Tag Archives: Lateef Kayode

Chris Eubank Jr. vs. Avni Yildirim WBSS rowndiau chwarteri pwysau canolig gwych

Chris Eubank Jr. vs. Avni Yildirim
Pencampwriaeth Byd Pwysau Canol Uwch IBO
2 p.m. A / 11 a.m. PT
Dydd Sadwrn, Hydref. 7, 2017 * Stuttgart, Yr Almaen
Crasu LIVE YN CANADA HWN Dydd Sadwrn
(llun trwy garedigrwydd World Boxing Super Series)
EDMONTON, Canada (Hydref 4, 2017) – Mae'r chwyddwydr yn symud yn ôl i'r uwch-adran ar gyfer Dydd Sadwrn hwn Byd Bocsio Super Series (WBSS) twrnamaint pan Sefydliad Bocsio Rhyngwladol (IBO) Pencampwr y Byd Canol Super Chris “Gen nesaf” Eubank Jr. yn amddiffyn ei deitl yn erbyn heriwr heb ei drin Avni “Mr. Robot” Yildirim ar waith chwarterol, yn hedfan yn fyw yng Nghanada ar Super Channel yn unig o Hanns-Martin-Schleyer yn Stuttgart, Yr Almaen.
Y “Eubank Jr. vs. Yildirm” Cerdyn, gan ddechrau am 2 p.m. A / 11 a.m. PT,yn cadw cefnogwyr bocsio Canada wrth ymyl y cylch yn ystod y twrnamaint WBSS $ 50 miliwn cyfan, yn byw y penwythnos hwn o'r Almaen ac ar Super Channel yn unig, a gaffaelodd yr hawliau yng Nghanada i ddarlledu Cyfres Super Boxing World gan MP & Silva, cwmni blaenllaw cyfryngau rhyngwladol sy'n darparu hawliau cyfryngau, digidol, gwasanaethau technoleg a nawdd.
Yr Eubank Jr, 28 oed. (25-1, 19 Kos), ymladd allan o'r Deyrnas Unedig, yn cael ei reoli gan ei dad, Chris “Yn syml Y Gorau” Eubank (45-5-2, 23 Kos), sy'n gyn-Sefydliad Bocsio'r Byd (Pencampwr pwysau canolig gwych WBO.
Yn 2015, Eubank Jr. stopio Tony Jeter (20-4-1) yn yr ail rownd i gipio Cymdeithas Bocsio'r Byd Dros Dro (WBA) coron pwysau canol. Eubank Jr. cipiodd ei deitl IBO y mis Chwefror hwn, cnocio allan Renold Quinlan (11-0) yn y 10fed rownd. Yn ei weithred ddiweddaraf, enillodd y Brit medrus benderfyniad unfrydol 12 rownd dros bencampwr y byd lluosog Arthur Abraham (46-5) yn ei amddiffyniad teitl byd cyntaf a'r unig un hyd yn hyn.
“Dyma'r frwydr gyntaf i mi yn y twrnamaint hwn ac rydw i yma i wneud datganiad,” Eubank Jr. Dywedodd. “Myfi yw'r dyn; Fi yw'r dyn i guro. Ni fydd trugaredd i Yildirim. Rydw i yma i ennill, Nid wyf yma i wneud ffrindiau. Nid wyf yma i edrych yn bert a bod yn enwog, Rwyf yma yn y twrnamaint hwn i ddod yn bencampwr.
Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at yr ymladd hwn. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn ornest wych. Mae steiliau'n ymladd a'r rheswm i mi ddewis y dyn hwn yn y Gala Drafft yw ei fod yn ymladdwr. Mae'n dod ymlaen. Mae'n weithgar iawn, mae'n agored iawn, mae'n mentro, y bydd yn ei dalu am yr ymladd hwn. Alla i ddim aros!
“Mae gen i nod. Mae gen i her y mae'n rhaid i mi ei chwblhau a hynny yw ennill Tlws Muhammad Ali a phrofi mai fi yw'r gorau yn y byd.”
Yildirim meddwl uchel (16-0, 10 Kos). 26, yw Cyngor Bocsio'r Byd sy'n teyrnasu (CLlC) Pencampwr pwysau canolig Arian Rhyngwladol, a gipiodd yn wreiddiol ddwy flynedd yn ôl, cymryd penderfyniad 10 rownd gan gyn-bencampwr y byd Glen Johnson (54-20-2). Mae Yidirim wedi amddiffyn ei deitl bum gwaith yn llwyddiannus yn erbyn Janne Forsman(KO1), Walter Sequeira (17-2), Iau Jackson (KO2), Schiller Hyppolite (TKO3),Aliaksandr Sushchyts (KO12) ac Marco Antonio Periban (DEC12).
“Mae'r twrnamaint hwn yn gyfle i mi ymladd y gorau yn y byd,” Dywedodd Yildirim. “Mae'n anrhydedd i mi. Rydw i yma i ddinistrio pawb yn y twrnamaint. Nid wyf yn ymladdwr Instagram na Facebook fel Eubank Jr.. Avni Yildirim ydw i ac rydw i yma i ddinistrio. Byddaf yn gwneud unrhyw beth i ennill yr ornest hon ac ennill y twrnamaint hwn. Rwy'n teimlo'n dda. Wyf yn barod iawn. Gadewch i ni ymladd!”
Pum pwl cyffrous ar y “Eubank Jr. vs. Yildirim” Cerdyn, hyrwyddir gan Sauerland Event, yn hedfan yng Nghanada ar Super Channel yn unig. Yr Eubank Jr.. vs. Disgwylir i brif ddigwyddiad Yildirim ddechrau yn 5 p.m. A / 2 p.m. PT.
Yn y digwyddiad 10 rownd ar y cyd, Rhagolwg heb ei drin yr Almaen Stefan Haertel (14-0, 1 Kos) yn wynebu heriwr Wcrain Viktor Polyakov (13-1-1, 6 Kos) mewn ymladd dirprwy pwysau canolig uwch WBSS.
Mae ymladdfeydd teledu eraill ar Super Channel yn cynnwys y Ffederasiwn Bocsio Rhyngwladol (IBF) Pencampwr pwysau canolig ieuenctid Leon Bauer (12-0, 8 Kos) vs. Atin Karabet (3-1, 2 Kos), yr Almaen, yn yr agorwr teledu chwe rownd, Pwysau canol uwch AlmaenegDenis Radovan (6-0) vs. Almaeneg Tiran Metz (14-2-4, 6 Kos) mewn bout wyth rownd, a phwysau canol uwch uwch Prydain Zach Parker (13-0, 10 Kos) vs. Matingu “Brenin Zulu” Kindele (9-6, 3 Kos) mewn gêm rownd wyth
Mae'r holl ymladd a diffoddwyr yn destun newid.
Saith. 9 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Berlin, Yr Almaen
Pencampwriaeth Byd Pwysau Pwysau WBO
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kiev, Wcráin
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Yr Almaen
(Cadwodd Usyk deitl pwysau mordeithio WBO)
Saith. 16 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight yn Lerpwl, DU
Pencampwriaeth Diemwnt Super Middleweight Diamond
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Lerpwl, Glannau Mersi, DU
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Sweden
(Enillodd Smith deitl pwysau canolig gwych WBC Diamond)
Saith. 23 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn San Antonio, Texas, UDA
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, UDA trwy Giwba
Dmitry Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Challenger, Volgodonsk, Rwsia
(Cadwodd Dorticos deitl pwysau mordeithio WBA)
Saith. 30 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Riga, Latfia
Mairis Ceirw (23-0, 18 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, riga, Latfia
Mike Perez (22-3-1, 14 Kos), Challenger, Corc, Iwerddon trwy Giwba
(Cadwodd Briedis deitl pwysau mordeithio CLlC)
Hydref 14, 2017 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Yr Arena SSE, Wembley, Llundain, Y Deyrnas Unedig
Pencampwriaeth y Byd Super Middleweight World WBA
“Saint” George Groves (26-3, 19 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, Hammersmith, Llundain, DU – Y Ring #3
Jamie Cox (24-0, 13 Kos), Swinton, Wiltshire, DU

Hydref 21, 2017 — Rowndiau Terfynol Pwysau Pwysau Cruiser:
Center Prudential, Newark, New Jersey, UDA

Pencampwriaeth Byd Pwysau Pwysau IBF
“Haearn” Murat Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, Vladikavkaz, Rwsia – Y Ring #2
Christopher “Diablo” Wlodarczyk (53-3-1, 37 Kos), Challenger, Piaseczno, Gwlad Pwyl – Y Ring 10
Cyn IBF & Pencampwr Byd Pwysau Pwysau WBC

Hydref 27, 2017 – Rowndiau Terfynol Chwarter Pwysau Canol:

Neuadd chwaraeon a chyngres yn Schwerin, Yr Almaen

Juergen Braehmer (48,3 35 Kos), Schwerin, Pomerania Mecklenburg-Western, Yr Almaen
cyn WBO & WBA Light Pencampwr y Byd Pwysau Trwm
Rob “Da iawn” Brant

(22-0, 15 Kos), St.Paul, Minnesota, UDA
Usyk vs.. Elc, Dorticos vs.. Enillydd Gassiev / Wlodarczyk
Super Middleweights
Smith vs. Enillydd Eubank / Yildirim, Enillydd Groves / Cox yn erbyn. Enillydd Braehmer / Brant
Bydd holl ymladd WBSS hefyd ar gael ar Super Channel Ar Alw.
Yn ddiweddar mae Super Channel wedi darlledu digwyddiadau bocsio mawr yn fyw fel Brook vs.. Spence Jr, Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vsMarriaga a Crawford vs.. Indongo.
I wylio'r holl gamau Byd Bocsio Super Series byw, yn ogystal â bocsio mwy cyffrous i ddod, ymladd cefnogwyr yng Nghanada gysylltu â'u darparwr cebl lleol i danysgrifio i Super Sianel a hynny i gyd mae'n cynnig, gan gynnwys cyfres premiwm, ffilmiau a llawer mwy, am mor isel â $9.95 y mis.

Cystadleuydd Pwylaidd Mateusz Masternak Yn Cwrdd â Stivens Bujaj Unwaith-Curiad yng Nghêm Wrth Gefn Pwysau Pwysau Pwysau Cyfres Super Bocsio'r Byd ddydd Sadwrn, Hydref 21 yn Center Darbodus yn Newark, N.J.

Mwy! Mae Maciej Sulecki Pwysau Welter Super Pwylaidd heb ei guro yn Cymryd ymlaen Y Cyn-heriwr Challenger Jack Culcay
Dan arweiniad Pencampwr Pwysau Cruiser Murat Gassiev yn Brwydro yn erbyn y Cyn Bencampwr Krzysztof Wlodarczyk
mewn Cam Gweithredu Chwarterol WBSS
NEWARK, N.J. (Medi 27, 2017) – Cystadleuydd Pwylaidd trawiadol Masternak Mateusz (39-4, 26 Kos) yn brwydro unwaith-guro Stevens Bujaj (16-1-1, 11 Kos) mewn gêm wrth gefn pwysau mordeithio 10-rownd World Boxing Super Series ar Dydd Sadwrn, Hydref 21 yn Center Darbodus yn Newark, N.J.
Bydd gweithredu ychwanegol yn cynnwys pwl pwysau welter uwch-rownd 10-rownd rhwng cystadleuydd Pwylaidd di-guro Maciej Sulecki (25-0, 10 Kos) a chyn Challenger teitl Jack Culcay (22-2, 11 Kos).
Yr Hydref 21 pencampwr IBF sy'n arwain y digwyddiad Murat “Haearn” Gassiev a chyn bencampwr y byd Krzysztof Wlodarczyk squaring-off yng nghamau rownd wyth olaf pwysau mordeithio World Series Super Boxing Super Series.
“Mae hon yn mynd i fod yn sioe wych i gefnogwyr ddod allan a chael noson yn llawn gweithredu Hydref 21 yn Newark, New Jersey,” meddai Richard Schaefer, Cadeirydd a Phrif Swyddog Gweithredol Ringstar Sports. “Bydd balchder Gwlad Pwyl mewn grym llawn wrth i Mateusz Masternak a Maciej Sulecki sydd heb eu heffeithio dderbyn gwrthwynebwyr caled mewn matchups pwysig wrth iddynt fynd ar ôl eu dyheadau teitl byd. Bydd hyn i gyd, wrth gwrs, yn arwain at y prif ddigwyddiad a rownd wyth olaf rownd derfynol pwysau mordeithio Super Boxing Super Series yn gosod y pencampwr Murat Gassiev yn erbyn y cyn-bencampwr o Wlad Pwyl,Krzysztof Wlodarczyk.”
Hyrwyddir gan Ringstar Sports ar y cyd â World Boxing Super Series, mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad byw ar werth nawr ac ar gael ynTicketmaster.com. Mae tocynnau hefyd ar gael i'w prynu yn swyddfa docynnau'r Ganolfan Darbodus.
“Yn fy ffurf uchaf, gwn y gallaf guro gwell diffoddwyr na Bujaj,” meddai Masternak. “Nid wyf yn credu y gall fy mrifo. Mae pob ymladd yn bwysig, mae bocsio yn eich dysgu chi bob dydd. Ond mae Bujaj yn garreg gamu i mi ymladd yn fwy. Mae'n dweud iddo guro fi wrth sparring ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, ond pa mor dda y gallai fod wedi mynd pe bai'n gadael yn gyflymach nag y cyrhaeddodd? Nid oes gennyf unrhyw amser i wneud camgymeriad a cholli ymladd fel hyn felly byddaf yn barod am unrhyw beth pan fyddwn yn mynd i mewn i'r cylch.”
Ymladd allan o Wroclaw, Gwlad Pwyl, Mae Masternak wedi brwydro yn erbyn cyfres o bencampwyr a herwyr gorau yn yr adran pwysau mordeithio ac yn mynd i mewn i'r frwydr hon enillydd ei dair gornest ddiwethaf. Mae’r chwaraewr 30 oed wedi brwydro yn erbyn Tony Bellew, Grigory Drozd a Youri Kalenga tra hefyd yn ennill pencampwriaeth pwysau mordeithio Ewrop gyda buddugoliaeth dros Juho Haapoja. Mae Masternak wedi ymladd mewn naw gwlad trwy gydol ei yrfa ac yn dychwelyd i ymladd yr Unol Daleithiau. am y tro cyntaf ers ei bedwerydd pwl pro i mewn 2006.
“Paratowch i weld y Stivens Bujaj gorau erioed,” meddai Bujaj. “Rydw i wedi bod yn hyfforddi dau, weithiau dair gwaith y dydd. Rydw i wedi bod yn y gamp hon ers i mi fod 15 mlwydd oed, ac mae'r cyfan yn dod i lawr i'r foment hon. Dyma fy mhencampwriaeth byd. Mae'n mynd i fod yn frwydr fy mywyd ac rwy'n barod i wneud beth bynnag sydd ei angen. Rydw i wedi sbarduno Masternak o'r blaen ac roeddwn i'n dominyddu am wyth rownd ac fe wnaethon nhw fy anfon adref. Rwy'n barod i orffen yr hyn y dechreuais arnoHydref 21!”
Diffoddwr o Albania sy'n byw yn Efrog Newydd, Roedd Bujaj yn bencampwr Menig Aur Efrog Newydd ddwywaith cyn troi pro i mewn 2010 a mynd yn ddiguro yn ei gyntaf 18 pyliau pro. Enillodd y chwaraewr 27 oed dair gwaith i mewn 2016, gan gynnwys buddugoliaeth dros Sergio Ramirez, heb ei guro, cyn gollwng pwl i Constantin Bejenaru sydd heb ei drin. Mae Bujaj wedi cael ei rwystro gan anafiadau yn ystod ei yrfa ond mae'n dychwelyd i'r cylch yn iach ac yn barod i ailafael yn ei ddringfa i ben yr adran.
Yn cynrychioli Warsaw, Gwlad Pwyl, Tynnodd Sulecki ei fuddugoliaeth fwyaf trawiadol hyd yma y llynedd pan stopiodd yna’r cystadleuydd diguro Hugo Centeno Jr. yn y 10fed a rownd olaf eu brwydr. Mae’r chwaraewr 28 oed wedi cipio buddugoliaethau dros Damiam Bonelli a Michi Munoz ers hynny wrth iddo geisio teitl byd ar 154-pwys. Bydd Sulecki yn dychwelyd i'r Ganolfan Darbodus am yr eildro ar ôl curo Jose Miguel Berrio i mewn 2015 yn y lleoliad yn Newark.
Ganed Culcay yn Ecwador yn wreiddiol ond fe’i magwyd yn yr Almaen ac yn Aberystwyth 2008 cynrychiolodd yr Almaenwyr yn y 2008 Gemau Olympaidd. Roedd y dyn 32 oed yn drech wrth ennill ei gyntaf 14 pro ymladd a chasglu teitl pwysau welter uwch-gyfandirol WBA. Lluniodd Culcay streak fuddugol arall o saith ymladd ac enillodd deitl pwysau welter dros dro WBA cyn gollwng pwl teitl byd i Demetrius Andrade trwy benderfyniad rhaniad agos ym mis Mawrth.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i worldboxingsuperseries.gyda neu www.ringstar.com

Dilynwch ar Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar a dod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn facebook.com/WBSuperSeries ac facebook.com/Ffoniwch Chwaraeon Star. Hyrwyddwyd ymladd heno gan Ringstar Sports ar y cyd â World Boxing Super Series.


30/09/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Mairis Briedis vs.. Mike Perez (Byd CLlC)
riga Arena, riga, Latfia

07/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Chris Eubank Jr vs.. Avni Yildirim (Byd IBO)
Neuadd Hanns-Martin-Schleyer, Stuttgart, Yr Almaen

14/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
George Groves vs.. Jamie Cox (WBA Super)
Yr Arena SSE, Wembley, Llundain, Y Deyrnas Unedig

21/10/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Murat Gassiev vs.. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (Byd IBF)
Center Prudential, Newark, New Jersey, UDA

28/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Juergen Braehmer vs.. Rob Brant

Neuadd y Gyngres yn Schwerin, Yr Almaen

Nifer y cyfranogwyr: 16
Nifer y gwregysau: 7
Nifer o bencampwyr y byd: 6
Nifer o gyn-bencampwyr y byd: 3
Nifer y diffoddwyr heb eu heffeithio: 9
Cofnod Cyfun o'r cyfranogwyr: 423 ennill, 17 colledion, 294 Kos

Mairis Briedis vs.. Mike Perez card start time change in Canada on Super Channel – 2 PM / A

Mairis Briedis vs.. Mike Perez
WBSS cruiserweight quarterfinals
Crasu LIVE YN CANADA HWN Dydd Sadwrn
(llun trwy garedigrwydd World Boxing Super Series)
EDMONTON, Canada (Medi 27, 2017)The start time for Dydd Sadwrn hwn airing in Canada of additional World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) tournament action, featuring World Boxing Council (CLlC) Cruiserweight World Champion Mairis Elc (22-0, 18 Kos) yn erbyn cystadleuyddMike “The Rebel” Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), yn 2 p.m. A / 11 a.m. PT, exclusively on Super Channel live from Riga Arena in Riga, Latfia.
Preliminary bouts will start airing on Super Channel at 2 p.m. A / 11 a.m. PT, the Briedis-Perez main event is scheduled to commence at 5 p.m. / 2 p.m. PT.

Four exciting bouts on theBriedis vs. Perez” Cerdyn, hyrwyddir gan Sauerland Event, yn hedfan yng Nghanada ar Super Channel yn unig.

Mae'r holl ymladd a diffoddwyr yn destun newid.
Saith. 9 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Berlin, Yr Almaen
Pencampwriaeth Byd Pwysau Pwysau WBO
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kiev, Wcráin
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Yr Almaen
(Cadwodd Usyk deitl pwysau mordeithio WBO)
Saith. 16 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight yn Lerpwl, DU
Pencampwriaeth Diemwnt Super Middleweight Diamond
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Lerpwl, Glannau Mersi, DU
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Sweden
(Enillodd Smith deitl pwysau canolig gwych WBC Diamond)
Saith. 23 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn San Antonio, Texas, UDA
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, UDA trwy Giwba
Dmitry Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Challenger, Volgodonsk, Rwsia
(Cadwodd Dorticos deitl pwysau mordeithio WBA)
Saith. 30 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Riga, Latfia
WBC Cruiserweight World Championship
Mairis Ceirw (22-0, 18 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, riga, Latfia
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Challenger, Corc, Iwerddon trwy Giwba
Bydd holl ymladd WBSS hefyd ar gael ar Super Channel Ar Alw.
Yn ddiweddar mae Super Channel wedi darlledu digwyddiadau bocsio mawr yn fyw fel Brook vs.. Spence Jr, Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vsMarriaga a Crawford vs.. Indongo.
I wylio'r holl gamau Byd Bocsio Super Series byw, yn ogystal â bocsio mwy cyffrous i ddod, fight fans in Canada can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all th

Mairis Briedis vs.. Mike Perez WBSS cruiserweight quarterfinals continue

Crasu LIVE YN CANADA HWN Dydd Sadwrn
(llun trwy garedigrwydd World Boxing Super Series)
EDMONTON, Canada (Medi 26, 2017) – Cyngor Bocsio Byd (CLlC) Cruiserweight World Champion Mairis Elc (22-0, 18 Kos) risks his world title and undefeated record against Cuban-born challenger Mike “The Rebel” Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos) dydd Sadwrn when the highly-competitive Byd Bocsio Super Series (WBSS) tournament continues with more quarterfinals action, gan ddechrau am 5 p.m. A / 2 p.m. PT, to air live in Canada exclusively on Super Channel from Riga Arena in Riga, Latfia.
Y “Briedis vs. Perez” card will give Canadian boxing fans another opportunity to watch world-class prize-fighters competing in the $50-million WBSS tournament, live from Latvia, yn gyfan gwbl ar Super Channel, a gaffaelodd yr hawliau yng Nghanada i ddarlledu Cyfres Super Boxing World gan MP & Silva, cwmni blaenllaw cyfryngau rhyngwladol sy'n darparu hawliau cyfryngau, digidol, gwasanaethau technoleg a nawdd.
The 32-year-old Briedis, who captured the WBC cruiserweight world title in his most recent fight, taking a 12-round unanimous decision from former world champion Marco “Capt’n” Huck (40-3-1) last April in Germany. A former European kickboxing champion, Briedis will have a distinct advantage fighting Perez at home in Riga, Latfia.
I’m real happy being able to start the World Boxing Super Series at home in front of my own crowd,” Briedis said. “We fight to win the Muhammad Ali Trophy, but I am also putting my world title at stake. This is a big thing. For Latvia, this will be the first major world championship bout in history, so I hope to see a sold-out arena.
From my previous experience with the Latvian crowd, I can really tell Mike Perez that boxing in front of a Riga crowd will not be easy for him. The boxing community around the world will learn how passionate and loud Latvia fans can be! My preparation camp has been going very well so far and I can assure my fans that I’ll be at my best when the 30fed of September arrives.
This is the first fight of the tournament, the first defense of my WBC World cruiserweight title, and I’m really happy that I will be able to do it in front of my home crowd. There are no easy fights in this tournament. Mike Perez has already made his name in the heavyweight division and seems to be in the shape of his life coming down to cruiserweight.
Based in Cork, Iwerddon, where he defected to from Cuba, Perez will be fighting as a cruiserweight for only the second time having campaigned for most of his 9 ½-year pro career as a heavyweight. The 31-year-old southpaw doesn’t fear fighting Briedis in his backyard and he remains confident.
It’s an opportunity of a lifetime,” Perez remarked. “Fighting in Latvia isn’t an issue for me. I don’t care where I fight. I’ll fight anywhere. Rwy'n teimlo'n dda, I’m confident, and I’m looking forward to Riga. I have a chance to become world champion in my very first fight in the tournament, so I couldn’t have asked for better.
Breidis is a good champion but I can’t wait to bring the belt home. I’m so lucky to fight for the Muhammad Ali Trophy and also become the undisputed cruiserweight champion in this tournament. I have no doubt that I will do just that. I have worked hard for these last couple of years and really dedicated myself to get this chance and nobody is going to take it rom me. I have lots of experience as both an amateur and professional, a lot of ability and now at cruiserweight I’m much faster on my feet and can throw faster combinations, so I feel like I’m a much better fighter. I really believe I can win the Muhammad Ali Trophy. That is how I see it. I think I will win. I cannot see anyone else winning it. I am the best cruiserweight in the competition.
Y “Briedis vs. Perez” winner will advance to the semifinals to face the WBSS No. 1 seed, undefeated World Boxing Organization (WBO) pencampwr cruiserweight Oleksandr “Y gath” Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), who stopped Huck in the 10fed round of their WBSS quarterfinals fights this past Sept. 9 in Berlin.
Four exciting bouts on theBriedis vs. Perez” Cerdyn, hyrwyddir gan Sauerland Event, yn hedfan yng Nghanada ar Super Channel yn unig.
Yn y digwyddiad yn cynnwys cyd-, former WBO Cruiiserweight World Champion Krzysztof Glowacki (27-1, 17 Kos), the dangerous Pole who ironically lost his title belt to Usyk a year ago, is slated to faceLeonardo Damian Bruzzese (18-3, 6 Kos), of Italy by way of Argentina, in a 10-round WBSS Cruiserweight Substitute Fight. Also airing live on Super Channel is a 10-round light heavyweight match between Norwegian Tim Robin (16-3, 9 Kos) ac Sergey Gorokhov (8-2, 6 Kos), o Rwsia. The televised opener finds 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Filip Hrgovic, of Serbia, making his debut against unbeaten Belgium heavyweight Ali Baghouz (10-0-1, 6 Kos) mewn bout wyth rownd.
Mae'r holl ymladd a diffoddwyr yn destun newid.
Saith. 9 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Berlin, Yr Almaen
Pencampwriaeth Byd Pwysau Pwysau WBO
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kiev, Wcráin
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Yr Almaen
(Cadwodd Usyk deitl pwysau mordeithio WBO)
Saith. 16 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight yn Lerpwl, DU
Pencampwriaeth Diemwnt Super Middleweight Diamond
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Lerpwl, Glannau Mersi, DU
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Sweden
(Enillodd Smith deitl pwysau canolig gwych WBC Diamond)
Saith. 23 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn San Antonio, Texas, UDA
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, UDA trwy Giwba
Dmitry Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Challenger, Volgodonsk, Rwsia
(Cadwodd Dorticos deitl pwysau mordeithio WBA)
Saith. 30 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Riga, Latfia
WBC Cruiserweight World Championship
Mairis Ceirw (22-0, 18 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, riga, Latfia
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Challenger, Corc, Iwerddon trwy Giwba
Bydd holl ymladd WBSS hefyd ar gael ar Super Channel Ar Alw.
Yn ddiweddar mae Super Channel wedi darlledu digwyddiadau bocsio mawr yn fyw fel Brook vs.. Spence Jr, Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vsMarriaga a Crawford vs.. Indongo.
I wylio'r holl gamau Byd Bocsio Super Series byw, yn ogystal â bocsio mwy cyffrous i ddod, ymladd cefnogwyr yng Nghanada gysylltu â'u darparwr cebl lleol i danysgrifio i Super Sianel a hynny i gyd mae'n cynnig, gan gynnwys cyfres premiwm, ffilmiau a llawer mwy, am mor isel â $9.95 y mis.
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Yunier Dorticos Delivers Powerful Second Round Knockout Over Dmitry Kudryashov in World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Quarter-final Saturday Night from the Alamodome in San Antonio

Once-Beaten Keith Tapia Drops Lateef Kayode on His Way to Unanimous Decision Victory in WBSS Cruiserweight Reserve Match
Former World Champion Nonito Donaire Returns & Wins Unanimous Decision over Mexico’s Ruben Garcia Hernandez
Cliciwch YMA for Photos from Francisco Perez/Ringstar Sports
SAN ANTONIO (Medi 24, 2017) – WBA Cruiserweight World Championyunier Dorticos (22-0, 21 Kos) retained his title and stamped his place in the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Semi-finals Dydd Sadwrn night with a sensational second round knockout of Dmitry Kudryashov (21-2, 21 Kos) in their quarter-final bout from the Alamodome in San Antonio.
The unbeaten champion Dorticos landed a thunderous overhand right after Kudryashov threw a glancing jab during a second round exchange and sent the Russian to the canvas. Kudryashov attempted to get to his feet, but referee Rafael Ramos had seen enough and ended the bout at 2:10 into the second round.
I knew that he was going to come at me and I waited and delivered the shot,” said Dorticos. “Once it landed I knew it was over. It is an honor to be competing in the World Boxing Super Series. To be able to go after the Muhammad Ali Trophy is a privilege and a pleasure. I want to prove to the world that I am the best cruiserweight in the world right now.
After a first round that saw both men feel each other out and land only a few significant blows, a heated exchange erupted in the opening moments of the second round with power punches being thrown from all angles.
Dorticos appeared to hurt Kudryashov early in the round as he connected with a right hand that froze Kudryashov on the ropes. Dorticos piled on and delivered numerous right hooks with no response from his opponent until Kudryashov was eventually able to fight off of the ropes.
I’m very upset right now,” said Kudryashov. “I was very well prepared. We’re at a heavy weight and one punch can change everything. He hit me with a good shot and I have no excuses. I thought that I would be able to get up at the eight count but the ref decided to stop the fight. The ref knows when to stop the fight so I agreed with it. All respect to Dorticos but I was expecting a victory and I was expecting to stop him. I have to give him all the credit heno.”
Shortly after the action returned to the center of the ring, Dorticos was able to land the decisive blow and signal an end to the match. Dorticos will continue his quest for the Muhammad Ali Trophy in the semi-finals when he takes on the winner of the WBSS quarter-final bout between IBF Champion Murat Gassiev and former champion Krzysztof Wlodarczyk on Hydref 21 in New Jersey.
I know that I want to fight Murat Gassiev,” said Dorticos. “I know he’s watching me, and I’ll be watching him. If he can take care of business, I would love to fight him. I’m ready to make that fight happen.
In the WBSS cruiserweight reserve match, unwaith-guro Keith Tapia (18-1, 11 Kos) dropped previously once-beaten Lateef Kayode (21-2, 16 Kos) and won a unanimous decision in their 10-round contest.
I usually start warming up in the fourth or fifth round, but I started much fasterheno,” said Tapia. “I knew I had the advantage in speed and I took advantage of it. I haven’t been in the ring for a year, but my team got me ready and in great shape for this fight. My timing was the key to the fight. My trainer told me Kayode would drop his left hand and I’d be able to land my right hand, and that’s what I did.
Tapia sprinted out of his corner to start the fight and set the tone early, smothering Kayode in the corner with a flurry of punches. While Kayode was able to survive the round on his feet, it set the pace for the remainder of the match.
I tried to stay on my game plan,” said Kayode. “He was very fast but he did not hurt me. I thought I deflected a lot of his shots. When I tried to attack him he started moving. I had to adjust my game plan. I didn’t see the punch that knocked me down. I heard the bell and then the punch was there. I think he started the punch before the bell rang.
Representing Puerto Rico, Tapia found a home for his powerful right hand all night and connected flush on Kayode’s chin and dropped him as the bell sounded to end round six. Kayode was again able to continue to continue but found more trouble in the late rounds as he was stunned late in round eight and had a cut that started earlier in the fight open up at the end of round nine.
Ar ôl 10 rounds the judges awarded Tapia the unanimous decision by scores of 100-89 ddwywaith ac 99-90.
Fights like this are going to get me to the championship level,” said Tapia. “I’ve always felt like I’m a champion since I started in this sport. Rwy'n barod i frwydro yn erbyn unrhyw un. I’ll take a couple days off then get right back in the gym.
Additional action saw former four-division world champion Nonito Donaire (38-4, 24 Kos) return to the ring and score a dominant unanimous decision victory over Mexico’s Ruben Garcia Hernandez (22-3-1, 9 Kos) in their 10-round fight for the WBC Silver Featherweight World Title.
I boxed very well, which is something I haven’t done in a long time,” said Donaire. “I moved my legs well and maintained it throughout the whole fight. I’ve always been an aggressive boxer but this time I used my jab and combinations. I had the urge to just brawl and I felt like I hurt him. But ultimately I did a great job showing versatility in my game.
Donaire was able to control the fight with his speed and movement that was unmatched by his opponent. Hernandez was game and continued to come forward all night, but was unable to disrupt Donaire.
Nonito was very smooth and moved around well,” Said Hernandez. “I couldn’t get to him because of that. He adjusted to everything I did. It was a fair decision at the end of the night. I thought he was going to come to brawl but he changed the strategy on me. I thought I fought hard and I’m going to work hard to get back in the ring.
Hernandez’s aggressiveness was used against him by Donaire, who waited for his charging opponent and was able to pick him off with an array of hooks and uppercuts.
After 10-rounds all three judges saw the fight in favor of Donaire by scores of 100-90, 99-91 ac 97-93.
It’s a great pleasure to be part of the Ringstar Sports family,” said Donaire. “I’m grateful for this opportunity and I know there is more to come. I’m going to get back in there and keep showing what I can do.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i worldboxingsuperseries.gyda neu www.ringstar.com

Dilynwch ar Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar and become a fan on Facebook at facebook.com/WBSuperSeries ac facebook.com/Ffoniwch Chwaraeon Star. Heno hyrwyddwyd ymladd gan Ringstar Sports mewn cydweithrediad â World Boxing Super Series.


30/09/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Mairis Briedis vs.. Mike Perez (Byd CLlC)
riga Arena, riga, Latfia

07/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Chris Eubank Jr vs.. Avni Yildirim (Byd IBO)
Neuadd Hanns-Martin-Schleyer, Stuttgart, Yr Almaen

14/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
George Groves vs.. Jamie Cox (WBA Super)
Yr Arena SSE, Wembley, Llundain, Y Deyrnas Unedig

21/10/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Murat Gassiev vs.. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (Byd IBF)
Center Prudential, Newark, New Jersey, UDA

28/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Juergen Braehmer vs.. Rob Brant

Neuadd y Gyngres yn Schwerin, Yr Almaen

Nifer y cyfranogwyr: 16
Nifer y gwregysau: 7
Nifer o bencampwyr y byd: 6
Nifer o gyn-bencampwyr y byd: 3
Nifer y diffoddwyr heb eu heffeithio: 9
Cofnod Cyfun o'r cyfranogwyr: 423 ennill, 17 colledion, 294 Kos

‘KO Doctor’ vs. ‘Russian HammerWBSS quarterfinal has fight-of-the-year potential

Dan Rafael, ESPN Senior Writer
When the World Boxing Super Series brackets for the eight-man, single-elimination tournaments in the cruiserweight and super middleweight divisions were unveiled in July, one bout stood out as a potential fight-of-the-year candidate.
It was the cruiserweight quarterfinal bout between world titleholder “Mae'r KO Doctor,” yunier Dorticos, ac “Mae'r Hammer Rwsia,” Dmitry Kudryashov, a pair of knockout artists with crowd-pleasing styles.
They meet in the first WBSS bout to take place in the United States ar ddydd Sadwrn at the Alamodome in San Antonio.
The fans are going to get an amazing show on [Dydd Sadwrn],” said Dorticos 31, a Cuban defector fighting out of Miami. “This is definitely the best fight of the tournament and the best man will win. We’re both going to leave it all in the ring and fight with our hearts until the very end.
I’m working hard and getting ready to take advantage of this opportunity. I have a strong opponent in front of me, but I know what I’m capable of. I’m going to go out there and study him the first few rounds and then break him down. I have to execute my game plan.
A oes Ddim yn. 4 seed Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos) will be making his first defense since being elevated from an interim titleholder. With three other titleholders — Oleksandr Usyk, Murat Gassiev and Mairis Briedisalso taking part in the tournament, the winner will be able to unify the division, which is Dorticosgoal.
It’s an honor for me to be part of such a prestigious tournament,” dywedodd. “This is my opportunity to put myself on top of this sport with the other big names and champions. This is what me and my team have worked so hard to accomplish. I want to fight all of the champions. That is my plan because I see myself as the best fighter in this division and now I can go out there and prove it.
The winner of the tournament will receive the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Dorticos said winning it would mean as much to him as winning the other belts.
I idolized Muhammad Ali just like everyone else in this sport, and to earn the trophy with his name would be something very special for my life and career,” dywedodd.
The unseeded Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), 31, o Rwsia, has similar goals heading into this fight.
My main motivation is to become world champion and show that I’m the best in the division,” said Kudryashov, who will be fighting outside of Russia for the first time. “I’m the most powerful fighter in this division and everyone will see that on [Dydd Sadwrn]. I have a newborn daughter, but I’m still training harder than ever and it has just added to my motivation to go win this tournament.
Fighting for the Muhammad Ali Trophy is huge for me. It is a big responsibility to make sure that I honor his name. This is possibly the biggest prize that boxers can fight for in a tournament that couldn’t be more important.
Kudryashov has won three fights in a row since his only defeat, a second-round knockout to Olanrewaju Durodola. Kudryashov avenged the loss in his last fight, a fifth-round knockout win over Durodola on Mehefin 3.
A oes Ddim yn. 1 seed Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), o Wcráin, scored a 10th-round knockout of former titlist Marco Huck in their Sept. 9 quarterfinal, and will face the winner of the fight between world titleholder Mairis Briedis (22-0, 18 Kos), mae'r Dim. 3 seed from Latvia, and unseeded Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), a Cuban defector now based in Ireland, in the semifinals in early 2018. Briedis and Perez meet Saith. 30 at Riga Arena in Riga, Latfia.
The Dorticos-Kudryashov winner advances to the semifinals to face the winner of the fight between world titleholder and No. 2 seed Murat Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos), o Rwsia, and unseeded mandatory challenger and former titlist Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (53-3-1, 37 Kos), Gwlad Pwyl, who meet Hydref. 21 at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. The finals are due to take place in May.
Dydd Sadwrn card will also feature a 10-round cruiserweight fight between tournament alternates Keith Tapia (17-1, 11 Kos), 27, o Bronx, Efrog Newydd, and former world title challenger Lateef Kayode (21-1, 16 Kos), 34, a Nigeria native fighting out of Los Angeles.
Yn ogystal,, former four-division world titleholder Nonito Donaire, out of action since losing his junior featherweight world title by controversial decision to Jessie Magdaleno nearly a year ago, will return to face Ruben Garcia Hernandez in his first fight since signing with Ringstar Sports promoter Richard Schaefer.
Donaire (37-4, 24 Kos), 34, y “Filipino Flashwho lives in Las Vegas, is returning to featherweight, where he once held a world title, to face Garcia Hernandez (22-2-1, 9 Kos), 24, Mecsico, mewn pwl o 10-rownd. A Donaire victory likely will propel him into a much bigger fight in the first part of the 2018.

World Boxing Super Series Hits the East Coast as IBF Champion Murat Gassiev Battles Former Champion Krzysztof Wlodarczyk

WBSS Cruiserweight Quarter-final Matchup Saturday, Hydref 21 yn Center Darbodus yn Newark, N.J.
NEWARK, N.J. (Medi 8, 2017) – World Boxing Super Series action comes to the east coast as the cruiserweight quarter-final showdown between IBF champion Murat “Haearn” Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos) a chyn bencampwr y byd Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (53-3-1, 37 Kos) ei osod ar gyfer Dydd Sadwrn, Hydref 21 yn Center Darbodus yn Newark, N.J.
Hyrwyddir gan Ringstar Sports ar y cyd â World Boxing Super Series, mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad byw ar werth nawr ac ar gael ynTicketmaster.com. Tickets will also be available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office beginning Dydd Llun, Medi 11 yn 11 a.m.
It’s a great pleasure to promote this exciting World Boxing Super Series matchup,” meddai Richard Schaefer, Cadeirydd a Phrif Swyddog Gweithredol Ringstar Sports. “Murat Gassiev is clearly one of the top cruiserweights in the world but he will have a great obstacle against the battle-tested former champion Krzysztof Wlodarczyk, who will have a big boost from the raucous Polish fans in New Jersey. Prudential Center is the perfect venue for this event and I know that the fans will enjoy this matchup as both men vie for the Muhammad Ali Trophy.
It’s so exciting that the Ali Trophy is coming to a fighting place like New Jersey,” said Kalle Sauerland, Comosa’s Chief Boxing Officer. “Hold tight and enjoy the ride, Hydref 21 is going to be a unique experience, think ‘Game of Thronesmeets boxing. Can’t wait!”
A full slate of undercard bout will be announced soon.
I promise that I’m going to come to the ring to win and do everything possible to get this victory,” said Gassiev. “I want to take advantage of this opportunity to fight the best boxers in my weight class.
I have a very serious opponent in Krzysztof Wlodarczyk who is a two-time world champion and his resume speaks for itself. He has fought the best and I’m looking forward to a very hard fight.
It is a great honor for me to fight in the World Boxing Super Series for the Muhammad Ali Trophy,” Dywedodd Wlodarczyk. “I trained for two weeks in the Polish mountains and now I am back in Warsaw putting in the work forHydref 21.”
I am very happy to have the opportunity to fight a champion like Murat Gassiev. He is a young, strong champion like I was a few years ago but I am ready to show that I am still the best in the division.
One of the hardest punchers in the sport, Gassiev trains with Abel Sanchez in Big Bear, California and hails from Vladikavkaz, Rwsia. The 23-year-old made his U.S. ymddangosiad cyntaf yn 2015 and delivered four straight knockout victories, gan gynnwys “Knockout y Flwyddyn” contender when he flattened Jordan Schimmel in the first round in May 2016. Gassiev then challenged Denis Lebedev in Russia last December and was able to drop the champion on his way to winning the IBF title.
Fighting out of Piaseczno, Gwlad Pwyl, Wlodarczyk first became a world champion when he defeated Steve Cunningham in 2006 to capture the IBF crown. After fighting to a draw against WBC Champion Giacobbe Fragomeni in 2009, Wlodarczyk stopped Fragomeni in their 2010 rematch to become a champion again. He would go on to defend the title six times and enters his Hydref 21matchup on a four fight winning streak.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i worldboxingsuperseries.gyda neu www.ringstar.com

Dilynwch ar Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar a dod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn facebook.com/WBSuperSeries ac facebook.com/Ffoniwch Chwaraeon Star

Photos are free to use, but please credit World Boxing Super Series.
09/09/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Marco Huck (WBO World)
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Yr Almaen

16/09/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Callum Smith vs. Erik Skoglund (WBC Diamond)
Echo Arena, Lerpwl, Y Deyrnas Unedig

23/09/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitry Kudryashov (WBA World)
Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas, UDA

30/09/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Mairis Briedis vs.. Mike Perez (Byd CLlC)
riga Arena, riga, Latfia

07/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Chris Eubank Jr vs.. Avni Yildirim (Byd IBO)
Neuadd Hanns-Martin-Schleyer, Stuttgart, Yr Almaen

14/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
George Groves vs.. Jamie Cox (WBA Super)
Yr Arena SSE, Wembley, Llundain, Y Deyrnas Unedig

21/10/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser
Murat Gassiev vs.. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (Byd IBF)
Center Prudential, Newark, New Jersey, UDA

Rowndiau Terfynol Chwarter Pwysau Canol:
Juergen Braehmer vs.. Rob Brant

Nifer y cyfranogwyr: 16
Nifer y gwregysau: 7
Nifer o bencampwyr y byd: 6
Nifer o gyn-bencampwyr y byd: 3
Nifer y diffoddwyr heb eu heffeithio: 9
Cofnod Cyfun o'r cyfranogwyr: 423 ennill, 17 colledion, 294 Kos

Usyk vs.. Huck launches World Boxing Super Series

Crasu LIVE YN CANADA HWN Dydd Sadwrn

(All Pictures Courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
EDMONTON, Canada (Medi 6, 2017)The much-anticipated Byd Bocsio Super Series (WBSS) launches this week and Canadian boxing fans will be able to watch all the tournament action live on Super Channel.
Super Channel acquired the rights in Canada to broadcast the World Boxing Super Series from MP & Silva, cwmni blaenllaw cyfryngau rhyngwladol sy'n darparu hawliau cyfryngau, digidol, gwasanaethau technoleg a nawdd.
Planned to take place on an annual basis, the WBSS tournament will commence dydd Sadwrn (Saith. 9) in Berlin, gan ddechrau am 2 p.m. A / 11 a.m. PT, with the first quarter-final match as World Boxing Organization (WBO) Cruiserweight World Champion Oleksandr “Y gath” Usyk (12-0, 10 Kos) defends his world title against former world cruiserweight champion Marco “Kapt’n” Huck (40-4-1, 27 Kos) in the 12-round main event.
The inaugural season of the World Boxing Super Series will feature two weight classes (cruiserweight & ganol super), 16 diffoddwyr, a chyfanswm o 14 main events. An expert panel invited the world’s best boxers to compete, namely the top 15-ranked fighters of the four major federations: WBA, CLlC, IBF and WBO. Ymhob dosbarth pwysau, eight boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarterfinals (Medi & Hydref 2017), two semifinals (Ionawr & Chwefror 2018) and one championship final (Mai 2018).
World Boxing Super Series is a new revolutionary bracket-style elimination tournament featuring the world`s best boxers and a total of $50 million in prize money. The knockout format of the competition will see the best boxers ultimately compete for the Muhammad Ali Trophy, the greatest prize in boxing. The tournament is organized by newly-founded Comosa AG, a Swiss-registered company with principal owners Highlight Event & Adloniant, Modern Times Group and Team Sauerland. Comosa AG is working in partnership with boxers, promoters and managers around the world, and in alignment with the four major world boxing federations, to create a new global platform for the sport.
Five exciting fights on the “Usyk vs., Huck” Cerdyn, hyrwyddir gan Sauerland Event, Bydd aer yn gyfan gwbl yng Nghanada ar Super Channel.
(L-R) — Oleksandr Usyk & Marco Huck
Usyk, 30, is the No. 1 WSBB seed and consensus pre-tournament favorite. The Ukrainian is a two-time Olympian who struck gold at the 2012 Olympics in London. The powerful southpaw captured the WBO cruiserweight world title September 17, 2016, taking a 12-round unanimous decision in Poland from the previously undefeated, amddiffyn pencampwr Krzysztof Glowacki (26-0). Usyk has made two successful world title defenses, stopping challenger Thabiso Mchunu (17-2) last December in the ninth round, and winning a 12-round unanimous decision this past April fromMichael Hunter (12-0).
Marco Huck is the most famous and prestigious opponent I could have chosen,” Usyk said. “He has accomplished most title defenses in the history of the cruiserweight division, an extremely experienced man. Huck does not fear anything or anyone and goes for the victory through the fire. He marches constantly forward and tries to determine his fights by all means.
I have a tactic specifically aimed at Huck. This is necessary because in my opinion he is one of my toughest competitors in this tournament. But why should I talk about it now and give Huck an advantage that he does not deserve? The surprising moment is on my side now, and I will take this advantage with me in the ring. Huck, gan y ffordd, has an advantage because he is at home in front of his audience in Berlin. This definitely makes him stronger but I love this challenge!
I can fulfill my dream of unifying all the cruiserweight belts! I had previously thought about how it would be possible to achieve this goal. Yn ffodus, the door is now open for the road to glory. In this tournament with all the world champions participating and the winner can rightly be described as the best cruiserweight in the world. On top of that the winner gets the Muhammad Ali Trophy. I admire Ali, because he is the biggest role model in boxing. I will thank God if I win a trophy with his name on it.
Serbia-born Huck has two distinct advantages over Usyk: fighting at home in Berlin as well as being much more experienced against world-class opponents. The 32-year-old Huck is 13-4-1 (6 Kos) in world title fights and he has five victories against former or present world champions.
One of Huck’s four career losses as a professional, Fodd bynnag,, is to Glowacki, who lost the WBO title he won in 2015, by knocking out Huck in the 11fed rownd, to Usyk a year ago.
It is going to be very nice to fight in Berlin, but I would also fight Usyk on the moon,” Huck noted. “Usyk is a well-schooled boxer and I cannot wait to step into the ring with him.
When I fight, there’s always something going on, it’s never boring but spectacular. Huck fans around the world know that a Huck fight means entertainment. When I reach my potential on
fight night, I can beat everyone. I am optimistic and confident that I will beat Usyk.
Yn y digwyddiad 10 rownd ar y cyd, former WBO International and World Youth cruiserweight champion Noel Gevor (22-1, 10 Kos), fighting out of Germany by way of Armenia, takes on American Eseia Thomas (15-1, 6 Kos) in the WBSS Cruiserweight Substitution Fight.
Undefeated German middleweight prospect Patrick Wojcicki (9-0, 4 Kos) faces FrenchmanFouard El Massoudi (14-9, 1 KO) mewn bout wyth rownd, while German super middleweight Denis Radovan (5-0, 2 Kos) yn cyfarfod Yasnn Binanga Abogho (6-1-1,) and German light heavyweightLeon Bunn (5-0, 5 Kos) sgwariau ffwrdd gyda Tomasz “TemeraGargula (18-7-1, 5 Kos), Gwlad Pwyl, in a pair of six-round matches, all scheduled to air live on Super Channel.
Mae'r holl ymladd a diffoddwyr yn destun newid.
Saith. 9 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Berlin, Yr Almaen
Pencampwriaeth Byd Pwysau Pwysau WBO

Oleksandr Usyk (12-0, 10 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, Kiev, Wcráin

Marco Huck (40-4-1, 27 Kos), Challenger, Berlin, Yr Almaen
Saith. 16 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight yn Lerpwl, DU
Pencampwriaeth Diemwnt Super Middleweight Diamond
Callum Smith (22-0, 17 Kos), Lerpwl, Glannau Mersi, DU
Erik Skoglund (26-0, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Sweden
Saith. 23 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn San Antonio, Texas, UDA
WBA Cruiserweight World Championship
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, Miami, Florida, UDA trwy Giwba
Dmitry Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Challenger, Volgodonsk, Rwsia
Saith. 30 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser yn Riga, Latfia
WBC Cruiserweight World Championship
Mairis Ceirw (22-0, 18 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, riga, Latfia
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Challenger, Corc, Iwerddon trwy Giwba
All WSBB fights will also be available on Super Channel Ar Alw.
Yn ddiweddar mae Super Channel wedi darlledu digwyddiadau bocsio mawr yn fyw fel Brook vs.. Spence Jr, Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vsMarriaga a Crawford vs.. Indongo.
I wylio'r holl gamau Byd Bocsio Super Series byw, yn ogystal â bocsio mwy cyffrous i ddod, ymladd cefnogwyr yng Nghanada gysylltu â'u darparwr cebl lleol i danysgrifio i Super Sianel a hynny i gyd mae'n cynnig, gan gynnwys cyfres premiwm, ffilmiau a llawer mwy, am mor isel â $9.95 y mis.
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Former World Champion Nonito Donaire Returns to the Ring to Take on Ruben Garcia Hernandez for the WBC Silver Featherweight Title September 23 at the Alamodome in San Antonio

Mwy! Once-Beaten Cruiserweights Keith Tapia & Lateef Kayode Battle in World Boxing Super Series Reserve Match
SAN ANTONIO (Medi 5, 2017) – Exciting former world champion Nonito Donaire (37-4-0, 24 Kos) will return to the ring to take on Ruben Garcia Hernandez (22-2-1, 9 Kos) for the WBC Silver Featherweight Title in a bout that takes place alongside the World Boxing Super Series Quarterfinals on Dydd Sadwrn, Medi 23 from the Alamodome live in San Antonio and presented by Ringstar Sports.
Additional action will feature a 10-round showdown between once-beaten cruiserweights Keith Tapia (17-1, 11 Kos) ac Lateef Kayode (21-1, 16 Kos) that will serve as the reserve match for the World Boxing Super Series Quarterfinal matchup of Cuban WBA World Champion Yunier ‘The KO Doctor’ Dorticós (21-0, 20 Kos) versus Russian Dmitry ‘Russian HammerKudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos).
Donaire returns to the ring after a controversial loss last November to Jessie Magdaleno. Donaire recently teamed up with Ringstar Sports where he plans to reclaim his supremacy in the featherweight division. Garcia Hernandez is a tested Mexican fighter looking to make a name for himself in the U.S. at the Alamodome.
I’m ready to return to the ring and show that I still have what it takes to be a world champion and face the best in this sport,” said Donaire. “I’m thankful to Ringstar Sports for helping me in this next chapter of my career and I know with them in my corner, I’ll be back to where I belong soon. I’m excited to give the great fight fans in San Antonio a great show, just like when I fought Wilfredo Vazquez at the Alamodome in 2012. Ar ôl y frwydr hon, I’m coming for all of the featherweight champions and to prove I’m the best in the division.
I am grateful for this opportunity and I can’t wait to get in the ring,” said Garcia Hernandez. “I know that I am facing a great fighter and that has motivated me to train harder than ever before for this matchup. I’m planning on giving it my all and giving the fans a great fight. I hope Donaire comes to fight because I am coming to knock him ou on September 23ydd.”
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad byw yn cael eu prisio yn $250, $125, $100, $50, ac $30, ac ar werth yn awr. Mae tocynnau ar gael yn ticketmaster.com YMA.
The return of Nonito Donaire to the ring is a treat for boxing fans in San Antonio as he looks to return to his place as one of the top fighters in the sport,” meddai Richard Schaefer, Cadeirydd & Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Chwaraeon Ringstar. “He will be in an all-action matchup against a tough Mexican fighter in Ruben Garcia Hernandez and I expect them to give the fans an exciting night. The entire card will be jam packed with rising prospects and contenders, plus a great cruiserweight showdown between Keith Tapia and Lateef Kayode that will be the reserve match for the World Boxing Super Series Quarterfinal that night.
The Filipino fighter known as theFilipino Flash Donaire grew up in Northern California and now fights out of Las Vegas. His last fight was November 2016 when he battled Magdeleno for a junior featherweight world title in a bout that he lost by controversial decision. Hoping for a rematch that was never made, he partnered with Ringstar Sports looking to return to the top of the featherweight division. Cyn hynny, Donaire won belts in four different weight classes and was recognized as the 2012 Fighter of the Year by the BWAA, ESPN and Ring Magazine.
Fighting out of Mexico City, Mecsico, Hernandez made his pro debut in 2010. Since that time he has battled his way through Mexico while fighting in the U.S. four times. Hernandez enters this bout on a seven fight winning streak and plans to make a name for himself in the United States on September 23ydd when he takes on Donaire.
The 27-year-old Tapia returns to the ring after dropping a decision to unbeaten Andrew Tabiti that snapped a 17-fight win streak to begin his professional career. Originally from Puerto Rico but fighting out of the Bronx, Tapia has picked up victories over durable veterans Garrett Wilson and Anthony Caputo Smith and will look to cement his status as a cruiserweight contender on September 23ydd.
A former title challenger at cruiserweight, Kayode last battled Denis Lebedev for his cruiserweight crown in a November 2015 bout in Russia. Fighting out of Hollywood, Calif., by way of Nigeria, Kayode has shared the ring with the likes of Antonio Tarver and Luis Ortiz while taking down Felix Cora Jr, Matt Godfrey and Nick Kisner on his way to an unbeaten mark after his first 21 ymladd pro.
– Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Marco Huck (WBO World)
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Yr Almaen

16/09/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Callum Smith vs. Erik Skoglund (WBC Diamond)
Echo Arena, Lerpwl, Y Deyrnas Unedig

23/09/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitry Kudryashov (WBA World)
Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas, UDA

30/09/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Mairis Briedis vs.. Mike Perez (Byd CLlC)
riga Arena, riga, Latfia

07/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Chris Eubank Jr vs.. Avni Yildirim (Byd IBO)
Neuadd Hanns-Martin-Schleyer, Stuttgart, Yr Almaen

14/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
George Groves vs.. Jamie Cox (WBA Super)
Yr Arena SSE, Wembley, Llundain, Y Deyrnas Unedig

Rowndiau Terfynol Pwysau Pwysau Cruiser:
Murat Gassiev vs.. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (Byd IBF)

Rowndiau Terfynol Chwarter Pwysau Canol:
Juergen Braehmer vs.. Rob Brant

Nifer y cyfranogwyr: 16
Nifer y gwregysau: 7
Nifer o bencampwyr y byd: 6
Nifer o gyn-bencampwyr y byd: 3
Nifer y diffoddwyr heb eu heffeithio: 9
Cofnod Cyfun o'r cyfranogwyr: 423 ennill, 17 colledion, 294 Kos

Organised by Comosa AG, bydd Cyfres Super Boxing y Byd yn cychwyn ym mis Medi 2017, yn cynnwys yr adrannau Pwysau Cruiser a Super Middleweight. Ymhob dosbarth pwysau, bydd wyth bocsiwr elitaidd yn brwydro mewn twrnamaint dileu ar ffurf braced, gyda phedair rownd yr wyth olaf (cwympo 2017), dwy rownd gynderfynol (yn gynnar 2018) ac un rownd derfynol (Mai 2018). Mae hyn yn golygu saith gornest orau i bob dosbarth pwysau, a chyfanswm o 14 ymladd yn Nhymor Un i'w llwyfannu mewn prif leoliadau ledled y byd. Bydd enillwyr Cyfres Super Boxing y Byd yn derbyn y Wobr Fwyaf mewn Bocsio yn haeddiannol, Tlws Muhammad Ali. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Twitter,Facebook, or Instagram.

Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.ringstar.com

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Beibut Shumenov targedu Lebedev-Ramirez cruiserweight Uno enillydd frwydr teitl

LAS VEGAS (Mawrth 22, 2016) – Cymdeithas Bocsio Byd (WBA) Interim pencampwr cruiserweight Byd Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos) yn targedu'r 21 Mai enillydd teitl uno rhwng WBA titlist Denis Lebedev(28-2, 21 Kos) a Ffederasiwn Bocsio Rhyngwladol (IBF) pencampwr Victor Emilio “Tyson de Abasto” Ramirez (22-2-1, 17 Kos).
Pan drechwyd Shumenov B.J. Blodau(31-1-1, 20 Kos) Fis Gorffennaf diwethaf yn Las Vegas, y cyn WBA bencampwr pwysau trwm ysgafn daeth WBA hyrwyddwr Interim yn ogystal â'i Dim. 1 contender gorfodol.
Lebedev, Fodd bynnag,, Nid wedi ymladd brwydr orfodol ers diwethaf Ebrill 10 lle enillodd penderfyniad 12-rownd dros pencampwr WBA yna Interim Youri Kalenga. Lebedev made a voluntary tittle offense last November, rhoi'r gorau i Lateef Kayode yn yr wythfed rownd.
Bydd Shumenov yn ôl yn y cylch y mis nesaf (Ebrill), manylion llawn sydd ar ddod, ac yna bydd yn herio'r enillydd Lebedev-Ramirez fewn 90/120 diwrnod o'u canlyniad.
“Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gael y cyfle i ymladd enillydd Lebedev-Ramirez am ei fod bob amser wedi bod yn fy nod i uno teitlau,” Esboniodd Shumenov. “Lebedev has always been my target. Ramirez is the other fighter I’ve really wanted to fight and my manager tried to make a fight between us, hefyd.
“Rwyf wedi bod yn y gampfa ers fy frwydr olaf, hyfforddiant galed i berffeithio fy sgiliau. Nawr, I am a completely different fighter since I fought last July. My team is extremely happy and confident that I can beat all of the other world cruiserweight champions.
Fis Rhagfyr diwethaf, Roedd Shumenov raglennu i amddiffyn ei goron WBA Interim yn erbyn pencampwr cruiserweight byd dau-amser Krzyesztof “Diablo” Wlodarczyk (50-3-1, 36 Kos), ond yn fater meddygol difrifol sy'n ymwneud ag aelod o'r teulu gorfodi Shumenov i dynnu'n ôl o'r frwydr uchod.
“Mae'r cyfle i ymladd enillydd Lebedev / Ramirez yn ymladd uno mawr yn unig daeth am eleni ac nid oedd gennyf yr opsiwn hwnnw yn ôl pan gytunais i ymladd i ddechrau Wlodarczyk yn ôl ym mis Rhagfyr ac nid oeddwn yn gallu rhagweld beth fyddai'n digwydd i fy teulu yn bersonol,” 32-year-old Shumenov said. “Nid oes gennyf unrhyw broblem ymladd Wlodarczyk yn y dyfodol, but only after I fight the Lebedev-Ramirez unification winner. Yn ogystal,, ar unrhyw bryd, Nid oes gennyf unrhyw broblem ymladd WBA Dim. 2-ranked yunier Dorticos.
“Ar hyn o bryd, Dwi yn fy ymladd cysefin eto dal i wella, hyfforddiant gyda fy hyfforddwr, Ismael Salas. I want to show the world my skills before I get too old. Literally, Rwy'n barod i ymladdyfory and I’ve been ready for months. I’ll be back in the ring next month and then I’ll get my shot at the Lebedev-Ramirez winner.
Gall Fans ffrind Beibut Shumenov ar ei Facebook Fan Page ar www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.