Arkivji Tag: Martial Arts Imħallat


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Jannar 17, 2020) - Tissielet New England (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) avveniment, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” nhar is-Sibt, Frar 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the card.Keegan “The Flu” Hornstra(4-11) se tieħu fuqRyan “The Roosta” Cushing(0-0) at a fight weight of 160 liri.

Keegan Hornstra is a longtime veteran of the New England MMA fight scene, having made his amateur debut a decade ago. He returned to the cage last April after a three-year absence and defeated Zenon Herrera (1-8) by first-round submission at “NEF 38.” Hornstra had a quick turnaround for his next fight, taking on Dom Jones (2-3) just a few weeks later at “NEF 39.” Unfortunately for Hornstra, he was on the losing end of that contest. He will look to get back in the win column on February 8. Hornstra currently represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Maine.

“He won’t show,” predicted Hornstra of his opponent. “If he does, bring umbrellas, because I’m sending teeth into the crowd.”

Ryan Cushing will make his professional debut at “NEF 42.” He is an independent fighter based out of Massachusetts. Cushing was a perfect 2-0 as an amateur with both victories coming by way of first-round submission.

“Keegan is a fantastic person and a veteran that I really respect,” said Cushing.  “He also has really turned himself around lately and looks better than ever, and he is someone I always got along with when I crossed paths and spoke with him, so it’s going to be pretty cool sharing the cage with him. I’m excited to test myself against him in the cage and in the ‘best facial hair’ battle at weigh-ins.”

New England tissielet’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” will take place on Saturday, Frar 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa

About New England tissielet

New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.



Biljetti għall-bejgħ nhar il-Ġimgħa li ġej, Jannar 17

LOS ANGELES - Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Marzu 13, Mohegan Sun Arena f'Uncasville, Conn. se tospita Bellator 241, avveniment li fih ŻEWĠ matchups tal-kwarti tal-finali tal-Grand Prix Dinji tal-Featherweight. Fil-avveniment prinċipali, il-partitarji se jaraw battalja tat-titlu dinji bir-rix ma 'champion Bellator f'żewġ diviżjonijiet Patrick "Pitbull" (30-4) jiddefendi l-kuruna ta '145 lira tiegħu kontra l-prodott SBG Ireland Pedro Carvalho (11-3).

Minbarra l-avveniment ewlieni tal-kampjonat ta ’ħames rawnds, it-tieni Bellator Featherweight Grand Prix Quarterfinal se ssir ukoll, bħala żewġ eks sfidanti tat-titlu, Daniel Weichel (40-11) u Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4), jiltaqgħu għall-ewwel darba minn tagħhom 2016 deċiżjoni maqsuma rqiqa tal-leħja.

Biljetti għall Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho huma disponibbli kmieni permezz ta ’pre-bejgħ esklussiv ta’ Bellator Nation li jibda nhar il-Ħamis, Jan. 16 fi 10 a.m. U. Il-biljetti se jinbiegħu lill-pubbliku ġenerali nhar il-Ġimgħa, Jan. 17 fi 10 a.m. U. Il-biljetti jistgħu jinxtraw mill-kaxxa tal-Mohegan Sun Arena, kif ukoll Ticketmaster u

Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho se jxandar esklussivament fuq DAZN nhar il-Ġimgħa, Marzu 13 fi 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT. Azzjoni preliminari tittrażmetti fuq DAZN, u globalment fuq l-App Bellator Mobile. bouts addizzjonali se jitħabbru fil-ġimgħat li āejjin.

Ġej minn Natal, xmara kbira tat-tramuntana, Brażil, Patricio "Pitbull", darbtejn champ featherweight feather, se jidħol fil-gaġġa Bellator għal rekord promozzjonali fit-23 darba f'Marzu 13. B'rebħiet impressjonanti għal ismu Daniel Straus (x3), Daniel Weichel (x2) u Pat Curran, ir-raġel ta ’32 sena jkompli fil-Grand Prix Dinji tal-Featherweight mhux’ il bogħod mir-rebħa tal-kampjonat ħafif tiegħu Michael Chandler f’Mejju tas-sena l-oħra. Wara li qala 'finitura fl 21 ta 'dmirijietu 30 jirbaħ bħala professjonali, iċ-champion simultanju taż-żewġ diviżjonijiet reċentement rebaħ Juan Archuleta fuq l-iscorcards f’partita eċċitanti tal-ftuħ tal-grand prix u l-partitarji jistgħu ċertament jistennew aktar logħob tan-nar meta jiltaqa ’ma’ Carvalho 13.

L-ispeċjalista Portugiż fis-sottomissjoni Pedro Carvalho se jkun qed jidħol fil-gaġġa Bellator għall-ħames darba biss fil-karriera professjonali tiegħu ta ’tmien snin, tfittex is-seba 'rebħa konsekuttiva u l-ewwel rebħa tat-titlu dinji. B’rebħiet f’disa ’mill-aħħar tiegħu 11 kompetizzjonijiet, inkluż kontra Derek Oqsma, Daniel Crawford u sottomissjoni krank wiċċ fuq Sam Sicilia fir-rawnd ftuħ, il-prodott SBG Ireland ta ’23 sena jinsab fuq il-quċċata li jsir forza elite fid-diviżjoni ta’ 145 lira - li tirbaħ il-Grand Prix Dinji tal-Bellator Featherweight ikun il-mod perfett biex tissolidifikah.

B'aktar minn 50 ġlied professjonali għal ismu, Il-Ġermaniż Daniel Weichel huwa lest li jagħmel tiegħu 2020 iddebutta f’taqbila kwartifinali tal-grand prix mistennija ħafna ma ’Sanchez, ġellied Weichel ħa l-aħjar minn kważi erba 'snin ilu Bellator 159. Wara d-debutt tiegħu ta 'Bellator fl-2006 2014, "Drake" gawdiet marka promozzjonali impressjonanti ta ' 9-3, inklużi rebħiet kruċjali fuq Sanchez, Pat Curran,Georgi Karakhanyan u Saul Rogers.

Fuq l-għarqbejn ta 'eżekuzzjoni oħra kaptan li spiċċat f'rebħa ta' sottomissjoni fuq Tywan Claxton fir-rawnd tal-ftuħ tal-grand prix, "El Matador" huwa lest għal ġirja oħra ta 'titlu hekk kif jipprepara għall-veteran mhux megħlub ta' 50 ġlieda u r-raġel li rebaħlu darba qabel, Daniel Weichel. Minn meta ngħaqad ma 'Bellator fi 2014, il-Milwaukee, Wisc. residenti ġabar 11 rebħiet fuq stint ta ’14-il ġlieda, inklużi rebħiet ewlenin fuq it-tipi ta 'Claxton, Daniel Straus, Marcos Galvao u Georgi Karakhanyan (2x).

Aġġornat Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho Main Card:


10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Featherweight World Title Bout / FWGP Quarterfinal: Patrick "Pitbull" Freire (30-4) vs. Pedro Carvalho (11-3)

Kwarti tal-Finali tal-Grand Prix Dinji Featherweight: Daniel Weichel (40-11) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4)

*Karta soġġetta għal bidla

Jekk jogħġbok żur għal aktar informazzjoni.



Bellator and the USO Present: Salute the Troops Main Card:

Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny markes (19-7) was cancelled by the Hawaii State Boxing Commission deeming Barnett unable to compete tonight due to severe illness

Toby Misech (12-7) defeated Erik Perez (19-7) permezz KO (puntelli) fi 0:54 ta round wieħed

Alejandra Lara (9-3) defeated Veta Artega (5-3) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)

Tywan Claxton (6-1) defeated Braydon Akeo (3-1) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Joey Davis (7-0) defeated Chris Cisneros (19-11) permezz TKO (puntelli) fi 3:55 ta round wieħed

Card preliminari:

Hunter Ewald (1-0) defeated Brysen Bolohao (0-2)permezz sottomissjoni (ċowk wara-naked) fi 1:42 ta round wieħed

Joseph Creer (7-1-1) defeated Ty Gwerder (4-1) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27, 30-27, 29-26)

Cass Bell (5-0) defeated Pierre Daguzan (5-4, 1 NC) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)

Jekk jogħġbok żur għal aktar informazzjoni.


HONOLULU - On the same night as Bellator and the USO Present: Salute the Troops, Bellator is proud to announce the signing of United States Marine Corps veteran and established flyweight competitor Liz Carmouche (13-7) għal esklussiva multi-sena, kuntratt multi-ġlieda.

Carmouche joins Bellator’s women’s flyweight division following a six-year run in UFC – a tenure that includes world title bouts in both the bantamweight and flyweight divisions, as well as notable wins over Katlyn Chookagian and Jessica Andrade.

Fighting out of San Diego, the 35-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, notching a pair of victories with the promotion. She earned an additional win over Valentina Shevchenko earlier in her career.

Prior to her days as a professional athlete, the Lafayette, Louisiana-native spent five years serving as an aviation electrician in the United Stated Marine Corps, where she completed three tours of duty in the Middle East. A longtime friend and teammate of Hawaii’s own Ilima-Lei Macfarlane, “Girl-Rilla” finally has the opportunity to compete alongside Bellator women’s flyweight world champion in an already-stacked 125-pound division.

Carmouche’s promotional debut will take place early 2020 in the flyweight division, which is championed by her training partner, Ilima-lei Macfarlane, who headlines Bellator 236on DAZN tomorrow night in Honolulu, Hawaii. The division also features Macfarlane’s opponent Kate Jackson, as well as other top athletes competing this weekend in Hawaii, Inklużi Juliana Velasquez, VETA Arteaga, Bruna Ellen u Alejandra Lara.


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Diċembru 20, 2019) - Tissielet New England (NEF) today announced the nominees for their annual Year End Awards for 2019’s “Fighter of the Year.” The four nominated fighters who earned top honors in 2019 kienu: Josh “Hook On” Harvey (7-0-1) from Vision Quest Muay ThaiGlory “The Fury” Watson (6-1) from Young’s MMA;Nate “Backpack” Boucher (6-3) from Central Maine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (CMBJJ); uTom “The Phenom” Pagliarulo (5-1)from Burgess/Lauzon’s MMA.

Glory “The Fury” Watson was more active than any other fighter on the NEF roster in 2019. Watson began her winning year at “NEF 37: SUBZERO” back in February when she stopped Wisconsin’sRachael Lippert (4-4) bil-ċowk giljottina fit-tielet rawnd. A little over a month later, Watson earned a unanimous decision victory overAlyssa Marini (2-2) at a show in Massachusetts. F'Ġunju, Watson won her first title when she decisioned Oregon’sCaree Hill (5-2) for the NEF Flyweight Championship. F'Settembru, Watson dropped down to strawweight for the first time and battered Canada’sLin MacMillan (0-2) via first round TKO at 1:23. Watson’s only defeat in 2019 came at the hands ofCara Greenwell (10-4) in November at “NEF 41: COLLISON COURSE” when she fell short of securing her second title, dropping a decision loss in the five-round championship bout. Watson went 4-1 fil 2019 and secured the NEF Flyweight Championship, which she still holds today.

Nate “Backpack” Boucher had a long road back to contending for a title (two full years, to be exact), but he made good on his goals and went undefeated and secured his first championship in 2019. Boucher began his MMA year back in February when he submitted newcomerDillon Henry (0-3) in under a minute via rear naked choke (RNC) at “NEF 37.” Boucher returned to the cage in June at “NEF 39: ALL AMERICAN” when he was scheduled to face Ohio’sRobert Presley (6-5) for the NEF Flyweight Championship, but a botched weight cut resulted in Boucher missing weight and the bout becoming a non-title affair. Boucher finished Presley, again with a rear naked choke, fi 1:46 ta 'l-ewwel rawnd. F'Novembru, Boucher made championship weight of 125.0 and facedSteve Desjardins (5-4) for the NEF 125-pound title that he had first fought and lost a split decision toJustin Witham (4-4) for back in November 2017. Boucher left nothing to chance this time and he finished Desjardins at 1:16 of round one thus becoming the NEF Flyweight Champion. Fl 2019, Boucher went 3-0 with three first-round RNC finishes and won the NEF title.

Josh “Hook On” Harvey didn’t achieve the level of activity that he had hoped for going into 2019, but he still managed to secure the NEF professional Featherweight Championship and remain undefeated. Harvey began his year in front of his hometown fans in Bangor at “NEF 37” when he took out veteranBill “Jonesi” Jones (13-12) with a first round armlock submission-of-the-year candidate. With the win over Jones, Harvey became the NEF Featherweight Champion. Harvey was scheduled to return in June at “NEF 39” against Indiana’sJordan Downey (6-4), but an incorrect weight cut forced Harvey to seek medical attention and bow out of the bout at the last minute. In September at “NEF 40,” Harvey was originally scheduled to face his old training partnerRicky Dexter (1-0), but when Dexter had to withdraw from the bout due to medical reasons,Dom “Domnation” Jones (2-3) stepped up on short notice to face Harvey. Harvey finished Jones in the first round, maintaining his perfect, undefeated record of first-round finishes. Harvey was scheduled to fight in November, but his opponent broke his contract in the final days leading up to the event and Harvey was left without a dance partner for “NEF 41.” All-in-all, Harvey went 2-0 fil 2019 and became the NEF 145-pound Champion.

Tom “The Phenom” Pagliarulo was a new face that made a big impact in the Maine mixed martial arts scene in 2019. Pagliarulo made his first appearance in NEF when he showed up at “NEF 38: STORMBORN” to faceZac “Rocky” Richard (5-2-1) for the vacant NEF Featherweight Championship. Outwrestling the wrestler, Pagliarulo displayed a deft takedown game against Richard in route to earning the unanimous decision victory and becoming the NEF Featherweight Champion. Pagliarulo returned to defend his title for NEF’s first stop in Orono, Maine last September at “NEF 40.” Pagliarulo faced challenger Jimmy Jackson in front of Jackson’s northern hometown crowd. In this outing, Pagliarulo, traditionally known for his wrestling, put on a tight, crisp striking display. He damaged Jackson’s face so badly with his strikes in the first round that the cage side doctor determined that Jackson couldn’t continue and the fight was waved off after one round. B'mod ġenerali, Pagliarulo went 2-0 in NEF 2019 and obtained the amateur NEF Featherweight Championship.

Fan voting to determine the winner of the 2019 NEF Year End Awards “Fighter of the Year” will officially open at 12:00pm nhar il-Ġimgħa, Diċembru 20, 2019 and run until 5:00pm on Thursday, Diċembru 26, 2019. Fans will determine the outcome of the contest so all are encouraged to participate to vote for their favorite fighter.

New England tissielet’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” will take place on Saturday, Frar 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Diċembru 20, 2019) - Tissielet New England (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) avveniment, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” nhar is-Sibt, Frar 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the card.Nate “The Mule” White(4-0) se jiltaqaBrian Cosco (5-8) at a fight weight of 158 liri.

2019 could very well be termed the “Year of the Mule” in hindsight. The MAGA-hat-wearing Nate White was a perfect 4-0 this past year, finishing all four of his opponents decisively. White has become known for stepping in at the last minute to save fights. In September, on just a few days’ notice, White took a fight with Ryan Savage (0-2).  Just hours before that fight, White was tased and pepper-sprayed as part of his National Guard training. He would go on to defeat Savage that evening. Last month, White was victorious over Austin Hamilton (0-1) at “NEF 41.” During his post-fight interview, White famously uttered the phrase “(Jeffrey) Epstein didn’t kill himself” before walking away from the microphone. White represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) of Lewiston, Maine. He is a nominee for “Rookie of the Year” in NEF for 2019.

“Brian comes into this bout with a lot of fight maturity and with a lot of maturity period—the dude is literally more than double my age,” said White.  “He’s got the edge in experience, but I’ve got the good looks on my side in this one. The Mule Train doesn’t slow down for anyone—especially not for Brian Cosco. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but he’s going to find out what hardworking, unskilled labor feels like on February 8th. God Bless the USA, and God Bless our President to reelection in 2020, the Honorable Donald J. Trump.”

Brian Cosco is a longtime veteran of the New England cage wars having begun his amateur career in 2011. Like White, he is undefeated in the NEF cage. Cosco defeated Garry Carr (2-1) by doctor stoppage last April at “NEF 38.” He returned at “NEF 41” in November to submit Clifford Redman (0-11) in the first round. Cosco’s Von Flue choke on Redman is a nominee for “Submission of the Year” in the NEF 2019 Year-End Awards. He currently represents Redline Fight Sports based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

“I’m excited to come back up to Maine and fight for NEF again where I’ll be fighting a hometown guy with an undefeated record—and that provides some extra motivation for me,” said Cosco.  “Nate’s young and has the potential to do big things in MMA, but timing is everything in the fight game and this is just a bad time to fight me. 2020 is going to be my year and it starts February 8th.”

New England tissielet’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” will take place on Saturday, Frar 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa

About New England tissielet

New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Diċembru 19, 2019) - Tissielet New England (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) avveniment, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” nhar is-Sibt, Frar 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the card.Garry Carr(2-1) se jiffaċċjawAustin Hamilton (0-1) at a fight weight of 165 liri.

Garry Carr currently holds the record for the oldest athlete to ever win a fight in the NEF cage. It is a record Carr first set at the age of 56 fil 2017, broke at age 57 fil 2019, and will attempt to break again at age 58 on February 8. Last summer, Carr defeated Clifford Redman (0-11) via first-round technical knockout at “NEF 39” in Lewiston, Maine. Carr looks to pick up his third win in the MMA cage at “NEF 42” in Portland. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based in Lewiston.

I cannot wait to get back in the NEF cage for the fourth time,” said Carr.  “This one will bring the house down or tear the roof clean off. It’s an honor to train and fight for team CMBJJ. Be sure to keep your eyes peeledyou’re going to see a lot of us on this card, including our fight team manager, Jesse “Il Viking” Erickson. I’m looking to set another new NEF record by being the oldest man to win in the NEF cage at the age of 58. You’ve got to see this one, folks. Hit me up for tickets!”

Austin Hamilton made his cage debut at “NEF 41” last month in Portland. He lost to Carr’s CMBJJ teammate Nate “The Mule” White (4-0) by first-round technical knockout. He will now have the chance to avenge that loss when he meets Carr on February 8 in Portland.

“I’m really looking forward to getting a chance to redeem myself after the last fight,” said Hamilton. “I have nothing but respect for Garry, as so should anyone else in this game. I only hope that when I’m his age, I can still be doing this!"

New England tissielet’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” will take place on Saturday, Frar 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Diċembru 18, 2019) - Tissielet New England (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) avveniment, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” nhar is-Sibt, Frar 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of an amateur welterweight bout to the card.Jason Landry(2-1) is scheduled to take onDustin Carrier(0-0) at a fight weight of 170 liri.

Jason Landry burst onto the NEF fight scene earlier this year making more noise than any rookie had in some time. Landry dominated and submitted a much more experienced Justin Boraczek (4-3) in Landry’s debut at “NEF 38” last spring. In his follow-up effort, Landry nearly took Dan Seigars’ (0-1) face off with a single punch knockout just seven seconds into the first round.

Landry’s momentum, madankollu, would come to a screeching halt this past September when he met Mike “Boogaloo” Bezanson (4-0) in Orono, Maine. After a wild opening exchange, Bezanson would stop Landry via technical knockout within the first minute of the first round. Not one to let a loss get him down, Landry has used it as a learning experience and motivation to return to the cage in the New Year.

“Fighting has always been a passion of mine,” stated Landry. “Going into that cage where it’s just man-to-man—there’s no better adrenaline rush than that. Losing is learning and is great fuel for the fire. I can’t wait to get back out there and put on one hell of a show for the NEF fans. Expect action-packed chaos!"

Dustin Carrier will be making his amateur debut on February 8, but he his team at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) will undoubtedly have him ready for the cage. Carrier trains at the Lewiston, Maine-based gym alongside longtime NEF competitors like Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-8) and former amateur flyweight titleholder Dustin Veinott (5-4).

New England tissielet’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” will take place on Saturday, Frar 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa




LOS ANGELES – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to Neal S. Blaisdell Arena in Honolulu, Hawaii this Friday, Diċembru. 20 and Saturday, Diċembru. 21 is official with a stacked doubleheader featuring something for every mixed martial arts fan.

Bellator and the USO Present: Salute the Troops will air on Paramount Network on Friday, Diċembru 20 fi 10 p.m. ET/9 p.m. CT. The entire event will also stream on DAZN, while preliminary bouts will stream on, DAZN and globally on the Bellator Mobile App.

Bellator 236: Macfarlane vs. Jackson – one of the star-powered, year-end highlights of fight season on DAZN – will stream Saturday, Diċembru 21 live exclusively on DAZN fi 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, filwaqt li azzjoni preliminari tibqa 'għaddejja, DAZN and globally on the Bellator Mobile App.

The main event of Friday’s card on Paramount Network will see a heavyweight headliner, featuring the Bellator debuts of former world champion Josh Barnett (35-8) u Ronny markes (19-7). Rounding out the stacked main card will see another Bellator debut, bħala Erik Perez (19-6) enters the cage to meet Hawaii’s own Toby Misech (11-7), former flyweight No. 1 kontendenti Alejandra Lara (8-3) u VETA Arteaga (5-3) return to action and Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix participant Tywan Claxton (5-1) takes on the undefeated prospect out of Maili, Hawaii, Braydon Akeo (3-0). Wkoll, undefeated teammate of A.J. McKee Joey Davis (6-0) returns to the Bellator cage when he faces the “Big Island’s” 29-fight MMA veteran, Chris Cisneros (19-10).

The prelims for Bellator and the USO Present: Salute the Troops will feature an appearance from undefeated Bay Area-fighter fighter Cass Bell (4-0), as well as undefeated Hawaiian prospect Ty Gwerder (4-0).

A mere 24-hours later, Bellator 236 will take place exclusively on DAZN and will be headlined by a flyweight world title bout between Honolulu’s Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) u Ingilterra Kate Jackson (11-3-1). The co-main event is a quarterfinal matchup of the Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix with A.J. McKee (15-0) tieħu fuq Derek Oqsma (20-9.).

B'żieda, recently signed Bellator welterweight Jason Jackson (10-4) ta 'Hollywood, Fla. returns to the Bellator cage on short notice to take on Kiichi Kunimoto of Osaka, Ġappun. Juliana Velasquez (9-0) looks to remain undefeated with Bellator when she meets Bruna Ellen (10-6) at flyweight, while local Hawaiian standouts Cheyden Leialoha(7-1) u Nainoa Dung (3-0) go to battle against Raufeon Stots (12-1) u Zach Zane (13-9), rispettivament, to complete the main card.

Bellator and the USO Present: Salute the Troops Main Card:

Netwerk Paramount & DAZN

10 p.m. ET/9 p.m. CT/5 p.m. HST

Heavyweight Main Event: Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny markes (19-7)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Toby Misech (11-7) vs. Erik Perez (19-6)

Flyweight Main Card Bout: Alejandra Lara (8-3) vs. Veta Artega (5-3)

Bout tal-Karta Prinċipali Featherweight: Tywan Claxton (5-1) vs. Braydon Akeo (3-0)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Joey Davis (6-0) vs. Chris Cisneros (19-10)

Card preliminari:

DAZN, & the Bellator Mobile App

8:45 p.m. U / 7:45 p.m. CT/3:45 p.m. HST

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Cass Bell (4-0) vs. Pierre Daguzan (5-3, 1 NC)

Bout Preliminari tal-Piż Nofsani: Ty Gwerder (4-0) vs. Joseph Creer (6-1-1)

180-Pound Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Hunter Ewald (Pro Début) vs. Brysen Bolohao (0-1)

Bellator 236: Macfarlane vs. Jackson Main Card:


10 p.m. ET/9 p.m. CT/5 p.m. HST

Flyweight World Title Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) vs. Kate Jackson (11-3-1)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) vs. Derek Oqsma (20-9)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Jason Jackson (10-4) vs. Kiichi Kunimoto (20-8-2, 1 NC)

Flyweight Main Card Bout: Julianna Velasquez (9-0) vs. Bruna Ellen (5-2)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Raufeon Stots (12-1) vs. Cheyden Leialoha (7-1)

Bout Karta Ħafifa: Nainoa Dung (3-0) vs. Zach Zane (13-9)

Card preliminari:

DAZN, & the Bellator Mobile App

8:30 p.m. U / 7:30 p.m. CT/3:30 p.m. HST

Preliminari Ħfief: Keoni Diggs (7-0) vs. Scotty Hao (4-2)

Preliminari Bout Featherweight: Kai Kamaka III (5-2) vs. Spencer Higa (7-10)

Preliminari Ħfief: Dustin Barca (3-0) vs. Brandon Pieper (11-13)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Ben Wilhelm (3-0) vs. Keali’i Kanekoa (2-2)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Swayne Makana Lunasco (Pro Début) vs. Kaylan Gorospe (Pro Début)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Nate Yoshimura (Pro Début) vs. Chas Dunhour (0-1)

*Karta soġġetta għal bidla

Jekk jogħġbok żur għal aktar informazzjoni.


GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Portland, Maine (Diċembru 16, 2019) - Tissielet New England (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) avveniment, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” nhar is-Sibt, Frar 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of an amateur welterweight fight to the card.Mike “Boogaloo” Bezanson(4-0) Huwa ppjanat li jiffaċċjawGreg Ishihara(2-1) at a fight weight of 170 liri.

Undefeated Mike Bezanson returned to NEF this past September after more than a three-year absence from cage competition. Bezanson, known for his flashy striking style and showmanship during fights, handed Jason Landry (2-1) his first loss at “NEF 40” in Orono, Maine. It took Bezanson only 41-seconds to pick up the technical knockout victory. He went on to capture a title in New Hampshire with a fourth-round knockout just weeks later. Bezanson has finished all four of his previous opponents with his striking prowess. He represents Team Kaze based in Lancaster, New Hampshire.

“In 2020, I have to do some belt shopping—the one I currently hold is getting lonely and needs some friends,” said Bezanson.  “I’ll make sure the tickets are worth buying!”

Since losing his debut to Jordan Norman (2-1) last April, Greg Ishihara has been on a roll, winning his last two MMA bouts in the NEF cage and a Muay Thai Kickboxing fight in Vermont. Last month, Ishihara picked up his most recent win against Dylan Williams (0-3) with a knee to the body just over a minute into the first round at “NEF 41” in Portland. Ishihara represents Recon Fitness based in Westbrook, Maine.

NEF has always treated me well,” noted Ishihara. “It means a lot to meto be able to compete here in Maine. The NEF staff is always professional making for a great experience. I look forward to competing inside the NEF cage in 2020. I’m excited for this upcoming fight with Mike. He’s flashy and his movement is impressive. This fight will give me the opportunity to display the full range of my skill set. I’m diligent in my preparation and I take pride in my work and performance. My goal is to hold the NEF title at 170-pounds and defend it.

New England tissielet’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” will take place on Saturday, Frar 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine. Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ issa

About New England tissielet

New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.