Tag Архив: Mario Бариос


Супер перо шампион Дейвис Регистриран от Promoter Флойд Мейуедър Ahead на дял отбраната срещу бившия шампион Руис Тази събота на живо по SHOWTIME®От Достойнство Здраве Спорт парк в Карсън, Халиф. и представя от Premier боксови шампиони

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Дейв Мандел / SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Шон Майкъл Хям
/Мейуедър Промоции

Лос Анджелис (Февруари 7, 2019) – WBA Super световен шампион перо Gervonta Davis и бивш световен шампион Hugo Ruiz отидох лице в лице четвъртък в заключителната пресконференция, преди да отида палеца до петите тази събота вечер в главното събитие на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® от Достойнство Здраве Спорт парк, преди StubHub Център, в Карсън, Халиф. и представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

Също така, изправени в четвъртък са били бойци, които ще влязат в пръстена на живо по време на излъчване по телевизията undercard атракции. Непобеждаван супер лек Mario Бариос ще бъдат изправени пред Мексико Ричард Замора, а бившият световен шампион Javier Fortuna ще се намеси срещу лек претендент Шариф Bogere като част от живо действие SHOWTIME щафетата на 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Събитието се рекламира чрез Мейуедър промоции, TGB Промоции и Сампсън Бокс и билети са продават още сега и могат да бъдат закупени в AXS.com.

Дейвис се присъединиха на сцената, като промоутър си, Легендарният боксьор и Мейуедър Промоции президент Флойд Мейуедър. Ето какво участниците в пресконференцията трябваше да каже четвъртък на летище Westin Лос Анджелис преди събота вечер събитие:


“Толкова съм развълнуван да се върна в силна 2019. Това е годината, в която може да ме постави над върха и ме постави на най-високо ниво.

“Промяната на противника наистина не ме засяга. В аматьорите се борихме четири или пет пъти в седмицата, за да сме винаги имаше различни противници. Бях спаринг някой по-висок от мен в тренировъчния лагер, така или иначе. Мисля, че един боец ​​трябва да е готов и е в състояние да се адаптира към всичко, което е пред него на ринга. Готов съм и се надявам Руис е твърде.

“Тренировъчен лагер е страхотно. Аз съм готов за събота вечер. Ние планирахме за борба с Авенир Марес, но той имаше контузия и се надяваме да продължава да му попречи на линията, ако всичко е наред с неговото здраве.

“Уго Руиз е голям противник. Той ще дойде да се бие в събота вечер. Той разказваше медиите той ще ме нокаутира, така че се надявам ние получаваме една екшън се борят за феновете. Радвам се, че Руис идва за нокаут. Дължим го на феновете и се моля, че той идва готов да им даде голямо шоу.

“Имам чувството, че съм боец, който може да бъде следващата голяма звезда. Аз съм на работа към него. Аз съм просто дете всичко накисване в момента. Събота вечер, Надявам се, че всеки е готов, защото тя ще е действие.

“запис Руис е говори за себе си. Аз съм го наблюдаваше и той има някакъв поп. Той е точен и аз съм готов за това. Аз не мисля, че ще трябва всеки пръстен ръжда. Аз съм работил с много велики бойци във фитнеса. Аз съм просто развълнуван да се върна на ринга.

“Искам да дам на моите фенове по целия свят страхотно шоу. Всеки тунинг ще видите голяма производителност. Надяваме Уго ще живее до неговото слово, защото аз ще живея до моето.”


“Много съм щастлив, че имам възможността. Отивам да оставя всичко на ринга. Имам много вяра в моите боксови умения. Вярвам, и вярвам, че има ще бъде нов световен шампион в събота вечер.

“Аз съм в ритъм и във форма. Аз съм бил много активен, водещ към и от последния ми бой. Дейвис е огромна шампион, но той не ме сплашат. Ще бъда готов за него да дойде в събота вечер.

“Това е една чудесна възможност да се бори левичар, както беше първоначално обучение за левичар преди опонента ми се промени в последния ми бой. Аз също се бори левичар през ноември. Тренирам с много левичари за известно време. Аз съм повече от готов за тази възможност.

“Дейвис е силен шампион и знам, че това е голяма възможност за мен да се бори някой от неговия калибър. Аз съм готов психически и физически за най-голямата възможност, която е дадена за мен.

“На 130-британски аз се чувствам по-голяма власт от всякога и ще покаже, че в събота вечер. Това е голямо предизвикателство за мен. Това е възможност, че съм бил в очакване на целия ми 12-годишната си кариера. Аз не планирате да го губим.”

MARIO Бариос

“Това е огромна възможност и аз съм много развълнуван за него. Очаквам с нетърпение да се случва там и пускането на страхотно шоу за феновете на бокса.

“Готов съм и аз съм готов да се възползват напълно от тази възможност да направи изявление в събота вечер. Искам всеки един от шампионите в тази дивизия, но аз не търся минало Замора. Знам само, че работата, която сложих в ще се отплати.

“Имам големи неща на хоризонта и Замора е в моя начин. Аз съм фокусиран и готов да направи тази страхотна нощ. Ако той иска война, Аз ще му дам една война.”


“Много съм щастлив и благодарен, че в тази борба. Това е възможност, която ми търсили. Аз съм готов да се състезава и аз няма да позволи тази възможност ме подмине.

“Това определено е голяма стъпка за мен в моя северноамерикански. дебют. Ако мога да получа победа над Марио Бариос, тогава аз ще бъда в състояние да достигне много мечти, които имам.

“Аз идвам добре подготвени и аз очаквам война. Отивам да бъде готов да отиде и битка до края. Ще видите, че аз ще го оставя всичко на ринга.”


“Отивам да дам най-доброто, че имам на ринга. Отивам срещу добър боксьор с добър рекорд, но това няма значение какви са пречките са пред мен. Отивам да дойде чрез с голяма победа в събота вечер.

“Имаме нов отбор и нов треньор, който ще даде на феновете най-доброто Хавиер Фортуна възможно в събота.

“А победа срещу Шариф Bogere е много важно за мен и трамплин към мястото, където искам да получа. Това ще бъде трудна битка, но аз съм готов да направи този много труден нощ за него.”


“Ние ще направим тази голяма борба в събота. Фортуна е добър боец ​​и юначага. Аз очаквам от него да донесе много фойерверки. Аз съм подготвен за това и аз имам план, за да спечели играта.

“Всеки ден е труден тест в живота. Това ще бъде просто още една битка. Аз съм подготвен и имам страхотен екип зад мен. Идвам в събота вечер за това, което ми принадлежи.

“Фортуна е с голямо име и е стъпка нагоре за мен. Тази победа ще ме остави там към върха и ще бъде подготвен за каквото и предизвикателство идва след това.”

FLOYD Мейуедър, Председател на Мейуедър Промоции

“Това е страхотно да бъда тук с толкова много млади и талантливи борци. Аз можех да си спомня 23 Преди години, когато бях в същото положение. Когато сте в това положение, което трябва да се възползва от него. Възможности като това идват веднъж в живота. Трябва да отида там и да го дадете на всички.

“Искам да видя тези бойци стават велики и да станат звезди. Документите, които са направени, които зададох за да бъдат нарушавани.

“Спомням си, когато Gervonta Дейвис за пръв път в моя фитнес. Той работи усилено и вярвах в себе си. Понякога сме направили два-а-ден. Ако ние не мисля, че работата е свършена дясно, ние ще се върне и да го коригира. Ние продължаваме да се стремим всеки ден да бъде най-доброто, което можем евентуално може да бъде. Gervonta работи изключително трудно, но той не може да вземе нищо за даденост в тази борба.

“Мисля, че Уго Руиз е по-опасен противник от Авенировите Марес. Авенир е огромна боец, но Руис е много труден и той има добър нокаут власт. Това е страхотен двубой и от онези, които хората искат да видят. Това е всичко за пускането на грандиозни шоута и събота ще бъде друг блокбастър.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции

“Ние имаме голямо събитие тази събота вечер с големи битки от горе до долу на тази карта. Това ще бъде една страхотна вечер на бокса.

“Gervonta Дейвис е достигнала цели не се ограничавате само боксовия ринг. Знам, че въздействието, което оказва върху Gervonta младежите по целия свят. Когато става дума за възбуда, експлозивност и нокаут власт, това е нещо ново, което феновете ще получат шанс да се свидетел.

“В ранна възраст от 24, Феновете са познали Gervonta за пробиване си власт. Но той е също един много опитен боксьор. Това е едно от нещата, които той ще бъде в състояние да покаже движи напред в редица големи битки той ще трябва.

“Ние знаем, че има сериозно предизвикателство пред него. Всеки път, когато има смяна в последната минута, който е отличен боец, това е голямо предизвикателство. Руис е агресивен боец ​​и ние очакваме нищо друго освен една голяма борба.

“Gervonta Дейвис има пълната арсенал. По мое мнение, той е най-вълнуващото боец ​​и най-големият перфоратор в целия спорт. Това отнема повече от нокаут власт и мисля, че ще видите множество му skillset.”

SAMPSON LEWKOWICZ, Президентът на Сампсън Boxing

“Това наистина е чест за мен да бъдат включени в този страхотно шоу. Те ще бъдат три големи битки. Уго Руиз беше обучение за левичар преди противник превключвател е довело до него борбата с право hander последната битка. След още няколко седмици, водещи в тази борба, Руис е 100 процента готов за това предизвикателство.

“Повярвай ми, това ще бъде тежък бой. Аз вярвам, че Дейвис ще има две пълни шепи с Уго Руиз. Руис произхожда от семейство на бойци и той е истински мексикански воин, който ще остави всичко на ринга в събота.”

# # #
Gervonta Дейвис срещу. Уго Руиз ями WBA Супер перо Световната ChampionDavis срещу бившия световен шампион Руис в главното събитие на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс в събота, Февруари 9 от Достойнство Здраве Спорт парк, преди StubHub Център, в Карсън, Калифорния и представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс покритие започва от 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT и разполага непобеден супер лек Марио Бариос като на Ричард Замора Мексико и бивш световен шампион Хавиер Фортуна борят лек претендент Шариф Bogere.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports иwww.premierboxingchampions.com следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions и Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

МАРИО Бариос тренировъчен лагер ЦИТАТИ & СНИМКИ

Непобеден Супер Лек Бариос поема Мексико
Ричард Замора живо на SHOWTIME® Тази събота от
Достойнство Здраве Спорт парк в Карсън, Халиф. & Представен от
Премиер боксови Champions

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Брет Островски / Екип Бариос

OAKLAND, Халиф. (Февруари 4, 2019) – Непобеждаван супер лек съперник Mario Бариос Ще очакваме да продължим да бута си към стреля световна титла, когато той е изправен пред Мексико Ричард Замора (19-2, 12 Нокаута) живеят на SHOWTIME тази събота, Февруари 9 от Достойнство Здраве Спорт парк, преди StubHub Център, в Карсън, Халиф, и представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

Три борба SHOWTIME телевизията започва на живо 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT и се оглавява от супер перо световен шампион Gervonta Дейвис защитата на титлата си срещу бившия световен шампион Уго Руиз.

23-годишният от Сан Антонио може да увеличи своя нокаут жилка до седем февруари 9, всички, тъй като той се премества до 140 паунда. Ето какво Бариос (22-0, 14 Нокаута) Трябваше да каже за предстоящия му двубой и повече от тренировъчен лагер в Оукланд, Калифорния.:

На двубоят му с Ричард Замора:

“Замора е най-трудната ми опонент до момента по мое мнение. Той е спечелил последните си пет двубоя, така знам, че той ще дойде в тази борба, с много увереност. Той има власт в двете си ръце и той е много труден. Но аз отивам в тази борба, с много увереност себе си. Това ще бъде една война и един Очаквам с нетърпение да се. Нямам никакво съмнение в съзнанието ми, че аз отивам да излезе на върха.”

На последното си тренировъчен лагер:

“Лагер започна у дома с баща ми Мартин и той наистина ме накара да се приготви преди да си тръгна за Калифорния. Аз съм прекарал последните шест седмици обучение в крайбрежния район с Върджил Хънтър. Аз също тренира с Виктор Конте и Реми Korchemny в съоръжението SNAC. Точно сега, тялото ми е в най-добрата форма на живота ми. Имам добри спаринг с Девин Хейни и няколко други бойци от първо ниво. Всички тежката работа е почти готов. Ние имаме една седмица и след това напусна своята борба седмица. Вергилий и аз работим чудесно заедно и аз съм готов да отида.”

На биете в ко-главното събитие на SHOWTIME:

“Аз съм много развълнуван, че се бори за SHOWTIME на голям картон за пореден път, този път в сътрудничество основното събитие. Отивам да донесе много вълнение на тези, които гледат по телевизията. Моят стил е фен-приятелски и всеки тунинг ще видите следващата суперзвезда в бокса. Отивам да се възползват напълно от тази възможност, за борбата на голямата сцена.”

На когато той ще бъде в борбата за световната титла:

“Аз съм в момента се класира Не. 1 в WBA, така че знам стреля световна титла е много близо. Точно сега, Основната ми фокус е побеждавайки Замора. Аз трябва да преминем през тази борба, а след това, че е време да се изправи пред всички топ момчета в супер лек деление. Търся да бъде в световна титла се борят по някое време тази година.”

# # #

Gervonta Дейвис срещу. Уго Руиз ями WBA Супер перо Световната ChampionDavis срещу бившия световен шампион Руис в главното събитие на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс в събота, Февруари 9 от Достойнство Здраве Спорт парк, преди StubHub Център, в Карсън, Калифорния и представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс покритие започва от 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT и разполага непобеден супер лек Марио Бариос като на Ричард Замора Мексико и бивш световен шампион Хавиер Фортуна борят лек претендент Шариф Bogere.

Събитието се рекламира чрез Мейуедър промоции, TGB Промоции и Сампсън Бокс и билети са продават още сега и могат да бъдат закупени в AXS.com.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports иwww.premierboxingchampions.com следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions и Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Luis Ortiz Registers Second-Round TKO of Razvan Cojanu in Co-Feature

Видео: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2mPpH8r

Mario Barrios Remains Undefeated With Eighth-Round TKO Against Jose Roman

Гледайте Encore Представяне понеделник 10 P.m. И/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Scott Hirmano/SHOWTIME

Лос Анджелис (Юли 28, 2018) – Mikey Garcia became the 10тата lightweight champion to unify the division with a unanimous decision against Robert Easter Jr. Saturday on SHOWTIME, and immediately afterward set his sights on boxing’s best, namely Errol Spence Jr.

Full fight highlights here: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2LzlnJ6





All three judges scored the fight in favor of Garcia,118-109, 117-110, 116-111, в един наелектризиращ борбата срещу 12,560 fans at Staples Center in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.





The four-division world champion Garcia (39-0, 30 Нокаута) – who was fighting in his native Southern California for the first time in seven years – keeps his 135-pound WBC title, and also claims Easter’s IBF Lightweight belt





“I’m here for the biggest challenges,” said Garcia, 30, who unified a title for the first time in his career. “I don’t know if there is anyone that is a bigger challenge than Errol Spence. I know he’s up to fight everyone so let’s make it happen. I think it can be made. I think that’s the next big fight coming up.





“I feel I have the power and the skillset to compete in any division up to welterweight. He’s the toughest guy at welterweight so I want to face him.”





Garcia scored a knock down in the third round against Easter (21-1, 14 Нокаута) Толедо, Ohio, who was sent to the canvas for just the second time in his career. A strong right jab put Easter out of position, immediately followed by a devastating left hook sent Easter down with 24 seconds remaining in the round.





Garcia got better as the fight progressed. In the final four rounds Garcia out-landed Easter 95-34 in total punches and ended the fight being the more active fighter throwing 555 punches to Easter’s 507. He connected on nearly 40 percent of his power shots while Easter landed at a 24 percent clip.





“It’s a great accomplishment being here in L.A.,” Garcia said. “I was in control most of the fight, and I did what I had to do. I knew he was a tough opponent. He’s a tough warrior. He gave a great fight but I was a better fighter. I was in control of the fight and I did what I had to do to win.”





Великден, who went into the Garcia locker room after the fight to congratulate his opponent, was gracious in defeat.





“Whenever we step in the ring we are both putting our lives on the line and tonight Mikey was victorious,” said Easter, who entered the fight as the longest reigning champion at 135 паунда. “I just couldn’t find the timing and I just couldn’t let my right hand go. He caught me with a clean shot and I went down, but I got up like a true champion.”






During an interview at the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING host desk, Килер за храна, a fellow top-five pound-for-pound great, said he would “definitely” welcome a fight with Garcia. “I feel like that’s the best fight available for me right now with Shawn [Износване] and Danny [Garcia] fighting in September. Keith Thurman is still recovering and needs a tune up.

Full interview here: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2veXH1T.





“He’s daring to be great, he wants to be great, he wants to move up and dethrone me and it’s not going to happen. It’s definitely going to be an easy fight. [Garcia] will be pound-for-pound No. 1 if he beats me. He has great skills but I see myself winning. I don’t really see anything that concerns me. He’s technically good, but I don’t see him hurting me at 147.”





Heavyweight southpaw Luis Ortiz (29-1, 25 Нокаута) returned to the ring with a resounding victory, scoring a devastating second round knockout (2:08) of former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu (16-4, 9 Нокаута)





Ortiz landed 42 процента на Неговата сила снимки (eight of 19) while Cojanu landed just two of 13 (15%) in the short fight.





Ortiz was emotional after the fight. He told SHOWTIME’s Jim Gray that just five days ago he learned doctors have found a cure for Epidermolysis Bullosa, a disease his daughter suffers from.





“Thanks to God they found a cure for my daughter’s disease,- каза Ортис. “My wife told me while I was boarding the plane to get here. It’s been hard to be away from them. I’m happy I won, but it’s been really hard to be away from them.”






Both fighters were coming off losses in heavyweight world title fights. Ortiz was fighting for the first time since challenging Deontay Wilder in a 2018 Fight на кандидата Година. The 6-foot-4 Ortiz wasted little time knocking out the 6-feet-7½, 269-pound Cojanu, returning for his first fight since challenging then-WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker.






“In my mind King Kong has not been defeated. I don’t feel I lost against Deontay Wilder. I want to fight [Anthony] Joshua, but he only fights boxers he’s sure he can defeat. I’m going to ask the government to put me on disability, maybe that way Joshua will fight me.”





В телевизията отварачка, Mario Бариос (22-0, 14 Нокаута) remained undefeated recording his sixth straight stoppage with an eighth-round TKO of Jose Roman (24-3-1, 14 Нокаута) в планиран мач от 10 рунда в полусредна категория. Each of the judges, as well as SHOWTIME expert scorer Steve Farhood, scored the fight 80-70 in favor of Barrios at the time of the stoppage as Roman’s corner didn’t answer the bell for the ninth round.





San Antonio’s Barrios relied on effective body work in dominating the fight, свързване на 61 на неговата 133 снимки на тялото. Той е свързан в 44 процента на Неговата сила удари (104/239) в сравнение с 26 percent for Roman (34/132), who had just five body shots on the night.





"[Body work] is something I’ve been able to work on,” Barrios told Gray in the ring. “You put the body work in early and by the end of the fight they have nothing left. That worked perfectly for this fight. This was the farthest I’ve gone in a while. It was great work and I feel like I’m transitioning to the fighter that I always thought I’ve be.”





Кварталите, who suffered a cut above his left eye in the first round, sent Roman to the canvas at 1:15 of the fourth round with a strong right that dazed Roman, then a left hook that put Roman down for the seventh time in his career. Barrios ended the round with a flurry of punches that left Roman stunned.






The 23-year-old Barrios sent Roman down again with 1:38 remaining in the eighth round. Roman survived the round, but his corner refused to answer the bell and the fight was over.





“I feel I’m ready [for a title shot)],” Barrios said. “I feel strong. I feel fast. Аз съм млад, but whatever my managers throw at me I’m ready. If I could get it tomorrow, I’d take it.”






It was a star-studded night at Staples as current and former world champions attended the fights, including Jarrett Hurd, Ерол Спенс Jr., Лео Santa Cruz, Авенировите Mares, Gervonta Davis and Adrien Broner.






Shawn Porter was also in attendance. It was recently announced that Porter and fellow former 147-pound world title holder Danny Garcia will square off against one another for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Седем. 8 от Barclays Center в Бруклин, N.Y..





“I’m just a different type of athlete,” Porter told SHOWTIME’s Brian Custer. “When you talk about having the tools to become a two-time world champion; I have the tools, the athleticism, the tenacity the ring generalship. You will see all of that on Sept. 8.






“We always say that the business has to make sense [to make fights], And it sounds to me like the business has played its part. I win the WBC Championship and you’ll get Shawn Porter vs. Errol Spence.”






В стрийминг отразяване на живо на undercard борби по отношение SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс COUNTDOWN, undefeated super lightweight prospect Fabian Maidana (16-0, 12 Нокаута), the brother of former champion Marcos Maidana, recorded a seventh-round stoppage (2:32) against former world title challenger Andrey Klimov (19-5, 9 Нокаута).






Също така на поток на живо, 2016 U.S. Olympian and unbeaten prospect Karlos Balderas (6-0, 5 Нокаута) dominated 54-fight veteran Giovanni Caro (27-24, 21 Нокаута) scoring a stoppage at 2:09 of the fourth round in a scheduled six-round super featherweight bout.





SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс tripleheader събота стартира отново в понеделник на 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.




# # #





За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com иwww.staplescenter.com следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.



SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Tripleheader Live At 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT From Staples Center In Los Angeles, Халиф.

Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Кредит: Scott Hirano/SHOWTIME



Mikey Garcia – 135 паунда.

Robert Великден Jr. - 134 ½ кг.

Рефер: Jack Reiss (Калифорния.); съдии: Лари Hazzard младши. (Ню Джърси), Edward Hernandez Sr. (Калифорния.), стив Weisfeld (Ню Джърси)


Luis Ortiz – 241 паунда.

Razvan Cujanu – 269 паунда.

Referee Jerry Cantu (Калифорния.). съдии: Max DeLuca (Калифорния.), Dr. Lou Moret (Калифорния.), Zachary Young (Калифорния.)



Mario Barrios – 141 ½ кг.

Jose Roman – 142 паунда.

Referee Gerard White (Калифорния.). съдии: Max DeLuca (Калифорния.), Dr. Lou Moret (Калифорния.), Zachary Young (Калифорния.)



Mikey Garcia

“All the work is done; the talking is done. Now it’s time to settle this thing in the ring.”


Robert Великден Jr.

“I told Mikey there ain’t no more talking. Идвам във форма. It’s going to be an exciting fight for all the fans that are here from my side and from his side. We’re just ready to fight and put on a great performance for LA.




“This fight is champion vs. шампион. It’s going to determine who’s the best, наистина. Tomorrow is going to be the best of the best and you’re going to see the best out of me.”


Luis Ortiz

“I’m going to do what I’ve always done in my career and even in the amateurs, and that’s just fight. It’s going to be no different. I’m going to come out punching.




“Every fight is an important fight and tomorrow night I will show what I can do. I’m going to show why I’m known as the most avoided fighter.”


Разван Cojanu

“I’m in very good shape. Tomorrow night it’s SHOWTIME. We’re going to bring the pain.




“The secret to beating Luis Ortiz is two things. One, I cannot say because I’m in front of the cameras but the other one is the heart.”

Mario Бариос

“Everything about fighting on SHOWITME excites me. I’ve been working for this and dreaming about this day since I was a little kid. Now it’s here and I want to take full advantage of it.




“I hope the fans can expect a lot. I’m here to showcase my talents and they are going to see fireworks. I always get a lot of love from the fans when I fight in L.A.”


Jose Roman

“I have a special motivation for this fight. My cousin’s son is battling leukemia so I dedicate this fight to him. He’s only three years old. It’s really hard because I’m a father and just imagining that breaks my heart.”


# # #




За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com иwww.staplescenter.com следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.

WATCH NOW! ПОДХОДА: Майки GARCIA – Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight


Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight

Garcia Faces Robert Easter Jr. in Lightweight World Title Unification Bout

Тази събота, 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT На SHOWTIME

Photo Credit: Шоу Спорт

Watch, изглед & Сподели чрез YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2AgFPt5

КАКВО: Четири разделение световен шампион Mikey Garcia explains his mindset in the final moments before a fight in this new digital offering from SHOWTIME Sports®. The Approach: Mikey Garcia provides a first-person glimpse into Garcia’s psyche and unique tendencies as he prepares to enter the ring.

“The ring walk is the most special moment of a fight itself,” says Garcia. “Sometimes I get very emotional and I want to cry because it’s unbelievable that all of these people are there to support me.”

Garcia, the unbeaten WBC Lightweight World Champion, will meet IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Великден Jr. in a 135-pound unification showdown утре нощ, Юли 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.

Отразяване на живо на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс започва в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT and also features Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz (28-1, 24 Нокаута) returning to action to face former world title challenger Разван Cojanu (16-3, 9 Нокаута) and opens with unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario Бариос (21-0, 13 Нокаута) като on hard-hitting Jose Roman (24-2-1, 16 Нокаута) в 10-кръгово показване.

Нощта започва с SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс отчитането на времето по 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT, as former three-division champion Abner Mares joins boxing broadcaster Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to preview the night’s tripleheader and call live undercard bouts from ringside in Los Angeles. SHOWTIME’s fifth digital presentation of live boxing in 2018 ще поток в канал SHOWTIME Спорт YouTube и SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook страница.

Майки срещу Гарсия. Robert Великден Jr. Заключителни Пресконференция Цитати & Снимки

Lightweight World Champions Clash in Unification Fight That Headlines Action Събота, Юли 28 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & Представено от:
Премиер боксови Champions
Кликнете ТУК на снимки от Scott Хирано / SHOWTIME


Лос Анджелис (Юли 26, 2018) – Lightweight world champions Mikey Garcia и Robert Великден Jr. went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference two days before they enter the ring for a 135-pound title unification Saturday, Юли 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Joining them Thursday and competing on the three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) were Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis “The Real Кинг Конг” Ortiz и бивш претендент титла Разван Cojanu, who meet in a 10-round bout plus unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “El Azteca” Кварталите и трудно удря Jose Roman, who compete in a 10-round showdown.




Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, започват в $50, се добавят и съответните такси, и са в продажба сега. За да закупите билети, visit AXS.com.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Conga Room at L.A. На живо:






This will be my first title unification match. It means a lot to face another unbeaten champion. It will help my legacy and my career. I’m taking the proper steps to move forward and cement my name for the ages.




There isn’t another fight in front of me right now that gets me excited other than this one against Robert Easter Jr. Той ще дойде с всичко, което има. This is definitely his biggest fight and I believe we’ll be able to bring the best out of each other.




Me and Robert Easter Jr. are the only unbeaten champions in the division. So in my eyes, the winner is the best fighter in the division.




I’m very happy to be fighting again in Los Angeles. It’s been seven years since I fought here. To give fans a chance to see this big fight live at STAPLES Center is a great thing. I’m very thankful that we could have the fight here. Most opponents wouldn’t have come here.




I’m coming back to STAPLES Center as a world champion and I have a chance to unify in my hometown. There’s nothing better that I could ask for. I’m going to do everything I can to come out victorious on Saturday night.




I’m glad that Robert is confident coming into this fight. I believe that he will show up the best possible version of himself. That’s what gets me even more motivated and excited for this fight.




I’m here to take the biggest fights and biggest challenges. I will be at welterweight very soon and I look forward to taking on the best there. Everyone says not to do it, and that’s what excites me and motivates me the most.






I really don’t pay attention to being ‘overlookedor what my opponents say leading up to a fight. На July 28 we still have to get in there and throw these hands. Nothing said by him or anyone outside bothers me at all.




The only big name Mikey Garcia has beaten is Adrien Broner. I’m going to give him problems. I believe with our skills and record, the winner of this fight is the best fighter in the weight class.




This can add big attention to my career. It can help me get the recognition that I deserve. I look at all my fights like a big fight, but obviously this is unification. You will see two warriors in there on Saturday.




It’s been a long time since I made my pro debut at STAPLES Center. You’re going to get a lot of action and excitement on Saturday night. Expect the unexpected.




I had such a great training camp with coach Cunningham and my dad. It was all boxing all the time and really what I needed heading into a matchup like this.




Everyone will be able to see my hard work pay off on Saturday night. I’m not the one who likes to talk about it, I want to show everybody what I got.




These are the kind of fights that I’ve always wanted to be a part of. It’s a big fight that I know the fans are going to really enjoy. I’m going to give them something to remember.




Being the underdog is what it is. Only one of us can be the favorite. We did what we had to do to prepare for this fight and on July 28 you’ll see it all in action.


ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother and Trainer




There’s always risk in any fight. We’re very well-prepared for this big challenge and Mikey is in a great place mentally. Easter is a tall guy who I’m sure will try to use his reach and fight from the outside. But we’ll be ready for whatever he brings.




This is obviously a big fight for Mikey against another elite boxer. When two undefeated guys are unifying, it’s always big. We had great sparring partners who prepared Mikey to be at his very best.




We’re ready for the best Robert Easter possible. I’m not even looking at his past two performances. We’ve done what we had to do to be ready for this fight and the best version of our opponent.


КЕВИН CUNNINGHAM, Easter’s Co-Trainer




Robert has always been a tremendous fighter and an excellent boxer when he wants to box. We just put extra emphasis on how we want to fight Mikey Garcia. Robert has the natural skill and ability, plus the size and reach to get this done.




We’re prepared to dictate the tempo, control distance and range and do everything we want to do. We’ve done it so far in camp and we’re going to bring it into the ring on Saturday night.




It’s obvious for the last couple of weeks that Garcia has been talking more about future fights than this fight on Saturday night. I look at that as him overlooking Easter. Обаче, Mikey is a pro with a seasoned trainer so I doubt he’s being totally overlooked. He better be ready.


ROBERT EASTER SR., Easter’s Father & Ко-треньор




I always feel very confident about Robert’s chances every time he steps into the ring. We had a good camp and I know he’s ready. He’s always ready, just like he’s been for every fight leading up to this one.




This fight is going to live up to the hype. Robert is going to go out there and show the world what he is really made of.




We’re going to go out there and get the win. We’re going to impose our game plan on Mikey and make it a really long night for him.






My hunger and motivation to become world champion has not changed at all. My opponent is very big, but in the ring everyone is the same size. We’re going to be smart and I’m going to do my job on Saturday night.




The Wilder fight is what it is. It’s the past now, and I don’t regret it. At the end of the day I want the rematch and I believe I deserve the rematch. They’re still running from me and they’re obviously running from Wilder, but I’m running from no one.




A victory on Saturday night will put me back in line for the rematch with Deontay Wilder. Fighting is what I know how to do, and that’s what I’m coming to do on Saturday night. We’re both hungry for a win and we will see who comes out on top.




I learned that I need to train even harder, fight harder, throw more and connect more. If I hadn’t been fatigued, I’d still be punching him today. I threw the clock away at the gym. We’re going to be smarter going forward.






I am very ready for this matchup. When we got this call, I was already in shape. We just had to make the adjustment to fighting a southpaw. We have about a month of really fun sparring leading up to this fight.




I feel very comfortable against the southpaw, especially one that everyone is familiar with like Ortiz. I know I have the skills to take home the victory.




“The Wilder vs. Ortiz fight was a great fight and I congratulate him for that performance. I saw plenty of things that I can expose. The main thing is the sharp one-two combination that gives him trouble.


MARIO Бариос




This is definitely the toughest test of my career. I’m very happy to have this big fight. This is going to be the breakout performance that I’ve been looking for.




Whichever title is available to me is the title we’ll go after. It doesn’t matter who I have to face, Ще бъда готов. I’m gunning for the very best.




This is a great opportunity to make my debut on SHOWTIME. This is a card packed with talent, but I plan on stealing the show. I’m going to show everyone the kind of fighter that I am.




I know that Roman is going to come to fight but so am I. I can’t wait to fight in this building. All the greats have fought here and I can’t wait to put on a great show.







“Кварталите’ best weapon would be his speed and his range and I think we have the perfect game plan to oppose it. I know that I have to be patient in there because I have a difficult opponent. I’m doing this for my family and no one can stop me.




A win over Mario Barrios would be huge for me. The fans can come in there expecting a war between two Mexican warriors who will leave it all in the ring.




When I’m not fighting I’m going to Cyprus College and majoring in Mathematics. I’ve been really good at math since I was a kid. I’m on a great track right now in my boxing career and in life.


РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports




This is a top to bottom amazing card. It’s a boxing spectacular taking place here at STAPLES Center. We have a little bit of everything on this card. That includes talent from Robert Garcia’s gym, още 2016 U.S. Olympian Karlos Balderas, who I believe will one day be headlining at STAPLES Center one day.




The televised portion of this card has a stellar lineup as well, including an undefeated Mario Barrios, who represents Texas well and makes his state proud. He’s one of the most exciting fighters in the division and will have a tough challenge in Jose Roman.




Luis Ortiz is the kind of fighter that you just don’t want to miss a minute of when he fights. He is coming off of one of the best fights of this year, when he challenged WBC heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder.




The matchup between Mikey Garcia and Robert Easter Jr. is the cherry on top of an amazing night. I know that these fighters are ready to entertain and showcase their talent.

СТИВЪН Еспиноза, президент Sports & Събитие Програмиране, Showtime Networks Inc.




There are fighters who say they want tough fights and then there are fighters who actually take tough fights. There’s a big difference between these two. Mikey Garcia and Robert Easter Jr. are the fighters who actually take the top fights.




This is the third world title unification on SHOWTIME this year. No other network has delivered this level of fights to boxing fans. That’s more world title unifications than all the other networks combined this year.




Mikey is a top pound-for-pound fighter and Easter is the longest reigning champion at lightweight and probably the most avoided fighter in the division. No one is rushing to fight either of these guys, още, this was an easy fight to make.




# # #





За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com и www.staplescenter.com следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.



“It’s my responsibility on earth to help everybody as much as I can”

WBC Lightweight World Champion Garcia Faces IBF Champion Robert Easter Jr.

10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT На SHOWTIME


Photo Credit: Шоу Спорт


Watch, изглед & Сподели чрез YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2LlP5Bb

Mikey Garcia: “The GodfatherVia The PlayersTribune

Ahead of Saturday’s Mikey Garcia vs. Robert Великден Jr. Title Unification Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in
Los Angeles
Кликнете ТУК to readThe Godfatheron The PlayersTribune from Mikey Garcia


I want to tell you guys about someone who’s meant a lot to me. This might sound funny, but he’s basically a mixture between the Godfather and a superhero. I say Godfather because he’s got this presence: always serious, all businesswhen he walks into a room, everybody goes quiet.



And I say superhero because many years ago he did something incredible. Something that sticks with me to this day.



He didn’t quite lift a car above his head, but man, it was close.



Back in the 1960s, he was living with his girlfriend on a ranch in Mexico. There were no jobs where he lived, so one day, when he’s 17, he decides to go to the States as part of a migrant worker program. When the program ends after a year, he starts paying someone to smuggle him across the border. He regularly returns to Mexico with what he’s earned, but it’s not muchsometimes barely enough to pay off the smuggler. Then when he’s 20, he marries, and gets the paperwork to move his young family to California. So now he’s got to make even more money, надясно?



Trouble is, he hasn’t got a cent. He’s got no proper income. No proper education. He can barely even speak English.



So he begins working in a fish cannery. Then he and his wife move to a beat-up trailer park and begin picking strawberries in a nearby field, toiling away in the sun and the mud. It’s awful work. But they’re still broke.



And now they have seven kids.



One day this guy just loses itor so it seems. He’s out window-shopping with his wife when they see all these lovely beds and tables and wardrobes. He turns to her and says, “You like that furniture? Добре, one day I’m gonna get it for you.



She looks at him like he’s lost his mind. Then she gets pissed off.



What are you telling me that for?” she says. “Just to tease me? You know you can’t afford any of that stuff.



She’s right of course. This guy has nothing. Добре, except for one thing: бокс. He was an amateur boxer back in Mexico, and now he’s hanging out in a local gym trying to find work as a trainer. Sometimes he doesn’t even bother coming homehe just goes straight from the strawberry fields to the gym. And somehowsomehow he begins working with some fighters. He seems to know his stuff, because a few of them become good. Really good. A few of them even become famous.



Eventually he is able to move his family out of the trailer park and into a decent house. But he never mentions the promise he made. От 2000, two of his boxers have become world champions. Now he’s got enough cash to buy a brand new five-bedroom house. He and his wife watch it get built on the old strawberry fields where they used to work. Then they pick the furnitureall new, all luxurious. When it arrives, his wife opens the door and sees itand then he brings up the story.



Remember what I told you all those years ago?” казва той. “The beds? The tables? I made you a promise. Here you have it. Това е за вас.”



She starts to cry.



That was such a wonderful moment. I rememberbecause I was there.



That guy was my father.




I must have been 13 или 14 възраст. I was born in that trailer park, in Oxnard, the youngest of seven kids. We moved out when I was one. We had been dirt poor, but my father never told us how bad it was. Only a few years later did I understand how hard he had had to work for us. So when he bought my mother that furniture, I felt so proud. Аз бях като, Damn. My dad’s a badass.



I getI get emotional just thinking about it.



За мен, my father, Едуардо, is living proof of the American dream. People know him today as the guy who trained Fernando Vargas to IBF and WBA world titles and my brother Robert to an IBF world title. People also know him, разбира се, as my trainer. But beyond all the boxing stuff, what my father has shown is that you can achieve anythingno matter who you are, no matter where you come from. When I began to dream about what I wanted to do in life, I knew there were no limits.



Сега, the natural thing for me was clearly to become a boxer, like my father and my brother. But I didn’t want that. It didn’t interest me at all.



Фактически, if you had asked me what I would do for a living, I would have told you that I’d become a lawyer or a police officer. I guess I was just attracted to the idea of authority. I tried to avoid boxing altogetherI was almost defiant about it. But then one day, the sport found me.



Бях 13. We were going to see my nephew, Javier, fight in Reseda. I was just going to support him, but one of the kids in the gym didn’t have an opponent. So Robert signed me up.



Той каза, “Bro, you’re going in the ring.And I was like, “All right.



Разбира се, I had grown up watching my father train Fernando and Robert, so I knew the basics. I borrowed some equipment, обувки, cup, headgear – всичко – but since I wasn’t licensed to compete, we just fought a three-round exhibition. And I liked it. I liked that one-on-one. I held my own too. След това, I wanted another taste of it.



Six months later I had my first official amateur bout. Спечелих. I won my first 10 битки. В 2003 I reached the final of the National Junior Olympics in the 125-pound class. I lost on a 3-2 съдийско решение, but still, silver was not bad. Soon managers and promoters started to show interest in me. I won a few tournaments, and then one day, при 18, I decided to go pro.



But I also wanted something to fall back on. You remember the stuff about law enforcement? Добре, I wasn’t joking. След колежа, I went to the Ventura County Police and Sheriff’s Reserve Academy.



I learned a lot about policing, about reading people, paying attention to details. And a lot of it relates directly to boxing. Stand in the right position. Keep your guard up. Approach from the right angle. Have an exit strategy. Stuff like that.



When I graduated in 2010, I applied to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office. But then my boxing career took off. I was getting bigger fightsand better pay than I would as a rookie policeman. And that was when I realized, Знаеш ли какво? Boxing could be my job. Not a dream. Not a hobby. A job.



I want to make that distinctionthat boxing was my jobbecause the truth is, I didn’t care about titles. Not even when I won the WBO world featherweight title in January 2013. It was all about money. I had just had my second child, and I wanted to provide for my family. That was what my father had taught me: Work hard and do everything you possibly can so that your kids can have a better life. I’m still doing that. Maybe one day, my kids will also be able to say the same thing I can: “Да, my dad, he’s a badass.



Баща ми е 73 now and has a head full of white hair. He doesn’t look like he did when he was training world champions, but he still has that aura. Във фитнеса, people call him ‘Big G’. You can tell when he’s not there because everybody becomes more relaxed. When he’s there, въпреки че, people sharpen up. They work harder. There’s no messing around. That’s why I say he’s like the Godfather.



My father was my trainer. He and I were doing well in 2013, but then in early, 2014 we had to put everything aside. My contract with my promoter, Top Rank, was running out, but Top Rank was saying that the agreement was still in place. We disagreed. We took it to our attorneys, and they all told us that we were right. The litigation process was so tedious that it took us two years in court to reach a settlement.




During that period, I got no fights. Other promoters were scared because they didn’t want to get involved in my dispute. The television networks were afraid of the same thing. I was stuck. But at least I was able to work, or at least come close to working, as an attorney.



Because I wasn’t on vacation. I was dealing with attorneys four days a week. I was helping them draft letters, editing the boxing language, stuff like that. They would say to me, “You need to go to school, един. You’re good.



In a way, all the time off turned out to be a blessing. Because if I had kept on boxingO.K., maybe I would’ve achieved more by now. I would’ve had more titles, I’d have more money. Както и да е. But I’m more in control of my career now. I understand the complications around it, I know what I’m doing. And look, I might have gotten bored with boxing anyway. I might have said, “Eh, that’s enough. It’s over.



But instead, when I came back in summer 2016, I was so hungry. Исках да се бори. I wanted titles. It wasn’t even about the money anymore. I just wanted to prove to everybody that I’m the best fighter out here. And there was one thing in particular that I wanted to do. Виждате, my father had already won three world championships with three fighters in three divisions. But he had never won a WBC world championship. So I set out to get it for him.



През януари 2017, in only the second bout after my layoff, I fought Dejan Zlatičanin for the WBC world lightweight title. Баща ми, as he usually does, tried to find small mistakes that he could correct while I was training for the fight. He’s always concerned that I’m not doing enough. Мога да отида 12 brutal rounds, but if I’m not dead afterwards, he thinks I’m not working hard enough. The truth is the opposite: I’m just in great shape. But he’ll always push me for more.



And here’s another thing: As a fight comes closer, my father changes. I can sense it, my brothers too. Баща ми, the Godfather, the superherohe gets nervous.



Баща ми, the Godfather, the superherohe gets nervous.

And he particularly did so for my fight with Dejan. There were so many insecurities. Would I be the same boxer when the bell rang as I had been in 2013? Would I be rusty? Dejan was an undefeated champion. Could I beat him? I was fighting in a heavier weight class. Could I handle it?



Аз се чувствах добре. Аз бях като, “Dad, Хайде, it’s gonna be fine.I don’t really know where that comes from, that confidence, that calm. Maybe it’s because I grew up with boxing. The ring, светлините, the heat, хората, the musicthey’ve been part of my life since childhood. Nothing surprises me. Nothing scares me. Nothing overwhelms me. I’m never angry in the ring, never stressed. And that’s important, because that emotional control helps me to pay attention to the details. If you’re stressed, you can’t do that. But I can.



I’ll be reading my opponent’s body language: his shoulders, обятия, legs, feet, eyesespecially the eyes. The eyes tell you a lot. And the breathing. How heavy is he breathing? Is he pushing off me, or just resting? What punch am I gonna land, when am I gonna land it? How am I gonna land it? At what distance should I keep him? It’s all happening so fast.



But I’m always in control. And against Dejan, добре … I knocked him out in the third round. They brought me the WBC belt. I was happy to finally get my hands on it. But what made it so special was that I had won it for my father. I remember hugging him. A big hug.



Казах му, че, “Here you have it. Това е за вас.”



През март, I became world champion in a fourth weight class by winning the IBF world super lightweight title. As you know, I’ll soon be fighting Robert Easter Jr. to defend my lightweight title. But there’s another fight at the end of the year that I’m looking forward to even more. If everything goes well against Robert, I want to challenge for the IBF world welterweight crown. The undefeated champion is Errol Spence Jr. – голям, силен, dangerous fighter. Everybody is telling me not to take the fight. Всички. Even my father and my brother. “Don’t take it right now,” they say. “Let’s go after the other guys first. You don’t even need to go to welter. You can take on the guys at 135 или 140, where you’re a little more comfortable.



But that doesn’t excite me. I want the toughest guy, and that happens to be a welterweight. I’m better than ever. Аз съм в разцвета на силите си. And because everybody says no, that gives me more motivation to do it.



Освен това, this is the kind of fight that is going to cement my name in boxing history. Other fighters win titles, and then just defend them. What’s the point in that? The champions we remember are the ones who take risks, who take on the biggest challenges, the biggest fights. There are lots of world champions, but the average person can probably name five or six: Са, Тайсън, De La Hoya, Мейуедър, Pacquiao … so what good is it to have a title hanging up on the wall if the world doesn’t acknowledge you as a world champion? To me that’s not a world champion. A world champion is when the world admires you and tells you that you’re a world champion.



That’s why I want to take the fight. And when I win it, I think the whole world’s gonna be like, “Брей, this is no joke. This kid really is the best on the planet.



As for my father, he’s going to be so much prouder. He always said that he wanted a three-division champion in his family. I gave him that third title. Then I gave him a fourth. Now I’m gonna give him a fifth, in a division where he says I shouldn’t even be competing. And when I give it to him, I’m gonna be thinking about what he did for us all those years ago. And then I’m gonna say those words again: “Here you have it. Това е за вас.”

Робърт Великден Jr., Luis Ortiz & More Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

Lightweight Champion Easter Battles Mikey Garcia in 135-Pound Title Unification That Headlines Action Събота, Юли 28 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & Представено от Premier боксови шампиони
Кликнете ТУК на снимки от Scott Хирано / SHOWTIME

Лос Анджелис (Юли 25, 2018) – IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Великден Jr. participated in a media workout to kick off fight week in Los Angeles Wednesday as he nears his 135-pound title unification showdown against WBC champion Mikey Garcia тази събота, Юли 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Joining Easter Wednesday and competing on the three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) were Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis “The Real Кинг Конг” Ortiz и бивш претендент титла Разван Cojanu, who meet in a 10-round bout plus unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “El Azteca” Кварталите и трудно удря Jose Roman, who compete in a 10-round showdown.




Rounding out the workout participants was unbeaten prospect and 2016 U.S. Олимпиец Karlos Balderas, who competes on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, which will stream on the канал SHOWTIME Спорт YouTube и SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook страница започващ най- 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.




Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, започват в $50, се добавят и съответните такси, и са в продажба сега. За да закупите билети, visit AXS.com.




Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from City of Angels Boxing Gym:






Training down in Florida allowed me to get away from distractions and just focus on myself. Kevin Cunningham stayed on me every day. We focused on my skills, using my advantages and you’ll see it all on July 28.




“Имаме план за игра, but we’re professionals in there and we both know we’ll have to make adjustments as the fight goes on. I’m going to fight my fight and leave it all in the ring. My focus is 100 percent on Mikey Garcia Saturday night.




Early in my career I fought a lot on the West Coast and my first pro fight was actually at STAPLES Center. So I’m very excited to be back in front of a big exciting crowd.




Coach Cunningham had me really working on the skills that I hadn’t been using as much in past fights. He’s helped me put together a great game plan that focuses on the advantages I have. He knows what kinds of things will give other fighters trouble.




Big fights like these are important to me. Champion versus champion speaks loudly about who we are as men. It’s the two best guys out there fighting to decide who’s the best in the weight class.




I’ve been dreaming about fights like this since I was a little kid. It’s finally here and I’m going to show the world what Robert Easter Jr. is really made of.






I feel great and I’m happy to get back in the ring on Saturday night. I moved past the loss after a day or two and got right back in the gym. I always knew I would fight again this year, because this is what I love to do.




I’m excited to be fighting at STAPLES Center and I’m thankful to my opponent for accepting the challenge. I just want to show off my skills and prove again why I’m one of the best heavyweights in the world.




I’m going to go in there on Saturday and do my job. I’m prepared to take care of the opponent in front of me, whether it’s in round one or round twelve. It’s going to be the same mission that I have going into every fight.






We worked during training camp and sparred with a lot of southpaws to prepare for this. I feel good about our strategy and the shape I’m in.




My fight against (former heavyweight champion) Joseph Parker was an interesting fight. I only found out that I was facing him two weeks before, so I was not as ready as I wanted to be heading into it. But it was an opportunity I couldn’t miss and I believed in myself and fought all the way until the end.




Ortiz is a strong fighter and a big challenge. I’m looking forward to another tough fight and putting on a great performance for the fans.


MARIO Бариос




I’ve finished off training camp the last four weeks in the Bay Area with Virgil Hunter and I’m feeling great. We had fantastic sparring and everything is looking great heading into fight night.




I’m excited for this opportunity. I have a really good, experienced opponent in front of me, and I’m coming into his backyard. I have a lot to gain coming into this fight. This is going to be a very explosive fight.




I’m ready to showcase my talent and dominate with the game plan that we’ve put together. We’re focused on this fight, but I’m looking to climb the ladder and get a title fight or title eliminator by the end of the year.






I trained really hard for this great opportunity that I have here. It was very exciting to find out I’d be on SHOWTIME, especially on a big show like this headlined by a fight everybody wants to see. Now I get to display my talent in front of everybody.




We had an effective training camp. We worked hard each day and everything really went smoothly. Everybody wants to be in this position, but not everyone gets to experience it.




Barrios has a really good record and he’s very talented. He’s undefeated for a reason. We’re coming here to win. I’m going to be at my very best on Saturday.






When I first made my pro debut I felt like I was rushing things in the ring and trying to do things too fast. Now as I get more fights in I’m going to be able to take my time and break these fighters down little by little. You can’t knock everybody out in the first round.




I’m only 22-years-old and I still have a long way to go. More than anything I just need to remain patient throughout the bout. We’ve put in the work so I know what I have to do on Saturday night.




I fought at STAPLES Center last month, so this is nothing new to me. I’m going to go in there and fight my fight, be smart and take him out of there. We’re doing things the right way and we’re planning on being here for a while.



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“When I came out of the womb, I was throwing punches… I love kicking butt.”

Тази събота При 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT На SHOWTIME


Photo Credit: Шоу Спорт


Watch, изглед & Сподели чрез YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2mESWdU



КАКВО: Days ahead of his 135-pound title unification showdown with Mikey Garcia (38-0, 30 Нокаута), IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Великден Jr. (21-0, 14 Нокаута) reflects on the path that has led to the most important night of his career in a video feature released today by SHOWTIME Sports®.

Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, Easter dreamt of one day accomplishing what his father, also a professional boxer, was never able to accomplish: becoming a world champion.

“My dad had a short career and I made a promise to myself that I would make him live out winning a world championship through me,” said the 27-year-old Easter. “Winning a world title was a life-changing experience for me. We both lived out our dreams at that moment.”

Великден, who has made three successful defenses since winning his world title in an exciting contest over Richard Commey in 2016, decided to make the move to conduct training camp with Kevin Cunningham in West Palm Beach ahead of Събота night’s unification against the WBC Lightweight Champion Garcia. Cunningham has worked with former world champions Devon Alexander, Cory Spinks and Adrien Broner and recently spurred Gervonta Davis to a dominant knockout of Jesus Cuellar.

“Moving to West Palm Springs took me out of my comfort zone,” Easter said. “I knew Kevin Cunningham had a strong camp and there’s no slacking in his program. I can really focus on boxing and on me.”

Live coverage of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT and also features Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz (28-1, 24 Нокаута) returning to action to face former world title challenger Разван Cojanu (16-3, 9 Нокаута) and opens with unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario Бариос(21-0, 13 Нокаута) като on hard-hitting Jose Roman (24-2-1, 16 Нокаута) в 10-кръгово показване.