Tag Archives: Martine Michieletto



Coker and Di Blasi


Xagga sare,: Scott Coker iyo Carlo Di Blasi

TORINO (Feb. 7, 2017) – Bellator President Scott Coker today announced that his fast-rising promotion will be revisiting Torino, Italy for Bellator 176, which will be immediatelyfollowed by Bellator Kickboxing 5 at the Pala Alpitour on Saturday, April 8.

Less than one year ago, Bellator hosted it’s first-ever international event at the Pala Alpitour in front of a sold-out crowd of over 15,000 Taageerayaasha. Since that show, the company has rapidly and successfully expanded across the globe under the direction of Coker, visiting London, Dublin, Budapest, Israa'iil, Florence and has an event booked in Belfast later this month.

The highly-anticipated return to Torino will feature MMA action starting la Carrington “Jetsetter” Banks (6-0) vs. Mihail Nica (5-0) in welterweight action as well as Djamal Chan (12-3) vs. Mircea Valeriu (13-4) in a lightweight affair. Additional bouts, including a main event will be announced shortly.

In kickboxing action, Bellator’s female flyweight World Champion Denise Kielholtz (46-3) defends her strap for the first time against ISKA and WKU World Champion Martine Michieletto (34-12-5) in the main event while Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC) qaadanaysaa Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1)

Bellator 176 iyo Bellator Kickboxing 5 will be aired on SPIKE in America and further broadcast details will be announced shortly.

Tickets for the event are available now at www.oktagon.it and include access to an Oktagon Kickboxing event in addition to the Bellator 176 iyo Bellator Kickboxing 5 dhacdooyinka.

“We are thrilled to be returning to the amazing city of Torino and once again working with my friend Carlo Di Blasi and his team,"Ayuu yiri Coker. “Carlo is a great partner, and we look forward to replicating the success we had in this sold-out arena last year.”

Oktagon is fortunate to be based in Italy, which is home to the most loyal and passionate sports fans in the world,” said Oktagon President Di Blasi. “The past two co-promotions with Scott and Bellator have been incredibly successful, and I know that this show will be no different.”

About Bellator MMA:

Bellator MMA waa urur hoggaamineed Mixed Martial Arts oo xambaarsan badan oo ka mid ah dagaalyahanada ugu fiican adduunka. Under jihada of halyeeyga dagaalka horumariyaha Scott Coker, Bellator waa la heli karaa si ku dhow 500 million guryaha dunida oo dhan in ka badan 140 dalalka. Maraykanka, Bellator waxaa lagu arki karaa Spike, Hogaamiyaha MMA-ga. Bellator MMA ka kooban yahay koox-fulineed ka mid ah shaqaale warshadaha sare ee wax soo saarka television, dhacdo orchestration live, horumarinta dagaalka / xiriirka, iibsiga goobta, abuuridda taageeradu / horumarinta, liisan caalami ah, marketing, advertising, xiriirka sumcad iyo Komishanka. Bellator ku salaysan yahay in Santa Monica, California iyo iska leh Rafaa madadaalada Viacom, guriga si aad caanka madadaalo ugu horeeyey dunida ee isku xidha leh dhageystayaasha marayo content qasab ah guud ahaan television, sawir soconaya, online iyo mobile.

About Spike:

Spike waxaa laga heli karaa 98.7 milyan oo guryo iyo waa qayb ka mid ah Viacom Media Networks. Unit ka mid ah Viacom (Raxanreeb Online: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks waa mid ka mid ah kuwo abuura ee adduunka ee hormuudka ka ah barnaamijyada iyo content dhamaan warbaahinta. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com iyo dib-u-u-daqiiqo iyo macluumaad jaraa'id arkiifiyo iyo sawiro, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Raac na on Twitter spiketvpr ee ugu dambeeyay ee jabiyay updates news, ka danbeeya-the-Muuqaallo warbixin iyo sawiro.

About Oktagon:

Oktagon has been a mainstay in combat sports for over 20 sano haatan, after officially being founded by Carlo Di Blasi in 1996. At its beginning the show was dedicated to free fight, the name that was given initially to MMA (Martial Arts Mixed). Other disciplines such as Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Savate were gradually added. From the early 2000’s onwards. During the last years Oktagon has reached a huge popularity, both in Italy and abroad, creating many superstars in the process. Under the watchful eye of Di Blasi, horumarinta ayaa on qaar ka mid ah matchups xusuus dhan sano ee la Xarakada sare oo ay ka mid Bellator welterweight Paul Daley iyo sidoo kale Walaalaha Petrosyan (Giorgio iyo Armen), Robin Van Roosmalen, Valentijn Overeem, Rico Verhoeven iyo Artem Levin.