标记档案: 狮子座圣克鲁斯

WBC世界冠军戴维·贝纳维迪斯(David Benavidez)和前WBA世界冠军约瑟夫·贝纳维迪斯(JoséBenavidez)荣获第四届Box Fan Expo世锦赛冠军, 六可 5, 在拉斯维加斯

鸿运扇世博会是最终的球迷体验活动,让拳击迷见面的机会和迎接顶级战斗机, 现任和前任世界冠军, 拳击名人和行业的人在近距离个人设置.
拉斯维加斯 (三月 21, 2018) – 现任WBC超级中量级冠军 大卫·贝纳维德斯(David Benavidez) 和前WBA轻量级冠军 何塞·贝纳维德斯(JoséBenavidez) 已经确认他们会出现, 有一个摊位, 并举行见面会 & 与粉丝们在 拉斯维加斯会议中心4第三次Box Fan Expo 将会发生 周六五月 5, 201810到下午5点, 在Cinco De Mayo搏击周末期间.
贝纳维德斯队, David和José将首次亮相本届世博会, 他们将在哪里签名手套, 照片和商品供粉丝欣赏. 拳击迷们还将有很大的机会与这两个兄弟和冉冉升起的拳击明星合影. 球迷们还将有机会认识他们的父亲和拳击界最优秀的教练之一, JoséBenavidez sr.
David Benavidez是一名墨西哥裔美国职业拳击手. 自9月以来,他一直担任WBC超级中量级冠军 8, 2017 在拉斯维加斯击败罗纳德·加夫里尔. 戴维(David)于20岁时成为超级中量级历史上最年轻的冠军 20. 他由其父亲若泽·贝纳维德斯(JoséBenavidez sr)训练。, 他还是前世界轻量级WBA冠军和当前中量级冠军JoséBenavidez的兄弟.
何塞·路易斯·贝纳维德斯(JoséLuis Benavidez)是一名墨西哥裔美国职业拳击手,曾是WBA轻量级冠军. 他目前不败,拥有以下记录: 25 胜,目前在次中量级赛中竞争. 他是拳击教练JoséBenavidez Sr的儿子. 阿塞利亚的, 战士, 墨西哥, 和现任WBC超级中量级冠军David Benavidez的兄弟. 在夏末 2016, 约瑟(José)在亚利桑那州walking狗时被不知名的袭击者枪杀了腿. 腿部受伤的严重程度使他对职业生涯产生怀疑. 但是何塞决心要比以往更强大. 经过严格 2 在健身房努力工作多年的康复, José重返赛场,目前是中量级比赛的顶级竞争者.
大卫和何塞将加入, 朱达, 香农布里格斯, 八斗杰克, 凯利帕夫利, Erik Morales和Fernando Vargas是今年Box Fan Expo的早期承诺.

鸿运扇世博会已经与球迷和拳击业内人士一个巨大的成功. 许多拳击明星都参加了最近的三届博览会,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, 迈克·泰森, 罗伯托·杜兰, 汤米赫恩斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 小罗伊琼斯, 马科斯Maidana, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 朱达, 詹姆斯·托尼, 温尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亚 , 米娅·圣约翰斯, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯 , 里迪克·鲍 , Earnie剃须刀, 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 布兰登·里奥斯和更多…
参展商如拳击齿轮, 服饰, 新设备, 能量饮品, 醇, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构和其他希望参与的公司将再次有机会向粉丝展示他们的品牌, 媒体与拳击业.
鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 允许粉丝结识并问候当今的拳击超级巨星, 现任和前任世界冠军, 他们的展位上有体育传奇和其他拳击名人. 现场, 粉丝们将在亲笔签名专区体验不同的活动, 摄影会议, 对恃与您最喜爱的拳击手, 以及从展位购买商品和纪念品的机会, 还有更多… 您将不会错过这个必须参加的世博会!
Box Fan Expo还将包括顶级拳击组织, 促销员, 环卡女孩, 著名的培训师和评论员以及拳击器材公司 “在一个屋檐下”.
在接下来的几周内,直至赛事结束, 会出现在许多明星每周更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观. 而对于在拳击行业或其他任何人参展 (非产业), 谁愿意参与和预留展位, 联系盒风扇博览会:
电话号码: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯维加斯号码 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑问,请发邮件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鸿运扇世博会的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鸿运扇世博会在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


鸿运扇世博会是最终的球迷体验活动,让拳击迷见面的机会和迎接顶级战斗机, 现任和前任世界冠军, 拳击名人和行业的人在近距离个人设置.
拉斯维加斯 (三月 19, 2018) – Five-Time World Champion 朱达 has confirmed that he will appear at the Barrett VIP Group booth and hold a Meet & 与粉丝们在 拉斯维加斯会议中心 对于第四版 鸿运扇博览会 将会发生 周六五月 5, 2018 from 10am to 5pm, 在Cinco De Mayo搏击周末期间.
Judah will once again appear at this year’s Expo, where he will be will be signing gloves, 照片和商品供粉丝欣赏. Boxing fans will also have a great opportunity to take pictures with this boxing star also known as “超级”.
About Zab Judah
Judah is an American professional boxer and future hall of famer in the sport of boxing. He is a Five-Time former world champion in two weight classes, having held the IBF and WBO junior welterweight titles between 2000 和 2004; the IBF junior welterweight title again in 2011 and the undisputed welterweight title in 2005, which included a reign as the lineal champion from 2005 到 2006.
About Barrett VIP Group
Barrett VIP Group also known as BVG was co-founded in 2018 by former world heavyweight champion Monte Barrett. BVG is a unique concierge services that specializes in providing fight night experiences, catered to the needs of their clients that are looking to get close to the action and get the ultimate adventure with customized or pre-selected sports packages. BVG has close relationships with prominent fighters from past and present, which allows to provide their clients the best possible treatment, in an up close, personal and action-packed setting. BVG is based in Manhattan, 纽约. For more info go to HTTP://BarrettVipGroup.com.
Judah joins, 香农布里格斯, 八斗杰克, 凯利帕夫利, Erik Morales和Fernando Vargas是今年Box Fan Expo的早期承诺.

鸿运扇世博会已经与球迷和拳击业内人士一个巨大的成功. 许多拳击明星都参加了最近的三届博览会,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, 迈克·泰森, 罗伯托·杜兰, 汤米赫恩斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 小罗伊琼斯, 马科斯Maidana, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 朱达, 詹姆斯·托尼, 温尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亚 , 米娅·圣约翰斯, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯 , 里迪克·鲍 , Earnie剃须刀, 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 布兰登·里奥斯和更多…
参展商如拳击齿轮, 服饰, 新设备, 能量饮品, 醇, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构和其他希望参与的公司将再次有机会向粉丝展示他们的品牌, 媒体与拳击业.
鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 允许粉丝结识并问候当今的拳击超级巨星, 现任和前任世界冠军, 他们的展位上有体育传奇和其他拳击名人. 现场, 粉丝们将在亲笔签名专区体验不同的活动, 摄影会议, 对恃与您最喜爱的拳击手, 以及从展位购买商品和纪念品的机会, 还有更多… 您将不会错过这个必须参加的世博会!
Box Fan Expo还将包括顶级拳击组织, 促销员, 环卡女孩, 著名的培训师和评论员以及拳击器材公司 “在一个屋檐下”.
在接下来的几周内,直至赛事结束, 会出现在许多明星每周更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观. 而对于在拳击行业或其他任何人参展 (非产业), who would like to be involved and reserve a
亭, 联系盒风扇博览会:
电话号码: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯维加斯号码 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑问,请发邮件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鸿运扇世博会的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鸿运扇世博会在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo 并在Facebook上: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


鸿运扇世博会是最终的球迷体验活动,让拳击迷见面的机会和迎接顶级战斗机, 现任和前任世界冠军, 拳击名人和行业的人在近距离个人设置.
拉斯维加斯 (三月 15, 2018) – 两次世界冠军 香农布里格斯 “Let’s Go Champ” 已经确认他将出现, 有一个摊位并举行聚会 & 与粉丝们在 拉斯维加斯会议中心 对于第四版 鸿运扇博览会 将会发生 周六五月 5,201810到下午5点, 在Cinco De Mayo搏击周末期间.
Briggs will appear for the first time at this year’s Expo where he will be launching and introducing his new Champ RX” “Let’s Go Champ 产品展示. Briggs will be signing gloves, 照片和商品供粉丝欣赏. Boxing fans will also have a great opportunity to take pictures with this boxing star also known as “大炮”.
About Shannon Briggs
Briggs is an American professional boxer. A twenty-year veteran of the sport, he is a Two-Time former world heavyweight champion, having held the lineal title from 1997 到 1998, and the WBO title from 2006 到 2007. Briggs was involved in some of the biggest fights in boxing history and has fought some of the biggest names including George Foreman, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯, Vitali Klitschko and Ray Mercer.
About Champ RX
Champ RX LLC., was co-formed in 2017 by Two-Time Heavyweight champion Shannon Briggs. Champ RX is the first company to offer CBD products that are 100% THC free.
Champ RX caters to professional athletes as most are tested for THC. Champ RX is working with several professional sports teams and organizations to be able to offer products and conduct research on how CBD products can help with CTE and other brain disease and damage caused by sports.
Briggs joins, 八斗杰克, 凯利帕夫利, Erik Morales and Fernando Vargas as an early commitment to this year’s Box Fan Expo.

鸿运扇世博会已经与球迷和拳击业内人士一个巨大的成功. 许多拳击明星都参加了最近的三届博览会,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, 迈克·泰森, 罗伯托·杜兰, 汤米赫恩斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 小罗伊琼斯, 马科斯Maidana, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 朱达, 詹姆斯·托尼, 温尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亚 , 米娅·圣约翰斯, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯 , 里迪克·鲍 , Earnie剃须刀, 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 布兰登·里奥斯和更多…
参展商如拳击齿轮, 服饰, 新设备, 能量饮品, 醇, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构和其他希望参与的公司将再次有机会向粉丝展示他们的品牌, 媒体与拳击业.
鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 允许粉丝结识并问候当今的拳击超级巨星, 现任和前任世界冠军, 他们的展位上有体育传奇和其他拳击名人. 现场, 粉丝们将在亲笔签名专区体验不同的活动, 摄影会议, 对恃与您最喜爱的拳击手, 以及从展位购买商品和纪念品的机会, 还有更多… 您将不会错过这个必须参加的世博会!
Box Fan Expo还将包括顶级拳击组织, 促销员, 环卡女孩, 著名的培训师和评论员以及拳击器材公司 “在一个屋檐下”.
在接下来的几周内,直至赛事结束, 会出现在许多明星每周更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观. 而对于在拳击行业或其他任何人参展 (非产业), 谁愿意参与和预留展位, 联系盒风扇博览会:
电话号码: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯维加斯号码 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑问,请发邮件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鸿运扇世博会的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鸿运扇世博会在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

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鸿运扇世博会是最终的球迷体验活动,让拳击迷见面的机会和迎接顶级战斗机, 现任和前任世界冠军, 拳击名人和行业的人在近距离个人设置.
拉斯维加斯 (三月 13, 2018) – 两次世界冠军 八斗杰克 已经确认他将出现, 有一个摊位并举行聚会 & 与粉丝们在 拉斯维加斯会议中心 对于第四版 鸿运扇博览会 将会发生 周六五月 5, 2018 from 10am to 5pm, 在五月五日节周末.
Jack will once again appear at this year’s Expo where he will be launching and introducing his newRipper NutritionHTTP://rippernutrition.comducts. Jack will be signing gloves, photos and merchandise. Boxing fans will also have a great opportunity to take pictures with this boxing star also known as “开膛手”. Jack will also be facing WBC Light Heavyweight Champion Adonis “超人” Stevenson on 五月 19 在加拿大. The fight will be promoted by Mayweather Promotions.
The Swedish professional boxer, who is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, held the WBC Super Middleweight title from 2015 到 2017. 四月 24, 2015 he defeated Anthony Dirrell to win the WBC championship belt and defended it successfully against George Groves at the MGM Grand Las Vegas on September 12, 2015 在墨西哥独立周末期间. He competed in a 2017 Fight of the Year candidate against James Degale that ended in a majority draw at Barclays Center in Brooklyn last January. He made his light heavyweight debut by defeating WBA World Champion Nathan Cleverly in August and will now look to become a three-time champion against Stevenson.
Jack joins, 凯利帕夫利, Erik Morales and Fernando Vargas as an early commitment to this year’s Box Fan Expo.

鸿运扇世博会已经与球迷和拳击业内人士一个巨大的成功. 许多拳击明星都参加了最近的三届博览会,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, 迈克·泰森, 罗伯托·杜兰, 汤米赫恩斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 小罗伊琼斯, 马科斯Maidana, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 朱达, 詹姆斯·托尼, 温尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亚 , 米娅·圣约翰斯, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯 , 里迪克·鲍 , Earnie剃须刀, 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 布兰登·里奥斯和更多…
参展商如拳击齿轮, 服饰, 新设备, 能量饮品, 醇, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构和其他希望参与的公司将再次有机会向粉丝展示他们的品牌, 媒体与拳击业.
鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 允许粉丝结识并问候当今的拳击超级巨星, 现任和前任世界冠军, 他们的展位上有体育传奇和其他拳击名人. 现场, 粉丝们将在亲笔签名专区体验不同的活动, 摄影会议, 对恃与您最喜爱的拳击手, 以及从展位购买商品和纪念品的机会, 还有更多… 您将不会错过这个必须参加的世博会!
Box Fan Expo还将包括顶级拳击组织, 促销员, 环卡女孩, 著名的培训师和评论员以及拳击器材公司 “在一个屋檐下”.
Throughout the next couple of months leading up to the Event, 会出现在许多明星每周更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观. 而对于在拳击行业或其他任何人参展 (非产业), 谁愿意参与和预留展位, 联系盒风扇博览会:
电话号码: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯维加斯号码 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑问,请发邮件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鸿运扇世博会的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鸿运扇世博会在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


鸿运扇世博会是最终的球迷体验活动,让拳击迷见面的机会和迎接顶级战斗机, 现任和前任世界冠军, 拳击名人和行业的人在近距离个人设置.
拉斯维加斯 (三月 9, 2018) – Former Middleweight Champion 凯利帕夫利 has confirmed that he and The Punch LinePodcast team will appear at the Ring Lifebooth to Meet & Greet his fans at the 拉斯维加斯会议中心 for the fourth edition of Box Fan Expo that will take place 周六五月 5, 201810a.m to 5p米, 在五月五日节周末. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Saul “CANELO” Alvarez vs Gennady “GGG” 戈洛夫金, 那将在当晚晚些时候举行.
Pavlik will appear for the first time at this yearsExpo. Kelly andThe Punch Lineteam will have merchandise to sell to his fans, 以及照片和纪念品. They will also promote their New Show from the Boxing Expo.
Kelly Pavlik Known as “鬼”, is an American former professional boxer who competed from 2000 到 2012. Pavlik grew up on the south side of Youngstown, 俄亥俄. He won the unified WBC, WBO, Ring magazine and lineal middleweight titles by defeating Jermain Taylor in 2007, which was also named Fight of the Year by the Boxing Writers Association of America. Pavlik made three successful defenses before losing them to Sergio Martínez in 2010. 一月 19, 2013 Kelly Pavlik announced his retirement from boxing.
Today Pavlik is the host of the Podcast Boxing showThe Punch LineHTTP://punchline.live/ with his co-host James Dominguez.
鸿运扇世博会已经与球迷和拳击业内人士一个巨大的成功. Many boxing stars have attended the last two Expo’s such as Mike Tyson, 小弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, 罗伯托·杜兰, 汤米赫恩斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 小罗伊琼斯, 马科斯Maidana, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 朱达, 詹姆斯·托尼, 温尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亚 , 米娅·圣约翰斯, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯 , 里迪克·鲍 , Earnie剃须刀, 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 布兰登·里奥斯和更多…
参展商如拳击齿轮, 服饰, new equipment, 能量饮品, 醇, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构和其他希望参与的公司将再次有机会向粉丝展示他们的品牌, 媒体与拳击业.
鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 允许粉丝结识并问候当今的拳击超级巨星, 现任和前任世界冠军, 他们的展位上有体育传奇和其他拳击名人. 现场, 粉丝们将在亲笔签名专区体验不同的活动, 摄影会议, 对恃与您最喜爱的拳击手, 以及从展位购买商品和纪念品的机会, 还有更多… 您将不会错过这个必须参加的世博会!
Box Fan Expo还将包括顶级拳击组织, 促销员, 环卡女孩, 著名的培训师和评论员以及拳击器材公司 “在一个屋檐下”.
Throughout the next couple of months leading up to the Event, 会出现在许多明星每周更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观. 而对于在拳击行业或其他任何人参展 (非产业), 谁愿意参与和预留展位, 联系盒风扇博览会:
电话号码: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯维加斯号码 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑问,请发邮件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鸿运扇世博会的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鸿运扇世博会在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


10 跑马灯活动在整个上半场 2018
12 世界冠军; 14 不败的战士
12 世界冠军战斗
丹尼·加西亚 * Deontay怀尔德 * Jermall夏洛茨维尔 * 米奇·加西亚 * Erislandy拉拉
阿德里安Broner * 基思·瑟曼 * 狮子座圣克鲁斯 * 押尼珥Mares
* Jermell夏洛茨维尔 * 埃罗尔 斯彭斯JR.
纽约 一月 24, 2018 欣欣体育和拳击总理冠军已经宣布了精彩表演拳击锦标赛的电视阵容® for the first half of the year. 晾干 10 直播世界级的拳击比赛 – 特色 12 世界冠军和 12 世界冠军战斗 – 中国人民银行和SHOWTIME正在建立一个第一流的拳击赛季的行业标准和组织的水平从来没有见过在运动前.
The schedule features more than two dozen elite fighters competing in boxing’s deepest and most talent-laden weight divisions and boasts the largest collection of stars in the sport today. 石板提供七种对决前10名的排名战斗机, 五大排名第一的战士四个对决, 四上面10磅磅评为世界冠军和一次世界冠军统一回合.
欣欣和中国人民银行的领导, 拳击经历了文艺复兴 2017 既定的世界冠军米奇·加西亚, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, Deontay怀尔德, 狮子座的圣克鲁斯和安东尼·约书亚, 旁边萌芽明星Gervonta戴维斯, 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, Jermell和杰默尔·查洛和大卫Benavidez. 在 2018, 所有正逐步由梅威瑟的退休之后, 弗拉基米尔克里琴科, 米格尔·库托等人.
“明星们真正对齐, 和Showtime和中国人民银行将再次刷新速度为里程碑意义的一年在拳击,” 斯蒂芬说埃斯皮诺萨, 总统, 体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司. “要继续积极势头, 我们的目标是一致的基础上提供最佳的战斗,以最广泛的受众. This lineup delivers pivotal bouts with frequency and purpose – 所有免费为我们的用户. SHOWTIME是遥遥领先的无. 1 目的地拳击迷全国。”
该 27 战士在这个行业领先的阵容亮相自己 731 总胜, 106 world title victories and a staggering win percentage of .957. Fourteen of the fighters are undefeated and all but four have earned at least one world championship. Also included in this lineup are four of the consensus top-10 ranked welterweights, 两个共识五大羽量级排名, 三个在154磅重的部门的共识五大战机.
拳击比赛的充分的板岩播出所有SHOWTIME直播平台 – 电视, 手机和网络的互联网流媒体服务.
在 2017, 欣欣体育推出了业界最显著和一致的时间表 – 25 nights of live boxing featuring 33 世界冠军战斗和超过 70 bouts in all. 再次, 作为网络呈现在拳击比赛中最全面,最引人注目的时间表最耀眼的明星将面临关闭, 如下图所示:
2018 SHOWTIME拳击附表
一月 20 SPENCE vs. PETERSON Brooklyn
二月 17 GARCIA vs. RIOS 拉斯维加斯
海 3 WILDER VS. 奥尔蒂斯 布鲁克林
海 10 GARCIA vs. LIPINETS San Antonio
四月 7 LARA vs. HURD
五月 19 KEITH瑟曼 布鲁克林
WBA / WBC次中量级世界冠军
五月 19 史蒂文森VS. JACK Canada
六月 9 圣克鲁斯 vs. MARES II Los Angeles
六月 16 埃罗尔SPENCE JR. 达拉斯
2018 事件通过事件
一月. 20: 斯彭斯VS. 彼得森 – 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林
一个拳击最受推崇的年轻冠军, 不败IBF次中量级世界冠军 埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. (22-0, 19 科斯) 拉开序幕的计划与前两处世界冠军和前10次中量级排名的第八轮将军澳拉蒙特彼得森 (35-3-1, 17 科斯) in Spence first title defense. 在共同特征, 不败的IBF轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·JR复活节. (20-0, 14 科斯) 赢得了接近, 分裂决定战胜前世界冠军 哈维尔财神 (33-1-1, 23 科斯) 在动感十足的战斗.
二月. 17: 加西亚VS. 里奥斯 – 曼德勒海湾活动中心在拉斯维加斯
双师世界冠军 丹尼·加西亚 (33-1, 19 科斯) returns to the ring to begin his quest toward another welterweight world championship. Garcia’s long reigns at 140 和 147 pounds ended last March in a close decision loss to unified champion Keith Thurman. 现在, 加西亚将挑战艰难的前世界冠军 布兰登·里奥斯 (34-3-1, 25 科斯), 所有行动的战斗机谁已争取在这项运动最好的. 在合作的主要事件, 拳击历史上最年轻的世界冠军, 21-岁 大卫Benavidez (19-0, 17 科斯), 将他的第一个卫冕反对顶级竞争者复赛 罗纳德Gavril (18-2, 14 科斯). 该超级middleweights打了一场惊心动魄的搏杀去年9月在Benavidez一个有争议的决定结束.
三月 3: 怀尔德VS. 奥尔蒂斯 – 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林
重量级世界冠军师的复兴继续. 美国的不败, 别. 1 重量级, WBC世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 (39-0, 38 科斯),将面对同胞不败的挑战者 路易斯·奥尔蒂斯 (28-0, 24 科斯) 在协商一致预期的对决前五权重股排名. 自一月份以来怀尔德已举行了梦寐以求的绿化带 2015 并提出了六项成功卫冕. 现在, 威尔德面临与奥尔蒂斯大冲压电力高技能的古巴拳击手. 合作的主要活动将包括前超中量级冠军和顶级量级的竞争者 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 (26-0, 20 科斯) 承担一次挨打的竞争者 雨果·森特诺JR. (26-1, 14 科斯)在临时WBC中量级世界冠军.
三月 10: 加西亚VS. Lipinets – 自由人体育场在圣安东尼奥
一顶磅磅战斗机在拳击, 米奇·加西亚 (37-0, 30 科斯) 将尝试通过在第四重类捕捉世界冠军创造历史. 他的方式站在不败电穿孔和IBF JR. Welterweight Champion 谢尔盖Lipinets (13-0, 10 科斯), 是谁在做他的第一个卫冕. 两个140磅重的冠军将上线为两科状元 Rances缪 (26-0, 13 科斯)看起来,成为第一个古巴拳击手有史以来赢得世界冠军,在三个不同的重量等级,当他面对 柯利Relikh (21-2, 9 科斯) 在他们的争议回合五月的复赛, 此时空置WBA超轻量级冠军.
四月 7: 拉拉VS. 赫德 – 地点待定
WBA世界冠军 Erislandy拉拉 (25-2-2, 14 科斯) and IBF World Champion 贾勒特赫德 (21-0, 15 科斯) 将符合统一职称的一个决定性的时刻为154磅重的部门. 在 2017, SHOWTIME电视8次交锋全部为特色的五大排名超中量级冠军和挑战者以非官方赛事. 这种统一的比赛将坑古巴拉拉针对赫德的实力和决心的技术巫术.
四月 21: Broner VS. 菲格罗亚 – 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林
四分裂世界冠军 阿德里安Broner (33-3, 24 科斯) 已经确立了自己不仅是最大的一个吸引在运动, 但作为一个战士,谁总是愿意面对最艰难的竞争. 当他在不败的前世界冠军,将继续 奥马尔·菲格罗亚 (27-0-1, 19 科斯), 所有行动争竞谁永远没有退步, as the former champions meet in a WBC Super Lightweight Final Eliminator. The co-main event will feature one of boxing’s brightest young stars in Gervonta戴维斯 (19-0, 18 科斯) 作为23岁的不败前冠军看起来恢复他的头衔.
五月 19: 瑟曼卫冕世界冠军 – 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林
基思·瑟曼 是唯一统一的147磅重的世界冠军,在没有达成共识. 1-排名战斗机在拳击比赛中最杰出的重量部门. 不败瑟曼(28-0, 22 科斯) 先后举办了WBA冠军,因为 2015. 他声称WBC的腰带有决定性的击败此前在今年最受瞩目的回合不败丹尼·加西亚去年三月, 欣欣拳击的哥伦比亚广播公司介绍. 以下是需要手术治疗的肘伤, 瑟曼将返回到行动,打击对手,以确定.
五月 19: 史蒂文森VS. 千斤顶 – 来自加拿大
WBC轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 (29-1, 24 科斯) 在有他的八个卫冕的六人得分击倒,将可能面对他最艰难的挑战时,他再战两科状元 八斗杰克 (22-1-2, 13 科斯).杰克抓住了他的轻重量级登场175磅重的世界冠军在8月和以立即五大排名轻重量级的这个对决放弃了带.
六月 9: 圣克鲁斯VS. 母马II – 洛杉矶
他们的后 2015 冠军对决带来了斯台普斯中心的人群,它的脚, WBA羽量级冠军 狮子座圣克鲁斯 (34-1-1, 19 科斯) 三处世界冠军 押尼珥Mares (31-2-1, 15 科斯) 将在洛杉矶的他们共同的家乡再次相遇. 圣克鲁斯, 谁也举行了冠军,在三个部门在过去六年, 仍然是最多产的战斗机之一,在当今体育. 母亲, 前世界冠军最轻量级, 超轻量级和轻量级, 目标是在密切的多数决定损失圣克鲁斯后进行报复 2015. 这种高风险的共识之间的对决五大排名羽量级将进一步明晰,以堆叠的部门,包括加利罗素小, Carl Frampton and Lee Selby. The consensus No. 1 fighter at 154 英镑, Jermell夏洛茨维尔 (30-0, 15 科斯) 将捍卫他的WBC超中量级世界冠军的共同特征对对手被确定.
六月 16: 斯彭斯卫冕中量级冠军 – 从达拉斯
断食对前10名的前中量级冠军主导性能, 磅磅的伟大的罗尔·斯彭斯JR. (23-0, 20 科斯) 回到他的达拉斯的家乡为IBF次中量级世界冠军的第二次防务.
欣欣网络公司. (SNI), CBS Corporation的全资子公司, 拥有和经营的付费电视网络SHOWTIME®, 电影频道™和FLIX®, 并且还提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 电影频道™ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而网络的认证服务SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 操作单机流媒体服务SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Apple®, 年®, 亚马逊, 谷歌, 的Xbox One和三星. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Hulu, YouTube电视, 吊带电视, 现在直播, Sony PlayStation® Vue 和亚马逊渠道. SNI还管理史密森网络, SNI和史密森学会的合资企业, 它提供了史密森频道, and offers Smithsonian Earththrough SN Digital LLC. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com


Santa Cruz Stops Chris Avalos in Round Eight & Abner Mares Earns Technical Decision over Andres Gutierrez in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action from StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州.
Former Champion Antonio DeMarco Shocks Previously Unbeaten Eddie Ramirez By Controversial First Round Stoppage
点击 这里 来自安迪·萨缪尔森的照片/
总理拳击冠军 – 不久添加照片
CARSON, CALIF. (十月 14, 2017) – Featherweight world champions 狮子座圣克鲁斯押尼珥Mares were both victorious in their Premier Boxing Champions on 福克斯和福克斯驱逐队 fights Saturday night from StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州. and officially set up a world championship rematch between the two popular southern California champions in early 2018.
I want Abner Mares,” 说圣克鲁斯. “I said if we both win; we’re going to fight. I’m ready to fight him in Los Angeles in the beginning of next year.
I’m a totally different fighter now since I started working with Robert Garcia,” 说马雷什. “We’re going to keep showing that when we fight Leo Santa Cruz.
在主要事件, 圣克鲁斯 (34-1-1, 19 科斯) took care of business and defended his title by stopping 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯 (27-6, 20 科斯) 在第八轮.
He was very tough and I was fighting the wrong fight,” 说圣克鲁斯. “I wanted to please the fans and give them a brawl. Once my dad told me how I could stop him easily, I boxed him more and got the stoppage.
Santa Cruz used his length effectively and set up his jab while firing straight right hands to Avalos’ 头. Avalos stayed tough, but was in trouble in round four when Santa Cruz connected with a left hook that stunned Avalos in the corner.
Avalos originally retreated but as Santa Cruz came forward he was forced to brawl through the remainder of the round and took a great deal of punishment. Always game, Avalos continued to fight back and landed punches as Santa Cruz attempted to walk down his opponent.
I thought I had him in the fourth round,” 说圣克鲁斯. “I gassed out a little bit but I got my air back later. I thought the ref was going to jump in during that round but he let him continue.
最后, 在第八轮, after several more flurries of punishment, referee Thomas Taylor jumped in and stopped the bout 1:34 进出线. Although he was out landed 282-169, Avalos believed he could have continued in the fight.
I’m very upset with the stoppage,” said Avalos. “We were fighting the whole time. There was no reason to stop this fight. I wasn’t hurt like the referee thought. I want to fight for the title again.
共同主赛事 母亲 (31-2-1, 15 科斯)make the first defense of his title by wearing down and eventually earning a technical decision over 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯 (35-2-1, 25 科斯).
Referee Jack Reiss called on the advice of the ringside physician midway through the 10圆, who determined that Gutierrez was unable to continue due to a cut. Although the cut was originally opened by a punch, the commission determined that a series of accidental fouls caused the cut to worsen to the point that the fight was ended, and a final verdict would be decided by the scorecards.
Mares was sharp from the outset, using the jab to get to Gutierrez and teeing off with combinations. The right hand was a weapon all night long and in the second round he connected with the shot that opened up the cut under Gutierrez’s left eye.
I told everyone that I was here to make a statement,” 说马雷什. “I had a tough opponent and he showed how good he is. It took a lot of punches and a lot of big punches. It was just a matter of time before I stopped him.
Gutierrez continued to put up a strong effort and never stopped throwing punches, using his jab to try to keep Mares at bay. 然而, as the cut worsened throughout the fight, Mares had an easier time landing thudding right hands to Gutierrez’s face.
I didn’t feel like the fight should have been stopped,” 古铁雷斯说. “I was hurting him as much as he was hurting me. My cuts did not bother me. I want to fight him again or have another shot at the title. I was prepared to fight to the final bell.
I thought they could have stopped it earlier,” 说马雷什. “He’s a young guy who was too brave for his own good. I was happy with the decision. I deserved the stoppage but I’m happy I got the win.
It was the accumulation of punches that eventually forced the referee to stop the fight. At the time of the stoppage all three judges had the fight in favor of Mares, 通过分数 100-90 和 99-91 两次.
The opening bout of the telecast saw an action-packed opening round that ended in controversy as former world champion 安东尼奥·德马科 (33-6-1, 24 科斯)score a first round stoppage of previously unbeaten 埃迪·拉米雷斯 (17-1, 11 科斯) in their super lightweight affair.
The fighters disagreed on the decision to stop the fight by referee Gerard White to stop the fight.
That stoppage was way too early,” 拉米雷斯说. “I was not hurt. I was fighting back and I felt like I was recovering. I want an immediate rematch if possible.
I think it was a good decision from the referee,” 德马科说:. “He was taking a lot of solid punches and I felt like I had him.
Ramirez came out aggressive early and pushed DeMarco against the ropes, looking to punish him with combinations. Midway through the round however, DeMarco connected with a straight left hook that stunned Ramirez and sprung DeMarco onto the attack.
As DeMarco stalked Ramirez around the ring, he caught him in the corner and forced Ramirez’s knees to buckle. Ramirez was able to stay on his feet and appeared to be throwing back, but the referee jumped in and stopped the bout 1:56 成一个圆.
I’m very thankful to Ramirez for taking the fight,” 德马科说:. “I think big things are coming for me. I’m going to talk to my team and see what is next. I think this performance will erase a lot of doubts about me.
I’m an experienced fighter and I stayed patient. I had great preparation and waited for the right moment. I feel great right now.
I want an immediate rematch if possible,” 拉米雷斯说. “I’ll talk to my team but that was a bad stoppage and I want a chance to redeem myself.
# # #
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FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & 福克斯驱逐最终新闻发布会语录 & 照片

Tripleheader Headlined Headlined by Santa Cruz vs. 阿瓦洛斯 &
Mares vs. Gutierrez World Title Fights 星期六, 十月 14
StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州.
点击 这里 for Photos from Erick Ramirez/Ringstar Sports
CARSON, CALIF. (十月 12, 2017) – Fighters entering the ring for 周六 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的顶级拳击冠军 tripleheader event went face-to-face at the final press conference Thursday before they compete at StubHub Center.
PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by three-division champion 狮子 “地震” 圣克鲁斯 defending his featherweight world title against 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯, while four-time world champion 押尼珥Mares defends his 126-pound championship against once-beaten 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯. 电视报道开始于 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT with unbeaten rising contender 埃迪·拉米雷斯 同时对前世界冠军 安东尼奥·德马科.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, 和 $250 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, 访问 AXS.com 这里.
Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from Whiskey Red’s in Marina Del Ray:
I’m very happy to be in this position. I’m going to give a great show to the fans. There are a lot of great fighters here and we’re all going to try to put on the best performance of the night.
“我只是想给粉丝们一个伟大的战斗. I’m going to bring the fight to Avalos and I hope he stays in there and looks to make it a war as well.
“我准备, motivated and focused. 我需要赢得 周六 so that I can get the Mares rematch. That’s the fight that we want.
I’m definitely not overlooking Avalos. I know that I have to fight a dangerous guy. He’s going to come to take my belt and he doesn’t care about any fight I want in the future.
I hope that all my fans enjoy this fight because I’m going to give it my all. We worked really hard and trained really well for this fight. I have to take care of Avalos before I can worry about any other fights.
I always prepare the same for my opponents. People have their opinions on each guy, but I respect all of my opponents the same.
We’ve worked on versatility during training camp. You never know how an opponent is going to come out so I have to be ready to do anything and adjust in the ring.
It’s important for me to give the fans in Southern California a great fight. These are the best fight fans and I always owe it to them to be at my best.
This has been another very hard training camp for me and my team. No matter who the opponent is, we work hard every day and build each other up.
It’s really a blessing to be here. I’m thankful to my team for giving me a strong, hard camp that has me very confident heading into this fight.
This is a great card to be able to show my skills on. With so many high-level fighters, it’s a chance to do my best with the world watching.
I’m happy Leo took this fight and gave me the opportunity to prove myself. I know that I still have a lot to give and this is exactly the chance I need to show everyone that.
I’m very confident heading into this fight. Leo and I sparred a lot when we were amateurs. I’m going to take that experience and use it to my advantage 周六.
I’m going to come to fight and I’m going to come to win. I’m sure Leo will as well. It’s going to be an exciting fight from start to finish.
I’m really happy to be in this position. I’m fighting a great competitor. He’s a hungry kid who has the opportunity of his lifetime. He’s going to take advantage of it
I trained really hard. There were no shortcuts. It was hard training every day. Fighters like Gutierrez are the most difficult because they have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
It feels great to be back in this position fighting in what is basically my hometown. Everyone knows that StubHub Center is the ‘War Grounds.’ 后 星期六 夜晚, I’m anticipating that everyone will go home happy.
I can’t wait to get back in that ring. I want to give the fans a great show and make sure they leave satisfied. I’m really excited to take in the atmosphere before I enter the ring and go to work.
The game plan always changes depending on the opponent, but I’m also ready to adjust during the fight. I have to stay focused and ready. In the end I think it’s going to be a great fight for the fans.
Robert Garcia has taught me a lot and he’s brought some extra things out of me. I’ve looked great in sparring, but now it’s time for me to bring it into the ring.
I definitely see some of myself Gutierrez. I was once the young fighter looking to upset the established veteran. That’s why I’ve trained for this fight like I’m facing any of the champions or top fighters. I know that it’s a tough fight and I’ll be ready.
I think this fight will make me better. I like to entertain and I’m going to give you a really good show 周六.
I’m honored to be here and give the fans a great fight 周六. What happened before the Frampton fight is behind me. I’m prepared and I feel very strong.
I know that Abner is the highest level fighter that you can face. I have to be at my very best to win a world title. That’s the kind of challenge that I want and I’ll be ready for anything.
I hope that Abner is not underestimating me. I want him to be at his very best so that when I win. My plan is to go in there and fight hard until the fight is over and show everyone how I compete.
There’s no quit in my body. I’ve worked too hard to get to this point of my career. I’m going to absolutely give it everything I have and then some.
I want to give everyone a great fight. 我已经准备好一战. I’m excited to put on a spectacular performance.
I had a great training camp and I’ve put all the hard work in. I stay in the gym so I’m always ready for an opportunity like this.
My team is really important to me and they get a lot of the credit for getting me to where I am. We work hard and push each other every day in the gym.
I get better every single time I get in the ring. This is going to be another learning experience for me as I get to where I want to go in my career. This is still only the beginning.
Fights like these are ones that all champions have to go through before they reach the top level. It’s important to win, but also to impress when I’m in the ring.
DeMarco is a guy with a lot of experience so I know that he thinks he has that advantage over me. All I can do is be at my best. I’m confident that my youth, speed and power will be the difference in the end.
I can’t wait to showcase myself 这个星期六 and I hope to see everyone there. DeMarco is fighting for his career so I know that he is going to come prepared and put on a great fight.
I want to thank everyone for being here and I’m thankful to be on this stage. This is another great experience for me in my career and one that I’m not going to take lightly.
I also want to thank Eddie Ramirez for putting in the work and accepting this fight. I know that he will come prepared to give the fans a great show.
It’s a blessing to be on a card of this magnitude. With guys like Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares, I can’t stress how blessed I feel. 我已经等不及在环获得.
I have put myself through a terrific training camp for what I hope will be a great fight. I’m ready to prove to myself. I want to show the fans that when things get difficult, you can still overcome and come out victorious.
理查德·谢弗, 主席 & Ringstar体育的CEO
It’s going to be party time 这个星期六 from StubHub Center. There will be a lineup of champions, including Mikey Garcia and many more, at the Fan Fest 周六 afternoon at12:30 P.M. Live music, food trucks and autograph signings for all fans, so make sure you show up early.
This is a great showcase for the sport of boxing and for these great fighters up here. This action will be seen across the world and we’re thankful to have the chance to lift up these great fighters.
This is a 12-fight card that is going to be a boxing festival at StubHub Center. Besides the three TV fights we have two rising Olympians in Eimantas Stanionis and Mexico’s Misael Rodriguez, the first Mexican Olympian to bring a medal home 在 16 岁月.
Eddie Ramirez is rising in the sport and he will face a very familiar name in boxing in Antonio DeMarco. DeMarco knows that this is his chance to prove that he still has a lot left, but Ramirez will try to add another name to his contender resume.
Andres Gutierrez has an opportunity to go in against a true legend of the sport in Abner Mares. You don’t always get a second chance in this sport so I know that Gutierrez is going to be prepared. This is a fight that you don’t want to miss.
Abner is a true student of the sport and he’s had a lot of great trainers in his life. We have seen what happened with how Abner reinvented himself by working with Robert Garcia. Some people had written him off, but he proved that he is still among the elite.
The main event is another fight that will bring non-stop action. Chris Avalos knows that this is his moment, maybe his last chance, to capture a world title. These are the kind of fights that you truly can’t underestimate their opponents, because they are going to come ready to take it from you.
Leo Santa Cruz is a true champion of this sport and truly on of itsnicest competitors. He beings non-stop action every time he fights and I know that with this chance to perform on FOX and FOX Deportes, he will be at his best.
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在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, @FOX, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.


Guerrero Calls Fights with Sean Grande, Brian Kenny Hosts
洛杉矶 – 今天, FOX Sports announces multi-division and current 135-pound world champion Mikey Garcia (@mikeygarcia) and former multiple division world champion Robert Guerrero (@GHOSTBOXING) join the broadcast team as analysts for PREMIER BOXING CHAMPIONS: SANTA CRUZ VS. AVALOS live on FOX and FOX Deportes 星期六, 十月. 14 (7:30 PM ET), 从家得宝中心球场卡森, 加利福尼亚州. Garcia and Guerrero team with blow-by-blow announcer Sean Grande (SeanGrandePBP) calling the fights. 布莱恩·肯尼 (@MrBrianKenny) hosts the broadcast.
在福克斯Deportes体育场, Jaime Motta (@MottaJaime) joins blow-by-blow announcer Jesse Losada to call the action in Spanish.
The sixth installment of PBC ON FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by sensational three-division champion Leo “地震” 圣克鲁斯 (33-1-1, 18 科斯), who defends his featherweight world title against Chris Avalos (27-5, 20 科斯). The co-main event features four-time world champion Abner Mares (30-2-1, 15 科斯) defending his 126-pound championship against once-beaten Andres Gutierrez (35-1-1, 25 科斯).
The television broadcast opens with an exciting 10-round match featuring undefeated rising junior welterweight contender Eddie Ramirez (17-0, 11 科斯) versus former world champion Antonio DeMarco (32-6-1, 23 科斯).
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. The fight is available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, fights are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
For more, visit FOX Sports Press Pass, www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.ringstar.com, www.tgbpromotions.com, 和 www.foxdeportes.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Action-Packed Card Headlined by Santa Cruz vs. 阿瓦洛斯 &
Mares vs. Gutierrez World Title Fights 星期六, 十月 14
StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州.
点击 这里 for Photos from Erick Ramirez/Ringstar Sports
CARSON, CALIF. (十月 11, 2017) – Fighters competing on the 总理拳击冠军 FOX FOX体育 card taking place this 星期六, 十月 14 从家得宝中心球场卡森, 加利福尼亚州. held a media workout Wednesday at Wild Card West Boxing Club in Santa Monica before they enter the ring 星期六.
PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by three-division champion 狮子 “地震” 圣克鲁斯 defending his featherweight world title against 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯, while four-time world champion 押尼珥Mares defends his 126-pound championship against once-beaten 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯. 电视报道开始于 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT with unbeaten rising contender 埃迪·拉米雷斯 同时对前世界冠军 安东尼奥·德马科.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, 和 $250 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, 访问 AXS.com 这里.
Additional undercard action features 伊万Redkach in his super lightweight debut and unbeaten 2016 立陶宛奥海 Eimantas Stanionis in a welterweight bout against Cesar Hernandez.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday in Santa Monica:
I’ve had a lot of experience with Leo when we were growing up. We really know each other inside and out. It’s going to be a non-stop war. I know that he won’t let up and I’ll never give an inch.
This has been a really great camp. I feel really strong and fresh and ready for a 12-round battle周六.
I’m going to try to use my familiarity with Leo to my advantage. Obviously we’ve both grown up, but it definitely gives me some extra confidence.
It’s very important that I put on a good performance 星期六. A lot of people have written me off and it’s my job to just prove them all wrong.
“这将是一个非常美好的仗. It’s going to be action from start to finish. I’ve been on this kind of platform before so my nerves are all calmed. I’m just really excited to get in the ring.
Everything has gone really smoothly in training camp. 我觉得 100 percent physically and I’m ready to fight.
I’m going to have to come forward and fight strong for 12 rounds against Abner Mares. I have to use my power punches and attack the entire fight.
I’m very happy and motivated heading into this fight. I’m eager to get a chance at a title for the first time.
The fans are going to love my style. I come forward and throw punches. Fans appreciate that and I want to give them a memorable performance.
“这将是一场战争. I’m not giving an inch and at the end of the night, I will have both hands in the air and a belt around my waist.
It feels good to be on this platform. This is just the start for me. All the top guys have been in my position and they took advantage of their opportunities. I have to put on a great show to lead up to these two title fights.
“训练营真的很好. We worked hard every day and I’m ready to fight. 我只是等不及了.
DeMarco is a crafty veteran. I need to be strong and smart. It’s all going to come down to me being the better overall fighter.
I’m ready to do anything in the ring. 如果我必须装箱, I’ll do that. If I need to brawl, I’ll do that. We’ll see how the fight goes but I’ll be prepared to adjust and do what it takes to get the win.
I’ve tried to make myself a smarter fighter in the last year. I have to work smarter. That’s really going to let me unlock the rest of my potential.
If I’m able to get a stoppage, I’m going to jump on it. I’m prepared to be the more intelligent fighter and use my brain to get the win.
I came back to the ring because I am 100 percent mentally ready to compete. Any issues that I had in the past are gone. 最重要的, my sister has beaten cancer and she said that if she can come back, then so can I.
I feel really strong right now. I came back with the team that made me world champion and it’s got me very motivated to enter the ring and give the fans a beautiful fight 周六.
I have no fear of any opponent. I have the normal nervous energy leading up to the fight, but I have been in this situation before and faced a lot of great fighters.
Ramirez is a young, strong opponent. He’s undefeated and I know that he’s going to be motivated to keep his perfect record. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to get the win.
It’s been a very tough training camp. I’m in excellent shape from working in the gym with Leo Santa Cruz for about three months. I’m excited to make my debut at 140-pounds.
It had been too hard to cut weight for lightweight. It was draining all of my strength. I’m going to have a lot more power and show a lot more of my game on 十月 14.
I’ve trained sparring partners of every kind. I also did some work in Jorge Linarescamp leading up to his fight. I’ve been testing myself every day to get better.
Being in the gym with Leo gives me lots of motivation. He also helps me with all of the technical parts of my game. He stays on top of me and has helped me get better.
Working with Freddie Roach has been amazing. He’s shown me so many new things and I’m really blessed to be in this position.
I just had a fight three weeks ago so I’m excited to get back in the ring. I’ve stayed in shape the whole time, which is what I want to do. I’m always mentally prepared to step in the ring as well as physically.
It’s a great motivation to be on a big card like this. I can’t wait to perform in front of these fans and show them my skills.
My style is like a Mexican-style. I like to put pressure on my opponent and throw punches. I can do it all in the ring and I can’t wait to show off all of it.
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在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, @FOX, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.