Tag Archives: Las Vegas


"Kuv yog ib tug hluas fighter los txog uas yog sim kom cov laus aub tawm ntawm nws kev nyuaj siab ploj." -Trevor Bryan


ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam NYOB on SHOWTIME

No Friday, Aug. 28 ntawm 11 p.m. THIAB/PT Ntawm "Tus D" nyob rau hauv Las Vegas


Las Vegas (Aug. 24, 2015) - Cog lus li-thiab-los heavyweight Trevor "Npau Suav" Bryan (15-0, 11 Kos) yuav muab nws cov ntaub ntawv unblemished txog tus kab thaum nws ntsib nws tus nrog sib ntaus toughest rau hnub tim, tej Derric Rossy (30-9, 14 Kos), nyob rau hauv lub 10-round heavyweight matchup nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm no hnub Friday lub ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tripleheader nyob rauSHOWTIME (11 p.m. THIAB/PT, ncua nyob rau hauv lub sab hnub poob ntug dej hiav txwv).


Bryan, uas yog ua nws ShoBox debut, yog tab tom nrhiav los tsim kom muaj nws tus kheej nyob rau hauv lub heavyweight faib tom qab ib tug standout pib xyaum ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv uas nws yeej tsib lub teb chaws Championships nyob rau hauv cia 60 xaus. Txij thaum nws debut ntawm 22 nyob rau hauv Kaum ib hlis 2011, lub 6-taw-4 heavyweight, uas nyuam qhuav muab 26, tau sau npe 10 ntawm nws 11 knockout victories nyob rau hauv peb rounds los yog tsawg dua.


Ntawm no yog dab tsi Bryan yuav tsum tau hais:


Yuav ua li cas yuav koj hais tias koj txoj hauj lwm yog mus?


"Kuv ua hauj lwm yog mus zoo. Kuv yuav tsis tos rau no kuj zoo kawg heavyweight sib ntaus. Rossy yog ib tug txiv leej tub uas yog nyob rau nws lub xeem ceg thiab kuv yog ib tug hluas fighter los txog uas yog sim kom cov laus aub tawm ntawm nws kev nyuaj siab ploj. "

Yuav ua li cas hom ntawm lub luag hauj lwm puas tau koj pib xyaum ua hauj lwm ua si nyob rau kev npaj koj raws li ib tug kws?


"Kuv pib xyaum ua hauj lwm ua si ib tug lossis loj luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv kuv txoj kev loj hlob raws li ib tug boxer. Mus kawm tag nrho lub teb chaws tournaments thiab sib ntaus sib tua tiv thaiv sab saum toj ncaws pob los ntawm tag nrho cov thoob lub ntiaj teb no ua si ib tug loj luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv kuv kev ua hauj lwm. Kuv tau pom tag nrho cov sib txawv sib ntaus sib tua. Kuv kuj tau mus rau ob peb sparring camps nyob rau hauv kuv pib xyaum ua hauj lwm thiab tau sparred tiv thaiv Wladimir Klitschko thiabGuillermo Jones, cov lwm tus yeej. "

Ib txhia neeg chalk li koj undefeated cov ntaub ntawv mus rau lub fact tias koj tsis tau ntsib tej tawv txheem. Qhov ntawd yuav hloov thaum koj fim sib ntaus sib tua-kuaj qub tub rog Derric Rossy. Yuav ua li cas yog koj npaj rau lub toughest xeem ntawm koj cov hauj lwm?

"Kuv twb tau ua txhua yam uas yog lub cev ua tau kom tau npaj txhij rau qhov no sib ntaus. Kuv nyob twj ywm nyob rau hauv lub gym thiab ua hauj lwm nyuaj. Kuv muaj ib tug yawm ua hauj lwm zoo thiab muaj ib tug zoo pab neeg nyob ib ncig ntawm kuv. Kuv muaj siab loj thiab paub tias kuv yuav tawm tuaj nrog lub yeej. Lub sij hawm uas kuv tau muab tso rau hauv lub gym yuav them tawm. Kuv yog nyob rau hauv zoo heev zoo, Kuv cia kuv ob txhais tes mus, Kuv muaj ib yam ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws jabs nyob rau hauv lub division. Kuv yuav npaj mus qhia lub ntiaj teb no li cas ib tug zoo kawg nkaus kev sib ntaus no yog yuav tau. "

Txawm tias koj yeej koj lub xeem sib ntaus tawm tsam Stacy Frazier, koj khob qhov rooj cia rau thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv koj lub hauj lwm. Yuav ua li cas koj kawm nyob rau hauv uas sib ntaus?


"Kuv kov lub hom ntaub khov heev rau thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv kuv cov hauj lwm. Nws yog ib tug zoo kev kawm txawj kawm rau kuv. Peb paub hais tias nws tsuas siv ib punch nyob rau hauv lub heavyweight faib. Kuv mus rau hauv lub sib ntaus nrog cog qoob loo. Kuv muab ib tug punch thiab yog tawm tshuav nyiaj li cas, nws countered kuv muaj ib tug yawm txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv thiab nws woke kuv li thiab qhia kuv tias nws tsuas siv ib punch mus xaus kev sib ntaus. Kuv kawm tau mus ua si nyob ib ncig ntawm, tab sis es tsis txhob mus muab cov pace thiab saib yog hais tias kuv tus nrog sib ntaus yuav dai nrog kuv nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Qhov zoo champions yog tus hais mav uas tau khob qhov rooj cia thiab muaj peev xwm kom tau rov qab mus txog thiab tas kev sib ntaus.


"Kuv xav tias zoo li kuv yog lub ntiaj teb Championship khoom. Kuv kawm tau ntau heev nyob rau hauv lub Frazier sib ntaus thiab kuv yuav mus kom paub tseeb tias qhov no yuav tsis tshwm sim dua. "


Yuav ua li cas koj tau mus rau hauv boxing?

"Kuv yog ib tug kev ua football thiab basketball neeg uas ua ntawv. Kuv tuaj los ntawm ib tug tawv cheeb tsam nyob rau hauv Albany, N.Y., thiab kuv yeej tsis tau muaj kev cob qhia kev loj hlob. Kuv tshuav kuv ua hauj lwm rau kuv pib xyaum ua boxing cob qhia uas yog tus nrog saib nyob rau hauv nruab nrab lub tsev kawm ntawv kuv twb mus kawm. Ntawm ib hnub ib nws ntsia kuv thiab hais tias nws pom ib tug tau zus ib nyob rau hauv kuv. Txhua txhua zaug xwb hnub ntawm ces nyob, nws sim tau kuv nyob rau hauv lub gym los qhia. Qhov no yog thaum kuv yog 11 xyoo; Kuv yog heev khav thiab tsis to taub yog vim li cas kuv yuav tsum tau sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv ib lub nplhaib thaum kuv yuav xwb sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv txoj kev. Qhov ntawd yog qhov mentality kuv muaj.


"Muaj ib hnub kuv txiav txim siab mus nyob rau hauv rau ib tug workout thiab nws yog tus loj tshaj workout kuv tau puas tau muaj. Kuv yog nkees ces tom qab ntawd workout uas kuv tau mus hu kuv niam kom muaj nws tuaj tos kuv mus txog, Kuv yog li ntawd fatigued. Txij ces rau kuv tau nyob rau hauv lub gym txhua txhua ib hnub, kuv nyob ntawm no niaj hnub no, ib yam khoom ntawm tag nrho cov kuv zog ua hauj lwm thiab kev rau siab. Kuv muaj ib tug npau suav rau kuv tus kheej tias kuv xav kom muaj lub ntiaj teb champion thiab kuv yuav tsis mus rau nres mus txog thaum kuv tau txais nws. "

Yuav ua li cas yog nws zoo li raug nce los ntawm Don King paub txog nws keeb kwm raws li ib tug neeg pab txhawb, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nrog nws zoo nrog heavyweights zoo xws li cov rau koj tus kheej?

"Don huab tais yog lub loj tshaj nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no pab txhawb. Nws tsis yog yuav mus nyob qhov twg. Nws pib no boxing tshaj plaws thiab kuv xav mus yuav tau ib feem ntawm hais tias kev keeb kwm. Thawj thawj zaug kuv tau ntsib nws nws muab kuv daim ntawv ntawm tag nrho cov ntiaj teb no champions nws muaj. Txij hnub ntawd los rau kuv paub kuv xav mus muab kev koom tes nrog nws. Nws tau hais rau kuv mus ua hauj lwm nyuaj thiab tsis xav tias yuav dab tsi yuav tsum tau muab rau kuv. "

Koj saib nyob rau ntawm ib American heavyweight zoo li Deontay Wilder li ib tug kev tshoov? Yuav ua li cas hom ntawm tej yam tsis zoo li ib tug neeg nws muaj nyob rau hauv koj thiab koj lub hauj lwm?

"Deontay yog twv yuav raug hu ib qho kev tshoov siab rau kuv. Kuv paub nws nyob rau hauv 2008 thaum kuv twb tau nws npaj rau lub Olympic ua si thiab cia li mus saib nws los ntawm hais tias taw tes rau tam sim no ua ib tug ntiaj teb no zus; nws mas nws yeej muab yau heavyweights qhov inspiration thiab ntxiv siab. Nws yog ib qho nyuaj rau tau muaj, tab sis nws txawm nyuaj rau nyob twj ywm muaj. Tsis ua txhaum rau Deontay, tiam sis yog ib tug hluas heavyweight los txog uas yog tshaib plab cia li zoo li nws-kuv. Peb yuav ntev npaum li cas nws yog tau tuav lub npe. Nws yog zoo dua ib zaug pom ib qho American heavyweight rov qab rau sab saum toj. "


Yuav ua li cas ho sparring nrog qub tub rog, yav tas los yeej yog zoo li Guillermo Jones pab koj?

"Guillermo Jones muaj ntau yam thiaj li yeej sib txawv thiab ntau yam sib txawv nws muaj peev xwm mus ua nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Nws qhia rau kuv hais tias kuv yuav tsis yuav ib tug-dimensional thiab nws yog zoo muaj kev. Kuv paub hais tias rau kuv ua kuv zoo tshaj plaws, Kuv yuav tsum tau mus ua tej yam txawv. Nws twb coj los rau kuv thiab kuv yuav tsum tau sam xauv nees tag nrho kuv kev txawj nyob rau hauv thiaj li yuav tau sib tw nrog nws. "

Koj yuav ua koj ShoBox debut, ntawd txhais li cas rau koj?

"Nws yog lub siab-blowing. Kuv thaum kawg tau kuv lub caij nyoog. Rau kuv raws li lub heavyweight yuav tsum tau lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, nws yog ib tug npau suav los muaj tseeb. Kuv yuav npaj mus qhia rau cov neeg kuv tabtom ua dabtsi nyob rau hauv kuv kev muaj tiag. Kuv tsis noj lub sij hawm no rau tso cai, Kuv tau kawm los nyuaj ua luaj thiab kuv twb npaj txhij mus. "

Koj twv ua ntej?

"Tom qab kuv pw ntawd loj jab rau nws thaum lub sij hawm thawj peb rounds, Kuv xav tias kuv yuav tsum plam nws mus los ntawm lub thib tsib los yog thib rau puag ncig. Peb mam li saib yog hais tias nws mus dhau los lub thib rau puag ncig. "



Nyob rau hauv ib yim-rounder uas yuav qhib lub telecast, Samoa lub 6-taw-2, 280-phaus heavyweight Natu "Qhov tseeb" Visinia (11-1, 9 Kos) ntawm Tacoma, Ntxuav., yuav fim 5-taw-10, 235-phaus Joey "Lub Tank" Dawejko (14-4-2, 7 Kos), ntawm Philadelphia.

Barry Tompkins yuav hu rau ShoBox txiav txim los ntawm ringside nrog Steve Farhood thiab yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Raul Marquez pab raws li cov kws muaj txuj tshuaj ntsuam. Lub executive tsim kom yogGordon Hall nrog Richard Gaughan ua thiab Rick Phillips directing.



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Hais txog ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam
Txij thaum nws inception nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 2001, lub critically acclaimed SHOWTIME boxing series, ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tau featured hluas txuj ci sib phim nyuaj. Lub ShoBox philosophy yog televise exciting, neeg coob coob-pleasing thiab sib tw ntais thaum npaj ib qhov tseeb hauv av rau kam zeem muag txiav txim sib ntaus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title. Ib co ntawm cov loj hlob daim ntawv teev cov 62 neeg tua hluav taws uas tau tshwm sim rau ShoBox thiab advanced rau garner ntiaj teb no lub npe muaj xws li: Lwm Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams thiab ntau yam ntxiv.


Hais txog qhov kev Downtown Las Vegas Txheej xwm Center

Nyob rau hauv lub ces kaum ntawm peb St. thiab Carson Ave.. thoob plaws los ntawm tus D Las Vegas, lub plawv nroog Las Vegas Txheej xwm Center yuav haum mus 11,000 qhua thiab nta lub xeev-of-the-art theem, suab thiab teeb pom kev zoo. Lub qhib-cua tsim yog inviting rau ob tourists thiab neeg hauv zos thiab muaj lub chaw zoo meej rau concerts, cov rooj sib txoos thiab lwm yam loj-scale cov txheej xwm. Siab lub uninhibited ntsuj plig ntawm plawv nroog Las Vegas, lub tshiab venue plays party rau ib txoj kab-up ntawm curated txheej xwm nrog rau premier concerts, khoom noj khoom haus festivals thiab ntau. Lub chaw no kuj yog thawj kev lom zem arena nyob rau hauv Las Vegas mus txais Bitcoin li no. Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus ntsib www.dlvec.com los yog ua raws li rau Facebook, Instagram thiab Twitter ntawmDLVEC.


Hais txog qhov kev D Las Vegas

Lub D Las Vegas muab cov tshiab, nquag cwj pwm thiab kev lom zem cua synonymous nrog rau hauv plawv nroog Las Vegas. Tus tshiab twv txiaj yuam pov tsev so boasts 629 kho cov chav thiab suites thiab ib tug tshwj xeeb ob-theem twv txiaj yuam pov feature niaj hnub thiab vintage plag tsev. Cocktails, npias thiab khov dej haus abound nyob rau hauv lub twv txiaj yuam pov rau hauv LONGBAR thiab nyob rau hauv Fremont Street kev ntawm D Bar. Lub D muaj kawm American nqi ntawm D hniav nyiaj hniav kub, Detroit lub legendary Coney dev ntawm American Coney Island thiab hwm steaks thiab qhabnias Italian tais diav ntawm Joe Vicari lub Andiamo Italian Steakhouse. Lub Showroom ntawm tus D Las Vegas nta koj kev lom zem xws li los ntawm cov puav pheej-winning noj hmo ua yeeb yam thiab Broadway productions suab paj nruag, comedy thiab ntau. Ua raws li cov D rau Facebook thiab Twitter ntawmtheDLasVegas.



Ntiaj teb no kev ua si Streaming, ib tug tshiab kev ua si network, launches nws yog thawj nyob qhia tau tias, “Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Nyob rau hauv Boxing.”

Boxing programming rau cov muaj hnub nyoog

Thawj “Qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv Boxing” Sib ntaus Hmo ntuj, Friday Lub yim hli ntuj 28 los ntawm
Tijuana, Mexico

Tam sim TSO TAWM

Las Vegas, NV (Lub yim hli ntuj 21, 2015) – Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Nyob rau hauv Boxing (Tiag caj dab) yog ib tug kiag li raws li online boxing kev pab cuam yuav tsum vov hnub no txoj kev thiab los tua hluav taws. Tus yeeb yam yog tsim los sau cov kis nyob rau hauv nruab nrab ntawm boxing fighters cia li pib tawm thiab cov sab saum toj boxers nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv. Tiag caj dab yuav tshaj tawm hauv xov ntau tshaj peb teev nyob boxing npog los ntawm tus thawj bout mus rau lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim.

Tus thawj tawm rau hnub Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 28, 2015 yuav feature lub IBU Middleweight title bout ntawm Tony Hirsch (18-6-2, 8 KO lub) kev noj nyob Rolando Paredes (9-2-2, 8 KO lub)

Tag nrho 11 bout card yuav kwj nyob pib ntawm 10:30 PM ET rau hauv YouTube thiab yuav feature cov yam koj nyiam uas nrov poj niam lub teeb flyweight Kenia Enriquez (13-1); khaub-ncaws nyias Demond Brock (9-3) raws li tau zoo raws li undefeated zeem muag super featherweight Yexus Trujillo thiab Jorge Escalante (2-0)

“Peb cov kev tshawb fawb nyob rau hauv boxing qhia tau hais tias hais tias muaj tshaj 80% ntawm lub fights tsis tshaj tawm hauv xov thiab GSS yog hloov uas,” hais tias Armando Bareño, brainchild qab ntiaj teb no kev ua si Streaming (GSS).

Bareno tau nyob rau hauv lub boxing kev lag luam rau roughly xya xyoo thiab yog ib tug loj quab yuam nyob rau hauv ntau lawm nrog promotional giant Sab saum toj nyob qib thiab lawv online muaj streaming nyob rau cov ntsiab lus uas muaj xws li loj sib ntaus phaib los ntawm tag nrho cov thoob lub ntiaj teb. Bareno tsim thiab qhia rau sab saum toj nyob qib thoob ntiaj teb tshaj tawm hauv xov feem, Them Ib View commercials thiab web cov ntsiab lus..

GSS yuav muaj nyob ntws thiab nyob rau kev thov cov ntsiab lus muaj nyob rau ntawm computers, ntse TV thiab mobile pab kiag li lawm. GSS yuav tso nrog “Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Nyob rau hauv Boxing” thiab yuav nyob ua si streaming nrog ib tug ntau yam ntawm kev ua si programming, xws li kev ua si uas yog nyob rau hauv kev pab los ntawm TV.

GSS tau embraced lub neej yav tom ntej ntawm kev ua si programming los ntawm koom tes nrog YouTube, uas yuav muab lawv loj heev infrastructure thiab streaming muaj peev xwm ua kom xa cajmeem thaum twg thiab qhov twg viewers xav mus saib nws.

“Muaj yog ib tug laus lub tsev kawm ntawv txoj kev xav thaum nws los txog rau kev ua si. Lub tswv yim uas TV yog huab tais yog tuag,” hais tias Bareño. “Lub neej yav tom ntej ntawm kev lom zem yog Internet tauj programming.”

GSS paub cov kev hloov uas twb yeej nyob rau hauv raws li nram TV thiab ua si programming. Saib tag nrho cov loj players nyob rau hauv lub lag luam broadcasting next qhov kev hloov los ntawm standard TV rau ntawm kev thov saib tau ib tug tseem ceeb ua kom pom tseeb rau hauv lub tshiab lub tuam txhab.

“Peb npaj ua nyob rau hauv txoj cai qhov chaw rau capitalize on qhov kev hloov nyob rau hauv kev saib cwj pwm tsis zoo,” hais tias Bareño. ” nce tuam txhab uas muag yuav txhawb rau TV, qhov uas peb yuav txhawb rau streaming thiab Internet me nyuam, muab rau peb ib tug loj kom zoo dua thaum TV bundling mus tam sim ntawd.”

Roman Martinez vs. Orlando Salido kuv “LUB TSOV ROG” TAG NRHO MUAJ Sib ntaus ONLINE UA NTEJ NTAWM “HIGH tej ceg txheem ntseeg” REMATCH ON SATURDAY, Cuaj hlis ntuj. 12 RAU Showtime PPV®

Nyem NTAWM NO To Watch Martinez-Salido kuv Rau Showtime Cov kev ua si® YouTube Nplooj ntawv:http://s.sho.com/1K5XnVv
“LUB TSOV ROG” – Roman Martinez vs. Orlando Salido kuv – yog muaj nyob rau ntawm Showtime kev ua si YouTube page nyob rau hauv ua ntej ntawm lawv yavtom ntej rematch rau lub undercard ntawm lub Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto Welterweight ntiaj teb Championship noj qhov chaw Saturday, Xya. 12, nyob rau Showtime PPV (8 p.m. THIAB/5 p.m. PT) los ntawm MGM Grand nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. A leading candidate for the 2015 Sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo, Martinez thiab Salido brawled tshaj 12 nkaus-packed rounds rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11 nyob rau hauv Puerto Rico, with hometown favorite Martinez dethroning Mexican champion Salido of his WBO Junior Lightweight crown. Martinez knocked Salido down multiple times to begin his third reign as 130-pound champion.
“HIGH tej ceg txheem ntseeg: Mayweather vs. Berto,” ib tug 12-round welterweight ntiaj teb Championship bout rau Mayweather tus WBC thiab WBA 147-phaus lub npe, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, uas yog ib tug rematch ntawm Roman Martinez thiab Orlando Salido. Also featured on the pay-per-view telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, uas yog nce nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Team Sauerland. Qhov qhib PPV bout qho to qub ntiaj teb no yeej Jhonny Gonzalez tiv thaiv Puerto Rico lub Jonathan Oquendo nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round junior sib bout.

Mev ZOG-Puncher & Yav tas los peb tau SIJHAWM NTIAJ TEB ZUS JHONNY Gonzalez siv RAU Puerto Rico LUB Jonathan OQUENDO txuj TAWM MAYWEATHER VS. BERTO Stacked PLAUB-Sib ntaus Showtime PPV® TELECAST NYOB NTAWM LUB MGM Grand VAJ ARENA rau hauv Las Vegas 8 P.M. ET / 5 P.M. PT

Daim pib Yog Nyob muag khoom Tam sim no!
Las Vegas (Lub yim hli ntuj 20, 2015) – Yav tas los peb-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion thiab Mexican hwj chim-Puncher Jhonny Gonzalez (58-9, 49 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Puerto Rico tus Jonathan “Plua plav” Oquendo (25-4, 16 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round junior sib showdown uas yuav qhib tau HIGH tej ceg txheem ntseeg: Floyd Mayweather vs. Lwm yam Berto, lub nyob, plaub-sib ntaus, Showtime PPV® kev tshwm sim rau Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 los ntawm lub MGM Grand vaj Arena nyob rau hauv Las Vegas pib thaum 8 p.m. THIAB/5 p.m. PT.
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Mayweather Promotions LLC., yog luv nqi ntawm $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 thiab $150 thiab yog muag tam sim no. Daim pib no tsuas mus rau yim (8) ib tsev neeg rau tag nrho daim pib nqi tsuas yog tus $150 daim pib qeb, uas yog tas rau plaub (4) ib tsev neeg. Yuav kom them los ntawm lub xov tooj los yog nrog ib tug loj credit card, hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000. Daim pib kuj muaj nyob rau purchase ntawm www.mgmgrand.com los yog www.ticketmaster.com.
“Qhov no yuav tsum yog ib tug txaus nyiam sib ntaus rau lub kiv cua raws li peb paub hais tias tus ntaus pob ncaws pob ua yeeb ncuab ntawm Mexico thiab Puerto Rico yeej ib txwm generates zoo battles,” Hais Gonzalez. “Oquendo yog ib tug fighter uas ib txwm mus rau pem hauv ntej thiab cov neeg uas nyiam mus pauv blows. I will demonstrate that I have the desire to return to the top and fight for a world championship. Koom nrog ib tug Floyd Mayweather kev tshwm sim yog ib tug zoo lub sij hawm rau kuv thiab kuv yuav ua kom lub feem ntau ntawm nws.”
“Lub sij hawm no tiv thaiv Jhonny Gonzalez yog qho tseem ceeb heev vim hais tias kuv yuav ntsib ib tug qub lub ntiaj teb champion thiab yuav yog ib feem ntawm ib tug zoo qhia headlined los ntawm Floyd Mayweather,” hais tias Oquendo. “Nws yog ib tug yawm rau kuv yuav tau ib feem ntawm cov undercard ntawm qhov kev tshwm sim. Kuv pog mus qhia rau theem nrog kuv countryman Rocky Martinez, uas kuj muaj ib tug loj sib ntaus tawm tsam Orlando Salido, thiaj li muaj ob kev tsov kev rog nyob nruab nrab ntawm Puerto Rico thiab Mexico. Peb cob qhia tsis tau nyob rau hauv sab saum toj mob no sib ntaus.”
“Boxing kiv cua nyob rau hauv rau ib tug zoo hmo ntuj ntawm cov kev txiav txim los ntawm lub caij pib rau tag nrog qhov sib ntxiv ntawm lub Jhonny Gonzalez vs. Jonathan Oquendo matchup,” Hais Leonard Ellerbe, CEO ntawm Mayweather Promotions. “Qhov no yuav ua tau lwm tshooj nyob rau hauv lub Mexico vs. Puerto Rico boxing kev ua yeeb ncuab. Kuv muaj tsis muaj tsis ntseeg hais tias ob txiv neej yuav cia nws tag nrho cov nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv Cuaj hlis 12 thiab ua neej nyob mus txog rau lub historic kev tshwm sim.”
Cov ntsiab tshwm sim ntseg kawg sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub extraordinary hauj lwm ntawm boxing lub phaus-rau-phaus huab tais Floyd “Nyiaj” Mayweather (48-0, 26 Kos) raws li nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv yav tas los ob-lub sij hawm welterweight yeej Lwm yam Berto (30-3, 23 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 12-round sib ntaus sib tua rau Mayweather tus WBC thiab WBA 147-phaus lub npe. Mayweather yuav saib kom phim rau 49-0 cim ntawm lig heavyweight yeej Rocky Marciano thiab rov nws daim ntawv thov raws li “Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Puas.”
Ob tug stellar ntiaj teb Championship fights yuav kuj yuav muaj nyob rau lub them nyiaj-ib-saib telecast.
Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Kos) yuav raug nws WBO Junior Hnav npe nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch tiv thaiv cov boxer nws tshem nws tawm, plaub-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion Orlando “Siri” Ncaim (42-13-2, 29 Kos). Lawv thawj kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis ntawm lub xyoo no yog xam los ntawm ntau yam yuav tsum ib tug uas neeg sib tw rau sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, Badou Jack “Lub Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 Kos) yuav ua tus thawj tiv thaiv ntawm nws WBC Super Middleweight ntiaj teb title tiv thaiv yuav tsum tau challenger “Saint” George Nyuaj (21-2, 16 Kos).
Nrog lub Gonzalez vs. Oquendo sib ntaus ntxiv mus rau lub jam-packed Showtime PPV telecast, boxing kiv cua nyob rau hauv rau ib hmo txiav txim los ntawm sab saum toj mus rau nram qab uas ntseg ob ntau ntxiv mus rau lub Mexico vs. Puerto Rico boxing kev ua yeeb ncuab, peb lub ntiaj teb Championship fights thiab qhov kawg bout ntawm lub loj tshaj fighter ntawm no tiam.
Ib tug ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws Mexican neeg tua hluav taws ntawm no era, Mexico City lub Gonzalezhas tuav lub ntiaj teb no Championships ntawm 118 thiab 126 phaus, defeating cov yam koj nyiam uas Hall-of-Famer Mark “Dhau Ntse” Johnson thiab yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no yeej Fernando Montiel, Irene Pacheco, thiab Hozumi Hasegawa raws txoj kev. Nws feem ntau tsis ntev los no championship yeej ua tau zoo tuaj ntawm ib tug stunning thawj round knockout ntawm peb-division yeej Abner mares uas khwv tau nws lub WBC Featherweight ntiaj teb Title. Nws yuav tiv thaiv lub npe ob zaug ua ntej poob rau Gary Russell Jr. tab sis lub 33-xyoo-laus bounced rov qab ua ntej lawm no hli los ntawm khob tawm Kazuki Hashimoto.
Ib sab saum toj contender los ntawm Bayamon, Puerto Rico Oquendo tau yeej 11 ntawm nws lub xeem 13 fights, nrog rau nws feem ntau tsis ntev los no yeej tshaj Gabino Cota nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj. Lub 32-xyoo-laus yog tswv yeej tshaj Joe Luis Araiza, Eden Sonsona, Alejandro Montiel thiab sab saum toj prospect Guillermo Avila. Nws yuav sib ntaus rau lub thib rau lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm ntawm MGM Grand thaum nws nkag mus rau lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 12.
# # #
“HIGH tej ceg txheem ntseeg: Mayweather vs. Berto,”ib tug 12-round welterweight ntiaj teb Championship bout rau Mayweather tus WBC thiab WBA 147-phaus lub npe, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, uas yog ib tug rematch ntawm Roman Martinez thiab Orlando Salido. Also featured on the pay-per-view telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, uas yog nce nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Team Sauerland. Qhov qhib PPV bout qho to qub ntiaj teb no yeej Jhonny Gonzalez tiv thaiv Puerto Rico lub Jonathan Oquendo nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round junior sib bout.
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.SHO.com/Sports thiabwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, @ Romancito77, sirisalido, jhonnygbox, JonathanOquenmayweatherpromo, SHOSports ThiabSwanson_Comm los yog ua ib cov kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawm www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.Facebook.com / TheRealAndreBerto,www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions thiab www.facebook.com/SHOsports

Carlos VELASQUEZ nrhiav yeej nyob rau hauv THAWJ NTIAJ TEB TITLE bout

Duab By Marlene Marquez
Las Vegas, NV (Lub yim hli ntuj 12, 2015) – Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj lub ntiaj teb no title bout rau Tuesday lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 29, 2015, Puerto Rico super sib contender (WBA #9) , Carlos Velasquez (19-1, 12 Kos), yog xav kom muab undefeated WBA ntiaj teb tau zus ib, Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Kos), his first loss. The PBC on FOX Sports 1 yuav televise lub bout pib ntawm 9PM ET Eastern Time / 6PM PT. Ticket sales and venue for Fortuna vs. Velasquez yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.
Velasquez, uas sawv cev rau Puerto Rico nyob rau hauv lub 2004 Olympics, is thriving at the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a world champion. He believes he has advantages that will lead him to victory. On the line with be Fortuna’s WBA World title.
“Puas tau txij thaum kuv yog ib tug me nyuam tub hluas, Kuv yeej ib txwm pictured kuv tus kheej raws li ib tug lub ntiaj teb champion,” hais tias Velasquez. “Now I have a golden opportunity to accomplish that dream. It won’t be easy. Javier Fortuna is a very tough fighter with an undefeated record. He’s considered one of the best fighters in the division. Stylistically, he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. When I bring home the belt, Kuv vam tias kuv tau credit rau defeating ib sab saum toj fighter zoo li Fortuna.”
Trained by boxing guru Roberto Norris, thiab ua los ntawm noj haus / zog cob qhia Angel “Memo” Heredia, Velasquez pom tau tias nws muaj txoj cai pab neeg uas muaj peev xwm coj nws mus rau sab saum toj.
“Kuv ntseeg tias kuv muaj ib tug zoo kev ntaus kis las nyob rau hauv Roberto Norris, uas to taub kuv.” txuas ntxiv Velasquez. “Nws tau kuv ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv tag nrho kuv muaj zog cov ntsiab lus, bringing out the best in what I do best. Memo is getting my body in top condition. Kuv xav tias zoo. I’m going to be at my best when I step in the ring with Fortuna.

Floyd MAYWEATHER & André BERTO ncha moo Showtime PPV tshwm sim SIV QHOV CHAW HNUB SATURDAY, CUAJ HLI 12 LUB MGM Grand VAJ ARENA rau hauv Las Vegas

XOVXWM rooj sab laj QUOTES & DUAB

LOS NTAWM MAIN tshwm sim PLUS UNDERCARD neeg tua hluav taws Roman Martinez, Orlando Salido, Nkaus BADOU,


Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Lub yim hli ntuj 6, 2015) – Kawm paub cai zov xov xwm neeg los ntawm ib ncig lub ntiaj teb no tuaj mus rau cov JW Marriott ntawm LA. Nyob rau hauv Los Angeles Thursdayraws li Floyd “Nyiaj” Mayweather (48-0, 26 Kos) thiab ob-lub sij hawm welterweight yeej Lwm yam Berto (30-3, 23 Kos) officially tshaj tawm lawv cov Showtime PPV matchup nrog noj qhov chaw Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 los ntawm lub MGM Grand vaj Arena nyob rau hauv Las Vegas.


Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv kev mus kawm ntawv Thursday tau them-ib-saib undercard fighters featured rau lub stacked plaub-sib ntaus telecast. Nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch ntawm lawv epic Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11 lub ntiaj teb no-title sib ntaus Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Kos) yuav tiv thaiv nws WBO Junior Hnav title tiv thaiv plaub-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion Orlando “Siri” Ncaim (42-13-2, 29 Kos) thaum WBC Super Middleweight zus Badou Jack “Lub Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv nws yuav tsum tau challenger“Saint” George Nyuaj (21-2, 16 Kos). Ib tug thib plaub sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub them nyiaj-ib-saib telecast yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.


Ntxiv undercard txiav txim ntseg super welterweight showdown ntawm Ishe “Qab Zib Shay” Smith (27-7, 12 Kos) thiab Vanes “Lub Npau suav phem” Martirosyan (35-2-1, 21 Kos), uas kuj nyob rau hauv kev mus kawm ntawv Thursday mus tshaj tawm lawv cov kev sib ntaus.


Txhawb los ntawm Mayweather Promotions, cov plaub-sib ntaus nyiaj-ib-saib telecast yuav tsim thiab muab faib nyob los ntawm Showtime PPV thiab yog ib lub thib thiab zaum kawg sib ntaus ntawm ib cov ntaub ntawv-tawg deal ntawm Mayweather thiab Showtime tes hauj lwm Inc. SHOWTIME kev ua si® yuav pab txhawb cov kev tshwm sim nrog kev ua si Emmy® Puav pheej-winning series TXHUA ACCESS premiering Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 28.


Ntawm no yog li cas rau neeg tua hluav taws thiab koom tau hais tias Thursday:

Floyd MAYWEATHER, 12-Lub sij hawm ntiaj teb tau zus ib

“Kuv twb muaj ib tug zoo kawg li hauj lwm. Kuv yuav tsis hloov dab tsi. Peb ua tau yuam kev. Peb ua neej nyob thiab peb kawm tab sis kuv yuav tsis hloov dab tsi.


“Kuv txiv yog ib tug zoo kawg li tus kws qhia, Virgil Hunter li zoo. Tab sis thaum nws los mus rau nws, nws los mus rau lub ob fighters nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.


“Andre Berto yog ib tug tawv competitor, ib tug qub lub ntiaj teb champion. Txhua lub sij hawm nws mus tawm muaj, nws muab nws 100 feem pua.


“Kuv xaiv Berto vim hais tias nws yog heev exciting. Andre Berto yuav thawb Floyd Mayweather rau cov kev txwv. Uas yog ib tug tshaj plaws uas kuv tsis paub.


“Berto yeej ib txwm muab ib tug exciting sib ntaus. Yog hais tias nws tau khob qhov rooj cia nws tau txais rov qab mus txog. Nws yeej ib txwm muab 100 feem pua. Fast ob txhais tes, zoo boxer.


“Kuv paub tias nws yuav siv sij hawm thaum nws yog ib tug sib ntaus ntawm no magnitude, vim hais tias kuv twb tau sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv them nyiaj-ib-saib rau saum 10 xyoo. Berto yog ib tug tawv heev txiv leej tub, nws yog tshaib plab thiab nws yuav tsis mus pw.


“Cuaj hlis 12th is my last dance. Nyob rau lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 13 I just want to sit back and watch some football. Kuv xav mus saib kuv cov me nyuam tau txais qhov zoo tshaj plaws kev kawm ntawv. Thiab kuv xav mus siv txhua txhua hnub nrog kuv cov me nyuam. Cov no yog cov zoo tshaj plaws hnub ntawm kuv lub neej.


“Qhov txawv ntawm Andre Berto thiab Pacquiao yog koj hais mav [rau hauv xov xwm] muab tso rau hype qab Pacquiao. Kuv txoj hauj lwm yog mus tawm muaj thiab yuav Floyd Mayweather thiab ua tau ib tug chess neeg uas ua ntawv thiab hais tias yog dab tsi kuv tau. Kuv pom ib txoj kev los yeej.


“Number 49, qhov no yog nws. Kuv twb muaj ib tug zoo kawg li hauj lwm. Kuv laus, ntse thiab kuv txoj kev tseem ceeb tshaj txhua yam. Cuaj hlis 12 yog kuv lub xeem sib ntaus. Tag nrho cov 48 fights ua si ib tug tseem ceeb, tab sis tooj 48 yog tus tseem ceeb tshaj plaws.


“Qhov no npau suav tag nrho cov pib nrog ob tug neeg. Kuv thiab kuv tus txiv. Cia li ob peb.


“Thaum koj saib cov ob pawg kuv tua nyob rau hauv, muaj ib tug txiv neej uas sawv tag nrho cov nyob ib leeg. Kuv ntsia lub division thiab nug uas yog ib txwm nyob rau hauv ib tug nyuaj exciting sib ntaus, uas muaj ceev ob txhais tes thiab uas yeej ib txwm muab nws 100 feem pua, nws yog Andre Berto


“Qhov no yog ib tug txiv leej tub kuv tsis tau tso. Nws nplooj siab rau kev ua si nawv cia li zoo li kuv tus kheej thiab nws yuav thawb kuv.”


LWM BERTO, Ob-Lub sij hawm Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib


“Nws yog ib tug ntev lub sij hawm los. Tam sim no peb nyob ntawm no. Leej twg uas paub kuv tau pom tej yam zoo kawg tab sis nyob rau tib lub sij hawm lawv twb pom kuv mus los ntawm ib co tiag tiag raug kev sim siab. Yuav ua li cas los nrog uas yog ib tug ntau ntawm cov zog ua hauj lwm thiab kev rau siab.


“Ob xyoos dhau los kuv yog nyob rau hauv lub tsev kho mob txaj muaj phais rau kuv lub xub pwg thiab tsis paub hais tias kuv yuav rov qab los uas. Thaum kawg ntawm lub hnub nws yog ib txoj koob hmoov. Peb nyob focused thiab tam sim no peb nyob ntawm no.


“Kuv paub tias kuv yuav mus tuaj nyob rau hauv muaj ceev ceev thiab muaj zog. Kuv 152 phaus cai tam sim no. Thaum kawg ntawm lub hnub koj yuav mus ntsib ib tug me nyuam uas yog tau nws highs. Los yog leej twg yog muaj nws kev uas yuav ntog. Thiab tam sim no peb nyob nraum txoj cai rov qab mus ua nws tshwm sim.


“Qhov no yog ib tug sib ntaus uas kuv muaj Floyd tseem xav kom tshwm sim. Nws los tawm ntawm lub Pacquiao sib ntaus, ntawm chav kawm nws yog ib qho yooj yim rau cov neeg mus downplay kuv. Kuv yuav tsis txhawj txog ntawd thiab kuv tsis txhawj xeeb txog tias.


“Muaj koj puas tau pom ib tug boring Andre Berto sib ntaus? Thaum kawg ntawm lub hnub peb ua hauj lwm rau peb cov taub qab tawm, Kuv twb tau ua hauj lwm rau ib tug ntev lub sij hawm. Txoj cai tam sim no, sau yog los. Peb sowed lub noob thiab lub sij hawm yog tam sim no.


“Kuv nqa tsawg ua ke ntawm kev ceev, lub hwj chim thiab explosiveness mus rau lub rooj. Tus neeg nws yuav nrog cov uas thaum lawv tseem yog Zab Judah. Kuv yau, Kuv tshaib plab; Kuv muaj zog thiab ceev ceev. Kuv teem nyob rau hauv dab tsi kuv tuaj tau.


“Kuv xav tias zoo li kuv tau mus los ntawm dab tsi kuv mus los ntawm ib tug yog vim li cas. Kuv lub sij hawm yog tam sim no. Yog tsis muaj hnub dua li tam sim no. Floyd yog tsis muaj neeg txawv rau kuv. Peb twb sib sib zog nqus rau hauv camp. Koj twv yuav raug hu tsis xav nco no ib tug.”


Roman Martinez, WBO Junior Hnav ntiaj teb tau zus ib


“Kuv zoo siab heev tau ib feem ntawm no kuj zoo kawg qhia tau tias. Kuv npaj zoo heev rau no sib ntaus. Txhua leej txhua tus uas pom tus thawj sib ntaus paub qhov no yog ib tug tsov rog thiab qhov no yuav tsum yog tib yam tshaj plaws. Kuv nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo thiab kuv yuav npaj mus kom kuv siv.


“Kuv yuav tsum mus ua hauj lwm rau lub cev ntau nyob rau hauv no sib ntaus thiab saib yog tias kuv muaj peev xwm tas nws thaum ntxov lub sij hawm no.


“Kuv nyob rau hauv yeej zoo zoo rau no sib ntaus thiab kuv twb tau ua hauj lwm rau ua kev kho me ntsis kom tau lub khob tawm tab sis yog hais tias peb tau mus rau hauv lub deb, peb mam li yuav npaj.


“Kuv xav tias tus rematch yog ib tug heev exciting sib ntaus rau TV, lub siab zoo tus kivcua ntsawj hlub.


“Txhua leej txhua tus uas pom tus thawj sib ntaus paub nws yog ib tug tsov rog thiab qhov no yuav tsum yog tib yam tshaj plaws. Rau kuv, nws muab kuv ib lub caij nyoog rau tawm tsis ntseeg nyob rau hauv leej twg lub siab hais tias kuv yog tus tau zus ib.


“Salido yuav hais li cas nws hais tias, Kuv vam thiab cia siab nws yog nyob rau hauv zoo mob vim hais tias kuv yog. Nyob rau hauv lub kawg qhov zoo tshaj plaws txiv neej yuav yeej no sib ntaus thiab hais tias yuav yuav kuv.”


Orlando Salido, Plaub-Lub sij hawm ntiaj teb tau zus ib


“Tam sim no kuv paub nws weaknesses, Kuv yuav mus tua los ntawm tus thawj heev lub sij hawm ntawd, Kuv paub yuav ua li cas rau lub yeej.


“Kuv tau refocus hlwb thiab lub cev, Kuv yuav tsis mus ua ntau sib txawv lwm tshaj mus nce lub yeej lub sij hawm no


“Kuv twv yuav raug hu mus rau rov no title rau Mexico. Kuv tsis xav tias nws. Kuv paub tias nws.


“Kuv zoo siab heev uas peb yuav sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv ib tug nruab nrab ib ncig rau peb rematch, tsis nyob rau hauv Puerto Rico dua. Kuv twb heev npaj rau thawj lub sib ntaus, tiam sis cov referee yuav tsis cia kuv tua kuv sib ntaus. Nws ciali lub referee twb tham rau kuv tag nrho 12 rounds. Kuv twb sim ua kom pom tseeb xwb rau kuv tus nrog sib ntaus, tab sis kuv ua tsis tau.


“Kuv pog heev txog qhov no sib ntaus. Qhov no yog ib tug tshwj xeeb heev hlis rau Mexico thiab nyob rau hauv particular vim hais tias, Kuv yuav mus tau txoj kev yeej no.


“Muaj yog ib lub caij tshwj xeeb heev ua yeeb ncuab ntawm Mexico thiab Puerto Rico thiab kuv xav tias nws, uas yog vim li cas kuv heev heev xav los yeej muaj qhov title rau Mexico.”

Nkaus BADOU, WBC Super Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib


“Kuv twb tau nyob rau hauv camp rau txog li ob lub hlis tam sim no. Nws tau ib tug zoo heev kev kawm pw hav zoov thiab kuv yuav npaj txoj cai tam sim no mus tua. Peb tseem muaj ib lub hlis mus thiab peb nyob nraum npaj.


“Kuv twb yeej ib txwm tau muaj zog lub hlwb tab sis kuv tau txais ib co ntxiv cog qoob loo los ntawm muaj uas ntsuab siv. Koj tseem yuav tau nyob twj ywm txo hwj chim thiab ua hauj lwm nyuaj.


“Nyuaj yog ib tug zoo nkauj zoo fighter. Kuv twv yuav raug hu xav tias nws yuav mus yuav ib tug exciting sib ntaus. Kuv paub tias nws yog los kom tau dab tsi yog kuv thiab nws los mus tua.


“Nws tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv lub UK nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm ib tug ntau ntawm cov neeg, tab sis nws yog ib tug txawv theem nyob rau hauv Vegas.


“Kuv xav tias kuv lub zuag qhia tag nrho zoo dua fighter. Nws yuav sim mus khob kuv thiab kuv yuav mus sim mus khob nws tawm. Nws yuav yog ib lub zoo sib ntaus. Kuv twv yuav raug hu mus rau lub knockout.


“Nws yog ib tug npau suav los muaj tseeb yuav tsum yog ib feem ntawm xws li ib tug loj tshwm sim nyob rau MGM Grand rau Floyd kawg sib ntaus, nws yog ib txoj koob hmoov.


“Nws yog tsis sib txawv rau kuv ua lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim los yog nyob rau hauv lub undercard. Yuav muaj ntau txawm tias cov neeg pom kuv sib ntaus uas yog zoo.


“Kuv cia li tau mloog rau kuv ces kaum, yuav ntse thiab yuav kuv tus kheej. Yog hais tias kuv ua li ntawd kuv mam li taug kev tawm ntawm muaj nrog kuv siv lawm.”


George Nyuaj, Sab saum toj 168-Phaus contender


“Txhua yam nyob rau hauv txoj kev kawm camp tau zoo meej. Peb nyob nraum kho rau lub sij hawm sib txawv thiab cov altitude, uas yuav siv sij hawm ib tug ob peb hnub, tab sis txhua yam yog mus zoo tiag tiag. Peb nyob nraum ua ntej ntawm lub sij hawm.


“Peb twb tau kev cob qhia tag nrho cov xyoo no sib ntaus ces kuv zoo zoo tiag tiag. Kuv yuav tsis tos kom tau nyob rau hauv muaj thiab pib xuas nrig ntaus.


“Kuv xav tias kuv paub ntau tshaj li txaus txog Jack. Kuv twb pom nws lub thawv nyob tiv thaiv Anthony Dirrell thiab kuv twb kawm nws nyob rau daim kab xev. Muaj yog ib tug ntau nyiam txog nws. Kuv nyiam qhov tseeb hais tias nws tuaj mus rau lub U.S. thiab tau ua ib lub tsev no, muaj siab loj nyob rau hauv uas. Nws ntxais mus rau ib tug zoo camp tab sis thaum kawg koj yuav tsum sawv ntsug nyob rau hauv koj tus kheej ob txhais taw nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.


“Kuv xav tias kuv zoo dua nws nyob rau hauv feem ntau yam. Yog hais tias kuv tawm mus thiab ua nws yog ib qho yooj yim hmo ua hauj lwm rau kuv.


“Nws yog zoo ua nyob rau hauv ib tug undercard vim hais tias kuv twb hais txog nrog lub siab ntawm lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim. Nws yog zoo mus cia li yuav tau txaus siab rau lub sib ntaus. Nws yog ib tug loj heev kev sib ntaus, tab sis qhov tshaj plaws xwb kuv muaj kev txhawj txog nws sib ntaus sib tua. Nws yog ib lub sijhawm rau kuv.


“Xeb yog ntau kev puas hlwb tshaj txhua yam. Koj tsuas hnov ​​ib tug fighter tham txog nplhaib xeb tom qab ib tug sib ntaus vim hais tias nws yog ib qho kev zam txim rau. Peb nyob rau hauv lub gym ua tau zoo, sparring cov neeg koom tes yog tau tuav thiab yog tsis muaj kev zam txim rau tsis tau nws mus rau hauv ib tug tiag tiag kev sib ntaus.


“Kuv txaus siab yuav no nyob rau hauv America. Qhov thib peb lub sij hawm mus rau lub title yuav muaj hmoo. Peb twb npaj siab ua. Peb nyob nraum npaj rau kev txiav txim.


“Kuv twb pom Badou ze thiab tus kheej thiab raws li ntawm tsis tau, peb yuav tsis pom dab tsi uas yuav ua rau kuv ib qho teeb meem. Peb npaj yuav mus xeem siv rov qab mus rau lub UK.


“Nws mam li muaj kev nplij siab nyob hauv tsev thiab nrog nws ruaj khov mates, tab sis hais tias tag nrho cov mus tam sim ntawd thaum koj kauj ruam nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib thiab ib tug txiv leej tub yog sim noj koj lub taub hau tawm.


“Txij li thaum kuv yog xya xyoo kuv twb ua npau suav ntawm kab ib lub ntiaj teb tau zus ib. Kuv twb tau ib ce thiab downs nyob rau hauv boxing tab sis nws tag nrho cov tuaj tag nrho vajvoog.


“Peb muaj peb tus kheej nyob rau hauv ib qhov chaw zoo nyob rau hauv kev kawm pw hav zoov thiab kuv cia tsis tos kom tau nyob rau hauv muaj.”


Twb SMITH, Yav tas los Super Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib


“Kuv nug rau cov toughest fights thiab lub toughest txoj kev sib tw. Kuv cia li xav mus tua qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi tus neeg xav los yog li cas cov neeg hais txog kuv, peb muab tso ua ke zoo fights.

Peb twb muaj peb champions ntawm Mayweather Promotions li ntawd peb nyob nraum ua ib yam dab tsi muaj txoj cai.


“Vanes Martirosyan yog ib tug zoo fighter, Kuv muaj tsis muaj dab tsi tab sis hwm rau nws. Peb nyob nraum muab ua ke rau hauv lub tsim nyog ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub gym rau muaj kev vam meej.


“Qhov no sib ntaus tej zaum tau ib tug tseem ceeb tshwm sim qhov chaw tab sis kuv zoo siab tau ib feem ntawm cov keeb kwm thiab Floyd lub finale. Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau ib tug zoo hmo ntuj ntawm boxing.”


VANES MARTIROSYAN, 2004 U.S. Olympian thiab 154-Phaus contender


“Qhov no yog ib tug loj sib ntaus rau kuv. Kuv kawg sib ntaus kuv sab laug nyob rau hauv lub tsev hais plaub’ ob txhais tes thiab nws mus rau lwm txoj kev.


“Cuaj hlis 12 Kuv tsis pub lub tsev hais plaub tau nyob rau hauv kuv txoj kev. Kuv yuav mus rau lub knockout thiab koj yuav mus saib tau tus Vanes koj puas tau pom.”


Virgil saib xyuas, Berto tus kws qhia


“Kuv zoo siab tau tau ib feem ntawm no historic kev tshwm sim. Nws yog tej lub sij hawm uas kuv xav txog tias cov tub hluas mus los ntawm. Kuv twb pom ib txhia ntawm cov poj fighters uas tuaj ua ntej peb. Thaum kuv pom ib co ntawm cov tsis zoo cwj pwm nyob rau hauv qhov kev tshwm sim, nws yog los ntawm cov neeg uas tsis paub dab tsi cov neeg tua hluav taws mus los ntawm nyob rau gym.


“Peb nyob nraum kom tsis txhob txiav luam yeeb thiab tsis txhob poob siab. Ua 48-0 tsis yog ib qho yooj yim txoj hauj lwm. Tshwj xeeb yog thaum koj rov qab mus rau ib hnub ib tug thiab obstacles thiab lub toj koj yuav tsum nce. Uas yog tus ntsuj plig ntawm kev ua si nawv. Kuv xav hais tias ib zaug Floyd Mayweather yog ploj mus, peb mam li xav tias tus kuaj pom tus txiv neej no muaj nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv. Kuv ua tim khawv pom tus qub tshaj plaws nrog Muhammad Ali.


“Andre Berto tau kov yeej heev nyob rau hauv nws lub neej thiab kuv zoo siab tau ua nws paub. Nws epitomizes li ib tug dav hlau tua rog yog. Nws kov yeej thiab nws yuav khwv tau lub sij hawm no raws li tawm ntawd.


“Thaum koj saib thaum ntawd pob nyob rau hauv uas welterweight division tsuas muaj ib tug uas sawv tawm, txhua leej txhua tus lwm tus neeg yog nyob rau hauv uas pob.


“Peb npaj siab yuav muab qhov no qhov zoo tshaj plaws txoj hauj lwm uas peb yuav muab nws. Kuv xav tias tus champ nws tus kheej respects uas. Peb tuaj los yeej, tab sis peb yuav tsum hwm thiab saib taus dab tsi nws yuav ua li cas rau cov kev ua si nawv.


“Kuv zoo siab tau tau ib feem ntawm no. Nws yog ib tug loj kev xyiv fab rau kuv yuav nyob rau rov qab sab ntawm legends thiab peb nyob nraum xav txhua yam tig tawm txoj cai rau peb nyob rau hauv kev sib ntaus hmo ntuj.”


Leonard ELLERBE, CEO ntawm Mayweather Promotions


“Txais tos txhua leej txhua tus mus rau dab tsi yuav tsum Floyd Mayweather kawg kick tawm xovxwm rooj sab laj ntawm nws amazing hauj lwm. Peb yog zoo siab heev yuav tsum tau ua hauj lwm ua ke mus nqa lwm stacked PPV card rau boxing kiv cua nyob rau hauv Showtime PPV.


“Peb muaj ib tug yawm lineup nrog peb ntiaj teb Championships fights.


“Daim pib yuav mus rau ntawm kev muag tag kis 10 am P.T. / 1 ​​pm E.T. Nqi ntau los ntawm $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $150.


“Ib zaug ntxiv dua Floyd yuav muab nws WBC lub npe thiab WBA title rau lub kab. Nws yuav tig ntsia Andre Berto, uas yuav tsum tau nrhiav kom tau lwv cov 0 tawm Floyd cov ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 12.


“'Rocky’ Martinez vs. Orlando Salido yuav ua tau ib tug rematch ntawm lub sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo neeg sib tw los ntawm lub Plaub Hlis. Peb paub tias yuav muaj ib tug tsov rog.


“Cov no yog cov hom ntawm txoj kev sib tw uas yuav tsum tau Floyd thawb nws hauv txoj kev uas nws yuav tsum tau raug thawb. Andre Berto yog ib tug txiv leej tub peb yuav tsum tau sib ntaus xyoo dhau los. Nws yog ib tug ob-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion. Peb paub tias nws yuav coj nws. Nws yuav muab nws nws zoo tshaj plaws. Nyob rau lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 12 peb mam li pom hais tias nws yog zoo txaus.


“Nrog rau storied hauj lwm uas Floyd Mayweather tau muaj, peb yog tiag pom keeb kwm. Koj zoo dua coj ib tug zoo saib nws, vim hais tias tus tshaj plaws yog nws ua tiav nyob rau hauv no kev ua si nawv, peb mam li tsis pom dua.


“Peb yeej ib txwm paub hais tias Floyd yuav no, ntau xyoo dhau los. Thaum ib tug txiv leej tub accomplishes cov hom ntawm tej yam, txhua yam nws tsis yog historic. Thaum koj saib ib ncig ntawm lub toj roob hauv pes, no txiv neej txoj cai no yog vim li cas qhov kev ua si tau raug hloov.”


Stephen ESPINOZA, Executive Vice Thawj Tswj Hwm & General Manager SHOWTIME kev ua si


“Boxing yog ib tug tawv ua si nawv. Nws yog ib tug tawv ua si nawv los npog, nws yog ib tug nyuaj kev ua si nawv ua lag luam nyob rau hauv thiab nws yog ib tug nyuaj kev ua si nawv yuav ua rau ib tug nyob rau hauv. Thaum koj nrhiav tau ib tug neeg uas tau raug kev koom tes nrog rau hauv kev ua si nawv raws li ib tug kws 19 xyoo, tsis yog koom tab sis xyaum ua si nawv nyob rau ntawm ib cov neeg tseem ceeb theem, ib tug uas yog tsis tshua muaj tau pom, uas yog ib yam dab tsi tshwj xeeb.


“Ob xyoo lawm nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm lub ua si nawv, tab sis koj paub tias dab tsi feem ntau impressive? Nws yog ua hauj lwm zoo. Yuav luag 20 xyoo ntawm ib tug ua hauj lwm zoo uas yog unmatched nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv ntawm boxing. Tsis txhob nyob rau hauv nws 19 xyoo muaj Floyd tsom tsawg tshaj li 100 feem pua ​​npaj, 19 xyoo ntawm unwavering kev qhuab qhia. Thaum nws tau txais mus rau sab saum toj theem, lub ua hauj lwm zoo tsis hloov. Uas yuav muaj lub legacy ntawm Floyd nyob rau hauv no kev ua si nawv, nws yog ib yam dab tsi kuv yuav yuav tsis pom dua hauv kuv lub neej.


“Nws tag nrho los mus rau qhov kawg lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 12, nws yog peb lub xeem lub sij hawm los txaus siab rau nws zoo kawg kev txawj.


“Andre Berto muaj ib lub caij nyoog rau ua keeb kwm rau nws tus kheej. Yog hais tias nws tsis tau hais tias, tsis muaj dab tsi lwm tus yuav ua cas. Berto yuav ua paub li tus yawg uas thaum kawg yeej Floyd Mayweather.


“Ib yam uas peb paub txog Andre Berto, nws yeej tsis Corporate rau kev txiav txim. Tsuas muaj ib txoj kev nws paub yuav ua li cas sib ntaus sib tua thiab hais tias yog tag nrho cov tawm txhoj puab heev.


“Kuv twb pom dab tsi Andre yuav ua li cas nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib, Kuv twb pom nws tua puag ncig tom qab puag ncig. Neeg tua hluav taws zoo li Andre Berto yeej yuav txais tos, vim hais tias tsis muaj ib tug fights nyuaj tshaj Andre Berto.”




“Kuv zoo siab heev tau mus ib zaug dua sawv cev rau kuv txiv thiab mus ntsib tus WBC rov qab nyob rau hauv ib tug zoo tshwm sim. Cuaj hlis 12 yog ib lub teb chaws Mev nyiaj so koobtsheej thiab Floyd tau npaum li cas nws tshaj thiab sawv cev Mexico zoo li ntawd. Andre Berto yog ib tug qub WBC yeej uas yuav tseeb coj ib tug zoo kev sib tw rau Floyd Mayweather.”


* * *


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.SHO.com/Sports thiabwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, sirisalido, mayweatherpromo, SHOSports ThiabSwanson_Comm los yog ua ib cov kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawmwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.Facebook.com / TheRealAndreBerto,www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions thiab www.facebook.com/SHOsports.


Tripleheader Nta Undefeated Middleweight Juan Ubaldo Cabrera tiv thaiv Thaum-ntaus Mike Gavronksi

& Samoa lub Natu Visinia tiv tiag Tag nrho-Action Heavyweight Joey Dawejko

Friday, Aug. 28, Nyob rau SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. ET / PT)

Los ntawm plawv nroog Las Vegas Txheej xwm Center

TSHIAB YORK (Aug. 5, 2015) - Cog lus li-thiab-los heavyweight Trevor Bryan (15-0, 11 Kos) yuav muab nws cov ntaub ntawv unblemished txog tus kab thaum nws ntsib nws tus nrog sib ntaus toughest rau hnub tim, qhov ntau tej Derric Rossy (30-9, 14 Kos), nyob rau hauv lub 10-round ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm ib tug ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tripleheader nyob rau SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. ET / PT, ncua nyob rau hauv lub sab hnub poob ntug dej hiav txwv). Nce los ntawm Don King Productions, lub bout yuav muab qhov chaw Friday, Aug. 28, ntawm Downtown Las Vegas Txheej xwm Center (DLVEC), thoob plaws los ntawm lub D Las Vegas nyob rau hauv iconic Downtown Las Vegas.


Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, ob-lub sij hawm Dominican koom pheej Olympian Juan Ubaldo Cabrera (23-0, 16 Kos), yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub ntau yam Mike Gavronski (18-1-1, 12 Kos), ntawm Tacoma, Ntxuav., in a 10-round middleweight match. Nyob rau hauv lub qhib sib ntau sib tw ntawm cov telecast, Samoa lub 6-taw-2 heavyweight Cov txwj laus Visine (11-1, 9 Kos) ntawm Tacoma, Ntxuav., yuav fim 5-taw-10 Joey Dawejko(14-4-2, 7 Kos), ntawm Philadelphia, nyob rau hauv ib yim-round matchup.


Tag nrho rau boxers yuav ua rau lawv ShoBox debuts nyob rau hauv dab tsi nqi ua-los yog-breakout fights rau txhua. Daim pib no yog luv nqi ntawm $39.50, $59.50, $89.50, $149.50 thiab $500.00 rau VIP Ntxhuav thiab yog muaj nyob rau ntawm www.ticketmaster.com.


"Nws muab kuv yawm Library los pab tub ntxhais hluas thiab cov laus zeem muag, cov txiv neej thiab cov poj niam, chasing lawv tus npau suav, niag rau ib lub sij hawm hloov lawv lub neej mus rau hauv kev muaj tiag nyob,” King said. “Trevor Bryan is such a prospect seeking an opportunity to fulfill his dreams. Zoo, Don King thiab Showtime yuav muab rau nws tias lub sij hawm los ntes lub tswv yim ntawm cov neeg nyob rau hauvShoBox on Aug. 28. Txawm li cas los, Derric Rossy, a great challenger and ‘Dreambreaker’ is blocking the door to greatness. And Trevor Bryan has to fight like hell to get through that door. The fight will be the power of dreams. I urge all fight fans to tune in on ShoBox thiab tsis ntsais muag. ''


"Peb zoo siab heev rau kev koom tes nrog Don King Promotions thiab ShoBox nyob rau hauv sab nraum zoov nqa boxing mus rau plawv nroog Las Vegas,"Hais tias Derek Stevens, CEO / tswv DLVEC thiab cov D Las Vegas. "Lub sib ntaus card nta cog lus txuj ci, uas yuav tsum tau ua rau ib tug unforgettable kev tshwm sim. "


Nrhiav rau tsim nws tus kheej nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States heavyweight division, lub feemxyuam tab sis meej Bryan ntawm Pompano Puam, Fla., los ntawm txoj kev Albany, N.Y., yog noj ib tug lossis loj leap nyob rau hauv chav kawm ntawv tiv thaiv Rossy, ntawm Medford, N.Y..


Yog li ntawd yuav ua li cas zoo ntawm ib tug pojniam Bryan, uas puv 26 rau Aug. 23? The former amateur standout

yeej tsib lub teb chaws Championships nyob rau hauv cia li 60 pib xyaum ua bouts. While a close loss in the finals of a 2011 tsim nyog kev sib tw khaws cia nws tawm ntawm lub U.S. Olympic raug kev txom nyem, lub heavyweight tau tseem ceeb kev nyob Northern Michigan University nyob rau hauv lub tutelage cov qub US. Olympic Coach Al Mitchell.


Txij thaum nws debut ntawm 22 nyob rau hauv Kaum ib hlis 2011, 6-taw-4 Bryan tau nyob nquag plias thiab sau npe 10 ntawm nws 11 knockout victories nyob rau hauv peb rounds los yog tsawg dua. Bryan, who knocked out outmatched Stacy Frazier nyob rau hauv lub thib ob round kawg Lub rau hli ntuj 20, yog tus pog rau lub sij hawm los ua pov thawj nws tus kheej tawm tsam ib tug qub tub rog heavyweight.


"Nyob rau daim ntawv, nws zoo li nws yuav exciting thiab kuv twv yuav raug hu saib nws raws li ib tug breakout sib ntaus rau kuv,'' Bryan hais tias. "Kuv xav tias kev zoo siab, not pressure. It’s time for people to start mentioning my name with the others. I’ve had a great training camp, Kuv tseem xav tias kev ntseeg siab nrog tus kws qhia Stacey McKinley thiab kuv xav tias muaj zog, mentally clear and confident. I’m ready to roll.”


Bryan tau ncaim yim rounds ib zaug tab sis yog ntse txaus los txhob tso ib tug txaus ntshai qub tub rog xws li Rossy.


"Koj muaj peev xwm tsis coj ib tug txawv txawv, determined txiv leej tub zoo li Rossy maj mam,” Bryan said. “He’s scored a couple of upsets, tiv thaiv ib txhia hais mav nws xav tias nws yeej, has ring experience and he’s been there against all kinds. Like me, Kuv xav tias nws yog zoo ntawm xav ua kom tau nyob rau hauv nws tus kheej txoj kev thiab tus hais mav uas yog cov feem ntau xav ua kom tau yog lub feem ntau txaus ntshai.


"Qhov no txiv leej tub yuav tsis yeej kuv tab sis kuv cia siab tias ib tug tawv, tawv sib ntaus. I know Rossy’s not coming to lie down. Kuv? I’m just a young fighter trying to make his way and looking to showcase my talents. It’s time to fight somebody tough.”


Rossy, 35, yeej tsis muaj kev tswj kom tau yav tas los journeyman / gatekeeper li cas thiab tshaj uas proverbial hump sib ntaus uas catapults koj mus rau qib tom ntej.

Rossy tau nyob rau hauv nrog qub WBO heavyweight yeej Ray Mercer, lub ntiaj teb no-title contenders Eddie Chambers (ob zaug) thiab Fres Oquendo thiab lub ntiaj teb no-kab sab contenders xws li Vyacheslav Glazkov in an 11-year career in which he seldom got the benefit of the doubt in tight fights. In his outing before last, Rossy poob ib tug heev muaj teeb meem 10-round feem ntau txiav txim siab 2008 Olympic bronze medalist thiab IBF Tsis. 2-nyob contender Glazkov (17-0-1) on Aug. 9, 2014.


"Kuv twb tau hais txog ib co tsis muaj hmoo ob txhais tes nyob rau hauv boxing, tau tsis los kuv txoj kev, tab sis kuv tsis zaum thiab nyob rau lawv,'' Rossy hais tias. “The bottom line is I can’t sit around and mope. I’ve got to win and leave no doubt in anybody’s mind. Kuv xav tias zoo li kuv twb ua li ntawd nyob rau hauv ntau fights, tab sis rau ib txhia yog vim li cas lawv xav tias kuv tawm tsis ntseeg. "


Ib tug kos tuaj nyob rau hauv nws cov nag sib ntaus thaum Rossy sau npe ib tug chim siab nyob rau hauv ib tug unanimous 10-round kev txiav txim siab tshaj yav tas los undefeated, pab Akhor Muralimov (16-0, 13 Kos mus nyob rau hauv). Utilizing smart separation and his considerable height and reach, Rossy triumphed by the scores of 97-93 thiab 96-94 ob zaug.


Rossy yog tab tom nrhiav rau ib tug zoo xws li cov kev kawm tiv thaiv cov undefeated Bryan.


"Bryan, Kuv xav tias nws yog muab tso ua ke zoo,” Rossy said. “He’s a good boxer. It’s going be a good stylistic and action-packed fight. We’ll both try to establish our jabs. I think this is a formidable fight for both of us.


"Bryan muaj lub pedigree rau tej zaum yuav yog ib tug tau zus ib heavyweight muaj ib hnub twg, but not now. In my eyes I feel he’s making a mistake, but anybody that fights me know they are looking at a war. I am a high-risk, low-reward kind of opponent. I’ve fought them all; Bryan yog ib tug me ntsis ntsuab nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam ntawd ces peb mam li saib. "


Ua ntej ib tug pro boxer, Rossy was an All American high school football star who would go on to play at Boston College where he was an outstanding 248-pound defensive end. Hehad ib co pro tryouts tab sis twb pom raws li ib tug “tweener,” loj heev rau linebacker, too small to play end. So he turned to boxing and despite only 10 pib xyaum ua fights yeej lub 2004 New York Golden hnab looj tes kev sib tw, and turned pro in October of that year. Nws mus 15-0 ntawm cov nyuam ntawm nws pro hauj lwm ua ntej poob rau Chambers thawj lub sij hawm.


Juan Ubaldo Cabrera, uas yuav muab rau Mike Gavronski nyob rau hauv lub ShoBox co-feature, sawv cev cov koom pheej Dominican nyob rau hauv lub 2000 thiab 2004 Olympic ua si. The 36-year-oldmay best be known for defeating future world champion Jean Pascal en txoj kev mus rau kev noj lub kub puav pheej nyob rau hauv lub chav kawm ntawv nyob rau hauv lub middleweight 2003 Pan-American Games. During an excellent amateur career, Cabrera kuj coj tsev ib tug silver puav pheej nyob rau hauv lub 2002 Central American thiab Caribbean ua si raws li ib lub teeb middleweight.


Ob xyoos tom qab nws kawg tsos nyob rau hauv lub Olympics, nyob rau ntawm lub hnub nyoog ntawm 26, nws muab pro nyob rau hauv Lub kaum hli ntuj 2005 thiab yeej 13 ntawm nws thawj zaug 15 fights by knockout. Cabrera is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision victory over Tim Hall nyob rau hauv lub Deontay Wilder-Eric Molinaundercard kawg Lub rau hli ntuj 13 nyob rau hauv Birmingham, ALA. Cabrera has been inactive recently – the win over Hall was his first fight in a year and only his sixth since July 2009.


Gavronski yog ib tug check, well-conditioned 29-year-old from the Northwest who combines boxing skill with KO power in both hands and also fought in MMA. He’s won four in a row – all in Tacoma – and is 3-0 xyoo no. Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag sib ntaus, nws kaw ib resounding cuaj-round TKO tshaj yeeb ncuab Tyrell Hendrix rau Tej zaum 30 nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch ntawm lawv 2011 kos.


Ib tug Washington xeev nyiam, 6-taw-siab Gavronski muab pro thaum muaj hnub nyoog 24 nyob rau hauv 2010, thiab raug kev txom nyem nws leeg tsis ntawm 10-round kev txiav txim siab rau Tureano Johnson (14-1) nyob rau hauv 2011 nyob rau hauv ib tug bout rau lub WBC Continental teb chaws Amelikas middleweight title.


Qhov qhib bout ntawm lub telecast - Natu Visinia vs. Joey Dawejko - Nta ib tug heavyweight showdown ntawm ib tug txawj ntse prospect thiab ib tug qub standout pib xyaum ua.


Visinia, 30, yog tej zaum cov feem ntau pheej tuaj-thiab-los Neeg Samoan heavyweight txij li thaum yav tas los cov neeg uas coj contender David Tua. A true heavyweight with tremendous knockout power in both hands, ib lub pob zeb-nyuaj lub taub hau thiab granite lub puab tsaig, 6-taw-4 30-xyoo-laus yog los tawm ib tug plaub-round knockout tshaj Yausua Clarke kawg Tej zaum 13. Seven of Visinia’s nine KO victories came in the first round.


Visinia was a former standout high school and college football player at Southern Illinois University. He began his fighting career in MMA, qhov uas nws los ua tus tsis. 2 ranked amateur in the United States before making his pro debut. He then switched to boxing in 2006.


Tom qab nws boxing pro debut nyob rau hauv 2009, Visinia tau invaluable kev sparring nrog cov yam koj nyiam uas Wladimir Klitschko, Evander Holyfield thiab Lamon Brewster. Nws yeej nws thawj 10 pro sib ntaus ua ntej poob los ntawm xya-round TKO rau yav tas los ob-lub sij hawm IBF cruiserweight yeejSteve Cunningham on Oct. 18, 2014. In his first genuine step up in class, Visinia poob Cunningham nyob rau hauv lub thib tsib tab sis Cunningham tus yav dhau los hauv chav kawm ntawv thiab txias muaj pov thawj ntau heev los mus kov yeej.


Dawejko muaj ib tug dai kom zoo nkauj pib xyaum ua hauj lwm uas muaj lub ntiaj teb Junior Amateur Championship nyob rau hauv 2008, lub teb chaws nyob rau hauv-19 yas, thiab ib tug yeej tshaj Bryant Jennings, uas tsis ntev los sib tw heavyweight lub ntiaj teb champion Wladimir Klitschko xeem lub Plaub Hlis.


Lub 25-xyoo-laus Dawejko yog nyob rau hauv ib tug hnyav yob, winning rau sib law liag fights, plaub nyob rau hauv ib tug kab los ntawm thawj-round stoppage ua ntej nws rau-sib ntaus yeej streak tas thaum nws poob ib tug 10-round kev txiav txim siab rau Amir Mansour (21-1) in a Pennsylvania State heavyweight title fight this past May. This will be the third start of the year for the 5-foot-10, rau-xyoo-pro, an all-action heavyweight who owns a victory over Rossy in January 2014. Two outings back, rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 3, Dawejko yuav tsum tau tag nrho cov ntawm 27 vib nas this rau dispatch ntawm Enobong Umohette.


Barry Tompkins yuav hu rau ShoBox txiav txim los ntawm ringside nrog Steve Farhood thiab yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Raul Marquez pab raws li cov kws muaj txuj tshuaj ntsuam. Lub executive tsim kom yogGordon Hall nrog Richard Gaughan ua thiab Rick Phillips directing.


# # #





Las Vegas (Aug. 4, 2015) – Nyob rau hauv dab tsi yog yuav tsum tau ua qhov kawg sib ntaus ntawm nws illustrious 19-xyoo ua hauj lwm, boxing superstar thiab phaus-rau-phaus huab tais Floyd “Nyiaj” Mayweather (48-0, 26 Kos) yuav muab nws undefeated cov ntaub ntawv thiab WBC thiab WBA Welterweight ntiaj teb Championships txog tus kab tiv thaiv hwj chim-xuas nrig ntaus, ob-lub sij hawm welterweight lub ntiaj teb champion Lwm yam Berto (30-3, 23 Kos) Saturday, Xya. 12 nyob rau ntawm lub MGM Grand vaj Arena nyob rau hauv Las Vegas, nyob rau Showtime PPV (8 p.m. THIAB/5 p.m. PT).


Los tawm ntawm lub Mayweather vs. Pacquiao kev tshwm sim, nyob rau hauv uas Mayweather tseem undefeated los ntawm kev noj ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab yeej, Mayweather yuav sim nws tus kheej tawm tsam ib tug nyuaj-los tsoo fighter tshaib plab rau nws lub caij nyoog kom tau ib tug historic chim. Mayweather kuj ua keeb kwm. Yog hais tias triumphant, nws yuav phim cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub lig heavyweight yeej Rocky Marciano, uas so nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis 1956 nrog ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 49-0. Equaling Marciano cov ntaub ntawv, ib qho ntawm feem huv nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov ntawm kev ua si, yuav rov Mayweather lub legendary txheej xwm nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv thiab buttress Mayweather tus thov li “Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Puas.”


Ob tug stellar ntiaj teb Championship fights yuav kuj yuav muaj nyob rau lub them nyiaj-ib-saib telecast.

Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Kos) yuav raug nws WBO Junior Hnav npe nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch tiv thaiv cov boxer nws tshem nws tawm, plaub-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion Orlando “Siri” Ncaim (42-13-2, 29 Kos). Lawv thawj sib ntaus, nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis ntawm lub xyoo no, yog xam los ntawm ntau yam yuav tsum ib tug uas neeg sib tw rau sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, Badou Jack “Lub Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 Kos) yuav ua tus thawj tiv thaiv ntawm nws WBC Super Middleweight ntiaj teb title tiv thaiv yuav tsum tau challenger “Saint” George Nyuaj (21-2, 16 Kos). Ib tug thib plaub sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub them nyiaj-ib-saib telecast yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.


Txhawb los ntawm Mayweather Promotions, cov plaub-sib ntaus nyiaj-ib-saib telecast yuav tsim thiab muab faib nyob los ntawm Showtime PPV thiab yog ib lub thib thiab zaum kawg sib ntaus ntawm ib cov ntaub ntawv-tawg deal ntawm Mayweather thiab Showtime tes hauj lwm Inc.SHOWTIME Cov kev ua si® yuav pab txhawb cov kev tshwm sim nrog kev ua si Emmy® Puav pheej-winning series TXHUA ACCESS.


Daim pib nqi thiab muag cov ntaub ntawv yog dabtsi ntsiv tom qab no lub lim tiam.


“Kuv yuav npaj mus tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv Cuaj hlis 12 thiab ua pov thawj rov qab mus rau tag nrho lub ntiaj teb no yog vim li cas kuv 'Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Puas,'” Hais Mayweather. “Kuv yeej ib txwm coj kuv A-kev ua si thiab no sib ntaus tawm tsam Andre Berto yog tsis kos. Nws yog ib tug hluas, muaj zog fighter uas yog tshaib plab coj down qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Plaub caug yim tau sim ua ntej thiab nyob rau Cuaj hlis 12, Kuv yuav mus ua nws 49.”


I’m coming to kick Floyd’s ass on Cuaj hlis 12,” Hais Berto. “Qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntseeg hais tias kuv yuav npaj mus coj nws mus Floyd thiab kuv tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog dab tsi 48 other fighters have been unable to do. Somebody is getting knocked out and it won’t be me. You don’t want to miss this.


“'Nyiaj’ Mayweather yog rov qab thiab tag nrho Mayweather Promotions pab yog npaj txhij rau tsim tawm ntawm lub zoo kawg cov ntaub ntawv-tawg Tej zaum 2 kev tshwm sim,” hais tias CEO ntawm Mayweather Promotions Leonard Ellerbe. “Nws yog ib tug Library rau coj no kuj zoo kawg sib ntaus, ntxiv rau cov zoo kawg undercard ntawm txiav txim, mus rau lub kiv cua nyob rau hauv Las Vegas ntawm MGM Grand. Andre Berto is a powerful fighter who presents a real danger to Floyd. He will have to use all of his skills to slow Berto down.


“Kuv xav ua tsaug rau Showtime rau lub sij hawm no mus tua nyob rau hauv no kuj zoo kawg tshwm sim,” hais tias Martinez. “Peb yeej npaj thiab ua hauj lwm nyuaj kom paub tseeb tias qhov no title nyob rau hauv Puerto Rico. Txhua leej txhua tus pom thawj sib ntaus tawm tsam Orlando Salido thiab kuv paub tias qhov no ob bout yuav kuj yuav yog ib tug tsov rog. Ib zaug ntxiv dua peb muaj kev ua yeeb ncuab ntawm Puerto Rico thiab Mexico, uas guarantees ntau ntawm cov kev txiav txim. Kev kawm yuav zoo heev thiab peb muaj 100 feem pua ​​nco ntsoov hais tias nyob rau hauv Cuaj hlis 12 it will be another great victory to Puerto Rico.


“Kuv pog rau lub rematch nrog Rocky Martinez,” said Salido. “Cov thawj kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv Puerto Rico tsis mus kuv txoj kev. Kuv tau txais tawm mus rau ib tug qeeb pib thiab tau mus tua ob tug sib ntaus – ib tug tiv thaiv cov referee thiab ib tug tiv thaiv tus mob Rocky Martinez. Rau Cuaj hlis 12, I am going to take matters into my own hands and look to knock out Rocky to get my world title belt back. Mexico and Puerto Rico have had a great rivalry over the years and this September you will see me bring the belt home to Mexico where it belongs.


“Kuv pog heev thiab kuv npaj rau lub toughest sib ntaus ntawm kuv ua hauj lwm tiv thaiv George Nyuaj,” hais tias Jack. “Kuv yeej ib txwm mus rau hauv kev sib ntaus nrog ib tug underdog mentality, txawm li champion. Nws pom tau tias zoo rau yuav tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv kuv saws hometown ntawm Las Vegas. Kuv pab txhawb, Floyd Mayweather, tau muaj kuv rov qab thaum lub sij hawm lub ce thiab downs ntawm kuv cov hauj lwm thiab kuv xav kom nws thiab tag nrho lub Mayweather Promotions pab zoo siab rau Cuaj hlis 12.”


“Kuv tau muaj hmoo txaus los ua ib co ntawm cov loj tshaj txoj kev xav kev ua si nawv yuav muab,” hais tias Nyuaj. “Kuv tau sib tw rau lub ntiaj teb no lub npe thiab kuv tau muag tawm stadiums, tab sis kuv yeej muaj tseeb thaum yau npau suav ntawm winning ib lub ntiaj teb title yog tsis tau yuav tsum tau ua tiav raws li. Kuv tau hais tias lub caij nyoog nyob rau hauv lub Las Vegas Sawb – lub crème tsib la crème rau tej fighter ntawm cov ntiaj chaw. Kuv yuav tsis tos mus cuag kuv lub hom phiaj thiab ua lub ntiaj teb champion. Badou Jack yog tsis 'Phem’ txaus mus rau halt kuv npau suav. Nws WBC siv yog tag nrho cov uas yog hauv kuv lub siab txhua tus thiab txhua txhua lub sij hawm ntawd waking. Peb tau kawm txog Jack – peb npaj rau nws kev txawj thiab npaj txhij mus las nws weaknesses. Vegas yog kuv ob lub tsev thiab kuv yuav tsis tos rov qab los nrog ib tug Bang.”


“Thaum Showtime tes hauj lwm thiab Floyd Mayweather teamed rau thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2013, nws hu ua ib cov ntaub ntawv-tawg deal – thiab hais tias yog raws nraim li nws tau,” hais tias Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President thiab General Manager, SHOWTIME kev ua si®. “Los ntawm tsib fights ntawm rau-sib ntaus lub sij hawm, qhov kev tshwm sim tau zoo tshaj peb cov miv nyuas grandest. Floyd has never hesitated to take on the best of the best in his division. In Andre Berto, Floyd has chosen an opponent who always comes to fight and always entertains. Berto’s power and athleticism make him a legitimate threat against any opponent, thiab tawm tsam Floyd, peb cia siab tias Berto yuav ua nruj ua li puas tau. We’re also assembling an action-packed undercard, tseem ceeb los ntawm ib tug rematch ntawm ib qho ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws fights ntawm 2015, Rocky Martinez vs. Orlando Salido.”


“Peb zoo siab heev nrog lub sij hawm rau host dab tsi yog yuav tsum Floyd kawg sib ntaus nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm storied,” hais tias Richard Sturm, tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm Lom ze thiab kev ua si rau MGM Resorts International. “Floyd yog ib tug zoo kawg li yeej thiab peb tos ntsoov rau pom no cov keeb kwm kev tshwm sim tiv thaiv Andre Berto ntawm MGM Grand.”


Ib qho ntawm feem dai kom zoo nkauj tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub keeb kwm ntawm lub ua si nawv, Mayweather, ntawm Grand Rapids, Mich., sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Las Vegas, yog ib tug 12-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion nyob rau hauv tsib qhov hnyav pawg. Nrog nws trademark ceev, defensive prowess thiab ntiv nplhaib generalship, Mayweather tau tam sim no yeej 22 lub ntiaj teb no champions.


Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd rau nws nyob rau hauv-lub nplhaib ua tiav, Forbes, Fortune thiab Cov kev ua si taw qhia muaj npe hu ua Mayweather lub ntiaj teb no lub siab tshaj plaws-them nyiaj kis las ntau lub sij hawm. Nws cov txheej xwm Amass cov ntaub ntawv-tawg xov tooj; he has headlined four of the six highest-grossing pay-per-view events of all time and holds the all-time record in gross pay-per-view receipts.


Mayweather, lub xwb fighter tau headlined peb cov txheej xwm uas generated ntau tshaj ob lab nyiaj-ib-saib yuav txhua,tau garnered heev heev “Fighter ntawm lub xyoo” khoom plig tshaj nws storied hauj lwm, xws li tsib ESPY txeeb thiab ob Boxing Writers Association of America khoom plig.


Ntev xam tias yog li ib tug ua tau foe rau Mayweather, Berto, 31, ntawm lub caij ntuj no Haven, Fla. yog ib tug qub pib xyaum ua standout thiab 2004 Olympian rau Haiti. Ib tug qub tub rog ntawm lub ntiaj teb no yim title fights, tag nrho cov ntawm 147 phaus, nws yeej lub ntiaj teb WBC Welterweight Title nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj 2008 thiab ua tsib vam meej title defenses tshaj tom ntej ob thiab ib tug ib nrab xyoo ua ntej poob lub title nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis 2011. Berto yeej lub IBF Welterweight ntiaj teb Title nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 2011.


Lub offensive-minded Berto yeej ib txwm ua rau sensational scraps – nws 2012 slugfest nrog Robert “Lub Ntsuj Plig Dawb Huv” Warrioryog ib tug sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo neeg sib tw. Nyob rau hauv nws feem ntau tsis ntev los no kev mus ua si, nws tua nkag ob knockdowns en txoj kev mus rau ib tug thib rau-round TKO tshajJosesito Lopez kawg Lub peb hlis ntuj 13.


Style-ntse, lub 5-taw-7 Berto yuav tsum txais yuav ib tug nruj mus kom ze nrog ib tug high school cov punch tso zis, zoo li lub tswv yim ua hauj lwm los ntawm Marcos “Suav” Maidana nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj sib ntaus tawm tsam Mayweather. Yog hais tias Mayweather tsis tso saib nws trademark ceev thiab tiv thaiv, Berto yuav siv nws lub hwj chim thiab tes ceev yuav ua rau Mayweather seeb thiab yuam nws mus rau hauv ib tug brawl.


Martinez, 32, ntawm Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, yuav ua tus thawj tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv nws thib peb stint li WBO Junior Hnav ntiaj teb tau zus ib. Nws yeej lub WBO 130-phaus yas lub thib ob lub sij hawm nrog ib tug 12-round split kev txiav txim siab dua Miguel Beltran Jr. nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 2012. Lub ultra-tawv Martinez tau ob vam meej defenses, xws li ib tug nyob ze cov ntsiab lus’ kov yeej yav tas los undefeated Diego Magdaleno, ua ntej poob los ntawm yim-round knockout rau unbeaten Mikey Garcia nyob rau hauv Kaum ib hlis 2013.

Lub 5-taw-8 Martinez yeej nws thawj kev sib ntaus cov nram qab no cov Garcia bout thiab ces, nyob rau hauv nws feem ntau tsis ntev los no kev mus ua si, nws dim ib tug xav ua kom tau lig maj zoo li ntawd thiab outpoint Salido thoob plaws 12 hard-tiv thaiv, nkaus-packed rounds kawg Plaub Hlis Ntuj 11.

Tshawb li “Tsov rog,” lub slugfest yuav tau ua zoo tshaj nws cov nqi raws li ob fighters siv ib tug inordinate nqi zog nyob rau thaum kawg ntawm 36 feeb. Siv nws zoo nyob rau hauv qhov siab thiab ncav cuag, Martinez xa Salido mus rau lub hom ntaub khov heev nyob rau hauv lub thib peb thiab thib tsib thiab yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 116-109, 115-110 thiab 114-111. Salido was docked a point in the 11th puag ncig rau ib tug tsawg tshuab, tab sis yeej tsis txiav luam yeeb sib ntaus sib tua thiab yog nyob rau hauv nws mus txog thaum kawg.

Tawv thiab txiav txim nrog ib tug ncaj-rau pem hauv ntej style uas ua rau neeg coob coob-txaus affairs, Martinez yuav lub WBO Title thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 2009 thiab ntse tiv thaiv nws ob zaug.

Ncaim, 34, ntawm Sonora, Mexico, yog ib tug relentless nyuaj-nosed boxer-Puncher uas yog kam noj rau leej twg thiab yog tsis muaj neeg txawv mus rau lub boxing kev ua yeeb ncuab uas yog Mexico vs. Puerto Rico.

Lub 5-taw-6 Salido yuav lub nruab nrab WBO Junior Hnav ntiaj teb Championship nyob rau hauv nws kev mus ua si ua ntej lub xeem nyob rau hauv ib tug rov qab-thiab-tawm 11th-puag ncig knockout tshaj Thaib teb lub Terdsak Kokietgym nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 1, 2014. Lub phem sib ntaus sib tua uas featured xya knockdowns (Salido mus down peb lub sij hawm, Kokietgym plaub) yog lub 2014 Yahoo! Cov kev ua si sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo.

Salido kuj yog ib tug ob-lub sij hawm featherweight lub ntiaj teb champion. Nws tiv thaiv ib co ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm nws tiam tom 126, kuj muaj Mikey Garcia,Juan ManuelJuanmaLopez ob zaug, thiab tam sim no WBO 126-phaus yeej Vasyl Lomachenko uas Salido yeej peb fights dhau los nyob rau hauv ib tug 12-round split kev txiav txim siab nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 2014.

Jack, 31, ib tug neeg uas Stockholm, Sweden, uas fights tawm ntawm Mayweather tus Las Vegas gym, yog tej lub WBC 168-phaus siv nrog ib tug 12-round feem ntau txiav txim dua tiv thaiv tau zus ib thiab yav tas los unbeaten Anthony Dirrell kawg Plaub Hlis Ntuj 24 los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 116-114, 115-113 thiab 114-114.

Ib tug qub European pib xyaum ua standout – nws yog lub tsuas boxer puas tau mus sawv cev rau Gambia nyob rau hauv tej Olympic ua si (2008) – 6-taw-1 Jack muab pro nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj 2009 thiab yeej nws thawj zaug 16 bouts ua ntej txom nyem ib tug shocking thawj-round knockout poob Derek Edwards nyob rau hauv Lub ob hlis ntuj 2014.

Ib tug boxer nrog zoo ceev thiab zog, Jack tau txij li thaum yeej peb nyob rau hauv ib tug kab, nrog rau cov loj kov yeej Dirrell.

Cov ua rog-kuaj Nyuaj, 27, ntawm Hammersmith, London, Hais, yuav tau txais nws thib peb keej ntawm ib tug 168-phaus lub ntiaj teb no title. Cov tsuas blemishes rau nws cov ntaub ntawv tuaj nyob rau hauv rov qab-mus-rov qab fights tiv thaiv ces-IBF / WBA yeej thiab countryman Carl Froch ntawm chaw ntau pob nyob rau hauv London Wembley. Tom qab poob los ntawm teeb meem cuaj-round TKO nyob rau hauv Kaum ib hlis 2013, Nyuaj raug nres los ntawm nws tsiv yeeb ncuab nyob rau hauv lub yim puag ncig ntawm ib tug Tej zaum 2014 grudge rematch uas attracted 80,000 kiv cua.

Nyuaj tau rebounded txij li thaum ntog mus Froch, winning nws kawg khub. Nyuaj yuav cov tsis muaj WBC Nyiaj Super Middleweight title thiab European Championship nyob rau hauv Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 2014 tiv thaiv Christophe Rebrasse thiab tua nkag ib tug xya-round TKO tshaj Dennis Douglin kawg Nov. 22.

Hais txog Mayweather vs. Berto:

Mayweather vs. Berto, ib tug 12-round welterweight ntiaj teb Championship bout rau Mayweather tus WBC thiab WBA 147-phaus lub npe, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, uas yog ib tug rematch ntawm Roman Martinez thiab Orlando Salido. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, uas yog nce nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Team Sauerland.


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.SHO.com/Sports thiabwww.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, sirisalido, mayweatherpromo, SHOSports ThiabSwanson_Comm los yog ua ib cov kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawmwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.Facebook.com / TheRealAndreBerto,www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions thiabwww.facebook.com/SHOsports.

NTIAJ TEB SERIES NTAWM sib ntaus sib tua xaiv kev ua si MEDIA Executive Carlos Silva RAU CEO CHAW

Cov neeg uas coj kev ua si tawm thawj Carlos Silva (pictured) tau raug taw rau hauv lub tshiab CEO ntawm lub ntiaj teb Championship Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) franchise ntiaj teb Series ntawm Sib ntaus.

Las Vegas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 29, 2015) -World Championship Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) kev ua si franchise ntiaj teb Series ntawm Sib ntaus (WSOF.com) tshaj tawm hnub no hais tias nws tau tsa kev ua si tawm thawj Carlos Silva rau hauv txoj hauj lwm ntawm CEO, zoo sai li sai tau.

Cov yav tas los President thiab hais nkwg ntawm NBCU lub Universal kev ua si Network thiab yav tas los President thiab hais nkwg ntawm Back9Network, Silva tau launched, ua thiab spearheaded lub meteoric txoj kev loj hlob ntawm kev ua si thiab kev lom zem xov xwm zog nyob rau thaum kawg ntawm lub xeem 25 xyoo.

"Kuv pog mus koom ib premier ntawm lub thiab feem ntau dynamic ntaus kis las franchises ntawm cov ntiaj chaw nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no Series ntawm Sib ntaus. They have a tremendous team of media and MMA industry veterans in place that works well with the blue-chip team at NBCU, peb TV khub uas yog pab peb usher lub tuam txhab mus rau hauv nws cov tshooj tom ntej no ntawm kev loj hlob,"Hais tias Silva.

Silva yog ib tug instrumental quab yuam qab lub community launch txog Back9Network rau DirecTV nyob rau hauv Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 2014 thiab, nyob rau hauv cia li ib ob-xyoo luv, catapulted engagement of the start-up media company’s digital platform to two million monthly unique users.

Thaum lub sij hawm nws cov plaub-xyoo tenure nrog Universal kev ua si Network, Silva coj lub expansion ntawm NBCU lub Olympic thiab txoj kev ua neej sports TV platform rau hauv 68 lab tsev, nrog rau tag nrho saum 10 U.S. ciaj uas muag, and increased the number of unique users of its digital platform to three million.

Nyuam qhuav pib nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm, Silva, yog ib tug Senior Vice President nrog AOL Lub sij hawm Warner, thiab yog lub luag hauj lwm rau kev tsim AOL Cov kev ua si, Xov xwm, and Money into top premier digital destinations. Silva also remains as a Board Advisor for PARK LANE, lub premier kev ua si cov peev nyiaj nyob rau hauv Los Angeles.

WSOF txiav txim rov qab los rau NBCSN nrog ib tug tsib-bout, nyob telecast rau Sat., Aug. 1, ntawm 11 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. PT. Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm lub hnub qub-studded, lub ntiaj teb Championship doubleheader extravaganza, reigning WSOF ntiaj teb Welterweight (170 phaus) Yeej Rousimar "Toquino" Palhares yuav raug nws title tiv thaiv ob-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion Jake Shields, los ntawm ntiaj chaw Hollywood Resort & Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Las Vegas.

Michael “Lub Silverback” Moore nrhiav yog lub loj lub caij nyoog

Las Vegas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 29, 2015)–Jr. Middleweight, Michael Moore (13-1, 6 KO lub) yog tam sim no tawm nyob rau hauv Las Vegas zoo nyob nws txawj nyob rau hauv cov coj noj coj thiab kev kawm ntawm cov Jeff Mayweather. Mayweather yog pab nyob rau hauv kev noj lub dav hlau tua rog uas yog lub npe hu ua “Lub Silverback” rau qib tom ntej.

Hais Moore, “Kuv yeej tsis ua hauj lwm nrog xws li ib qho zoo kawg tus kws qhia. Nws yog tag nrho hais txog ua kev ruaj ntseg nrog kev thuam thiab kev totaub txog tej uas tus txiv neej no nyob ntawm no coj kuv mus uas championship theem zoo li nws tau ua li ntawd ntau lwm tus neeg.”
Nyob rau hauv ib tug gym uas muaj cov txuj ci, nws yuav yog ib qho nyuaj mus rau sawv tawm nyob rau hauv ib pawg neeg ntawm ntau yam thiaj li tua hluav taws, tab sis Moore tau pom cov xim ntawm tsis tsuas yog nws tus kws qhia Jeff Mayweather thiab lub dag lub zog thiab txias cob qhia Delaney Howard. Recently a special guest came and gave some advice to Mike. Floyd Mayweather Sr. taug kev nyob ib ncig ntawm, thiab nws dhia nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib thiab pib muab Moore ib co ntawm nws txoj kev txawj ntse.

Michael Moore yog tag nrho hais txog nws tsev neeg. Nws Google video chats nrog nws tus poj niam thiab cov me nyuam mus txog rau peb-lub sij hawm ib hnub twg thiab kiag li ntxub ua deb ntawm lawv. Moore tau hais tias nyob rau hauv thiaj li muaj coob lub sij hawm ntawd nws xav tias phem rau leej twg nyob rau hauv cov kauj ruam lub nplhaib nrog nws tom ntej no vim hais tias lawv yuav mus hnov ​​qhov mob hais tias nws twb tau lawm cov yav tas los ob peb lub lis piam.

Mike Moore ua hauj lwm nrog lub dag lub zog thiab txias cob qhia Delaney Howard:

“Delaney tau paub kuv tag nrho kuv lub neej. Nws paub yuav ua li cas tiag tiag thawb kuv mus rau qib tom ntej thiab tso kuv thaum kuv eel zoo li kuv twb tau enough.This boxing kev ua si yog tsis muaj dag thiab nws tseem ceeb heev kom muaj ib tug pab neeg nyob ib ncig ntawm koj tias yuav tsis qhia rau koj nres & yuav tsis pub koj muab tuaj. That motivates you to that championship level.
Moore, 29 xyoo los ntawm Cleveland, Ohio, yog ib tug entrant nyob rau hauv lub Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight kev sib tw thiab yuav muaj ib tug ntawv tshaj tawm rau nws tom ntej no kev sib ntaus tsocai.