标记档案: 马文·哈格勒

Hagler teams with Roach

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(L-R) –后期, great Marvelous Marvin Hagler, his grandson James Jr., and son James

波士顿 (二月 15, 2022) – There are few family names in boxing, especially in New England, as universally revered as Hagler and Roach.
They are part of boxing royalty.

There is a new connection as James Hagler, 小, the grandson of the late Hall of Famer Marvelous Marvin Hagler, has signed an exclusive managerial contract with Fighter Locker, owned and operated by the nephew of Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, Boston-based Ryan Roach.

The plan is for Roach to have Hagler fight in Massachusetts, ideally in Brockton, the City of Champions in which Hagler as well as another Hall of Famer, 洛矶马尔恰诺, fought out of during their professional careers.

“I was looking for a manager and read about Ryan,” Hagler said. “I looked him up online, talked with him, and met him last weekend for the first time. He is not a greedy person. By far, he offered me the best deal I have ever received. He really wants to help me. Ryan’s a cool dude. I feel good about signing with him.

“Fighting someday in Brockton and Boston means a lot to me, because of my grandfather’s background, and that’s one of the reasons I signed with Ryan. My mother and father are from that area, and I still have a lot of family living on both sides living there. I’ll be the third member of the Hagler family to fight in New England, joining my grandfather and uncle (Robbie Simms).”

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(L-R) – Ryan Roach & James Hagler, JR.

“I’m excited to be managing James,罗奇评论. “Right away, I was interested in a fighter with the Hagler name. I spoke with James and he’s a good kid who is all in. He wants to prove himself on his own and I get that, because I want to make it on my own terms, not my last name.
“We’re excited to get him fighting in New England. We’re going to do great things together. We plan on having him fight in Brockton, hopefully this summer, to bring boxing back to Brockton.”

The 31-year-old Hagler, 谁打架亚特兰大的出, 直到他才开始拳击 24. Why did he start so late?

“My grandfather didn’t want any of us (in the Hagler family) 到盒子,” James explained. “I wanted to be a boxer since I was 3 或 4. He didn’t want anybody in his family to go through what he did in the Sugar Ray Leonard fight. 我的父亲 (a boxing promoter in Atlanta) was an amateur boxer who fought in the Olympic Trials. He stopped boxing because my grandfather wouldn’t watch him fight. My father didn’t want to continue fighting.

“There’s a lot of pressure on me fighting because people expect me to be like my grandfather or want me to live up to the Hagler name. I feel good following in my grandfather’s footsteps. When guys fight me, it’s like their championship fight, because they want to say they beat a Hagler for bragging rights. I know that they will always have their best fight against me.”

詹姆斯 (2-1, 1 KO) had a relatively brief amateur career, fighting in Alabama and Georgia, and the southpaw made his pro debut December 14, 2019, in Ohio, when he stopped Michael Widmer in round one. He’s only had two fights since, winning one and losing the other, the latest this past November.

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James Hagler, JR. 在行动

Hagler will fight as a super middleweight for now, but he intends to campaign as a middleweight in the same division his legendary grandfather owned for so many years. He does have a dream fight in mind, 话, “I met Muhammad Ali’s grandson (Nico Walsh). I’d love to fight him someday.”

Fighter Locker 越来越多的天才拳击手还包括加州超级蝇量级 Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 纽约 ABF American West 超轻量级 Ray Jay “毁灭者” Bermudez (16-0, 11 科斯), 康涅狄格州 ABF USA 超中量级吉米“安静风暴”威廉姆斯 (18-5-2, 6 科斯), 科罗拉多州 ABF 美国西部超中量级冠军“神奇”肖恩·麦卡尔曼 (10-0, 6 科斯), 马萨诸塞州超轻量级 Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (12-0, 9 科斯), Florida super bantamweight Daniel “The Dedication” Bailey, JR. (10-0, 5 科斯), 马萨诸塞州羽量级特洛伊安德森, JR. (4-0, 2 科斯), 2-时间 巴西奥运选手 & 2016 奥运会银牌得主 Yuberjen Martinez, 巴西奥运选手豪尔赫·维瓦斯, 2-时间 多米尼加奥运选手, 轻量级的莱昂内尔·德·洛斯桑托斯 (5-0, 5 科斯), 多米尼加重量级 Roki “Rocky” Berroa (2-0, 1 KO), 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 (1-0, 1 KO), 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 (10-0, 8 科斯), 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 (8-1, 4 科斯), 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, JR. (6-0, 5 科斯), 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 (3-0, 2 科斯), 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 (5-1-1, 2 科斯), 马萨诸塞州超轻量级亚历克斯·里维拉 (3-0, 2 KO), 堪萨斯兄弟, 次中量级马库斯 (3-0, 3 科斯) 和超轻量级的 Marcell (1-0), 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 (9-0-1, 5 科斯) 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯 (4-0-1, 2 科斯).

网站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
脸书: /战斗机, /jameshaglerjr
推特: @RoachRyan
插页: @ RyanRoach82, @JamesHaglerJr

关于战斗机储物柜: 成立于 2019, Fighter Locker是一家管理职业拳击手的综合性体育机构. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker 并不真正相信工作模型. 它相信正在运行的合作伙伴优化模型.
Fighter Locker 使用四个创造性的步骤,因为它相信“基础就是一切”: 1. 构思巧妙, 2. 创造性地克制, 3. 自豪地判断, 4. 针对性强.

与众不同的出色拳击之旅 1972 奥运金牌得主 “糖” 雷·西尔斯

(雷·西尔斯(Ray Seales)在前排, 从左数第二)

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (四月 9, 2020) — 想象一下,作为贵国的唯一拳击手,可以获得奥运会金牌, 臭名昭著的慕尼黑大屠杀仅几天. 现在想象一下,也赢得了非凡的成就 338 的 350 业余比赛, 与三部曲打过专业 “奇妙” 马文·哈格勒, 被宣布双眼合法失明 (有艺人 萨米·戴维斯(Sammy Davis), JR. 领取六位数的医疗费用), 用一只眼睛恢复视线, 然后担任自闭症学生的老师 17 岁月.

“糖” 雷·西尔斯 真正过着超现实的生活, 至少可以说, 而且他还在 67, 作为印第安纳波利斯业余拳击手的成功教练.

生于圣克鲁斯, 中美. 维尔京岛是一个家庭的八个孩子之一,其父亲是美国的一名拳击手。. 陆军队, 西尔斯从九岁开始拳击. “我有三个兄弟,我们总是互相击败。,” 他谈到了他的拳击生涯. “学习如何装箱, 对我来说, 争着成为第一个吃饭的人. 我打躲闪球和我叔叔的左眼都受到打击, 谁驻扎在Ft. 刘易斯 (塔科马, WA), 告诉我妈妈那里有一位特别医生可以帮助我的眼睛. 我父亲四处驻扎 1964, 当我是 12, 我妈妈把我们搬到塔科马, 华盛顿.

“我的系统中有拳击. 我和兄弟们一起去了塔科马市区男孩俱乐部, 离我们家只有一个街区, 我妈妈可以看着我从我们家走到体育馆再回来. 我是第一个赢得金手套奖的人. 我想成为赢家并完成 14 (冠军) 外套. 我不会说英语. 我会西班牙语,并且会说西班牙语和英语. 我用英语说的第一个字是盒子. 我们过去每天打三四次,我们建立了塔科马拳击俱乐部。. 我继续有一个 338-12 业余唱片,从那以后我一直在拳击。”

西尔斯成为冠军, 在...获得最高荣誉 1971 国家AAU和 1972 全国金手套锦标赛. 在年龄 19, 在美国征募的Seales. 空军, 但他的母亲打了一些电话,所以雷将能够参加 1972 慕尼黑奥运会, 德国.

她成功了,其余的, 正如他们所说, 是历史. 当他从奥运会回家时, 有人告诉他没有必要向美国报告. 空军, 因为他作为唯一一名获得金牌的美国拳击手在服务方面做得足够.

该 1972 奥运会, 然而, 被杀害给蒙上了阴影 11 以色列运动员和教练, 以及黑色九月恐怖分子在奥林匹克村的西德警察.

“我刚满20岁,” 西尔斯想起. “我们去那里时拳击很重. 我的一些家人, 我来自塔科马的教练, 和塔科马队友 (和2次美国. 奥林匹亚)戴维·阿姆斯特朗(Davey Armstrong) 在德国. 一开始我什么都不知道. 我必须引起父母的注意,让他们知道不要去那里, 因为奥运村里有使用冲锋枪的恐怖分子. 我是唯一剩下的要战斗的美国拳击手。”

西尔斯击败了保加利亚人 安吉赫洛夫(Angjei Anghhelov), 5-0, 在轻中量级冠军中获得奥运金牌, 美国的唯一成员. 团队这样做. 他的队友包括阿姆斯特朗, 杜安·波比克(Duane Bobick), 和奥运铜牌得主 杰西·瓦尔德兹(Jesse Valdez), 马文·约翰逊里卡多·卡雷拉斯.

糖雷西尔斯对美国拳击的奉献精神是首屈一指的,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友主任. “他的骄傲, 爱国主义, 致力于帮助我们下一代冠军的努力使他成为了一个令人鼓舞的人物。”


创建冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.

美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.

加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.

西尔斯转职业 1973, 赢得8轮一致决定 贡萨洛·罗德里格斯(Gonzalo Rodriguez) 塔科马. “糖人” 赢得了他的第一个 21 亲打架, 直到他输掉了10个回合的决定 14-0 中量级前景和未来名人堂成员Marvin Hagler. 两个战斗后, 西尔斯与塔科马的哈格勒进行了10轮平局 (99-99, 99-99, 98-96).

“每个人都想向奥运金牌得主投篮,” 西尔斯解释。” 我去了波士顿,我们在一家电视演播室打架 (WNAC). 那里冻结了. 当我进入铃声时我发抖, 马文出来流汗. 看到那件事我就知道自己输了, 但是我挂在他身上,走了很远 (10 发). 我遇到管理问题,三个月后我又与哈格勒战斗, 只有这次在塔科马. 我打败了他,但以10回合结束. 他知道我打了他!”

Seales与Hagler完成了他的三部曲, 但是五年后, 哈格勒当时 42-2-1 并且被世界上大多数顶级中量级人士所避免. “我是USBA (美国拳击协会) 和北美拳击联合会 (NABF) 中量级冠军和哈格勒需要赢得冠军才能获得世界冠军,” 锡尔斯指出. “我在第一轮输了第三局, 但这是我们三场比赛中唯一在电视上显示的东西. 我们是两个左撇子, 但他改用惯用右手, 他用钩子抓住了我. 我得到报酬,他们给他买了世界冠军大赛。”

过去,西尔斯曾在印第安纳波利斯执教过两支业余球队 11 岁月, 胜利 10 金手套队冠军, 并且他仍在IBG团队的Indy中负责.

他退休后 1984 两只眼睛都脱离视网膜后, Seales在拉斯维加斯被介绍给Sammy Davis, JR. (如下图所示), 谁付了西尔斯’ $100,000 眼睛受损的医疗费用. 戴维斯(Davis)失去了左眼 1952 车祸

“我是一名教师,” 西尔斯总结. “我看到很多拳击手想要战斗的方式梅威瑟. 他们的头倾斜, 他们不能刺戳. 我教他们把右脚放在左脚后面 (一位右手拳击手), 并直走, 没有倾斜或达到峰值. 很近, 每次旋转后跟脚趾都是您的立场.

“我对希望参加拳击比赛的拳击手的建议 2020 奥运就是要专注于自己在做的事情,听听如何做到. 我真正想做的是执教2024年美国奥林匹克拳击队。”

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Spinks brothers, 迈克尔·卡巴哈尔, Erik Morales and Salvador Sanchez are also among the greats to be honored 八月. 12 at Caesars Palace.
LAS VEGAS – 前世界冠军 托马斯·赫恩斯, 谁跟 糖光芒伦纳德, 奇妙的马文·哈格勒罗伯托·杜兰 dominated boxing in the 1980s and became known collectively asThe Four Kings,” headlines a 14-person class of inductees into the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, Hall CEO/president 米歇尔科拉莱斯 - 刘易斯 announced Wednesday.
Hearns was chosen in the non-Nevada resident boxer category, along with Michael Spinks, 莫拉雷斯, 迈克尔·卡巴哈尔, women’s boxing star Lucia Rijker and Salvador Sanchez. Elected in the Nevada resident boxer category was Ken Norton, Leon Spinks and Richie Sandoval.
Chosen in the non-boxer category were referee Davey Pearl, public relations specialist Debbie Munch, promoter Mel Greb, trainer/cut man Rafael Garcia and Nevada Athletic Commission chair Dr. Elias Ghanem.
诺顿, 桑切斯, Greb and Ghanem will be inducted posthumously.
The members of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame’s star-studded fifth-induction class will be honored at a gala dinner at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on 星期六, 八月. 12. Ticket will be released Thursday, February 16th at 12pm on NVBHOF.com .
We are very proud of this class of inductees, and it contains some of the greatest fighters who ever lived,” Corrales-Lewis said. “I’m looking forward to our gala dinner when we can honor these richly deserving people and allow their fans to say hello.
Hearns was one of the standouts during the 1980s and participated in a series of great bouts in Las Vegas with Leonard, Hagler and Duran. 他的 1985 bout with Hagler at Caesars Palace is still regarded by many as the greatest fight in boxing history.
The Spinks brothers, Michael and Leon, become the first set of brothers inducted into the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame. Both won gold medals for the U.S. 在 1976 Olympics in Montreal and then went on to win world titles in the pros.
诺顿, known primarily for a series of close bouts with the legendary Muhammad Ali, also competed in one of the great heavyweight title bouts ever. He lost the WBC title by a razor-thin decision to Larry Holmes in 1978, among the finest heavyweight championship fights ever held.
Pearl was among the best referees of all-time and worked more than 70 冠军的较量. He was the referee for both Leon Spinks’ 触目惊心 1978 upset of Ali as well as for Leonard’s dramatic 14-round knockout of Hearns in 1981.
The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame is an IRS 501 (Ç)3 charity and all donations are tax deductible. The Hall’s charitable contributions over the five years since its formation have helped boxers in need and boxing-related charities. Donations are welcome.
The Hall was founded in 2013 by noted boxing broadcaster Rich Marotta.
欲了解更多信息, phone 702-3NVBHOF, 或 702-368-2463.
迈克尔·卡巴哈尔 Best known as the first junior flyweight to earn a $1 million purse, Carbajal won world titles at junior flyweight and flyweight. 叫做 “Little Hands of Stonefor his punching power, Carbajal was 49-4 同 33 科斯.
His rivalry with Humberto娇小Gonzalez was one of the best of the early 1990s and their 1993 fight was The Ring Magazine Fight of the Year. 在 2004, The Ring named Carbajal as the best junior flyweight in history.
他是 98-10 as an amateur and won a silver medal at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, 韩国.
托马斯·赫恩斯 – 赫恩斯, 58, won recognized world titles at welterweight, 超中量级, 中量级, super middleweight and light heavyweight during a career in which he went 61-5-1 同 48 科斯.
He’s most remembered for his savage three-round battle with Hagler in 1985, but he participated in many of the decade’s biggest and most electric bouts. He fought in Las Vegas 16 时, 去 11-4-1 九击倒.
莫拉雷斯One of the most exciting fighters of the early part of the 2000s, Morales is best known for his series of outstanding fights with arch rival Marco Antonio Barrera. Morales went 52-9 同 36 knockouts but is best known for his trilogy with Barrera, two of which were named Ring Fight of the year.
Morales won major world titles at super bantamweight, featherweight, super featherweight and super lightweight, becoming the first Mexican born fighter to win titles in four weight classes.
He also engaged in a spectacular trilogy with Manny Pacquiao, beating him in the first and dropping the last two.
肯·诺顿Though he was the heavyweight champion before losing his belt to Larry Holmes in one of the great title bouts ever, Norton was best known for his three fights with the legendary Muhammad Ali. Norton defeated Ali in 1973 in San Diego in their first bout, breaking Ali’s jaw.
Ali won the two subsequent bouts, 包括 1976 match at Yankee Stadium for the title. Some observers believe Norton deserved to win all three fights.
The Holmes fight was sensational and the two men stood in the center of the ring at Caesars and slugged it out in the 15 而最后一轮.
圣卢西亚更丰富Rijker is regarded as one of, if not the best, women boxers in history. She was 17-0 同 14 knockouts in boxing and was 37-0-1 同 25 knockouts as a kick boxer.
In her boxing career, she scored dominant wins over the likes of Jane Couch, Marcela Acuna and Chevelle Hallback.
She later appeared in the Oscar-winning film, “Million Dollar Baby.
萨尔瓦多·桑切斯Sanchez tragically died in an auto accident in Mexico at just 23 岁, robbing the world of one of the elite fighters in history well before his time. Sanchez was 44-1-1 同 32 knockouts and was the lineal featherweight champion from 1980 until his death in 1982.
He won the title by knocking out Danny “小红” 洛佩兹, but is best known for a dominating eighth-round stoppage of Wilfredo Gomez. Gomez was 33-0 同 32 knockouts but was no match for Sanchez.
Richie SandovalSandoval held the bantamweight title for two years, but his career, as great as it was, is a question of what might have been. 他的一名成员 1980 中美. Olympic boxing team, but he lost his chance at a medal when President Carter decided to boycott the Games in Moscow.
Sandoval won the first 29 fights of his pro career, racking up 17 击倒, and beat the great Jeff Chandler for the bantamweight belt.
But tragically, Sandoval suffered serious boxing related injuries in a 1986 bout with Gaby Canizales and was forced to retire.
莱昂斯平克斯 Spinks is most known for upsetting Muhammad Ali in 1978 in just his eighth pro fight to win the heavyweight championship. He lost the title in a rematch and failed in two other attempts to win a title. He was stopped by Larry Holmes in a heavyweight title fight in 1981 and lost a cruiserweight title challenge in Reno to Dwight Muhammad Qawi in 1986.
A colorful figure known asNeon” 莱昂, he was an acclaimed amateur who was 178-7 同 133 KOs and the light heavyweight gold at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal.
He finished his professional career with a 26-17-3 mark and 14 科斯.
迈克尔·斯平克斯Spinks was 31-1 in his career and won both the light heavyweight and heavyweight titles. He moved up from light heavyweight to defeat Larry Holmes at the Riviera in 1985, denying Holmes the opportunity to go 49-0 and match Rocky Marcianos record.
He won the light heavyweight title in his 17 pro fight in 1981 at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas when he bested the much more experienced Eddie Mustafa Muhammad. Spinks held the light heavyweight title for four years, before giving it up to move to heavyweight to fight Holmes.
一 1976 奥运金牌得主, 斯宾克斯only pro loss came in his final fight when he was knocked out by Mike Tyson in a bout for the undisputed heavyweight title.
Rafael Garcia – 加西亚, 87, is best known for his cap he wears festooned with pins and for working as Floyd Mayweather’s hand wrapper. But he had a long career as both a cut man and a trainer and was outstanding at both. He worked with elite fighters such as Mayweather, 罗伯托·杜兰, Alexis Arguello and Wilfredo Gomez.
博士. Elias GhanemGhanem as the long-time chairman of the Nevada Athletic Commission, and was responsible for helping it to earn the moniker, “The greatest commission in the world.
Ghanem, a physician whose patients once included Elvis Presley, played a key role in the hearings after Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield, and also was instrumental in bringing the Oscar De La Hoya-Felix Trinidad bout to Las Vegas in 1999.
Mel Greb – 叫做 “The father of professional boxing in Southern Nevada,” Greb was a promoter and matchmaker who first brought Muhammad Ali to Nevada. Then known as Cassius Clay, Greb promoted Ali’s seventh pro fight in 1961. That week, he introduced Ali to wrestlerGorgeous” 乔治·, and Ali patterned himself after George in many ways.
Greb died in 1996 在 75 岁.
Debbie MunchCaesars Palace in Las Vegas was a legendary host for many of boxing’s biggest fights in the 1980s and early 1990s, and Munch, a public relations expert, was instrumental in it.
She was widely respected by promoters, boxers and the media and helped many journalists immeasurably with their boxing coverage.
Davey PearlPearl was small of stature, but was a giant as a referee. He worked more than 70 世界冠军较量, including Muhammad Ali-Leon Spinks and Sugar Ray Leonard-Thomas Hearns.
Pearl was also a highly regarded judge.

Marvin Hagler Jr. to take on Ray Leonard Jr. 四月 8, 2017 在大西洋城

30 years to the day of their Fathersmemorable fight

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (五月 13, 2015) – 该n April 8, 2017, Feldman Brothers, Ritesh Parikh and former Heavyweight champion of the world, Larry Holmes will present a special night that will feature a bout 30 年的制作.
Marvin Hagler Jr. and Ray Leonard Jr. will square off in a battle for legacy in a contest that will come exactly 30 years after the Father’s squared off in a memorable fight.
The third man in the ring will be the same referee that officiated Leonard Sr’s win over Hagler Sr. That being Richard Steele.

The event will distributed worldwide live on Pay-Per-View.


雷·伦纳德, 马文·哈格勒, 托马斯·赫恩斯, 费利克斯·特立尼达, 里卡多·洛佩斯, 乔治·福尔曼 & More Showcased In March


点击 这里 For A Look Back At Some Of The Legendary Moments On SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: HTTP://s.sho.com/1RkA3CE


纽约 (三月 2, 2016) - SHOWTIME体育 rolls out its third installment of a year-long salute commemorating 30 years of 精彩表演拳击锦标赛 in March with “Legends’’.


This month will be highlighted by legends Sugar Ray Leonard, 奇妙的马文·哈格勒, 费利克斯·特立尼达, Ricardo “Finito” Lopez and George Foreman. Seven of the most unforgettable and important fights from these legends – some of which have seldom been re-aired since their live presentation – are available now on the network’s on demand platforms and will air will air on “Throwback Thursdays”in March at 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME.


星期四, 三月 10 presentation of Marvin Hagler vs. John Mugabi airs exactly 30 years after the final win of Hagler’s Hall of Fame career on March 10, 1986. Hagler vs. Mugabi was the first main event to ever air on SHOWTIME®.


The classic fights, which are also are available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and via the network’s standalone streaming service, will be wrapped with brief context and commentary from SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer.


Below is the schedule of SHO EXTREME premieres for the month of March:

  • 明天, 星期四, 三月 3: Terry Norris vs. 糖光芒伦纳德
  • 星期四, 三月 10: Marvin Hagler vs. John Mugabi
  • 星期四, 三月 17: Felix Trinidad vs. 戴维·里德
  • 星期四, 三月 24: Ricardo Lopez vs. Rosendo Alvarez II
  • 星期四, 三月 31: Iran Barkley vs. Thomas Hearns I, George Foreman vs. 格里·库尼 (10:15 P.M. AND/PT), 杰拉尔德·麦克莱伦vs. Julian Jackson I (10:30 P.M. ET / PT)


In celebration of the best rivalries on SHOWTIME, see below for a special column from SHOWTIME Sports expert analyst and boxing historian 史蒂夫Farhood.



By Steve Farhood


Boxing without legends would be like religion without saints.

There’s no formula for a fighter to advance from star to superstar to legend. The process depends on timing, circumstance, and sometimes as little as a point or two on the judges’ 牌.

And oh, 耶: It helps if a guy can really fight.

As we celebrate 30 years of boxing on SHOWTIME, we’re focusing on a different theme each month. Throughout March, the theme will be Legends.

在 130 years from John L. Sullivan to Floyd Mayweather, boxing has given us what other sports can’t provide. Consider:

  • The Associated Press voted Luis Firpo’s knockdown of Jack Dempsey as the greatest sports moment of the first half of the 20th Century.
  • The Frazier-Ali “Fight Of The Century” in 1971 was easily the most anticipated sporting event in history.
  • Last year’s Mayweather-Pacquiao fight generated more than half-a-billion dollarsin one night!

Legends are made by big momentsand how they respond to those moments.

在Showtime, we’ve featured three decades worth of legends. Here’s a look at those who will share the spotlight in March.

MARVIN HAGLER: Since Vince Lombardi didn’t exactly say, “Timing isn’t everything, it’s the only thing,” Hagler should’ve said it.

Hagler was a great fighter long before he was a superstar, but it wasn’t until he fought Roberto Duran, 托马斯·赫恩斯, 和糖光芒伦纳德 (three of Hagler’s last six bouts) that Marvin became Marvelous.

Hagler’s one appearance on SHOWTIME, which happened to be the first bout televised on the network (三月 1986), was the final win of his career. Undefeated over 10 岁月, Hagler had established himself as one of the greatest middleweights in history. And while it could be argued in hindsight that at age 31, the ultimate blue-collar fighter was slightly past his prime, much of what made Hagler special was on display during his savage defense against his unbeaten and ferocious challenger, John Mugabi.

Almost three decades after his retirement, Hagler remains the middleweight today’s 160-pounders are measured against.

SUGAR RAY LEONARD: If Hagler bloomed late, Leonard was a superstar before he threw a single punch as a professional.

Back in the mid-‘70s, that’s what a magnetic smile, an Olympic gold medal, and repeated exposure on prime time television could do for a young fighter.

It’s ironic that Leonard was initially viewed by some as a coddled creation of the media. 事实上, he was as tough as any fighter of the star-studded early-‘80s. Better yet, he remains the best fighter I’ve covered in 38 years on the boxing beat.

Leonard’s appearance on SHOWTIME was the penultimate bout of his career. In electing to end yet another lengthy layoff, 罗宾森, 34, chose outstanding 23-year-old super welterweight titlist Terry Norris as his opponent. Leonard dropped from 160 到 154 pounds and fought at Madison Square Garden for the first time.

The bout served as a reminder that at least in a pre-Bernard Hopkins world, boxing was very much a young man’s game.

FELIX TRINIDAD: There are only three Hispanic fighters who became superstars in the USA without speaking English. The first was Panama’s Roberto Duran. The second was Mexico’s Julio Cesar Chavez.

The third was Puerto Rico’s Trinidad.

Trinidad’s motto might as well have been, “If you can’t be from America, then beat America.”

A classic puncher with a boy scout’s smile and a fan-friendly personality, Trinidad made his name by defeating four U.S. 奥运选手, Pernell惠特克, 霍亚 (albeit by a terrible decision), 戴维·里德, 和费尔南多·巴尔加斯.

而且, 惠特克, 霍亚, and Reid had all been gold medalists.

The fight we’ll feature on 三月 17 在SHO EXTREME, 特立尼达 vs. Reid, was Trinidad’s 14th and final appearance on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING and SHOWTIME pay-per-view.

From his welterweight title-winning kayo of Maurice Blocker in 1993 through his defense against Mahenge Zulu in 1998, 13 of Trinidad’s 14 bouts were aired on SHOWTIME. Twelve of those fights were knockout wins.

Where Trinidad ranks with Wilfredo Gomez, 米格尔·库托, 卡洛斯·奥尔蒂斯, 威尔弗雷德·贝尼特斯, and the rest of the legends from Puerto Rico is debatable. What is inarguable is that “Tito” generated as much excitement as any fighter of his era.

RICARDO LOPEZ: What’s smaller: the chance that a strawweight (105 英镑) becomes an American television star or the fighter himself?

There’s never been an American world champion at strawweight (or minimumweight). We just don’t grow fighters that size. 事实上, until the emergence of Mexico’s Lopez in the early-’90s, most American boxing fans couldn’t have identified a single strawweight if armed with a map of the world and a set of WBC ratings.

Lopez was so complete, so dominant, so technically perfect, that from 1994 to ’99, he was a staple of SHOWTIME’s boxing programming. 他打 13 consecutive bouts on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING or SHOWTIME Pay-Per-View, and the first 11 of those contests were defenses of the strawweight title.

And if you think the little guys can’t punch, 很好, there were some one-punch kayos sprinkled in.

洛佩兹, who retired with a mark of 51-0-1, is universally acknowledged as an all-time great. Too bad he never fought America’s Michael Carbajal at light flyweight. Had he won that bout, he’d likely be acknowledged as one of the two or three greatest Mexican fighters ever.

Which is saying a lot for a fighter who never faced an opponent recognized by the American viewing public.

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