Tag Archives: Mark Lyons

Ozgul-Scriven II – Title On The Line For May 2nd York Hall Rematch

Back in October last year unbeaten Hackney based Turk Siar Ozgul and late replacement opponent Matt Scriven campaigned in one of the closest, Sve akcije, battles of the year.


It was a true small hall classic that really deserved at least to be nominated for the accolade of ‘Fight of The Year’, if not be the outright winner, however that was not to be as somehow it managed to slip under the radar of the majority of the British media.


On Saturday May 2ND, these magnificent warriors will once again enter the arena, u York Hallu u Bethnal Green, London, this time in a ten round contest and with the added incentive of a Championship being on the linethe vacant MBC International Welterweight title – on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event.


The October Ozgul-Scriven Battle Boyale was reminiscent of the first of the Mickey Ward-Arturo Gatti trilogy of fights that took place in 2002/3, without doubt one of the all time greatest trilogy of fights this sport has ever witnessed.


If Ozgul-Scriven II matches the intensity and drama of their first encounter, we could well have another action filled bout, one that equals any of the Ward-Gatti fights, right here in our own back yard, something no boxing fan, or British sports writer should miss.


To give an idea of just how sensational their first showdown was, here’s the write up on the bout from the published report by the Canadian Sports Channel fightnetwork.com.


“Fifth bout of the night see London based Turk Siar Ozgul in action against Nottingham’s Matt Scriven.


Što borba, without doubt the fight of the night, as both protagonists went to war.


Ozgul came out hard and strong, initially putting the Nottingham man on the back foot, however Scriven soon started to exert his authority and then the fireworks really began.


By the third round the non stop action started to take it’s toll on the Turkish youngster, which allowed Scriven to land some sensational power shots of his own.


Završni krug je kreker, Ozgul backed Scriven into a corner and let rip with massive right hands, one of which sent Scriven’s mouth guard flying into the crowd ringside.


Once the errant mouth guard was retrieved and the bout restarted it was Scriven who went hard on the attack, one such attack late on in the round see Scriven land a massive right that shook Ozgul to the core, Ozgul sensibly went on the defensive for the remaining seconds to see his way to securing his fifth win.


Referee Lee Murtagh scored the bout 39-37 in favour of Ozgul, ispravan presuda bez sumnje, but one that really doesn’t express how great this fight was or how close each and every round was.”


Siar Ozgul naspram Matta Scrivena, za upražnjeno međunarodno prvenstvo u poluteškoj kategoriji MBC, naslovi Marka Lyona & Billy James Elliott-mudar Dečki Promocije Gospodari prstena događaja, koja se odvija u Yorku dvorani u Bethnal Green, London je u subotu 2ND Svibanj 2015.

Sankcioniranja za ovaj događaj će biti pod uvjetom ljubaznošću i Malta Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Ulaznice po cijeni £ 35 (Standardna sjedala) i £ 65 (Ring) are available direct from Siar at the Champions TKO Gym in Hackneycall Mehmet on 07825 618018 – on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com ili nazovite TKO liniju karata na 07960 850645

Haywood Set For Pepper Showdown On May 2nd

Champions TKO’s Jerome Haywood is set to face Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event, which takes place at York Hall in Bethnal Green, London je u subotu 2ND Svibanj 2015.


Jerome will be making his return to York Hall, the scene of his successful professional debut in October last year, where he scored a well earned points victory over Rolandas Cesna.


Povratak u listopadu, after a slightly hesitant start, Haywood soon settled down and took the fight to his more experienced opponent, pressuring the big Lithuanian with stiff jabs and heavy rights to the body.


Haywood’s work to the body began to take a toll on Cesna, so much so that by mid way through the third Cesna was clearly struggling to cope with the constant punishment to his ribs.


In the fourth Haywood stepped up the pressure even further, which in turn forced Cesna to cover up to protect his bruised and battered ribcage.


After four excellent rounds Referee Alf Sprung scored the bout 40-38 in favour of Haywood.


Haywood’s opponent on May 2ND is Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper, who will be making his first visit to the famous home of boxing in the Capital City.


Following a training session, under the watchful eyes of his coach Brian O’Shaughnessy at the Champions TKO gym in Hackney, Haywood spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with Matthew Pepper.


“Glad to be fighting again, it’s been six months since my debut fight.


Nakon mog zadnjeg borbe, I was hoping to get out again as soon as possible and I should have, I was due to fight in March, but had to pull out of that one as I came down with a bug about a week or so before I was due to fight.


My first fight, yeah I enjoyed that, I was well prepared for it, he was tough but nothing I couldn’t handle.


I don’t know too much about Matthew (Pepper), but we’ve been working hard in the gym, so hopefully I’ll put a good performance in for my fans, who I can’t thank enough for their fantastic support.”


Jerome Haywood versus Matthew Pepper features on the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-mudar Dečki Promocije Gospodari prstena događaja, koja se odvija u Yorku dvorani u Bethnal Green, London je u subotu 2ND Svibanj 2015.

Sankcioniranja za ovaj događaj će biti pod uvjetom ljubaznošću i Malta Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Ulaznice po cijeni £ 35 (Standardna sjedala) i £ 65 (Ring) su dostupni izravno iz bilo kojeg boksača koji sudjeluje, on-linewww.tkoboxoffice.com ili nazovite TKO liniju karata na 07960 850645


Turkish Prospect Ozgul Set For London Showdown With Miekle On May 2nd


Champions TKO Gym’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect Onder Ozgul is set to make his fifth professional outing in just over a weeks time, when he takes on the highly entertaining Jody Meikle, from Scunthorpe, in a six round contest, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event at York Hall in London on Saturday 2ND Svibanj 2015.

Ozgul, has built quite a reputation, as a seriously tough and uncompromising boxer, over the past year or so, nakon pobjeda vrhunske klase nad litavcima Dmitrijem Kalinovskim, Bightonov Iain Jackson, Litvanac Remigijus Ziausys i nedavno nad velikim udarcem Češke Karelom Horejsekom.

With a boxing style and approach uncannily similar to that of a certain ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that Ozgul’s Turkish fans have nicknamed their man ‘Little Mike’, a name that the British fans that have seen him in action have started to adopt too.

That aside, Ozgul’s resolve could be mightily tested by Miekle, who last time out scored a good solid draw against Portsmouth bruiser Sam Couzens, no surprise there as the Lincolnshire man not only likes a good old fashioned toe-to-toe slug fest, but also has a very entertaining mischievous streak.

Speaking at the famed Champions TKO Gym in Hackney, Ozgul spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with the man they call ‘The Entertainer’.

“I’m happy I am fighting a six rounder, I’d be happy if it was an eight, I train for twelve rounds, so six is easy for me.


The way we look at it is if you can run a marathon, then running a half marathon is easy, that’s why we work so hard in the gym, so it is easy in the ring.


My last fight I trained hard, I trained for twelve rounds then too, the opponent was strong and durable but it was still an easy fight for me.


It will be the same next week, I will be ready for whatever Jody Meikle brings, I’ve been told Jody is tough, good that means we’ll have a very good fight.


I’m really happy that my brother Siar has got a title fight on May 2ND and even happier that I will be fighting on the undercard of his title fight and hope that everyone comes out and gives us both their full support.


I want to thank my sponsors and all those fans that come and support me and my brother (Super Welterweight Siar Ozgul), Thank you for supporting us, svibnja 2ND you’ll not be disappointed, I will be fighting at my best.”


Onder Ozgul versus Jody Meikle features on the undercard of Siar Ozgul – Matt Scriven MBC International Welterweight title fight that headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-mudar Dečki Promocije Gospodari prstena događaja, koja se odvija u Yorku dvorani u Bethnal Green, London je u subotu 2NDSvibanj 2015.

Sankcioniranja za ovaj događaj će biti pod uvjetom ljubaznošću i Malta Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Ulaznice po cijeni £ 35 (Standardna sjedala) i £ 65 (Ring) su dostupni izravno iz bilo kojeg boksača koji sudjeluje, on-linewww.tkoboxoffice.com ili nazovite TKO liniju karata na 07960 850645

Naslov bitke na prvenstvu Mudri momci Promocije Inauguracijski događaj 2. svibnja

Eminentni MMA promotor Mark Lyons povezao se s najmlađim britanskim profesionalnim promotorom boksa, osamnaestogodišnji Billy James-Elliott stvorio je novu profesionalnu odjeću za promociju boksa – Promocije mudrih momaka.


Njihov prvi događaj, pod nazivom GOSPODARI PRSTENA, održat će se u čuvenoj York dvorani, U Bethnal Greenu, London je u subotu, 2ND Svibanj 2015, a naslov će biti na praznoj borbi MBC-a za međunarodno prvenstvo u poluteškoj kategoriji između Siara Ozgula i Matta Scrivena.


Ozgul sa sjedištem u Hackneyu i Nottingham's Scriven stari su neprijatelji, potukavši se međusobno još u listopadu prošle godine.


Bila je to sve akcija, usko se borio mala dvorana klasika, očaravajuće, intenzivna četiri kruga djelovanja prsta do prsta, toliko da kad se Scriven obratio i promotorima događaja i Ozgulovoj upravi pitajući ga može li se smatrati Ozgulovim protivnikom za borbu za naslov, sve su se strane u trenu složile.


Tko ne bi, ovo dvoje su prikazali veličanstveni prikaz pugilističkih umjetnosti, ne previše sličan klasičnoj trilogiji borbi Mickey Ward-Arturo Gatti iz 2002/3.


Kontrola borbe mijenjala se između dva ratnika, obojica su dali sve od sebe za svaku sekundu svake runde, na zahvalnost prisutnih, kao što je bilo jasno kada je borba izglasana Fight of the Night i jasan kandidat za kraj godine Fight of Year pohvale.


Tom je prilikom Ozgul s pravom izašao kao pobjednik, od strane a 39-37 bodovna marža, međutim ta bodovna crta jednostavno nije odražavala koliko je blizu bila svaka runda niti je davala bilo kakav uvid u to koliko je oduševljenje bilo.


Glavna podrška, za okršaj prvenstva Ozgul-Scriven, vidi kako se Bradfordov Tasif Khan vraća u York Hall, poprište njegove senzacionalne pobjede u prvom kolu nad zaustavljanjem Richarda Vorosa u siječnju.


Svibnja 2ND Khan izaziva Čeha Patrika Bartosa za International Masters Bantamweight naslov.


Dodavanje dodatnog elementa spletke ovom određenom poklapanju, jest da i Khan i Bartos imaju nedavnog zajedničkog protivnika, Ladislav Miko |, štoviše, obojica su zaustavili Mika na početku njihovih napada, Bartos kasno u drugoj i Khan senzacionalnom nokautom u prvoj rundi od jedne minute i petnaest sekundi.


Usmjeravajući se na karticu za podršku, Chesterov WBF Interkontinentalni prvak u super banta kategoriji Paul Economides protiv Doncasterovog bivšeg britanskog prvaka u super muškoj kategoriji Andy Bell.


Economides dolazi u borbu s visokim povjerenjem, nakon senzacionalne nadoknade u drugom kolu, nad bivšim izazivačem naslova Commonwealtha Isaacom Quayeom, Samo prošlog mjeseca.


Ono što ovu pobjedu čini tako posebnom je da je Economides postao prva osoba koja je zaustavila hrabrog trideset i sedam veterana borbe, veliko podvig doista s obzirom na to da se Quaye prethodno borio s onima poput britanskog prvaka i prvaka Commonwealtha Don Broadhursta, Britanci, Commonwealth i europski prvak Kevin Satchell i WBO europski prvak Iain Butcher.


Još jedan meč vrhunske klase vidi starijeg brata i sestru Ondera Siara Ozgula u akciji protiv jako zabavnog Scunthorpea Jodyja Mieklea.


Ozgul, koji je neporažen u četiri profesionalna izleta, je sebi stvorio popriličnu reputaciju, nakon pobjeda vrhunske klase nad litavcima Dmitrijem Kalinovskim, Bightonov Iain Jackson, Litvanac Remigijus Ziausys i nedavno nad velikim udarcem Češke Karelom Horejsekom.


Trener u teretani za prvaka u sportu Siar i Onder Ozgul, Jerome Haywood, namjerava napraviti svoj drugi profesionalni izlet, Protiv Scunthorpe je Matthew papar.


Haywood je na svom debiju prošao ozbiljno težak test, kad se još u listopadu u York Hallu suočio i pobijedio vrlo iskusnog litvanskog modricu Rolandasa Cesnu.


Još jedna momčad prvaka TKO, Britanci #1 i vladajuća MBC međunarodna prvakinja u super banta kategoriji Marianne 'Zlatna djevojka' Marston odvest će svoj posljednji domaći dvoboj, prije nego što je započela pripreme za izazov za naslov svjetskog prvaka protiv australijske WIBA-ine prvakinje Shannon O’Connell, koja se održava kasnije ovog ljeta.


Još u listopadu Marston je klinički pobijedio tada europski #3 i Svjetske #31 rangirala je Marianna Gulyas, kako bi osigurali priželjkivanu MBC International Crown, isključivanjem jednoglasnih bodova.


Bivši prvak Velike Britanije BBBofC Lee Churcher posjetit će slavnu York Hall u svibnju 2ND, gdje će se suočiti s tek najavljenim protivnikom.


Churcher u borbu ulazi nakon pet sigurnih pobjeda, od posljednjeg poraza od Costasa Osbena još u srpnju 2011.


Senzacionalni nepobjedivi pero kategorija David Agadzhanyan također u prvom posjetu Londonu dolazi u svibnju 2ND.


Agadžanjan, koji ima tri zaustavljene pobjede u svoja četiri susreta do danas, pobijedio u bitci neporaženih u svojoj posljednjoj borbi, uzevši željeni "O" Čeha Daniela Baze sjajnim 39-37 bodovna pobjeda u Liverpoolu u ožujku.


Eric Mokonzo će nastojati osigurati svoju prvu profesionalnu pobjedu, nakon debitantskog poraza protiv Darrena McKenne, kad se suoči s dečkom debijem Andyjem Conom, dok je Lutonov neporaženi Manny Muhammad, koji se prvotno trebao boriti protiv Mokonza, sada će se suočiti s još neimenovanim protivnikom.


Svibnja 2ND Mark 'The Flash' iz Finsbury Parka vraća se u York Hall, poprište njegove veličanstvene pobjede u trećem kolu nad zaustavljanjem nad litvanskim Tadasom Stulginkasom još u listopadu.


Svoj profesionalni debi imali su u svibnju 2ND bit će Nottinghamova Garfield Mushore i Canning Town Kimberley Leah.


Siar Ozgul naspram Matta Scrivena, za upražnjeno međunarodno prvenstvo u poluteškoj kategoriji MBC, naslovi Marka Lyona & Billy James Elliott-mudar Dečki Promocije Gospodari prstena događaja, koja se odvija u Yorku dvorani u Bethnal Green, London je u subotu 2ND Svibanj 2015.

Sankcioniranja za ovaj događaj će biti pod uvjetom ljubaznošću i Malta Boxing komisije (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Ulaznice po cijeni £ 35 (Standardna sjedala) i £ 65 (Ring) su dostupni izravno iz bilo kojeg boksača koji sudjeluje, on-linewww.tkoboxoffice.com ili nazovite TKO liniju karata na 07960 850645