Архівы: Змешаныя Баявыя Мастацтва


Портленд, Мэн (Мая 31, 2018) – Earlier this week, Нью-Ингленд Баі (NEF) officials were informed that Mike Crespo had been injured during his fight camp and would be unable to compete at “NEF 34: Home of the Brave” на Чэрвеня 16 in Portland. Crespo had originally been scheduled to face Kam Арнольд (3-0) for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship. Killian Murphy (1-0) has stepped up to replace Crespo and take on Arnold at Aura for the 135-pound title in a scheduled five-round affair.

Murphy made his debut atNEF 33last month in Portland with an impressive victory over Krishna Scott (0-1) з дапамогай першага раўнда тэхнічным накаўтам. He is no stranger to the winner’s circle. Murphy is a former Maine state wrestling champion, having captured a class-A title for Marshwood High School in Elliott in 2015. Сёння, he trains with Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire under the guidance of UFC signee, і былы чэмпіён NEF у лёгкай вазе, Дэвін Паўэл (8-3). Murphy was originally scheduled to compete against Gabriel Diaz of Florida atNEF 34,but Diaz pulled out of that fight earlier this month.

“It’s an exciting turn of events to end up fighting for the 135-pound belt,” said Murphy. “The goal when I started this journey was to win that beltand I am thankful for this opportunity. I want to thank NEF, my coaches, my teammates and supporters. June 16th, I’m taking that belt home to Nostos.”

Perhaps no other member of the NEF roster has had the run in the last twelve months that Kam Arnold has had. He has cut through three opponents in the first round like a hot knife through butter including an eleven-second knockout of veteran David Thompson last month atNEF 33. Arnold is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu of Lewiston, Мэн.

"Па-першае, I just want to say ‘thank you’ to Killian for accepting this fight, and also to Matt Peterson for finding me another opponent,” said Arnold when reached for comment. “Killian’s an up-and-coming, exciting fighterand I’m excited to clash with him. I know he’s going to come ready and he’s going to be looking to shake up this division and make a statement. I’m going to continue to work hard, make an adjustment to the strategy and go balls-to-the-wall from there. This will be a great fightand I will be NEF’s next 135-pound champ.”

“Nothing excites me more than when an athlete steps up on short notice and seizes an opportunity to grab gloryand that’s what Killian Murphy has done by agreeing to take this bout against an undefeated animal like Kam Arnold,” declared NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Kam has looked unstoppable since he debuted less than a year agoand now we get to see him test himself against a decorated wrestler for a chance at NEF gold. As if this card wasn’t already summer fireworksnow we get to see two undefeated studs try to knock each other off over the course of a five-round championship fight. Гэта не дабіраецца крыху лепш, чым гэта!"

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Чэрвеня 16, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.AuraMaine.com.

Аб Новай Англіі баёў

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF заключаецца ў стварэнні самага высокага якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і прыхільнікаў. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.

У RAGE ІНТЭРВІЮ CHRIS “грэцкі забойца” Kelaadesh

Крыс Kaledes (R) здымка для яго другі раз запар М-1, перамога ў гэтую пятніцу

Чэлябінскі, Расія (Мая 30, 2018) – Грэцыя паходжання найлягчэйшых Крыс “грэцкае Kelades” Keldes (12-3-0, М-1: 1-0-0), змагаюцца з Дартмут, Канада, бярэ на сябе ўкраінскі баец Аляксандр Pletenko (13-4-0, M;1: 0-0-0) у гэтую ноч на пятніцу M-1 Challenge 93 асноўнай карты, у Чэлябінску, Расія.




Kelades зрабіў свой паспяховы M-1 Global дэбюту ў лістападзе мінулага года на M-1 Challenge 86, калі ён перамог Алег Lichkovakha шляхам трэцяга раўнда прадстаўлення (Кимура).


Гэта было больш за палову- год з моманту M-1 Global дэбюту. Чаму вы бераце такі доўгі перапынак?




CK: “Цяжка паверыць, што гэта было так даўно. Я павінен быў змагацца яшчэ ў сакавіку, але я праблемы з атрыманнем маёй візы падарожжа забяспечанымі, так што я быў перабраніраваныя змагацца ў красавіку, але, на жаль, мерапрыемства было адменена. Так, Я быў гатовы да бою, але абставіны змяніліся даты. Я рады за гэты бой і з нецярпеннем чакаю барацьбы ў Чэлябінску. Два разы мае баі былі адмененыя, і гэта было вельмі хвалюе, але гэта дало мне больш часу, каб працаваць над сваёй гульнёй і даведацца новыя тэхналогіі.”


У вашым M-1 Global дэбют, вы былі вельмі асцярожныя на працягу першых двух раўндаў, але ў трэцім раундзе вы атрымалі ўяўленне. Гэта ваш рэальны баявой стыль ці вы проста хацелі выйграць дэбютны бой без уліку рызык?




CK: Кожны бой адрозніваецца. Часам у новай асяроддзі ён займае больш часу, каб адчуць пачатак бою, і вы павінны прачытаць праціўнік, перш чым рэагаваць занадта агрэсіўна.”


Што вы можаце сказаць пра свой наступнага саперніка, Аляксандр Pletenko? У вас ёсць падобныя запісы. Ці азначае гэта, у вас ёсць падобныя стылі бою?




CK: “Я бачыў некаторыя з яго баёў, і я не думаю, што ў нас падобныя стылі. Я ваюю лепшыя хлопцы ў свеце, і на пэўным узроўні, гэта больш цяжка скончыць баі.”


Да прыходу ў M-1 Global Вы ніколі не змагаліся нідзе, акрамя Паўночнай Амерыкі. Што гэта адчувае, як змагацца паўсвету удалечыні ад дома?




СН: “Я сапраўды атрымліваў асалоду ад сябе ў апошні раз у маім дэбютным з M-1 Global. Падарожжа трохі клопатаў з адлегласцю, але я сапраўды люблю барацьбу на міжнародным узроўні і тут, у Расіі. Я люблю біцца прэч, таму што я люблю таго, каб даказаць сабе іншыя баец і прыхільнікам. Гэта матывуе мяне!”




Расіі зорка Аляксандр “Бура” Шлеменко (56-10-1, 1 Паўночная Караліна, М-1: 6-0-0) загалоўкі M-1 Challenge 93 супраць бразільскага харчавання перфаратара Bruno Silva (17-6-0, М-1: 0-0-0).




Непераможны M-1 Challenge ў сярэдняй вазе Арцём Фралоў (10-0-0, М-1: 7-0-0) абараняе свой тытул у першы раз супраць амерыканскага любімца Джо “дызель” Риггс (47-17-1, М-1: 2-0-1) у M-1 Challenge 93 сумеснае мерапрыемства прыкмет.


M-1 Challenge 93 будзе жыць-струменевым з Расіі ў фармаце высокай выразнасці на www.M1Global.TV. Гледачы змогуць назіраць папярэднія баі і асноўны карты, зайшоўшы на рэгістрацыю наwww.M1Global.TV. Прыхільнікі могуць глядзець ўсе дзеянні на сваіх кампутарах, а таксама на Android і Apple, смартфонаў і планшэтаў. M-1 Challenge 93 таксама будзе даступная наwww.FITE.TV(папярэдняя картка бясплатна, $7.99 для асноўнай карты)











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Маючыя адбыцца M-1 Challenge Падзеі:

Чэрвеня 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko супраць. Сільва ў Чэлябінску, Расія


Чэлябінскі, Расія (Мая 29, 2018) – Непераможны M-1 Challenge ў сярэдняй вазе Арцём Фралоў (10-0-0, М-1: 7-0-0) defends his title for the first time this Friday against American favorite Джо “дызель” Риггс (47-17-1, М-1: 2-0-1) у M-1 Challenge 93 сумеснае мерапрыемства прыкмет, у Чэлябінску, Расія.




Frolov has knocked out four of his opponents and submitted four others. Last October, Frolov captured the belt by defeating UFC veteran Кайо Магалхаес, Бразіліі, by unanimous decision and he needed a break to heal his injuries.


Арцём Фралоў (L) puts his perfect record and M-1 Challenge middleweight title belt on the line this Friday against Joe “дызель” Риггс

У 2016 you had three fights and last year you fought only twice. How many fights a year would you like to have in the future?




AF: “I would like to fight three times a year. I think this is the best number because it lets me have enough time for good recovery after fights and enough time for training camps. Вядома, there are also some distraction factors, which do not let me fight more often like, for example, some amateur competitions where I fight from time to time.


Your title fight against Caio Magalhaes was a hard trial for you. How difficult was that 25- minute brawl?




AF: “I knew the fight was going to be a tough confrontation because Caio is a great fighter with excellent striking skills. Аднак, during the fight I found the best way to fight him and saw how I could get the victory. He impressed me with his firmness; he did not quit after I delivered many hard punches, so I must admit he has a big heart.


When did you learn that you were going to fight Joe Riggs? What can you say about his skills?




AF: “Even before the title fight I knew that, if I won the belt, my first title defense would be against Joe Riggs. He drew my attention with his debut fight in M-1 Global. I checked his record, took a look at the list of the guys he had defeated, and understood that sooner or later we were going to meet in The Rage.




“Вядома, in the last few months, I watched many of the Diesel’s fights. His main advantage is his experience, he has five times more fights than me. Riggs is a well-rounded fighter, his wrestling skills together with the excellent control skills on the ground, and powerful ground-and- pound are probably his main strengths. Так, he is definitely a fighter of the ‘American school’.


After capturing the title, you were mentioned among the top 20 best prospects in the world by the famous MMA magazine Fighters Only. What does it feel?




AF: I was flattered to be mentioned in the best prospects list, especially by a respected magazine like Fighters Only. Such recognition proves that you dedicate your life to MMA for a reason and that you have really achieved something. But I know that I have much work to do and a lot of things in my game to improve.


Two weeks after your fight against Riggs there will be a contender fight between Mikhail Ragozin and Valery Myasnikov. Who do you think will be the winner? Which one of them would you like to fight?




AF: “I am acquainted with both these guys, so I would not like to fight either of them. I can’t say who is going to win this fight because they are both strong athletes and have their advantages. In my opinion the one who will have better cardio will win the fight.




I would prefer to fight only the strongest foreigners, not fellow countrymen. You travel around the country, have camps in different places, make friends and one day you are told that you are fighting one of them. That is not the best feeling, trust me, so I’d like to fight the best athletes from other countries, so I can fight not only for myself, my gym and my city, but for the country, defending the honor of the national flag.


You have the same number of wins by knockouts and submissions in your record. How would you like to end the upcoming fight?




AF: “I came to MMA as a wrestler, so it makes me happy that I am getting better at striking. Аднак, it feels great to win via submission as well, especially when it is a beautiful one. Уласна кажучы, any finish is awesome, because my family and friends are worried about me during the fight and I don’t like to make them worry too long. Так, I prefer to finish the fights early.




Расіі зорка Аляксандр “Бура” Шлеменко (56-10-1, 1 Паўночная Караліна, М-1: 6-0-0) загалоўкі M-1 Challenge 93 супраць бразільскага харчавання перфаратара Bruno Silva (17-6-0, М-1: 0-0-0).


M-1 Challenge 93 будзе жыць-струменевым з Расіі ў фармаце высокай выразнасці на www.M1Global.TV. Гледачы змогуць назіраць папярэднія баі і асноўны карты, зайшоўшы на рэгістрацыю на www.M1Global.TV. Прыхільнікі могуць глядзець ўсе дзеянні на сваіх кампутарах, а таксама на Android і Apple, смартфонаў і планшэтаў. M-1 Challenge 93 таксама будзе даступная наwww.FITE.TV(папярэдняя картка бясплатна, $7.99 для асноўнай карты)











Шчэбет & Instagram:



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Маючыя адбыцца M-1 Challenge Падзеі:



Чэрвеня 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko супраць. Сільва ў Чэлябінску, Расія

Майя супраць. Усман Recap, New ESPN Deal, Boxing Promotional Battles are topics of discussion on this week’s FNU Combat Sports Show

На гэтым тыдні на FNU Combat Sports Show, Тым, Tony and Rich discuss a wide variety of topics. We start out with the ESPN/UFC broadcast rights deal for five years, 30 fight cards and $1.5 billion. We also discuss the infighting among boxing promoters lately with both Bob Arum and UK upstart Eddie Hearn scrambling to sign free agents while trying to fill slots for slated shows in the United States over the coming year. We go on to recap last week’s combat sports action, highlighting the Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack majority draw and the Usman vs Maia 5-round snoozefest headlining last Saturday night’s UFC Fight Night card. We of course also preview this weekend’s boxing matches and the UFC and Bellator cards coming out of England. We even touch on the regulation of bareknuckle boxing and Bobby Gunn’s claim of no fatalities recorded in the sport. У рэшце рэшт, we wrap up with a reminder of what this weekend is all about: saluting our servicemen and women. Listen to the whole show at the link below:



M-1 Challenge 92 RESULTS & Малюнкі

Сяргей Харытонаў супраць. Anton Vyazigin declared
“Няма Конкурс”
Aleksander Doskalchuk crowned undisputed

M-1 Challenge flyweight champion

Aleksander Doskalchuk is now the undisputed M-1 Challenge flyweight champion


САНКТ-ПЕЦЯРБУРГ, Расія (Мая 25, 2018) – Last night’s SuperFight between Russian heavyweight star Сяргей Харытонаў and his main event challenger, Антон Vyazigin, was declared ano contest” і Аляксандр Doskalchuk established himself as the undisputed M-1 Challenge flyweight champion last night at M-1 Challenge 92 at M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Расія.




Харытонаў (27-6-0) originally was declared the winner by way of a second-round technical decision over his Russian opponent, Vyazigin (9-2-0), due to an illegal eye poke that prevented Kharitonov from continuing to fight.




The result was later changed to ano contestafter the commission, assembled by M-1 Global president Вадзім Фінкельштэйн, reviewed the fight video and made the decision to change the result. A rematch will be scheduled for one of the next events, likely M-1 Challenge 95: Battle in the Mountains, which will happen in July in Ingushetia, Расія.




A ‘no contestwas the only possible decision in this situation,” Finkelchtein explained the change. “It was an accident and yesterday the judges made the decision according to the rules, giving the victory to Kharitonov, based on the scorecards. But this fight was an exception.




Changing the result to ‘no contestis the best choice,” Kharitonov agreed. “This was not the victory I wanted. I was sure the fight would be ruled as no contest, so I was surprised when the referee raised my hand. Anton did not want to poke me, so I think the decision now is fair. In the hospital I was told I’ve got an eye contusion and corneal abrasion. I hope to recover fast and get a rematch.




Сяргей Харытонаў (R) didn’t agree with the original decision declaring him the winner.




I think ‘no contestis a fair result,” Vyazigin added. “I was sure that after that poke, Sergei would take a break, and then we will go on. But the fight was stopped and he was declared the winner. Talking about corneal abrasion, I have no idea how it could happen. I always cut my nails before fights and the referee checks that, so that is weird. Вядома, Я хачу матч-рэванш, our story has not ended.




Doskalchuk (9-1-0), якія змагаюцца з Украіны, entered The Rage as the M-1 Challenge flyweight champion to take on M-1 Challenge Interim flyweight titlist Арман Ашымаў (8-3-1), Казахстан. Ashimov was unable to continue after two rounds due to a hand injury.


Brazilian welterweight TiagoBahiaVarejao (27-5-1) апынуўся ў дзіўным M-1 дэбют, taking a majority decision from former M-1 Challenge title challenger Sergey Romanov (14-3-0).


Giga Kukhalashvili (9-4-0) was disqualified in the third round forrope grabbingagainst undefeated Russian light heavyweight Khadis Ibragrimov (4-0-0).




Russian lightweight Pavel Gordeev (11-1-0) took a split decision victory from Mickael “Рагнар” Lebout (17-9-2), Францыя.




Па папярэдніх карты, руская цяжкавагавік Maksim Baruzdin (1-0-0) won his pro debut, stopping Cuban giant Freddi Gonzales (0-2-0) in the opening round via punches, Russian lightweight prospect Аляксей “PhenomenalIlyenko (8-0-0) lived up to his nickname, remaining undefeated by unleashing a barrage of kicks and punches for a third-round knockout of Helson Henriques (9-6-1), of Angola.




Кыргызстан полулегком Azibek Satibaldiev (7-4-0) was disqualified in the second round for kicking a grounded fighter, German challenger Saba Bolaghi (9-1-1), Руская полулегком Mikhail Kuznetson (6-4-1) used a guillotine choke to submit fellow countryman Nikita Solonin (4-2-0) у другім раўндзе, and Ukrainian bantamweight Ludwig Sholinyan (2-0-1) іAlexander Osetrov (4-0-1) fought to a three-round majority draw.




Грузінскі паўсярэдняй вазе Амиран Гагаладзэ (6-1-0) won a three-round split decision over Russian Taymuraz Guriev, у той час як Ruslan Shamilov (5-0-0) kept his undefeated intact with a three-round split decision versus Дзяніс Tiuliulin (3-4-0) in a battle between Russian middleweights.




Fighters represented 10 розныя краіны: Расія, Украіна, Казахстан, Бразілія, Грузія, Францыя, Angola, Германія, Cuba and Kyrgyzstan.


Complete results & Фотагалерэя ніжэй:





MAIN EVENT – Цяжкавагавікоў


Сяргей Харытонаў (27-6-0, М-1: 5-0-0), Расія

“Няма Конкурс”

Антон Vyazigin (9-2-0, М-1: 4-1-0), Расія





Аляксандр Doskalchuk (9-1-0, М-1: 3-0-0), Чэмпіён, Украіна

WTKO2 (5:00)

Арман Ашымаў (8-3-1, М-1: 3-1-0), Interim Champion, Казахстан

(Doskalchuk becomes undisputed М-1 Challenge Назва мухі)


Паўсярэдняга вагі

TiagoBahiaVarejao (27-5-1, М-1: 1-0-0-), Бразілія


Sergey Romanov (14-3-0, М-1: 5-2-0), Расія

Святло цяжкавагавікоў

Khadis Ibragimov (4-0-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Расія

WDQ3 (rope grabbing – 3:27)

Giga Kukhalashvili (9-4-0, М-1: 2-1-0), Russia by way of Georgia





Павел Гардзееў (11-1-0, М-1: 5-0-0), Расія


Мікаэль “Рагнар” Lebout (17-9-2, 1 Паўночная Караліна, М-1: 1-1-0), Францыя









Maksim Baruzdin (1-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Расія

WTKO1 (ўдары – 0:18)

Freddi Gonzales (0-2-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Куба





Ruslan Shamilov (5-0-0, М-1: 5-0-0), Расія


Дзяніс Tiuliulin (3-3-0, М-1: 0-1-0)




Паўсярэдняга вагі

Danila Prikaza (10-2-1, М-1: 7-2-0), Расія


JoiltonPeregrino” Сантас (24-7-0, 1 Паўночная Караліна, М-1: 0-1-0), Бразілія




Амиран Гагаладзэ (6-1-0, М-1: 3-0-0), Грузія


Taymuraz Guriev (7-4-0, М-1: 2-2-0), Расія


Аляксей “PhenomenalIlyenko (8-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Расія

WKO3 (kicks & ўдары – 0:27)

Helson Henriques (9-6-1, М-1: 0-1-0), Angola





Mikhail Kuznetsov (6-4-1, М-1: 4-3-1), Расія

WSUB2 (ўдушэнне гільяцінай – 4:20)

Nikita Solonin (4-2-0, М-1: 1-1-0), Расія





Ludwig Sholinyan (2-0-1, М-1: 0-0-1), Украіна


Alexander Osetrov (4-0-1), М-1: 3-0-1), Расія


Портленд, Мэн (Мая 24, 2018) – Last week New England Fights (NEF) released the official card for its upcoming return to Aura in Portland, Мэн. The mixed-martial-arts event, азагалоўлены “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” is scheduled to take place on Saturday night, Чэрвеня 16, 2018 with a bell-time of 7:00 pm EDT. NEF matchmakers, аднак, were still hard at work on adding fights to the card, and earlier today they announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight bout to the event. Генры Кларк (3-4) сутыкнецца Дэйв Браўн (1-3) у барацьбе вагі 135 фунтаў.




The lead-up toNEF 34has been somewhat of a wild ride for Henry Clark. He was originally scheduled to face Florida’s Krishna Scott (0-1) on the card. Just prior to the announcement of the full fight card, Scott’s camp informed NEF that he was pulling out of the fight. Clark remained in training camp at the Choi Institute in Portland in the hope that NEF matchmakers would find him a replacement opponent. When Dave Brown stepped up to the plate, Clark was quick to accept the opportunity to fight in front of his hometown fans and friends once more.




I’m so grateful that Dave Brown stepped up,” сказаў Кларк. “It takes a lot of guts to take a short notice fight. I would have fought anyone on a week’s notice if it meant fighting in Portland. It’s great motivation for me to finish up my camp knowing who I’m fighting. I’m coming to showcase and steal the show.




Ураджэнец Паўночнай Андовер, Масачусэтс, Dave Brown is a three-fight veteran of the NEF cage. Prior to his time competing in MMA, Brown wrestled for Plymouth State University in Plymouth, Нью-Гэмпшыр. He will return to NEF after a three-year absence following his loss to Norman Fox in the spring of 2015. Карычневы, “‘Downtown’ Дэйв Браўн” as he is known to his fans and friends, is looking forward to his return to action.




I’ve seen Henry Clark in action and I have a lot of respect for his abilities,” said Brown when reached for comment. “But come June 16, I’m gonna take him downall the way у цэнтры горада!”




NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Чэрвеня 16, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.AuraMaine.com.


Аб Новай Англіі баёў




Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF заключаецца ў стварэнні самага высокага якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і прыхільнікаў. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.

Sergei Kharitonov speaks out before Today’s SuperFight with Anton Vyazigin Headlining M-1 Challenge 92

Мая 24 at M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Расія

Sergey Kharitonov

САНКТ-ПЕЦЯРБУРГ, Расія (Мая 24, 2018) – MMA living legend Sergey Kharitonov (27-6-0, М-1: 5-0-0) outs his perfect M-1 record on the line today against fellow Russian heavyweight, “Чарапавец Giant” Антон Vyazigin (9-2-1, М-1: 4-1-0), in today’s (Мая 24) M-1 Challenge 92 main event SuperFight, at M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Расія.


M-1 Challenge 92 будзе жыць-струменевым з Расіі ў фармаце высокай выразнасці на www.M1Global.TV. Гледачы змогуць назіраць папярэднія баі і асноўны карты, зайшоўшы на рэгістрацыю на www.M1Global.TV. Прыхільнікі могуць глядзець ўсе дзеянні на сваіх кампутарах, а таксама на Android і Apple, смартфонаў і планшэтаў. M-1 Challenge 92 таксама будзе даступная на www.FITE.TV(папярэдняя картка бясплатна, $7.99 для асноўнай карты)




The 37-year-old Kharitonov has defeated a Who’s Who of some of top heavyweight MMA fighters, у тым ліку Alister Overeem, Андрэй Арлоўскі, Фабрыцыо Вердума і Пэдра Риццо.




Kharitonov had a few last words before the action officially begins:


Сяргей, you have had 33 professional MMA during your career and now you are 37 гадоў. What is your motivation in MMA? Why do you keep fighting?




СК: “Fighting has become an essential part of my life. I literally can’t live without it. I love new challenges, and this is why I compete at different events and now, for example, I have a new challenge: two fights in one week. Tomorrow I have an MMA fight at M-1 Challenge 92 and in a week, I’ve got a kickboxing bout scheduled.




This is life and we have to take risks, because no risk, no reward. Так, I am ready for this. MMA is my passion, but I love kickboxing, занадта, and now I am interested in competing in both sports.


It is said that for heavyweights the age of 35 is the prime, because this is the time when heavyweights are usually quite experienced, but still in shape. What do you think about it?




СК: “It all depends. One fighter can reach his prime at 25, another one at 35, але, па-мойму, it depends on his conscious. Take a look at some boxers like George Foreman, who fought until he was 48. Even in lighter divisions there are many examples of successful old fighters like Bernard Hopkins and even Floyd Mayweather Jr., who is not that young today. If you keep training hard, you can fight for a long time.


Only twice in your career you won by decision. How does it happen that you finish almost all your opponents?




СК: “I always look at my opponent; if he gives me an opportunity to finish him, I do it. I don’t care how I win fights and I have no goal to finish my opponents. The only thing that really matters is the victory.


Anton Vyazigin has power in his hands. Do you have a plan for the upcoming fight or do you need one?




СК: “My fighting style depends on the situation, but I think tomorrow we are going to have a stand-up fight. At this stage of my career, I do not really change my training camp for new opponents. I have pretty much experience, so I can just enter The Rage and do what I have to do. Тым не менш, I usually watch my opponents’ баі. I watched two fights of Vyazigin and can say that he is a great young athlete with heavy punches. I am very excited because it makes me happy that young guys like him are ready to replace us. Who knows how much time we have left, a year, два, тры, maybe even five? These guys have long careers ahead and they have to keep growing and showing their best!”










Шчэбет & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global








Маючыя адбыцца M-1 Challenge Падзеі:

Мая 24 – M-1 Challenge 92: Харытонаў супраць. Vyazigin ў Санкт-Пецярбургу, Расія

Чэрвеня 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko супраць. Siva in Chelyabinsk, Расія


Сумесна Галоўнай падзеяй:
Пятніца, JUNE 29th У прамым эфіры на AXS TV
Tickets are on sale NOW through Ticketmaster.com

Лас-Вегасе, Невада – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will return to Arizona at the end of June. Two of the promotion’s most feared knockout artists are set for a showdown in the Valley of the Sun when they clash at LFA 44.




Галоўная падзея LFA 44 will bring the fireworks five days early this summer. The headliner will see Australia’s aesthetic annihilator MatthewThunder From Down UnderFrincu battle southern California’s grim sleeper Christian “Звер” Aguilera in one of the most explosive showdowns of the year. LFA 44 – Frincu vs. Aguilera takes place Friday, June 29that the Comerica Theatre in Phoenix, Арызона. The main card will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 10 p.m. І / 7 p.m. PT.




I am excited to bring LFA back to Arizona on June 29th,” Усталяваны Саарэс. “Matthew Frincu is a sensational striker. He will face fellow knock out artist Christian Aguilera in the main event of LFA 44. They are two of the most dangerous welterweight prospects in the world and will be looking to make a big statement at the top of one of our most competitive divisions.




Tickets for LFA 44 – Frincu vs. Aguilera are available for purchase NOW at Ticketmaster.com




Frincu (12-3) came to LFA last year as one of the most exciting exports hailing from The Land Down Under. He wasted no time in making a huge splash in his promotional debut at LFA 5. The native of Gold Coast, Australia assaulted Kris Hocum with a diverse and brilliant display of striking. “Thunder From Down Undertaught a masterclass on how to effectively utilize range and Muay Thai technique to dismantle a high-level grappler. He offered a crash course on the same subject ten weeks later, when he knocked out Brazilian prospect Maycon Mendonça in 96-seconds at LFA 11. Зусім нядаўна, Frincu stopped previously undefeated Mexican prospect Roman Alcantar via TKO in January at LFA 31. Now the awesome Aussie looks to derail one of the heaviest hitters in the division.




Aguilera (11-4) has earned a reputation for possessing some of the scariest one-punch knockout power in all of MMA. LFA officials caught a glimpse of his gift of putting people to sleep early in his career when he gave Timothy Quiroga a canvas nap in just 52-seconds at RFA 23. A lot has happened in the three years since that prophetic night in Orange County. To start, “Звер” got older, he got bigger, and inconceivable to many, he became even more powerful. Not surprising to anyone, аднак, is his propensity to wield his gift like a young super-hero discovering his ability for the first time. This has left a path of destruction in 2018 trailing 83 miles in California from Costa Mesa (LFA 30) to Cabazon (LFA 36). Aguilera looks to extend that path to Phoenix, Arizona on June 29th.




Сумесна галоўная падзея LFA 44 will feature an intrastate superfight when two-time LFA standout Casey Kenney (8-1-1) battles three-time UFC veteran Roman Salazar (12-6). У мінулым годзе, Casey won a regional flyweight title before signing with LFA. After making his LFA debut last May, he competed twice in front of UFC President Dana White on the UFC bossTuesday Night Contender Series. Casey returned to LFA in January with a dominant Unanimous Decision victory over Kendrick Latchman at LFA 31. He now looks to make a bigger statement by moving up a weight class to face one of Arizona’s most seasoned bantamweight forces.




That would be the man known asEl Gallito”. Salazar was signed by the UFC in 2014 after winning multiple regional titles in Arizona in multiple weight classes. He competed three times for the industry leader, which includes a bout at UFC 184 against Japanese MMA legend Kid Yamamoto in Yamamoto’s final fight. Зусім нядаўна, Salazar has reasserted his dominance in his home state with a pair of TKO victories. Salazar now looks to continue his resurgence with a marquee win over one of MMA’s most highly-touted prospects. Salazar hails from Mammoth, Arizona and will face Kenney of Tucson, Arizona in one the state’s biggest showdowns of the year.


У цяперашні час Абвешчана Галоўная Карта (Тэлевізійны на AXS TV ў 10 p.m. І / 7 p.m. PT):


Галоўная падзея | Бой у нападаючым (170 фунтаў)

– Мэцью Frincu (12-3) супраць. Christian Aguilera (11-4)


Са-галоўная падзея | Пеўня Бут (135 фунтаў)

Casey Kenney (8-1-1) супраць. Раман Салазар (12-6)




LFA 44 will serve as the fourth LFA event to take place in the state of Arizona. All of these events have taken place in the Grand Canyon State’s capital city of Phoenix. Further information about LFA 44 будзе абвешчана ў бліжэйшы час. Уся асноўная карта LFA 44 будзе транслявацца ў прамым эфіры па ўсёй краіне і на AXS TV на 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT.




Калі ласка, наведайце LFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. LFA is on Facebook at Спадчына Барацьба Альянс. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting and Twitter at @LFAfighting.




У 2017 RFA and Legacy FC merged to form LFA, the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts. The combined forces of LFA launched the careers of over 130 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. У траўні 2018 the promotion joined the London Trust Media Holdings group of companies.


У сярэднім Showdown
Пятніца, JUNE 22nd У прамым эфіры на AXS TV
Tickets are on sale NOW through Ticketmaster.com

Лас-Вегасе, Невада – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will kick off the 2018 summer season with a middleweight showdown between two former title challengers when the promotion heads to Beaumont, Texas at LFA 43.




Галоўная падзея LFA 43 will feature a middleweight showdown between two-time LFA title challenger BrendanAll InAllen and two-time Legacy FC title challenger LarryTae KwonCrowe. LFA 43 – Allen vs. Crowe takes place this Friday, June 22nd at the Beaumont Civic Center in Beaumont, Тэхас. The main card will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT.




Brendan Allen and Larry Crowe have a well-documented history of being top contenders in our organization,” Усталяваны Саарэс. “They have been two of our top middleweights for years, but somehow their paths have never crossed. Our fans will finally get to see them square off this summer when we head south to Beamount, Texas at LFA 43. ”




Tickets for LFA 43 – Allen vs. Crowe are available for purchase NOW at Ticketmaster.com.




Ален (8-3) enters the LFA 43 headliner looking to reassert himself at the top of the LFA middleweight standings. The 22-year-old Louisianian is a two-time LFA middleweight title challenger and will be making his fifth appearance for LFA. He also competed twice for Legacy FC before the promotion merged with RFA to create LFA. Allen has gained valuable experience early in his career, which is now being cultivated along with his raw talent at Roufusport MMA Academy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The popular and talented southern submission specialist has built a reputation for being one of the most clinical finishers in the division. All eight of his victories have come via KO, СААЗ, або падпарадкаванне. Чалавек, вядомы як “All Inwill now go all in as he looks for the biggest win of his career.




Crowe (10-6) returns to the LFA Octagon fresh off a win over LFA mainstay Bilal Williams in the co-main event of LFA 26. The 34-year-old Texan is a two-time Legacy FC middleweight title challenger and one of the longest tenured fighters in Legacy FC history. Crowe made his debut for Legacy FC in his second professional fight in July 2010. That bout occurred at the third-ever Legacy FC event. In many ways, Crowe and Legacy FC grew up together. Чалавек, вядомы як “Tae KownCrowe grew into one of the promotion’s most revered fighters, while Legacy FC grew into one of the top two developmental organizations in the world. Now the Houston native will add his name to another piece of history as he looks to win the main event of LFA 43 in the promotion’s debut event in Beaumont.



У цяперашні час Абвешчана Галоўная Карта (Тэлевізійны на AXS TV ў 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT):



Галоўная падзея | Сярэдні Бут (185 фунт)

Brendan Allen (8-3) супраць. Larry Crowe (10-6)


Лёгкі Бут (145 фунт)

Jake Heffernan (6-0) супраць. Peter Stanonik (5-3)


Лёгкі Бут (145 фунт)

Kolton Englund (5-2) супраць. Juan Gonzalez (5-1)


Лёгкі бой (155 фунт)

Cameron Graves (6-2) супраць. Jordan Titoni (6-2)


Women’s Strawweight Bout ( 115 фунт)

Itzel Esquivel (2-2) супраць. Дэзірэ Янэс (1-0)


Бут ў суперцяжкай (265 фунт)

Jeremy Hardy (5-3) супраць. Joel Moore (3-0)




LFA 43 will be the first LFA event to take place in the City of Beaumont. It will also be the eleventh time that LFA has traveled toThe Lone Star Stateof Texas. Further information about LFA 43 будзе абвешчана ў бліжэйшы час. Уся асноўная карта LFA 43 будзе транслявацца ў прамым эфіры па ўсёй краіне і на AXS TV на 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT.




Калі ласка, наведайце LFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. LFA is on Facebook at Спадчына Барацьба Альянс. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting and Twitter at @LFAfighting.




У 2017 RFA and Legacy FC merged to form LFA, the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts. The combined forces of LFA launched the careers of over 130 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. У траўні 2018 the promotion joined the London Trust Media Holdings group of companies.

One on one with M-1 Challenge Interim Flyweight Champion Arman Ashimov

Aleksander Doskalchuk vs. Ашымаў ў гэты чацвер на M-1 Challenge 92 у Санкт-Пецярбург, Расія

САНКТ-ПЕЦЯРБУРГ, Расія (Мая 22, 2018) – M-1 Challenge Interim flyweight champion Арман Ашымаў takes on M-1 Challenge flyweight title-holder Аляксандр Doskalchuk(8-1-0, М-1: 2-0-0) ў гэты чацвер (Мая 24) to determine theundisputedking of the M-1 Global flyweights, у M-1 Challenge 92 сумеснае мерапрыемства прыкмет, at M-1 Arena in St. Пецярбург, Расія.




Ашымаў (8-2-1, М-1: 3-0-0), who captured his Interim crown at M-1 Challenge 87 last February,

Stopping Mikael Silander in round two voa punches, answered a series of M-1 Global questions:


Arman, how did the M-1 Challenge interim flyweight title change your life?




А.А.: “I was extremely happy to become the champion, but I would not say I felt such a big difference. Kazakhs knew me well even before I won the title, but after I won the belt, media started to pay more attention to me. It’s hard to say whether I won more fans because I had so many of them in Kazakhstan, but I hope that now in other countries there are more people who love the way I fight. People often recognize me on the streets of Kazakhstan, support me, ask for selfies. But I don’t feel like a star. I’m just a simple guy. Such attention does not bother me, because all Kazakhs are my relatives, how can I deny a selfie?


What is the secret of your knockout punch? Was it your goal to train such a hard punch?




А.А.: “It’s the will of Allah. We did not change the training plan, have been training striking and grappling as always. I am ready to go the full five round distance, калі трэба. I am strong enough for the 25-minute fight and this is exactly what I always have in mind. We consider an opportunity to go somewhere for training camp, but now I need to fulfil the target, and win the undisputed title.


Not many people know about it, but you are a great grappler. Can you tell us about your grappling experience?




А.А.: “Сапраўды, I don’t talk much about it, but I have some experience in grappling as well. The thing is that in The Rage, I don’t like grappling, I prefer a stand-up fight. If my opponent wants to check my skills, I will demonstrate them. I am a combat jiu-jitsu master of sports of international class for a reason, after all.


What can you say about your opponent Aleksander Doskalchuk?




А.А.: “Aleksander Doskalchuk is a very experienced all-around fighter. His fighting style is like that of one of my previous opponents, Мікаэл Silander. He is good both at striking and grappling. I don’t know what game plan he is going to choose, but we will find it out very soon.


Undoubtedly all of Kazakhstan will watch the broadcast, but will some fans of yours come to Saint Petersburg for the fight?




А.А.: “Many fans will come here from Kazakhstan, beside them will be a lot of Kazakhs living in Saint Petersburg, who will come to root for me. Even the Assembly of Kazakhs is going to support me. all this gives me an extra motivation!”




Зорка Расіі ў цяжкай вазе Сяргей Харытонаў (27-6-0, М-1: 5-0-0) загалоўкі M-1 Challenge 92 супраць Антон Vyazigin (9-2-1, М-1: 4-1-0) in their SuperFight.


M-1 Challenge 92 будзе жыць-струменевым з Расіі ў фармаце высокай выразнасці на www.M1Global.TV. Гледачы змогуць назіраць папярэднія баі і асноўны карты, зайшоўшы на рэгістрацыю на www.M1Global.TV. Прыхільнікі могуць глядзець ўсе дзеянні на сваіх кампутарах, а таксама на Android і Apple, смартфонаў і планшэтаў. M-1 Challenge 92 таксама будзе даступная на www.FITE.TV(папярэдняя картка бясплатна, $7.99 для асноўнай карты)









Шчэбет & Instagram:


@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global






Маючыя адбыцца M-1 Challenge Падзеі:

Мая 24 – M-1 Challenge 92: Харытонаў супраць. Vyazigin ў Санкт-Пецярбургу, Расія

Чэрвеня 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko супраць. Siva in Chelyabinsk, Расія