Tag Archives: Lucas Matthysse

Invicto NO WBC. 1 Contender Amir Imam para afrontar ADRIAN Granados ON sábado, Novembro. 28, Na canle Showtime extremo

Showtime Boxing ON SHO EXTREME® (9 p.m. E/PT)

Amir Imam vs. Adrian Granados - 10 Rolda Super Leve Bout

Oscar Rivas vs. Curtis Harper - 10 Rolda Heavyweight Bout

Showtime Championship Boxing® Directo na canle Showtime® (11 p.m. E/PT)

James Degale vs. Lucian Bute - Campionato do Mundo IBF Super Middleweight

Eleider Alvarez vs. Isaac Chilemba - WBC Light Heavyweight Title Eliminator


Nova York (Novembro. 10, 2015) Sen -WBC. 1 clasificado super lixeiro Amir I (18-0, 15 Kos) volve enfrontar Adrian Granados (14-4-2, 11 Kos) nun ataque 10 redonda sobre Sábado, Novembro. 28 en Showtime Boxing en SHO EXTREME.


O Imam invicto é o reto obrigatorio para WBC campión de 140 libras Viktor Postol, que gañou o título vago cun 10th TKO rolda de Lucas Matthysse en outubro.


A Showtime Boxing en SHO EXTREME cerimonia comeza en directo no 9 p.m. E/PT do Videotron Centre na cidade de Quebec antes da transmisión SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING da mesma noite. No abridor SHO EXTREME, pesado invicto e ex estrela internacional Oscar Rivas (17-0, 12 Kos) enfrontarase Curtis Harper (12-4, 8 Kos) nun ataque 10-round.


IBF Super campión dos medios do Mundo James Degale (21-1, 14 Kos) vai defender o seu cinto contra o ex-campión de £ 168- Lucian Bute(32-2, 25 Kos) no evento principal de Showtime Championship Boxing® vivir ALTURA DE COMEZAR® (11 p.m. E/PT).


Na co-metragem, do WBC Ningunha. 1-clasificados 175-pound loitador Isaac Mark (24-2-2, 10 Kos) será cadrado fóra con ningún. 2-clasificados Eleider Álvarez (18-0, 10 Kos) nun medio-pesado eliminación de título mundial. O gañador gaña o dereito de converterse no reto obrigatorio para o campión do mundo de peso pesado lixeiro do WBC Adonis Stevenson.


O evento, factura como "a recuperación", é unha presentación de Videotron en colaboración con Mise-O-Jeu.


Unha das máis rápido-crecentes contendentes do boxeo, a 25-year-old Imam xa nocauteou 15 da súa 18 opoñentes profesionais desde que se converteron en profesionais 2011. O Albany, N.I., nativo está vindo dun nocaute cuarta rolda do ex desafiante ao título mundial Fernando Angulo en Xullo 18 na canle Showtime.


A 26-year-old Granados, de Chicago, gañou tres loitas consecutivas desde un fin, perda decisión dividida para invicto welterweight perspectivaBrad Salomón na eliminatoria do Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao PPV última Maio 2 en Las Vegas. A única outra derrota de Granados desde entón 2011 foi unha perda decisión por maioría de entón invicto Felix Diazen 2014. Granados, que ten un empate contra o ex-campión mundial medio-medio Kermit Cintrón, vai volver para abaixo para 140 libras para a súa loita con Imam.


O baseado en Montreal Rivas representado en Colombia 2008 Xogos Olímpicos. O mozo de 28 anos sae dun triunfo, TKO no primeiro round de Jason Pettaway en Xullo 26 na súa U.S.. estrearase no ShoBox: A Nova Xeración. Rivas regresa á provincia de Quebec, lugar de 16 da súa 17 extremos, contra o 27-year-old Harper, que é 5-1 nas súas últimas seis loitas.


Harper, de Jacksonville, Fla., está saíndo dunha derrota por decisión preto de toda a vida contedor pesado Chris Arreola en Marzo 13. Harper foi derrubado na primeira rolda contra Arreola pero reuniuse nunha divertida baleira.


Os billetes están á venda na taquilla Videotron Centre, enwww.ticketmaster.ca, no Ximnasio (514) 383-0666, en InterBox (450) 645-1077 ou polo campión de boxeo do club (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, @interboxca,stormalvarez, SHOsports,

$2000 Recursos do grupo de Throwdown Fantasía Boxing próximo xogo 4 loitas polo título mundial Broner vs. Allakhverdiev, Matthysse vs. Postol

Para Divulgación inmediata

Nova York (Setembro 21, 2015) – Catro loitas polo título mundial, ademais dun ataque eliminación de título mundial, son esto na próxima $2,000 Throwdown Fantasía Xogo de Boxeo,en liña en www.ThrowdownFantasy.com, alimentado por Compubox.
Fans de boxeo ten outra oportunidade de facer backup das súas previsións loita, así como gañar loitas de gabar e ganancias en diñeiro, simplemente a través do rexistro e, a continuación, xogando o (Sete. 29-Outubro. 10) xogo do grupo.
Javier Fortuna pon o seu WBA “regular” cinto de campión júnior leve na liña vs. Carlos Velazquez no setembro 29th PBC na Fox Sports 1 / Fox Deportes Show, en Las Vegas.
Pozo de enerxía Lucas Matthysse asume Viktor Postol, Outubro. 3 na HBO, desde Carson, California para a vaga WBC super lixeiro na loita máis equilibrados deste xogo do grupo.
Outubro. 3rd na canle Showtime, Adrien Broner é moi favorecido en casa en Cincinnati contra Khabib Allakhverdiev na súa loita para a vaga WBA campionato super lixeiro, mentres IBF campión super pluma Jose Pedraza defende contra Edner Cherry.
Nocauteador Julius Jackson e Joe Uzcategun batalla nun eliminación de IBF super-medios Outubro. 6 en San Antonio nun PBC na Fox Sports 1 mostra.
Welterweight Danny O'Connor é o favorito máis prohibitivo deste xogo en un desquite contra Gabriel Bracero, que venceu a súa primeira loita, Outubro. 10 en Lowell, Massachusetts en PBC en NBCSN.
Embaixo a completa Sete. 29-Outubro. 10 line-up con salarios de combate:
Cada xogador escolle 5 boxers para baixo o $25,000 Límite de salario
Existen tres xeitos fáciles para xogar Throwdown Fantasía: 1. Seleccione cinco combatentes do grupo xogo, mediante o $25,000 teito salarial (ver arriba); 2. Logo acompañe de puntuación en tempo real, gañando puntos para vitorias, nocautes e Compubox estatísticas (vexa o exemplo gráfico seguinte); 3. Marcar máis puntos gaña. A maioría dos xogos durar unha semana enteira e cada un ten varios gañadores.
Loitadores reciben puntos base para como desempeñan, recompensando cada estilo de boxeo, eCompubox estatísticas de loita están dispoñibles para a investigación en www.ThrowdownFantasy.com.

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Chilro: @Throwdownfan
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Unha vez máis, Provodnikov un éxito cos espectadores de televisión

Filadelfia, PA (Abril 22, 2015)–Por cuarta loita consecutiva en HBO, “A Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov colleitado 1 millón de espectadores. A loita de Ruslan con Lucas Matthysse promedió 1.243 millóns de espectadores e alcanzou o máximo 1.380 millóns de espectadores para o choque, que agora é o principal candidato para 2015 Loita do Ano.

O combate prodúcese a raíz das tres aparicións anteriores de Provodnikov na rede, onde debuxou 1.2 millón (alcanzou o seu máximo 1.4 millón) para os seus 2013 Loita do ano con Timothy Bradley; o seu esforzo gañador do título da OMB contra Mike Alvarado que empatou 1.232 Millóns de espectadores; e a súa controvertida perda de decisión dividida por Chris Algieri que empatou 1.046 millóns e alcanzou o seu máximo 1.1 millón de espectadores.

“Ruslan volveu demostrar que é unha enorme atracción,” dixo a presidenta de Promocións Banner Artie Pelullo. “É sen dúbida o loitador máis divertido do boxeo na actualidade, e compróbano as valoracións de cada unha das súas loitas.”

Banner Promotions, Inc.
2501 Rúa Wharton, Suite L
Filadelfia, PA 19146

Provodnikov fai un esforzo heroico no combate de Matthysse; “A Siberian Rocky” mostra unha vez máis por que é o loitador máis emocionante do boxeo

Crédito da foto: Fotos de Emily Harney-Hogan /GoldenBoyPromotions /BannerPromotions

Filadelfia (Abril 20, 2015)— Ese pasado Sábado noite, os afeccionados ao boxeo foron testemuñas dun combate clásico que viu a Lucas Matthysse unha decisión maioritaria Ruslan Provodnikov nunha 12 choque redondo de peso welter diante dunha xente esgotada no Casino Turning Stone Resort de Verona, Nova York.
O ataque, que foi televisado por HBO Boxing After Dark, xa saltou á cabeza da lista para 2015 Loita do Ano.
Moita das conversas post-loita centrouse na coraxe de Provodnikov, mentres loitaba once das doce roldas cun ollo esquerdo gravemente cortado debido a un cabezazo accidental. Co sangue correndo polo lado esquerdo do seu rostro, e o ollo pechándose, Provodnikov loitou heroicamente por volver e ferir a Matthysse varias veces durante o combate, e na rolda once aterrou un gancho esquerdo que case mandou a Matthysse ao lenzo.
Moitos nos arredores, incluído The Bleacher Report, Harold Lederman de HBO, Steve Kim de UCNlive.com, & E Rafael de ESPN.com, marcou o combate incluso en 114-114.
“Non podería estar máis orgulloso de Ruslan, dixo Banner Promotions Promotions Artie Pelullo.
Sábado a noite demostrou que é o loitador máis duro e convincente do boxeo. Sábado loita tamén consolidou que Ruslan é o loitador máis amable da televisión no deporte, e haberá moitos máis grandes combates para Ruslan nun futuro próximo.”



En directo pola HBO Boxing After DARK®
Prema aquí Fotos de
Crédito da foto: Fotos de Emily Harney-Hogan /GoldenBoyPromotionsBannerPromocións
VERONA, Nova York (Abril 18) -Turning Stone Resort Casino en Verona, Nova York recibiu un partido histórico esgotado entre dous dos gladiadores máis emocionantes do boxeo Lucas “La Maqina”” Matthysse (37-3, 34 KO) tomou a vitoria por decisión maioritaria “A Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov (24-4, 17 KO) nun combate de peso welter junior de 12 xornadas na cabeceira dividida en HBO Boxing After Dark ®.

Presentado por Banner Promotions e Golden Boy Promotions, & Arano Box Promotions a noite chea de acción amosou a dous atletas loitando no mellor dos seus carreiras, cun disparo de título na división de 140 quilos probablemente colgado no horizonte.

Provodnikov quedou mal cortado na segunda rolda por golpe de cabeza accidental. Matthysse apuntou ao ollo pero Provodnikov percorreu cada disparo. Provodnikov volveu máis tarde na rolda con algunhas combinacións sólidas e lanzou algúns tiros furiosos á cabeza de Matthysse. Matthysse tivo un bo rebote na quinta quenda cando aterrou uns duros golpes na cara dun Provodnikov que se achegaba.

A guerra continuou durante as roldas medias, mentres ambos loitadores ían de punta a punta mentres Matthysse aterraba combinacións desde a distancia e Provodnikov pasaba á ofensiva e seguía loitando. Provodikov tivo unha forte rolda once cando aterrou cunha esquerda dura á cabeza que abrochaba Matthysse e o arxentino viuse obrigado a aguantar. Os dous protagonizaron un último ataque na doce xornada e foi Matthysse o ex campión do WBC que gañou por decisión maioritaria con puntuacións de 115-113 dúas veces e 114-114.

“Creo que dominaba a loita, Sabía que tiña os mellores éxitos,” Sa'id Lucas Matthysse. “Ruslan é un loitador duro, levou todo o que lle tirei. Teño moito respecto por el. Houbo un momento no que pensei que pararían a loita por mor do corte de Ruslan, pero o seu equipo puido controlalo. Ferín a man na sexta rolda, pero seguín porque quería demostrar que son o mellor da división e que estou preparado para os loitadores máis duros. Quero avanzar e loitar contra o gañador de Mayweather-Pacquiao.”

“É o puncher máis duro que loitei nunca, pero loito todo o que poida ata o final,” Dixo Provodnikov. “Nunca quero que a loita pare. A única vez sería cando estou de costas.”

Continuaremos antes da partida dobre HBO Boxing After Dark, Patrick Teixeira(25-0, 21 Kos) de Santa Catarina, Brasil enfrontouse a Accra, De Xeorxia Patrick Allotey (30-2, 24 Kos) nun combate programado de 10 redondas de peso medio. Ambos loitadores enfrontáronse agresivamente na primeira rolda nun emocionante intercambio de duros golpes. Teixeria puxo fin á loita na segunda rolda cando deu un golpe devastador ao corpo de Allotey derrubándoo para gañar a loita por eliminatoria..

“Estou moi feliz e síntome emocionado pola miña primeira loita con Golden Boy Promotions,” dixo Patrick Teixeira. “Quería asegurarme de que os impresionara na miña primeira loita, así que adestrei moi duro para asegurarme de que fun o máximo 10 redondo. Pero estou moi emocionado de conseguir a eliminatoria.”

Vitaly Kopylenko (25-1, 14 KO) gañou unha decisión unánime por oito roldas Lekan Byfield (6-8-2, 1 KO) nun ataque dos medios. Kopylenko derrubou a Byfield dúas veces en golpes que deixaron as cordas ao nativo de Atlanta. Kopylenko percorreu o tramo da loita para gañar por decisión unánime cunha puntuación de 79-72.

I hurt my shoulder in the first round but I was able to gut it out and land some good shots,” said Kopylenko.

Washington, D.C standout, Lamont Roach Jr.. (7-0, 3Kos) faced Carolina, Puerto Rico de Jose Miguel Castro (4-3, 2 Kos) in a scheduled six-round lightweight bout. Roach dominated the fight early on, winning the bout by unanimous decision.

It was my first six-rounder,” said Lamont Roach Jr. “I think that I could have knocked him down or made him quit if I would have hit him harder in the beginning but I trained for six round and wanted to make sure I could go the distance. I did want the knockout towards the end, but I didn’t get it.

Vitor Jones De Oliveira (9-0, 5 KO) won a six round unanimous decision over Guillermo Sanchez (15-14-1, 6 Kos) nun ataque lixeiro. De Oiveira boxed well from the outside and countered the southpaw Sanchez nice and came home with the victory by scores of 59-55 e 58-56 dúas veces.

“Foi unha boa loita. It took me a few rounds to get going but I am very happy with my performance and looking forward to my next fight,” said De Oliveira.

Eddie “E-Boy” Gomez (18-1, 11 Kos) de The Bronx, New York started the night with a technical knockout victory over Jonathan Batista (14-6, 7 Kos) of San Pedro de Marcos, República Dominicana, when Batista could not answer the bell to start round six in their scheduled 10-round super welterweight bout.

“Eu me sinto ben, I’m satisfied with the win, but I wanted to show more,” said Eddie Gomez. “I was just getting warmed up, showing my boxing and foot work skills to prove I was ready for the 12-round championship fights.

Sidney McCow scored a first round technical knockout over Paulo Souza in a scheduled four round welterweight. McCow (3-2, 2 KO) de Nova York, NY pummeled Souza until the bout was stopped at 2:55 dunha rolda. Souza of Somerville, Massachusetts is now 0-8.

Matthysse vs. Provodnikov was a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions in association with Arano Box Promotions and is sponsored by Corona Extra, México, Vivir para crer! e Khortytsa Vodka. The live HBO Boxing After Dark split-site doubleheader telecast began at 9:45 p.m. E/PT.
Para obter máis información, visita www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing e www.turningstone.com seguir en Twitter emGoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod,@ TurningStone and become a fan on Facebook at Golden Boy FacebookPage,www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingorwww.facebook.com/Voltar Negro Toner and visit us on Instagram@GoldenBoyBoxing, @ Boxeo Bandeira, @ turningstone and @ruslanprovod.

Matthysse v. Provodnikov Fight Card WEIGHTS FROM VERONA, Nova York

Ruslan Provodnikov 139.5 – Lucas Matthysse 139

Vitaly Kopylenko 160 – Lekan Byfield 158
Vitor Jones De Oliveira 135 – Guillermo Sanchez 133
Patrick Teixeira 160 – Patrick Allotey 157
Paulo Souza 150.5 – Sidney McCow 146
Lamont Roach Jr.. 132.5 – Jose Miguel Castro 133
Eddie Gómez 149 – Jonathan Batista 149.5

Foro: Turning Stone Resort Casino
Promotores: Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions and Arano Box Promotions
Televisión: HBO Boxing After Dark at 9:45 PM ET/PT
1st Bout: 6:50

Photos by Banner Promotions
In what is sure to be an all-action fight to remember and a treat all fight fans are excited for, Lucas de Arxentina “La Maquina” Matthysse (36-3, 34 Kos) will fight Ruslan Provodnikov “A Siberian Rocky” (24-3, 17 Kos), in what will be the ultimate test for both fighters. Due to unprecedented demand, tickets are now sold-out but fans can catch all the action live on HBO Boxing After Dark beginning at 9:45 p.m. E/PT.

Due to the unprecedented demand to see this surefire “Loita do Ano,” tickets are completely sold out.

Doors on Saturday, Abril 18 aberta en 6:00 p.m. coa primeira loita marcada para 6:50 p.m. ea HBO Boxing After Dark transmitido en 9:45 p.m. E/PT.
Matthysse vs. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions in association with Arano Box Promotions and is sponsored by Corona Extra, México, Vivir para crer! e Khortytsa Vodka. Portas están actualmente programa para abrir o 6:00 p.m. E coa primeira loita marcada para 6:50 p.m. E and the HBO Boxing After Dark telecast will being at9:45 p.m. E/PT.


VERONA, Nova York (Abril 16)Members of the media and fans got a preview of what to expect in the ring o sábado with former World Champions Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse e “A Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov duringtoday’s final press conference for Matthysse vs. Provodnikov at the Oneida Nation’s Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, Nova York.

In what is sure to be an all-action fight to remember and a treat all fight fans are excited for, Lucas de Arxentina “La Maquina” Matthysse (36-3, 34 Kos) will fight Ruslan Provodnikov “A Siberian Rocky” (24-3, 17 Kos), in what will be the ultimate test for both fighters. Due to unprecedented demand, tickets are now sold-out but fans can catch all the action live on HBO Boxing After Dark beginning at 9:45 p.m. E/PT.

Abaixo está o que os loitadores, promoters and trainers had to say today at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, Nova York.

RUSLAN PROVODNIKOV, O ex WBO Super Leve Campión do Mundo:
I want thank everyone for being here and supporting this event, and I want to thank all who made this fight happen, Golden Boy Promotions, Banner Promotions and HBO.
I am glad Lucas and team are so sure of themselves because I am positive that once I am in the ring my actions will speak for themselves. I am here to win and I will do everything to win this fight.
I am positive that once I am in the ring, I am only there to win.
I know I am only there to win the fight. I will win the fight at any cost.

No one can stop my will, my will, will not be broken.

I fight for an idea, for myself, for the people and to make history. I am fighting one of the best fighters, and I feel like this will make history. I don’t do it for the fame or the money.

I met Bernard a long time ago and he told me: ‘make your own history,’ and I feel like I have been doing that.

This is going to make a great fight, the fans have waited long for, and let the best man win.

LUCAS MATTHYSSE, Former Interim WBC Super Lightweight World Champion:

I want to thank Oscar and Mario for making this fight happen. I want to thank Ruslan for accepting the fight. Estou moi feliz.

We did a great job in training camp, and I am prepared and ready for Ruslan. I am going to give a great performance o sábado.”

ARTIE PELULO, Presidente da Banner Promotions:

This is going to be the best fight of the year.
I have had the good fortune to co-promote Corrales-Castillo I and this could be that.
It is great that two fighters in the prime of their career to be in the ring.

I have to thank my partners at Golden Boy Promotions, Oscar De La Hoya and Eric Gomez. It’s very rare and great that two fighters in their prime have decided to face each other in the ring.

I want to thank Turning Stone Resort Casino, they are a first class operation.
Both these fighters have gotten here fighting tough, top fighters. They want to fight the best just like Oscar and Bernard who are here today. Ruslan and Lucas believe that they are the best, they are fighting each other in their prime, something that is very rare in the sport.
Both of these men have gotten here by fighting very good guys.
Oscar De La Hoya, Presidente e fundador da Golden Boy Promotions:
It’s a pleasure to be working side by side with Banner Promotions and HBO, making this great fight, the fight that the fans want to watch.

When I was here at Turning Stone Resort Casino last year for the International Boxing Hall of Fame induction, I stood up and preached on how we should put aside our egos to make fights for the fans. This is the perfect example of what boxing can be when you have two great fighters face each other in the ring. Putting on the great fight is what Banner Promotions and Golden Boy Promotions is all about.

HBO is one of the best partners in the business, they are committed to putting on the best fights on television. When you watch HBO, you know it’s the best.

Mario is the top promoter in Argentina, a partner who understands our philosophy, and he trusts us. They have been instrumental to put on the best boxing in the last 10 anos. We have to thank partners like him for our success.

Lucas is one of the best fighters to come out of Argentina. He has a great fighting spirit. He has the best combination of being a brawler and can also box and move when he wants to. This great combination makes him a boxer-puncher, which makes him fun to watch.

“Lucas’ record speaks for himself, with one of the best percentages of knockouts in the sport.

VADIM KORNILOV, Manager for Ruslan Provodnilkov:

I want to thank the whole team for making this fight happen.

Ruslan is ready for this fight, this is something he has been waiting for to show that be is the best in his weight class.
Oscar De La Hoya for saying that the winner of MatthysseProvodnikov should fight the winner of Mayweather -Pacaquio, Oscar that fighter will be Ruslan.
ANDREI NAPOLSKIKH, Co-manager for Ruslan Provodnikov:

This is one of the fights Ruslan has been waiting for,. That has caused a lot of motivation on our side and we are looking forward to a good fight on Saturday, April 18.
Bernard Hopkins, Futuro Hall of Famer e Golden Boy Promotions Socios:
We are here to make the best fights. The kinds of fights the fans want to see.

I want to address the media: you all get a chance to write about good fights, you follow them and you know who the fighters need to fight to be on the highest level. To be able to continue to put on the best fights, we need you to put pressure on us to continue to do strive to put on the fights the fans want to see.

“aquí, you have two great warriors in Lucas and Ruslan. The fight was talked about and then it was done, and that is what boxing is all about. We want to start a good vibe in the boxing world.

Write something good about us.

MARIO ARANO, Manager to Lucas Matthysse:

We are very happy and thankful to be here. I want to thank HBO, Golden Boy Promotions and Banner Promotions for making this fight happen. I want to personally thank Artie Pelullo and Ruslan for accepting the fight.

Team Matthysse has done a great job in getting Lucas in the best shape for this fight. Lucas has worked really hard and is prepared to bring the best possible fight against Ruslan o sábado.

Lucas belongs in the major leagues, e o sábado he will show the world why.

MARVIN SOMODIO, Trainer of Ruslan Provodnikov:
I would like to thank Oscar, Golden Boy Promotions and Banner Promotions for the opportunity. For me it is an honor to be part of this.I also want to thank Freddie Roach for having us be part of his team. This is a big responsibility.

This is my third time at Turning Stone Resort Casino. The first two times we were 1st round knockouts and Sábado noite, I am looking for out 3rd first-round knockout.
LUIS “CUTYBARRERA, Trainer to Lucas Matthysse:

O Sábado, Lucas will prove he belongs with all the greats in the sport.

RAY HALBRITTER, Oneida Nation Representante e Nation Enterprises CEO:

We are honored to be hosting these two great fighters, and we are happy they chose Turning Stone Resort Casino.

This is Turning Stone’s 50th nationally broadcasted fight in two years.

The build up for this fight is warranted, and we look forward to an exciting night on Saturday, April 18.

Photos by Banner Promotions
Due to the unprecedented demand to see this surefire “Loita do Ano,” tickets are completely sold out.

Doors on Saturday, Abril 18 aberta en 7:00 p.m. coa primeira loita marcada para 8:00 p.m. ea HBO Boxing After Dark transmitido en 9:45 p.m. E/PT.
Matthysse vs. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions in association with Arano Box Promotions and is sponsored by Corona Extra, México, Vivir para crer! e Khortytsa Vodka. Portas están actualmente programa para abrir o 6:00 p.m. E coa primeira loita marcada para 6:50 p.m. E and the HBO Boxing After Dark telecast will being at9:45 p.m. E/PT.


Provodnikov Photos By Miguel Salazar
Matthysse & Arrival Photos by Golden Boy Promotions
Prema AQUI descargar imaxes
Verona,Nova York (Abril 15) – Training camp is going smoothly for former WBC Light Weight Champion Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse and Former WBO Jr. campión welterweight “A Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov as they continue to prepare for their showdown on Sábado, Abril 18 no Turning Stone Resort Casino. The junior welterweight fight will be televised as part of a split site doubleheader live on HBO Boxing After Dark®, comezando o 9:45 p.m. E/PT.

Matthysse has been training out his gym in Argentina and Provodinkov has been training out of the famed Wild Card Gym in Hollywood, California under the watchful eye of International Boxing Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach.

Both fighters arrived at Turning Stone Resort Casino today and took some time to do a photo-op at the hotel and answer a few questions about their training camp.

Below is what they had to say:

How do you feel about the fight and when did you begin training?

Lucas Matthysse: I have been training non-stop, way before the fight was officially announced. I have been doing a lot of sparring to improve my speed and make sure I make as much contact with my opponent as possible.

Ruslan Provodnikov: I am excited and motivated for this fight, I will not disappoint my fans and it will be a real war! Everything is going great with my training and will be ready for a really war in the ring.

How are you preparing to face each other?

Matthysse: Ruslan is a great fighter, he comes prepared for a war. My strategy against him will be to make sure to box and keep moving, that is why sparring has been really important in my training.

Provodnikov: I will be ready for whatever Matthysse does. Eu 100% percent believe that this fight will be the fight of the year. I always give everything I can in training camp and I’m very responsible. Non levo ninguén levemente, but to answer your question: walking into the ring with a fighter that I know will fight back will definitely show that what I can do as a boxer than going up against a fighter who will just run.

What should fans expect to see on Abril 18?

Matthysse: Fans can expect one of the greatest fights in the division. I know I am ready to win this fight and fans should expect a victory.

Provodnikov: I promise this is going to be the fight you guys are all waiting for.

Tickets for the show have been selling fast and expected to sell out. Limited tickets for the 18 abril HBO Boxing After Dark event at Turning Stone Resort are still available and are on sale now at the $35, e $25 price range plus applicable fees and are available at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office by calling 315-361-7469 ou en liña en Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).

Presentado por Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions en asociación con Arano Box Promotions the 12-round junior welterweight bout and expected to be the sure-fire ‘Fight of The Yearcontender will take place on Sábado, Abril 18 no Turning Stone Resort Casino, en Verona, New York and televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark ® beginning at 9:45 p.m. E/PT.

Anfitrión do evento, da Nación Oneida Turning Stone Resort Casino segue distinguir-se como un destino privilexiado para loitas de boxeo de gran éxito. O 18 abril fight will mark Turning Stone Resort’s 15th nationally-televised boxing event in less than two years, cimentando o Resort como unha meca para as loitas por KO televisionados. Lendas do boxeo Mike Tyson e Floyd Mayweather Jr. have promoted televised fight cards at the resort within the last year. Situado en Upstate New York, o Resort destino de catro estacións ofrece entretemento de clase mundial e xogos, aloxamentos premiadas, unha mestura ecléctica de restaurantes, Balnearios de luxo e moitas opcións de diversión nocturna.

Matthysse vs. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions in association with Arano Box Promotions and is sponsored by Corona Extra, México, Vivir para crer! e Khortytsa Vodka. Portas están actualmente programa para abrir o 6:00 p.m. E coa primeira loita marcada para6:50 p.m. E and the HBO Boxing After Dark telecast will being at 9:45 p.m. E/PT.

Media profesionais solicitando credenciais para a 18 abril loita debe poñerse en contacto con Kelly Abdo, Voltar Xerente Stone Resort Casino de Relacións Públicas na 315.366.9291 oukelly.abdo@turningstone.com.

Para obter máis información, visita www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing e www.turningstone.com seguir en Twitter emGoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @TurningStone and become a fan on Facebook at Golden Boy Facebook Page, www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing ouwww.facebook.com/Voltar Negro Toner e visita-nos en InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, bannerboxing, @turningstone and @ruslanprovod.

Para obter máis información, visita www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing e www.turningstone.com seguir en Twitter en GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Pedra Virando e tornar-se un fan en Facebook en Golden Boy FacebookPáxina, www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing ouwww.facebook.com/Voltar Negro Toner and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Boxeo Bandeira, @ Turning Stone e ruslanprovod.



MatthyseeProvodnikov fight week Images and videos

Verona, Nova York (Abril 15, 2015)–Below are videos from Martes de media lunch and photos and a video from Mércores de Arrival by Ruslan Provodnikov as he gets ready to face Lucas Matthysse este sábado in a sure-fire Fight of the Year candidate from the Turning Stone Resort Casino. The fight is part of a split site double header that will be televised on HBO Boxing After Dark® beginning at 9:45 PM ET.

Matthysse - Provodnikov media lunch
Matthysse – Provodnikov media lunch
Ray Mancini 041415
Ray Mancini 041415
Ruslan Provodnikov arrives at Turning Stone Resort Casino 041515
Ruslan Provodnikov arrives at Turning Stone Resort Casino 041515

Photos by Raymond Flores

Adams, Thompson, Fedosov and Dennis reach Boxcino 2015 Finals

Fedosov, Dennis, Thompson and Adams

Para Divulgación inmediata

Belén, PA (Abril 13, 2015)

Brandon Adams e John Thompson won semifinal bouts in the Boxcino 2015 JR. Middleweight Tournament while Andrey Fedosov e Donovan Dennis scored impressive stoppage victories in the Heavyweight tournament, as all four punched their tickets to the finals in bouts that took place this past Venres no Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem.
The bouts were televised live on ESPN Venres Night Fights.
The show was promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc.
The finals of both weight classes will take place on Venres, Maio 22 no International Arena Outdoor Products Omega en Corona, California and will be aired live on ESPN Venres Night Fights.

Brandon Adams lands the uppercut
Adams took out longtime friend Vito Gasparyan in round seven of their scheduled 8-round bout.
Adams worked very well on the inside as he landed some solid shots to the head and landed to the body nicely. Gasparyan hung tough against his one-time sparring partner but the amount of solid punches began to show on Gasparyan and the bout was stopped 35 seconds into round seven with a badly swollen left ear.
Adams, 155 1/2 lbs of Los Angeles moves onto the finals with a record of 17-1 con 12 nocautes. Gasparyan, 154 lbs of Burbank, CA é agora 15-4-5. Adams will not meet John Thompson.
John Thompson won an 8-round split decision over previously undefeated Stanyslav Skorokhod.

Thompson lands the right hand
Thompson boxed well early as he used his jab to set up three and four punch combinations, while Skorokhod landed some good power shots. Skorokhod was cut around his right eye in round two while Thompson suffered a cut in the same area in round four.
Thompson did well when the fight was in the center of the ring. Skorokhod landed several flush punches but it wasn’t enough as the judges preferred the boxing of Thompson to the tune of 78-74 e 77-75 while Skorokhod won a card 78-74.
Thompson, 154 3/4 lbs de Newark, NJ é agora 16-1. Skorokhod, 153 3/4 lbs of Los Angeles via Ukraine is now 9-1.
I had to box him as he was swinging wild. I outboxed him. He was just swinging and not throwing any straight shots,” dixo Thompson.

Dennis lands the knockout blow
Donovan Dennis

scored a highlight reel 2nd round stoppage over 6’7Razvan Cojnau.
Dennis landed a thudding straight left that landed flush on the chin of Cojanu and the big man fell flat on the canvas and the bout was stopped 59 seconds into round two.
I used my speed, quick feet and combinations,” said Dennis. “I saw an opening in the first round and then in the second I came with an overhand left that landed right on the button and he crumbled to the canvas.
The punch was so devastating that it was ESPN Sports Center top play of the night.
On fighting Andrey Fedosov in the finals, “It is going to be a tough fight and I will have to work harder.
Dennis, 224 1/4 lbs de Davenport, IA is now 12-1 con 10 nocautes. Cojanu, 255 1/2 lbs of Los Angeles via Romania is now 13-2.
Andrey Fedosov shook off a first round knockdown to comeback and register a third round stoppage over Lenroy Thomas.

Fedosov works the body
Just seconds into the bout, Thomas landed a straight left and sent Fedosov to the canvas. Fedosov came back in round three and landed a ripping combination that led to Thomas to a knee and and he did not beat referee Gary Rosado’s count at 1:01 de tres rounds.
Fedosov, 220 1/4 lbs de Hollywood, CA via Russia is now 27-3 con 22 nocautes. Thomas, 236 lbs of St. Petersburg, FL is now 19-4
He was a good opponent. He was fast. I look forward to fighting in the finals,”said Fedosov
Eric Newell won a four-round unanimous decision over Brandon Spencer in a Heavyweight bout.

Newell of Bethlehem, PA venceu por decenas de 40-36 e 39-37 dúas veces

Jon Bolden outworked Ed “Tex” Fountain and scored a six-round unanimous decision in a Heavyweight bout.
Bolden of New York won by scores of 59-55 dúas veces e 58-56 e agora 7-10-1. Fountain of St. Joseph, MO is now 10-2.
Na loita de apertura, Curtis Morton upset Greg Jackson via a 6-round unanimous decision in a Welterweight bout.
Morton dropped Jackson in round five and won by scores of 60-53 dúas veces e 58-55.
Morton, 146 lbs of Myrtle Beach, SC is now 3-4-2. Jackson, 147 lbs of Philadelphia falls to 5-2-1.
Ricky Nuno made a successful pro debut with a 4-round unanimous decision over Pat Kehoe (1-2) nun JR. loita dos medios.
Mike Liberto won his pro debut with a 4th round stoppage over Darnell Hayes (1-2) nun ataque cruiserweight.
Fotos por Emily Harney / Banner Promotions

Siga Banner Promotions en medios sociais para todas as últimas Bandeira e actualizacións # Boxcino2015:

BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ; @Boxcino2015 #Boxcino

Facebook.com/BannerPromotions; instagram.com/BannerBoxing

Boxcino 2015 Semi-finals quotes


Filadelfia (Abril 8, 2015)-Este venres noite no Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem, o Boxcino 2015 semifinals will take place in both the heavyweight and jr. divisións dos medios. All eight fighters have been training hard for this great opportunity that will be broadcasted live on ESPN Friday Night Fights beginning at 9 PM ET.
All Boxcino bouts are scheduled for eight rounds.
Below are quotes from all eight competitors as fight week commences.


JR. Medio-medio

John Thompson (15-1, 5 KO)-“O adestramento foi grande. Been working really hard in Virginia under Kay Koroma. I am looking forward to both the semifinals and the finals to see what kind of doors open up for me.


Stanyslav Skorokhod (9-0, 7 KO) –-” I am very confident and have once again had a very good training camp at Wild Card Boxing Gym. I have done great work with Marvin Somodio, Ernie Zavala, and my conditioning coach Jordan Feramisco! ”



Vito Gasparyan (15-3-5, 8 KO)–“Everything is good. Estou preparado. I have had great sparring with Ruslan Provodnikov and Frankie Gomez. Brandon is my friend. I look at him like my brother but Friday is business. We will get in the ring and do my thing. We have a perfect game plan and ready to do my thing. This time there will be no ring rust


Brandon Adams (16-1, 11 KO)--“I am looking forward to fight Vito to show him how much I have grown since the last time we worked together. I am looking forward to showing the world that I have learned new tricks. ”

Pesos pesados


Donovan Dennis (11-1, 9 KO)--“I am ready and am better shape then my last fight. Estou preparado para ir. I don’t know too much about Razvan other than he is a taller guy. I train for what my coaches tell me to do.


Razvan Cojanu (13-1, 7 KO) — “Todo é grande. Dennis is a good fighter and I am excited to fight him. I changed some of my training and had a lot of southpaw sparring.

Lenroy Thomas (19-3, 9 KO)–“Adestramento está indo ben. Estou preparado para ir. He is a strong opponent. He is coming to fight and so am I. It will be an interesting night.


Andrey Fedosov (26-3, 21 KO)--“I am looking forward to 10 de abril. I will be ready to give the fans another great fight and I am looking forward to the finals!”


Na eliminatoria, Greg Jackson (5-1-1, 2 KO) de Filadelfia vai asumir Curtis Morton (2-4-2) de Harlem, NY in a six-round welterweight bout.


E Orixe (10-1, 4 KO) de St. Louis, MO loitará Jon Bolden (6-10-1, 5 KO) de Brooklyn, NY in a six-round heavyweight bout.


Eric Newell (7-3-2, 5 KO) de Belén, PA loitará Brandon Spencer (2-8-1, 1 KO) de Atlanta, GA in four-round heavyweight bout.


Ricky Nuno de Belén, PA will make his pro debut against Pat Kehoe (1-1) of Reading, PA in a four-round welterweight bout.


Mike Liberto de Belén, PA will make his pro debut against Darnell Hayes (0-1) of Myerstown, PA nun ataque dos medio-pesados.
This event starts at 7pm. Os prezos das entradas son $100, $75, $50. Tickets can be purchased at www.ticketmaster.com, 1-800-745-3000 and at the box office at the Sands Bethlehem Event Center.

Para credenciais, contacto: Marc Abrams no marc@banner-promotions.com

Siga Banner Promotions en medios sociais para todas as últimas Bandeira e actualizacións # Boxcino2015:

BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ; @Boxcino2015 #Boxcino

Facebook.com/BannerPromotions; instagram.com/BannerBoxing