Архівы: membership drive

USA Boxing declares JuneAlumni Association Membership Drive Month

Miguel Cotto Gerry Cooney
Джэсі Варгас
Kevin McBride Reggie Johnson
Малодшы Джонс
Michael Spinks Antonio Tarver
Джэймс Тоні

Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг. (Чэрвеня 11, 2018) – USA Boxing’sAlumni Association Membership Drive Monthgot off to a knockout start this past weekend in Canastota, Нью-Ёрк, at the annual International Boxing Hall of Fame Class induction ceremonies, as nine high-profile boxers, featuring an incredible accumulate pro record of 365-51-7 (239 КО) і 24 major world titles, joined the growing USABAA ranks as proud, new members.


Крыс Кульяры і Джон Скалі represented USA Boxing Alumni Association, manning tables at the IBHOF golf tournament and Memorabilia Show, to increase USABAA awareness and recruit new members.




The spirit of amateur boxing was alive and well throughout the International Boxing Hall of Fame weekend,” explained Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association Executive Director. “Information about the new USA Boxing Alumni Association was well received by the weekend’s guests, and esteemed alumni such as Jesse Vargas and Reggie Johnson mentioned that they are excited to become more involved. The Alumni Association thanks the support provided by many this weekend, particularly Micky Ward and Antonio Tarver, who continue to spread our mission.




The fact is that the vast majority of professional boxers who attend the Hall of Fame weekend at Canastota each year were at one time amateur boxers and knew each other well before they ever even turned professional,” added invaluable USABAA advisor Scully, who recruits boxers for group-sponsored events like this. “At some point in the conversations between boxers across the grounds, the topics frequently will eventually turn to their amateur days together.




The amateurs, for me, was about fighting for respect,” Два-чэмпіён свету Малодшы Джонс (50-6, 28 КО); адзначыў. “To go to different places and make it very far (як аматар), you have to learn how to conduct yourself and transact with others.




Other new USABAA members are six-time, два чэмпіёна свету Мігель Котто(41-6, 33 КО); four-time, два чэмпіёна свету, а таксама 1976 Olympic gold medalist and Hall of Famer, Майкл Спинкс (31-1, 21 КО); Irish heavyweight who retired Mike Tyson, Кевін Макбрайд (35-10-1, 29 КО); two-time, два чэмпіёна светуДжэсі Варгас (28-2-1, 10 КО); five time world champion and 1996 Бронзавы прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняў Антоніо Тарвер (31-6-1, 22 КО); two-time, два чэмпіёна свету Реджо Джонсан (44-7-1, 25 КО), three-time, тры чэмпіёна свету Джэймс Тоні (77-10-3, 47 КО); and world heavyweight contender Джэры Куні (38-3, 24 КО).


Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў бокса ЗША




Created to champion a lifelong, mutually beneficial relations between USA Boxing and its alumni, –баксёры, чыноўнікі, трэнеры і балельшчыкі — Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў аб'ядноўвае пакаленні чэмпіёнаў, натхняе і аддае будучым чэмпіёнам па боксе ЗША, ў і з кальца.




Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў бокса ЗША адкрыта для ўсіх, хто мае любоў да бокса і хацеў бы заставацца на сувязі з аматарскім боксам.. Удзельнікі атрымліваюць доступ да самых розных спецыяльных мерапрыемстваў, якія праводзяцца Асацыяцыяй выпускнікоў, у тым ліку яго штогадовы ЗША бокса Асацыяцыі выпускнікоў Зала славы прыёму.




Для таго, каб уступіць у Асацыяцыю выпускнікоў, simply register at alumni@usaboxing,.org for a $40.00 у год членскі ўзнос. Новыя ўдзельнікі атрымаюць футболку, брелок для ключоў і электронны кашалёк.





I think this is great,” Jones talked about the formation of the USA Boxing Alumni Association. “Fighters who turned pro were great amateurs, but there are also a lot of amateurs who didn’t turn pro. Everybody doesn’t become champion, but they tried and gave their best, and that’s why this organization is good because all boxers are appreciated.




Although Hall of Fame weekend tends to focus on the professional careers of many fighters,” Cugliari concluded, “it was hard not to notice the effect that amateur boxing has had on the lives of many of these great champions. The USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank Ed Brophy for his generosity and support for boxing, and we look forward to a long partnership with the International Boxing Hall of Fame.




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