标记档案: 混合武术


即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (五月 22, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 周六返回安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 六月 22 其未来的混合武术事件, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.” 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur title fight to the card. 卡尔顿查尔斯 (3-2) 将面临 乔丹·诺曼 (2-1) for the vacant amateur middleweight belt.

Prior to entering the MMA ranks, Carlton Charles made his mark on the football field. He played for Windham High School in Windham, Maine and later led the team to a Class A title as an assistant coach. Charles went on to play fullback for the University of Maine Black Bears. He made his NEF debut in the summer of 2017 with a 23-second knockout win. He would top that performance with a 12-second knockout victory in February 2018. After an unsuccessful attempt at capturing the amateur welterweight title against Duncan Smith (5-3) 去年六月, Charles returned to the cage one month ago in New Hampshire and picked up yet another first-round knockout win.

“一如既往, I feel blessed and very grateful for the opportunity to fight for the belt,” said Charles.  “I know Jordan has come a long way in this sport and is always training hard and improving. I will be looking to not be caught by one of those big meat hooks that he has for hands. He’s a big powerful guy, and I’m going to be training hard as always to be able to go out and perform to my best ability. I know my coaches will have me ready for this one! have no doubt in my mind the fans will be in for a real treat with this one.

Jordan Norman has indeed come a long way since his NEF debut last June. He lost that evening via first-round knockout, but Norman would come firing back in his next two bouts. He won a split decision over John Assam (0-1) last fall, and just last month finished Greg Ishihara (0-1) in the second round. Norman represents the Bad Little Falls Dojo.

“I’m honored for the opportunity to get into the NEF cage and compete for the amateur title against someone like Carlton,” exclaimed Norman. “He and I will put on one hell of a show for the Lewiston crowd. Both of us come to fight and it won’t be any different on June 22nd. I have nothing but respect for him and his team. I’m excited for the task at hand and scrapping it out for the middleweight title.”

The middleweight title fight between Charles and Norman is the fourth already announced for theNEF 39card. Josh “Hook On” 哈维 (6-0-1) is scheduled to defend the professional featherweight title against Jordan Downey (5-4), while Nate Boucher (4-3) will square off with Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant amateur men’s flyweight belt, and undefeated Glory Watson (4-0) takes on Caree Hill (4-1) to crown NEF’s first amateur women’s flyweight champion. Also announced for the card, 杰西 “海盗” 埃里克森 (9-7) faces Lewis Corapi (8-5) 在职业轻量级比赛中.

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 将于周六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.TheColisee.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

美洲联合体宣布完成历史性南美利马10轮MMA卡的完工, 秘鲁在星期五, MAY 31

‘COMBATE PERU,’秘鲁历史上最大的MMA事件,
航空航天大学, UDN和DAZN


洛杉矶–五月 20, 2019 – Combate Americas今天宣布完成10回合搏击卡, 包括一个新的主要事件, 备受期待的南美最大规模的混合武术首次亮相 (MMA) 秘鲁历史上的事件, 在首都利马的Coliseo Manuel Bonilla, 在周五, 五月 31.

在美国,“ Combate Peru”播出的电视转播为西班牙语. 两个悠景 (12 A.M. ET / PT) 和UDN (12 A.M. AND / 9 下午), 在美国以英文. 和加拿大DAZN (10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT).

旗舰节目将标志着Combate Americas积极扩大电视直播活动系列,进入第三国和第二大洲.

从价格 88 鞋底, “ Combate Peru”的门票在CombateAmericas.com/秘鲁.

在新的轻量级 (155 英镑) 主要事件, 先前宣布, 不败 丹尼尔·“金童”扎尔胡伯 (6-0) 会和不败的家伙相撞, 后起之秀 吉安·佛朗哥·科尔特斯(Gian Franco Cortez) (4-0).

墨西哥城19岁的Zellhuber, 墨西哥原定要面对罗兰多·贝多亚 (11-1), 但是贝多亚此后撤出了承诺.

争夺利马, 22岁的科尔特斯(Cortez)轰轰烈烈, 第一轮 (1:35) WHO (拳) 的 史蒂芬·穆尼兹(StevenMuñoz) 三月 23.

科尔特斯(Cortez)于10月首次亮相 7, 2017, 在淘汰赛上得分Benji Ayala 刚 15 第一轮行动的秒数.

今天还宣布了一个新的最轻量级 (135 英镑) 不败之间的对决 戴维·“黑斯巴达”·马丁内斯 (3-0) 墨西哥城和威廉·桑切斯 (0-0) 利马.

桑切斯(Sanchez)在几乎完好无损后将首次亮相, 5-1 业余跑.

马丁内斯原本打算面对 2017 “ COPA COMBATE”比赛的竞争对手 凯文·“埃尔·弗里奥”·莫雷拉 (4-2) 在莫雷拉(Newyra)的营地确定他将无法再按合同规定的重量进行比赛之前.

莫雷拉(Moreyra)将升级到下一个体重类别, featherweight (145 英镑), 并将与 布鲁诺·“雅昆达”·佩雷拉 (10-6-1) 利马岛(Macaapa)的利马(Lima), 阿马帕, 巴西参加“秘鲁联合会”初赛.

在今天宣布的其他初步卡片行动中, 利马同行的竞争对手 尤里·瓦伦苏埃拉(Yuri Valenzuela) (12-6-1) 和 维森特·巴尔加斯(Vicente Vargas) (10-4) 将在最轻量级对峙, 不败的暴发户 Jose Alberto Ochoa的占位符图像 (2-0) 利马和 奥马尔·托雷斯 (2-0) 阿雷基帕, 秘鲁将在轻量级中相互搏斗 (125 英镑) 事.

之前宣布的联合主赛事 马龙·“德里科·西特”·冈萨雷斯 (14-4-2) 利马和 巴勃罗Villaseca (14-5) 圣地亚哥, 智利将以 150 英镑.

打击美洲: 秘鲁秘鲁

丹尼尔·泽尔赫伯vs. 吉安·佛朗哥·科尔特斯(Gian Franco Cortez)

CATCHWEIGHT (150 LBS。) 合作的主要事件:
马龙·冈萨雷斯(Marlon Gonzales)对阵. 巴勃罗Villaseca

Alitzel Mariscal vs. 玛丽亚(Maria Paola)Buzaglo

最轻量级: 罗德里戈·维拉vs. Eduardo Torres占位符图像
最轻量级: 伦佐·门德斯vs. 安德烈斯·阿亚拉(Andres Ayala)
羽量级: 凯文·莫雷拉vs. 布鲁诺·佩雷拉(Bruno Pereira)
最轻量级: 尤里·瓦伦苏埃拉vs. 维森特·巴尔加斯(Vicente Vargas)
Catchweight (120 英镑): 珍妮弗·冈萨雷斯vs. 达娜(Dana Zighelboim Grau)
最轻量级: 大卫·马丁内斯vs. 威廉·桑切斯
飞锤: 何塞·阿尔贝托·奥乔亚vs. 奥马尔·托雷斯

新的主要活动, 图森宣布“板球无线代表美洲组合式” MMA盛装比赛的共同活动, 亚利桑那大学现场直播, 星期五的UDN和DAZN, JUNE 7

约瑟夫·“波希托” ALDAY VS. 胡安·帕布洛(JUAN PABLO)“ EL MOLO”·冈萨雷斯

RAFA“赠与”加西亚VS. 埃斯特万(ESTEVAN)“可怕的”帕扬人

雅兹·贾鲁吉VS. 科迪·韦勒姆(CODIE WAREHAM)

洛杉矶–五月 13, 2019 – Combate Americas今天宣布了一项新的主赛事和一项共同主赛事,这是因为它星光熠熠地返回了位于图森Casino Del Sol的AVA露天剧场, 亚利桑那州。, 由Cricket Wireless提供, 在周五, 六月 7, 在美国以西班牙语播放电视节目. 两个悠景 (12 A.M. ET / PT) 和UDN (12 A.M. AND / 9 下午), 在美国以英文. 和加拿大DAZN (10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT).

今天宣布的“ C无线为美国带来竞争”: 图森坚不可摧”混合武术 (MMA) 事件是一个新的最轻量级 (135 英镑) 前世界冠军之间的主要事件 荷西(Jose“ Pochito” Alday) (12-4-1) 图森和 胡安·帕勃罗(Juan Pablo) (7-2-2) 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷.

Alday原定与 欧文·“野兽”里维拉 (7-4) 在主赛事中, 但里维拉此后被迫退出.

今天还宣布了一款轻便的 (155 英镑) 共同活动,展现不败现象的归来 拉法“送礼”加西亚 (9= 0), 谁将面对他职业生涯中经验最丰富的对手 埃斯特万“厄尔尼诺可怕的”Payan (17-12, 1 NC).

争夺棕榈泉, 加利福尼亚州. 通过墨西卡利(Mexicali), 公元前, 墨西哥, 24岁的加西亚, MMA巨星的门生 小熊斯旺森, 一直是拉贾乌拉不可阻挡的力量, 在康贝特美洲竞争笼, 自从MMA体育连锁店在一次公开选拔赛中发现他以来, 2016.

至今, 加西亚通过以下方式赢得了除一场胜利以外的所有胜利: (牛逼)KO或提交, 包括他最后的征服, 第二轮 (1:07) 服从 (后方裸体扼流圈) 的 埃德加Escarrega 在二月份的Combate Americas现场活动中 8.

以上: 不败的整理者拉法“礼物”加西亚将在现场直播的电视节目中重返赛场, 对抗美洲轻量级联合主赛事,对抗Estevan“ El Terrible” Payan.

以上的老将 30 专业的较量, 包括与世界一流竞争对手的对决, 坦佩·佩恩(Payan of Tempe), 亚利桑那州. 将在Combate Americas的推广下首次亮相.

自从他击败后,Payan有望争取第二次连胜 多米尼克·克拉克 通过第二轮 (3:17) WHO (拳) 四月 21, 2018.

在特色的吸管中 (115 英镑) 今天宣布回合, 亚兹敏·贾雷吉(Yazmin Jauregui)(1-0) 将在她不可思议的脚步之后恢复行动, 13-第二淘汰赛 (冲床) 的 丹妮拉·埃斯皮诺萨(Daniela espinosa), 并与其他不败的新贵对峙 科迪·韦勒姆(Codie Wareham) (2-0).

蒂华纳(Tijuana)的21岁Jauregui, 公元前, 墨西哥在4月的“ Combate Reinas”活动中以Espinosa的停赛记录了Combate Americas历史上第二快的成绩 26.

韦勒姆(Wareham)具有进取心, 24-岁的战斗在格伦代尔, 亚利桑那州. 她赢得了职业初次登场的胜利 卡罗琳·比斯库普·罗 通过提交 (armbar) 去年十一月 2, 她的第二职业通过第一轮获胜 (2:29) WHO (拳) 上 温迪·罗德里格斯(Wendy Rodriguez) 十一月 28.

在初步回合卡行动中, 贾斯汀·拉斯康(Justin Rascon) (2-2) 图森的战斗 耶稣“熊”里瓦斯 (1-2) 图森在飞量 (125 英镑).

先前宣布的轻量级对决 列维·埃斯科巴 (1-0) 图森和 奥斯丁·沃尔姆斯 (1-1) 由于Escobar受伤,Phoenix的报废.

从价格 $15, 板球无线礼物Combate Americas的门票: Tucson Unbreakable”在CombateAmericas.com/Tucson上在线销售。.


德尔索尔赌场的AVA露天剧场的门将为“ C无线呈现Combate Americas”而打开: 图森坚不可摧” 6 P.M. 当地时间六月 7, 和第一初步回合将开始在 7 P.M.

打击美洲: 图森不可抗拒的战斗卡

何塞·阿尔迪vs. Juan Pablo Gonzalez占位符图像

拉法·加西亚vs. 埃斯特万Payan

亚兹敏·贾雷吉(Yazmin Jauregui)vs. 科迪·韦勒姆(Codie Wareham)

Catchweight (190 英镑): 哈维尔·托雷斯(Javier Torres)vs。. 乔尔冠军
最轻量级: 爱德华多·阿尔瓦拉多·奥苏纳vs. Jose Luis Calvo占位符图像
飞锤: 贾斯汀·拉斯孔vs. 耶稣里瓦斯

# # #

McCottrell and Gomez battle for featherweight supremacy at 559 战斗

SELMA, CALIF. – Two of the hottest young featherweight prospects in California will square off Saturday, May 18th in Fresno at the Rainbow Ballroom with 559 Fights gold on the line.

Coalinga 145-pound mixed martial artist Enoch McCottrell puts his 3-0 record on the line against Bakersfield’s Vince Gomez (3-0) 在主要事件 559 战斗 72.

“I can’t think of two hotter fighters in the Valley right now,” 559 Fights president Jeremy Luchau said. “Both have an exciting style, like to finish fights and were easy choices to fight for our vacant title.”

在合作的主要事件, 559 Fights women’s Bantamweight champ Maritza Sanchez (5-6) puts her title on the line against Oakland’s Lindsay Scaturro (1-1).

Also featured on the card is a California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Light Heavyweight State Title fight between Ceres’ Gregory Morales (4-1) and Lancaster’s Chadricc Kindle (3-2).

“We have a lot of great fights on the top of this card. Everyone has enjoyed watching Maritza’s rise in MMA and it’s great to have both Gregory Morales and Chadricc back to fight for us as well,” Luchau说.

总 17 bouts will be contested, including three grappling super fights. “This is a loaded fight card, 同 14 MMA and 3 grappling bouts,” Luchau说. “It’s been a real pleasure getting back to our roots and working with all the schools
in the Valley for both grappling and MMA bouts.”

还, back in action is Arroyo Grande middleweight Isaiah Hughes (5-1) who takes on Ridgecrest’s Joseph Gaceta and Merced middleweight Jaime Llamas- Trevino (1-0) takes on Kerman’s David Marquez (0-2).

“Hughes has been a long-time fan-favorite at 559 战斗, as well as Gaceta. I’m really looking forward to seeing them get back in the cage,” Luchau说. “还, Llamas-Trevino is someone to keep an eye on”

在其他较量; Del Rey strawweight Angelic Pimentel makes her debut against Sacrament’s Oksana Ball (0-0), Sacramento middleweight Daniel Zaragoza (2-2) fights Bakersfield’s Adrian Silva (1-1-1), Wasco welterweight Troy Butler (3-2) takes on San Jose’s Aaron Armijo (2-0-1), Merced bantamweight Michael Gomez (0-2) battles Porterville’s Liovardo Garfias (1-0), Clovis lightweight Xavier Moreno (2-0) fights Kerman’s Hipolito Leon (1-3), Grover Beach featherweight Marvin Garcia (1-0) takes on Tracy’s Pedro Juarez (1-1), Fresno welterweight David Chacon (1-0) fights Los Angeles’ Eric Rush (0-0), Paso Robles, lightweight Jeremy Covert makes his debut against Bakersfield’s Denny Stout (0-0), and Fresno heavyweight Larry Gonzales fights Kettleman City’s Juan Espinoza (0-0).

In grappling bouts; Adan Lozano of Parlier will meet up with Madera’s Kyle Mask, Parlier’s Alexzander Alvarado will grapple Madera’s Jorge Melchor and Selma’s Damian Gomez faces Porterville’s Brandon Cohea.

For more information visit www.559fights.com


波特兰, 缅因 (四月 28, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) returned to Aura in Portland on Saturday night with its latest mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 38: STORMBORN.”  The event was in homage to the HBO seriesGame of Thrones complete with ring girls attired as theMother of DragonsDaenerys Targaryen and Sansa Stark, as well as a cello player opening the event with music from the hit show’s soundtrack. A capacity crowd of over 1100 was on hand for the action.

在主要事件, 拉斯希尔顿 (4-2) defeated Charles Penn (0-1) in a heavyweight contest. The ringside physician stopped the bout in the first round when a cut on Penn’s forehead could not be closed. Hylton landed a perfectly-placed straight right hand that opened the gash on Penn’s head and left blood pouring to the mat in a gruesome stream of crimson.

迦勒大厅 (3-0) remained undefeated to start his professional career with his third straight win. Hall submitted journeyman Jay Ellis (15-86) in the first round of the co-main event of the evening.

关于格斗卡的业余部分, four titles were at stake.

In the first championship bout of the evening, Tom Pagliarulo (3-1) captured the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight strap with a unanimous decision victory over Zac Richard (3-1-1).  在这样做, Pagliarulo, a native of Haverhill, 马萨诸塞州, handed Richard the first loss of his career.

邓肯·史密斯 (5-3) defended the NEF Amateur Welterweight Title against Jon Tefft (2-1).  After five hard-fought rounds, Smith was declared the winner on all three judgesscorecards. It was a good night for Smith’s team of Evolution Athletix. The Saco, Maine-based team went 4-0 on the evening with Smith’s teammates Adina Beaudry (3-0), 基冈科尔夫 (4-11), and Megan Rosado (1-1) all picking up wins.

Taylor Thompson (4-0) made short work of Michigan’s Andrea Howland (2-1) to become the first-ever NEF Women’s Amateur Bantamweight Champion. Thompson submitted Howland in the first round with an armbar. The fight was brought to Portland by NEF in conjunction with Queen MMA Media.

在第四, and final, championship bout on the amateur card, 锦阿诺德 (5-0) kept his knockout streak alive with a first-round downing of Henry Clark (5-5).  It was the fifth straight knockout for Arnold who retained the amateur bantamweight belt.

The fight promotion also announced several fights for its long-awaited return to Lewiston on June 22 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. The event is titled “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.

Hometown favorite Jesse Erickson (9-7) will take on Lewis Corapi (8-5) that evening in a lightweight contest. Erickson is a mainstay of the NEF cage and a perpetual top contender to the promotion’s professional 155-pound title. MassachusettsCorapi is a seasoned veteran of the New England MMA circuit, finally making his NEF debut on June 22.

乔希·哈维 (6-0-1) announced that he would return to the cage atNEF 39to take on Jordan Downey (5-4) from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Harvey will defend the NEF Pro Featherweight Title that evening looking for his first successful defense since capturing the belt last February in Bangor. Downey is on a two-fight win streak.

内特鲍彻 (4-3) will take on Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant NEF Amateur Flyweight Title. Boucher has finished his last two opponents in the first round to move himself back into contention for another shot at the 125-pound belt. Presley represents the Lancaster Academy of MMA in Lancaster, 俄亥俄.

In a solemn moment to open the event, NEF paid tribute to longtime staff member Casey Main with a ten-bell salute. The Wiscasset, Maine resident passed away unexpectedly late last week. The promotion dedicated the event to his memory.

The full results from Portland, 缅因:


拉斯希尔顿DEF. Charles Penn via doctor stoppage, 圆 1
迦勒堂DEF. Jay Ellis via submission, 圆 1
Keegan Hornstra def. Zenon Herrera via submission, 圆 1
Bryant Bullock def. Fred Lear via submission, 圆 2


锦阿诺德DEF. 通过KO亨利·克拉克, 圆 1
Taylor Thompson def. Andrea Howland via submission, 圆 1
Duncan Smith def. Jon Tefft via unanimous decision
Tom Pagliarulo def. Zac Richard via unanimous decision
Arii Fernandez def. Ryan Savage via submission, 圆 1
Titus Pannell def. Justin Philbrook via TKO, 圆 2
布赖恩中远DEF. Garry Carr via TKO, 圆 1
Megan Rosado def. Amanda Bennett via split decision
贾森·兰德里DEF. Justin Boraczek via submission, round 1
布兰登MAILLET-Fevens DEF. Jesse Fitzsimmons via submission, 圆 1
Jordan Norman def. Greg Ishihara via TKO, 圆 2
内特白色高清. Clifford Redman via tapout to strikes, 圆 1
Schuyler Vallaincourt def. Dillon Henry via ref stoppage, 圆 2
Adina Beaudry def. Traci Baldwin via TKO, 圆 2

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 将于周六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.TheColisee.com.

完整结果 & 贝拉托的照片 220: 麦当劳VS. 惠誉



罗里·麦克唐纳 (20-5-1) 和 乔恩惠誉 (32-7-2, 1 NC) 争取多数票 (48-46, 47-47, 47-47) – 麦克唐纳保住次中量级冠军头衔,并在次中量级世界大奖赛中晋级

Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (10-0) 打败 女杰阿特亚加 (5-3) 通过TKO (医生停工) 在 1:50 第三轮保住女子蝇量级冠军头衔

本森亨德森 (27-8) 打败 亚当Piccolot (11-3) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

菲尔·戴维斯 (20-5, 1 NC) 打败 利亚姆McGeary (13-4) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 4:11 第三轮

加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (5-1) 打败 内森·斯多伦 (8-5) 通过KO (冲床) 在 2:21 of round one


特拉维夫维多多 (2-0) 打败 特拉维斯·克莱恩 (0-1) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 2:15 of round one

布兰登·福梅 (5-3) 打败 克里斯·阿维拉 (6-8) 通过分裂的决定 (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Matt Perez (5-2) 打败 贾斯汀·福克 (2-2) 通过KO (拳) 在 4:52 of round one

卡斯贝尔 (3-0) 打败 彼得石黑 (1-1) 通过KO (拳) 2:59 第二轮的

查克·坎贝尔 (2-0) 打败 布鲁诺·卡西利亚斯 (0-1) 通过KO (膝盖) 在 1:45 of round one

海德阿米尔 (3-0) 打败 天堂 天堂 (6-4, 1 NC) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 2:34 of round one

Josh San Diego (9-4) 打败 布兰登·拉罗科 (5-2) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

乔丹·威廉姆斯 (8-2, 1 NC) 打败 迭戈赫尔佐格 (4-3-1) 通过在将军澳 1:21 第三轮

亚伯拉罕以扫 (5-2, 1 NC) 打败 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (3-3, 1 NC) 通过在将军澳 1:59 of round one

克里斯·伊诺森西奥 (1-1) 打败 鲍里斯·诺瓦奇科夫 (0-1) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

托马斯·庞塞·德莱昂 (3-0) 打败 贾马里奥·穆德 (2-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-27, 29-27)

伊格纳西奥·奥尔蒂斯 (2-0-1) 和 罗杰·塞弗森 (3-3-1) 一致打平 (28-28, 28-28, 28-28)

埃里克·冈哈 (2-0-1) 和 约翰·亚当斯 (0-0-1) 争取多数票 (29-27, 28-28, 28-28)

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

周六 BELLATOR 宣布全面战斗卡 220: 麦克唐纳VS. FITCH 在圣何塞 SAP 中心内 – DAZN 独家报道

圣荷西, 加利福尼亚州. - 所有 18 备受期待的比赛 Bellator 220: 麦当劳VS. 惠誉 事件, 独家直播于 DAZN, 周六 Bellator 返回圣何塞 SAP 中心时宣布了这一消息, 四月 27.

两场冠军争夺战是最重要的, 作为 Bellator 次中量级冠军 罗里·麦克唐纳 (20-5) 捍卫他的世界冠军头衔 乔恩惠誉 (31-7-1, 1 NC) 在次中量级世界大奖赛最后一轮首回合比赛中, 而不败的 Bellator 蝇量级冠军 Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (9-0) 返回行动反对 女杰阿特亚加 (5-2) 在晚上的共同顶篷.

贝拉托220: 麦当劳VS. 惠誉 将串流直播独家上 DAZN, 全球增长最快的体育流媒体服务, 在 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和全球的Bellator移动应用.

圣何塞 SAP 中心 ThreatMetrix 售票处仍有少量门票可供购买, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.

三名前世界冠军也将出现在主卡上, 如 本森亨德森 (26-8) 承担湾区自己的 亚当Piccolot (11-2) 在轻量级, 而 菲尔·戴维斯(19-5, 1 NC) 将运行它回来 利亚姆McGeary (13-3) 在轻重量级行动. 另外, featherweight 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (4-1) 看起来要添加到他的 令人印象深刻的精彩集锦当他启动主牌时 内森·斯多伦 (8-4).

采取初步行动 Bellator 220: 麦当劳VS. 惠誉 将以美国为特色. 以色列第二代战斗机首次亮相 特拉维夫维多多 (1-0) 在他二年级的比赛中特拉维斯·克莱恩 (亲亮相).

完成Bellator 220: 麦当劳VS. 惠誉 主卡:

次中量级世界大奖赛冠军争夺战: 罗里·麦克唐纳 (20-5) VS. 乔恩惠誉 (32-7-1, 1 NC)

女子蝇量级世界冠军争夺战: Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (9-0) VS. 女杰阿特亚加 (5-2)

轻型主卡布特: 本森亨德森 (26-8) VS. 亚当Piccolot (11-2)

轻重量级主卡赛: 菲尔·戴维斯 (19-5, 1 NC) VS. 利亚姆McGeary (13-3)

羽主卡布特: 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (4-1) VS. 内森·斯多伦 (8-4)


轻量级底牌赛: 特拉维夫维多多 (1-0) VS. 特拉维斯·克莱恩 (亲亮相)

160-磅. 无量级底牌比赛: 克里斯·阿维拉 (6-7) VS. 布兰登·福梅 (4-3)

蝇量级底牌赛: 贾斯汀·福克 (2-1) VS. Matt Perez (2-2)

140-磅. 无量级底牌比赛: 卡斯贝尔 (2-0) VS. 彼得石黑 (1-0)

羽量级底牌赛: 海德阿米尔 (2-0) VS. 天堂 天堂 (6-3, 1 NC)

140-磅. 无量级底牌比赛: Josh San Diego (8-4) VS. 布兰登·拉罗科 (5-1)

中量级底牌赛: 迭戈赫尔佐格 (4-2-1) VS. 乔丹·威廉姆斯 (7-2, 1 NC)

次中量级底牌赛: 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (3-2, 1 NC) VS. 亚伯拉罕以扫 (4-2, 1 NC)

羽量级底牌赛: 伊格纳西奥·奥尔蒂斯 (2-0) VS. 罗杰·塞弗森 (3-3)

轻重量级底牌赛: 查克·坎贝尔 (1-0) VS. 布鲁诺·卡西利亚斯 (亲亮相)

羽量级底牌赛: 鲍里斯·诺瓦奇科夫 (亲亮相) VS. 克里斯·伊诺森西奥 (0-1)

次中量级底牌赛: 托马斯·庞塞·德莱昂 (2-0) VS. 贾马里奥·穆德 (2-3)

蝇量级底牌赛: 埃里克·冈哈 (亲亮相) VS. 约翰·亚当斯 (亲亮相)


请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (四月 22, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将展示其未来的混合武术 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” this April 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced that tickets for the event were officially sold-out.

The sellout comes a full five days prior to the event, marking a new record for the fight promotion. The previous record holder, “NEF 37,sold out three days before that event earlier this year. This marks the sixth straight sellout for NEF, a streak stretching back to April 2018.

The NEF brand is stronger than ever and continues to grow,” remarked NEF promoter and co-owner Nick DiSalvo.It’s a time where we’re seeing competitors falter around us with half-empty venues and weak fight cards. But not NEF. We have been the trendsetter for the way in which we promote our fighters ever since we arrived on the scene in 2012. And it shows in the numbers we have done, and continue to do, at the box office.

“We have competitors flying in from all over the country for ‘Stomborn,“” 说NEF共同所有者和媒人马特·彼得森.  “With four title fights, three women’s fights, decorated wrestlers and all colors of the BJJ belt spectrum represented, it’s no wonder this show sold out early. We’ve got a couple of surprises in store for fans on Saturday too. It’s never hyperbole when we tell people to get their tickets early. If you were sleeping and missed out on this one, don’t wait on getting your tickets early for June 22nd when we go back to the Colisee to celebrate all things America. 门票明天开始销售!”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” will take place this Saturday, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午. Tickets to the event are officially sold-out.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

KATE DEL CASTILLO与全球MMA品牌组合美国签署具有里程碑意义的交易

商业女性和全球超级巨星获得所有权,并在其中扮演领导角色 $20 一项来自体育娱乐公司增长最快的特许经营的百万集团投资

凯特·德尔卡斯蒂略 (右起第二) 同 (从左到右) 阿尔贝托·德尔里奥, 在美国洛杉矶举行的新闻发布会上,Combate Americas首席执行官Campbell McLaren和Combate Americas总裁Jackie Hernandez, 星期四, 四月 4, 宣布德尔卡斯蒂略(Del Castillo)收购混合武术的股权 (MMA) 体育特许经营. 图片来源: 斯科特·希拉诺(Scott Hirano)/ Combate Americas, LLC.

星期五播出广播电视节目, APRIL 26 从洛杉矶

纽约 - 四月 04, 2019 -凯特·德尔·卡斯蒂略(Kate Del Castillo), 和主要的西班牙裔混合武术 (MMA) 体育娱乐特许经营, 康贝特美洲, 今天宣布一项具有里程碑意义的交易,重新定义了格斗运动的世界. Del Castillo已收购了该公司的股权,现在是Combate Americas的所有者和主要股东.

她的投资是 $20 百万美元的股权注入来自强大的投资者群体,其中还包括金融和体育行业的领导者乔·普拉梅里(Joe Plumeri), 克利夫·索贝尔(Cliff Sobel)大使和欧文广场资本(Irving Place Capital)首席执行官约翰·霍华德(John Howard).

德尔·卡斯蒂略(Del Castillo)将主持顾问委员会, 继续公司对赋予女性权力的承诺,并在发展全球MMA运动娱乐品牌方面扮演积极的领导角色.

“凯特体现了凶猛, 坚韧和激情定义了Combate Americas品牌及其战士.” 坎贝尔·麦克拉伦(Campbell McLaren)说, Combate Americas首席执行官兼创始人. “凯特现在是一名股权合伙人,将在公司担任领导职务,并担任我们的顾问委员会主席, 加入我们其他知名的投资人,包括董事长乔·普拉梅里(Joe Plumeri), 克利夫·索贝尔大使和约翰·霍华德,“ 他加了.

德尔卡斯蒂略(Del Castillo)说,她最吸引Combate Americas对西班牙裔运动员的拥抱和发展, 它为女战士提供了巨大的机会, 其全球媒体平台及其特许经营权成为全球西班牙裔体育迷第二大运动的潜力, 足球之后.

“我很高兴加入坎贝尔和Combate的才华横溢的领导团队,并将不遗余力地帮助Combate Americas充分发挥其潜力,成为第二大最受欢迎的运动。”

德尔·卡斯蒂略(Del Castillo)作为拥有人的最直接关注点是即将于周五在洛杉矶盖伦中心举行的“雷纳斯城堡”直播电视节目, 四月 26.

分水岭, 该赛事将是历史上第一次以搏击体育赛事的形式在转播电视上播放全女子阵容.

“'Combate del Reinas'是运动女性的一项重大壮举,”德尔卡斯蒂略说, “这清楚地证明了公司对增强女性权能的承诺,我很高兴能对此表示支持!”

Mosley and Associates的Walter Mosley代表Del Castillo参加了与Combate Americas的交易。, 而Combate Americas则由Proskauer Rose的律师Andrew Nightingale和Krista Whitaker代理, 有限责任合伙.


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (三月 28, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将展示其未来的混合武术 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特兰. 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the card. 加里·卡尔 (1-0) will return to the cage to take on 布赖恩中远 (3-7) at a fight weight of 158-pounds.

Garry Carr made his debut in the NEF cage at “新EF 31” in the fall of 2017. That night, he submitted David Hart in the first round to pick up the win. In doing so, Carr became the oldest athlete ever to emerge victorious in the NEF cage at the age of 56. He will look to break his own record on April 27 什么时候, 在年龄 57, he returns for his sophomore effort. Carr is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based out of Lewiston, 缅因.

Very proud to announce my return to the NEF cage on April 27th at Aura in Portland’s Old Port district,” said Carr. “It’s been over a year since my MMA debut and I have great memories there. I will be fighting out of team Central Maine BJJ who have prepared me for this match. I’m looking to show the skills I have learned to the crowd and hope that they will cheer me on to victory. Let’s fill the house and make it a night to remember.

Brian Cosco may be a newcomer to the NEF cage, but he is a longtime veteran of the New England MMA scene. The Revere, Massachusetts native has competed on the regional circuit since 2011 and has ten previous cage appearances to his credit. He will look to get back on the winning track after a loss last summer on a fight card in New Hampshire. Cosco currently represents Sityodtong and Brazil 021 of Somerville and Medford, Massachusetts respectively.

I’m excited to come up to Maine and fight for NEF,” exclaimed Cosco. “我感觉不错. I’m not injured going into a fight for the first time in a while. I plan on going in there and getting the finish. I want to win convincingly so the NEF fans will want to see me back in there. I’m going to give the fans their money’s worth. I can’t wait for that cage door to shut!”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” 将于周六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.AuraMaine.com.