Tag Архив: Los Angeles

Майки срещу Гарсия. Сергей Lipinets Сан Антонио Пресконференция Цитати & Снимки

(Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME)
Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Събота, Февруари. 10 живеят на SHOWTIME® От Alamodome в Сан Антонио, Texas &
Представено от Premier боксови шампиони
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME
Сан Антонио (Декември 19, 2017) – Непобеждаван три разделение световен шампионMikey Garcia и без загуба IBF Junior Welterweight световен шампион Сергей Lipinets са лице в лице за втори пореден ден вторник по време на пресконференция в Сан Антонио, за да обсъдят своята основното събитие ще се проведе шоудаун Събота, Февруари. 10живеят на SHOWTIME (10:15 p.m. И/PT). Двубоят на топ-5 класират младши welterweights е представен от Premier боксови шампиони в Alamodome в Сан Антонио, Texas.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс покритие ще включва две разделение световен шампион Rances Barthelemy в мач-реванш срещу Кирил Relikh за свободен WBA 140-килограмова свят заглавието на.
Билети за събитието, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, са с цени $250, $150, $75, $50 и $20. Билетите са в продажба сега и на разположение на Ticketmaster.com.
Ето какво участниците пресконференцията трябваше да се каже, вторник от Chris Steak House Grand Hyatt Рут в Сан Антонио:
“Очакваме труден конкурентна борба. Lipinets е боец, който винаги е опасно. Той има власт в двете си ръце и той не се страхува да споделите с ръцете си отиват. Той е също така склонни да се удари, така че той може да ви удари назад. Това е, което го прави опасен.
“Тази възможност да спечели титлата в четвърта дивизия е твърде голям, за да премине на. Трудно е да се осигури двубои като този. Аз съм щастлив, всичко дойде заедно, така че ние можем да дадем на феновете страхотно шоу.
“Миналата година беше страхотна година за завръщането ми. Тя започна с победа на световната титла за трети заглавие дивизия и след това имах голяма победа над Адриен Broner през лятото. Търся още по-големи неща в 2018 и това миналата година наистина проправи пътя за това.
“Спечелване четвърта титла е голям Жребият за мен при вземането на тази борба се случи. За да направи историята като това е нещо, което наистина ме мотивира. Знам, че имам много повече, за да се постигне в областта на спорта, но това е едно чудесно начало. Това е посоката, аз искам да отида в.
“Има много талант и история в бокса в Сан Антонио. Брат ми разполага с фитнес зала и тук имаме много бойци тренираме с от района. Въпреки че никога не съм се бори тук, Аз съм намерила много подкрепа от общността. Когато търсим в места за борбата, това е нещо, което е развълнуван да се направи.
“Аз се борих в различни райони на Тексас и винаги получава много любов, но никога не е бил в състояние да се бори в Сан Антонио. Решихме да доведе борбата тук, за да дам нещо обратно към щата Тексас. Няма по град по-добре да го бъде домакин от Сан Антонио.”
“Феновете в Сан Антонио могат да очакват драма. Това ще бъде шоу. Това ще има големи удари, нокдауна и всичко, което бихте искали да видите в бой.
“Това е най-голямото предизвикателство, което аз съм имал в кариерата си. Майки е голяма звезда, но аз съм много конкурентен и искам да покажем на света какво мога да направя.
“Моят дух не може да бъде съчетана с всеки боец, но аз също имам скоростта и силата, за да спечели. Аз ще покажа опустошително въздействие върху Февруари 10.
“Майки е много добър играч на шах. Хората подценяват способността му да мисли на ринга. Така че не може да отиде там със стил, който някой друг е използвал срещу него. Ние ще работим усилено, за най-добрия план за игра за какво мога да направя.
“Това ще бъде трудна битка. Аз съм с цел да се получи печалба никакъв начин, че мога. Не мога да кажа това, което ще изглежда като, но аз ще бъда готов за всичко на ринга.
“Идвам, за да спечели. Искам да бъда в позицията, че Майки е достигнал в този спорт. Аз съм работил усилено, за да стигнем до този момент и аз ще го дам моя всички да се възползват.
“Ако аз не мисля, че е готов за тази битка тогава не бих го вземе. Имаме план и ще използваме целия опит съм, придобит от кариерата си, за да го изпълни.”
РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports
“Бокс навлиза в 2018 с огромна скорост и започвате с големи събития като това. Имате две непобеден шампиони стават на ринга да се борят помежду си. These kind of fights are going to continue to elevate the sport to great heights.
“Това е един лесен битка, за да, защото имате две бойци, които искат да се измери срещу най-добрите. Това е битка, която бе извършена бързо. Нито боец ​​трябваше да бъдат убедени. Двете момчета се чувстват те могат да спечелят и ще в борбата с отношение на непобеден боец.
“Нито едно от тези момчета имат всяка мисъл, че могат да загубят. Те са 100 процента убеден, че те ще излезе от там с повдигнат ръката си. Това е, което ще направи този голям двубой.”
# # #
За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports , WWW.premierboxingchampions.com,
следете ни в Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.Facebook.com/Обадете Star Sports. PBC е спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Майки срещу Гарсия. Sergey Lipinets Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Снимки



Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Събота, Февруари. 10 живеят на SHOWTIME®

От Alamodome в Сан Антонио, Texas &

Представено от Premier боксови шампиони

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME

Лос Анджелис (Декември 18, 2017) – Непобеждаван три разделение световен шампион Mikey Garcia и без загуба IBF Junior Welterweight световен шампион Сергей Lipinets оттеглиха лице в лице за първи път Понеделник at a press conference in Los Angeles to discuss their main event showdown on Събота, Февруари. 10 живеят на SHOWTIME (10:15 p.m. И/PT). The matchup of top-5 ranked junior welterweights will take place at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas and is presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс покритие ще включва две разделение световен шампион Rances Barthelemy в мач-реванш срещу Кирил Relikh за свободен WBA 140-килограмова свят заглавието на.


Билети за събитието, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, са с цени $250, $150, $75, $50 и $20. Билетите ще влезе в продажба утре при 12 p.m. CT and will be available at Ticketmaster.com.


Lipinets will be making the first defense of his world title while Garcia looks to become only the third fighter in modern history to become a champion at 126, 130, 135 и 140 паунда, се присъедини към бъдещата Зала на Famers Хуан Мануел Маркес и Мани Пакиао *.


Ето какво участниците на пресконференцията трябваше да се каже, Понеделник от стаята Conga в L.A. На живо:




“A world champion like Sergey Lipinets is more exciting an opponent for me than an easy title defense. I wanted a challenge and this man presents that. He’s a bigger man naturally. He’s going to be very hungry and motivated. He knows a victory over me launches his career to the top. That’s going to make this an interesting fight.


“To win a world title in a fourth division is a big deal to me. My dad always wanted a three-division world champion, and now I have a chance to give him a fourth title. That’s something that really excites me.


“It’s been a great return to boxing since my layoff. When I came back, I wanted to move fast and take on big challenges. That’s what we’ve been doing so far. I want to take on any challenges that people think I can’t achieve. I think slowly we’re proving to everyone that I’m better than ever and I’m going to keep taking on the kinds of fights that will cement my legacy.


“It would be a great accomplishment to be in the discussion with guys like Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez, that would be a win in itself. But it wasn’t on my mind when taking this fight. I just want to keep fighting the best out there. There’s still more for me to accomplish until I’m on the same level as Pacquiao and Marquez.


“It’s going to be a great fight. Like I’ve said, the challenge for me is that I’ll be fighting the bigger man. На Fight Night, that advantage he has on me might be enough to make it that much more exciting. It will be interesting to see how well I adapt to the size. I have to make adjustments to overcome those challenges. This should give the fans the excitement that we want to give them.


“My only focus is on Февруари 10 against Sergey Lipinets. That’s my target throughout the entire camp. There may be more opportunities for me on the horizon, but you’ll see on fight night that I’m one hundred percent focused.


“I know that I have the possibility to be the biggest star in boxing like a Floyd Mayweather, and I think I’m on track to accomplish that. I don’t see a lot of guys in the sport with the resume of accomplishments that I have. I’m going to continue take on the best and beat my opponents convincingly.”




“Mikey Garcia is a great champion and I want to be in the position that he’s reached in this sport. The only way there is to go through him.


“I’m taking on a great challenge against Mikey Garcia, and many people think I’m not ready. This is the fight that I wanted. I’ve had many obstacles in my way throughout my career and I’ve overcome them all. I’m going to overcome Mikey Garcia just like that.


“Every time I have sparred with top fighters, like Terrence Crawford, I have learned more about what I need to improve to get to the next level in this sport. That kind of experience has helped my confidence increase and will help me when I face Mikey Garcia.


“A lot of things can happen when you move up in weight. Usually people use some pop. Whatever version of Mikey Garcia shows up; I’ll be ready for him.


“I believe I’m going to win, Mikey believes he’s going to win, and it will all unveil in the ring. One thing I can guarantee; това ще бъде голяма борба.


“Every fight I’ve had has been against a tough opponent who has helped get me to this point. Сега, I’m ready to fight the best, and Mikey Garcia is truly that.


“I had to work very hard to make the transition from champion kickboxer to a champion boxer. I did everything I had to do, moving from gym to gym and sparring everyone. I always aimed for the best and wanted to be the best at what I do.”


ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother & Треньор


“We know that Sergey Lipinets is a very dangerous fighter. He’s a really strong champion. I know he’s going to be hungry because he wants to become a big name by beating Mikey.


“Mikey is very smart in the ring. We’re going to come in there with a good game plan. We’ll have some big sparring partners. Strong, heavy guys who will give Mikey a big challenge in sparring.


“Mikey has to be in great shape for this fight. You can easily win the first eight rounds, but there are still four left. You have to be able to finish the fight. A great power puncher like Lipinets can finish you in one round.”


BUDDY MCGIRT, Lipinets’ Trainer


“We will be prepared for any and every thing. This way, when fight night comes, we’ll have an answer for everything. The key is that we just have to be on point from the opening bell to the end. There’s no way around it.


“We’re going to cover everything in training camp. You have to have every option available to you on fight night. This way, you’re never surprised in the ring. Sergey won’t go in there swinging to get a knockout, he’s going to be disciplined and focus on getting the victory.


“I believe that Sergey is on a mission. I know Mikey Garcia is on a mission too, and I respect that. I respect that these two men are fighting each other. Champions do what Sergey is doing, and that’s fighting the best.”


РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports


“This is going to be a huge night for the 140-pound division. It will be another toe-to-toe showdown at the Alamodome in San Antonio, where so many great matchups have taken place before. Билетите започват от само $20 so we expect another great crowd of fight fans down in Texas.


“This matchup features two undefeated fighters, two big punchers and 50 победи, 40 с нокаут, between the two of them. These guys are both champions who are daring to be great. These are exactly the kind of fighters that the public likes. These fighters will push themselves to be great.


“These guys only know one thing, and that is winning. Sergey Lipinets is the biggest puncher at 140-pounds and it seems like Mikey Garcia always seeks out these big punchers.


“Mikey is looking to do something that only Manny Paccquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done, in moving up from 126 pounds through 140 pounds winning titles at each division. It is very difficult to carry that power up from featherweight. You have to tune-in to see an exciting fighter like that trying to make history.”


СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент & Генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт


“What boxing needs are great fights. Good, high quality matchups like Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Фрамптън, Кийт Търман срещу. Danny Garcia and Errol Spence vs. Кел Brook. There needs consistently be good fights, and that’s what we have been doing at SHOWTIME for the last couple of years. No other network has done the quality of fights that SHOWTIME is doing. No other network is as committed to the sport as SHOWTIME has been.


“The best need to fight the best, and that is what Mikey Garcia has done. He came off of a two-and-a-half-year layoff and в 18 месеца he’s had four fights, two title fights and will be going for a title in a fourth weight class, something only Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done before. That’s what great fighters do.


“Historically the fighters who separate themselves as legendary, are the ones who challenge themselves and travel across weight classes to seek these challenges. But there are two sides to this story. Those who have been paying attention have seen Sergey Lipinets make a lot of noise on SHOWTIME cards lately. He has risen very quickly.


“If you just look at Lipinets’ record, 13-0, and think about him fighting Mikey Garcia it would sound crazy. But if you look at the kind of competition he’s faced, his last seven opponents have a combined record of 163-15. That’s not something you usually see 13 fights into a career. Lipinets is a combat veteran, and whatever happens in the ring, he will be ready for it. It’s going to make for an exciting night.”

# # #


*Pacquiao спечели линейни първенства в 126 и 140 паунда, въпреки че той не спечели азбука титли.


За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,

следете ни в Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.Facebook.com/RingstarSports. PBC е спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


More Than 50,000 Fans Packed Four Sold-Out Venues In Los Angeles, Торонто, New York and London
Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Credit Esther Lin/SHOWTIME Sports
Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Credit Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
LONDON (Юли 14, 2017) – Four days of a contentious international world tour came to a fitting close в петък when global superstars Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor faced off for the final time on their three-country excursion at London’s Wembley Arena.
След 98 часа, над 14,000 totaled miles traveled, four sold-out venues, и повече от 50,000 raucous fans in attendance, the Mayweather vs. McGregor World Tour has concluded.
What follows next before the boxing legend and UFC superstar meet Събота, Август. 26on SHOWTIME PPV live from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas? Forty-three days of grueling preparation, speculation and pundit analysis as the world’s best combat fighters continue their collision course toward an event that has become a global phenomenon.
In front of a capacity crowd at a famed venue that has hosted acts ranging from The Beatles to the Olympic Games, Mayweather and McGregor capped off nearly a week of intense gamesmanship that grew with each tension-filled face off.
You’re the student and I’m the teacher,” Саид Мейуедър, a once-in-generation talent who has dispatched at least five future Hall of Famers en route to an unblemished 49-0 професионален запис. “На Август 26, I’m going to take you to school.
McGregor, an unrivaled figure in mixed martial arts who has transcended his sport to become a must-see attraction, answered, “In six weeks, I’m going to sleep this fool. And when I sleep him, I’m going to bounce his head off the canvas as well.
The World Tour may be over, but the show has just begun.
# # #
Мейуедър срещу. MCGREGOR
Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor is a 12-round super welterweight matchup pitting the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in an unprecedented event that takes place Събота, Август. 26 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The event telecast is produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV.

Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor World Tour Hits Fever Pitch at New York City Press Conference

(Photo Credit: Роузи Cohe / SHOWTIME)

Цитати & Photos from Barclays Center Event in Front of
Над 13,000 Фенове
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Rosie Cohe /SHOWTIME
NEW YORK (Юли 13, 2017) – Day three of their blockbuster world tour sawboxing legend Флойд Мейуедър and UFC superstar Conor McGregor continue to trade verbal jabs as the global stars went face-to-face in front of over 13,000 fans at Barclays Center ahead of their Август. 26 showdown on SHOWTIME PPV from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
After filling venues in Los Angeles and Toronto, an electric crowd greeted the two fighters Thursday as Mayweather and McGregor picked up right where they left off, building on the two increasingly combative press conferences held Вторник иСряда.
The world tour concludes в петък when the fighters travel to The SSE Arena, Уембли в Лондон.
Ето какво борците трябваше да каже четвъртък:
FLOYD Мейуедър
I knew that this was going to be a huge event. We had to give the people what they wanted to see and if we break the PPV record, all I’ll be doing is breaking my own record.
I’m just thankful to be in this position. To be at this age and compete against young guys, това е благословия. He’s bigger, he has a longer reach and I’ve been inactive. Още, we’ve never seen him lose standing up. He feels like he’s the best. I was the best when I was competing. So I think I had to come back for this last hurrah.
Even though I haven’t been competing in boxing, you still have young guys calling me out all the time. Even the MMA fighters call me out.
My thing is that either I’m going to get him, or he’s going to get me. The outcome is going to be what it’s going to be. Once you have that mindset, you’re going to be okay. He’s coming for me and I’m coming for him.
Nobody knows that squared circle like me. I know angles. I know where to touch you at. I know what you don’t like. I don’t have to watch your tapes. That’s something I’m blessed with. Но, he’s unorthodox. So it’ll definitely be something different in the ring. I just have to keep my composure.
I have to stand up for the Americans and the American fight fans. He represents his country and I represent the red, white and blue. I represent everyone in this country.
I’ve been doing this for 21 years in five weigh classes. I’ve never quit.
Floyd saying he’s going to knock me out is the funniest comment of the whole tour. I hope he comes for it and I hope he brings it. I’ll be prepared for anything and anticipate whatever he brings.
“Аз съм в страхотна форма, that’s why I’m not wearing a shirt. I’m in shape to fight right now. I don’t have a nick on my body right now. Аз ще бъда 100 percent on fight night.
I have a very high fight IQ. I understand when to go and when not to. Only me and the opponent can see these details. I’m very confident whether it’s in a ring or an octagon.
The rounds are two minutes shorter than I’m used to and there’s a lot less action than I’m used to. He’s going to feel like he’s wrestling a bear when we tie up for the first time. He’s too small. I’m going to have my way with him.
I know every shot he throws. Аз знам какво да очаквам. He fights the same every time. So we’re preparing. But he knows nothing about me. He has no idea how I’m going approach him.
I’m not tired of this. It’s really a lot of fun. We’ll keep it professional for now. I could never get tired of this. It’s such a great time to be a fight fan.
Floyd is saying a lot about me tapping out, but he’s never had a true fight. He knows nothing about the game that I’m involved with. We’ll see who is quitting on Август. 26.
To come back here in New York, where I made history and become the first fighter in UFC history to win titles simultaneously, I’m blown away by the support.
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Мейуедър срещу. MCGREGOR
Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor is a 12-round super welterweight matchup that pits the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in an unprecedented event that takes place Събота, Август 26 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The event telecast is produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV.
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.Facebook.com/SHOSports andwww.Facebook.com/UFC


Capacity Crowd Of Estimated 16,000 Fans Pack Toronto’s Budweiser Stage On Wednesday As Mayweather and McGregor Meet For Just The Second Time

Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Credit Esther Lin/SHOWTIME Sports

Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Credit Edris Erba/Mayweather Promotions (Забележка: Images will be uploaded shortly)

TORONTO (Юли 12, 2017) – The tension between boxing legend Floyd Mayweather and UFC superstar Conor McGregor boiled over into Toronto в сряда as the global stars continued their blockbuster World Tour to announce their Август. 26showdown on SHOWTIME PPV from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

Mayweather and McGregor met в сряда for just the second time, jarring toe-to-toe for more than three minutes in the initial faceoff in front of a largely pro-McGregor crowd at Toronto’s Budweiser Stage.

Multi-platinum and GRAMMY Award-winning recording artist Drake made a special guest appearance in front of his hometown Toronto fans “to witness history” for an event to celebrate what he called “the biggest fight in the history of fighting.”

After hearing McGregor once again promised to knock out a man that’s never been beaten, Mayweather challenged McGregor to put his money where his mouth is.

“If you believe in yourself like you say you believe in yourself, bet your whole fight check,” Mayweather said.

“One shot is all it takes,” promise McGregor. “Check the facts – I bounce heads off the canvas.”

За да гледате Сряда press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel:HTTPS://youtu.be/n7ZcGjg03-E.

The Mayweather vs. McGregor World Tour continues Четвъртък at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and concludes в петък at Wembley Arena in London.

Below are flash quotes from today’s event in Toronto:

FLOYD Мейуедър:

“We’re not talking about being at the top for one year, two years, three years, four years. We’re talking about 21 години.

“Turn the pressure up. I don’t quit, I don’t fold under pressure. I’m the best and I know I’m the best.

“If you believe in yourself like you say you believe in yourself, bet your whole fight check.”


“I thrive in uncomfortable positions. There is nothing these guys can do to phase me. Twenty-eight years of age, I’m getting fight checks and promoter checks. When Floyd was 28, he was on Oscar De La Hoya’s undercard and that’s just facts.

“Toronto, what a city. I was here one time, I was also on a world tour. I was also facing an unconquerable quest. I was facing the best pound-for-pound fighter on the planet, Хосе Алдо. They said the same things then as they’re saying now. They said I have no chance. They said I’m in over my head. They said [той] kicks too hard, too many weapons. The Irishman is going to fall short, he doesn’t stand a hope. It took me 13 секунди.

“One shot is all it takes. Check the facts. I bounce heads off the canvas.

“He tip-tap-toes to a decision. He’s never fought a day in his life, he’s a runner.”

Мейуедър срещу. MCGREGOR

Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor is a 12-round super welterweight matchup that pits the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in an unprecedented event that takes place Събота, Август 26 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The event telecast is produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV.

Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Conor McGregor Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Снимки

World Tour Kicks Off with Raucous Press Conference as Global Stars Discuss Събота, Август 26 Showdown on SHOWTIME PPV

From T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

I am guaranteeing you this. You are going out on your face or on your back. So which way do you want to go?” – Мейуедър

I’m going to knock him out inside of four rounds. Mark my words,” – McGregor

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME

Лос Анджелис (Юли 11, 2017) – Unbeaten boxing legend Floyd “Пари” Мейуедър and UFC star “Прословутия” Conor McGregor оттеглиха лице в лице за първи път във вторник, in a highly anticipated press conference in front of over 11,000 fans at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles as the two global stars discussed their Събота, Август 26 showdown at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas in an event that will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV.


The fighters posed for the first face-off of the unprecedented event that has captured the imagination of sports fans around the world. Mayweather and McGregor will meet in a super welterweight contest that serves as the first time champions from boxing and MMA will meet in a sanctioned boxing match.


The Mayweather vs. McGregor world tour will continue on to Toronto, New York City and London as the superstars deliver all the spectacle of the summer’s biggest event directly to the fans who demanded it.


Ето какво участниците на пресконференцията трябваше да се каже, Вторник:


FLOYD Мейуедър


Everyone knows I’ve never backed down from anybody. You line them up, and I knock them down like bowling pins. НаАвгуст 26, I’m knocking Conor out.


I am guaranteeing you this. You are going out on your face or on your back. So which way do you want to go?


Twenty one is the number. They ask me why is that the number? Because that’s how long I’ve been kicking ass. I don’t care about a ring or an octagon. Put me in there and I’m going to kick ass.


It takes two warriors to bring an event like this together. The two biggest forces in combat sports made this happen.


This was something that the fans wanted to see. I spoke to my team and said that the Mayweather-McGregor fight can be the biggest fight in history. That’s what we’re here to turn into reality.


McGregor is a professional, stand-up fighter. The only loss he took was when he was on the ground. He’s a tough competitor and I’m taking him very seriously.


Everyone knows I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’ve been here before. He’s a tough guy though and a warrior. The best must fight the best. The fans wanted this fight, me and McGregor wanted the fight. It’s going to be blood, sweat and tears onАвгуст 26.


Training camp has been rough. I know deep in my heart that this is the last one. I’m taking care of my body and giving myself time off to allow my body to rejuvenate.


Conor really wants to win. Extremely badly. Other fighters it usually plays out two ways. Some guys play it safe and then some like Marcos Maidana go for the kill. I think he’s the Maidana-type. He’s a heavy-hitter so I have to be cautious. It’s going to basically be a toe-to-toe battle.




My mind is blown. I’m absolutely honored to be here in front of you fans for this great spectacle. Somebody’s 0 has got to go.


He’s got little legs and little hands. I’m going to knock him out inside of four rounds. Mark my words.


“Аз съм млад, confident, happy man. I’ve worked extremely hard for this. I’m going to embrace everything. No one can do anything to me. I’m going to have a good time.


Floyd will be unconscious inside of four rounds. The power and ferociousness that I have, he’s never experienced it before. I don’t fear him.


Even if he catches one of my punches with his glove, it will still hurt him. I’m like nothing he’s ever seen before.


Twelve, three minute rounds is going to be a breeze for me. Not to take anything away from this sport, but I have no worries about going twelve rounds with Floyd.


Floyd is the perfect motivation for me to go in and conquer the supposedly unconquerable. What more motivation could you need? This pushes me on to do these record-breaking events.


LEONARD Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции


This is a great fight that the fans have demanded. That’s exactly what we’re going to give them on Август 26.


Floyd Mayweather is the undefeated, pound-for-pound king and The Best Ever. He’s here to give the fans what they wanted and that’s his huge event a memorable fight on Август 26.


Mayweather Promotions is all about giving the fans exactly what they want, and this battle between Floyd and Conor is going to deliver all of that and much more.


This is the can’t-miss event of the summer and this crowd at STAPLES Center proves just how big it’s going to be. This whole week we’ll be bringing all the excitement of a fight week to sold out venues throughout the world.


СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Executive VP & Генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт


Over the last several years, SHOWTIME has teamed up with MGM and Mayweather Promotions to give fans the biggest and most exciting events in sports. Record-breaking event after record breaking event. We also have a long history of MMA in SHOWTIME and are glad to be in business with UFC and Conor McGregor.


We will be working to deliver this event to the fans in unprecedented ways. We will give you new ways to experience the preparation leading up to the fight and then fight night, like never before. We’ll bring you behind the scenes and up close and personal with the “All Access” серия. Your backstage pass to this fight premieres on Юли 28 на SHOWTIME.


They said this fight could never be made, they said this fight would never happen, but this fight is no surprise. 10 years ago Floyd decided to leave his promoter and become his own boss. He became his own boss and broke PPV record after PPV record. Here we are, 49-0, he’s fought 24 световни шампиони, and never lost. Floyd Mayweather has generated 20 million PPV buys and 1.3 billion dollars in PPVs. He is by far the number one attraction in sports and entertainment. There is no one else who is even close.


Am I surprised that this fight is happening? Especially against someone younger, bigger and stronger than he is. Изобщо. This is Floyd’s plan. To put on the most exciting and spectacular events that the sports world has ever seen. That’s whatАвгуст 26 ще бъде. That’s been the plan all along. ”


DANA WHITE, President of UFC


This is the biggest fight any of us have ever been a part of. People have just rallied behind this fight. Don’t judge a fight until the fight is over. You never know what’s going to happen, especially with a guy like Conor who hits like a truck. When he hurts someone, he puts them away.


This is a completely full event today, not a seat left. We had to move to a bigger venue in Toronto. Barclays Center sold out and then today tickets sold out at Wembley в 10 минути. There’s never been anything like this.


Floyd is almost 41 възраст. Conor is a young southpaw who hits hard. We’ll see how it plays out. It’s crazy to think that Conor won’t connect with him.


Conor McGregor believes in himself like nobody I’ve ever seen before. What he thinks about, he manifests into reality. The boxing media will get to know Conor on this tour and see the mental warfare that he engages in. Then on fight night, Conor is going to try to knock Floyd out.


RICHARD STORM, President of Sports and Entertainment, MGM Resorts International

Thank you to all the great fight fans around the globe watching this event. We’re thrilled that this event will be held at T-Mobile Arena, the home of the biggest events in the sports and entertainment industry. In only 15 months the T-Mobile Arena has become an industry leader and home to many of the greatest entertainers and athletes in the world.


Las Vegas and the T-Mobile Arena will be the center of the sports universe for this great spectacle when two great champions bring these two sports together for the first time. It’s going to be an absolutely electric weekend. We look forward to delivering an unforgettable experience to all the fans who travel from around the world to this great event.


За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/SHOSportsandwww.Facebook.com/UFC



КАКВО: Bellator 170 Фен Фест

КЪДЕ: Dave & Buster’s в The Promenade в Howard Hughes Center

6081 Център Др.

Los Angeles, КАТО 90045


КОГА: Четвъртък, Януари 19

8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.


СЗО: Royce Gracie

Kazushi Sakuraba

Wanderlei Silva

King Mo

John McCarthy

Мат Mitrione

Royce Gracie

Името Gracie е синоним на MMA, и това до голяма степен е от Ройс Грейси, човек, за когото се смята, че е изобретил спорта, какъвто го познаваме днес. Победителят от първите няколко UFC събития, Грейси ще разбият много опоненти в една-единствена нощ, много от които са били много по-голям от него. Дълги години нямаше отговор за техниката Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, която той вкара в битка. Днес, трудно е да се намери ММА боец, който да не е тренирал изкуството на бразилското джиу-джицу, което баща му е изобретил. През февруари на 2016, Грейси озаглави „Bellator 149“, събитие, което разби рекордите на зрителска аудитория на компанията, които остават непокътнати и до днес.


Kazushi Sakuraba

С невероятно резюме, подчертано от победи над четирима членове на легендарното семейство Грейси, включително Ройлер, Ренцо, Ryan, и Ройс Грейси, Сакураба е наследил прякора „Ловецът на Грейси“. Японският смесен военен художник е особено запомнен с първия си сблъсък с Ройс, a ninety-minute marathon that ended in a TKO (спиране на ъгъла) victory for Sakuraba nearly 17 Преди години. Gracie would later avenge his loss, earning a unanimous decision win over Sakuraba at “K-1 Dynamite USA!!" inside the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Сега, almost a decade later, the two legends meet again and Bellator MMA is giving you the chance to be there when it happens!


Мат Mitrione

Matt Mitrione originally took his talents to the football gridiron, signing as an undrafted free agent with the New York Giants in 2002. After brief stints with the San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings, Mitrione entered the MMA cage and hasn’t looked back since. The 14-time UFC veteran began his professional career with victories in his first five fights, four of which came by way of knockout. Known as one of the top finishers in the sport, 37-годишният родом от Индианаполис наскоро завърши кандидатурата си с бившия си работодател, вземане на решение за тестване на свободна агенция. Сега Митрионе ще се опита да повтори успеха, който е намерил през цялата си кариера, когато среща Fedor Emelianenko в Сан Хосе през февруари.


Wanderlei Silva

Бившата суперзвезда на UFC Вандерлей Силва също ще присъства на Януари 20, докато „The Axe Murderer“ се подготвя за дебюта си в Bellator MMA в дългоочакваната година от 2017. Човекът, който постоянно го призовава, откакто се присъедини към промоцията, ръководена от Скот Кокър, Chael Sonnen, ще се състезава в основното събитие на ‘Bellator 170’ само един ден след „Фестивал на феновете“. Ветеран от 48 битки, Силва се присъедини към ММА с Bellator след прочута кариера с UFC, пресяване през средно тежки електроцентрали Cung Le, Брайън Стан, и настоящ шампион в дивизията Майкъл Биспинг. С 25 на неговата 35 победи в кариерата, идващи чрез нокаут, 40-годишният бразилски хотшот е нетърпелив да направи присъствието си усетено в клетката на Bellator MMA. Присъединете се към нас за ‘Bellator 170’ “Fan Fest” в Лос Анджелис и се запознайте със самата легенда, преди да направи своя дебют в промоцията.


King Mo

„King Mo“ е опора на Bellator MMA оттогава 2013, борба с всички, както в полутежка, така и в тежка категория може да предложи. Това ще бъде втората поява на Lawal на събитието „Fan Fest“ на Bellator MMA, давайки на феновете още една възможност да се срещнат с експлозивния нападател извън клетката. След неотдавнашното му главно събитие победа над Satoshi Ishii, „Mo“ сега насочва вниманието си към други пристъпи на „Moneyweight“, за да засити жаждата си.


John McCarthy

Известен на мнозина като „Големия“ Джон Маккарти, дългогодишният ММА рефер ще насочи вниманието си към „Fan Fest“ на Bellator MMA и ще извика кадрите в един забавен ден с някои от най-големите фенове, които спортът може да предложи. Маккарти направи редица запомнящи се двубои, насърчавани от Bellator MMA, UFC и други, превръщайки се в един от най-известните съдии в историята на спорта.

FIGHT INFO: Bellator 170: Ортис срещу. Sonnen ще се състои на Събота, Януари 21 от форума в Лос Анджелис и ще се излъчва на живо и безплатно на SPIKE в 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT. Дългоочакваните потоци от подкарти на живо в Bellator.com и мобилното приложение Bellator, започващи от 6:50 p.m. И/3:50 p.m. PT.


Билетите за събитието започват от $36 и са в продажба сега в Bellator.com, както и Ticketmaster.com.


Епичната основна карта е озаглавена от легендарен сблъсък в полутежка категория, който изправя суперзвезди Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) срещу Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). В допълнение, съпътстващо събитие в полусредна категория с участието Paul Daley (38-14-2) срещу Бренън Ward (14-4) и двубой в средна категория между Ралек Грейси (3-0) и Hisaki Kato (7-2) ще бъде включен и в основната карта, излъчвана по Spike. И накрая, с перо конкурс хлътване Георги Karakhanyan (26-6-1) срещу Emmanuel Sanchez(13-3) и наскоро обявената лека битка с участието Дерек Fields (17-6) и Дерек Андерсън (14-2, 1 NC) увийте първата основна карта на Bellator MMA за новата година.


На излъчената от Bellator.com предварителна карта, женски мухоловки Ребека Рут (6-2) и Колийн Шнайдер (10-7) ще се присъедини към промоционалните дебюти на LA’s Кевин Кейси (9-5-1, 2 NC) и нокаут артист в тежка категория Джак Мей (8-3). Също така в подкартата е включено очакваното завръщане на Чиндзо Мачида (4-2), Хенри Corrales (12-3), Гилерме „Бомба“ (8-3), и Коди Болинджър (19-6).


Ringstar Sports Adds Amateur Star Money Powell IV to Growing Collection of Fighters Signed with Company

Лос Анджелис (Януари 10, 2017) – The rapidly-growing promotional company Обадете Star Sports has added another fighter with star potential to their growing roster, as super welterweight standout Money Powell IV has signed to join the company led by longtime boxing executive Richard Schaefer.
We’re excited to add a young man with the skills, amateur pedigree and demeanor of Money Powell IV and we think he’s going to be a great addition to the Ringstar family,” - каза Ричард Шефер, Председател и главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports. “This is an incredibly talented young man who is ambitious and has a great mindset heading into the professional ranks. He has proven to be a winner throughout his amateur career and we believe that his skills, combined with the right promotion, can turn him into a big star in the sport. I know that he wants to be the best and I plan on helping him reach those goals.
When I was presented with the opportunity to sign with Richard and Ringstar Sports, I knew that it was a chance to achieve my dreams,” said Powell IV. “Richard is one of the most successful figures in the sport and I know that with him, I can go far. I want to be the greatest fighter that’s ever lived, but I also want to be remembered as a positive figure. I hope someday I can do for other people what Richard is doing for me. I’m going to be a champion inside and outside of the ring.
The 18-year-old Powell IV was born in Germany, where his former boxer father was stationed in the military. He was passionate about boxing from an early age, but was never able to fully dedicate himself because his family moved back and forth between Germany and the U.S. frequently. В 2011 the family landed for good at Fort Mitchell, on the border of Alabama and Georgia, and Powell began training at the Game Bred Boxing Club and saw his amateur career take off.
His first tournament victory came in 2014 when he won the Junior Open Welterweight Championship and finished the year as the number one ranked welterweight by USA Boxing. He continued to add titles as he won the 2015 Ringside World Welterweight Championship and the 2016 Youth Welterweight National Championship to earn the top ranking in the 152-pound division by USA Boxing.
I’m a boxer-puncher but I’m also a big-time thinker in the ring,” said Powell IV. “I take my time and capitalize off of mistakes. I’ve been able to meet and work with my boxing idol, Roy Jones Jr., and he’s given me encouragement and advice that has meant the world to me. Mark my words, I will be the greatest fighter of all-time.
Powell IV will turn pro and campaign as a super welterweight after 83 аматьорски пристъпи, including recently participating in the AIBA Youth World Boxing Championships in Russia.



Зала на славата Promoter, 85, Plays ‘Santa’ For Needy Families


LAS VEGAS (Декември. 15, 2016) – A 50-year-plus tradition of donating turkeys to needy families around Christmas time will continue this week when legendary Hall of Fame boxing promoter, Don “Only In America” King, will visit nine cities in seven states in five days as part of his annual Christmas Turkey Giveaway that begins тази събота.

The architect and impresario behind the fabled The Rumble In the Jungle и Thrilla в Манила and countless other historic classic boxing events, King will dole out the thousands of birds in Cleveland, Нашвил, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Ню Йорк, Palm Beach, Fla., Deerfield Beach, Fla., Miami and Las Vegas.


“Our annual turkey giveaway has a special theme this year and that’s to ‘Make America Great Again,’ ’’ King said. “It’s about the veterans. God Bless the veterans and God Bless America!"


Below is the schedule for King’s five-day turkey giveaway:

Събота, Декември. 17

Cleveland, Ohio
Call and Post
11800 Shaker Blvd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44120
Контакт: Dale Edwards, 216-773-6600


Понеделник, Декември. 19

Нашвил, Тенеси.
Community Care Fellowship
511 S. 8тата St.
Нашвил, Тенеси. 37206
Контакт: Jimmy Adams, 615-601-4857


Нюарк, N.J.
916 S. Orange Ave.
Нюарк, N.J. 07106
Контакт: Carolyn Kelly Shabazz, 862-262-9240


Ню Йорк
National Action Network
106 The. 145тата St.
Ню Йорк, N.Y.. 10039
Контакт: Rev. Richardson, 914-572-6343

Вторник, Декември. 20

Los Angeles, Халиф.
California Black Museum of Jazz and Blues
4317 Degnan Blvd.
Los Angeles, Халиф. 90008
Контакт: Michelle Patterson, 949-218-4769
Charles Dudley, 213-819-7812


Palm Beach, Fla.
Palm Beach Jai Lai
1415 N. 45тата St.
Mangonia Park, Fla. 33407
Контакт: Addie Green, 561-818-1670


Deerfield Beach, Fla.
St. Paul United Methodist Church
244 SE 2ри Avenue
Deerfield Beach, Fla. 33441
Контакт: Jimi Brown, 305-975-7077


Маями, Fla.
14500 NE 11тата Avenue
North Miami, Fla. 33161
Контакт: Hans Mardy, 305-307-9073

Сряда, Декември. 21
Las Vegas, Nev.
325 East Windmill
Las Vegas, Nev. 89123
Контакт: Ерик Браун, 702-325-8134


Кликнете ТУК For Garcia Photos From Team Garcia
Кликнете ТУК For Guerrero Photos From Team Guerrero
Кликнете ТУК For Martinez Photos From
Aaron Poole, Andrew Bernstein Photography
Лос Анджелис (Декември 23, 2015) – In the spirit of the holiday season, Danny “Swift” Garcia, Robert “Призракът” Войн и Aron Martinez took time out of training to give back to their local communities this week leading up to the Christmas holiday.
Garcia and Guerrero will meet in a pivotal 12-round welterweight showdown while Los AngelesMartinez battles undefeated Sammy Vasquez Jr. на Събота, Януари 23 at STAPLES Center with televised coverage beginning at 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от TGB Промоции, са с цени $300, $200, $100, $50 и $25, Не включително приложими такси и такси за услуги, и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени в AXS.com или на телефон 888-929-7849 или най-Staples Center.
Garcia visited the Boys & Girls Club of greater Philadelphia and provided holiday gifts to 50 elementary school students. Guerrero attended theBreath for CaleyToy Drive and Pancake Breakfast in Gilroy, California that donated toys to the Rebekah Children’s House and Stanford’s Children Hospital. The Los Angeles-native Martinez participated in AEG’s Season of Giving event at L.A. На живо, which brought 200 kids from local charity organizations to skate and participate in a party at Tom’s Urban.
За повече информация посетете www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.staplescenter.comи www.TGBPromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass / начална страница,www.foxdeportes.com. Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwiftGhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FoxSports, FOXDeportesSTAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter иwww.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Следвайте разговора с помощта #PBConFOX.