Etikedaj Arkivoj: Miami



Kubaj Sento Erislandy Lara Faces Iama Mondĉampiono Jan ZaveckMerkredo, Novembro 28 El Hilaleah Park Racing & Kazino
Klako HERE Por Fotos De Andre Courtemanche / Warriors Boxing
MIAMI (Novembro 23, 2015) – Super veltero mondĉampiono Erislandy “La amerika Revo” Lara (21-2-2, 12 KOs) kaj iama mondĉampiono Jan Zaveck (35-3, 19 KOs) partoprenis en gazetara konferenco lundon posttagmeze en Miami kiel ili proksime ilia Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono Sur ESPN showdown okazanta merkrede, Novembro 25 de Hialeah Park Racing & Kazino.
PBC sur ESPN priraportado komenciĝas je 8 P.M. ET/5 P.M. PT with undefeated prospect Emmanuel Rodríguez (13-0, 9 KOs) Prenanta sur Aquino remizo (17-1-1, 11 KOs) en Bantamweight ago.
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de Warriors Boxing, Estas alprezigita #?e $100, $75, $50, $35 Kaj $25, ne inkludante aplikebla kotizoj, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Tickets can be purchased online at, De telefono #?e (877) 840-0457 aŭ ĉe la Hialeah Park kazino kaĝo.
Jen kion la batalantoj devis diri lundo:
“Mi multe laboris por tiu lukto. Mi koncentris tre malmola dum trejnejo ĉar mi scias kiel malfacila tiu lukto estos. Tie ne estas multe por diri nun, Mi nur pensas pri fari pezon kaj ekhavi en la ringo.
“Mi estas ravita esti ĉi tie en suda Florido batalado antaŭ tiuj grandaj fanoj. Mi estas feliĉa por batali por la kubanoj kaj montri ke ni havas grandajn boksado adorantoj.
“Zaveck batalis kelkaj el la plej bonaj boksistoj en la mondo kaj mi havas grandan respekton por li. Mi estas tute koncentrita sur mia kontraŭulo kaj mi volas daŭrigi por pruvi ke mi estas la plej bona 154-dispremila en la mondo.
“Mi vizitis kune kun mia trejnisto Ronnie Shields por longa tempo kaj ke ni pretas apliki niajn gameplan en la ringo Merkrede Nokto.”
“Mi estas ekscitita akiri en la ringo kaj defii brila ĉampiono kiel Erislandy Lara. Mi tre kontentas pri la kondiĉo Mi estas en eniranta ĉi lukton.
“Ni tuj montros ĉio ni havas merkrede nokto kaj doni grandan rendimenton. Mi ŝatas Lara kiel persono kaj boksisto. Ekster la ringo ni povas esti respektema ĉar en la ringo ni provos preni ĉion de la alia.
“Mi scias ke tiu estos malmola lukto, sed mi tuj forlasos ĉion en la ringo kaj certiĝu ĉi lukto estas memorinda por ĉiuj rigardante.”
For information visit Www.Premierboxingchampions.Com, Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @LaraBoxing @WarriorsBoxingProm and @ESPNBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at

Undefeated Bantamweight PROSPECT Emmanuel RODRIGUEZ vizaĝoj ELICER Aquino en PREMIER Boksado ĈAMPIONOJ ON ESPN AGO merkrede, NOVEMBRO 25 EL HIALEAH PARK RACING & Kazino en Miami

PLUS! DAQUAN Arnett kvadratoj off kontraŭ YUDEL Jhonson en Super Welterweight KONKURSO & Wes NOFIRE prenas sur YASMANY Consuegra EN Heavyweight BATTLE
Plena Nokto De subkarto Agado En Miami
MIAMI (Novembro 23, 2015) – Nevenkitan Bantamweight perspektivo Emmanuel Rodríguez (13-0, 9 KOs) estos elprovita de Aquino remizo (17-1-1, 11 KOs) Sur Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono(PBC) Sur ESPN Merkredo, Novembro 25 de Hialeah Park Racing & Kazino en Miami.
Televidigita priraportado komenciĝas je 8 P.M. ET/5 P.M. PT kaj estas elstarigita per súper veltero mondĉampiono Erislandy “La amerika Revo” Lara (21-2-2, 12 KOs) defendanta lian titolon kontraŭ iama mondĉampiono Jan Zaveck (35-3, 19 KOs).
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de Warriors Boxing, Estas alprezigita #?e $100, $75, $50, $35 Kaj $25, ne inkludante aplikebla kotizoj, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Tickets can be purchased online at, De telefono #?e (877) 840-0457 aŭ ĉe la Hialeah Park kazino kaĝo.
Subkarto ago daŭrigas kun paro de 10-ronda konkursoj kiel Daquan Arnett (14-1, 8 KOs) Prenas sur Yudel Jhonson (17-2, 9 KOs) en la super veltero showdown dum nevenkitan pezegulo Wes Nofire (18-0, 14 KOs) iras supren kontraŭ Kubo Consuegra Yasmany (17-2, 14 KOs).
Ankaŭ eniri la ringon, en ok-ronda malpeza konkurso, is 23-year-old Brooklyn-native Dennis Galarza (10-1, 7 KOs) kiu prenas sur 27-jaraĝa meksika disputema Hugo Partida (26-6-2, 16 KOs) dum nevenkitan 20-jaraĝa Ĉikago kromprodukto Jozefo Quezada (8-0, 5 KOs) alfrontas la Tenesio Donnell Logan (11-18-2, 6 KOs) en ses-ronda súper malpeza amafero.
Rondigo eksteren la nokton de kverelas estas 26-jaraĝa Jeff Souffrant (1-1) de Fort Lauderdale, Florido en kvar rondaj veltero bout kontraŭ Miami Gregory Moore (1-0) kaj portorika súper veltero Alex De Jesus (21-1, 13 KOs) En ses-ronda vico.
Ĉe ĝuste 23-jarojn aĝa, Rodríguez estis sur rapida aŭtoveturejo al mondo titola batalo ekde turnante avantaĝo en 2012. Novembro 25 Li levas Sian U.S. debut post prenado malsupren Gabor Molnar, Ludoviko Hinojosa kaj Alex Rangel en 2015. La Manatí, Porto-Riko-naskita batalanto gvidos sian ekscita stilo en la ringo kontraŭ sia plej forta testo ĝis nun kiam li batalas sur Novembro 25.
Nevenkita en sia unua 18 Profesiaj bataloj, Aquino aspektas al rebotar reen de mallarĝa plimulto decidon perdo al nevenkita Adam López en lia lasta ekskurso. La 28-jaro-malnova ne iris la distanco ekde 2012 antaŭ sia fina atako, haltinte siajn sep antaŭaj ok kontraŭulojn. Naskiĝis en Higüey, Dominican Respubliko, Li batalos en la U.S. por dua fojo kiel profesiulo.
La 22-jaro-malnova Arnett estis plenumebla amatoro kiu gajnis 2009 Junior Olympic Konkurso. Naskita en Winter Park, Florido, Li dismetis antaŭe unbeaten batalantoj Jeremia Wiggins, Brandon Quarles kaj en lia lasta ekskurso, Josuo Conley. Li aspektas fari ĝin kvar en vico sur Novembro 25.
Kuba boksisto batalanta el Miami, Johnson gajnis arĝentan medalon ĉe la 2004 Olimpiaj ludoj. Li komencis bataladon profesie en 2009 Kaj gajnis lian unuan 12 avantaĝo komenciĝas. La 34-jaro-malnova deprenis Norberto Gonzalez kaj Lenwood Dozier en 2014 kaj komencis 2015 kun venko super Paŭlo Munguia.
A Cherokee-civitano naskita en Oklahomo kaj trejnante el Miami, Nofire aspektos fari markon kiam li alfrontas sian plej fortan provon ĝisdata en novembro 25. La 28-jaro-malnova reprenis venkoj en 2015 super Joell Godfrey kaj Sylvester Barron kaj ĉesis ses de liaj lastaj sep batalojn ene la distanco.
Naskiĝis en Kubo sed batalante el Miami dum pluraj jaroj, Consuegra revenas al la loko de lia lasta venko, marto triumfo super Taurus Sykes. La 31-jaro-malnova reprenis venkoj super veteranoj Byron Polley, Santiago De Paula kaj Stacy Frazier ekde turnante avantaĝo en 2010.
For information visit Www.Premierboxingchampions.Com, Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @LaraBoxing @WarriorsBoxingProm and @ESPNBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at


Biletoj Sur Vendo Nun!
MIAMI (Oktobro 19, 2015) – Cuban sensation Erislandy “La amerika Revo” Lara (21-2-2, 12 KOs) will defend his super welterweight world title against former world champion Jan Zaveck (35-3, 19 KOs) Sur Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono (PBC) Sur ESPN Merkredo, Novembro 25 from Hialeah Park Racing and Casino in Miami with televised coverage beginning at 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT.
I’m very excited to be defending my title in my hometown of Miami,” said Lara. “Getting in the ring with a former world champion and an experienced fighter like Jan Zaveck is something I’m very much looking forward to. Sur Novembro 25 I will put on a show for all my fans and especially all my Cuban fans watching on ESPN.
I am aware that this will be one of the toughest fights of my career,” said Zaveck. “I respect Lara and I will prove that I am on the same level. I am aware that I am the underdog and that I am coming into Lara’s ‘living room.I am coming to Miami to chase my dreams and surprise everybody.
Lara, known as one of the best technical boxers in the sport, was an exceptional amateur for the Cuban national team before eventually defecting from the country. Nun, Lara will fight in Miami for just the second time in his career, a city that boasts the largest Cuban population in the U.S.
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de Warriors Boxing, Estas alprezigita #?e $100, $75, $50, $35 Kaj $25, ne inkludante aplikebla kotizoj, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Tickets can be purchased online at, De telefono #?e (877) 840-0457 aŭ ĉe la Hialeah Park kazino kaĝo.
The 32-year-old Larais a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara has notched victories over Alfredo Angulo, Austin Trout, Ishe Smith and Freddy Hernandez throughout his career. Kiel amatoro, Lara gajnis multenombrajn titolojn inkluzivanta nacian ĉampionecon ĉe welterweight kaj ankaŭ partoprenita en la 2007 Pato-Estas ludoj. La batalanto originale de Guantanamo, Cuba most recently dominated Delvin Rodriguez on a Junio 12 PBC card.
A former world champion at welterweight, Zaveck was a seven-time national champion in his native Slovenia, but has fought out of Germany for most of his career. The 39-year-old won a world title by stopping Isaac Hlatshwayo and went on to defend his title against, Rodolfo Martinez, Rafal Jackiewicz and Paul Delgado. Zaveck enters this fight on a three-bout win streak including his most recent triumph over Sasha Yengoyan in April 2015.
For information visit Kaj, Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @LaraBoxing @WarriorsBoxingProm and @ESPNBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at

The boxing Americanization of 21-year-old Brit middleweight prospect Steed Woodall is off to promising start

Returning to ring Julio 8 in NYC


MIAMI (Junio 30, 2015) – Unlike most British boxers who first establish themselves at home in the United Kingdom before fighting in the United States, Steed “La Stallion” Woodall packed up and moved 1-½ years ago from Birmingham, England to Miami in order to pursue his boxing dream.


Kiel amatoro, Woodall was a five-time England National Champion, two-time British Champion, and quarterfinalist in the World Youth Championships. His aggressive style, has proven to be much better suited for pro boxing, evident by his impressive 7-0-1 (5 KOs) profesia rekordo.

I spend most of my time in the gym,” Woodall talked about his new life in America. “I don’t have any family here and my friends are from the gym. It’s been tough but I’ve been welcomed in America and I’ve really enjoyed living here. Lasta jaro, I arrived in Miami around the end of the summer and didn’t realize how hot it really gets until now. Every morning I walk outside and it’s still a shock when the heat hits me. It does prepare me for fighting under TV lights, I guess.

I’ve gained a lot of valuable experience sparring top guys in our gym (5Th St. Gimnastikejo). I was only 19 when I came here and I’ve learned how to be a professional boxer. I always felt my style and size would be better as a professional than as an amateur. I’ve worked on my jab a lot to be a better all-around fighter. I’ve had great sparring for my next fight with guys like Dyer Davis Kaj Ed Paredes. I travel around to get sparring, Tro, with experienced pros and some top amateurs to get a chance to work against a lot of different styles.

Woodall’s been preparing for his next fight, Julio 8 en ses-ronda atako kontraŭ Devaun Lee (4-1, 2 KOs), of nearby Jamaica, #Re?o, at BB King Blues Club in New York City, where he’s fought two other times for his promoter, Lou DiBella. Woodall is Irish on his mother’s side and he has a growing fan-base in the Big Apple.

It’s a great experience fighting in New York City, especially for somebody from such a small place like Birmingham,” Woodall noted. “Ĝi’s revo venita veran, fighting in America, right in Times Square. I’m living the dream.

I don’t really pay too much attention to my opponent. I fought world champions as an amateur, so I’m not overly concerned with my opponents. I just want to go and get the job done.

Woodall has also fought professionally in the Dominican Republic, Virginia and Florida.



Pepi & Instagram – @SteedWoodall

Facebook –


New 5th St. Gym in Miami Beach Carrying on rich boxing history


Por Tuja Elkarcerigo

“La plej bona” Muhammad Ali regularly trained at 5Th St. Gimnastikejo

Through the years 5th St. Gym photo gallery below

(pictures courtesy of Tom Tastas and 5t St. Gimnastikejo)

MIAMI BEACH (Junio 8, 2015) – The new 5Th St. Gym is carrying on the rich boxing history established there in 1950 by the famed Dundee brothers, Chris and Angelo.


Known throughout boxing as the world’s most famous gym, 5Th St. Gym became a major attraction for boxers, international celebrities and tourists alike, originally due to presence of a rising star training there, Cassius Clay, Kiu, Nature, went on to become The Greatest, Mahometo Ali.


Hall of Famers and future inductees have trained at 5Th St. Gym over the years, including Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Carmen Basilio, Archie Moore, Willie Pep, Roberto Duran, Lennox Lewis, Ray “#Ekprosperi?o #Ekprosperi?o” Mancini, Mike Tyson, Bernard Hopkins, Roy Jones, Jr. and so many other ring greats.


Others who have been part of the 5Th St. Gym experience are actor Matt Damon and comedian Dave Chappelle, in addition to elite athletes such as Cleveland Cavaliers superstar Lebron James, Green Bay Packers future Hall-of-Famer Julius Peppers and former UFC great George St. Pierre. 5Th St. Gym’s history also includes legendary celebrities such as Frank Sinatra, Sean Connery, Jackie Gleason.


5Th St. Gym fell on hard times at one point but a revitalization started in 2009, thanks to new owners Tom Tsatas and Dino Spencer, who re-opened the gym at its original location on 5Th and Washington in Miami Beach.


Je 2013, 5Th St. Gym moved from its original location of 63 Jaroj, off and on, when CVS took over the property and forced the gym to move to its present location at nearby 1434 Alton Road.


We’re slowly getting back,” Spencer explained. “We’ve only been reopened since 2010 and in our new location since 2013. We have new people – Trejnistoj, manager and fightersand offer unique opportunities for up-and-coming professional boxers. You can’t catch passes from Tom Brady but boxers can train here every day with champions and contenders. There are also ultra-successful people here who can teach boxers about how to be successful outside the ring. We’re creating an environment at 5Th St. Gym to give young boxers every opportunity to succeed.


Wildcard Gym (Los Angeles) is the No. 1 spot today but, on this side of the country, fighters from all over the world are coming here to train. Brian Jennings trained here for his fight with (Wladimir) Klitschko, Manual Charr trained here for his last fight, Anthony and Andre Dirrell have trained here, (Sergey) Kovalev, Tro. They get elite sparring here for their training camps. Some come here with their coach, others have me train them.


A lot of boxing managers are here every day like John Seip and Charr’s manager was hanging out here, Tro. In fact, he’s interested in signing a fighter he saw at our gym. People from Warriors Gym are here a lot looking for young talent. These people can make a difference in a young fighter’s life. Fighters are getting exposure here before they ever get to fight on TV. We also have great weather and all the amenities of South Beach. It’s only a matter of time before we’re back on top at No. 1.”


Times have changed and today the heart and soul of 5Th St. Gym beats strong once again with world-class boxers training alongside supermodels Adriana Lima, Alessandra and Nina Adgal, as well as Grammy winner Cedric Gervais, just to name a few of the more notable non-boxer members working out there on a regular basis.


Denove, 5Th St. Gym is the training mecca for world champions, top contenders and promising prospects. In fact, Seip discovered gifted Italian boxer Daniele Marco Scardina at 5Th St. Gym and signed him to a professional contract.


Newly-crowned International Boxing Federation (IBF) super middleweight champion James DeGale, pictured here with 5Th St. Gym owner Dino Spencer, trained at 5ThSt. Gym for his recent title-winning performance against Andre Dirrell, who has also trained at 5Th St. Gym in the past, en Boston. DeGale sparred with the gym’s top amateur southpaw, Niko Valdes, to prepare for Dirrell. DeGale won a unanimous 12-round decision over Dirrell to become the first Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain to capture a major world title as a professional boxer.


Four years ago,” Seip klarigis, “I moved my managerial company to Miami from New York City. It had become very difficult to find solid sparring in New York City, where boxing gyms were closing due to the demand for high rents. The 5th St Gym has grown back into a big time professional boxing gym. I house all my fighters in Miami and they all train exclusively at 5th St. Gym for boxing and conditioning. There are pros who fly in from other countries to prepare there for fights. The atmosphere is incredible and professional boxers, heavyweights to featherweights, spar there three or four days a week. Lasita-a vizaĝo ĝi, sparring is like a classroom and it’s pivotal for pros to prepare and learn. The teachers at 5Th St. Gimnastikejo — Dino Spencer, Guy Laieta and Louis Perezare all top rated. It’s also a fun place to hang my hat. You cannot beat Miami weather for training, either.


For more information about 5Th St Gym, Vizito, follow on Twitter @5thstgym, Aŭ voko 305.763.8110. Operation hours of gym are Lundo throughVendredo, 9:00 Estas.-9:30 P.M. ET, Sabato & #Diman?o, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 P.M. ET.


Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali


(L-R) 2008 Usono. Olympic Bronze medalist and world super middleweight title challenger Andre Dirrell, 5Th St. Gym owner Dino Spencer and former world heavyweight/cruiserweight world champion David Haye

(L-R) – Seated the late HOF trainer Angelo Dundee, Mahometo Ali, the late journalist Bert Sugar and Dino Spencer, behind (L-R)Tom Tsatas, unknown person, and former world heavyweight title challenger Fres Oquendo

(L-R) – Former world heavyweight/cruiserweight champion David Haye & comedian Dave Chappelle

Viro sur Misio: Lippe daŭras knokaŭtan strion en Miami!


Miami, OK (Majo 31, 2015) – Fama superpezulo supre kaj proksima Trey Lippe-Morrison restis perfektan kiel profesia sekvantaro sed tamen alia impona knokaŭto hieraŭ vespero ĉe la Buffalo Kura Kazino en Miami, OK.


Batalanta antaŭ sellout amaso, Io li estas fariĝas kutimita al kiel membro de Holden Kvar de Produktadoj Ŝtata Franĉizo”, Lippe-Morrison alfrontis Thomas Jones en la ses rondo ĉefa evento. Kun legenda trejnisto Jesse Reid en lia angulo por la unua tempo, Lippe-Morrison trafis imponan duan rondan halton de Jones. Post kiam superreganta la unuan rondon, Lippe-Morrison ellasis brutalan kombinaĵon ke severe ŝanceliĝita Jones, Deviganta lian angulon ĵeti en la tualettuko nur 35 Sekundoj post la komenco de la rondo.


Lippe-Morrison, Kiu vivoj en Tulsa, Estas nun 8-0 Kun ĉiuj de liaj venkoj de knokaŭto.


Kenzie Witt de Bartelsville, BONE iris la distancon por la unua tempo kiel profesia sed plibonigita al 5-0 Sekvanta kvar rondon unuanima decido super Kansasa Urbo Lucas Overcast de MO. Witt estis en kontrolo dum sed akiris valoran sperton kontraŭ la ludo Overcast. Witt, Kiu estas la duona frato de Lippe-Morrison, Haltis lian antaŭan kvar oponantoj en la unua rondo.


“Trey kaj Kenzie daŭras impresi min,” Dirita Varbanton Tony Holden. “Mi estas iranta daŭri paŝanta ilin supre sed ambaŭ de ili havas nekredeblan potencon kiel ilia patro faris. Niaj fervoruloj estis mirindaj kaj mi dankonas ilin por plenpleniganta la domon denove. Ni faros ĝin nia devo daŭri donanta ilin ekscitaj vicoj kun batalantoj ili deziras vidi.”


“Kvar Ŝtata Franĉiza” membro Jesse Cook (14-1-1, Seneca, MO) Batalita al ok ronda tiro en welterweight konkurso kontraŭ Kevin Womack (5-5-2, Baltimore, MD) Kaj lia frato Dillon Cook (14-0, Seneca, MO) Haltis Joe Jiles (3-5, McAlester, OK) En la komenca rondo de malsupera middleweight vico. Undefeated welterweight perspektivo Jarrett Rose ofBartlesville upped lia rekordo al 7-0 De haltanta Robert Seyam en la tria rondo, Dum Kathina Catron kaj Juan Parra ĉiu gajnis kvar rondajn decidojn.


La karto estis ankaŭ elsendita de Halo de Famer Al Bernstein kaj Oklahoma Urbo boksanta legendon Sean O'Grady sur KSNF kaj Cox Kablo. Fervoruloj en la Kvar Ŝtata Areo (Misuro, Kansasa Oklahomo kaj Arkansaso) Ricevis la elsendan ĝentilecon de nova televida interkonsento kiu daŭros dum la sekvanta karto ĉe la Buffalo Kura Kazino.


“Ĝi estas tia honoro havi Al kaj Sean elsendanta miajn rezultojn,?? Dirita Holden. “Ambaŭ viroj estas nekredeblaj ĉe kio ili fari. Tio ĉi estas alia granda ellasejo por tiuj kiu ne povas fari ĝin al la bataloj ne nur ĝuas la agon viva sur televido sed tiel fari kun du el la plej bonaj elsendistoj en la komerco.”


Holden Produktadoj sekvanta karto estas enhorarigita por Julio 25.

Susan Cingari Joins Fight Time Promotions Broadcast Team

Miami, FL (Majo 26, 2015): Floridos premier mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion, Fight Time Promotions, announced today that they have appointed Susan Cingari as their official ‘in-house’ Reporter. Cingari is an Emmy Award Winning Journalist and seasoned reporter with over 20 years of experience covering sports and entertainment news. As a member of the broadcast team, Cingari will conduct pre and post-fight interviews and will take fans behind-the-scenes during Fight Time Promotions’ professional MMA events, which currently air on the CBS Sports Network. Cingari will begin her journey with Fight Time onMajo 29 #?E la Fight Time 25 ‘It’s Fight Time in the Magic City event in Miami, Florido.

As an MMA Reporter, Susan Cingari aims to deliver compelling stories that resonate with fans everywhere, especially fans that are new to the sport. Due to her unique interview style and long-standing relationships in the media industry, Cingari is able to generate unparalleled visibility for MMA athletes and the organizations they are affiliated with. It is no surprise that Fight Time executives sought out Cingari to fill the reporter role, as she brings a rare and exciting dynamic to the team.

1976 Boxing Olympic Gold Medalist and CEO of Fight Time Promotions, Howard Davis Jr. had this to say, We are very excited to have Susan Cingari as a member of our broadcast team. Not only does Susan possess impeccable credentials, she shares our passion for shining a light on deserving fighters and generating positive publicity for the sport. As a reporter, Susan takes the time to connect with fighters on a personal level, delivering powerful interviews that go well beyond the cage. We are happy to have her on the Fight Time team!!?

According to Cingari, Words cannot express how honored I am to be a part of the Fight Time Promotions MMA family. Fight Time #Anta?enigo has been bringing quality MMA shows to the Southeast for five Jaroj. Not only do they continue to deliver fight cards stacked with match-ups that fans want to see, they offer fighters and sponsors optimal media exposure by broadcasting their MMA events on the CBS Sports Network. I am thrilled to be joining Fight Time#Anta?enigo broadcast team and look forward to a long and successful career with the organization!?

Susan Cingari has over twenty years of experience as a mainstream media journalist and producer for such shows as: Distro #?I-nokte, “The Insider”,“Fox News Channel,” “Rachel Ray?, “Inside Edition” “Discovery” “Travel Channel”Disney, “CBS”, “CNN”, “MTV”, “ America’s Most Wanted”, “ESPN”, NBC Sports”,“CNBC”, “ MTV”, Extra and many more.

Cingari turned her focus to mixed martial arts after working on a story about a female wrestler. The wrestler had a strength and conditioning coach by the name of JC Santana who trained many of the top MMA fighters and introduced her to the sport of MMA. One visit to the American Top Team (ATT) training facility in Florida was all it took. She was particularly impressed with the determination and discipline the fighters had as well as their team spirit. Cingari now focuses as much time as possible on covering the sport of MMA.

To learn more about Susan Cingari please visit at For information on Fight Time Promotions, #Pla?i

About Susan Cingari:

As an Emmy award-winning journalist, Susan Cingari has over twenty years of experience in newspapers, radio and television broadcasting and has been freelancing as a writer, reporter, host and producer for nearly two decades. Cingari has reported on a broad range of stories in the sports and entertainment industries with a strong focus on mixed martial arts (MMA). Her strong ties with top-tier sports and mainstream media outlets translates into unparalleled visibility for the organizations she represents and athletes she interviews. For more information on please visit at To view Cingari’s MMA event coverage and in-depth fighter interviews, Vizito Fans can follow Cingari on Twitter at @susancingari or on Facebook by liking herFan Page.

About Fight Time Promotions

Fight Time Promotions, LLC is a full service professional sports entertainment company founded by 1976 Olympic Boxing Gold Medalist – Howard Davis Jr. and his wife and former Journalist – Karla Guadamuz-Davis. This family-owned business continues to strive to make a difference in the industry through integrity, consistency and uniqueness. Je 2011, Fight Time Promotions held more shows than any other fight promoter in the State of Florida (boxing or MMA). The “Fight Time” series take place in South Florida from the historic War Memorial Auditorium in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Fight Time Promotions provides fans with action-packed MMA professional fights and is geared toward fans, who want to see live action and support Mixed Martial Arts. “It’s Fight Time!” For more information on the promotion or to view the 2015 fight schedule, #Pla?i