بایگانی برچسب: لامونت پترسون

جاری & وزنه برداری قهرمانان وزنه برداری قبلی در KELL BROOK در مقابل. ERROL SPENCE IBF 147-POUND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPSHION THIS SHATURDAY بصورت زنده در SHOWTIME®


تالار مشهور قند ری لئونارد, کیت تورمن, دنی گارسیا, شاون پورتر & بیشتر درباره جدیدترین سری فیلمهای پرفروش سبک وزن


SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® زندگی در 5:15 p.m. و/2:15 p.m. PT از Bramall Lane در شفیلد, انگلستان


نیویورک (مه 23, 2017) - قهرمان جهانی وزن سبک وزن IBF ، کل بروک و ارول اسپنس ، ستاره در حال ظهور بدون شکست روبرو هستند این شنبه زندگی در SHOWTIME (5:15 p.m. و/2:15 p.m. PT) در آخرین سری از مسابقات مهم وزن سبک وزن بین بهترین مبارزان در یکی از عمیق ترین بخشهای بوکس.


شش نفر از هشت وزنه بردار برتر جهان * در پنج ماه اول جنگیده اند 2017 - همه در SHOWTIME یا CBS - به عنوان یک مسابقات عملا در کلاس 147 پوندی برای تعیین خیر ادامه دارد. 1 جنگنده ای در بخشی که مدتها توسط فلوید می ودر بازنشسته کنترل می شود.

*منبع: رتبه بندی بوکس فراملیتی


کیت تورمان ، قهرمان سبک وزن WBA و WBC در مسابقات جهانی سبک وزن ، عناوین را یکسان کرد مارس 4 با پیروزی تقسیم تصمیم برابر دنی گارسیا در یک مسابقه نادر از قهرمانان بدون شکست. لامونت پیترسون عنوان دوم WBA Regular را از آن خود کرد فوریه. 18, و در آوریل 22 شاون پورتر آندره برتو را ناک اوت کرد تا رقیب اجباری کمربند WBC تورمن شود. قهرمان باقی مانده در وزن سبک, مانی Pacquiao, قرار است از عنوان WBO خود در برابر جف هورن دفاع کند جولای 2.


حالا نوبت بروک و اسپنس است که در بخش پر زرق و برق بوکس قرار بگیرند.


این شنبه در شفیلد, انگلستان, بروک (36-1, 25 کوس) دفاع چهارم از کمربند IBF را که با تصمیم اکثریت نسبت به پورتر برنده شد ، انجام خواهد داد 2014. 31 ساله, که هرگز زدم شده است, در اولین مسابقه عنوان قهرمانی جهان در تاریخ 162 ساله Bramall Lane ، مورد علاقه شهر اصلی خود خواهد بود..


اسپنس 27 ساله (21-0, 18 کوس) مدتهاست که یکی از بهترین گزینه های بوکس محسوب می شود. IBF نه. 1 رقیب هشت حریف مستقیم را ناک اوت کرده و با بالا رفتن سطح مخالفت او پیشرفت کرده است - شش حریف آخر وی دارای یک ترکیب قابل توجه از 151 فقط در برابر هشت باخت پیروز می شود. مقیم دالاس برای این فرصت منتظر عنوان قهرمانی به خارج از کشور سفر می کند زیرا او تلاش می کند اولین آمریکایی باشد که پس از نزدیک به یک دهه انگلیس را در خاک انگلیس از سلطنت برکنار کرد. **


در حالی که اسپنس و بروک قصد خود را برای وحدت بخش بعد از آن تأیید کردند مه 27, در زیر آنچه در تالار افسانه ای Famer Sugar ری لئونارد و وزنه برداران برتر فعلی در مورد آن می گویند را ببینید روز شنبه تطبیق عنوان IBF.


SUGAR RAY LEONARD - قهرمان اسبق وزن منهای وزن جهانی در سبک وزن

“من مخصوصاً از این مبارزه بسیار هیجان زده ام, عمدتا به این دلیل که هر دو مبارز باید در بازی A خود باشند. من می دانم که در مورد جراحی چشم Kell به عنوان یک مشکل روانی صحبت شده است, اما از تجربه شخصی, من چنین چیزی را نمی بینم. هرگز دکتر به من چشم سبز فکر نکردم.


"از من بپرسید چه کسی می خواهد در این مبارزه پیروز شود, من مورد علاقه خودم در Errol Spence هستم. اما, بر اساس توپخانه فیزیکی هر جنگنده, یک مشت می تواند میزها را برگرداند. که می شود گفت, من می خواهم عقب بنشینم و یک شب عالی بوکس را تماشا کنم. "


کیت ثورمن - WBA متحد & WBC قهرمان جهان در وزن سبک وزن

"این یک مبارزه جالب است. زیاد زیاد دنبال كل نرفته ام, اما من به وضوح دیده ام که ارول در آمریکا مبارزه می کند. Errol سخت است, مبارز جوانی که به تازگی مورد توجه عموم قرار گرفته است, و كل واضح است كه قدرت جمعيت انگليس را در كنار خود دارد.


"این باید یک مبارزه سخت باشد که واقعاً از قدرت بخش سبک وزن صحبت کند. هر دو مبارز مردانی هستند که من در ادامه مبارزه برای وحدت بخش در آنها باز خواهم بود 2018. به عنوان یک طرفدار مبارزه, بیایید ببینیم چه چیز ویژه ای در مورد Kell Brook وجود دارد, و خواهیم دید که آیا Errol Spence می تواند به ما نشان دهد که "حقیقت" است. این باید یک مبارزه عالی باشد و من آن را تماشا می کنم. "


دنی گارسیا - قهرمان سابق وزن سبک وزن جهان

“من فکر می کنم این یک 50/50 جنگ. فکر می کنم شخصی که برنامه بازی بهتری دارد برنده خواهد شد. فشار زیادی برای رفتن به حیاط خانه کسی مانند اسپنس وجود دارد, و او هرگز مانند بروک با مبارز در اوج زندگی روبرو نشده است. این قطعاً یک آزمایش برای او است و یک گام بزرگ در رقابت است. اگر او آماده است, او می تواند آن را انجام دهد. او فقط باید به آنجا برود و تمرکز خود را حفظ کند.


“بخش سبک وزن بهترین بخش بوکس است. من هنوز هم احساس می کنم یکی از بهترین وزنه برداران جهان هستم حتی اگر کوتاه آمدم. من هرگز فکر نمی کردم که بگویم ضرر باعث قدرتمندتر شدن من می شود زیرا خودم را در حال از دست دادن نمی دیدم. من می خواهم عناوینم برگردند و به عنوان بهترین در بهترین بخش دیده شوند.”


SHAWN PORTER - قهرمان سابق وزن سبک وزن & شماره WBC فعلی. 1 رقیب

"خوشحالم که ارول عنوانش را شلیک می کند, و خوشحالم که او برای این کار به انگلیس می رود. من واضح است که برای آمریکایی علاقه مندم. ارول یک ورزشکار خارق العاده و یک بوکسور عالی است. فکر می کنم او آماده است تا به جهانیان چیزی نشان دهد, اما كل درست در آن رده بالا از وزنه برداران وجود دارد. افرادی که هماهنگ می شوند باید هیجان زده شوند. من می دانم که منتظر آن هستم.


"بخش سبک وزن بسیار جذاب است, بالا به پایین. ما در جایی که باید و باید درست هستیم. بازگشت بوکس به توده ها با PBC در زمان مناسب برای من و سایر وزنه برداران برتر بود. بسیاری از ما در حال حاضر قادر به کسب یک عنوان هستیم. "


لامونت پترسون - WBA (منظم) قهرمان وزن سبک وزن جهان

"این یک جنگ سخت خواهد بود, اما من فکر می کنم که ارول باید برنده شود. حداقل من می خواهم که Errol برنده شود. او باید بر این عقیده غلبه کند که احتمالاً وجود خواهد داشت 30,000 مردم علیه او تشویق می کنند, بنابراین او باید به داوران نشان دهد که لیاقت پیروزی را دارد.


"بروک یک مبارز خوب است و بهترین تلاش خود را می کند, اما فکر میکنم ارول, در پایان, مبارز بهتر است. اما او باید آن را ثابت کند.


“در حال حاضر مسابقات دسته سبک وزن یکی از بهترین ها در بوکس است. ما در اوج جنگجویان خوبی داریم که این لشکر را قوی می کند. و بچه ها مایل به جنگ با یکدیگر هستند. ما شاهد درگیری هایی هستیم که طرفداران می خواهند ببینند. اگر این روند ادامه داشته باشد ، می تواند بوکس را به همان روزهایی برگرداند که در آن روزهای Sugar Ray Leonard بود, روبرتو دورن, توماس هرنس و ماروین هاگلر همه با هم جنگیدند. بنابراین در حال حاضر برای بوکس بسیار خوب است.”


**تیموتی بردلی یکی دیگر از اهالی شفیلد را از تخت سلطنت برد, تاریخ و زمان Witter, به 2008 در ناتینگهام.

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports در TwitterShowtimeBoxing دنبال کنید یا در Facebook در Facebook طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. برای تبدیل شدن به یک طرفدار در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.



Lamont Peterson Edges David Avanesyan to Become Two-Division Champion; Marcus Browne Knocks Out Thomas Williams Jr.
سازمان دیده بان پخش دوشنبه در 10 p.m. و/PT در SHOWTIME EXTREME
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس; اعتباری استفانی تراپ / SHOWTIME
CINCINNATI (فوریه. 19, 2017) – آدرین Broner و آدریان گرانادوس battled in a close, back-and-forth main event Saturday on SHOWTIME, with the four-division world champion Broner eking out a split decision victory from Cintas Center at Xavier University in his hometown of Cincinnati.
مبارزه, که گل شد 97-93 Broner, 97-93 Granados and 96-94 Broner, was a tale of accuracy vs activity. گرانادوس (18-5-2, 11 کوس), a native of Chicago, was the busier fighter, پرتاب 683 در مقایسه با 403 total punches for Broner (33-2, 24 کوس). اما “مشکل” connected at a 41 نرخ درصد, در مقایسه با تنها 21 percent for his opponent.
The fight was fought largely on the inside, which Broner said was because he hurt his left hand in the first round and couldn’t work off his jab. Regardless of the reason, Granados was able to make the fight into the rough affair he had predicted.
I knew that Adrian Granados was going to come tough,” برونر گفت. “در پایان روز, I was beating him up. This was an easy one for me. من احساس می کنم خوب.
Adrian Granados is a world class fighter, a lot of guys duck him but I wanted to fight him because that’s what I’m about. Inside this ring it’s business. Granados is a great friend of mine. این چیز شخصی نیست.
I’m taking my career more seriously and being more positive. I want to apologize to everyone who looks up to me and has seen the foolish things I’ve done. I’m ready to be a better role model, a better father figure and a better star for everyone. “
Granados clearly disagreed with the decision and voiced his displeasure post fight.
I knew it wasn’t a pretty fight but I’m thankful to my team,” Granados said. “You already know, there were all types of games that they played with me. We had to change the weights. We had to change the scale. They are just playing all kind of games. I just want to be treated fairly.
“من درک می کنم, I don’t have a perfect record, but I can beat any of these guys. You have seen the scorecards. Split decision. بیا دیگه. Give me another one. بیایید دوباره این کار را انجام دهیم. من نمی توانم صبر به تماشای این مبارزه, because I know I won.
Come to my house. He fought smart and did his thing. If he thinks he did it this time, let’s do it again. Let’s do it in my house. Come to Chicago.
در SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس شرکت از ویژگی های, لامونت پترسون (35-3-1, 17 کوس) narrowly edged WBA (منظم) قهرمان وزن سبک وزن جهان David Avanesyan (22-2-1, 11 کوس) in an entertaining 12-round unanimous decision (115-113, 116-112 دو برابر) to become a two-division champion.
The fight was fought at close quarters from the start. Peterson attacked on the inside instead of working off his jab, as was largely his game plan when he unified the 140-pound division. Avanesyan and Peterson traded body punches and uppercuts, but it was Peterson who was more fluid and effective in the second half of the fight. Peterson committed to the body in the later rounds, اتصال در 98 shots to the body over 12 دور.
Both fighters connected on 40 percent of their total punches, but the real difference was that Peterson connected on 39 percent of his power shots compared to 29 percent for Avanesyan.
I was expecting to pick up where I left off,” Peterson said of his 16-month layoff. “That may seem like a long time, but if you’re in the gym it’s not a long time. I took some steps forward امشب. We’re looking to get back in camp and keep moving.
I expected to put pressure on him the way he did. I didn’t think he would fight back as hard as he did. He showed he’s a champion and shows he’s at this level. I want to fight anyone in the welterweight division now.
Avanesyan admitted it was a close fight but thought he did enough to get the decision.
I thought that I was landing my punches more cleanly while his punches were being blocked,” Avanesyan said. “Lamont is very good but I thought the judges were impressed with his movement, but I had the power.
در جلسه افتتاحیه شب, مارکوس براون (19-0, 14 کوس)به گل برسه وتوماس ویلیامز جونیور. (20-3, 14 کوس) three times on his way to a sixth-round KO (:42).
The southpaw vs. southpaw scrap was chippy from the opening bell. Browne capitalized on his significant reach advantage and controlled the distance with his jab, as Williams struggled to fight effectively on the inside.
In a bizarre second round, شکست نخوردگان 2012 آمریکایی. Olympian scored a knockdown with a straight right and then cracked Williams with a left hook to the back of his head while he was on his knee. After some confusion, referee Ken Miliner correctly deducted a point from Browne and gave Williams five minutes to rest. Williams took the nearly full five minute allotment but never seemed the same when he returned.
Browne floored Williams again in the fourth with a counter right hook, Williams beat the count but consistently ate shots as he struggled to gauge the distance. The third and final knockdown of the fight happened courtesy of a right hook in the opening minute of the sixth. Williams remained on the canvas complaining of an injured jaw, and failed to beat the 10 second count.
“او این کار را نکرد’ look like he went down, so I made sure he went down,” Browne said of the incident in the second round. “He was trying to stand up in the squat position so I pushed him down a bit more. He was in a squatI didn’t see his gloves. متاسفم. I wasn’t being dirty.
The Staten Island native then called out WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson: “ادونیس, just give me my chance. بیا بریم. I want that strap.
روز شنبه tripleheader will re-air دوشنبه در 10 p.m. و/PT در SHOWTIME EXTREME. It is also available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME ANYTIME.
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ABOUT ADRIEN BRONER vs. آدریان گرانادوس
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados took place روز شنبه, فوریه 18 at the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage began at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون meeting hard-hitting former title challenger توماس ویلیامز جونیور. در یک مسابقه 10 دوره. Also featured was WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion لامونت پترسون. The event was promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports و www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.



SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® زندگی در 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT From Cintas Center In Cincinnati, اوهایو


کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس; اعتباری استفانی تراپ / SHOWTIME


Welterweight Main Event – 10 تورهای آخر هفته

Adrien Broner – 146 ½ پوند

آدریان گرانادوس - 146 ½ پوند

داور: Earnie Sharif (پیتزبورگ, پن); قضات: Robert Pope (سینسیناتی), Phil Rogers (Youngstown, اوهایو), Steve Weisfield (River Vale, نیوجرسی)


WBA Welterweight World Championship – 12 تورهای آخر هفته

David Avanesyan – 147 پوند

Lamont Peterson – 146 ½ پوند

داور: هاروی بارانداز (نیوآرک, نیوجرسی); قضات: Robert Pope (سینسیناتی), Phil Rogers (Youngstown, اوهایو), Steve Weisfield (River Vale, نیوجرسی)


سنگین وزن سبک - 10 تورهای آخر هفته

Marcus Browne – 174 ½ پوند

Thomas Williams – 174 ½ پوند

داور: Ken Miliner (سینسیناتی), قضات: Robert Pope (سینسیناتی), Phil Rogers (Youngstown, اوهایو), Stacey Blevins (Dayton, اوهایو)

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ABOUT ADRIEN BRONER vs. آدریان گرانادوس

Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place روز شنبه, فوریه 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون meeting hard-hitting former title challenger توماس ویلیامز جونیور. در یک مسابقه 10 دوره. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion لامونت پترسون.


برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports و www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.



SHOWTIME® Extends Reach of Free Preview Weekend With Live Stream of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader At showtimeboxing.twitter.com


نیویورک (فوریه. 17, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports will live-stream the first ever boxing event on Twitter این شنبه, offering fans the opportunity to watch and join the conversation during the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader headlined by popular four-division world champion Adrien Broner versus upset-minded Adrian Granados.


The unique collaboration with Twitter is an extension of the SHOWTIME Free Preview Weekend during which the premium network will be available to more than 73 million television households nationwide from جمعه, فوریه 17 through Monday, فوریه 20.


Twitter’s live stream of روز شنبه SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will be available for free to logged-in and logged-out users on Twitter and connected devices in the United States and Canada. Access to the live stream will be available at showtimeboxing.twitter.com, in Twitter’s explore tab and on @ShowtimeBoxing.


“We are in the midst of an unrivaled run of seven live boxing events over an eight-week span on SHOWTIME and CBS,گفت: "استفان اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی رئیس جمهور & مدیر کل, SHOWTIME ورزشی. “The sport of boxing is on the rise again, and the best and most meaningful fights are on SHOWTIME. With this unprecedented live stream on Twitter, we have the opportunity to reach boxing fans and casual observers everywhere with the industry-leading boxing programming we deliver to our subscribers on a consistent basis.”


“Twitter is where fans go to for live conversations about boxing,” said Anthony Noto, COO at Twitter. “Our collaboration with SHOWTIME Sports will provide fans access to the live video stream of روز شنبه night’s best-in-class championship boxing coverage and the live conversation all on one screen.


روز شنبه SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING presentation of Broner vs. Granados airs live at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT. در رویداد اصلی, former four-division world champion Adrien Broner will face the hard-charging Adrian Granados in a 10-round welterweight showdown. در دوره های مشترک, WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan will defend his belt against former two-time champ Lamont Peterson, while 175-pound contenders Marcus Browne and Thomas Williams square off in a 10-round light heavyweight bout.


درباره پی اس وارز شبکه.

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Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados Final Press Conference Quotes & عکس

SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® این شنبه, فوریه 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از Stephanie تراپ / SHOWTIME
CINCINNATI (فوریه 16, 2017) – قهرمان جهان چهار بخش آدرین Broner و رقیب سخت گیر آدریان گرانادوس رفت چهره به چهره پنج شنبه at the final press conference before they enter the ring روز شنبه, فوریه 18 زندگی در SHOWTIME® from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
همچنین در حضور پنج شنبه and competing in televised coverage beginning at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT were WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan and two-time world champion لامونت پترسون, who meet in a 12-round welterweight fight, and light heavyweight contenders مارکوس براون و توماس ویلیامز جونیور., who battle in a 10-round contest.
روز شنبه SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader airs during a SHOWTIME FREE PREVIEW WEEKEND during which the premium network will be available to more than 73 million television households nationwide from جمعه, فوریه 17 through Monday, فوریه 20. Viewers can sample the network’s award-winning programming on SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME On Demand®, هر زمان SHOWTIME®
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, در قیمت $250, $100, $75, $50 و $30, از جمله هزینه های قابل اجرا نیست, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان آنلاین در خریداری www.ticketmaster.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000.
اینجا چیزی است که شرکت کنندگان به حال برای گفتن پنج شنبه from the Cintas Center:
آدرین BRONER
I know everyone is used to me coming up here and being boastful. That’s not me anymore. I have a lot of respect for Adrian Granados and he’s a great fighter.
A businessman that can fight. That’s what I am nowadays. I’m not a sh*t talker anymore. I’m a businessman that knows how to fight.
My best knockouts come when I don’t go for the knockout. I look at my last fight and think to myself that it was terrible because I was looking for the knockout. I watch the Khabib fight, I didn’t look for the knockout and it came. That’s when the biggest knockouts come. I just want to go in there and put on a great performance for the hometown crowd.
I just want to put on a great performance for everyone in Cincinnati. It’s going to be a special atmosphere and I want to give them their money’s worth.
I’ve had an amazing training camp and I feel great right now. I’m very thankful to my team who has helped me get to this point in my career.
آدریان گرانادوس
I’m excite for this weekend. من آماده رفتن هستم. I’ve been through a lot but we’re ready. I’m not here to lay down. I’m here to take home a victory for Chicago and for my people.
روز شنبه I’m expecting a great fight. It is going to be a kill or be killed-type of fight. It is going to be a very exciting night for all of us.
People that think I’m an underdog don’t know me. They don’t know the tricks I have up my sleeve. I plan on thriving in the underdog position.
I’ve watched Adrien fight live on TV and in the arena many times. Spending eight weeks with him [در اردوگاه], I think I know him more than most people.
I plan on winning in a stoppage or a unanimous decision. No matter what I’m leaving with a victory.
“این رفتن به یک مبارزه بزرگ. We have a lot of mutual respect. Mixed with my style, I know it’s going to be a good fight. I hope everyone is ready for a great show.
I’m very happy to have this fight in America. This is my second time fighting in the U.S. and I’m looking forward to keeping my belt after fighting Lamont Peterson در روز شنبه.
I am excited to be fighting on a show like this. I hope that if I can get another win I can get even bigger fights and prove that I’m the best.
“من برای این چالش آماده هستم. I know Lamont Peterson is looking to make this a great fight and I hope he brings it in the ring در روز شنبه.”
I had a great camp. I’m thankful to my team for getting me ready for this one. We got some great sparring that has me ready for this fight.
I’m ready to take care of business در روز شنبه شب. I’m looking forward to it and I hope everyone enjoyed it.
We always want to be in good condition. Avanesyan switches from southpaw to orthodox a lot, which is something we had to be prepared for. We’ve sparred with guys from both sides and gotten a lot of good rounds there.
He’s a strong fighter too. You know a Russian fighter is going to come in with power. We made sure I’ll be able to match him anytime the fight gets rough. I’ll be ready for anything.
I think my speed will give him trouble. He’s been able to handle everything in the past, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have advantages. I’m the more experienced fighter and I have the skills to get the win.
I feel like I’m going to get him out of there. I’m predicting a late stoppage.
مارکوس براون
Top Dog can say what he wants to say. در روز شنبه night we’ll be Dog Whisperers. Make sure you tune-in for this one.
I’ve had a great training camp and I feel ready to get in the ring. روز شنبه night can’t come soon enough for me.
I’m thankful to have this opportunity to fight on a great card like this. I’ve seen guys like Adrien and Lamont in the ring for a lot of years and I’m proud to be up here with them.
توماس ویلیامز جونیور.
“من احساس بزرگ. It was an awesome camp. Everyone should buy a ticket or watch it on TV. Get there early and don’t miss my fight.
Marcus is a boxer and I know he’s going to try to kick and scratch every now and then. If you let him get comfortable, he’s going to get in a zone. My job is to make him uncomfortable and make him do the things that I want him to do.
Everybody who knows me, knows what I bring to the table. When I get in the ring you know what’s coming. روز شنبه شب, ‘Top Dogwill reign.
RAVONE لیتل, About Billions Promotions
It’s finally fight time. بلیط در آغاز $30 for this great card. We’re excited to be promoting big events in Adrien’s hometown and the great boxing fans here.
Adrian Granados is a guy who we’ve had in camp with Adrien before. We know what he’s capable of and how hard he works. Everyone knows he’s coming to bring it.
Adrien has done a lot in this sport and he has a lot more left to do. I know he’s going to do it, and it starts روز شنبه شب.
Both guys are going to get in that ring and give it their best. Adrien Broner will be victorious, but we like the challenge.
لئونارد ELLERBE, مدیر عامل شرکت از تبلیغات Mayweather
We’re very excited to be here in this wonderful city. It’s a great boxing town with a history of very good fighters from this area. روز شنبه night is an outstanding show from top to bottom.
Both of the Adrien/Adrian’s know each other very well. You want to watch Adrien Broner روز شنبه شب. He’s going to put on a phenomenal performance that I can’t wait to see.
From top to bottom this is an incredibly exciting card and we’re excited to work with About Billions to give boxing fans another great event.
استفن اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی & مدیر کل, SHOWTIME ورزشی
At SHOWTIME our mission is to bring fans the biggest, best and most meaningful fights in boxing. این شنبه از این قاعده مستثنی نیست. These are three all-action and evenly matched fights. This is our third time in Cincinnati with Adrien Broner and this is the strongest card we’ve had here yet.
When we announced our slate of winter fights, there was one event that I circled and said, ‘this is going to be the sleeper.This is an all-action card.
Adrian Granados and his team did not hesitate one bit to jump at this fight. We know what type of fighter Adrien Broner is. He is a guy who will never shy away from a challenge. Whether you like him or not, Adrien always entertains and he always fights hard. I can’t wait for a great night در روز شنبه.”
# # #
ABOUT ADRIEN BRONER vs. آدریان گرانادوس
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place روز شنبه, فوریه 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون meeting hard-hitting former title challenger توماس ویلیامز جونیور. در یک مسابقه 10 دوره. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion لامونت پترسون.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports و www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados Media Workout Quotes & عکس

SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® این روز شنبه, فوریه 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از Stephanie تراپ / SHOWTIME
CINCINNATI (فوریه 15, 2017) – قهرمان جهان چهار بخش آدرین “مشکل” Broner و رقیب سخت گیر آدریان گرانادوس kicked-off fight week with a media workout Wednesday ahead of their main event showdown روز شنبه, فوریه 18 زندگی در SHOWTIME® from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
Also working out Wednesday and competing in televised coverage beginning at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT were WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan and two-time world champion لامونت پترسون, who meet in a 12-round welterweight fight, and light heavyweight contenders مارکوس براون و توماس ویلیامز جونیور., who meet in a 10-round contest.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, در قیمت $250, $100, $75, $50 و $30, از جمله هزینه های قابل اجرا نیست, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان آنلاین در خریداری www.ticketmaster.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Oasis Elite Boxing Club:
آدرین BRONER
“من احساس می کنم واقعا خوب. I’m confident as always. Training has been great and I’m just ready to put on a show for my hometown.
I love fighting in Cincinnati. I know that I have a lot of people coming to see me win, but even in my home city, there will be people coming to see me lose.
I handle the pressure of a hometown fight here. This one is one a whole different level because I haven’t fought here in a long time and I can’t wait.
I know that Granados is not coming in here to back down. He’s a tough guy but I’m ready for anything he has.
I could box every two weeks if they let me. But if I can stay healthy I’m looking forward to staying more active this year and fighting as many times in big fights as possible.
It’s a surreal moment for me to be in this position as a fighter and as a promoter. I know that these young fighters look up to me. If I go and keep winning world titles, it’ll remind them that they have more work to do.
I don’t want to do anything but bring out the best Adrien Broner. There are some fights you can win, but not with a great performance. With a guy like Granados, I can’t slack. He’s only going to bring the best out of me.
My main focus right now is on Adrien Broner and bringing more positivity in my life. It all starts with boxing.
آدریان گرانادوس
We’re all a family in the gym. We’re there to push each other. It’s my turn to get the job done and I’m glad we have each other to push ourselves to be the best.
I wasn’t happy about my layoff for much of last year. I lost an opportunity that I wasn’t happy about it. Patience ended up being the best in the end because now I have the kind of opportunity that every fighter wants.
I’m definitely dedicating this fight to my little brother Ed Brown. I think about him every day. He’s got the best seat in the house up in heaven and I’m going to put on a great performance for him.
Adrien is a strong puncher but I try not to focus too much on my opponent. I’m focused on myself and what I can do to beat the man in front of me.
My team told me to stay patient and with their guidance we got this deal signed and I got this great opportunity. I’m looking to take advantage of it.
Lamont Peterson is a very good fighter. I’m happy to be able to face him here in the U.S. and I’m looking to keep my belt.
I am going to do my best in the ring. I’m going to give it my all and the fans can expect a great fight.
If I can win this fight, I’m open to fighting anyone in the welterweight division. I want big fights with the best fighters in the world.
It’s important that I win this fight. This can open up doors for me and I know that I have the team that will work hard to get me these matchups.
I think his layoff will hurt him. I’m going to come out and see what he’s bringing to the ring and then I will adjust and do what I have to do to get the victory.
This is definitely the weight I want to be fighting at. I like the way I feel and the kind of shape I’m in. There are a lot of good names in this division and a lot of opportunities out there.
To be back for a title fight is a blessing. I’m thankful for that. Everyone needs to know that the whole time I’ve been out, I’ve been working and getting better.
I’m glad to get this string of welterweight title fights started. I’m anxious to see how everything plays out and who comes out on top as the number one welterweight.
We get great conditioning in the gym. It’s been another amazing training camp and we’re going to put that effort into the ring.
I look at this as me becoming the mandatory for Keith Thurman’s belt. This is a huge fight and it’s going to lead to even bigger opportunities.
مارکوس براون
We studied all of his fights. Stevenson and Campillo were important obviously. We’re ready to do whatever it takes to win.
The only guy on my hit list is Thomas Williams Jr. I’m ready to get in that ring and go to work.
This time between fights has allowed me to reinvigorate my body. People talk about ring rust, but I believe that only exists in the mind. I stayed ready this whole time.
This is the perfect opportunity for me. This is once in a lifetime and I have to take full advantage.
I don’t look ahead. I can only look at what is right in front of me. Right now that’s this fight در روز شنبه شب.
My last fight taught me that I can go down, get back up and still win. That fight is behind me though. My main focus is on what is in front of me.
My teammates from the 2012 Olympic team are my brothers and I’m so happy to see them get their opportunities, but now it’s my turn. This is my year.
توماس ویلیامز جونیور.
I’m going to see what he brings to the ring. I know that he’s a boxer by nature, but maybe he’ll change it up. He didn’t look great last fight so he may make adjustments. در هر صورت, ما آماده خواهید بود.
I think that I have the better overall resume of opponents. همه این را می دانند. But it doesn’t even matter. All that matters is روز شنبه. It gives me an advantage, but it won’t change روز شنبه شب.
I could go in there with one strategy, but then he might mix it up. My team prepared me well and I’m ready to go.
Marcus and I were cool in the amateurs, but once the fight got made, این همه کسب و کار. We’re not cool, but there’s no beef. I’m here to take care of business.
I asked for this fight. I had the opportunity for an easier fight, but I didn’t want it. I’m not planning to box forever, so I wanted to get right back to a world title shot. This time I’m going to win and ride off into the sunset. I want to leave on top.
I’m predicting a knockout victory روز شنبه شب. Don’t blink.
# # #
ABOUT ADRIEN BRONER vs. آدریان گرانادوس
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place روز شنبه, فوریه 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون meeting hard-hitting former title challenger توماس ویلیامز جونیور. در یک مسابقه 10 دوره. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion لامونت پترسون.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports و www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Unbeaten Prospect & Cincinnati-Native Jamontay Clark Battles Nicaragua’s Santos Benavides in Undercard Action Saturday, فوریه 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati

Exciting Prospects Round Out Night of Action Headlined by
Adrien Broner Facing Hard-Hitting Adrian Granados
in Main Event
CINCINNATI (فوریه 15, 2017) – چشم انداز شکست نخورده Jamontay کلارک (10-0, 6 کوس) meets Nicaragua’s Santos Benavides (25-11-2, 19 کوس) in an eight-round bout that highlights an exciting undercard on روز شنبه, فوریه 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
The event is headlined by former four-division world champion آدرین Broner taking on hard-hitting contender آدریان گرانادوس در SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس رخداد اصلی. پوشش تلویزیونی در آغاز می شود 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT and features WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan facing former two-time world champion لامونت پترسون and unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون meeting hard-hitting former title challenger توماس ویلیامز جونیور.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, در قیمت $250, $100, $75, $50 و $30, از جمله هزینه های قابل اجرا نیست, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان آنلاین در خریداری www.ticketmaster.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000.
Additional action will feature unbeaten Indianapolis-native Curtis Hill Jr. (9-0, 4 کوس) in a six-round light heavyweight bout against Cory Dulaney (5-3-1, 1 ضربه فنی) and unbeaten Cincinnati-native Santino Turnbow (3-0, 2 کوس) مصرف در Joe Miller Jr. (1-1) in a four-round cruiserweight showdown.
Rounding out the night is Cincinnati’s Desmons Jarman and Honduras-native David Quay in a four-round super featherweight and Atlanta’s ترا-کوون پتیس (5-2, 1 ضربه فنی) facing Milwaukee’s مایک فولر (5-4, 2 کوس) in a four-round lightweight contest.
An unbeaten prospect fight at home in Cincinnati, the “قاتل ساکت و آرام” Clark picked up two victories in 2016 over increasingly quality competition as he stopped Elvin Perez in six rounds and earned a unanimous decision over Edgar Ortega. The 22-year-old last fought in his hometown in 2015 when he recorded a second round TKO of Joe Wilson Jr. and his fight on February 18 will make his third pro appearance in Cincinnati. He prepares to take on Benavides out of Chontales, Nicaragua who owns victories over Jay Krupp, Cody Richard and Joel Cerrud.
# # #
ABOUT ADRIEN BRONER vs. آدریان گرانادوس
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place روز شنبه, فوریه 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون meeting hard-hitting former title challenger توماس ویلیامز جونیور. در یک مسابقه 10 دوره. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion لامونت پترسون.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports و www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


“I broke down and cried and screamed to coach, ‘I’m going to win this fight. I’m going to win this fight for him.’” – Adrian Granados

THE REVEAL with Mark Kriegel: آدریان گرانادوس


عکس / ویدئو اعتباری: SHOWTIME


Top-rated contender آدریان گرانادوس opens up in an intimate interview with Sports Emmy® Award-Winning writer علامت گذاری به عنوان Kriegel in the latest edition of the reoccurring SHOWTIME ورزشی® digital series, THE REVEAL with Mark Kriegel.

As Granados prepares to meet four-division world champion Adrien “The Problem” Broner روز شنبه, فوریه. 18, زندگی در SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT) در سین سیناتی, اوهایو, he talks about his struggles, the loss of his long-time friend اد براون and what lies ahead for him on fight night.


A tough Mexican-American from Chicago, Granados enters this fight on a five-bout winning streak, including his impressive stoppage over then unbeaten top contenderامیر من در ماه نوامبر 2015. اخیرا, the 27-year-old dominated آریل واسکز over eight rounds in July. With a win over Broner, Granados can position himself for his first career world title shot.


Below are excerpts from the interview:


MARK KRIEGEL: “What does this fight represent to you?"

آدریان گرانادوس: “Cubs just won. This is my own World Series, میدونی. It took me this long to finally get a big fight, but I got it. This is going to be my coming out. I know a lot of people don’t know who I am. Those who do know me, they know I come to fight.”

KRIEGEL: “One of the guys who does know you is Adrien Broner. You were in his camp for Marcos Maidana. What stands out to [شما] درباره ی او?"

گرانادوس: او یک مبارز بزرگ است. منظور من, it’s no fluke that he is a four-division world champion.”

KRIEGEL: “Did he ever hurt you?"

گرانادوس: "قطعاً, we are humans. He can crack. He just had that explosive power. He had 16-ounce gloves and it felt like he was hitting me with his bare fist. He just hits hard.”

KRIEGEL: “Did you ever hurt him?"

گرانادوس: "قطعاً. I know I did. He may not admit it. آره, I know I had him bloodied a couple times. I know I had him backing up a couple of times. You just know as a fighter when you crack somebody.”

On the passing of top prospect and friend Ed Brown…

گرانادوس: “I believe it was a یکشنبه. I was in a barbershop…They were like, ‘I heard about your boy.’ And I’m … trying to keep it together. I just called George, our coach. He told me, ’Yeah man, Ed has died. Ed is dead.’ And right there I broke down and cried and screamed to coach, ‘I’m going to win this fight. I’m going to win this fight for him.’”



“Somedays you are just feeling good. Then you got some days that you just feel like, میدونی, the worst ever…I’m just glad to God that I got out of that mind state and I’m back on a more positive path.” – Adrien Broner

The Reveal with Mark Kriegel: آدرین Broner



عکس / ویدئو اعتباری: SHOWTIME


Former four-division world champion Adrien “The Problem” Broner opens up in an extensive interview with Sports Emmy® Award-Winning writer علامت گذاری به عنوان Kriegel as he prepares for his welterweight showdown against top-rated contender آدریان گرانادوس روز شنبه, فوریه. 18, زندگی در SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT) from Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, اوهایو.


This interview is the latest in a reoccurring SHOWTIME ورزشی® digital series, THE REVEAL with Mark Kriegel, featuring exclusive and in-depth interviews with boxing’s emerging stars.


Broner is one of the most accomplished and outspoken young stars in the sport of boxing. After picking up world titles at 130, 135 و 147 پوند, Broner earned a belt in a fourth weight division (140 پوند) در ماه اکتبر 2015 when he defeated tough Russian Khabib Allakhverdiev via a stoppage in the 12هفتم round in his last hometown appearance. او 9-1 in world title fights and this will be the 15هفتم time he fights as a pro in front of his hometown crowd.


Below are bites from the interview:


KRIEGEL: “You’ve been around a lot of death. You’ve seen a lot.”

Broner: “Yeah.”

KRIEGEL: “Do you care to remember for me?"

Broner: “I remember, but I try to forget. میدونی, I found out the hard way. And I’ve seen that I gotta maneuver different and that’s why I’m maneuvering differently. That’s why I put as many positive people in front of me as possible.”

MARK KRIEGEL: “Let me ask you about this year. It’s been a tough year for you. You did 30 days for contempt. What was that like?"

آدرین BRONER: "میدونی, I did a year at that place. Fighting a case.”

KRIEGEL: “As a juvenile?"

Broner: "نکن, they tried me as an adult. من تنها 17 at the time… I missed on the pre-trials. غرش. I beat it. I get out and I become Adrien Broner. My lifestyle is totally different. و بعد, one day, I wake up back in the same place—I was in one of the same [cells] I was in when I did the year.”

KRIEGEL: “What did you tell yourself?"

Broner: “I made it the best that I can make it. اما, میدونی, when I was in there. I used to be by myself. I used to try to be by myself as much as possible. اما, I told them to put me in general population—because they wanted to put me in protective custody. I can’t do 30 days like that… I helped the whole unit…I just made it a better place at the time. If somebody needs something to eat, I gave them something to eat.”

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSportsو www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Adrian Granados Chicago Media Workout Quotes & عکس

Hard-Hitting Contender Battles Former Four-Division World Champion Adrien Broner in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Main Event روز شنبه, فوریه 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati & زندگی در SHOWTIME
کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Tom Barnes/SHOWTIME
CHICAGO (فوریه 7, 2017) – سخت ضربه مدعی آدریان گرانادوس hosted Chicago media at the Garfield Park District Fieldhouse سهشنبه as he prepares for his main event showdown with former four-division world champion آدرین “مشکل” Broner روز شنبه, فوریه 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati and live on SHOWTIME.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون meeting hard-hitting former title challenger توماس ویلیامز جونیور. in a 10-round showdown and also features WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion لامونت پترسون.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, در قیمت $250, $100, $75, $50 و $30, از جمله هزینه های قابل اجرا نیست, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان آنلاین در خریداری www.ticketmaster.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000.
Granados has pledged to dedicate the fight to his friend and former training partner اد براون, who fell victim to the violence on Chicago’s West Side in December 2016.
Here is what Granados, along with his trainer جورج هرناندز, تا به حال به می گویند سهشنبه:
آدریان گرانادوس
We finally have a huge opportunity. I feel I paid my dues. I know Amir Imam wasn’t a fluke. And the robberies on my record were just thatrobberies. You get in the ring with Adrian Granados and you’re going to get a hell of a fight.

I wasn’t intimated by Broner when we sparred and I’m not intimidated by him now. I know I belong in this fight, at this level.

It’s a tough fight. People are saying I’m going to have to fight like Marcos Maidana. But I’m going to be Adrian Granados and I’m going to win my way.

With our two styles it’s going to be a firefight. It can’t be anything but exciting. I have a great team behind me and I can’t wait to make everyone proud.

Ed Brown was the heart of this neighborhood, and now I need to carry on his legacy. This is my opportunity to do something for my career, but also this community. I have to be twice as great, for me and him.

Winning this fight not only changes my life, but it changes a lot of other lives. Beating Broner would change the sport in Chicago.

It’s very motivating to know that I’m an inspirational figure for people in Chicago. It helps me get through those long days in the gym, when you don’t want to get up and train. I know what I’m fighting for and I use it as motivation.
I started fighting in high school just shadowing my friends when they went to the gym. I asked my mom and dad if I could keep going and luckily they helped me get started and get on this path to where I am.
GEORGE HERNANDEZ, گرانادوس’ ترینر
Broner puts his gloves on the same way we do. This is what we want. We want the big names. Beating Broner can get us to the next level.

No one is going to give us anything. We need to earn it. We’re going to his backyard and we’re going to take it from him.

This is one of the toughest areas to train in. If you can persevere through that you know you can make it in this sport. We could have gone away for camp but we wanted to stay here because it’s home. The only way to make this city better is by staying here and leading the charge and showing these kids that we can get away from that norm and bring better attention to this area.

If Adrian can beat the hell out of this kid in his hometown that will send a message to all the kids in this community. It will let them know that you can succeed and do great things. Every kid that’s in here dreams of this opportunity. We’re ready and we’re not going to let it slip away.

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports و www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.