Tag Archives: Milwaukee


Bangor, Maine (Juli 16, 2018) - Kämpfe New England (Wiro sableng) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “Wiro sableng 35: Wicked Season,” ing September 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Sadurungé dina, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. Josh “Hook On” Harvey (4-0) will return to the cage to take on Jay Ellis (15-79) ing bobot perang saka 155-pon.

The fight with Ellis will take place just over 16 months since the last time Harvey did battle in the NEF cage. The former amateur lightweight champion is undefeated thus far in his professional career. Harvey has entered the cage four times in the pro ranks and has finished all four opponents in the first round with two knockouts and two submissions to his credit. He is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, lan “NEF 35will be Harvey’s first opportunity to fight in front of his hometown fans, family and friends sinceNEF Presents Dana Putih: Lookinfor a Fightwhich took place at the Cross Insurance Center in August 2016.

“I’m excited to display the improvements I made since my last fight,” Harvey said. “Thankful for any opponent willing to hook on, will be one for the highlight reel for sure!"

Mungsuh Harvey kang, Jay Ellis, is a longtime veteran of the sport based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he trains with Team Knockout. Ellis regularly travels to New England to compete and has gained a cult following throughout the region. Last summer, he shocked Bangor fight fans by taking the fight to Ryan Sanders (16-9) and nearly upsetting the hometown favorite with a submission attempt before Sanders was able to score a come-from-behind victory.

I’m so happy to be coming back to Maine to put on another great performance,” stated Ellis when reached for comment. “This time my hand will be raised high as the victorious one.

acara campuran-tukang pencak seni NEF sabanjuré, “Wiro sableng 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Setu, September 8, 2018 with a bell time of 7 pm. Tiket ing sale saiki ing www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Three Roc Nation promoted fighters in action this Saturday in Milwaukee Local favorite, Luis “Kuba” Arias gunning for first title Sonny Fredrickson and Tyler McCreary also in action

Milwaukee, Pesta Wisc. (Agustus 17, 2016)–Luis “CUBAARIAS will take on battle tested Darryl Cunningham (33-8, 13 KO kang) for the USBA Middleweight title this Ana wengi ing Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee.
Also on the bill will be two more Roc Nation fighters that are managed by Victory Sports & Entertainment in undefeated prospects, super entheng Sonny FREDRICKSON lan bulu TYLER MCCREARY.

Arias (15-0, 7 KO kang) saka Milwaukee, was a highly touted amateur who was a 2008 lan 2010 national champion, and he will be will be looking for his first professional title and a ranking in the IBF.

In Cunningham, Arias is fighting a 14 year veteran who has wins over former world title challengers Antwun Echols and Rubin Williams.

This will be the 2nd consecutive fight for the 26 year-old Arias in his hometown where he has proven to be a bona fide attraction and ticket seller.

On Juni 4, Arias stopped Jorge Silva in three rounds at the same venue and had Milwaukee fight fans eager for him to return.

Fredrickson of Toledo has a record of 13-0 karo sangang knockouts, will make his third start of 2016.

Ing 22 year-old power puncher, recently identified by Ring Magazine as one of the new faces to keep an eye on in the sport, continues to develop as he will take on the tough veteran Ramesis Gil.

Gil has wins over previously undefeated Carney Bowman & Luis Joel Gonzales.

The speedy and highly skilled McCreary, uga Toledo, Ohio wis rekaman 10-0 with six knockouts and like Fredrickson, will be making his third appearance of 2016.

McCreary’s opponent will be veteran gatekeeper Dwayne Wisdom.

This is a big night for our three fighters,” said Rick Torres of Victory Sports and Entertainment.

These are three of the brightest prospects in boxing, lan ing “Cuba’scase, it is time for him to make a move to the next level. We feel he is getting better everyday under John David Jackson, and with a win he becomes a legitimate contender in the middleweight division. The fights will only get bigger from here for “Kuba”, his time is now and we’re confident that he will become a force in the middleweight division for years to come. Sonny and Tyler are coming along very nicely. They are getting the right fights and getting much needed experience as they continue in their development. Gil is a capable opponent, who should provide Sonny a good test, while Wisdom should be a good learning experience for Tyler, after that, we will look to step them up with each fight.

Kamenangan Riding & Entertainment is an athlete management company with offices in New York and Las Vegas. Diadegaké déning nyatet Agung olahraga Rick Torres lan trainer boxing Michael Leanardi, Victory has steadily built an impressive stable of young prospects that it is grooming for future stardom. Kamenangan Riding’ situs webiswww.victorysportsent.com.

Dawejko sumerep kesempatan utama ing mangsa nanging kudu njaluk dening Umohette iki ana ing 2300 Arena ing Philadelphia

Philadelphia (Maret 5, 2015 ) – Iki ana wengi ing 2300 Arena South Philadelphia, streaking Abot Joey Dawejko (13-3-2, 6 KO kang) Philadelphia njupuk ing Enobong Umohette (9-2, 8 KO kang) saka Milwaukee, Wisconsin ing bab dijadwal kanggo 8-babak.
Dawejko bakal looking for consecutive babak pisanan kalah papat lan kang mung rampung latihan camp long sasi ing Easton, PA.
Camp kapérang saka kabeh anggota Club Mark Cipparone kang 1957 Manajemen lan kasedhiya atmosfer apik sing kapérang saka akèh minangka rolas boxers.
“Latihan camp tindak gedhe. Tim wutuh ana ana lan aku siap kanggo mbukak kanggoAna,” said Dawejko.
Ing Umohette, Dawejko wis onomatopia wong sing ora ngerti akeh bab liyane banjur panjenenganipun sampun berjuang biasane ing Midwest lan ngemu kalah liwat mantan US. Olympian, Dante Craig.
“Ana ora akeh tape ing wong. Panjenenganipun kira 6 kaki dhuwur lan kudu bisa doyo dicokot sethitik adhedhasar kang ngrekam.”
Apa mantan donya Jr. Juara amatir dadi unggul, kang bisa dadi ing baris kanggo May 8 gelaran karo Amir Mansour ing pertandingan sing bakal dadi bagéan saka ESPN Ana Kertu Kämpfe Night.
“Iku ora banget hard kanggo tetep fokus ing perang iki. Aku kudu perang iki kanggo nyelehake kula ing posisi kanggo perang apa lagi ngedika bab.”
Malah sanadyan telung bouts pungkasan Dawejko wis rampung sadurunge pungkasan ing babak pisanan, tau dadi ing looking for stoppage awal.
“Aku tau pindhah menyang perang sembarang looking kanggo ngalahake sapa metu. Kita olahraga kanggo 8 babak utawa liyane lan yen nerangake, nerangake.”
Dawejko bakal onomatopia ekstra hard minangka wong lan fiancee Maria sing dikarepake anak 2 watara April 9.
Iya ora pengin diajak kakehan babagan Mansour, nanging Mansour artis bakal Ringside nelpon tumindak ing gfl.tv lan Comcast lan nalika takon yen Dawejko bakal duwe apa-apa kanggo pitutur marang Mansour, “Aku iku gedhe sing Amir bakal Ringside supaya bisa Witness apa bisa katon kanggo nerusake ing May 8.”
Manager Said Dawejko iku Mark Cipparone saka Club 1957 Manajemen,” Kasunyatan iku Joey Dawejko “Tank” wis digawe Buzz uga pantes ing boxing sepisan maneh. Aku manawa kang pungkasan 3 gelut pungkasan ing babak pisanan kang iso njeblug KO kang duwe soko apa karo! Lan dina, Aku ora bisa koyone menyang ngendi wae tanpa wong takon kula nalika “Tank” bakal onomatopia maneh? Iku macem amarga Joey wis gawe anyar kapentingan kanggo akeh ing boxing kiro-kiro saka penggemar darmabakti menyang new comer lan everyone ing antarane. Saben uwong sing kepengin kanggo ndeleng perang Joey!

Minangka tangan manager aku nglampahi kathah wektu ing boxers gym ukur lan Joey cetha nduweni ndhuwur rata-rata kacepetan, ndhuwur daya rata-rata lan sing paling penting kang duwe IQ boxing dhuwur banget. Minangka asil iki, Joey wis entuk loro sandi manungsa waé lan dhukungan lengkap lan aku bangga saka hasil kang. Tetep dirungokake amarga sing paling apik iku durung teka minangka prakara kang gedhe sing ahead kanggo “Tim Dawejko”.
Dawejko wis disedhiyakake dening Peltz Boxing.
Joey Dawejko 022115
Joey Dawejko
Club 1957 Manajemen didegaké ing 2013 dening pebisnis lokal Mark Cipparone. Cipparone punika pemilik saka digunakake sukses lan populer Patung Angel. Wiwit tatanan Club 1957 Manajemen sampun dipandu Careers saka sawetara pejuang ndhuwur ing negara. Saiki piyambakipun saged Abot Joey Dawejko, Welterweight Raymond Serrano, Jr. Entheng Tevin petani lan Jr. Entheng Jason Sosa lan liya-liyane.