Tag Archives: Las Vegas


Sự kiện độc đáo mang lại cho người hâm mộ cơ hội gặp gỡ và chào đón máy bay chiến đấu hàng đầu-, người nổi tiếng quyền anh và mọi người trong ngành công nghiệp một lên gần, thiết lập cá nhân

Lnhư Vegas (Tháng tư 27, 2015) - Box Fan Expo tổ chức công bố hàng năm Expo Box Fan thứ hai sẽ quay về Trung tâm Hội nghị Las Vegas Thứ bảy, Bảy. 12.

Sự kiện mới, trong đó cho phép người hâm mộ để gặp gỡ và chào hỏi những huyền thoại quyền anh, nhà vô địch trong quá khứ và hiện tại và những người nổi tiếng khác của các môn thể thao, ra mắt cuối tháng chín. Nó sẽ chạy từ 10 a.m. đến 5 giờ chiều. và một lần nữa, cho phép người hâm mộ có cơ hội để thu thập chữ ký, chụp ảnh và hàng hóa mua và kỷ vật.

Triển lãm như bánh đấm bốc, quần áo, phát sóng phương tiện truyền thông và các công ty thương hiệu khác, những người muốn tham gia sẽ có cơ hội để giới thiệu sản phẩm của mình với người hâm mộ và các ngành công nghiệp toàn bộ đấm bốc.

Khai mạc hội chợ triển lãm Box Fan năm cuối của một số đặc trưng của các máy bay chiến đấu nổi tiếng nhất và những người nổi tiếng quyền anh trong lịch sử gần đây. Fans đã được điều trị để thăm với Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Judah, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Shawn Porter, Chris Byrd, Jesse James Leija ,Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Máy cạo râu, Mia St-John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin, Jean Pascal và Austin Trout. Cũng xuất hiện là hiện WBC Champion Deontay Wilder, sự lôi cuốn Vinny Pazienza, Paul Williams, bình luận lưu ý Al Bernstein và Roger Mayweather của Mayweather Khuyến mãi.

"Có rất ít cơ hội như thế này cho phép các fan hâm mộ quyền anh để đến mặt đối mặt với võ sĩ yêu thích của họ và những người nổi tiếng quyền anh, đó là những gì làm cho Box Fan Expo một thật sự độc đáo và phải xem kinh nghiệm,"Tổ chức sự kiện cho biết. "Expo Box Fan năm ngoái, là một thành công lớn và chúng tôi rất hào hứng để mang lại quyền anh trở thành tâm điểm chú ý bằng cách thu thập các ngành công nghiệp quyền anh tất cả dưới một mái nhà cho một ngày đặc biệt và cho tất cả những người hâm mộ thưởng thức. Đây là một cơ hội tuyệt vời cho cả thế giới chỉ cách ngọt ngào "khoa học ngọt ngào" có thể là.

"Chúng tôi biết điều này là có được một lần nữa một sự kiện thậm chí còn phổ biến hơn trong năm nay với tất cả những ngôi sao quyền anh lớn, vì vậy chúng tôi khuyên mọi người để có được vé sớm, vì vậy họ được đảm bảo về gặp gỡ và chào máy bay chiến đấu yêu thích của họ. "

Các danh sách những người tham dự cho Box Fan Expo năm nay sẽ được công bố trong suốt vài tháng tới và tuần.

Xem video quảng chính thức của Box Fan Expo ở đây:http://www.boxfanexpo.com/video-2/

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Xem hình ảnh Gallery 2014 đây: http://www.boxfanexpo.com/photos/

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Mayweather vs. Pacquiao In-Depth Xem trước và Phân tích

Qua: Tony Penecale

Tìm Tony trên Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TornadoTP

CUỐI CÙNG!!!! Sau sáu năm tranh cãi, đàm phán, ngón tay trỏ, và khả năng thực sự rằng nó sẽ không bao giờ xảy ra, các superfight chờ đợi từ lâu giữa Floyd "Money" Mayweather Jr. và Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao là cuối cùng cũng sắp xảy ra. Có một khả năng có doanh thu trở lên của $300 triệu giữa chúng, dễ dàng các sự kiện giàu nhất trong lịch sử thể thao. Mayweather được thiết lập để thực hiện $180 triệu. Ông sẽ kiếm được $15 triệu mỗi vòng, $5 triệu đồng mỗi phút, & $83,333.33 môi giây. Pacquaio sẽ làm $120 triệu và sẽ kiếm được $10 triệu mỗi vòng, $3,333,333.33 mỗi phút, & $55,555.56 môi giây. Las Vegas là một thành phố cờ bạc, và sau nhiều năm lừa gạt, nâng cao ante, và gọi nhau ra, cả hai máy bay chiến đấu đã đặt tất cả các chip của họ trong. di sản của họ trên bàn. Hiện nay, đó là thời gian để xem ai đang thực sự nắm giữ Aces khi họ bước vào vòng.


Mayweather: Tuổi: 38 tuổi

Ghi lại: 47-0 (26 Knockouts)

Chiều cao: 5’8”

Cân nặng: 146 * * Trọng lượng cho cơn cuối cùng (9-13-14)

Đến: 72"


Pacquiao: Tuổi: 35 tuổi

Ghi lại: 57-5-2 (38 Knockouts)

Chiều cao: 5’6”

Cân nặng: 144 ** Trọng lượng cho cơn cuối cùng (11-20-14)

Đến: 67"


Thành tựu RING


1996 Olympic huy chương Bronze

WBC siêu lông vô địch (’98-’02)

WBC Lightweight Champion (’02-’04)

Vòng Magazine Lightweight Champion (’02-’04)

WBC hạng bán trung Junior Champion (’05-’06)

’05-’06 (’05-’06)

’05-’06 (’05-’06)

WBC Junior Middleweight Champion (’05-’06)

WBA Junior Middleweight Champion (’05-’06)

’05-’06 (’05-’06)

’05-’06 (’05-’06)

’05-’06 #1 Vỏ sỉ (’05-’06, ’05-’06)



’05-’06 (’05-’06)

’05-’06 (’05-’06)

WBC siêu lông vô địch (’05-’06)

WBC Lightweight Champion (’05-’06)

’05-’06 ('09)

WBO hạng bán trung Champion (’05-’06)

WBO hạng bán trung Champion ('14 -Pres)

’05-’06 #1 Vỏ sỉ (’05-’06)

’05-’06 #4 Vỏ sỉ (’05-’06)




’05-’06, ’05-’06. ’05-’06. ’05-’06. ’05-’06, ’05-’06. Ông không có quyền lực đấm lớn. Hầu hết các chiến thắng ngừng của ông đến từ outpunching và outclassing đối thủ của mình, nhưng hiếm khi ghi knockout sạch.



hộp Pacquiao từ một lập trường southpaw, di chuyển về phía trước và bồng bềnh và feinting theo cách của mình. Khi ở gần, ông sử dụng tay phải của mình để tìm phạm vi và sau đó giải phóng trái mạnh mẽ của mình, thẳng hoặc Looping, và ông sẽ thường tăng gấp đôi và gấp ba nó vào cơ thể và đầu. Sử dụng sự thay đổi đầu nhanh chóng trượt đấm trong khi di chuyển về phía trước. Đã ngon được phát triển dưới sự giám hộ của Freddie Roach, phát triển một cái móc khá đúng, hoặc như một cú đấm chì hoặc ném phía sau bên trái. Sử dụng sự thay đổi đầu nhanh chóng trượt đấm trong khi di chuyển về phía trước. Không còn là Finisher sợ anh một lần được trước đó trong sự nghiệp của mình.




* Kinh nghiệm - Quyền anh là trong máu của Mayweather, và anh ấy đã tham gia vào các môn thể thao kể từ thời thơ ấu. Hoàn thành một sự nghiệp nghiệp dư mở rộng bằng chiến thắng huy chương đồng trong '96 Thế vận hội Olympic. Ông đã được cạnh tranh thành công trên một mức độ vô địch cho quá khứ 17 năm, phải đối mặt và đánh bại máy bay chiến đấu với một loạt các phong cách.


* nhiệt độ - Mayweather là một freak thể dục với một tinh thần làm việc tuyệt vời khi nói đến đào tạo. Rất ít máy bay chiến đấu đẩy mình nhiều như Mayweather làm trong phòng tập thể dục, thậm chí làm các buổi tập huấn nửa đêm. Đó là điều hiển nhiên trong vòng khi sức chịu đựng của ông mang ông vào cuối vòng.


* vòng chiến thuật - Mayweather biết mỗi inch của chiếc nhẫn và làm thế nào để kiểm soát một cuộc chiến. Ngài biết khi tấn công, khi để hộp, khi để biến nhiệt, và khi đến bờ biển. Mayweather sở hữu chiếc nhẫn khi anh đang ở trong đó. Ngay cả những lần hiếm hoi khi anh đã choáng váng trong chiến đấu, ông đã có thể nhanh chóng giải quyết xuống và dập tắt các mối đe dọa.




* không chính thống Phong cách - Pacquiao là rất không chính thống, ngay cả đối với một southpaw. Ông di chuyển thẳng nhưng rất khó để thời gian với nhấp nhô và đầu feints. Trước khi hầu hết các đối thủ có thể thời gian onrushes mình, ông là ném đấm cơn lốc từ nhiều góc độ.


* Tốc độ - Pacquiao là hạm đội của bàn chân và các chủ sở hữu của tay rất nhanh, đặc biệt là đối với một võ sĩ quyền Anh với sức mạnh đáng kể như vậy. Anh nhanh chóng di chuyển vào vị trí và bắn nhanh One-Two kết hợp. Ông mở rộng kho vũ khí của mình để bao gồm kết hợp làm mù móc, uppercuts, và đôi hoặc gấp ba tay trái.


* sức chịu đựng - Pacquiao luôn ở trong hình dạng to lớn và chiến đấu cũng như khó khăn ở vòng cuối như anh ta trong lần đầu tiên. He applies a ton of pressure and is constantly punching, wearing opponents down in the process.




* Aging – Mayweather may have an unblemished record, but Father Time has never been defeated. Mayweather has been more flat-footed in recent bouts. His first encounter with Marcos Maidana was a rough and tumble affair where Mayweather looked very ordinary. The rematch was more definitive but unimpressive.


* Distractions – Maweather loves to be in the public eye and never shies away from controversy. Most notably are his public disputes and reconciliations with his father and trainer, Floyd Mayweather, Senior. The most recent camp turbulence came in the form of a training camp dispute between Floyd Sr. and Alex Ariza, working as the strength and conditioning coach. A non-harmonious training camp could lead to unnecessary distractions.


* Punching Power – Most of Mayweather’s stoppage wins came from an accumulation of punches. The usual result is the referee or opposing corner stopping the bout to prevent further punishment. Notwithstanding his controversial and explosive knockout of Victor Ortiz, it is rare to see Mayweather finish a bout with one punch, dating all the way back to his days as a 130-pounder.




* Killer Instinct – Pacquiao was once regarded as a ruthless buzzsaw, cutting through opponents until they succumbed. He has since lost that edge, failing to win a fight by stoppage since 2009. More of a concern is that on several occasions he eased up on outclassed opponents, allowing them to survive the last few rounds.


* Trouble with Counterpunchers – Pacquiao is an aggressive, offense-first fighter who will freely throw punches, but he can be timed and is often open to be hit with counters. Juan Manuel Marquez gave him fits with movement and counter punches, even scoring a spectacular knockout over Pacquiao with a perfectly-timed counter right hand.


* Tuổi – Pacquiao is no longer the phenomenon he was in his 20s. He is now in his mid-30s. As he has physically aged, he has also taken on a super human schedule with political aspirations in his home country, numerous personal appearances, and several difficult bouts.





(09-13-14) Mayweather neutralized and outboxed Marcos Maidana in a rematch from their closer-than-expected bout from four months prior. While the action was sparse, it was a case of Mayweather using his superior skills and intelligence to thwart his aggressive but limited opponent.



(11-20-14) Pacquiao won a dominating unanimous decision over the game but vastly inexperienced Chris Algieri. Pacquiao was in control from the start and scored a total of six knockdowns, somehow failing to score the knockout some experts thought he needed to be in position for the Mayweather fight to happen.





* Diego Corrales (1/20/01) – Experts were torn on who to pick in this one with many leaning towards Corrales to win by KO. Mayweather never let him in the bout, knocking him down five times before the referee halted the bout in the 10th round.


* Arturo Gatti (6/25/05) – Although Mayweather was a solid betting favorite, many expected Gatti to make things rough for Mayweather. It never happened, as Mayweather floored Gatti in the first round and dealt out a severe beating before Gatti’s corner stopped the bout after six one-sided rounds.


* Ricky Hatton (12/8/07) – Hatton was undefeated coming into the bout and set a gameplan of constant pressure to wear out Mayweather. After a few uncomfortable rounds, Mayweather was able to find his range and take over, flooring Hatton twice in the 10th round and forcing a stoppage.



* Oscar De la Hoya (12/06/08) – It’s hard to imagine now, but the consensus at the time was that De la Hoya would destroy the smaller Pacquiao in a landslide. It was a landslide, but it was Pacquiao dishing out the beating, ripping De la Hoya apart with both hands. After eight one-sided and brutal rounds, a swollen and bloodied De la Hoya was beaten into permanent retirement.

* Miguel Cotto (11/14/09) – Pacquiao impressively dismantled the larger and physically imposing Cotto. Pacquiao dropped the Puerto Rican superstar twice early. From the 6th round on, Pacquiao had Cotto in a defensive shell, battering him until the referee stopped the bout in the 12th round.

* Ricky Hatton (05/02/09) – Pacquio ran through Hatton in fast and destructive fashion. Hattonwhile still an underdogwas expected to provide a challenge with his strength and mauling tactics. Pacquiao unveiled an improved right hook and had Hatton down twice in the first round before crushing him with a devastating knockout in the second.




*Oscar De la Hoya

– Mayweather: Split Decision 2007

– Pacquiao: WHO 8th tròn 2008


*Miguel Cotto

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2013

– Pacquiao: WHO 12th tròn 2009


*Ricky Hatton

– Mayweather: WHO 10th tròn 2007

– Pacquiao: KO 2nd tròn 2009


* Shane Mosley

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2010

– Pacquiao: Unanimous Decision 2011


* Juan Manuel Marquez

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2009

– Pacquiao: Rút ra 2004, Split Decision 2008, Majority Decision 2011,

KO’d 6th tròn 2012






* Get Pacquiao’s respect early, timing his rushes, and hitting him with straight right hands.


* Use clinches to smother Pacquiao and thwart any offensive momentum.


* Do not try to trade punches with Pacquiao.





* Use feints to get Mayweather to make the first move.


* Don’t aim strictly at Mayweather’s head. Focus on the body, arms, and torso?


* Do not let Mayweather control the tempo.




* Can the fight live up to the hype? Unless this turns out to be Hagler-Hearns, Gatti-Ward, and Ali-Frazier all rolled up into one, it will be nearly impossible to live up to the hype that has surrounded this match-up for over six years. The hype might be inflated and overbearing, but it can still be entertaining.


* Is the fight happening too late? Both fighters are in their late 30s. While these two phenoms are still elite competitors, they are past their primes. Even so, instances of fighters past their primes matching up perfectly and turning in an epic encounter have occurred on several occasions.


* Who has the most to lose? Mayweather without a doubt has the most to lose. Pacquiao is an icon in his home country, so no matter what happens, he will remain a beloved figure. Mayweather is boasting about himself as “The Best Ever” and relishes his undefeated record. He even said recently that he’s better than Muhammad Ali was. A loss obliterates the “0” on Mayweather’s record and will provide more fodder for the argument that he is not even the best of his generation.


* How will their styles match up? It figures to be a classic boxer vs puncher match-up. Mayweather is a consummate strategist. He is a master of figuring out his opponents, frustrating them, and setting up counter punches. Pacquiao will press the action, try to overwhelm, breaking through Mayweather’s defense with a high volume of punches. It will be a clash of Quantity against Quality. Pacquiao will throw more punches, more punches than anybody has ever thrown against Mayweather. Mayweather will throw less but land at a higher connect rate, with sharp counter punches.


* What are the chances of a Knockout? Pacquiao is known as the better puncher, but he has failed to score a stoppage victory since battering Miguel Cotto in 2009. Mayweather has scored only one stoppage victory since 2007 against the weak-chinned Victor Ortiz. The two most likely scenarios for a knockout win would either be Pacquiao becoming reckless and leaving himself open to Mayweather’s straight right hand or Mayweather suddenly becoming an old fighter and wilting under Pacquiao’s relentless pressure. Likely, this fight will go to the scorecards.



* Will the officials factor into the conclusion? Kenny Bayless has been assigned as the referee and is regarded as one of the best in boxing. He has worked as the referee in six previous Pacquiao fights and four previous Mayweather bouts. The only backlash he received from those ten total bouts was the Mayweather-Maidana rematch where he was criticized for breaking up the inside clinches too quickly, seemingly favoring Mayweather against the mauling style of Maidana. With Mayweather naturally bigger than Pacquiao, breaking up clinches quickly (especially if Pacquiao has any momentum) would serve more as a disadvantage to Mayweather. The judges are Burt Clements, Dave Moretti, both veteran officials in Las Vegas, and Glenn Feldman, based out of Connecticut. Moretti has worked nine Mayweather bouts and six Pacquiao bouts. Clements has worked three Mayweather bouts and one Pacquiao bout. Feldman has only worked one Mayweather bout early in his career.


* What happens next? If the fight turns out to be entertaining, gần, or controversial, a rematch is possible depending on the outcome.

If Mayweather wins, anh ấy là 48-0 and can walk away from Pacquiao and seek a different challenge for his final fight. He could even seek a possible move up to grab a title at middleweight and another superfight with the next big sensation Gennady Golovkin.

If Pacquiao wins, a rematch is almost a given, especially with so much money on the table.

A draw would also most likely force a rematch for the final fight of Mayweather’s career sometime in September.



The anticipation as the fighters make their way to the ring will be electric. The growing crescendo of excitement will continue through the introductions with Mayweather sporting a confident smirk and Pacquaio fixated with an icy glare.


The waiting will be over when the bell rings and both fighters come out to the center of the ring. Mayweather will be moving to his left, rolling his hands and probing with a soft jab. Pacquiao will be like a coiled spring, bouncing back and forth and feinting with his jab. Pacquiao will throw a few wild left hands that Mayweather backs away from, his back hitting the ropes as he slides away to his right. The round will end without anything conclusive landing for either fighter, making it difficult to score.


Pacquiao will look to increase the pace in the second round and outwork Mayweather. While Mayweather is the center of the ring, he will dictate the pace and the action, keeping Pacquiao limited to throwing one punch at a time. When Pacquiao is able to cut the ring off and back Mayweather to the ropes, he will unleash combinations. The flurries for the most part won’t land, but the work rate will stir the crowd into a frenzy.


Pacquaio will continue the high volume of punches through the 3rd và 4th rounds until Mayweather lands a right hand while their feet are tangled, causing Pacquiao to sprawl to the canvas. He will protest while Bayless administers the count, but he will not be hurt. Mayweather will smile and move in, throwing a few right hands, truly seeing if Pacquiao is stunned. Pacquiao will respond with his own vicious left hand, bringing the crowd to their feet as the bell rings.


Mayweather will again box cautiously starting the 5th tròn, staying on the outside and pivoting away when Pacquiao gets close. The fight will resemble a cat and mouse affair with Pacquiao trying to corner Mayweather and Mayweather trying to bait him into making a mistake. Pacquiao will be the aggressor, throwing far more punches. Mayweather will be timing him with single counter punches throughout the 6th và 7th vòng.


A sharp left hand by Pacquiao in the 8th round will startle Mayweather and cause blood to leak from his nose. Pacquiao will try to press the advantage and unleash another torrent of punches. Mayweather will pull away against the ropes, and Pacquiao will focus his attention to the body with a combination of punches to the chest and shoulder, forcing Mayweather to clinch and break the momentum.


Mayweather will get up on his toes in the 9th tròn, using lateral movement to keep Pacquiao from setting his feet and unleashing more than one punch at a time. Pacquiao will step in with a few lefts that are blocked, but Mayweather’s movement will keep him from throwing any follow-up punches. As Mayweather slips out, he will land his own counter punches, making it another difficult round to score.


Throughout the 10th và 11th vòng, Mayweather will execute a plan to counter Pacquiao with single punches and avoid most of his counter flurries. Pacquiao will step in with a hard left to the body, forcing a Mayweather clinch. When the action resumes, Pacquiao will look to attack the body again, only to be met with a straight right hand over the top.


The final round in a very close bout will see Mayweather neutralizing Pacquiao’s rushes, landing single counter punches and pivoting away from danger, sharpshooting from the outside. Pacquiao will desperately try to corner Mayweather but he won’t allow it, moving on the outside and clinching in close, bringing an anticlimactic ending as the final bell rings.


It will take several minutes for the scorecards to be tabulated, with the consensus believing Mayweather won 7 vòng, including a knockdown. Pacquaio will pray in his corner while Mayweather smiles and laughs with his entourage.


The decision will be as follows. Glen Feldman will score the bout 114-113 for Pacquaio. Burt Clements will score 115-112 for Mayweather. Dave Moretti will score the bout a very curious 115-112 for the winner of the biggest superfight of the century…. MANNY “PACMAN” PACQUIAO!!!!


With the decision announced, a disgusted Mayweather will demand a rematch before storming out of the ring, setting up another lucrative event in September and a possible trilogy.



Young Stars Complement Epic Welterweight Championship Showdown
Between Floyd Mayweather & Manny Pacquiao

LAS VEGAS (Tháng tư 27, 2015) – A full lineup of present and future boxing stars is set to entertain the MGM Grand Garden Arena crowd in pay-per-view and non-televised action before the history-making welterweight showdown between Floyd “Tiền” Mayweather Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao trên Thứ bảy, Có thể 2.


The pay-per-view undercard is topped by a pair of fights featuring two of boxing’s most talented and exciting stars as WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Sư tử “Động đất” Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 Kos) faces Mexican brawler Jose Cayetano (17-3, 8 Kos) and WBO Featherweight World Champion Vasyl Lomachenko (3-1, 1 KO) takes on Puerto Rican contender Gamalier Rodriguez (25-2-3, 17 Kos).


The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® bắt đầu từ9 giờ chiều. VÀ/ 6 giờ chiều. PT.


Exciting non-televised bouts round out the action in the arena as top undefeated prospects look to keep their perfect records intact.


The slick and undefeated Chris “Ngọt” Pearson (11-0, 9 Kos) đáp ứng Said El Harrak (12-2, 7 Kos) in a 10-round middleweight bout and heavy-fisted Jesse Hart (16-0, 13 Kos) takes on fellow unbeaten Mike Jimenez (17-0, 11 Kos) in a 10-rounder or the NABO, USBA và NABF Siêu Middleweight tiêu đề.


An undefeated knockout artist looking to make it 10-for-10, Andrew “The Beast” Tabiti (9-0, 9 Kos) khuôn mặt Anthony Caputo Smith (15-4, 10 Kos) in an eight- rounds cruiserweight match.


Kicking off the night of fights is undefeated contender Brad Solomon (24-0, 9 Kos), ai sẽ bị chống đối bởi Adrian Rene Granados (13-3, 9 Kos) trong 10 vòng siêu hạng trung cơn.


Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to bringing some of boxing’s most exciting current and future stars to the fans on the biggest night in our sport’s history,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Giám đốc điều hành của Mayweather Promotions. “Whether you are watching on pay-per-view or in the arena, you are in store for an electric night of fights.


Each undercard match could be a main event on another card,” nói Hall of Fame promoter Bob Arum của Top Rank. “Fans can watch the exciting action as a warm-up to the most anticipated fight in decades.


Như đã thông báo trước đây, 26-tuổi Santa Cruz will be making his second appearance on a Floyd Mayweather pay-per-view undercard. The fan-friendly two-division world champion has defended his super bantamweight title numerous times in impressive fashion on his way to earning a reputation as one of the most exciting fighters in the world. Sinh ra trong huetamo, Michoaca de Ocampo, Mexico nhưng chiến đấu ra khỏi Los Angeles, Santa Cruz won his first world title in 2012. Trong 2013 ông đã giành được danh hiệu siêu bantamweight mình.


Fighting out of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, Cayetano trở thành chuyên nghiệp trong 2009 and sprinted to a 10-0 record before dropping a narrow split decision to Ruben Tamayo in 2011. He most recently dropped a decision to Enrique Bernache in February after defeating Dennis Contreras and Eden Marquez in his previous two starts. He hopes to make a grand impression in his U.S. ra mắt trênCó thể 2.


Arguably the greatest amateur boxer of all-time, with two Olympic gold medals and two Amateur National Championships, 27-tuổi Lomachenko has already made a great impact in the professional ranks. He won his world title with a majority decision over Gary Russell Jr. năm rồi. Making the second defense of his 126-pound title, the fighter out of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine will be going for his third straight win overall when he battles Rodriguez.


An accomplished veteran from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Rodriguez gets an opportunity on boxing’s biggest stage when he battles Lomachenko. The 28-year-old has not lost a fight since 2009 và có 17 consecutive victories since a technical draw in 2010. He won twice in 2014, picking up a unanimous decision victory over Orlando Cruz and a second round TKO over Martin Cardona.


Chiến đấu ra khỏi Philadelphia, Hươu đực was an accomplished amateur who was a 2012 La Mỹ. Olympic alternate after earning a U.S. National Championship and a National Golden Gloves Championship. The 25-year-old will fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the first time since his professional debut in 2005 when he stopped Manuel Eastman in the first round. Lần này, he will look to remain undefeated and catapult himself to contender status.


Undefeated and facing the biggest challenge of his career, 27 tuổi Jimenez will make his Las Vegas debut on Có thể 2. Having already delivered a second round knockout over Kevin Engel in 2015 the fighter out of Chicago will look to impress on the biggest stage of his career against Hart.


A three-time National Golden Gloves Champion, Solomon fights out of Lafayette, Louisiana and is aiming to maintain his perfect record.. The 31-year-old picked up victories in 2014 over Eduardo Flores, Freddy Hernandez and Arman Ovsepyan. Solomon takes on the 25-year-old Granados out of Cicero, Illinois.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere Tháng bảy 24and Mexico, Live it to Believe it. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® bắt đầu từ 9 giờ chiều. VÀ/ 6 giờ chiều. PT.


Để biết thêm thông tin truy cập www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Môn thể thao,www.hbo.com/boxingwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing VàSwanson_Comm, và trở thành một fan hâm mộ trên Facebook tạiwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsportswww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



SHOWTIME Sports Offering More Than A Dozen Hours of First-Run Shoulder Programming Including Documentary Series INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. Pacquiao


NEW YORK (Tháng tư 24, 2015) - Showtime Networks Inc. and parent company Tổng công ty CBS have scheduled a broad range of programming and promotion across the Company’s diverse portfolio of media platforms in anticipation of the showdown between Floyd MayweatherManny Pacquiao on Saturday, Có thể 2.


SHOWTIME Sports® is anchoring the charge with 13½ hours of first-run shoulder programming, including its acclaimed documentary series INSIDE Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, classic fights and a comprehensive offering of digital assets.


Ngoài ra, các CBS Television Network will run promotional spots in primetime and late-night programming throughout fight week. This will be supplemented with marketing support and editorial coverage from CBS Sports Digital, significant coverage across CBS Sports Radio and a dozen CBS Radio stations throughout the country, and a robust schedule of shoulder programming and marketing support on CBS Sports Network.


“The Company is uniquely positioned to support an event of this magnitude with media assets across virtually every medium,"Stephen Espinoza, Phó chủ tịch và Tổng Giám đốc, SHOWTIME Sports. “We’re grateful for the company-wide support and look forward to an all-encompassing push leading to May 2 leading into this milestone sports event.”



INSIDE Mayweather vs. Pacquiao delivers a unique perspective of the pound-for-pound champion Mayweather in the weeks leading up to the marquee event. The four-part documentary series from SHOWTIME Sports includes the Sports Emmy Award-winning “Epilogue” which shines the spotlight on Fight Week and takes viewers inside the ropes on Fight Night. A full schedule of the four-part series is detailed below.

CBS Television Network will run Mayweather vs. Pacquiao promos during primetime and late-night throughout Fight Week.


CBS owned and operated television stations throughout the country have been actively engaged in coverage of the event since theTháng ba 11 kick-off press conference in Los Angeles. These affiliate stations, located in the nation’s top markets, will have access to all the news and footage of fight week through the distribution network of CBS Newspath.


CBS Sports Network will provide live Fight Week coverage from Las Vegas, including the official Weigh-In on Thứ sáu, Có thể 1 (6 giờ chiều. VÀ), as well as immediate reaction and analysis following the fight and the post-fight press conference. During the week leading up to the bout, the Network also will air encore presentations of classic Mayweather fights and INSIDE Mayweather vs. Pacquiao episodes.


CBS Sports Digital has launched a landing page at CBSSports.com, a one-stop shop for everything Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. The ‘Tier 1’ support from CBS Sports Digital includes static homepage promotions, additional marketing and significant editorial coverage on all digital platforms, including breaking news, commentary and placement of live event streams.


CBS Radio is backing Có thể 2 with stations from 10 of the country’s top markets broadcasting live from MGM Grand, including WFAN in New York, KROQ-FM in Los Angeles, KRLD-FM in Dallas and WIP-FM in Philadelphia. Ngoài ra, CBS Sports Radio’s nationally syndicated “The Doug Gottlieb Show” and (Scott) “Ferrall On The Bench” will be in Las Vegas for Fight Week. “The Doug Gottlieb Show” is simulcast on CBS Sports Network on Thứ sáu, Có thể 1.


CBS Radio coverage also includes a special broadcast hosted by WFAN’s No. 1 morning show personalities Boomer and Carton vào thứ bảy prior to the fight from 6-8 giờ chiều. VÀ. The program is available on WFAN, CBS Sports Radio, and select CBS Radio stations nationwide. The special also will be simulcast for television on CBS Sports Network.


CBS Local Digital Media has created a comprehensive array of online audio, video and editorial features to promote the fight which can be experienced across a variety of digital and mobile platforms.


#MayPac:Daily is a daily online show hosted by SHOWTIME Sports personality Mauro Ranallo. The series will deliver the buzz of Fight Week in Las Vegas with special guests from sports and entertainment, insider analysis and more. Taped live from the casino floor at MGM Grand, #MayPac:Daily will be posted nightlyThứ baThứ sáu trên http://www.sho.com/sho/sports/homeYoutube.com/shosports.


Ngoài ra, the SHOWTIME Sports digital team is working closely with SnapChat to deliver exclusive content, launching a new boxing blog on TUMBLR called Pound for Pound, and working with Twitter on a unique feature capturing the years of social conversation leading to #MayPac.


Classic Floyd Mayweather fights are being offered across the premium network’s portals, including nightly on SHOWTIME EXTREME, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME ANYTIME. Those platforms will also offer the media workouts of Mayweather and Pacquiao and the live stream of the final press conference. Fans can tune-in to the final stare-down between the fighters on Thứ sáu, Có thể 1 when SHOWTIME airs WEIGH-IN LIVE: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.


SHOWTIME Sports also delivers a host of short-form content available across multiple platforms, including original music videos, Mayweather greatest hits, a Spanish web analysis and more.


Below is a sampling of select SHOWTIME programs and air times:

  • INSIDE Mayweather vs. Pacquiao:
    • Episode 2 buổi ra mắt Thứ bảy, Tháng tư 25, tại 7:30 giờ chiều. VÀ/PT trên SHOWTIME.
    • Episode 3 buổi ra mắt Thứ tư, Tháng tư 29 tại 10 giờ chiều. VÀ/PT trên SHOWTIME
    • Epilogue premieres Thứ bảy, Có thể 9
  • WEIGH-IN LIVE: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao: Thứ sáu, Có thể 1 tại 6 ET/3 PT, sống trên SHOWTIME
  • COUNTDOWN WEBCAM: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao:Thứ bảy, Có thể 2 tại 8 giờ chiều. VÀ/5 giờ chiều. PT, sống trên SHOWTIME



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Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), một công ty con hoàn toàn thuộc sở hữu của Tổng công ty CBS, owns and operates the premium television networks SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, as well as the multiplex channels SHOWTIME 2™, SHOWTIME® SHOWCASE, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME BEYOND®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY ZONE® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ XTRA. SNI also offers SHOWTIME HD™, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, FLIX ON DEMAND® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ ON DEMAND, and the network’s authentication service SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. SNI cũng quản lý Smithsonian Networks ™, một liên doanh giữa SNI và Viện Smithsonian, trong đó cung cấp Smithsonian Kênh ™. Tất cả SNI ăn cung cấp âm thanh cải tiến sử dụng Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI markets and distributes sports and entertainment events for exhibition to subscribers on a pay-per-view basis through SHOWTIME PPV®.


Top Fighters Of This Generation Prepare To Square Off

Trên Thứ bảy, Có thể 2 At The MGM Grand Garden Arena

LAS VEGAS (Tháng tư 24, 2015) – There is just over one week until Floyd “Tiền” Mayweather Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao square off for their epic welterweight championship showdown taking place Thứ bảy, Có thể 2 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena that will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® bắt đầu từ 9 giờ chiều. VÀ/ 6 giờ chiều. PT.


While fans have gotten glimpses into the lives of these fighters through preview shows and social media postings, there are still many aspects of their lives that the public knows nothing about. Before training camp ends and the fighters lace up for fight night, take a look at some interesting things that you might not know about Mayweather and Pacquiao.


Floyd Mayweather

1. Twizzlers are one of his go-to favorite snacks

2. Ramen noodle soup is one of his favorite meals and he doesn’t like 5 star restaurants

3. Averages over 1000 sit-ups a day during training camp

4. He doesn’t use ketchup or mustard on hotdogs but uses BBQ sauce

5. A guilty pleasure is playing Mega Touch and holding the highest scores in every game on there- his favorites are Spades, Dominos and word scrambles.

6. The movie Cái cân dùng cho vàng và bạc with Brad Pitt is one he likes to watch over and over again.

7. Every juice he drinks during training camp is made from scratch

8. When out to eat, He always orders a glass of hot water to let his silverware soak in the glass before using them.

9. Các tree trunks he has been using to chop wood are brought in from Big Bear and weigh nearly 700 pounds mỗi.

10. He gets a manicure and pedicure at home once a week during training camp

11. He doesn’t use a microwave, only eats food cooked and heated up on a stove and in an oven.

12. His morning routine includes brushing teeth for 10 straight minutes.

Manny Pacquiao


1 He eats steamed white rice and chicken or beef broth at almost every meal


2. Manny will only drink hot or room temperature water. Never cold water because he feels it is not healthy


3. Manny averages over 2,500 sit-ups daily during training camp


4. Manny eats five meals and consumes 8,000 calories daily to keep his weight and energy up


5. Manny regularly has 500 fans follow him on his morning runs in Los Angeles


6. He starts every morning with a Bible reading


7. He loves his Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups


8. Over the past 12 months Manny has met with President Obama, President Clinton and Prince Harry


9. Pacman, Manny’s nine-year-old Jack Russell terrier and beloved companion, accompanies Manny on all his morning runs and to his workouts at Wild Card. He even has his own frequent flier account


10. Manny is a Lt. Colonel in the reserve force of Philippine Army


11. Floyd Mayweather will be the third consecutive undefeated world champion Manny has faced in the past 13 tháng


12. Manny is a big photography buff. This week he purchased two Canon flagship camerasthe 1DXcomplete with lenses and accessories.



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Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters Tháng bảy 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX Tháng bảy 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere Tháng bảy 24 and Mexico, Live it to Believe it.


Để biết thêm thông tin truy cập www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Môn thể thao,www.hbo.com/boxingwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing VàSwanson_Comm, và trở thành một fan hâm mộ trên Facebook tại www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsportswww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Closed Circuit Locations Available at all MGM Resorts International Properties Along The Strip

LAS VEGAS (Tháng tư 22, 2015) – Tickets for the highly anticipated world championship showdown betweenFloyd “Tiền” Mayweather Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao taking place Thứ bảy, Có thể 2 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena will be available ngày mai for both in-arena and closed circuit viewing.


Vé cho sự kiện trực tiếp có giá $7,500, $5,000, $3,500, $2,500 và $1,500, không bao gồm phí dịch vụ áp dụng, go on sale Thứ năm, Tháng tư 23 tại 3 giờ chiều. VÀ/12 giờ chiều. PT. Tickets are limited to four (4) per household. To charge by phone or with a major credit card, gọi Ticketmaster tại (800) 745-3000. Tickets also will be available for purchase at www.mgmgrand.com hoặc www.ticketmaster.com.


The closed circuit telecast will be available at all MGM Resorts International properties in Las Vegas. General admission tickets for closed circuit viewing will be $150, not including handling fees, and will go on saleThứ năm, Tháng tư 23 tại 6 giờ chiều. VÀ/3 giờ chiều. PT. Tickets will be available for purchase at the individual property’s box office outlets, by phone with a major credit card at (866) 799-7711 or through Ticketmaster by calling (800) 745-3000. Closed circuit tickets are limited to eight (8) per household.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® và HBO Pay-Per-View® bắt đầu từ 9 giờ chiều. VÀ/ 6 giờ chiều. PT.


Để biết thêm thông tin truy cập www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Môn thể thao,www.hbo.com/boxingwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing VàSwanson_Comm, và trở thành một fan hâm mộ trên Facebook tại www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsportswww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.




Tickets Go On Sale Ngày mai


LAS VEGAS (Tháng tư 23, 2015) – The official weigh-in for the world championship matchup between Floyd “Tiền” Mayweather and Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao is set for Thứ sáu, Có thể 1 tại MGM Grand Garden Arena. Due to the expected demand for access to this event, fans will be required to purchase a ticket ahead of time in order to attend the weigh-in. All funds raised through ticket sales will benefit Susan G. Komen and the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health on behalf of the promotion.


Tickets for the weigh-in are priced at $10 with a total ticket limit of 10, và đang được bán Thứ sáu Tháng Tư 24 tại 3 giờ chiều. VÀ/12 giờ chiều. PT. Tickets can be purchased through the MGM Resorts Call Center at (866) 740-7711 or at any MGM Resorts Box Office.


“The weigh-in is always the grand finale of fight week activities.” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Giám đốc điều hành của Mayweather Promotions. “And with the massive interest in this fight, the number of fans looking to attend the official weigh-in is going to be something we’ve never seen before. We’re excited to be able to use the enthusiasm around this event to provide donations to two very deserving charities.


“The charge of $10 for the weigh-in will benefit two great charities. All proceeds will go right to them. This is a win-win situation for all,” nói Hall of Fame promoter Bob Arum của Top Rank.


Fans in attendance can expect an electric atmosphere coupled with a full show featuring music and entertainment as the two fighters meet one last time before their historic fight Thứ bảy, Có thể 2 tại MGM Grand Garden Arena.


* * *

Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout that is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere Tháng bảy 24 and Mexico, Live it to Believe it. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® và HBO Pay-Per-View® bắt đầu từ 9:00 giờ chiều. VÀ/ 6:00 giờ chiều. PT.



Để biết thêm thông tin truy cập www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Môn thể thao,www.hbo.com/boxingwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing VàSwanson_Comm, và trở thành một fan hâm mộ trên Facebook tạiwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsportswww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Kelly Swanson

Cảm ơn, mọi người, for joining us today. Today on the call we have none other than ‘TBE’ the greatest fighter on the earth, Floyd Mayweather, 11-time World Champion. We also have Leonard Ellerbe, CEO, Mayweather Promotions. Leonard, please start with the introductions. Cảm ơn bạn.


Leonard Ellerbe

Cảm ơn bạn, những người, for joining us on the call. We’ll jump right into this without further ado. None other than Floyd Mayweather himself.


Floyd Mayweather

Hey, how is everyone doing? I want to thank Leonard. I want to thank Kelly. I want to thank my team. I want to thank all the media from around the world that have been covering this fight. I want to thank everyone, I just want to say that you guys are doing a great job and I appreciate you.



That thing on SportsCenter the other night, when you were talking about your place in boxing history and you said you thought you were greater than Muhammad Ali. Can you expand on your reasons why you feel that way?


F. Mayweather

I just feel like, like I said before, I take my hat off and then acknowledge all of the past champions. Là, I think he was a legend. I respect Ali like I respect any other champion. I just feel like I’ve done everything I can do in this sport over my whole life, for 30-something years. I feel like I’ve done just as much in this sport as Ali did.


There’s no disrespect to him. I just feel like, when you look at it, Ali was great in one weight class, which is heavyweight. But he stood up for a good cause; he stood up for a hell of a cause in his era.


I think that it’s hard for a guy to beat me. I’m still sharp, still very, very sharp at the age of 38. Still going strong at the age of 38. There’s no disrespect to Ali, as I said before. I just feel like I’m the best, no different from how he called himself ‘The Greatest,’ I call myself ‘TBE.’


I’m pretty sure that I will get criticized for what I said, but I can care less. I couldn’t care less about the backlash. I believe what I believe like he probably got criticized at one particular time when he said that he was the greatest. He felt like he was better than Sugar Ray Robinson. The list goes on and on. I’m pretty sure there’s going to be another fighter that’s going to come along and say he’s better than Floyd Mayweather and he’s going to get criticized.



Do you think that Manny Pacquiao believes anything that Freddie Roach is saying when it comes to the bad guy and all this other stuff? Or do you think he’s just blowing smoke?


F. Mayweather

I’m not going to speak negative about Freddie Roach. I don’t have to at all. If I say something about the guy, they’re going to think Floyd is picking on a guy, who is not 100 percent healthy.


Sau đó,, if I comment on some of the stuff he says, he’s making this basically a God and devil type thing. The best way to handle a situation like that, is not to say anything at all, if you don’t have anything positive to say. He don’t have to get in there and fight, so when it comes down to it, it’s up to the two fighters.


He’s entitled to say what he wants to say, but the fighter is not speaking like that. I couldn’t care less because it comes down to the two fighters. I wish Freddie Roach nothing but the best; I don’t have anything negative to say about him. I’m truly blessed to be where I’m at and I’m thankful to be where I’m at.



The magnitude of this fight, I know you treat it like just another fight, but what about your team? How has your team dealt with the press?


F. Mayweather

I’m very happy, like I said before. A little bit of everything got me to this point. Everybody played a major key. I try to keep my team grounded. People talk about the money. That plays a major key. My place in history plays a major key. Performing well plays a major key. Everything plays a major, major key.


I just try to keep my team grounded and try to keep them focused and just try to teach them every day how to go out there and fish for themselves. That’s the only thing I try to teach my team. I tell them to stay positive, and what I’ve heard was keep a positive environment around myself, which keeps me comfortable and happy.



Are you excited at any point of this fight? I know you say you treat this like a job, but are you excited to finally get in the ring and have this fight happen?


F. Mayweather

It’s just like I said before. I’m not really going crazy. It’s just a fight to me. I know it’s the biggest fight in boxing history, but I can’t approach it like that because I’m not going to put any unnecessary pressure on myself.


He’s a fighter that’s extremely talented, he’s a very good fighter also, and my thing is just to be Floyd Mayweather. People actually don’t know, how is this fight going to be fought? I can’t say. Like I said before, I’m not a psychic. I cannot predict the future. But I will be at my best May 2nd.


Listen, if you believe Bob Arum, this fight might not happen. That there’s issues with tickets, there’s the contract has not been signed, whatever. Do you know anything about that?


F. Mayweather

When it comes to the business side, that’s for Leonard Ellerbe. I don’t try to worry about tickets; I try to worry about the guy that’s in front of in me, which is going to be Manny Pacquiao. That’s my whole focus. Tickets are something I don’t really deal with.



Have you trained harder for any previous fight than you have for this one, and would that be down to your respect for Manny or the fact that you need to work a bit harder the older you get?


F. Mayweather

When you’re trying to perform, when you’re at this level, you always want to perform extremely well. You don’t want to overtrain. You want to train to where you know you’re completely ready. Go out there and be at just 100 phần trăm. As far as this training camp, I’ve trained extremely hard. I believe that we’ll just see how everything plays out.



I’m hearing reports, Floyd, that you’re looking stronger and fitter than ever.


F. Mayweather

Tốt, some people say that, you might not believe that depending on who is telling you. Hopefully. Hopefully I am. We’ll just have to see. That’s why I’m at this level, at the pinnacle of my career, because I’ve been pushing myself for so long and working so hard.



Can I just ask you about Amir Khan? Is he still in your plans?

F. Mayweather

My focus right now is the guy that’s in front of me. My last fight is in September. I never want to overlook anyone. I believe you take it one fighter at a time. As of right now, Manny Pacquaio is the guy that’s in front of me, and that’s my focus.



My question is regarding, Manny Pacquiao has said he thinks it’s Floyd’s time to lose. He’s almost implying that it’s maybe, God is on his side. I was wondering how you think, if God actually does care who wins prizefights?


F. Mayweather

I actually believe God loves us all. The people that are on this call, every writer, every fighter, every athlete that goes out there and competes. God loves us all. Một lần nữa, Tôi là một máy bay chiến đấu. What I do, I’m a professional prizefighter. I believe in God and I love God. I don’t think God takes sides.



Lot of stuff gets reported in the fourth or the sixth weeks leading up to this. We don’t always get a chance to ask you yourself, so I want to give you the opportunity. Is there anything that was reported that you want to clear up that you want to actually say no, that isn’t true, you guys got it wrong?


F. Mayweather

Do Not, nothing at all. Because once my career is over, that’s when I’m going to read everything, anyway, all the articles that people have written. When I come home, I leave boxing at the boxing gym. When I go to the gym or when I go to train, I work. I dedicate myself to my craft.


When I come home and I’m not on the computer, I’m not looking at myself. I’m not buying magazine covers with me on the cover. I’m not on the computer looking up articles. I could care less about all that. My job is to go out there and perform and be at my best, and be the best that I can be in the sport of boxing.



My question for you is, in your opinion, what would a victory against Pacquiao do for your legacy? And then how much would it enhance your legacy.


F. Mayweather

It’s just another fight. I just look at the situation. He’s another guy that I faced. You’re just going to say in history, that these two faced each other at one particular time. It was hard to make the fight happen, eventually they made the fight happen, and we faced each other.



Do you believe, tuy nhiên, that a victory would in some way enhance your legacy?


F. Mayweather

I’m not sure, because I’m not the one that’s putting myself in the history books.



Do you think it’s true that the winner of the fight will be declared, in essence, by the public, as the king of this era?


F. Mayweather

I can’t really say. I don’t really know. Just look at Ali’s career. When he fought, he looked like the best when he fought. I think he lost seven fights. When I got older I noticed that he lost seven fights and lost some other fight that he lost. He still was known as the greatest. Because that’s what he put out there. Như vậy, that’s what it is.



The wonderment on a lot of people’s minds is when the career is over, will you have enough money for the rest of your life? Do you ever worry about losing at all?


F. Mayweather

I’m blessed. I made some good investments to where if I wanted to retire today, I could.



That means there’s no fear of bankruptcy whatsoever in terms of the gambling and the other involvements that you’ve spent?


F. Mayweather

I made some good investments, and if I wanted to retire today, I could.



My question is, you said at the press conference that you though that Pacquiao was surprised at how much bigger you were than him. Can you talk a little bit about that, and then also some of the strategic aspects of being the bigger fighter in the ring on Có thể 2?


F. Mayweather

Normally when I face an opponent, they normally outweighed me by 17 đến 20 pounds on fight nights. This has been going on for a good while now. You can read a guy’s body language. When Pacquiao first saw me in Miami, he didn’t expect to see me over there at the basketball game. He looked shocked, như, ‘Damn, he is taller than me. He’s bigger than what I thought he was.’ Just being in the sport for so long, you’re able to read body language; you’re able to read a fighter’s eyes.



Do you feel that some of the trash talking is Freddie Roach being nervous about the fight and trying to get a psychological edge on you?


F. Mayweather

I’m not fighting Freddie Roach, so I’m not worried about that at all. Freddie Roach, he’s Pacquiao’s trainer and he’s going to do what he has to do for his fighter to win. If that’s trying to get an edge, then that’s what he should do.



All of your other fights, you’ve always been a very vocal, always been a vocal fighter. Why the silence this time?


F. Mayweather

This is exactly what I’ve said. Even in my interviews, I’ve said we had to bring a game plan. Even from day one when I was with Bob Arum, I said I wanted to work extremely hard to get to a certain point in my career, which is to get to a point to be the first fighter to ever make nine figures in one night.


It took a game plan to me going out there on my own. It’s just me speaking out with a very, very loud voice. Having a lot of personality. But as you get older, you mature. After trash talking for 17, 18 năm, and constantly saying, look what I’ve done. Nhìn tôi. Nhìn tôi. You know what I’m saying? I’m the best. Nhìn tôi. And everybody they’ve put in front of me I’ve beaten.


I’m at a point where you just say, you know what? It is what it is. I know what I can do. Tôi biết những gì tôi mang đến cho bảng. God has truly blessed me to be in this situation. I have a good team. My children are healthy, so I don’t have to do all that.


It’s more like I did all that loud talking and everything to get to a certain point. I’ve still got a lot of personality, I did what I had to do to get to a certain point in my career, and that’s what I did. It was a brilliant game plan.



From your personal point of view, how has this fight and this promotion been different from the many other big events that you’ve been a part of?


F. Mayweather

It’s actually been kind of the same. It’s just a little bit over the top, but I just try to stay relaxed. That’s my main thing. It’s a very, very huge event. I can remember every day.


Sometimes I think about when Mike Tyson got out of prison and he was boxing, and when he was fighting at the MGM Grand. I would go to the MGM Grand, because I wasn’t a professional at that particular time. Just starting. I would go to the MGM Grand and some people would know me so I would take pictures and just sign a few autographs. I was like, một, MGM Grand would never be this packed again. That’s what I thought. I was only 19 years old at that particular time. That was in ’96. I kept believing though. I always believed that I could do record-breaking numbers. I just needed the right team with me and it took a little bit of everything. The right fights, the right team, and we made it happen.



Beyond all the trash talk and salesmanship, you’ve always been a guy that, when it comes down to it, is very respectful of his opponents. I think it’s part of your secret. Is there anything that you admire about Manny Pacquiao, either the fighter or the person?


F. Mayweather

Tốt, he’s got to this point by doing something right. It’s obvious he’s done something right to get to this point. I have to respect that.



The Filipino fans are expecting or hoping for a very aggressive Manny in the ring. Is this something that you’re training for, or are you just going in the ring to fight your fight, make the adjustments along the way as you have so successfully throughout your career?


F. Mayweather

If you’re basically asking what’s my game plan, my game plan is to win. That’s actually what my game plan has always been is to win.



A lot of the animosity from the Filipino fans towards you is not directed to you as a great boxer, but more as someone who can put an end towards a Filipino hero’s career. Do you honestly believe that you would put an end to a Filipino hero’s career?


F. Mayweather

Tốt, my thing is this. I’ve heard that we’re all God’s children, whether you’re American, Filipino, African, Dominican, Asian, we’re all God’s children. People are going to root for who they want to root for and simple and plain I’m pretty sure I’ve got Filipino fans that like me, and I’m pretty sure that you’ve got some black American fans that like Pacquiao.


I never try to focus on anything like that. My focus is to give the people what they really want to see. Just facing the facts. That’s what I’ve done throughout my career. He’s one of the last guys, he’s one of the last good fighters of this era. It’s a fight that has to happen, and I’m glad that the fight is happening.



How much strength and effort and support from family does it take to get you where you are right now?


F. Mayweather

Tốt, the support came a lot. I had a hell of a supporting cast to get to this point, before I became a professional. There’s this guy that I never talk about to anyone. I never say anything about him to anyone. And he’s doing extremely badly right now, not financially but health-wise. I believe he’s lost his memory, which hurts extremely bad. A guy by the name of Frank Brown, I’ve known him since I was the age of three.


He has supported me more than anyone. He has always said that, “Floyd, one day you will be the best fighter in the world.” He’s always taking me to church, taking me through different activities. He was like a grandfather to me. Frank Brown. When I used to fight, he would drive anywhere. It could be in Little Rock, Arkansas. He would drive from Grand Rapids, Michigan to come support me. He would sit in the room with me and say prayers with me.


He’s a guy that I would never forget, because he was there from the age of three until after I fought De La Hoya, because he’s up there in age now. He eventually lost his memory, so he’s at a home. He’s at an old folks’ nhà. It really hurts, but I love that guy so much. I think about him all the time.


K. Swanson

Được, that’s our last question. Cảm ơn bạn, mọi người, for joining us. Floyd, any final comments?


F. Mayweather

I just want to tell everybody, thank you for all the stories, and all the articles you guys wrote. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều. My team appreciates you all, as well as myself. Cảm ơn bạn.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere Tháng bảy 24 and Mexico, Live it to Believe it. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® bắt đầu từ 9:00 giờ chiều. VÀ/6:00 giờ chiều. PT.



LAS VEGAS, NV (Tháng tư 22, 2015) – After trekking a remarkable 500 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada to Phoenix, Arizona, 50-year heavyweight contender (WBC #17), Bronco Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Kos), has a message to send to the boxing community and the heavyweight division.


“I did this 500 mile “Trek for Cures”, Run, Walk and Ride to help raise money for charities that are close to my heart,” nói Bronco Billy Wright. “In addition I wanted to send a message to the heavyweight division, letting everyone rated in the WBC top 15 know that I’m a serious athlete coming for their rankings. My next fight will be announced shortly, and my goal is to take out everyone in my path. I don’t think there is a heavyweight out there that can handle my power. I humbly want to thank the WBC Cares and everyone who supported me during this journey.


The trek ended at the Central Boxing Club in downtown Phoenix, where Bronco Billy was greeted by its members, which included undefeated super-lightweight Jose Benavidez Jr. (22-0, 15 Kos) trong số những người khác.


“The fighters and coaches at the Central Boxing Club were gracious enough to let me end my trek at their gym and it was fantastic.” Bronco Billy Wright continued. “There were some local TV cameras there to talk about my story. It was a great success and I’m ready to begin my march toward the heavyweight championship of the world.”


Billy currently holds the WBC LATIN AMERICAN, FECARBOX , and United States (USNBC) Silver titles. Right now Bronco Billy is riding a 18-fight knockout streak, 14 of which came by first round KO. With a few more first round knockouts he’ll break Shannon Briggs world record. Look for Bronco Billy to make his return to the ring this summer.


Store To Feature Unique Interactive Fan Experience, Official Gear and Merchandise, Art Gallery From Official Fight Artists, Plus Celebrity Appearances

LAS VEGAS (Tháng tư 22, 2015) – With the historic Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao match up just over a week away, fans will have a unique opportunity to engage in the pre-fight excitement at the officialMayPacpop-up shop opening this Thứ sáu, Tháng tư 24 at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd. Fremont St.


Các 1,700 square foot space will offer a one-of-a-kind fan experience featuring an interactive game, official merchandise and VIP meet and greets. The pop-up shop will remain open to fans through fight night onThứ bảy, Có thể 2.


The fight simulation experience will give fans the opportunity to step into the ring as either Mayweather or Pacquiao and take on the other as an opponent. Custom designed to resemble Mayweather and Pacquiao’s own training rings, each game is equipped with a high-impact punching sensor and a video screen over 10 feet tall, delivering an immersive experience like no other.


Onscreen elements direct the user through punch combinations that allow them to take down their opponent blow-by-bow, culminating in a final knockout punchthat is, if you don’t get knocked out first!


For each use that succeeds in delivering a knockout punch, the crowning moment will be captured with a 360-degree camera. All winners will go home with a looping image of their knockout punch.


Fans will also have the opportunity to purchase official fight gear, merchandise and art commemorating the historic matchup in addition to attending celebrity meet and greets.


More information including shop hours and celebrity appearances is available at http://maypacstore.com/



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Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® và HBO Pay-Per-View® bắt đầu từ 9 giờ chiều. VÀ/ 6 giờ chiều. PT.


Để biết thêm thông tin truy cập www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Môn thể thao,www.hbo.com/boxingwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing VàSwanson_Comm, và trở thành một fan hâm mộ trên Facebook tạiwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsportswww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.