Tag Archives: Kyrone Davis

Kyrone Davis limadalira “Natsekapo Pansi” motsutsa Jose Alberto Leal Mawa usiku Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu

Kuiganizira Lachisanu pa 5:30 Madzulo neri

Jamal James ku nkhondo Mike Balasi mu chochitika chachikulu

Betelehemu, PA (June 26 2015)–Loweruka usiku pa Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu, Undefeated Middleweight Kyrone “Natsekapo Pansi” Davis amatenga abwino mdani wake watsopanowo ntchito pamene iye amatenga pa Jose Alberto Leal mu podwala unafika kwa 10 zipolopolo.

The podwala adzakhala mbali ya 10 podwala khadi amachitira Mfumu Zokwezedwa.

Davis wa Wilmington, Delaware ali ndi mbiri 7-0 ndi atatu knockouts akubwera kuchokera 6 chonse akamakambirana pa 21 nkhondo Mwamunayu Carlos García pa April 25 mu Chester, PA.

The 20 zaka Davis kukonzekera wake wachitatu wa podwala 2015.

Leal, 32 zaka zakubadwa za Guadalajara, Mexico ali ndi mbiri 9-7-1 ndi anayi knockouts. Leal ali yapambana pa Christopher Degollado (12-1) & Marco Alberto Martínez (5-0-2). Leal wataya awiri molunjika womwenso ake podwala pamene iye anaima ndi Oscar Molina (10-0) pa March 13 ku Ontario, California.

“Chirichonse chakhala chachikulu. Ine sindikudziwa zambiri zokhudza Leal koma ine ndine wokonzeka aliyense amene afika mu nane,”Anati Davis.

Patapita lowopsya ankachita masewera ntchito anaona Davis kupambana 91 a 100 ndewu, tsopano analowa kuti kukhala katswiri womenya.

“Ine kukhala wolimba mtima. Ndikupeza ngati ndekha mmenemo ndi ndayamba kubwera padziko. Ine ndine pa poti ine sindili nkhawa ndine kumenyana. Palibe khalidwe Mtsikana wotere ine.”

Kupita wake 8 podwala, Davis anapitiriza kukula njira pokhala katswiri.

“Ine kukula. Ine kuwona zinthu mosiyana. Ndimatha kukula ngati munthu ndipo womenya. Ndimakhulupirira ndekha ndi kukhulupirira mwa inu nokha ikuthawa njira. Loweruka ndikuganiza kuti zinthu zosonyeza ndipo aliyense adzaona zimene “Natsekapo Pansi” ulili.

Usikuuno!! ndi kulemera mu zidzachitike pa 5:30 PM mu Berks msonkhano chipinda.

Loweruka usiku, Mfumu Maseŵera a nkhonya azipereka usiku wa nkhonya pa Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu..

Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated Welterweight Jamal James (16-0, 9 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN chidzathandiza Mike Balasi (10-6, 7 KO a) wa Honolulu, Ha mu podwala uchitike 8-zipolopolo.

Mu 6 chonse ayi:

Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO a) a Harvey, Illinois chidzathandiza Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO a) wa Tijuana, Mexico mu Welterweight podwala.

Caleb Bzalani (7-0, 6 KO a) wa Ashland, TN asamenyana Oscar Rojas (8-1, 3 KO a) wa Laredo, Texas mu Super Middleweight podwala.

Christian Molina (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Allentown, PA chidzathandiza Justin Johnson (6-8) wa Pittsburgh, PA mu Jr. Welterweight bout.

Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO a) wa Wilmington, DE chidzathandiza Jose Alberto Leal (9-7-1, 4 KO a) wa Guadalajara, Mexico Middleweight podwala..

Mu 4 chonse ayi:

Robert Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) wa Allentown, PA asamenyana Ismael Serrano (2-1) Betelehemu, PA mu opepuka podwala.

Desmond Moore ya Betelehemu, PA asamenyana Mike Heffilfinger wa Pennsylvania ku nkhondo ya Featherweight ovomereza a debuter.

Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY adzakhala nkhonya Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO a) wa Tlaxcala, Mexico mu Kuwala Heavyweight zochitika.

Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN mu Super Bantamweight podwala.

Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO a) la Philadelphia asamenyana Yesu Lule (7-12-1, 1 KO) wa Fort Myers, Ku- mu Featherweight podwala.

Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndi www.ticketmaster.com

1 bout adzayambira pa 7:00 Masana ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

The akusonyeza kuti akukhamukira moyo pa www.gfl.tv

Christian Molina limadalira kwambiri kwawo mafani izi Loweruka usiku Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu

Kuiganizira Lachisanu pa 5:30 Madzulo neri

*Penyani Molina motsutsana Stacey Anderson nkhondo kanema *
Pakuti Zichitike Kumasulidwa

Betelehemu, PA (June 25 2015)–Loweruka usiku pa Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu, Christian Molina adzayang'ana kukhala undefeated pamene iye amatenga pa Mwamunayu Justin Johnson mu 6 chonse Jr. Welterweight podwala kuti adzakhala mbali ya 10 podwala khadi.

Molina wakhazikitsa ndi mmodzi wa otchuka kwambiri olimbana mu Lehigh Valley chifukwa chake zosangalatsa nkhondo khalidwe ndi umunthu kuikirapo kunja kwa mphete.

Molina wakhala akuyesetsa monga akukonzekera sitepe mpaka podwala motsutsana Johnson, amene ngakhale mbiri 6-8, ndi 4-4-2 motsutsa 10 undefeated omenyana kuti wakhala mu mphete.

“Maphunziro wakhala wabwino. Panopa ine kungoyang'ana kuti kulemera ndi kukhala wokonzekera Loweruka,” anati 27 zaka Molina.

Molina amadziwa kuti ayenera kukhala pa abwino Johnson osati ali zinachitikira komanso ali ndi thupi ubwino.

“Ine ndikudziwa iye ali 2 kapena 3 mainchesi wautali pamenepo ndili. Tili ndi ena zabwino masewera zolinga zimene tingachite kuti apambane. Ndikudziwa ndi zabwino womenya.”

Monga tanenera poyamba, Molina wamanga lalikulu zimakupiza m'munsi m'deralo ndipo ukhala kukulimbikitsani lawolo pa Loweruka.

“Anthu ambiri anabwera kwa ine amathandiza. Ine kwenikweni kuti ndi zimandithandiza mu mphete. Ndikuona kuti pamene awiriwo kwambiri yapambana, Ine kukhala waukulu kwambiri Nkhani momwe ine ndikudziwira kuti Puerto Rican nkhondo mafani apite kumbuyo zabwino omenyana. Ichi wanga woyamba asanu kuzungulira podwala ndipo ine ndikudziwa waukulu ndewu ziti.”

Limanena zambiri zokhudza mmene Molina lagwira kwa mafani monga iye anabwera kuno ku Puerto Rico basi zisanu zapitazo.

“Ndinafika ku San Sebastian, Puerto Rico mu 2008 ndipo anapita Mendez Liciago High School ndi maphunziro uko mu 2006. Ine ndinabwera kuno ndekha ndipo ankafuna m'tsogolo America. I ntchito kosungirako katundu kuti ndizipeza ndalama nkhonya. Ine sindikudziwa kanthu n'kosavuta, Ine adzapitiriza khama ndi kukhala bwino womenya kunja uko ndi mwachiyembekezo tsiku lina, Ine kubwerera ku Puerto Rico nkhondo kunyumba.”

“Palibe chinthu ngati zosavuta, koma ine ndikufuna ndikuthokozeni aliyense amene ankandithandiza.”


Christian Molina - Stacey Anderson
Christian Molina – Stacey Anderson

Loweruka usiku, Mfumu Maseŵera a nkhonya azipereka usiku wa nkhonya pa Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu..

Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated Welterweight Jamal James (16-0, 9 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN chidzathandiza Mike Balasi (10-6, 7 KO a) wa Honolulu, Ha mu podwala uchitike 8-zipolopolo.

Mu 6 chonse ayi:

Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO a) a Harvey, Illinois chidzathandiza Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO a) wa Tijuana, Mexico mu Welterweight podwala.

Caleb Bzalani (7-0, 6 KO a) wa Ashland, TN asamenyana Oscar Rojas (8-1, 3 KO a) wa Laredo, Texas mu Super Middleweight podwala.

Christian Molina (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Allentown, PA chidzathandiza Justin Johnson (6-8) wa Pittsburgh, PA mu Jr. Welterweight bout.

Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO a) wa Wilmington, DE chidzathandiza Jose Alberto Leal (9-7-1, 4 KO a) wa Guadalajara, Mexico Middleweight podwala..

Mu 4 chonse ayi:

Robert Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) wa Allentown, PA asamenyana Ismael Serrano (2-1) Betelehemu, PA mu opepuka podwala.

Desmond Moore ya Betelehemu, PA asamenyana Mike Heffilfinger wa Pennsylvania ku nkhondo ya Featherweight ovomereza a debuter.

Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY adzakhala nkhonya Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO a) wa Tlaxcala, Mexico mu Kuwala Heavyweight zochitika.

Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN mu Super Bantamweight podwala.

Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO a) la Philadelphia asamenyana Yesu Lule (7-12-1, 1 KO) wa Fort Myers, Ku- mu Featherweight podwala.

Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndi www.ticketmaster.com

1 bout adzayambira pa 7:00 Masana ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

The akusonyeza kuti akukhamukira moyo pa www.gfl.tv

Jamal James kutenga Mike Balasi mu 8 chonse chachikulu chochitika ichi Loweruka, June 27 pa Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu

Plus undefeated Antonio DuBose, Alex Martin, Caleb Bzalani, Christian Molina, Kyrone Davis, Carlos Gongora ndi Chris Colbert

Betelehemu, PA (June 22 2015)–Loweruka usiku, Mfumu Maseŵera a nkhonya azipereka usiku wa nkhonya pa Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu..

Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated Welterweight Jamal James chidzathandiza Mike Balasi mu podwala uchitike 8-zipolopolo.

James wa Minneapolis, Minnesota ali ndi mbiri 16-0 ndi 9 knockouts.

The 26 zaka James ali ndi khalidwe yapambana pa Patrick Boozer (5-1), Mohammed Kayongo (17-2-1) kuwina Minnesota State Welterweight Title, Colby Courter (4-1) ndi Wayne Martell (25-4-1).

James akubwera kuchokera 2 kuzungulira stoppage pa Daniel Sostre pa April 18 mu Valley Forge, PA.

Balasi wa Honolulum Hawaii ali ndi mbiri 10-6 ndi 7 knockouts ndipo anamenyana pamwamba kutsutsidwa.

Iye ali ndi kukhutiritsa kale undefeated Van Oscar Penovaroff (6-0-1). The southpaw, Balasi akuyembekezera kubwerera mu Win mzati kutsatira kulephera kwa yovuta ndandanda wa omenyana monga Alex Theran (10-0), Giovanni Santillan (10-0), Yafumbi Hernandez Harrison (20-0), Jonathan García (14-0) ndi womaliza podwala pamene iye anataya 8 chonse onse anasankha Karim Mayfield (18-2) pa November 8, 2014 mu San Francisco

Mu 6 chonse ayi:

Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO a) a Harvey, Illinois chidzathandiza Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO a) wa Tijuana, Mexico mu Welterweight podwala.

Caleb Bzalani (7-0, 6 KO a) wa Ashland, TN asamenyana Oscar Rojas (8-1, 3 KO a) wa Laredo, Texas mu Super Middleweight podwala.

Christian Molina (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Allentown, PA chidzathandiza Justin Johnson (6-8) wa Pittsburgh, PA mu Jr. Welterweight bout.

Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO a) wa Wilmington, DE chidzathandiza Jose Alberto Leal (9-7-1, 4 KO a) wa Guadalajara, Mexico Middleweight podwala..

Mu 4 chonse ayi:

Robert Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) wa Allentown, PA asamenyana Ismael Serrano (2-1) Betelehemu, PA mu opepuka podwala.

Desmond Moore ya Betelehemu, PA asamenyana Mike Heffilfinger wa Pennsylvania ku nkhondo ya Featherweight ovomereza a debuter.

Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY adzakhala nkhonya Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO a) wa Tlaxcala, Mexico mu Kuwala Heavyweight zochitika.

Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN mu Super Bantamweight podwala.

Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO a) la Philadelphia asamenyana Yesu Lule (7-12-1, 1 KO) wa Fort Myers, Ku- mu Featherweight podwala.

Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndi www.ticketmaster.com

1 bout adzayambira pa 6:45 Masana ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

The akusonyeza kuti akukhamukira moyo pa www.gfl.tv

Jamal James battles Jose Lopez in 10-round main event on Saturday, June 27 pa Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu

Plus undefeated Antonio DuBose, Alex Martin, Caleb Bzalani, Christian Molina, Kyrone Davis, Carlos Gongora ndi Chris Colbert
Pakuti Zichitike Kumasulidwa
Betelehemu, PA (June 8, 2015)Lachiwelu usiku, June 27 King’s Boxing will present night of boxing at the Sands Casino Amachita Betelehemu.
Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated Welterweight Jamal James chidzathandiza Jose Lopez in a bout scheduled for 10-rounds.
James wa Minneapolis, Minnesota ali ndi mbiri 16-0 ndi 9 knockouts.
The 26 zaka James ali ndi khalidwe yapambana pa Patrick Boozer (5-1), Mohammed Kayongo (17-2-1) kuwina Minnesota State Welterweight Title, Colby Courter (4-1) ndi Wayne Martell (25-4-1).
James is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Daniel Sostre on April 18 mu Valley Forge, PA.
Lopez of Torreon, Mexico has an impressive mark of 25-3-1 ndi 15 knockouts.
The 24 year-old has wins over Zwan Alberto Ramirez (3-0), former world champion Cesar Soto to win the WBC FECOMBOX Interim Super Lightweight title, future world title challenger Jorge Paez Jr (27-3-1), Eliud Melendez Rocha (3-0-1), Juan Manuel Leal (4-0-1), Jose Emilio Perea (21-1) to win the vacant WBF Welterweight title, Mahonri Montes (27-1-1), Carlos Martinez (10-0) and Ismael Urieta (5-1).
Lopez, amene anapambana 8 in a row is, coming off an 8-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Duran on May 30 ku Mexico City.
In 8-round Bouts:
Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO a) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Featherweight bout.
Mu 6 chonse ayi:
Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO a) a Harvey, Illinois will take on Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO a) wa Tijuana, Mexico mu Welterweight podwala.
Caleb Bzalani (7-0, 6 KO a) wa Ashland, TN will fight Juan Carlos Rojas (10-10-1, 8 KO a) wa Saltillo, Mexico mu Super Middleweight podwala.
Christian Molina (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Allentown, PA chidzathandiza Justin Johnson (6-8) wa Pittsburgh, PA mu Jr. Welterweight bout.
Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO a) wa Wilmington, DE will take on an opponent to be named in a Middleweight bout..
Mu 4 chonse ayi:
Robert Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) wa Allentown, PA asamenyana Ismael Serrano (2-1) Betelehemu, PA mu opepuka podwala.
Desmond Moore Betelehemu, PA asamenyana Mike Heffilfinger of Pennsylvania in a battle of Featherweight pro debuter’s.
Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY adzakhala nkhonya Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO a) wa Tlaxcala, Mexico mu Kuwala Heavyweight zochitika.
Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN mu Super Bantamweight podwala.
Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndi www.ticketmaster.com
1 bout adzayambira pa 6:45 Madzulo ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

After 28-month layoff, undefeated lightweight Angel Ocasio returns this Saturday at Harrahs Philadelphia

Omar Douglas takes on former world title challenger Daniel Attah in main event plus undefeated, Christopher Brooker, Earl Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephen Fulton, Jovontae Starks ndi Raynell Williams
Chester, PA (April 24, 2015)–Mawa usiku!!, April 25, nkhonya abwerera kumka Harrahs Philadelphia with a terrific card promoted by King’s Promotions and XFE.

Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated opepuka Omar Douglas will see action in an six-round bout when he now fights former world title challenger Daniel Attah (28-19-1, 11 KO a) ya Washington, D.C.

In one of the anticipated undercard bouts, undefeated opepuka Mngelo Ocasio (7-0-2, 2 KO a) will take on tough veteran Justin Johnson mu podwala uchitike isanu zipolopolo.

It was just over two years ago when Ocasio, considered a rising prospect in Philadelphia, was last in the ring as he stopped Esteban Rodriguez in two rounds on December 8, 2012.

I took the time off and found the lord and got married,”anati 25 year-old Ocasio.

It was a much needed time off. I helped me realize that there are more important things then to just be a boxer. I know there that there other things as boxing is just temporarily. If boxing wasn’t here, I would still be the same guy. ”

Ocasio knows that he has a talent in the ring and after that hiatus, he didn’t find much problem getting back into the swing of things.

The training aspect was not that difficult. I am good with weight and the running was good. I guess the only thing that needed time was my timing. But i got in great work with (undefeated opepuka) Milton Santiago Jr. and it came back nicely.

Ocasio didn’t pick an easy customer for his comeback opponent in Johnson. Johnson’s record reads just 6-7-4 but he has wins over four undefeated prospects plus respect Philly fighter Hasan Young.

Justin is tough. He defeated four undefeated fighters and I am sure he prepares well. Just by fighting a guy with that kind of record does not win fights. He is an experienced fighter so I know it will be a good fight.

I look to be very active for the rest of the year. I am looking for five total fights in 2015. Maybe two more six-round bouts and my goal is to be fighting eight round fights by the end of the year. I think I am about eight fights away from being one of those television fights that will get me to the top level.

The well-spoken Ocasio is emphatic that despite his time away, he will soon be a big name in the sport.

“Ndabwerako. I am coming for what’s mine. The people who have been doubting me for a long time can still get on and join the team!”

Mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira bout, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN. adzatenga Yeremiya Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO a) wa Newport News, VA mu welterweight bout..
Komanso asanu ndi limodzi chonse ayi:
Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO a) of Wilmintond, DE chidzathandiza Carlos García (7-13-1, 7 KO a) of Puerto Rico in a Super Middleweight bout.
Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY adzayesa kukhala wangwiro knockout msempha kupita pamene amenya nkhondo Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO a) wa Sunbury, PA mu heavyweight bout.
Stephen Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia asamenyana Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO mu featherweight bout.
Anaumba U.S. Olympian, Raynell Williams (6-0, 3 KO a) wa Cleveland, HA adzakhala lalikulu kumbali ndi Alfred Hall (4-8-2, 2 KO a) wa Jackson, Michigan in a lightweight bout.
Zinayi chonse ayi:
Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia, PA kutenga Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) la Philadelphia, PA mu wapamwamba middleweight bout.
Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO adzachita nkhondo Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) wa Las Vegas, NV in a heavyweight bout.
Earl Newman (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Julio García (6-8-3, 3 KO a) of Rincon, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

Matikiti chachikulu ichi usiku wa nkhonya mtengo $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo zikhoza kugulidwa powatchula 610-587-5950 kapena www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

Kyrone Davis looks to shut down Carlos Garcia this Saturday at Harrahs Philadelphia

Omar Douglas takes on former world title challenger Daniel Attah in main event plus undefeated, Mngelo Ocasio, Christopher Brooker, Earl Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephen Fulton, Jovontae Starks ndi Raynell Williams
Chester, PA (April 23 2015)–This Saturday usiku, April 25, nkhonya amabwerera Harrahs Philadelphia ndi lowopsya khadi uyambe Mfumu Zokwezedwa ndi XFE.

Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated opepuka Omar Douglas will see action in an six-round bout when he now fights former world title challenger Daniel Attah (28-19-1, 11 KO a) ya Washington, D.C.

In the co-feature bout, undefeated super middleweight Kyron “Natsekapo Pansi” Davis will look to remain perfect when he takes on veteran Carlos García mu podwala uchitike isanu zipolopolo.

Davis wa Wilmington, Delaware will be making his second start of 2015 as he is coming off six-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Garcia on January 31 mu Philadelphia.

Training has gone real well. I have been doing a lot of roadwork and I feel good,” said the 20-year old Davis.

In Garcia, he is facing a tested fighter who has been in the ring with eleven undefeated fighters including Michael Anderson. Jermell Charlo, Charles Hatley, Lanard Lane, Jonel Tapia, Yordenis Ugas, Glen Tapia, Daniel Rosario and in his last bout when he was stopped in five rounds

I don’t know too much about him other than he has about 20 fights and he is six-feet tall.

After a great amateur career, Davis is continuing to learn and grow into the professional ranks.

I have been learning patience, timing and ring generalship. I am getting comfortable without using the headgear and fighting with the smaller gloves and creating my identity as a fighter.

This will be the second consecutive fight in the Philadelphia area for Davis as Harrahs Philadelphia is just up I-95 from DavisWilmington home.

I like that everyone can come see me fight. Other than that I just go about my business and prepare like any other fight.

Davis believes that he will be ready for bigger stages in the next year.

We are progressing. We are hoping for a television spot later in the year. I just want everyone to come out and support us lachiwelu. I will shut it down like I always do and put on a great show.

Said Davisadviser Stephen Edwards, “Kyrone is progressing great. He has has 20 round of professional experience and he has not lost any of them, He is right on schedule and is getting used to the professional ranks.

Mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira bout, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN. adzatengaYeremiya Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO a) wa Newport News, VA mu welterweight bout..

Komanso asanu ndi limodzi chonse ayi:

Mngelo Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO a) la Philadelphia chidzathandiza Justin Johnson (6-7-4) wa Pittsburgh, PA mu Jr. welterweight bout.

Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY adzayesa kukhala wangwiro knockout msempha kupita pamene amenya nkhondo Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO a) wa Sunbury, PA mu heavyweight bout.

Stephen Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia asamenyana Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO mu featherweight bout.

Anaumba U.S. Olympian, Raynell Williams (6-0, 3 KO a) wa Cleveland, HA adzakhala lalikulu kumbali ndi Alfred Hall (4-8-2, 2 KO a) wa Jackson, Michigan in a lightweight bout.

Zinayi chonse ayi:

Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia, PA kutenga Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) la Philadelphia, PA mu wapamwamba middleweight bout.

Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO adzachita nkhondo Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) wa Las Vegas, NV in a heavyweight bout.

Earl Newman (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Julio García (6-8-3, 3 KO a) of Rincon, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

Matikiti chachikulu ichi usiku wa nkhonya mtengo $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo zikhoza kugulidwa powatchula 610-587-5950 kapena www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

1 bout adzayambira pa 7 Madzulo ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

Omar Douglas to take on Jose Angel Beranza this Saturday night at Harrahs Philadelphia

Plus undefeated Kyrone Davis, Mngelo Ocasio, Christopher Brooker, Earl Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephen Fulton, Jovontae Starks ndi Raynell Williams
Chester, PA (April 22, 2015)–This Saturday usiku, April 25, nkhonya amabwerera Harrahs Philadelphia ndi lowopsya khadi uyambe Mfumu Zokwezedwa ndi XFE.


Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated opepuka Omar Douglas will see action in an six-round bout when he takes on 70-fight veteran Jose Angel Beranza (36-32-2, 28 KO a) of Tepito, Mexico.


Douglas wa Wilmington, Delaware ali ndi mbiri 13-0 ndi khumi knockouts. He turned pro on May 27, 2011 ndi 3 kuzungulira disqualification kugonjetsa Eric Hall.


Douglas anapambana NABA USA Super Featherweight udindo ndi 2 kuzungulira stoppage pa Jean Javier Soto. Douglas also has a quality win with a 8-round unanimous decision over Jesse Carradine (8-2-2). Komaliza bout, Douglas yagoletsa ndi zachiwawa woyamba wozungulira stoppage pa Osnel Charles pa December 5, 2014 pa Harrahs Philadelphia.


“Maphunziro msasa watichitira zazikulu. I started preparing for this fight as soon as the last fight was over. I have been sparring with the best fighters in the area. When I started my camp, I was only seven pounds over the contract weight,”said Douglas.


Douglas knows very little about Ortiz.

I really only know that he is from Mexico and he has a pretty decent record.

This will be the first time that Douglas headlines in his home region and he not about to have any of the distractions to go with that.

I take it in stride. I consider it just another day at the office. The only difference is that I am closing the show.

This being his 14th pro fight, Douglas is now rounding into a situation where he knows what he has to do to continue to get better.

I have been very responsible with my defense. I always knew I had a pro style. It was my late trainer Lewis Lum who told me I was better suited to become a professional world champion than an Olympic gold medal winner.

Douglas sees himself continuing to grow and fighting on more high profile platforms as the year progresses.

I see myself on bigger cards. I am with Al Haymon so to fight on a PBC card is a goal for the year. By the end of the year, I should be considered a hot prospect and I should get in three or four more fights that should put my name out more.


Douglas finished by saying, “Pa April 25, expect a show. I will be smart and put everything together. I train for every opponent like they are the best. Once it all comes together it will be lights out!!”


Mu zisanu chonse Co-Mbali, Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO a) wa Wilmington, DE asamenyana Carlos García (7-13-1, 7 KO a) wa Aguada, Kulima mu wapamwamba middleweight bout.


Mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira bout, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN. adzatengaYeremiya Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO a) wa Newport News, VA mu welterweight bout..


Komanso asanu ndi limodzi chonse ayi:


Mngelo Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO a) la Philadelphia chidzathandiza Justin Johnson (6-7-4) wa Pittsburgh, PA mu Jr. welterweight bout.


Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY adzayesa kukhala wangwiro knockout msempha kupita pamene amenya nkhondo Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO a) wa Sunbury, PA mu heavyweight bout.


Stephen Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia asamenyana Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO mu featherweight bout.


Anaumba U.S. Olympian, Raynell Williams (6-0, 3 KO a) wa Cleveland, HA adzakhala lalikulu kumbali ndi Jose Del Valle (4-10-3) of Corozal, PR in a lightweight bout.


Zinayi chonse ayi:


Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia, PA kutenga Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) la Philadelphia, PA mu wapamwamba middleweight bout.


Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO adzachita nkhondo Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) wa Las Vegas, NV in a heavyweight bout.


Earl Newman (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Julio García (6-8-3, 3 KO a) of Rincon, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

Matikiti chachikulu ichi usiku wa nkhonya mtengo $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo zikhoza kugulidwa powatchula 610-587-5950 kapena www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

Omar Douglas mitu yankhani pa April 25 pa Harrahs Philadelphia; Plus undefeated Kyrone Davis, Mngelo Ocasio, Christopher Brooker, Earl newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephen Fulton, Jovontae Starks ndi Raynell Williams

Chester, PA (April 6, 2015)–Lachiwelu usiku, April 25, nkhonya amabwerera Harrahs Philadelphia ndi lowopsya khadi uyambe Mfumu Zokwezedwa ndi XFE.

Kwenikweni chochitika, undefeated opepuka Omar Douglas adzaona kanthu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira bout pamene inagwira pa mdani dzina.

Douglas wa Wilmington, Delaware ali ndi mbiri 13-0 ndi khumi knockouts. He turned pro on May 27, 2011 ndi 3 kuzungulira disqualification kugonjetsa Eric Hall.

Douglas anapambana NABA USA Super Featherweight udindo ndi 2 kuzungulira stoppage pa Jean Javier Soto. Douglas also has a quality win with a 8-round unanimous decision over Jesse Carradine (8-2-2). Komaliza bout, Douglas yagoletsa ndi zachiwawa woyamba wozungulira stoppage pa Osnel Charles pa December 5, 2014 pa Harrahs Philadelphia.

Mu zisanu chonse Co-Mbali, Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO a) wa Wilmington, DE asamenyana Carlos García (7-13-1, 7 KO a) wa Aguada, Kulima mu wapamwamba middleweight bout.

Mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira bout, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO a) wa Minneapolis, MN. adzatengaYeremiya Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO a) wa Newport News, VA mu welterweight bout..

Komanso asanu ndi limodzi chonse ayi:

Mngelo Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO a) la Philadelphia chidzathandiza Shiwone Gortman (4-6-1, 2 KO a) la Grand tchire, TX. mu Jr. welterweight bout.

Earl Newman (4-0, 3 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Lamont Capers (4-5) wa Hawley, PA mu kuwala heavyweight bout.

Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY adzayesa kukhala wangwiro knockout msempha kupita pamene amenya nkhondo Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO a) wa Sunbury, PA mu heavyweight bout.

Stephen Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia asamenyana Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO mu featherweight bout.

Anaumba U.S. Olympian, Raynell Williams (6-0, 3 KO a) wa Cleveland, HA adzakhala lalikulu kumbali ndi Darryl Hayes (3-4, 1 KO) wa Houston, TX mu opepuka bout.

Zinayi chonse ayi:

Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) la Philadelphia, PA kutenga Vincent Floyd (1-1-1) la Philadelphia, PA mu wapamwamba middleweight bout.

Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO a) wa St. Louis, MO adzachita nkhondo Dan mpira (3-3, 1 KO) wa Louisiana mu heavyweight bout.

Matikiti chachikulu ichi usiku wa nkhonya mtengo $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo zikhoza kugulidwa powatchula 610-587-5950 kapena www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

1 bout adzayambira pa 7 Madzulo ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

M'matumbo zimasangalatsa mafani ndi akamakambirana pa Munoz Blake anagonjetsa Prescott komanso Umapeza ndi Davis, Williams, Newman, Fulton, Clark ndi Russell

Philadelphia, PA (February 2, 2015)–Mafani ake anachokera mazana ndi akutali. Undefeated Jr. Middleweight Prichard m'matumbo awo ulendo wosangalala Pamene akuchita izi 6 chonse akamakambirana pa wolimba Hector Munoz kuunikila 8-bout khadi pa 2300 Chi mu Philadelphia.
The bwanji analimbikitsa Mfumu Zokwezedwa ndi XFE.

M'matumbo anayang'ana kuti izo yochepa usiku anakapezeka yaikulu uppercut amene anandituma Munoz kwa chinsalu mu woyamba wozungulira amene anabweretsa 2300 M'bwalo kuti mutalowa phokoso lalikulu. Colon continued to drill Munoz with power shot after power shot which drew blood over the left eye of Munoz as early as round three. Colon continued to show fluid movement while landing hard shots on the game Munoz who fought the last few rounds with that left eye closing. The blood was running down the face of Munoz which was a result of Colon’s master performance.

M'matumbo a Puerto Rico apambana mwa yagoletsa a 60-53 kawiri ndi 60-51 ndipo tsopano 13-0. Munoz of Albuquerque, NM tsopano 23-14-1.

Grayson Blake anamenyana kudzera mavuto kupambana 6 chonse akamakambirana pa Anthony Prescott mu Welterweight bout.

Blake anapwetekedwa mu kuzungulira awiri ndi dzanja lamanja lalikulu koma anali kuchita misonkhano ndi kulepheretsa mafunde. Blake started taking control of the bout and he hurt Prescott in round five with a hard right of his own.

Blake wa State College, PA apambana mwa ambiri 58-56 onse makadi ndipo tsopano 6-3. Prescott wa Cherry Hill, NJ ndi 5-5-2.

Kyrone Davis akuchita izi kunja 6 chonse akamakambirana pa Jonathan García mu kusangalatsa Middleweight bout.

Davis wa Wilmington, DE apambana mwa ambiri 60-54 onse makadi ndipo tsopano 6-0. Garcia of Aguada, Kulima ndi 4-12.

Rayell Williams anagonjetsa ndi 4 kuzungulira knockdown kupambana 6 chonse akamakambirana pa Ryan Picou mu opepuka bout.

Williams nawo bwino zimene anachita koma anagwidwa ndi lamanja kuti cham'punthwitsa mmbuyo pa lona. He was able to recover and box his way to the unanimous decision by scores of 59-55 kawiri ndi 58-55.

Williams, amene anali 2008 Olympian kuchokera Cleveland, HA ndi 6-0. Picou of Las Vegas is 2-5.

Earl Newman waponya Yusshua Zadoki mu kuzungulira atatu kuchokera zolimba anachoka kwa thupi anapambana 4 chonse akamakambirana mu Cruiserweight bout.

Newman wa Brooklyn, NY apambana mwa 40-35 tallies onse makadi tsopano 4-1. Zadok of Atlanta. GA ndi 2-3-1.

Stephen Fulton la Philadelphia anapambana 6 chonse akamakambirana pa Eric Gotay mu Jr. Featherweight bout.

Fulton apambana mwa ambiri 60-54 ndipo 59-55 kawiri tsopano 4-0. Gotay of Puerto Rico is 3-3.

Jamontay Clark boxed njira yake ku 4 chonse akamakambirana pa Dominique muyambe mu Welterweight bout.

Clark linakhala magazi okhaokha oterewa mphuno mu kuzungulira awiri ndipo anapambana ndi shutout masamba a 40-36 onse makadi.

Clark wa Cincinnati, HA ndi 4-0. Foster of of Las Vegas is 2-7-1.

Mu kutsegula bout, Antonio Russell yagoletsa ndi wowopsa ndi oipa 2 kuzungulira stoppage pa Harold Reyes mu inakonzedwa 4 chonse Bantamweight bout.

Russell anafika wabwino kuphatikiza pa ngodya amene zinafika pachimake ndi amphamvu lamanja amene anandituma Reyes pansi kunja kwa mphindi zingapo.

Reyes anayenera ena mpweya ntchito koma ankatha kuyenda kuchoka mu bwalo pansi mphamvu zake.

Nthawi ya stoppage anali 2:10 wa kuzungulira awiri kwa Russell wa Capitol Heights, MD amene anapanga ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu. Reyes of Puerto Rico is 1-2.

Photos NDI Darryl COBB

Kulemera kwa Philadelphia (Kuphatikiza Press Conference ndi Ganizirani mu kanema)

Philadelphia, PA (January 30, 2015)–

M'matumbo – Munoz

Prichard m'matumbo 151.4 – Hector Munoz 153.8
Stephen Fulton 123.1 – Eric Gotay 122.9
Anthony Prescott 150.2 – Grayson Blake 146.7
Kyrone Davis 159.8 – Jonathan García 160
Raynell Williams 133.9 – Ryan Picou 135.5
Jamontay Clark 150.6 – Dominique muyambe 150.6
Earl Newman 180 – Yuwshua bulu 181.1
Antonio Russell 116.2 – Harold Reyes 120

Kulimbikitsa: Mfumu Zokwezedwa & XFE
Malo: 2300 M'bwalomo
1St Bell: 6:45 Madzulo

Matikiti chachikulu ichi usiku wa nkhonya mtengo $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo zikhoza kugulidwa powatchula 610-587-5950 kapena www.hboxing.eventbrite.com
Mafumu Zokwezedwa Press Conference 013015
Mafumu Zokwezedwa Press Conference 013015
Mafumu Zokwezedwa kuiganizira 013015
Mafumu Zokwezedwa kuiganizira 013015
1 bout adzayambira pa 6:45 Masana ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.