Tag Archives: מאַנטשעסטער

USA באָקסינג אַננאָונסעס USA ווס. אירלאנד נאָרטהעאַסט באָקסינג טור

שפּיץ ליבהאָבער באָקסערס צו קאָנקורירן אין דרייַ שטעט איבער מאַרץ
קאָלאָראַדאָ ספּרינגס, שויס. (יאַנואַר 29, 2018) — USA באָקסינג מודיע הייַנט די דרייַ שטעט וואס וועט באַלעבאָס דער 2018 USA ווס. אירלאנד נאָרטהעאַסט באָקסינג טור.
באָסטאָן, מאַנטשעסטער (נה) און Springfield (מאַ) וועט באַגריסן צוויי פון די וועלט 'ס שפּיץ ליבהאָבער באָקסינג טימז פֿאַר פרייַנדלעך דואַלס. יעדער שטאָט וועט וויטרינע אַרויף צו 12 ענדס, אַז וועט אַלע זיין לעבן סטרימד, פּאָטער פון אָפּצאָל, אויף USA באָקסינג ס וועבזייַטל.
די רייַזע וועט בריק אַוועק מאַרץ 12 ביי באָסטאָן ס רויאַל ובידור קאָמפּלעקס, נאכגעגאנגען דורך מאַטטשופּס אויף מאַרץ 15 ביי די מאַססמוטואַל צענטער אין Springfield, מאַסע. מאַנטשעסטער וועט נאָענט אויס די דואַלס אויף מאַרץ 21 ביי די מאַנטשעסטער דאָוונטאָוון האטעל. באָקסינג וועט נעמען בייַ 7:00 פּ.ם. EST אין אַלע דרייַ שטעט, און טיקיץ וועט זיין געמאכט בנימצא פֿאַר קויפן אין די קומענדיק וואָכן.
די אמעריקאנער דעלאַגיישאַן וועט זיין געפֿירט דורך קאָפּ קאָוטש בילי וואַלש (קאָלאָראַדאָ ספּרינגס, גלויבנס), וואס רעפּריזענטיד אירלאנד ביי די 1988 אָלימפּיקס איידער שיין די קאָפּ פון די איריש באָקסינג פּראָגראַם פֿאַר איבער 10 יאָרן.
העאַדלינינג מאַנשאַפֿט USA ס ראַסטער וועט זיין 2017 וועלט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ בראָנדז מעדאַליסט טרוי יסליי (אלעקסאנדריע, וואַ). USA באָקסינג ס מאַנשאַפֿט וועט אויך אַרייַננעמען אַ נומער פון אַרויף-און-קאָמערס אַזאַ ווי 2016 יוגנט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָן מאַרק קאסטרא (פרעסנאָ, אַזאַ ווי), וואס איז געמאכט זייַן העכסט אַנטיסאַפּייטיד אינטערנאַציאָנאַלע עליט דעבוט דעם יאָר.
אנדערע אמעריקאנער ס אַרייַננעמען 2016 יוגנט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָן און 2017 עליט קאָנטינענטאַל טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּס זילבער מעדאַליסט, דעלאַנטע זשאנסאן (קליוולאַנד, טאַקע), 2017 USA באָקסינג כעוויווייט נאַשאַנאַל טשאַמפּיאָן דזשאַרעד אַנדערסאָן (Toledo, טאַקע) און 2016 יוגנט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ בראָנדז מעדאַליסט און 2017 USA באָקסינג יבער כעוויווייט נאַשאַנאַל טשאַמפּיאָן, ריטשארד טאָררעז (Tulare, אַזאַ ווי). א גאַנץ ראַסטער פֿאַר יעדער שטאָט וועט ווערן רעלעאַסעד נעענטער צו די אָנהייב פון די רייַזע.
די איריש קאָלעקטיוו, וואָס וועט זיין אונטער די גיידאַנס פון ערשטע וועלט מייַסטער און קאָפּ קאָוטש בערנאַרד דוננע, וועט מעלדן זייער באָקסערס אין די מסקנא פון זייַן נאַשאַנאַל טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּס אין פעברואר.
USA ווס. אירלאנד E- פּאָסט
מאַרץ 12: רויאַל ובידור קאָמפּלעקס, באָסטאָן, מאַסע.
מאַרץ 15: מאַססמוטואַל צענטער, Springfield, מאַסע.
מאַרץ 21: די מאַנטשעסטער דאָוונטאָוון האטעל, מאַנטשעסטער, נ.ה.
אַלע באָקסערס און באַוץ זענען אונטער צו טוישן.
טוויטטער: @וסאַבאָקסינג
ינסטאַגראַם: @וסאַבאָקסינג
פאַסעבאָאָק: /וסאַבאָקסינג


The ‘Ricksterrelishing battle of Britain in Manchester
Former World champions clash as Anthony Crolla takes on Ricky Burns.דאס איז שבת, אָקטאָבער, 7טה
לעבן אויף יירעס-האַקאָוועד – א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג
SAN DIEGO (אָקטאָבער 5, 2017) -Ricky Burns believes he can become a World champion once again and wants to prove there’s plenty of chapters to write in his story as he meets Anthony Crolla at the Manchester Arena אויף שבת.

דאס איז שבת AFTERNOON, October 7th, a pair of former world champions will collide as former lightweight world champion אַנטאַני קראָללאַ battles former three-division champion ריקי ברענט in a scheduled 12-round lightweight clash at the מאַנטשעסטער אַרענאַ אין מאַנטשעסטער, ענגלאַנד, and will be broadcast לעבן & EXCLUSIVELY IN THE UNITED STATES אויף יירעס-האַקאָוועד- א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג. The broadcast will begin at 2 PM עט / 11 איך האָבן PT
The fight will also be available on www.klowdtv.com on the AWE Channel.
Three-weight World champion Burns and former Lightweight World ruler Crolla both come into the must-win bout on the back of defeats in unification battles, and the British stars have conceded that defeat would make the road back to the elite-level that they have become accustomed to operating at a long one.
Burns created history as Scotland’s first ever three-weight king and the Coatbridge star is confident that a win in Manchester would put him back at the top table and in the running for a 14th World title fight in 2018 to continue his remarkable journey in boxing.
I look at every fight as a must-win fight,” said Burns. “The incentive that has been put in front of us with the possibility of challenging for the World title again, I need to make sure that I go out and win this which I am confident of doing.
This is my first time fighting in Manchester so I am sure it’s going to be a great night for the fans. I’ve got so much respect for Anthony, he’s a brilliant fighter and this is going to be a cracking fight.
We’re both in the same boat now, coming back after a loss and looking to get our names back amongst the big boys. There were a few names mentioned for my next fight but this was the only fight that I wanted once I knew it could be made.
I know that there’s a good crowd coming down from Glasgow but any boxing fan is going to win with this fight, you know what you are going to get when we fight, we’ll lay it all on the line and the best man will win.
People are saying to me now ‘if you lose this what are you going to do?’ That thought hasn’t crossed my mind. I know this is a hard fight but the carrot of a possible World title fight means that the rewards are massive, but I didn’t need any more incentive for this fight, that just topped it off for me.
Over the last year everyone has asked when I am going to retire over the last year. I’ve had 48 fights but I’ve never come out of the ring with my face in a state, I still enjoying training and the sparring and fighting side of it are the best parts in my eyes.
If there ever came a point that I was coming out hurt fight after fight, or in the gym sparring these young hungry kids and taking too many punches, I’d know myself that it’d be time to call it a day, but I know that I’ve got lots of big nights left in me and I am confident that שבת is going to be one of them.
I’ve never thought about what I’ve done in my career because it’s nowhere near finished yet. I’m not retiring until boxing is out of my system. The last thing I want to do is pack it in too early and then a year down the line want to come back. I won’t be done until I hate training and I am fed up with dieting.
I may have over-achieved in some people’s eyes, but I’ve worked my arse off to get to where I have. People see you turn up and fight but only those closest to you see what I do two or three times a day, seven days a week for 12 weeks before a fight, I knock my pan in.
Look who Anthony has boxed over the last two years, he’s only boxed the best. He’s lost to Linares but he went 24 rounds and he wasn’t knocked out or badly hurt at all. You are losing to guys at the elite level, these are incredible fighters and this is my job, if you have a rough day at the office you come back again the next day and make sure you are better.
I’ve always admitted that I’m not the best boxer ever, but if you are going to beat me, you’re going to have to be really good or you will have to work for it because the way I train I am confident I will be there at a great pace for the full 12 rounds and my mental toughness is one of my best attributes.
Burns and Crolla clash on a huge night of action in Manchester as Sam Eggington defends his European Welterweight title for the first time against mandatory challenger Mohamed Mimoune and Robbie Barrett also makes a maiden defence against a mandatory predator as he puts his British Lightweight strap on the line against undefeated Lewis Ritson.
Some of Britain’s brightest stars from both sides of the border are in action with Crolla’s trainer Joe Gallagher having a busy night with Scotty Cardle, Hosea Burton, Marcus Morrison and Sam Hyde all gloving up, while Burns is joined by fellow countrymen Charlie Flynn and Joe Ham.
Former World Bantamweight title challenger Gavin McDonnell looks to get back in line for a second crack at the big one, rising Welterweight star Conor Benn fights for the ninth time in the paid ranks and local talents Jake Haigh and Ryan Doyle also feature.


Former World champions clash as Anthony Crolla takes on Ricky Burns אויף שבת אָקטאָבער, 7טה
לעבן אויף יירעס-האַקאָוועד – א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג
SAN DIEGO (סעפּטעמבער 22, 2017) -Below are promotional videos for the October 7th fight between former world champions Anthony Crolla and Ricky Burns.
אויף שבת נאָכמיטאָג, October 7th, A pair of former world champions will collide as former lightweight world champion אַנטאַני קראָללאַ battles former three-division champion ריקי ברענט in a scheduled 12-round lightweight clash at the מאַנטשעסטער אַרענאַ אין מאַנטשעסטער, ענגלאַנד, and will be broadcast לעבן & EXCLUSIVELY IN THE UNITED STATES אויף יירעס-האַקאָוועד- א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג. The broadcast will begin at 2 PM עט /11 איך האָבן PT
The fight will also be available on www.klowdtv.com on the AWE Channel.
Crolla vs Burns Promotional Video number 1
Crolla vs Burns Promotional Video number 1
Crolla vs Burns Burns Promotional video number 2
Crolla vs Burns Burns Promotional video number 2
וועגן יירעס-האַקאָוועד לעבן באָקסינג

יירעס-האַקאָוועד לעבן באָקסינג פֿעיִקייטן לעבן וועלט טיטל טשאַמפּיאַנשיפּ און ילימאַניישאַן באָוץ שאָוקייסינג הייַנט ס מערסט יקסייטינג Fighters. זינט די ינסעפּשאַן פון יירעס-האַקאָוועד ס לעבן באָקסינג געשעענישן אין 2011, AWE has featured over 50 וועלט טיטל פיגהץ.

AWE has brought boxing fans some of the most exciting and controversial bouts, including the matchup of Ricky Burns against Ray Beltran for the world title. AWE featured live and exclusively the crowning of American Terence Crawford over Ricky Burns. יירעס-האַקאָוועד פאַנס האָבן וויטנאַסט די יקספּלאָוסיוו מאַכט פון ונדעפעאַטעד כעוויווייט טיסאָן צאָרן קייפל מאל אויף די נעץ, כולל צאָרן ס נצחון איבער קעווין זשאנסאן. אין 2017, AWE was the exclusive United States television provider of the historic matchup between legendary British heavyweight David Haye and Tony Bellew.

וועגן יירעס-האַקאָוועד – א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג

א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג (“יירעס-האַקאָוועד”) פֿעיִקייטן אַ ברייט קייט פון ליפעסטילעס און פאַרווייַלונג פּראָגראַממינג פון עקזאָטיש אַרומפאָרן און אַוטריידזשאַס האָמעס צו לעבן וועלט טשאַמפּיאַנשיפּ באָקסינג. AWE is available on over a hundred cable systems, כולל AT&ה ו-פסוק, טש 147 און 1147 אין הד, וועריזאָן פיאָס טעלעוויזיע, טש 169 און 669 אין הד. and DirecTV, טש 387.
פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע, ביטע באַזוכן www.awetv.com.

Former World champions clash as Anthony Crolla takes on Ricky Burns on Saturday October, 7טה

לעבן אויף יירעס-האַקאָוועד – א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג
SAN DIEGO (סעפּטעמבער 8, 2017) -אויף Saturday afternoon, October 7th, A pair of former world champions will collide as former lightweight world champion אַנטאַני קראָללאַ battles former three-division champion ריקי ברענט in a scheduled 12-round lightweight clash at the מאַנטשעסטער אַרענאַ אין מאַנטשעסטער, ענגלאַנד, and will be broadcast לעבן & EXCLUSIVELY IN THE UNITED STATES אויף יירעס-האַקאָוועד- א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג.
The fight will also be available on www.klowdtv.com on the AWE Channel.
This will be a terrific bout with both Anthony Crolla and Ricky Burns looking to make a statement and get back into title contention. These two champions are both itching to get their belts back so when they meet on October 7th, it will be a fight at the highest level and quality and we at AWE are ecstatic to be bringing this fight to the fans in the United States,” געזאגט טשאַרלעס הערינג, פּרעזידענט פון יירעס-האַקאָוועד– א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג.
קראָללאַ, 30 years-old of Manchester, ענגלאַנד האט אַ רעקאָרד פון 31-6-3 מיט 13 קנאָקקאָוץ. He won the WBA Lightweight title when he thrilled his hometown fans by scoring a one-punch body shot knockout over Darleys Perez. Crolla defended the title with a hard-fought come from behind stoppage over Ismael Barroso. Crolla dropped the belt when he was on the short end of a unanimous decision to Jorge Linares. אין זיין לעצט באַוט, Crolla lost his 2nd straight unanimous decision to Linares in a rematch that took place on March 25th אין מאַנטשעסטער.
Burns of Coatbridge, Scotland has a record of 41-6-1 מיט 14 קנאָקקאָוץ. אויף סעפטעמבער 4, 2010, Burns won the WBO Junior Lightweight World championship with a 12-round unanimous decision over Roman Martinez. Burns made three successful defenses of his title, before moving up to lightweight and capturing the WBO Interim Lightweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Michael Katsidis. Burns was elevated to full champion and went on to score wins over former world champion Paulus Moses, Kevin Mitchell and undefeated challenger Jose Gonzalez, as a well as a draw with top contender Ray Beltran before losing his crown to the classy Terence Crawford. Burns became a three-division champion as he won the WBA Super Lightweight World Championship on May 28, 2016 with a unanimous decision over Michele Di Rocco. He defended the title once with a 12-round unanimous decision over Kiryl Relikh before dropping the title in his last bout to undefeated Julius Indongo on April 15thאין גלאַסקאָו, סקאָטלאַנד.
Crolla Quotes
All I want to do is be involved in big fights and Ricky Burns is a three weight World Champion, I’ve got a lot of respect for him,” האט קראָללאַ. “He’s a great fighter and only lost to the very best.
I’m looking forward to going to battle and putting on a display for the fans.

It’s at a good time for both of us. A win puts us back in the mix for titles, I’m not going to say the loser has nowhere to go, but it’s going to be a tough road back. We’re both coming off losing our World Titles and the incentive is to win the fight and get back in the frame.

I could have a tune up fight on the undercard of somewhere and an easier opponent to get me back into things and then a big fight after but I’m not interested in that.

It’s nearly happened before a good few times, a few years ago at Super-Featherweight and again at Lightweight. It’s been talked about for years now. It looked like it wasn’t going to happen but it’s good now we’re finally going to meet.

I’m really happy the fight is in Manchester,” האט קראָללאַ. “It’s going to be one of the first shows since that horrible night with the bombings so it means an awful lot to go back. A lot of people have been asking me to come back to the Arena for my next fight. But if there’s a rematch, I’ll happily go to Glasgow.

“די 24 rounds with Linares puts me in good stead. They weren’t fights where I took a serious beating with huge shots bouncing my head back. Other than the knockdown, I wasn’t on wobbly legs. I enjoyed the experience. I made improvements in the build-up which I didn’t get to show on the night which is a credit to Jorge.

I’ve got nothing against Ricky, he’s a good guy. But once that bell goes we’ll both be willing to dig deep. I’ve wanted this for a long time, I can’t wait.
Burns Quotes

“עס ס געגאנגען צו זייַן אַ גרויס קאַמף,” said Burns. “There was a lot of talk in recent weeks, the response we got was unbelievable. People want to see it and now the deal is done I’m looking forward to it.

It doesn’t bother me where I fight, there will be a good crowd coming down from Scotland. It’s a fight the fans have been getting up for and I’m sure they will turn up in their numbers.

When I held World titles at Super-Featherweight and Lightweight, Crolla’s name was always mentioned but it never happened. He’s a great guy and a great fighter, I don’t think you’ll get much trash talk in the build-up. The best man will win on the night.

I moved up to Super-Lightweight because the World title came up and the chance to make history was there. I’ve been making 140lbs too easily and I’ve had enough notice for this fight and although those last pounds will always be tricky I’m happy to be back down at 135lbs.

I’m always saying to Tony I think I’ve got two or three more years left. At this stage of my career I don’t see the point in getting an easy win. I’d rather go in with a big name. אויב איך געווינען, I’m going to progress and hopefully get another title shot. That’s the way I’m looking at it.

Everyone keeps asking me how long I have left. The first time I take too many punches or turn up to training and don’t enjoy it – אַז ס עס. I won’t put myself through it. Especially with training down in Essex for 12 weeks, but at the minute I’m really looking forward to it.

I said to Eddie Hearn that I was 100 per cent up for it, but we’ve been waiting for a couple of weeks from their side so I don’t know what’s been going on.

Crolla just fell short with Linares, although he lost twice he didn’t take a beating. You’ve got to hold your hands upLinares is very good.

It’s a make or break fight for the both of us. Even before I fought Di Rocco I always said I just want to take it one fight at a time. I’ve been the same the whole way through my career but fingers crossed a win here can lead to bigger things.

It’s going to be hard, האַרט קאַמף. The two of us will come out and go for itthe fans are the real winners.

What a fight between two great warriors'said promoter Eddie Hearn. “Both Anthony and Ricky are in similar places in the careers and they know that this absolute must win. Knowing these two like I do this is going to be a fight until the finishing bell with neither taking a backward step. It’s an all-British super fight between two great World champions and fans in the Manchester Arena and watching on Sky Sports can expect a wonderful event.

וועגן יירעס-האַקאָוועד לעבן באָקסינג

יירעס-האַקאָוועד לעבן באָקסינג פֿעיִקייטן לעבן וועלט טיטל טשאַמפּיאַנשיפּ און ילימאַניישאַן באָוץ שאָוקייסינג הייַנט ס מערסט יקסייטינג Fighters. זינט די ינסעפּשאַן פון יירעס-האַקאָוועד ס לעבן באָקסינג געשעענישן אין 2011, AWE has featured over 50 וועלט טיטל פיגהץ.

AWE has brought boxing fans some of the most exciting and controversial bouts, including the matchup of Ricky Burns against Ray Beltran for the world title. AWE featured live and exclusively the crowning of American Terence Crawford over Ricky Burns. יירעס-האַקאָוועד פאַנס האָבן וויטנאַסט די יקספּלאָוסיוו מאַכט פון ונדעפעאַטעד כעוויווייט טיסאָן צאָרן קייפל מאל אויף די נעץ, כולל צאָרן ס נצחון איבער קעווין זשאנסאן. אין 2017, AWE was the exclusive United States television provider of the historic matchup between legendary British heavyweight David Haye and Tony Bellew.

וועגן יירעס-האַקאָוועד – א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג

א וועלט פון פאַרווייַלונג (“יירעס-האַקאָוועד”) פֿעיִקייטן אַ ברייט קייט פון ליפעסטילעס און פאַרווייַלונג פּראָגראַממינג פון עקזאָטיש אַרומפאָרן און אַוטריידזשאַס האָמעס צו לעבן וועלט טשאַמפּיאַנשיפּ באָקסינג. AWE is available on over a hundred cable systems, כולל AT&ה ו-פסוק, טש 147 און 1147 אין הד, וועריזאָן פיאָס טעלעוויזיע, טש 169 און 669 אין הד. and DirecTV, טש 387.

Petr Petrov to host Q and A, TOMORROW at 12 PMnoon Eastern time live on Twitter

WBO World Lightweight Championship Bout streamed LIVE exclusively in the United States on Twitter דעם שבת

פֿאַר באַלדיק מעלדונג

WBO number-two ranked lightweight in the world, פּעטער פּעטראָוו וועט זיין taking questions from boxing fans live on באַננערבאָקסינג בייַ 12 PM Eastern time אויף פרייַטיק. Petrov will take on undefeated WBO world Lightweight champion Terry Flanagan אויף שבת in a fight that can be streamed exclusively in the United States on Twitter.
Fans can ask Petrov questions on @BannerBoxing by using any of the following hashtags:

The live stream of שבת ס Championship fight will be available for free to logged-in and logged-out users exclusively on Twitter and connected devices in the United States. Access to the live stream will be available שבת נאַכט בייַ boxing.twitter.com and on @BannerBoxing. Follow at @BannerBoxing to find out the exact timing of the live stream in the coming days.

Terry FlanaganPetr Petrov Press Conference Photos

WBO World Lightweight Championship Bout LIVE on Twitter דעם שבת

Below are images from דאנערשטיק ס Press conference featuring WBO Lightweight world champion Terry Flanagan and number-2 contender Petr Petrov. Flanagan and Petrov will meet דעם שבת, and the fight will be streamed in the United States Live on Twitter.

The live stream of שבת ס Championship fight will be available for free to logged-in and logged-out users exclusively on Twitter and connected devices in the United States. Access to the live stream will be available שבת נאַכט בייַ boxing.twitter.com and on @BannerBoxing. Follow at @BannerBoxing to find out the exact timing of the live stream in the coming days.
(Click Pictures to enlarge)

Photos by Kyte Monroe

Birthday Boy Petr Petrov finishing up training camp in Madrid, ספּאַין

פֿאַר באַלדיק מעלדונג

Madrid Spain (מאַרץ 28, 2017)–WBO Lightweight world title challenger Petr Petrov arrived in his hometown of Madrid, Spain to finish up preparations for his April 8th world title bout with undefeated world champion Terry Flanagan at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, ענגלאַנד.
Petrov arrived זונטיק, and has been hard at work with head trainer Danny Zamora. To prove that Petrov is clearly only focused on winning this world title,, he put in two hard workout’s אויף דינסטיק, which just happens to be his 34th birthday.
I am so focused and I can’t wait for this fight,” האט פּעטראָוו. “There is no time for parties and cake now. That will come after the fight, as I will have plenty of reasons to celebrate, one would be my birthday and the other will be for winning the world championship.
Petrov will continue to train in his homeland until he leaves for Manchester early next week. Petrov finished up the California leg of his training camp this past פרייַטיק before leaving for Madrid.


Win Sets Up A Possible Unification Fight With WBC World Champion Mikey Garcia; Encore Presentation of טאַנייט ס Fight Airs at 10 פּ.ם. און/פּט אויף שאָ עקסטרעם®

Photos Courtesy: Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport


נייַ יארק (מאַרץ 25, 2017) – Jorge Linares defended his WBA Lightweight World Championship with a unanimous decision victory over Anthony Crolla שבת evening on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL from Manchester, ענגלאַנד. The win sets Linares up for a possible unification fight with WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia, a matchup that would be considered one of the best that can be made in any weight class.

שבת ס main event from Manchester Arena aired live on SHOWTIME. Live fight coverage was provided by Sky Sports with Adam Smith calling play-by-play and world champion Carl Froch serving as ringside analyst. Garcia joined SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein and Paul Malignaggi to provide commentary from a New York studio.

Linares and Crolla previously fought a fierce, closely contested battle last September, one that Linares won by just a few rounds. אויף שבת, Linares retained the belt by a wide margin—118-109 on all three scorecards—virtually outclassing Crolla from the outset.

“He seems to be getting better with age,” said Froch, sharing a growing sentiment among boxing pundits.

Linares (42-3, 27 קאָ ס) cruised through much of the fight with an impressive display of boxing skill and power. A precisely timed uppercut floored Crolla in the seventh. Moments later Linares nearly finished him with a flurry against the ropes. קראָללאַ, אָבער, would not go quietly. The Manchester native, perhaps spurned by his home crowd, bravely grew more aggressive in the second half of the fight. But Linares was simply too sharp, too fast and too comfortable for Crolla to overcome.

Mikey Garcia is coming off a brilliant knockout of world champion Dejan Zlaticanin in January and is hungry for a unification bout.

"קודם אַוועק, I congratulate Jorge Linares for a great win,” said Garcia. “His skill, flexibility, combinations and power were definitely impressive. I hope we can make a fight as soon as possible. He didn’t look cut or hurt so maybe we can fight this summer.”




שאָוטיים באָקסינג INTERNATIONAL® Airs Live at 6 פּ.ם. און/3 פּ.ם. PT from Manchester Arena in Manchester, ענגלאַנד

דריקט דאָ פֿאַר פאָטאָס; Credit Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom



Jorge Linares and Anthony Crolla held a final press conference אויף דאנערשטיג אין מאַנטשעסטער, ענגלאַנד, for their rematch דעם שבת for the WBA Lightweight World Championship, לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (6 פּ.ם. און/3 פּ.ם. פּט) from Manchester Arena.


Linares (41-3, 27 קאָס) dethroned Crolla (31-5-3, 13 קאָס) אין אַ נאָענט, back-and-forth battle last September in Manchester to capture the WBA crown. די זיבן. 24 match was the first time the three-division titlist Linares was pushed the 12-round distance in his nine career world title fights.


Crolla has had success in immediate rematches. אין 2015, he challenged Darley Perez for the WBA Lightweight Title and fought to a draw. Four months later, he knocked out Perez in five rounds to win the 135-pound title.


WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia will join the SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL announce team as a guest analyst alongside host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein and Paulie Malignaggi.


גאַרסיאַ (36-0, 30 קאָס), who won the WBC belt in emphatic fashion this January on SHOWTIME, may be scouting his future opponent – the WBC has mandated that the winner of Linares-Crolla II must face Garcia.


Here’s what the fighters had to say at דאנערשטיק ס דריקן זיצונג:



“I know once again I have everyone against me in his backyard, but that’s why I trained hard.


“I’m not coming in here feeling like the champion. I’m coming in here feeling like the challenger because I know I have to win very clear to go back home with a win.


“It’s going to be a different Crolla this time. I have to perform like I know I can to defend my belts.


“I had a great camp. I’m anxious. I can’t wait to show you אויף שבת נאַכט, put it all together and return home with my belts.”




“I’ve always been better going in as the underdog. איך וויסן אויף שבת night I’m going to need to be the very best Anthony Crolla to beat Jorge Linares. I really believe that if I show the improvements that I’ve made in the gym then I’ll get my belt back.


“I hope he comes in looking for the knockout. If Jorge comes looking for the knockout he breaks away from what he’s best at. און, if he does so, I believe it falls right into my hands.


I’ve got to be cutting off the ring quicker this time. I’ve got to respond in bunches a little bit more. There are so many obstacles that are going to be put in front of me from Jorge Linares, but I believe I will have an answer for every one of them.


It was one of the fights of the year last time. I can certainly see us both being even better this time.


“There’s a lot of people out there who think there is no way I can beat Jorge Linares, but I believe אויף שבת night I’ll prove an awful lot of people wrong.”





שאָוטיים באָקסינג INTERNATIONAL® Airs Live at 6 פּ.ם. און/3 פּ.ם. PT from Manchester Arena in Manchester, ענגלאַנד


Watch The Full First Fight On SHO Sports YouTube Channel: http://s.sho.com/2m1x6TV


דריקט דאָ פֿאַר פאָטאָס; Credit Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom


WBA Lightweight World Champion Jorge Linares and former champion Anthony Crolla participated in a public workout at National Football Museum in Manchester, ענגלאַנד אויף דינסטיק in preparation for their rematch דעם שבת, לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (6 פּ.ם. און/3 פּ.ם. פּט) from Manchester Arena.


Linares (41-3, 27 קאָס) dethroned Crolla (31-5-3, 13 קאָס) in an action-packed battle last September in Manchester to capture the WBA crown. Crolla and Linares were neck-and-neck going into the sixth round until Linares rocked the hometown favorite with a series of shots that galvanized the Venezuelan toward a close 115-114, 115-113 און 117-111 יונאַנאַמאַס באַשלוס.


די זיבן. 24 match was the first time the three-division titlist Linares, who also holds the WBC Diamond and Ring Magazine lightweight belts, was pushed the 12-round distance in his career.


The WBC has mandated that the winner of Linares-Crolla II must face undefeated WBC Lightweight Champion Mikey Garcia, who will join host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein and Paulie Malignaggi in New York for the SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL presentation.


Below are fight week quotes from Linares and Crolla:




“Crolla could come better prepared than last time. Maybe he will throw more punches, maybe he will box more, I don’t really know. The most important thing is I hope he has worked really hard and comes in great condition so there are no excuses and no doubts after the fight.


“I can fight even better this time. Before the first fight I had a broken right hand and I hadn’t fought for a while. That’s always a factor, איר וויסן? Inactivity. I haven’t had any issues physically or mentally, so the preparation has been great. We did 129 rounds of sparring and everything has gone well up to this point.


“I know he has been quiet in the build-up, I don’t mind if he hasn’t spoken much lately. Let’s just hope it’s a clean fight like the first one.”


“The plans are in the future to get the biggest fights. Obviously the priority right now is to stay focused אויף שבת but then I’ll look towards the big fights like against Mikey Garcia.


“I really think coming to train with Ismael Salas made the difference. It’s what helped me really establish myself as a professional fighter and to gain more experience. We learn ‘old school’ as Salas always says. It really has worked well for me in the two years I’ve been with him.”


“I feel really good because this time we had a lot more time to prepare. We did some of the training camp in Japan and then eight weeks in Las Vegas.


“I’m happy to be back here in England again and have another opportunity. I get treated very well, I feel comfortable fighting here. The fans here have a lot of boxing knowledge and they know me well. It’s nice, I feel at home.”




“It will be another good fight, אַז ס פֿאַר זיכער. Our styles gel really well and I don’t see how it can’t be another good fight, but this time I see a different winner. The key will be adapting. I might need to adapt a number of times in the fight but it is something I have trained for.


“I learned a lot from that fight. Linares has very good speed, very good ring craft and he used his big fight experience for when to take a rest, when to turn it on for the judges.


“This time I know I need to deal with the flashy combinations better, cut the ring off better and capitalize when he is open for shots.


“He has said he will come with another game plan but so will we. Last time I gave it everything, left it all in the ring, but I came up short. The right man won on the night and now I have a second chance at winning back the belt and beating a great fighter.


“I was disappointed I lost – you should never be happy with losing – but I was satisfied I gave everything on the night. When I watched it again there were things in the fight where I thought, ‘why didn’t I do this, why didn’t I do that’, but that is what I did do in the heat of the battle.


“You see people online saying Linares is a level above and that he outclassed me – he obviously didn’t outclass me because two of the judges only had a point in it. The right man won and now I need to show my improvements and make sure the result is different.


“Last time out in Manchester I lost a close fight but with the improvements I have been making in the gym I believe this time it will be a different result.


“The rematch was always top of my list. Linares is top of the pile in the lightweight division and if there was a chance of having a rematch that was always more important to me than any other fight. I want to fight the best and be involved in the big fights and that’s what this is.


“I want the chance to stake my claim as the best lightweight in the world by going out there and beating him.


“I wasn’t going to turn down a rematch to try and ease myself back into title contention. I want these big fights; these big nights in Manchester are what I thrive on.


“I feel better than I have ever felt. Camp has gone really well and there will certainly be no excuses. I have had no distractions outside of camp and everything is good. It is a matter now of showing in the ring הייַנט בייַ נאַכט the improvements I have been showing in the gym.


“I have had no social life for the past few months and I will walk to the ring knowing that, knowing I have prepared in the best way I possibly can. There will be no ‘what if I had done this’, ‘what if I had done that’ – I have prepared the best I possibly can.”