标记档案: 混合武术







Bellator 197: 钱德勒VS. 佩带 发生 明天, 星期五, 四月 13 at The Family Arena in St. Charles MO. The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network (以前斯派克) 在 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和全球的Bellator移动应用.


完成 Bellator 197: 钱德勒VS. 佩带 称量结果:

轻量级主赛事: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (155.3) VS. 布兰登Girtz (156)

轻量级联赛: 贾斯汀·劳伦斯 (145.8) VS. A.J. 麦基 (145.8)

重量级主卡布特: Devon Brock (160) VS. 婴儿切片 (159.8)

重量级主卡布特: 华金·巴克利 (168.3) VS. 洛根Storley (170.6)

141-英镑Catchweight初步回合: A.J. Siscoe (140.6) VS. Justin Robbins (135.6)

重量级初步回合: Jeff Crotty (170.8) VS. 约旦道迪 (170.3)

女子蝇量级预赛: 朱莉安娜·贝拉斯克斯 (126) VS. 丽贝卡·露丝 (125.3)

165-英镑Catchweight初步回合: 扎克·布西亚 (164.9) VS. 德里克·安德森 (164.2)

轻量级初步回合: 乔希声宝 (135.4) VS. 多米尼克Mazzotta (135.4)

轻量级初步回合: Eric Ellington (135.4) VS. 乔丹霍华德 (136)

189-英镑Catchweight初步回合: DeWayne Diggs (186.8) VS. 亚当·塞拉 (189)

羽初步回合: Cort Wahle (144.9) VS. Joe Roye (151)*

LFA 重返明尼苏达,进行轻量级对决 LFA 41 – 莫伊塞斯 vs. 彼得森


最终 RFA 轻量级冠军











FRIDAY, 6 月 1 日在 AXS TV 直播




在 MINNETONKA 宴会厅现场演出






普赖尔湖, 明尼苏达州




门票现在通过发售 神秘湖网站





HOUSTON, 得克萨斯州 – 传统格斗联盟 (LFA) 首席执行官埃德·苏亚雷斯 (Ed Soares) 今天宣布,LFA 将于 6 月第一天重返明尼苏达州,在最终 RFA 轻量级冠军与心潮澎湃的艺术家之间进行一场轻量级对决.




LFA的重头戏 41 最终 RFA 轻量级冠军蒂亚戈·莫伊塞斯将回归,届时他将面对该赛区最大的爆冷机器杰夫 “管理员” 彼得森. LFA 41 – 莫伊塞斯VS. 彼得森周五举行, 6 月 1 日在普赖尔湖新神秘湖中心内的 Minnetonka 宴会厅, 明尼苏达州. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




“我很高兴能将 LFA 带回最先进的 Mystic Lake Center 内的 Minnetonka 宴会厅”, 规定苏亚雷斯. “去年我们在神秘湖举办了四场 LFA 活动. LFA 41 这将是四场全国电视转播的 MMA 赛事中的第二场,将在神秘湖 (Mystic Lake) 的全新世界级设施内举行 2018. 神秘湖 一直是一位出色的搭档,现在将接待蒂亚戈·莫伊塞斯 (Thiago Moisés) 的回归,届时他将在 6 月 1 日对阵杰夫·彼得森 (Jeff Peterson)。”




LFA 门票 41 – 莫伊塞斯VS. Peterson 现已可在以下网址购买: 神秘湖网站.




莫伊塞斯 (9-2) 最近刚满 23 岁, 但长期以来一直被认为是世界上最令人兴奋的轻量级前景之一. 巴西迪纳摩在 RFA 首秀中提交了贾文·赖特 (Javon Wright) 28. 这场胜利为莫伊塞斯在下一场 RFA 比赛中赢得了获得 RFA 金牌的机会 35. 莫伊塞斯利用这个机会赢得了 MMA 历史上最令人难忘的降服胜利之一. 他执行了一次令人震惊且极其罕见的直升机臂杆以提交大卫·卡斯蒂略. 这次提交使他成为 RFA 历史上第二年轻的冠军, 在互联网上疯传, 并为他赢得了提名 “年度提交作品” 在年度世界 MMA 颁奖典礼上.




莫伊塞斯随后两次卫冕 RFA 轻量级冠军. 首次卫冕冠军是在 RFA 对阵贾马尔·埃默斯 (Jamall Emmers) 38. 这场胜利是在 UFC 主席达纳·怀特 (Dana White) 坐在笼边时取得的,并在《达纳·怀特》第七集中得到了专题报道: 在看’ 为了一场战斗. 第二次卫冕是在弗里曼的家乡 RFA 对阵扎克·弗里曼 44. 在那场战斗中, 莫伊塞斯手断了. 美国顶级团队产品仍然成功获得一致判定胜利, 但为了等待经过手术修复的手痊愈,他错过了近一年的比赛. 莫伊塞斯去年夏天在 LFA 争夺首届 LFA 轻量级冠军时手再次受伤 17. 现在巴西柔术黑带回来了,准备提醒世界, 当他在 100%, 他是世界上最顶尖的轻量级新秀.




彼得森 (9-4) 目前取得了令人印象深刻的六连胜,并且三年多来没有尝过失败的滋味. 然而, 去年与 LFA 签约后,Alliance MMA 产品才真正开始出名. 彼得森通过赢得所有三场晋级比赛,战胜了备受青睐的反对派,从而做到了这一点. 第一场胜利是通过一致击败顶级不败新星鲍比·李 (Bobby Lee)

LFA 的决定 12. 第二场胜利是在 LFA 中通过分裂决策战胜了当地球迷最喜爱的布兰登·詹金斯 (Brandon Jenkins) 20. 第三场也是最大的胜利是对阵长期的 Bellator 明星和美国同胞. 海军陆战队迈克·里奇曼 (Marine Mike Richman) 在 LFA 联合主赛事中一致判定 29.





现年28岁的他被称为 “管理员” 将寻求将最终的 RFA 轻量级冠军添加到他的冷门名单中. 如果彼得森政权计划接任 LFA 轻量级部门的新执政政府,这是他需要采取的下一个必要步骤. 他是通过克服困难才走到这一步的. 彼得森管理了他的粗犷, 严肃的战斗风格让不败的前景黯然失色, 当地人的最爱, 和一位受欢迎的兽医. 现在他将面临迄今为止最大的考验. 当本场比赛的开盘赔率公布时, 预计彼得森将再次成为失败者. 他不想以任何其他方式. 那是他茁壮成长的地方. 一只恶魔狗, 被视为失败者, 在黄金时段成为头条新闻是一件可怕的事情. 奥拉.





目前公布的主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):







主要事件 | 轻量级回合 (155 磅)

– 蒂亚戈·莫伊塞斯 (9-2) VS. 杰夫·彼得森 (9-4)






合作的主要事件 | 轻量级回合 (155 磅)

– Killys莫塔 (10-0) VS. 鲍比·李 (8-1)






羽量级布特 (145 磅)

– 内特·詹纳曼 (11-3) VS. 凯文·克鲁姆 (18-8)


次中量级回合 (170 磅)




– 本·诺依曼 (12-5) VS. 库珀鲍比 (14-7)






轻量级布特 (135 磅)

– Raufeon索陶 (9-1) VS. 埃梅卡·伊费坎杜 (6-0)






九月 2016, RFA 和 Legacy FC 官员宣布他们将合并成立 LFA. 这一新的强力推广活动将成为综合武术运动中首要的发展组织 (MMA) 一月开始 2017. RFA 和 Legacy FC 已经开启了超过 130 已经通过在UFC的竞争达到了MMA的巅峰运动员.





LFA 41 将是第七场在明尼苏达州举行的 LFA 赛事. RFA 和 Legacy FC 在该赛事中总共举办了 9 场活动 “土地 10,000 湖泊” 合并前. 其中六场活动是在神秘湖赌场酒店内以 RFA 名义举行的. LFA全主卡 41 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.





请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.

COMBATE AMERICAS 宣布周五在 UNIVISION 举办的首届 MMA 现场赛事的三名阵容变更, APRIL 13 从洛杉矶



在新的“Combate Estrellas I”雏量级主赛事中

五级别世界拳击冠军阿曼达·塞拉诺 (Amanda Serrano) 在新的蝇量级联合主赛中对阵科琳娜·埃雷拉 (Corina Herrera)


在第一次电视直播中, 主卡回合


洛杉矶 (四月 11, 2018) – 康贝特美洲, 首屈一指的西班牙综合武术 (MMA) 体育特许经营, 今天宣布了三项阵容变动, 包括新的最轻量级 (135 英镑) 之间的主要事件 约翰·“塞西·梅西”·卡斯塔内达 (16-3) of the U.S. 和 何塞·“埃尔·波奇托”·阿尔代 (10-3) 墨西哥, 对于“战斗明星 I,” 在 Univision 和 Univision Deportes Network 上直播 (UDN) 从 洛杉矶 出发 星期五, 四月 13.




90分钟, 直播Univision (12 A.M. AND/12 A.M. PT) 和UDN (12 A.M. AND/9 P.M. PT) The Shrine 播出的“Combate Estrellas I”标志着 Univision Deportes 首次推出现场 MMA 节目.



原本计划在头条比赛中与对手卡斯塔尼达对决, 马克·“卢佛”·戈麦斯 因在加利福尼亚州体育委员会要求的赛前体检中发现视网膜脱落,被宣布身体不适于参加比赛 (中国民用航空委员会).




在女子蝇量级比赛中 (125 英镑) 合作的主要事件, 五级别世界拳击冠军 阿曼达“实打实”塞拉诺 (0-0), representing Puerto Rico, 将与老将中的新对手作战 科里纳埃雷拉 (3-4) of the U.S., 在塞拉诺最初的对手之后, 埃伦迪拉·“阿克特扎利”·奥多涅斯 墨西哥无法为该承诺获得工作签证.




另外, 淘汰赛艺术家 何塞·“青蛙”·埃斯特拉达 (4-1) of the U.S. 将广场下车用 “无情”鲁迪·莫拉莱斯 (5-5), 代表危地马拉, 在第一个, 主卡比赛电视直播, 在埃斯特拉达最初的对手之后, 巴勃罗Sabori 墨西哥, 因胫骨受伤被迫退出承诺.




三回合比赛, 电视直播的“Combate Estrellas I”主卡之前将进行五场预赛.




从价格 $30, “Combate Estrellas I”门票现于发售 Ticketon.com.




“Combate Estrellas I”标志着 Combate Americas 首次举办电视直播活动 2018, 以及由该组织的顶级明星组成的两部分系列活动的第一场活动, 或“星星”。



# # #


Combate Americas 是首屈一指的西班牙综合格斗比赛 (MMA) 体育特许经营, 迅速成为第二大运动, 足球之后, 面向全世界西班牙语体育迷. 该康贝特美洲专营权包括电视真人秀节目, 现场活动和移动编程. 该公司的CEO, 坎贝尔迈凯轮, 是举世公认的共同创始人/共同创作的终极格斗锦标赛 (UFC). 纽约杂志描述迈凯轮作为 “UFC的背后的营销天才” 和雅虎! 体育宣称他 “更了解这项运动不仅仅是今天在它的人。” 有了一个前所未有的产品和蓝筹的所有权和管理团队, 康贝特美洲有望有新的突破,带来世界冠军级别的MMA竞争的新时代.






LOS ANGELES – Bellator is primed for a summer return to Italy, this time in the country’s capital city of Rome at the Il Centrale Live Roma – Foro Italico on Saturday, 七月 14.





In a double main event, the card sees a rematch between 帕特里西奥“斗犬” (26-4) 和 丹尼尔Weichel (39-9) for the featherweight title, as well as Italy’s most famous mixed martial artist, 阿莱西奥Sakara (19-12), 承担 Jamie Sloane (8-3) 在轻重量级. Bellator Romewill air on Paramount Network and marks the promotion’s first trek to Rome, 在都灵和佛罗伦萨举办了多次活动之后.





Kickboxing will also be on display, 如 乔治·彼得罗相 (85-2-2) seeks to become the inaugural Bellator Kickboxing lightweight champ when he meets 清Allazov (53-2), while Bellator Kickboxing’s featherweight champion, Kevin Ross (45-13), will defend his crown against 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (21-6).


Bellator Rome will be broadcast Saturday, 七月 14 免费在派拉蒙网络上观看 9 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. CT, while details about Bellator Kickboxing 10, including additional matchups will be announced in the coming days. Tickets are on sale now at Bellator.com and Oktagon.it.





“From the beginning of Bellator’s international expansion, Italy has always played an integral role in our growth,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “Following successful events in the gorgeous cities of both Florence and Torino, it only made sense to bring a card to Rome, the home of the Colosseum, a city that has seen warriors do battle since 80 AD.”





“Pitbull” reclaimed the 145-pound championship by defeating 丹尼尔·斯特劳斯 via unanimous decision in April of last year, notching his 14Bellator victory and becoming the winningest athlete in promotional history in the process. 七月 14, the 30-year-old Natal, Brazil-native will bring into the Bellator cage his impressive record of 19 stoppages in 25 opportunities against a man he has defeated once already, coming from behind on the judges’ scorecards to knockout Daniel Weichel at Bellator 138.




Quietly running rampant through Bellator’s featherweight division during his nine-fight promotional tenure, Daniel Weichel’s only Bellator defeat took place at the hands of his upcoming Bellator Rome 对手. 由于损失, Weichel has climbed the ranks once again, besting notable fighters within the division such as 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯, Georgi Karakhanyan and 约翰· “马卡帕” en route to his current number one contender status. 现在, with an opportunity to right the loss, “鸭” will take the two-hour flight from Germany to Rome, with the hopes of winning championship gold on his mind.





The pride of Italy, Alessio Sakara is set to make his fourth appearance for Bellator, a promotion where he has already defeated both Joey Beltran and Brett Rogers via knockout, as well as challenged for the Bellator middleweight title. Prior to joining the Viacom-owned organization, “Legionarius” spent the majority of his career with UFC, where he built his reputation as a powerful knockout artist. 同 33 fights as a professional, Sakara has collected 19 事业胜利, 含 15 finishes and 10 第一轮淘汰赛.





Sloane will be making his Bellator debut when he looks to play the role of spoiler in Sakara’s home country. With a winning record of 8-3, the BAMMA veteran has also made appearances at heavyweight and middleweight since beginning his professional career in 2014.





Referred to by his fans as “The Doctor,” Petrosyan is one man you do not want an appointment with. The top-ranked Armenian-Italian striking ace has put together an incredible 46-fight unbeaten streak, cultivating an extensive trophy case that includes multiple championship belts as well as “Kickboxer of the Year” accolades in both 20112012.





Currently in the midst of a 27-fight winning streak of his own, the 24-year-old Allazov has not suffered defeat since 2014, winning the K-1 super middleweight championship along the way. Hailing from Belarus, Allazov brings a Thai boxing style to the Bellator Kickboxing ring, a discipline that has helped him defeat fighters the likes of Bellator Kickboxing veteran Mustapha Haida, 除其他.





With four wins under the Bellator Kickboxing umbrella, Kevin Ross recently added the promotion’s inaugural featherweight belt to his already impressive list of accolades. Throughout his 58-fight career, Ross has previously held the WBC Muay-Thai USA welterweight, WBC Muay-Thai International super lightweight and Lion Fight super lightweight titles.





A two-time Glory featherweight champion, Gabriel Varga signed with Bellator in March of 2017, immediately making it clear that his sights were clearly set on competing against Ross. Italian fans may remember the 32-year-old Canadian from his Bellator Kickboxing 8 出现, where he stopped Roberto Gheorghita in the second round of action.

更新 Bellator Rome 主卡:

羽量级世界冠军布特: 帕特里西奥“斗犬” (26-4) VS. 丹尼尔Weichel (39-9)

轻重量级特征回合: 阿莱西奥Sakara (19-12, 2 NC) VS. Jamie Sloane (8-3)





更新 Bellator Kickboxing 10 卡:

轻量级世界标题布特: 乔治·彼得罗相 (85-2-2) VS. 清Allazov (53-2)

羽量级世界冠军布特: Kevin Ross (45-13) VS. 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (21-6)














波特兰, 缅因 (四月 10, 2018) – We all celebrate certain milestone birthdays in our youth that furnish a new level of freedom.




Perhaps the possibility of getting a driver’s license was the be-all, end-all at one point. Some eagerly await the option to vote or to serve their country through the military. 是的, many count the days to when they can toast responsibly with an adult beverage.




Caleb Hall’s grown-up goal, before he knew there were any restrictions against it, was to enter the mixed martial arts cage. 他是 17, a senior wrestler and football player at Dirigo High School, when he learned of an upstart enterprise known as New England Fights.




“Ever since I started wrestling, I started watching MMA and became obsessed with it,” Hall said. “Then when I found out the promoter (马特·彼得森) was from my area and that there were actually fights in Lewiston, 我简直不敢相信. I didn’t even know I had to be 18.”




Eleven fights later, his face a tad more weathered but his spirit emboldened from taking on the top amateur competition in northern New England, Hall is turning professional.




Hall will step into the hexagon against 20-fight veteran John Ortolani at “NEF 33: Riptide.” The card will take place at Aura in Portland on Saturday, 四月 14.




“He’s a tough opponent. He’s been a pro lacrosse player, so he’s definitely an athlete,” Hall said of Ortolani. “He’s been knocked out nine times to strikes, so I’d say he definitely has a questionable chin. That’s something I can try to capitalize on.”




Teenagers and young adults approached Peterson in droves when he and Nick DiSalvo launched the local organization.




All were enamored with the idea of taking their athletic acumen and fighter’s heart to the cage, so Hall’s interest was nothing new to the matchmaker. Taking the next step to sign a contract was always a different story.




“Caleb is a special athlete,” Peterson said. “He called me when he was 17 years old and asked for a fight. I had to explain to him at that time that he was too young to compete, and to call me when he reached the legal age of 18. To my surprise, he actually called me back when he turned 18, and he’s been an NEF mainstay ever since.”




With family, friends and former teammates packed into the cage side seats, Hall stopped John Parker in 51 seconds that September night.




“That was crazy,“他说,. “I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into.”




Hall went 8-3 作为一个业余, winning his last three fights. His only NEF losses were to Aaron Lacey and Josh Harvey.




A run that started with a few-months-premature phone call ended with championship gold. Hall picked up the vacant NEF amateur featherweight title by submission over Erik Nelson in April 2016 and defended it by split decision against Johnny Crafts in September of that year.




“He never shies away from a challenge,” Peterson said. “Consistently during his time in the cage, he has embraced the opportunity to face the toughest guys. Whether it was Josh Harvey or (Brazilian jiu-jitsu) brown belt Johnny Crafts, he always goes for it. I don’t think he’s ever turned down a fight that I’ve approached him with, and that’s pretty much unheard of in the combat sporting space.”




Hall was set to make his pro debut when NEF made its initial Portland appearance last November, but he suffered a broken hand in training. The injury required surgery to install a plate, followed by months of physical therapy.





It all makes Ortolani (8-12), a Massachusetts native fighting out of Tampa, 佛罗里达, an interesting choice for getting those hands dirty once again. While the veteran has lost eight of his past 10 打架, he owns a win over a name synonymous with NEF, Bruce “Pretty” Boy” Boyington. Ortolani also took Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Bellator Fighting Championships veteran Des Green to the cards before dropping a unanimous decision.




“If you want to make it in the pros, you’ve got to beat some guys, 一,” Hall said. “I think it’s a perfect situation for my first pro fight. I hope his style plays into my hands. I’m going to be head hunting and going for that knockout.”




The fight will take place at the 155-pound lightweight limit. With the exception of two bouts, Hall’s amateur career was contested in the featherweight (145) 类.




Hall chalks up the change to the normal growth pattern of young adulthood, although he added that his strength and conditioning routine also played a role.




“He’s a rare kind of competitor, a champion, and when he digs deep and slides it into the next gear, 注意,” Peterson said. “I’m looking forward to witnessing how he will define himself in the pro ranks. If his amateur career is any indication, he’s destined to make a name for himself and turn out some lights in the process.”




Look no farther than Hall’s recent travel itinerary for evidence of that commitment.

大厅, who relocated to Portland to attend college and train at Choi Institute shortly after his NEF debut, recently was in Florida for a two-week stint with the renowned American Top Team.




The eager 17-year-old has evolved into a man with a plan.




“There’s a Maine connection there with (UFC老将) 迈克·布朗, who is one of the head coaches. He originally trained at Choi Institute,” Hall said. “It was two weeks, just to get some training and see where I’m at. There are all kinds of UFC guys there to train and spar with. It’s a step up in the level of competition for sure.”




Opening bell for “NEF 33: Riptide” is set for 7 P.M. 这个星期六, 四月 14. 门票, 通话 207.772.8274 或去 www.auramaine.com.

BELLATOR 196 & BELLATOR跆拳道 9 结果 & 照片




完成 Bellator 196: 亨德森VS. 韦尔塔 结果:

本森亨德森 (25-8) 打败 罗杰·韦尔塔 (24-10-1, 1 NC) 通过提交 (断头台) 在 :49 第二轮的

亚当Borics (7-0) 打败 特奥多·尼科洛夫 (11-2) 并通过KO 1:30 第二轮的

Denise Kielholtz (2-1) 打败 佩特拉·卡斯特科娃 (3-3) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)

布莱恩·摩尔 (11-6) 打败 乔治Belsanti (7-7-1) 通过提交 (断头台) 在 2:46 of round one

和露丝 (5-0) 打败 离子帕斯库 (17-8) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)



诺伯特·诺文依 (2-0) 打败 穆罕默德·约克塞尔 (2-4) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 4:42 of round one

完成 Bellator Kickboxing 9 结果:

Raymond Daniels (34-3) 打败 吉布里尔·埃胡奥 (38-10-2) 通过一致决定 (50-44, 50-44, 50-43)

阿列克谢·伊格纳索夫 (86-21) 打败 杰瓦德·波图拉克 (53-31-3) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

萨布里耶·森古尔 (13-1) 打败 雷娜塔·拉科奇 (17-4) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

埃德·洛佩斯 (12-2) 打败 约翰韦恩帕尔 (99-33) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

乔琳娜·巴尔(Jorina Baars) (45-0-3) 打败 雅典娜·埃夫莫菲亚迪 (10-4) 通过在将军澳 2:28 第二轮的



恩里科·卡拉拉 (38-2-2) 打败 杰尔菲·查巴 (25-7) 通过在将军澳 2:06 of round one

安托万·哈巴什 (31-5) 打败 萨尔瓦多·西塞罗 (12-9-1) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)

纳吉布 原来是 (39-30) 打败 亚当·波科尼 (28-7) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)


Featherweight MMA star GastonTongaReyno (7-2) 蒙得维的亚, Uruguay has signed an exclusive, multi-year promotional contract with Combate Americas. 照片: 斯科特·希拉诺(Scott Hirano)/ Combate Americas, LLC
NEW YORK – APRIL 6, 2018 - Combate Americas today announced the signing of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) featherweight (145 英镑) 明星 加斯顿“汤加” Reyno (7-2) 到异, multi-year promotional contract.


5尺10, 31-year-old Reyno, who hails from Montevideo, 乌拉圭, will make his promotional debut for Combate Americas on a May date to be announced soon.


“We are proud to welcome Gaston Reyno, one of the most exciting fighters from South America, to the Combate Americas roster,” said Combate Americas CEO 坎贝尔迈凯轮.


Reyno is a seasoned, multiple-time champion in Muay Thai, kickboxing and Tae Kwon Do, and has competed across four different continents – North America, 南美洲, 亚洲和澳大利亚.


至今, Reyno has notched all of his professional victories by way of (牛逼)KO或提交, including his latest conquest, 第一轮 (2:30) WHO (拳) 的 Henri Kakiuchi of Japan in a main event contest in Punta Del Este, Uruguay on二月 13.


In Combate Americas, Reyno joins a stacked and ferociously competitive featherweight division that includes knockout artists 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳何塞·“青蛙”·埃斯特拉达 of the U.S.; 最近签署 Horacio “The Punisher” Gutierrez, 不败 拉法“送礼”加西亚保罗“黑鸡” Sabori 墨西哥; 和 巴勃罗Villaseca of Chile.


该 2018 Combate Americas live television event series begins on 星期五, 四月 13 with a live Univision (12 是美国东部时间/12 我有PT) 和Univision的Deportes进行网络 (12 是美国东部时间/9 下午PT) broadcast of “Combate Estrellas I” from The Shrine in Los Angeles, 加利福尼亚州.


波特兰, 缅因 (四月 6, 2018) – Nate Boucher grew up in the world of amateur wrestling, where the rewards, penalties and path to winning and losing are cut-and-dried.





Takedown, two points. Escape, one point. Reversal, two points. The same clock that tells everyone how much time remains in the fight consistently informs the fighters where they stand.





In his two most recent sojourns as a mixed martial artist with New England Fights, 鲍彻, a native of Rumford and graduate of Mountain Valley High School, had no such compass. MMA is a more subjective science. That’s one of the many reasons an impressive winning percentage is harder to come by.





“MMA judging is one of the worst things to figure out. There’s not really a solid standard,”包润石说,. “The last two fights didn’t end the way I wanted, 明显. Part of being an amateur is it gives you a chance to learn what the judges want.”





鲍彻 (2-2) hopes to halt a two-fight losing skid Saturday, 四月 14, when he takes on Walt Shea at “NEF 33: Riptide.” The card will take place at Aura in Portland.





A solid contender at the flyweight limit of 125 pounds despite those defeats at the hands of Justin Witham and Ryan Burgess, Boucher will meet Shea in the middle at a catch weight of 130.





Staying busy is part of Boucher’s strategy to learn everything he can about the sport, even if the immediate lessons are frustrating and humbling.






The criteria for MMA judging, in order of priority, are effective striking, effective grappling, effective aggressiveness and fighting area control. Boucher learned the hard way that his style may have cost him the ‘Win both the title fight against Witham and the hometown showdown versus Burgess.





“Everybody just kind of goes with whoever is throwing more punches. People don’t seem to care if you’re on top the whole time or not,”包润石说,. “但是,, 你知道, I can complain, or I can adapt.”





Boucher pointed out that the two judges who saw the fight go Burgessway had it two rounds to one, 一 29-28 余量, 而 30-27 assessment in his favor indicated that he had won every round.





Best-case scenario, 当然, is to end it early, the way Boucher did with a triangle choke in his second amateur outing against former high school wrestling legend Jeremiah Barkac.





“Even though I lost the last two fights, they couldn’t have gone any better for me as far as learning the game goes,”包润石说,. “It’s kind of opened my eyes a lot more, not necessarily to anything about myself, but as far as what the judges are looking for. It’s helping me learn more about the sport.”





Even though the fight is five pounds above Boucher’s natural weight, how he performs will have a heavy impact on whether he is still considered a viable threat in the 125-pound class or takes a huge step backward.





“Nate called me about a week after his fight with Burgess and said, straight up, ‘Get me back in there in April, and I want a tough opponent,’” NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson said. “He has a lot on the line in this one. A loss leaves him with a long climb back.”





The crossroads clash with Shea (2-1) is sure to be a learning experience. Shea, who trains of out of First Class MMA in Topsham, also lost his last fight. Fred Lear won that August battle for the vacant amateur bantamweight title on his home turf in Bangor.





No battle in the hexagon has been as daunting for Shea as his personal journey to get there. He initially followed his cousin, 尼古拉斯·, to the MMA gym as part of a fitness regimen after his weight crested at more than 270 英镑.





换一种说法, when he walks through the door on any given fight night, Shea is literally half the man he used to be.





“I was just going there to train a little bit in jiu-jitsu, and John (射线) said to me, ‘Before we’re through, I’m going to get you in the cage.I’m thinking, '是的, 权,’” Shea said. “I lost about 80 pounds right off the bat training with those guys. It got me healthy, and then it was kind of, why not take the next step?”





Shea now walks around at 155 到 160 英镑. He is making a slightly deeper weight cut this time, and fighting a natural flyweight, to find out if the title picture in that division is an attainable goal.





输赢, if his inspirational story helps a fan or friend make the commitment to a healthier lifestyle, Shea is all for it.





“It’s a lot better than standing on a treadmill,” Shea said of his unique path to fitness. “I tell people if you can just find one aspect of MMA that works for you – the grappling, the striking, whatever – it’s a great workout.”





Boucher said he has nothing but high esteem for Shea’s circuitous route to success in the sport. Admittedly, without a title up for grabs or a so-called grudge match in his sights, motivation could be more elusive.





The former Falcon, who trains out of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Lewiston, insisted that won’t be a problem.





“That’s an impressive accomplishment. I’m very respectful of that. Not just anybody can start out where Walt did and get in the cage for a fight at 125, 130 英镑,”包润石说,. “Unfortunately when you’re talking MMA, not every ending is like a fairy tale. I’m going in there to win the fight, to end it early and leave no doubt, not leave it in the hands of the judges this time.”





Doors open for “NEF 33: Riptide” at 6 P.M. 周六, 四月 14. 门票, 通话 207.772.8274 或去 www.auramaine.com.


New opponent for Amanda Serrano’s MMA Debut; Proceeds of the event go to those affected by Hurricane Maria

The long-awaited mixed martial arts (MMA) debut of professional boxing five-division world champion, 阿曼达·塞拉诺 (0-0) had an opponent change, but of better quality.





Serrano was scheduled to face Mexican ErendiraAketzalyOrdóñez (2-1), but due to visa issues, the new opponent is now Californian Corina Herrera (3-4) in a three-round fight at the flyweight division (125 英镑).






Serrano-Herrera will take place on Friday, April 13th at the Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles, and will feature simultaneous live broadcasts on Univision and Univision Deportes at midnight (12:00 am Eastern Time / 9:00 pm Pacific Time).







Herrera has fought on the big scenarios and has never been defeated by knockout or submission. She has good stamina, her fights are exciting, she has good defense and has already fought in different weights from 115 磅至 135. I only hope that our fight is a great fight for all the demanding MMA fans and of course, for my boricua people who are my heart and soul,” said Serrano.






在这场战斗中, 25% of the proceeds from the ticket sales on AXS.com, using the codeBORICUA”, will go to the organizationVoices For Puerto Ricoas part of a campaign led by Serrano, together with its promoter Combate Américas to help those affected by Hurricane Maria, an atmospheric event that passed through Puerto Rico last September. ( https://www.axs.com/events/351700/combate-estrellas-i-tickets )






We cannot lower our guard. We must continue to help Puerto Rico in all possible ways because six months have passed since the hurricane came and we’ve still not recovered. My respects for the people who and left their families to help others while putting their lives in danger.”


FNU搏击运动展: Behind the Scenes of the New Creed Movie, 事件重述要点和预览

Tony takes Tom and Rich backstage on the set of the newest Rocky movie, 信条 2, the sequel to the breakout performance from Michael B. Jordan as Appollo Creed’s son. We also discuss Anthony Joshua’s cruise to victory over Joseph Parker and the ESPN boxing card in Quincy, 马萨诸塞州. Then we preview the return of some big MMA events this weekend with UFC 223 and a Bellator MMA and kickboxing event.