Tag Archives: MELVINA Lathan


NEW YORK – June 28, 2016 – Inspiration was in the air June 11th as the women of boxing gathered at Seven Bistro for The Raging Babe Brunch, New York, New York, Raging Babe Eventsseventh gathering of its kind, designed to break barriers and leverage contacts to conduct business and build friendships. The gathering was the first in New York City, and drew a slew ofRaging Babes,” who together honored Main Events’ CEO Kathy Duva. Included in those who attended were former NYSAC Chairwoman MELVINA Lathan, Epailea Sparkle Lee, IFBA World Flyweight Champion Eileen Olszewski, WBC World Super Bantamweight Champion Alicia Ashley, four-time National Boxing Champion Melissa St. Vil, IWBF World Super Featherweight Champion, Ronica Jeffrey and guest speaker John Femiano of John Francis LLC.
After a rousing introduction by “Raging Babe” Michelle Rosado, attendees brunched and networked, with Frank Sinatra crooning in the background, sharing their triumphs and business cards. “The brunch is so much more than just a breakfast event,” said Rosado. “The connections forged here have resulted in business collaborations and friendships. What started as an annual event, has grown, and I can easily see us gathering quarterly, all over the country.
Post brunch, the time had come to honor one of boxing’s trailblazers, Kathy Duva, who was presented the Raging Babe Luminary Award. Among those who shared stories of Duva’s boxing growth and dominance was Main Events’ Presidenteordea ebakuntzak, Joleen Mizzone, who has worked side-by-side with Duva for 19 urte. Although she couldn’t attend in person due to being in California with three of Main Events’ borrokalari, Mizzone had colorful, but moving words for her friend and colleague. “Kathy Duva has been through a lot in her life. I have seen her overcome so much in these past 19 urte. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow she is one of the strongest people I know!” She has inspired me to be the person I am in this business. Her morals and eye for this business are [hitz;] extraordinary.
One of the secrets to happiness is the innocent enjoyment of simple things,” said first-time brunch attendee and former NYSAC Chairwoman Melvina Lathan as she described the event. “Kontuan, how wonderful to share a moment in time with a group of women, dining,, conversing, and laughing, all the while emanating beauty, power, grace and joy, without even trying. It was intimate, genuine and loads of fun, especially the reading of the infamous congratulatory letter submitted by Jolene!”
This was another inspiring event in one of the greatest cities in the world,” said Rosado of the brunch. “There was so much talent, so much heart, so much passion, and so much boxing knowledge contained in these four walls. There were lovers, borrokalari, survivors, and I sincerely hope that the connections they made on that day result in amazing business collaborations and lifelong friendships. I’m so grateful for everyone who attended, and to Kathy Duva, for being an example for all women in the industry.
The Raging Babe Brunch is made possible by the generous support of several organizations. “The Raging Babe brunches are labor of love for me,” said Rosado. “They aren’t meant to put money in anyone’s pocketon contrary, and the cost has often fallen far short of sponsor contributions. I want to take this opportunity to truly, from my heart, thank the organizations that make it possible for these events to continue. These organizations, by virtue of their partnership, celebrate and support the women of boxing, and the spirit of these events. From my heart, and the hearts of the women who attended New York, New York, eskerrik asko Munduko Boxeo Erakundea (WBO), War Tape, Box Stats, Boss Case, Munduko Boxing Kontseilua (WBC), John Francis LLC eta Gazteria Aurrera Fighting.

Timothy Bradley, MELVINA Lathan & Sadam Ali Leading 2015 award winners honored at 29th annual Ring 8 Holiday Gertaera & Sari banaketa

(L-R) — 2015 Ring 8 Saria irabazleak: New York Fighter of the Year Sadam Ali, Woman of the Decade Melvina Lathan and Fighter of the Year Timothy Bradley
(photo by Peter Frutkoff)
NEW YORK, NY (Abendua 21, 2015) – A capacity crowd enjoyed the recent 29garren Urteko Ring 8 Holiday Event and Awards Ceremony at Russo’s On The Bay in Howard Beach, New York.
Bost denbora, bi zatiketa munduko txapeldun Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley received the Ring 8 Urtea Saria Fighter. Other 2015 Ring 8 sarituak (ikusi Zerrenda osoa azpitik) included former New York State Athletic Commission chairperson MELVINA Lathan(Hamarkada Emakumea), boladan No. 1 Mundu welterweight contender Port “Munduko Kid” Are (NY Urteko Fighter), Heather Hardy (NY Emakumezkoen Urteko Fighter), “Irlandako” John Duddy (Koroarik gabeko txapelduna), Andre Rozier (Urteko Trainer) eta Joe DeGuardia (Urtea sustatzailea). Randy Gordon served as the Master of Ceremonies.
“Eduki genuen 340 people and everybody enjoyed themselves,” reported Ring 8 lehendakari Bob Duffy. “Things went very well. There were a few emotional acceptance speeches and some tears shed.
We donated a table to Wounded Warriors and also presented Keith Sullivan with a special trophy for all the legal work and support he gives Ring 8, New York Estatuko Boxing Ospearen Aretoa, Atlas Foundation, Boxeo Idazleen Amerikako Elkartea, and boxing in New York.
2015 Ring 8 Saria irabazleak
(Photo by Peter Frutkoff)
2015 RING 8 Saria irabazleak
Urteko Fighter: Timothy Bradley
Hamarkada Emakumea: Hon. MELVINA Lathan
NY Urteko Fighter: Sadam Ali
NY Emakumezkoen Urteko Fighter: Heather Hardy
Koroarik gabeko txapelduna: John Duddy
Co-Cutmen Urteko: George Mitchell & Mike Rella
Kontseilari Urteko: Billy Strigaro
Urteko Trainer: Andre Rozier
Komunitate Zerbitzua Saria: Kevin Collins & Gerard Wilson
Urtea sustatzailea: Joe DeGuardia
Urtea babeslea: George O'Neill
Urteko Ofiziala: Carlos Ortiz, Jr..
Amateur Urteko Ofiziala: Christina Vila
Long & Meritorious Zerbitzua Saria: Jack Hirsch
Courage Saria profilak: Paddy Dolan
Urteko Itxaropenak: Wesley Ferrer & Danny Gonzales
Eraztun Urteko Anunciador: David Diamante
Abertzaletasuna Saria: Gorputz Ron McNair, Jr..

Urtea Timothy Bradley Fighter 29an urteroko Eraztun joateko 8 Holiday Gertaera & Sari banaketa Abendu. 13 New Yorken; MELVINA Lathan, Sadam Ali, Heather Hardy & John Duddy artean 2015 sarituak

Timothy Bradley (R) vs. Juan Manuel Marquez
(argazkiak Chris Farina adeitasuna / Top Rank)
NEW YORK, NY (Azaroa 30, 2015) – Bost denbora, bi zatiketa munduko txapeldun Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley parte hartuko du 29garren Urteko Ring 8 Oporretan ekitaldi eta sari banaketa, Igandea Arratsalde (12:30-5:30 p.m. ETA), Abendua 13, Russo On The Bay Howard Beach at, New York. Bradley will receive his award as the 2015 Ring 8 Urteko Fighter.
Randy Gordon will serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies. Other 2015 Ring 8 sarituak (ikusi Zerrenda osoa azpitik) besteak beste, antzinako New York Estatuko Athletic Batzordeko lehendakaria MELVINA Lathan (Hamarkada Emakumea), boladan No. 1 Mundu welterweight contender Port “Munduko Kid” Are (NY Urteko Fighter), Heather Hardy(Emakumezkoen Urteko Fighter BY), “Irlandako” John Duddy (Koroarik gabeko txapelduna), Andre Rozier (Urteko Trainer) eta Joe DeGuardia (Urtea sustatzailea).
32 urte ditu Bradley du, Palm Springs kanpo borrokan, California, bi-denbora eta egungo munduko Boxing Erakundea da (WBO welterweight txapeldun, Hiru aldiz munduko argia welterweight titlist izateaz gain.
Bere biktimak zerrenda bat bezala irakurtzen Nor da nor boxeoa batean 140 ra 147 libra divisions: Manny Pacquiao, Juan Manuel Marquez, Ruslan Provodnikov, Joel Casamayor, Devon Alexander, Jessie Vargas, Luis Carlos Abregu, Lamont Peterson, Kendall Holt,Junior Witter eta Brandon Rios.
Timothy Bradley earned his award with an outstanding performance against Brandon Rios (WTKO9),” Ring 8 lehendakari Bob Duffy esan. “Bere entrenatzaile berriarekin lanean, Teddy Atlas (beheko irudian Bradley eskuinera) , Zeruan Bradley muga da. Bere Urtea saria Fighter jasotzeko oso zorioneko Timothy bidaiatzen cross country dute gure Holiday Gertaera joateko ari gara.
“Honek, besteak beste, talde handi bat du aurten ohore ari gara delako, we expect a sold out crowd of 400. Gure kideak aurrera begiratu ekitaldi honetara urtero. Benetan eskertzen dugu euren Ring gisa laguntza emanez horiek 8 proudly continues its record for lending a helping hand to those in the boxing community who are less fortunate. Urtero-urtero, gure Holiday ekitaldi eta sari banaketa gure boxeoa kirol handia ospatzen du, hain beharrezko finantzaketa bermatzea planteatu da, beraz, gure misio jarraitu ahal izango dugu gure anai-arrebak behartsuei boxeo eman. Inoiz ez dugu euren txoko Waver.”
2015 RING 8 Sarituak
Urteko Fighter: Timothy Bradley
Hamarkada Emakumea: Hon. MELVINA Lathan
NY Urteko Fighter: Sadam Ali
NY Emakumezkoen Urteko Fighter: Heather Hardy
Koroarik gabeko txapelduna: John Duddy
Co-Cutmen Urteko: George Mitchell & Mike Rella
Kontseilari Urteko: Billy Strigaro
Urteko Trainer: Andre Rozier
Komunitate Zerbitzua Saria: Kevin Collins & Gerard Wilson
Urtea sustatzailea: Joe DeGuardia
Urtea babeslea: George O'Neill
Urteko Ofiziala: Carlos Ortiz, Jr..
Amateur Urteko Ofiziala: Christina Vila
Long & Meritorious Zerbitzua Saria: Jack Hirsch
Courage Saria profilak: Paddy Dolan
Urteko Itxaropenak: Wesley Ferrer & Danny Gonzales
Eraztun Urteko Anunciador: David Diamante
Abertzaletasuna Saria: Gorputz Ron McNair, Jr..
Sarrera mugatuak, tasatuak $125.00 Pertsona bakoitzeko, Bob Duffy harremanetan jartzeko telefono bidez erosteko eskuragarri daude oraindik (516.313.2304), email DepComish@aol.com, posta egiaztatze (Eraztun ordainagiria 8) Berari (164 Lindbergh Street, Massapequa Park, NY 11762). Edozein deitura emariak dira ongietorria egiteko jaiak joateko ezin dutenek.
Sarrerak artean, koktel ordu sarrera gainean brunch osoa, sari banaketaren eserlekuak eta jarraian, afaria eta postrea, eta goi-apal arratsaldean zehar taberna irekita. Honetaz gain, boxeoa oroigarriak enkante bat isila izan. Ekitaldi hau saldu-out espero da, eta denek eskatu sarrerak ahalik eta azkarren erosi ahal izateko, aldeko eserlekuak ziurtatzeko.
Programa iragarkiak egiteko epea beteta Page hurbiltzen ($150.00), Half-Page ($80.00), eta laurdenak Page ($50.00). Iragarki guztiak posta elektronikoz bidaliko beharko dira (DepComish@aol.com) edo Duffy postaz (516.313.2304) Goian zerrendatutako helbidean.
Joan den online www.Ring8ny.com Ring buruzko xehetasunak izateko 8 edo bere urteko Holiday Ekitaldiak eta Sari banaketa.
Russo en On The Bay dago kokatuta 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Ring 8 Berriak: Jack Hirsch, Nork hartuko ditu, etorri 2015 Ring 8 Long & Meritorious Zerbitzua Saria, Duela gutxi presidenteordea Ring of hautatu zuten 8.
Han izango Ring 8 Opor eta sari banaketa ospetsuk gonbidatuak artean, antzinako munduko txapeldun Mark Breland, Luis Collazo, Iran Barkley eta Vito Antuofermo, baita Sean Monahan, Bobby Cassidy, Harold Lederman eta Frankie Galarza


Maiatza 2 Installment Of Annual Breakfast Celebrated Hard Working Professionals in Sports and Entertainment

Las Vegas (Maiatza 20) – Mayweather Promociones kicked-off the Saturday, Maiatza 2 Mayweather vs. Pacquiao festivities with the Merkataritza Titans breakfast entitled “Txapeldunen gosaria,” in celebration of the hard working professionals in sports and entertainment. Aurten, the Titans of the Trade Committee honored three formidable women who have forged their own paths to success in the sports industryrenowned sportscaster Lesley Visser, munduko txapeldun ohia Mia St. John and New York State Athletic Commission Chairwoman MELVINA Lathan.


I accept this award on behalf of anyone who has faced the odds and over came them,” said Visser. “Mandela once said, ‘Sport has the power to change the world,’ and I agree because this honor I’ve received today is an example of how sport has changed the world.


In addition to the honorees, there was a full program of speakers and other activities. Guest speakers included boxing legend and Hall of Famer Lucia Rijker eta Andrea Haynes eta Dr. Rena Menard of the United States National Committee for United Nations Women (Houston Chapter).


Haynes and Menard spoke specifically about HeForShe, a solidarity movement for gender equality developed by UN Women to engage men and boys as advocates and agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights. The campaign encourages them to speak out and take action against inequalities faced by women and girls.


Why I’m passionate about the HeForShe campaign is because it is important that we get the men involved to support us,” said Haynes. “UN Women and He for She is dear because what it’s saying is that we all recognize that for us to be better and do better, we have to support our women.


Titans of the Trade has created a platform for the revered honorees, noteworthy speakers and worthy causes to be front and center on the biggest days of the boxing calendar and will continue to do so moving forward.


What started as a women-only event with 25 attendees has grown to a Floyd Mayweather fight day tradition with over 100 women and men from across the sports industry and it has been a pleasure to see the event thrive,” esan zuen Nicole Craig, Presidenteordea Marketing eta ebakuntzak Mayweather promozioak. “This year we honored three incredible women and welcomed new guests that got the opportunity to network and form lasting relationships.