Tag Archives: MGM Maximo

MEXICAN POTENTIA-puncher & ILLAE tres tempore WORLD CHAMPION jhonny GONZALEZ Faces PUERTO RICO'S JONATHAN OQUENDO rotundus sicco Mayweather Vs. Berto reclinant QUADRIJUGI NAUMACHIARIUS SHOWTIME PPV® telecast vivimus ex MGM GRAND VIRIDARIUM Arena in Las Vegas 8 P.m. ET / V p.m. PT

Tesseras sunt On Sale Now!
Las Vegas (August 20, 2015) – Mexicanus potentiam mundi fortissimus puncher superioribus tribus diebus Gonzalez Jhonny (58-9, 49 KOs) accipiet Puerto Rico scriptor Jonathan “Pulvis” Oquendo (25-4, 16 KOs) in X-circuitu junior lightweight de showdown quod nobis aperiet Excelsum sudes: Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto, vivunt, quattuor proelium navale, SHOWTIME PPV® eventus Saturday, September 12 Arena Las Pro Teoobe incipiens a Maximo Garden 8 p.m. ATQUE/5 p.m. PT.
Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per quod Mayweather Promotions LLC., at sunt precii $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 atque $150 et nunc in venditionem. Tesseras sunt limitatum ad octo (8) manupastu nisi per all ticket prices $150 tessera category, quod determinatur ad quattuor (4) per household. Major vel promeritum pecto ut crimen phone, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Nullam at etiam emptio amet www.mgmgrand.com aut www.ticketmaster.com.
“Hoc erit Noverit universitas vestra quod carum alludens pugnam nisl certamine bellis semper generet et Puerto Rico Mexico,” dicta Gonzalez. “Oquendo poterit pugnans semper est et pergit ille qui amat consereret. I will demonstrate that I have the desire to return to the top and fight for a world championship. Exitus in participando Mayweather Floyd ponam magnam facultatem plerique mihi.”
“Quia occasionem contra ipsum Jhonny subibit Gonzalez defensionem erit priori parte per Floyd spectaculo Mayweather headlined,” dicta Oquendo. “Honor est pars mihi eventus undercard. Share sum excitatur ad pulpita civem Rocky Martinez, qui et magnum habet pugna contra Orlando Salido, Itaque duo sunt adversum se Mexico et Puerto Rico. Ad erudiendum in summitate conditione sumus difficile certamen.”
“Pugilatu fans in noctem magno cum ab initio ad finem actionis Gonzalez Jhonny addita nobis. Jonathan Oquendo matchup,” Leonardum Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Hoc erit in alio capite vs Mexico. Puerto Rico boxing aemulatione. Quod non dubito inaures virorum in derelinquet eas September 12 historicum et vivere elit.”
Singulari in pelagus eventus pugnae curriculo pugilatum dolor s finali pondo libras pro rege Floyd “Money” Mayweather (48-0, 26 KOs) fortissimus welterweight suscipit tempor quam illi duo Andre Berto (30-3, 23 KOs) in XII-circuitu committeret bellum Mayweather 's WBC et WBA CXLVII pondo titles. Mayweather respiciemus ut exaequet 49-0 Mark nuper heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano et deierare Titulo “Optimum semper.”
Mundi patrocinium duo sidereaque pugnat etiam comprehendo in stipendium per-visum telecast.
Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 KOs) erit devocaturum WBO Junior Lightweight title in a rematch contra pugnorum ipse dethroned, quattuor-tempus mundi fortissimus Orlando “Lerter” Abiit (42-13-2, 29 KOs). Aprilis huius anni in prima pugna prima petit a multis habetur Anni proelium. In addition, Jack Badou “The Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 KOs) faciam prima satisfactione eius WBC Super Middleweight mundi title contra mandatorias clamatoribus “Saint” George picis lucos (21-2, 16 KOs).
Cum Gonzalez vs. Oquendo pugna PPV additur jam-referta SHOWTIME telecast, fans actionis in pugilatu noctem additiones ad duo a sursum usque deorsum ut Mexico vs dolor. Puerto Rico boxing aemulatione, tribus mundi patrocinium pugnat finalem IRCA de maxima venator generatione hac.
Optimus aetate Mexicanus pugnatores, Mexico urbis Gonzalezhas held at mundi championships 118 atque 126 libras, praevalebat similia-of-Hall Mark Famer “Aut nimis acres” Johnson et mundo priori pugiles Fernando Montiel, Irene Bertrando, et Hozumi Hasegawa per viam. Nuperrime autem patrocinium winning performance came via attonitus knockout primum circuitu de tribus quidem divisio fortissimus Abner Mares quae ei cognomen WBC Featherweight World Title. Eodem se animo titulo vmbra losing to Gary Russell Jr. sed XXXIII annus-vetus surrexitque superius hoc mensis pulsando de Kazuki Hashimoto.
A vertice a CONCERTATOR Bayamon, Puerto Rico Oquendo vicit 11 eius ultimum 13 pugnat, Nuperrime autem victoriam possidet Cota Gabino in March. XXXII the annus-vetus owns victorias super Joe Luis Araiza, Eden Sonsona, Alejandro Montiel et top prospect Avila Gulielm. At in eius fortunae uirtutisque pugnabit Teoobe sextum Nonas Septembris Maximo anulum quando ingressurus 12.
# # #
“Excelsum sudes: Mayweather vs. Berto,”a XII-circuitu welterweight mundi patrocinium pro bout Mayweather 's WBC et WBA CXLVII pondo titles, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, September 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, quod est a rematch aestimandum Romanum Martinez, sive Orlandi Salido. Also featured on the pay-per-view telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, quae promotus consociationis cum Team Sauerland. Foramen PPV bout scrobes fortissimus Deus orbem Jhonny Gonzalez contra Puerto Rico scriptor Ionathan Oquendo in X-circuitu junior lightweight bout.
Pro magis notitia visit www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.SHO.com/Sports atquewww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, @ Romancito77, sirisalido, jhonnygbox, JonathanOquenmayweatherpromo, SHOSports EtSwanson_Comm seu fieri fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.Facebook.com / TheRealAndreBerto,www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions atque www.facebook.com/SHOsports




GEORGE lucos uulgo, Erant SMITH & Tabularum MARTIROSYAN

Click HIC Lin enim imaginibus ex Esther / SHOWTIME

Click HIC Pro Thoronella Erba Photos / Mayweather Promotions

Los Angeles (August 6, 2015) – Egressa media ab extremis terrae purus sodales at Valerianus JW LA. Live in Los Angeles Thursdayquod Floyd “Money” Mayweather (48-0, 26 KOs) et duo-tempus welterweight champion Andre Berto (30-3, 23 KOs) publice suum certificare SHOWTIME PPV matchup folicitè locus Saturday, September 12 Arena de Las Pro Teoobe Grand Garden.


Also in attendance Thursday sunt stipendium per-visum undercard featured pugnatores reclinant super quattuor proelium navale telecast. In a rematch eorum heroicos Aprilis 11 world-title fight Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 KOs) his quattuor tempus proteget mundi fortissimus title WBO Lightweight Junior Orlando “Lerter” Abiit (42-13-2, 29 KOs) dum WBC Super Middleweight Champion Jack Badou “The Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 KOs) accipiet his mandatory clamatoribus“Saint” George picis lucos (21-2, 16 KOs). Quarta pugna nuntiata cum stipendium per visum iri telecast.


Undercard ulterius actio features a eximius de showdown inter welterweight Ishe “Saccharo Shay” Smith (27-7, 12 KOs) atque Vanes “Somnum exterreri solebat” Martirosyan (35-2-1, 21 KOs), qui quoque erant in auscultant Thursday nuntiarent certamen.


Promotions, provehatur Mayweather, quartum stipendium per bellum oriatur haud visum vivunt telecast SHOWTIME PPV estque iuramentum inter sextum et ultimum certamen Mayweather-fractione et invoco Showtime Networks Inc. Sports SHOWTIME® suscipiet even- tum Sports Emmy® Consideraverit-conciliandos series Aditum premiering Friday, August 28.


Praesent et nunc ostendam vobis quid dicere pugnantium Thursday:

FLOYD MAYWEATHER, 12-Time World Champion

“Ive 'habuit insigni career. Nolo aliquid immutare. Omnes errores committere. Nolui mutare aliquid discimus, Epistulae morales.


“Meo dad quaedam admirabilis est trainer, Hunter tam virgil. Sed cum ante illud, Suspendi itaque anulum in duobus descendit pugnatores.


“Andre Berto Idaeam est a lentus,, mundi fortissimus prioris. Omne tempus exit ipse ibi, volens dedit 100 percent.


“Elegi Berto est, quia maxime blandit. Andre Berto est iens ut ventilabis Floyd Mayweather limitem. Hoc unum scio,.


“Berto dabit semper excitando certamen. Rursum si lucretur Addicitur sudatio. Ipse semper aliquam afFerant 100 percent. Fast manus, bonum boxer.


“Scio suus pugna fit huius magnitudinis, quia per visum fuerit super stipendium militibus 10 annis. Berto est a valde lenta guy, ipse iacere non esurit,.


“September 12th is my last dance. On September 13 I just want to sit back and watch some football. Optima educatione filiorum observare volo. Caprarum cotidie meis volo manere. Haec sunt optima paucitas dierum meorum finietur.


“Differentia inter Andre Berto et Pacquiao is vos guys [ad instrumentorum] put Pacquiao post hype. Meus officium Floyd iustus et quod exiret Mayweather feci et quid pro quo a latrunculorum ludio ludius. I vincere Invenisse.


“Numerus 49, hoc est quod. Ive habebant, mira career. Im 'vetustioribus, maius aliquid et sapientis meae. September 12 summa est pugna. Omnes 48 pugnat lusit a key, sed numero 48 est: opportunissimum.


“Somnium hoc omnes coepi cum duas populus. Me et patrem. Iustus erat nos duo.


“Duae alae pugnabant tuens cum pugno, his qui non unum solum. In divisione semper intuens rogitat qui blandit lenta pugna, qui, Aurita, qui etiam perpetuo eam 100 percent, erat Andre Berto


“Praeterire non possum hoc guy. Sicut et ipse ludibrio fuerit accommodatus opprimentes me deferretur.”


ALIISQUE berto, Duo-Time Welterweight Mundus Champion


“It diu coming. Nunc Hic sumus. Quis scit me et vidit me vidistis magna sed simul per aliquam iudiciis. Quid est quod multum laborem et patientiam.


“Duobus abhinc annis fui in humero meo portem habens surgery nescientes hospitium lecto utinam ab illa. Bonum erat in fine diei. Mansimus focused et nunc Hic sumus.


“Scio me venturus est quidam puer strong. Im ' 152 nunc mensibus libras. Ut sis venturus in fine diei grauis haedos qui habebat. Aut qui habebat falls. Nunc autem ad illud recte fieri.


“Proelium est hoc fieri voluit adhuc ratus sum Cosso Floyd. Pugnam off venientem Pacquiao, ut facile me utique LEVO. Non possum ego sum nolite solliciti esse de.


“Tu vnquam odiosis pugna Andre Berto? Operetur ad finem diei butt off, Ive 'been opus diu. Nunc, messis Mk coming. Et hora iam semina nos.


“Ego perducat Coniunctio rara celeritatis, explosiveness virtutem et ad mensam accesserit. Iudas acquisivit Zab ultimus technae eum. Minor sum, Esurio; Im 'fortes et ieiunium. Quid ego Im focused egredientur ad hauriendam.


“Ego sensi sicut ex causa per vacuus. Clepsydra est. Nihil enim est melius quam in praesenti die. Floyd est non advena ad me. Sumus iam altitudinem in castra. Ne deesset certus sit.”


ROMAN, Martínez, Junior WBO Lightweight Mundus Champion


“Sum ita felix in hoc spectaculo esse. Im valde puteus parat hac pugna tibi. Quicumque cognoscit prima pugna et bellum vidit idem hoc erit. Paratus sum et in magna figura cingulum tenere.


“Opus in proelio operam et videte si corpus iam potes illum.


“Et ego fui in bonum certamen labore et forma ut in referendo ad distantiam habemus si excusserit servo, nos paratus ero.


“Sentio valde rematch suscipit sem pugnam, genus Ventilet.


“Quicumque cognoscit prima pugna fuit enim bellum vidit idem hoc erit. Nam me, Ne dubium dat mihi casus sum fortissimus quod apud quemque.


“Salido possunt dicere quod dicit, Quia ego ipse recepit spero. Denique quod optimum erit huiusce me vinces.”


Orlando Salido, Quattuor-Time World Champion


“Nunc cognovi infirmitatibus, Nunc ego a primo impetu, Scio quid ageret ob victoriam.


“Refocus qui corpore vel mente habui, Im 'non iens ut multum tempus quam victoriam


“Im 'certus iens ad repetendam titulum hunc Mexico. Ego sentire non. Scio.


“Nos vero pugnabimus sum libenter in neutram rematch regione nostra, non in Puerto Rico iterum. Prima pugna paratus sum nimis nec dimisit me fortitudo mea referendarius. Videbatur mihi omnem loquebatur referendarius 12 rounds. Aduersarium tantum versari tentabam, sed non potui,.


“Sum excitatur circa hoc certamen. Hoc est quod maxime turn quod mense Mexico, Im 'iens impetro victoriae.


“Mauris semper nulla certamine singulari prorsus sentio et Puerto Rico et Mexico, propterea quod vis vincere titulum hunc male Mexico.”

BADOU JACK, WBC Super Middleweight Mundus Champion


“Duo menses fui in castra. Suus fuit elit ipsum disciplina castrorum ad pugnam paratus sum. Restat ire parati sumus mensem.


“Sed semper aliquid extra te et mente habens fiduciam caerula. Necdum habetis manere humilis et remigabant.


“Nemorum a pulchellus bonum pugnator. Excitantis certus certamen futurum arbitror. Scio quid mihi et ipse venit ad confligendum venientibus ut.


“Hic ante proelium in multum UK, tamen suus 'a diversis scaena Pro Quo.


“At ego altiore Ferocem. Et 'iens ut me evertere conabimur evertere conabimur Ego illum. Sed magnum certamen futurum. Im 'certus iens pro knockout.


“Somnium adveho verus suus partem Maximo Teoobe eventus pro tanto certamine ultimo Floyd, suus 'benedictionem.


“Suus 'non sit aliud principale eventus vel undercard me. Erit etiam populus videns magno conflictu meo.


“EGO iustus habere angulum audire sermonem meum, et exsisto smart esse me. Inde si mihi anima tua faciam tibi cingulum integrum.”




“Omnia consulatur castris fuisset perfecta. Lorem differentia temporis aptat altitudo, quae accipit a iugo of dies, sed omnia recte agerentur vere bene. Nos ahead of schedule.


“Huiusce anni erudiendum habuimus omnium animi bona ita Im. Committitur in placebat ei pulsare, et non expectare ut.


“Puto plus quam satis Jack. Ego vidi eum pixidem vivunt contra Antonium Bika quod Ive contemplati on tape. Illic 'multus de eo similis. Ad quod ipse velim U.S. hic fecit et domus, quod illic 'magis in. Hic habes palatum postremo in castra feliciter bipedalis anulum ferre tuis.


“At ego in plerisque partibus majorem. Si egressus noctis facile mihi laborandum est et solvent.


“Quoniam suus 'nice Lorem undercard esse in summa de re instantia. Suus 'nice frui valeant iusto proelio. Suus 'tantum ingens pugna pugna illa sollicitudinem deponendo habeo. Praesent magna occasionem me.


“Rubigo mentis magis quam. Vos tantum audi quod pugil Disputatio de anulum rubigo post pugnam quoniam suus 'an excusationem. Nos in gym faciendis, et sociis nulla sparring excusationem verberatus es questus auferre pugna uicere.


“Hic in America quod adest, gratum. Felix erit prae titulo tertio. Weve diligentis. Nos paratus.


“Sicut ego vidi et Badou personalium et prope, quod me non inconvenit aliquid. Vis ad tolle inde lumbare quod UK.


“Ipse consolatio esse apud se et stabile mates, Cum autem omnis abit conatur ingrediantur anulus et auferam caput tuum a guy.


“Septemque annorum erat Ioas Quia factus sum mundi fortissimus viderat. Ive 'had varietas circulus pugilatu sed omnes eam.


“Disciplina castra in nosmet ipsos, et magna non expectare ut in littera ibi.”


Erant SMITH, Super prioris Welterweight Mundus Champion


“Quaesivi, ut durior et pugnat et durior et provocationes. EGO iustus volo ut pugnarent optimum. Quid de me populus putant quidquid, nos posuit bonorum pugnat.

Weve habebat tres fortes ad Mayweather Promotions ita nos quid facias ius.


“Vanes Martirosyan est bonum pugnator, Ei mihi suspiciamus. Lorem gym collatis necesse sit amet.


“Sed fortasse quodam pugnae casu main fuisse gaudeo Floyd scriptor historiae pars esse finale. Magno me pugilatum prospiciebat.”


Tabularum MARTIROSYAN, 2004 U.S. Olympium et CLIV-Pound CONCERTATOR


“Hoc est magnum proelium me. Ultima mea pugnes reliquit in judicibus’ et exivit e manibus.


“September 12 Iudices non dimittas me obsta. Im 'iens ut optimum knockout Vanes videre te et tu umquam.”


VERGILI INDAGATOR, Berto s Instructus


“Hoc pars historia Gaudeo. Sed quia haec momenta per iuvenes reflexio super. Quod vidi ante nos quidam magni pugnatores. Hac de re et videbo negative habitus, de illis qui non sciunt quid suus per pugnatores ad gym.


“Et dixi non excedere Lorem numquam. Sint 48-0 Haud facilis job. Cum praesertim die redire ad scandendum et montibus et impedimenta. Ut ludus spiritus. Is statim abiisse puto Mayweather Floyd, Hunc certe sentit praesentiam ludibrio habuerant. Muhammad Ali idem vidi.


“Et multum in vita sua vicit Andre Berto fecisse gaudeo suis. He epitomizes quid nisi pugnacem. Ipse suus superari, et ipse suus 'occasionem fundatur off quod meruisse.


“Tum sarcinis in divisionem welterweight videntibus qui tantum exstat, ceteros in pack.


“Haec optima intendimus dare 'iens job. Puto champ se respicit istam. Veniamus ad win, sed quod operatus ludo observet.


“Gaudeo quod pars. Suus 'a magnus super me dolores et erant trans legends nobis certamen fore iustum divertentes omnia nocte complevit.”


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO of Mayweather Promotions


“Ultimus suscipit lectus off omnes Mayweather Floyd colloquium futurum mirabilem sui curriculo. Sumus incensus simul operantes ad alium adducere reclinant PPV card ad boxing fans in SHOWTIME PPV.


“Pontíficem magnum lineup cum tribus mundi championships pugnat.


“Nullam sale cras ibis 10 P.T. am / pm I E.T. Prices range ex $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $150.


“Iterum Floyd erit admotaque WBC titulis et title in linea WBA. He uersum erit Andre Berto, delere quis inspectaret 0 off Floyd scriptor record on September 12.


“'Tango’ Martinez vs. Pugna erit Salido rematch Orlando candidatus Aprili anni. Scimus bellum erit.


“Hi sunt genera Floyd eget elit id agi oportet viam detrudi. Andre Berto est a guy nos credebantur pugnare years ago. Hes tempore duae mundi fortissimus. Scimus pergeret ut afferret ille. Optimum 'iens ut darem eam. On September 12 satis est si videbimus.


“Habuit cum Mayweather Floyd curriculo quod fabulosum, vere simus testificans history. Inspice te melius ei bonam, quia salva res est ipse suus 'hac in causa faciendum sport, puteus ultra videbitis.


“Semper sciebat Floyd esset ibi, annos multos. Cum talia facit amet, omnia facere quae facit historicum. Tuens cum circa landscape, Unde hunc ludum hic quamvis mutatis cultoribus.”


STEPHANUS Espinoza, Exsecutiva Vice Praeses & SHOWTIME Sports General Manager


“Boxing ludo est a lentus,. Suus 'a lentus ducere ludus est operiet, facientes operationem in risum et suus 'a dignissim dignissim at supersint risum. Participans cum inveneritis nescioquis per ludibrium a professio 19 annis, sed non participans exercet, secure in an elite level, unum ut 'raro visum, sed aliquid speciale ut '.


“In summo duo ludo decades, Scitis quid gravissimo? Suus 'opus ethica. Fere 20 ludibrio esse sentiunt annos pugilatum opus ethica. Nunquam in 19 annorum fortuna Floyd ostendit minus quam 100 percent paratum, 19 annos gerens integram disciplinae. Postquam ad summum gradum, opus ethicam doctrinam non mutaverit,. Quod erit in hoc ludo Floyd legatam, verisimile est aliquid ultra videbitis usque in diebus meis.


“September finitur omnia 12, suus 'occasionem dedit extremum caperetur sui incredibiliter.


“Andre Berto habet forte ad make history se. Si faciet quod, nihil aliud refert. Berto notescatque ut guy tandem vero beat Floyd Mayweather.


“Cum illud nos scire Andre Berto, ipse suus nunquam deerat actio. Non pugnant uno modo et hoc totum de infestantibus sciat.


“Andre can do quid Ive 'seen in annulum, Rotundum in circuitu ineat vidi. Pugnatores sicut Andre Berto semper acceptis, quia nullus pugnat duriorem Andre Berto.”


Mauricio Sulaiman, Praeses WBC


“Sum libenter videre pater repraesentant iterum in magni momenti eventus WBC. September 12 est nationalis Mexicanus lætam et Floyd has accepissent, quam bene atque uersata Mexico. Illud certum est Berto propugnatorem qui Andre cum magna provocatio WBC Floyd Mayweather.”


* * *


Pro magis notitia visit www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.SHO.com/Sports atquewww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, sirisalido, mayweatherpromo, SHOSports EtSwanson_Comm seu fieri fan on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.Facebook.com / TheRealAndreBerto,www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions atque www.facebook.com/SHOsports.

Floyd mayweather est animos ANDRE berto -SABBATO, PROLES. 12 At MGM Grand VIRIDARIUM ARENA LIVE ON SHOWTIME PPV®

Additi duo mundi patrocinium FIGHTS EMPHASIS actio-maniplos PPV QUADRUPLEHEADER

Aditum: Mayweather Vs. Berto


Las Vegas (Aug. 4, 2015) – Quod expectatur in illustre certamen esse finalem XIX annorum curriculo, Rex enim et libram pondo superstar pugilatu Floyd “Money” Mayweather (48-0, 26 KOs) fuerit manum suam et inuictus est record WBC et WBA Welterweight Mundus Championships in linea arbitrium-punching,, duos-tempus mundi fortissimus welterweight Andre Berto (30-3, 23 KOs) Saturday, Septem. 12 at the MGM Maximo Garden Arena in Las Vegas, vivere SHOWTIME PPV (8 p.m. ATQUE/5 p.m. PT).


Tunc cadens de Mayweather vs. Pacquiao event, in quo Mayweather inuictum sumendis optent: victoria, Mayweather probo contra durus hitting pugnator ieiunos facultas ad ustulo a historic perturbatus. Mayweather etiam potuit facere history. Si triumphantes, ille ut paria commemorata late heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano, qui secessit in April 1956 cum recordum 49-0. Assequendis Marciano scriptor record, de ludis in sanctissimis, would induximus Mayweather s legendary gradu est in ludo amplam Mayweather 's Titulo “Optimum semper.”


Mundi patrocinium duo sidereaque pugnat etiam comprehendo in stipendium per-visum telecast.

Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 KOs) erit devocaturum WBO Junior Lightweight title in a rematch contra pugnorum ipse dethroned, quattuor-tempus mundi fortissimus Orlando “Lerter” Abiit (42-13-2, 29 KOs). Prima pugna eorum, in Aprilis huius anni, proelium a multis habetur Anni candidatus principis. In addition, Jack Badou “The Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 KOs) faciam prima satisfactione eius WBC Super Middleweight mundi title contra mandatorias clamatoribus “Saint” George picis lucos (21-2, 16 KOs). Quarta pugna nuntiata cum stipendium per visum iri telecast.


Promotions, provehatur Mayweather, quartum stipendium per bellum oriatur haud visum vivunt telecast SHOWTIME PPV et de sexta et ultima pugna record-solveret of a paciscor inter Mayweather and Showtime Networks Inc.SHOWTIME Sports® suscipiet even- tum Sports Emmy® Consideraverit-conciliandos series Aditum.


Aliquam velit et postea apparet week sale information.


“Redire itaque inaures in eo ego servus tuus September 12 Im 'etiam probant quod toti mundo optimum semper,'” dicta Mayweather. “Ego semper mea A-ludum et hac pugna tibi against Andre Berto non excepto. Hes catulus, fortis pugnator sum quae esurit deponent optimus. Ante, conati fuerunt quadraginta octo September 12, Im 'iens ut XLIX.”


I’m coming to kick Floyd’s ass on September 12,” dicta Berto. “Crede quod cogito de ea sum et adducam illud creavi Floyd 48 other fighters have been unable to do. Somebody is getting knocked out and it won’t be me. You don’t want to miss this.


“'Money’ Paratus sit amet est et totam Promotions Mayweather aedificare Mayweather incredibilem record-fractione off May 2 event,” dixit CEO of Mayweather Promotions Leonard Ellerbe. “Est hoc magnum certamen voluptatem, plus incredibilem actionis undercard, at ad Las Pro fans Maximo Teoobe. Andre Berto is a powerful fighter who presents a real danger to Floyd. He will have to use all of his skills to slow Berto down.


“Pugnandi potestatem faceret in hoc volo ago tantum eventum Showtime,” dicta Martinez. “Et parati sumus facere titulo manet in Puerto Rico remigabant. Omnes viderent prima pugna contra Orlando Salido et scio quod per secundam bout etiam esse bellum,. Iterum habere nolit Mexico et Puerto Rico, quod sexualem praestat copia actio. Melius est nos disciplina 100 sentio certus ut in September 12 it will be another great victory to Puerto Rico.


“Sum inritatam the rematch with Rocky Martinez,” said Salido. “Prima pugna non vado in Puerto Rico. Possedi ad duos certaminibus habebant sanguine pugnae initium et tardioris – et adversus referendarius et unum contra Rocky Martinez. On September 12, I am going to take matters into my own hands and look to knock out Rocky to get my world title belt back. Mexico and Puerto Rico have had a great rivalry over the years and this September you will see me bring the belt home to Mexico where it belongs.


“Ego sum valde concitatus et praeparans ad mea curriculo durior certamen contra George picis lucos,” Jack dicit. “Semper underdog mentis sunt adversum me, sicut fortissimus. Sentit adoptavit in patriam defendere pro quo multa. Promotor meum, Mayweather, ups et pertulerat in dorsum habet cursum meum et rei publicae et vultis inducere super quadrigis Mayweather turgere Promotions September 12.”


“Sum felix satis dare aliquod ludibrio maximi animi,” dixit picis lucos. “Ego provocaverunt pro mundi titulis et vendiderim de stadiums, sed verum est pueritia somnium capi nondum tempus uenerat mundi title. Las Quo feror in casum exue – De bello crème in aliquo planeta crème. Et efficiamini mei finem consequi non possum exspectare mundi fortissimus. Badou Jack posse non est Bad’ satis consistere quoad somnium meum. His WBC Habena animo meo consequenter omne quod est omnibus et singulis evigilantes momento. Studuimus Jack – Parati enim sumus pro infirmitatibus promptissime periculis uires. Quo mea cum veneris ad propinquos alterum exspectare non possum domum crepitus.”


“Cum primum Showtime murmurantem de Mayweather Floyd et in Networks 2013, Multum record-solveret vocabatur – et quod fuerit prorsus,” dictus Stephanus Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Sports SHOWTIME®. “Per quinque persecutionum bella sex proelium navale term, significatione eventus superabat grandest exspectationes. Floyd has never hesitated to take on the best of the best in his division. In Andre Berto, Floyd has chosen an opponent who always comes to fight and always entertains. Berto’s power and athleticism make him a legitimate threat against any opponent, et contra Floyd, expectamus Berto esse irascibilis ut semper. We’re also assembling an action-packed undercard, optimus a certaminibus rematch blanditiis praesentium 2015, Petrosa Martinez vs. Orlando Salido.”


“Quod nos hospitio perfusus expectantur esse occasionem Floyd fabulosum curriculo in ultima pugna,” Richardus Sturm, Entertainment Sports praeses et International pro MGM Hotel. “Floyd est formidolose fortissimus et quam expectamus testificans historiae eventus against Andre Berto at MGM Grand.”


De historia ludus ornatissima bellatori, Mayweather, tui Magni Rapids, Mich., pugnatorum de Las Vegas, XII quinque mundi fortissimus est ponderis partes temporis. Cum celeritas eius trademark, defensus federe perdurante, et ducatus et circulum, Mayweather has expugnavit 22 pugiles mundi.


Praeter suum in-anulum elegantiamque, Forbes, Fortuna atque Sports Illustrated nominavi Mayweather mundi summa conduxerunt athleta multiple times. His numeris eventus corradunt record-solveret; he has headlined four of the six highest-grossing pay-per-view events of all time and holds the all-time record in gross pay-per-view receipts.


Mayweather, solum pugnator have headlined tres eventus qui tardius quam duas million stipendium per-visum emit singulis,potitur numerous “Pugnatore Anni” awards super storied career, quinque et duos ESPY Boxing Writers Associatio awards.


Diu considerari tamquam possible aerum Mayweather, Berto, 31, bruma Haven, Fla. est priorum et amateur standout 2004 Olympium for Haiti. A eméritis octo mundi title pugnat, omnes 147 libras, vicit World Title WBC Welterweight in June 2008 et fecit quinque prospere title munimenta super duos proxime et dimidium ante amittendi titulum in April 2011. Berto vicit World Title IBF Welterweight in September 2011.


Tetri sapere Berto semper facit sensational liturarum – eius 2012 cum slugfest Robertus “De sancto” BellatorAnni autem candidate proelium. Nuperrime autem in Excursiuncula, ipse laceratum duo knockdowns navigaret ad sextam-circuitu super TKOJosesito Lopez Ultima March 13.


Penicullus-sapiens, in V-VII-pes Berto expectatur ad adoptare uibrare subeuntis excelsum punch output, similar to the strategy exhibuerint Marcos “Seres” Maidana in prima pugna contra Mayweather. Si Mayweather deficit iactandi trademark celeritate et defensionem, Berto posset uti sua potestate, et manu velocitatem facere Mayweather inconvenientes et eum compellere, rixam.


Martinez, 32, Baja de Vega, Puerto Rico, faciam prima satisfactione in tertio suo stint as WBO Junior Lightweight Mundus Champion. Si vicisset WBO CXXX pondo coronam secundo cum XII-circuitu super split decision Miguel Beltran Jr. in September 2012. In ultra-lentus Martinez fecit opera duobus defensionibus, possidet a close puncta’ triumph superius inuictus est Diego Magdaleno, ante reddere octavo-knockout circuitu ad seriis Garcia mikey in November 2013.

In V-VIII-pes Martinez certamine prima pugna sequenti et tunc Garcia bout, Nuperrime autem in Excursiuncula, cladi desperate late juncus unanimiter outpoint trans Salido 12 durum-decertarint, actio-maniplos rounds tandem Aprilis 11.

Billed tamquam “Bellum,” the slugfest may have excederet exosculatio utraque pugnatores expended inordinatum amount of navitas decursu 36 minutes. Adhibendis emolumentorum in altitudo et perveniant, Carbasus ut Salido Martinez in tertia et quinta et misit acquiri turpis 116-109, 115-110 atque 114-111. Salido was docked a point in the 11th atra circumspexit humili ictu, sed numquam ad finem mundi in proelio.

Lenta et confortati sunt apud recta-style deinceps se quidquid turba placeres rebus, Martinez cepit WBO Title primum in March 2009 ac defendit se bis.

Abiit, 34, de Sonora, Mexico, aedilicii-durum est gravis simae quis puncher accipere volenti contentione et pugilatu alienum non est nobis Mexico. Puerto Rico.

The-V-VI pes Salido capta interim WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship in his Excursiuncula proxima-a Patre et Existit 11th-knockout circuitu super Thailandia scriptor Terdsak Kokietgym on September 1, 2014. Inhumanum proelio featured septem knockdowns (Salido abiit incurvaret tribus vicibus, Kokietgym quattuor) erat 2014 Yahoo! Sports proelium Anni.

Salido est etiam a duos-tempus mundi fortissimus Featherweight. At aetatis suae de optimis pugnaverit 126, including Garcia mikey,Juan ManuelJuanmaLopez bis, et current WBO CXXVI-libram fortissimus Vasyl Lomachenko qui pugnat Salido beat tres iam abiit a XII-circuitu split decision in March 2014.

Jack, 31, indigena Stockholm, Suecia, pugnat: Mayweather 's de Las Vegas gym, cepit WBC CLXVIII pondo balteus XII-circuitu maioris super defendere fortissimus et per prius cognoscitur seriis Anthony Dirrell Ultima Aprilis 24 a turpis 116-114, 115-113 atque 114-114.

A prioribus European amateur standout – ipse suus 'solum boxer semper ad repraesentandum Gambia in aliquo Olympia (2008) – I-VI pedem pro convertit in mense iunio Jack 2009 Et quae intraverat vespere initial 16 inspectante passus taetrum enim primus-rotundus knockout detrimento Derek Edwards in February 2014.

A celeritate motus pugilem bonis, Jack has quia won ordine tres, possidet major victoriam Bika.

The-exploratae picis lucos militaverunt,, 27, of Hammersmith, London, England, adepto a Nerone tertium crack at CLXVIII pondo mundi title. Solum maculae ejus recordo venit retro-ut-back-tum praetore adversus IBF / WBA fortissimus et rusticus Carl Froch at Wembley Stadium in London. Urereturagerdepopulatisque per controversial nono-circuitu TKO in November 2013, Fiebat octava per lucos rotunda May acri aemulo 2014 memor rematch tarn 80,000 fans.

Quia haec resilit lucos has proni Froch, winning his gemina. Lucos capta uacuas WBC Argentum Super Middleweight title Europae risus et in Sept. 2014 contra Christophe Rebrasse et laceratum a septimo-circuitu super TKO Dennis Douglin Ultima Nov. 22.

De Mayweather vs. Berto:

Mayweather vs. Berto, a XII-circuitu welterweight mundi patrocinium pro bout Mayweather 's WBC et WBA CXLVII pondo titles, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, September 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, quod est a rematch aestimandum Romanum Martinez, sive Orlandi Salido. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, quae promotus consociationis cum Team Sauerland.


Pro magis notitia visit www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.SHO.com/Sports atquewww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, sirisalido, mayweatherpromo, SHOSports EtSwanson_Comm seu fieri fan on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.Facebook.com / TheRealAndreBerto,www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions atquewww.facebook.com/SHOsports.



Displaying image001.jpg


Network’s Distinctive And Award-Winning “Epilogue” Episode Focuses

The Spotlight On The Unpredictable Drama Of Fight Week


Click On The Image Below To Watch A Clip Lift: http://s.sho.com/1JmrDZ3


The fourth and final installment of INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao-Epilogus–premieres hoc Saturday immediately following the SHOWTIME premiere of the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao delayed telecast at 9 p.m. ATQUE/PT. In this clip, witness Mayweather and Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach arguing just moments before the fight. And tune in hoc Saturday to witness all the drama and intensity immediately before and after last Saturday’s historic showdown.


Click HIC Nam ex imaginibus Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions

Click HIC Nam ex imaginibus Farina Chris / Top Rank

Click HIC Lin enim imaginibus ex Esther / SHOWTIME

Click HIC For Photos From Will Hart/HBO


“Hes [Manny Pacquiao] is a hell of a fighter. I take my hat off to him. Now I see why he’s one of the guys that are at the pinnacle of the sport of boxing.


I knew he was going to push it and win some rounds. He had some moments in the fight, but I kept him on the outside, I was a smart fighter. I wasn’t getting hit with a lot of shots until I sat in the pocket, that’s when he would land a lot of shots.


“Fecimus quod erat faciendum hac nocte, and I’m truly blessed.


I’m a calculated fighter, he’s a tough competitor.


I have to take it off to my dad, without him I wouldn’t be where I’m at.


He’s a very awkward fighter, so I had to take my time and watch him close.


“Omnes 47 fights before I got to this fight played a major key in my career.


Manny Pacquiao is a true champion and we both did our best hac nocte,.


When the history books are written, this fight will have been worth the wait.


I have one more fight. My last fight is in September and then it’s time for me to hang it up. I’m almost 40 years old now. I’ve been in the sport 19 years and have been a champion for 18 annis, I’m truly truly blessed.




“Erat a bonum certamen; Putabam pugna vicit.


He didn’t do anything. He was always moving outside.


I got him many times, I saw his punches.


He was moving around too much, it wasn’t easy throwing punches at him. If he would’ve stayed in one place then I could’ve thrown punches.


I was cutting him and countering. I wanted to fight.


I was able to handle his power; he’s not strong like previous opponents like [Antonius] Margarito.


I thought I was up in the fight, so that’s why I didn’t attack harder in the 11th atque 12th rounds.


He’s not bigger than me, it’s not about the size. The size doesn’t matter. I’ve fought guys bigger than him and had no problem.



* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao was a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24 et Mexico, Quod creditur vivendo. The three-fight pay-per-view telecast was co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® et HBO Redde-Per View-® incipientibus ab Hierosolyma 9 p.m. ATQUE/ 6 p.m. PT.


Pro magis notitia visit www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing atque www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, EtHBOboxingSwanson_Comm, et fieri ad ventilandum in Facebookwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports atquewww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



Click HIC Nam ex imaginibus Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions

Click HIC Pro Thoronella Erba Photos / Mayweather Promotions

Click HIC Nam ex imaginibus Farina Chris / Top Rank

Click HIC For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Click HIC Lin enim imaginibus ex Esther / SHOWTIME


Las Vegas (Aprilis 30, 2015) – Undefeated WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Leo “Terraemotus” Santa, WBO Featherweight World Champion Vasyl Lomachenko, their opponents and non-televised fighters participated Thursday in the undercard final press conference before their respective fights taking place this Saturday, May 2, live on pay-per-view at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


In pay-per-view fights before Floyd “Money” Mayweather occurrit Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao in their epic welterweight championship unificiation showdown, the Mexican star Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 KOs) will take on fellow Mexican countryman Jose Cayetano (17-3, 8 KOs) in a 10-round featherweight contest and Ukraine’s Lomachenko(3-1, 1 KO) protegam contra Puerto Rico scriptor Gamalier Rodriguez (25-2-3, 17 KOs).


The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® et HBO Redde-Per View-® incipientibus ab Hierosolyma 9 p.m. ATQUE/ 6 p.m. PT.


Also appearing at the press conference were boxers fighting on the non-televised portion of the card: Promising unbeaten Chris “Rege adulescente” Nabu (11-0, 9 KOs), arcentis Said El Harrak (12-2, 7 KOs) bout middleweight rotundus in X; ferreus-hitting Jesse Hart (16-0, 13 KOs), who’ll face fellow unbeaten Mike Jimenez (17-0, 11 KOs) in a 10-rounder for the NABO, USBA and NABF Super Middleweight titles, power-punching Andrew “Bestia” Tabiti (9-0, 9 KOs), who will be opposed by Anthony Caputo Smith (15-4, 10 KOs) in a cruiserweight eight-rounder and undefeated super middleweight Brad Salomonis (24-0, 9 KOs), arcentis Adrian Rene Granados (13-3, 9 KOs) in a 10-round scrap.


Here is what the fighters and executives said Thursday at the Copperfield Theater at the MGM Grand:


I’m more than excited to be on this undercard. This is the biggest card I could have been on. I want to show the whole world who I am.


I prepared very hard for this fight, like I always do. It’s going to be a historic night and I’m happy to be a part of that history.


I know that everybody is here for Mayweather and Pacquiao but there will still be millions seeing me fight and I want to show them who Leo Santa Cruz is so that I can get a lot more fans.


“”I’m still young and there are many more fights to come. The fights the fans want, we’re going to give it to them. I know those fights are going to happen.


I want to look spectacular and I want to get Cayetano out of there really fast. Sometimes these kind of fighters are the ones who give you the hardest fights because they come hungrier and have nothing to lose.


Seeing my family here and having them in the arena on fight night is a huge motivation for me. I feel happier and more relaxed and I’m ready.


I never underestimate a fighter. Any fighter in the ring is dangerous. I hope that Cayetano is ready so that we can give the fans a great show.


I know that Leo Santa Cruz is a strong, difficult fighter but he also has weaknesses and that is what we prepared for, to give him a surprise.

I’m a man that takes challenges and I’ve been preparing very hard, I’m always prepared for these types of fights. I’m very prepared and I feel very strongly that I will win.

I came here for the opportunity to beat Leo Santa Cruz and for the opportunity to participate in such a grand event that is Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.

I’m very happy and very grateful and very excited to get into the ring. It’s a huge commitment, the entire world will be watching me but that is why I accepted the fight, I know that if I beat him, bigger and better opportunities will come my way.

I’m not nervous because it’s not the first time that I’ve faced a tough opponent. I’ve never faced a world champion but I’ve faced opponents that throw hard punches, so I’m not nervous, I’m excited.



This is an opportunity to show everyone what I’m capable of doing and for millions of viewers to see that I can do it.


The best fighters get the best opportunities in the ring, there are a lot of great fighters getting those opportunities including myself.


It’s always a good feeling when people are saying good things about you.


I’m very excited to be involved in a bout such as this one, May 2 will be a big show shown around the world. I’m very happy to be in the opening bout for this huge fight.


I’m looking forward to this big fight on Saturday. It’s a blessing to participate in this type of press conference and come Saturday, Vincam! I’m sure of it. I will be champion.

All of the attention toward Vasyl Lomachenko gives me motivation. I’ve been a fighter and a boxer since I was young and it’s added motivation to come out on top this weekend.


I know that Lomachenko is a good and technical fighter but it doesn’t compare to my hunger and drive to be world champion.

I wanted to take the opportunity during my speech at the press conference to let everyone know that I can here to fight. It’s going to be a hard fought battle and I’m very confident that I’ll win and become the champion this Saturday.


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO of Mayweather Promotions

I am so excited to be here today to discuss the great undercard which will be the lead-in to our long awaited, history making event taking place this Saturday night.


The lead-in fight for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao will be a very exciting fight featuring Leo Santa Cruz and Jose Cayetano.


Leo Santa Cruz is one of the classiest gentleman in the sport. He’s a very fan-friendly fighter and a Mexican warrior. He represents Mexico very well.


BOB ARUM, Hall de Fama promotore, Top Rank

I know that every fighter deems it a tremendous honor to be part of this great event. We hope and believe that we will be presenting to the public through Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank, the best of boxing and the best fighters.


Vasyl Lomachenko is considered to be the greatest amateur fighter of all time. Autem, he looks for the same type of success he had as an amateur in the professional ranks. But this will be a very competitive fight, because Gamalier Rodriguez is a Puerto Rican who comes to fight and believes that he can upset Vasyl.


A lot of the young men up here believe they are the next big thing in boxing, and many will be. But I know that Vasyl Lomachenko will be a big superstar in the sport of boxing.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24 et Mexico, Quod creditur vivendo.


Pro magis notitia visit www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing atque www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, EtHBOboxingSwanson_Comm, et fieri ad ventilandum in Facebook www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports atquewww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


"Mayweather VS. Pacquiao "

Haec Saturday, May 2, Esto-Live View Per-

Click HIC Pro Thoronella Erba Photos / Mayweather Promotions

Click HIC Nam ex imaginibus Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions

Click HIC Nam ex imaginibus Farina Chris / Top Rank

Click HIC For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Click HIC Lin enim imaginibus ex Esther / SHOWTIME


Las Vegas (Aprilis 29, 2015) - Floyd "Pecunia" Mayweather atque Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao faced off for only the third time Wednesday during the final press conference for their long-awaited welterweight world championship unification fight this Saturday, May 2, Arena in MGM Maximo Garden, live on pay-per-view.


The last time the boxing superstars met face-to-face was at the Los Angeles press conference to formally announce the mega-fight on March 11. The first time they were photographed up close and personal came at a Miami Heat basketball game in January.


In the most eagerly awaited showdown in years – and the richest fight in boxing historythe undefeated and universally recognized No. 1 pound-for-pound boxer Mayweather (47-0, 26 KOs), an 11-time world champion in five weight divisions, will take on the fighting pride of the Philippines, Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs), the only boxer to capture world titles in eight weight classes.


Here is what the fighters and executives said Wednesday at the KÀ Theatre at the MGM Grand:


“The only thing I can do is take it one day at a time. When the fight gets here I will go out there and do what I do best and that’s go out and fight.


“From the beginning of my career, I’ve always had a game plan. It’s just like chess. We make calculated moves in the ring and outside the ring. I got with the right team and surrounded myself with the right chess pieces.


“I’m a lot wiser than I once was. This fight sells itself. Our ultimate goal was to get to this point, whether it was Manny or another fighter.


“I don’t take anything away from Manny Pacquiao. He’s a solid fighter; a solid competitor and it will be an intriguing matchup come Saturday.


“Everything takes time, it’s all about timing. I’m glad that we had patience and didn’t rush. The time is now, this is the right time for this fight.


“I want to thank all the writers for being here. Some have been around since I was 10-years-old, some have been here for my 19 years in this sport. I’m thankful for all the writers, whether the stories were good stories or bad, you guys kept me relevant for 19 annis.


“This fight is about one fighter who is at the top fighting another fighter who is at the top. It’s about giving you guys excitement. We don’t know how this fight is going to play out, but I believe in my skills. I believe I am going to be victorious.


“When I went to training camp I worked extremely hard to win this fight and I’m pretty sure Manny did the same. That’s why this is an intriguing matchup.”


“I don’t have a prediction, but I’m excited. I’m confident and I feel for the first time that I’m ready for the fight.

"I’m so happy because that feeling and that focus that I had many years ago, reversus est. I’m confident and relaxed.

“My love and eagerness for this fight has made me especially interested.

“I would like to invite everyone to witness the great fight between Floyd and I this Saturday.

“I want to be an example and inspiration to people.

“Before I became a boxer, I used to sleep on the street. I can’t believe that I am in this position. The boy who didn’t have food and slept on the street can have this life.

“On Saturday our goal is to make the fans happy with our performance. Both of us will work very hard to entertain the fans and give a good fight.

“I hope that both Floyd and I do our best on Saturday and to put our name in boxing history.

“The most important thing I hope for is that after the fight I can talk with Floyd about being an inspiration to people all around the world.”

Mayweather SR., Mayweather pater & Instructus


“Whatever happens on Saturday, it’s going to be one-sided. Pacquiao is going to sleep.


“I’m a trainer, I know what’s going on with fighters. Pacquiao doesn’t have it.


“Everybody can say what they want to say. I’ve said it before, Pacquiao can’t punch. I’m not worried about it. I’m going to have Floyd walk him down.”


Freddie Roach, Instructus Pacquiao scriptor

“When this fight was announced, Manny’s training level went way up. He’s really excited about this fight.


“I think we will win a decision and outpoint this guy. If the knockout comes then that will be a bonus.

“I think Manny likes to be the underdog. We like pulling upsets and doing things we’re not supposed to do. Manny is going to be that guy.

“We will put a lot of pressure on Floyd. Manny likes to exchange and with his hand speed, this fight will go in our favor.

“Manny is reckless, but that’s his style. He tries to win fights and people enjoy his fights. He gives it his all and sometimes you get knocked out, that’s part of boxing.”


LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO of Mayweather Promotions


“The worldwide attention and interest in this event has been unbelievable and Floyd and Manny deserve it.


“Las Vegas has a rich history of hosting the biggest and best fights in the sport. Over the years Floyd Mayweather has made the MGM his home. This will be his 11th consecutive fight at MGM Grand and the 14th in his career.


“There are two great fighters that will be fighting on Saturday night and the focus needs to be on the fighters, no one else. The focus is on the fighters on Saturday night.


“On May 2, Floyd faces another huge challenge in fellow world champion Manny Pacquiao, in a fight that the whole world is waiting to see. Once again Floyd is out to prove that he is The Best Ever and I know he will on Saturday night.”


BOB ARUM, Hall de Fama promotore, Top Rank


“This is a great promotion with two great fighters. I hope that this fight will help elevate the rest of boxing. I think based on the interest in this fight, there has been increased interest in boxing as well, and that’s great.


“People have spent a lot of time during this event watching Manny train, but more importantly, watching Freddie teach. It’s great to see two guys on the same wavelength, working on the strategy and then working it out in the ring.”


KEN Hershman, Praeses, Sports HBO


“The journey to this fight has been a remarkable one. In addition to the great writing and reporting that all the media has been doing, HBO has been putting on terrific programs for fight fans to enjoy and bring them closer to the sport.


“One important note for everyone, please order the pay-per-view Saturday night early, or if possible today or tomorrow. We expect that the ordering systems will be overwhelmed. Also, there will be two undercard events starting at 9 p.m. ET / VI p.m. PT and those events can end at any time. We want to make sure that no one misses any of the main event. Tune-in and tune-in early.”


STEPHANUS Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Sports SHOWTIME


“This event is about two world-class athletes, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, who have been working for weeks and weeks, all of their lives really, to get to this precise moment.


“These two fighters have worked their entire lives to get to this moment.


“Floyd and Manny have great teams. Floyd will be the first one to tell you that his team deserves a lot of the credit for his success and I’ve heard Manny say very similar things.


“What makes this event so special and so historic, is that we have two once-in-a-generation athletes who will be meeting in the ring in about 72 horis. We are so proud to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a highly anticipated event.”


RICARDUS EXPUGNATIO, Praeses Entertainment & Ludis MGM Resorts International


“It is an honor for the MGM Resorts to house this highly anticipated event. Sports fans around the world will have the unique opportunity to watch two of boxing’s top champions, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, as they go toe-to-toe at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


“Excitement for this event has resonated throughout our MGM Resorts properties and the entire Las Vegas community.


“We have created additional programming at the resorts including closed circuit viewing that gives fans the chance to experience MGM’s great championship fights.


“We just want to thank everybody involved in this great event. We’re excited, we’re proud and we can’t wait for Saturday night.”


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions –Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24 et Mexico, Quod creditur vivendo. The three-fight pay-per-view telecast is co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® et HBO Redde-Per View-® incipientibus ab Hierosolyma 9 p.m. AND / 6 p.m. PT.


Pro magis notitia visit www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing atque www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, EtHBOboxingSwanson_Comm, et fieri ad ventilandum in Facebook www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports atquewww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Mayweather vs. Pacquiao In-Depth Preview and Analysis

By: Tony Penecale

Find Tony on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TornadoTP

DENIQUE!!!! After six years of arguing, negotiating, finger-pointing, and the real possibility that it would never happen, the long-awaited superfight between Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr. and Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao is finally about to happen. There is a possibility of grossing upwards of $300 million between them, easily the richest event in sports history. Mayweather is set to make $180 million. He would earn $15 million per round, $5 million per minute, & $83,333.33 per second. Pacquaio would make $120 million and would earn $10 million per round, $3,333,333.33 per minute, & $55,555.56 per second. Las Vegas is a gambling town, and after years of bluffing, raising the ante, and calling each other out, both fighters have put all their chips in. Their legacies are on the table. Autem, it’s time to see who is really holding the Aces when they step in the ring.


Mayweather: Age: 38 annorum

Record: 47-0 (26 Knockouts)

Altitudo: 5’8”

Pondus: 146 * * Pondus ultimum bout (9-13-14)

Pervenire: 72"


Pacquiao: Age: 35 annorum

Record: 57-5-2 (38 Knockouts)

Altitudo: 5’6”

Pondus: 144 ** Pondus ultimum bout (11-20-14)

Pervenire: 67"




1996 Olympiae Bronze Medalist

WBC Super Featherweight Champion (’98-’02)

WBC Lightweight Champion (’02-’04)

Ring Magazine Lightweight Champion (’02-’04)

WBC Junior Welterweight Champion (’05-’06)

IBF Welterweight Champion (’06)

WBC Welterweight Champion (’06-‘07)

WBC Junior Middleweight Champion (’07)

WBA Junior Middleweight Champion (’12)

WBC Welterweight Champion (’11-Pres)

Ring Magazine Welterweight Champion (’06-‘07)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #1 Ille artifex pugnorum (’05-’07, ’12-Pres)



WBC Flyweight Champion (’98-‘99)

IBF Super Bantamweight Champion (’01-’03)

WBC Super Featherweight Champion (’08)

WBC Lightweight Champion (‘08)

IBO Junior Welterweight Champion ('09)

WBO Welterweight Champion (’09-‘12)

WBO Welterweight Champion ('14 -Pres)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #1 Ille artifex pugnorum (’08-‘12)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #4 Ille artifex pugnorum (Pres)




A pure boxer with great speed who does everything well with an arsenal that includes a snapping jab, accurate right hand and a left hook that can be doubled and tripled with tremendous effect. Uses feint moves to freeze opponents and open punching lanes. Tucks his chin well behind his shoulder to roll with punches. Even on the ropes, he is a difficult target to land a solid punch on. He doesn’t have great punching power. Most of his stoppage victories come from outpunching and outclassing his opponents but rarely scoring clean knockouts.



Pacquiao boxes from a southpaw stance, moving forward and bobbing and feinting his way in. Once in close, he uses his right hand to find the range and then unleashes his powerful left, either straight or looping, and he will often double and triple it to the body and head. Uses quick head shifts to slip punches while moving forward. Has soundly developed under the tutelage of Freddie Roach, developing a decent right hook, either as a lead punch or thrown behind the left. Uses quick head shifts to slip punches while moving forward. Is no longer the feared finisher he once was earlier in his career.




* Experience – Boxing is in Mayweather’s blood, and he’s been involved in the sport since his childhood. Completed an extensive amateur career by winning the bronze medal in the ’96 Olympic Games. He has been competing successfully on a championship level for the past 17 annis, facing and defeating fighters with a variety of styles.


* Conditioning – Mayweather is a fitness freak with an amazing work ethic when it comes to training. Few fighters push themselves as much as Mayweather does in the gym, even doing midnight training sessions. It is evident in the ring when his stamina carries him in the late rounds.


* Ring Generalship – Mayweather knows every inch of the ring and how to control a fight. He knows when to attack, when to box, when to turn up the heat, and when to coast. Mayweather owns the ring when he is in there. Even the rare times when he has been stunned in fights, he was able to quickly settle down and quell the threat.




* Unorthodox Style – Pacquiao is very unorthodox, even for a southpaw. He moves straight in but is hard to time with his bobbing and head feints. Before most opponents can time his onrushes, he is throwing whirlwind punches from a variety of angles.


* Speed – Pacquiao is fleet of foot and the owner of very fast hands, especially for a boxer with such considerable power. He quickly moves into position and fires rapid one-two combinations. He’s expanded his arsenal to include blinding combinations of hooks, uppercuts, and double or triple left hands.


* Stamina – Pacquiao is always in tremendous shape and fights just as hard in the last round as he does in the first. He applies a ton of pressure and is constantly punching, wearing opponents down in the process.




* Aging – Mayweather may have an unblemished record, but Father Time has never been defeated. Mayweather has been more flat-footed in recent bouts. His first encounter with Marcos Maidana was a rough and tumble affair where Mayweather looked very ordinary. The rematch was more definitive but unimpressive.


* Distractions – Maweather loves to be in the public eye and never shies away from controversy. Most notably are his public disputes and reconciliations with his father and trainer, Mayweather, Senior. The most recent camp turbulence came in the form of a training camp dispute between Floyd Sr. and Alex Ariza, working as the strength and conditioning coach. A non-harmonious training camp could lead to unnecessary distractions.


* Punching Power – Most of Mayweather’s stoppage wins came from an accumulation of punches. The usual result is the referee or opposing corner stopping the bout to prevent further punishment. Notwithstanding his controversial and explosive knockout of Victor Ortiz, it is rare to see Mayweather finish a bout with one punch, dating all the way back to his days as a 130-pounder.




* Killer Instinct – Pacquiao was once regarded as a ruthless buzzsaw, cutting through opponents until they succumbed. He has since lost that edge, failing to win a fight by stoppage since 2009. More of a concern is that on several occasions he eased up on outclassed opponents, allowing them to survive the last few rounds.


* Trouble with Counterpunchers – Pacquiao is an aggressive, offense-first fighter who will freely throw punches, but he can be timed and is often open to be hit with counters. Juan Manuel Marquez gave him fits with movement and counter punches, even scoring a spectacular knockout over Pacquiao with a perfectly-timed counter right hand.


* Age – Pacquiao is no longer the phenomenon he was in his 20s. He is now in his mid-30s. As he has physically aged, he has also taken on a super human schedule with political aspirations in his home country, numerous personal appearances, and several difficult bouts.





(09-13-14) Mayweather neutralized and outboxed Marcos Maidana in a rematch from their closer-than-expected bout from four months prior. While the action was sparse, it was a case of Mayweather using his superior skills and intelligence to thwart his aggressive but limited opponent.



(11-20-14) Pacquiao won a dominating unanimous decision over the game but vastly inexperienced Chris Algieri. Pacquiao was in control from the start and scored a total of six knockdowns, somehow failing to score the knockout some experts thought he needed to be in position for the Mayweather fight to happen.





* Diego Corrales (1/20/01) – Experts were torn on who to pick in this one with many leaning towards Corrales to win by KO. Mayweather never let him in the bout, knocking him down five times before the referee halted the bout in the 10th round.


* Arturo Gattt (6/25/05) – Although Mayweather was a solid betting favorite, many expected Gatti to make things rough for Mayweather. It never happened, as Mayweather floored Gatti in the first round and dealt out a severe beating before Gatti’s corner stopped the bout after six one-sided rounds.


* Ricky Hatton (12/8/07) – Hatton was undefeated coming into the bout and set a gameplan of constant pressure to wear out Mayweather. After a few uncomfortable rounds, Mayweather was able to find his range and take over, flooring Hatton twice in the 10th round and forcing a stoppage.



* Oscar De la Hoya (12/06/08) – It’s hard to imagine now, but the consensus at the time was that De la Hoya would destroy the smaller Pacquiao in a landslide. It was a landslide, but it was Pacquiao dishing out the beating, ripping De la Hoya apart with both hands. After eight one-sided and brutal rounds, a swollen and bloodied De la Hoya was beaten into permanent retirement.

* Miguel Cotto (11/14/09) – Pacquiao impressively dismantled the larger and physically imposing Cotto. Pacquiao dropped the Puerto Rican superstar twice early. From the 6th round on, Pacquiao had Cotto in a defensive shell, battering him until the referee stopped the bout in the 12th round.

* Ricky Hatton (05/02/09) – Pacquio ran through Hatton in fast and destructive fashion. Hattonwhile still an underdogwas expected to provide a challenge with his strength and mauling tactics. Pacquiao unveiled an improved right hook and had Hatton down twice in the first round before crushing him with a devastating knockout in the second.




*Oscar De la Hoya

– Mayweather: Split Decision 2007

– Pacquiao: QUI 8th undique 2008


*Miguel Cotto

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2013

– Pacquiao: QUI 12th undique 2009


*Ricky Hatton

– Mayweather: QUI 10th undique 2007

– Pacquiao: KO 2nd undique 2009


* Shane Mosley

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2010

– Pacquiao: Unanimous Decision 2011


* Juan Manuel marquez

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2009

– Pacquiao: Haurire 2004, Split Decision 2008, Majority Decision 2011,

KO’d 6th undique 2012



KEYS ad victoriam



* Get Pacquiao’s respect early, timing his rushes, and hitting him with straight right hands.


* Use clinches to smother Pacquiao and thwart any offensive momentum.


* Do not try to trade punches with Pacquiao.





* Use feints to get Mayweather to make the first move.


* Don’t aim strictly at Mayweather’s head. Focus on the body, arms, and torso?


* Do not let Mayweather control the tempo.




* Can the fight live up to the hype? Unless this turns out to be Hagler-Hearns, Gatti-Ward, and Ali-Frazier all rolled up into one, it will be nearly impossible to live up to the hype that has surrounded this match-up for over six years. The hype might be inflated and overbearing, but it can still be entertaining.


* Is the fight happening too late? Both fighters are in their late 30s. While these two phenoms are still elite competitors, they are past their primes. Even so, instances of fighters past their primes matching up perfectly and turning in an epic encounter have occurred on several occasions.


* Who has the most to lose? Mayweather without a doubt has the most to lose. Pacquiao is an icon in his home country, so no matter what happens, he will remain a beloved figure. Mayweather is boasting about himself as “The Best Ever” and relishes his undefeated record. He even said recently that he’s better than Muhammad Ali was. A loss obliterates the “0” on Mayweather’s record and will provide more fodder for the argument that he is not even the best of his generation.


* How will their styles match up? It figures to be a classic boxer vs puncher match-up. Mayweather is a consummate strategist. He is a master of figuring out his opponents, frustrating them, and setting up counter punches. Pacquiao will press the action, try to overwhelm, breaking through Mayweather’s defense with a high volume of punches. It will be a clash of Quantity against Quality. Pacquiao will throw more punches, more punches than anybody has ever thrown against Mayweather. Mayweather will throw less but land at a higher connect rate, with sharp counter punches.


* What are the chances of a Knockout? Pacquiao is known as the better puncher, but he has failed to score a stoppage victory since battering Miguel Cotto in 2009. Mayweather has scored only one stoppage victory since 2007 against the weak-chinned Victor Ortiz. The two most likely scenarios for a knockout win would either be Pacquiao becoming reckless and leaving himself open to Mayweather’s straight right hand or Mayweather suddenly becoming an old fighter and wilting under Pacquiao’s relentless pressure. Likely, this fight will go to the scorecards.



* Will the officials factor into the conclusion? Kenny Bayless has been assigned as the referee and is regarded as one of the best in boxing. He has worked as the referee in six previous Pacquiao fights and four previous Mayweather bouts. The only backlash he received from those ten total bouts was the Mayweather-Maidana rematch where he was criticized for breaking up the inside clinches too quickly, seemingly favoring Mayweather against the mauling style of Maidana. With Mayweather naturally bigger than Pacquiao, breaking up clinches quickly (especially if Pacquiao has any momentum) would serve more as a disadvantage to Mayweather. The judges are Burt Clements, Dave Moretti, both veteran officials in Las Vegas, and Glenn Feldman, based out of Connecticut. Moretti has worked nine Mayweather bouts and six Pacquiao bouts. Clements has worked three Mayweather bouts and one Pacquiao bout. Feldman has only worked one Mayweather bout early in his career.


* What happens next? If the fight turns out to be entertaining, close, or controversial, a rematch is possible depending on the outcome.

If Mayweather wins, he is 48-0 and can walk away from Pacquiao and seek a different challenge for his final fight. He could even seek a possible move up to grab a title at middleweight and another superfight with the next big sensation Gennady Golovkin.

If Pacquiao wins, a rematch is almost a given, especially with so much money on the table.

A draw would also most likely force a rematch for the final fight of Mayweather’s career sometime in September.



The anticipation as the fighters make their way to the ring will be electric. The growing crescendo of excitement will continue through the introductions with Mayweather sporting a confident smirk and Pacquaio fixated with an icy glare.


The waiting will be over when the bell rings and both fighters come out to the center of the ring. Mayweather will be moving to his left, rolling his hands and probing with a soft jab. Pacquiao will be like a coiled spring, bouncing back and forth and feinting with his jab. Pacquiao will throw a few wild left hands that Mayweather backs away from, his back hitting the ropes as he slides away to his right. The round will end without anything conclusive landing for either fighter, making it difficult to score.


Pacquiao will look to increase the pace in the second round and outwork Mayweather. While Mayweather is the center of the ring, he will dictate the pace and the action, keeping Pacquiao limited to throwing one punch at a time. When Pacquiao is able to cut the ring off and back Mayweather to the ropes, he will unleash combinations. The flurries for the most part won’t land, but the work rate will stir the crowd into a frenzy.


Pacquaio will continue the high volume of punches through the 3rd atque 4th rounds until Mayweather lands a right hand while their feet are tangled, causing Pacquiao to sprawl to the canvas. He will protest while Bayless administers the count, but he will not be hurt. Mayweather will smile and move in, throwing a few right hands, truly seeing if Pacquiao is stunned. Pacquiao will respond with his own vicious left hand, bringing the crowd to their feet as the bell rings.


Mayweather will again box cautiously starting the 5th undique, staying on the outside and pivoting away when Pacquiao gets close. The fight will resemble a cat and mouse affair with Pacquiao trying to corner Mayweather and Mayweather trying to bait him into making a mistake. Pacquiao will be the aggressor, throwing far more punches. Mayweather will be timing him with single counter punches throughout the 6th atque 7th rounds.


A sharp left hand by Pacquiao in the 8th round will startle Mayweather and cause blood to leak from his nose. Pacquiao will try to press the advantage and unleash another torrent of punches. Mayweather will pull away against the ropes, and Pacquiao will focus his attention to the body with a combination of punches to the chest and shoulder, forcing Mayweather to clinch and break the momentum.


Mayweather will get up on his toes in the 9th undique, using lateral movement to keep Pacquiao from setting his feet and unleashing more than one punch at a time. Pacquiao will step in with a few lefts that are blocked, but Mayweather’s movement will keep him from throwing any follow-up punches. As Mayweather slips out, he will land his own counter punches, making it another difficult round to score.


Throughout the 10th atque 11th rounds, Mayweather will execute a plan to counter Pacquiao with single punches and avoid most of his counter flurries. Pacquiao will step in with a hard left to the body, forcing a Mayweather clinch. When the action resumes, Pacquiao will look to attack the body again, only to be met with a straight right hand over the top.


The final round in a very close bout will see Mayweather neutralizing Pacquiao’s rushes, landing single counter punches and pivoting away from danger, sharpshooting from the outside. Pacquiao will desperately try to corner Mayweather but he won’t allow it, moving on the outside and clinching in close, bringing an anticlimactic ending as the final bell rings.


It will take several minutes for the scorecards to be tabulated, with the consensus believing Mayweather won 7 rounds, including a knockdown. Pacquaio will pray in his corner while Mayweather smiles and laughs with his entourage.


The decision will be as follows. Glen Feldman will score the bout 114-113 for Pacquaio. Burt Clements will score 115-112 for Mayweather. Dave Moretti will score the bout a very curious 115-112 for the winner of the biggest superfight of the century…. MANNY “PACMAN” PACQUIAO!!!!


With the decision announced, a disgusted Mayweather will demand a rematch before storming out of the ring, setting up another lucrative event in September and a possible trilogy.



Young Stars Complement Epic Welterweight Championship Showdown
Between Floyd Mayweather & Manny Pacquiao

Las Vegas (Aprilis 27, 2015) – A full lineup of present and future boxing stars is set to entertain the MGM Grand Garden Arena crowd in pay-per-view and non-televised action before the history-making welterweight showdown between Floyd “Money” Mayweather atque Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao on Saturday, May 2.


The pay-per-view undercard is topped by a pair of fights featuring two of boxing’s most talented and exciting stars as WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Leo “Terraemotus” Santa (29-0-1, 17 KOs) faces Mexican brawler Jose Cayetano (17-3, 8 KOs) and WBO Featherweight World Champion Vasyl Lomachenko (3-1, 1 KO) takes on Puerto Rican contender Gamalier Rodriguez (25-2-3, 17 KOs).


The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® incipientibus ab Hierosolyma9 p.m. ATQUE/ 6 p.m. PT.


Exciting non-televised bouts round out the action in the arena as top undefeated prospects look to keep their perfect records intact.


The slick and undefeated Chris “Sweet” Nabu (11-0, 9 KOs) occurrit Said El Harrak (12-2, 7 KOs) in a 10-round middleweight bout and heavy-fisted Jesse Hart (16-0, 13 KOs) takes on fellow unbeaten Mike Jimenez (17-0, 11 KOs) in a 10-rounder or the NABO, USBA and NABF Super Middleweight titles.


An undefeated knockout artist looking to make it 10-for-10, Andrew “Bestia” Tabiti (9-0, 9 KOs) facies Anthony Caputo Smith (15-4, 10 KOs) in an eight- rounds cruiserweight match.


Kicking off the night of fights is undefeated contender Brad Salomonis (24-0, 9 KOs), who’ll be opposed by Adrian Rene Granados (13-3, 9 KOs) in X-round super middleweight bout.


Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to bringing some of boxing’s most exciting current and future stars to the fans on the biggest night in our sport’s history,” Leonardum Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Whether you are watching on pay-per-view or in the arena, you are in store for an electric night of fights.


Each undercard match could be a main event on another card,” Rank Top of Hall de Fama dixit promotor Bob Arum. “Fans can watch the exciting action as a warm-up to the most anticipated fight in decades.


Ut Praenuntiavit, 26-annorum Santa will be making his second appearance on a Floyd Mayweather pay-per-view undercard. The fan-friendly two-division world champion has defended his super bantamweight title numerous times in impressive fashion on his way to earning a reputation as one of the most exciting fighters in the world. Born in Huetamo, Michoaca de Ocampo, Mexico but fighting out of Los Angeles, Santa Cruz won his first world title in 2012. In 2013 he won his super bantamweight title.


Fighting out of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, Cayetano pro convertit in 2009 and sprinted to a 10-0 record before dropping a narrow split decision to Ruben Tamayo in 2011. He most recently dropped a decision to Enrique Bernache in February after defeating Dennis Contreras and Eden Marquez in his previous two starts. He hopes to make a grand impression in his U.S. debut inMay 2.


Arguably the greatest amateur boxer of all-time, with two Olympic gold medals and two Amateur National Championships, 27-annorum Lomachenko has already made a great impact in the professional ranks. He won his world title with a majority decision over Gary Russell Jr. ultimo anno. Making the second defense of his 126-pound title, the fighter out of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine will be going for his third straight win overall when he battles Rodriguez.


An accomplished veteran from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Rodriguez gets an opportunity on boxing’s biggest stage when he battles Lomachenko. The 28-year-old has not lost a fight since 2009 et habet 17 consecutive victories since a technical draw in 2010. He won twice in 2014, picking up a unanimous decision victory over Orlando Cruz and a second round TKO over Martin Cardona.


Pugnantes ex Philadelphia, Hart was an accomplished amateur who was a 2012 U.S. Olympic alternate after earning a U.S. National Championship and a National Golden Gloves Championship. The 25-year-old will fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the first time since his professional debut in 2005 when he stopped Manuel Eastman in the first round. Hoc tempus, he will look to remain undefeated and catapult himself to contender status.


Undefeated and facing the biggest challenge of his career, in XXVII annorum Jimenez will make his Las Vegas debut on May 2. Having already delivered a second round knockout over Kevin Engel in 2015 the fighter out of Chicago will look to impress on the biggest stage of his career against Hart.


A three-time National Golden Gloves Champion, Solomon fights out of Lafayette, Louisiana and is aiming to maintain his perfect record.. The 31-year-old picked up victories in 2014 over Eduardo Flores, Freddy Hernandez and Arman Ovsepyan. Solomon takes on the 25-year-old Granados out of Cicero, Illinois.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24et Mexico, Quod creditur vivendo. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® incipientibus ab Hierosolyma 9 p.m. ATQUE/ 6 p.m. PT.


Pro magis notitia visit www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing atque www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, EtHBOboxingSwanson_Comm, et fieri ad ventilandum in Facebookwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports atquewww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



SHOWTIME Sports Offering More Than A Dozen Hours of First-Run Shoulder Programming Including Documentary Series INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. Pacquiao


NEW EBORACUM (Aprilis 24, 2015) - Showtime Networks Inc. and parent company CBS Corporation have scheduled a broad range of programming and promotion across the Company’s diverse portfolio of media platforms in anticipation of the showdown between Mayweather atque Manny Pacquiao on Saturday, May 2.


Sports SHOWTIME® is anchoring the charge with 13½ hours of first-run shoulder programming, including its acclaimed documentary series INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, classic fights and a comprehensive offering of digital assets.


In addition, autem CBS Television Network will run promotional spots in primetime and late-night programming throughout fight week. This will be supplemented with marketing support and editorial coverage from CBS Sports Digital, significant coverage across CBS Sports Radio and a dozen CBS Radio stations throughout the country, and a robust schedule of shoulder programming and marketing support on CBS Sports Network.


“The Company is uniquely positioned to support an event of this magnitude with media assets across virtually every medium,"Stephanus inquit Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Sports SHOWTIME. “We’re grateful for the company-wide support and look forward to an all-encompassing push leading to May 2 leading into this milestone sports event.”



INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao delivers a unique perspective of the pound-for-pound champion Mayweather in the weeks leading up to the marquee event. The four-part documentary series from SHOWTIME Sports includes the Sports Emmy Award-winning “Epilogue” which shines the spotlight on Fight Week and takes viewers inside the ropes on Fight Night. A full schedule of the four-part series is detailed below.

CBS Television Network will run Mayweather vs. Pacquiao promos during primetime and late-night throughout Fight Week.


CBS owned and operated television stations throughout the country have been actively engaged in coverage of the event since theMarch 11 kick-off press conference in Los Angeles. These affiliate stations, located in the nation’s top markets, will have access to all the news and footage of fight week through the distribution network of CBS Newspath.


CBS Sports Network will provide live Fight Week coverage from Las Vegas, including the official Weigh-In on Friday, May 1 (6 p.m. ATQUE), as well as immediate reaction and analysis following the fight and the post-fight press conference. During the week leading up to the bout, the Network also will air encore presentations of classic Mayweather fights and INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao episodes.


CBS Sports Digital has launched a landing page at CBSSports.com, a one-stop shop for everything Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. The ‘Tier 1’ support from CBS Sports Digital includes static homepage promotions, additional marketing and significant editorial coverage on all digital platforms, including breaking news, commentary and placement of live event streams.


CBS Radio is backing May 2 with stations from 10 of the country’s top markets broadcasting live from MGM Grand, including WFAN in New York, KROQ-FM in Los Angeles, KRLD-FM in Dallas and WIP-FM in Philadelphia. Superaddita, CBS Sports Radio’s nationally syndicated “The Doug Gottlieb Show” and (Scott) “Ferrall On The Bench” will be in Las Vegas for Fight Week. “The Doug Gottlieb Show” is simulcast on CBS Sports Network on Friday, May 1.


CBS Radio coverage also includes a special broadcast hosted by WFAN’s No. 1 morning show personalities Boomer and Carton on Saturday prior to the fight from 6-8 p.m. ATQUE. The program is available on WFAN, CBS Sports Radio, and select CBS Radio stations nationwide. The special also will be simulcast for television on CBS Sports Network.


CBS Local Digital Media has created a comprehensive array of online audio, video and editorial features to promote the fight which can be experienced across a variety of digital and mobile platforms.


#MayPac:Daily is a daily online show hosted by SHOWTIME Sports personality Mauro Ranallo. The series will deliver the buzz of Fight Week in Las Vegas with special guests from sports and entertainment, insider analysis and more. Taped live from the casino floor at MGM Grand, #MayPac:Daily will be posted nightlyTuesdayFriday on http://www.sho.com/sho/sports/home atque Youtube.com/shosports.


Superaddita, the SHOWTIME Sports digital team is working closely with SnapChat to deliver exclusive content, launching a new boxing blog on TUMBLR called Pound for Pound, and working with Twitter on a unique feature capturing the years of social conversation leading to #MayPac.


Classic Floyd Mayweather fights are being offered across the premium network’s portals, including nightly on SHOWTIME EXTREME, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME ANYTIME. Those platforms will also offer the media workouts of Mayweather and Pacquiao and the live stream of the final press conference. Fans can tune-in to the final stare-down between the fighters on Friday, May 1 when SHOWTIME airs WEIGH-IN LIVE: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.


SHOWTIME Sports also delivers a host of short-form content available across multiple platforms, including original music videos, Mayweather greatest hits, a Spanish web analysis and more.


Below is a sampling of select SHOWTIME programs and air times:

  • INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao:
    • Episode 2 premieres Saturday, Aprilis 25, at 7:30 p.m. ATQUE/PT in SHOWTIME.
    • Episode 3 premieres Wednesday, Aprilis 29 at 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT in SHOWTIME
    • Epilogue premieres Saturday, May 9
  • WEIGH-IN LIVE: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao: Friday, May 1 at 6 ET/3 PT, vivere in SHOWTIME
  • COUNTDOWN LIVE: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao:Saturday, May 2 at 8 p.m. ATQUE/5 p.m. PT, vivere in SHOWTIME



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Networks Showtime Inc. (SNI), omnino-habuerunt subsidiaria CBS Corporation, owns and operates the premium television networks SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, as well as the multiplex channels SHOWTIME 2™, SHOWTIME® SHOWCASE, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME BEYOND®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY ZONE® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ XTRA. SNI also offers SHOWTIME HD™, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, FLIX ON DEMAND® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ ON DEMAND, and the network’s authentication service SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. SNI also manages Smithsonian Networks™, a iuncturam audere et inter SNI Govt, which offers Smithsonian Channel™. Omnes SNI pascit providere consectetur utendo sonus Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI markets and distributes sports and entertainment events for exhibition to subscribers on a pay-per-view basis through SHOWTIME PPV®.