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New England tissielet (NEF) bantamweight champion “Killa” Kam Arnold has been perfect so far in his mixed martial arts (MMA) karriera, carving out a flawless 4-0 record with four knockouts since he debuted in the promotion just over a year and a half ago

Dwar April 27th, the 135-pound “King in the North” makes his highly anticipated return to the cage when he is scheduled to defend his title against longtime bantamweight mainstay, Henry Clark (5-4).

Arnold recently joined Jason Floyd onThe MMA Report podcast to discuss his origins in the sport, his reign at the top of the New England 135-pound division, and his goals for the future.

“I fell in love with combat sports at a very young age, mostly boxing,” Arnold explained to Floyd. “I was the youngest of all boys. I grew up in a pretty rough family, and I had to be tough growing up, and my love for combat sports came into the fold. I also played hockey as a kid, so I had a physical upbringing. And I also wrestled when I was in school and it transformed into this. I never thought I was going to be doing MMA as a kid, although I loved it.

“I hit rock bottom when I was a young teen,” Arnold continued. “I hit rock bottom, and my mother came from out-of-state and picked me up, and we moved to Lewiston [Maine]. And I always swore to myself as a kid I’d never move there because I thought it was the worst place in the world. But it was actually the best move I ever made in my entire life.”

When Arnold’s parents—whom he credits for “making me the man I am today”brought him to his adopted hometown of Lewiston, Maine, he also found a gym family at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (CMBJJ) where he has started training under longtime NEF veterans Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-7) and former NEF flyweight champion Dustin Veinott (5-4).

“I’m trying to become a whole complete martial artist,” Arnold stated. “I’m not trying to be known as just this brawler that’s going to go out there and bang with anybody.”

Bang,” madankollu, is exactly what Arnold did in April 2018 when he knocked out David Thompson at “NEF 33: Riptide” in a lighting fast 11-seconds.

“I mean yeah, it was a hell of a knockout highlight reel,” Arnold confessed. “But I’ve been doing that my whole life, man.”

“We were working that overhand right, we knew that was going to be there right from the beginning,” Arnold continued. “I spoke it into existence and that’s exactly what happened. I cracked him with a jab, I saw his head snap back, and then as he’s coming in, he’s coming in very aggressive, he dropped his hand, he’s coming in for an upper cut and he left his chin right on a shelf for me.”

Arnold solidified his position at the top of the New England bantamweight division in June 2018 at “NEF 34: Home of the Brave” when he defeated Killian Murphy (1-2) via fourth-round knockout to become the NEF bantamweight champion. Despite a back and forth battle that brought the crowd to its feet that night, and the culminating moment he landed the knockout punch that iced the win for him, Arnold looks back and still sees room for improvement.

“I just haven’t been able to find that perfect fight, I raden,” Arnold pondered. “A lot of people would point to Killian Murphy maybe being that fight for me, but in my eyes that was a very poor performance for myself. I kept my hands very low for a reason, and a lot of people said, ‘Oh, you looked tired.If I was so tired, I wouldn’t have knocked him out in the fourth round. I kept my hands low for a reason because of his wrestling ability. And people seem to forget that I used to wrestle too, and I outwrestled him that whole fight. But I was still upset that I shouldn’t have been able to take that many shots as I did with Killian. I should have put him out earlier in the fight.

“It’s hard to get the perfect fight,” Arnold continued. “I talk to other people about it and they’re like, “Dude, it’s so hard.Even guys that have been fighting for 10, 15 years they’re like, “It’s so hard to find that perfect fight.Because I was like, “Man, is there something wrong with me? I feel disappointed in myself after a win.

So what does Arnold want out of one of his fights in order to walk away satisfied?

“I want to have a bloodbath,” he admitted. “I want to split somebody wide open, have a doctor stoppage, because I’m beating somebody so badly. I love seeing people’s eyes roll in the back of their heads, I like making people stiff as a board.”

Currently still competing as an amateur, Arnold is already being discussed as a future threat in the professional bantamweight division. Before he turns pro, madankollu, he has plans set to defend his title on April 27th against a very experienced and crafty veteran in Henry Clark, who comes into the bout riding a two-fight win streak.

“Henry’s tough, wieħed,” Arnold warned. “He has a chin on him, he’s a gamer, he’s not going to back down and he’s solid all the way around.”

With his two-year anniversary since his debut still four months away, Kam isn’t anxious and is confident that he has a lot left to contribute to the sport.

“I still have some amateur goals that I want to accomplish and we’re only scratching the surface of my career, verament,” Arnold stated. “I don’t want to make too much of a premature jump into the next group of talent. But I’m not afraid either, I’ve got to make the decision here coming up shortly, I’d like to get at least a couple more fights in. Depending on how those fights go—I’m one fight at a time—but if I keep on remaining successful, then I can’t see why I wouldn’t go pro after a sixth or a seventh fight.

“I’m very excited for the next chapter,” Arnold concluded.

NEF’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, Maine with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on sale now

About New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. NEF’s executive team has extensive experience in combat sports management, events production, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar. == z5�PZ


LOS ANGELES - Bellator huwa kburi li jħabbar li kemm Patricio kif ukoll Patricky Freire, magħrufa aħjar mill-partitarji bħala l-infami "Pitbull Brothers,”Se tkompli tikkompeti ġewwa l-gaġġa Bellator wara li tiffirma multi-sena esklussiva, estensjonijiet b'ħafna ġlieda biex jibqgħu mal-promozzjoni.

Ġlieda barra minn Natal, xmara kbira tat-tramuntana, Brażil, l-aħwa saru sinonimi ma ’Bellator matul il-karrieri prolifiċi tagħhom. Wara li kellhom titli u stabbilew ruħhom fost l-elite, hemm ftit ismijiet li jidhru fil-kotba tad-diski ta 'Bellator aktar spiss minn champ attwali featherweight Patricio Pitbull (28-4) u ħuh il-kbir Patricky Pitbull (21-8).

“Meta naħseb dwar it-talent fir-roster Bellator, l-aħwa Pitbull huma tnejn mill-ġellieda li jiġu minnufih f’moħħhom,”Qal il-President ta’ Bellator Scott Coker. “Huma bdew kmieni fil-karrieri tagħhom hawn, telgħu fil-quċċata tad-diviżjonijiet rispettivi tagħhom u ġew jirrappreżentaw x'inhi din il-promozzjoni. Jien ferħana li se nkomplu narawhom jikkompetu ġewwa l-gaġġa Bellator għall-partitarji tagħna madwar id-dinja għal ħafna snin li ġejjin!"

“Hemm ħafna nies fuq ir-roster ta’ Bellator li rrid inpoġġi jdejja - l-ewwel fuq il-lista, Qed niġġieled fil-11 ta 'Mejju, mela t-tiġdid għamel sens perfett għalija,”Qal Patricio. “Jien kuntent bil-ftehim u l-pjanijiet għall-futur. Mill-ġellieda kollha attivi attwalment fil-promozzjoni, Jien ma 'Bellator l-itwal u l-iktar suċċess. Qed nippjana li npoġġi dik il-linja saħansitra ogħla. Għal snin, Jien għidt ‘Jien insir in-numru wieħed fid-dinja hawn.’ Jekk xi ħadd għad għandu xi dubju, żomm għajnejk fuq il-kapitoli li jmiss. "

Żied Patricky, “Bellator qed jikber u jien ukoll. Jien fl-aħjar mument tal-karriera tiegħi u l-istess nistgħu ngħidu dwar il-promozzjoni bil-kwalità tal-wirjiet, l-offerti tat-TV il-ġodda u l-ismijiet taħt ir-roster. Stabbilt l-għan li nsir champion tad-dinja u nagħmel rekords. Diġà jien il-ġellied bl-iktar finituri u ġlied fl-organizzazzjoni u ma nippjanax li nħalli lil ħadd jaqbad miegħi. Għandi n-niket li nissetilja u l-ismijiet li nżid maċ-ċinturin tiegħi. Jekk l-affarijiet jinġiebu tajjeb, Qed inħares lejn l-istorbju fi tliet klassijiet ta 'piż fil-futur qarib, mela stenna l-aħjar minni! Jien kuntent li laħaq ftehim ġdid ma 'Bellator u eċċitati ħafna għall-affarijiet ġodda li ġejjin. "

Żewġ darbiet champion featherweight, Patricio "Pitbull" ikkompeta għall-promozzjoni 20 darbiet - rebbieħa 16 ta ’dawk il-ħarġiet - u ddefenda ċ-ċinturin tiegħu b’suċċess tliet darbiet minn meta rreklama l-kampjonat fi Bellator 178 kontra Daniel Straus. Aktar reċentement, Patricio għeleb Emmanuel Sanchez, billi qata 'l - avversarju tiegħu permezz ta' deċiżjoni unanima fi Bellator 209 f'Tel Aviv, Iżrael. Wara li qala 'finitura fl 20 ta 'dmirijietu 28 jirbaħ bħala professjonali, iċ-champion renjanti dejjem iġib stil eċċitanti u l-partitarji jistgħu ċertament jistennew aktar logħob tan-nar hekk kif ikompli l-ġirja tiegħu f'Bellator. Patricio issa se jitla 'fil-piż biex jisfida lix-champ attwali Michael Chandler għall-kuruna ħafifa tiegħu f'logħba ta 'ħeġġa tant mistennija fir-ritorn ta' Bellator lejn l-Allstate Arena f'Chicago f'Mejju 11.

Kontendent ħafif perenni minn meta ngħaqad ma 'Bellator 2011 fi Bellator 36, Patricky ta ’33 sena ħalla impatt immedjat billi eliminat b’mod enfatiku żewġ veri veterani tal-isport u eventwalment jikkompeti f’żewġ finali tat-turnament.. Barra minn hekk, huwa għandu r-rekord ta ’Bellator għal ħafna ġlied magħhom 21 u n-knockout jirbaħ bi 10, inklużi t-tlestija tar-rukkell tal-qofol Ryan couture u David Rickels. Madankollu, l-iktar ġirja impressjonanti tiegħu waslet tard, għaqqad flimkien seba 'rebħiet fi tmien bouts u rebaħ l-aħħar ħamsa tiegħu kontra Josh Thomson, Benson Henderson, Derek Oqsma, Roger Huerta u aktar reċentement kontra Ryan Skop fi Bellator Newcastle fuq Frar. 9.

Jekk jogħġbok żur għal aktar informazzjoni.





LOS ANGELES – Bellator’s return to Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Morda. nhar is-Sibt, Mejju 11 is stacked with a must-see lineup of fights, headlined by current lightweight titleholder Michael Chandler (19-4) in his attempt to become the only man to defeat both Pitbull Brothers and put an end to their years-long rivalry, when he defends his belt against Bellator’s 145-pound champ Patrick "Pitbull" (28-4) fil-każ prinċipali ta ' Bellator 221 - which will be streamed live exclusively on DAZN.

The co-headliner will see former two-time Bellator welterweight champion Douglas Lima (30-7) face undefeated Michael "velenu" Page (14-0), better known to fans as “MVP,” in the first semi-final matchup in Bellator’s Welterweight World Grand Prix. Each fighter has their eyes set on moving one step closer to becoming Bellator welterweight champ and taking home one million dollars.

B'żieda, arguably one of the world’s top featherweight prospects A.J. McKee (13-0) will face the stiffest test of his young career when he fights two-time former Bellator featherweight champion Pat Curran (23-7) on Curran’s home turf. Fl-aħħarnett, former WWE champion Jake Hager (1-0) returns to the Bellator cage for the first time since his first-round submission victory in January looking to continue his early dominance inside the cage.

An exclusive online presale for Bellator 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull takes place between Wednesday, Frar. 20 fi 10 a.m. CT and Thursday, Frar. 21 fi 10 p.m. CT, with tickets going on-sale to the general public on Friday, Frar. 22 fi 12 p.m. CT. Tickets for the event will be available at the Allstate Arena box office, kif ukoll and

Bellator 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull will be broadcast live on DAZN fi 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, filwaqt li azzjoni preliminari se fluss fuq u globalment fuq il-Mobile App Bellator. bouts addizzjonali se jitħabbru fil-ġimgħat li āejjin.

One of the most-decorated fighters in Bellator history, Michael Chandler reclaimed the lightweight championship this past December to become a three-time titleholder. “Iron” has defeated a who’s who among the division’s elite, Inklużi Brent Primus, Benson Henderson, Patricky Pitbull (x2), Yamauchi up and Eddie Alvarez. The former University of Missouri wrestler from High Ridge, Mo, who now calls Nashville home, has had a slow-building feud with his May 11 avversarju, verbally sparring with his foe following wins over Patricio’s brother Patricky and on social media. Issa, the time for talk is over and both will enter the Bellator cage to finally settle the score.

Ġej minn Natal, xmara kbira tat-tramuntana, Brażil, two-time featherweight champ Patricio “Pitbull” will enter the Bellator cage for a promotional record 21th time. B'rebħiet impressjonanti għal ismu Daniel Straus (x3), Daniel Weichel (x2) u Pat Curran, he most recently defeated Emmanuel Sanchez permezz ta 'deċiżjoni unanima fuq Bellator 209. Moving up a weight class for the first time since Bellator 160 when he met Benson Henderson, “Pitbull” is planning to leave his mark in a new division and go down as one of the all-time greats. Wara li qala 'finitura fl 20 ta 'dmirijietu 28 jirbaħ bħala professjonali, the reigning champion has become synonymous with excitement and fans can certainly expect more fireworks when looks to become a simultaneous two-division champion on May 11.

Fighting out of Atlanta, Ga., by way of Goiania, Brażil, Douglas “The Phenom” Lima has been a mainstay at the top of the 170-pound division for the better part of three years. With wins against the likes of Lorenz Larkin, Andrey Koreshkov (x2), Paul Daley and Ben Saunders, the 31-year-old advanced to the semifinals of the Welterweight World Grand Prix after a technical submission win against Koreshkov. A winner of nine out of his last 11 kompetizzjonijiet, the American Top Team product remains set on showing the world how dominant he truly is.

One of the most unorthodox strikers to ever compete, “MVP” has steadily worked his way up the welterweight ranks since signing with the organization in 2013. Known for his unique style and personality both inside the cage and out, every Michael Page fight is must-see entertainment. With an undefeated record of 14-0, u 11 of those victories coming by stoppage, the 31-year-old out of London Shootfighters advanced to the semifinals following a closely contested unanimous decision win against rival Paul Daley at Bellator 216.

Fighting out of Long Beach, Calif., A.J. McKee puts his undefeated record on the line against the former champ on May 11. Currently training alongside the likes of Aaron Pico,“Baby Slice” u Joey Davis at The Body Shop under the tutelage of his father, MMA veteran Antonio McKee, the second-generation fighter has been making quite the name for himself since joining the professional ranks. Fil biss 23 sena, “Mercenary” has set the Bellator record for consecutive wins at 13, wara li għelbet Daniel Crawford, Brian Moore, John “Macapa, Justin Lawrence and Dominic Mazzotta tul it-triq. Known for his highlight-reel finishes, McKee will look to remain unbeaten and keep his name etched in the record books when he meets Curran at Bellator 221. A former two-time Bellator world featherweight champion, Pat Curran returns to the cage near his hometown looking to earn another shot at gold. Fighting out of Crystal Lake, Morda., “Paddy Mike” is in the midst of a three-fight win streak that includes victories over Emmanuel Sanchez, John “Macapa”and Georgi Karakhanyan. The longtime Bellator veteran, who debuted at Bellator 14 fil 2010, owns additional wins over Patrick “Pitbull,” Joe Warren, Roger Huerta u Daniel Straus. Wkoll, a two-time Bellator tournament winner, the 31-year-old’s return to the top of the 145-pound division begins with a tough test against McKee.

A native of Perry, Okla., Hager emphatically showed the world that he belongs in the sport of MMA with a submission win over J.W. Kizer fi Bellator 214 f'Jannar. A collegiate wrestler at the University of Oklahoma, where he was an All-American and set the school record for most pins at the 285-pound weight class in a single season with 30. Following graduation and a conversation with legendary pro wrestling announcer and fellow Oklahoma Sooner, Jim Ross, Hager made the transition to professional wrestling and signed with World Wrestling Entertainment. While in WWE, Hager would go on to claim multiple coveted professional titles during his time with the organization, including the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, ECW Championship and WWE United States Championship. Issa, the man also known to fans around the globe as “Jack Swagger” will return to action MMA action in Chicago against a soon-to-be-announced heavyweight opponent.

Aġġornat Bellator 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull Card:

Lightweight World Title Bout: Michael Chandler (19-4) vs. Patrick "Pitbull" (28-4)

Welterweight World Grand Prix Semi-final: Douglas Lima (30-7) vs. Michael "velenu" Page (14-0)

Bout tal-Karta Prinċipali Featherweight: A.J. McKee (13-0) vs. Pat Curran (23-7)

Karta Main Heavy Bout: Jake Hager (1-0) vs. TBA

*Karta soġġetta għal bidla

Jekk jogħġbok żur għal aktar informazzjoni.


Garcia to debut in her third combat sport at “Combate Estrellas”
in Monterrey, N.L., Mex. nhar il-Ġimgħa, April 12

NEW YORKFrar 19, 2019 Combate Americas has signed undefeated boxer and former Lucha Underground champion Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas (0-0 MMA, 5-0 boxing), formerly known as “Sexy Star,” to an exclusive, multi-fight Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) promotional agreement, the premier sports entertainment franchise announced today.

Garcia will make her much-anticipated MMA rules debut under the promotion of Combate Americas at the soon-to-be-announced ‘Combate Estrellas’ live television event in her hometown of Monterrey, N.L., Mexico on Friday, April 12.

“We are thrilled to welcome Dulce Garcia to the Combate Americas familia, and see her perform in La Jaula, and what is quickly emerging as the second biggest sport with Hispanic millennial fans worldwide,"Qal jikkumbatti Ameriki CEO Campbell McLaren.

Garcia notched three consecutive professional boxing victories in 2018 – her most recent, a six-round unanimous decision over Karla Islas dwar Awissu 18 – to bring her overall record in the sport to an unblemished, 5-0.

Pictured above: In her second professional boxing start, Garcia (dritt) earned a unanimous decision victory over Guadalupe Coral (xellug) in Ecatepec, Mex. on September 30, 2017.

Prior to making her boxing debut in April 2017, Garcia had appeared in 57 episodes of El Rey Network’s Lucha Libre television series, Lucha Underground, and was crowned the first women’s champion in the show’s history on April 9, 2016.

Garcia is also a four-time champion of Mexico’s Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide professional wrestling organization, and the wife of former, three-time world boxing championJhonny Gonzalez.


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Frar 18, 2019) – New England tissielet (NEF) will present its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) avveniment, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” dwar April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland. The fight promotion just announced the addition of a professional lightweight fight to the card. Caleb Hall se tieħu fuq Jay Ellis fi piż ġlieda ta '155-liri.

Hall is on a five-fight win streak in the NEF cage going back to his amateur days. His last loss for the promotion was more than four years ago atNEF 16against current professional featherweight champion Josh Harvey. Hall closed out his amateur career with three straight wins, including capturing the amateur 145-pound strap.

He continued that success into the professional ranks in 2018. In his pro debut last spring, Hall submitted veteran John Ortolani in the first round with a Von Flu Choke. He followed up that performance with another first round submission, this time over CJ Ewer via D’Arce Choke this past September atNEF 35.

Hall cut his teeth on the wrestling mats of Dirigo High School in Dixfield, Maine where he was a two-time state champion. He now represents the Choi Institute based out of Recon Fitness in Portland.

I am happy to be fighting in Portland at Aura again,” said Hall of the upcoming April 27 bout against Jay Ellis. “I am looking to pick up where I left off in 2018 and continuing my winning streak.

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, Maine with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on sale now


Portland, Maine (Frar 16, 2019)—Jake “The Bull” Bagley has had a mythical reputation within the Maine wrestling community for well over a decade, but when he made his mixed martial arts (MMA) debut at “NEF 37: Sub Zero” on February 1st in Bangor, a whole new legion of fans learned his name—fight fans. That’s because Bagley, a multiple-time state champion wrestler, brought the house down in his back-and-forth, fist-tastic battle with Canada’s Brady Macdonald. Bagley discussed his NEF MMA debut recently with Bryan Stackpole and Ryan Jarrell on the Between Rounds Radio podcast.

Bagley, now 25-years-old, grew-up wrestling for perennial powerhouse Noble High School in North Berwick, Maine, where he won two state championships. During his time on the mat, Bagley earned a reputation as a relentless competitor that never hesitated to bump up in weight to face the toughest challengers he could find at both the state and national levels. Blessed with a relentless desire to constantly test his abilities, Bagley’s interests naturally progressed to MMA at a young age.

“When I was 15, I believe I was a sophomore, I heard there was cage fighting going on in Berwick, Maine,” Bagley told Stackpole and Jarrell. “I went down and checked it out and that’s the first day I met Bill Jones. I was 15-years-old and I walked into Hall Brother’s Roofing and they’re out there behind a storage unit place, in a garage bay training. Ever since that day, Bill’s been kicking my ass and pushing me to it. In the last couple of months, I finally got serious about it and decided to do it.”

Bagley’s NEF debut earlier this month came against a fighter that had proven himself to be a wrestler’s kryptonite. Canada’s Brady Macdonald needed only 15-seconds to force multiple-time New Hampshire state champion Greg Waterbury to tap when he debuted with the promotion in June 2018. Early into his bout with Bagley, it looked like history might repeat itself when Macdonald was able to secure Bagley’s back during the first round. Bagley, madankollu, would have none of it.

“He caught me with that first overhand right right at the beginning of the fight and then it clicked—I realized I was in a fight,” Bagley recounted. “My adrenaline went up. I couldn’t have been happier. It was everything that I was looking for.”

Bagley fought off the choke and then, the fight was on. A frenetic, high-paced free-for-all followed that had all 1200 fans in the building on their feet.

“As soon as I realized how hard he could hit, I had no fear—I was going forward,” Bagley stated.

“I didn’t realize how many times he actually hit me until I saw the video,” Bagley continued. “That’s a big thing—I need to keep my hands up.”

One of the most dangerous moments of the fight for Bagley came when he found himself caught in a deep heel hook.

“I look at the video now and I see my foot facing down and my knee facing up and it definitely hurt,” Bagley explained. “He had it in there tight and I’m glad I got through it.”

“I didn’t notice anybody but Brady that night. When I was in there I couldn’t hear coaches yelling, I couldn’t hear fans yelling. It was awesome. It was pure focus because I knew if I wasn’t focusing he was going to catch me like I was catching him.”

Issa, a couple of weeks removed from his head-turning debut, the bumps and bruises have healed, but for Bagley—and the fans that were fortunate enough to witness it—the magic of the moment has not been forgotten.

“I’ve wrestled on a couple of national stages, but the emotion and the stuff after that fight… I still feel it today,” Bagley said.

"Hija tħoss aqwa,” he continued. “I’ve always been a competitor and I’ve always trained my entire life. I didn’t do much the last five years—I had a couple of kids and started a family. When I just got back into the gym it was like riding a bike. Once I get going, there’s not going to be anybody to stop me.”

Once again fully committed to a competition lifestyle, Bagley is ready to start racking up the wins the same way he did on the wrestling mat.

“I feel that now that I’m in it, I have that drive and motivation that I don’t think many people are going to be able to compete with,"Huwa qal. “I’ve got unnatural athletic ability and my determination is going to be hard to match—I don’t care who you are.”

“I will fight anybody that wants to accept a fight with me,” he continued. “That’s how I feel. If I want to be the best, I’m going to go against the best. I’ll take on anybody right now.”

“I plan on doing big things.”

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, Maine with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on sale now ��F�>s�O



Tlesti Bellator 215 Riżultati:

Matt Mitrione (13-6, 1 NC) u Sergei Kharitonov (29-7, 2 NC) ended in a no contest

Logan Storley (10-0) defeated Ion Pascu (18-9) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27 30-26, 30-26)

Eduardo Dantas (21-6) defeated Toby Misech (11-7) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

John Douma (4-1) defeated Mike Kimbel (2-1) permezz sottomissjoni (ċowk trijangolu) fi 2:51 ta round wieħed

Austin Vanderford (7-0) defeated Cody Jones (6-3) permezz sottomissjoni (ċowk driegħ-trijangolu) fi 4:49 ta round wieħed

Card preliminari:

Steve Mowry (6-0) defeated Darion Abbey (0-1) permezz sottomissjoni (Kimura) fi 1:27 ta round wieħed

Amanda Bell (6-5) defeated Amber Leibrock (3-3) permezz KO (puntelli) fi 3:52 ta round wieħed

Pat McCrohan (4-2) defeated Jason Markland (0-1) permezz TKO (puntelli) fi 1:11 ta round wieħed

Lindsey VanZandt (5-1) defeated Tabatha Watkins (3-1) permezz TKO (puntelli) fi 3:25 ta 'round tnejn

Pete Rogers (4-4) defeated Jason Rine (1-5) permezz TKO (strajkijiet) fi :50 ta 'round tnejn

Matt Probin (4-0) defeated Ali Zebian (1-1) permezz deċiżjoni maqsuma (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Zarrukh Adashev (2-1) defeated Ronie Arana (0-3) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28. 30-27, 30-27)

Billy Goff (2-0) defeated Ryan Hardy (0-1) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

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LOS ANGELES – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s doubleheader return to Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. fuq Frar. 15 and Feb. 16 has been completed with two stacked five-fight main cards and exciting preliminary matchups.

The main event of Friday’s card on Paramount Network, and simulcast on DAZN, will feature a heavyweight headliner, where former Bellator Grand Prix Semifinalist Matt Mitrione (13-6) faces Russian knockout artist Sergei Kharitonov (29-7, 1 NC). Rounding out the stacked main card will see undefeated Logan Storley (9-0) meet SBG Dublin’s Ion Pascu (18-9) fil welterweight, former Bellator bantamweight champ Eduardo Dantas (20-6) return from injury to meet Hawaii’s Toby Misech (12-6) at 135-pounds, and the electric Mike Kimbel (2-0) making his main card debut against Rhode Island’s John Douma (3-1). The opener of Bellator 215 will be the promotional debut of Austin Vanderford (6-0), who looks to remain undefeated against Cody Jones (6-2), a winner of four consecutive fights.

The prelims for Bellator 215: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov will be highlighted by a women’s featherweight contest featuring Amber Leibrock (3-2) kontra Amanda Bell (5-5), as well as top heavyweight prospect Steve Mowry (5-0) tieħu fuq Darion Abbey (Pro Début).

A mere 24-hours later, Bellator 216 will take place exclusively on DAZN and will be headlined by one of the most intense grudge matches in MMA history. Nhar is-Sibt, Frar. 16, undefeated Michael "velenu" Page (13-0) will enter the Bellator cage against 58-fight professional Paul "Semtex" Daley (40-16-2) in a first-round fight of Bellator’s Welterweight World Grand Prix. The co-main event is a rematch between two heavyweights who undoubtedly will go down in the sport’s history books, meta Mirko Cro Cop (37-11-2, 1 NC) makes his Bellator debut against Roy “Big Country” Nelson (23-16).

B'żieda, a No. 1 contender’s bout to determine who will face newly crowned heavyweight kingpin Ryan Bader will pit Cheick Kongo (29-10-2) kontra undefeated, longtime former Bellator heavyweight champion Vitaly Minakov (21-0). An intriguing welterweight encounter between Yaroslav Amosov (20-0) and the always-excitingErick Silva (20-9, 1 NC) is also official, as is the professional debut of multi-time taekwondo champion Valerie Loureda, when she meets Oklahoma’s Colby Fletcher (1-2) in the main card opener.

As if that wasn’t enough top-flight action, Tyrell Fortune (5-0), one of Bellator’s top homegrown prospects returns to the Bellator cage against Ryan Pokryfky (6-5) in the featured preliminary bout of Bellator 216: MVP vs. Daley.

Bellator: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov will be broadcast Friday, Frar 15 on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT and will stream LIVE on DAZN. Bellator: MVP vs. Daley will stream exclusively on DAZN on Saturday, Frar 16 fi 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT. Preliminary action for both events will stream on and globally on the Bellator Mobile App.

Tickets for both events are available now and can be purchased at the Mohegan Sun Arena box office, as well as Ticketmaster and Fans can save when they purchase tickets to both events through the “Back-to-Back Pack!” Please visit for more details.

Tlesti Bellator 215: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov Main Card:

Heavyweight Main Event Bout: Matt Mitrione (13-6) vs. Sergei Kharitonov (29-7, 1 NC)

Welterweight Co-Main Event: Logan Storley (9-0) vs. Ion Pascu (18-9)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Eduardo Dantas (20-6) vs. Toby Misech (12-6)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Mike Kimbel (2-0) vs. John Douma (3-1)

175-Pound Catchweight Main Card Bout: Austin Vanderford (6-0) vs. Cody Jones (6-2)

Card preliminari:

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Steve Mowry (5-0) vs. Darion Abbey (Pro Début)

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Amber Leibrock (3-2) vs. Amanda Bell (5-5)

Bout Preliminari tal-Piż Nofsani: Pat McCrohan (3-2) vs. Jason Markland (Début)

Atomweight Preliminary Bout: Tabatha Watkins (3-0) vs. Lindsey VanZandt (4-1)

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Pete Rogers (3-4) vs. Jason Rine (1-4)

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Matt Probin (3-0) vs. Ali Zebian (1-0)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Zarrukh Adashev (1-1) vs. Ronie Arana (0-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Billy Goff (1-0) vs. Ryan Hardy (Pro Début)

Tlesti Bellator 216: MVP vs. Daley Main Card:

Welterweight World Grand Prix Matchup: Michael Page (13-0) vs. Paul Daley (40-16-2)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Mirko Cro Cop (37-11-2, 1 NC) vs. Roy Nelson (23-16)

Karta Main Heavy Bout: Cheick Kongo (29-10-2) vs. Vitaly Minakov (21-0)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Yaroslav Amosov (20-0) vs. Erick Silva (20-9, 1 NC)

Flyweight Main Card Bout: Valerie Loureda (Pro Début) vs. Colby Fletcher (1-2)

Card preliminari:

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Tyrell Fortune (5-0) vs. Ryan Pokryfky (6-5)

Preliminari Ħfief: Patrick Casey (4-0) vs. Nekruz Mirkhojaev (3-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Vinicius De Jesus (6-2) vs. Rodolpho Barcellos (1-0)

165-Pound Catchweight Bout: Kastriot Xhema (2-2, 1 NC) vs. Kemran Lachinov (7-2)

Preliminari Ħfief: Reginaldo Felix (5-2) vs. Justin Sumter (6-2)

Bout Preliminari tal-Piż Nofsani: Jesse Kosakowski (2-0) vs. Rodolfo Rocha (1-1)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Demetrius Plaza (Pro Début) vs. Andrews Rodriguez (1-0)

*Karta soġġetta għal bidla

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Portland, Maine (Frar 8, 2019) – New England tissielet (NEF) will present its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) avveniment, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” dwar April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the second amateur title fight confirmed for the event. Zac “Rocky” Richard (3-0-1) se tieħu fuq Tom “The PhenomPagliarulo (2-1) for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Championship.

It will be Richard’s second attempt at capturing the title. Earlier this month, Richard fought Fred Lear (6-2-1) to a thrilling five-round draw for the strap in Bangor, Maine. The bout is considered by many to be a very early contender for “Ġlieda tas-Sena” in New England thus far. Lear’s decision to turn professional after that fight nixed any hope for an immediate rematch.

Richard, l- 2018 “NEF Rookie of the Yearas voted by the promotion’s fans, went on a tear last year with three first-round finishes. He has never been a stranger to the winner’s circle, having won a Maine state championship in wrestling for Massabesic High School in 2015. Richard hopes to replicate that success on April 27 and take the featherweight strap home in his second attempt.

Richard represents team Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire where he trains under current UFC fighter, and former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, Devin Powell (9-4).

Now that I’ve been in a war, I know what I need to work on,” said Richard. “I’ve came so far in just one year. I’m going to blow the roof off of AURA. No way around it, I want that title. I’m going to come back faster, stronger and smarter. Tom is a great fighter and I know this fight will bring out the best in me.

Tom Pagliarulo will be making his NEF debut on April 27. He has two finishes to his credit on MMA events in New Hampshire, including a first-round technical knockout last fall. Like Richard, Pagliarulo cut his teeth on the wrestling mats. He is a lifelong wrestler. He competed for Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, Massachusetts and later for Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Pagliarulo currently holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and trains at both Burgess MMA in Manchester, New Hampshire and Spero’s Martial Arts Academy in Plaistow, New Hampshire.

What better way to make my NEF debut than a title fight against a tough competitor,” exclaimed Pagliarulo when reached for comment. “Zac and myself are both elite wrestlers which should make for an exciting fight. The opportunity was presented to me, and I know it is a fight that will make us both better, so I jumped all over it. As far as the title goes, this is just another fight for me. I’m going to go in there and do what I love to do, fight.

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, Maine with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on sale now


Three prior forays into the New England Fights cage demanded all of five minutes and nine seconds from Zac Richard.

That was the aggregate time it took for the native of Waterboro, Maine, to accumulate three wins by knockout or submission and earn a shot at the vacant NEF amateur featherweight title at NEF 37 nhar il-Ġimgħa, Frar 1.

Richard probably only now fully appreciates how the odds were stacked against him that frosty evening. He was paired with Fred Lear, a veteran of eight previous fights who won the bantamweight belt in his previous outing. Both Lear’s home and training center sit a stone’s throw away from the Cross Insurance Center, scene of the showdown.

While draws are a rare turn of events in mixed martial arts, and ties are universally maligned as an unsatisfying outcome to any sporting endeavor, Richard can appreciate the judgesindecision after the first true donnybrook of his budding career.

“Before the fight when they announced our names, I thought the place was going to explode. It was wild,” Richard said. “And then the fight was pretty even the whole time. I kept thinking to myself, you’re not losing, but you’re not winning by much. That’s all I kept thinking about.”

Richard, a Maine state wrestling champion in high school, has worked on the finer points of his stand-up game with UFC veteran Devin Powell and other instructors at Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire.

Pride and practicality persuaded Richard to engage in slug-it-out tactics with Lear, but old habits die hard.

“It started out good. I felt in control from the beginning. I wanted to stay on my feet and really show off how much my striking has come,” Richard said. “And I knew Fred was a really game opponent on the ground and has been training a lot longer than I have. So I wanted to keep it on my feet. But staying a wrestler is such habit. The first combination I threw, I went down for a shot.”

Lear’s assault to the body admittedly took a physical toll on Richard. The newcomer obviously never experienced such blunt trauma in his pre-MMA combat days and hadn’t been touched in his career-opening win streak against Gabriel Diaz, Clifford Redman and Chris Lachcik.

“I got really gassed and winded, because he kept landing knees and punches to the body,” Richard said, “I kept waiting for my second wind to come and it never did. I tried to get in a combination or a good slam every once in a while.”

Even sitting on the stool in his corner between rounds was surreal.

Of course there were thoughts of Richard’s sister, Lacy, who lost her battle with cancer in 2012 but continues to inspire Zac with her fighting spirit. Having time to get in touch with one’s thoughts and survey the scenery aren’t the norm when you’re finishing opponents before the echo of the opening bell fades.

“Most of my fights have been pretty quick. It was definitely a weird experience,” Richard said. “I’ve never had that between rounds. I was looking out in the crowd and would see one certain friend or family member or training partner every time. It was a lot bigger deal than what I’m used to.”

When it became obvious Lear wasn’t ripe to be knocked out, Richard tried to balance self-defense while keeping the scorecards in mind.

“Going into the fourth and fifth round, I knew I was tired, and I knew Fred could punch and kick just as well,"Huwa qal. “I was thinking to myself, ‘You’ve got to keep your hands up. This is dangerous when you’re tired.All I kept thinking about was don’t get hit. Hit him.

“Every time the clackers went off, when there was 10 seconds left, I tried to get up from the bottom or get in a kick or land one last good strike. That was different, because I never had that—I’ve never even heard the 10-second clackers. I definitely could hear it more than the buzzer, because the last few seconds it would get so chaotic and everyone would get so loud. The ref would just grab us I’m like, ‘Is it over?’ I never experienced anything like that in wrestling.”

Those back-and-forth battles in regional and state mat affairs did serve Richard well. He felt that he was mentally prepared for the championship rounds, even as the physical toll increased.

Richard acknowledged that he has a bad habit of training without using his mouth guard and that it may have affected his breathing in the bout.

“I’ve been in some pretty long wrestling matches, as many different types as you can get in,” Richard said. “I was always a really good wrestler in overtime. I don’t think I ever lost in overtime. If I did, it was like once. But the thing with wrestling is you’re not getting punched and kneed in the stomach and other things that are taking your wind. I was just so tired. I knew the whole time I wasn’t proud of my performance, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. I kept telling myself I had to get up and do something.”

While unhappy with the draw, Richard takes encouragement from many details that have come to light in the aftermath of the fight.

The mixed result surely entitled Richard to an immediate rematch. That won’t explicitly happen, as Lear informed him that he intends to turn professional.

“I remember February 14 of last year was the first NEF fight I ever went to. I had only been training for a month and (NEF ko-proprjetarju u matchmaker) Matt Peterson asked me to go,” Richard said. “So I went, and here it is a year later I’m fighting for a belt against a kid that fought for the belt a year and a half ago. Finding out after the fight that he’s going pro, it really made me a lot prouder of how I did. If he can pro after that fight, and I’ve only been fighting for a year, then I’ve got pretty good hope for my future.”

That future will include another crack at the belt, dwar April 27th.

“I’m the Number 1 konkorrent, and he’s going pro, so it’s whoever’s next,” Richard said. “I don’t know if they’re going to bring in someone from somewhere else or what. Matt said he’s working on opponent. I’ll be ready.”

NEF s jmiss mħallta marzjali-arti avveniment, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, Maine with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on sale now