Tag Archives: MGM Ukwu


Quotables From Notables

Manny Pacquiao, Freddie Roach and Bob Arum

16 Days Before The Fight of the Century

Saturday, May 2, NÁ MGM Ukwu ubi Arena na Las Vegas


Pịa EBE A For Pacquiao Media Day Replay Link

Pịa EBE A For Pacquiao Media Day Video Highlights

Pịa EBE A For Mayweather Media Day Video Highlights

Pịa EBE A N'ihi na Photos Site Esther Lin / showtime

Pịa EBE A N'ihi na Photos Site Chris Farina / Top efehek

Pịa EBE A For Mayweather Photos From Tuesday si Workout

Ebe E Si Nweta: Esther Lin / showtime

Hollywood, Calif. (April 16, 2015) – It was Manny Media Mania at Wednesday si media workout for Fighter of the Decade, eight-division world champion and boxing superhero Congressman MANNY “Pacman” PACQUIAO. Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Kos), who represents the Sarangani province in the Philippines, hosted a Hollywood Media Workout with his Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach and Hall of Promoter Bob Arum.


Over 300 media from around the globe flocked to Wild Card Boxing Club to ask the trio about Pacquiao’s Ka 2 welterweight world championship unification battle against undefeatedFloyd “Ego” MAYWEATHER JR. (47-0, 26 Kos), na MGM Ukwu Ogige Arena na Las Vegas.


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the live pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® na-amalite na 9:00 p.m. NA/ 6:00 p.m. Pt.


What Pacquiao, Top Rank CEO Bob arum and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach kwuruWednesday:


MANNY PACQUIAO, Eight-Division World Champion


I feel very excited for the fight.


I have a lot of sparring partners that are similar to Floyd’s fighting style, we have done well. We know what to expect.


I have watched tape on Floyd to make sure that our strategy and technique in training camp is correct.


My entire career defines my legacy; I have already accomplished great achievements in my career while excelling in different weight divisions. This fight is an additional achievement in my career; it’s the biggest fight in boxing history.


I can say that beating Floyd would be the biggest victory of my career.


More people are interested and informed about this fight now than they would’ve been five years ago.


Style wise, I am the same fighter I was five years ago. My determination, inspiration and killer instinct is the exact same as it was five or six years ago.


“Maka m, boxing is my passion. I enjoy boxing and giving honor to my country of the Philippines. My concern is to bring an exciting fight to my fans. My first concern going into every fight is how will be to be able to entertain my fans, give them enjoyment and make them happy.


The reason I am so loved by fans is because of my reckless style of fighting. People like exciting fights with actual punches being thrown.




Manny is motivated, he’s ready for the fight. I expect a great performance from him.


It’s a very interesting fight because Floyd is a defensive specialist who has a good right hand and picks off his opponents. He’s an extraordinarily good fighter.


Pacquiao’s strength is speed, particularly his foot speed and the fact that he throws so many punches and attacks from low angles. He really hits harder than Floyd does, so that’s really what it’s going to be about.


Floyd has a different defense than Juan Manuel Marquez. His defense is primarily his shoulder roll. A lot of his defense is geared against a right handed fighter. Na na kwuru, I think Manny is going to surprise a lot of people with how he is going to be able to reach Floyd.


I would say Manny is more motivated for this fight than any other fight I’ve seen him prepare for.


I’m looking forward to Ka 2. I love Manny’s chances of winning, that’s the main thing. He looks great, he’s motivated, no nonsense, and I think he’s going to put on a performance for the ages. It’s going to be hard for him to top his performance against Oscar De La Hoya, but I think he will in this fight.

FREDDIE roach, Pacquiao’s Hall of Fame Trainer


We have a great idea of when and where we are going to attack Mayweather.


This fight was five years in the making. Promoters should realize that these types of fights are what’s best for boxing and we should have more fights like this. I’m not surprised by the hype surrounding the fight.


Manny has really raised the bar in this training camp. He’s a different Manny Pacquiao than I have seen him going into previous training camps. He is punching so much harder in training for this camp.


Manny is better than ever, his attitude is different and I’ve never seen him work this hard. His speed is faster, his punches are harder. I’m really happy where he’s at. His legs look great; he’s on his toes all the time.


Mayweather is a good counter-puncher, but Manny has faster hands and his combinations are better than Floyd’s.


Both fighters have great experience, so I don’t believe that will be a factor in the fight. The biggest thing is that each fighter comes in with a different style. Floyd is a counter-puncher but Manny must be the one to enforce the fight.


I believe that Manny being a southpaw will be a factor in this fight. Manny showed me tape of Floyd fighting a southpaw and told me that that is exactly what we are going to do in this fight.


I can tell how much this fight means to Manny because he has watched tape on Floyd. Manny has never watched tape on any fighter before.


Since Manny moved to 147 he hasn’t knocked many guys out, so getting the knockout in this fight isn’t a concern for me. If Manny fights at 140, then he does knock guys out, but at this weight he is fighting guys who are bigger than him.


Floyd may be a bigger guy, but we will still win the fight.


This fight is much bigger than when Manny fought Oscar De La Hoya. Manny is a different person going into this fight. He hit me so hard the other day that I believe it’s the hardest I’ve ever been hit by a fighter who I’m training.


I don’t believe that Floyd ever wanted this fight, he was forced to take it by the public and the media. I wouldn’t be surprised if Floyd pulled out now.


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Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.na / ọkpọ na www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing NaSwanson_Comm, ma na-akwado na Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsportsandwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


* * * Na anya * * *

Saturday, April 18 na showtime® Immediately Following

Showtime egwuregwu ọkpọ® Chavez vs. Fonfara


The fight the fans craved is finally here. Ugbu a, after years of anticipation and negotiation, the reality of Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao stepping into the ring is just over two weeks away. Check out this clip lift from Na nwunye 1 of the SHOWTIME Sports® documentary seriesN'ime MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO. Don’t miss the full episode a Saturday immediately following SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. vs. Andrzej Fonfara at10 p.m. NA/7 p.m. Pt na showtime.


Click on this link to watch, òkè na embed a video: http://s.sho.com/1J4oInr

Photo Ebe E Si Nweta: Esther Lin / OGE IHE NKIRI


# # #


Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing na www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing NaSwanson_Comm, ma na-akwado na Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports andwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Pịa EBE A N'ihi na Photos Site Esther Lin / showtime

Pịa EBE A N'ihi na Photos Site Idris Erba / Mayweather n'ọkwá

Pịa EBE A For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Pịa EBE A For Workout Highlight Reel

Las Vegas – (April 15, 2015) – Karịrị 200 accredited press members from around the world descended upon Mayweather Boxing Club for Tuesday si Floyd Mayweather Media Day. It was the 11-time world champion Mayweather’s first and only open training session before his welterweight world championship unification mega-showdown against Manny Pacquiao na Saturday, Ka 2, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas live on pay-per-view.


Superstars Mayweather (47-0, 26 Kos) na Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Kos) is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the live pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® na-amalite na9:00 p.m. NA/ 6:00 p.m. Pt.


Several dozen television camera crews, akwụkwọ akụkọ edemede, ọkpọ dere, redio mgbasaozi n'ikuku, web reporters, photographers and (video) bloggers watched as Mayweather went through the paces during a 90-plus minute workout that included working the heavy bag, smacking the speed bag, hitting the mitts, jumping rope, stretching and doing calisthenics.


Before a training session streamed in high definition across multiple platforms, gụnyere site satellite ndepụta, YouTube na-elekọta mmadụ media, Mayweather answered questions from the media inside a specially-constructed tent in a parking lot outside the gym.


What Mayweather, Mayweather n'ọkwá CEO Leonard Ellerbe, ọzụzụ Floyd Mayweather SR. and unbeaten WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz, who will fight in the top pay-per-view undercard bout on Ka 2, kwuru Tuesday:


Floyd MAYWEATHER, 11-Time World onye mmeri


My training camp is basically running the same way. I think it has been smoother than others. I feel very comfortable and happy with my performances. They push me hard at camp. They know what I need.


The timing for this fight is right. This fight is about legacy, fans and family. I surround myself with all of the right people.


I can’t say that this matchup is about hype. This is real life. This is two future Hall of Famers in a mega-fight.


I’ve done record breaking numbers before and it looks like we’re going to do it again.


Everything in life is about timing. I have no regrets that this fight didn’t take place five years ago. I didn’t think it was that big then, but it continued to get bigger and bigger. Not just in boxing, but outside of the sport. Pacquiao has continued to grow outside of the sport. We didn’t need to rush anything.


This is going to be an exciting fight. Our styles are totally different. He is very, very reckless. Every move I make is calculated. I’m always 5-10 steps ahead of my opponent.


We’ll see what happens when the fight starts. But when all is said and done I’m going to be the winner.


Pacquiao is strong and solid but I don’t know if he can make adjustments like I can. I feel tremendous.


This was a difficult fight to make happen, but we made it happen. This fight is one of the biggest ever in boxing.


I’m still going strong. The last time I looked, M bụ 47 na 0.


Anyone can get hit with a great shot, but I can make more adjustments and Manny can’t.


I don’t think Pacquiao expected me to look as strong or big when we faced off (at the L.A. pịa ogbako).


I walk around at 150-152 pounds to weigh 147 pound. Other boxers weigh around 160-170 before coming down.


I’ve got one more fight on my contract. I couldn’t be happier with SHOWTIME and CBS.


Las Vegas is the boxing capital. During a Floyd Mayweather fight weekend, you can shop, party, stay out late and do anything you want. The city of Las Vegas has everything.


There were offers to fight other places, but MGM Grand is my home.


Anything I’ve asked of MGM Grand, they’ve done for me in a heartbeat. They’re all about making entertainers and athletes happy.


Leo Santa Cruz, WBC Super Bantamweight World onye mmeri


I’m very grateful for the opportunity to fight on such an unbelievably huge card. I really want to thank Floyd Mayweather.


Any boxer would like to be on this card where millions of people are watching. I’m happy to represent Mexico on this night and on this fight card.

I look at it as a key opportunity for me to make an even bigger name for myself, which is my goal because one day I want to become a superstar like Floyd. That’s why I train really hard all of the time.


There are no little fights for me. I consider every fighter dangerous. You lose when you think a fighter is not on your level and then he comes in hungrier than you. That will never happen to me.


I don’t know who I’m fighting yet, but I’m sparring different guys with different styles.


There’s always a lot at risk for me. People keep talking about all of these big fights, but if I don’t win now, there will be no big fights in the future.


I know who I want to fight, but I don’t pick my opponents; I leave it up to my team. They make those kinds of decisions. My job is to fight and win.


I have to stay concentrated. I have to maintain focus and concentration. I can’t get ahead of myself. M na-enye 100 percent in training and in the ring. I always want to put on a great fight for the fans.

Leonard ELLERBE, CEO nke Mayweather n'ọkwá


Boxing is at an all time high at the moment. There are a lot of great things going on. Between this fight and getting boxing back on network television, it’s all great for the sport.


This fight will not only elevate the sport in general, but it will bring in the casual fan to the sport and that’s a great thing.


The impact that Floyd Mayweather has had on this sport is immeasurable. People won’t be able to appreciate that until he retires. He’s done so much for this sport. He’s given fighters a platform to say to other promoters that they deserve the lion’s share of the money. He’s brought more sponsorships to the sport.


Floyd Mayweather is the highest paid athlete in all of sports and he happens to be a boxer.


I think the demand thus far only indicates how big this event is. This is a fight that’s been talked about for five years now and everyone is going to get exactly what they’ve been asking for.


Manny Pacquiao is a great fighter. He’s been in a number of great fights and he’s had a terrific career thus far. These are the two best fighters of this generation and come Ka 2 there will be one man standing and it will be Floyd Mayweather.


There’s no doubt it’s going to be a great fight. M nnọọ obi ụtọ. I can see firsthand the day-to-day preparation that Floyd puts in and he’s working just as hard as ever. The fans are going to get a great fight that night.


I don’t know what Manny Pacquiao has to do on Ka 2, but I know what Floyd Mayweather has to do. He has to do what he normally does and go in there and execute his game plan and I really expect Floyd to knock him out.


Floyd Mayweather SR., Mayweather’s Trainer & Father


Floyd is as well rounded a fighter as there has ever been, but he’s really still here because of his defense.


Other guys fight with their head and their mind and come up short. It’s his great defense that has kept him on top for so long.


I want you all to see it. It’s so plain and simple what he’s going to do. Even Ray Charles could see it.


I honestly never thought that this was going to happen. So many people were trying to say Floyd was scared. Lets see on Ka 2 who is scared.


I can’t tell you why or how, but here’s an update, Floyd is going to kick his a** and knock Pacquiao out.


I didn’t watch one tape on Pacquiao. There is no reason to study him. He’s not at this level.


Floyd is the best, I must confess. Nothing is going to stop Floyd Mayweather.


Pacquiao’s trainer Coach Roach (Freddie Roach) is lying to you. Trying to trick you all. Floyd’s not getting knocked down in the gym. Floyd is the one knocking people down. Roach blows smoke with no hope.

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Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.na / ọkpọ na www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing NaSwanson_Comm, ma na-akwado na Facebookatwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiaowww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing,www.facebook.com/SHOsports andwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.




Las Vegas (April 10, 2015) – As Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao fight night approaches, Mayweather n'ọkwá announced today that undefeated Mexican superstar and current WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Ọdụm “Ala Ọma Jijiji” Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 Kos) will be featured on the three-fight pay-per-view televised undercard against an opponent to be determined.


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao takes place Saturday, Ka 2 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena and will be co-produced and co-distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® na-amalite na 9:00 p.m. NA/6:00 p.m. Pt.

I’m extremely excited to put one of the most popular and exciting Mexican fighters in the world on the pay-per-view undercard of this historic event on Cinco De Mayo weekend,” Kwurula Mayweather, president of Mayweather Promotions. “I’m all about giving my loyal fans what they want. All the fans watching on fight night will be in for a great show when Leo Santa Cruz enters the ring.


I’m so honored to be the lead-in for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to do so on Cinco De Mayo weekend,” kwuru Santa Cruz. “This will be a huge night for boxing and I plan on showing everybody that I’m all about action-packed fights. I’m grateful to Floyd Mayweather and Mayweather Promotions for giving me this opportunity and giving the Mexican fight fans another reason to cheer on Ka 2.”


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao marks the second-consecutive Mayweather pay-per-view event featuring Santa Cruz. In September he wiped out Manuel Roman with a second-round technical knockout as the co-main event ofMAYHEM: Mayweather vs. Maidana 2.Previously he had fought on the non-televised undercard of MAY DAY: Mayweather vs. Robert Guerrero, with a technical knockout over Alexander Munoz. Ọzọkwa, this is the fourth consecutive fight for Santa Cruz at the MGM Grand Garden Arena and his ninth overall in the state of Nevada of his 30 ọkachamara ịlụ ọgụ.


In non-pay-per-view undercard action, a pair of Mayweather Promotionsfighters will look to keep their undefeated records intact. Super welterweight prospect Chris “Sweet” Pearson (11-0, 9 Kos) will square off against tough brawler Kwuru El Harrak (12-2-2, 7 Kos) na a 10 gburugburu n'obi.


“M na-eto eto, hungry fighter who has big aspirations in this sport,” said Pearson. “Ka 2 is a great opportunity to show the world why I will be a future world champion.


Ọzọ, cruiserweight knockout artist Andrew “Anụ ọhịa ahụ” Tabiti (9-0, 9 Kos) takes on an opponent to be determined in eight rounds of action.


I can’t wait for this opportunity to get in the ring and show off my power on Ka 2,” said Tabiti. “I’m always ready to put on a show for the fans and I hope they’re ready to see a big knockout.


Mayweather Promotions is dedicated to putting on the biggest events for fans and with the inclusion of these great young fighters we are ensuring that once again,” Kwurula Leonard Ellerbe, CEO nke Mayweather n'ọkwá. “Chris Pearson and Andrew Tabiti are future world champions who will have a chance to perform on the biggest stage in all of boxing on Ka 2, and I can’t say enough bout how excited we are to have Leo Santa Cruz on the card as the lead in for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.”


The fan-friendly two-division world champion Santa Cruz has defended his super bantamweight title numerous times in impressive fashion on his way to earning a reputation as one of the most exciting fighters in the world. The 26-year-old won his first world title in 2012. Na 2013 he won his super bantamweight title, which he now holds. Born in Huetamo, Michoaca de Ocampo, Mexico but fighting out of Los Angeles, Santa Cruz looks to entertain the fans at MGM Grand on Ka 2 when he fights on the highly anticipated Mayweather vs. Pacquiao pay-per-view.


An undefeated prospect out of Dayton, Ohio, Pearson is coming off of an impressive unanimous decision in Dececmber 2014 over the hard-hitting Steve Martinez and he looks to keep his momentum going when he fights on Ka 2. Mgbe dị nnọọ 24,, Pearson had recorded eight straight victories inside the distance before his most recent bout. He takes on the 27-year-old El Harrak who fights out of Henderson, Nev. by way of London.


A 25-year-old with extreme knockout power, Tabiti last fought in December 2014 and delivered with a first-round knockout of Ernest Reyna. It was his ninth knockout in a row to start his career. A mụrụ na Chicago ma na-alụ ọgụ nke Las Vegas, “Anụ ọhịa ahụ” hopes to make it 10 knockouts na 10 tries when he enters the ring onKa 2.


* * *


Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Egwuregwu,www.hbo.com/boxing na www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing NaSwanson_Comm, ma na-akwado na Facebook nawww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports nawww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

* * * Na anya * * * FLOYD MAYWEATHER VS. MANNY PACQUIAO ukara azụmahịa ẹkedori NA Na njikọ

Pịa ebe a maka The Official Azụmahịa Link

Short Link: http://s.sho.com/1bU4liB

Ebe E Si Nweta: Esther Lin / Mayweather vs. Pacquiao

Ihe na-erughị otu ọnwa na-aga ruo mgbe akụkọ ihe mere eme egwuregwu showdown n'etiti 11 oge, ise nkewa n'ụwa onye mmeri Floyd “Ego” Mayweather na asatọ-nkewa n'ụwa onye mmeri Manny “Pac-Man” Pacquiao, mkpokọta ahịa otu maka Mayweather vs. Pacquiao nkwalite tọhapụrụ azụmahịa ntụpọ taa touting Ṅaa-kwa-ele omume.


Nke a azụmahịa — filmed na ma prizefighters na a Los Angeles studio n'uhuruchi nke March 11 — bụ a okike mmekota n'etiti Mayweather n'ọkwá, Top efehek, Showtime PPV® na HBO ụgwọ elekere-View®. The 30-abụọ ntụpọ pụta ìhè atụmanya na oké ịdị ukwuu nke otu ugboro a na-na-a-ndụ omume. Ọ na-eje ozi dị ka lynchpin ka eme ihe ike ike n'ikuku ana enweta n'otutu-media oziịchụnta ahịa na ga-ebe anọ ọzọ izu. A bịa Mayweather vs. Pacquiao oziịchụnta ahịa na-atụ anya na-enweta na-ahụtụbeghị mbụ nke nkwado si na-akwụ-kwa-ele enye.


The Epic showdown-ewe ebe Saturday, Ka 2 si MGM Ukwu Ogige Arena ga-ngalaba-emepụta na ngalaba-ekesa ndụ site HBO ụgwọ elekere-View na showtime PPV. The ndụ na-akwụ-kwa-ele telecast na-amalite mgbe 9:00 p.m. NA / 6:00 p.m. Pt.


Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.hbo.com/ọkpọ,www.SHO.com/Sports, na www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, HBOboxing, SHOSports NaSwanson_Comm, ma na-akwado na Facebook na www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing,

www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing na facebook.com/ShoBoxing.

Imeri A Njem ka Las Vegas maka Mayweather-Pacquiao

Tinye maka a ohere iji merie a njem abụọ ka Las Vegas na abụọ tiketi ka megafight n'etiti Floyd Mayweather, Jr., na Manny Pacquiao on Ka 2 at the MGM Grand. The ebube chọr'inwe-eto eto ga-enweta abụọ tiketi agha, atọ, ehihie na abalị nke arahụ na Las Vegas warara na a $700 njem udeme kwa onye.


Nke abụọ ebe-eto eto ga-enweta a $1000 ngwá ngwugwu si na-eweta gbaa na atọ ebe-eto eto ga-ọdịda a $300 USA Boxing n'uwe ngwugwu.


N'ihi na dị nnọọ a $10 tụrụ aro onyinye, ị nwere ike tinye anyị keere òkè na lọtrị na-agba àmà agha na narị afọ nke anya na nkwado USA Boxing na United States’ kasị mma Olympic-ịke na-eti ọkpọ n'otu oge.


Ọ bụ ezie na a onyinye dịghị mkpa na-abanye na ọ ga-mma gị na Ohere nke na-emeri, ọ bụghị uche gị ohere iji merie otu ugboro a na ndu ahụmahụ. Enter now and enter often. The sweepstakes will end onApril 15, 2015.


Pịa ebe a ịbanye keere òkè na lọtrị.


Lee Official Iwu maka nkọwa, including eligibility and entry deadlines. Void where prohibited. No purchase or donation is necessary to enter or win.

Showtime SPORTS® TO Chronicle kasị atụ anya ihe omume nke afọ "n'ime MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO "

Anọ Part akwụkwọ Comics na-agụnye Network si pụrụ iche Ma Award-emeri "akụkụ ikpeazụ" na nwunye; Usoro Premieres Saturday, April 18, Naanị On showtime®


(Photo Ebe E Si Nweta: OGE IHE NKIRI)

NEW YORK (March 27, 2015) - Showtime Egwuregwu® awade ekiri nanị ohere Floyd "Ego" Mayweather na ihe ndị kasị atụ anya ihe omume nke afọ ya na "N'ime MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO,"Chiri anya akụkụ anọ akwụkwọ usoro chronicling ndụ nke perennial paụnd na-paụnd onye mmeri dị ka ọ navigates ya nkukota N'ezie na Manny Pacquiao. Na nwunye 1 premieres on Saturday, April 18 ozugbo na-esonụ na-ebi ndụShowtime egwuregwu ọkpọ® doubleheader featuring Mexico superstar Julio Cesar Chavez Obere.


N'ime MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO delivers a unique perspective of the compelling and popular Mayweather in the weeks leading up to the biggest prizefight of this generation. In the fourth installment, Akụkụ ikpeazụ, Showtime Egwuregwu na-elekwasị anya na iche na Egwuregwu Emmy Award-emeri Chakwasa ihie na-ejighị n'aka ihe nkiri nke agha izu, na-ewe ndị na-ekiri n'ime ụdọ na agha n'abalị, na n'ime uche nke fighter ke kpara nke n'obi.


"Showtime emenịm onwe ya iche na ya mkpuchi nke nnukwu ọgụ na ịkụ ọkpọ na anyị na-ekiri na-na-atụ anya ihe pụrụ iche ohere anyị na-enye,"Kwuru Stephen Espinoza, Executive osoje President & Onye Isi Njikwa, Showtime Egwuregwu. “INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO ga-bụghị naanị ịnabata ndị na-ekiri n'ime Mayweather si mara ụlọikwuu n'ihu agha, ma na-enyekwa ndị na-ekiri a window n'ime ndị dị ịrịba ama ma na-emetụ n'obi oge ozugbo tupu mgbe a mere ihe akụkọ ọgụ. "


Showtime ese foto na-gbanyesiri mkpọrọgwụ na Mayweather si mara ụlọikwuu na onyinyo nke na-enwu gbaa ọkụ Las Vegas. This unparalleled access allows INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO ka bee azụ ákwà mgbochi ahụ na Mayweather si opulent ọha persona mgbe ekpughe-adịghị akwụsị akwụsị ịchụso izu okè nke propels na undefeated, undisputed onye mmeri.


Site red kapeeti ịhụ nke kickoff pịa ogbako na Los Angeles na rigors nke ọzụzụ mara ụlọikwuu na osisi ike nke dara na-na udo mgbakwasa ụlọ mgbe ikpeazụ mgbịrịgba, N'ime MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO awade otu n'ime-esi anya na ihe omume nke na-enweghị na-ama.


Iri anọ na asaa alụso ịbanyewo mgbanaka na Mayweather na ihe niile 47 have come away empty. With complete access to Mayweather and the vast entourage that surrounds and supports him, ndị na-ekiri nke n'ime MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO na-aghọta ihe na-eme na "Ego" akọrọ.


N'ime MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO ji premiere na showtime na otutu encore n'ihu, including the cable television premiere on CBS SPORTS NETWORK. All episodes of the series will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Showtime oge obula® na online na SHO.com/Sports.


Ø Episode 1 premieres Saturday, April 18 na showtime, ozugbo na-esonụ showtime egwuregwu ọkpọ Chavez vs. Fonfara (10 p.m. NA/7 p.m. Pt).

Ø Episode 2 premieres Saturday, April 25 na 7:30 p.m. NA/Pt na showtime

Ø Episode 3 premieres Wednesday, April 29 na 10 p.m. NA/Pt na showtime.

Ø Epilogue premieres Saturday, Ka 9 na showtime


# # #

Banyere showtime Netwọk Inc.:

Showtime Netwọk Inc. (SNI), a kpam kpam-ekesịpde enyemaka nke CBS Corporation, nwere na-arụ ọrụ na-adịchaghị telivishọn netwọk showtime®, Ihe nkiri ọwa na FLIX®, nakwa dị ka multiplex ọwa showtime 2, OGE IHE NKIRI® Ngosi, Showtime Oke®, Showtime karịrị®, Showtime OZ®, Showtime NDI INYOM®, Showtime EZINỤLỌ Mpaghara® na ihe nkiri ọwaXTRA. SNI nakwa awade showtime HD, Ihe nkiri ọwa HD, Showtime NA-enwe Ịnụrụ® na ihe nkiri ọwa A NA-ACHỌ, na netwọk si Nyocha ọrụ showtime oge obula®. SNI na-ejisie Smithsonian Netwọk, a na nkwonkwo ịmalite n'etiti SNI na Smithsonian Hiwe, nke awade Smithsonian ọwa. All SNI azụ nye enwekwukwa ụda iji Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI ahịa ma na-ekesa egwuregwu na ntụrụndụ ihe n'ihi ngosi ka debanyere aha na a na-akwụ-kwa-ele ndabere site showtime PPV®.

Sportslọ Ọrụ Sky Sports Box Ga-egosi Live Coverage nke Floyd Mayweather vs.. Manny Pacquiao on 2 Ka

Igwe Egwuregwu Igbe Office e ọdịda nanị ndụ ikike ka 'ndị agha na narị afọ nke', na welterweight ụwa egwuregwu ịdị n'otu nsogbu dị n'etiti Floyd Mayweather na Manny Pacquiao, ekele maka nkwekọrịta ekwuputara taa.

Zoo, otu ofthe kasị na-atụ anya ihe ndị dị na ọkpọ akụkọ ihe mere eme, a ga-emere ndụ si MGM Ogige Arena na Las Vegas.

Na ihe na-eme ọnụ abụọ nke kasị na-eti ọkpọ niile oge: Floyd Mayweather (47-0-0) na undefeated 11 oge n'ụwa onye mmeri na njide nke WBC na WBA utu aha, na Manny Pacquiao (57-5-2) na-achị achị WBO welterweight n'ụwa onye mmeri na-eto eto, nke 10 ụwa utu aha.

The igwe Egwuregwu ndị na-ekiri ga-enwe ike iso ewu-ruo Mayweather v Pacquiao gafee ya ọwa na dijitalụ media outlets, gụnyere ohere ma na-eti ọkpọ’ ọzụzụ n'ogige, pịa nzukọ na ọha anya.

Barney Francis, Ijikwa Director nke igwe Egwuregwu, kwuru: “Ọgụ a nwere ihe niile ma dozie ya ka ọ bụrụ otu egwuregwu kachasị egwu n'afọ. Dị ka ebe obibi ịkụ ọkpọ na UK na Republic of Ireland, anyị na-enwe obi ụtọ na-ọdịda nke ikike.

“Anyị ga na-enye igwe Egwuregwu ndị na-ekiri na ihe kasị mma ga Mee-elu gafee anyị ọwa na outlets na mma mkpuchi nke agha onwe ya si anyị otu na Las Vegas.”

Analysis nke agha ga-nyere site Adam Smith, mbụ ụwa cruiserweight onye mmeri Johnny Nelson na mbụ ụwa fechaa onye mmeri Jim watt, tinyekwara ọtụtụ ndị oti ọkpọ. Ndị na-ekiri Sky Sports nwekwara ike ịnụ ụtọ oge dị ukwuu nke mmemme nkwado na-enye nyocha kachasị mma nke ọgụ ahụ gụnyere mmemme akwụkwọ akụkọ kwa izu Ringside, na Ringside ụkwụ 2 Ụkwụ Podcast usoro ma atụmatụ ogologo ajụjụ ọnụ.

Igwe Egwuregwu News HQ ga-Las Vegas n'oge ikpeazụ Mee-elu iji mee ka ndị ọhụrụ ozi ọma na analysis si ma n'ogige gụnyere ukara pịa nzukọ, na itu-dị ka abụọ alụso mezue ha ọzụzụ n'ogige na atụmanya esịmde fever pitch.

Ihe omume a bụ akụkụ nke ọnwa jupụtara na egwuregwu ndụ nke ndị na-ekiri Sky Sports nwere ike ịnụ ụtọ n'oge Mee. Oge a gụnyere mkpuchi ndụ nke Barclays Premier League, na mbara igwe Bet Asọmpi Onye Mmeri na Njikọ 1 na 2 Playoffs, Scottish Cup Final, na Spanish na Monaco Ukwu Prix, golf si Player Asọmpi Onye Mmeri si Sawgrass, na Rugby Njikọ si Ime Anwansi izu ụka si Newcastle si St James Park n'ámá egwuregwu.

Ndị na-eri nke ihe omume ga-£ 19.95 na € 24,95 gafee ụdị nile nke ntinye akwụkwọ ruo etiti abalị Friday 1 Ka. Site mgbe ahụ na-eri ga-abụ £ 19,95 / .9 24.95 ma ọ bụrụ na edere akwụkwọ site na ntanetị na ntanetị, kama ọ ga-eri £ 24,95 / .9 29.95 ma ọ bụrụ na ịgba akwụkwọ site na ekwentị. Biko mara na ego ntinye akwụkwọ ọzọ £ 2 ka na-emetụta ma ọ bụrụ na edepụtara ha site na ekwentị. Ndị ahịa USB biko kpọtụrụ onye na-ahụ maka ọrụ gị maka itinye akwụkwọ ozi.


Pịa EBE A N'ihi na Photos Site Esther Lin / showtime

Pịa EBE A N'ihi na Photos Site Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather n'ọkwá

Pịa EBE A N'ihi na Photos Site Chris Farina / Top efehek

The Live Stream GO Ị Ga-ahụ EBE A & EBE A

LOS ANGELES – (March 13, 2015) – N'akwụkwọ na-enwetụbeghị ụdị uwa nke a Mega-agha, a n'obi na-atụ anya na-abụ onye kasị baa ọgaranya ọkpọ akụkọ ihe mere eme, Floyd Mayweather na Manny Pacquiao e nyere ndị eze ọgwụgwọ Wednesday na a gala pịa ogbako Nokia Ụlọ ihe nkiri na LA Live.


A glitzy, Hollywoodịke red kapeeti-yiri nke Hollywood kasịnụ award egosi-na-akpọrepu ịnabata alụso na imeli ohere karịa 700 credentialed media members from around the world. Among the formidable press core were dozens of television and radio crews and literally hundreds of newspaper columnists, ọkpọ dere, na ozi ọma, entertainment and sports reporters. Even the Goodyear Blimp flew above to mark the occasion as the top-two fighters of this generation, Mayweather na Pacquiao, wee ihu na-ahụ ihu na nke mbụ tupu ha The Epic welterweight ụwa egwuregwu ịdị n'otu n'obi Saturday, Ka 2, na MGM Ukwu Ogige Arena na Las Vegas.


Akwalite Mayweather n'ọkwá na Top efehek Inc., the pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® na HBO ụgwọ elekere-View® na-amalite na 9:00 p.m. NA/ 6:00 p.m. Pt.


Ebe a na-ihe sonyere na Wednesday si pịa ogbako nwere ikwu:


Floyd Mayweather

“Nke a na-agha nwere ike na-na na mere ogologo oge gara aga, ma ọ bụ nri oge ugbu a. Ọ bụ ihe na-apụghị ikweta matchup na m maara Fans ike na-eche maka nke a. The oge bụ ezi ihe na oge dị ugbu a.


“Anyị mesịrị ka ọ eme. Ihe niile bụ ihe banyere usoro iheomume.


“E nweghị iwe kwupụta (mbụ ume) Bob arum, M bụ nnọọ obi ụtọ na-aka m onyeisi mgbe afọ nke na-arụ ọrụ siri ike na ịrara onwe m ịkụ ọkpọ na na-na-amụta na ndị azụmahịa n'akụkụ ya. Oge na-aga, M mechara aghaghị ịghọ m onyeisi. E nweghị ndị na ike mmetụta kwupụta Bob arum mgbe nile.


“Ọ bụ mgbe ezi ịhụ ndị kasị mma agha kacha mma, nke ahụ bụ ihe na-akpali akpali bụ otú banyere nke a matchup.

“M na-eche na anyị na-ezute mgbe Miami Okpomọkụ basketball egwuregwu, nzukọ n'otu-na-otu, M na-eche na nke ahụ bụ ihe mere nke a agha mere.


“Ọ bụ n'ezie gbadata m otu na otu ya nọdụrụ ala na-ekwurịta okwu, na-na otu peeji nke ihu ọma.


“E nwere mba uche nke enyemaka na ndị agha na-mere. My na-elekwasị anya bụ nnọọ ndụ m kwa ụbọchị ndụ na ilekwasị anya na ihe m ga-eme. Apụghị m ndụ m onye ọ bụla ọzọ.


“Anyị chere ihu niile n'elu ụmụ okorobịa na nke a egwuregwu na-amia niile n'elu ụmụ okorobịa. Mgbe nke a ọgụ, nke m kwere m ga-emeri, mgbe ahụ, anyị ga-akpali on ọzọ Ihọd.


Ka 2 anyị nwere a siri ike ọrụ n'ihu m. Manny Pacquaio bụ ezigbo fighter, ma oge ikpeazụ m enyocha m chere ihu asatọ southpaws ma merie ugboro asatọ, otú m nchegbu.


“Ị kasị mma kwere na m ga-top udi na-kacha mma Floyd Mayweather m nwere ike omume na-.


“Ọ bụ mgbe oké na-azụ obodo ukwu nke Las Vegas. Ọkụ, igwefoto, edinam. The MGM Ukwu bụ ihe kasị mma na nkwari akụ n'ụwa. Ọ bụ ihe mgbaru ọsọ m ga-alụ ọgụ e. The mbụ ahụ m gara n'ebe a ọgụ ahụ mgbe m bụ 17, M hụrụ James Toney na Roy Jones.


“M nwere ihe na-apụghị ikweta ọrụ. Ọ malitere na nna m. Ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ maka ya ka m ga-abụ ebe m taa. Mgbe ị na-etinye ndị niile iberibe ka mgbaghoju anya ọnụ, M nnọọ na-eche ka m dị n'etiti ibe. Kwa ụbọchị mgbe m na-eche banyere ọrụ m anaghị m akwa ụta ọ bụla. Anyị ga-aga na akụkọ ihe mere eme dị ka ụfọdụ n'ime ndị kasị mma alụso, na-alụ ọgụ Mayweathers.


“Enwere m olileanya na agha na-ezukọ na mama. All anyị nwere ike ime ka alụso bụ na-aga si n'ebe na ịrụ na-eme ihe anyị na-eme ihe kasị mma.


“M nwere ihe ọ bụla iji gosi na Ka 2. M maara banyere nkà m, Ama m ihe m nwere ike ime na m maara ihe m na-eme ka egwuregwu nke ọkpọ. M n'ezie gọzie ka agbajikwa niile ndekọ ọkpọ. Right now na anaghị m ahụ ihe ọ bụla akpan akpan fighter agbasa ihe ọ bụla nke m na ndekọ.


“M na-eche na na uwe-eme ka ịlụ ọgụ, m na-eche na anyị abụọ dị iche iche na-eme ihe na-akpali akpali ọgụ.


“Ọ bụla fighter dị ize ndụ. Mgbe m na-eche ihu dị iche iche na-emegide, M nwere ike chepụta a Ihọd si n'otu ntabi. M mara ihe ọ na-eme nke ọma na ihe ọ na-adịghị eme nke ọma. My ọrụ bụ iji chọpụta ihe ọ na-eme nke ọma.


“Ọ bụrụ na a fighter furu efu tupu, na-apụghị imeri bụ na azụ nke uche ya. Maka m, niile m na mere m ọrụ bụ mmeri, otú emeri bụ mgbe m n'obi.


“Ego ole m na-eme n'ezie bụ m adịghị na-elekwasị anya. M ga-enwe ebe m na taa ma ọ bụrụ na ọ bụghị ihe niile na-edemede na media outlets. M ekele maka onye ọ bụla, ma ọ bụ ezi akụkọ ma ọ bụ ihe ọjọọ akụkọ. N'ihi na 19 afọ, unu nọ na-m mkpa. Dị ka ego persona, ọ n'ezie reinvented onwe ya. M bụ 'Mara Nwa Floyd’ na mgbe ahụ, m na-abịa azụ dị ka Floyd 'Ego’ Mayweather. Ọ bụ ihe niile banyere reinventing onwe gị. M chọrọ ịnọgide na-eme smart investments ya mere m grandkids bụ OK.


” M mgbe niile nwere usọbọ ime ihe m ga-eme ga-apụta n'elu.


“M mara mma n'aka nna m nwere oké egwuregwu atụmatụ otú anyị nwere ike na-aga si n'ebe ma na-eme ihe anyị na-eme ihe kasị mma. Anyị egwuregwu atụmatụ bụ na-smart, na-akpa, na-oge anyị na-enweta ọrụ mere.


“M na-eche na Manny Pacquaio bụ a-akpali nnọọ mmasị fighter. N'ihi ya na-esi ebe ọ bụ ugbu a, o doro anya na o nwere na-eme ihe ziri ezi.


“Ọ dịghị onye kwesịrị e echere ruo mgbe m ghọrọ 47-0 ka nzọ na m, ha kwesịrị na a na-ịkụ nzọ m site ná mmalite.”


Manny Pacquiao:

“M nnọọ obi ụtọ na nke a agha e mere, na m maara na ịkụ ọkpọ Fans otú ahụ.


“Na Miami anyị na-ekwu banyere ọgụ na m na-aghọta na ọ bụ m B n'akụkụ ma ọ bụ A n'akụkụ.


“M kwere na nke a agha kemgbe ruru anwu. More ndị mmadụ maara anyị dị ka alụso, ọbụna ndị na-adịghị Fans nke ọkpọ maara banyere nke a ọgụ.


“Niile Filipino ndị na-aga ekiri ihe a na agha.


“Ọzụzụ mara ụlọikwuu na-aga nke ọma. Anyị nwere nnọọ obi ụtọ. M na-emelite ọzụzụ m kwa ụbọchị na m Instagram.


“Na-amasị m ịbụ underdog na-aga n'ime a ọgụ. Ọ nọwo na-a mgbe ebe m na otu. Nke a na oge gburugburu ya na-enye m ihe mkpali na m kpebisiri ike na-egosi na m nwere ike imeri.


“Nke a na-agha dị ezigbo mkpa ka m na-ọkpọ akụkọ ihe mere eme. Anyị achọghị ịhapụ a ajụjụ akara ke uche nke ọkpọ Fans. Boxing Fans ndidi ọkụ n'obi ahụ nke a ọgụ ruo afọ ise. Ha a na-arịọ m otu ajụjụ na ọ na-akpatre na-eme.


“M na-alụ ọgụ n'ihi na ọkpọ bụ m ahuhu, M hụrụ n'anya ọkpọ. Enwewo m ike inyere ndị ezinụlọ m site ọkpọ.


“The Filipino ndị dị nnọọ obi ụtọ maka nke a ọgụ na m nwere ike na-eche na-eme ka a mmeri mba.

“Achọghị m ka m na-ekpe ikpe, ma m na m nnọọ obi ike banyere nke a agha. M bụ ihe nchegbu banyere m ịlụ ọgụ megide [Oscar] De La Hoya, [Anthony] Margarito na [Miguel] Esie, m ka m na-alụ ọgụ Floyd Mayweather.


“Ime Fans bụ ihe kasị mkpa m; Achọrọ m ka ha na-enwe obi ụtọ. M ga-esi n'ụzọ mmetụta uche mgbe ụfọdụ na mgbanaka n'ihi na m dị nnọọ chọrọ na-eme ka ha nwee obi ụtọ.


“Adịghị m inwe nkụda mmụọ ọzọ na ọnwụ ọkpọ. Ọ bụ akụkụ nke egwuregwu na m ebutewo losses na emewo m onwe a mma fighter. Ọ bụ ihe na-ewu onwe gị elu ma na-atụgharị onwe gị a mma fighter.


“M ga-emeri Ka 2.”


Leonard Ellerbe, CEO nke Mayweather n'ọkwá:

“Anyị nwere nnọọ obi ụtọ na-eme ka akụkọ ihe mere eme taa site eze ezikwa nnukwu agha na akụkọ ihe mere eme nke ịkụ ọkpọ na otu n'ime ndị kasị ihe ndị mere na akụkọ ihe mere eme nke egwuregwu.
“Ga-amasị m na-aghọta na ọrụ na Floyd na Manny nwere na-eme nke a agha. Nzukọ na ha nwere na Miami bụ isi milestone na m ga-onwe amasị na-ekele Floyd nke na-eme ya eme.


“N'ime afọ Floyd mere MGM Ukwu ụlọ ya na ha esiwo karịa iji hụ na ndị kasị mma n'ihi na ọ bụla Floyd omume. Nke a ga-Floyd si 11nke consecutive agha na MGM Ukwu na 14nke oge ọ ga-Alụwo n'ebe ya ọrụ.


“Mayweather vs. Pacquiao bụ ezigbo agha n'etiti abụọ oké mmeri na-na abụọ oké mmadụ. Ka 2 ga-a n'ahụ ịhụ n'adịghị ihe ọ bụla na Las Vegas rụtụrụla n'ihu.”


Bob arum, Nchoputa na CEO nke Top efehek:

“Ọ malitere mgbe Les Moonves [onyeisi oche nke CBS] wee ụlọ m. Ọ gara na m na di na nwunye nke oge ịgwa m na ọ chọrọ ime ka a agha-eme. Ọ chọrọ ka m gaa Manny [Pacquiao] ma na-atụle ya pọọsụ ahụ ga-anabata.


“Anyị nwere Ugboro mkparịta ụka. M nwere obi ike na ọ ga-eme n'ihi na Moonves ga-eme ihe ọ bụla o nwere ike ime ka nke a mee.


“Ọ bụ ruo mgbe basketball egwuregwu na Miami ebe Manny kwenyesiri ike na Floyd chọrọ agha.


“Ọ bụ eleghị anya ndị kasị sie ike ọgụ na-eme ka m na e a akụkụ nke. Ọ na-ada afọ ise na-eme ka.


“Otu ihe doro anya; ọ bụ nnukwu ọgụ nke narị afọ a.


“Enweghị m iro na Floyd Mayweather. Floyd mgbe nọgidere a ezi enyi; M nwere ihe ọ bụla bụla ọjọọ na-ekwu banyere Floyd dị ka onye.


“M hụrụ n'anya Manny Pacquiao na Freddie Roach. Mgbe Manny-enweta nkwanye on Ka 2, nke m ji n'aka na ọ ga-, M ga-a ukwuu nke afọ ojuju n'ihi na ha abụọ. Ha ga-mere ọrụ iji mee ka ọ eme.


“Floyd ụdị bụ n'ezie ihe kwesịrị ekwesị na-alụ ọgụ a nri-aka fighter. The southpaws na ọ lụrụ ọgụ nyere ya nsogbu na ọ bilitere n'elu, ma southpaws ọ lụrụ n'oge gara aga na-adịghị Manny Pacquiao.


“Nke a na-agha na-aga-eme ka ezigbo revenue niile nke Las Vegas. M ga-na a na-etinye na a egwu ọnọdụ ma ọ bụrụ na m ga-na-na na na-agbalị ime ka a agha nke Las Vegas, ka m na a bi. N'ezie, agha bụ na Las Vegas. Ọtụtụ puku na puku nke ndị mmadụ ga-enubanye Las Vegas dị nnọọ ịbụ akụkụ nke idaha. Nke a ga-nnukwu omume na akụkọ ihe mere eme nke Las Vegas.”


Freddie Roach, Pacquiao si ịzu:

“M na-eche na Floyd nwere ohere ka mma na-eti Manny Pacquiao afọ ise gara aga karịa ka o na-eme ugbu a. Floyd na ụkwụ na ndị ọzọ ogbugba ugbu a na ọ kwụsịlata nnọọ a bit. Echere m na anyị nwere ike iri uru nke.


“Floyd na-ekwu na ọ chọrọ agbanweta na alụso ihe ugbu a iji mee ka ọ na a ọzọ na-akpali akpali ọgụ, ma m na-eche na ọ bụghị eziokwu. Ọ naghị eche banyere Fans mgbe nile na nanị ihe mere o nwere agbanweta ọzọ bụ n'ihi na ya ụkwụ agaghị ya nke agha.


“Ọ bụrụ na Floyd nwere agbanweta na Manny Pacquiao m na-eche na nke ahụ bụ anyị mma na nke ahụ bụ ihe mere m ji na-eche na anyị na-aga na-emeri nke a agha.


“Echere m na nke a agha ga-agbanwe egwuregwu ọkpọ.


“Manny na-akpọ m na m gwara m na ọ na-apụghị ịzụ ke Philippines n'ihi na ọ bụ kwa crazy na ndị niile Fans e, ọ pụghị anya.


“M nwere a na-achị na ọzụzụ mara ụlọikwuu oge a na ọ bụrụ na ị na-adịghị arụpụta ihe mgbatị ahụ maka ọzụzụ, mgbe ahụ, ị ​​nwere ike ịbụ na. The atụmatụ nke a agha dị ezigbo mkpa ma dị iche na n'oge gara aga ịlụ ọgụ. Anyị nwere ike na-enweghị ihe ọ bụla nledo na mgbatị; anyị na-dị nnọọ na-arụ ọrụ na egwuregwu atụmatụ na ilekwasị anya ihe Floyd na-eme. M maara otú Floyd esetịpụrụ ndị mmadụ na-eme ka ha na-eje ije n'ime gbaa.


“Manny bụ nnọọ kpaliri nke a ọgụ. Ị ga-ewere Floyd si ya nke obi ike mpaghara. Manny maara otú iti ya. Anyị ga-eme ka nri aga tupu anyị ọgụ ya.


“Achọrọ m ka na-eto eto, na-abịa alụso dị ka sparring mmekọ maka Manny. E nwere na-eto eto alụso si Chicago, Massachusetts na Finland na-abịa na-spar na Manny. Ha na uwe zuru okè ọkụ maka Manny. Ha nwere ike ina-kụrụ aka na zitere obibi, ma anyị Aga ahụ. M niile sparring mmekọ agbakọta.

“Anyị egwuregwu atụmatụ bụ iji merie ọ bụla gburugburu. Ọ bụrụ na anyị na-knockout, mgbe ahụ ka bụ nnọọ a ego. Floyd ga-arụnye n'ime Manny ike. Nke ahụ bụ ndudue na onye ga-eme ka megide a southpaw. Anyị nwere iji merie mbụ gburugburu ma na-Floyd ya nkasi obi mpaghara.”


Richard Sturm, President Entertainment & Egwuregwu MGM ntụrụndụ International:

“Anyị nwere obi ụtọ na nke a agha abịawo buuru nakwa na ọ ga-ẹkenịmde ke MGM Ukwu. The resort is home to the biggest names in sports and entertainment and on Ka 2 we will host one of the greatest fights the sport will have ever seen.


“N'ime afọ, ma Floyd na Manny mesoo Fans n'ime MGM Ukwu Ogige Arena na ndị na-ekiri na PPV ka a na-akpali akpali ọgụ ahụmahụ. Ezie na ha gara aga ịlụ ọgụ ndidi nnọọ na-akpali akpali, we believe there is nothing that can compare to the spectacle these two champions will deliver on Ka 2.”


Ken Hershman, President HBO Egwuregwu:

“N'ime ọnwa ole na ole ọzọ, Fans, pundits na dere ga-agbaji ala akụkụ nile nke a agha.


“Ga-amasị m anya azụ ma na-aghọta otú anyị ebe a. Ọ bụ 2001 mgbe a na-eto eto eyen nke Philippines aha ya bụ Manny Pacquaio mere ya HBO mpụta mbụ. Coincidentally, na headliner nke ọgụ ahụ Floyd Mayweather. Floyd mere ya HBO mpụta mbụ ke 1997 na ebe ọ bụ na ọ bụ na ọ lụrụ ọgụ na HBO ma ọ bụ HBO PPV 26 ugboro.


“Ezie na abụọ ndị a mgbe na-akọrọ a kaadị ọzọ tupu Ka 2, ha na onye ọ bụla na-arahụ na nwere Ụlọ Nzukọ nke Maara Aha ọrụ na aghọwo abụọ nnukwu alụso ha ọgbọ. Floyd ka headlined itoolu HBO PPV ihe na Manny 17 HBO PPV ihe. Ndị 26 ihe na-weere n'elu 21 nde PPV aka ekedep na ihe karịrị otu ijeri dollar na revenue.


“On Ka 2, abụọ ndị a superstars ga-ekere òkè na ihe anyị nile maara ga-otu kasị ọkpọ omume niile oge.


“Anyị na-mpako onye ọzọ ga-eme ka akụkọ ihe mere eme na Ka 2 na Mayweather na Pacquiao.”


Stephen Espinoza, Executive osoje President & Onye Isi Njikwa, Showtime Egwuregwu:

“Mgbe Floyd Mayweather aka ya akụkọ ihe mere eme ndibiat showtime afọ abụọ gara aga, o kwere nkwa anyị ihe abụọ: otu, ọ ga-alụ ọgụ mgbe na; abụọ, onye ọ bụla nke isii ịlụ ọgụ n'okpuru ya ndibiat ga-nnukwu ihe kwere omume megide ndị kasị mma na-emegide ga-ekwe omume. Fast atụ afọ abụọ, na Floyd nọ okwu nile ọ bụla nke nkwa ya.


“Ugbu a maka naanị nke abụọ oge ise ịlụ ọgụ na showtime, Floyd na-alụ na-iro na ọtụtụ ndị chere na ọ ga-amasị esetụbeghị. Showtime PPV na Floyd ka a PPV ndekọ mbụ omume na September 2013 na anyị na-atụ anya ọzọ ndekọ-na-agbasa arụmọrụ on Ka 2.


“Showtime e abuana ke ụfọdụ n'ime nnukwu PPV ihe n'akụkọ ihe mere eme gụnyere Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson na 2002 na Mayweather vs. Canelo [Alvarez] na 2013. Ma ihe ndị ahụ merenụ na-eme ụdị nke na olilee anya na media anya na ọkụ na-nchiyo na ọgụ a esesịn eme.


“Nke a bụ ihe mere na anyị nile na showtime na CBS bụ otú mpako na-eweta nke a agha ọnụ. Obi tọrọ ya ụtọ, mpako, obi ụtọ, ndị bụ ụfọdụ n'ime ọtụtụ adjectives na-akọwa otú obi dị anyị banyere ihe a merenụ, ma anyaabụghị otu n'ime ha. Ozugbo anyị emechi anyị ndibiat Floyd na 2013, na Pacquiao ọgụ ahụ a kacha ma Floyd na anyị.


“Mgbe ọ bụla ọ bụ oge kwesịrị iji kwurịta a Mayweather iro, Manny Pacquiao mgbe niile bụ elu na Floyd depụtara.


“Dị ka CEO nke CBS na a nọteworo aka ọkpọ akwado, Leslie Moonves bụ akwọ ụgbọala odudu n'azụ a ndibiat na isi ihe mere nke a agha e mere.


“Anyị maara na Floyd bụ otutu mmadu kwenyere na ọtụtụ onye fighter na egwuregwu, anyị maara na Floyd bụ ihe kasị ekwu banyere na-eme egwuregwu na niile nke egwuregwu na ya na Floyd Mayweather, Showtime aghọwo nọmba onye PPV distributer na telivishọn. Anyị na-atụ anya na-agbasa ihe ndekọ na-eme ihe akụkọ ihe mere eme na Ka 2.”



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Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Egwuregwu,www.hbo.com/boxing na www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing NaSwanson_Comm, ma na-akwado na Facebook nawww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports nawww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Las Vegas (March 11, 2015) – Sports fans will be treated to the fight that has captured the attention of the entire world when boxing’s pound-for-pound king Floyd “Ego” Mayweather steps into the ring to face eight-division world champion Manny “Pac-Man” Pacquiao in an epic welterweight world championship unification bout. Nke ukwuu-atụ anya Mega-agha ga-ewere ọnọdụ Saturday, Ka 2 na MGM Ukwu Ogige Arena na Las Vegas. Akwalite Mayweather n'ọkwá na Top efehek Inc., the pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® na HBO ụgwọ elekere-View® na-amalite na 9:00 p.m. NA/ 6:00 p.m. Pt.


Superstars Mayweather na Pacquiao, onye crossover mkpesa karịrị egwuregwu na emewo ka ha na ezinụlọ aha, ga-asọrịta mpi na ihe omume a na-atụ anya na kpuchie ọ bụla na ndị niile ụgwọ-kwa-ele, ndụ n'ọnụ ụzọ ámá na mechiri emechi circuit ndekọ. Mayweather vs. Pacquiao ga-ama kpara na-agaghị echefu echefu prizefights na egwuregwu akụkọ ihe mere eme dị ka “Thrilla na Manila,” na “Rumble na Jungle” na Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Tommy Hearns.


“Ebe ọ bụ na ndị agha a mara ọkwa, ọbọrọ si n'ihu ọha kemgbe unbelievable, ma ọ bụ ọbụna ihe doro anya na nke a bụ agha Fans chọrọ ịhụ,” Kwurula Mayweather. “M ekele na Manny Pacquiao na m na-enwe ike ime ka ọ na-eme. Nke a ga-nnukwu omume na akụkọ ihe mere eme nke ọkpọ. Apụghị m ekele m otu ezu maka nkwado ha site n'ụbọchị otu. M ọzọ kpaliri karịa mgbe ọ bụla na-etinye na ihe na-apụghị ikweta show, and I’ll be ready for Ka 2.”

I will be ready for my date with destiny on Ka 2,” said Pacquiao. “I am very happy that Floyd Mayweather and I can give the fans the fight they have wanted for so many years. They have waited long enough and they deserve it. It is their mandate. It is an honor to be part of this historic event. I dedicate this fight to all the fans who willed this fight to happen and, dị ka mgbe niile, otuto na Philippines na ibe m Filipinos gburugburu ụwa.”


The alụso, na-akwalite na netwọk uloru na-arụ ọrụ imekọ ihe ọnụ iji hụ na ọ bụla zuru ezu e kwekọrịtara na ịtọ iji napụta a mere ihe akụkọ agha.


“Nke a na-agha bụ ihe anyị na na na niile a na-eche,” Kwurula Leonard Ellerbe, CEO nke Mayweather n'ọkwá. Anyị niile na-ekwu na anyị na-achọ inye Fans ihe ha chọrọ, na na Ka 2 they will get just that. “Mayweather vs. Pacquiao bụ nnukwu ihe omume na ihe mere eme nke ọkpọ, anyị na-enwe obi ike na ọ ga-agbaji niile ụgwọ-kwa-ele, ndụ ọnụ ụzọ ámá, ma na-emechi circuit ndekọ. Floyd rụrụ ọrụ ike ya dum ọrụ ma na-achịkwa ya aka na-esi isi ihe a. Mayweather n'ọkwá bụ obi ụtọ n'ihi na ya na-abụ akụkụ nke a pụrụ iche nke ohere maka mmadụ nile aka.”


“Ụwa dum na-echesi a na-akpali akpali agha,” kwuru n'Ụlọ Nzukọ nke Maara Aha ume Bob arum nke Top efehek “Site n'enyemaka nke Chineke, anyị ga-enwe mmeri.”


“Manny Pacquiao na Floyd Mayweather ndidi abụọ a kasị mara alụso na egwuregwu nke ọkpọ maka afọ iri gara aga, na-alụ ọgụ Fans gburugburu ụwa a na-ekwusi ha ka ha na-eche ihu onye ọ bụla ọzọ,” kwuru Ken Hershman, President HBO Egwuregwu. “Ma ugbu a,, na Ka 2, na ihe onye ọ bụla na-ekwere ga-nnukwu ọkpọ omume niile na-, fight fans have been granted their wish. Ka 2 will be a signature moment for the sport of boxing and HBO Sports is thrilled to be a part of this spectacular event. M maara na agha na ha ìgwè ga-primed ịbụ ọkaibe na anyị na-eme atụmatụ na-arụ ọrụ anya na onye ọ bụla aka napụta otu larịị nke arụmọrụ site na a na agbasa ozi n'ikuku anya.”


“Mgbe showtime Netwọk aka Floyd Mayweather anyị malitere-eme atụmatụ maka ikpọ ihe nile okwu nke anyị nkwekọrịta. For both Floyd and for us, a agha bụ ihe kacha,” kwuru Stephen Espinoza, Executive osoje President & Onye Isi Njikwa, Showtime Egwuregwu. “Ihe karịrị atụmanya maka nke a ọgụ na-akwọ ụgbọala anyị ka anyị na-arụ ọrụ gburugburu elekere na fọrọ nke nta akụkụ nile nke ihe omume na-anapụta a ụwa-klas ngosi kwesịrị Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.”


“Dị ka ọkpọ Fans n'ụwa nile, anyị na-nnọọ obi ụtọ na Mayweather vs. Pacquiao agha abịawo buuru,” kwuru Richard Sturm, president nke Entertainment na Egwuregwu maka MGM ntụrụndụ International. “Anyị na-enwe obi ụtọ na-enwe ohere ka a nọrọ n'ụlọ a egwuregwu ọgụ na MGM Ukwu, home to the sport’s biggest events. This May weekend will prove to be one of the most electric weekends Las Vegas has ever experienced.


Otu n'ime ndị kasị mma alụso ndị mere nke egwuregwu, na undefeated Floyd Mayweather (47-0, 26 Kos) bụ ihe 11 oge n'ụwa onye mmeri na ise arọ nkewa na-ala ghọtara dị ka Ọ dịghị. 1 paụnd na-paụnd fighter n'ụwa. Ya edenyere ọsọ, iji chebe onwe -ndị na ikike na-agụ na-emegide ya Mayweather kpakọbara-enweta nkwanye n'elu 20 world champions in his already legendary 19-year career. Tụkwasị na nke ya na-mgbanaka rụzuru, Forbes, Fortune na Egwuregwu Illustrated aha Mayweather kasị elu n'ụwa-akwụ ụgwọ na-eme egwuregwu otutu ugboro. Ya ihe

nkezi ihe karịrị otu nde na-akwụ-kwa-ele aka ekedep kwa agha, nke bụ kasị elu nkezi nke ọ bụla oku okpu na akụkọ ihe mere eme. Mayweather holds the all-time record in gross pay-per-view receipts and has participated in three of the top six highest grossing pay-per-view events of all-time. N'ihi ya anya, Mayweather bụ naanị fighter na abuana ke abụọ ihe ndị na-eme ihe karịrị 2 million pay-per-view buys each. Mayweather has been decorated with awards for “Best nwoke na-eme egwuregwu” na “Agha nke Year” dị iche iche-iche tinyere ise ESPN ESPY Awards na abụọ Boxing Dere Association nke America awards.


Manny Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Kos), na nanị congressional nnọchiteanya si Sarangani n'ógbè na Philippines (ọ na-reelected ka a abụọ okwu, na-agba ọsọ n'enweghị ihe ịma aka na 2013), is the only fighter to win eight world titles in as many different weight divisions. A three-time Fighter of the Year and the Boxing Writers Association of America’s “Agha nke afọ iri,” Pacquiao si malitegharịa atụmatụ mmeri n'ebe ugbu a nakwa n'ọdịnihu Ụlọ Nzukọ nke Famers, gụnyere Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley na Juan Manuel Marquez. Site 2008 ka 2010, ya ise asaa mmeri ndị ụwa aha mmeri na ise dị iche iche na ibu ibu ọmụmụ, site 130 ka 154 pound. No active boxer has sold more live tickets in the U.S. karịa Pacquiao, onye a na-otoro na ihe karịrị 13 million domestic pay-per-view buys. Pacquiao regained the WBO welterweight title last year, na April 12, site na a scintillating etebe n'elu Timothy Bradley Jr., ịbọrọ ya controversial 2012 gbawara n'etiti mkpebi ọnwụ ka undefeated abụọ na-nkewa n'ụwa onye mmeri.


HBO Sports has brought the best in sports to television for four decadesfrom world championship boxing events, ka na-akpali akpali akụkọ na ọpụrụiche, ndị kasị okpono na gbara ọkpụrụkpụ eziokwu mmemme franchise, and the most provocative sports magazine program on TV. HBO kpuchie egwuregwu ọkpọ n'adịghị onye ọ bụla ọzọ karịrị ikpeazụ 40 afọ. Atọ usoro nkejikotara HBO Boxing franchise, gụnyere flagship

World Asọmpi Onye Mmeri Boxing® usoro, naHBO ụgwọ elekere-View® ọrụ, nke isthe ụgwọ-kwa-ele na ogwe aka nke Home Igbe Office na a Premiya soplaya omume mmemme na-akwụ-kwa-ele ụlọ ọrụ, and the late-night HBO Boxing Mgbe Ọchịchịrị® usoro, nke e ẹkenam ke 1996.


Showtime Netwọk Inc. (SNI), a kpam kpam-ekesịpde enyemaka nke CBS Corporation, nwere na-arụ ọrụ na-adịchaghị telivishọn netwọk showtime®, Ihe nkiri ọwa na FLIX®, nakwa dị ka multiplex ọwa showtime 2, OGE IHE NKIRI® Ngosi, Showtime Oke®, Showtime karịrị®, Showtime OZ®, Showtime NDI INYOM®, Showtime EZINỤLỌ Mpaghara® na ihe nkiri ọwa XTRA. SNI nakwa awade showtime HD, Ihe nkiri ọwa HD, Showtime NA-enwe Ịnụrụ® na ihe nkiri ọwa A NA-ACHỌ, na netwọk si Nyocha ọrụ showtime oge obula®. SNI na-ejisie Smithsonian Netwọk, a na nkwonkwo ịmalite n'etiti SNI na Smithsonian Hiwe, nke awade Smithsonian ọwa. All SNI azụ nye enwekwukwa ụda iji Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI ahịa ma na-ekesa egwuregwu na ntụrụndụ ihe n'ihi ngosi ka debanyere aha na a na-akwụ-kwa-ele ndabere site showtime PPV®.
The MGM Ukwu Ogige Arena bụ ebe obibi concerts, egwuregwu ịkụ ọkpọ na Premiya egwuregwu na ihe omume pụrụ iche. The Arena awade ala-aba dị ọtụtụ dị ka 16,800 magburu onwe sightlines na ala-nke na-art acoustics, lighting and sound. Prominent events to date have included world championship fights between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson as well as Oscar de la Hoya vs. Floyd Mayweather na Floyd Mayweather vs. Canelo Alvarez; na concerts site The Rolling nkume, Madonna, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, Bette Midler, George uzonta, Common, Beyonce, U2, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, Alicia Igodo, Jimmy Buffett and the Barbra Streisand Millennium Concert. The MGM Grand Garden Arena also is home to annual events including Academy of Country Music Awards, German Music Awards, iHeartRadio Music Ememme, Pac-12 Men si Bọọlụ Nkata Asọmpi Onye Mmeri na oyi kpọnwụrụ ikwo ekworo NHL tupu oge egwuregwu kwadoro site Los Angeles Eze.


Maka ozi ndị ọzọ nleta www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Egwuregwu,www.hbo.com/boxing na www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing NaSwanson_Comm, ma na-akwado na Facebook nawww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports nawww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.