Yorliq Archives: Junior Rayt

Fighter/Promoter Salita Says Detroit Was the Obvious Choice for Upcoming Series of Professional Boxing Shows

Detroit Brawl Banner
‘Detroit BrawlBegins Shanba, Fevral 6, at the Masonic Temple
I strongly feel that Detroit has a lot of potential to become a hub for pro boxing. Not only with its own talented fighters, but also for boxers from around the country and around the globe. With consistency, competitive fights and talented boxers there’s a tremendous amount of potential for world-class boxing in the city of Detroit. Dmitriy Salita
World-class boxer turned promoter Dmitriy Salita, of Salita Promotions, says the choice to base his new series of live fights in Detroit was an easy one to make. A city and state that has produced such all-time greats as Floyd Mayweather, Tommy Hearns and Joe Louis to name a few, as well as legendary trainers such Emanuel Steward and Eddie Futch is, according to Salita, the perfect place to launch a succession of top-notch boxing shows.
Appropriately entitled theDetroit Brawl,” the series will kick off at the iconic Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit on Shanba, Fevral 6 da 6:30 pm. Featured that night will be a diverse array of up-and-coming prospects and established contenders from Michigan and around the world including Detroit’s James Gordon Smith (8-0, 5 KOS), Ed Williams (10-1-1, 4 KOS), James Ballard (5-0, 2 KOS), and Antonio Wade (1-0, 1 KO), as well as former world title challenger and currently world-ranked cruiserweight Junior Wright of Chicago (14-1-1, 11 KOS), undefeated Dominican Eudy Bernardo (20-0, 14 KOS), Brooklyn’s Dimash Niyazov (8-0-3, 4 KOS) and the professional debut of Turkmenistan’s former Asian Games Amateur Champion, Serdar Hudayberdiyev.
Chiptalar “Detroit Brawl” fiyatlandırılır $28, $38, $48, $63, $93, va $123 va are available at all Ticketmaster outlets, ticketmaster.com, chaqirib 800-745-3000, or by visiting the Masonic Temple box office. For event information visit themasonic.com va SalitaPromotions.com.
Detroit is America’s great comeback city and boxing fans love a comeback,” Said Word, who once challenged for a world title and currently sports a 35-2-1, 18 KOs record as a fighter. “This city has some of the best homegrown boxers in the country and the world and we plan to highlight those talents throughout this series. I thought it was a natural to run consistent high-class show here. Detroit and the State of Michigan, as a whole, have a rich boxing culture: The boxing fans here will respond positively. And for the local up-and-comers, they will have a place close to home to build a fan base.
Though he is Ukraine-born and Brooklyn-raised, Salita has a long history with the area, having trained here since early in his fighting career.
I’ve been coming to Detroit for six years, to train at the Kronk Gym with Emanuel Steward and Sugar Hill, his nephew,” explained Salita. “I got a chance firsthand to see the Detroit boxing culture and witness its tremendous talent!”
33-year-old Salita started boxing at age 13 at Starret City Boxing Club in Brooklyn, Nyu York, and went on to become a highly decorated amateur boxer before his professional career. “At the time I started boxing, the Starrett City Boxing Club was run by Jimmy O’Pharrow. It was one of the best gyms in New York City. It produced some of the best fighters in the world today. We all came up together and had ‘fights of the yearsparring sessions almost every night. The competitive nature of those sparring sessions are what made me so successful in boxing, and when I came here to the Kronk gym I witnessed that same atmosphere.
Still an active fighter, after losing his challenge to world champion Amir Khan in 2009, Salita says he looked around at his options and decided that with his strong fan base, becoming a promoter was a natural progression. Salita says he’s proud of diversity and talent level he’s been able to provide for the inaugural show of the series.
I like that this show has several of Detroit’s up-and-coming stars and boxers from different places around the world as well. Junior Wright is world-ranked and one of the best cruiserweights in the world. He’s looking to get back to another world title shot. Eudy Bernardo, an undefeated lightweight prospect from the Dominican Republic, is looking to rise to the top of the division. And the Detroit fighters are some of the best including James Ballard, Eddie Williams and James Gordon Smith, a former national champion in the amateurs. Antonio Wade is another hot prospect from the Detroit area. We’ve also got Asian games gold medalist Serdar Hudayberdiyev making his pro debut. He’s already the greatest fighter his country has ever produced. People are flying out from Turkmenistan to see the fight. I’m very excited about this show and for the future of boxing in this great city!”

Salita Signs Amateur Standout; Sobiq ulug'vor; Asian Games Champion Serdar Hudayberdiyev

The Salita Promotions stable continues to grow in size, and scope.

Bruklin, NY (May 7, 2015)--Dmitriy Salita, the New York City based boxing promoter, is proud to announce a new talent is coming aboard.

Serdar Hudayberdiyev,
a 2012 Olympian for Turkmenistan, and junior welterweight prospect, is now in the fold. He carried the flag for his country at the Olympics, and Salita expects him to make as much progress, if not more, in the professional ranks.
He will connect with his community as well as the Russian speaking community in NYC and he is looking forward to representing his people,” Word dedi.

Fans can expect to see a seasoned product in his professional debut that will come this summer.

The 28-year-old boxer, named the 2009 Best Athlete of Turkmenistan by the State Committee of Tourism and Sport, is light on his feet and aggressive. He can lead or counter. He has been working on firming up his jab and setting down on his punches.

He is coming off an impressive showing at the Asian Games in Korea. His nation holds him in high regard and has immense hopes for him. He currently is the only professional boxer hailing from Turkmenistan.

He will join future heavyweight star Jarrell Miller, Bruklindagi; cruiserweight raqib Junior uka Raytlar, Chikagodagi; tez Staten ho'l bo'lib ketdi Dimash Niyozov yumruklu; yangi signee Baxtiyor Eyubov, Kazahkstan bir KO hitter, middleweight contender Steven Martinez and other rising stars on the Salita roster.

Tizimga Iltimos www.salitapromotions.com Salita jangchilar va bo'lajak aktsiyalari haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.

Dmitriy Salita, Payshanba kuni kechqurun Nyu-York politsiyasini sharaflash uchun Devid yulduzi boks aktsiyalari bokschi Junior Rayt bilan birga, Jan. 22Nafasni Webster zalida internetdagi www.unfpa.uz

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

Bruklin, NY (Yanvar 20, 2015)– Tandem ish boks va huquqni muhofaza uzoq va ajoyib tarixga ega. Politsiya Atletik Kalu qaysar yoshlar uchun bir boshpana ta'minladi, va at-xavf yoshlar va huquq-tartibot xodimlari ta'sir o'tkazish va shaxsan manfaatli isbotlash rishtalarini hosil qilish uchun ruxsat, va shuningdek, mo'rt hamjamiyatga kuchaytirish yordam. Shuni yodda tutgan holda, promouter Dmitriy Salita va uning boshlig'i Payshanba, Jan. 22 Nafasni Webster zalida pro boks bo'yicha karta fojiali voqea o'tgan oy qatl ikki NYPD xodimlarining xotiralar sharaflash bir birlikka etiladi.

Junior Rayt bir 12-0 cruiserweight, bilan 10 KOS, kim Salita shousida qattiq Texan Rayford Jonson jang. U kuchaytirdi va u politsiya sharaflash uning qismini, albatta, xohlagan qaror’ xotira, va shuningdek, jamiyatda travma ta`siri, Ba'zi kam ta'minlangan mahallalarda politsiya va yoshlar o'rtasida ishqalanish minimallashtirish ehtimol yordam.

“Men dekabr oyida qo'yilgan ikki Nyu-York City politsiya xodimlari va davom yotipti barcha muammo haqida eshitib,” Raytlar dedi. “Men Chikagodagi o'sgan va hamma u bilan keladi. Politsiya bilan barcha munosabatimda kengashi yuqorida edi. Ular menga mening martaba bilan juda ko'p yordam berdi ayting.” Uning menejeri Stiv Kleman bir 25 Illinoys shtati politsiyasi yil faxriysi hamraisi murabbiy Pete Jorj yaqinda so'ng deyarli nafaqaga esa 30 bir yashil Chikago politsiyasi xodimi sifatida yil. Shu bilan, Junior NYPD xotirasiga bu kurashni bag'ishlagan. xodimlari Wenjian Liu va Rafael Ramos.

Salita rejasini eshitib, u kemada kelish baxtli ko'ra ko'proq edi. “Junior, katta rol modeli,” Word dedi. “U tirishqoq hisoblanadi, belgilangan va boks orqali ijobiy ta'sir qilish bilan band.”

N.Y.P.D. ishtirok xodimlari Payshanba Kechasi bir yarim-narx yo'llanma oladi.

“Biz, shuningdek, bir marosim bo'ladi 10 asosiy voqea oldin tushib qahramonlar uchun hisob,” Said Word.

Webster Hall joylashgan 125 East 11 Street, Nyu York, NY 10003.

10-navbat kartochkaga uchun ochiq eshiklar 7 AM ET, chipta narxi da boshlang'ich $40.



Tizimga Iltimos DSalita.com

for up to date information on the Jan. 22 show.

WBU title on line Pagliara vs Robertson on Thursday, Yanvar 22 Nyu-York shahrida Webster zalida

Matbuot anjumani bu Payshanba NY Capizzi Restaurant (9th Ave da West 41 st) da 2 AM

Bruklin, NY (Yanvar 13, 2015)-– Dmitry Salita announced today that the WBU Americas Featherweight Title will be up for grabs as an added co feature to his popular Brooklyn Brawl Boxing Series.

Floriano Pagliara, mashhur Cecine Italiyadan Italiya va hozir Minnesota AQShdan Antwan Robertson harakatlanuvchi sirpanchiq bo'yicha o'tadi Williamsburgh Bruklinda yashovchi

Pagliara has held title belts as the IBF Mederteranian Champion and Italian Federation in the Jr. Engil Division.

“Floriano loves America. He has become very popular with the local Italian communities in the tri state area. U juda uning Amerika fan bazasini oldida amerikalik unvoni uchun kurash uchun katta sharaf deb. Odamlar Flori javob. Dmitriy va uning reklama jamoasi Floriano keladi fan yordami bilan juda baxtli bo'ladi” iqtibos Rich Komissar, the American promoter for Pagliara. “Uning muxlislari uni qo'llab-quvvatlash” Kiritilgan Komissar

tuklar bilan harakat Italiya bir necha yil orqaga Amerikaga uning harakat buyon o'ylab qilingan narsadir.

“Men har doim tuklar chegarasi qilish o'ylayman harakat qilaman, lekin Italiyaning mening ta'lim va xun bu uchun ruxsat bermadi. Lekin Amerikada men bu uchun eng yaxshi ta'lim ega va hozir men ortiq hech qachon ko'proq emasman 132 Men muntazam vaqt emas, balki ta'lim emasman qachon lbs” said the affable Italian with his operatic dialect.

“David aktsiyalar yulduz hammuallifi xususiyati bo'lib, bu müsabakayı kiritish uchun baxtli bo'ladi” said Dmitry Salita of Star of David Promotions. “I have seen Floriano fight a few times here in New York Area. He is far and away one of the New York Area’s most popular fighters. He always brings a good crowd and he gives a great show. Men, biz bu erda sizni berayotir matchup iymon (Pagliara / Robertson) will produce an all out action packed fight that the fans will like. Antwan Robertson bir zerikarli kurashda hech qachon. U menga Junior Jones bir oz eslatadi… Bu kurash bir urush bo'ladi”.

The Brooklyn Brawl Series will hop over the river to Manhattan for this show on Yanvar 22. karta dunyo mashhur Webster zalida bo'lib o'tadi 125 East 11 Street NYC Nyu-York 10003.

Matbuot anjumani bor bo'ladi bu Payshanba da NY Capizzi Restaurant 2 AM. Capizzi is located at West 41st street and 9th ave.

Quyida Pagliara bir video, kim kashf qilingan “Bruklin Rocky”




Tizimga Iltimos DSalita.com

for up to date information on the Jan. 22 show.

To'liq Bruklin Brawl karta Webster Hall e'lon

David aktsiyalar yulduz boshlanadi ularning 2015 year in boxing bo'yicha Jan. 22, Nyu-York shahrida Webster zalida bir jam-qadoqlangan namoyishi bilan.

Promoter Dmitriy Salita is pleased to announce a compelling main event for the Yanvar 22 Nyu-Yorkda Webster zalida karta, which pits cruiserweight contender Junior Rayt, Chikago asoslangan kurashuvchi, qattiq Texas qarshi Rayford Johnson 10-tur Butning ichida. “Junior Adonis uchun Adonis Stivenson bilan lagerida bo'ldi’ Qidiruv jang. 19, va Junior dunyoning eng yaxshi bilish uchun tayyor,” Word dedi. “U bir bayonot qilish qarab qoldi.” Jonson hali mag'lub dan buzzed etiladi 16-1 Vincent Miranda oxirgi sentyabr Raytlar xabar bo'lishi kerak bo'ladi, shuning uchun.


Salita bir uchun pompalanır “yil salohiyatini kurash” engil g'ayri to'qnashmoqda Dimash Niyazov Sobiq NYS engil chempioni qarshi Ariel Duran 6-tur uchun rejalashtirilgan Butning ham.. “Bu Dimash ning qiyin sinov bo'ladi,” Word dedi.


Rising kelajak Gary Beriguette Bruklin kichik welter to'qnashuvda zabt etish uchun izlaydi bo'ladi; u NYC fan sevimli javob Raphael oy Albany bir olti davra Butning ichida, Agar to'mtoq kurash bilan shug'ullanuvchi hech qachon kimdir, and Salita expects him to continue that trend onJan. 22.


Jang muxlislar og'ir vazn toifasida bombacısı SODP debyutini ko'rganlarida A KO bir alohida imkoniyat bo'ladi Ytalo Perea, bir Ekvador ona, uning iz qoldirish uchun izlaydi Emilio Salas 4-davra Butning ichida. The Pan Am Games champ seeks to bring a heavyweight belt back to his native land to show off proudly.


Salita Cruiser va og'ir og'ir topsa istiqbollari yuzasidan bozorini Lukas kerak ko'rinadi; deb turkumidagi boshqa bir, NYC uning narsalar off ko'rsatish uchun izlaydi, is Russian Alexey Zubovlar chiqib kelishdi, KO Climax vositasi mavsumining istaydi 28-yoshli hitter. He will face Eric George 4-davra Butning ichida.


Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn kelajak Treysean Wiggins, Newburgh chiqib, NY, U oladi qachon The Webster zalida pastga ifloski yotdi istaydi Salita bayrog'i ostida boshqa KO-craver hisoblanadi Llyas Aksbaev.


Fan sevimli Floriano Pagliara uning yuqori hajmi zımbalanmasını sevgi muxlislar askarlarini durang, yoqimli shaxs va jozibador yuz; he will be in action on Jan. 22 as well in an 8 qarshi davra Butning Antwun Robertson a 8-tur Butning ichida.


Rising middleweight Hikmatli Augusta boshqa ko ball uchun qidirmoqda, U oladi qachon olti g'alaba-ga-ko uning mukammal odimlarini cho'zilgan Eddi Edmond olti davra Butning ichida.


Milliy va NY Golden sportchisi nazarni Markos Suarez, Salita nazarida bir kelgusida yulduz, Webster zalida namoyish o'g'irlash istaydi. He takes on undefeated Oziel Hernandez Jeneva, 4-turda Jr, Nyu-York. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning.


Damien Yero u Bruklin Slugger oladi deb Bronx uning pro debyuti muvaffaqiyatli birini qilish qarash bo'ladi Mack Babb 4-davra yarim ortasiklet Butning ichida.


David jamoasi Star ularning og'ir vazn toifasida umidvor Jarrell Miller uchun chapak chalib, who rose to 11-0 Juma kuni tun, Kaliforniyada Aaron Kinchga ustidan qaror g'alaba bilan. Bu yuqori profili So'nggi bo'ldi, ESPN ning xususiyatli “Juma Tungi sur.”

Tizimga Iltimos DSalita.com

for up-to-date information on the Jan. 22 show.