Tag Archives: gaismas smagiem


For Immediate relīze


WBC gaismas smagiem pasaules titulu


TORONTO (Augusts 5, 2015) — Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM), sadarbībā ar Global Legacy Boxing (Cepure) un Maple Leaf Sports un izklaide (MLSE), ir lepna oficiāli paziņot nākamo pasaules titulu aizstāvēšanu baidījās kovbojs, Adonis “Pārcilvēks” Stevenson, Septembris 11, pie Ricoh Coliseum Toronto. Pasākums ir daļa no prestiža Premier Boksa Champions sērija, airing live on Spike TV Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, par Indigo un Bell TV Kanādā.

Stevenson (26-1-0, 21 Kos),ofMontreal, viens no spēcīgākajiem mārciņa-for- mārciņa kompostrētāji pasaulē, aizstāvēs savu Pasaules Boksa padomi (WBC), Ring žurnāls un līnijveidīgs gaismas smagiem (175 mārciņas) Pasaules čempionāta jostas sesto reizi, pret WBC #9 sāncensis Barība “Kryptonite” Karpency (25-4-1, 14 Kos), kvalificēts American kreilis cīnās no Adah, Pennsylvania. Tas bija Stevenson vēlme aizstāvēt savus titulus Toronto:

“Es esmu satraukti paziņot savu nākamo cīņu par Septembris 11 Toronto pret Tommy Karpency. Es esmu gatavs likt sāp par. Es cītīgi strādāt un palikt koncentrējas”, teica čempions.

29 gadus vecais Karpency novilka lielākais sajukums oktobris 4, 2014 pie Foxwoods Resort par Mashantucket, Connecticut, pārspēja bijušo gaismas smagiem Lineal čempionu Čada Dawson veidā lēmumu split. Karpency, kurš ir uzvarējis viņa pēdējās četras cīņas, ir arī pašreizējais Pennsylvania un NABA-USA gaismas smagsvara čempions. Viņš ir īpaši satraukti, lai saņemtu šo pasaules čempionāts iespēju.

Es pārspēt pats puisis Stevenson pārspēt kļūt par pasaules čempionu. Es viņu pārspēt [Dawson] tikai vairāk nekā gadu pēc Stevenson pārspēt viņu. Pēc šī win, Es teicu, ka debesis bija robeža, un ka es gribēju labākajiem pasaulē. Win [vairāk Dawson] pierādīja, ka es piederu starp elites pie gaismas smagiem. Tagad tas ir mans darbs, lai uzvarētu šo cīņu“, paskaidroja Karpency.

“GYM ir trilled celt šo pasaules čempionāta cīņu un "Premier Boksa čempioni’ sērija uz Toronto pirmo reizi,” GYM prezidents Yvon Mišels sacīja. “Mums ir nolēmis šo projektu uz ilgu laiku. Tas ir bijis iespējams, jo mēs atradām lielisku partneri ar Les Woods un Lennox Lewis, no KLP, un Wayne Zronick, no MLSE. Mums ir pārliecība celt lielu boksa notikums, ka šis apbrīnojams sporta pilsēta ir pelnījusi. Vēl vairāk, Mēs arī uzskatām, ka mēs esam atraduši nepieciešamos partnerus, lai nodrošinātu veiksmīgu projektu un darīt to vēlreiz uz regulāriem pamatiem.”

Tas ir milzīgs privilēģija strādāt kopā MLSE un trenažieru zāle,” GLB president Les Woods pievienotās. “Global Legacy mandāts atdzīvināt pasaules klases profesionālā boksa šajā brīnišķīgajā pilsētā Toronto ir kļuvusi par realitāti. “Lai turpinātu mantojumu mans vectēvs izveidojis un reignite aizraušanās "saldo zinātne’ visā pilsētā ir vīzija un sasniegums es ceru turpinās atstāt paliekošu nospiedums tagad, kā arī par visiem nākotnipaaudžu boksa fani.”

Arī daļa no šīs reklāmas ir bijušais neapstrīdams smagsvara čempions pasaulē, Lennox Lewis. Kaut arī ne cīnās vairs, viņš destilatori kā aizraušanās viņa sportu. Lewis uzvarēta Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Vitali Klitschko Starp vairāk notables viņa izcilas boksa karjeras laikā.

“Tas ir brīnišķīgi, lai būtu daļa no GLB, strādājot kopā ar sporta zāli un MLSE, atdzīvināt boksa Toronto un visā Kanādā, lai visaugstākajā līmenī,” Lewis atzīmēja. “Kā bijušais neapstrīdams smagsvara čempions pasaulē, Es esmu lepns būt celtniecības valsts mēroga platformu, kur boxers, piemēram, pasaules gaisma smagsvara čempions Adonis Stevenson, var parādīt savus talantus mājās un saņemt atbalstu viņi ir pelnījuši.”

Jo līdzfinansējuma funkciju, Pašreizējais Kanādas smagsvara čempions Dillon “Big Country” Tramvaja vadītājs (8-2, 7 Kos), no Mississauga, Ontario, saskarsies bijušais Lewis un Tyson pretinieku, Jamaikas dzimušais Donovan “Skuveklis” Sarkanrīklīte (40-5-1, 30 Kos). Kopā astoņas bouts tiks plānota pasākuma laikā, demonstrētu jaunos talantus no Ontario un Kvebeku.

Boksa Toronto un Ontario

Toronto bija boksa karstā vietas, kā jau 1880.

Jake Kilrain, George Dixon, Joe Gans, Kid McCoy, Harry Svira, Sam Langford,Benny Leonard, Mickey Walker, Kid Chocolate, Max Baer, Primo Carnera,Joey Giambra, Archie Moore, Floyd Patterson, Bob Foster, Muhammad Ali, un Larry Holmes visi algoti episkām cīņām Toronto savas boksa karjeras laikā.

Citas individuālisti, kuri arī cīnījās Toronto ietver Jimmy Wilde, Jimmy Welsh,Young Stribling, Rocky Kansas, “Panama” Al Brown, Sandy jājamzirgs, Cīnās Levinsky, Sammy Angott, Tommy Loughran, Maxie Rosenbloom, Jose Napoles, Ernie Terrell, Jimmy Ellis, Nino Benvenuti, un Aaron Pryor.

Kanādas leģenda George Chuvalo cīnījās par smagsvara pasaules titulu martā 29, 1966 pie Maple Leaf Gardens pret aizstāvot čempions un boksa ikonaMuhammad Ali, jo, iespējams, slavenākajiem cīkstēšanās kādreiz notika pilsētas. Vienmēr grūts Chuvalo ilga 15 kārtās ar vīrieti sauc par “Greatest”.

Toronto dzimtā Nick Furlano arī liekami un ilga 15 kārtās pret mežonīgs Pasaules Boksa asociācija (WBA) pasaules super viegls čempions un Starptautiskās boksa Slavas zāles loceklis, Aaron “Hawk” Pryor, Jūnijs 22, 1984, pie Varsity Stadium Universitātes Toronto.

Kopš tā laika, Sarnia dēls Steve Molitor bija Starptautiskās Boksa federācijas pasaules super bantamweight (122 mārciņas) čempions, no 2006 līdz 2011. Viņš cīnījās septiņās pasaules titulu cīņām Ontario, visi tajā Rama Casino.

Pavisam nesen, Novembris 15, 2014 pie Hershey centrā Mississauga, Brampton pašas Denton Daley apstrīdēja WBA pagaidu pasaules cruiserweight čempions Youri Kalenga, nativeof Demokrātiskā Republika Kongo, zaudējot 12th un fināls.

Biļetes iet uz pārdošanu sākuma Piektdiena, Augusts 7 pie 10:00 a.m., par www.ticketmaster.ca, pie vingrošanas zāle (514) 383-0666, Cepure (416) 678-6957 vai Ricoh Coliseum (416) 263-3900. Biļešu cenas sākot no 40 $. Tabulas ir arī pieejama, sazinoties ar GLB.

GLORY Kikbokss piebilst LIGHT smagiem titulu cīņa starp Zack "Melnās kareivis 'MWEKASSA & SAULO 'Cassius CLAY' CAVALARI TO "BELLATOR MMA: DYNAMITE "


Dinamīta atveide

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Jūlijs 30, 2015) - On Sestdiena, Septembris 19, Bellator MMA sniegs orientieris notikumu amerikāņu kaujas sporta vēsturē ar "Bellator 142: Dinamīts,"Featuring Tito Ortiz uzņemoties Bellator gaismas smagiem Pasaules čempions Liam McGeary. Tik liels skats, tas ietver divas jomas cīņa - ar Bellator būrī un Glory kikbokss gredzenu, notiek SAP centrā San Jose, Calif., un airs dzīvot un free par Spike pie 9 / 8c.


Šodien, Glory kikbokss ir arī pievienojusi savu Light Heavyweight Championship cīkstēšanās ar "Bellator 142: Dinamīts”Ligzda. Kongo spēka sitējs Zack “Black Warrior” Mwekassa (13-2, 12 KO) meklēs atriebības pret pēdējo vīrietis pret viņu, Brazīlijas nokauts mākslinieks Saul “Cassius Clay” Cavalari (31-2, 19 KO), sprādzienbīstamā sadursme, kas virsrakstus to kikbokss daļu kartes Featured laikā "Bellator MMA: Dynamite ".


Jaunais cīkstēšanās pievienojas iepriekš izziņoto cīnīties karti, kas piedāvā MMA leģenda Ortiz (18-11) apstrīdot Bellator ir valdošo gaismas smagiem karalis, McGeary (10-0) un četru vīrietis, Vienas nakts gaismas smagiem turnīrs, lai noteiktu Nr. 1 sāncensis sadalīšanas, kas ietver reklāmas debija Phil Davis (13-3), kā arī Emanuel Newton (25-8-1), Linton Vassell (15-4-1) un atgriešanās Muhameds "Karalis Mo" Lawal (15-4, 1 NC).


Savā iepriekšējā sanāksmē, Cavalari sakāva Mwekassa trešajā kārtā ar šova apstāšanās galvas kick nokauts. Papildu Glory kikbokss lēkmes un konkurenti "Bellator MMA: Dynamite "tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā.


Biļetes uz "Bellator 142: Dynamite "sākas tikai $30 un ir pārdošanā tagad pie SAP centra kasē un ir pieejams iegādei arī Ticketmaster.com un Bellator.com.


Par Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA ir vadošais Mixed Martial Arts organizācija, kurā ir daudz no labākajiem cīnītājiem pasaulē. Vadībā veterāns cīņa virzītājs Scott koksēšanas, Bellator ir pieejams gandrīz 500 miljons mājas visā pasaulē vairāk 140 valstis. Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, Bellator var redzēt uz Spike TV, MMA televīzijas vadītājs. Bellator MMA sastāv no izpildvaras komanda, kas ietver top nozares profesionāļiem televīzijas raidījumu, Tiešraides orķestrēšana, cīnītājs attīstība / attiecības, vieta iepirkums, sponsorēšana izveide / izstrāde, international licencēšana, mārketings, reklāma, publicitātes un komisijas attiecības. Bellator atrodas Santa Monica, California un pieder izklaides milzu Viacom, mājvieta pasaules premier izklaides zīmoliem, kas savieno ar auditoriju, izmantojot pārliecinošu saturu visā televīzijā, kinofilmu, tiešsaistes un mobilās platformas.


Par Spike:

Smaile ir pieejams 98.7 miljons mājas un ir sadalījums Viacom mediju tīkliem. Vienība Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ir viens no pasaules vadošajiem radītāju plānošanā un saturā visās mediju platformām. Spike interneta adrese ir www.spike.com un up-to-the-minute un arhīvu preses informāciju un fotogrāfijām, apmeklējiet Spike preses vietnē http://www.spike.com/press. Sekojiet mums Twitter spiketvpr par jaunāko pārkāpj jaunumi atjauninājumus, aiz-the-ainas informācija un foto.

Dibināts 2012, GLORY pieder un vada GLORY Sports International (GSI), profesionālā cīņas sporta organizācija un televīzijas satura pakalpojumu sniedzējs, kas uztur birojus Ņujorkā, Denver, Londona, Amsterdama, un Singapūra. GLORY programmēšana ir redzams vairāk 170 teritorijas. GLORY kikbokss noteikumi sastāv no mix vairāku kaujas disciplīnām Karate, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do un tradicionālo Boxing. Tāpat kā mums par Facebook, sekojiet mums Twitter GLORY_WS, un apmeklējiet mūs tiešsaistē vietnē gloryworldseries.com.


Par SAP Center San Jose

Atrodas centrā Silicon Valley, SAP centrs Sanhosē ir galvenā sporta un izklaides vieta Kalifornijas ziemeļos. Katru gadu, SAP centrs rīko aptuveni 175 notikumi attēloti profesionālu sportistu un amatieru, Olimpiskās sportisti, Grammy balvu ieguvējiem, starptautiskie ierakstīšanas mākslinieki, un dažādi izpildītāji, kas patīk gan bērniem, gan ģimenēm. SAP centrā Sanhosē atrodas Nacionālās hokeja līgas Sanhosē Sharks, kā arī Arēnas Futbola līgas Sanhosē SaberCats. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par SAP centru Sanhosē un gaidāmo notikumu sarakstu, apmeklējiet SAP centra mājas lapā atwww.sapcenter.com.

BELLATOR MMA izsludina orientieri notikums Cīņas sporta veidi VĒSTURES

FOR pirmo reizi Amerikā: MMA un kikbokss APARATUS IN PAŠĀ ARENA, Tajā pašā naktī, NO SAP CENTER Sanhosē, PIEMĒRAM,. ON Septembris 19 ON SPIKE


Tito Ortizs cīnās ar Liamu Makgēriju par Bellator Light Heavyweight Nosaukums

Vīriešu četrinieki, One-Night Light Heavyweight Nr. 1 Sāncensis Turnīra Attēloti Phil Davis, Muhameds 'King Mo' Lawal, Emanuel Newton, un Linton Vassell

Turklāt, World-Class Kikbokss Action Attēloti Bellator & Slava Fighters Joe Schilling un Paul Daley

SANTA MONICA, Calif. - Bellator MMA prezentēs orientieris notikumu amerikāņu kaujas sporta vēsturi, Septembris 19 no SAP centra San Jose, kas būs gaisa dzīvot uz Spike. Pasākums tik liels tas būs divas jomas cīņa - ar Bellator būrī un Glory kikbokss gredzenu.


"Es esmu tik lepns un pagodināts, lai šo patiesi pārsteidzošs notikumu manā dzimtajā pilsētā San Jose,"Teica Skots Coker, Prezidents Bellator MMA. "Šis mega-karte būs iespēja kaut ko par katru kaujas sporta ventilatoru- MMA leģendas, uzlecošās zvaigznes, stacked turnīrs, plus daudzi no pasaules labākajiem kickboxers. Tas būs neaizmirstams nakts tūkstošiem apmeklēšanu un miljoniem skatoties mājās. "


Galvenajā pasākumā, MMA leģenda Tito Ortiz (18-11) uzņemsies Bellator s valdošo gaisma smagsvara karalis, Liam McGeary (10-0). Tas iezīmēs McGeary pirmo aizstāvēt savu kāroto titulu.


Episkā vakarā būs arī vitrīna četrinieki, Vienas nakts gaismas smagiem turnīrs, lai noteiktu Nr. 1 sāncensis sadalīšanas. Dalībnieki ietver atgriešanos Muhameds "Karalis Mo" Lawal (15-4, 1 NC), bijušais čempions Emanuel Newton (25-8-1), vienmēr bīstami Linton Vassell (15-4-1) un Phil Davis (13-3), kas padara viņa ļoti gaidīts Bellator debija.


Pirmā kārta pārus par turnīra, kā arī sīkāka informācija par turnīra formātu tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā.


Pasākumā būs arī iespēja Glory kikbokss lēkmes, kurā būs redzamas daudzas no labākajiem cīnītājiem pasaulē. Proti, Bellator MMA konkurenti Joe Schilling un Pāvils "Semtex" Daley. Pretinieki uz Schilling un Daley, kā arī papildus kikbokss Matchups tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā.


Biļetes uz "Bellator MMA: Dynamite "nonāks pārdošanā Piektdiena, Jūnijs 26 ar ekskluzīvu Iepriekšpārdošana notiek ceturtdien, Jūnijs 25th. Ar paziņojumu par "Bellator MMA: Dinamīts!!!,"Coker padara viņa triumfējošs atgriezties Ziemeļkalifornijā, reģions, kur viņš aizsāka sporta jaukto cīņas mākslas kā īpašniekam ar Strikeforce.



Seconds Out Promotions Signs Light Heavyweight Powerhouse Marcus Oliveira to a Promotional Agreement

Tony Grygelko of Minneapolis-based Seconds Out Promotions proudly announces the signing of hard-punching former world-title challenger Marcus Oliveira to a promotional contract.


From Menominee, Wisconsin, and of Menominee Nation, dzimtais, heritage, 36-year-old Oliveira (25-1-1, 20 Kos) is also a former NABF and WBA Fedebol Light Heavyweight Champion.

The promotional agreement is a reunion of sorts, as Grygelko was Oliveira’s promoter for much of his early professional career.


I used to promote Marcus, prior to him signing with Don King, and it’s truly an honor to be able to promote him again and help position him for another world title shot,” said Tony Grygelko. “It seems that with his previous promoter not actively seeking fights, and his loss to Jurgen Brähmer, that Marcus has been written off, but the truth is he is extremely focused and has a burning desire to show all his fans that he has the talent to win a World Championship! He plans to shake off some ring rust off with a couple fights and then he’ll be looking to go after some of the big names in the division, such as Andrezj Fonfara, Sergejs Kovaļevs, Bernard Hopkins, and a rematch with Brähmer.


Oliveira, who was a heavily decorated amateur boxer before turning pro in 2006, said he feels his career had been stalled by an agreement he signed with another promoter. He says he happy to now be free of that contract and back to working with someone he trusts.


I was looking for someone who could get me to the next level in my career and Tony has already done that for quite a few guys, so it was an easy decision,” said Oliveira. “He’s always straight-up with me and treats me well. I have a great relationship with him. I’m very happy about this new direction.


We’re very excited to be back working with Tony,” said Oliveira’s Manager, Douglas Ward from the Underground Boxing Company. “It’s good to be working with a promoter that has our same set of goals.


Oliveira joins a Seconds Out stable that also includes Carson Jones and recent world-title challenger Caleb Truax.

Dodson and Economides Head Up Vaughan’s Star Studded 23rd May Liverpool Event.

Renowned Liverpool based promoter Stephen Vaughan is clearly determined to raise the bar, for Small Hall Boxing events, to a whole new level, with his latest offering, dubbed ‘NEW ERA – An Evening Of Professional Boxing’, which takes place at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool, sestdien 23rd Maijs 2015.


For those that were at Vaughan’s previous event, at the Grand Central Hall back in March, there is no need to stress just how good the event was.


Maijs 23rd promises much, much more, on paper NEW ERA looks set to not only be a true small hall classic, but also looks likely to set a new standard that very few small hall promotions could possibly match.


Heading up the twelve bout card is Liverpool’s very own Tony Dodson, who will be back in hometown action for the first time since beating Darren Stubbs to secure the IBO Light Heavyweight International title, back in October 2011.


On 23rd Maijs, Dodson, who in his previous fight secured a solid points victory over one of the toughest opponents aroundthe mischievous, yet highly durable, Džodijs Meikle, will be facing Latvia’s big punching Andrejs Pokumeiko.


In March last year, Pokumeiko secured a good solid points win over Ilford’s Kevin Greenwood at York Hall in London, which is the only points win on his record, every other win has come by way of stoppage victory.


The main support sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Champion Paul ‘Spartan’ Economides, in a non-championship contest against Estonia’s Sergey Tasimov.


Back on Vaughan’s previous event Economides put in another top class performance, against Ghana’s two time Commonwealth title challenger Isaac Quaye, on way to securing another sensational second round stoppage victory.


That particular win says a lot about Economides’ power as Quaye hadn’t been stopped on any of his previous thirty six fights, some feat considering Quaye has battled it out with the likes of Commonwealth champion Don Broadhurst, Angļu, Commonwealth and European Champion Kevin Satchell and WBO European Champion Iain Butcher amongst other notable stars.


What’s more, gada maijā 2nd Economides went one better, with a clinical first round stoppage of the Czech Republic’s Petr Gyna, at the York Hall in London.


Globe trotting Tasimov, has fought some of the UK’s top stars previously, including interim WBA World Champion Derry Mathews, British and European Champion and upcoming IBF World title challenger Lee Askins, as well as former British and Commonwealth Champion Nicky Booth.


Whilst most cards have a top-flight domestic bout or two heading up the show, the support card is usually made up of local ‘house’ fighters tentatively building their records. Not this card; only three of the undercard fights feature developing talent, the rest are already well and truly established prospects and stars.


One of the most interesting match ups on the card pits Liverpool’s Nick Quigley against … you’ve guessed it, the aforementioned Jody Meikle.


Quigley made short work of his last opponent, Ludvik Gina, sensationally stopping the Czech in just fifty five seconds of the first round.


Don’t think the same will happen against Meikle, but do expect six rounds of truly entertaining boxing, with some mischievousness sprinkled in for maximum effect, based on Meikle’s last outing against Onder Ozgul at York Hall on May 2nd.


Next up is the exciting prospect of watching one of the World’s most successful Kick Boxing stars ever, thirteen time World Champion Marlon Hunt, making his highly anticipated transition to the pro boxing ranks, against Latvia’s Uldis Pucens.


Hunt recently said “After winning 13 Professional World titles in Full Contact Kickboxing, K – 1Rules and Muay Thai and Unifying the Big 5 WBC, ISKA, WAKO PRO, IKF & WKA and winning other mid and low Tier World Titles and various Semi Pro Boxing Titles it’s time to take on the Professional Boxing world. "


Hunt has made clear that he isn’t taking up pro boxing to just make up the numbers, he’s a hundred percent determined to be the first ever four discipline World Champion.


Whilst on the subject of World Champions, Chester’s World Boxing Federation Welterweight World Champ Chris Goodwin is back in action once more, in a non-championship bout, against Finsbury Park, London’s Mark ‘The Flash’ Alexander.


Goodwin, a two division World Champion, will be making his first appearance since beating Georgia’s Mikheil Avakyan to win the coveted WBF World crown back in August.


Alexander, who had been training and fighting in America until recently, scored a third round stoppage victory over Tadas Stulginskas on his return to UK action at York Hall in London last October.


Birmingham’s undefeated Lightweight sensation Antonio Counihan is back in the ‘Pool, this time to face Janis Puksins.


Counihan, the former England Amateur Captain, has been nothing but sensational in each of his six previous bouts, stopping five inside the distance, however it was his last performance that proved that the Brummie youngster is destined to rise to the very top.


Back in March, Counihan took on previously unbeaten Czech Lukas Radic, Counihan didn’t just beat Radic, he plain destroyed him in just two minutes and twenty eight seconds of the first round.


Puksins is another globe trotter that should be quite well known to British fans, having fought the likes of former Prizefighter winner Ricky Owen, former WBU, WBF, WBC and Prizefighter Champion Choi Tseveenpurev, British Champ James Dickens and upcoming Commonwealth title challenger Jason Cunningham amongst others.


Another youngster who is fast heading towards World stardom is Liverpool based, Russian Featherweight prospect David Agadzhanyan, who will face former Ghanaian Champion Isaac Osuwu on May 23rd.


Like Counihan, Agadzhanyan has stopped all but one of his previous opponents and coincidently the bout against the one that went the distance, another previously unbeaten prospect Daniel Bazo, featured on Vaughan’s last event.


Kas cīņa, it was something truly special and a fight that many of those in attendance would love to see re-matched sometime in the near future, although have to say the result would probably be the same as Agadzhanyan is a tremendous talent, one that is likely to follow in the footsteps of Gennady Golovkin and Sergey Kovalevyep, he’s that special.


Since that win, Agadzhanyan totally destroyed Czech Republic’s Josef Redlich, putting the Czech lad down three times before finally stopping him on the two minute and twenty five second mark of the first round, at the York Hall in London on May 2nd.


Liverpool’s former British, Commonwealth and WBF World title challenger Tony Moran is set for his first hometown fight since beating Czaba Andras at the Olympia back in 2005.


Gada maijā 23rd Moran will be facing Blackpool’s former WBC United States title challenger Mathew ‘The Rock’ Ellis.


Welsh Middleweight Champion Lee Churcher makes his first Liverpool appearance on May 23rd, against Latvian Zaurs Sadihovs.


Back in March Churcher took on Nottingham’s Matt Scriven, after both their original opponents failed to make their flights to the UK.


Have to say I doubt the original match-ups would have been anywhere near the Battle Royale these two fought out on that night. It was a sensational close fought bout, with both protagonists giving their all in front of a highly appreciative crowd.


Churcher won on points, but have to say the real winners were the fans in attendance on the night, as that was one seriously exciting, all action fight.


Sadihovs, who has a won four, lost two record, however each of the wins came way of first round stoppage victories, including a full blown KO of Olegs Asejevs in January.


Making his third pro outing on May 23rd will be big punching Liverpudlian Featherweight Jay Carney.


Young Carney is proving to be one of the finds of the year, two outings, two fantastic stoppage wins.


Back in December Carney utterly outclassed Patrik Gadzo before stopping him on the one minute and thirty two second mark of the first round.


Then in March followed that great win up with a third round stoppage victory over the highly experienced Petr Gyna. Have to say that was a great fight, young Carney was far more relaxed and just performed perfectly, dominating Gyna for virtually every second the bout lasted.


Carney’s opponent on May 23rd is Dmitrijs Gutsman, is another big puncher, whilst his record is two wins and four losses, it should be noted that the wins both came way of first round stoppage.


Also making his third pro outing on May 23rd is Liverpool’s Lee Boyce, who will be taking on Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper.


Back in March Boyce literally destroyed Matus Olah with the very first power shot he threw, a cracking bodyshot that sent Olah down and out after just twenty seconds of the first round.


It should be noted that the power shot from Boyce actually cracked Olah’s rib, so whilst we didn’t get to see much action we now know just how powerful Boyce’s punches are.


Finally making his professional debut on the 23rd May is Liverpool Welterweight Dayle Gallagher, who goes up against Nottingham’s experienced Matt Scriven.


Gallagher is a classy young boxer and Scriven is as tough as they come, so expect fireworks when they go toe to toe.


So there you have it, one seriously great card for what is clearly going to be one seriously great fight night, so now you know it’s time to go and get those tickets because if you miss it, you’ll regret it.


The Stephen Vaughan promoted NEW ERA event takes place at the Grand Central Hall, 35 Renshaw Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 2SF, sestdien 23rd Maijs 2015.

Sodīšanu šim pasākumam tiks nodrošināta pieklājīgi no Maltas Boxing Komisijā (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Tickets priced £30 & £40 are available direct from any of the boxers taking part or call Stephen Vaughan on 07789 037802.


Khan Reigns SupremeTopples Soloninkini, Now Eyes Further Title Challenges



Bradford’s sensational Bantamweight prospect Tasif Khan secured his first Championship accolade, International Masters bantamweight virsraksts, when he beat Georgia’s Mikheil Soloninkini by unanimous points decision at the iconic York Hall in London last Saturday night.


What really makes this achievement even more special is that Khan only returned to the ring in January this year, pēc divu gadu speciāls no sporta.


On his return in January Khan scored a decisive first round stoppage victory, over the highly experienced Hungarian Richard Voros, in a bout that also took place at the York Hall.


Khan followed that win up with an equally impressive first round stoppage victory, over Czech Republic’s Ladislav Miko, six weeks later in Liverpool.


Pagājušajā sestdienā, whilst it seems everyone else were preparing for the Mayweather-Pacquiao super fight, Khan was taking part in the biggest fight of his career to date.


Right from the off Khan boxed beautifully behind his solid jab to keep his slightly more experienced foe on the back foot.


By midway point Khan began to slow the pace, whilst continuing to keep full pressure on Soloninkini.


Midway through the sixth round, during a rather hectic exchange Khan was a little slow bringing up his gloves, which opened the door for Soloninkini, who let rip with a big right to send Khan to the canvas.


On the restart Soloninkini when in hard in an attempt to finish the still slightly wobbly legged Khan, however the Bradford lad remained calm and collected, whilst the hyper Georgian continued to come forward throwing huge bombs.


During a number of these skirmishes Khan sensibly grabbed hold until referee Lee Murtagh issued the order break. This tactic allowed Khan a little time in order to clear his head.


Soloninkini continued to push hard for the final three rounds, however Khan is one seriously cool character, he just got behind his jab and just plain boxed his way out of danger, each time the Georgian made a forceful foray.


After ten rounds of first class boxing from Khan, judges Ken Curtis 99-94, Obijs Gārnets 98-90 un Matt Hamilton 98-91, all scored in favour of the new International Masters Champion Tasif Khan.


Speaking from his home earlier Khan spoke about the fight as well as hinted at further Championship forays in the near future.


"Jā, I won my first title.


It’s been my dream since I was a kid, winning a title, hopefully this will be the first of many, gada un uz augšu.


Saying that I don’t want to take away the importance of being the International Masters Champion, that was like winning a World title to me that night.


I’ve had a tough two and half years, I’ve come through it, got back fighting this year and now have a belt, yeah I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved.


I was absolutely fine coming into the fight, training went well, I went away with Nadeem Siddique one of my coaches, he’s a professional himself. I had a good training camp abroad, went to Greece,


Came into the fight brilliant, working of my jab, using my jab more as I felt I had a good chance, I was finding it quite comfortable to be honest, I was finding him quite easily with the jab.


He was a tough kid, took some good shots to the body, I found I could walk him down, then I think it was either the third or fourth round I overstretched my right arm, I felt at the time I must have damaged my shoulder, I tried not to show it, but as the rounds went on I struggled to throw big shots.


It wasn’t hurting, it did limit me on my shots as the fight went on, but I think I got a little complacent and gave him the opportunity to catch me with a good shot, it didn’t hurt me at all, but had to see that round through, because I had won every single round but that round, I boxed smart and stayed at a distance when I could and other times let him punch himself out.


To be honest I feel I could have stopped him, with all the pressure and that decided to just box my way through.


I’m really appreciative of my fans as always, they travel down to London in numbers, if all goes well though my next fight will be a lot nearer to home, maybe even Bradford, but I’m always grateful to my fans, even those that are unable to travel to watch me fight in London or Liverpool.


Since day one I’ve had good support, a great fan base, but fighting away all the time makes it hard for everyone to be at every fight, so I’d really love to do something big in Bradford, or at least more local and fingers crossed we’ll get a big title on that show.


I’d like to thank all my team, Martin Stainsby, Bee, Junior Witter, Upe (Gianluca Di Caro), Johnny Eames and all those that work behind the scene, I can’t forget to mention my Missus, she puts in all the hard work and puts up with me when I’m on a diet and my family, who have all been so supportive.


Before I forget I want to make a comment, I’ve been boxing since the age of ten, I made my mind up as the years went on that I wanted to really do something in Boxing, I had no intention of just making up the numbers, I had no option, I want to do well and win titles, I want to put Bradford on the map, winning the International Masters title has put me in the right direction, as such I want to dedicate the win to my eldest brother Tahir Khan, because if it wasn’t for him pointing me in the right direction, he’d keep me fit and take me to the gym, he’s the first person to totally support me in boxing, always been there for me and he’s the one that made all this possible.


As I say if it wasn’t for Tahir, I wouldn’t be in boxing and I wouldn’t have this International Masters belt, thank you for everything Tahir, really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.


I’d like to say a big thank you to my sponsors, Kingsland Business atgūšana Bradford, Broadway Solicitors Oldham, Kesser juvelieri Bradford un Vyomax papildinājumi no Manchester, they’ve been brilliant getting behind me so I can concentrate on my boxing.


Finally I would like to say a huge thanks to Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott, who gave me the opportunity to fight for the title on their show.”






Cīņa ziņojumu: Ozguls un Khans nodrošina titulus Jorkas zāles trillerī

Ziņo: Gianluca (Upe) Di Caro

Atzīsim, ar Meivezeram-Pakjao veltīto kolonnu collu skaitu pēdējo nedēļu laikā, Jūs varētu viegli piedot, ja domājat, ka maijā nebija citu boksa notikumu 2nd.

Labi, bija vēl viena cīņas karte, un ar prieku varu teikt, ka biju tajā pasākumā — Marks Laions un Billijs Džeimss Eliots popularizēja Lords of the Ring pasākumu ikoniskajā Jorkas zālē Londonā..


Labi, Jāatzīst, ka Jorkas zālei Betnalgrīnā ne tuvu nav tādas milzīgās cīņas MGM Grand Lasvegasā., bet, kad runa ir par drāmu un satraukumu, žēl, ka jūs vienkārši nevarat pārspēt mazās zāles boksu, it īpaši, ja tas ir Jorkas zālē.


Kad pasākums tika paziņots, tajā bija paredzētas četrpadsmit cīņas, taču uzreiz pēc May-Pac izziņošanas ievērojams skaits cīņu tika atceltas, kā cīnītāji vēlējās būt ringā Vegasā, tad finālā tālākas cīņas bija ārpus kārts, traumu dēļ, atstājot septiņu kāršu cīņu šovu naktī, vai tā bija.


Dienā karte tika vēl vairāk samazināta, pēc tam, kad viena no cīņām tika atcelta drošības apsvērumu dēļ — 5 kg svara atšķirības starp diviem debitējošiem cīnītājiem — un, ja tas nebija pietiekami slikti, tad Mennija Muhameda pretinieks, Rafaelam Snovam neizdevās ierasties, atstājot tikai piecas cīņas naktī.


Vispirms bija sešas kārtas spēle starp Liverpūlē bāzēto Krievijas labāko izredzēto Davidu Agadžanjanu, pret čehu Jozefu Rēdlihu, kurš iestājās pēdējā brīdī, lai glābtu cīņu, pēc tam, kad Ganas Īzaks Ousu bija spiests izstāties slimības dēļ.


Pagāja tikai četrdesmit piecas sekundes, lai pirmo reizi nosūtītu Rēdlihu uz audekla, un apmēram tikpat, lai viņu noliktu otrreiz..


Rēdlihs bija nepārspējams, tāpēc nebija pārsteigums, ka, kad viņš nokāpa trešo reizi, tiesnesis Kens Kērtiss nolēma apturēt tiesvedību pēc divu minūšu un divdesmit piecu sekunžu robežas..


Esmu pāris reizes redzējis Agadžanjanu darbībā, ieskaitot lielisko uzvaru pār tobrīd nepārspēto Danielu Bazo martā, tāpēc ļoti gaidīju, kad varēs redzēt viņu darbībā pret Ousu, grūts, bezkompromisa bijušais Ganas čempions un Sadraudzības titula izaicinātājs, bet tas būs jāpagaida līdz šī mēneša beigām, kad Liverpūlē notiks pārceltā cīņa.


Nākamais bija WBF starpkontinentālais čempions Pols Economides, trešā čempionāta sešu rounder, pret citu vēlu nomaiņu, Čehijas Republikas Petrs Gyna, pēc tam, kad bijušais britu čempions Endijs Bells izstājās nedēļu pirms un pēc tam oriģinālais aizstājējs izstājās tikai divas dienas pirms izrādes.


Economides ir vēl viens klases akts, tāpēc nav pārsteigums, ka Gīna bija uz audekla tikai trīsdesmit sekunžu laikā, pēc restartēšanas Gyna nolēma, ka uzbrukums ir labākā aizsardzības forma, tomēr, aizvedot cīņu pret Economides, viņš spēlēja tieši savās rokās, burtiski kā Economides viņu sodīja ar lielām tiesībām, kas čehu otro un pēdējo reizi nolaida uz audekla, uz vienas minūtes un divdesmit piecu sekunžu atzīmes.


Gan atklāšanas cīņas beidzas agri, gan TV tiešraide nesāksies līdz plkst 9pm, promotoriem nebija citas izvēles, kā tikai diezgan ilgu pārtraukumu pirms nākamās cīņas, sešu raundu vieglsmagā svara sacensības starp čempionu TKO nepārspēto Haknijā dzīvojošo turku Onderu Ozgulu un pašu namatēvu Džodiju Meikli.


Pirmajos četros raundos Ozguls vienkārši nolaida Meikle, ļaujot plēst ar masīvām labajām rokām pie katras iespējamas iespējas, Meikle ir tikpat grūts, cik viņi nāk, un šķita, ka ir apmierināti ar sodu, ko piesprieda vīrietis, kuru turku fani nosauca par "Mazo Maiku"..


Kādreiz jokdaris, Meikle mazināja viņam piemēroto sodu, laimīgi spēlējot pūlim, kā arī saniknot savu pretinieku, velkot sejām un iegalvojot, ka turku puišu metienos nav spēka, tomēr ar to, ka Meikle bija mazinājusi savas dēkas, skaidri parādīja, ka Ozgul metieniem patiešām bija vēlamais efekts.


Meikle savas taktikas rotaļīgumu vēl vairāk samazināja piektajā, kad Ozguls pastiprināja savus uzbrukumus, pieliekot vēl vairāk spēka savos metienos.


Jau sestās spēles sākumā bija skaidrs, ka Ozguls vēlējās sodīt Meikli vēl vairāk, atbalstīt Skuntorpa vīru uz virvēm, pirms ļaut plēst ar lieliem divroku viļņiem, no kuriem viens, krakšķošs ķermeņa šāviens, burtiski izsitot vēju no Meikles un piespiežot nostāties uz viena ceļa.


Restartējot Ozguls devās finišā, šoreiz Meikle devās aizsardzībā, vairs nav jāspēlē pūlim, lai redzētu to līdz fināla zvanam.


Pēc sešām ļoti izklaidējošām kārtām vārtus guva tiesnesis Kens Kērtiss 60-53 par labu Ozgulam.


Es ļoti izbaudīju cīņu, Es zinu, ka tā nebija klasika, bet puika, puika, tas bija ļoti izklaidējoši.


Ceturtajā nakts cīņā pirmo reizi čempionātā piedalās Bredfordas spēlētājs Tasifs Khans, pret gruzīnu Mihailu Soloņikini, par International Masters Sudraba svara titulu.


Khan sāka ātri, skaisti boksējot aiz sitiena, Bredfordas vīrs lielāko cīņas daļu turēja savu nedaudz pieredzējušāko ienaidnieku uz aizmugurējās pēdas.


Līdz pusceļam Khans nedaudz palēnināja tempu, vienlaikus saglabājot spiedienu uz Soloņikini, tomēr apmēram sestās dienas vidū, ikdienas apmaiņas laikā Khans nedaudz lēni cēla cimdus, atstājot atvērumu gruzīnam, lai ļautu ripot ar lielo labo, kas nosūtīja Hanu uz audekla.


Restartējot Soloņinkini uzbruka ar pilnu spēku, Hans palika mierīgs un atkal atkāpās aiz viņa dūriena, gruzīns bija labi sajūsmināts un turpināja nākt uz priekšu tempā, pirms iemeta milzīgas bumbas.


Šo sadursmju laikā Khans saprātīgi satvēra, līdz tiesnesis Lī Mērtags izdeva pavēles pārtraukumu. Šī taktika darbojās, un Khans spēja pietiekami iztīrīt galvu, lai pagrieztu kontroli atpakaļ uz sevi.


Tomēr Khanam bija darba pilnas rokas pēdējās trīs kārtās, kā Soloņikini bija iespiedies starp zobiem un smagi spieda, tomēr Khans ir foršs raksturs un šķita apmierināts ar pakaļkāju ikreiz, kad gruzīns veica spēcīgu uzbrukumu.


Pēc desmit izcila boksa raundiem, tiesnešu punktu kartes lasīja – Kens Kērtiss 99-94, Obijs Gārnets 98-90 un Matt Hamilton 98-91, viss par labu Tasifam Khanam.


Dženifera Bērtone, Maltas Boksa komisijas Ziemeļu reģiona sekretārs, uzvarējušajam Tasifam Hanam uzdāvināja pazīstamo zilo International Masters jostu.


Jāsaka, ka cīņa man ļoti patika, lai gan tas ilgu laiku bija diezgan vienpusīgs, atzīsim, ka tas nav apgalvojums par Soloninkini kvalitāti, kā viņa ciltsraksti ir labi zināmi, šis bērns ir grūts rieksts, ko salauzt, kā to pierāda Džeimija Viljamsa distance, martā, kad viņi cīnījās par bronzas meistariem, kā arī pāris nedēļas vēlāk cīnījās ar sensacionālo Čārliju Edvardsu, bet, manuprāt, cīņas vienpusība, kā arī rezultāts parāda, cik labi cīnījās Tasifs Khans.


Nakts galvenā cīņa ir revanša spēle starp čempionu TKO nepārspēto Haknijā dzīvojošo turku Siaru Ozgulu., jā, brālis iepriekšminētajam Onderam, pret Metu Skrivenu no Notingemas, un šoreiz bija paredzēts čempionāts - MBC starptautiskais tituls pusvidējā svara kategorijā..


Kad šie divi pirmo reizi cīnījās, pagājušā gada oktobrī, tas bija karš, Ozgul uzvarēja, taču raundi bija tik tuvu, ka rezultāts varēja būt ļoti atšķirīgs.


Cīņa sākās ļoti līdzīgi kā viņu oktobrī, neviens vīrietis nevēlas piekāpties, tomēr tieši pirms pirmā raunda beigām Ozguls ļāva saplēst ar masīvu tiesības uz Skrivena ķermeni, kas piespieda Notingemas vīrieti piesegties, lai redzētu, kā tas ir noslēdzies.


Sitiens pa ķermeni droši vien ļoti sāpināja Skrivenu, jo šķita, ka viņš vairāk bija nolēmis aizsargāties, nevis pilns uzbrukumā, no otrā sākuma, modelis, kas palika pārējā cīņas laikā.


Ozguls veica lielāko daļu skriešanas, tomēr Skrivens vairāk nekā turējās pie sevis daudzo sekojošo sadursmju laikā, lai gan jāatzīst, ka viņš bija nedaudz piesardzīgāks nekā atklāšanas raundā.


Pēc desmit izcila boksa raundiem tika nolasītas tiesnešu punktu kartītes – vārtus guva Lī Mērtags un Mets Hamiltons. 100-90 un Obijs Gārnets 100-88 viss par labu Siaram Ozgulam.


Tam sekoja MBC starptautiskās jostas pasniegšana Siaram Ozgulam, ko pasniedza viņa kolēģi Champions TKO sporta zāles biedre un pašreizējā MBC starptautiskā superbantam svara čempione Marianne Mārstona..


Kopumā pasākums man ļoti patika, īpaši pēdējās trīs cīņas, tomēr biju nedaudz vīlies par dažām plānotajām cīņām, piemēram, tie, kuros piedalās Iain Weaver, Antonio Counihan, Marks Prinss, Džordžs Hiljards un jau pieminētā Marianna Mārstona, neizdevās īstenoties, jo, manuprāt, ja tie būtu notikuši, es domāju, ka šī gandrīz noteikti būtu bijusi viena no labākajām izrādēm Jorkas zālē šogad, tas joprojām bija ļoti patīkams un izklaidējošs pugilistiskas darbības vakars un piemērota prelūdija cīņai May-Pac, ko bokseriem sarīkoja promouteri Marks Laions un Billijs Džeimss-Eliots, savām komandām un pasākuma apmeklētājiem skatīties tiešraidē, izmantojot satelītu privātā pasākumu telpā.


Ritehook Promotions brings boxing back to Gulf with Family Fight Night

Maijs 2 Cīņa Poster.jpg

Biloxi, JAUNKUNDZE (Aprīlis 30, 2015) - Sestdien evening when most of the boxing world is glued to the TV watching the Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao superfight, those in the Mississippi Gulf will have the chance to not only witness the historic bout but also enjoy top notch talent before their own eyes.

Live at the Hard Rock Hotel in Biloxi, Ritehook Promotions will proudly present “Sweet Science 3”. The event is open to children of all ages but all minors must be accompanied by an adult over 30. With a number of promoters coming and going in the Gulf Coast, Ritehook Promotions CEO William Hunter is committed to boxing’s comeback in the Magnolia State.

Headlining this family friend event will be a showdown between highly touted Radivoje “Hod Rod” Kalajdzic and local spoiler William Johnson. Kalajdzic’s been perfect thus far as a pro, compiling a record of 17-0 but will be tested by a 50-plus fight veteran who has faced many top opponents.

Jo daļēji galvenais notikums, Ritehook Promotions prospect Manny “Shake Em’ Up” Woods will try to take another step towards contention when he squares off against granite chinned Aaron Anderson. The fearless Woods has a solid 12-3-1 professional ledger and is eager to fight the best.

Tony Johnson Jr. meets grizzled veteran Marvin Hunt over four rounds in a heavyweight special attraction bout. The Nashville, TN based Johnson is 1-0 as a boxer but is best known as a top MMA fighter in the Bellator organization.

Fans will also get to enjoy separate bouts featuring Mike Bissett, Joey Bryant, Cameron Springer and Tom Howard.

“Boxing’s popularity is on the rise overall and with Mayweather-Pacquiao taking place the same night as our card, the interest on Sestdiena, Maijs 2 will be at an all-time high,” said Hunter. “Ritehook Promotions is based out of this area and we have a great relationship not only with the community and venue, but the fighters we’re promoting. Those who come out to the Hard Rock Sestdiena evening will get to see talented fighters in Radivoje Kalajdzic, Manny Woods and Mike Bissett plus the man that I consider the biggest sleeper prospect in boxing Tony Johnson Jr.”


“Tony is a top rated MMA fighter and is 1-0 kā bokseris. I truly believe he’s the Bo Jackson of Boxing. The goal is to get him a title fight by the time he’s 10-0 and make him the first dual sport champion. If you haven’t already done so, get your tickets now because we’re almost sold out!"

Tickets start at just $35 and can be purchased on Ticketmaster.com, at the Hard Rock Box Office or by calling228-217-5555. All ticketholders are invited to stay at the Hard Rock following the live fights and watch Mayweather-Pacquiao on a 35-foot screen.

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, go to Ritehookpromotions.com.

Khan-Soloninkini Battle For Title Supremacy In London This Saturday



Bradford’s exciting Bantamweight prospect TASIF KHAN is set to challenge for his first title Šo sestdien, when he takes on Georgian #1 ranked MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI, for the vacant International Masters Silver Bantamweight Championship, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event at the iconic York Hall, in Bethnal Green, London on May 2nd.


Khan earned the title shot with a pair of sensational first round stoppage wins earlier this year, following his return from a two year sabbatical from the sport.


In January this year, Khan dispatched Hungarian #2 ranked Richard Voros in just one minute and five seconds of the first round at the York Hall, then two months later followed up with an almost identical stoppage victory, this time in one minute and fifteen seconds of the first round, over the Czech Republic’s Ladislav Miko at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool.


Originally Khan was to face Patrik Bartos, however the Czech lad was TKO’d by Andrew Cain, on the undercard of Derry Mathews WBA title fight, at the Echo Arena, a couple of weeks ago.


Bartos’ replacement, Mikheil Soloninkini, has been quite a regular figure on the UK scene, having fought here four times in the past year, including an unsuccessful challenge for the International Masters Bronze title, which he lost out on points to Jamie Williams back in March.


Speaking from his home earlier, Khan appeared unperturbed with the late change of opponent.


“It’s a shame, I had been preparing for Patrik Bartos, but what can I say he got stopped and has a twenty eight day suspension, these things happen.


I would have preferred if we’d known earlier who was going to replace Patrik, but three potential opponents backed out last week and then a fourth that had been proposed got knocked back by the MBC as not suitable.


Luckily though this new lad agreed terms otrdien and now the fight is set and ready to go, Es nevaru gaidīt.


I’m not expecting it to be a quick finish like the past two fights, they were four and six rounders, this time I’ll have to pace myself just in case I have to go the full ten rounds, but if the chance comes, I’ll take him out early.


Trainings been great, always is, Es esmu gatavs un raring iet, can’t wait.


My fans are great so far this year they’ve come out in force to support me in London and Liverpool and Saturday they’ll be back in London again, I can’t thank them enough, they’re a great bunch that really get behind me, making plenty of noise, letting me know that they’re there, they’re really are brilliant and I’ll thank them the best way I know, winning the title.


I’d like to say a big thank you to my sponsors, Kingsland Business atgūšana Bradford, Broadway Solicitors Oldham, Kesser juvelieri Bradford un Vyomax papildinājumi no Manchester, they’ve been brilliant getting behind me so I can concentrate on my boxing.


Finally I have just been told that Mark and Billy (Promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott) have arranged a function room so that everyone can watch the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight live after my fight, so if you haven’t got tickets yet, you know what to do, either call me or get down to York Hall sestdien as there are still some tickets available. "


Tasif Khan versus Mikheil Soloninkini, for the vacant International Masters Bantamweight Championship, co-headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS gredzenu pasākumā, kas notiek pie York zālē Bethnal Green, London sestdien 2nd Maijs 2015.

Sodīšanu šim pasākumam tiks nodrošināta pieklājīgi no Maltas Boxing Komisijā (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Biļetes cena 35 £ (Standarta sēdekļi) un 65 £ (Ringside) are available direct from Tasif on 07756 311857, or at the venue on the night or pre-book on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com vai zvaniet uz TKO biļešu tālruni 07960 850645


Tickets for the after event private viewing of the Mayweather-Pacquiao super fight live via satellite, that cost just £10, will be available for purchase at York Hall on the Saturday night.









6698 – Tasif Khan in action against Richard Voros at York Hall in January.


Foto kredīts

Please feel free to use all photos suppliedphoto credit is not required but should you do so, please credit – Gianluca (Upe) Di Caro