Архивы: Луис Ортис

Деонтай Уайлдер против. Джеральд Вашингтон PBC на FOX & Цитаты финальной пресс-конференции FOX Deportes & Фото

Заголовки новостей о битве за титул чемпиона мира в супертяжелом весе, суббота, Февраль 25 от традиционных Arena в Бирмингеме, Алабама
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий от Дженнифер Хаглер / Premier Boxing Champions
Бирмингем, Алабама. (Февраль 23, 2017) – Чемпион мира Deontay Уайлдер и непобедимый Джеральд Вашингтон пошел лицом к лицу Четверг на финальной пресс-конференции перед их разборками в прайм-тайм, заголовки Премьер Бокс чемпионов на FOX и FOX Sports этоСуббота, Февраль 25 унаследованного Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Алабама.
Также присутствует и показан в телетрансляциях, начиная с 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT растут претенденты на супер полусредний вес Тони Харрисон и Джарретт Херд, кто борется за вакантный титул чемпиона мира среди юниоров в среднем весе, плюс жесткий удар Доминик Breazeale и непобедимый Izuagbe Ugona, которые встречаются в 10-раундовом бою в супертяжелом весе.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается DiBella Entertainment и TBG Promotions совместно с Bruno Event Team, начинаются $25 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Ticketmaster и на сайте AlabamaTitleFight.com..
Дополнительные действия на FS1 и FOX Deportes начинаются в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. ПТ и особенности непревзойденного суперсреднего веса Калеб завод, кто присутствовал на Четверг событие.
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать, Четверг:
Deontay Уайлдером
“Мое свободное время позволило мне улучшить отношения с левой рукой. Есть так много разных способов нанести удар, что я не думал, что смогу сделать. Работа одной рукой позволила мне узнать много нового. На ринге будет другой Деонтей Уайлдер.
“Это было путешествие для меня. Я знаю, что у всего этого есть цель, и есть причина, по которой я здесь и почему я чемпион. Все проявилось на моем пути.
“Это фантастическая карта в субботу night and I know these other guys can’t wait to get into the ring.
Суббота night is going to be an electric fight. I love my state and I love being able to come back to Alabama. Home is where my heart is. It feels good to continue to give back.
I’m overwhelmed. I’m so ready for this fight. Everyone has a story to tell. Everything that has happened with my opponents is in the past. I’m in love with this sport. I have a goal to reach in this sport and I will reach it.
I always put myself in the position of my opponents and think about if that was me. That’s why I have so much passion for this sport and I give it my all. I don’t want to end up like my opponents. I don’t want to see what those lights looks like from the bottom.
I want people to look back on my legacy and see that it was a long journey. I’ve paved the way for my city and my state. I’ve laid the bread crumbs and now people can follow.
When my first opponent dropped out, the first name that came to my mind was Gerald Washington. I appreciate the way he conducted himself. Every time I saw him, he always shook my hand and told me he was ready.
I know Gerald is excited. I was too. I know what it’s like to be able to fight for one of the most prestigious belts in the world. Но, it’s my belt. I’m still enjoying it. Even though I’m heavyweight champion of the world, I’m still humble. I keep the belt in its case, until it’s time for me to fight again. I’m not satisfied. Еще многое предстоит сделать.”
“У меня был невероятный пробег, чтобы услышать. Я благодарен Деонтей за то, что выбрал меня для этого боя. Он мог выбрать много противников, но он выбрал меня, и я благодарен за это.
“Это мечта. Я начал заниматься боксом в детстве, но не знал, чем хочу заниматься. У меня была долгая дорога, но теперь я здесь борюсь за чемпионство мира в супертяжелом весе. Это так много значит для меня.
“Мой тренер Джон Пуллман и я начали работать вместе, и мы преодолели все препятствия.. Это тяжелая работа, но мы работали вместе, и теперь мы здесь. Вот что такое жизнь. Вы должны рисковать, и когда придет время, пора заняться своим делом. Пришло мое время, и я готов.
“Я так счастлив, что могу заниматься любимым делом. Я иду против Деонтэя Уайлдера, бронзовый бомбардировщик, в своем дворе. Вы не можете отнять то, что он сделал. Но я здесь, чтобы заниматься своим делом.
“Я стараюсь жить как чемпион, и теперь у меня есть возможность стать чемпионом. Я собираюсь воспользоваться этой возможностью и воспользуюсь ею.”
Тони Харрисона
“Как конкурент, Я уже был в восторге от боя, когда мне позвонили по поводу боя с Хёрдом. Я сказал да сразу. Имя Джаретта Херда упоминается каждый раз, когда вы упоминаете 154-фунтовый дивизион.. Я начал это с того, что хотел быть лучшим и сделать это, Я должен побить лучших.
“Для меня это был бой, на который я сразу же ухватился. Когда мне позвонили, что это будет титульный бой, Я знал, что это будет битва за наследие.
“Я думаю, что у нас есть взаимное уважение в этой битве. Он уважает меня так же, как я его уважаю. Но Суббота ночь, Я хочу завоевать уважение как боец. Для нас двоих, Я думаю, было поднято много вопросов о том, с кем мы дрались. На эти вопросы даны ответы в субботу ночь.
“Это бой, в котором нужно уважать обоих бойцов. Город Детройт собирается увидеть, как я принесу домой этот титул чемпиона мира, и я уверен, что Мэриленд ожидает того же от Херда.. Будет отличная атмосфера.
“С тех пор, как мне исполнилось шесть лет, этот день был горшком на конце радуги. Я борюсь с великим борцом за пояс в отличной весовой категории.
“Мне просто нужно пойти туда и пройти по одному раунду за раз. Я считаю, что у меня в арсенале слишком много. Я не могу слишком волноваться, даже если я увижу возможность остановить бой, Я сделаю это с умом. Я в форме 12 раундов, но если я увижу свою возможность, Я собираюсь взять его.
“Я хочу продолжить наследие. Это будет потрясающий бой. Я люблю деонтей, но я хочу украсть шоу. Это лучший дивизион в боксе. Я сильно выхожу, и я знаю, что мой противник тоже. Мы оба готовы поставить все на карту ради этого титула чемпиона мира.”
Джарретт Херд
“Мы были взволнованы, когда впервые получили бой с Тони Харрисоном, и мы были еще более взволнованы, когда узнали, что это будет за титул чемпиона мира.. This is every champion’s dream and I get a big opportunity on a big network. Everyone gets to see who Jarrett Hurd is.
This means everything. Staying undefeated is something that opens a lot of doors for you. I’m in quality fights so I’m doing something well. I have another great opponent in front of me, но на Февраль 25 Я буду чемпионом мира.
We had a really good long training camp. I didn’t need to do anything too drastic to make weight. I’m a big fighter for this division but I’ve never had a problem with weight. Я не могу дождаться выхода на ринг.
My father was born in Birmingham, Alabama so to be able to have my world title shot here is exciting for my whole family. Это большой бой для меня. I’ve trained hard and I’m prepared for it.
I want this fight to answer a lot of questions. Некоторые говорят, что я не самый быстрый или что у меня недостаточно защиты. Я хочу быть непобежденным бойцом, но я также хочу сохранить наследие. Я хочу быть на платформе с лучшими. Я думаю, этот бой даст мне доверие.
“Джеб будет действительно важен. У Тони Харрисона действительно хороший джеб, и победитель битвы с джебом будет победителем.. Мой джеб и отмена его джеба выиграют для меня бой.”
“Мое время здесь. Будет новый чемпион в 154 фунтах в субботу ночь. Мои штаны падают, и мне нужен пояс!”
“Как здорово вернуться на эту сцену. Я готов вернуться и показать свои боксерские навыки. Деонтей и Джеральд собираются устроить грандиозное шоу, и я очень рад быть его частью..
“Мой противник определенно неизвестный персонаж. Мы подготовились ко всему, чтобы подготовиться к парню, который будет много двигаться. Для него здорово сражаться на такой большой карте за свой первый американский турнир.. борьба. Я рад, что он принял бой.
“Мне просто нужно быть борцом с давлением. Я был внизу и встал. Я был там с лучшим. Я не могу позволить ему устроиться поудобнее. Я собираюсь принести ему вид боя, которого он никогда раньше не видел.
“Я много тренировался с Мэнни Роблесом, и за последнее время мы сделали несколько феноменальных вещей. 10 недели. Я был на большой сцене, и я готов сделать это снова. Я чувствую себя хорошо и готов устроить спектакль.”
“Я тренируюсь в Лас-Вегасе три года и очень рад сделать свой американский. дебют Субботаночь. It’s a great opportunity and I’m glad to get a big fight straight away against a good former title challenger who is also an Olympian. I couldn’t have wished for anything better than this.
I’ve watched a lot of Dominic’s fights, even before I knew I was going to fight him. We know what he’s good at and we know where he makes mistakes. All my training partners were taller than me, so I’m comfortable fighting against big guys.
“Для меня, this is everything. If you’re a fighter and you train hard to be a champion, then this is the stage you want to reach. When you get here, the question is, are you comfortable with it? I’ve always believed that this is where I belong and now I have the opportunity. Теперь я просто хочу повеселиться и делать то, что у меня получается лучше всего.
“Я думаю, это будет очень взрывной бой. Я в лучшей форме, в которой когда-либо был. Я подготовился к лучшему Доминику Бризилу, чем тот, кто сражался с Джошуа. Я думаю, что это будет прекрасная ночь.
“Моя дорога была очень тернистой. Я боролся во всем мире, но все происходит по какой-то причине и происходит в нужное время. Пришло время для меня.”
“У меня был отличный лагерь. Я знаю, что все говорят это, но это действительно был мой самый продуктивный лагерь. У меня были отличные спарринги с тех пор, как я переехал в Лас-Вегас. Это будет фейерверк в субботу.
“Я знаю, что мой противник был там с некоторыми крутыми парнями. Он никогда не был остановлен. Это то, что мы хотим. Мягкие прикосновения не приведут меня туда, куда я направляюсь. Это мой самый близкий бой против моего родного города Нэшвилл с тех пор, как я стал профессионалом, поэтому я ожидаю большой поддержки..
“Я здесь не для того, чтобы идти по легкой дороге. Это моя время. Это отличная возможность, и я думаю, что это будет отличный бой. Я рад выйти на ринг.
“Исходя откуда я пришел, все это сюрреалистично. Моя тяжелая работа привела меня сюда. Мне повезло быть здесь, и я чувствую, что заслуживаю этого..
“В лагере все прошло так гладко, что теперь пора собрать все вместе на ринге.. Мне всегда удавалось показать себя, когда на меня давили.
“Я хочу побеждать и побеждать впечатляюще. У меня будет сильная защита, но мне придется его нагреть. Это то давление, которое я люблю.
“Я хочу больших боев. Я сосредоточен на том, чтобы поправляться каждый день. Вокруг меня отличная команда, и я чувствую, что могу победить любого.”
# # #
Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бой доступен на рабочем столе на сайте FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, шоу будет транслироваться одновременно на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.comWWW.dbe1.com,HTTP://WWW.tgbpromotions.com/HTTP://WWW.foxsports.com/presspass/домашняя страница иfoxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/FoxSports и www.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. Следуйте разговор, используя #PBConFOX. PBC на канале FOX спонсируется Corona, Пиво Mas Final.


Чемпион мира в полулегком весе Абнер Марес также работает аналитиком в Холифилде, Брайан Кенни и Вирджил Хантер
FOX Sports и NextVR Broadcast ПРЕМЬЕРЫ ЧЕМПИОНОВ ПО БОКСУ: WILDER В.С.. ВАШИНГТОН Жить в виртуальной реальности
Лос-Анджелес – FOX Sports объявляет, что четырехкратный чемпион мира в супертяжелом весе Эвандер “Реальная сделка” Холифилд и действующий чемпион мира в полулегком весе Абнер Марес присоединяются к команде трансляций FOX Sports в качестве аналитиков PREMIER BOXING CHAMPIONS.: WILDER В.С.. ВАШИНГТОН в прямом эфире на каналах FOX и FOX Deportes Суббота, Февраль. 25 (8:00 PM ET), унаследованного Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Ала. В дополнение, Команда FOX Sports и лидера индустрии NextVR представит двухчасовое шоу в виртуальной реальности.
Холифилд делает особенное появление в качестве приглашенного аналитика в группе вещания диктора Брайана Кенни., коллега-аналитик и давний тренер по боксу Вирджил Хантер, Кобылы и репортер Кристин Лихи, во время захватывающих поединков в супертяжелом весе. В главном турнире состоится титульный бой между чемпионом мира WBC Деонтэем. “Бронзовый бомбардировщик” Уайлдер (37-0, 36 КО) и непобедимый тяжеловес Джеральд “Черный петух” Вашингтон (18-0-1, 12 КО), а также 10-раундовый поединок между сильнейшим Домиником Бризилом (17-1, 15 КО) и непобежденный Изуагбе Угонох (17-0, 14 КО).
Holyfield reigned as both the undisputed cruiserweight and heavyweight world champion in a career that spanned more than three decades from 1984 для 2011. He successfully defended the undisputed heavyweight championship three times.
Holyfield and Wilder share a connection. Both were born in AlabamaHolyfield in Atmore and Wilder in Tuscaloosa, где он до сих пор проживает. Holyfield has followed Wilder’s career since the 31-year-old champion was a member of the U.S. boxing Olympic team and won a bronze medal at the 2008 Beijing Games.
There is another Olympic connection between Holyfield and Ugonoh’s trainer, Kevin Barry. Holyfield and Barry met in the semifinals of a light heavyweight bout at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. The match was marred by controversy after Holyfield was disqualified in the second round for hitting Barry on the break. Because of the disqualification, Holyfield won the bronze medal for the U.S. team in the 1984 LA Games.
The fourth installment of PBC on FOX features the two heavyweight bouts, as well as a junior middleweight title fight. Once-beaten Tony Harrison (24-1, 20 КО) and undefeated Jarrett Hurd (19-0, 13 КО) battle in a 12-round affair for a vacant 154-pound world championship.
Working with NextVR, the two-hour PBC on FOX show is also broadcast live in virtual reality. For the second year in a row, multiple cameras set up around the ring capture the action in immersive, high-definition virtual reality, providing fans with the best seat in the house. Опыт бокса PBC на FOX доступен бесплатно через приложение NextVR.. Поклонники с гарнитурой Google Daydream или Samsung Gear VR, вместе с совместимым смартфоном, получить доступ к виртуальной реальности, загрузив приложение NextVR из магазинов Oculus или Google Play..
Как только бои закончились на FOX, бокс продолжается еще два часа на FS1 & FOX Sports, с Кенни, вызывающим действие с аналитиками Маресом и Хантером. Хэдром этого шоу - непревзойденный проспект Калеб Плант. (14-0, 10 КО) против Томаса Авимбоно из Ганы (25-6-1, 21 КО) в главном событии 10-раундовом.
На FOX Депортес, Бывший полулегком весе мира и 2000 Член олимпийской сборной Мексики Даниэль Понсе де Леон присоединяется к диктору Рикардо Селису, чтобы объявить о акции на испанском языке..
FOX Sports также представляет захватывающие Вторник ночная серия TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS на FS1 и BOXEO DE CAMPEONES на FOX Deportes. Следуйте в твиттере на: @holyfield, @MrBrianKenny, @девственница, abnermares, @KristineLeahy, @PremierBoxing, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes и @Swanson_Comm
Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бой доступен на рабочем столе на сайте FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, бои также доступны на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
-Fox Sports –

Цитаты из тренировочного лагеря Калеба Плант & Фото

Томас Авимбоно из Ганы сразится с непобежденным проспектом
Премьер-чемпионы по боксу на FS1 & FOX Депортес Action
Суббота, Февраль 25 Унаследованного Arena в Бирмингеме, Алабама
10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Премьер бокса чемпионов
Бирмингем, Алабама. (Февраль 21, 2017) – Непобедимый перспективы Калеб завод надеется продолжить свой путь к борьбе за титул чемпиона мира, когда он сражается с Ганой Томас Awimbono в 10-раундовом главном событии турнира Премьер Бокс чемпионов на FS1 и FOX Sports Суббота, Февраль 25 унаследованного Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Алабама.
Покрытие FS1 и FOX Deportes начинается с 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT сразу после PBC на телеканалах FOX и FOX Deportes в прайм-тайм, озаглавленный непобежденным чемпионом мира в супертяжелом весе. Deontay “Бронзовый бомбардировщик” Уайлдер защищая свой титул против непобежденных Джеральд “Черный петух” Вашингтон.
Телевизионное освещение каналов FOX и FOX Deportes начинается в 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT, а также предлагает пару захватывающих матчей в качестве главных претендентов в суперсреднем весе. Тони Харрисон и Джарретт Херд встретиться в 12-раундовом поединке за титул чемпиона мира, плюс жесткий удар Доминик Breazeale сражения непобежденные Izuagbe Ugona в супертяжелом действий.
Here is what Plant had to say from training camp in Las Vegas:
On retuning in a 10-round main event on FS1:
Fighting on FS1 once again is a tremendous blessing to my career. The exposure I’ll get will be incredible. The goal is to win, and win impressively. The time is now to show the world who Caleb Plant is. I’m here to entertain the masses.
On his matchup with Thomas Awimbono:
Awimbono is a big puncher who has been in the ring with some top-level fighters. He’s never been knocked out so I know he’s tough as nails. This will be his second fight of 2017 so I’m expecting him to be in shape and ready to fight. This will be a nice step up fight and one I see myself winning.
On recently being world ranked in the super-middleweight division:
“Моя карьера развивается так, как я ее себе представлял. Сейчас, Я сейчас оценен #11 в IBF и еще несколько побед, Я буду готов бросить вызов титулу чемпиона мира. Первый, Я должен пройти Авимбоно. Он мой главный фокус на данный момент. Но я очень рад, что поднимаюсь в рейтинге.”
На своем последнем тренировочном лагере:
“Поскольку я переехал в Лас-Вегас в августе прошлого года, это будет первый полноценный тренировочный лагерь, который я провел здесь. У нас был отличный спарринг с лучшими соревнованиями. Мой тренер Джастин Гамбер, который прилетел из Нэшвилла и был со мной последний месяц. Мы сделали все необходимое, чтобы подготовиться к этой битве.. Я готов идти.”
О боях на Legacy Arena в Бирмингеме, Алабама, самый близкий к своему родному городу Нашвилл, Теннесси:
“Я ожидаю, что на мероприятии будет много родственников и друзей, так как Алабама находится всего в паре часов от Нэшвилла.. Это самое близкое к дому, с которым я когда-либо боролся. Я взволнован и собираюсь подарить всем поклонникам отличную ночь развлечений.”
# # #
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается DiBella Entertainment и TBG Promotions совместно с Bruno Event Team, начинаются $25 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Ticketmaster и на сайте AlabamaTitleFight.com..
Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бой доступен на рабочем столе на сайте FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, шоу будет транслироваться одновременно на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
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Deontay Уайлдер, Джеральд Вашингтон, Тони Харрисон & Расшифровка стенограммы конференц-связи Джарретта Херда для СМИ

Лу ДиБелла
Спасибо всем за участие. Это призыв к действительно большой боевой карте в субботу, Февраль 25 в Legacy Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Алабама.
Шоу будет PBC на FOX и FOX Deportes., главное событие — Чемпионат мира в супертяжелом весе — Чемпионат WBC в супертяжелом весе между Деонтей Уайлдером и Джеральдом Вашингтоном.
Трансляция FS1 начнется в 10:00 pm ET / 7:00 вечера по тихоокеанскому. Это будет следовать за FOX и FOX Deportes’ трансляция основного шоу — который начнется в 8:00 вечера по восточному времени и 5:00 вечера по тихоокеанскому времени.
Это потрясающе, потрясающая карта. Стартовый поединок на телевидении состоится между Домиником Бризилом и Изуагбе Угоно. — потрясающий матч в супертяжелом дивизионе; Breazeale, известный товар, соперник в супертяжелом весе; одна потеря, когда он бросил вызов Энтони Джошуа за титул чемпиона в супертяжелом весе.
Изуагбе Угонох в значительной степени неизвестен в США.. бороться болельщиков. Это его первый бой в Америке, он более известен за границей. Он действительно неизвестный игрок в супертяжелом дивизионе. — непобежденный тяжеловес с 14 Нокауты и 17-0 запись. Вы знаете, если он сможет обойти закаленного соперника Бризила, тогда он докажет, что играет важную роль в боксе в супертяжелом весе.. Так что это действительно значительный бой.
Наша вторая особенность вечера - это то, с чего мы начнем эту телеконференцию.. И сегодня, эта совместная работа стала намного более значимой.
Все боксеры-эксперты, all the boxing writers, вентиляторы, they knew that Tony Harrison against Jarrett Hurd is a terrific matchup; Харрисон, out of Detroit Michigan, 24 побед, 1 потеря, huge puncher, 20 КО; Джарретт Херд, 19-0, 13 KOs out of Maryland; one of the fastest rising guys in the 154-pound division.
With Jermall Charlo, Cегодня, moving up to 160-pounds, this fight is now for the IBF Junior Middleweight Championship of the World. So we knew we had a great fight going in; now we have a much more significant fight going in.
So the heavyweight fight will open the FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast at 8:00 вечера. It will be followed by this co-feature which is now the IBF Junior Middleweight Championship of the World between Tony Harrison and Jarrett Hurd.
I’m going to introduce first Jarrett Hurd who is with us on the line right now. Jarrett is 26 лет, стал профессионалом в 2012, начал заниматься боксом в возрасте 15. Он остановил бывшего претендента на титул чемпиона мира Джо Джо Дана в шести раундах в своем последнем бою.. Он остановился 13-0 Оскар Молина в 10-м и последнем раунде в со-главном событии Thurman-Porter. Он остановился 17-0 Фрэнк Галарза в шести раундах на ShoBox в ноябре 14, 2015.
Это бои, которые привели его в эту позицию — один из самых горячих претендентов на 154 фунта в мире сегодня, и чрезвычайно качественный боец, пытающийся выиграть титул чемпиона мира в феврале. 25.
С удовольствием представляю Джарретта Херда..
Джарретт Херд
Как идут дела? Я просто хочу поблагодарить Бога и Эла Хеймона, моя команда, и КПБ, и всех за эту возможность.
Вы знаете, (IBF) сейчас на кону, и я лечу этот бой, так же, как я отношусь к любому другому ссору — защита моих собственных побед и создание своего наследия - это самое важное для меня. Итак, идем на этот бой, Ничего особенного. У меня такое же мышление, как и всегда.
Как вы упомянули, это восходящие звезды в 154 фунтах. Я не планирую замедлять это в ближайшее время. Приходи февраль 25, в Бирмингеме будет шторм, Алабама и новый чемпион в 154.
Как ты это узнал, на самом деле, этот бой с собой и Тони должен был быть фактически за вакантный титул, и какова была ваша немедленная реакция?
J. Херд
Лу уже вел переговоры. Сегодня был как раз тот день, когда они наконец выложили его на всеобщее обозрение.. Это уже было на переговорах, и у нас было несколько разговоров о том, что Джермалл Чарло собирался освободить. Мы просто хотели доработать его тогда.
Я знал, что это был не этот бой, мой следующий бой я дрался за IBF, поэтому я знал 2017 собирался быть большим годом для меня.
Это то, о чем мечтают все боксеры., бороться за титул чемпиона мира. Я был очень взволнован. Мы прыгали по спортзалу. Мы знали, что этот день наступит. Это произошло быстрее, чем я ожидал, но я готов.
Как вы думаете, ваша сила может в конечном итоге иметь значение в этой битве или это будет, в вашем уме, больше боксерского матча?
J. Херд
о, да, сила определенно будет иметь к этому отношение. Я не думаю, что это будет главный фактор, Я чувствую себя более опытным боксером. Он был подавлен Вилли Нельсоном, и он также был подавлен Фернандо Герреро. Он не должен делать мои большие снимки.
У нас есть план игры, чтобы развить навыки, мы знаем, что нам нужно остерегаться его силы. Главное, что мы хотим сделать, это забрать это у него. Итак, как только мы начнем, бой будет в мою пользу.
Можете ли вы просто поделиться своими мыслями о том, как важно для вас не только участвовать в подобных драках, но и быть перед такой аудиторией??
J. Херд
Это великолепно. Мне кажется, что прошлогодний поединок с Оскаром Молиной был одной из самых больших карт в истории. 2016; Кит Турман и Шон Портер. И это те большие огни, и я сражаюсь под большими огнями, которые заставляют меня двигаться. Говорят, вы нервничаете или бабочки, и вы выходите из игры., но я чувствую, что я готов.
И эта возможность для всего мира увидеть на бесплатном телевидении, это отличная возможность для меня заявить о себе.
L. ДиБелла
Не похоже, чтобы вас беспокоил свет в Бруклине., Джарретт.
Можете ли вы просто обсудить, когда вы впервые услышали об уходе Джермалла и какова была ваша первая реакция, когда вы услышали эти слухи??
J. Херд
Мне, наверное, сказали об этом за три недели до этого. Я не ожидал, что это произойдет так быстро, но, маршрут, по которому я пошел, уровень конкуренции, с которой я боролся, Это привело меня к тому моменту, когда я нахожусь сегодня.
Мы сидели в спортзале, и нам позвонили, и Ал говорил мне, как, “Я сказал вам, что это будет здесь, Джарретт. Это его, это то, ради чего вы работали.”
Я пошел домой и пробежал пару миль той ночью, думаю об этом, потому что я знаю, что иногда для людей это может быть уникальная возможность. Поэтому я не хочу принимать это как должное, один.
25-го, Я собираюсь показать, как много я работал, и это, наконец, окупится за меня.
Вам так объяснили, что он почти наверняка уйдет?, или это были просто слухи на тот момент?
J. Херд
Не, Я не был уверен, что это просто слух; это было возможно. Это произошло потому, что он упомянул, что в его бою с Джулианом Уильямсом. Но это не было точно, и это было просто то, о чем говорили и говорили, как будто он уезжает. Мы не хотим сообщать об этом СМИ, но это в основном возможность.
L. ДиБелла
Джермалл некоторое время давал понять, что намерен уйти из дивизии.. И я думаю, что и Джарретт, и Тони знали, что это неизбежно., but neither one of them was sure it would be in time for this fight.
What’s your opinion about Jermall moving up?
J. Херд
I think him moving up was a better decision for him to be safe. He couldn’t make the weight, going to fights not quite 100% — especially as a champion and the caliber of fighter that’s going to be coming him. I think he should have moved up if he couldn’t make the weight. And I think there’s some real fights up there at 160 that he can find.
So I don’t think it was a bad decision. Jermall Charlo is a great champion. I was looking forward to — после этого боя — fighting him. But him moving up, I’m a big fighter at 160, I’m going to have to move up eventually, so maybe one day we’ll still meet.
L. ДиБелла
Джарретт, I have a quick question for you.
Джарретт, you’re a real nice guy, like you’re very approachable to fans and people. But on this particular call, you wanted to be alone with the press and answer your questions alone, and you didn’t want to have any interplay with Tony. I think you said that you didn’t want to really talk to Tony until you talked to him in the ring.
You want to mention and talk just a little about that because I think that’s sort of interesting?
J. Херд
I’ve just always been the guy who doesn’t get involved in trash talk as much as Harrison is. He’s kind of loud and outspoken. I don’t know how the conversation would have went.
I’m not the type of guy that would go back-and-forth with someone. The time comes when the time comes. Но сейчас, I’m just focused on training and I didn’t want to play the mind game and try to talk. It’s not going to be factor for anybody, but I just didn’t want to get too much into that. I just want to focus on the fight and I’ll see him in Alabama.
If you win this title, would you look forward to possibly bringing a title fight to the MGM National Harbor in Maryland?
J. Херд
That actually was my plan. После этого боя, I was going to try to ask if I could bring a hometown fight, after winning the belt, because I haven’t been fighting at home lately.
Now I know I have a lot of people coming out, but fighting at home is something different, один, bringing somebody new in. Just to be able to be a World Champion and fight here at the MGM National Harbor, that’s definitely a goal of mine. I can’t wait to achieve it.
L. ДиБелла
And just quickly before I introduce Tony, tickets for this event start at $25. They are on sale right now at Ticket Master by visiting AlabamaTitleFight.com. There are Valentine’s Day ticket promotions that have been extended until this Friday, for the premium seats.
Good seats still available and we have very affordable seats still available. So anybody in that Alabama area or anybody that can drive to Alabama, join us because this is unbelievable card on Saturday the 25th.
One last time, the FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast will begin at 8:00 PM ET, 5:00 вечера по тихоокеанскому. So that will be the tripleheader featuring Breazeale and Ugonoh, Tony Harrison and Jarrett Hurd for the IBF Junior Middleweight Title, and Deontay Wilder and Gerald Washington for the WBC Heavyweight Title.
And then that will be followed on FS1 by a broadcast that begins at 10:00 pm ET / 7:00 вечера по тихоокеанскому.
So without further ado, I’m going to introduce that I’ve always been a big fan of; he’s a huge puncher, out of the Fighting City of Detroit Michigan; has a 24-1 запись с 20 большие КО. His last win was an explosive ninth round stoppage of Sergey Rabchenko on July 30 в Barclays Center. Three consecutive wins since his only loss to Willie Nelsonwhich was in July of 2015. He comes from a fighting family. Both his dad and granddad were pro-boxers.
So a man who is going to be fighting Jarrett Hurd for that IBF World Title on February 25, Тони Харрисон.
Тони Харрисон
I’ve got a lot of sparring rounds on this body, a lot of miles on the track on this body, and mentally, I just want to punch him.
L. ДиБелла
When did you find out that this would be for the title and how do you feel about that?
T. Харрисон
I just found out today. I had the understanding that it was already an eliminator. So I wanted to go see the Julian Williams and Jermall Charlo fight.
Then I waited, which is my longest periodeight monthsof not fighting. Thinking at the end of the rainbow was every boxer’s dream.
Then it turned out that I had to fight again for another eliminator. So it was kind of discouraging for me to have to sit and wait that long, without something in between, thinking that pot at the end of the rainbow was the golden ticket. It obviously wasn’t.
Then Al called me and makes a guy from Detroit’s dream come true. And I was the happiest guy when I found out.
So the wait was worth it. My pop has always told me; patience is a virtuebe patient. And I was patient enough. Today was a good day to have a man named Al Haymon.
I just wanted to know from you, how much did that loss put you off the schedule that you had in your mind, and then what have you learned since then now that you actually have the title shot that you wanted back then?
T. Харрисон
I honestly never had a schedule in my head. I’m just here from Detroit. Мужчина, they never give us nothing. Even at the part with Willie Nelson, I was talked about but, если вы понимаете, о чем я? I wasn’t in the top 10 of any sanctioning body.
So for me, it was just keep doing what you’re doing. Eventually you’re going to kick your door down. So for me, it wasn’t about them giving me anything.
So it wasn’t a schedule for me; I just wanted to take whatever they put in front of me, I told them, “Yes.
As for my defeat, I went back to the drawing board. It gave me the realization that winning or losing, they are going to talk about you. The crazy thing is I got more talked about when I lost than I got when I won.
It put me in a mindset of myself to just do what you got to do to win. You don’t have to be that die-hard Mexican-style fighter, get hit, get hit, knock somebody out, you don’t have to do that to make money and to feed your family.
So at the end of the day now, it just put me in a mindset of training hard and just be in the best shape possible and make the adjustments as you go along.
From that loss, a lot of people probably would have stuck their heads down. I got right back in the gym and I started working hard.
From Cecil McCalla, to Fernando Guerrero to me knocking him out, to me fighting Sergey Rabchenko who was ranked by every single sanctioning body, before I fought him, and I wasn’t ranked in one.
But like I said again, I take on challenges as a competitor, and everything happens for a reason. So I kept my head high, I kept working and now I’m right back in it. The second time should be my best time.
What are your thoughts about having to deal with a guy like Jarrett Hurd’s power?
T. Харрисон
I’m probably been in better shape than when I’ve been fighting anybody else. But statistically speaking, he just fought Jo Jo Dan who was naturally a smaller guy, and he got touched up. He fought Oscar Molina who was an Olympian but didn’t have anyone on his resume and then he fought Frank Galarza.
So all those guys were really made for him to take advantage of. He hasn’t fought nobody this fast, this strong and this smart. I’m going to show this guy how seasoned I am. They don’t realize that I have more knockouts than this guy has fights.
So for me, my confidence is at an all-time high fighting a guy like Jarrett Hurd. Джарретт Херд, , he’s been sensational. But part of being a competitor is fighting the best. And if Jarrett Hurd’s name is mentioned and everybody is mentioning Jarrett Hurd and they don’t want to fight Jarrett Hurd, then Tony Harrison will.
Do you think Hurd has been built up on prospects?
T. Харрисон
He’s been built up on the guys that they had questions about. With the fights that Jarrett Hurd won, they were reasonable opponents, очень, very very reasonable. So I’m not discrediting anything he’s done. They put them in front of him, he beat them. He earned the shot just like I did.
So very, very credible guys but, to my point, I think Jarrett Hurd wasn’t even the number three guy; they bumped him up to number 3, so he didn’t earn it.
Таким образом, в моей голове, I’m already going in as the stronger fighter. Everything they gave me, I earned. I earned my shot. And then I was going to earn it again from Jarrett Hurd without the title. I was going to have to earn it again with another mandatory shot.
They didn’t bump me up nothing. They didn’t push me up, they didn’t give me nothing. I earned it. Everything that they’ve given me, I earned it. And I was going to earn it again whether for a title or not. I told them yes to Jarrett Hurd and it was supposed to be for the eliminator, another eliminator that I had already fought.
I’m taking it the hard way. I never had a problem taking this the hard way because I was going to earn it again. You know what I mean?
L. ДиБелла
Хорошо, Тони, it could all pay offit could all pay off on the 25th because if you come out of that night with a victory, you’re the new IBF Junior Middleweight Champion of the World. So I look forward to seeing you in Alabama.
T. Харрисон
And I appreciate it. Спасибо, спасибо большое, один. Это мечта. И, как я сказал,, haven’t forgotten Detroit.
L. ДиБелла
Now we’re going to move on to the main event of the evening on the 25th the Heavyweight Champion of the World, Deontay Wilder against Gerald Washington for the WBC Title.
As almost everyone on this call knows, Deontay is already coming off a big win this week so it’s been quite a week for Team Wilder. And he didn’t get the chance to beat up Povetkin in Russia because Povetkin cheated, but we did get the chance to beat him in a Federal District Court in New York, and we did that.
Так, вы знаете, funny enough, as things happen, we have another opponent for Deontay in Birmingham, Alabama on the 25th, and that opponent tested positive for a performance enhancing drug.
So as a result of that, the fight fans and the people of Alabama are actually going to get to see a better fight against an opponent who is a clean guy and a much more interesting person — Джеральд Вашингтон; 6’6, 34 лет, “Черный петух”, born to an African-American dad and a Mexican-American mom; ranked number 8 по версии WBC; hopes to become the first Mexican-American World Heavyweight Champion; has a number of good wins in a row.
But his back story is really interesting. Here’s a man that’s been four years in the U.S. Navy as a helicopter mechanic serving his country. He attended the University of Southern California where he played tight end and defensive end of the football team; was a member of the practice squads for the Seattle Seahawks and the Buffalo Bills so he’s a hell of an athlete. And if you’ve seen him in person, he’s a huge man.
And as big and imposing a guy he is to look at, he’s a real man’s man and a really nice person, and it’s been a pleasure to get to know Gerald a little bit in recent months.
I want to acknowledge my co-promoter on this Heavyweight title fight — TGB Акции — and it’s always a pleasure to work with them and my friend Tom Brown.
И без дальнейших церемоний, “Черный петух” Джеральд Вашингтон.
Джеральд Вашингтон
We’re very excited for the opportunity. Мужчина, it’s a dream come true and I look forward to fighting Deontay Wilder in his backyard, for the WBC title. It’s an amazing opportunity for me and we are ready to take the challenge on.
L. ДиБелла
Большой. And on this call, we are all going to be together on the call and the fighters will be available to answer questions together after I get a chance to introduce a man I’m extremely proud to be able to work with.
He’s a credit to the sport as well as the most exciting heavyweight, в моей голове, в мире. He has knockout power and a knockout ratio unlike anybody else’s; “Бронзовый бомбардировщик,” Deontay Уайлдер.
Deontay Уайлдер
I’m feeling good man. If you all didn’t know it’s been a long, long week. But I’m feeling great. I’m always excited when it’s time to fight. I’m back home again in Birmingham, Алабама, I’m feeding my people. taking one step at a time to unify the belts in the division. I’m overwhelmed, Я взволнован, Я готов идти.
Эй, how difficult was this for you to come back from, those two fights that got cancelled and then you had to fight a new guy that you weren’t prepared for?
D. Уайлдер
I want to say it was really tough. Но, maybe more so mentally, knowing that I’ve got a fight coming up and all that and changing opponents. It’s been a whole big mess.
It’s been a whole big mess but it’s been a good mess because we won. And that brings a little bit more excitement to my energy towards the fight. It’s like a booster. And if you’re not prepared for certain things, then it maybe could distract you or knock off your focus on the test that lies at hand.
But fortunately with me, I’m very strong-minded, I’m mentally strong. And I know things happen and you’ve just got to be able to adjust. I’m very good at adjusting and rolling with the punches of things. Итак, вот мы сейчас.
How tough is that to prepare for a short-term opponent?
D. Уайлдер
Хорошо, it’s just all about your game plan really. It’s all about your team and what game plans they have for you.
I have been through this before. There aren’t too many things that I haven’t experienced yet in my career. I’ve dealt with this before earlier in my career, actually in my debut.
Maybe a couple of days before the fight, my opponent got changed up, a different weight, a different style, a different size, a different height. I was fighting an orthodox opponent but they didn’t even tell me nothing about the guy being a southpaw. So everything changed, но на ринге, I had to adjust and I had to deliver.
What can you do in these situations? It’s a learning process. With everything you go through from the start to the finish is a learning process and brings you experience.
So I am going to look forward to fighting Gerald Washington in Birmingham, Alabama and giving the folks that are going to be watching and the people that are going to be in the audience a great show.
How do you view him having to be present at a trial while he is preparing for you in this fight?
G. Вашингтон
Прежде всего, I would like to congratulate him on that. It wasn’t his fault the situation happened like that but big props to him and his team for getting through that.
We are preparing for the best Deontay Wilder that there is. I am not going to get caught up with that other stuff that is going on. I am worried about the Bronze Bomber and everything that he is bringing. Everything that he has learned along the way. I have got to be prepared for that.
He is a hell of a fighter. I have got to put it all on the line that night. This fight is very important to me and it is going to take everything I’ve got.
Gerald what gives you confidence on this matchup against Deontay?
G. Вашингтон
We all know Deontay Wilder is a big strong knockout puncher. He has been in there. He has the Olympic experience. He has been in there with all the pros, in the sparring camps and stuff like that and he has learned a lot along the way.
I can’t focus too much on what Deontay Wilder is bringing to the table. I have just got to make sure that my game is tight and my game is strong and able to challenge Deontay Wilder.
I have got to come prepared mentally and physically and just put it all on the line. Как я сказал, it is going to take a mixture of everything. Everything that I know to go up against him.
I only have 14 любительские бои. I only have 19 Профессиональные бои. I don’t have all that experience that this guy has. So it is going to take a lot of smarts for me and just like you said mental toughness to get through this.
I would like to know from your point of view how disruptive was it to your training schedule to have to be up in New York while you sat through the trial with Povetkin?
D. Уайлдер
First off it was sad it had to go to that distance. With the whole situation, it was just ridiculous. Thank God that it is over. It is behind me. We can move forward with it because it was a very stressful situation.
It comes a point in time where things don’t always go as planned in your life and you have got to understand that everybody deals with things in their life that makes them feel some type of way.
So with that being said, although I had to go through so many different things, even with the weather. I almost got sick out there because it was so cold. Trust me it was a mess.
But at the end of the day I had to stay focused. People don’t understand this business that we sign up for. Can’t have no pity. Can’t be sorry for yourself.
When you train you must focus. You must stay focused on the test they are about to hand you if not, then you will get injured. You will get hurt.
So that being said, I must stay focused. Whoever gets in the room no matter who they are, no matter what their record is, ничего. Because at the end of the day, they still have two hands, they have two feet and they come to fight.
And you must respect a fighter that comes to fight and sometimes they feel they have nothing to lose. When you the champion, when you the champion people feel like you have more to lose because you have got that title.
I go in with a mentality that I don’t have nothing to lose because I am not looking to lose nothing. That is just my mentality. I have been through so much, nothing has been given to me.
Nothing has been given to Deontay Wilder. So with that being said, nothing is going to be taken from me. So I must stay focused. I must. I must. It is an absolute must to stay focused. And if you can’t stay focused this is the wrong business for you.
Were you able to train when you weren’t sitting in court? Не могли бы вы – what was the deal with your training while you were away?
D. Уайлдер
I was up there for a week and a day. But we still had time to get training. I brought Mark with me so we had time to get training. But you know sometimes we didn’t. You know I am going to be honest but sometimes, the weather prevented a lot of things.
We had a snowstorm up there. It was very cold. The roads were icy. Sometimes the trial would be long. You know it would be tiring just to be up in there.
Just to hear the bitter and batter going on. Which this case was a common sense case. We didn’t need evidence really it is a common sense case.
But you know we had to go through a lot of things but I think we managed to do the things that we needed to do to continue to keep training for this fight.
Больше всего, my mindset was still in the right place.
What are your thoughts about having two guys in a row test positive against you?
D. Уайлдер
I replayed it back in my head, these guys as taking these drugs and stuff. I was shaking my head. It is sad. It is sad for the sport and I just hope something even more can be done about this situation before it ruins the sport of boxing.
I think the WBC is doing a fabulous job in bringing the doping program and having these fighters to sign up and if they don’t they are off the rankings. But I also would like to see it going to second gear.
I want to see some punishment done. I want to see if you do this, if you put steroids or anything that has your body doing what it is not naturally supposed to do I think you should not only get suspended but maybe indefinitely.
We need to put something on this. This case right here was the first step and then all these other fighters know that there are consequences to your actions that will be applied to if you decide to use.
But there need to be something else even deeper than taking his money. They need to take their career away from because this is ridiculous. I just tell myself always use myself as an example. I am naturally strong without weights. Without training. With anything I am God given, Alabama country strong. I have always been that way.
But just imagine if used anything to enhance my body. Did you see my fight with Szpilka? Just imagine if I had something in my body. That man would have been dead because I thought he was dead. It is a lot of these guys doing it.
You know that is going to be up to them to get their selves right. Get their act right because when they come in this fight business nobody is playing around man. You know it is just ridiculous and it is just sad.
I hope it just gets cleaned up. Everybody get cleaned up that way we can continue with this great sport of boxing. And people can get the fights that they want to see.
I just hate to see that we have such great fighters out here and some of the fights are not going to happen because they want to use. Just like Povetkin and me.
I was looking forward to that fight. I was looking forward to going to Russia. Defending my country, United States against Russia. What better country to defend your country than with Russia.
I was looking forward to that but I couldn’t do it because of somebody’s actions. So before they mess up this sport they need to clean it up.
My understanding was you already were preparing for a different fight before this one came up. Is that the case?
G. Вашингтон
Да, Я был. I didn’t know for sure when the day was or who the opponent was going to be or anything like that. I stay in the gym all the time. It wasn’t a matter of that but it was funny how I made a post about that.
I said to Deontay I said, I just put it on my Instagram. Я сказал, hey if anything happens, I am right here. And something did happen. It was crazy man. But it happened and I am grateful for the opportunity.
And I am glad that we stay in the gym, we stay prepared and we stay working on our stuff. We always stay right there striking distance away.
Is it all the time that we would have like to prepare for a World Championship fight? Не. I am sure we would have liked a fuller camp. But it is okay. We are all right right now. We are where we need to be and we are ready to go.
You were one of those guys that is trying to make that jump from football to boxing. Can you just talk about the differences? And do you think you can be the guy that can get over the hump and win that world title?
G. Вашингтон
Да, there are a lot of differences. I was just telling somebody the other day, the cool part about it is walking into the stadium with your teammates.
You feel like you have got a little army right there. You lock arms. You are in the tunnel and you are swaying back and forth it is war time. Let’s take it outside. War time. Let’s take it outside. You got a hundred guys doing that. You get on the field you are ready to rock.
When you step in to that ring you are in there by yourself. You are in there by yourself man. You still got your team but when that bell rings you have got to go to war by yourself man.
So you have got to be prepared physically and mentally. You have got to be ready to go. You have got to be ready to fight back and stand your ground and go to work.
I learned a lot lessons along the way. This is going to be another one. My learning never stops but this is a great opportunity for me and I feel that I am ready for this right now.
This came at the right time. God put me in this position and you know with all those failed drug tests and injuries and all the stuff that happened. All that stuff that happened for me to be here. I am here right now.
I am putting in the work and me and my team we put together a great plan and we are having fun. Now it is time.
How tough was this seeing what for you is a pretty long layoff? And were there any ways that you could work to get better with your left or anything when you were rehabbing?
D. Уайлдер
It really hurt me to my heart that I couldn’t fight. Anybody who knows me knows that I don’t just love this sport I am in love with it. I am really in love with this sport. I am obsessed with boxing.
я ем, breathe and sleep it. You know I do it all, this is my life. This is not a hobby for me. This is a lifestyle for me and I address it accordingly. I take it very, very seriously.
So when I can’t do something I love it really hurts me a little bit. And my motivation is my children. I have got four beautiful, intelligent children I love to death and I am doing it for them. All this is for them. Daddy don’t want to be in boxing long.
I want to accomplish my goals and dreams and I am out of here. I am doing it for them. And I am going to stick by that.
But when I can do it and I can’t provide and I can’t feel like I am taking a next step forward instead of backwards it kind of gets me down. It gets me sad a little bit.
But you know I know a man that is always with me and he will never forsake me and that is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have been through a lot in my life and every step of the way he has always been there for me.
Every step has always been a learning process for me. An experience for me. So I am very thankful that the things that happened for me and to me. Even with the broken hand and stuff like that because it allows me to build an even better relationship with my love.
For me I was on everything. I still continued to work on the right hand. The left was the jab. See where it is positioning. Different situations that would may face with different opponents.
I still work on everything over and over and over and over and over because I want it to be muscle memory. When I feel like I am not learning no more in this sport I am out.
This is a dangerous sport man. Every time I fight I always ask myself the question. Do you really want to do this? Do you still want to do this? Do you really want to go and get your head hit by big guys with these small gloves?
I ask myself that question every fight. But at the end of the day I am still here because I am in love with it. It is just like a woman. A man can do so much to her but she still there because she loves him.
That is how I am with this sport. So I am looking forward to testing out my hands and my bicep and I am looking forward to bringing more skills to the table with the left hook and stuff like that. So I am looking forward to the fight overall.
How much with your legacy as you get more involved? Because like it has been written document how much you stay active. How much of you wanting to be active is it the fact that you are getting these defenses each time you bring out another wrinkle that nobody has seen before?
D. Уайлдер
Well at the end of the day it is about getting your hands ready whether you look good or bad. At the end of the day the objective is to win. Whether it is an ugly win or a pretty win. That is what we try to do.
Of course we try to look good while we do it. As far as my legacy is concerned, I am planning on big, big things for me for now and in the future.
When I structured my career, I look at Muhammad Ali which is my all-time favorite and an idol of mine and what he has done for this sport. He was a real life hero.
He was the true definition of a true champion. Wasn’t afraid of nobody and wasn’t scared to go to where you were. Even if was your backyard and that is the things that I want to do.
I want to travel to different countries and defend my title. Whether it is in their backyard or I will go to a country they love and I will make it my backyard.
I want to do those things. That belt says the Heavyweight Champion of the world. You can be complacent in United States of America.
So that is my footsteps that I want follow. Мухаммед Али, what he has done for boxing inside and outside of the ring. I think about all the attributes and the efforts to do those things.
People just relate to me everywhere I go. People relate because the thing about people, they know lies when they see it. I come straight forward and honest with everybody and people love me. My attitude, my personality, we fighters always get stereotyped with people all over.
Fighters are some of the best, coolest guys ever. And after the sport business-wise I want my careerI am looking forward for my career to be like Larry Holmes. A businessman. Somebody that invests and did the right things. So when it is time for me to leave, Deontay will not be returning or looking back.
Does this Povetkin type situation make you leary to go to somebody’s backyard?
Также, is it a big deal to unify those belts by the end of 2017?
D. Уайлдер
Не за что. Povetkin is just one man. He is one out of many. I can’t focus my mind over one man out of one country doing certain things. We know certain people, certain countries that are going to attempt to do certain things.
That is why the VADA does the testing. People that is out there, the companies that is out there. That is why we hired them to do what they do.
VADA is one of the best. They make sure everything is straight. We all want just a fair playing field. So I can’t fault, what Povetkin did towards what my goals are and accomplishments that I want to achieve.
We take every fighter seriously no matter who they are. No matter what they have done. Even if they’re 1 и 0. They can be 0 и 1. We take them very, очень, very seriously because this game is a very, very serious sport. It is the hurt business.
People get in there and try to knock your head off I know that’s what I try to do. Knock his head off. We are taking Washington very seriously. We don’t care what kind of experience he has or where he came. We are taking him as if he is the champion and I am the challenger.
So I always say that I never look past a fighter. But I do look through a fighter. I window shop a little bit. I don’t think that is too awful to do. Window shop a little bit.
So when I window shop, вы знаете, I see that whoever has the title that is what I want. Let Joshua and Klitschko do their thing.
Win those two belts. And at the end of the year, we combine two and two. That is four belts in all in unified division. One man, one face, one title. That is Deontay Wilder. That is what I see coming.
Джеральд, what do you want people to know about you and what you are bringing to the table?
G. Вашингтон
I am just here to fight. I am here to fight man. I am coming to get this. Deontay Wilder is taking me seriously because I am coming. I am coming with everything I have got. I am working hard. I am training hard. I am preparing myself well.
I am doing everything that I have got to do. I don’t care about none of that extra stuff. February 25th and that is it man. I don’t have to explain nothing. All I know is I am working. I am working and I am going to be ready.
Deontay, how much does it feel good to be able to put that belt on the line one more time in Birmingham where you got all the support and vanquish another person coming to your backyard as you are the Heavyweight Champion of the world right now?
D. Уайлдер
Man I tell you it is just a phenomenal feeling man. To be able to see my people and when I say about my people I am talking about my state.
I am talking about everybody around in the State of Alabama because this wasn’t a boxing state. This state wasn’t built for the boxing. You know it was football and basketball, mostly football.
But it was one opponent at a time and me and my long time trainer Jay Deas, we had a discussion and said we are going to fight here one day. And that one day and that dream became a reality. And then one day it came and now here is what the fourth time?
I have brought millions upon millions of dollars to this state. You know I love my state. I love where I am from. There is no place like home.
A lot of fighters can’t fight at home. They can’t do this. So whenever the opportunity comes about that I can fight home. I can fight in my state and let ye people eat here I am going to do it. It is an enjoyable feeling.
Sometimes you can lose focus at times because you are from here. Everybody loves you. Everybody wants to call you. Everybody wants to be around you. Everybody want tickets. You know that are little things that come with it.
Но с этим, как говорится, you still have to have focus and you still mentally have to control everything that is around you and have a great team that control you as well too when you don’t feel like doing certain things you know.
You can’t be nice all the time. Sometimes people have got to understand that I have got a mission that I must accomplish and if I don’t accomplish that then you are not going to be around. If I lose you are not going to be around. Давайте смотреть правде в глаза.
All these people in my face. Если я потеряю, it is going to be real quiet with the champ you are the best talk. And then they are going to turn it into an I told you. Это был просто вопрос времени,.
So we understand all aspects of the situation. But I am loving it. I love Alabama and this is one of many that we are going to do.
Tell us why you think you can win this fight and take the title from Deontay?
G. Вашингтон
It’s just a matter of all the work that I am putting in. I have been getting here in the gym, the training just sparring. Just putting it all together, what I am saying is that I always have boxing in my mind.
I know Deontay Wilder. We all know what he brings to the table. He is big, сильный, нокауты. We fighting in his backyard. We know all that.
Well we can’t get caught up in that. That is going to be there. That is going to be there and we just got to focus on us. Focus on our game. Make sure we are tight, физически и психически. And we prepare for this moment.
That is all that matters to me. Only had a month time to prepare and but I am ready to go. I have learned the lessons in the gym and I had hard lessons. But you need those hard lessons when you are growing as a fighter.
You have got to go through that stuff to understand what is going on because you get in there and you have got a full sense of what is going on. Reality checks. This sport will teach you a lesson when you need it.
So everything that was supposed to happen. I am glad for the lessons. I am glad for all the great talent and meeting my trainer John Pullman. We having fun and we are learning. It is not always going to go the way you want it to go and we learn from that and we get better.
Deontay other than the obvious thing of experience what do you think your advantages are in this fight against Gerald?
D. Уайлдер
Just my state of mind. Outside of the ring we all know I am Deontay Wilder. I am the nicest person in the world you know. I call myself a giant teddy bear.
But when I get in the ring I am the Bronze Bomber. And the Bronze Bomber, he is a different person. I am glad I am so happy that I can change between the Bronze Bomber and Deontay Wilder. Some people can’t.
If Bronze Bomber got loose in the streets it won’t be something nice. When I am in the ring all I think about is knocking my opponent’s head off. Getting him out of there. Hurting him. Putting pain to him. I will have no mercy. I will have no pity.
Until I knock him out or do what I got to do that’s when I feel sympathy for my fighters because, I know they have a family. I know there is somebody’s son or sometimes be the father. I understand that. I am a family person as well too.
But they are in front of me on their feet it is a different story. And I have been mentally, I am always mentally strong over all these fighters. I really feel that I can’t be beat. That is just the mentality I have.
Knowing that every man can be beat we are not immortal. Nobody is God but that is just the mentality I bring in the ring that I am the lion of this jungle. I call the ring the jungle. I am the king of it.
And I approach myself accordingly like that. I am very vicious in the ring. I am a savage in the ring. I have no remorse for fighters in the ring. I really do that because this is the hurt business. You are trying to do the same thing to me what I am trying to do to him. And that is win.
And when it is winning you do whatever it takes. By all means necessary to win. And that is what I go in there too.
So it is a lot of things I could say but overall I think my mental state of mind. I think my mental state of mind is always stronger.
Does the fact that this fight is on FOX on a Saturday night, ПРАЙМ-тайм, you are going to have millions of people watching this. Does this give a little added incentive to try to make a statement during this fight?
D. Уайлдер
Да, I enjoy fighting on FOX. I enjoy fighting on free TV giving the people something to see,. I always think about people, whether they watch it or not. I always think that they want to see knockouts.
People when they see the heavyweight division, they want to see knockouts. They want to see excitement.
I have always been exciting even if the knockout didn’t come out I have always been exciting and I have always put my feelings into my fighting. And my motivation is my children and I have always carried them in my thoughts and in my heart with me in the ring.
So with that being said, Я с нетерпением жду этого боя. I am just looking forward to everything. Не могу дождаться. This is my comeback party off my major injury on my hand and bicep which is feeling great. I can’t wait to test it out. I am just happy that I am back in the scene.
Being able to do something that I love to do where I am the happiest. I just thank God for this opportunity this moment. I am very grateful.
Do either of you want to make a prediction for the fight? Deontay?
D. Уайлдер
Как я только что сказал,, I go for the knockouts.. At this point in time in my career I am very relaxed now. Earlier when I first came out of course I was wild. You know my last time is Wilder.
I was wild. But now as I started getting experience and bigger fights. I kind of have slowed down and just relaxed and wait on the opening and stuff like that.
But you know to answer your question now and for anybody who has the same question in the future. Deontay Wilder don’t play games. Deontay Wilder comes to destroy the man that is in front of him. So I think that answers your question.
Лу ДиБелла:
Okay well thanks everybody for joining us. And we look forward to seeing you if not on February 25th in Birmingham, Alabama then we hope you will be tuned into FOX and to FOX Deportes at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT on February 25th to see this great card headlined by the WBC Heavyweight Championship between Deontay Wilder and Gerald Washington.
Thank you Deontay and thank you Gerald. And also thank to Tony Harrison and Jarrett Hurd for having joined us on this call.
So plenty of tickets are still available. The tickets are really affordable and, вы знаете, there are loads of $25 seats available. So anyone who can get down to Birmingham, Alabama we hope to see you there.
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Clash Between Hard-Hitting Tony Harrison and Undefeated Jarrett Hurd Is Now For The Vacant IBF Junior Middleweight World Title

Clash Between Hard-Hitting Tony Harrison and
Undefeated Jarrett Hurd Is Now For The
Vacant IBF Junior Middleweight World Title
The 12-Round, 154-Pound Title Battle Is Part of A Stacked Show To Be Televised in Prime Time
Live on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX &
FOX Депортес на8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT
Суббота, Февраль 25 From Legacy Arena in
Бирмингем, Алабама
Бирмингем, Алабама (Февраль 16, 2017) – The stakes have been raised in the already highly-charged junior middleweight showdown betweenТони Харрисон (24-1, 20 КО) и Джарретт Херд (19-0, 13 КО). The clash between Harrison and Hurd has been elevated to a battle for the vacant IBF 154-pound world title and is part of an exciting night of action Суббота, Февраль 25. on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes.
The title become vacant after titlist Jermall Charlo dropped the belt to move up to middleweight to seek bigger challenges in a new division.
Телевизионный охват начинается 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT live from Legacy Arena at the BJCC in Birmingham, Alabama and is headlined by undefeated heavyweight world champion Deontay “Бронзовый бомбардировщик” Wilder defending his title in his home state for the fourth time, as he faces undefeated contender Gerald Washington.
These guys have already shown their mettle by agreeing to fight each other – Не. 2 против Нет. 3 – for the No. 1 пятно,” сказал Том Браун TGB Акции. “Having this match be for a world title is a great reward for two young guys who have shown a willingness to face each other.
Boxing writers and fans are already buzzing about Harrison versus Hurd, an explosive matchup,” сказал Лу ДиБелла, Президент ДиБелла Entertainment. “The winner will now be the IBF champion, bringing greatly increased significance to what should already be a war.
The 26-year-old Harrison comes into this fight after scoring an explosive ninth-round stoppage of Sergey Rabchenko in July that put him in line for the world title. Харрисон, who took down Cecil McCalla, Fernando Guerrero and Rabchenko in his last three contests, faces a tough challenge in the undefeated Hurd. The Detroit-native was unbeaten in his first 21 pro fights and recorded 10-straight knockouts between 2013 и 2015.
I’ve been waiting on this for a long time. This the biggest shot of my life. It’s like my son being born all over again,” Харрисон сказал. “This just made the fight that much more interesting. As a boxer this is what you dream ofthe day you fight for a world title. Santa came early. We’re both 26 лет. It’s a dream come true for both of us. It doesn’t change the approach. It just makes it much sweeter and puts that much more respect on the winner of this fight.
This is the moment every boxer dreams of, becoming the world champion,” Саид Херд. “I finally get that opportunity on the big stageon the Deontay Wilder heavyweight championship card and on FOX in prime time on national TV. Я был благословлен. I want to thank everyone for getting me to this point. Tony Harrison is a great fighter. Это не будет легкий бой. Tony Harrison is top-level competition and I’m a top level competitor. Two great fighters going after something they want. But I have to say my pants are falling and I need my belt.
Hurd fights out of Accokeek, Md., just south of Washington, D.C. and is perfect since entering the pro ranks in 2012. The 26-year-old defeated three straight unbeaten fighters, including a sixth-round stoppage of Frank Galarza in 2015 и 10й round TKO over Oscar Molina in the co-main event of the Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter card in June 2016. Совсем недавно, Hurd stopped former title challenger Jo Jo Dan in the sixth-round of their fight in November of last year, positioning himself to fight for the title.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается DiBella Entertainment и TBG Promotions совместно с Bruno Event Team, начинаются $25 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Ticketmaster и на сайте AlabamaTitleFight.com..
Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.com,WWW.dbe1.com,HTTP://WWW.tgbpromotions.com/HTTP://WWW.foxsports.com/presspass/домашняя страницаи foxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/FoxSports иwww.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. Следуйте разговор, используя #PBConFOX. PBC на канале FOX спонсируется Corona, Пиво Mas Final.

Heavyweight Izuagbe Ugonoh Ready To Power His Way Onto The World Championship Scene With An Explosive Performance Against Hard-Hitting Dominic Breazeale

Premier Boxing Champions in Primetime On FOX & FOX Deportes On Февраль 25 At Legacy Arena In Birmingham, Алабама
The Polish Contender Makes U.S. Debut On The Undercard Of Deontay Wilder Defending His WBC Heavyweight Title Against Unbeaten Gerald Washington
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Премьер бокса чемпионов
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Февраль. 15, 2017) – You may not have heard of Izuagbe Ugona…еще. But the Polish-born heavyweight contender plans to change that when he takes on Доминик Breazeale in a 10-round match on the undercard of WBC heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder’s title defense against Gerald Washington in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes, на Наследие Arena в Бирмингеме, Alabama on Февраль. 25.
I’m looking forward to displaying my skills and letting the U.S. boxing fans get a look at what I’m bringing to the heavyweight division,” Ugonoh said. “I’m very excited to be making my U.S. debut in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes. Dominic Breazeale is a tough opponent, but he is also the kind of boxer that will allow me to put on an entertaining show for the fans in the arena and those watching on FOX and FOX Deportes.
Ugonoh, who prefers to be called Izu (pronounced E-Zoo), has a unique blend of athleticism, speed and power that he honed as a kickboxing champion in Poland before switching over to boxing in 2010. Starting with his match against the hard-hitting Breazeale (17-1, 15 КО), Ugonoh has an ambitious timetable as he works his way toward fighting for a boxing world title.
This is my moment and 2017 мой год,” Ugonoh said. “I want to challenge myself and show the world how good I am. I believe the heavyweight division is wide open right now, and the top fighters are going to bring the best out of me. If I do what I’m supposed to do, I can see myself fighting for a world championship in the next 18 месяцы.”
I’ve been hearing great things about Izu internationally for years,” сказал Том Браун TGB Акции. “Он большой, strong athletic heavyweight with good power. But Dominic isn’t a pushover. Больше, he is coming off his first loss. He is in a make or break type fight. It’s the classic case of a guy with something to prove against a guy with a lot to lose.
The 30-year-old Ugonoh was born in Szczecin, Польша, to Nigerian parents, and has a 17-0 запись с 14 нокауты. Ugonoh has a master’s degree from Jedrzej Sniadecki School of Physical Education and Sports in Gdansk, Польша. He grew up playing soccer, before focusing on becoming an elite, all-around fighter by training in kickboxing, boxing and martial arts.
Izu is a big, physically imposing, strong heavyweight who, while virtually unknown here, has developed a reputation abroad,” said Lou DiBella of DiBella Entertainment. “In his first fight on American soil, he will take on a legitimate heavyweight contender and world title challenger in Dominic Breazeale. We’re going to find out in Birmingham whether Izu is the real thing; if he’s able to shine, the mystery man is an immediate factor in the heavyweight division.
Not afraid to step out of his realm, Ugonoh was a contestant on the past season ofDancing With the Stars” в Польше, making it to the final two rounds.
It was a lot of work,” он сказал. “I trained for 35 hours a week to dance for 1 минута 15 seconds on the show. Dancing was more work than boxing,” he laughed. “People laugh when I say that because they think I’m joking, but it was as much work as training camp. One of the key benefits is it improved my footwork in the ring.
Ugonoh is trained by Kevin Barry, the corner man for WBO heavyweight champion Joseph Parker and former heavyweight title challenger David Tua. Ugonoh has been fighting out of New Zealand for the last two years, but now he will train in Las Vegas and is ready to make a name for himself in the U.S.
With Barry in his corner, Ugonoh is anxious to power his way into the heavyweight championship ranks.
Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.com,WWW.dbe1.com,HTTP://WWW.tgbpromotions.com/HTTP://WWW.foxsports.com/presspass/домашняя страницаи foxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/FoxSports иwww.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. Следуйте разговор, используя #PBConFOX. PBC на канале FOX спонсируется Corona, Пиво Mas Final.

Deontay Wilder Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Undefeated Heavyweight World Champion Battles Unbeaten Gerald Washington in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX &
FOX Deportes from Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Алабама
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Премьер бокса чемпионов
СЕВЕРНЫЙ ПОРТ, Алабама (Февраль 14, 2017) – Непобежденный чемпион мира в супертяжелом весе Deontay “Бронзовый бомбардировщик” Уайлдер hosted a jam-packed media workout Tuesday at Skyy Gym in Northport, AL as he prepares to defend his title in primetime on Суббота, Февраль 25 в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов на FOX и FOX Sports унаследованного Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Алабама.
Телевизионное освещение каналов FOX и FOX Deportes начинается в 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and also features a pair of exciting matchups as rising super welterweight contenders Тони Харрисони Джарретт Херд meet in a 12-round world title eliminator, плюс жесткий удар Доминик Breazeale сражения непобежденные Izuagbe Ugona в супертяжелом действий.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается DiBella Entertainment и TBG Promotions совместно с Bruno Event Team, начинаются $25 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Ticketmaster и на сайте AlabamaTitleFight.com..
Here is what the Alabama-native Wilder had to say Tuesday:
Deontay Уайлдером
Gerald Washington is a tall, athletic fighter with good size and power. I don’t have the physical advantages and it’ll make the fight exciting. It’s two tall, athletic guys going at each other. It’s going to be an even playing field and there’s nothing like seeing a tall man go ‘timber’.
I prefer fighting taller opponents. I can see a lot of things easier against a taller fighter. I take every fighter seriously, especially when they’re eye level. I know that I can be punished if I make a mistake and if their experienced enough to capitalize on it.
Washington doesn’t know what’s coming for him. I think he’s overwhelmed with the excitement of having the opportunity to fight for a world title. He said a lot of similar things that I said coming up, but I don’t think he knows what Февраль 25 has in store for him. He’s facing one of the most dangerous fighters in the division and I’m glad that he’s saying he’s ready.
I’m glad there’s not going to be any excuses from Washington. I know he was already deep into training camp when he got the call. You have to always stay ready in this game. We’ve had the same amount of time to get ready as he has, so I’m not looking at this like a short notice fight.
Injuring myself in back-to-back rounds last time out was something I hadn’t experienced before. To go out there and fight through so much pain was tough but I’m the champion. Nobody is going to beat me. They’re going to have to take me out of the ring to make me stop fighting. I’m showing each and every time that I’m meant to be doing.
I think I’m close to unifying the belts. I think this year will be a big step forward. A lot of people are talking about it and my team is 100 percent on board with it. We’re taking the right approach to getting me in the position to get all the belts. There are going to be a lot of great heavyweight fights this year.
The progression of my left hand as a power punch has gone really well. Everything was kind of a blessing in disguise because each time I’ve had an injury I’ve been able to develop my relationship with my left hand and I’m looking forward to displaying something a little different that I’m going to take advantage of.
Everything is feeling really great right now but the real test will be when I get into the ring. We’ll see if I’m 100 процентов. I’ve been giving it my all in training camp and we’ll really see how it holds up when my fist hits his face.
Деонтай Уайлдер против. Gerald Washington is a heavyweight showdown between the WBC Champion Wilder and the unbeaten Washington that takes place Суббота, Февраль 25 from the BJCC in Birmingham, Алабама. Coverage of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes begins at 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and features a pair of exciting matchups as rising super welterweight contenders Tony Harrison and Jarrett Hurdmeet in a 12-round world title eliminator, plus hard-hitting Dominic Breazeale battles undefeated Izuagbe Ugonoh in heavyweight action.
Дополнительные действия на FS1 и FOX Deportes начинаются в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT and features unbeaten super middleweight Caleb Plant battling Ghana’s Thomas Awimbono and undefeated knockout artist Jorge Lara facing Jhon Gemino.
Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бой доступен на рабочем столе на сайте FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, шоу будет транслироваться одновременно на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.comWWW.dbe1.com,HTTP://WWW.tgbpromotions.com/HTTP://WWW.foxsports.com/presspass/домашняя страница и foxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/FoxSports и www.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. Следуйте разговор, используя #PBConFOX. PBC на канале FOX спонсируется Corona, Пиво Mas Final.


Photo c/o Timothy Hernandez/Team Breazeale
Карсон, Калифорния (Февраль 14, 2017)In just under two weeks, бывший титул чемпиона мира Доминик “Беда” Breazeale (17-1, 15 КО) makes his anticipated return to the ring against Izu Ugonoh (17-0, 14 КО) на Февраль 25, 2017 в Бирмингеме, Алабама. The intriguing heavyweight match up is scheduled to open up the Premier Boxing Champions telecast on Fox Television. This will be Breazeale’s first bout since taking on IBF world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua last summer in a courageous and spirited effort, which took place in London, Англия.
С тех пор, Breazeale has taken some well deserved time off and has been in camp for the last eight weeks, preparing for his return bout with world renowned trainer Manny Robles. The heavyweight contender took some time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions about his bout with Joshua, his training camp, and his upcoming bout with Ugonoh on 25 февраля.
How was your experience going to England and fighting for the IBF world heavyweight title against Anthony Joshua?
“Вы знаете, travelling to England and fighting for the world heavyweight title was a great experience. From the time I got off the plane, to going to the hotel and eating out and everyone knowing who you are, it was definitely a good experience. I came to England with hopes of bringing back the title to the United States, but unfortunately it didn’t go as planned.
But I earned the respect of the boxing world and I came to fight that night and didn’t back down at all. I learned more from that one loss, then the seventeen combined fights I won. I realized that I was better than I thought I was. С тех пор, my stock has risen and I can’t wait to get back out there in the ring and show everyone that I am deserving of another shot at the title whether it’s a rematch against Joshua or a shot at Deontay Wilder or Jospeh Parker. I put the heavyweight division on notice that I am a legitimate contender.
You were originally supposed to fight Artur Szpilka. Why was there a switch in opponents?

“Да, I was scheduled to fight Artur Szpilka and then I was told by my management that I would no longer be fighting him. I am not sure what issues he had or if was determined by others that it wouldn’t be a good television fight due to his style. I was already in camp training with southpaws, so I prepared for Szpilka either way. Now we have moved on and are preparing for Ugonoh.
How is training camp going?
Training camp is going really well. I was in camp before the fight was announced so I am in great shape. My coaches Manny Robles and Edgar Jasso have a great fight plan for me and my strength and conditioning is also going well with coach Darryl Hudson. We are going back to the basics and just trying to master the jab and the one-two followed up by great shots that will have my opponent hitting the canvas.
One of my issues was just always trying to get that KO and thinking about it instead of just moving my hands and letting things open up. I have been working on that with my sparring partners and we are improving every day.

What do you know about your opponent Izu Ugonoh?
“Если честно, I never really heard of him until my management asked me if I wanted to fight him. I looked him up and saw some video footage of him. As I understand it, he used to be a kick boxer who transformed into a boxer. He has some boxing skills and it looks like it will be a great match up for the fans.
Two heavyweights moving towards each other and throwing punches always has the possibility of fireworks and somebody getting knocked out. Coach Manny and I have reviewed film and we have a great plan come fight night. I clearly am the bigger and stronger fighter so I definitely think I have the edge.
How does it feel to have your bout being nationally televised live on Fox television?
“Вы знаете, I have been blessed to have my last four fights nationally televised on the Premier Boxing Champions series with this being the fifth. It feels great and I am thankful to my management for allowing me the platform to showcase my skills. I have a great fan base which has grown so much since my last fight and I am glad that they are able to continue to follow me and my continued success.
It’s awesome that this fight is on regular Fox and you don’t need to have an expensive cable plan or pay to see the fights on 25 февраля. PBC is bringing it back to old days when you could see Muhammad Ali or Sugar Ray Leonard on regular television before cable was popular. Free boxing is great for the fans.
What are your expectations for the fight with Ugonoh and how it plays out?
I’m coming to Alabama to win, легко и просто. Ugonoh has never been on a stage like this and I may put the gas on the pedal and pressure him a bit and let him know what it is like to be in the ring with a man who is 6’7″, 250 pounds imposing his will on him. Это будет 10 rounds of hell for him if he lasts that long.
This is a must win for me if I expect to get another shot at the title and he is the next obstacle in the way. Такой Как 25 февраля, the fans at the Legacy Arena in Alabama and people watching all over the world will be guaranteed a great fight.
“Here Comes Trouble

Gerald Washington Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Unbeaten Heavyweight Takes on Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder Суббота, Февраль 25 in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Алабама
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Tom Hogan/Hogan Photos/TGB Promotions
ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Февраль 9, 2017) – Unbeaten heavyweight Джеральд “Черный петух” Вашингтон held an open workout Четверг for Los Angeles-area media as he prepares to challenge unbeaten heavyweight world champion Deontay “Бронзовый бомбардировщик” Уайлдер в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов на FOX и FOX Sports, Суббота, Февраль 25 унаследованного Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Алабама.
Телевизионное освещение каналов FOX и FOX Deportes начинается в 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and also features a pair of exciting matchups as rising super welterweight contenders Тони Харрисон иДжарретт Херд meet in a 12-round world title eliminator, плюс жесткий удар Доминик Breazealeсражения непобежденные Izuagbe Ugona в супертяжелом действий.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается DiBella Entertainment и TBG Promotions совместно с Bruno Event Team, начинаются $25 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Ticketmaster и на сайте AlabamaTitleFight.com..
Here is what Washington had to say Четверг from Pullman’s Gym in Burbank:
We’ve had a great training camp and I’m feeling good. We got the fight on short notice but we had been training for a while, so I’ll be prepared.
If Deontay showboats in the ring with me, I’m going to hit him in his mouth. Deontay better take me seriously. Because I am real and I’m coming.
This fight came at the perfect time for us. We’re looking forward to the opportunity to compete. We’re always ready. This is our life and we love to be here.
We have more than a puncher’s chance. We do a lot of different training, drills and mental work to get ready for this fight. Every fight I’ve had has prepared me for this moment. My fight against Amir Mansour was the turning point of my career. I learned some good lessons and I’m looking to have a great performance.
Deontay has his opinion on if I’m ready, but everyone has certain tests in life they have to pass. I’m ready to test myself against the best.
‘I’ve worked hard from day one in the sport to get to where I am. I’ve had to learn my lessons and take my time to get to a point where I can be in a fight like this. I’m grateful for the process I’ve had to get here.
My dream would be to fill-up the L.A. Coliseum. I’d love to fight as a heavyweight world champion there. That building has a lot of history. I want to bring my world title belt back to USC and put it there with all of those Heisman trophies. This will make my legacy there.
I have so much to fight for and to push me and drive me towards my goal. If I focus on those things, it’ll give me everything I need to keep pushing forward.
I’m not worried about Deontay’s knockouts. I’m going to take care of my business. I know what my job is and what my goal is. I’m putting my head down and getting to work.
JOHN PULLMAN, Washington’s Trainer
This is an exciting opportunity. Everything had to play out perfectly for us to get this shot. You can’t argue with destiny. We didn’t expect it to happen like this, but our team culture is to always stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready.
The major separation between Deontay Wilder and Gerald is that Gerald is the smarter fighter. He knows how to adapt and it’s going to make a big difference in this fight.
Gerald is going to win this fight. How he wins, I don’t like to say and put any unnecessary pressure on us. But all I can say is, he’s going to win.
# # #
Деонтай Уайлдер против. Gerald Washington is a heavyweight showdown between the WBC Champion Wilder and the unbeaten Washington that takes place Суббота, Февраль 25 from the BJCC in Birmingham, Алабама. Coverage of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes begins at 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and features a pair of exciting matchups as rising super welterweight contenders Tony Harrison and Jarrett Hurdmeet in a 12-round world title eliminator, plus hard-hitting Dominic Breazeale battles undefeated Izuagbe Ugonoh in heavyweight action.
Дополнительные действия на FS1 и FOX Deportes начинаются в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT and features unbeaten super middleweight Caleb Plant battling Ghana’s Thomas Awimbono and undefeated knockout artist Jorge Lara facing Jhon Gemino.
Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бой доступен на рабочем столе на сайте FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, шоу будет транслироваться одновременно на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.comWWW.dbe1.com,HTTP://WWW.tgbpromotions.com/HTTP://WWW.foxsports.com/presspass/домашняя страница и foxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/FoxSports и www.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. Следуйте разговор, используя #PBConFOX. PBC на канале FOX спонсируется Corona, Пиво Mas Final.

Undefeated Prospect Caleb Plant Faces Ghana’s Thomas Awimbono in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action суббота, Февраль 25 Унаследованного Arena в Бирмингеме, Алабама 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Больше! Unbeaten Contender Jorge Lara Takes on
Hard-Hitting Jhon Gemino in Televised Action
Action on FS1 Follows PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes in Primetime Headlined by Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder Taking on Unbeaten Gerald Washington
Бирмингем, Алабама (Февраль 9, 2017) – Непобедимый перспективы Калеб завод (14-0, 10 КО) will look to keep his perfect record intact when he takes on Томас Awimbono (25-6-1, 21 КО) в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов на FS1 и FOX Sports Суббота, Февраль 25 унаследованного Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Алабама. Покрытие FS1 и FOX Deportes начинается с 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT сразу после PBC на телеканалах FOX и FOX Deportes в прайм-тайм, озаглавленный непобежденным чемпионом мира в супертяжелом весе. Deontay “Бронзовый бомбардировщик” Уайлдер защищая свой титул против непобежденных Джеральд “Черный петух” Вашингтон.
Телевизионное освещение каналов FOX и FOX Deportes начинается в 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and also features a pair of exciting matchups as rising super welterweight contenders Тони Харрисон и Джарретт Херд meet in a 12-round world title eliminator, плюс жесткий удар Доминик Breazeale сражения непобежденные Izuagbe Ugona в супертяжелом действий.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается DiBella Entertainment и TBG Promotions совместно с Bruno Event Team, начинаются $25 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Ticketmaster и на сайте AlabamaTitleFight.com..
Plant will battle Awimbono in a 10-round super middleweight contest that highlights an exciting portion of the undercard on FS1 and FOX Deportes that also includes undefeated knockout artist Хорхе Лара (28-0-2, 20 КО) борьба Jbon Incassum (15-7-1, 7 КО) in a junior lightweight showdown.
Also entering the ring will be exciting light heavyweight contender Майкл Уплотнения (20-1, 15 КО) in a six-round bout and once-beaten contender Яго Киладзе (24-1, 16 КО) в супертяжелом действий.
A 2011 Национальный Золотые перчатки чемпиона, Plant has begun to make his name in the professional ranks since turning pro in 2014. After picking up six victories in 2015, Plant continued his success with stoppages of Adasat Rodriguez and Carlos Galvan before going 10 rounds for the first time in a unanimous decision victory over Juan De Angel in August. The 24-year-old from Nashville recently began training in Las Vegas and sparred with top super middleweight contender George Groves ahead of this fight. He will be opposed by Ghana’s Awimbono who now fights out of Brooklyn and will be fighting in the U.S. for the third time as a pro.
Непобедимый из Гвадалахары, Халиско, Мексика, Lara made a statement in his last fight with a first round knockout of former multiple division world champion Fernando Montiel. The 26-year-old has ended eight of his last 10 opponents early including experienced contenders Jovanny Soto, Хайро Эрнандес и Оскар Ибарра. He takes on 24-year-old Jhon Gemino out of LIpa City, Phillippines, who most recently scored a first round knockout of previously unbeaten Toka Kahn Clary.
Additional undercard action will see an exciting 10-round middleweight showdown between unbeaten Alantez Фокс (21-0-1, 10 КО) against Birmingham-native Кеннет Макнил (10-2, 7 КО) plus unbeaten heavyweight Junior Fa (9-0, 6 КО) в течение шести-раундовом поединке.
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten Thomas Knox (1-0, 1 KO) in a four-round middleweight attraction, Непобедимый супертяжелом Роберт Альфонсо (10-0, 3 КО) facing Alabama’s Keith Thompson (8-4, 6 КО) in a six-round fight and unbeaten Deon Nicholson(1-0) in a four-round cruiserweight bout against Josh Rasberry.
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