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The GOAT boxing trainer….. Emanuel нярав

АНУ-ын бокс төгсөгчдийн холбоо, анги 2018 Inductee
(L-R) – The great Tommy Hearns & the late Manny Steward

Колорадо Спрингс, Тойргийн. (Арваннэгдүгээр 19, 2018) – The late Emanuel нярав, arguably the greatest boxing trainer of all-time, is a member of the Class of 2018 getting inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




The second annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception, held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, Арванхоёрдугаар сар 2-8, will be held December 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salt Lake City, Utah.





Steward was a boxer, trainer extraordinaire, and HBO commentator until his untimely death in 2012 насандаа 68. His boxing career culminated with his induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1996.




Настайдаа 12, Manny moved with his mother from West Virginia to Detroit, where his life soon turned to boxing. Нь сонирхогчийн боксчин хувьд, he compiled a 94-3 бичлэг, дахь алт медаль гүйцэтгэлийн онцолсон 1963 National Golden Gloves Tournament as a bantamweight, but he decided against trying out for the US Olympic Boxing Team.




Онд 1971, Steward became a part-time trainer at Kronk Gym, where he eventually guided many of the country’s top amateur boxers. Kronk Gym later became a property of Steward’s and he developed it into one of the most successful and famous boxing gyms in the world.






Steward also served as National Director of Coaching for USA Boxing in the early 2000’s.




Throughout his incredible career, Steward reportedly trained 41 дэлхийн аварга, магадгүй, the most noteworthy were Thomas Hearns, Lennox Lewis болон Владимир Кличко. He also trained Жулио Сезар Чавес, Miguel Cotto, Оскар де ла Hoya, Naseem Hamed, Evander Холифилд, болон Майк McCallum. Manny also trained a young Detroit rapper, Eminem, how to box at Kronk Gym.




The last world champion Manny trained was Adonis “Супермэн” Стивенсон, who remains the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) World light heavyweight champion since 2013.




Emanuel would always say, накоут зарах!” Stevenson fondly remembered. “He was also the first to tell me, ‘You will be a superstar and a world champion. Just make sure you don’t listen to people with bad intentions because you’ve got natural talent.He believed in me even if some people did not think I would ever become a world champion.




Emanuel Steward impacted the lives of so many who walked through the doors of Kronk Gym,” гэж хэлсэн Крис Кулиари, USA Boxing Alumni Association Executive Director. “While he’s most recognized for his achievement at the professional level, his impact was significant in the amateurs. Manny serves as a model coach for USA Boxing today, and his impact will be felt for a long time. The USA Boxing Alumni Association overwhelmingly supports his induction and looks forward to honoring him as part of this year’s Hall of Fame class.


АНУ-ын бокс төгсөгчдийн холбоо




Created to champion a lifelong, mutually beneficial relations between USA Boxing and its alumni, –боксчид, албан тушаалтнууд, дасгалжуулагчид, боксын хорхойтнууд — Төгсөгчдийн холбоо үе үеийн аваргуудыг холбодог, боксын ирээдүйн аваргуудад урам зориг хайрлаж, буцааж өгөх болно, болон бөгж гарч.




The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, including the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.




Төгсөгчдийн холбоонд элсэх, зүгээр л бүртгүүлэх alumni@usaboxing.org нь $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, түлхүүрийн оосор ба цахим түрийвч.





For years he would come to my National Silver Gloves Tournament that I sponsored and put on in Kansa City just to show his support of the youth program,” added USA Boxing president Жон Браун нэмсэн. “Every year I would tell him to let me know if he was coming, so I could VIP him, and every year he would ignore me and just quietly show up. I would notice him in the crowd. I would ball him out and then we did the same thing the following year.




I also used to see him at big fights and he would always make me feel special by saying my company saved boxing in the seventies and eighties by providing safe, well-made, fair priced boxing equipment for the sport. No one else ever gave me that recognition. He was humble and not a blowhard, my kind of guy.




Emanuel Steward left his mark on earth, not only as a multi-faceted personality in boxing, but he’s also remembered for his magnanimous charity work in Detroit, in which he helped youths in their pursuit of education.




Товчоор хэлбэл, Хэдийгээр, he taught boxing, and nobody has ever done it any better.




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анги 2018 Нью Йорк мужийн боксын алдрын танхимд оруулсан

Улсын NYSBHOF анги 2018: (L-R) суусан: Чарли Норкус, JR. (Charley Norkus-д элсэж байна), Melvina Lathan, Herb Goldman, Боб Гудман, Жейк Родригес нар; байнгын: Жо Mesi, Сургууль руу, Рон Скотт Стивенс, Пит Бродский, Жозеф Маколифф нар (Жак Маколиффийг хүлээн авч байна)
Петр Frutkoff гэхэд бүх зураг
НЬЮ ЙОРК (May 1, 2018) — Ангийн хорин гурван гишүүн 2018 Нью Йоркийн Старс боксын алдрын танхимд оруулсан (NYSBHOF), Өнгөрсөн ням гарагийн үдээс хойш NYSBHOF-ийн долоо дахь удаагийн индукцийн хоолны үеэр, Ховард Beach-д Орос-ийн талаар The Bay дээр, Нью-Йорк.




“Өнөө орой хүндэтгэл үзүүлж байгаа хүмүүс даруухан байна, хүндэт хүмүүс,” NYSBHOF-ийн ерөнхийлөгч Боб Даффи гэж хэлсэн. “Бид үүнийг хайрын үйлдэл болгон хийдэг. Олон тооны индукцүүд өнөөдөр энд байгаа бөгөөд бидний хамт байхаа больсон хүмүүсийг гэр бүлийн гишүүд төлөөлдөг. Энэ бол Нью-Йоркийн боксын төлөө хийсэн бүх оролцогчдод талархал илэрхийлэх арга юм.”




анги 2018 NYSBHOF руу чиглэсэн амьд боксчид багтсан болно (Урт арал) WBA гэрэл хүнд жингийн Lou “Зөгийн бал Boy” Хөндий (36-6-2, 22 Kos), (Төв Islip) IBF Junior-ийн Welterweight дэлхийн аварга Жейк Родригес (28-8-2, 8 Kos), (Brooklyn) Дэлхийн хөнгөн нэр өрсөлдөгч Terrence Alli (52-15-2, 21 Kos), гийн ялагдашгүй, Үгүй; 1 хүнд жингийн өрсөлдөгч “Baby” Жо Mesi (Buffalo) мөн крейсерийн жингийн дэлхийн аварга асан Аль “Ice” Коул (Рокланд муж).




Үхлийн дараах оролцогчид NBA байсан & NYSAC Дэлхийн өд аварга (Манхэттэн) Гол дүрүүд нь хүүхэд “Кубын Bon Bon” Шоколад (136-10-6, 51 Kos), (Нью-Йорк хотын) 20-р зууны хүнд жингийн Жеймс J. “Gentleman Жим” Corbett (11-4-3, 5 Kos), (Williamsburg) Дэлхийн хөнгөн аварга Жак “Шагналтан бөгж Наполеон” McAuliffe, (Kingston) WBC супер хөнгөн аварга Билли Costello (40-2, 23 Kos), (гэрэлт цамхаг) NYSAC Хөнгөн хүнд жингийн дэлхийн аварга Melio Беттина (83-14-3, 36 Kos), (Brooklyn / Yonkers) дэлхийн хэмжээний middleweight Ralph “Tiger” Жонс (52-32-5, 13 Kos) болон (порт Вашингтон) хүнд жингийн өрсөлдөгч Чарли “Bayonne золиослогчийг” Norkus (33-19, 19 Kos).




Одоо NYSBHOF-д амьд үлдэх оролцогчид байна (Troy) Пулитцерийн шагналт sportswriter Дэйв Андерсон, (Brooklyn) багш / зөвлөх Питер Brodsky, (Rockaway) боксын түүхч / редактор Herb Goldman, (Bronx) Matchmaker Бобби Goodman, (Ardsley) NYSAC дарга / шүүгч Melvina Lathan, болон (Brooklyn) NYSAC-ийн дарга / matchmaker / promoter Рон Скотт Стивенс.




Үхлийн дараах оролцоогүй оролцогчид байсан (Brooklyn) бөгж хөтлөгч Johnnie Addie, (Brooklyn) Matchmaker Жонни Bos, (Bronx) боксын хэвлэлийн Мюррей Goodman, (Нью-Йорк хотын) боксын зохиолч / түүхч Берт Рандолф Sugar болон (Доод Зүүн Side) радио & телевизийн хөтлөгч / сэтгүүлч Сэм Taub.




оролцож inductee бүр (эсвэл шууд удам) NYSBHOF-д элссэнээ илэрхийлсэн захиалгат бүслүүр авсан.




The 2017 inductees NYSBHOF нэр дэвшүүлэх хороо нь гишүүдийн сонгосон:Бобби Кассиди, JR., Рэнди Гордон, Хенри Hascup, Дон Majeski, Рон McNair, болон Нейл Terens.




наад зах нь гурван жилийн турш идэвхгүй байх шаардлагатай мэдээлэл боксчид NYSBHOF индукцийн эрхтэй байх, бүх inductees тэдний боксын карьерынхаа ихээхэн хэсгийг, эсвэл тэдгээрийн карьерынхаа Ерөнхий үеэр Нью-Йорк улсад амьдарч байх ёстой.



Долоо дахь жилдээ зохион байгуулагдсан NSBHOF тэмцээнд оролцсон боксчид NYSBHOF багийг сонгон оролцуулав Иран Баркли, Junior-Жонс, Мустафа Hamsho, Бобби Кассиди, Sr., Бобби Бартелс ярив, болон Renaldo “Ноён” Snipes, мөн түүнчлэн Монте Барретт, Рэй Mercer, Деннис Милтон, Ричард Кили, Скотт Лопес, Майкл Корлеоне, Томми Rainone, Кевин Коллинз, Клетус Селдин, Жеймс Дюран, Виктор амар амгалан, болон Хайме Дуган. Боксын ертөнцийн бусад алдартай зочид оролцов Майк Рено (FDNY Boxing), Даррил Хүмүүс (IBF), олон улсын шүүгчид Стив Весисфелд болон Жон Маккей, болон NYSBHOF индукцүүд Томми Галлахер болон Бобби Миллер, мөн Эммигийн шагналт продюсер Бобби Кассиди, JR.


Дэвид Diamante ёслолын мастераар дахин үйлчилэв. Талийгаачийн охинд тусгай танилцуулга хийсэн Стив Acunto, Донна Акунто, Миллерийн дотны найз, Дэйв Войкикби.




(L-R) – Рон McNair, Жейк Родригес, Боб Даффи нар
Жэйк Родригес: “Би Рингэд баярлалаа гэж хэлмээр байна 8 намайг энд байх боломжийн төлөө. Үргэлж миний төлөө байдаг эхнэртээ талархлаа илэрхийлмээр байна, бас миний дасгалжуулагч.”

(L-R) – Herb Goldman, Дон Мажески, Боб Даффи нар
HERB GOLDMAN: “Хэрэв би боксын спортод ямар нэгэн хувь нэмэр оруулсан бол – Би байгаа гэж найдаж байна – Би бүртгэл хөтлөлтийг шинэчлэн тодорхойлж, боксын түүхэнд шинэ хандлага бий болгосон. Би үүгээрээ бахархдаг, гэхдээ би үүнийг ганцаараа хийгээгүй.”
(L-R) – Жо Mesi, Жак Хирш, Боб Даффи нар
JOE MESI: “Энэ хүндэтгэлд талархах олон хүн надад байна. Би Баффалон хүн. Нэг Нью-Йоркийг өөр хэн ч дэмжихгүй, гэхдээ тийм биш. Энэ бол Нью Йорк мужийн боксын алдрын танхим учраас миний хувьд онцгой юм. Энэ нь намайг бэхжүүлж, намайг нутгийн хөвгүүн биш гэж боддог. Жижиг хотоос гарч ирсэн асар том сул тал байсан, спарринг нь Нью-Йорк хотын биеийн тамирын заалтай адилгүй байв, гэхдээ надад Барууны Нью Йоркоос ирсэн давуу тал байсан. Буффало хотод байсан шиг хэн ч сайн сайхан байсангүй 10,000, Дараа нь 16,00 мөн эцэст нь 18,000 хүн. Тэд үргэлж миний ард байсан бөгөөд тэдний дэмжлэг намайг бий болгосон тул би тэдэнтэй хуваалцаж байна. Миний мөрөөдөл бол Буффалод тулалдаж, тэнд үргэлжлүүлэн тулалдах байсан.
“Миний амьдралын онцлох үйл явдлуудын нэг бол Мэдисон Сквер Гарден дахь HBO сувгаар Монте Барретттай тулалдах явдал байв. Тэрээр дэлхийн аваргын төлөө тулалдаж байсан дэлхийн хамгийн агуу тулаанчдын нэг байв. Би дэлхийн аварга цолоо авахыг үргэлж хүсдэг байсан, гэхдээ би үүнийг хэзээ ч авч чадаагүй. Зүгээр дээ, Би хэсэг хугацаанд жаахан гашуун байсан, гэхдээ би карьертаа сэтгэл хангалуун байж чадахгүй. Боксын хамгийн сайн хэсэг бол бидний хуваалцдаг ахан дүүс юм.

(L-R) – Рэнди Гордон, Рон Скотт Стивенс, Боб Даффи нар
Рон Скотт Стивенс: “Хүмүүс үүнийг үргэлж хэлдэг гэдгийг би мэднэ, гэхдээ энэ бол үнэн: Ажил мэргэжлийнхээ туршид намайг дэмжиж байсан маш олон хүнд би өртэй. Бокс миний хувьд үргэлж гэрээсээ хол байсан бөгөөд өнөөдөр би гэртээ байгаа юм шиг санагдаж байна.
“Би байсан юм 30, Brooklyn Heights-т амьдардаг, такси бариад буцаж очоод ширээн дээр хүлээж байна. Толгойд минь гэрэл унтарлаа: бокс бол доогуур спорт, би бол доогуур хүн. Маргааш нь би Gleason’s Gym руу явлаа – орчлон ертөнцийн төв. Би хотын бүх биеийн тамирын заал руу эргэлээ, сурталчлагчдын уулзалт, менежерүүд болон сургагч багш нар. Би промоутеруудад шүдэнз хийж эхэлсэн бөгөөд дараа нь Седрик Кушнер намайг ажилд авсан 1980-2002. Онд 2002, Нью Йорк мужийн Атлетик комисст Олон нийтийн хамтын удирдагч, Боксын захирлаар ажиллахаар надад дуудлага ирсэн. Дараа нь, Намайг дарга болгосон, би хоёр удаа ажилласан. Өнөөдөр, Нью Йорк мужийн боксын алдрын танхимд багтсанаараа туйлын их бахархдаг.

(L-R) – Боб Даффи, Хенри Hascup, Боб Гудман, Томми Галлахер нар
BOB GOODMAN: “Энэ олон хүнд би итгэж чадахгүй байна. Бидний хийдэг зүйлийг хийхийн тулд, гэр бүлээсээ авах золиослол, дэмжлэг нь маш чухал бөгөөд (Гудманы хувьд) маш олон жилийн турш байсан. Тэд бидний хийдэг зүйлийг хийх боломжийг бидэнд олгосон. Бид бүгд боксд дуртай!”

(L-R) – Рэй Mercer, Пенни Аллен, Сургууль руу, Клэй Женкинс ба Боб Даффи нар
СУРГУУЛЬ РУУ: “Бокс бол хамгийн тэнэг, хамгийн тэнэг спорт гэж би боддог байсан. Хэн нүүр рүү нь цохихыг хүссэн юм бэ? Би хожуу боксоор хичээллэж эхэлсэн. Би заримыг нь тойрон тоглож байсан бөгөөд хүмүүс намайг нэлээд сайн байсан гэж хэлсэн. Би багаасаа боксоор хичээллэж эхэлсэн 20, армид, Фортод байрладаг. Hood. Дөрвөн жилийн дараа, Би Олимпийн багт байсан. Яагаад би гайхалтай спарринг хамтрагчтай байсан юм бэ?, Рэй Mercer. Хэрэв би Рэйтэй өдөр бүр рингэн дээр гарах гэж байсан бол, Би зодох гэж байсан юм, эсвэл сайжрах болно.
“Боб Арум надад нэрийн хуудсаа өгч байсныг санаж байна. Би түүнийг мэдээгүй. Би боксын спортоор хичээллэдэг гурван хүнийг л мэддэг байсан: Дон Кинг, Мухаммед Али болон Sugar Ray Leonard. Би боксын спортоор хичээллээгүй бөгөөд бокст оруулсан цорын ганц шалтгаан нь хэрэв би үгүй ​​бол ойд унтах хэрэгтэй байсан юм (армид). Бокс бол: түүнийг цохисон, тэр намайг цохихоос өмнө.”

(L-R) – Бобби Кассиди, Jr., Хайме Друбин, Пит Бродский нар
ПЕТЕ БРОДСКИЙ: “Би удирдах зөвлөлд талархал илэрхийлмээр байна. Би байх болно 70 Намайг анх боксын спортоор хичээллэж эхэлсэн 18. Энэ нь миний амьдралд шинэ чиглэлийг бий болгосон. Зүгээр ч нэг яриагүй залуустай хамт байгаадаа би маш их бахархдаг, тэд дуртай байсан. Хэрэв та энэ спортод үнэхээр дуртай бол, та үүнийг үнэхээр сурах ёстой. Рингэн дээр гарсан ямар ч эр хүн, бүх замын ажил, биеийн тамирын зааланд сууж, идсэн зүйлээ золиослох, хамгийн сайн байхын тулд үүнийг хийсэн.
“Боксоор, тулаан болгонд ялахгүй, гэхдээ тэмцэгч ялах уу, ялагдах уу, хэрэв тэр 100 хувь өгдөг бол, тэр ялагч. Тэд ажил хийдэг, өдөрт таван миль гүйнэ, биеийн тамирын зааланд дасгал хийх, дараа нь гэр бүлтэйгээ цагийг өнгөрөөхөөр гэртээ харьсан. Найз нөхөд, гэр бүлийнхэн үргэлж таны нуруутай байдаг.”

(L-R) – Даррил Хүмүүс & Melvina Lathan
МЕЛВИНА ЛАТАМ: “Би хэлэх үггүй байна. Энэ гайхалтай. Рэнди (NYSAC-ийн дарга асан Гордон), энэ түүхийг санаж байна уу?? Зөвхөн гурван шүүгч байсан, харамсалтай нь, нэг нь өвчтэй дуудсан. Би цагирагийн хажууд ямар ч хариуцлагагүй сууж байв. Ранди намайг ажил хийх ёстой гэж хэлсэнӨнөө орой. Би лицензгүй, би үүнийг хийж чадахгүй гэж хэлсэн. Гэж Ранди хэлэв, ‘Баруун гараа өргө’, мөн асаалттай байсан. Намайг тэнд хаясан, гэхдээ зүгээр байсан.
“Миний хамгийн том амжилт бол хүүхдүүд, нөхөр юм. Би илүү сайн нөхцөл байдал хүсч чадахгүй. Тэгээд Ральф Петрилло бол миний гэр бүлийн нэг хэсэг; тэр миний тушаалын хоёр дахь хүн байсан. Надад хамгийн шилдэг албан тушаалтнууд байсан: орлогч комиссарууд, байцаагч нар, шүүгч, шүүгчид. Тэд байхгүй бол би энд байхгүй. Боб Даффи энэ бүх зүйлийг нэгтгэсэн. Би хувьдаа түүнийг гайхалтай гэж боддог. Миний аялал үргэлжилж байна, Би адислагдсан.”
Анги 2012: Кармен Basilio, Майк McCallum, Майк Тайсон, Жейк LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Карлос Ортиз, Вито Antuofermo, Emile Гриффит, “Sugar” Рэй Робинсон, Gene Tunney, Benny Леонард, Тони Canzoneri, Харолд Ледерман, Стив Acunto, Жимми Гленн, Гил Clancy, Рэй Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Билл Gallo, Артур Mercante, Sr.
Анги 2013: Жак Демпси, Жонни живжээ, Сэнди Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Арчер, Иран Баркли, Марк Breland, Бобби Кассиди, Даг Жонс, Junior-Жонс, Жеймс “Buddy” McGirt, Эдди Мустафа Мухаммед, Боб Arum, Шелли Finkel, Тони Graziano, Ларри Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Майк Jacobs, Текс Rickard ба Дон Dunphy.
Анги 2014: Флойд Паттерсон, Tracy Харрис Паттерсон, Билли Backus, Кевин Kelley, Хуан хэвлэлийнхэнтэй ярилцжээ, Жерри Cooney, Мустафа Hamsho, Ховард Дэвис, Jr., Lou Ambers, Жак Britton, Терри McGovern, Teddy атлас, Lou DiBella, Стив Farhood, Gene Мур, Анжело Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, Уильям Muldoon, Том O'Rourke.
Анги 2015: Саул Mamby, Joey Giamba, Жонни Persol, Харолд Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Паул Berlenbach, Билли Грахам, Frankie Шүүгч, Боб Миллер, Томми Райан, Жимми Slattery, Боб Даффи, Майк Katz, Томми Галлахер, Брюс Silverglade, Чарли Goldman, Жимми Жонстон, Седрик Kushner, Харри Markson, Дэймон Runyon болон Al Weill.
Анги 2016: Аарон Дэвис, Чарльз Мюррей, Vilomar Фернандес, Эдвин Viruet, Hector “Macho” Камачо, Rocky Graziano, Роки Канзас, Жо Линч, Жо Miceli, Эд Brophy, Жо DeGuardia, Рэнди Гордон, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Альберт, Freddie Браун, Ховард Cosell, Ruby Goldstein, Жимми Jacobs.
Анги 2017: Gaspar Ортега, Renaldo “Ноён” Snipes, Даг Dewitt, “Bronx золиослогчийг” Алекс Рамос, Дик Tiger, Хосе Торрес, “Nonpareil” Жак Демпси, Дон Majeski, Рон Katz, Стэн Хоффман, Бобби Бартелс ярив, Hank Каплан, Аль Гэвин, Артур Донован болон Дан Паркер.
ТУХАЙ RING 8: Онд байгуулагдсан 1954 нь хуучин prizefighter тус, Жак Grebelsky, Ring 8 Дараа нь Үндэсний ахмад боксчид Холбоо гэгддэг юу найм дахь охин болж – эндээс, RING 8 – Өнөөдөр байгууллагын уриа хэвээр байна: Боксчидоор туслах боксчид.
RING 8 бүрэн төлөх түрээсийн хувьд туслалцаа шаардлагатай боксын орон нутагт зүдэрсэн хүмүүсийг дэмжиж ажиллаж байна, Эрүүл мэндийн зардал, эсвэл ямар нэгэн хүндэтгэн үзэх шаардлага.
Мөрөнд рүү очих www.Ring8ny.com Ring талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг 8, илүү АНУ-д энэ төрлийн хамгийн том бүлэг 350 гишүүд. Жилийн гишүүнчлэлийн татвар нь зөвхөн $30.00 мөн гишүүн бүр Ring дээр буфет хоол идэхээр эрхтэй 8 сар тутмын уулзалт, Долоо, наймдугаар оруулахгүйгээр. Бүх идэвхтэй боксчид, сонирхогчийн болон мэргэжлийн, нь магтан сайшааж бөгж авах эрхтэй 8 жилийн гишүүнчлэл. Ring-ийн зочин 8 Гишүүд нь зөвхөн нэг зардлаар урьж байна $7.00 Нэг хүнд ногдох.

Хүү / эцэг Боб & Мюррей Гүүдмэнийг Ангийн ангилалд оруулахаар болжээ 2018 Алдрын Нью-Йорк мужийн боксын танхим

Ням гараг, Дөрөвдүгээр 29, Зааварчилгаа оройн хоол
Шоколад гол дүрүүд нь хүүхэд, Жеймс J. Corbett, Жак Маколифф, Сэм Тауб нар шинэ ангидаа тэргүүлдэг

(L-R) – Боб, Мюррей Гудман нар
НЬЮ ЙОРК (Гуравдугаар 26, 2018) – Боксын насан туршийн хүмүүс Боб Гудман Түүний аав нь, сүүлээр Мюррей Goodman, дунд байна 23 ангийн гишүүд 2018 Нью Йорк мужийн боксын алдрын танхимд элссэн (NYSBHOF) тухай Ням гараг үдээс хойш (12:30-5:30 p.m. БОЛОН), Дөрөвдүгээр 29.
Долоо дахь жилийн NYSBHOF танилцуулгын зоог Ховард Бич дэх Russo’s On The Bay-д дахин нэг удаа зохион байгуулагдана., Нью-Йорк.
Боксын домогт сурталч, Мюррей Goodman (Bronx) Бобыг дөнгөж найман настай байхад нь хүүгээ чихэрлэг шинжлэх ухаанд оруулсан. Үлдсэн хэсэг нь Гүүдмэнүүдийн хувьд түүхэн байсан, Тэд хоёулаа хэд хэдэн Алдрын танхимд оролцогчид юм, түүний дотор Олон улсын боксын алдрын танхим.
“Энэ бол миний хувьд болон миний аавын хувьд маш том хүндэтгэл юм,” Боб хэлэв. “Түүнийг өнөөдөр тэнд амьд байгаасай гэж хүсч байна. Би боксын спортоор хичээллэдэг. Би аавтайгаа хамт бүх бэлтгэлийн бааз руу явж байсан найман настай байсан, боксын зохиолч, INS-ийн спортын редактор байсан (Hearst News Service) үйлчилгээ. Онигоо бол намайг Гроссингер дээр зохиосон юм (Catskill Resort зочид буудлын сургалтын бааз). Бокс миний амьдралд шинээр орж ирсэн. Аав бид хоёр албан тушаал ахих, олон нийттэй харилцах чиглэлээр бизнес эрхэлж байсан, спорттой холбоотой бүхий л төрлийн бизнесүүд, гэхдээ үргэлж бокс байсан.
“Би бол дэлхийн хамгийн азтай залуу. Би өөрийнхөө дуртай зүйлийг хийж өссөн. Хэдэн хүн үүнийг хэлж чадна? Би Жо Луитай танилцаж, найзууд болсон, Марсель Цердан, Sugar Ray Робинсон, Rocky Graziano, Роки Марчиано болон бусад олон хүмүүс. Би хэдэн долоо хоног хуаранд байх болно. Би боксчидтой хамт гүйхээр босоод баатруудынхаа эргэн тойронд байх боломж олдсон. Би бас боксын дасгалжуулагчид болон бусад хүмүүстэй, дараа нь фенүүдтэйгээ танилцсан. Би бүгдтэй нь танилцсан. Би боксын хүмүүжилтэй байсан, миний бүх амьдрал бокс байсан, 65 бизнесийн жилүүд.”
Боб байна, магадгүй, Мэдисон Сквер Гардены дэд ерөнхийлөгч, хос үйлдвэрлэгч гэдгээрээ алдартай (1985-1994), Боксын үйл ажиллагааны дэд ерөнхийлөгчөөр ажиллаж байсан улирал, Matchmaker ба Дон Кинг продакшны Олон нийттэй харилцах захирал. Тэрбээр өөрийн компанийн ерөнхийлөгчөөр дэлхийн олон аваргуудыг сурталчилж байжээ, Garden State Boxing.
“Би бэлтгэл сургуулилтын лагерь руу хэдэн долоо хоногоор явж байсныг санаж байна,” 78 настай Гүүдмэн сайхан дурсав. “Би зураг авах болно, өдөр бүр үлгэр бичиж, миний цахилгаан холбооны хэрэгслийг ашиглан AP ба UPI руу илгээнэ үү. Би бизнесээс хүмүүжүүлж маш их зүйлийг хийсэн, ачааны тэрэгнүүдийг сандал дээр хүртэл ачаалж байна, бөгж, чанга яригч ба бусад. Миний аав Мэдисон Сквер Гарден дахь Олон улсын боксын клубын сурталчилгааны захирал байсан. Би өсвөр насандаа тэнд ажиллаж байсан.
“Би Нью Йорк мужийн боксын алдрын танхимд аавтайгаа болон боксын олон залуустай хамт багтсанаараа бахархдаг. Тэд бусад спортын бусад хүмүүсээс ялгаатай. Миний хамгийн их бахархдаг шагналын нэг бол Жеймс Ж. Уокерын дурсгалын шагнал нь Боксын спортод урт удаан хугацаанд гавьяа байгуулсан (BWAA in 1960).
“Боксын янз бүрийн үеийг давсандаа би азтай юм. Тэр үед өөр ертөнц байсан, бид байсан 20-30 зохиолчид бэлтгэлийн баазуудад хэдэн долоо хоног үлддэг. Эрт дээр үеийн боксчин, дасгалжуулагчтай танилцсан.”
Боб Гудман (L) Мухаммед Алигийн жин, баруун талд Роки Марчианогийн хамт шалгаж байна
Сайн залуу, АНУ-д алба хааж байсан. Эргийн хамгаалалт 1958-62, ахмад дайчидтай ажиллах өнөөдөр идэвхтэй хэвээр байна’ бүлгүүд. Тэрээр Веймут хотхоны ахмадын зөвлөх зөвлөлийн ерөнхийлөгч юм, Америкийн легион болон Солонгосын дайны ахмадын холбоотой Хүндэт харуулын нэг хэсэг.

Боб Гудман (баруун талын) дахь IBHOF-д элссэн 2009, түүний эцэг Мюррей 1999
Бобын хамтран ажиллаж байсан дэлхийн аваргуудын тоонд Мухаммед Али багтдаг, Жорж мастер, Жо Фрейзиер, Ларри Холмс, Кен Нортон, Феликс Тринидад, Роберто Duran, Evander Холифилд, Lennox Lewis, Боб Фостер, Сальвадор Санчес, Sugar Ray Leonard, Жулио Сезар Чавес, Вилфредо Гонез, Рикардо Lopez, Бернард Хопкинс болон бусад олон хүмүүс.
NYSBHOF руу явж амьдарч боксчид оруулах (Хаврын хөндий) IBF Cruiserweight дэлхийн аварга Аль “Ice” Коул (35-16-3, 16 Kos), (Урт арал) WBA гэрэл хүнд жингийн Lou “Зөгийн бал Boy” Хөндий (36-6-2, 22 Kos), (Төв Islip) IBF Junior-ийн Welterweight дэлхийн аварга Жейк Родригес (28-8-2, 8 Kos), (Brooklyn) Дэлхийн хөнгөн нэр өрсөлдөгч Terrence Alli (52-15-2, 21 Kos), болон (Buffalo) гийн ялагдашгүй дэлхийн хэмжээний хүнд жингийн “Baby” Жо Mesi (36-0, 29 Kos).
Posthumous оролцогчид багтсан байна НБА-ийн юм & NYSAC Дэлхийн өд аварга (Манхэттэн) Гол дүрүүд нь хүүхэд “Кубын Bon Bon” Шоколад (136-10-6, 51 Kos), (Нью-Йорк хотын) 20-р зууны хүнд жингийн Жеймс J. “Gentleman Жим” Corbett (11-4-3, 5 Kos), (Williamsburg) Дэлхийн хөнгөн аварга Жак “Шагналтан бөгж Наполеон” McAuliffe, (Kingston) WBC супер хөнгөн аварга Билли Costello (40-2, 23 Kos), (гэрэлт цамхаг) NYSAC Хөнгөн хүнд жингийн дэлхийн аварга Melio Беттина (83-14-3, 36 Kos), (Brooklyn / Yonkers) дэлхийн хэмжээний middleweight Ralph “Tiger” Жонс (52-32-5, 13 Kos) болон (порт Вашингтон) хүнд жингийн өрсөлдөгч Чарли “Bayonne золиослогчийг” Norkus (33-19, 19 Kos).
NYSBHOF руу явах амьд оролцогч биш хүмүүс юм (Troy) Пулитцерийн шагналт sportswriter Дэйв Андерсон, (Brooklyn) багш / зөвлөх Питер Brodsky, (Rockaway) боксын түүхч / редактор Herb Goldman, (Ardsley) NYSAC дарга / шүүгч Melvina Lathan, болон (Brooklyn) NYSAC-ийн дарга / matchmaker /дэмжигч Рон Скотт Стивенс.
Posthumous бус оролцогч inductees байна (Brooklyn) бөгж хөтлөгч Johnnie Addie, (Brooklyn) Matchmaker Жонни Bos, (Bronx) боксын зохиолч / түүхч Берт Рандолф Sugar болон (Доод Зүүн Side) радио & телевизийн хөтлөгч / сэтгүүлч Сэм Taub.
оролцож inductee бүр (эсвэл шууд удам) NYSBHOF руу түүний зааварчилгаа ач холбогдол өөрчлөн зохион бүсээ хүлээн авах болно.
The 2017 inductees NYSBHOF нэр дэвшүүлэх хороо нь гишүүдийн сонгосон: Бобби Кассиди, JR., Рэнди Гордон, Хенри Hascup, Дон Majeski, Рон McNair, болон Нейл Terens.
наад зах нь гурван жилийн турш идэвхгүй байх шаардлагатай мэдээлэл боксчид NYSBHOF индукцийн эрхтэй байх, бүх inductees тэдний боксын карьерынхаа ихээхэн хэсгийг, эсвэл тэдгээрийн карьерынхаа Ерөнхий үеэр Нью-Йорк улсад амьдарч байх ёстой.
Анги 2012: Кармен Basilio, Майк McCallum, Майк Тайсон, Жейк LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Карлос Ортиз, Вито Antuofermo, Emile Гриффит, “Sugar” Рэй Робинсон, Gene Tunney, Benny Леонард, Тони Canzoneri, Харолд Ледерман, Стив Acunto, Жимми Гленн, Гил Clancy, Рэй Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Билл Gallo, Артур Mercante, Sr.
Анги 2013: Жак Демпси, Жонни живжээ, Сэнди Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Арчер, Иран Баркли, Марк Breland, Бобби Кассиди, Даг Жонс, Junior-Жонс, Жеймс “Buddy” McGirt, Эдди Мустафа Мухаммед, Боб Arum, Шелли Finkel, Тони Graziano, Ларри Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Майк Jacobs, Текс Rickard ба Дон Dunphy.
Анги 2014: Флойд Паттерсон, Tracy Харрис Паттерсон, Билли Backus, Кевин Kelley, Хуан хэвлэлийнхэнтэй ярилцжээ, Жерри Cooney, Мустафа Hamsho, Ховард Дэвис, Jr., Lou Ambers, Жак Britton, Терри McGovern, Teddy атлас, Lou DiBella, Стив Farhood, Gene Мур, Анжело Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, Уильям Muldoon, Том O'Rourke.
Анги 2015: Саул Mamby, Joey Giamba, Жонни Persol, Харолд Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Паул Berlenbach, Билли Грахам, Frankie Шүүгч, Боб Миллер, Томми Райан, Жимми Slattery, Боб Даффи, Майк Katz, Томми Галлахер, Брюс Silverglade, Чарли Goldman, Жимми Жонстон, Седрик Kushner, Харри Markson, Дэймон Runyon болон Al Weill.
Анги 2016: Аарон Дэвис, Чарльз Мюррей, Vilomar Фернандес, Эдвин Viruet, Hector “Macho” Камачо, Rocky Graziano, Роки Канзас, Жо Линч, Жо Miceli, Эд Brophy, Жо DeGuardia, Рэнди Гордон, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Альберт, Freddie Браун, Ховард Cosell, Ruby Goldstein, Жимми Jacobs.
Анги 2017: Gaspar Ортега, Renaldo “Ноён” Snipes, Даг Dewitt, “Bronx золиослогчийг” Алекс Рамос, Дик Tiger, Хосе Торрес, “Nonpareil” Жак Демпси, Дон Majeski, Рон Katz, Стэн Хоффман, Бобби Бартелс ярив, Hank Каплан, Аль Гэвин, Артур Донован болон Дан Паркер.
Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар үнэтэй байна $150.00 Насанд хүрсэн нэг ба $70.00 Хүүхдэд зориулсан (дагуу 16),болон болмогц бүрэн Нэгжийн болон коктейлийн цаг орно, эхлэн 12:30 p.m. БОЛОН, болон оройн хоолны болох (Ерөнхий хавирга, загас, шувууны аж ахуй) , өдрийн турш нээлттэй бар. Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар NYSBHOF / Ring холбоо барьж худалдан авах боломжтой 8 Ерөнхийлөгч Боб Даффи 516.313.2304 буюуdepcomish@aol.com. NYSBHOF хөтөлбөрийн Зар байдаг, эхлээд $80.00 нь $200.00, Даффи холбоо барьж. Дахь мөрөнд очих www.Ring8ny.com Алдрын Нью-Йорк мужийн боксын танхимд тухай нэмэлт мэдээллийг.
ТУХАЙ RING 8: Онд байгуулагдсан 1954 нь хуучин prizefighter тус, Жак Grebelsky, Ring 8 Дараа нь Үндэсний ахмад боксчид Холбоо гэгддэг юу найм дахь охин болж – эндээс, RING 8 – Өнөөдөр байгууллагын уриа хэвээр байна: Боксчидоор туслах боксчид.
RING 8 бүрэн төлөх түрээсийн хувьд туслалцаа шаардлагатай боксын орон нутагт зүдэрсэн хүмүүсийг дэмжиж ажиллаж байна, Эрүүл мэндийн зардал, эсвэл ямар нэгэн хүндэтгэн үзэх шаардлага.
Мөрөнд рүү очих www.Ring8ny.com Ring талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг 8, илүү АНУ-д энэ төрлийн хамгийн том бүлэг 350 гишүүд. Жилийн гишүүнчлэлийн татвар нь зөвхөн $30.00 мөн гишүүн бүр Ring дээр буфет хоол идэхээр эрхтэй 8 сар тутмын уулзалт, Долоо, наймдугаар оруулахгүйгээр. Бүх идэвхтэй боксчид, сонирхогчийн болон мэргэжлийн, нь магтан сайшааж бөгж авах эрхтэй 8 жилийн гишүүнчлэл. Ring-ийн зочин 8 Гишүүд нь зөвхөн нэг зардлаар урьж байна $7.00 Нэг хүнд ногдох.


CEO/President Michelle Corrales-Lewis to welcomeexceptionalnew class
Las Vegas (Хоёрдугаар сар 13, 2017) – The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame will announce its fifth class of inductees on Лхагва гариг, Эцсийн. 15, үед 11 a.m. PST, Hall CEO/ president Мишель Corrales-Льюис зарлалаа. The 2017 class of nine boxers and five contributors will be revealed at Real Boxing, 5137 The. Oquendo Rd., Лас-Вегас, NV 89118. Lunch will be provide by TC’s Rib Crib.
The honorees will be formally inducted at the popular gala dinner on Бямба гариг, Эцсийн. 12 at Caesars Palace. Ticket information will be released shortly.
We have elected yet another exceptional class of inductees and I can’t wait to introduce them,” said Corrales-Lewis, Хэний нөхрийг, Диего Corrales, was a member of the NVBHOF’s inaugural class in 2013. “We have some of the best boxers ever in this group and I know fans are going to be excited to have the opportunity to meet them.
Our class of contributors is very strong as well and all have made a significant imprint upon boxing in Nevada.
Past inductees include some of the greatest fighters who have ever lived, оролцуулах Мухаммед Али, Майк Тайсон, Sugar Ray Leonard, Гайхалтай Марвин Hagler, Роберто Duran, Жулио Сезар Чавес, Evander Холифилд, Lennox Lewis ба түүнээс дээш.
The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame is an IRS 501 (в)3 charity and all donations are tax deductible. The Hall’s charitable contributions over the five years since its formation have helped boxers in need and boxing-related charities. Donations are welcome.

The Hall was founded in 2013 by noted boxing broadcaster Rich Marotta. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, гар утас 702-3NVBHOF, буюу 702-368-2463.
For Media Credentials Contact: For Information And Sponsorship Opportunities Contact:
Media Coordinator Jon Hait Chief Executive Officer Michelle Corrales-Lewis
И-мэйл хаяг: jhshark@aol.com И-мэйл хаяг: michelle@nvbhof.com
Гар утас: (702) 277-1020 Гар утас: 702-3-NVBHOF (702-368-2463)


Jarrett Hurd Knocks Out Oscar Molina In Opening Bout Of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® CBS тухай, Ерөнхий сайд боксын аварга танилцуулсан, From Barclays Center In Brooklyn

Дарна уу ЭНД for Photos From Esther Lin/Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

Дарна уу ЭНД for Photos From Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions

Дарна уу ЭНД Эд Diller гэрэл зургууд нь / DiBella Entertainment


Brooklyn (Оны зургадугаар сар 26, 2016) – Prizefighting returned to CBS Бямба гарагт with a Fight of the Year candidate as undefeated welterweight world champion Кейт Thurman edged former world champion Шон Портер in a close but unanimous decision scored 115-113 by all three ringside judges.


The 12,718 fans in attendance at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and the viewers across the U.S. watching the first primetime boxing event on CBS since Muhammed Ali-Leon Spinks in 1978 were treated to a slugfest between two of the brightest stars in boxing’s glamour division.


Thurman (27-0, 22 Kos) and Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) combined to throw over 1200 punches in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS event, presented by Premier Boxing Champions. The marquee showdown was a story of accuracy vs. activity, as Thurman landed 50 Түүний хүч буудлага хувь, compared to 38 percent for Porter, болон 44 percent of his total punches compared to just 36 percent for the challenger. While Thurman landed at a higher percentage, Porter was the busier fighter, throwing over 100 more punches across 12 удаа.


“One Time” and “Showtime” delivered as advertised, with the powerful sharpshooter buckling Porter multiple times, while the swarming and smothering Porter barreled forward to bully Thurman into the ropes. And while there were no knockdowns, the back-and-forth blockbuster never lacked action and culminated in a standing ovation in the second-highest attended boxing event in Barclays Center history.


I want to thank Shawn Porter for a tremendous fight. He’s a great warrior,” said Thurman. “Defense is the key to victory. He smothers his punches a lot and makes it difficult for the judges to score. I was able to rock him with clear, effective blows and I believe that was the difference today.


“I would give him a rematch. It was great fight. He was a great opponent. Everyone was saying would he be my toughest opponent to date. I wasn’t able to drop him but I did buckle him a few times.”

The former world champion Porter, a perennial underdog but consummate gentleman, didn’t complain about being on the losing end of his second close decision in a title bout.


“We worked hard, Keith is a great champion,” Porter said. “My dad says to keep your head up. I think I won the fight, but I’m satisfied because the competitor came out Өнөө орой.


We need that rematch. I know the fans want that rematch. If he gives me another chance, I’m going to work hard in the ring and leave with his title.


The opening bout of the CBS telecast featured a matchup of undefeated super welterweights as Jarrett Hurd graduated from prospect to legitimate contender in the stacked 154-pound class with a dominating 10 round TKO over Оскар Молина.


Hurd (18-0, 12 Kos) got to work early, flooring Molina for the first time in his career in the opening round with a powerful counter right uppercut. The bigger and taller Hurd was the more active fighter from the outset, dismantling the previously unbeaten Mexican Olympian with a supremely effective inside game. Hurd threw nearly 750 punches over 10 удаа, зүгээр л харьцуулахад 376 for Molina, дээр холбох 220 power shots at a nearly 40 percent clip.


Hurd put a stamp on his performance in the final round, closing the show by out landing Molina 33-7 in the final round. With Molina taking a brutal beating and seemingly defenseless in the final minute of the final round, Ricky Gonzalez stepped in to halt the contest at 2:02.


This is definitely a big win for my career,” Hurd said. “He was taking a lot of shots, but he knew how to survive. It was a big uppercut that knocked him down in round one. People know from my last fight that I have a great right uppercut. He was hurt a couple of times. I don’t think it was a bad stoppage. Molina is a very tough guy who just kept coming through.


This fight here puts me up with the top contenders in the division. I felt like I could have gone three or four more rounds. I was getting stronger as the fight went on. We’re going right back to the gym so we can get in there again.


Molina (13-1-1, 10 Kos) protested, but barring a stunning knockout he was just seconds away from suffering the first loss of his career via a unanimous decision.


I felt like Hurd was throwing a lot of punches in the tenth round but they weren’t really hurting me,” Molina said. “He was staying busy but he was never really hurting me.


“I went low and I had my head down and he caught me with that uppercut in the first round. He got me with a shot I wasn’t expecting but it was definitely a flash knockdown. I wasn’t hurt.


I was supposed to use my footwork a lot more but I ended up smothering my shots. He had an awkward defense with a lot of bending down and I couldn’t get into a rhythm.


This was a big opportunity for me and I felt like I fought a good fight. I’m going to come back stronger. We’re going to work on a lot of things and get back in there.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, presented by Premier Boxing Champions, was promoted by DiBella Entertainment.


Earlier in the evening on SHOWTIME, undefeated heavyweight sensation Anthony Joshua successfully defended his IBF Heavyweight World Championship for the first time with a seventh round knockout of previously unbeaten American Dominic Breazeale at The O2 in London. VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/28VGgsa


Below are quotes from Joshua after Бямба-ийн win on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL:


Many thought that Dominic Breazeale wouldn’t be able to stand up to your power and speed, but were you grateful for the opportunity to work a little bit more of your boxing skills?

“Well, it’s hard because you can see they’re hurt with every shotwell not every shotbut when you start catching them flush, they can feel the shots with these ten ounce gloves on. Тэгэхээр, it’s just a matter of time, but in the process I didn’t want to be receiving any haymakers on the way back.


“It’s been tough I had two weeks off after my last fight, and got straight back in the gym so it was tough. I get a nice little break for once and then I can come back with recharged batteries.


We know Deontay Wilder was watching the fight. Have you got a message for him, the WBC Champion?

Unbelievable inspirational person. He was patient, 30-odd fights [болон] got his hands on the WBC [belt]. I’m following suit. I’m making my way into the U.S. with SHOWTIME backing me as well. Тэгэхээр, he watched that.


He can pick up whatever he wants to pick up from that, but it’s so different when you’re in the ring with each other. So one day we’ll get to experience what each other’s about.


Who do you want to fight next?

Well I think it’s gonna have to be the likes of [Иосеф] Паркер. I was really looking at Fury… I hope he gets better soon. He hurt his ankle unfortunately, which has postponed it because I was hoping to get that some time in the winter if everything went well July 9th like it didӨнөө орой, but we’re gonna have to reschedule that and in the meantime, we can look at other opponents like Parker, if he’s vacant, or anyone else that the people want.


What do you think that you still need to work on?

“Rest. I need to rest. I’m tired, I’m working hard and as I said, now i can get


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.SHO.com/Sports болон www.premierboxingchampions.com, Twitter дээр даганаSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebookat www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment болон www.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.




You’re in my jungle now– Anthony Joshua

“I came across the pond to get my belt and take it back home with me” – Dominic Breazeale


Дарна уу ЭНД Фото зураг авах; Credit Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport


LONDON (Оны зургадугаар сар 23, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 Kos) and fellow unbeaten American challenger Доминик Breazeale (17-0, 15 Kos), participated in the final press conference Пүрэв гаригт at Sky Sports Studios in London, just two days before their showdown Энэ Бямба гариг.


The British sensation and 2012 Olympic Games Gold Medalist, Joshua will make the first defense of his title against Breazeale, нь 2012 U.S. Olympian from Upland, Калифорни мужийн., энэ Бямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 25 тухай Showtime Боксын Олон улсын® from a sold-out The O2 Лондонд, дээр амьдрахShowtime® on at 5:15 p.m. БОЛОН/2:15 p.m. PT.


Fellow heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder, the undefeated WBC titleholder, will join the SHOWTIME announce team as an in-studio guest analyst for coverage of Joshua-Breazeale from New York.


A few hours later Бямба гариг, in primetime on CBS (9 p.m. БОЛОН/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын тухай CBS, presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


Below is what the fighters had to say at the final press conference, followed by some recent fight week quotes. (Courtesy Sky Sports and Matchroom Sport)




You’re in my jungle now. Надад ямар ч дарамт байхгүй.


“Once that bell goes, you can’t hide the instinct, the instinct that you want to get someone out of there. I hope I can go in there, stay relaxed and do what I planned to do. But once that bell rings something just comes over you and you want to get him out of there ASAP.


There will always be pressure. But look, it’s always been the same concept: Train hard – it’s the same ring. It hasn’t changed.


I’ve got nothing to lose. I’ve always explained let’s get rid of the belts, the atmosphere, because when the bell goes it’s just me and him in the ring. Two gladiators, two respectful warriors coming together. We’re going to slug it out and put our 0s on the line.


“I’m prepared, Dominic is prepared well, and one of us has to take a loss.


Each fight is a stepping stone to the big tests. I want to look like the real deal.


I think we’re in the golden era of boxing again.”



I respect you as a fighter, but I’m going to beat you. I’ve got to beat the best of the best.


“Би тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна, it’s been an opportunity I’ve been waiting eight years for this. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime and I’m ready for this.


“Салют хүлээгдэж. We’ll be going round for round, punch for punch and I expect to knock out Joshua.


“I got a big right hand, I have a big left hook. I stand 6-foot-7, 255 кг. I’m unorthodox – I’m a guy that can fight on the inside, I’m a guy that can take a punch, I’m a guy that can give a punch. So if any one of those given things show up Бямба гарагт night I’m getting a knockout, гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.


“It’s a major advantage just for me to have Anthony Joshua the whole time. I don’t want him at any given point for him to feel like he’s in his comfort zone, his own backyard or his own little lion’s den.


“That’s what I came across the pond to do. I came across the pond to get my belt and take it back home with me.


“It’s my Super Bowl. Being a former football player, this is my Super Bowl.”


Everybody keeps comparing me to Charles Martin, the only thing that we have in common is that we’re both American. We have a completely different fight style, different goals in life.


I’m a big puncher, so is Anthony Joshua. He has the belt and I intend to have it Бямба гарагт Шөнийн.






"Би байна 16 тулаан, 16 хожиж, Dominic is 17 тулаан, 17 хожиж. We’ve been pro for the same amount of time, amateurs for the same time so we’re at a similar level on paper.


“People think this will end in two rounds? Brilliant. I am winning fights early because of my talent and hard work. Where I am in my career, it’s a perfect fight.


“I don’t overlook anyone. People talk and talk, that’s irrelevant. It’s all about whether he can fight. I think he believes in himself, but he knows what’s in store here, he needs to know I’m serious about this boxing. He thinks he’s going to KO me, he’s dismissed Charles Martinsometimes you just have to humble somebody and show levels, let them know it’s not that easy.


“The second I stepped in to the pros it was ‘Boom!" — Anthony Joshua – headlining. That’s not down to me, its media channels and people wanting to get to know the guy behind the gloves. So it’s been hard to build a career at the right pace without criticism because people want to see me in massive fights right now.


“You can’t jump from hero to zero, there are people guiding us over a long and a dangerous career. People have to understand that it’s a development of a career, and if I ever train a fighter, I’ll tell them the same thing.”


On fellow heavyweight world champions Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury:

“This won’t be my only defense, I want there to be lots and lots, and at the right time I will fight David Haye, Тайсон Fury, Deontay Wilder and the rest. We’re in an era now where we have to fight each other. There’s never been an era when the best don’t fight the best at heavyweightbut they have to happen at the right time, and they will.


“We are all world champions as we hold all the belts that are available. We’re all talented. Deontay has defended his title multiple times so you have to give him credit for that. Tyson and I haven’t defended yet, so I put Deontay at the top. But Tyson beat Wladimir Klitschko who reigned for such a long time.


“I am happy because I became a world champion in my 16th fight and they won theirs later in their careers. But Tyson beat the main man in the division, and Deontay has defended his belt lots of times, so I am in third right now, but I am building my way up.


“Put the belts to one side, they don’t give you magical powers. A lot of fighters lose their belt in their first defense. It’s about developing your raw talent and making sure you keep on an upward curve because there’s hungry young challengers snapping at your heels all the time, ready to expose you – and I refuse that to happen to me.”


On Charles Martin:

“Before the fight, no one criticized (Чарльз) Мартин. He was undefeated, knocking guys out, tall southpaw, dangerous. Bookies were taking a lot of bets on him knocking me out. Tyson Fury backed him to do just that and a lot of people thought it would be tricky. Up until I beat him, he was seen as a worthy fighter. I figured him out quickly and I made him look bad. He didn’t look like the champion people thought he was, but you have to respect him.”


On thinking about losing:

“I think about losing all the time, I’m scared of it. That keeps me humble and working hard. I don’t think people are going to beat me or anything, but I don’t want to lose, and I know that if I work hard and keep improving, I won’t lose.


“I get enough attention from this job. Байдаг 20,000 fans at the fights, millions watching on TV around the world. I don’t need to seek attention. I’m not a trash talker because the fists do the talking.’’


On being a role model:

“I know that there are a lot of kids watching me now and their parents say ‘my son loves youand that’s in my mind.


“I’ll be myself all the time, but that sense of being a role model and having kid’s look up to you, that checks the emotions that could come out if you get wound up. You have to conduct yourself.’’


On Tyson Fury:

“Tyson talks a lot. I hear so many different things, if he was consistent with what he says then maybe I’d think he was digging a bit, but it’s just water off a duck’s back. I don’t know him, but as long as people are saying ‘when are you going to fight him?’ then I like him because he is relevant.


“It would be such a huge fight and one that would be part of my legacy. I think because he’s beaten Wladimir once he can do it again. I didn’t think he’d win the first fight, but he pulled it off.


“I’d love to fight Tyson – it’s a match-up that needs to happen. There have been talks, whether they are a quick chat or serious negotiations, but you can’t click your fingers and come up with a mega fight. It takes time, but they are in the pipeline and we’re building towards them, and in the meantime I want to test myself and learn my craft. I need to perform well to prove that I can handle the massive fights.’’


On fellow British heavyweight David Haye:

“David is running the show and people know it, so when he goes in against soft opponents, he’s putting his neck on the line to get the stick. Fans expect more from him and he’s not meeting those levels, and that’s where the backlash comes from. The people he’s calling out versus the two guys he has fought, they just don’t add up, and that’s what people are frustrated about.


“I don’t think you can knock the Shannon Briggs fight. He’s made a lot of noise, he’s old school and it’s a good fight for David to take, win and move upwards. Shannon had made noise and he’s got his moment and who knows? Maybe he can shock the world. He’s old, but he trains hard and he’s in great condition, and that’s why people love the heavyweights because it’s that one shot.


“A fight with Fury and I is the biggest fight in British boxing in my opinion. The Haye fight is big too; there’s enough media interest for it to be big. It’s already big and we’re not even fighting yet, so imagine how big it would be once we get in there. It’d be unbelievable and that’s why I am so interested in the fights.”



“I plan on putting on some extreme pressure and taking Joshua to places he’s never been. We’ll find out if he can handle it.


“Do I want to see him go into uncharted territory? Мэдээж хэрэг, ямар ч эргэлзээгүй.


“I’ve been there, I know what it feels like and I’ve done it several times now. Үүний зэрэгцээ, I’m not going to let an opportunity pass me. If I see something I can take in the first or second round, I’m definitely going to get him out of there.


“I’ve sparred guys that are bigger than me, I’ve sparred some guys smaller than me. I’ve been the tallest thus far (Түүний өрсөлдөгч нь мэргэжлийн), but I don’t think the difference in a matter of inches is going to make that big of a difference. The guys I’ve sparred with are 10 times better than Anthony Joshua.


“I think that it’s going to be one of those situations that it is not going to be a difference of size or weight. It’s going to be the difference of skill and experience.


“When you think of a heavyweight champion you want to make sure he’s fought the best, and I think that’s why Joshua has chosen me as his opponent to defend against. That’s what he plans on getting out of the situation if he can make it through the 12 удаа.


“I think Joshua’s thinking of me as a stepping stone and he’s going to be sorry about that. He’s just wrong. He’s fighting a guy at 6-foot-7, 255 pounds that brings the pressure and a great pace from round-to-round.


“I’m one of those guys that I might take a shot, I might work some defense or I might work a strong jab. Аль ч тохиолдолд, I’m going to make it a fight. All of my opponents have been down on the canvas and I don’t think Joshua is going to come shy of that as well.


“I’ve been picked as the smaller guy in the ring, by the IBF as a stepping stone and I feel like my back is against the wall. I’m going to come out fighting.


“To come here and win the IBF title in London is a major thing for me that I plan to achieve. Then I want to continuing to go after all the titles.


“My mind set has definitely changed. The situation that I’m in mentally is just different compared to some of my fights in the past. My confidence level is through the roof and physically I feel great.


“I think the heavyweight division is getting ready to change. With individuals like myself, Deontay and Tyson, we have guys who are characters who bring a lot of charisma to the division. That’s something that we need. Тийм ээ, we are athletes but in the end we are entertainers and we want to see a show. I’m the type of guy that brings a show every single time I fight. It’s action-packed from the opening bell to the end, and fight fans are looking for that. That’s what is going to resurrect the heavyweight division.’’


On his win over Amir Mansour:

“That was another confidence booster for me. It’s one thing to finish a guy in the first round with three punches or something like that. It’s another thing to finish a guy in the sixth, seventh round with a combination of shots.


“Amir put me down on the canvas in the second, I battled back and ended up breaking the man’s jaw.


“It gives me something to work on. I know I was able to come back and be very successful from it. Anytime you get a win of that matter where you get a guy, break him down, break him down where he quits on the stool, it’s a huge confidence booster. It makes you understand as an athlete or as a professional boxer that you’ve got punching power, you just broke another man’s jaw.’’


On returning to London after the 2012 Олимпийн:

“I think it’s going to beautiful. It’s going to be great to go back to where my amateur career ended and beat the guy who won the gold medal. That’s going to be great. Тэгээд, on top of that, take away more hardware with the IBF Heavyweight title. You couldn’t ask for anything better.


“Then again I do understand and believe I’m a completely different fighternot only am I a professional but I no longer fight an amateur style. I would consider myself a knockout artist with some pretty good punching power and that’s what I plan on showing the UK fans and my U.S. following. It’s a chapter that needs to be closed and I plan on doing that.’’


On the state of the heavyweight division:

“I believe that we’ve got a lot of heavyweights who are doing real well and are real successful in their situations, some being titleholders, some not. But I think it’s going to be a revolving circle. Me fighting Anthony Joshua, then going on to Deontay and Fury, Wladimir Klitschko might even hang around for a while. Will it ever be compared to the Ali days or Riddick Bowe and the Evander Holyfield days? I don’t know. Bowe and Holyfield had one great trilogy and I study it all the time. So it all depends on how much each fighter has left in him.’’


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.SHO.com/Sports, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @SHOSports, эсвэл Facebook дээр фэн нь болсон www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing болон https://www.facebook.com/ShoSports


Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua @AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.


Unbeaten IBF World Heavyweight Champion Anthony Joshua, Гийн ялагдашгүй, World-Ranked Challenger Dominic Breazeale International Media Conference Call Highlights

“That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down” – Anthony Joshua

“I can’t wait to get in the ring and shock the world” – Dominic Breazeale

Breazeale Challenges Joshua This Бямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 25,
From The O2 in London

НЬЮ ЙОРК (Оны зургадугаар сар 20, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Энтони Иошуа (16-0, 16 Kos) will make the first defense of his title against fellow unbeaten Доминик Breazeale (17-0, 15 Kos) of Upland, Калифорни мужийн., энэБямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 25 тухай Showtime Боксын Олон улсын® нь The O2Лондонд, дээр амьдрах Showtime® on at 5:15 p.m. БОЛОН/2:15 p.m. PT.

Just a few hours later in Primetime on CBS (9 p.m. БОЛОН/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын тухай CBS, presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Both Joshua and Breazeale participated in an international media conference call Даваа гаригт. Also taking part were Stephen Espinoza, SHOWTIME Sports-ийн гүйцэтгэх дэд ерөнхийлөгч, ерөнхий менежер; Эдди Hearn, Managing Director of Matchroom Sport and Brittany Goossen of TGB Promotions introducing Breazeale.

Below are highlights of what the principals had to say on the conference call. A full transcript will be available in the coming days.


Thoughts on his preparation for the fight:

“I feel great condition wise, and mentally I’m in a good place. I’ve never felt so relaxed because I just know I’m capable of doing it. I’ve trained weeks and years and it’s just about getting it right on the night of the fight. My tactics and my mind have not let me down so far, so that’s why I don’t want to change anything.

“I’m not putting too much pressure on myself. I’m going to attack the fight the same way I have my last 16 and put on an explosive show. That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down.

“Every fight can be my last fight. As much as I would like to tell you I’m confident and ‘I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that’ I do understand I have to approach this as if it could be my last fight.

“I know he can hang around, he doesn’t go down easy. He’s a big guy, he can eat shots. The Dominic Breazeale I’m used to watching on YouTube and I’m reading about is the enhanced Dominic Breazeale – the Dominic Breazeale that is 50 percent better because I think he knows he wants to come prove himself on a global stage. And this is his chance come Бямба гариг, so I need to prepare for the best of Breazeale.”

On going from being the hunter as a challenger to being the hunted as a champion:

“I’m not the cream of the crop in the gym. I’m around guys that are achieving things on the same level so I’m still hunting. I still have that mentality as if I’m a main killer in the jungle. I haven’t lost that hunger.

On potential to fight in the US in the future:

“I just keep on hearing the United States is where it’s happening. And if I come to the U.S., I’m going to shut it down.”

Thoughts on Breazeale’s performance against Amir Mansour:

“He’s a tough guy. He managed to go out there and break Mansour’s jaw and capture a win, which has led him into where he is now. Whichever angels were floating in the ring with him that day have led him to this point, so I’ve got to put an end to his dream.”

On winning a piece of the heavyweight championship in just his 16 pro fight:

“It didn’t mean much. I still have another couple titles I need to get my hands on. I’m still hunting. There’s still work to be done. So it only ticked one of the boxes on my to-do list.”


“I’m out here very excited. I can’t wait to get in the ring Оны зургадугаар сар 25 and shock the world, байгаа эсэхийг нь шүү дээ. I’ve been lucky enough to prepare for the biggest fight of my life and I’m really super excited about it.”

On why he thinks he was selected for this matchup:

"Үнэндээ, the way I see it is that someone didn’t do their research. They didn’t look deep enough. They didn’t find out enough about me and maybe they’re looking at me as just another football player that transitioned into boxing. And I’m hoping they’re overlooking me. It definitely can be a situation where they’re just watching one fight, especially my last fight. But there’s been a lot of tough ones. If they’re looking at that one situation, I’m glad because that’s to my liking.”

On his feelings about fighting overseas:

“The way I’m thinking about it is, Оны зургадугаар сар 25, I gain 20,000 фенүүд. I’m in a situation where I’m very confident going into this fight and I know for sure I’m going to put on a great show, come out victorious and go back to the U.S. нь 20,000 UK fans.

“I definitely believe [Иошуа] realizes; he understands that he’s got a big test in front of him. He’s got a big fighter in front of him. He’s got a guy that’s going to break him down, test his will and see if he is a true champion.

“I am coming into this fight very confident and I’ve got some things that I know are going to work for me, as well as some things that I plan on exploiting out of Joshua.

“I’m blessed to have been picked for this fight and am thankful for this opportunity. The way I look at it, and the way I look at every fight that I go into, is that as long as I do everything that I need to do in the gym as far as sparring, preparation and training, running my miles, sleeping right and eating right – I’ve crossed all of my T’s and dotted all of my I’s. I’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve got nothing to second-guess. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to and I just can’t wait to shine.”

Stephen ESPINOZA, Гүйцэтгэх дэд ерөнхийлөгч, ерөнхий менежер, Showtime Спорт

“Anthony quickly went from a diamond in the rough to really one of the foremost stars in the UK and Europe, and we are happy to be his partner as he establishes his presence in North America.

“We are particularly excited about this bout because we have, pardon the phraseology, two behemoths. There are two skilled boxers, really the epitome of what heavyweight boxing should be – том, strong athletes skilled in their sport, with amateur pedigree, meeting on the afternoon here in the US, evening in the UK to determine who is the best fighter.”

EDDIE HEARN, Ерөнхийлөгч, Matchroom Спорт

“Over here, the feeling is that it’s going to be quite a routine defense, but Anthony hasn’t trained like that. He is not expecting that. He knows the background and roots of Dominic Breazeale. He knows his skill, and he knows how dangerous he can be and he knows how hungry he is as well. I think you’re going to get a different kind of fight than the Charles Martin fight. I think you’re going to get a guy that’s not afraid to let his hands go. He’s not going to wait and the sold out O2 Arena is going to be an electric place to be.”

“SHOWTIME is a deal we are very excited about. To link up with an American broadcaster for us was an obvious move, but it was a move we had to choose carefully. And I think we chose very, very well in SHOWTIME.”


“Over here in the U.S. we have gotten to see Dominic grow before our eyes. We know he is definitely capable of challenging for the world title. Бямба гаригтwe expect him to be victorious and bring that back to America.”

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.SHO.com/Sports, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @SHOSports, эсвэл Facebook дээр фэн нь болсон www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing болон HTTPS://www.facebook.com/ShoSports

Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua@AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.

WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Sees Anthony Joshua-Dominic Breazeale Fight as 50-50


Breazeale Challenges Joshua This Бямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 25,
From The O2 in London

НЬЮ ЙОРК (Оны зургадугаар сар 22, 2016) – Unbeaten WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder can’t pick a clear winner for Энэ Бямба гариг шөнө нь Anthony Joshua-Dominic Breazeale world title clash.

The undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Joshua (16-0, 16 Kos) will make the first defense of his title against fellow unbeaten Доминик Breazeale(17-0, 15 Kos) of Upland, Калифорни мужийн., тухай Showtime Боксын Олон улсын®нь The O2 Лондонд, дээр амьдрах Showtime® үед 5:15 p.m. БОЛОН/2:15 p.m. PT.

Just a few hours later in Primetime on CBS (9 p.m. БОЛОН/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын тухай CBS, presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Wilder, who will be part of the in-studio SHOWTIME announce team covering the fight from New York City, is torn on who will triumph when Joshua makes the first defense of the world title he landed in April with a devastating second-round KO win over Charles Martin.

“I definitely see the fight as a 50-50,” said Wilder. “You’ve got two big heavyweights, and the challenger wants what the champion has, and the champion wants to keep what he has.

“It’s going to be interesting because we’ve seen Breazeale in a lot of wars. He’s almost been taken out by some of the smaller heavyweights. He’s been punched around, but he has always survived.

“We’ve seen Joshua (get) busted up as well, but he has kept his composure, and this fight is in his backyard amongst his people.

“I don’t put anything past Breazeale because he’s coming in hustlers’ territory. I think that it’ll be a good fight because of Breazeale – I think he really wants it.”

Wilder makes the fourth defense of his WBC strap on Оны долдугаар сар 16 against Chris Arreola in his hometown of Alabama. The 30-year-old says that Joshua will feel like a different fighter as he goes into his first fight as world champion – but that there’s now an even bigger target on his back.

“Once you’ve got that belt, you feel like ‘I’m the man,’ ” said Wilder. “After the first fight, that’s when you really feel confident. You really feel you’re the man, you’re the champ. You’re the ruler once you’ve had your first defense.

“For Joshua, this is his first title defense, so he should feel some kind of security about himself and confidence about himself. But he’s going to find out that to continue his career and defend that title, these guys aren’t going to lay down after one punch or after two punches.

“They’re going to keep taking punches, they’re going to keep getting knocked down and they’re going to keep getting up. This is for a world title. This can bring you out of poverty, you know what I mean? For that reason, these challengers are hungry. That’s one of the things that I had to realize.

“I put myself in their position. When I was a challenger, I was hungry and I already had the mentality that ‘you’re going to really have to kill me or hurt me bad to get me out of this ring.’ So that’s the mentality that these challengers have.

“It’s going to be interesting when you have a guy with a big heart that really, really wants it and I think Breazeale really wants it. We’re going to see where his heart is. I can’t say what kind of heart he has, but we’re going to see.”

Breazeale is following compatriot Charles Martin into Joshua’s Greenwich home area. “It takes a lot of courage, will and heart to fight in someone’s backyard,” said Wilder. “It takes someone that has confidence in themselves. And not to mention going to someone else’s country, because then the environment has completely changed. It’s a big difference and not a lot of guys are willing to travel outside of their country where they would be uncomfortable.

“Only a very few that really want to build their legacy, such as myself, will travel and have no problem. I don’t like to worry about judges or nothing. You go do what you have to do. That’s just my philosophy and mentality as a champion now. When you say the Heavyweight Champion of the World, that’s why this is tough, we travel all over the world.”

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.SHO.com/Sports, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @SHOSports, эсвэл Facebook дээр фэн нь болсон www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing болон HTTPS://www.facebook.com/ShoSports

Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua@AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.

Unbeaten IBF World Heavyweight Champion Anthony Joshua, Гийн ялагдашгүй, World-Ranked Challenger Dominic Breazeale International Media Conference Call Highlights

“That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down” – Anthony Joshua

“I can’t wait to get in the ring and shock the world” – Dominic Breazeale

Breazeale Challenges Joshua This Бямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 25,
From The O2 in London

НЬЮ ЙОРК (Оны зургадугаар сар 20, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 Kos) will make the first defense of his title against fellow unbeaten Доминик Breazeale (17-0, 15 Kos) of Upland, Калифорни мужийн., энэ Бямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 25 тухай Showtime Боксын Олон улсын® нь The O2Лондонд, дээр амьдрах Showtime® on at 5:15 p.m. БОЛОН/2:15 p.m. PT.

Just a few hours later in Primetime on CBS (9 p.m. БОЛОН/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын тухай CBS, presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Both Joshua and Breazeale participated in an international media conference callДаваа гаригт. Also taking part were Stephen Espinoza, SHOWTIME Sports-ийн гүйцэтгэх дэд ерөнхийлөгч, ерөнхий менежер; Эдди Hearn, Managing Director of Matchroom Sport and Brittany Goossen-Brown of TGB Promotions introducing Breazeale.

Below are highlights of what the principals had to say on the conference call. A full transcript will be available in the coming days.


Thoughts on his preparation for the fight:

“I feel great condition wise, and mentally I’m in a good place. I’ve never felt so relaxed because I just know I’m capable of doing it. I’ve trained weeks and years and it’s just about getting it right on the night of the fight. My tactics and my mind have not let me down so far, so that’s why I don’t want to change anything.

“I’m not putting too much pressure on myself. I’m going to attack the fight the same way I have my last 16 and put on an explosive show. That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down.

“Every fight can be my last fight. As much as I would like to tell you I’m confident and ‘I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that’ I do understand I have to approach this as if it could be my last fight.

“I know he can hang around, he doesn’t go down easy. He’s a big guy, he can eat shots. The Dominic Breazeale I’m used to watching on YouTube and I’m reading about is the enhanced Dominic Breazeale – the Dominic Breazeale that is 50 percent better because I think he knows he wants to come prove himself on a global stage. And this is his chance come Бямба гариг, so I need to prepare for the best of Breazeale.”

On going from being the hunter as a challenger to being the hunted as a champion:

“I’m not the cream of the crop in the gym. I’m around guys that are achieving things on the same level so I’m still hunting. I still have that mentality as if I’m a main killer in the jungle. I haven’t lost that hunger.

On potential to fight in the US in the future:

“I just keep on hearing the United States is where it’s happening. And if I come to the U.S., I’m going to shut it down.”

Thoughts on Breazeale’s performance against Amir Mansour:

“He’s a tough guy. He managed to go out there and break Mansour’s jaw and capture a win, which has led him into where he is now. Whichever angels were floating in the ring with him that day have led him to this point, so I’ve got to put an end to his dream.”

On winning a piece of the heavyweight championship in just his 16 pro fight:

“It didn’t mean much. I still have another couple titles I need to get my hands on. I’m still hunting. There’s still work to be done. So it only ticked one of the boxes on my to-do list.”


“I’m out here very excited. I can’t wait to get in the ring Оны зургадугаар сар 25 and shock the world, байгаа эсэхийг нь шүү дээ. I’ve been lucky enough to prepare for the biggest fight of my life and I’m really super excited about it.”

On why he thinks he was selected for this matchup:

"Үнэндээ, the way I see it is that someone didn’t do their research. They didn’t look deep enough. They didn’t find out enough about me and maybe they’re looking at me as just another football player that transitioned into boxing. And I’m hoping they’re overlooking me. It definitely can be a situation where they’re just watching one fight, especially my last fight. But there’s been a lot of tough ones. If they’re looking at that one situation, I’m glad because that’s to my liking.”

On his feelings about fighting overseas:

“The way I’m thinking about it is, Оны зургадугаар сар 25, I gain 20,000 фенүүд. I’m in a situation where I’m very confident going into this fight and I know for sure I’m going to put on a great show, come out victorious and go back to the U.S. нь 20,000 UK fans.

“I definitely believe [Иошуа] realizes; he understands that he’s got a big test in front of him. He’s got a big fighter in front of him. He’s got a guy that’s going to break him down, test his will and see if he is a true champion.

“I am coming into this fight very confident and I’ve got some things that I know are going to work for me, as well as some things that I plan on exploiting out of Joshua.

“I’m blessed to have been picked for this fight and am thankful for this opportunity. The way I look at it, and the way I look at every fight that I go into, is that as long as I do everything that I need to do in the gym as far as sparring, preparation and training, running my miles, sleeping right and eating right – I’ve crossed all of my T’s and dotted all of my I’s. I’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve got nothing to second-guess. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to and I just can’t wait to shine.”

Stephen ESPINOZA, Гүйцэтгэх дэд ерөнхийлөгч, ерөнхий менежер, Showtime Спорт

“Anthony quickly went from a diamond in the rough to really one of the foremost stars in the UK and Europe, and we are happy to be his partner as he establishes his presence in North America.

“We are particularly excited about this bout because we have, pardon the phraseology, two behemoths. There are two skilled boxers, really the epitome of what heavyweight boxing should be – том, strong athletes skilled in their sport, with amateur pedigree, meeting on the afternoon here in the US, evening in the UK to determine who is the best fighter.”

EDDIE HEARN, Ерөнхийлөгч, Matchroom Спорт

“Over here, the feeling is that it’s going to be quite a routine defense, but Anthony hasn’t trained like that. He is not expecting that. He knows the background and roots of Dominic Breazeale. He knows his skill, and he knows how dangerous he can be and he knows how hungry he is as well. I think you’re going to get a different kind of fight than the Charles Martin fight. I think you’re going to get a guy that’s not afraid to let his hands go. He’s not going to wait and the sold out O2 Arena is going to be an electric place to be.”

“SHOWTIME is a deal we are very excited about. To link up with an American broadcaster for us was an obvious move, but it was a move we had to choose carefully. And I think we chose very, very well in SHOWTIME.”


“Over here in the U.S. we have gotten to see Dominic grow before our eyes. We know he is definitely capable of challenging for the world title. Бямба гаригт we expect him to be victorious and bring that back to America.”

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.SHO.com/Sports, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @SHOSports, эсвэл Facebook дээр фэн нь болсон www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing болон HTTPS://www.facebook.com/ShoSports

Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua@AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.


Photo courtesy of Timothy Hernandez. For more photos click
Шилийн, Калифорни (Оны зургадугаар сар 9, 2016)It has been roughly five weeks since WBC Continental Americas Heavyweight Champion Dominic “Trouble” BREAZEALE (17-0, 15 К.О-ийн) was notified that he would be facing newly crowned IBF world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 К.О-ийн). Тэр үед нь, Breazeale has been continuing to train diligently with world renowned trainer Manny Robles in preparation for his upcoming IBF world heavyweight title challenge.

The heavyweight challenger from Alhambra, California and his trainer from East Los Angeles took some time out of Breazeale’s busy schedule to answer some questions about his training camp and the bout with Anthony Joshua on June 25th.
When you first found out that you were selected as Joshua’s opponent, what were your initial thoughts?
When I received a call from my advisor Al Haymon and he told me the good news, I was excited. I immediately told my wife and then notified my team that we got the fight. I knew I was one of three possible opponents and I was happy that I got it. Ever since 2008 when I started getting into boxing, it was a dream of mine to be the world heavyweight champion. Eight years later, I’m here.
Back on May 4th, you traveled to London for the press conference to announce the fight. There was clearly a heated discussion between you and Joshua. What happened?

“За, prior to going into the press conference, we took some photos outside of the building. Then we had the stare down. I guess he didn’t like that when he looked away, I kept staring at him. Тэгэхээр, since he was in front of the cameras, he started acting tough.

I just let him know that he was in for a dog fight. I’m not going to back down and he clearly saw that. I’m not coming for a check; I’m coming for that title and bringing it back to the United States where it belongs.

How is training camp going?
Training camp has been going really well. I was actually in camp before the fight was announced so I am in great shape. My coaches Manny Robles and Edgar Jasso have a great fight plan for me and we are working hard in the gym. I have great sparring partners and they are helping me as well.

My stable mates are also pushing me to train as hard as I can. I’m getting better every day and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Coach Manny: how are things going in training camp?
Everything is going as expected. This camp is far beyond better than the last camp. Dominic will tell that this is beyond his best camp ever. Та мэдэх, in his past camps he knew there was a routine every day. The last two camps, he expects something different every day. The variation of training keeps him focused and motivated and he is doing very well. I’m seeing overall improvements, from his ring generalship to his defense and footwork, putting punches together along with his balance and his jab.
I see improvement in every aspect of his game and he is becoming a better overall boxer. We are working to win. We are working hard in the gym and that is where the fights are won. Our sparring is going really well as is the training. Strength and conditioning coach Darryl Hudson is doing a phenomenal job with Dominic and the results are showing. We’re coming to win.
Доминик: How does it feel to be going back to London fighting for a world title?
“Энэ нь маш их мэдэрдэг. I couldn’t have written the script any better. This is unfinished business. Буцах д 2012, I earned a spot on the Olympic team after just a year and half of boxing as a competitive amateur. But everyone knows that the amateur ranks are nothing like the professional ranks. So far in my professional career, I have learned to impose my will on my opponents and that’s why I’m fighting Joshua for the world title. I’m looking forward to going back to London to finish what I didn’t four years ago.
What are your thoughts on the current state of the heavyweight division?
The heavyweight division is ripe for the pickings. You have an out of shape fighter like Tyson Fury who now holds two titles after getting a decision over Wladimir Klitchko, who clearly had an off night. I believe Klitchko will KO Fury and Fury retires.

Then you have the controversy between Deontay Wilder and Alexander Povetkin. I was really looking forward to that bout. I sparred with Povetkin in Russia a few years ago and I know what he is capable of. I have a lot of respect for Deontay Wilder and it’s too bad that fight didn’t happen.

What are your expectations for how the bout with Anthony Joshua plays out?
I’m coming to London to win, энгийн, энгийн. I’m going to pressure Joshua and just keep punching. He is going to think that he is fighting two or three Dominic “Trouble” Breazeale’s and I expect to knock him out in the 6th or 7th round. Ийм байдлаар June 25th, I will have a place in history as the new IBF world heavyweight champion.

Do you have anything is closing?

I want to take the time to offer my condolences to the Ali family. We lost a true legend and the greatest of all time. There will never be another man of his figure. Ноён. Ali always inspired me to not only be the best in the ring, but the best human being possible. The world has lost a great man. My fight will be the first heavyweight bout since his passing and I intend to make him happy.

“Энд асуудалтай ирдэг