标记档案: 卢卡斯·布朗

不败重量级的前景APTI DAVTAEV面对卢卡斯·布朗三月 28 欣欣拳击: 特别版合作主要事件

Davtaev替代对象奥托瓦林, 谁被迫 让步由于轻微的伤害

纽约 – 二月 26 – 不败的重量级电源冲床APTI Davtaev 将面临老将卢卡斯·布朗 在里面 SHOWTIME拳击的10轮的共同主事件: 特别版上周六, 三月 28, 住在Showtime(10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT) 在英超拳击 在公园米高梅在拉斯维加斯冠军赛从公园剧院. Davtaev内容替换 重量级竞争者奥托瓦林, 谁被迫暂停训练和 从他的计划退出回合因伤害到他的脚。

从Kurchaloi, 俄罗斯, Davtaev (20-0-1, 19 科斯) 赢得与90%的淘汰赛比他 侵略性的风格和毁灭性的力量. 运动, 30-岁一直保持 积极因为在他的阵营转移到美国 2017 与签约后 的Salita促销. 他训练的Kronk健身房底特律, 密歇根州。, 师从 SugarHill管家, 名人堂教练伊曼纽尔的传奇馆的侄子 管家。

“奥托遭遇 轻伤和暂停训练是应该做的明智之举,” 说 沃林的启动子德米特里Salita. “他将在任何时间在环回. 幸好, APTI是在最佳状态,并准备去. 他是一个有天赋的重量级 他会3月28日之后,在每个人的雷达。”

在他的最后一次郊游 二月 21, 六英尺五英寸Davtaev递给此前保持不败的约翰 Napari他用恶毒的第二轮淘汰赛的首场失利. 几个星期 先, 一月 10, 他打进了老将令人印象深刻的第三轮停工 基思·巴尔. 这是他在中美第五个开始. 和第一全国直播 回合.

格斗新出 南威尔士, 澳大利亚, 布朗 (29-2, 25 科斯) 最近打进了淘汰赛 战胜约翰·霍波特十一月, 他的第二场胜利 2019. 他赢得了四 他过去五年的较量, 他唯一的职业生涯的损失来迪安·惠特和 大卫艾伦在U.K. 布朗赢得了他的第一次 25 亲打架, 包括 鲁斯兰Chagaev的停止在 2016 捕获的WBA重量级冠军. 他将他的中美. 登场.

三拼SHOWTIME 拳击: 特别版的电视节目拥有不败的前世界轻量级 冠军路易斯·纳里 (30-0, 24 科斯) 承担不败的竞争者亚伦阿拉米达 (25-0, 13 科斯) 在WBC超最轻量级冠军消除重头戏. 瑞星光 重量级的前景约瑟夫·乔治 (10-0, 6 科斯) 和马科斯·埃斯库德罗 (10-1, 9 科斯) 打开电视节目与11月的有10轮复赛的ShoBox 摊牌 ,看到乔治赢得窄分裂的决定.

资深广播人 布赖恩·卡斯特将作为与多用途作战解说员的电视节目主持人 毛罗·拉纳洛调用一起名人堂分析师铝伯恩斯坦行动 和前两处世界冠军马里纳吉。四舍五入了 转播团队艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷, 非官方马戏团射手史蒂夫Farhood和世界著名的环播音员 麦侬小大卫·丁勤JR. 作为与雷监制 Smaltz生产和鲍勃邓菲引导。

门票直播 事件, 这是由TGB促销和梅威瑟促销推广, 现在 在售和可购买ticketmaster.com. Davtaev等。. 布朗是在推动伴随的Salita 促销.

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欲获得更多信息 访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注 @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和 @Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的风扇在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

不败的前世界冠军路易斯·内里(Luis Nery)在 WBC 超级雏量级冠军淘汰赛中对阵不败的亚伦·阿拉米达(Aaron Alameda)周六在 SHOWTIME® 上直播, 三月 28 在拉斯维加斯米高梅公园举行的顶级拳击冠军赛中


周四售票, 二月 13 太平洋时间中午!

LAS VEGAS -  二月 11, 2020 – 不败的前雏量级世界冠军路易斯·纳里将面对不败的竞争者亚伦阿拉米达在 WBC 超级雏量级冠军消除者中,在周六的 SHOWTIME 现场表演中成为头条新闻, 三月 28 在拉斯维加斯米高梅公园剧院举办的顶级拳击冠军赛中.

欣欣拳击: 特别版本® “我知道他会把他的天赋带入擂台 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT 和重量级的竞争者奥托沃林卢卡斯·布朗在联合主赛事中的 10 轮吸引力中战斗, 再加上正在崛起的轻重量级人物约瑟夫·乔治面孔马科斯·埃斯库德罗在他们 11 月对决的 10 轮复赛中的ShoBox: 新一代那看到乔治赢得了一个狭窄的分裂决定.

门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销和梅威瑟促销推广, 正在出售星期四, 二月 13 中午 并可以在购买ticketmaster.com. 瓦林VS. Browne 与 Salita Promotions 联合晋升.

“周六, 三月 28 这将是一个充满激动人心的动作的夜晚,由墨西哥淘汰赛艺术家路易斯·内里 (Luis Nery) 开始他的超级雏量级世界冠军之路,对阵不败的墨西哥竞争者亚伦·阿拉米达 (Aaron Alameda),”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “加入奥托·沃林和卢卡斯·布朗之间的重量级对决, 再加上年轻轻重量级人物约瑟夫乔治和马科斯埃斯库德罗的复赛, 拉斯维加斯米高梅公园的战斗之夜肯定会从头到尾带来爆炸性的战斗。”

了Nery (30-0, 24 科斯) 是一个已经停止了他最后的力量拳手 11 对手 15 他最后的 16. 来自蒂华纳的 25 岁左撇子, 墨西哥在三月份对前冠军麦克乔·阿罗约取得了优势性的停赛胜利,并在七月返回以阻止前冠军胡安·卡洛斯·帕亚诺. 他以将军澳战胜山中伸介赢得了最轻量级世界冠军 2018 现在将上升到 122 磅寻求第二重量级的世界冠军.

“我很高兴能在 SHOWTIME 上战斗,我正计划再次取得淘汰赛胜利,向所有人证明我是超轻量级的王者之一,”内里说. “我知道我可以在 118 或 122 英镑, 我比以往任何时候都更渴望证明我是拳击界最伟大的墨西哥冠军之一. 我的目标是继续为球迷们带来出色的表现,我已经准备好与任何愿意迎接挑战的人战斗。”

代表索诺拉, 墨西哥, 阿拉米达 (25-0, 13 科斯) 自转职业以来保持不败 2014 在经历了一段强大的业余生涯之后, 并将在世界冠军争夺战中面对 Nery. 26岁排名No. 12 被 WBC 淘汰,最近一次是在 4 月淘汰了 Jordan Escobar 2019, 在三连胜之后 2018. 阿拉米达将在美国作战. 当他在三月第二次进入擂台时 28, 在一月份用身体击倒安德烈威尔逊之后 2016 在洛杉矶进行.

“我很高兴能在主赛事中与一位伟大的拳手在 SHOWTIME 首次亮相,”阿拉米达说. “这些年的训练和战斗让我在三月参加了这场战斗 28. 内里和我一样是墨西哥战士,我迫不及待地想和他合拍,一直到最后的钟声响起,给球迷们带来精彩的表演。”

29岁的沃林 (20-1, 13 科斯) 将重返拉斯维加斯的擂台, 9 月,他差点击败前联合重量级冠军泰森·富里(Tyson Fury), 当他以合法的拳打将Fury的右眼割破后,几乎停止了战斗. 虽然沃林放弃了这个决定, 他证明了自己是潜在的未来重量级冠军的勇气. 代表他的祖国松兹瓦尔, 瑞典, Wallin与前冠军Joey Gamache在纽约训练. 沃林在拉斯维加斯的最后一场比赛是他在美国的第二场比赛。, 4月在SHOWTIME的处子秀因对手首轮被淘汰而无缘.

在新南威尔士州战斗, 澳大利亚, 布朗 (29-2, 25 科斯) 最近一次是在 11 月击败约翰·霍波特(John Hopoate), 他的第二场胜利 2019. 他在过去五场比赛中赢了四场, 他职业生涯唯一的失利是在英国的 Dillian Whyte 和 David Allen. 布朗赢得了他的第一次 25 亲打架, 包括鲁斯兰·查加耶夫在 2016 捕获的WBA重量级冠军. 他将他的中美. 登场.

乔治· (10-0, 6 科斯) 当他在 11 月的 SHOWTIME 上面对埃斯库德罗时,在当时不败的战士的战斗中取得了胜利, 取得分裂决定的胜利. 这位 30 岁的年轻人直到 19 由华盛顿红皮队全职业进攻前锋特伦特·威廉姆斯管理, 并在休斯顿接受 NFL 职业球员跑卫 Adrian Peterson 和 James Cooper 的训练. 乔治将在 3 月再次击败埃斯库德罗,从前景转变为竞争者 28.

埃斯库德罗 (10-1, 9 科斯) 将寻求反弹,甚至对乔治的比分, 进而巩固了自己在轻重量级的地位. 26岁的布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷主要在美国作战. 自从转入职业 2017. 他的业余生涯见证了他在阿根廷赢得了全国冠军 2014 并代表他的国家参加泛美运动会 2015. 埃斯库德罗目前在迈阿密训练,并取得了三场补时胜利 2019 在第一次面对乔治之前.

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欲了解更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的风扇在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Australian Top Heavyweight and Uncrowned Champion Lucas Browne Volunteers for WBC Clean Boxing Program

Former WBA World Heavyweight Champion Lucas Big DaddyBrowne of Australia is upping the ante in his quest to clear his name and regain his championship by voluntarily enrolling in the WBC’s Clean Boxing Program.
The hard-punching Browne (24-0, 21 科斯) stopped Uzbekistan’s Ruslan Chagaev in round 10 last March in Grozny, 俄罗斯, to become Australia’s first-ever heavyweight champion. The dramatic victory, 然而, was nullified and Browne’s championship was stripped away and returned to Chagaev, 战斗后, after he reportedly tested positive for the banned substance Clenbuterol.
布朗, who tested completely clean in a random drug test by VADA six days before the fight against Chagaev, staunchly maintains his innocence of purposefully taking any banned substance ever, and says he is taking steps to ensure he is never again accused of cheating.
I’m proud to announce that I am now part of the Clean Boxing Program, which is being run by the WBC and VADA,” 布朗说. “By voluntarily enrolling in this program I am able to be randomly tested at any time, 365 days of the year.
布朗, who was the one who insisted that VADA perform drug testing before the Chagaev fight, says the decision to join the program was an easy one to make. “I have absolutely no issues with this, as I am a clean athlete and I believe boxing needs this kind of regulation. I welcome this aspect of safety for the sport of boxing. I despise all drugs, whether they be performance-enhancing or recreational.
Browne’s manager, Matt Clark, says that by becoming Australia’s first fighter to volunteer for the program, his fighter will hopefully start a trend.
Lucas is Australia’s premier boxer and resents drugs of any kind,” 克拉克说. “We hope that other fighters from around the world join Lucas and sign up for the program. Anything that makes boxing safer is a good thing.
Browne and Clark say they are still fightingtooth and nailto clear his name and thank the public for the tremendous support they have received, 全世界.
Having always been a clean athlete, I am totally opposed to any form of doping,” Browne concluded. “I’ve always felt that cheaters in professional boxing should be banned for life. 同 21 KOs in my 21 胜利, I’m of the same opinion as (current WBC World Heavyweight Champion) Deontay怀尔德: If I was ever to use PED drugs, I might end up killing someone!”

AWE–A Wealth of Entertainment continues to bring knockout fights to Boxing fans

Lucas Browne’s stunning title winning effort was shown live on AWE–娱乐的财富

圣地亚哥, 例如 – 三月 14, 2016 On March 5th in Grozny, 俄罗斯 卢卡斯·布朗 captured the WBA Heavyweight championship with a stunning tenth round stoppage over reigning champion Ruslan Chagaev.
It was a stunning finish to a great fight that saw the WBA Heavyweight change hands.
The bout was seen live and exclusively in the United States on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment.
The fight was just the latest in great & significant fights that have been broadcasted live on AWE.
AWE has successfully brought boxing fans some of the best and brightest championship bouts from around the globe and with more terrific bouts on the horizon, the network is in the process of securing a plethora of world title and meaningful bouts for 2016.
Browne and Chagaev was a great Heavyweight championship brawl,” said AWE President Charles Herring. “The division has not had a championship fight like that in a long time and we are very happy that the viewers of AWE were able to watch it. Browne now becomes a serious player in the Heavyweight division. These are the important fights that we at AWE are looking to bring to the great boxing fans in the United States and we will have some announcements real soon about some more championship bouts that we will be televising.

哈顿: “Browne winning the Heavyweight title would be huge for my company

Undefeated Lucas Browne to Collide with Ruslan Chagaev for the WBA World Heavyweight Title LIVE 这个星期六 on AWE at 2 PM ET

圣地亚哥, 例如 – 三月 3, 2016 – 此 星期六 下午, March 5th, undefeated and number-two ranked WBA heavyweight contender 卢卡斯 “Big Daddy” 布朗(23-0-0) will battle defending WBA World Heavyweight champ Ruslan Chagaev (34-2-1) 他的腰带. The bout will be broadcast LIVE in the United States on AWE – 娱乐的财富.
The action begins live at 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT.
Browne is promoted by former two-division world champion and British Idol, 哈顿 and the Manchester great has a lot on the line 这个星期六 if Browne can come through with the victory.
It would be massive for my company, very significant,”said Hatton. “Lucas would be my first world champion as a promoter, and it’s fantastic that it would be a Heavyweight title. I was a two-time world champion as a fighter. I have trained a world champion, so I don’t know many people who have done all three as a trainer, fighter and a promoter. “
To have Browne in this position, the fighter turned promoter, is thrilled for his fighter, being that Browne was not sought after in his early career.
I am very happy for Lucas. He came up the hard way. He was not an Olympian. 事实上, it was just a few years ago, that he was working doors at the night clubs and he has put in the hard work and this is a big night for me and my company.
Despite the fight being in enemy territory, “杀手”, feels his fighter is in good hands as Browne is being trained by former super middleweight world champion and British great, Nigel Benn.
He has a great team behind him. An excellent trainer. It is going to be a tough job, but I firmly believe that he will win the fight. It will be difficult as Chagaev was a big amateur and now a world champion. Lucas who has always been known as a puncher is moving a lot better on his feet. Very fluid. Lucas has also added speed and has had great preparation.
Being in enemy territory, Hatton knows that the fight may come down to the judges, and he believes that Browne will get a fair shake.
I would like to think that Lucas will not need a knockout to win, but judges can be swayed by the hometown fans, but this being a world title fight, I expect world class judges. 话虽这么说,, Lucas should not leave it to chance.
With a Browne win, there is a chance a good portion heavyweight division would run through the United Kingdom as Unified champion Tyson Fury and potentially Anthony Joshua (who fights IBF champion Charles Martin on 四月 9) would hold most of the hardware in boxing’s glamour division.
I thought about that. I get along well with Eddie Hearn, who has Joshua. I get a long great with my former promoter Frank Warren and you can also throw David Haye in there who is back. I can’t see any problems making fights with Joshua or Fury and we would have some massive heavyweights fights here. Lucas has fought five times here and has a good fan base.
The only thing that I am gutted about 周六 is that I can’t be there with Lucas when he wins as I train a lot of young fighters and I have four of them fighting 周六 and they need me in London with them, 但 星期六 will be a great day for my company.
There will be a three fight undercard beginning at 2 PM.
In a 10-round Heavyweight bout, Edmund Gerber (25-2, 16 KO的) of Schwerin, Germany will fight 布赖恩·明托 (41-10, 26 KO的) of Butler, PA.
In a 10-round bout for the IBO International Welterweight title, Vishkahn Murzabekov (12-0, 6 KO的) of Russia takes on former world title challenger Ali Funeka (37-5-3, 30 KO的) of South Africa.
泰隆司朋 (2-0, 2 KO的) 迈阿密, 佛罗里达之战 David Gogishvilli (12-0, 8 我的) of Gori, Georgia in a 6-round Cruiserweight bout.
拳击迷可以享受这个惊人的卡上AWE可在AT&牛逼U-诗, CH 147 和 1147 在HD, Verizon的FiOS电视, CH 169 和 669 在HD, CenturyLink PRISM TV ch. 144 和 1144 在HD, 全国各地和众多区域有线电视运营商. 请检查 www.awetv.com 拳击更新.