Tag Archives: Manchester

Wise decision 4 years ago finds “Podivuhodný” Mykquan Williams 15-0 as pro today instead of elite amateur

Mykquan Williams (Photo by Emily Harney / Team Williams)

MANCHESTER, Conn. (Září 9, 2019) – If not for a critical decision four years ago, 21-letý “Podivuhodný” Mykquan Williams could very well be elite amateur training to compete for a spot on the 2020 USA Boxing Olympic Team, rather than the 15-0 rising star that he is today in professional boxing.

Williams (15-0, 7 KO), who lives in East Hartford (CT), has overcome life-altering obstacles in which his father was murdered when Mykquan was only eight months old, and the family house burned to the ground when he was 10.

Ineligible to compete for a roster spot on the 2016 USA Boxing Olympic Team because he was too young, Williams had two choices: remain an amateur for four years without any guarantees of qualifying for the Olympics, or get a jump start on his professional career. He chose the latter route and hasn’t looked back.

Williams was a decorated amateur whose style, in retrospect, is much better suited for pro boxing than the amateurs. He had a 45-13 amatérský záznam, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to capturing top honors at the National PAL and National Silver Glove championships.

I was too young for the last one,” Williams explained his decision to turn pro when he did.Williams explained. I ended my amateur career after there were scoring changes. I lost some tough decisions. I decided to take the next step and go pro to get paid. My style was more suitable for the pros. I don’t throw 100 praští kolo; I pick my spots when I have openings.

I didn’t want to wait several years. I chose to turn pro (when he was a senior at Prince Tech). I’m already 15-0, climbing the rankings, and I’m getting paid to do this. I was meant to do this.

Williams is the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) United States super lightweight champion, Jmenovitý. 5 by the United States Boxing Association (USBA), a č. 12 by the North American Boxing Federation (NABF).

I believed that Mykey was ready to turn pro,” Kallen commented. “Under Paul’s tutelage he was far enough advanced and eager to tackle the pros. His style was perfectly suited for the pros and at 18 years old he was ready to take the leap. His youthful good looks made him an ideal young prospect.

My concern at that time was the Olympic Team was no sure thing,” added Cichon, who has trained Williams for the past 10 léta. I had the confidence in Mykey, but the risk wasn’t worth the gain. We decided to go pro.

Four years later, instead of competing against America’s elite amateur boxers in his weight classKeyshawn Davis, Bruce Carrington a Dalis Kaleiopu — na 2020 Olympic Trials and USA Boxing’s National Championships, Prosinec 7-15, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Williams is one of the top 21-and-under prospects in boxing.


Cvrlikání: @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen
Instagram: @M.mkw_, @jackie.Kallen
Facebook: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen


Flanagan-Hooker Serves As Chief Support For The Long-Awaited Return Of Tyson Fury At Manchester Arena

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE pro focení; Credit Frank Warren/Stacey Verbeek


MANCHESTER, Velká Británie (Červen 7, 2018) – Undefeated 140-pound contenders Terry Flanagan and Maurice Hooker faced off on Thursday just two days before they meet for the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight World Championship on Saturday at Manchester Arena.




Flanagan vs. Hooker serves as the chief support for the long-awaited return of former unified heavyweight world champion Tyson Fury. Both bouts will stream live exclusively to U.S. audiences on the SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook page and SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel beginning at 4:30 p.m. A/1:30 p.m. PT.




Live coverage for the Frank Warren-promoted event will be provided by BT Sport with U.K. sportscasters John Rawling providing the blow-by-blow and Richie Woodhall the analysis. Boxing broadcaster Ray Flores a analytik Chris Mannix will deliver pre and post-fight analysis from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles for the SHOWTIME Sports audience.




The live stream of Fury vs. Seferi will precede that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® doubleheader that features WBA Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz in a highly anticipated rematch against former world champion Abner Mares live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT, zpoždění na západním pobřeží) from Staples Center. Ve spolupráci funkce, Jermell Charlo will face Austin Trout for the WBC Super Welterweight World Championship.




Here’s what Flanagan and Hooker had to say on Thursday:


Terry Flanagan

“I’m more than ready. I’ve prepared well, and I’m expecting a good night.”




“Of course he believes in himself, like the last few Americans that have come over. He’s just another American I’m going to add to the list.”




“I’m confident. I’m stronger and I’m bigger, fitter.”




“I’m more than ready. I know what he’s going to bring, and I’m prepared for the best Maurice Hooker. … I think I need to step up now and show people what I’m about.”


(On moving up a weight class) “It’s five pounds, it’s nothing. I’m plenty big enough to move up again. I’m 5-foot-10. I’m big, Jsem silný, I’m ready for this weight. This is my natural weight. … I’ll get a title at this weight and then see what happens from there.”




“There’s nothing he can do now or that I can do now to change how the fight is going to go. It’s all about getting in there and being 100 percent switched on ready, and we’re going to have a fight Saturday night.”


Maurice Hooker

“I love being the underdog – I’ve been the underdog my whole life, and look where I’m at now. I’m ready to fight Saturday, and Terry’s ready to fight. I’m going to punch him in the mouth, and I hope he punches me back – if not, he’s in trouble.”




“We’re going to put on a good show come Saturday night. He’s in good shape, and I’m in good shape. Můžeme jít 12 rounds real hard, or it might be an early night for Terry.”




“I’m back now and better than ever. I’m ready to show the whole world who I am. Before that fight with Darleys Perez, everybody was scared to fight me. I’m still that monster, I’m still that dog. Come Saturday night, I’m going to punch him in the mouth and I might knock him out in the first round.”




“Come Saturday night, I pray for him, because I mean business when I get in that ring.”




“It’s my best against his best. We’ve got a fight Saturday night, so don’t blink.”


Sobota, Června 9 - 4:30 p.m. A / 1:30 p.m. PT

Fury vs. Sefari From Manchester Arena

Facebook: s.sho.com/FurySeferi

SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Event Page: https://s.sho.com/2M0rsek

Amateur Boxing: USA vs Ireland New England Tour Closes Out With Fantastic Night of Action in Manchester, NH

Fight Report By: Rich Bergeron

Photography By: Shelly Corriveau

PHOTO SLIDESHOW (contact rich.bergeron@gmail.com for photo copies):

Boxing fans packed the Manchester Downtown Hotel Wednesday night to take in a spectacular night of elite amateur boxing. This was the final stop on a three-city tour of Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts and Manchester, New Hampshire. The scheduled fights featured Team USA amateurs facing the best amateur boxers from Ireland. By the final bell, Ireland managed to finish the eight bouts of the evening with a tie score, their best outcome of the tour. Team USA won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, příslušně, podle skóre 8-4 a 7-3.


Wednesday’s fights were not all about winning, nicméně. Pro většinu zúčastněných boxerů to byla skvělá příležitost k vyladění jejich technik a získání potřebných zkušeností z mezinárodních soutěží. Někteří z nejlepších interpretů středeční noci budou pravděpodobně v nadcházejícím období zastupovat své země 2020 Olympijské hry.



Hlavní událost noci představovala 2016 Bronzový medailista z mistrovství světa mládeže Richard Torrez dominující trojnásobnému irskému národnímu šampionovi Deanovi Gardinerovi. Výška a dlouhý dosah irského bojovníka prostě nemohly překonat rychlé tempo a vynikající obrannou pozici kratšího Američana.


Torrez strávil první kolo mistrovským fintováním a úderem, zatímco skóroval pomocí několika bombardovacích háků. Torrez změnil úrovně, použitý úhledný pohyb hlavy, a nikdy neopustil nohu z plynu, jak se Gardiner v rané fázi hnal vpřed s nevyváženým a divokým přístupem. V první se Ir spojil s úderem těla, ale nic jiného.


Torrez udržel rychlou pracovní rychlost v dalším snímku, rozpoutání levého a pravého háku a čisté přistání po většinu kola. Snadno skóroval do těla a hlavy, ačkoli velká část kola viděla, jak se jeho protivník kryje a čeká na otvory. Jeden rovně vlevo od Torreze poslal svého protivníka na okamžik k navíjení, ale vyšší muž se vzpamatoval a přistál fenomenální levý hák na hlavu Torreze, když bojoval z provazů. Gardiner se pokusil přistát většinou přímé údery na vnější stranu a zdálo se, že není schopen své údery zblízka otočit.

Třetí kolo vidělo, jak to oba bojovníci tloukli až do závěrečného zvonu s jednou z nejdivočejších směn noci a noci, ale pro Gardinera bylo příliš málo a příliš pozdě. Prostě nemohl vytočit svůj rozsah. Torrez svého oponenta jen přepracoval a přistál s několika úhlednými háky, aby mohl vyrazit svými bušícími pravými a levými háky. Úder používal střídmě, ale efektivně, utrácí většinu finálního rámce za cílení na Gardinerovo tělo. Torrez si svým výkonem vysloužil vítězství v jednomyslném rozhodnutí a v tomto procesu nepřijal více než hrst tvrdých střel.


Kelly Harrington, stříbrný medailista z Irska, pravděpodobně měla nejchytřejší výkon svého týmu při plavbě k jednomyslnému rozhodnutí vítězství nad Stacia Suttles v úvodním zápase noci. Suttles se snažila udržet si ideální děrovací rozsah proti neutuchajícímu útoku Harringtona v prvním kole, trávila většinu tří minut houpáním a tkáním, aby se pokusila vyhnout ostrým kombinacím svého protivníka. Suttlesová přistála její úder docela důsledně, a začala dávat dohromady několik kombinací pozdě v kole, ale Harrington je absolutní odborník, pokud jde o pohyb hlavy. Vypadala, jako by Floyd Mayweather, Jr. byl jedním z jejích trenérů, protože používala techniku ​​nízkých rukou s neustálými fintami, proklouznutí úderu a změna úrovně. První kolo ji vidělo přistát krásnou rovnou zleva k hlavě a fantastickou kombinací těla a hlavy, která pevně přistála. Uvolnila několik divokých háků, ačkoli několik z nich bylo divokých senátorů. Níže je obrázek Harringtona během jednoho z několika krátkých okamžiků boje, kdy zvedla obě ruce, aby si chránila obličej.

Suttles ve druhém kole zachytil Harringtona několika pohledy a flush výstřely, ale zdálo se, že má potíže sehnat moc za svými údery. Se svým soupeřem vyměnila pár slušných pravých rukou, ale na konci kola bylo jasné, že kvůli řemeslnosti svého soupeře prostě nebude schopna najít v boji žádný rytmus. Harrington strávila stejné kolo zdokonalováním svého sortimentu 1-2 kombinace kombinací a práv divokého olova. Harrington také o několik okamžiků později zaznamenal několik silných levých háků s dokonalým obrázkem rovného pravého přistání.
Třetí kolo bylo více stejné pro oba bojovníky. Suttles pracoval hodně z rámu, aby sledoval svého soupeře, ale pokaždé, když vyložila, zaplatila za to. Jeden obzvláště pevný levý hák přistál pozdě v kole, ale to nestačilo. Harrington strávil většinu posledních tří minut pokusem spojit se s pravými křídly. Později v kole přistála s jedním ze svých nejtvrdších úderů boje a na okamžik omráčila svého soupeře před zvonem, aby boj ukončil. Harrington si vzal jednomyslné rozhodnutí a vypadá, že je jedním z nejslibnějších boxerů na svou váhu v boji o 2020 Olympijské hry.
V dalším ženském boji na kartě hrál roli další příklad toho, že nějaká nevýhoda byla nějaká nevýhoda. Tým USA Leah Cooper (#2 Americká žena střední váhy) vyhýbal se a předstíral, aby se vyhnul dlouhému dosahu vyššího Aoife Burke. Cooper bojoval z polokrku, takže bylo pro Burke těžké přistát s jakoukoli významnou silou na většině jejích úderů. Osmnásobný národní irský šampion
měla v boji několik míst, kde znovu získala kontrolu nad akcí, ale Cooper provedl správné úpravy, aby minimalizoval hrozby.
Cooper zahájil rojový útok a zahájil první kolo, vystřelit 1-2 komba a zálohování Burke. Po celou dobu zůstávala trpělivá a vytrvalá, zůstat nízko a mimo dosah výstřelů Burke. Burke vykazoval vynikající obranu, ale dokázala házet a přistávat jen po jednom úderu. Během celého kola předváděla ostrý úder, ale Coopera to prostě neodradilo. Burke měla nejlepší okamžiky kola směrem k závěrečnému zvonu, míchání střel do těla a hlavy, včetně tvrdého pravého háku na hlavu.
Burke vyšel na druhé kolo v plamenech, zaútočit na Coopera rychlou palbou 1-2 komba a háčky. Také se mísila v úhledném háku, který našel Cooperovu bradu. Cooper bouři přečkal, jen krátce padl do pasti. Znovu získala klid, přistál několik vynikajících protiběžných úderů, a to, co mohlo být Burkeovým nejlepším kolem, se stalo nejhorším pro irského šampiona. Cooper zůstal klidný a chladný, navzdory tomu, že udělala některé z nejtvrdších střel, její soupeř v boji přistál. Přistála skvěle 1-2 komba po Burkeově útoku zmizela, nakonec otevřel ránu poblíž Burkeho levého oka a zakrvácel jí nos. Cooperův tvrdý úder na tělo také způsobil, že se Burke krátce přikrčil na plátno po pevném pravém háku.
Burke zahájil třetí kolo trochu pozdě poté, co se nechal odhlásit a vyčistit lékařem z ringu. Znovu začala s přívalem bombardovacích úderů. Zamířila na tělo a hlavu, ale Cooper se znovu shromáždil a vrátil se do práce. Dobře změnila úrovně a začala se spojovat s rozzuřenými háčky, nejprve k tělu a potom zpět k hlavě. Také pokračovala v aktivním úderu a přistála několikrát 1-2 komba. Burke v závěrečných okamžicích boje zvládl další pozdní nával, ale Cooper stále odešel s jednomyslným vítězstvím rozhodnutí.
Tým USA Lightweight James Browning přišel do zápasu ve středu večer s irským Francisem Clearym jako dvojnásobným šampiónem USA v boxu. Cleary, devítinásobný irský národní šampion, představoval Browningův první trhák na mezinárodní soutěži. Oba bojovníci měli své chvíle, ale bylo by to, že by Browning vyhrál na konci tří zábavných, sem a tam akce.
Browning strávil první kolo stanovením vyšší pracovní rychlosti než jeho protivník a spoustou pohybu, aby se vyhnul útoku Clearyho. Rovněž přistál důsledně, míchání jeho těla a hlavy střel dobře. Ačkoli vyhrál kolo, Browning vzal spoustu rizik a zaplatil za to. Cleary si vybral jeho skvrny a uvolnil čistší a silnější údery, když byl schopen přistát. Prostě se nemohl dostatečně připojit, a téměř z pokaždé, když skončil v těsné blízkosti, se dostal z potíží.
Do druhého snímku jasně dopadly další ostré bomby, začíná být agresivnější a začíná sledovat svého neustále se pohybujícího soupeře. Tlukot levého háku na konci kola se spojil s Browningovou hlavou a zapůsobil na nabitý dům fanoušků. Stále, Browning zůstal zaneprázdněn a vedl si dobře při tloucicích výměnách mezi dvěma bojovníky. Byl často divoký, ale pracovní výkon zabránil Clearymu v krádeži kola.
Cleary vyšel do třetího kola s obnovenou dravostí, zapojit se do divoké rvačky s Browningem. Bylo to nejlepší kolo boje o Clearyho, a Browning nedokázal udržet nepolapitelnost, kterou předvedl v předchozích kolech. Irská stíhačka přistála v kole další vzkvétající levý hák, představoval perfektně načasované čítače, a pořád praštil až ke zvonu. Na konci boje se Browning rozhodně zdál frustrovaný a unavený. Stále, dva ze tří soudců si byli jisti, že si výhru zaslouží, vydělávat rozdělené rozhodnutí vítězství.
Příští zápas postavil osminásobného irského národního šampiona Wayna Kelleyho proti třináctinásobnému americkému národnímu šampionovi Adrianovi Bentonovi v těsné bitvě welterové váhy. Oba mladí bojovníci měli v zápase světlá místa, ale Kelleymu se podařilo chytře vyděsit vítězství v rozhodnutí o rozdělení, odvážné úsilí.
Benton měl lepší první kolo díky rojovému útoku. He worked in and out of range with 1-2 combos and sparing hooks. He used all his angles well, pivoting out of trouble and into effective range with ease. Kelley struggled to land counters until the final moments of the round when he landed his own flurry of 1-2 komba.
Kelley started the second round with much more energy and poise. He landed early and often, winging left hands and opening up a cut on Benton’s lip. Benton slipped some of the more dangerous punches, blocked shots well and landed some crisp, hard shots of his own. His best exchange was a left and right hook to the head that landed near the middle of the round.
Kelley slowed down a bit in the final round, unable to find his ideal range. He landed some hard right hands, a well-placed body shot and unloaded with a late flurry. Benton kept busy early in the round and artfully ducked under a bombing right hook from Kelley. The judges seemed more impressed with Kelley’s composure in the final two rounds as Benton kept getting drawn in to sloppy brawling. Kelley edged out the win by a 2-1 margin.
The light welterweights came next, producing another tight contest. Ireland’s Caoimhin Ferguson fought Team USA’s Charlie Sheehy with a slightly better tactical approach, earning another split decision victory for his squad.
Sheehy took on a more cautious and patient approach in the first round, waiting for the perfect moment to throw and land. His best punches of the round included a hard right hand to the body and a starching jab. Ferguson put in more work in the frame, scoring on multiple hooks to the head and unleashing wild and crazy flurries a few times. One particular left hook crashed hard into Sheehy’s head in the final moments of the round.
Ferguson landed some decent shots in the second round, but Sheehy was much more composed. He worked around the wild-swinging, hard-charging assault by keeping his distance and scoring from outside with some crisp rights to the chin. The fighters exchanged some hooks to the body and wound up in a clinch before the end of the round.
Sheehy struggled to string punches together in the final round. Though he had a nice straight right hand working for him, Ferguson was able to penetrate his defense. Ferguson landed a thumping left hook early and went on to land a few more bombs before losing his mouthpiece in one exchange. Likely knowing he needed to finish strong to get the judges on his side, Ferguson rushed in with a final torrent of hooks in the final seconds. He earned a 2-1 decision win for his tenacity.
Welterweights Kieron Molloy (Irsko) and Freudis Rojas, Jr. (Spojené státy americké) squared off in another bout. Both fighters are previous World Championship Bronze Medalists with Molloy also claiming nine Irish National titles and Rojas winning the US nationals 10 times so far. It was another close shave win for Team Ireland.
Rojas was clearly the more active fighter in the first round. He used a consistent jab and increased his work rate through the frame. He ket busy on offense right up until the bell. Molloy began the round winging shots and trying to figure out his range. He unleashed a bit late in some of the more fierce exchanges, couldn’t figure out how to get his combinations going, and had a tough time catching up with the faster Rojas. Molloy did land some excellent straight lefts, ačkoli.
The next round went much better for the Irish southpaw. He started with an uptick in his punch output, though he still struggled to land combos. At one point in the round, Molloy connected with a huge straight left, followed up by a nice power jab, slowing down his opponent. Rojas kept coming forward but couldn’t capitalize on scoring opportunities in the round. A late flurry of punches from Rojas wasn’t enough for him to steal the round.
Rojas landed some excellent shots in the final round, going downstairs to the body frequently. He also caught Molloy against the ropes, blasting him with straight punches. Molloy fought the smarter round, ačkoli, picking the best times to throw and often catching Rojas with his hands down. His best exchange of the round featured a huge 1-2 connecting to the head and a wild left hook to the head. A final swarm of punches from the Irish fighter closed the show and earned him a 2-1 split decision win.
Team USA’s Nikita Ababiy scored a hard-fought win in a wild affair before the main event with Team Ireland’s Gerard French. The first round saw Ababiy jabbing well. The American came into the fight with a very non-traditional boxing stance with one hand low, but his posture seemed to be effective in luring his opponent into punching range. Ababiy landed some booming hooks and a nice left uppercut that backed up French. Mezitím, French concentrated on trying to land counters. He had a lower work rate but also didn’t take too much punishment.
French spent the second round trying to exchange in close quarters. He landed more shots later in the round, including some heated right hooks in the final moments. Ababiy connected with some thumping shots in the round and showcased some nice defense as well. He mixed up his shots to the body and head, throwing and covering up to wait for the next opening. Ababiy landed a nice left hook to the head followed up with a picture perfect right uppercut in the final minute. He ended the round well on his way to his first win.
The final round saw Ababiy slow down a bit, but he was still effective enough to carry the frame. French managed some crisp left hooks to the head, but he couldn’t figure out the different style his opponent brought to the ring. The American cruised to the unanimous decision win.
The night also began with the only stoppage on the card thanks to a wild brawl between local 132-pound Manchester, NH novices Michael Correa and Abhisek Thapa. Correa took off across the ring upon hearing the opening bell and unleashed one wild flurry after another. Thapa didn’t let the tornado swallow him up, ačkoli. He ust covered up and waited for his opportunities. It only took a couple minutes for Correa to start tiring out from the relentless attack. Thapa then waded in to land some of the most impressive shots of the night, forcing the referee to stop the fight for three standing eight counts before the end finally came with a whirlwind of power punches from Thapa.


There was also a guest appearance made by the boxer Floyd Mayweather, Jr. still calls his toughest opponent ever, Emanuel Augustus (3-34-6, 20 KO). Augustus participated in a reunion the previous night with “Irský” Micky Ward (38-13, 27 KO), celebrating one of the best fights in the history of the sport, which took place on July 13, 2001. Augustus stuck around for the fights and even came into the ring to showcase that he still has the same punching prowess that made him one of the most entertaining fighters of his era.
“We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach Billy Walsh said. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 Olympijské hry). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.”

Team Ireland also brought their own production crew to film all the action for those who couldn’t be there:

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USA and Ireland battle to 4-4 draw Americans capture three-city team title, 2-0-1, on USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Březen 22, 2018) – Last night’s third and final stop on USA Boxing’s 2018 USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour ended in a 4-4 draw at Downtown Manchester Hotel in Manchester, New Hampshire. Team USA won the team tour title, 2-0-1.
Team USA had won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, příslušně, podle skóre 8-4 a 7-3.
We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach Billy Walsh řekl. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 Olympijské hry). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.
Team Ireland led last night’s team scoring, 4-3, going into the final match of the night, a super heavyweight rematch. The 2016 Youth World Championships bronze medalist Richard Torrez once again defeated there-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner,
Third time was the charm for Brooklyn middleweight Nikita Ababiy, who broke into the win column with a 3-0 unanimous decision over Gerard French, keeping the Americans hope alive to deadlock the final score with one match to go.
In a battle between southpaw welterweights, nine-time Irish National Champion and World Championships bronze medalist, Kieron Molloy took a 2-1 split decision over Freudis Rojas, Jr., a 10-time national champion and World Championships bronze medalist.
Irish light welterweight Caoimhin Ferguson vyhrál 2-1 split decision victory over California light welterweight Charlie Sheey to give Team Ireland a 3-2 advantage.
Eight-time Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Wayne Kelley vyhrál 2-1 split decision versus Cincinnati light welterweight Adrian Benton, the 13-time national champion making his International match debut.
In his International debut, two-time USA Boxing champion James Browning vyhrál 2-1 decision over Irish lightweight Francis Cleary, a nine-time Irish National champion and European Championships silver medalist, in a very entertaining lightweight match.
Do Not. 2-rated American middleweight Leah Cooper dropped her opponent, eight-time National Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Adolfe Burke, en route to a 3-0 jednomyslné rozhodnutí.
World Championship silver medalist Kellie Harrington defeated lightweight Stacia Suttlesfor the second time on the tour by the identical score, 3-0, giving Team Ireland its first lead of the tour, albeit temporary, in last night’s tour opener.
In a Special Manchester Lightweight novice class match, Michael Correa (Manchester PAL) poražený Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing) when the referee stopped the contest in the opening round.
Complete individual & team results:
(tour records in parenthesis)
Richard Torrez, Tulare, Kalifornie, Spojené státy americké
UDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, Irsko
Střední váhy
Nikita Ababiy (1-2), Brooklyn, New York, Spojené státy americké
UDEC (3-0)
Gerard French (0-2), Antrim, Irsko
Kieron Molloy (2-0), Galway, Irsko
SDEC (2-1)
Freudis Rojas, Jr. (0-1), Las Vegas, Nevada, Spojené státy americké
LIGHT super-velterová váha
Caoimhin Ferguson (1-1), Antrim, Irsko
SDEC (2-1)
Charley Sheehy (1-1), Brisbane, Kalifornie, Spojené státy americké
Wayne Kelley (1-1), West Meade, Irsko
SDEC (2-1)
Adrian Benton (0-1), Cincinnati, Ohio, Spojené státy americké
James Browning (1-0), Tempe, Arizona, Spojené státy americké
SDEC (2-1)
Francis Cleary (0-2, Mayo, Irsko
Leah Cooper (1-0), Ozone Park, New York, Spojené státy americké
UDEC (3-0)
Aolfe Burke (0-1), Dublin, Irsko
Kellie Harrington (2-0), Dublin, Irsko
UDEC (3-0)
Stacia Suttles (0-2), Bronx, New York, Spojené státy americké
Spojené státy americké: 4

Michael Correa, Manchester PAL, Manchester, NH
WRSC1 (1:41)
Abhisek Thapa, Title Boxing, Manchester, NH
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2001 Fight of the Year Reunion for final stop of 2018 USA vs. Ireland Northeast Tour

Emanuel Augustus joins special guests Micky Ward & Steve Smoger to complete memorable fight
Březen 21 v Manchesteru, NH
COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Březen 19, 2018) – Retired pro boxer Emanuel Augustus has confirmed his attendance this week at a USA Boxing-hosted reunion of the 2001 Boj roku, associated with the final stop on the 2018 USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour festivities in Manchester, New Hampshire.
The 2001 Fight of the Year was held July 13, 2001, at Hampton Beach Casino in Hampton, NH., and it is still considered one of the greatest matches ever broadcast on ESPN. “Irský” Micky Ward won an incredibly entertaining, back-and-forth junior welterweight match-up withboxing culthero Emanuel Augustus, by way of a 10-round unanimous decision that was much closer than the judgesscoring indicated (98-90, 96-91, 96-94).
Ward versus Augustus was truly the event of the year in boxing and we’re so happy it was held right here in New Hampshire,” said Stephen, who has been in his position as chairman since 1974, “Micky was losing the fight until the later rounds. As the chairperson of he commission, I checked the judgesscorecards after six or seven rounds and Micky was losing. Pak, Micky caught Augustus, dropped and really hurt him. He went on to win a great fight.
The high-profile win positioned Ward for what turned out to be his epic Gatti trilogy, while Augustus went on to become one of the most dangerous, upset-minded opponents in boxing. Vizita, Augustus and the third man in the ring that night, Hall of Fame rozhodčího Steve Smoger, will host as USA Alumni Association event Tuesday, Moře. 20 at The Shaskeen Pub & Restaurant (909 Elm St. v Manchesteru), začíná na 6 p.m. A.
The trio will also be joined by two others closely associated with the 2001 Boj roku, Chairman of the New Hampshire Boxing and Wrestling Commission, Bobby Stephen, as well as International matchmaker, Eric Bottjer, who made the Ward-Augustus fight in 2001.
All five will also attend the USA Boxing Alumni Association event as well as the following night’s (Moře. 21) USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour finale at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, New Hampshire.
A special lightweight novice WILL open the competition, showcasing two Manchester amateur boxers, Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing Club) a Michael Correa (Manchester PAL).
Presented by Corona Premium, the Manchester event will start at 7 p.m. EST, and it also serves as a fundraiser for another partner of the show, the Manchester PAL Boxing Club.
Vstupenky jsou cenově na $20.00 pro obecné přijetí, $30 for reserved ringside seats, and available to purchase on Seacoast Ticket Agency’s website, www.seacoastticket.com, the official ticket distributor for the event.
We’re so happy to have the USA-Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour here in Manchester,” Stephen added. “The talent on both squads is extraordinary. We’re honored to have these two teams here for this big event. It’s a credit to USA Boxing and (special events director) Al Valenti, who has done so much over the years for boxing in New Hampshire. Boxing was very popular here many years ago. People turned out in droves to attend the Golden Gloves. There’s a boxing resurgence and that’s so important to teach young people discipline, respect and conditioning that’s so needed today. These amateurs do their best for the love of boxing; they aren’t in it for money like professionals.
Micky is honorable, a real nice person. It means a lot for local fans and boxers to meet him. We were fortunate to have him fight in New Hampshire on serval occasions and nobody who watched his fight Augustus or his trilogy with Arturo Gatti will never forget.”.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour klikněte zde.
USA vs. Irsko Plán
Březen 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Manchester, N.H.
(All boxers and bouts are subject to change.)
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Team USA defeats Team Ireland, 8-4 In USA Boxing’s 2018 USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour

BOSTON (Březen 13, 2018) – Team USA defeated Team Ireland, 8-4 , minulou noc (Pondělí) on the first stop of the three-city 2018 USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour, at Club Royale Entertainment Center in Boston’s historic theater district.
Two of the best amateur boxing squads in the country, featuring numerous 2020 Olympic hopefuls, had a major showdown to the delight of the mixed crowed of supporters of both programs.
It was a fantastic night of boxing,” said Team USA head coach Billy Walsh, who used to guide Team Ireland’s boxing program. The real winners were the boxing fans, American and Irish, supporting these two young teams. I was really happy with our performance as well as theirs.
The USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour continues tento čtvrtek (Moře. 15 na) the MassMutual Center in Springfield, Mass., and concludes Středa, Moře. 21 at The Manchester Downtown Hotel in New Hampshire.
All the duals will begin at 7:00 p.m. EST a vstupenky budou k dispozici ke koupi v nadcházejících týdnech. Každé město představí až 12 konce, which will all be live streamed, zdarma, na webových stránkách USA boxerské je (www.usaboxing.org).
Honorary captains Irský” Micky Ward a Kevin “The Clones ColossusMcBride, příslušně, led Team USA and Team Ireland into the ring.
A USA Alumni Association gathering was held prior to the show.
In the final bout of the night, American super heavyweight Richard Torrez, the 2016 Mistrovství světa mládeže a bronzový medailista 2017 USA Boxing Elite National champion, closed the show in style against four-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner, 3-0.
Bombs away was the theme in the heavyweight match as Irishman Kiril Afganasev powered his way past Adrian Tillman, 2-1.
Lanky American light heavyweight Khalil Coe decisioned six-time Irish National champion Caoimhin Hynes.
Three-time European champion Michael Nevin edged 2016 Youth World Championship team member Nikita Ababiy, 2-1, in a back-and-forth middleweight contest.
One of America’s brightest prospects, 2017 Elite World Championship bronze medalist Troy Isley, showed everything in his arsenal against eight-time Irish National champion Brett McGinty, emerging with an impressive unanimous decision in a toe-to-toe middleweight clash.
Eight-time Irish National champion Kierion Molloy won a split decision over American welterweight Quinton Randall, a 2017 Elite World Championship team member.
In a special match-up between two Internationally decorated light welterweights,2016 Youth World Champion a 2017 Elite kontinentální mistrovství stříbrný medailista, DelanteTygr” Johnson, took a split decision from eight-time Irish National champion Wayne Kelly.
Keyshawn Davis pounded Irish light welterweight George Bates en route to a dominating unanimous decision victory, in which the American showcased his numerous skills.
Americká lehká Marc Castro, who moved up one weight class, turned in an auspiciousEliteclass debut, porážet Francis Cleary by way of a unanimous decision. The highly-regarded Castro was a two-time World champion as a junior and youth boxer.
Aggressive American welterweight Oshae Jones won a hard-fought split decision versus Grainne Bates in an action-packed match from start to finish. Jones was a 2017 Elite Women’s Continental Championships silver medalist.
World Championships silver medalist lightweight Kellie Harrington won a unanimous decision over American lightweight Stacia Suttles in a very competitive match.
Four-time 2017 international gold medalist Virginia Fuchs opened the night with a victory over Irish flyweight Lauren Hogan, when the referee stopped the contest in the second round.
Complete individual & team results:
Richard Torrez, Tulare, Kalifornie, Spojené státy americké
WDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, Irsko
Těžké váhy
Kiril Afanasev, Dublin, Irsko
WDEC (2-1)
Adrian Tillman, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Spojené státy americké
LIGHT těžké váhy
Khalil Coe, Jersey, City, New Jersey, Spojené státy americké
WDEC (3-0)
Caoimhin Hynes, Belfast, Irsko
Střední váhy
Michael Nevin, Laois, Irsko
WDEC (2-1)
Nikita Ababiy, Brooklyn, New York, Spojené státy americké
Troy Isley, Alexandrie, Virginie, Spojené státy americké
WDEC (3-0)
Brett McGinty, Derry, Irsko
Kieron Molloy, Galway, Irsko
WDEC (2-1)
Quinton Randall, Katy, Texas, Spojené státy americké
LIGHT super-velterová váha
Tiger Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio, Spojené státy americké
WDEC (2-1)
Wayne Kelly, Laois, Irsko
Keshawn Davis, Norfolk, Virginie, Spojené státy americké
WDEC (3-0)
George Bates, Dublin, Irsko
Marc Castro, Fresno, Kalifornie, Spojené státy americké
WDEC (3-0)
Francs Cleary, Mayo, Irsko
Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio, Spojené státy americké
WDEC (2-1)
Grainne Bates, Dublin, Irsko
Kellie Harrington, Dublin, Irsko
WDEC (3-0)
Stacia Suttles, Bronx, New York, Spojené státy americké
Ginny Fuchs, Kemah, Texas, Spojené státy americké
RSC2 (1:57)
Lauren Hogan, Offaly, Irsko
Spojené státy americké: 8 IRELAND: 4
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour klikněte zde.
USA vs. Irsko Plán
Březen 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Hmota.
Březen 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Manchester, N.H.
Cvrlikání: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

2001 Fight of the Year Reunion planned for final stop of 2018 USA vs. Ireland Northeast Tour

Special guests Micky Ward & Steve Smoger
Březen 21 v Manchesteru, NH
COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Březen 12, 2018) – USA Boxing is hosting a special reunion, featuring two key members of the 2001 Boj roku, to be part of the final stop on the 2018 USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour, Březen 21 at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Presented by Corona Premium, the Manchester event will start at 7 p.m. EST, and it also serves as a fundraiser for another partner of the show, the Manchester PAL Boxing Club.
Vstupenky jsou cenově na $20.00 pro obecné přijetí, $30 for reserved ringside seats, and available to purchase on Seacoast Ticket Agency’s website,www.seacoastticket.com, the official ticket distributor for the event.
The 2001 Fight of the Year was held July 13, 2001, at Hampton Beach Casino in Hampton, NH., and it is still considered one of the greatest matches ever broadcast on ESPN. “Irský” Micky Ward won an incredibly entertaining, back-and-forth junior welterweight match-up withboxing culthero Emanuel Augustus, by way of a 10-round unanimous decision that was much closer than the judgesscoring indicated (98-90, 96-91, 96-94).
The high-profile win positioned Ward for what turned out to be his epic Gatti trilogy, while Augustus went on to become one of the most dangerous, upset-minded opponents in boxing. Ward and the third man in the ring that night, Hall of Fame rozhodčího Steve Smoger, will host a USA Alumni Association event Úterý, Moře. 20 at The Shaskeen Pub & Restaurant (909 Elm St. v Manchesteru), začíná na 6 p.m. A, and attend the following night’s (Moře. 21) USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour finale in Manchester.
I’m honored to be invited by USA Boxing to represent all professional officials who spent so much valuable time in the amateurs on their way to their positions in the pros,” Smoger said. “I’m looking forward to being part of everything planned.
Anytime I spend time with Micky is enjoyable, dovnitř a ven z kruhu, and we’ve truly formed a bond. I worked six or seven of his fights, including his first in Atlantic City, around the time we were both breaking in. We spend time together every year at the International Boxing Hall of Fame inductions. He’s such a pleasure to be around. He treats people very well. His history in the ring and personality make him a big fan favorite. He’s the same guy he’s always been but he still has the heart of a warrior.
Bernard Dunne celebrating world title anniversary
Irish Team Performance Director Bernard Dunne will celebrate the ninth anniversary of his WBA super bantamweight title-winning performance, Moře. 21, 2009, the same date as the USA-Ireland Northeaster Boxing Tour stop in Manchester.
Dunne (28-2, 15 KO), fighting out of Dublin, fought professionally between 2001-2009. Byl 119-11 jako amatér, počítaje v to 13 Irish titles.
V 2009, se zastavil Ricardo Cordoba v 11th round at O2 Arena in Dublin, aby se stal mistrem světa.
USA stars out in Manchester
USA Boxing will be looking to conclude the tour on a high note with expected boxers on the show such as 2017 four-time international gold medalist Ginny Fuchs (Kemah, TX), 2017 Elite Women’s Continental Championships bronze medalist Oshae Jones (Toledo, OH), 2017 World Championships silver medalist Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, OH), 2017 World Championships bronze medalist Freudis Rojas (Las Vegas, NV), 2016 USA Nationals heavyweight champion Jared Anderson (Toledo, OH), a 2016 Youth World Championship bronze medalist Richard Torrez (Tulare, JAKO). Všechny boxeři a záchvaty podléhají změnám.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour klikněte zde.
USA vs. Irsko Plán
Březen 12: Royale zábavní komplex, Boston, Hmota.
Březen 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Hmota.
Březen 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Manchester, N.H.
Cvrlikání: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Announces Rosters for USA vs. IRL Northeast Boxing Tour

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Březen 7, 2018) — USA Boxing announced today the tentative rosters for the three-city USA vs. IRL Northeast Boxing Tour that is kicking offBřezen 12 v Bostonu Royale Entertainment Complex. All three stops will showcase top USA boxers that have won numerous international medals.
Boston’s stop, which is presented by Budweiser, will feature three World Championship medalists, počítaje v to 2017 Elite World Championship bronze medalist Troy Isley (Alexandra, Va.), who just earned a silver at the 2018 Strandja Tournament in Sofia, Bulgaria last month, jakož i 2016 Youth World Champions Delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio) a 2016 Youth World Championship bronze medalist Richard Torrez (Tulare, Calif.). Johnson and Torrez both represented Team USA with Isley in Bulgaria, where Johnson earned a bronze medal.
Other boxers to represent Team USA in Boston include Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, Va.) who just earned his first international title in Bulgaria. Headlining the women is Virginia Fuchs (Kemah, Texas), who won four international gold medals in 2017 and began her 2018 with a bronze at the Strandja Tournament.
Team USA’s second dual at Springfield’s MassMutal Center on Březen 15 will be headlined once again Isley and Johnson, as well as their 2017 World Championship teammate Quinton Randall (Pokořit, Texas) will join them on this leg of the tour, spolu s 2017 National Champion and Continental Championship silver medalist Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio). Two-time World Champion Marc Castro (Fresno, Calif.) will represent Team USA for the first time at the elite level.
Amoskeag Beverages and Manchester PAL will present the third and final stop in Manchester, N.H. na Březen 21. Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio), 2017 World Championship silver medalist, will headline the final stop along with 2017 World Championship bronze medalist Freudis Rojas (Las Vegas, Nev.), as well as Fuchs and Torrez. Other boxers anticipated to compete include 2017 USA Boxing National Champions Jared Anderson (Toledo, Ohio) and international medalist Stacia Suttles (Bronx, New York)
Team Ireland will bring a total of 18 different boxers to compete throughout the tour, and a full roster can be seen below for both teams.
For more information and to stay up-to-date on USA vs. IRL Northeast Boxing Tour, klikněte zde.
USA Boxing Roster – **All rosters are subject to change**
51 kilogram / 112 lbs: Virginia Fuchs, Kemah, Texas, 29
60 kilogram / 132 lbs: Stacia Suttles, Bronx, New York, 23
60 kilogram / 132 lbs: Keyshawn Davis, Norfolk, Va., 19
64 kilogram / 141 lbs: Delante Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio, 19
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio, 20
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Quinton Randall, Pokořit, Texas, 27
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Troy Isley, Alexandrie, Va., 19
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Nikita Ababiy, Brooklyn, New York, 19
81 kilogram / 178 lbs: Khalil Coe, Jersey City, New Jersey, 21
91 kilogram / 201 lbs: Adrian Tillman, Colorado Springs, Colo., 22
91+ kilogram / 201+ lbs: Richard Torrez, Tulare, Calif., 18
56 kilogram / 123 lbs: Marc Castro, Fresno, Calif., 18
60 kilogram / 132 lbs: Keyshawn Davis, Norfolk, Va., 19
64 kilogram / 141 lbs: Amelia Moore, Alexandrie, Va., 28
64 kilogram / 141 lbs: Charlie Sheehy, Brisbane, Calif., 19
64 kilogram / 141 lbs. Delante Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio, 19
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio,
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Quinton Randall, Pokořit, Texas, 27
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Nikita Ababiy, Brooklyn, New York, 19
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Troy Isley, Alexandrie, Va., 19
81 kilogram / 178 lbs: Khalil Coe, Jersey City, New Jersey, 21
91 kilogram / 201 lbs: Adrian Tillman, Colorado Springs, Colo., 22
51 kilogram / 112 lbs: Virginia Fuchs, Katy, Texas, 29
56 kilogram / 123 lbs: Duke Ragan, Cincinnati, Ohio, 29
60 kilogram / 132 lbs: Stacia Suttles, Bronx, New York, 23
60 kilogram / 132 lbs: James Browning, Las Vegas, Nev., 18
64 kilogram / 132 lbs: Charlie Sheehy, Brisbane, Calif., 19
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Quinton Randall, Pokořit, Texas, 27
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Freudis Rojas Jr., Las Vegas, Nev., 19
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Nikita Ababiy, Brooklyn, New York, 19
75 kilogram / 175 lbs: Naomi Graham, Colorado Springs, Colo., 28
91 kilogram / 201 lbs: Jared Anderson, Toledo, Ohio, 18
91+ kg/ 201+ lbs: Richard Torres, Tulare, Calif., 18
Ireland’s Boxing Roster
54 kilogram / : Lauren Hogan, Offaly, 21
56 kilogram / 123 lbs: Evan Metcalfe, Dublin, 28
60 kilogram / 123 lbs: George Bates, Dublin, 23
60 kilogram / 123 lbs.: Francis Cleary, Mayo, 19
60 kilogram / 123 lbs.: Kellie Harrington, Dublin, 28
64 kilogram / 141 lbs.: Paddy Donovan, Limerick, 19
64 kilogram / 141 lbs: Caoimhin Ferguson, Antrim, 21
64 kilogram / 141 lbs.: Wayne Kelly, Laois, 21
69 kilogram / 152 lbs. L Eugene McKeever, Drogheda, 21
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Kieran Molloy, Galway, 21
69 kilogram / 152 lbs: Grain Walsh, Offaly, 22
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Aoife Burke, Dublin, 20
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Brett McGinty, Derry, 19
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Gerard French, Antrim, 20
75 kilogram / 165 lbs: Michael Nevin, Laois, 19
81 kilogram / 178 lbs: Caoimhin Hynes, Antrim, 20
91 kilogram / 201 lbs: Kiril Afanasev, Dublin, 26
91+ kilogram / 201+ lbs: Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, 27
USA vs. Irsko Plán
Březen 12: Royale zábavní komplex, Boston, Hmota.
Březen 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Hmota.
Březen 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Manchester, N.H.
Všechny boxeři a záchvaty podléhají změnám.
Cvrlikání: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Former Irish National Team head coach Billy Walsh Now rebuilding Team USA boxing program

2018 USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour:
Moře. 12 Boston, Moře. 15 Springfield, Moře. 21 Manchester, NH

Billy Walsh (centrum) is shown here receiving his Best of 2017 Elite World Championships Award

OLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Únor 22, 2018) – USA Boxing head coach Billy Walsh was the head coach of his native country’s amateur program in Ireland for 12 years and, ironicky, those two squads will compete in three friendly duals next month on the 2018 USA vs. Ireland Northeast Tour.
A 1988 Ireland Olympian, Walsh coached the Irish Team from 2003 na 2015, and he took over Team USA in 2015, capturing the AIBA’s World Coach of the Year the past two years.
The USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will commence Březen 12 v Bostonu Royale Entertainment Complex, followed by match-ups on Březen 15 Na MassMutual Center ve Springfieldu, Mass., and Manchester, NH will close out tours onBřezen 21 The Manchester Downtown Hotel. Boxu začne v 7:00 p.m. EST Ve všech třech městech.

Tickets for any of these events may be purchased online at http://go.teamusa.org/2nX3Vjc. Každé město představí až 12 konce, each to be live-streamed, zdarma, na webových stránkách USA boxerské je (www.usaboxing.org).

“Konec konců,” the 54-year-old Walsh admitted, “it is an unusual situation for me. But I’ve been coaching here two years and Team USA is my team now. I didn’t come here for just a few years. When I eventually leave, Team USA will have developed continuity and a solid program.
I am a true Irishman who developed through a system that won multiple titles and I was the Irish Team captain for five years. I’m helping develop strong relations between USA and Ireland that can help both programs. Ireland has been among the best of the worldamazing considering the geographical size of Irelandwith its fightersgreat hearts along with their technique and skill. There’s a lot of talent and resources in the states, but amateur boxers have been taught to develop skills more for professional boxing. Here there is a variety of different ethnic groups: Mexicans, African-American and Caucasians, také. It’s truly a melting pot and each has a unique style of boxing. We are now providing coaching education for US programs to be sustainable long term.
Boston, samozřejmě, is known for being Irish friendly, to say the least. The Mayor of Boston, for example, je Marty Walsh. Coach Walsh has only been in Boston once, 10 years ago with his wife for a short holiday.
I didn’t do or get to see too much,” Walsh added. “but I know that there’s a lot of Irish history in Boston. Boston is a home away from home for the Irish. I have some friends and family there. I even joke that the mayor is my cousin. I understand that there are a lot of Irish in Springfield and Manchester, také. I’m looking forward to going to all three cities on this tour.
Rosters for the USA and Irish teams will soon be announced.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Irsko Severovýchodní Boxing Tour klikněte zde.

USA vs. Irsko Plán

Březen 12: Royale zábavní komplex, Boston, Hmota.
Březen 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Hmota.
Březen 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Manchester, N.H.
Všechny boxeři a záchvaty podléhají změnám.
Cvrlikání: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour Kicks-off March 12 v Bostonu

Fightin’ Irský” boxing history
Rich in Boston
COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Únor 12, 2018) – “Fightin’ Irský” and Boston boxing has been synonymous for more than a century, since the Irish first started emigrating to the United States in general, Boston in particular, po Great Potato Famine.
Many Irish and Irish-American boxers have fought in the Greater Boston area, some born and others resettling there. This rich tradition continues next month in a different way when the three-city 2018 USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour kicks-off Pondělí, Březen 12, at the newly renovated Royale Entertainment Complex in Boston’s famed theater district. The Boston stop, which is being presented by Budweiser, will have general admission tickets for $20.00 and a limited amount of $30.00 reserved tickets go on sale today (Pondělí, Únor. 12) na 12 p.m. A are available to purchase online here.
The USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will continue Březen 15 Na MassMutual Center ve Springfieldu, Mass., concluding Březen 21 at The Manchester Downtown Hotel in New Hampshire.
All the duals will begin at 7:00 p.m. EST a vstupenky budou k dispozici ke koupi v nadcházejících týdnech. Každé město představí až 12 konce, which will all be live streamed, zdarma, na webových stránkách USA boxerské je (www.usaboxing.org).
The tradition started back in the 19th century with The Boston Strongboy,” John. L. Sullivan (Roxbury, MA), the first millionaire American athlete, as well as the firstglovesworld heavyweight champion and finalbare knucklesheavyweight champion of the world. An International Boxing Hall of Famer, Sullivan won 38 na 38 Pro boje, 30 coming by knockout, with only one loss and two draws.
Another Hall-of-Famer from that era, Jake Kilrain (29-5-8, 17 KO), lived in Somerville and Quincy, both Boston suburbs. Kilrain (1829-1899) also reigned as world heavyweight champion.
Irish boxers from Greater Boston continued this rich tradition through the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries with world champions and top contenders such as welterweight Paddy Duffy (31-3,16, 18 KO), Lawrence welterweight Mike Glover(Cavanaugh – 30-5-5, 16 KO), and Charlestown welterweight Mikrofon “TwinSullivan(28-6-16, 17 KO), and Newton bantamweight Jimmy Walsh (33-10-20, 14 KO)
In the 1950’s, Woburn lightweight “Irský” Tommy Collins (61-12, 44 KO) was dropped 10 times at the Boston Garden by world champion Jimmy Carter, until he finally succumbed in the fourth round. His gutsy performance, nicméně, earned him an appearance on the popular Ed Sullivan Show.
Arlington heavyweight Tom McNeeley (37-14, 28 KO), unsuccessfully fought for the world title in 1961, stopped in the fourth round of his Toronto fight versus defending champion Floyd Patterson, and McNeeley’s son, Boston-native and later Medfield resident Petr “Hurikán” McNeeley (47-7, 30 KO) famously was stopped in the opening round by “Iron” Mike Tyson in the latter’s first fight after his release from prison.
In the 1980’s, Irish boxers made their way to Boston to fight; some returned home after their careers, others relocated in the area. V 1984, Ireland-native Sean Mannion (42-14, 13 KO), who had moved to the Dorchester section of Boston, lost a 15-round decision in Madison Square Garden to Mike McCallum for the World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Middleweight World Championship.
Steve “Celtic WarriorCollins (25-2-1, 18 KO) moved to Everett, later to Brockton, to work with Goody a Pat Petronelli, who handled Marvelous Marvin Hagler throughout is Hall of Fame career. Collins captured the World Boxing Organization (WBO) middleweight and super middleweight world titles before moving back to Ireland.
Collins’ mladší bratr, Packie Collins, also moved to Brockton to fight. He later worked with Irish heavyweight champion Kevin “The Clones ColossusMcBride (35-10-1, 29 KO), who went on to knock Tyson out and into retirement. McBride, who still lives in Dorchester, was a stablemate of former Team Ireland head coach and current Team USA head coach, Billy Walsh, at the European Games. Both were also Ireland Olympians, příslušně, v 1988 a 1992.
Another Ireland Olympian, WaynePocket RocketMcCullough (27-7, 18 KO), moved to Las Vegas from Northern Ireland. The luck of the Irish wasn’t with him in Boston in 1997, when he lost his World Boxing Council (WBC) bantamweight title at Hynes Convention Center, by way of a 12-round split decision to Daniel Zaragoza.
Arguably the most famous and popular Irish-American boxer, outside of Sullivan and Jack Dempsey, is Lowell junior welterweight “Irský” Micky Ward (38-13, 27 KO), who was involved in three Fight of the Year award winners, two from his epic trilogy with Arturo Gatti, and the first boxer with more than 10 career losses to earn a $1-million purse. Ward’s life was portrayed by another Boston icon, actor Mark Wahlberg, in the award-winning movie, “The Fighter.
Irish boxers are still coming to Boston to fight. Locally-based Murphys Boxing has promoted numerous shows in Boston featuring world-class boxers such as Gary “Špice” O'Sullivan and undefeated super bantamweight TJ “Energie” Doheny (18-0, 13 KO), as well as undefeated rising stars such as StingRay Mayotte and New England & Massachusetts heavyweight champion Niall Kennedy (10-0, 6 KO).
The Irish team will announce its boxers later this month after the conclusion of its National Championships.
Headlining Team USA’s roster is 2017 Mistrovství světa bronzový medailista Troy Isley(Alexandrie, VA). USA Boxing’s team will also include Virginia Fuchs (Kemah, Texas), who won four international gold medals in 2017, 2016 Youth World Champion a 2017 Elite kontinentální mistrovství stříbrný medailista, Delante Johnson (Cleveland, OH), 2017 USA Boxing Heavyweight National Champion Jared Anderson (Toledo, OH) a 2016 Mistrovství světa mládeže a bronzový medailista 2017 Heavyweight National Champion USA Box Super, Richard Torrez (Tulare, JAKO). Kompletní seznam pro každé město bude uvolněna blíže k začátkem prohlídky.
USA vs. Irsko Plán
Březen 12: Royale zábavní komplex, Boston, Hmota.
Březen 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Hmota.
Březen 21: Manchester Downtown Hotel, Manchester, N.H.
Všechny boxeři a záchvaty podléhají změnám.
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