Tag Archives: Kyrone Davis

Kyrone spectat ad Davis “Shut Down It” Jose contra Alberto Leal Cras at Sands Casino Bethleem

Ponderis et sexta 5:30 PM

Mike James jamal ad bellandum in main eventum Balasi

Bethlehem, PA (June 26 2015)–Nocte in Sands Casino Bethleem, Inuictus est Middleweight Kyrone “Claudere Down” Davis Multoties in optimum oppugnatorem alitem curriculo cum suscipit Jose Alberto Leal in IRCA scheduled pro X-rounds.

Pars erit IRCA 10 bout card, provehatur regis Promotions.

Davis de Wilmington, Delaware habet recordum 7-0 VI knockouts circum oram venit tribus in unum congruerunt sententiae 21 pugnam veteranus Carlos Garcia on April 25 Cestriam, PA.

The 20 annus-vetus Davis parati tertium, IRCA 2015.

Firmumque, 32 annis-vetus Guadalaiarensis, A record of Mexico habet 9-7-1 cum quattuor knockouts. Firmumque habet wins over Christopher Degollado (12-1) & Marco Alberto Martinez (5-0-2). Firmumque amisit rectam, quae duo includit his bout cum substitit Oscar Molina (10-0) on March 13 in Ontario, California.

“Quae summa fuit,. Nescio quis paratam semper fere fit Leal ego mecum,”dicta Davis.

Post terrificum amateur curriculo quod vidit Davis win 91 autem 100 pugnat, Sedatis in iste modo ut Ipse factus professionalis pugnator.

“Prologue me amplius. Sententia, sicut et ego non sum ego incipio deveniam. Ubi ego sum qui pugno non curans. Non style terret me.”

Introiens 8th bout, Davis continued on the growing processus enim scenicus.

“Ego succrescens. Video differentibus. Et mature pugnator sum sicut homo. Credo in me et credens in te graditur via. Quisquis exspecto Saturday videbis quae speciem induere “Shut Down It” sit circa omnes.

HAC NOCTE!! at erit pondus in 5:30 PM in the Berks conventus locus.

Die Sabbati nocte, Regis caestu caestu nox in Sands Casino Bethlehem..

In consectetur, James inuictus est Welterweight Jamal (16-0, 9 KO scriptor) embarassing, MN accipiet Mike Balasi (10-6, 7 KO scriptor) of Honolulu, HA in IRCA scheduled pro VIII-rounds.

In VI-circuitu Bouts:

Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO scriptor) Harueianae, Illinois accipiet Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO scriptor) of Tijuana, Mexico in Welterweight bout.

Caleb Planta (7-0, 6 KO scriptor) of Ashland, TN pugnabit Oscar Rojas (8-1, 3 KO scriptor) of Aurelia, In Texas Super Middleweight bout.

Christianus Molina (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) Allentown, PA accipiet Justin Johnson (6-8) Pittsburgh, PA in Jr. IRCA Welterweight.

Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO scriptor) de Wilmington, DE accipiet Jose Alberto Leal (9-7-1, 4 KO scriptor) Guadalaiarensis, Mexico Middleweight bout..

In IV-circuitu Rackham:

Robertus Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) Allentown, PA pugnabit Ismael Serrano (2-1) Bethlehem,, PA in PERFUSORIUS bout.

Desmond Moore Bethleem, PA pugnabit Mike Heffilfinger of Pennsylvania in Marte s Featherweight pro debuter.

Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, NY erit pixidem Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO scriptor) Tlaxcalensis, Mexico, levi negotio Pullover.

Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO scriptor) embarassing, Super Bantamweight bout a MN,.

Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) Philadelphiae pugnabit Jesus Lule (7-12-1, 1 KO) Castelli Myers, FL in bout a Featherweight.

Nullam at sunt precii $100, $75 atque $50 et potest emit prétio ticketmaster et www.ticketmaster.com

1st bout mos satus ad 7:00 PM cum aperuit ostia ad 6 PM.

Nullam non vivunt www.gfl.tv irrigabant

Christian Molina spectat ad volgi patria fans hoc Saturday night at Sands Casino Bethleem

Ponderis et sexta 5:30 PM

*Vigilate Molina vs Stacey Anderson pugna video *
Immediate enim Release

Bethlehem, PA (June 25 2015)–Nocte in Sands Casino Bethleem, Christian Molina respiciemus manere inuictus est cum suscipit veterani Justin Johnson in a VI-circuitu Jr. Pars erit bout Welterweight 10 bout card.

Pugnantium inter se constituit Molina in festis et congressa Lehigh personalitatem valle debitum extra circulum aliquyam pugna stilo.

Molina has been opus valde durum sicut præparat ad gradum ascendit contra bout Johnson, Eum Qui, quamvis his record of 6-8, est 4-4-2 contra 10 pugnatores inuictus est quod talis fuerat, in anulum.

“Disciplina fuit bonum. Nunc iustus sum et sint parati ad pondus Saturday vultus,” Dixit autem 27 annus-vetus Molina.

Potui adesse Molina Johnson scit se non solum experientia, sed etiam corporis quaedam.

“Non me praeterit 2 aut 3 tunc ego procerior inches. Habemus autem quaedam quae pertinent ad bonum ludum vincere consilio et. Scio quia bonus pugnaret.”

Ut antea memoravi, Molina et condidit locum magnum fan basi in homine erit ad hoc hortari Saturday.

“Multus of populus suscipere me. Suspendi itaque anulum in iuvet et vere amare. Post duos sentio magis conciliat, Quia scio quod me non potest trahere Puerto maxima bella fortissimi fans impetro tergum. Hic sermo meus primus et ego agnosco circuitu six futurarum magna pugnat.”

Dicit etiam quod fans quomodo huc Molina ceperit a dictum ad vii annos iusti.

“Veniebam de San Sebastian, In Puerto Rico 2008 et abiit ad fignis Liciago High School et graduatus ex ea 2006. Veni mecum in America voluit futurae. Pugilatu in horreis sustinere opus meum. Nihil scio quod facile est, Et addam laborare votis diem ibi bello optimus, Pugnaturi Puerto Rico possum redire domum.”

“Omne quod volo ago, sed nihil facile suscepit me.”


Christianus Molina - Stacey Anderson
Christianus Molina – Stacey Anderson

Die Sabbati nocte, Regis caestu caestu nox in Sands Casino Bethlehem..

In consectetur, James inuictus est Welterweight Jamal (16-0, 9 KO scriptor) embarassing, MN accipiet Mike Balasi (10-6, 7 KO scriptor) of Honolulu, HA in IRCA scheduled pro VIII-rounds.

In VI-circuitu Bouts:

Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO scriptor) Harueianae, Illinois accipiet Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO scriptor) of Tijuana, Mexico in Welterweight bout.

Caleb Planta (7-0, 6 KO scriptor) of Ashland, TN pugnabit Oscar Rojas (8-1, 3 KO scriptor) of Aurelia, In Texas Super Middleweight bout.

Christianus Molina (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) Allentown, PA accipiet Justin Johnson (6-8) Pittsburgh, PA in Jr. IRCA Welterweight.

Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO scriptor) de Wilmington, DE accipiet Jose Alberto Leal (9-7-1, 4 KO scriptor) Guadalaiarensis, Mexico Middleweight bout..

In IV-circuitu Rackham:

Robertus Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) Allentown, PA pugnabit Ismael Serrano (2-1) Bethlehem,, PA in PERFUSORIUS bout.

Desmond Moore Bethleem, PA pugnabit Mike Heffilfinger of Pennsylvania in Marte s Featherweight pro debuter.

Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, NY erit pixidem Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO scriptor) Tlaxcalensis, Mexico, levi negotio Pullover.

Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO scriptor) embarassing, Super Bantamweight bout a MN,.

Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) Philadelphiae pugnabit Jesus Lule (7-12-1, 1 KO) Castelli Myers, FL in bout a Featherweight.

Nullam at sunt precii $100, $75 atque $50 et potest emit prétio ticketmaster et www.ticketmaster.com

1st bout mos satus ad 7:00 PM cum aperuit ostia ad 6 PM.

Nullam non vivunt www.gfl.tv irrigabant

Mike James jamal susciperet Balasi in VIII-circuitu main eventum hoc Saturday, June 27 in Sands Casino Bethleem

Plus inuictus est Antonio DuBose, Alex Martin, Caleb Planta, Christianus Molina, Kyrone Davis, Carlos Gongora et Chris Colbert

Bethlehem, PA (June 22 2015)–Die Sabbati nocte, Regis caestu caestu nox in Sands Casino Bethlehem..

In consectetur, inuictus est Welterweight Jamal accipiet Mike James Balasi in IRCA scheduled pro VIII-rounds.

James of Minneapolis, Minnesota has a record of 16-0 apud 9 knockouts.

The 26 annus-vetus James ut habeat aliquid wins over Patrick Boozer (5-1), Mohammed Kayongo (17-2-1) Title vincere Welterweight Minnesota State, Colby Courter (4-1) et Wayne Martell (25-4-1).

Iacobus vero venientem off a 2nd circuitu sistendis præpositus Sostre on April 18 in valle Forge, PA.

Balasi of Hawaii Honolulum has a record of 10-6 apud 7 Knockouts et militauit oppositionem top.

Habet a comparare superius invictam Van Oscar Penovaroff (6-0-1). The southpaw, Balasi est vultus impetro tergum in in miseránte agmen cladibus aspera ad schedule bellatorum qui ut comprehendo Alex Theran (10-0), Giovanni Santillan (10-0), Hernandez pulverulenta Harrison (20-0), Jonathan Garcia (14-0) ac vltima bout perdiderat an VIII-circuitu optent: ad-Karim Mayfield (18-2) on November 8, 2014 in San Francisco

In VI-circuitu Bouts:

Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO scriptor) Harueianae, Illinois accipiet Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO scriptor) of Tijuana, Mexico in Welterweight bout.

Caleb Planta (7-0, 6 KO scriptor) of Ashland, TN pugnabit Oscar Rojas (8-1, 3 KO scriptor) of Aurelia, In Texas Super Middleweight bout.

Christianus Molina (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) Allentown, PA accipiet Justin Johnson (6-8) Pittsburgh, PA in Jr. IRCA Welterweight.

Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO scriptor) de Wilmington, DE accipiet Jose Alberto Leal (9-7-1, 4 KO scriptor) Guadalaiarensis, Mexico Middleweight bout..

In IV-circuitu Rackham:

Robertus Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) Allentown, PA pugnabit Ismael Serrano (2-1) Bethlehem,, PA in PERFUSORIUS bout.

Desmond Moore Bethleem, PA pugnabit Mike Heffilfinger of Pennsylvania in Marte s Featherweight pro debuter.

Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, NY erit pixidem Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO scriptor) Tlaxcalensis, Mexico, levi negotio Pullover.

Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Antwan Robertson (9-14-1, 6 KO scriptor) embarassing, Super Bantamweight bout a MN,.

Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) Philadelphiae pugnabit Jesus Lule (7-12-1, 1 KO) Castelli Myers, FL in bout a Featherweight.

Nullam at sunt precii $100, $75 atque $50 et potest emit prétio ticketmaster et www.ticketmaster.com

1st bout mos satus ad 6:45 PM cum aperuit ostia ad 6 PM.

Nullam non vivunt www.gfl.tv irrigabant

James jamal proclia, Jose Lopez in X-circuitu principale eventus on Saturday, June 27 in Sands Casino Bethleem

Plus inuictus est Antonio DuBose, Alex Martin, Caleb Planta, Christianus Molina, Kyrone Davis, Carlos Gongora et Chris Colbert
Immediate enim Release
Bethlehem, PA (June 8, 2015)On Tuesday nox, June 27 Regis caestu caestu ad rem nox Sands Casino Bethleem.
In consectetur, inuictus est Welterweight James Jamal capietis Jose Lopez IRCA in scheduled pro X-rounds.
James of Minneapolis, Minnesota has a record of 16-0 apud 9 knockouts.
The 26 annus-vetus James ut habeat aliquid wins over Patrick Boozer (5-1), Mohammed Kayongo (17-2-1) Title vincere Welterweight Minnesota State, Colby Courter (4-1) et Wayne Martell (25-4-1).
Iacobus vero venientem off a 2nd circuitu sistendis præpositus super Sostre Aprilis 18 in valle Forge, PA.
Lopez of Torreon, Mexico infigo characterem 25-3-1 apud 15 knockouts.
The 24 anno-senex super has uincit Zwan Alberto Ramirez (3-0), fortissimus Deus orbem Cesar Soto vincere WBC FECOMBOX Interim Super Lightweight title, futura mundi title clamatoribus Jorge Pae Jr (27-3-1), Eliud Melendez Rocha (3-0-1), Juan Manuel Leal (4-0-1), Jose Emilio Tartham (21-1) vincere uacuas WBF Welterweight title, Mahonri Montes (27-1-1), Carlos Martinez (10-0) et Ismaëlis Urieta (5-1).
Lopez, qui vicit: 8 in a row is, coming off an VIII-circuitu optent: super Ionathan Duran on May 30 in Mexico.
In VIII-circuitu Rackham:
Antonio DuBose (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) nomine Philadelphiae in adversarium Featherweight capietis bout.
In VI-circuitu Bouts:
Alex Martin (8-0, 5 KO scriptor) Harueianae, Illinois accipiet Miranda pavel (19-10-1, 9 KO scriptor) of Tijuana, Mexico in Welterweight bout.
Caleb Planta (7-0, 6 KO scriptor) of Ashland, TN pugnabit Juan Carlos Rojas (10-10-1, 8 KO scriptor) of Saltillo, Super Middleweight mexico in bout.
Christianus Molina (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) Allentown, PA capietis Justin Johnson (6-8) Pittsburgh, PA in Jr. IRCA Welterweight.
Kyrone Davis (7-0, 3 KO scriptor) de Wilmington, DE nominetur in adversarium Middleweight capietis bout..
In IV-circuitu Rackham:
Robertus Ramos (1-3-1, 1 KO) Allentown, PA pugnabit Ismael Serrano (2-1) Bethlehem,, PA in PERFUSORIUS bout.
Desmond Moore Bethlehem,, PA pugnabit Mike Heffilfinger of Pennsylvania in Marte s Featherweight pro debuter.
Carlos Gongora (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, Et buxus NY Alvaro Enriquez (12-14-2, 4 KO scriptor) Tlaxcalensis, Mexico, levi negotio Pullover.
Chris Colbert (1-0, 1 KO) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Robertson Antwan (9-14-1, 6 KO scriptor) embarassing, Super Bantamweight bout a MN,.
Nullam at sunt precii $100, $75 atque $50 et potest emit prétio et ticketmaster www.ticketmaster.com
1st bout mos satus ad 6:45 PM at cum apertis ostiis 6 PM.

After 28-month layoff, undefeated lightweight Angel Ocasio returns this Saturday at Harrahs Philadelphia

Omar Douglas takes on former world title challenger Daniel Attah in main event plus undefeated, Christopher Brooker, Comes Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephanus Fulton, Jovontae Starks Williams et Raynell
Chester, PA (Aprilis 24, 2015)–TOMORROW NIGHT!!, Aprilis 25, boxing returns to Harrahs Philadelphia with a terrific card promoted by King’s Promotions and XFE.

In consectetur, Invictus ergo lightweight Omar Douglas will see action in an six-round bout when he now fights former world title challenger Daniel Attah (28-19-1, 11 KO scriptor) De serpentium natura, D.C.

In one of the anticipated undercard bouts, Invictus ergo lightweight Angelus Ocasio (7-0-2, 2 KO scriptor) will take on tough veteran Justin Johnson in a bout scheduled for six rounds.

It was just over two years ago when Ocasio, considered a rising prospect in Philadelphia, was last in the ring as he stopped Esteban Rodriguez in two rounds on December 8, 2012.

“I took the time off and found the lord and got married,”Dixit autem 25 year-old Ocasio.

“It was a much needed time off. I helped me realize that there are more important things then to just be a boxer. I know there that there other things as boxing is just temporarily. If boxing wasn’t here, I would still be the same guy. ”

Ocasio knows that he has a talent in the ring and after that hiatus, he didn’t find much problem getting back into the swing of things.

“The training aspect was not that difficult. I am good with weight and the running was good. I guess the only thing that needed time was my timing. But i got in great work with (Invictus ergo lightweight) Santiago Milton Jr. and it came back nicely.”

Ocasio didn’t pick an easy customer for his comeback opponent in Johnson. Johnson’s record reads just 6-7-4 but he has wins over four undefeated prospects plus respect Philly fighter Hasan Young.

“Justin is tough. He defeated four undefeated fighters and I am sure he prepares well. Just by fighting a guy with that kind of record does not win fights. He is an experienced fighter so I know it will be a good fight.”

“I look to be very active for the rest of the year. I am looking for five total fights in 2015. Maybe two more six-round bouts and my goal is to be fighting eight round fights by the end of the year. I think I am about eight fights away from being one of those television fights that will get me to the top level.”

The well-spoken Ocasio is emphatic that despite his time away, he will soon be a big name in the sport.

“EGO sum tergum. I am coming for what’s mine. The people who have been doubting me for a long time can still get on and join the team!”

In an duodeviginti-circuitu, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO scriptor) embarassing, MN. tollet Jeremiah Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO scriptor) de Neuport News, VA in welterweight bout a..
In sex-rotundus daret:
Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) of Wilmintond, DE capietis Carlos Garcia (7-13-1, 7 KO scriptor) of Puerto Rico in a Super Middleweight bout.
Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY conantur verrat iens knockout mandata eius perfectum cum pugnat Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO scriptor) de Sunbury, PA in bout a heavyweight.
Stephanus Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) Philadelphiae pugnabit Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO in bout a featherweight.
Priores id U.S. Olympio, Williams Raynell (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) Clenelandiae, Cum OH dividentur Alfred Hall (4-8-2, 2 KO scriptor) of Jackson, Michigan in a lightweight bout.
In circuitu quattuor-nota:
Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) ex Philadelphia, PA induunt Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) ex Philadelphia, PA in bout a super middleweight.
Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO bellandum Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) de Las Vegas, NV in a heavyweight bout.
Comes Newman (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Garcia Julio (6-8-3, 3 KO scriptor) of Rincon, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

Tesseras huius nocte caestu cost $100, $75 atque $50 ac per hoc potest et possideri 610-587-5950 aut www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

Kyrone Davis looks to shut down Carlos Garcia this Saturday at Harrahs Philadelphia

Omar Douglas takes on former world title challenger Daniel Attah in main event plus undefeated, Angelus Ocasio, Christopher Brooker, Comes Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephanus Fulton, Jovontae Starks Williams et Raynell
Chester, PA (Aprilis 23 2015)–This Saturday nox, Aprilis 25, fracta redit ad Philadelphia Harrahs terrifico card et promoveantur per regem Promotions XFE.

In consectetur, Invictus ergo lightweight Omar Douglas will see action in an six-round bout when he now fights former world title challenger Daniel Attah (28-19-1, 11 KO scriptor) De serpentium natura, D.C.

In the co-feature bout, undefeated super middleweight Kyron “Claudere Down” Davis will look to remain perfect when he takes on veteran Carlos Garcia in a bout scheduled for six rounds.

Davis de Wilmington, Delaware will be making his second start of 2015 as he is coming off six-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Garcia on January 31 in Philadelphia.

Training has gone real well. I have been doing a lot of roadwork and I feel good,” said the 20-year old Davis.

In Garcia, he is facing a tested fighter who has been in the ring with eleven undefeated fighters including Michael Anderson. Jermell Charlo, Charles Hatley, Lanard Lane, Jonel Tapia, Yordenis Ugas, Glen Tapia, Daniel Rosario and in his last bout when he was stopped in five rounds

I don’t know too much about him other than he has about 20 fights and he is six-feet tall.

After a great amateur career, Davis is continuing to learn and grow into the professional ranks.

I have been learning patience, timing and ring generalship. I am getting comfortable without using the headgear and fighting with the smaller gloves and creating my identity as a fighter.

This will be the second consecutive fight in the Philadelphia area for Davis as Harrahs Philadelphia is just up I-95 from DavisWilmington home.

I like that everyone can come see me fight. Other than that I just go about my business and prepare like any other fight.

Davis believes that he will be ready for bigger stages in the next year.

We are progressing. We are hoping for a television spot later in the year. I just want everyone to come out and support us on Saturday. I will shut it down like I always do and put on a great show.

Said Davisadviser Stephen Edwards, “Kyrone is progressing great. He has has 20 round of professional experience and he has not lost any of them, He is right on schedule and is getting used to the professional ranks.

In an duodeviginti-circuitu, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO scriptor) embarassing, MN. tolletJeremiah Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO scriptor) de Neuport News, VA in welterweight bout a..

In sex-rotundus daret:

Angelus Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) Philadelphiae capietis Justin Johnson (6-7-4) Pittsburgh, PA in Jr. IRCA welterweight.

Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY conantur verrat iens knockout mandata eius perfectum cum pugnat Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO scriptor) de Sunbury, PA in bout a heavyweight.

Stephanus Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) Philadelphiae pugnabit Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO in bout a featherweight.

Priores id U.S. Olympio, Williams Raynell (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) Clenelandiae, Cum OH dividentur Alfred Hall (4-8-2, 2 KO scriptor) of Jackson, Michigan in a lightweight bout.

In circuitu quattuor-nota:

Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) ex Philadelphia, PA induunt Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) ex Philadelphia, PA in bout a super middleweight.

Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO bellandum Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) de Las Vegas, NV in a heavyweight bout.

Comes Newman (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Garcia Julio (6-8-3, 3 KO scriptor) of Rincon, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

Tesseras huius nocte caestu cost $100, $75 atque $50 ac per hoc potest et possideri 610-587-5950 aut www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

1st bout mos satus ad 7 PM at cum apertis ostiis 6 PM.

Omar Douglas to take on Jose Angel Beranza this Saturday night at Harrahs Philadelphia

Plus undefeated Kyrone Davis, Angelus Ocasio, Christopher Brooker, Comes Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephanus Fulton, Jovontae Starks Williams et Raynell
Chester, PA (Aprilis 22, 2015)–This Saturday nox, Aprilis 25, fracta redit ad Philadelphia Harrahs terrifico card et promoveantur per regem Promotions XFE.


In consectetur, Invictus ergo lightweight Omar Douglas will see action in an six-round bout when he takes on 70-fight veteran Jose Angel Beranza (36-32-2, 28 KO scriptor) of Tepito, Mexico.


De Douglas Wilmington, Delaware habet recordum 13-0 cum decem knockouts. He turned pro on May 27, 2011 3 cum per victoriam super IMPEDIMENTUM Eric Hall.


Douglas vicit with title NABA USA Super featherweight a 2nd super Jean Javier Soto circa sistendum. Douglas also has a quality win with a 8-round unanimous decision over Jesse Carradine (8-2-2). In his ultimis bout, Alumni primum circum explosive an sistendum Douglas super Osnel Karolum in December 5, 2014 at Harrahs Philadelphia.


“Summa fuit, castra Training. I started preparing for this fight as soon as the last fight was over. I have been sparring with the best fighters in the area. When I started my camp, I was only seven pounds over the contract weight,”said Douglas.


Douglas knows very little about Ortiz.

I really only know that he is from Mexico and he has a pretty decent record.

This will be the first time that Douglas headlines in his home region and he not about to have any of the distractions to go with that.

I take it in stride. I consider it just another day at the office. The only difference is that I am closing the show.

This being his 14th pro fight, Douglas is now rounding into a situation where he knows what he has to do to continue to get better.

I have been very responsible with my defense. I always knew I had a pro style. It was my late trainer Lewis Lum who told me I was better suited to become a professional world champion than an Olympic gold medal winner.

Douglas sees himself continuing to grow and fighting on more high profile platforms as the year progresses.

I see myself on bigger cards. I am with Al Haymon so to fight on a PBC card is a goal for the year. By the end of the year, I should be considered a hot prospect and I should get in three or four more fights that should put my name out more.


Douglas finished by saying, “On Aprilis 25, expect a show. I will be smart and put everything together. I train for every opponent like they are the best. Once it all comes together it will be lights out!!”


In sex-rotundus a co-pluma, Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) de Wilmington, DE pugnabit Carlos Garcia (7-13-1, 7 KO scriptor) de Aguada, In PR bout a super middleweight.


In an duodeviginti-circuitu, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO scriptor) embarassing, MN. tolletJeremiah Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO scriptor) de Neuport News, VA in welterweight bout a..


In sex-rotundus daret:


Angelus Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) Philadelphiae capietis Justin Johnson (6-7-4) Pittsburgh, PA in Jr. IRCA welterweight.


Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY conantur verrat iens knockout mandata eius perfectum cum pugnat Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO scriptor) de Sunbury, PA in bout a heavyweight.


Stephanus Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) Philadelphiae pugnabit Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO in bout a featherweight.


Priores id U.S. Olympio, Williams Raynell (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) Clenelandiae, Cum OH dividentur Jose Del Valle (4-10-3) of Corozal, PR in a lightweight bout.


In circuitu quattuor-nota:


Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) ex Philadelphia, PA induunt Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) ex Philadelphia, PA in bout a super middleweight.


Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO bellandum Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) de Las Vegas, NV in a heavyweight bout.


Comes Newman (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Garcia Julio (6-8-3, 3 KO scriptor) of Rincon, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

Tesseras huius nocte caestu cost $100, $75 atque $50 ac per hoc potest et possideri 610-587-5950 aut www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

Aliquam lacus on April Omar Douglas 25 at Harrahs Philadelphia; Plus undefeated Kyrone Davis, Angelus Ocasio, Christopher Brooker, Comes newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stephanus Fulton, Jovontae Starks Williams et Raynell

Chester, PA (Aprilis 6, 2015)–On Tuesday nox, Aprilis 25, fracta redit ad Philadelphia Harrahs terrifico card et promoveantur per regem Promotions XFE.

In consectetur, Invictus ergo lightweight Omar Douglas videbit cum suscipit actionem octo circuitu adversarios nominandus.

De Douglas Wilmington, Delaware habet recordum 13-0 cum decem knockouts. He turned pro on May 27, 2011 3 cum per victoriam super IMPEDIMENTUM Eric Hall.

Douglas vicit with title NABA USA Super featherweight a 2nd super Jean Javier Soto circa sistendum. Douglas also has a quality win with a 8-round unanimous decision over Jesse Carradine (8-2-2). In his ultimis bout, Alumni primum circum explosive an sistendum Douglas super Osnel Karolum in December 5, 2014 at Harrahs Philadelphia.

In sex-rotundus a co-pluma, Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) de Wilmington, DE pugnabit Carlos Garcia (7-13-1, 7 KO scriptor) de Aguada, In PR bout a super middleweight.

In an duodeviginti-circuitu, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO scriptor) embarassing, MN. tolletJeremiah Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO scriptor) de Neuport News, VA in welterweight bout a..

In sex-rotundus daret:

Angelus Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) Philadelphiae capietis Shiwone Gortman (4-6-1, 2 KO scriptor) Amplitudo of PRATUM, TX. in Jr. IRCA welterweight.

Comes Newman (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Capparis Lamont (4-5) et Hertligh, Bout a luce in PA heavyweight.

Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY conantur verrat iens knockout mandata eius perfectum cum pugnat Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO scriptor) de Sunbury, PA in bout a heavyweight.

Stephanus Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) Philadelphiae pugnabit Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO in bout a featherweight.

Priores id U.S. Olympio, Williams Raynell (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) Clenelandiae, Cum OH dividentur Darryl Hayes (3-4, 1 KO) Houston, TX in bout a PERFUSORIUS.

In circuitu quattuor-nota:

Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) ex Philadelphia, PA induunt Vincent Floyd (1-1-1) ex Philadelphia, PA in bout a super middleweight.

Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO scriptor) sancti. Louis, MO bellandum Dan pila (3-3, 1 KO) of Louisiana in bout a heavyweight.

Tesseras huius nocte caestu cost $100, $75 atque $50 ac per hoc potest et possideri 610-587-5950 aut www.hboxing.eventbrite.com

1st bout mos satus ad 7 PM at cum apertis ostiis 6 PM.

Fans in Colonia pertemptat suasuri super Munionis Blake vincit Prescott tores, ex Davis, Williams, Newman, Fulton, Et Clark Russell

Philadelphia, PA (February 2, 2015)–Centena millia passuum ab eius fans. Inuictus est Jr. Middleweight Colonia Prichard faustum iter fecerunt per consensum, ut ex contusis-VI a asperos Hector Munionis ad exaggerandam an VIII-card ad bout 2300 Arena in Philadelphia.
Spectaculorum et promoveantur per regem Promotions XFE.

Colonia respexit ad eam angusta nocte pro appulit immanis uppercut qui misit Munionis, in quo fuit in pariete in circuitu 2300 Arena ad ingens sonus. Colon continued to drill Munoz with power shot after power shot which drew blood over the left eye of Munoz as early as round three. Colon continued to show fluid movement while landing hard shots on the game Munoz who fought the last few rounds with that left eye closing. The blood was running down the face of Munoz which was a result of Colon’s master performance.

Colonia of Puerto Rico parta de laceratum 60-53 et bis 60-51 et nunc est, 13-0. Munoz of Albuquerque, NM nunc est 23-14-1.

Grayson Blake pugnabat per adversitatem aliquam, ad vincere super Anthony Prescott in VI-per consensum bout a Welterweight.

Blake magna a dextris et pessima in circuitu duo tenere potuit, caule aestus. Blake started taking control of the bout and he hurt Prescott in round five with a hard right of his own.

Blake College of State, PA turpis parta 58-56 et nunc est super omnem cards 6-3. Prescott de Hill Cherry, NJ est 5-5-2.

Kyrone Davis ex contusis-VI a circuitu super Jonathan Garcia in unum congruerunt sententiae, an delectabiles Middleweight bout.

Davis de Wilmington, DE turpis parta 60-54 et nunc est super omnem cards 6-0. Garcia of Aguada, PR est 4-12.

Williams Rayell per 4 VI vicerit knockdown vincere rotundum in unum congruerunt sententiae super Ryan Picou bout a PERFUSORIUS.

Vicit tamen Thomas actionem in dextra prensus in carbasus eum infirmi. He was able to recover and box his way to the unanimous decision by scores of 59-55 et bis 58-55.

Williams, qui erat, 2008 Olympio ex Cleveland, OH est 6-0. Picou of Las Vegas is 2-5.

Comes Newman omissa Yusshua Sadoc in circuitu a tres a sinistro ad corpus durum a IV-won per consensum in bout a Cruiserweight.

Newman ex Brooklyn, NY parta 40-35 et nunc in omnibus talliis cards 4-1. Zadok of Atlanta. GA est 2-3-1.

Stephanus Fulton Philadelphiae parta VI-circuitu suasuri Eric super Gotay in Jr. IRCA featherweight.

Fulton turpis parta 60-54 atque 59-55 bis et nunc, 4-0. Gotay of Puerto Rico is 3-3.

Jamontay Clark boxed a via sua, ad circum IV consensum super Dominique Foster in bout a Welterweight.

Foster Clark cruentatus in naribus et circa duo, quae per ipsius orae shutout 40-36 in omnibus cards.

Clark Cincinnati, OH est 4-0. Foster of of Las Vegas is 2-7-1.

In foramen bout, Antonio Russell et laceratum a FORMIDULOSUS sistendum improbis per 2nd super Harold Quae Sum scheduled in a IV-circuitu Bantamweight bout.

Russell expositis a nice angulus in iunctura quae mandantur a BOMBUS a dextris, et ex pluribus, qui misit Omnia Quae Sum.

Regum tamen convenit ei habere poterat ambulare dolor anulum de eius potestate.

Tempus erat sistendum 2:10 quia per duos de Russell de Capitolio Heights, MD pro his qui fecit debut. Reyes of Puerto Rico is 1-2.

PHOTOS darryl Cobb BY

Ponderibus ex Philadelphia (Plus Press conferentia in pondere et video)

Philadelphia, PA (January 30, 2015)–

Colonia – Munionis

Colonia Prichard 151.4 – Hector Munionis 153.8
Stephanus Fulton 123.1 – Eric Gotay 122.9
Anthony Prescott 150.2 – Grayson Blake 146.7
Kyrone Davis 159.8 – Jonathan Garcia 160
Williams Raynell 133.9 – Ryan Picou 135.5
Jamontay Clark 150.6 – Dominique Foster 150.6
Comes Newman 180 – Ass Yuwshua 181.1
Antonio Russell 116.2 – Harold Reyes 120

Promotor: Rex Promotions & XFE
Venue: 2300 Arena
1st Bell: 6:45 PM

Tesseras huius nocte caestu cost $100, $75 atque $50 ac per hoc potest et possideri 610-587-5950 aut www.hboxing.eventbrite.com
Promotions Kings Press conferentiae 013015
Promotions Kings Press conferentiae 013015
Promotions Kings inpendite In 013015
Promotions Kings inpendite In 013015
1st bout mos satus ad 6:45 PM cum aperuit ostia ad 6 PM.