Tag Archives: Mišrių Kovos menai




Brentas Primusas apgynė lengvo svorio titulą prieš Michaelą Chandlerį ilgai lauktose pagrindinio turnyro atsakomosiose rungtynėse ir prasidės Honolulu „Doubleheader“


ANGELIAI - Pagerbti drąsius JAV vyrus ir moteris. Ginkluotosios pajėgos, Bellator MMA bendradarbiauja su USO, kad pristatytų specialų tiesioginį renginį, nemokamą kariams, kartu su savo draugais ir šeimomis, gruodžio 14.



„Dirbdami su kariuomenės kovinių veiksmų programa, įvertinę ir atnaujinę jų kovinį pasirengimą, Aš seniai gerbiu kariuomenę ir jų drąsą,“, - sakė Royce'as Gracie, MMA legenda ir „Bellator“ ambasadorius. „Kai sužinojau, kad rengiame renginį Havajuose, žinant ten daug kariškių, Žinojau, kad per MMA turime parodyti savo palaikymą ir dėkingumą.




„Bellator“ prezidentas Scottas Cokeris didžiuojasi šiais naujais santykiais su USO ir nori parodyti savo paramą drąsiems tarnybos vyrams ir moterims..




„USO yra istorinė karinės paramos organizacija – ne tik pramogaujant, bet ir siejant juos su tais dalykais, kuriuos jie myli ir už ką kovoja,Sakė Coker. „Bellator buvo visiškai logiška užmegzti ryšius su USO ir suteikti unikalią galimybę Havajų kariškiams. Vertiname jų tarnystę tautai, ir tikimės, kad tai tik pirmoji iš daugelio galimybių dirbti kartu.




Sklindantis iš Nealo S. „Blaisdell“ arenoje Honolulu, šį unikalų šou pradės titulinė kova su dabartiniu lengvo svorio čempionu Brettas Primusas (8-0) prieš du kartus buvusį titulinį sąrašą Michael Chandler (18-4), o sunkiasvorių piktograma Frankas Pasaulis (18-12) atitinka Javy Ayala (10-7) sunkiasvorių kovoje.

„Bellator“ ir „USO Present“.: Pasveikinkite karius „Paramount Network“ bus rodomas penktadienį, Gruodis 14 į 10 p.m. IR / 9 val. CT ir bus vienu metu transliuojamas per CMT. Renginys taip pat bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas per DAZN, o preliminarios kovos bus transliuojamos Bellator.com ir visame pasaulyje „Bellator“ mobilioji programa. Papildomos seansų bus paskelbta artimiausiomis savaitėmis.




Vyraujantis čempionas Brentas Primusas padidino savo titulą ir nepralaimėjimų seriją labai laukiamoje revanšinėje kovoje dėl „Bellator“ lengvo svorio titulo.. Praėjusiais metais nuliūdinęs Chandlerį, Eugenijus, Ore.-vietinis nuo tada kovojo su sužalojimais, dėl kurių jis grįžo į narvą. Dabar, jis nori nutildyti kritikus ir įrodyti, kad yra teisėtas ir nusipelnęs 155 svarų čempionas. Vienas iš labiausiai dekoruotų kovotojų „Bellator“ istorijoje, Michaelas Chandleris planuoja susigrąžinti čempiono titulą ir tris kartus tapti čempionu. „Geležis“ įveikė „kas yra kas“ tarp divizijos elito, įskirtinai Bensonas

Hendersonas, Patricky Pitbull (x2), Yamauchi iki ir Edis Alvarezas. Buvęs Misūrio universiteto imtynininkas, kuris dabar vadina Nešvilį namais, užsitarnavo kelią atgal į Nr. 1-varžovo statusą, kurio tikslas – išvykti iš Havajų su diržu.




Buvęs UFC sunkiasvorių čempionas Frankas Miras grįžta į „Bellator“ narvą po įdomios kovos pirmyn ir atgal su Fiodoras Emelianenko praėjusį pavasarį. Su karjeros laimėjimais Roy Nelson, Antonio „Big Nog“ Nogueira (x2), Brockas Lesnaras ir Mirko Cro Cop, brazilų džiu-džitsu juodasis diržas laukia dar vienos įspūdingos pergalės, kuri papildys savo įspūdingą karjerą. Po to, kai sukrėtė pasaulį, kai jis padarė KO Sergejus Kharitonov, Javy Ayala per naktį tapo sensacija MMA gerbėjams. Gerbėjams žinomas kaip „Eye Candy,“, sunkiasvoris taip pat įspūdingai įveikė Ericą Prindle'ą ir Raphaelį Butlerį. Kovoja iš Portervilio, Kalifornijoje., Ayala grįžta tikėdamasi dar kartą šokiruoti pasaulį ir nugalėti vieną didžiausių sunkiasvorių MMA istorijoje.




Ši nepamirštama naktis bus dalis istorinio savaitgalio, kurio kulminacija bus anksčiau paskelbta Bellator Havajai šeštadienį, Gruodis 15, transliuojamas tik per DAZN. Šioje labai lauktoje kovos kortoje yra „Bellator“ moterų lengvasvorio čempionė Ilima-Lei Macfarlane gindama savo titulą prieš Valji yrajuoktis Letourneau, Lyoto Machida debiutavo „Bellator“ prieš buvusį čempioną Rafael Carvalho, Neiman Gracie atsižvelgiant į Ir Rūta „Bellator“ pusvidutinio svorio pasaulio didžiojo prizo atidarymo turo rungtynėse ir dar daugiau.



Bellator ir USO taip pat bendradarbiaus savaitę specialiuose renginiuose Havajuose iki didžiojo įdomių kovų savaitgalio gruodžio mėn. 14 ir 15. Daugiau informacijos – netrukus.


Atnaujinta „Bellator“ ir „USO Present“.: Pasveikinkite karius Kovos kortelė:

Lengvo svorio pasaulio titulo pagrindinis turnyras: "Brent" Primus (8-0) vs. Michael Chandler (18-4)

Sunkiasvorės pagrindinės kortos: Frankas Pasaulis (18-12) vs. Javy Ayala (10-7)


*Kortelė gali keistis




Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com ir USO.org Daugiau informacijos.


Portlandas, Meino (Spalis 11, 2018) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs paskutinį mišrių kovos menų renginį 2018, “NEF 36: Mūšis dėl aukso,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 17 „Aura“ mieste Portlande, Meino. Anksčiau šiandien, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight championship bout to the card. “The” Ryanas Sandersas (17-9) is scheduled to defend the NEF Professional Lightweight Title against Jacob “Jaguaras” Bohn (7-5).

It is only fitting that the lightweight championship will be defended at the top of the card titledBattle for the Gold.The NEF 155-pound strap is the most-coveted in all of New England. It has been known as the jumping off point for many athletes from the regional scene onto the national level of the sport. Current UFC competitor Devin Powell (9-3) held the title just prior to signing with the world’s biggest MMA promotion. Desmond “Predator” Žalia (21-8), also currently on the UFC roster, signed with Bellator just days after winning the NEF lightweight belt in 2013. And Bruce “Gana Vaikinas” Boyington (16-11), another of the NEF 155-pound titleholders, went on to compete nationally for the World Series of Fighting.

Despite holding such a prestigious regional championship, the fight opportunities at lightweight for Ryan Sanders have been few and far between. To say it has been frustrating for him and his coaches at Young’s MMA would be a major understatement. Sanders has called out virtually every top 155-pound competitor in the New England region, but none have been brave enough to step in the cage with him. Even the casual observer cannot really blame them. Sanders literally tore current Glory Kickboxing signee Vince McGuiness’ (5-8) arm out of its socket earlier this year at “NEF 34” and then followed-up that performance with a dominant submission win over Mando Montoya (10-7) į “NEF 35” praėjusį mėnesį.

I was sitting around, eating my feelings because I was convinced that there was no one that would fight me,” said Sanders. “Bet (NEF owners) Nikas (DiSalvo) and Matt (Petersonas) went out of New England where I assume there are less cowards and found a quality opponent in Jacob. I look forward to methodically breaking Jacob, showing my ever improving skill set and defending my lightweight belt. I have the mindset and work ethic to be the greatest fighter that has ever come out of Maine and on November 17, I will show why I am ready for the next level.

Jacob Bohn, based out of Waterville, Niujorkas, is coming off two big wins in lightweight bouts earlier this year. He defeated longtime veteran Kenny Foster (12-13) via split decision on a card in Long Island, Niujorkas. Bohn went on to submit Lewis Corapi (8-4) in the first round of a bout in Rhode Island this past summer.

I’m excited to visit Maine and can’t wait to make my NEF debut against Ryan Sanders for the lightweight belt,” stated Bohn when reached for comment. “I only take fights that I think will take me to the next level, and Sanders looks like a game opponent. Get ready for a show New England, I’m coming for that strap!”

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 36: Mūšis dėl aukso,” pamatys, kaip bendrovė grįš į „Aura“ Portlande, Meino. Planuojama, kad renginys vyks šeštadienį, Lapkritis 17, 2018 su varpo laiku 7 pm. Bilietai parduodami dabar www.AuraMaine.com.

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.

Growing Russia vs. Brazil MMA rivalry continues

Meno Frolovas – Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva
M-1 Challenge middleweight championship
Lapkritis. 2 ne M-1 Challenge 98 Čeliabinske, Rusija











SANKT PETERBURGAS, Rusija (Spalis 9, 2018) – The growing mixed-martial-arts rivalry between Russian and Brazilian fighters continues November 2, when undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Meno Frolovas throws-down with leading challenger Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva, į M-1 Iššūkis 98 main event at Chelyabinsk, Rusija.


M-1 Iššūkis 98 Talekhas Nadzhafzade www.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali stebėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes. M-1 Iššūkis 97 will also be isavailable on Talekhas Nadzhafzade (Talekhas Nadzhafzade, $7.99 Talekhas Nadzhafzade).




Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva (11-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0), kovoti iš Rusijos, signed a UFC contract and he was scheduled to fight last month at UFC Moscow. He withdrew due to injury and now will make his second M-1 Challenge middleweight title defense against Silva.




Silva (18-6-0, M-1: 1-0-0) became to top contender by knocking out Russian MMA star Aleksandras Shlemenko (56-11-1, M-1: 6-1-0) Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva M-1 Iššūkis 93 praėjusį birželis. The heavy-handed Brazilian fighter has stopped 15 nuo jo 18 defeated opponents to date.




Bruno Silva is a worthy title challenger, who made a big statement earlier this year,” Frolov said. “Deja, I could not debut in the UFC because of an aggravated old injury, but now everything is fine, and the injury is healed. I’ve been preparing routinely, paying attention to all aspects of the fight and concentrating on my cardio ahead of a five-round bout.




I don’t consider this fight as revenge for Alexander Shlemenko, I just want to fight under the Russian flag and prove that Russia is a top-country in the MMA world. Victory in this fight can become a launching pad for the winner, but you don’t win fights with words. We are going to fight and on November 2nd we’ll see everything in The Rage at M-1 Challenge 98 Čeliabinske!”




I am very happy that my third fight in Russia will be in Chelyabinsk again,” Silva countered. “This is a special city for me, twice I won there via knockout and on November 2nd I’m going to knock my opponent out again. It’s not easy to compete in Russia. Long flights, jet lag and cold climate make everything more difficult, but this is the part of the game. I love Russia because this country has changed my life.




Artem Frolov is a strong fighter and great champion. I’m not used to watching my opponentsprevious fights much, but from the videos I have seen, I can say that he has good cardio and wrestling skills. I am ready to become the world champion, which was always a dream of mine and soon this dream can come true. I respect Frolov, but he has something what I need. I hope he is ready for a war because I’m going to take this belt from him. I am a fighter who is always looking for a knockout. Fifteen times I knocked my opponents out and at M-1 Challenge 98 I’m ready to brawl with Artem as much as it takes to become the champion.




Papildomos kovoja netrukus bus paskelbta. Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.










"Twitter" & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global






Būsimi „M-1 Challenge“ renginiai:

Lapkritis. 2 – M-1 Iššūkis 98: Ką manote apie būsimą kovą su Sergejumi Kunčenko?. Ką manote apie būsimą kovą su Sergejumi Kunčenko?, Rusija






NEW YORK – October 9, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced that the scheduled flyweight (125 svarų) showdown between six-division world boxing champion Amanda "Real Deal" Serrano (0-0-1), and former Mexican national kickboxing champion Erendira “Aketzaly” Ordoñez (2-1), has been elevated to main event status for the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) extravaganza at the AVA Amphitheater at Casino Del Sol in Tucson, Ariz., USA on Saturday, Spalis. 13.


The previously announced bantamweight (135 svarų) Pagrindinis įvykis tarp Erikas „El Goyito“ Perezas Monterrey, Naujas liūtas, Meksika ir Jonas „Sexi Mexi“ Castaneda iš Mankato, Nuo., JAV, has been postponed due to a staph infection suffered by Castaneda.



The stacked, nine-bout Combate Americas event streams live in its entirety in English in the U.S. and Canada on DAZN (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT), and the three-bout main card airs live on television in Spanish on both Univision (12 tarifu. ET / PT) ir „Univision Deportes“ tinklas (UDN) (12 tarifu. IR / 9 val. PT).



A previously announced, featured bantamweight contest between seasoned star Anthony “El Toro” Birchakas (12-6) of Tucson and rising star Adamas „Amerikos patyčias“ Martinezas (5-1) Kolorado Springsas, Colo., USA will serve as the new co-main event.



Also announced today was a featured welterweight (170 svarų) matchup between hard-hitting Fernando Gonzalez Trevino (3-1) of San Jose, Kalifornijoje., USA via Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico and battle-tested David Michaud(13-4) Phoenix, Ariz., USA via Sioux Falls, S.D., JAV, as well as a lightweight (155 svarų) preliminary bout card matchup between professional debut opponents Levi Escobar (0-0) of Tucson and Andrew Valentin (0-0) Tampa, Fla., JAV.



Born in Carolina, Puerto Rico and fighting out of Brooklyn, N.Y.. the 29-year-old Serrano will make her second-career MMA star on the heels of her latest feat in the boxing ring – capturing the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Junior Welterweight Championship with a unanimous decision win over Yamila Esther Reynoso of Argentina on September 8.



In doing so, Serrano joined Manny Pacquiao ir Oskaras De La Hoya as the only boxers in history to capture six world titles in six different weight classes.



The 22-year-old Ordoñez of Mexico City is a three-time San Shou-style kickboxing gold medalist, who holds a professional kickboxing record of 2-2, in addition to her MMA experience.



Kaina nuo $15, bilietai į „Kovok su Amerika: Meksika vs.. JAV,“Yra parduodami internete adresu CombateAmericas.com/Tickets.



„Casino Del Sol“ AVA amfiteatro durys atidaromos 6 p.m. PT on October 13, with the first preliminary bout will beginning at 7 p.m.





„Flyweight“ pagrindinis turnyras:
Amanda Serrano vs. Erendira Ordoñez

Pagrindinis „Bantamweight“ turnyras:
Anthony Birchak vs. Adamas Martinezas

Featured Welterweight Bout:
Fernando Gonzalez Trevino vs. David Michaud

Preliminary Bout Card:
Gaidys: Juan Pablo Gonzalez vs. Mario Bautista
Gaidys: Arturo Guzman vs. Kasey Tanner
Nereikšmingas daiktas: Andy Perez vs. Paris Stanford
Lengvas: Levi Escobar vs. Joshua Valentin
Catchweight (130 svarų): Joe Madrid vs. Joao Camilo
Nereikšmingas daiktas: Ivan Tena vs. Alim Muhammed


Portlandas, Meino (Spalis 4, 2018) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs paskutinį mišrių kovos menų renginį 2018, “NEF 36: Mūšis dėl aukso,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 17 „Aura“ mieste Portlande, Meino. Anksčiau šiandien, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Mattas “The PugilistProbin (2-0) imsis LionelBoogz” Jaunas (7-15) ne kova svorio 145 svarų.

Despite several previous attempts that fell out due to injury, Blackpool, England-native and current Maine resident Matt Probin has yet to compete on an NEF card. Probin has fought all over the world in numerous combat sports disciplines, including competing in Muay Thai in Thailand and boxing in Boston, Masačusetsas. In recent months, he has scored back-to-back first-round knockout wins in Vermont MMA bouts. Probin currently trains with Recon Fitness in Westbrook, Meino.

It’s about bloody time,” exclaimed Probin when reached for comment. “It’s been a long journey with many hurdles to get me on an NEF card. But it’s here, it’s happening, and I’m pumped about it to finally be fighting in my own back yard. I’m glad family, draugai, fans and sponsors will finally be able to watch me fight live, and this is going to be a great fight and match up. I’m fighting a crafty vet who has fought the top talent in New England. And this will be no different. I respect his game, but it’s my time. I feel unstoppable at the moment with Team Recon behind me. I’m coming prepared. Do not miss it!”

Lionel Young is a longtime veteran of the New England cage wars. He has just entered his tenth year as an MMA competitor. And while Young’s record might look like that of a journeyman, he has faced some of the top talent the region has to offer, including the likes of current 11th-ranked UFC bantamweight Rob Font (15-4). Like Probin, Young has spent his fair share of time as a professional in the boxing ringa veteran of seven bouts. Hailing from the fighting city of Brockton, Masačusetsas – home of legendary boxing world champions Rocky Marciano and Marvin HaglerYoung currently trains with Redline Fight Sports in Cambridge, Masačusetsas.

I’m happy to get this chance to showcase my talent,” sakė Young. “I have angels watching over me, so I have to give them an out-of-this-world show. I tribute this to my uncle and brother that recently passed. I go to war for them and my family and my fight family.

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 36: Mūšis dėl aukso,” pamatys, kaip bendrovė grįš į „Aura“ Portlande, Meino. Planuojama, kad renginys vyks šeštadienį, Lapkritis 17, 2018 su varpo laiku 7 pm. Bilietai parduodami dabar www.AuraMaine.com.


Lightweight main event:
Mexican KO artist Marco “La Roca” Elpidio
Spanish MMA pioneer Enrique “Wasabi” Marin
Bilietai į „Combate Americas: La Batalla de Guadalajara” on sale


NEW YORK – October 3, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced its debut in Guadalajara, Jasico, Mexico with a star-studded Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event headlined by a lightweight (155 svarų) showdown between knockout artist Marco “La Roca” Elipido (7-3-1) ir Enrique “Wasabi” Marin (11-5), live in Spanish on Univision Deportes Network (UDN) (12 tarifu. IR / 9 val. PT) and in English on DAZN (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) penktadienį, Spalis 26.

Also announced today for the “Combate Americas: La Batalla de Guadalajara” event, which will take place at Complejo Nissan de Gimnasia, was a featured, Gaidys (135 svarų) matchup between rising stars Victor Hugo “El Periquito” Madrigal (6-2) of Guadalajara and Christian “El Taylon” Quinonez(12-2) of Zacatecas, Meksika, and a flyweight (125 svarų) scrap between unbeaten phenom Edgar Chairez (4-0) Mexicali, Baja California, Meksika ir Axel Osuna (3-1) Gvadalacharos.

Kaina nuo 220.00$ MXN, bilietai į „Kovok su Amerika: La Batalla de Guadalajara,"Yra parduodama Superboletos.com.


“It’s war. Like no other fight in history, this lightweight fight between La Roca and Wasabi comes down to who will rule Guadalajara,Sakė Combate Amerika Vadovas Campbell "McLaren".


Elpidio, a 5-foot-8, 25-year-old powerhouse from Mexico City, Meksika, enters La Jaula, Combate Amerikos narvas, for the fifth time in his career, and will look to return to the win column after suffering a unanimous decision defeat at the hands of recent “COPA COMBATE” tournament qualifier Andres “The Bullet” Quintana in a featherweight contest in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico on May 18.




The 32-year-old Marin of Seville, Andalusia, Spain was a runner-up on season two of Galutinis kovotojas: Lotynų Amerika competition reality television series. He will make his much-anticipated debut in La Jaula.


Iki šiol, Marin has earned 8 nuo jo 11 profesinė karjera laimi būdu (T)KO arba pateikimas, including a second round (5:00) PSO (Doctor Stoppage), in his last start, apie Yuki Yamasaki in Las Palmas, Spain on March 17.


In other action at “Combate Americas: La Batalla de Guadalajara," Alejandro “Pato” Martinez (15-2) Puerto Valjarta, Jalisco, Meksika imsis Jordan Beltran (9-4) of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico in a 150-pound catchweight contest.


In women’s atomweight (105 svarų) veiksmas, resilient battler Brenda Enriquez(1-2) of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA via Chihuahua, Čihuahua, Mexico will duke it out with Alitzel Mariscal (0-0) Gvadalacharos.


A lightweight affair will pit Leo “Lion” Rodriguez (11-2-1) of Mexico City against Ramon “Monchi” Lopez (5-2) of Hermosillo, Sonora, Meksika.

Alejandro “Goliath” Solorzano (3-2) of Guadalajara will do battle with Mike “Tosko” Villareal (1-1) Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico in a heavyweight (max 265 svarų) throwdown.

Luis “El Dragon” Ceron (5-3) of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico will lock horns with Jose Alberto “Hoodler” Martinez (4-2) of Guadalajara at featherweight (145 svarų).


Nepramintas Guillermo Torres (1-0) of Guadalajara will face Mario Tena (5-1) of Monterrey at bantamweight.


In a meeting between two pro debut competitors hailing from Guadalajara, Bryan Arreaga (0-0) bus suvesti ne su Marco Messi Dominguez (0-0).


Doors at Complejo Nissan de Gimnasia will open at 6 p.m. local time on October 26, ir pirmasis preliminarus bijau prasidės 7 p.m.

M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov defends vs. Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva

Lapkritis. 2 ne M-1 Challenge 98 Čeliabinske, Rusija
SANKT PETERBURGAS, Rusija (Spalis 2, 2018) — Talekhas Nadzhafzade Meno Frolovas will put his title belt on the line November 2, when he takes on challenger Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva, išmušimas M-1 Iššūkis 98 Čeliabinske, Rusija.
M-1 Iššūkis 98 Talekhas Nadzhafzade www.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali stebėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes. M-1 Iššūkis 97 will also be is available on Talekhas Nadzhafzade(Talekhas Nadzhafzade, $7.99 Talekhas Nadzhafzade).
Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva (11-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0), kovoti iš Rusijos, is one of the strongest Russian middleweights, as well as arguably the most well-rounded fighter in that weight class. He has an outstanding takedowns and ground game, but his striking game shouldn’t be overlooked. Nine of his 11 opponents to date haven’t reached the finish, five stopped by knockout and four by submission. Trumpai, Frolov is an extremely dangerous fighter, evident by his perfect professional record.
Frolov (viršuje) has a super ground attack
Silva (18-6-0, M-1: 1-0-0) earned his title shot in sensational fashion, knocking out MMA star Aleksandras Shlemenko (57-10-0) Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva M-1 Iššūkis 93 praėjusį birželis. The power-punching Brazilian embraced his underdog role, shockingly blasting Shlemenko (pavaizduota žemiau) at will. Silva’s lethal punching has resulted in 15 nuo jo 18 victims being stopped.
Papildomos kovoja netrukus bus paskelbta. Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.


"Twitter" & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Būsimi „M-1 Challenge“ renginiai:
Lapkritis. 2 – M-1 Iššūkis 98: Ką manote apie būsimą kovą su Sergejumi Kunčenko?. Silva in Talekhas Nadzhafzade, Rusija

MMA Title Bout Headlines FFC 31 Night of Champions at Fight Dome

Clay Collard battles Dave Courchaine for the FFC MMA Lightweight Championship on Oct. 12

LAS VEGAS, NV, (Spalis. 1, 2018) – The main event is set for “FFC 31 Night of Champions” and it will consist of two rising stars in Mixed Martial Arts as Clay “Cassius” Collard (16-7-1) of Price, OUT, mūšiai Dave “Insane” Courchaine (20-7-0) of Cheney, WA, for the FFC MMA Lightweight Championship at the all-new Fight Dome Las Vegas at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino.




After suffering two straight losses under the UFC banner in 2015, Collard returned to MMA in 2018 and responded with two straight victories, a TKO win over Troy Dennison, and a submission win (by triangle choke) against Carson Gregory.




As for Courchaine, he was on a five-fight win streak dating back to 2014 before losing to Arthur Estrazulas by 1g round KO in January of 2017. Both fighters are hungry and both fighters have something to prove when they step into the ring on Oct. 12.




There will be one other MMA title bout on the “Night of Champions” as Ben Egli (10-2-0) of Tigard, ARBA, takes on Brazilian, Roberto Neves (10-3-0) for the FFC Welterweight Title. The remainder of the multi-discipline fight card will consist of championship bouts involving boxing and kickboxing.




The WBU cruiserweight title will be up for grabs in boxing as Dennis Morris (14-2-1) iš Milvokis, WI, goes up against Shawn Miller (18-4-1) of Troy, NY.




In Kickboxing, Glory veteran, François Ambang (18-7-1) of Mechanicsville, V. (via Cameroon), will fight battle-tested Albanian, Shkodran Veseli (83-18-1) for the FFC Welterweight Title, and Brazilian, Jhonata Diniz (16-5-0) faces off against, Croatian sensation, Mladenas Brestovacas (54-14-1).




“FFC 31 Night of Champions” will broadcast live on CBS Sports Network, Penktadienis, Spalis. 12 į 7 p.m. ("PST) ir 10 p.m. (EST).




General ticket prices begin at $69. Tickets are available at any Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office, paskambinus 702-777-2782 arba 855-234-7469 arba internete adresu Ticketmaster.com. For groups of 10 or more call 866-574-3851 arba siųsti EntertainmentGroupSales@Caesars.com.




Daugiau informacijos apie Final Fight Championship, apsilankykite finalfightchampionship.com, „Facebook“ adresu Facebook.com/FFCFighting, ir sekite Instagram/Twitter @FFCFighting




Complete Fight Night Photos

Bellator 206: Mousasi vs.. Makdonaldas Pagrindinė kortelė Rezultatai:

Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) nugalėjo Rory MacDonald (20-5) per TKO (štampus) į 3:23 apvalios dviejų

Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13) nugalėjo Wanderlei Silva (35-14) per TKO (štampus) į 4:32 apvalios dviejų

Douglas Lima (30-7) nugalėjo Andrejus nugarėle (21-3) per techninį pateikimą (galinio nuogas droselis) į 3:04 apvalių penkių

Aaronas Piko (4-1) nugalėjo Leandro Higo (18-5) per KO (štampus) į 3:19 apvaliosios vieną

Keri Taylor-Melendez (3-0) nugalėjo Dakota Zimmerman (0-1) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Gastonas Bolanosas (4-1) nugalėjo Ysidro Gutierrez (4-3) per nokautas (štampus) į 1:37 apvalios dviejų


Preliminari kortelė Rezultatai:

Adomas Piccolot (11-2) nugalėjo James Terry (20-10) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Jeremijas Monaghan (12-6) nugalėjo Justin Smitley (10-8-1) per TKO (štampus) į 3:28 apvaliosios vieną

Arlene Blencowe (11-7) nugalėjo Gintaras Leibrockas (3-2) per TKO (slam, štampus) į 1:23 apvalios trijų

Josh San Diego (8-4) nugalėjo Džo Nealas (6-4) per split sprendimą (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)

Chuckas Campbellas (1-0) nugalėjo Joseph Ramirez (1-2) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27 X3)

Anthony Figueroa Jr. (1-0) nugalėjo Samuel Romero (0-2) per vieningu sprendimu (29-27, 28-26, 29-26)

Cassas Bellas (2-0) nugalėjo Ty Costa (3-4) per žodinį pateikimą (armbar) 3:06 apvalios dviejų

Isaiah Gonzalez (2-0) vs. Khai Wu (2-1)

Jacob Ycaro (1-0) vs. Ignacas Ortizas (1-0)

Laird Anderson (0-0) vs. Ahmed Abdelaziz (0-0)


Undefeated Roman Bogatov captures M-1 Challenge lightweight title

M-1 lenktynės 97 / TATFIGHT 7
New M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Roman Bogatov

KAZAN, Rusija (Rugsėjis 29, 2018) – Undefeated Russian wrestling sensation Romanas Bogatovas captured the vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title last night, taking a unanimous decision over Rubeniltonas “Rubinho” Kriaušės, į M Challenge 97 / Tatfight 7 Pagrindinis įvykis, held in Kazan, Rusija.




The judges were very busy as all five main event fights, plus three of five undercard matches, went the full distance on a card of evenly matched fights.




Competing fighters represented nine different countries: Rusija, Brazilija, Ispanija, Prancūzija, Kanada, Kinija, Suomija, Azerbaijan and Northern Ireland.




Kova iš Orenburgas, Rusija, Bogatov improved his pro MMA record to 7-0, 6-0 M-1 Global Competition, displaying improved striking ability to complement his outstanding wrestling skills.




Pereira’s (20-6-0) superior BJJ techniques from bottom were nullified Bogatov when the fight went down to the mat. Pereira was adversely affected by Bogatov’s takedown attack, which opened-up strong punches to Pereira’s head, resulting in a flash knockdown in the third round. Pereira got back in the fight midway through round four, connecting with punches and knees to the body, but the Brazilian needed a strong fifth and final round to win a decision. Bogatov, tačiau, remained aggressive, firing strikes and making take-downs, on his way to a unanimous five-found decision and the coveted M-1 Challenge lightweight title belt.




Be bendro funkcionalus atveju, veteran Spanish middleweight ENOC Sprendžia Torres (23-10-1) registered a unanimous decision victory against previously undefeated Ruslanas Shamilov (4-1-0), Rusijos. Torres decked Shamilov early in the opening round, controlled the match, never relenting for a hard-earned win.




Past M-1 Challenge title challenger Maksimas Grabovičius (9-4-0), Rusijos, overcame a rocky moment in the second round against his Brazilian opponent, Tiago Varejao Lacerda (27-6-1), to control most of the action to take a split decision.




French lightweight MickaelRagnarLebouT (18-9-2) and always tough Russian Aleksejus “Paskyrimas” Machno battled tooth and nail in a bloody war (see pictures below). Lebout hit Makhno in the face with everything but the proverbial kitchen sink, but the Russian refused to go down and even landed a few solid shots on Lebout, who also has goodwhiskers”. Lebout won an entertaining fight by way of a unanimous three-round decision.




In the main card opener, dangerous striker Pavel Gordeev (12-1-0) edged grappling specialist Alik Albogachiev (5-1-0) by way of a split decision in a showdown between Russian lightweights. The fighters were upright in the first two rounds, much to Gordeev’s advantage, and the previously Albogachiev was unable to close the gap in the final frame.




Dėl undercard, Canadian welterweight SpencerJudgeJebb (13-6-0) įveikė pirmą ištisus triuškinantis, pounding his way to a unanimous decision versus Russian Vladimiras “The WoodcutterTyurin (4-4-0) and another Canadian, Gaidys Chrisas “The Greek AssassinKelades (13-4-0) outworked the much younger Sergey Klyuev (6-2-0), Rusijos, to win a three-round unanimous decision.




Rusų daiktas Timur Dorinin (4-1-0) locked in a rear naked choke to defeat KangkangThe KnifeFu (3-3-0), of China, by submission in round two.




Finnish lightweight Jani Salmi (9-6-0) scored his second M-1 victory, using a rear naked choke for an opening round win by submission over Ruslan Khisamutdinov (10-5-0), Rusijos. In a spirited match between Russian bantamweights, settled by a unanimous decision, Ivan Eremenko (8-2-0) was too much to handle for Nidzhat Imanov (4-4-1).




On the pre-undercard, Rusijos sunkiasvoris Nikolay Rachek (8-6-0) sustabdęs amerikietį Midaugas Gerve (3-2-0), fighting out of Northern, Airija, via an unanswered barrage in the opening round. Rusijos vidutinio svorio Denis Titulialin (3-3-0) connected with a devastating knee, knocking out pro-debuting, fellow countryman Nikita Shamov apskritojo vieną. Azerbaijan welterweight Gadzhibaba Gadzhibabaev turned in an impressive pro debut, barbenimas iš Russian Zakhar Popel (1-1-0) via punches midway through the first round.


Full results and more pictures below:





Romanas Bogatovas (7-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0), Rusija


Rubeniltonas Pereira (20-6-0, M-1: 4-3-0), Brazilija

(Bogatov won vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title)



ENOC Sprendžia Torres (23-10-1, M-1: 7-7-1), Ispanija


Ruslanas Shamilov (4-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusija



Maksimas Grabovičius (8-4-0, M-1: 6-4-0), Rusija


Tiago Varejao Lacerda (27-6-1, 1 NC, M-1: 1-1-0), Brazilija


Mickael Lebout (18-9-2, M-1: 2-1-0), Prancūzija


Aleksejus Machno (18-7-0, M-1: 5-4-0), Rusija


Pavel Gordeev (12-1-0, M-1: 6-0-0), Rusija


Alik Albogachiev (5-1-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Rusija









Spencer Jebb (13-6-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Kanada


Vladimir Tyurin (4-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusija





Jani Salmi (9-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Suomija

WSUB1 (galinio nuogas droselis – 3:52)

Ruslan Khisamutdinov (10-5-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Rusija





Timur Doronin (4-1-0, M-1:1-0-0), Rusija

WSUB2 (galinio nuogas droselis – 3:06)

Kangkang Fu (3-3-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Kinija





Chris Kelades (13-4-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Kanada


Sergey Klyuev (6-2-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Rusija


Ivan Eremenko (8-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija


Nidzhat Imanov (4-4-1, M-1: 1-1-1), Rusija







Nikolay Rachek (8-6-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusija

WKO1 (štampus – 4:28)

Midaugas Gerve (3-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Šiaurės Airija





Denis Tiuliulin (3-3-0, 1 NC, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusija

WKO1 (kelis – 2:56)

Nikita Shamov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusija





Gadzhibaba Gadzhibabaev (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Azerbaidžanas

WTKO1 (štampus – 3:20)

Zakhar Popel (1-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusija





Romanas Bogatovas (L) remained undefeated with a decision win vs. Rubeniltonas Pereira








ENOC Sprendžia Torres & Ruslanas Shamilov (front) had a close fight




Aleksejus Machno (L) and Michael Lebout had a bloody war (pictured above & žemiau)


Pavel Gordeev (L) & Alik Albogachiev battled from start to finish









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