw creu digwyddiadau o'r safon uchaf ar gyfer diffoddwyr a chefnogwyr fel ei gilydd Maine yn. Tîm gweithredol NEF yn brofiad helaeth mewn rheoli chwaraeon ymladd, cynhyrchu Digwyddiadau, cysylltiadau cyfryngau, marchnata, cyfreithiol a hysbysebu.


Lewiston, Maine (Ionawr 4, 2018) - Ymladd Lloegr Newydd (NEF) dychwelyd i Lewiston arDydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018 gyda digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf hyrwyddo frwydr yn, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn.” Yn gynharach heddiw, NEF announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Aaron “Didostur” Lacey (4-1) wedi llofnodi i wyneb Josh Parker (6-9) mewn pwysau ymladd o 145-bunnoedd.

After making his professional debut in the spring of 2016, Aaron Lacey rose quickly through the ranks of the NEF featherweight division. With wins over veterans like Derek Shorey (4-9) and Taylor Trahan (8-9), the year belonged to Lacey. 2017, Fodd bynnag,, was filled with frustration. Lacey lost two scheduled opponents to injuries and had to pull out of one fight with an injury of his own. Late in the year, he took a fight in New Hampshire against Vovka Clay (8-2). Many felt Lacey was winning a close fight, but a deep cut on his head forced the doctor to stop the fight in the second round and the bout was awarded to Clay. It was the first loss of Lacey’s professional career. The product of Young’s MMA is looking to rebound from that loss and get back on track towards the major leagues of the sport beginning withNEF 32.

“I’m excited to be returning to the NEF cage,” exclaimed Lacey. “Last year was not my year, but it’s over and I’m looking to start 2018 off with a bang! This fight is going to be fun and I love that I get to come home and perform in front of the NEF fans! The best ones around! I’m coming in prepared and looking for the finish!"

Josh Parker has been a mainstay of both the NEF MMA cage and boxing ring since his debut with the promotion back atNEF I” ym mis Chwefror 2012. Since turning his focus back to MMA from boxing in late 2016, Parker has had two solid victories in Lewiston. Ar “NEF 26” ym mis Tachwedd 2016, Parker submitted Derek Shorey. Last summer, yn “NEF 29,Parker was again successful, this time taking a unanimous decision victory over Andre Belcarris (0-2). He will look to make it back-to-back wins for the first time in his career since 2011 when he steps into the cage against Lacey. Parker is the head of Ruthless MMA & Boxing based in Benton, Maine.

“I want to thank NEF for the opportunity, and thank Aaron for taking the fight,” meddai'r Parker. “Rwy'n edrych ymlaen ar gyfer y frwydr. I missed out on the last show, so I’m itching to get back in there . Aaron has had an awesome career so far, and I’m looking forward to the challenges he presents, but I think I match-up well against him. Don’t miss this oneit’s gonna be one to remember.

Digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf NEF, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn,” yn gweld y cwmni yn gwneud ei dychwelyd i Androscoggin Bank Colisee yn Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online atwww.TheColisee.com.

Ynglŷn ymladd Lloegr Newydd

Ymladd Lloegr Newydd ("NEF") yn ymladd hyrwyddo digwyddiadau cwmni. Cenhadaeth NEF yw creu digwyddiadau o'r safon uchaf ar gyfer diffoddwyr a chefnogwyr fel ei gilydd Maine yn. Tîm gweithredol NEF yn brofiad helaeth mewn rheoli chwaraeon ymladd, cynhyrchu Digwyddiadau, cysylltiadau cyfryngau, marchnata, cyfreithiol a hysbysebu.


Lewiston, Maine (Ionawr 3, 2018) - Ymladd Lloegr Newydd (NEF) dychwelyd i Lewiston arDydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018 gyda digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf hyrwyddo frwydr yn, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn.” Yn gynharach heddiw, NEF announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the card. Stacy Lupo (0-1) Bydd yn cymryd ar David Hart (0-2) mewn pwysau ymladd o 155-bunnoedd.

Stacy Lupo made his NEF cage debut in the summer of 2016, facing fellow forty-something athlete Dr. Steve Bang (1-1). Lupo and Bang went deep into the third round in a grueling, back-and-forth battle before Bang was able to finish the fight by TKO. Prior to stepping in the cage that night, Lupo, a former wrestler at Nokomis Regional High School in Newport, Maine, already had more than three decades worth of martial arts experience. He holds black belts in both Taekwondo and Shotokan karate. Lupo competed in amateur boxing and kickboxing in the 1980s and 1990s. Ar hyn o bryd, he is a member of The Outlet based in Dexter, Maine and also operates Lupo’s Mid Maine Karate.

I’m very unhappy with my first showing in the MMA ring,” said Lupo. “I feel I let down my fans and my students. I’m hoping to redeem myself in this next match. I heard Mr. Hart wants a stand-up fight, and that’s what I’m hoping for too. I’d like to showcase my skills, so I look forward to February 3rd.”

Like his opponent, David Hart is also looking for his first victory in the MMA cage. He made his debut last summer atNEF 30in Bangor in a losing effort against Zach Faulkner (1-0). Hart took Faulkner into the second round before getting submitted. He returned a few weeks later atNEF 31in Portland and lost again via submission against 56-year-old Gary Carr (1-0). Nawr, Hart is looking forward to testing his striking skills against another striker in the form of Lupo. Hart represents Kenney’s MMA of Lisbon, Maine.

I look forward to fighting in Lewiston,” said Hart. “Lupo looks like a tough opponent and has good striking. I am up to the challenge and want to get my first win and the first win for Kenney’s MMA. It will be a great fight.

Digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf NEF, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn,” yn gweld y cwmni yn gwneud ei dychwelyd i Androscoggin Bank Colisee yn Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online atwww.TheColisee.com.

Ynglŷn ymladd Lloegr Newydd

Ymladd Lloegr Newydd ("NEF") yn ymladd hyrwyddo digwyddiadau cwmni. Cenhadaeth NEF yw creu digwyddiadau o'r safon uchaf ar gyfer diffoddwyr a chefnogwyr fel ei gilydd Maine yn. Tîm gweithredol NEF yn brofiad helaeth mewn rheoli chwaraeon ymladd, cynhyrchu Digwyddiadau, cysylltiadau cyfryngau, marchnata, cyfreithiol a hysbysebu.


Lewiston, Maine (Rhagfyr 29, 2017) - Ymladd Lloegr Newydd (NEF) dychwelyd i Lewiston ar Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018 gyda digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf hyrwyddo frwydr yn, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn.” Yn gynharach heddiw, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the card. Bruce “Boy Pretty” Boyington (14-11) wedi llofnodi i wyneb Taylor Trahan (7-8) mewn pwysau ymladd o 150-bunnoedd.

The fight will be the first for Boyington in the NEF cage since February 2016 when he successfully defended the NEF Lightweight Title against Jon Lemke (7-8). It was Boyington’s third defense of the belt since winning it in the late summer of 2014. After the Lemke defense, Boyington relinquished the championship in order to sign with the World Series of Fighting (WSOF).

While he has fought on many of the largest stages in the world over the past two years, including Madison Square Garden in New York City and halfway across the globe in Russia, Boyington is looking forward to his homecoming and the opportunity to once again fight before his many Maine fans.

“Dyn, I couldn’t possibly be more excited to get inside the NEF cage, where I have molded my career, built my fan base and learned so much about myself over the years,” meddai'r Boyington. “I am so hungry to entertain people that I can guarantee everyone will want to see what’s going down! I live for this, ac ar February 3rd, there will be some of the best MMA that has ever been on display from the State of Maine, and I’m grateful and humbled by the opportunity. My opponent is a respectable guy that I believe loves to fight and I want that in there. I wish him the very best in preparation, and I thank (NEF owners) Matt (Peterson) and Nick (DiSalvo) once again for providing me a platform.

Boyington currently owns and operates Boyington’s Taekwondo of Bangor, Maine. He also trains with Young’s MMA in the same city.

Taylor Trahan is a familiar face to NEF fans. He has competed twice for the promotion in the past. Trahan submitted Matt Denning (5-7) in the first round of their meeting atNEF 25.He returned to Maine just weeks later atNEF 26in a losing effort to Aaron Lacey (4-1). Trahan is coming off a win over Conor Barry (3-2) last month in New Hampshire. He represents Team Link of Hooksett.

“I’m looking forward to returning to NEF,” said Trahan. “They always put on a good show and treat the fighters right. I’m really looking forward to fighting Bruce. He definitely is the most experienced fighter I’ll be going up against so far.”

Digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf NEF, “NEF 32: Super Dydd Sadwrn,” yn gweld y cwmni yn gwneud ei dychwelyd i Androscoggin Bank Colisee yn Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place on Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.TheColisee.com.

M-1 Arena grand opening and M-1 Challenge 100 to highlight 21st season for M-1 Global

In January the new M-1 Arena is scheduled to open in Saint Petersburg
SAINT PETERSBURG, Rwsia (Rhagfyr 29, 2017) — The grand opening of the state-of-the-art M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburgh, in addition to the celebration of M-1 Challenge 100 later in 2018, will highlight M-1 Global’s 21st tymor.
Plans in 2018 also include more events, expansion into new countries and, as the No. 2 MMA organization in the world, to keep giving its fans world-class competition, entertaining match-ups, innovative developments and even a few surprises.
Llywydd M-1 Byd-eang Vadim Finkelchtein discussed a few of these subjects (gweler isod) prior to the holidays.
Can you tell us about the new M-1 Arena?
VF: “M-1 Arena is an absolutely unique structure seating a maximum of 3000. It is built in the form of the Colosseum, stone and wood, with an incredible dome made of glulam, which gives the place perfect acoustics. Not only can we promote sporting events, but also music concerts. M-1 Arena allows us to have even more events and realize new ideas like, for example, a reality show. M-1 Arena will be multifunctional but martial arts will be the main form of entertainment held there.
M-1 Challenge was more international last year in terms of showcasing more fighters from different countries like USA, Portiwgal, DU, Canada, De Korea, Llestri, ac ati. Do you plan to expand your fighter base even more this year and, if so, what countries are you targeting for fighters?
VF: “Usually, we hire fighters from countries where our events are being broadcasted. If we have new contracts with the countries from where we don’t have representative fighters, or only have a few of them, we are going to increase their number. The same for countries where we’ve held events because fans desire to see the local athletes fighting in the Rage. We give them an opportunity to see that.
With the success of female MMA stars around the world do you plan to add a female division in 2018?
VF: “One day we will probably create a female division in M-1 Global. Ar hyn o bryd, er bod, we don’t have enough strong female fighters to do it, eto. As soon as we are ready to make this happen, it will be done, but we don’t want to open a new division just to check the box. We want the best fighters to compete at the highest level.
M-1 Global is closing in on your 100th M-1 Challenge event. Do you plan to promote your 100th event in 2018? If so can you provide any additional information about when, lle, special plans, ac ati.
VF: M-1 Global has already promoted more than 200 Digwyddiadau, Gan gynnwys 85 M-1 Challenges, which was created in 2008. I think that this event will happen either in Saint-Petersburg or in Moscow, but we still have a lot of time left and a dozen other events before it. We are going to take care of it a bit later.
M-1 has developed fighters who’ve moved on to the UFC and other organizations. How do you feel about that trend? Does it frustrate you that you to spend time building a fighter and then have him move on, or do you look at it as a compliment that M-1 Global develops fighters who can compete in the UFC and any other organization?
VF: “We can consider this situation from different perspectives. I’m not happy to let my best fighters go, wrth gwrs, ond mae'n beth ydyw, and we are not ready to compete with UFC yet. Sometimes our fighters leave us. From another perspective, we are happy that our fighters who leave keep winning fights and become the top competitors in other promotions. It proves that the level of M-1 Global fighters is equal to the level of UFC fighters. The top athletes who left M-1 Global for UFC are in top positions there and other promotions don’t have such results. Other organization may make their fighters popular but, as soon as they move to UFC, they start losing and get released.
Our company is probably the second MMA promotion in the world and when some fighters move to the strongest league on the planet, they take a step forward, which I like much better than when they move to weaker promotions than M-1 Global just to make more money.
Any plans to do anything different this year than in the past, outside of the grand opening of the M-1 arena and possible 100th event?
VF: “The main difference will be that we are going to have our own home, M-1 Arena, which means we will be able to hold even more events. We’d like to have two events each month, 24 events a year. We opened our own TV channel (M1global.tv) and next year, MMA fans from former Soviet Republics will have an opportunity to watch all the fights. Using our iOS and Android App, viewers from all over the world can watch old and new fights right now, and next year we are going to make it even better. We are also going to create our own studio to produce different content, probably a new reality show with fighters from different countries.
Will you have showcase M-1 Medieval fights this coming year?
VF: “Apparently, we will have some medieval fights in 2018, but the only issue is that we have a lot of fighters under contract, so it is not easy to find a place for M-1 Medieval fights on our cards. We make knight fights in regions where they are popular, like in Ingushetia and Finland in 2017, because fans demonstrated to us that they want to see them. I hope one day we’ll have more resources for them.

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Dydd Gwener, JANUARY 12th LIVE on AXS TV
Mae tocynnau ar werth NAWR drwodd CageTix.com/LFA
LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Legacy Ymladd Alliance (ALFf) CEO Ed Soares announced the promotion will kick off 2018 with an action-packed event in southern California.
Prif ddigwyddiad ALFf 30 will feature the long-awaited clash between southern California kingpins and top LFA welterweights “Curtious” Curtis Millender and NickThe Phoenix” Barnes. ALFf 30 – Millender vs. Barnes takes place Dydd Gwener, January 12th at the Costa Mesa Hall at the OC Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, California. Y prif cerdyn cyfan o ALFf 30 – Millender vs. Barnes will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 10 p.m. A / 7 p.m. PT.
I’m excited to kick off 2018 by bringing LFA back to southern California”, Soares datganedig. “Curtis Millender and Nick Barnes are coming off big wins in LFA headlining bouts where they won in enemy territory. Now they get to face each other in the main event of LFA 30 on their home turf in a perfect headliner to start the new year.
Tocynnau ar gyfer LFA 30 – Millender vs. Barnes are available for purchase NOW at CageTix.com/LFA.
Diwedd Mill (13-3) returns home to the building where he fought and won his first seven fights. The Orange County juggernaut is looking to build off a perfect 2017 where he won three fights, including back-to-back LFA headliners. His most recent win came via highlight reel Head Kick KO in the main event of LFA 24. Millender will meet Barnes (12-2) in a long-awaited showdown between two of southern California’s finest. The welterweight stars started their careers in the southern California regional circuit, moved on to Bellator, and will finally meet in the main event of LFA 30. Barnes, like Millender, is coming off an impressive win in an LFA headliner this past August at LFA 20.
While the main event will feature a rivalry between two of the top welterweights in LFA, the co-main event will feature a rivalry between two of the LFA featherweight division’s most talented jiu-jitsu practitioners.
Fernando Padilla (10-1) put the division on notice in October, when he submitted longtime RFA vet Darrick Minner with a Triangle-Armbar in the first round of their co-main event bout at LFA 25. Padilla, who is a 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu brown belt, has now won 90% of his fights by first round stoppage. He will now face a man equally dangerous on the ground when he meets Talison Soares (9-2) in the co-main event of LFA 30. Soares is a jiu-jitsu black belt from the famed Checkmat BJJ team who has made a name for himself competing in his native Brazil. Soares has a 100% finishing rate in the nine bouts he has won and will now make his international debut in the co-main event of LFA 30.
Cyhoeddi bryd Main Cerdyn (Darlledu ar y teledu AXS yn 10 p.m. A / 7 p.m. PT):
Prif Ddigwyddiad | Pwysau Welter Bout (170 lb)
– Curtis Millender (13-3) vs. Nick Barnes (12-2)
Cyd-Main Event | Pwysau Plu Bout (145 lb)
Fernando Padilla (10-1) vs. Talison Soares (9-2)
pwysau pryf bout (125 lb)
Maikel Perez (4-1) vs. Charlie Alaniz (11-2)
Canol Bout (185 lb)
Craig Wilkerson (7-3) vs. Jordan Wright (8-0)
Pwysau Welter Bout (170 lb)
Christian Aguilera (8-4) vs. Maycon Mendonça (6-3)
Pwysau Bantam Bout (135 lb)
Vince Cachero (3-0) vs. I'w benderfynu
Ym mis Medi 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) gan ddechrau ym mis Ionawr 2017. RFA a Legacy CC wedi lansio gyrfaoedd dros 150 athletwyr sydd wedi cyrraedd y pinacl MMA drwy gystadlu yn y UFC.
ALFf 30 will serve as the second LFA event to take place in the state of California after the merger. RFA hosted eight events insideThe Golden State” cyn yr uno. Y prif cerdyn cyfan o ALFf 30 Bydd yn cael ei darlledu'n fyw ac yn genedlaethol ar y teledu AXS ar 10 p.m. A / 7 p.m. PT.
Ewch LFAfighting.com am ddiweddariadau bout a gwybodaeth. Mae LFA ar Facebook yn Legacy Ymladd Alliance. Mae LFA hefyd ar Instagram yn @LFAfighting a Twitter yn @LFAfighting.