Tag Archives: Marcos Hernandez

Anthony Dirrell, Canelo-ya qarşı əsas tədbirdə maraqlı rəqib Markos Hernandezlə döyüşür.. Bitki SHOWTIME PPV

Məğlub olmamış keçmiş dünya çempionu Rey Varqas döyüşə qayıdır
Meksikalı Leonardo Baez Super Dəhşətli Ağır çəkidə mübarizədə

Daha! Super Yüngül Çəkinin İddiaçılar Elvis Rodriguez və
Xuan Pablo Romero Meydanı Baxış Başına Ödəniş Açarında Off
9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT

LAS VEGAS (Oktyabr 18, 2021) - Keçmiş dünya çempionlarının iştirak etdiyi üç yüksək stavkalı qarşılaşma, ən yaxşı iddiaçılar və yüksələn gələcək çempionlar çoxdan gözlənilən SHOWTIME PPV tədbirinə əlavə edildi. Kanelo Alvares Caleb "Sweethands" Zavodu şənbə günü super orta çəkidə mübahisəsiz çempionluq uğrunda mübarizə aparır, Noyabr 6 Las-Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenasında Premyer Boks Çempionları tədbirində.

Super orta çəkidə ikiqat dünya çempionu Anthony "Dog" Dirrell maraqlı rəqibə qarşı mübarizə aparacaq "Dəli" Markos Hernandes 10 raunddan ibarət əsas yarışda, məğlubiyyətsiz keçmiş super ağır çəkidə dünya çempionu isə King Vargas Meksikaya qarşı hərəkətə qayıdır Leonardo Baez 10 dövrəlik attraksionda. Baxış başına ödənişin başlanğıcı 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT, super yüngül namizədlər Elvis Rodriguez John Paul Romero 10 raundluq üz-üzə gələcək.

Canlı tədbirin biletləri hazırda satışdadır və onları buradan əldə etmək olar AXS.com. Tədbir Canelo Promotions və TGB Promotions tərəfindən təşviq edilir və Hennessy və Value tərəfindən sponsorluq edilir..

Dirrell (33-2-2, 24 Kos), ikiqat WBC 168 kiloluq dünya çempionu, Sakio Bika üzərində yekdil qərarla ilk dəfə titul qazandı 2014. Flintdən olan, mən. gələn il səs çoxluğu ilə bu titul Badou Cekə düşdü, altı düz zəfəri bir araya gətirmədən əvvəl yenidən çempionluq üçün mübarizə aparmaq mövqeyinə qayıtmaq. O, ikinci dəfə titulunu ələ keçirdi 2019, Texniki qərarla Avni Yıldırım üzərində qələbə qazandı. Ən son, Dirrell fevral ayında Kyrone Davis ilə heç-heçə ilə mübarizə apardı, Sentyabrda David Benavidezə qarşı titul döyüşündən sonra ilk döyüşündə 2019.

"Mən bu mübarizə üçün çox hazır deyiləm,"dedi Dirrell. "Mən Hernandezin çətin rəqib olduğunu bilirəm və əminəm ki, biz Kanelo ilə eyni kartda mübarizə aparırıq, çünki onun orada çoxlu azarkeşi olacaq.. Amma bilirəm ki, böyük səhnədə və bu böyüklükdə bir kartda döyüşməyə hazıram. Errol Spence Jr-da döyüşdüm. vs. Shawn Porter undercard və məncə, bu döyüş gecəsi də oxşar hisslər keçirəcək. Qələbə qazanmaq üçün nə etməliyəmsə, etməyə hazıram. Azarkeşlər atəşfəşanlıq gözləməlidirlər. Mən hərəkətdən çəkinmirəm və ümid edirəm ki, Canelo-ya qarşı qalibi qazana biləcəyəm. Noyabrın 6-da yaxşı çıxış etsəm, əkin”.

Fresnodan döyüş, Calif., Hernández (15-4-2, 3 Kos) karyerasında gözəl rəqabətlə üzləşmişdir, çətin yoldaş yüksələn iddiaçılar bir litany mübarizə. 28 yaşlı oyunçu ən son sentyabr ayında əvvəllər məğlub olmayan Armando Resendiz üzərində təsirli yekdil qərarla qalib gəldi.. Onun son zəfərinə əlavə olaraq, Hernández iki dəfə keçmiş super ağır çəki çempionu Jeison Rosario ilə qarşılaşıb, revanş matçını uduzmadan əvvəl ilk görüşlərində heç-heçə ilə mübarizə aparırdılar. O, həmçinin Kevin Newman II və Thomas Hill-də məğlub olmayan döyüşçüləri məğlub etdi.

“Sentyabrın əvvəlində çıxışımdan sonra bu döyüş üçün əla təlim-məşq toplanışı keçirirəm,"Deyən Hernandez. "Həmişəki kimi, azarkeşlər məndən əyləncəli bir döyüş gətirməyimi gözləyə bilərlər. Bilirəm ki, karyerasında çox şeyə nail olmuş keçmiş dünya çempionu ilə qarşılaşıram. Mən yalnız qələbə və onunla gələcək hər şeyi əldə etmək üçün hər gün çox çalışmağa diqqət edirəm."

Keçmiş WBC Super Bantamweight Dünya Çempionu, Vargas (34-0, 22 Kos) noyabrda rinqə çıxanda zədə səbəbiylə işdən çıxacaq 6. 30 yaşlı gənc Böyük Britaniyaya yollanıb. titulunu ələ keçirmək üçün 2017, əvvəllər məğlub olmayan Gavin McDonnell üzərində bir qərar qazandı. Mexiko şəhərinin sakini, Varqas titulunu beş uğurlu müdafiə etdi, Oscar Negrete də daxil olmaqla, ən yaxşı namizədləri məğlub etdi, Ronny Rios və Azat Hovhannisyan. Onun son döyüşü və beşinci uğurlu titul müdafiəsi iyul ayında keçmiş dünya çempionu Tomoki Kameda üzərində yekdil qərarla alındı. 2019.

“Rinqə qayıtdığım və PBC ilə debütüm üçün çox şadam,"Varqas dedi. “Noyabrda yenilənmiş Rey Varqası görəcəksən 6. Rəqibim çoxlu kombinasiyalar atan, sürətli döyüşçüdür. Çətin mübarizə olacaq, amma bilirəm ki, qalib gəlmək üçün nəyə ehtiyacım var. Canelonun anderkartında böyük səhnədə olmaqdan daha xoşbəxt ola bilməzdim. Bilirəm ki, döyüş gecəsində parlamalıyam, bu vitrindən yararlanın, və pərəstişkarları üçün gözəl mübarizə aparın."

Aşağı Kaliforniya, Meksikalı Baez (21-4, 12 Kos) bu döyüşə son üç çıxışının qalibi daxil olur, hamısı TKO tərəfindən gəlir. 26 yaşlı oyunçu qalibiyyət seriyasını əvvəllər məğlub olmayan Karlos Karaballoya və keçmiş çempion Ceyson Moloneyə məğlub olduqdan sonra birləşdirdi.. Baez, o vaxtdan bəri peşəkar mübarizə aparan 2013, ABŞ-da döyüşəcək. dördüncü dəfə noyabrda 6. Onun dövlət gəzintiləri arasında, Baez, fevral ayında yekdil qərarı əldə etmək üçün keçmiş müvəqqəti çempion Moises Flores üzərində üstünlük təşkil etdi. 2020.

"Mən noyabrın 6-da keçiriləcək bu böyük çağırış üçün həyəcanlıyam" dedi Baez. “Mən azarkeşlərə əsl Meksika müharibəsi verməyi və qələbə qazanmaq üçün hər şeyi rinqdə qoymağı planlaşdırıram.. Canelo anterkartında döyüşmək şərəfdir və mən bundan maksimum istifadə edəcəyəm. Bu, ayaq üstə müharibə olacaq, və mən göstərəcəyəm ki, o, mənim gücümə və təcavüzümə qarşı dura bilməz”.

Rodríguez (11-1-1, 10 Kos) nokautlu qələbələrlə səhnəyə çıxdı 10 Onun ilk 11 döyüşlərdə. O, beş qələbə qazanıb 2020 Oktyabr ayında Cameron Kraeli nokautla və dörd ay sonra Luis Alberto Verona qarşı qərarlı qələbə ilə kampaniya. Doğma Santo Dominqodan döyüşür, Dominikan Respublikası, Rodriguez ən son Kenneth Sims Jr-a qarşı dar səs çoxluğu qərarından imtina etdi. May ayında.

“Komandama ilin ən böyük döyüşü üçün hər baxışa görə ödənişi açan bu möhtəşəm fürsəti əldə etdiyinə görə çox minnətdaram.,Rodriges dedi. “Qarşımda çətin rəqib var, amma həyatımın ən yaxşı formasındayam. Hər kəsə əsl sövdələşmənin mən olduğumu göstərməyə hazıram. Məqsədim eyni olaraq qalır, və bu, dünya titulunu qazanmaqdır 2022. Ilk, Mən sadəcə noyabr ayına fokuslanmışam 6 və dünya tituluna gedən yolda qələbənin gətirəcəyi fürsətdən istifadə etdiyimə əmin olmaq.”

Romero (14-0, 9 Kos) in pro çevirdi 2017 vətəni Meksika üçün döyüşdükdən sonra 2016 Olimpiya oyunları. 31 yaşlı güclü veteranlar Nestor Armas göndərildi, Nestor Qonzales və Ranses Payano 2019, onun yeganə Sergio Torres Alvarado üzərində 10 raund qərar qazanmadan əvvəl 2020 müsabiqə. Romero bu ilin aprelində arxa-arxaya 10 raundda yekdil qərarla qalib gəldi., ABŞ-da qalib gəldiyi üçün. Deiner Berrionu məğlub edərək debüt etdi. Geniş həvəskar karyerası boyunca, Romero, orta çəki dərəcəsində məğlub edilməmiş iddiaçı Qabriel Maestre üzərində təsirli qələbə qazandı.

“Komandamın Las-Veqasda Canelo şousunda döyüşmək üçün mənə bu gözəl fürsəti qazandırdığı üçün çox həyəcanlıyam,"Dedi Romero. “Olimpiya oyunlarında mübarizə apardığım kimi özümü xoşbəxt və həyəcanlı hiss edirəm. Noyabrda nədən ibarət olduğumu sübut edəcəyəm 6. Rəqibim kim olursa olsun, Mən həmişə çox məşq edirəm və qələbə qazanmaq üçün əlimdən gələni etməyə hazırlaşıram”.

# # #

Canelo vs. Bitki boksun №-li konsensusunu görəcək. 1 funt üçün funt qırıcı, Meksikalı superulduz və vahid WBA/WBC/WBO Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionu Canelo Alvarez şənbə günü məğlubedilməz IBF Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionu Kaleb “Sweethands” Plant ilə tarixi döyüşdə üz-üzə gəlib., Noyabr 6, Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada Premyer Boks Çempionları tədbirində SHOWTIME PPV-də canlı yayımlayın.

Canlı tədbirin biletləri hazırda satışdadır və onları buradan əldə etmək olar AXS.com. Tədbir Canelo Promotions və TGB Promotions tərəfindən təşviq edilir və Hennessy və Value tərəfindən sponsorluq edilir..

Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampion.com, Twitter-də #CaneloPlant heşteqi ilə izləyin, və @Canelo, @SweetHandsPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions, Instagram-da @Canelo, @CalebPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions və ya Facebook -da bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Once-Beaten Contender Hernandez Battles Jeison Rosario in Rematch Saturday, Fevral 23 in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action from The Armory in Minneapolis, Minnesota Beginning at 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT

Basın HERE for Photos from Team Hernandez

RIVERSIDE, CALIF. (Fevral 15, 2019) – Bir-döyülmüş iddiaçı Mad Man” Marcos Hernandez will look to continue his winning streak fromThe Contender Season Five”, when he rematches Jeison Rosario live on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, Fevral 23 from the Armory in Minneapolis and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Coverage on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins live at 10 dək. VƏ / 7 dək. PT and is headlined by former WBC super-middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell facing Avni Yildirim for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight Championship.

The 25-year-old from Fresno, California is looking to continue his journey to a world title as he has beaten four well-regarded prospects in only fifteen fights. Hernandez is currently training with Henry Ramirez in Riverside, California, and looking forward to his rematch with Rosario, who he fought to a draw last February in Texas.

Tədbirdə biletlər, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, İndi satılır, and can be purchased at the Armory at http://ArmoryMN.com/və Ticketmaster vasitəsilə.

Here is what Hernandez had to say about his upcoming matchup and more:

On his rematch against Jeison Rosario:
I fought Jeison Rosario almost one year ago exactly. I have a lot of respect for him because we fought to a draw, but that being said, I felt I got the better of him. This not a six-round bout like our first match, this is a ten-round fight, and I know what needs to be done to further my career with my performance in this fight.

On his recent training camp:
I really like training with Henry Ramirez in Riverside, California. Henry is a cool guy who’s trained a lot of top fighters and knows what it takes to get the job done. In Fresno there were many distractions, so moving away from my family, my wife and kids, it is a sacrifice that I make to go to the next level. This is a job and I treat it like a job. I am doing everything possible to be a contender.

On fighting on this PBC event on FS1 and FOX Deportes:
I’m very excited as this is my fourth time on FS1. I love what Premier Boxing Champions is doing for the sport of boxing, bringing fights to network television. FS1 has been good to me and I am excited that one of my biggest wins will be on FS1 so everyone can watch it.

On his goals for 2019:
“Mən fəal qalmaq istəyirəm, but my focus is solely on Rosario and getting that win. My hopes are to get in with a fighter with a big name. I’ve fought a lot of tough fighters, but not a lot of big-name fighters yet. I am hoping that by the end of this year I can fight one of those fighterspeople have seen on television for years.

# # #

Marcos Hernandez Looking to Steal the Show on The Contender Finale

FRESNO, BELƏ AS (Noyabr 8, 2018) – Middleweight Mad Man” Marcos Hernandez (12-1-1, 3 Kos) will look to continue his recent success on Iddiaçı finale this Friday at The Forum in Inglewood, California. The 6-round bout will be televised on EPIX, as he takes on fellow cast member Quantavious Cash (10-1, 7 Kos).

Hernandez, who hails from Fresno, BELƏ AS, is the only cast member of The Contender that didn’t lose a single fight on the show, besides Shane Mosley Jr. (11-2, 8 Kos) və Brandon Adams (20-2, 13 Kos), who will meet in the finals. Onun ən son döyüşdə, Hernandez defeated Daniel Valdivia (14-3, 10 Kos) in a fight that Valdivia was rocked badly in the last two rounds. Some controversy happened after the bout as Valdivia was originally announced the winner, despite being out boxed and beaten, an official at ringside counted the scores again and realized a judging error and announced Hernandez, the rightful winner.

On top of the bizarre ending, Hernandez was cut in the fight and forced to sit, because of his cut. Valdivia replaced him and got dropped and beaten by Shane Mosely Jr., who now is in the finals.

Hernandez is readier than ever now to make things happen as he wishes to keep his momentum moving forward and face the best in the division.

I have had a great camp with my trainer Henry Ramirez in Riverside, kimi, and I am ready for Friday night.” deyən Hernandez. “I am going to show all of my skills when I step in the ring and I’m going to steal the show.

I have never seen Hernandez train this hard, be this motivated and want to prove a point this badly,” stated his longtime advisor, Peter Lopes. “This is a different ‘Mad Man’.


(Kredit: Epix / Dianna GarciaBeck Media)

FRESNO, BELƏ AS (Avqust 1, 2018)Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez (11-1-1, 3 Kos), who is advised by Al Haymon and fighting under the Premier Boks Çempionlar platform of fight cards, will appear on the upcoming season of Iddiaçı on EPIX®.


The highly anticipated 12-episode season, from MGM Television and Paramount Television, will premiere on EPIX® on Aug. 24, 2018, at 10 PM ET/PT with Hernandez being one of the more notable middleweights featured on the series multiple fights televised on FS1.


Hernandez, a native of Fresno, BELƏ AS, trained with his father Joey Hernandez until a heavily debated split-decision loss to Kyrone “Shut It Down” Davis made Hernandez rethink his training habits. He has since moved his camp to Southern California and begun training with Henry Ramirez. Since the move Hernandez, has since gone undefeated in the professional realm.



I am excited that a lot of people will get to see me on The Contender,” deyən Hernandez. “I loved being on the show and growing up I watched it every week. It was amazing to see Andre WardSergio Mora orada. Those guys are two fighters who fought at middleweight that I have looked up to my whole career.


This is an opportunity to create a better life for my son, my wife as well as my mom and dad. I am proud to be from Fresno and I want people to know where I am from and who I am fighting for.”


EPIX® Sets Premiere Date for The Contender, Reveals 16 Fighters Vying for the Champion Belt

Mark Burnett’s 12-Episode Boxing Competition Series

From MGM Television and Paramount Television Set to Premiere on Avqust 24

LOS ANGELES – JUNE 27, 2018 - Premium pay television network EPIX® has announced the 16 fighters who will be facing off with one another for the championship belt on the revival of boxing franchise series Iddiaçı this fall. The highly anticipated 12-episode season, from MGM Television and Paramount Television, will premiere on EPIX on Aug. 24, 2018 at 10 PM ET / PT.




Hosted by undefeated boxing champion AndreSon of God” Ward, the first-of-its-kind competitive documentary series for the network will feature 16 fighters pushing their limits in grueling elimination-style fights and testing their grit and determination to achieve their boxing dreams. The fighters will be overseen by legendary boxing coach Freddie Roach, and renowned Philadelphia trainer Naazim Richardson.




“The Contender takes unscripted TV to its grittiest. It has incredible professional fighters and real professional fights. The edge of your seat drama and true stories sets a tone that our audiences will be expecting and I love it,” said Mark Burnett, President of MGM Television.




“With this new iteration of Iddiaçı, the focus is on the gritty, personal stories of the fighters battling for boxing glory,” said Michael Wright, Prezident, EPIX. “It was important for us to find individuals who not only displayed the boxing chops and resilience in the ring, but who also showed a depth of heart and humor outside of it. Bizim 16 fighters are vivacious, tough, funny, sensitive, driven and inspiring, and we are excited for our fans to get to know their stories and root for them inside the ring and out.”




Müəyyən artikl 16 Contenders come from a wide variety of professional boxing backgrounds and stations in life, bringing their unique stories, personalities, strengths and motivations to the series.




Each fighter will be vying to be declared the new 160-pound middleweight champion of Iddiaçı and take home the winner’s six-figure purse — a prize, hansı, for all the fighters, represents a better life for their families and loved ones who have been there with them through all the ups and downs of their journeys.




Müəyyən artikl 16 fighters on Iddiaçı this season are:



  • Ievgen “The Ukranian Lion” Khytrov, Əsr: 29, Rank: 20, Hometown: Brooklyn, N.Y..A Ukrainian immigrant, Olimpiyaçı, Ievgen Khytrov recently relocated to America to pursue his dream of becoming a world champion and to create a better life for his family. A dedicated, quiet, religious man. He’s also the one to beat.



  • Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker, Əsr: 34, Rank: 68, Hometown: Plaquemine, Müəyyən artikl. Incarcerated at 15 years old and spent 14 years behind bars for robbery and attempted murder, Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker learned to box while in prison. He is now fighting for a second chance at life, living proof that it’s never too late to live out your dreams.


  • John “Apollo Kid” Thompson, Əsr: 29, Rank: 70, Hometown: Newark, N.J. – After losing his mother to AIDS at six years old, this married performing artist, painter and fighter, John “Apollo Kid” Thompson is here to prove to the world that he can’t be boxed into a single category despite holding impressive titles including the 2015 WBA-NABA Super Welterweight, WBO Inter-Continental Super Welterweight and Boxcino Tournaments.


  • Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister, Əsr: 27, Rank: 172, Hometown: Uzun çimərlik, Calif. –Always at the center of schoolyard fights growing up, Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister now channels his energy into helping others rebuild outside of foreclosure and his young, growing family. In boxing has built an impressive KO record and the 2014 Golden Gloves title on his journey to take the title of The Contender.



  • Brandon “The Cannon” Adams, Əsr: 28, Rank: Inactive, Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif. A bold fighter in the ring, Brandon “The Cannon” Adams knows firsthand what it means to push through adversity and step up to care for his family when there’s no one else around to. Coming from a poverty stricken neighborhood, this larger than life father of two marks his return to boxing after a three year hiatus, initiated by a loss to fellow competitor, John Thompson.


  • Quatavious “Cash” Cash, Əsr: 26, Rank: 161, Hometown: Las Vegas, Nev. – This Atlanta native is the current record-holder for fastest KO in Georgia, a four0time Golden Gloves state champ and Bronze medalist. Quatavious Cash is fighting for his late mother and for the chance to prove that a life of fighting street gangs can be channeled for good.



  • Shane “Sugarman” Mosley, Jr., Əsr: 27, Rank: 149, Hometown: Santa Monica, Calif. – The lone single contender, son of legendary Hall of Fame boxer “Sugar” Shane Mosley, Shane “Sugarman” Mosley Jr. is fighting to step out of his father’s shadow and carve out his own legacy.


  • Daniel “El Chapulin” Valdivia, Əsr: 25, Rank: 116, Hometown: Tulare, Calif. A natural salesman and real estate agent by day, nicknamed “El Chapulin” (“Grasshopper”) for his boundless energy, Mexican immigrant Daniel Valdivia was born to step into the ring. With several titles including the NABF Super Welterweight Champion as an underdog, he’s chasing fame to prove giving up college for boxing was the right move.



  • Michael “The Silverback” Moore, Əsr: 31, Rank: 252, Hometown:Cleveland, Oh. Reformed from a hard life on the streets, fraught with drugs, death and family suicide, Michael Moore is a natural hustler and leader. Married with two kids, Moore is constantly moving from state to state with his family in tow in pursuit of the boxing dream.


  • Gerald “G5” Sherrell, Əsr: 24, Rank: 216, Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa. – A fan of the original Contenderseries growing up, Gerald “G5” Sherrell is an undefeated and explosive fighter with a level of unrivaled and self-proclaimed swagger. Hailing from the projects, this multiple time Golden Gloves, Silver Gloves and Junior Olympic competitor, this local zoo security guard by day, and young father by night, is looking to bring boxing glory back to his hometown of Pittsburgh.



  • Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch, Əsr: 34, Rank: 154, Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa. Injury-plagued throughout his career, the Native American hailing from Southern Louisiana is a married father of three. Knowing that he’s old for the sport, Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch has one last shot at making his boxing dreams come true.


  • Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez, Əsr: 24, Rank: 104, Hometown: Fresno, Calif. Having been bullied from a young age after an accident left him with burns on 30 percent of his body, Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez is fighting for his young autistic son, in hopes that he won’t be bullied the same way he was. With Junior Olympics, 2012 Blue and Gold titles and “Mexican-go-forward” style fighting he may be overlooked and underestimated.



  • Tyrone “Young Gun” Brunson, Əsr: 33, Rank: 39, Hometown: Philadelphia, PA – At a time when he needed to sell drugs to support himself at the age of 13, a stepfather’s ultimatum: be grounded or go to the boxing gym was his saving grace. Now a humble father of two, and sitting with one of the best rankings in the competition, onun 24 KO’s send a signal that he will not fight silently but his cocky attitude has beat him more than just once.


  • Lamar “Omega” Russ, Əsr: 31, Rank: 115, Hometown: Wilmington, N.Ç. -One of four kids raised by a single mom and the first person in his family to graduate college, Lamar “Omega” Russ takes pride in being the underdog, and beneath the loud exterior is a boxer that needs to prove he can put his money where his mouth is. HBO, ESPN and a first round KO on Showtime do all the talking.



  • John “The Rock” Jackson, Əsr: 29, Rank: 63, Hometown: St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin adaları A divorced father of two, this slick and agile boxer, Virgin Islander John “The Rock” Jackson started fighting at 12 dək təvəllüd, following in his world champion father Julian Jackson’s footsteps at the Pan American Games and 2008 Olimpiya. He comes from wealth but cares for the underprivileged and dreams of making his island proud bringing visibility to those struck by recent natural disasters.


  • Devaun “Unique” Lee, Əsr: 30, Rank: 82, Hometown: Jamaica Queens, N.Y..

When one of his friends was shot and killed at 16, Devaun “Unique” Lee knew he needed a way out from the mean streets of Queens. Boxing keeps him straight. So do long hours fueling airplanes and caring for his five year old daughter. The real love of his life. Fatherhood and the sport are the motivation to take his NY State Middleweight championship to the next level.



The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) and launched multiple fighters into contention for world titles, including title winners Sergio Mora, Cornelius Bundrage, Saki Buğa, and Sam Soliman.



Eric Van Wagenen serves as executive producer and showrunner of the revived franchise alongside Mark Burnett. The format is owned by MGM Television and Paramount Television.



EPIX is available nationwide through cable, peyk, telco and streaming TV providers including Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-ayə, Dish Network, Sling, PlayStation Vue and, as of June 13, Comcast.

Hernandez Returns to the Ring This Saturday

STEP, TX (Fevral 14, 2018) – Middleweight prospekti, Marcos “Madman” Hernandez (11-1, 3 Kos), returns to the ring this Saturday, Fevral 17, 2018, qarşı Jeison Rosario (14-1, 11 Kos). The 8-round bout will take place at the Don Haskins Center on the UTEP campus in El Paso, Texas.
Televiziya əhatə başlayır 8 dək. VƏ/5 dək. PT and is headlined by a 12-round duel between former welterweight world champions Victor Ortiz Devon Alexander. Tədbirdə biletlər, TGB Promotions təşviq olunur ki,, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster.
Here is what Marcos Hernandez has to say about his upcoming fight with Rosario
On his current training camp
This is my third training camp out here in Riverside with my trainer Henry Ramirez, who took over the lead in my corner a few fights ago. It’s been great getting the proper sparring needed to take my career to the next level. I’m feeling strong and sharp. Everything has come together, and I’ll be at my best bu şənbə in El Paso.
On facing opponent tough Jeison Rosario
Rosario is a very tough opponent who possesses a lot of power in both hands. He likes to go for the knockout, so I will have to be ready for everything he’s coming with. I know he’s hungry but so am I. This will be a fight for the fans, as we are both going to leave everything in the ring.
On what a victory will do for his career
A win against Rosario will get me one step closer to my ultimate goal of fighting for a world title. I’ve been in tough fights since I turned pro and its prepared me for fights like the one I’m in now. I’m ready step it up and show the world I have what it takes to be an elite fighter, and a world champion.
On fighting on another big PBC card in El Paso
I’m sure El Paso will have a lively crowd attending bu şənbə. I know there will be a lot of Mexican’s in the house, so I must represent my people. I’m very happy to be fighting on another big PBC card. It’s a blessing to be part of the PBC family and I promise to impress those that will be watching.

Hernandez Returns to the Ring This Friday

Şəkil kredit: Team Hernandez
RIVERSIDE, BELƏ AS (Dekabr 13, 2017) – Middleweight prospekti, Marcos “Madman” Hernandez (10-1, 2 Kos), makes his way back to the ring this Friday, Dekabr 15ci, qarşı Oscar Mora (7-4, 6 Kos). The 6-round bout will take place at the Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, BELƏ AS, on the Vargas vs. Herrera card.
Hernandez, who is coming off an impressive victory against previously unbeaten prospect, Kevin Newman II (7-1-1, 3 Kos), is wrapping up the final days of training camp with coach Henry Ramirez.
I had a great training camp going into this fight.” Səid Marcos Hernandez. “I’m very grateful to be fighting one more time before the end of the 2017. Since my lone loss earlier this year, I’ve really stepped up my game in all aspects. Training with Henry Ramierz has been a big boost to my career. I’m going to be well prepared for anything Mora brings to the ring. The move to middleweight has been good and I’m feeling a lot stronger. Fans can expect me to throw a lot of punching in this fight. It’s time to shine.

Rising Prospects Enter the Ring as 2016 U.S. Olympian Karlos Balderas & 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist Misael Rodriguez Compete in Separate Bouts on Friday, Dekabr 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Calif.

Daha! Once-Beaten Prospect Marcos Hernandez
Faces Mexico’s Oscar Mora in Undercard Attraction
LANCASTER, BELƏ AS. (Dekabr 13, 2017) – A stacked night of action will feature 2016 U.S. Olimpiyaçı Karlos Balderas və 2016 Olimpiya bürünc mükafatçısı Misael Rodriguez entering the ringing in separate undercard matchups this Cümə, Dekabr 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, California.
Müəyyən artikl Premier Boks Çempionlar event is headlined by former welterweight champion Jessie Vargas taking on hard-hitting veteran Aaron Herrera in a 10-round showdown. Televised coverage on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins at 10 dək. VƏ/7 dək. PT and features a welterweight matchup between rugged veteran Diego Chaves and rising contender Jamal James, plus a super lightweight bout betweenJohn Molina Jr. və Ivan Redkach. The telecast begins with exciting welterweight Wale Omotoso (26-3, 21 Kos) qarşı-qarşıya Freddi hernandez (34-8, 22 Kos) in a 10-round contest.
Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, TGB Promotions təşviq olunur ki,, da başlayacaq $30 və indi satılır. To purchase tickets visit the Pioneer Event Center’s website:www.uavpec.com. ilk 300 fans who bring a toy to donate to the Holiday Toy Drive will receive a free t-shirt and five dollars off of general admission tickets. The Holiday Toy Drive will benefit the Inner Circle Foster Care & Adoption Service in Palmdale, Calif.
Balderas (2-0, 2 KO) will enter the ring for a lightweight fight against Mexico’s Carlo Flores (4-7-1, 3 Kos) while Rodriguez (5-0, 3 Kos) takes on Cuba’s Yunier Calzada(6-2-1, 1 KO) in a six round super middleweight contest.
Additional undercard action will see once-beaten prospect Marcos Hernandez (10-1, 2 Kos) alaraq Oscar Mora (7-4, 6 Kos) in an eight round junior middleweight affair.
Rounding out the night of fights are a trio of prospects as unbeaten Alejandro Guerrero cavab Phillip Percy in a four-round super featherweight contest, while undefeated Efren Lopez döyüşlərdə Tyler Marshall in a four-round junior welterweight bout and once-beaten Luis Coria üzlər Leonardo Torres in a junior lightweight matchup.
Fighting out of Santa Maria, California, the 21-year-old Balderas is the son of Mexican parents who immigrated to the United States to give their children a better life. Balderas had an impressive amateur career that included a 2014 Youth National Championship, four National PAL championships and an impressive run in the World Series of Boxing. His amateur career culminated in a trip to the 2016 Olympic Games where he represented the U.S. and defeated fighters from Kazakhstan and Japan before a decision loss in the quarterfinals. He made his pro debut back in April, forcing Michael Thomas to retire after one round and followed that up with a first round stoppage of Eder Fajardo in July.
Keçən il Rio oyunlarında, the 23-year-old Rodriguez overcame incredible odds to win the first Olympic boxing medal for Mexico since Christian Bejerano in 2000. Chihuahua vətəndaşı və komanda yoldaşları, beynəlxalq boks turnirlərində iştirak etmək üçün pul yığmaq üçün Meksikadakı ictimai avtobuslarda və küçələrdə dilənməyə müraciət etməli oldular.. Orta çəkidə medal qazanmaq üçün Misirdən Hosam Bəkr Abdini məğlub edərək medal sırasına gedən yolunu tamamladı.. Rodriguez mad his pro debut in April with a dominant decision victory over Brian True and has continued his winning ways with more victories so far in 2017.
# # #
yaşaya bilər Fans FOX Sports GO döyüşlərdə stream, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. döyüşlərdə FOXSportsGO.com və app mağaza vasitəsilə masa üstü mövcuddur, və ya Apple TV, o cümlədən cihazlar bağlı, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One və Roku. Əlavə, bütün proqramları SiriusXM kanal FOX Sports da var 83 peyk radio və SiriusXM app.
TwitterPremierBoxing izləyin, @ FS1, FOXDeportes VəSwanson_Comm və Facebook bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, vəwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Mövcud Highlights www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes Corona Extra tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilir, Finest Beer.

Marcos Hernandez Training Camp Quotes & Şəkillər

Şəkil kredit: Team Hernandez
RIVERSIDE, BELƏ AS. (Avqust 21, 2017) – Middleweight prospekti Marcos “Madman” Hernandez (9-1, 1 KO) üz planlaşdırılır Kevin Newman II (7-0-1), bu şənbə haqqında Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard. The 6-rounder, will serve as the swing bout for the preliminaries on FOX and FOX Deportes. Prelims on FOX and FOX Deportes begin at 7 dək. VƏ/4 dək. PT and leads directly into the Mayweather vs. McGregor event that will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV beginning at 9 dək. VƏ/6 dək. PT.
Marcos Hernandez gives his thoughts on training camp, his upcoming showdown with Newman, və daha çox.
On his current training camp with new trainer Henry Ramierz
This time around I was in better shape entering camp. I’ve brought on Henry Ramierz as the lead trainer in my corner and we are working great together. Riverside, California, has been home for me for the last five weeks. Ramierz had me go back to working on the fundamentals of boxing. He’s not trying to change my style, he’s just letting me be myself, while working on some of my weaknesses. My dad Joseph will still be with me working my corner. He knows me best and I will always have him by my side when I fight. It’s been a very productive training camp to say the least.
On his matchup with Kevin Newman II
I know I’m facing a tough undefeated fighter in Newman, so my preparation is at an all-time high. Henry and I are focused on his tendencies, and we see some flaws that we feel we can exploit. It will be an exciting fight for the fans, that I can guarantee.
On moving up to the contracted weight of 163 lbs. …
I’ve never fought above the middleweight division. This will be my first time fighting this heavy at 163 manat. Şəxsən, I feel it’s going to a good thing for me to fight at this weight. I’m 6’1, so making 154 pounds was getting tough. I feel I can still make that weight but right now I’m right on weight and my body feels fantastic.
On rebounding from his first defeat
Going into this training camp, I feel a lot better. Hal-hazırda, I feel my back is against the wall, so I’m going to give it my all when I step into the ring bu şənbə. Looking back, I know I could have done better. Losing my first bout really has me motivated going into this fight.
On fighting in one of the biggest events in boxing history
I’m extremely excited to be fighting on a card that will be shown to millions around the world. It’s not everyday you get this type of opportunity. With the world watching, I’m going to leave everything in the ring on fight night. I’m going to show the world that I have what it takes to become an elite fighter.

Unbeaten Prospect Leduan Barthelemy Drops & Stops Reynaldo Blanco in Round Nine of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Main Event Tuesday Night From Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, California

Kyrone Davis Defeats Marcos Hernandez by Split-Decision In
Matchup of Exciting Prospects
Unbeaten Prospect Malcolm McAllister Survives Late Knockdown to Earn Unanimous Decision Over Mexico’s Alejandro Torres
Basın HERE for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos to be added shortly)
NICE, CALIF. (Mart 29, 2017) – Undefeated Cuban prospect Leduan Barthelemy (13-0, 7 Kos) scored a ninth round stoppage of Reynaldo Blanco (14-4, 8 Kos) Çərşənbə axşamı əsas hadisə gecə Premier Boks Çempionlar Barmaq-to-barmaq çərşənbə axşamı FS1 və Boks Çempionlar on FOX Deportes from Robinson Rancheria Resort and Casino in Nice, California.
I came here knowing that I had to make a statement and deliver a knockout on FS1 and FOX Deportes,” Səid Barthelemy. “I controlled the fight from the opening bell and never lost focus.
The brother of two-division world champion Rances, Barthelemy showed off his boxing skill by using his length and speed to dictate the action against Blanco. After a slow start, Blanco came alive in the third round and began increasing his offensive output, including a looping right hand that landed clean on Barthelemy’s head late in the round.
Blanco again pushed the action in round four and landed a sharp left hook, but Barthelemy took the shot and responded with a right hook of his own to end the round. Barthelemy continued to have success with his jab, and throwing combinations off of it, and eventually opened up a cut over Blanco’s right eye at the end of round eight.
Barthelemy was the fresher fighter as he entered the ninth round for the first time in his career and it showed as he dropped Blanco with a series of hard right hands early in the ninth round. Blanco was able to get to his feet but Barthelemy continued the onslaught, prompting Blanco’s corner to stop the fight at the official time of 1:30 doqquzuncu tur.
I feel like I’m the best up-and-coming fighter in the division,” Səid Barthelemy. “I’m ready to step up to the next level of competition.
The co-main event of the night saw Delaware’s Kyrone Davis (12-1, 5 Kos) earn a split-decision victory over previously unbeaten Marcos Hernandez (9-1, 2 Kos) in a 10-round showdown of super welterweight prospects.
Davis came out aggressive from the start as he looked to close distance and attack Hernandez from the inside. It nearly backfired early as Hernandez wobbled Davis with a left hook and followed up with a right uppercut that put Davis in some early trouble.
The tide swung back towards Davis after the first two rounds with an increased attack to Hernandez’s body, which slowed down the offense of the Fresno-native. In round seven, a stray body shot from Davis was deemed low by referee Dan Stell, who deducted a point as Hernandez dropped to the canvas.
Despite the deduction, Davis was able to remain effective with his aggressive game plan as both fighters went past eight rounds for the first time in their pro careers. Hernandez appeared to hurt Davis midway through the final round with a left hook, but Davis was able to smother Hernandez as he went for the knockout.
After the end of ten rounds the judges awarded Davis a split decision by scores of 95-94 for Hernandez and 96-93 twice for Davis.
Televiziya açacağı, unbeaten prospect Malcolm McAllister (9-0, 8 Kos) overcame a knockdown in the final round to earn a unanimous decision over Mexico’s Alejandro Torres(9-2-2, 4 Kos) in their six-round super welterweight clash.
McAllister was in control of the fight throughout the first five rounds using his jab to control the distance and beat Torres to the punch consistently. He began landing more strong right hands in the third round and continued to box effectively while building a lead on the scorecards.
The fight changed drastically early in the sixth and final round as Torres got the better of an exchange of power punches and connected with a massive left hook that stunned McAllister and sent him to the canvas. The Long Beach-native was able to get to his feet but was still shaky as Torres stalked him around the ring.
With a combination of clinches, jabs and movement, McAllister was able to finish the round on his feet despite Torresadvances. The knockdown was not enough to derail McAllister as he won the decision by the score of 58-55 bütün üç hakimlər haqqında’ kartları.
# # #
yaşaya bilər Fans FOX Sports GO döyüşlərdə stream, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. döyüşlərdə FOXSportsGO.com və app mağaza vasitəsilə masa üstü mövcuddur, və ya Apple TV, o cümlədən cihazlar bağlı, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One və Roku. Əlavə, bütün proqramları SiriusXM kanal FOX Sports da var 83 peyk radio və SiriusXM app.
Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün: ziyarət www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/Yansımalar / homepage, www.foxdeportes.comwww.TGBPromotions.com. TwitterPremierBoxing izləyin, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes VəSwanson_Comm və Facebook bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was promoted by TGB Promotions and sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.