Tag-Archiv: Mixed Martial Arts

Khadis Ibragimov neuer M-1 Challenge-Champion im Halbschwergewicht

Der neue M-1-Challenge-Champion im Halbschwergewicht, Khadis Ibragimov, wurde gekrönt
SANKT PETERSBURG, Russland (August 26, 2018) – Unbesiegt Khadis Ibragimov (7-0-0) unterlegen Dmitry Mikutsa in der letzten Nacht M-1-Herausforderung 96 Main Event um den vakanten M-1 Challenge-Titel im Halbschwergewicht zu gewinnen, in der M-1 Arena in Sankt Petersburg, Russland.




MMA-Kämpfer vertreten 10 verschiedenen Ländern bei dieser internationalen Veranstaltung: Russland, Vereinigten Staaten, Ukraine, Brasilien, Frankreich, Polen, Ungarn, Tschechische Republik, Kasachstan und Georgien.




Ibragimov, Bekämpfung von Russland, in einen Rear-Naked-Choke gesperrt, um seinen ukrainischen Gegner zu unterwerfen, Mikutsa (9-4-1), in der zweiten Runde um die vakante M-1 Challenge-Krone im Halbschwergewicht.




In der Zusammenarbeit vorgestellten Ereignis, Russian Federgewicht Viktor Kolesnik (15-3-1) erledigte seinen amerikanischen Feind, Daniel “Agent Orange” Swain (18-9-1) in der Eröffnungsrunde mit schädlichen Beintritten.




Brazilian Leichtbau Michel “Sassariro” Silva (20-7-1) war zu viel für zuvor ungeschlagen Alexey “Phänomenal” Ilyenko (8-1-1), der einem bösartigen Boden- und Pfundangriff erlag.




Ukrainian Federgewicht Yuri Chobuka (10-1-0) nahm einen einstimmigen Beschluss ab Steve Polifonte (13-6-0), von Frankreich.




Georgian Fliegengewicht Vazha Tsiptauri (6-1-0) handed Sanzhar Adilov (4-1-0), Kasachstan, seine erste Niederlage als Profi durch einstimmigen Beschluss.




Auf der undercard, Russische Schwergewichts- Juri Fedorow (2-0-0) Ground-and-Pounded seinen Weg zu einem technischen Knockout in der dritten Runde seines Landsmanns Sergej Golzow (0-2-), Russian Federgewicht Akhmadkhan Bokov (4-3-0) kantiges Profi-Debüt Adam Borovec (0-1-0) per Mehrheitsentscheidung, und Russisch Federgewicht Nikita Solonin (5-2-0) verzeichnete einen einstimmigen Entscheidungssieg gegen Rene Hackl (4-1-0), von Ungarn).




Russisches Profi-Debüt Wassilij Koslow (1-0-0), Kampf bei a 158 ½ Fanggewicht, und russische Weltergewicht Boris Medvedev (3-0-0) waren in der ersten Runde, One-Punch-Knockout-Gewinner, beziehungsweise, gegen Jurand Lisieskich (3-1-1), von Polen, und Ukrainisch Dmitri Tichonjuk (0-1-0). Russian Leicht Artem Tarasov (3-1-0) benutzte eine Flut von Schlägen, um zu stoppen Filip Kovarik (3-1-0), von Polen, in Runde eins.

Vollständige Ergebnisse und Bilder unten:









Khadis Ibragimov (7-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Russland

WSUB2 (4:30 – Rear Naked Choke)

Dmitry Mikutsa (9-4-1, M-1: 2-2-0), Ukraine

(Ibragimov gewann den M-1 Challenge-Titel im Halbschwergewicht)


CO-FEATURE – Leichtgewichte



Viktor Kolesnik (15-3-1, M-1: 4-1-1), Russland

WTKO1 (4:21 – Beintritte)

Daniel Swain (18-9-1, M-1: 1-1-1), USA




Michael Silva (20-7-1, M-1: 2-2-0), Brasilien

WTKO1 (1:34 – zermahlen und zerstoßen)

Alexej Iljenko (8-1-1, M-1: 1-1-0), Russland




Yuri Chobuka (10-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Ukraine


Steve Polifonte (13-6-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Frankreich





Vazha Tsiptauri (6-1-0, M-1: 4-0-0)


Sanzhar Adilov (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kasachstan







Juri Fedorow (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Russland

WTKO3 (1:11 – zermahlen und zerstoßen)

Sergej Golzow (0-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Russland





Rafal Kijanczuk (4-0-0 (M-1: 2-0-0), Polen

WTKO1 (5:00 – Verletzung)

Ibrahim Sagow (4-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Russland


FANGGEWICHT (72, kg, 158 ½ lbs.)



Wassilij Koslow (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Russland

WKO1 (0:42 – Schlag)

Jurand Lisieski (3-1-1, M-1: 0-1-0), Polen





Dmitri Tichonjuk (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Ukraine

WKO1 (1:07 – Schlag)

Boris Medvedev (2-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Russland





Artem Tarasov (3-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Russland

WKO1 (1:57 – Stanzen)

Filip Kovarik (3-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Polen





Nikita Solonin (5-2-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Russland


René Hackl (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ungarn




Akhmadkhan Bokov (4-3-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Russland


Adam Borovec (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Tschechische Republik



Khadis Ibragimov (L) zermürbte Dmitry Mikutsa
Viktor Kolesnik (L) trat seinen Weg an Daniel Swain vorbei
Michel Silva wird gezeigt, wie er Alexey Ilyenko erledigt
Yuri Chobuka (L) besiegte Steve Polifonte
Vazha Tsiptauri (Spitzenstellung) entschied Sanzhar Adilov








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@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global






Sankt Pertersburg, Russland (August 24, 2018) — Gestern fand das offizielle Wiegen für heute statt M-1-Herausforderung 96, angeführt vom vakanten M-1 Challenge-Titel im Halbschwergewicht, in der M-1 Arena in Sankt Petersburg, Russland.
Komplette Gewichte und Bilder unten:
(L) Dmitry Mikutsa (9-3-1, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukraine 204 ½ kg. (92,95 kg).
(R) Khadis Ibragimov (6-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Russland 205 lbs. (93 kg)
CO-FEATURE – Leichtgewichte – 3 X 5
(L) Daniel Swain (18-8-1, M-1: 1-0-1), USA 145 lbs. (65,8 kg)
(R) Viktor Kolesnik (14-3-1, M-1: 3-1-1), Russland 144 lbs. (65,35 kg)
Leichtgewichte — 3 X 5
(R) Alexej Iljenko (8-0-1, M-1: 1-0-0), Russland 154 lbs. (69,95 kg)
(L) Michael Silva (19-7-1, M-1: 1-2-0), Brasilien 154 ½ kg. (70,25 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
ruslan Rakhmonkulov (11-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Russland 178 lbs. (81 kg)
Maksim Grabovich (8-4-0, M-1: 5-4-0), Russland 168 ½ kg. (76,6 kg)
Leichtgewichte – 3 X 5
(L) Steve Polifonte (13-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Frankreich 145 lbs. (65,8 kg)
(R) Yuri Chobuka (9-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Ukraine 144 lbs. (65,6 kg)
Juri Fedorow (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Russland 261 lbs. (118,4 kg)
Sergej Golzow (0-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Russland 227 lbs. (103,25 kg)
Halbschwergewichte – 3 X 5
Rafal Kijanczuk (3-0-0 (M-1: 1-0-0), Polen 204 lbs. 92,8 kg)
Ibrahim Sagow (4-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Russland 204 lbs. (92,7 kg)
FANGGEWICHT (72, kg, 158 ½ lbs.) – 3 X 5
Jurand Lisieski (3-0-1, M-1: 0-0-0), Polen 158 lbs. (71,8 kg)
Wassilij Koslow (zum Debüt), Russland 158 lbs. (71,7 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
Dmitri Tichonjuk (zum Debüt), Ukraine 169 ½ kg. 77,1 kg)
Boris Medvedev (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Russland 169 ½ kg. (77,05 kg)
Leichtgewichte – 3 X 5
Filip Kovarik (3-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Polen 154 lbs. (70,2 kg)
Artem Tarasov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Russland 154 ½ kg. (70,25 kg)
Leichtgewichte – 3 X 5
René Hackl (4-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Ungarn 144 lbs. (65,5 kg)
Nikita Solonin (4-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Russland 144 lbs. (65,65 kg)
Adam Borovec (zum Debüt), Tschechische Republik 144 lbs. (65,35 kg)
Akhmadkhan Bokov (3-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Russland 144 lbs. (65,65 kg)
Fliehgewichte – 3 X 5
Sanzhar Adilov (4-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Kasachstan 129 ½ kg. (57,65 kg)
Vazha Tsiptauri (5-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) 129 lbs. (58,5 kg)
(Alle Kämpfe & Kämpfer Änderungen vorbehalten)
WANN: Samstag, August 25, 2018
WO: Sankt Petersburg, Russland
LIVE-STREAM: www.m1global.tv (11.00 a.m. UND / 8:00 a.m. PT in den USA). Auch verfügbar amFITE.TV (vorläufige Karte ist kostenlos, $7.99 für die Hauptkarte)
Zwitschern & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Die nächsten M-1 Challenge-Events:
August. 25 – M-1-Herausforderung 96: Mikutsa vs. Ibragimov in Sankt Petersburg, Russland


Bangor, Maine (August 24, 2018) - New England Fights (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” September 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. The event will mark the fourth time since 2013 that NEF has visited the Queen City. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the full fight card planned for the evening.

The exciting main event will feature two popular Bangor-area athletes doing battle as Jon Lemke (7-8) erfüllt Aaron “Unnachgiebig” Lacey (5-2) in a lightweight contest. Lemke, ein Veteran der United States Marine Corps, trains with Titan Athletics in neighboring Brewer, Maine, while Lacey represents Young’s MMA of Bangor.

The co-main event will see Lacey’s teammate, and reigning NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, “Die” Ryan Sanders (16-9) Annahme Armando “Big ChinoMontoya (10-6) in a non-title welterweight scrap. Sanders is coming off a huge submission win earlier this summer in Portland, Maine. Montoya, who represents First Class MMA of Brunswick, Maine, will debut in the Pine Tree State after a decade-long career on the southwest MMA circuit.

In another highly-anticipated professional fight, Caleb Halle (1-0) of the Choi Institute in Portland will face another Young’s MMA team member in the form of CJ Ewer (3-1). After a successful amateur career that saw him capture the NEF Amateur Featherweight Title, Hall impressed with a first-round submission of veteran John Ortolani (8-12) earlier this year in his pro debut. Wasserkrug, a member of the United States Air Force security forces, closed outNEF 30last August in Bangor winning the promotion’s pro middleweight strap over Mike Hansen (5-9).

The amateur portion of the fight card will be headlined by a title fight as Klaps “PK” Kelly (4-0) puts both his lightweight belt and undefeated record on the line against the challenge of Ed Forlenza (2-2). Kelly, die gedreht 54 last week, is a legend of Maine wrestling mats as both a competitor and coach and a member of the Maine Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame. He vows that this will be the final fight of his MMA career. Forlenza took the fight on short notice after Kelly’s previous challenger dropped out due to injury. He is a member of team Juniko based in Hyannis, Massachusetts. Forlenza is no stranger to the NEF cage. He won his amateur debut atNEF 23in the summer of 2016 on Cape Cod.

Speaking of wrestling coaches, “NEF 35will also feature the amateur debut of Shawn Costigan (0-0). Costigan is a member of the Bucksport High School wrestling coaching staff. He will represent Young’s MMA in his cage debut when he takes on the fellow-debuting David Hills (0-0).

Also on the amateur card will be the brother of CJ Ewer, Roger Ewer (1-0). A pharmacist by day, Roger made his amateur debut last year atNEF 30in Bangor with a second round technical knockout of Dustin Freeman (0-1). Bei “NEF 35,” Er übernehmen Jason Hanley (0-0) of Orchard Park Martial Arts in western New York state.

Das volle “NEF 35” Kampf-Karte (Änderungen vorbehalten):


155 Aaron Lacey 5-2 (Young-MMA) vs Jon Lemke 7-8 (Titan Athletics)

170 Ryan Sanders 16-9 (Young-MMA) vs Armando Montoya 10-6 (First Class MMA)

185 Crowsneck Boutin 2-3 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Mark Gardner 0-0 (Die Akademie)

155 CJ Ewer 3-1 (Young-MMA) vs Caleb Hall 1-0 (Choi Insistute)

155 Josh Harvey 4-0 (Young-MMA) vs Jay Ellis 15-77 (Team Knockout)

145 zenon Herrera 1-6 (Team SMOG) vs Ernesto Ornelas 3-7 (Choi Institut)


155* Titel Pat Kelly 4-0 (Young-MMA) vs Ed Forlenza 2-2 (Juniko)

170 David Hart 0-3 (Kenneys MMA) vs Christian Barrett 1-0 (First Class MMA)

155 Zac Richard 1-0 (Nostos) vs Clifford Redman 0-5 (Unabhängig)

150 Taylor Bartlett 1-1 (CMBJJ) vs Jacob Deppmeyer 1-1 (First Class MMA)

265 Roger Ewer 1-0 (Young-MMA) vs Jason Hanley 0-0 (Orchard Park Martial Arts)

180 Jordan Norman 0-1 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Brandon Schwinck 0-2 (Unabhängig)

145 Joe Howard 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jordan Young 0-1 (Unabhängig)

155 Jesse Fitzsimmons 0-0 (Nostos) vs AJ Morales 0-0 (Orchard Park Martial Arts)

145 Shawn Costigan 0-0 (Young-MMA) vs David Hills 0-0 (Unabhängig)

135 Nate Boucher 2-3 (CMBJJ) vs Joshua Greenlaw 0-2 (Unabhängig)

160 Andrew Brown 0-0 (Nostos) vs Chris Lachcik 0-0 (Unabhängig)


Combate Americas has announced the opening of La Jaula Studios, a new multi-media studio based in N.Y. “Rootas,” a La Jaula Studios-produced, docu-series chronicling the lives of six Combate Americas fighters, will venture to Thailand with ErikGoyito” Perez (                        , Recht) as the MMA superstar prepares for battle under a new mentor, Muay Thai legend Buakaw Banchamek (                        , links).

New Multi-Platform Content Production Studio
Will Target Today’s Millennials and Generation Z

Stan Jakubowicz, Chief Content Officer, Will Lead La Jaula Studios

NEW YORK - August 21, 2018 – Coming off the successful launch of its new season on Univision, with record ratings beating those of general market English language Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) properties, Combate Americas president Jacqueline Hernandez today announced the opening of La Jaula Studios, a new multi-platform content production studio created to serve the most digitally native, multiracial and multicultural generations that have ever existed—Hispanic Millennials and Generation Z.

The new studio will be led by Stan Jakubowicz, who was recently promoted to Chief Content Officer, and will be based in New York.



“Our mission with La Jaula Studios is to tell the bold, untold and unfiltered stories of the real-life heroism behind Combate’s fighters and their communities,“Sagte Hernandez. “Stan’s proven creative expertise and uncontainable passion for this sport make him a perfect fit to lead La Jaula.”


Jakubowicz is a creative executive with nearly 20 years of experience producing multi-platform content for television, digital and film. He has produced box office hits such as La Mujer de Mi Hermano, and co-produced the critically acclaimed The German Doctor, an Oscar and Golden Globes official submission for Best Foreign Film in 2014.


Jakubowicz also co-produced Visitantes, a horror film featuring Mexican superstar, Kate del Castillo, and served as an associate producer for the film El Inca, a Venezuelan boxing drama that earned him a second official submission in the Foreign Film category for the Academy Awards.

As an Emmy-nominated TV Executive Producer, Jakubowicz has produced for the world’s leading media companies such as Disney, Comcast, Sony, Univision, NBC Universal and Fremantle Media.



La Jaula Studios will produce authentic content in Spanish, English and Portuguese that complements Combate Americas’ programming. Production will take place around the globe, including Latin America, Brasilien, Spanien, Portugal and the U.S.


La Jaula Studios will offer a variety of programming, including lifestyle-documentaries to scripted series, feature films, short-form digital, social and mobile contentand customized, sponsor-branded interstitials that will air during highly-watched Combate Americas’ live Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) television and digital events. This content will offer brands and advertisers a unique opportunity to connect with Combate Americas’ audience.
Upcoming projects include:



  • “Rootas,"(wt)- a docu-series chronicling the lives of six Combate Americas fighters on their journey, told first-hand through their eyes. The first episode will feature Mexican MMA superstar Erik “Goyito” Perez, as he heads to an unfamiliar world – Thailand – to train under legendary Muay Thai champion Buakaw Banchamek, a fighter whose unmatched speed and devastating knockout power in the ring has transformed him into one of the most sought-after commodities in the fight world.


  • “The Real Deal,” a major motion picture and docu-series chronicling the life and career of Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano, the only female fighter and only Puerto Rican fighter in history to win five world boxing championships in five different weight divisions, as she sets her sights on achieving another unprecedented feat – becoming the first fighter in history to win a major MMA world championship while simultaneously retaining a world boxing title.






LOS ANGELES – Bellator returns to Tel Aviv, Israel for the third-consecutive year on Thursday, November. 15 with a featherweight world title clash pitting Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (27-4) gegen Emmanuel Sanchez (17-3) set to anchor Bellator 209 inside Menora Mivtachim Arena. Außerdem, Haim Gozali (8-5) looks to get revenge against Ryan Couture (11-6) in co-main event welterweight action, während Phil Davis (19-4, 1 NC) dauert an Vadim Nemkov (9-2) im Halbschwergewicht. Zusätzlich, a women’s featherweight contest between undefeated Israeli Olga Rubin (4-0) und Veteran Cindy Dandois (12-3) will be featured on the card.




Tickets are on sale now and are available at Eventim.co, sowie Bellator.com. The event will air Friday, November. 16 bei 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT on Paramount Network and can also be streamed on DAZN.




Bellator has partnered with Ananey Communications, an Israeli television conglomerate boasting 14 channels, including the EGO and EGO TOTAL channels, which have broadcast Bellator in Israel since 2012.




Ich komme aus Natal, Brasilien, two-time featherweight champ Patricio “Pitbull” will enter the Bellator cage for a promotional record 20th time on Nov. 15. Mit 15 wins under the Bellator umbrella, “Pitbull” will be making his second title defense since reclaiming the world title at Bellator 178 gegen Daniel Straus letztes jahr. Zuletzt, “Pitbull” defeated Daniel Weichel, edging out his opponent via split decision at Bellator 203 in Rome. Ein Ziel erreicht in 20 seines 27 gewinnt als Profi, the reigning champion has become synonymous with excitement and fans can certainly expect more fireworks when he enters the cage onNov. 15.




Sanchez has officially emerged from prospect to title contender when he challenges for the featherweight title in Tel Aviv. Unlike his opponent, Sanchez will find himself in unfamiliar territory on Nov. 15, as the 28-year-old Milwaukee, Wis.-fighter will make his first professional appearance outside of the United States. “El Matador” will be seeking his 10th promotional win and his fifth consecutive victory, a streak that began in January of last year. With his last defeat coming over two years ago and with recent victories over former Bellator champions Daniel Straus and Marcos Galvao, als auch Sam Sicilia, there may not be another athlete on Bellator’s roster more deserving of a title fight than the Roufusport Academy-product.




A member of Team Renzo Gracie, Gozali returns to the Bellator cage for the fifth time in his 20-year career. The Israeli fighter will once again fight Ryan Couture on Nov. 15, following a three-round thriller at Bellator 180 letzten Sommer. Fighting out of Bat Yam, Israel, “Batman” favors events on home turf, notching two opening round submission wins in each of his las two bouts inside Menora Mivtachim Arena. Jetzt, with seven of his eight career victories coming by way of submission, the former Israeli army soldier hopes to keep his rematch with Couture out of the judges’ hands.




Couture looks to duplicate the success he had in his first matchup with Gozali, when he picked up a unanimous decision win inside Madison Square Garden last June. A veteran of UFC and STRIKEFORCE, Couture has appeared six times in the Bellator cage and will make the jump back up to welterweight in hopes of collecting the 12th win of his career. A member of Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, the Seattle native will look to play the role of spoiler to Gozali when the two rematch in Tel Aviv.




Ich komme aus Harrisburg, Penn. Davis has earned impressive victories over elite competition during his illustrious 10-year career, including wins over the likes of Lyoto Machida, "King Mo" Lawal, Liam McGeary und zuletzt Linton Vassellbei Bellator 200 früher in diesem Jahr. Kampf aus San Diego, Calif. the former four-time NCAA Division-1 All-American wrestler out of Penn State University holds a near flawless mark of 6-1 in Bellator. "Herr. Wonderful” trains alongside current Bellator bantamweight champ Darrion Caldwell, Dominick Cruz and A.J. Matthews amongst others at Alliance MMA.




Kampf aus Stary Oskol, Russland, 26-year-old knockout artist Vadim Nemkov will make his third appearance with Bellator when he meets Davis. A protege of Bellator heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko, Nemkov will be looking to build on his pair of knockout wins, which includes a win over former light heavyweight champion Liam McGeary bei Bellator 194. With eight of his nine career victories coming by way of first round stoppage, the former Sambo world champion does not waste much time inside the cage. His ability for finishing fights will be tested when he meets Davis, an athlete who has yet to be finished in his career.




Israeli women’s featherweight Olga Rubin steps back inside the Bellator cage for the third time to put her undefeated streak on the line in her home country. With her previous promotional victories at Bellator 164 und Bellator 188 coming via TKO, “Big Bad” has developed a reputation as one of the more dangerous prospects in the division. She is now set to take on UFC and Invicta FC veteran Cindy Dandois, who owns career wins over Marloes Coenen, Jorina Baars and Megan Anderson. Training out of Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, “Battlecat” is currently riding a four-fight win streak, which includes a victorious appearance in RIZIN.


Aktualisiert Bellator 209: ‘Pitbull’ vs. Sanchez fight Card:

Federgewicht World Title Bout: Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (27-4) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (17-3)

Weltergewicht Co-Main Event: Haim Gozali (8-5) vs. Ryan Couture (11-6)

Leichtes Schwergewichts-Feature-Event: Phil Davis (19-4, 1 NC) vs. Vadim Nemkov (9-2)

kehrt frisch von ihrem Sieg in der 3Arena im November gegen Audrey Kerouche zurück: Olga Rubin (4-0) vs. Cindy Dandois (12-3)




Bangor, Maine (August 20, 2018) - New England Fights (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” September 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional middleweight bout to the card. Crowsneck Boutin (2-3) will return to the cage to take on Kennzeichen “PocketsGardner (0-0) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 185 Pfund-.




It will have been two years almost to the day since Boutin last competed in the NEF cage. That September night in 2016 he was defeated by Jesse Erickson (9-7) bei “NEF 25.” Seit dieser Zeit, Boutin has become an instructor with a new team, Bad Little Falls Dojo, based in Machias, Maine and has concentrated on raising his young daughter. He will look to recapture the glory of his 2014 season when he went 3-0, including two first-round knockouts, in the NEF cage and was voted “Fighter of the Year” by fans.




“I am blessed with this opportunity to go to war inside the NEF cage,” sagte Boutin. “Past two years, I’ve been fighting for my sweet princess, Iola Soule. I possess new light, and I’d whoop the old me’s ass. I am still aboard this ride. I am a revenant.”




Mark Gardner has had a stellar first year with NEF. Letzter November, he debuted with a second-round technical knockout of Carlton Charles (2-2) bei “NEF 31.” He would follow up that success with a pair of first-round finishes this year, including a submission victory by arm bar earlier this summer atNEF 34.” Insgesamt, he finished his amateur career a perfect 3-0. Gardner is a product of the Academy of Mixed Martial Arts based in Portland, Maine.




“I can’t wait to fight Crowsneck in September,” said Gardner. “To be able to make my pro debut so soon after three good fights is pretty rad. I’ve been training hard for this and I can’t wait to see it pay off in there.”




NEF nächste Mixed-Martial-Arts-Veranstaltung, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Samstag, September 8, 2018 mit einer Glockenzeit von 7 pm. Tickets sind ab sofort bei www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.






Complete Photos // Kredit: Bellator / Lucas Noonan


Komplett Bellator 204 Hauptkarte:


Federgewicht Main Event: Darrion Caldwell (13-1) def. Noad Lahat (12-4) via TKO (Stanzen) bei 2:46 der zweiten Runde

*Caldwell’s bantamweight title was not on the line


Weltergewicht Co-Main Event: Logan Storley (9-0) def. A.J. Matthews (9-8) via TKO (Stanzen) bei 3:56 der zweiten Runde



Bantamgewicht Hauptkarte Bout: Ricky Tabletts (11-1) def. James Gallagher (7-1) via KO (Streiks) bei 2:49 der ersten Runde



Featherweight Hauptkarte Bout: Tywan Claxton (3-0) def. Cris Lencioni (3-2) über einstimmigen Beschluss (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Vorläufige Karte:


Leichter vorläufiger Kampf: Omar Morales (7-0) def. Troy Nawrocki (3-1) via KO (Streiks) bei 0:58 der ersten Runde



Leichter vorläufiger Kampf: Demarques Jackson (9-2) def. Bryce Logan (9-3) via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 30-27)



Weltergewicht Vorrunde: Jason Jackson (8-3) def. Jordon Larson (9-5) via TKO (Stanzen) bei 3:52 der ersten Runde



Weltergewicht Vorrunde: David Michaud (13-4) def. Corey Davis (3-1) via KO (Stanzen) bei 1:42 der ersten Runde



Mittelgewichtler Preliminary Bout: Romero Baumwolle (3-0) def. Willie Whitehead (2-3) via TKO (Streiks) bei 4:12 der ersten Runde



Weltergewicht Vorrunde: Tyler Ray (3-1) def. Seth Bass (4-3) via KO (Streiks) bei 3:30 Rund 1



Leichter vorläufiger Kampf: Keith Phathaem (1-1) vs. Micah Peatrowsky (2-1) über einstimmigen Beschluss (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)



Vorgewicht im Fliegengewicht: Lloyd McKinney (8-5) def. Robiel Tesfaldet (2-2) über die Vorlage (arm triangle choke) bei 4:17 der dritten Runde



Mittelgewichtler Preliminary Bout: Jeff Nielsen (2-0) def. Wyatt Meyer (1-1) via TKO (Stanzen) bei 2:53 der ersten Runde


Six Promotional Partners On-Board
Supporting MMA Pro League
Jab Apparel Set to Provide Uniforms Ahead of
Inaugural Event Samstag, September 15 bei
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (August 16, 2018) – The newest entity in MMA and professional team sports, MMA Pro League, has struck an apparel partnership with Jab Apparel, as well as six promotional partners, ahead of their inaugural fight card on Saturday, September 15

im Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City and streaming live on FloCombat.com.




In addition to Jab Apparel, the companies providing their promotional support for MMA Pro League are Everlast, the preeminent boxing brand since 1910, Select, a U.S.-based premium benefits card company, Everipedia, the world’s largest English encyclopedia by content, Captiv8, a full-service promotional product and marketing agency, die Village Pourhouse a New York City sports bar and cigar company Q Cigar. All promotional partners will also be distributing MMA Pro League video and photo content across their websites and social media platforms.




We are very encouraged by the breadth of promotional support being provided by this great group of companies who believe in MMA Pro League and our team concept,” said MMA Pro League CEO Hani Darwish. “We are very excited that they are with us at the launch of a new era in MMA.




I’d like to thank all of our promotional partners, as well as FloSports and the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, for their support of MMA Pro League,” said MMAPL president Mark Taffet. “Their efforts not only enhance our brand but also extend the reach of MMA Pro League to fans across many demographic groups.




Amongst the many ways that these companies will be engaging fans heading intoSeptember 15 include various discounts and special offers for purchasing tickets through their vendors. Ticket buyers using their Select card will be given significant discounts, while purchasing tickets at a Q Cigar location will net fans free Robusto and Churchill cigars. Fans who buy tickets at Village Pourhouse will receive a free drink with their purchase and be rewarded with a discount meal after the fight.




The Everipedia database will house the biographies of each MMA Pro League fighter and be accessible from the league’s website. Everipedia will also present the “Geschichte vom Band” for each fight and service other statistical information.




Jab Apparel, a UK-based company that launched in March, will provide training apparel and fight night uniforms for MMA Pro League teams and employees. Everlast will be the official glove provider of MMA Pro League, while Captiv8 will deliver MMA Pro League promotional items.




These partnerships are on top of the previously announced deals with the beautiful new Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, which will host a series of MMA Pro League matches, and FloSports, who will exclusively stream all MMA Pro League team fight action live on their worldwide combat sports site, FloCombat.com.




Tickets for the inaugural installment ofMMA Pro League At The Hard RockonSaturday, September 15, featuring Team New Jersey vs. Team Pennsylvania, are available at Ticketmaster.com.


# # #




To access live and on-demand coverage of all MMA Pro League action, visit FloCombat.com and become a monthly or annual PRO subscriber. Either subscription unlocks access to premium content across the entire FloSports network. Watch the games on all screens by downloading the FloSports app on iOS, Jahr, or Apple TV 4.




Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.MMAProLeague.com, follow the conversation on Twitter @MMAPro_League, @DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @Hani_Darwish1 and @MarkTaffetMedia, on Instagram at Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 and Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.


Gewinner der Einrunde, Federgewichtskämpfe werden darstellen
die US-. und Mexiko in der $100,000 Hauptpreisturnier

U.S.. Qualifikationskampf: Erick Gonzalez vs.. Andres Quintana
Mexiko Qualifikationskampf: Sabori Pablo vs. Alejandro Flores

Tickets für „Combate Americas: Camino a Copa Combate “jetzt im Verkauf

NEW YORK - August 16, 2018 - Combate Americas hat heute ein Live-Netzwerk von Univision Deportes angekündigt (UDN) im Fernsehen übertragen (12 a.m. UND/9 pm. PT) einer Veranstaltung, die von den führenden Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts geleitet wird (MMA) Die ersten Qualifikationskämpfe des Sport-Franchise-Anbieters „COPA COMBATE“ in Long Beach, Calif. Auf Freitag, Sieben. 28.


Der „Combate Americas: Road to Copa Combate “, die live von der Walter Pyramid in Long Beach ausgestrahlt wird, wird ein Paar von einem kennzeichnen, fünf Minuten rundes Federgewicht (145 Pfund) Kämpfe, Die Gewinner vertreten ihre jeweiligen Länder - die USA. und Mexiko - im „COPA COMBATE," eine Nacht, Acht-Mann-, $100,000 Turnier, Datum und Ort werden in Kürze bekannt gegeben.



Von preislich $30, Tickets für „Combate Americas: Camino A Copa Combate “sind bei The Walter Pyramid erhältlich

Online-Ticketing-Plattform, auch bei Ticketon.com.


„Diese Qualifikationskämpfe in einer Runde sind ein Symbol dafür, was Combate Americas darstellt – „Viel mehr Action,"Oder" Viel mehr Action,“, Sagte Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren. „Schnellere Kämpfe in kürzerer Zeit schaffen die elektrisierendste Plattform im Sport und, mit der Möglichkeit, Ihr Land im COPA COMBATE zu vertreten," $100,000 Hauptpreisturnier auf der Linie, Die Intensität wird auf einem völlig neuen Höchststand sein. “



In einem der beiden "Camino a Copa Combate" gegeneinander antreten, Fünf-Minuten-Runde, Federgewichtskämpfe mit dem Recht, die USA zu vertreten. im High-Stakes-Turnier, wird sein Erick "The Ghost Pepper" Gonzalez (8-2) und Andres „The Bullet“ Quintana (14-2).



In der zweiten Runde "Camino a Copa", Fünf-Minuten-Kampf, Paul "The Black Rooster" Sabori (8-4) wird mit zusammenstoßen Alejandro "El Gallito" Flores (12-1). Der Gewinner des Matchups wird Mexiko beim "COPA COMBATE" -Turnier vertreten.




Die 5-Fuß-10, 26-Der jährige Gonzalez aus Redondo Beach, Calif. wird vom Leichtgewicht fallen (155 Pfund) zum ersten Mal seit seinem Beitritt zu Combate Americas im Federgewicht, in dem Bemühen, sich für das begehrte zu qualifizieren, One-Night-Turnier.



Ein unerbittlicher Kämpfer, der in der Lage ist, Gegner in jedem Kampfbereich zu erledigen, Gonzalez hat sechs seiner acht professionellen Karrieresiege über verdient (T)KO oder Duldung, einschließlich seines letzten Kampfes, in dem er einen früheren rächte, einstimmige Entscheidungsniederlage durch Danny "The Realist" Ramirez durch Scoring einer Highlight-Rolle, erste Runde (3:15) schlagen (Stanzen) auf Ramirez bei "Combate Estrellas" in Los Angeles auf April 13.



Quintana, ein 6-Fuß, 27-Einjähriger Wegbereiter, der aus Roswell stammt, N. M., war bisher perfekt in La Jaula, die Combate Americas Käfig, Er gewann alle vier seiner Matchups unter dem Banner der Werbung, seit er letztes Jahr sein Debüt gab.



Zu Quintanas Eroberungen in Combate Americas gehört ein Juni 30, 2017 einstimmiger Entscheidungssieg gegen den letztjährigen Turniersieger „COPA COMBATE“ Levy Marroquin, in einem Kampf, der in der Besteuerung stattfand, Höhenlage von Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko.




Die 5-Fuß-8, 26-Einjähriger Sabori aus San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora ist eine gefürchtete, verheerender Finisher, der sich eines rühmt 100 Prozent Zielrate, mit allen 8 von seiner beruflichen Karriere gewinnt bis heute durch Knockout oder Submission, 5 von ihnen in der ersten Aktionsrunde.



Bei seinem letzten Start im Juli 29, 2017 in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexiko, Sabori bahnte sich seinen Weg in eine dritte Runde (3:03) DIE (Stanzen) von Andrew Sign.



Flores ist ein 5-Fuß-10, 27-jahre alt, schnell aufsteigender Stern aus Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, der zurückkehren wird 145 Pfund nach einem phänomenalen Lauf im Bantamgewicht (135 Pfund) Klasse.



Flores fährt eine Siegesserie mit vier Kämpfen, nachdem er das Team Grasso besiegt hat Victor Madrigal beim Live-Debüt von Combate Americas in Monterrey amApril 20. Der Sieg war Flores 'zweiter Sieg in Folge in La Jaula, seit dem besiegen Walter Zamora durch getrennte Entscheidung im März 30, 2017.



Ein zusätzliches Matchup für das Live-Fernsehen, Der Hauptkartenteil des Combate Americas-Weltmeisterschaftsereignisses wird in Kürze bekannt gegeben, wie wird ein kompletter, vorläufige Kampfkarte.



Die Türen der Walter-Pyramide öffnen sich um 6 p.m. PT auf September 28, und die ersten vorläufigen Kampf wird am Anfang 7 p.m.


Fight Talk Unlimited DOUBLE Episode

Heute Abend, Tom, Tony und Rich haben die letzten zwei Aktionswochen im Kampfsport zusammengefasst. Hören Sie sich die gesamte Sendung an, um alle wichtigen Nachrichten und Ereignisse zu erfahren, die Sie verpasst haben, und was an diesem Wochenende auf Sie zukommt, zu.