Tag Archives: Micky Ward

NAUJOJI ANGLIJA ČEMPIONŲ TURNYRAS Atviro diviziono pusfinalio rezultatai iš Lowell

Naujoji Anglija
Čempionų turnyras

Atviro diviziono pusfinalio rezultatai iš Lowell

72kasmetinė Lowell Sun labdaros organizacija
Auksinių pirštinių čempionatas
Naujosios Anglijos turnyras čempionų
Atvirojo diviziono čempionato finalas šįvakar į Lowell
LOWELL, Mišios. (Vasaris 22, 2018) – Vakar vakare buvo surengtas labai konkurencingas pusfinalio etapas, paruošiantis šio vakaro Naujosios Anglijos čempionato finalo varžybas, istorinėje Lowell memorialinėje auditorijoje.
Naujosios Anglijos čempionų turnyras, taip pat žinomas kaip Naujoji Anglija, yra 72-ojo kasmetinio Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių čempionato dalis.
Šio susitikimo individualiai laimėjęs N.E. čempionai pateks į Naujosios Anglijos komandą, kuri varžysis Nacionaliniame auksinių pirštinių čempionate, pradedant Gegužė 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska. Vakarų Naujoji Anglija siekia penktosios iš eilės N.E. komandos titulas.
“Po praėjusios nakties pusfinalio peržiūros,” N.. Ir. Vykdantysis direktorius bobby Russo sakė, “Aš negaliu laukti vakaro puikios rungtynės finale. Tai yra geriausi Naujosios Anglijos boksininkai mėgėjai ir visi nugalėtojai turės šaudyti į nacionalinius titulus.”
Taip pat, „USA Boxing“ surengs JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos susitikimą ir pasveikinimą šįvakar.Visi JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos nariai, taip pat visi būsimi nariai, kviečiame dalyvauti šiame unikaliame susitikime, pradedant nuo durų atidarymo 6:30 p.m. IR, iki pirmosios kovos val 7:30 p.m. IR.
Dalyvaus daugelis visų laikų puikių Naujosios Anglijos boksininkų mėgėjų, įskaitant buvusius pasaulio čempionus, tokius kaip gimtojo miesto herojus ir tris kartus Naujosios Anglijos čempionus,“Airių” Micky Ward, Jose Antonio Rivera, Travisas Simmsas ir Iranas Barkley, Pretendentas žvaigždė Petras Manfredo, Jaunesnysis., Jonas Scully, Richie LaMontagne, Dave'as Sullivanas, JAV olimpietis Lawrence Molis-Bey ir daugelis kitų mėgstamiausių Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių, įskaitant Tarvis Simms, Bobis Harrisas, Džo Allojus ir Troy Wortham. (keistis)
Bilietus prasideda $18.00, tik $7.00 studentams (reikalingas ID) ir juos galima įsigyti paskambinę į Lowell Memorial Auditorium kasą 1.866.722.8881 arba užsisakyti internetu adresu www.lowellauditorium.com. Pirkite bilietus iš anksto, kad išvengtumėte ilgų eilių pasirodymo vakarą.
Pajamos iš Lowell Sun labdaros Golden pirštinės čempionatas eiti link siuntimo Naujosios Anglijos Golden Pirštinės čempionai į Nacionalinės Golden pirštinės čempionatas (pradedant Gegužė 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska), be to, remti vietos sportininkų ir plotas sporto salės, berniukai & Merginos Klubai, sriuba virtuvės, benamių prieglaudos, vėžio fondai, stipendijos ir daug kitų didžiojo labdaros priežastys.
(vasario 21 d, 2018)
Feliksas parilla, North Haven, KT / WNE
WDEC (5-0)
Juozapas Valdesas, Nashua, NH / Centrinė CNE
Lengvasvoriai (132 Svoris.)
Joseph DePina, Dorchester, MA / CNE
WDEC (3-2)
Joshua Orta, Springfildas, MA / WNE
JUNIOR pusvidutinio svorio kategorijų kovotojams (141 Svoris.)
Sharad Collier, Hartfordas, KT / WNE
WDEC (4-1)
Mike'as Bloodworthas, Woonsocket, R. / SNE
Ashleigh Moore, suopiai įlanka, MA / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
Debora Basra, Hartfordas, KT / WNE
Josnielis Castro, Portlandas, ME / KETURI
WDEC (5-0)
Luka Botis, West Point, NY / WNE
Jamesas Perella, Mansfieldas, MA / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
Charlesas Espinelis, Salem, MA / CNE
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai (178 Svoris.)
miguel Teo, marlboro, MA / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
Tonis Adamsas, Bridžportas, KT / WNE
Sunkiasvoriai (201 Svoris.)
Edmondas Vorlis, Lowell, MA / CNE
WDEC (4-1)
Geriausi pasiūlymai: Hampton Milleris, Waterbury, KT / WNE
Tim Hatfield, Apvaizda, R. / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
Zakas Kalmusas, Glosteris, MA / CNE
WNE – Western New England
CNE – Centrinė Naujosios Anglijos
KETURI – Northern New England
SNE – Pietų Naujoji Anglija
72METINĖ Lowell Sun Labdaros Golden Pirštinės čempionatas Tvarkaraštis
(Lowell memorialinis Auditorija – 6:30 p.m. durys atviros, 7:30 p.m. Pirmasis bijau)
Naujosios Anglijos turnyras čempionų
Atvira klasė čempionato finalai – Ketvirtadienis, Vasaris. 22
Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių vykdomasis direktorius: bobby Russo
Direktorius varžovai: Menas Ramalho
Viršininkas pareigūnų: Laurie Purcell
žiedas Komentatorius: Jonas vena
Vieta: Lowell memorialinis Auditorija, 50 Merrimack Šv, Lowell, MA
"Twitter": @LowellGloves

Buvę JAV boksininkai surengs privatų susitikimą Naujosios Anglijos čempionų turnyro atvirajame diviziono čempionate

1gJAV bokso absolventų asociacijos renginys N.E..

Ketvirtadienis, Vasaris 22
Lowell memorialinė auditorija Lowell mieste, Mišios.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Vasaris 19, 2018) – „USA Boxing“ surengs privatų JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos susitikimą ir pasisveikinimą šį ketvirtadienį naktis (Vasaris. 22), prieš tą vakarą Naujosios Anglijos čempionų turnyro atvirojo diviziono finalą, 72-ojo kasmetinio Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių čempionato dalis, istorinėje Lowell memorialinėje auditorijoje Lowell mieste, Masačusetsas.
Vasario mėn. 22II Taip pat vyksta JAV bokso absolventų asociacija, iš dalies, skatinti 2018 JAV prieš. Airija Šiaurės Boksas turas, kuris prasideda Pirmadienis, Kovas 12, naujai atnaujintame pramogų komplekse „Royale“ garsiame Bostono teatrų rajone. JAV vs. Airijos šiaurės rytų bokso turas tęsis Kovas 15 tuo MassMutual centro Springfield, Mišios. ir daro išvadą Kovas 21 Mančesterio miesto viešbutyje Mančesteryje, Naujasis Hampšyras.
Dalyvaus daugelis visų laikų puikių Naujosios Anglijos boksininkų mėgėjų, įskaitant gimtojo miesto didvyrį ir triskart Naujosios Anglijos čempioną, “Airių” Micky Ward. Kiti apima Jose Antonio Rivera, Jonas Scully, Richie LaMontagne, Dave'as Sullivanas, Travisas ir Tarvis Simms, Bobis Harrisas, Petras Manfredo, Jaunesnysis., Džo Allojus, Lawrence Molis-Bey ir Troy Wortham.
Visi JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos nariai, taip pat visi būsimi nariai, kviečiame dalyvauti šiame unikaliame susitikime, pradedant nuo durų atidarymo 6:30 p.m. IR, iki pirmosios kovos val 7:30 p.m. IR.
Bilietų kainos prasideda nuo $18.00, tik $7.00 studentams (reikalingas ID) ir juos galima įsigyti paskambinę į Lowell Memorial Auditorium kasą 1.866.722.8881 arba užsisakyti internetu adresu www.lowellauditorium.com.
Sukurta tam, kad kovotų visą gyvenimą, abipusiai naudingi „USA Boxing“ ir jos absolventų santykiai, –boksininkai, pareigūnų, treneriai ir bokso sirgaliai — Alumnų asociacija sujungia čempionų kartas, įkvepia ir grąžina būsimus „USA Boxing“ bokso čempionus, ir iš žiedo.
JAV bokso absolventų asociacija gali dalyvauti visi, kurie mėgsta boksą ir nori palaikyti ryšį su mėgėjų boksu. Nariams suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti daugybėje specialių renginių, kuriuos organizuoja Alumni asociacija, įskirtinai Penktadienis vakaro JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos priėmimas į šlovės muziejų.
Prisijungti prie Alumni asociacijos, tiesiog užsiregistruok alumni@usaboxing,.org už a $40.00 per metus nario mokestis. Nauji nariai gaus marškinėlius, raktų pakabukas ir elektroninė piniginė.
"Twitter": @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /USABoxing

Ar & Holyfield to be inducted this Friday into USA Boxing Alumni Hall of Fame inaugural class

USA Boxing stars out to support and celebrate
USA Boxing Elite National Championships
Gruodis. 5-9 in Salt Lake City, Utah
COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Gruodis 5, 2017) – The fledgling USA Boxing Alumni Association will host a gala reception šį penktadienį naktis (Dec.) 8, highlighted by the induction of the inaugural class of the USA Boxing Alumni Hall of Fame, at the Courtyard by Marriott Downtown in Salk Lake City, Utah.
The reception is being held in conjunction with the 2017 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, Gruodis. 5-9, also held in Salt Lake City.
Sukurta tam, kad kovotų visą gyvenimą, abipusiai naudingi „USA Boxing“ ir jos absolventų santykiai, –boksininkai, pareigūnų, treneriai ir bokso sirgaliai — Alumnų asociacija sujungia čempionų kartas, įkvepia ir grąžina būsimus „USA Boxing“ bokso čempionus, ir iš žiedo.
The Alumni Association will bring together former boxers, coaches and official who have reached all levels of success in amateur boxing, as well as people who have all over for Olympic-style boxing,” explained Mike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director. “This association will help expand our grassroots and create fight champions of USA Boxing and alumni members.
“Didžiausias” ir “Real Deal”, atitinkamai, Muhammadą Ali ir Evander Holyfield, will be the first boxers inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame, joining two others, veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders ir Tom Coulter, also being inducted as charter members.
The late Ali is the lone three-time lineal world heavyweight champion of all-time, who as an amateur (known then as Cassius Clay), captured a gold medal at the 1960 Olympics in Rome.
Holyfield was the first and remains the only undisputed cruiserweight and heavyweight world champion. Šiuo 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, Holyfield won a bronze medal as a light heavyweight, after a he suffered a questionable disqualification in his semifinals match. Anksčiau šiais metais, Holyfield started his promotional company, The Real; Deal Boxing.
A 1993 USA Boxing Hall of Fame inductee, Roosevelt coached the U.S. Marines boxing team in 1975-1978 ir 1988-2000. He also served as assistant coach on the USA Olympic boxing teams in 1984 ir 1992.
Coulter has been a boxing coach for more than 62 metų, continuing to conduct boxing clinics today around the glove. In addition to coaching the iconic 1988 USA Olympic boxing team, which captured eight individual medals, he was a consultant for the 1996 squad that won 14 meals. A national boxing champion at Syracuse University, Coulter also coaches the U.S. Army Boxing Team.
Tarptautinis bokso šlovės naujokas Al Bernstein will serve as Master of ceremonies for Penktadienio renginys. “USA Boxing makes a positive difference in the lives of thousands and thousands of young people ion a daily basis,” the voice of Showtime Boxing said,” and I am so honored to serve as emcee for the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception. This new arm of USA Boxing will be a terrific addition to an already great organization. I look forward to it.”.
Four Olympic medalists from Team USA will be in attendance: 1984 gold medalist Paul Gonzales, 1984 ir 1988 silver medalists, atitinkamai, Vergilijus kalnas ir Michael Carbajal, ir 1972 bronze medalist Jessie Valdez.
Other boxing dignitaries who are confirmed attendees include 1992 Olimpinis Raulis Marquez, Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger, National Golden Gloves champion and NBC boxing announcer B.J. Gėlės, three-time New England Golden Gloves champion“Airių” Micky Ward, former Air Force Academy coach Eddie Welchers, Rocky Mountain Golden Gloves franchise tournament director Larry Fullmer and others.
JAV bokso absolventų asociacija gali dalyvauti visi, kurie mėgsta boksą ir nori palaikyti ryšį su mėgėjų boksu. Nariams suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti daugybėje specialių renginių, kuriuos organizuoja Alumni asociacija, įskaitant penktadienio vakarą JAV bokso absolventų asociacijos priėmimą į šlovės muziejų.
Prisijungti prie Alumni asociacijos, paprasčiausiai užsiregistruokite alumni@usaboxing.org dėl $40.00 per metus nario mokestis. Nauji nariai gaus marškinėlius, raktų pakabukas ir elektroninė piniginė.
"Twitter": @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /USABoxing

Collegiate Fight NightWest Point vs. New England This Saturday night in Winchester, MA

WINCHESTER, Mišios. (Lapkritis 6, 2017) – Veterans Day will be celebrated in a unique way this Saturday night (7 p.m. IR) when the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA), in association with USA Boxing, presents an evening of amateur boxing, “Collegiate Fight Night”,
Su 10 amateur matches being held at Maurer Auditorium in Winchester Town Hall (on Mt. Vernon St.).
The Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point are matched against a New England all-star caliber team comprised of boxers from the Coast Guard Academy (New London, KT), University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut and Trinity College.
(all 3 X 2 Ekskursijos)
160 kg
Luca Botis LoConte (18-7), Army West Point / Winchester, MA
Joseph Orosco (10-8), Trinity College / Pomona CA
Jack Ward (0-0), Army West Point / North Hampton, NH
Jesus Fequiere (0-0), UConn / Windsor, KT
200 kg.
Jordan Elliott (4-5), Army West Point / Camdenas, AZ
Marshall Rayburn (4-5), Coast Guard / New London, KT
185 kg
Emmanuel Ahou (0-0), Army West Point / Niuarkas, NJ
Luke Psoimas (0-1), Coast Guard / New London, KT
175 kg.
Kalen Khan (0-0), Army West Point / Bonne Terre, MO
Josh Bennett (1-1), UConn / Bridžportas, KT
158 kg
Alex Lawrence (0-0), Army West Point / Carrollton, TX
Jacob Cohen (0-0), UMass / Northborough, MA
158 kg
Moses Sun (5-3), Army West Point / Granite Falls, WA
Colin Johnson (4-3), Coast Guard / New London, KT
156 kg
Kyle Taylor (1-0), Army West Point / Oro Valley, AZ
Aaron Schneider (1-2), Trinity College / Needham, MA
156 kg.
Chandon Hutchinson (0-0), Army West Point / Orange County, PVZ
Dante Gilbert (0-0), UConn / Stamford, KT
125 kg.
Isiah Ortiz (4-2), Army West Point / Stockton, PVZ
Christian Moura (2-4), UMass / Hollis, NH
(all matches & boxers subject to change)
Former professional world champions “Airių” Micky Ward (Lowell) ir Jose Antonio “Gallo” Rivera (Vusteris) will be special guests atCollegiate Fight Night”.
Seacoast Ticket Agency is the exclusive online (www.seacoastticket.com) and phone (1.800.382.5242) ordering ticket service forCollegiate Fight Night”. Tickets plus ($2.50 service fee) yra kaina $20.00 for general admission and limited $40.00 ringside reserved. Limited $500 VIP packages are also available and include four ringside reserved tickets, including a pre-event reception at Lucias Ristorante in Winchester (cash bar), company name recognition in the event program, post and pre-event Meet & Greet with special guest boxers at Lucias. Tickets may be available to purchase fight night at the door, tačiau, this event is expected to sell-out in advance.
"Twitter": @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /NCBA, /USABoxing
ABOUT NATIONAL COLLEGIATE BOXING ASSOCIATION (NCBA): The NCBA is the senior college boxing governing body in the United States. The NCBA provides student athletes an opportunity to box at the recreational, intramural, and competitive levels. Its philosophy and rules provide a safe and level playing field for both new and experienced athletes.
APIE JAV BOKSĄ: JAV bokso misija - padėti Jungtinėms Valstijoms’ sportininkams ir treneriams pasiekti ilgalaikį konkurencinį meistriškumą, išsiugdyti charakterį, remti bokso sportą, ir populiarinti bei auginti olimpinio stiliaus boksą JAV. „USA Boxing“ atsakomybė yra ne tik gaminti olimpinį auksą, bit also oversee and every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

USA Boxing Alumni Association Open for Registration

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Lapkritis 2, 2017). – The newly created USA Boxing Alumni Association registration is officially open for those interested in becoming members.
The Alumni Association, which was created to champion a lifelong, abipusiai naudingi „USA Boxing“ ir jos absolventų santykiai, including boxers, pareigūnų, treneriai ir bokso sirgaliai, will help connect generations of champions, as well as help inspire and give back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions inside and outside the ring.
The Alumni Association will bring together former boxers, coaches and officials that have reached all levels of success in amateur boxing, as well as people who have a love for Olympic-style boxing,” komentavo Mike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director. “This association will help expand our grassroots and help create the future champions of USA Boxing and alumni members.
Open to anyone possessing a love for the sport and looking to stay connected with amateur boxing, the Alumni Association members are granted access to a variety of special events that will be hosted by the Alumni Association, including the first annual USA boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.
The reception, which will honor and celebrate the five inaugural members of the Alumni Association Hall of Fame, will be held on Gruodis 8 in Salt Lake City in conjunction with the 2017 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships & Junior and Prep Open. The five inductees include:
  • Muhammadą Ali
  • Tom Coulter
  • Buddy Davis
  • Evander Holyfield
  • Roosevelt Sanders
World-renowned CBS and Showtime announcer Al Bernstein will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the event.
USA Boxing makes a positive difference in the lives of thousands and thousands of young people on a daily basis, and I am so honored to serve as emcee for the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception. This new arm of USA Boxing will be a terrific addition to an already great organization,” Bernstein sakė. “I look forward to a great week.
In addition to Bernstein’s role as emcee, many esteemed members of the USA Boxing alumni community are scheduled to attend the inaugural event, įskirtinai: Michael Carbajal, BJ Floresas, Larry Fullmer, Vergilijus kalnas, Raulis Marquez, Steve Smoger,Jesse Valdez, Micky Ward ir Eddie Weichers.
When joining, which cost $40/year, new members will be given a t-shirt, raktų pakabukas ir elektroninė piniginė. For more information on the USA Boxing Alumni Association, susisiekite alumni@usaboxing.org ar apsilankymas USABoxing.org
"Twitter": @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /USABoxing
Inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association

Hall of Fame Reception to be held Gruodis. 8 in Salt Lake City

APIE JAV BOKSĄ: JAV bokso misija - padėti Jungtinėms Valstijoms’ sportininkams ir treneriams pasiekti ilgalaikį konkurencinį meistriškumą, išsiugdyti charakterį, remti bokso sportą, ir populiarinti bei auginti olimpinio stiliaus boksą JAV. „USA Boxing“ atsakomybė yra ne tik gaminti olimpinį auksą, but also oversee every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Collegiate Fight NightHomecoming for two West Point Cadet Boxers Luca LoConte Botis & Jack Ward

Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11 in Winchester, MA
(L-R) – Luca LoConte Botis, head coach Ray Barone, and Jack Ward
WINCHESTER, Mišios. (Spalis 29, 2017) – “Collegiate Fight Night”, presented by the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA) in association with USA Boxing, šeštadienį naktis (7 p.m. IR pradžia), Lapkritis 11, will be a homecoming for a pair of West Point Cadets boxers with close ties to the town of Winchester (MA), Luca LoConte Botis ir Jack Ward.
Ten amateur bouts are on tap at Maurer Auditorium in Winchester Town Hall (on Mt. Vernon St.) as the Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point are matched against a New England all-star caliber team comprised of boxers from the Coast Guard Academy (New London, KT), University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut, Trinity College and Harvard University.
West Point requires all its Cadets, male and female, to take 19 lessons of boxing and that, combined with the program’s tremendous success in competition over the years, results in its relatively high number of boxers (40) on a college boxing team. West Point voluntary head boxing coach Ray Barone is a military retiree who taught at West Point.
Luca and Jack work hard in the gym and are leaders amongst their peers,” Coach Barone said. “They are top-of-the-line guys and we’re fortunate to have both on our team. West Point is a high-end academic school, like an Ivy League school, and we aren’t allowed to recruit boxers.
We have another great group of boxers this year. It’s always, ‘Yes, seras; ne, seras’ and they’re all very articulate. Luca and Jack, like other boxers on our team, are very respectful. Luca is a very good boxer who could very well be in the Fight of the Night. Jack came here as a football player and he’ll be in his first boxing match on November 11oji.”
LoConte Botis and Ward, who has close to a 4.0 GPA, are sophomores who aspire to be Infantry officers upon graduation from West Point.
Luca attended West Point Prep School for one year before entering West Point Military Academy. A 2015 graduate of Winchester High School, he started boxing at a young age, capturing top honors in the New England Junior Olympics, and he developed his skills at Peter Welch’s Gym in South Boston, as well as with the Rivera brothers at the Somerville Boxing Club.
Because he always intended to box at West Point, Luca contacted boxing officials there when he was still in high school, and he knew the coaches and boxers before he officially got there. Su 18 (11-7) amateur matches under his belt, Luca has invaluable experience in a sport he passionately views as a lifestyle, much more than a sport
I am from Winchester and look at this show as a homecoming,” Luca remarked. “I fought there once as a freshman and now I want to show everybody at home that I’ve grown. I’m no longer a boy, I’m growing into a man, and boxing has a lot to do with that. Styles make fights and I know who I’m fighting. I plan to relax in the ring and give everybody a real show. I’m going to have a lot of fun, taip pat, and leave with a smile on my face.
I become a better version of myself, kiekvieną dieną, by getting in the ring. Boxing takes its toll on the body and mind but, if I have a tough day academically or during military training, I get that anger out in the gym. Boxing is a release for me. It reminds me why I’m here. What I overcome in the ring, I can do in any other way. I plan to compete in the Golden Gloves this year and as an officer, I will lead men and women soldiers.
Ward grew-up in Hampton, NH, but he has roots in Winchester, which he considers his second home. Jack attended Salisbury School, Konektikute, and he was recruited as a football player. He decided not to play football at West Point and, despite having no prior experience as a boxer, he joined the West Point Boxing Team after meeting Coach Barone and some members of the squad.
“Aš myliu konkuruoti, discipline and conditioning and I’ve never been in as good shape as I am now as a boxer,” Jack explained. “Boxing adds to my overall development, psichiškai ir fiziškai, and the it will help me become a more effective leader: Calm under pressure, ir iš žiedo.
Because my entire mother’s side is from Winchester, my extended family lives in Winchester, which is like home for me. I’m very happy to be boxing for the first time there and I plan on having a great outing.
Former professional world champions “Airių” Micky Ward (Lowell) – no relations to Jack Ward — ir Jose Antonio “Gallo” Rivera (Vusteris) will be special guests atCollegiate Fight Night”.
Seacoast Ticket Agency is the exclusive online (www.seacoastticket.com) and phone(1.800.382.5242) ordering ticket service forCollegiate Fight Night”. Tickets plus ($2.50 service fee) yra kaina $20.00 for general admission and limited $40.00 ringside reserved. Limited $500 VIP packages are also available and include four ringside reserved tickets, including a pre-event reception at Lucias Ristorante in Winchester (cash bar), company name recognition in the event program, post and pre-event Meet & Greet with special guest boxers at Lucias. Tickets may be available to purchase fight night at the door, tačiau, this event is expected to sell-out in advance.
"Twitter": @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /NCBA, /USABoxing

Collegiate Fight Night” Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11 in Winchester, MA

WINCHESTER, Mišios. (Spalis 18, 2017) – Studying will be replaced by punching šeštadienį naktis (7 p.m. IR pradžia), Lapkritis 11, when the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA), in association with USA Boxing, dovanos “Collegiate Fight Nightat Maurer Auditorium (town hall on Mt. Vernon St.) in Winchester, Masačusetsas.
An entertaining evening of 10 amateur bouts are scheduled as the Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point take on a New England all-star caliber team comprised of boxers from the Coast Guard Academy (New London, KT), University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut, Trinity College and Harvard University.
College boxing is not just a sport but also a high-impact leadership development activity,” NCBA president Eric Buller sakė. “Come out and support these young men and women who face the highest levels of rigor in the classroom and the boxing gym. They will ultimately be the future leaders of our companies, communities and our nation. Each has worked hard to earn membership in theSix-Minute Fraternity”.
Two West Points Cadets from Winchester, Luca LoConte Bota ir Jack Ward, will headline the event in the homecoming.
Former professional world champions “Airių” Micky Ward (Lowell) ir Jose Antonio “Gallo” Rivera (Vusteris) will be special guests atCollegiate Fight Night”.
Seacoast Ticket Agency is the exclusive online (www.seacoastticket.com) and phone(1.800.382.5242) ordering ticket service forCollegiate Fight Night”. Tickets plus ($2.50 service fee) yra kaina $20.00 for general admission and limited $40.00 ringside reserved. Limited $500 VIP packages are also available and include four ringside reserved tickets, including a pre-event reception at Lucias Ristorante in Winchester (cash bar), company name recognition in the event program, post and pre-event Meet & Greet with special guest boxers at Lucias. Tickets may be available to purchase fight night at the door, tačiau, this event is expected to sell-out in advance.
"Twitter": @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /NCBA, /USABoxing

Grand Opening of Connecticut Boxing HOF new location Monday night, Birželis 26, in Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun

Uncasville, Conn. (Birželis 13, 2017) – The Grand Opening of the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame’s (CBHOF) new location in the Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun will be held there Pirmadienis, Birželis 26, pradedant 6 p.m. IR.
The media and public is welcome to attend the grand opening festivities. Dignitaries representing from Mohegan Sun and Mashantucket Pequot Tribes will be in attendance, as well as many CBHOF inductees, including Marlon Starling and “Airių: Micky Ward.
The original CBHOF location was in Mohegan Sun Arena but public availability for viewing was restricted to only during scheduled events held there. CBHOF inducteesplaques and video of major fights held in Connecticut were displayed.
The new CBHOF will be open to the public during Mohegan Sun Casino operating hours. In addition to the inducteesplaques and videos of famous fights held in the Nutmeg State, the new location will also include rotating displays of historically significant boxing memorabilia. There will also be interactive displays for public use.
We at the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame are extremely grateful to Mohegan Sun for hosting this great facility and for contributing generously to its construction,” CBHOF president John Laudati said. “We are very excited and anxious to have the ability to present the rich history of boxing in Connecticut while simultaneously honoring those who have contributed to that history.
Grįžti internete www.ctboxinghof.org papildomos informacijos apie Konektikuto bokso Hall of Fame.
APIE CBHOF: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 pagerbti ir švęsti negrąžintų asmenų, įsitraukusių į bokso sporto karjerą. Jos steigiamasis indukcija ceremonija & Vakarienė vyko 2005. Connecticut turtingą bokso istorija niekada negalėjo klestėjo, jei tai buvo ne tų laimėjimų įtvirtintų šlovės salėje.
Kaip ne pelno organizacija, Konektikuto Boksas Hall of Fame yra tvirtai įsipareigojusi išlaikyti kovos dvasią Konektikuto klestinčią per įvairias labdaros įnašų.

Iceman John Scully’s 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

Šeštadienis, Kovas 18, 2017
12:00 Vidurdienis (until around 3 pm)
@ Monique’s Lounge (dar žinomas kaip 108 Lounge)
181 East 108th Street
East Harlem, Niujorkas
I am proud to officially announce my 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion that will take place on March 18 at Monique’s Lounge in Harlem, Niujorkas. I am expecting by far the largest turn out of any of the previous 5 reunions which were held twice at Rival Boxing in Las Vegas, once at Jimmy’s Corner in Manhattan and once each at Connecticut’s Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Casinos.
Of the over 100 boxers attending this far, among them I expect the likes of 1988 Olimpinis medalininkas Sidabrinė Riddick Big Daddy Bowe, NYC Golden Gloves Champ Poison” Jaunesnysis Jones, 1984 Olympic champ Pažymėti Breland, 1974 National Junior Olympic champ Marlon Varnėnas, 1996 USA Olympic team captain Lawrence Molis-Bey ir 1988 National Golden Gloves Champion Ženklas “Per Sharp” Johnsonas.
At my past reunions, including the most recent one held at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas on Lapkritis 18, we’ve had the likes of Roy Jones Jr., Aleksas “Bronksas bombonešis” Ramos, 1992 Olympian Montell Griffin, former three time world champions Mike McCallum and Iran Barkley, ir “Kovotojas” and Irish Micky Ward in attendance.
Among the most special of moments at my reunions, we had Mike McCallum and Alex Ramos, who met each other in the semi-finals of the 1980 NYC Golden Gloves, reconnect in Las Vegas in late 2014, we had Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey, who were brought together in 2015 at Foxwoods after not only not seeing each other in 38 YEARS but after not even knowing they fought against each other in 1977 until just a few days before they reunited and in NYC over the summer of 2015 mes turėjome 1984 New York City Golden Gloves 156 pound champion and runner up Dennis “Magas” Milton and Jesse Lanton connect once again.
Any media who wish to attend the event in Harlem, New York on March 18 are more than welcome to be a part of the festivities.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=htZpAj5JPHE&feature=youtu.be ...former champion Michael Second To Nunn calling in to my Amateur Boxers Reunion in Las Vegas last year to speak to former (1986) opponent Alex “Bronksas bombonešis” Ramos.


Jorge Diaz, Danny McDermott, and Godson Noel in Triple Header Main Event!

NJ Boxing Hall of Fame Promoter Andre Kut has announced that KEA Boxing will be returning this summer with “Boxing at the Expo.” This all professional boxing show will be held at The New Jersey Convention & Expo Center in Edison, NJ on Saturday July 30, 2016. This will be the 12th year that Kut will be promoting professional boxing shows in New Jersey since his debut show in June of 2004. Kut was inducted into the NJ Boxing Hall of Fame this past November with Presidential candidate Donald Trump, Micky Ward, and several other boxing dignitaries for his role as a trainer, vadybininkas, and promoter in the sport, specifically in New Jersey. Kut says that this will be a “Triple header show featuring all local talent.”

Headlining the show will be New Brunswick’s very own Jorge “King” Diaz. Diaz currently has a record 18 laimi 4 losses is looking to make a comeback after a loss to undefeated featherweight Abraham Lopez last August. Diaz will be looking forward to fighting again in his backyard and home state. Diaz also hopes that this is the start of his climb back into the rankings to have a title shot again as he has fought twice for two different world titles in the past.

The Brick City’s undefeated fighting fireman and Army Veteran Godson “Soldier Boy” Noel will be part of the triple header action. Noel currently holds a record of 6-0 su 4 knockouts and will be fighting for the third time this year after receiving a controversial draw back in March up in Massachusetts. Noel is currently a Newark Fireman and served in the United States Army. He is being labeled as one of New Jersey top rising prospects in the super middleweight division since signing a promotional contract with KEA Boxing back in 2015.

Danny “Little Mac” McDermott will be completing the triple header main event action when he steps back in the ring as a welterweight. Fighting out of North Bergen, McDermott currently holds a record of 12-5. McDermott recently fought in the United Kingdom and the Philippines twice where he also became the current WBC Asian Boxing Council champion. McDermott said he is very excited to fight again so close to home, as this is his first fight back in the states since 2013.

Heavyweight fights are always entertaining and action packed, so this show will also be featuring Jersey City’s Tyrell Wright. Wright, who is also undefeated with 8 wins will continue his dream of making an impact in the heavyweight division. Wright is currently trained and managed by former boxer Bobby Rooney.

Rounding out the card will be Darren “Venom” Goodall fighting out of New Milford. Goodall is currently undefeated with 3 wins in the light heavyweight division and has already fought on the big stage in Madison Square Garden and even the Prudential Center in Newark. Goodall also owns the famous Venom Fitness Boxing and Fitness Center in Wyckoff. His facility has quickly become known as one of the best training facilities for fitness and group classes in Northern New Jersey. Goodall is also known for his lighting quick speed and power.

Andrew “Sweet Pea” Bentley currently 3-2 will also be on the card. His flashy outfits, karūną, and even sunglasses for his ring walk are sure to please the crowd as he can back up his flashy behavior with his boxing skills. Bentley is also under the watchful eye of manager and trainer Bobby Rooney with his stable mate Tyrell Wright.

Two former amateur fighters who will be making their professional debut will be Kevin Hernandez and Gerald Javier both fighting out of Bergenfield. Kaip visada, in between rounds the Round Card Models will keep the action hot while DJ Edit and DJ EQ spin the latest and hottest music from today. For tickets and more information please visit www.keaboxing.com arba skambinkite(973) 903-2907 arba (973) 222-2273.

About KEA Boxing Promotions:
KEA Boxing Promotions began as KEA Boxing Management, Inc. and has been in existence since 1992, but with Kut’s decision to transform KEA Boxing Management into a Promotions company, he decided to become increasingly proactive with his vision to bring thrilling and affordable events to fans practically in their backyards. In recent years KEA has exceeded all expectations as its garnered widespread notice and recognition.

We look forward to seeing you at the fights!