Архивы: Джозеф Паркер


Непобедимый тяжеловес Чжан «Большой взрыв» Чжилэй (23-0-1, 18 КО) ищет больших боев в 2022. Zhang, который выходит из боя после нокаута во втором раунде Крейга Льюиса, занимает первое место в мировом рейтинге как по версии IBF, так и по версии WBO, и хочет сразиться с лучшим тяжеловесом, чтобы заработать титульный бой.

Подразделение открывается после всплеска недавней активности в конце 2021. Поскольку позиция обязательного претендента вакантна, Международная федерация бокса пытается назначить финального отборщика. Претенденты Луис Ортис и Джозеф Паркер, оба только что одержали большие победы, упустил свой шанс подраться #3 занял Филип Хргович (14-0, 12 КО). Хорватия. IBF будет продолжать снижать свой рейтинг до тех пор, пока один из претендентов не согласится на бой с Хриговичем.

Чжан клянется, что если его спросят,, он сразится с хорватом в битве бигмэнов ростом 6 футов 6 дюймов.

«Я не понимаю, почему ведущие тяжеловесы отказываются от этого». Сказал бывший олимпийский серебряный призер. «Хргович не страшилка. Я дал понять, что если мое имя всплывет, Я поднимусь и возьму это».

А если разборки с Риговичем не состоятся, the 38 годовалый Чжан готов к любому громкому имени.

«Я не молодею, и я сказал своему промоутеру, что хочу сделать большой шаг," Саид Чжан, список лучших тяжеловесов, таких как Джозеф Паркер и Дерек Чисора – у всех один и тот же промоутер, Спичечная комната Эдди Хирна.

«Моя конечная цель — стать чемпионом мира, и мне нужны бои, которые поставят меня на этот путь.. я буду драться с кем угодно. Мне нужны большие возможности, и все, о чем я прошу, — это справедливая компенсация.. Теперь я готов».

Фото – Чжан Чжилэй ноябрь. 29й, 2021 любезно предоставлено matchroom и Эдом Малхолландом


Чжан Чжилэй — непобедимый китайский боксер-профессионал, выступающий в тяжелом весе. Как любитель, он завоевал серебряную медаль на 2008 Олимпийские игры в Пекине в супертяжелом весе. Теперь он участвует в профессиональных боях за призовые места в тяжелом весе на самом высоком уровне.. В настоящее время он живет и тренируется в столичном районе Нью-Йорка..


Компания Lane Brothers Boxing, базирующаяся в Нью-Йорке, была основана в 2019 братья Терри и Томми Лейн. Братья Лэйн проработали в профессиональном боксе более пятнадцати лет., и теперь используют свой отраслевой опыт, чтобы давать советы ведущим международным боксерским талантам.


Ли Маопей, он же Курт Ли, является советником лучших боксёров со всего мира, обладает опытом и фокусом на профессиональных боксерах из своего родного Китая.

Alexander “The Great” Flores In New Zealand to challenge former world champion Joseph Parker this Saturday

“I’m going there to win, I see myself knocking him out!"

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Декабрь 10, 2018) – Upset-minded heavyweight prospect Alexander “The Great” Flores departed a week ago on a 13-hour flight from California to New Zealand to challenge former world heavyweight champion Джозеф Паркер в эту субботу (Dec.15) in Christchurch, Новая Зеландия.

“Beating Parker will get me a step closer to my goal to be the first Mexican-American to become world heavyweight champion,” Flores said. “I can’t picture myself losing, not the way I feel. I’ve had a long, hard training camp for this fight. It’s really been a couple years, because some fights fell through.”

Бывший Всемирный боксерский совет (WBC) Youth World Heavyweight Champion, the 28-year-old Flores (17-1-1, 15 КО) has a new lease on his pro boxing career, now promoted by Roy Jones, Младший. (RJJ) Бокс.

“Alex has worked hard during the past two months," добавленКит Veltre, CEO/co-founder of Roy Jones, Младший. Бокс. “I truly believe Joseph Parker has no clue what he is in for with him. Like I said before, Alex is headed to New Zealand for the W, and he will leave it all in the ring. It has been a huge mistake on Parker’s part to overlook Alex.”

On a mission to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion of the world, Flores has already had a significant first leading up to this fight versus Parker. He experienced his initial flight a few months ago to do media work in New Zealand to promote the Dec. 15 борьба.

"Да,” Flores explained, “that was my first flight. Потребовалось 13 часов, but I slept five or six hours, so it wasn’t too bad, other than being a little cold there. New Zealand is a beautiful country. The only thing I really need to acclimate to is the 20-hour time difference.

“I’m not concerned about fighting Parker there. I know I’m the underdog, but I had to take advantage of this opportunity. We were supposed to fight November 24й, so I had already waited a long time for a fight like this. At the end of the day it’s just going to be me and him in the ring. I’m going there to win, I see myself knocking him out.”

Паркер (24-2, 18 КО) is coming off back-to-back losses in the United Kingdom, both by way of 12-round unanimous decisions, соответственно, дляДиллиан Уайт and unified world heavyweight championЭнтони ДжошуаParker captured the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO heavyweight world title two years ago, when he took a 12-round majority decision overЭнди руис, Младший., followed by unanimous and majority 12-round decisions, соответственно, противРазван Cojanu иHughie FuryRuiz and Fury were undefeated going into their fights with Parker, both ending in majority decisions and shrouded in scoring controversy.

Одинокая потеря Флореса как профессионала пришла 3 ½ years ago against former world champion Чарльз Мартин for the North American Boxing Organization (СОСЕДИ) название, in which Flores, who took the fight with only two weeks’ notice, был остановлен в четвертом раунде.

The powerful Flores, fighting out of Rowland Heights, Калифорния, realizes Parker has never been knocked out as a pro, plus the New Zealander is fighting at home for the first time in 1 ½ лет, but he is not deterred from predicting a shocking conclusion.

“He’s going to get a little bit of everything from me,” Flores forcasted. “I’m a boxer-puncher, but I can press the action, or stand and punch. I’m tough to hit, too. It’s not going the distance; I’m not going down, Parker’s going down.”


Веб-сайты:  HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com 

Щебет: @RoyjonesJRfa, @ alexflores919

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, alexander_thegreat_flores

Facebook: HTTP://www.facebook.com/RJJBoxing =

Шансы на всю жизнь для проспекта в супертяжелом весе Александра «Великого» Флореса


Попадает в путь к бывшему чемпиону мира
Джозеф Паркер
Декабрь. 15 в Новой Зеландии

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Ноябрь 20, 2018) - Бывшая Всемирная боксерская организация (Чемпион мира по версии WBO в супертяжелом весе Александр «Великий» Флорес, продвигает Рой Джонс, Младший. Бокс (RJJ), имеет возможность на всю жизнь Декабрь 15, когда одаренный 28-летний американец мексиканского происхождения путешествует полмира, чтобы сразиться с бывшим чемпионом мира в супертяжелом весе Джозефом Паркером в Новой Зеландии..

Бой за Роуленд-Хайтс, Калифорния, деспотичный Флорес (17-1-1, 15 КО) уверен, что тренируется дома, чтобы встретиться с Паркером на заднем дворе.

«Этот бой не идет 10 раундов,»Сказал Флорес. "Я собираюсь нокаутировать его. Многие люди, возможно, еще не слышали об Александре Великом Флоресе., но они все узнают, кто я, после 15 декабря ».

Одинокая потеря Флореса как профессионала пришла 3 ½ года назад против бывшего чемпиона мира Чарльза Мартина за Североамериканскую боксерскую ассоциацию. (NABF в) корона. Цветы, кто вступил в бой с уведомлением всего за две недели, был остановлен в четвертом раунде.

«Александр может кардинально изменить свою жизнь, победив Паркера, и мы уверены, что он сможет поехать в Новую Зеландию и справиться с неприятностями.,- сказал Кейт Велтре., со-промоутер Роя Джонса, Младший. Бокс. «У Александра сила в обеих руках, и он непременно проверит подбородок Паркера.. Флорес не пойдет туда только ради зарплаты, он собирается вызвать шок по всему миру бокса ».

Впечатляющая победа над Паркером, который проиграл свои последние два боя против единого чемпиона мира Энтони Джошуа и Диллиана Уайта, должен продвинуть Флореса высоко в конкурентном тяжелом весе.

«Я очень рад, что Алекс приезжает в Новую Зеландию с полной уверенностью.,- заметил Паркер., кто тренируется в Лас-Вегасе. "Для меня, бокс - это вызов, и это еще один большой. Я знаю что поставлено на карту. Мне нужно побеждать и хорошо побеждать. Мне нужно вырубить его, и я вырублю его, но я не могу сосредоточиться на этом. Мне нужно сосредоточиться на том, чтобы становиться лучше каждый раз, когда я выхожу на ринг ».

Паркер никогда не был поражен как профессионал, и он впервые будет драться дома в 1 ½ лет.

«После пяти лет беспроигрышной гонки, которая привела Джо к титулу чемпиона мира по версии WBO., мы сейчас находимся на очень необычной территории, отыгрывать подряд проигрыши,"Главный тренер Parker Кевин Барри отметил. «Джо никогда раньше не занимал эту должность и ему нужна максимальная производительность.. Джо оказывается под огромным давлением, чтобы не только выиграть этот бой., но чтобы выиграть по-крупному и вернуть свою карьеру в нужное русло.

"Эти ребята (Паркер и Флорес) одинаковой высоты (6’4”) И оба наносят серьезный удар, так что это складывается как большой конкурс. Это опасный поединок, тот, с которым Джозеф Паркер борется за свою карьеру ».

Паркер, однако, может смотреть мимо Флореса, согласно его недавним заявлениям в СМИ. Первый, Паркер позвал Тони Беллью, который только что проиграл бесспорный, непобежденный чемпион мира в тяжелом весе Александр Усик, а затем крупный новозеландец сказал, что хотел бы сразиться с победителем Уайта-Дерека Чисора II.

Тем временем, Флорес тренируется, как Рокки, чтобы сделать важное заявление, тот, который обещает удивить многих поклонников бокса.

Веб-сайты: HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com
Щебет: @RoyjonesJRfa, @ alexflores919
Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, alexander_thegreat_flores


Facebook: HTTP://www.facebook.com/RJJBoxing

О Рой Джонс-младший. Boxing Promotions:

Co-основанная в 2013 на 10-кратный чемпион мира Рой Джонс, Младший. и Кит Veltre, Рой Джонс, Младший. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions на пути к переосмыслению бокса. RJJ уже оказала огромное влияние на бокс сообществе в течение нескольких коротких лет. Создание волнующий контента для CBS Sports, Время Для Шоу, ESPN и Бейн Спорт в некоторых из самых прекрасных мест по всей стране, RJJ доказал, что покоряет сладкую науку спорта.

Основанная в борьбе столица мира, Лас-Вегас, Невада, Рой Джонс-младший. Boxing Promotions стремительно поднимается на вершину, добавление молодых талантов к своей растущей стабильной: суперлегчайший Джозеф Агбеко, суперлегкий Астон Фрэнсис Палисайт, полусредневесы Джон Вера и Даниэль Розарио Круз, суперлегкий вес Рэнди Морено, легковесы Макс Орнелас и Тони Лопес, в тяжелом весе Адрейн Тейлор и в среднем весе Шейди Гамхур, полулегкий Эдвард Васкес, суперлегкий Кендо Кастанеда и супертяжеловес Александр Флорес.

FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Behind the Scenes of the New Creed Movie, Обзоры мероприятий и превью

Tony takes Tom and Rich backstage on the set of the newest Rocky movie, Creed 2, the sequel to the breakout performance from Michael B. Jordan as Appollo Creed’s son. We also discuss Anthony Joshua’s cruise to victory over Joseph Parker and the ESPN boxing card in Quincy, Массачусетс. Then we preview the return of some big MMA events this weekend with UFC 223 and a Bellator MMA and kickboxing event.


Joshua Goes The Distance For First Time In His Career And Now Owns IBF, WBA & WBO Heavyweight World Championships

Encore Presentation In Primetime Tonight At 10:35 p.m. И/PT SHOWTIME На


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CARDIFF, WALES (Март 31, 2018) – Undefeated and Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua went the distance for the first time in his career, outpointing previously undefeated champion Joseph Parker in a heavyweight unification bout Saturday on SHOWTIME in Cardiff, Уэльс.

IBF and WBA Heavyweight World Champion Joshua (21-0, 20 КО) added Parker’s WBO title to his mantle with a 118-110, 118-110, и 119-109 unanimous decision before a boxing indoor attendance record of more than 78,000 fans at Principality Stadium.

While Joshua was the aggressor throughout, Parker established his jab in the early rounds in an attempt to negate Joshua’s six-inch reach advantage. And while Parker had his moments, Joshua was more active and landed the more meaningful punches and appeared to stagger the New Zealander on a handful of occasions.

In the championship rounds, it seemed the 28-year-old Joshua was going for the KO against Parker, who displayed a solid chin in becoming the only fighter to push Joshua the distance.

“I am not going to judge my performance,” Joshua said. “That’s for my coach to do. My strategy was to get behind the jab and we did that. The good jab will take you around the world.

“Through rounds 10, 11, 12, I was focused. I went the 12 rounds and I fought him hard, but it was light work. Это бокс. Это то, что мы делаем. Joseph Parker is a world champion. I knew he was going to be determined. Sometimes this is how it goes. It becomes a tactical boxing fight. This was going to be about finesse, and I controlled behind the jab and used finesse.

“We cannot forget – I am now the unified heavyweight champion of the world.”

После боя, Joshua was asked by Sky Sports reporter Andy Scott if he’d like to face fellow-undefeated WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder for the chance to become undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.

“One hundred percent, 100 процентов,” Joshua answered. “You’re asking me, do I want to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world? The WBA, IBF, WBO, IBO в. Twenty one fights, six world championship fights. I am not into the hype. I am about the business. Так, let’s talk business. Eddie Hearn can talk with Al Haymon and (Шелли Финкель).

“Just like Dillion (Whyte) сказал, ‘WILDER, LET’S GO, BABY.’ Let’s go. On this side of the pond, we are serious. Великобритания, the United Kingdom, we are representing. We have all the fighters, champions from heavyweight all the way down to the lower weight classes. We are about the business.”

Joshua didn’t seem disappointed he was unable to score a KO yet still admitted he wasn’t satisfied with the first distance fight of his career.

“Definitely, we are not satisfied. One step at a time,” Joshua said. “We are not our best yet but we are at the pinnacle of boxing. I always go in the deep end, always challenge myself. I am ready for more challenges. We will see what’s next.”

When pressed who he’d like to fight next, Joshua said, “Wilder. Wilder or Fury,” referencing fellow Brit and former unified heavyweight world champion Tyson Fury, who has been inactive since 2015 due to a variety of issues.

“Get him (Уайлдер) в кольце, and I’ll knock him spark out,” Joshua promised.

The 26-year-old Parker (24-1, 18 КО) didn’t dispute the decision in what was the first unification fight between undefeated heavyweight champions since 1987.

“Today, I got beat by the better man. The bigger man,” Parker said. “My plan is to go home, work hard and come back again.

“I would work harder. Make more punches. I would love another go. We could have worked inside more but whatever happened, получилось. You can’t go back and change that.

“I am young, сильный, fit and ready to come back and challenge again. We’ll be back again stronger.”

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will replay tonight at 10:35 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME. Following tonight’s encore presentation, Joshua против. Parker will air Воскресенье morning at 9 a.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME и Понедельник на 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.

# # #


“I’m willing to take risks and take him out early.” – IBF & WBA Champion Anthony Joshua


“I’m here for a war. You’re going to have to give everything to beat me.” – WBO Champion Joseph Parker


SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® На 5 p.m. ET / 14:00. PT From Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Уэльс




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CARDIFF, WALES (Март 30, 2018) – IBF and WBA Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua weighed-in at 242 ¼ pounds and WBO Champion Joseph Parker measured 236 ½ pounds Friday before a capacity crowd at Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff for their Heavyweight World Championship tomorrow live on SHOWTIME.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT from ringside at Principality Stadium where nearly 80,000 fans will match boxing’s all-time indoor attendance record, initially set in 2017 in Joshua’s title defense against Carlos Takam at the same venue.




Джошуа (20-0, 20 КО) scaled his lightest in 10 бои, и более 10 pounds lighter than his October 2017 defense of the IBF and WBA titles, while Parker (24-0, 18 КО) измеряться 10 pounds lighter than all three of his world championship bouts.




“Carrying around a bit of extra weight makes things difficult,” Joshua said. “I’ve been running well, training well. There’s been tough times in camp, but losing that little bit of extra weight has made things that little bit easier.




“It’s a perfect weight for the fighter I’m about to face tomorrow because he’s nimble and he’s quick. I’ve got boxing skill and I can control him, but I think the lighter I am the more I’ll be able to match him for speed.”




Паркер, who will make his third defense as champion, took note of Joshua’s lighter weight.




"(Joshua’s weight) makes me think that he’s taking the fight very seriously,” Parker said. “There’s not much of a weight difference, и это хорошо. I think we’re both going to be fast tomorrow night. We’re both going to move well and throw some big bombs.




“I saw confidence in Joshua. He’s a good champion. I saw confidence so I’m expecting a really good fight.”




American Steve Weisfeld, New Zealand’s Ian Scott and Britain’s Steve Gray have been assigned as the three judges scoring from ringside. The third man in the ring will be Italy’s Giuseppe Quartarone.




“I’m not worried about a decision,” Parker said. “We’ve done everything we can in training to prepare. The biggest thing for me is the challenge of fighting someone like Joshua. If it goes into a dark place, how long will I stay there for? How fast can I come back?




“I’m here for a good fight. I’m here for a war. You’re going to have to give everything to beat me.”




The massive global event will be watched in more than 215 territories throughout the world, a distribution figure that is on par with some of the biggest boxing events in history.




“You have to remember that even though I’m heavyweight champion of the world, there’s another belt I’m fighting for. В моей голове, I’m a challenger,” Joshua said. “Scrap my belts. I’m challenging for the WBO heavyweight championship of the world. That’s what I’m going for and that’s what my mindset is. Я голоден. I’m determined. I’m willing to go the distance or I’m willing to take risks and take him out early. I just want to secure that win one way or another.”




This will be just the 11й unification in heavyweight history. Previous winners of unifications include Muhammad Ali, Джо Фрейзер, Майк Тайсон, Эвандер Холифилд, Lennox Lewis and Wladimir Klitschko. The last fighter to win a unification between undefeated champions was Mike Tyson in 1987.




“These wins are creating history,” Joshua said. “This type of fight where two champions who are undefeated come together is history. The last person to win was Mike Tyson thirty years ago. If I do win, I haven’t spoken about it much, but providing I do get this win we’re going to set history in late 2018. I’ll become undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.”

FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Возможный контракт Энтони Джошуа с UFC, Паркер vs. Обзор бокса Джошуа и другие новости единоборств

На этой неделе на Шоу единоборств FNU, Том, Тони и Рич обсуждают широкий круг тем.. Мы даже коснемся небольших новостей WWE в конце шоу.. Мы начнем с обсуждения того, что Энтони Джошуа, возможно, подпишется на бой под знаменем UFC Boxing, и перейдем к более позднему этапу шоу, чтобы анонсировать его бой против Джозефа Паркера в эти выходные.. Мы также освещаем временное отстранение Канело Альвареса и участие Марка Бернетта в новой Лиге профессиональных бойцов.. Слушайте полное шоу в плеере ниже:




“We have two undefeated heavyweight champions. How big of a night is this? It’s massive.” – IBF & WBA Champion Anthony Joshua

“They underestimate me as a fighter. I just feel it’s my time.” – WBO Champion Joseph Parker

Часы, Доля & Embed Via SHO Sports YouTube: HTTPS://youtu.be/ioZTYk-ezNE


Кредит: Эстер Лин / Showtime

ЧТО: Hear from undefeated heavyweight world champions Anthony Joshua and Joseph Parker in this SHOWTIME Sports video preview in advance of Субботу Heavyweight World Championship Unification live on SHOWTIME. ВИДЕО:HTTPS://youtu.be/ioZTYk-ezNE

IBF and WBA Champion Joshua and WBO Champion Parker will square off in the 11й unification in heavyweight history on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING beginning live at 5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT. The blockbuster in Cardiff, Wales is expected to tie the all-time indoor attendance record in boxing with nearly 80,000 fans packing Principality Stadium в субботу.

“I’m not worried about no one,” said Joshua, who owns a perfect 20-0 запись с 20 нокауты. “I’m facing all challengers. Undefeated champions, I’m beating champions, I’m beating legends.”

Countered Parker: “I’ve wanted this fight for a long time. They underestimate me as a fighter. I just feel it’s my time.”


Джошуа & Parker Make First Appearance In Cardiff, Уэльс, Where Nearly 80,000 Fans Will Witness Heavyweight History At Principality Stadium




Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит: Эстер Лин / Showtime



CARDIFF, WALES (Март 28, 2018) – Undefeated Heavyweight World Champions Anthony Joshua and Joseph Parker made their first appearance in Cardiff on Wednesday, working out before a packed house of enthusiastic fans at St. David’s Hall just three days before their Heavyweight World Championship Unification в эту субботу жить на SHOWTIME.



The near-capacity crowd at the National Concert Hall of Wales is a prelude to the record-tying audience expected at Principality Stadiumв субботу where nearly 80,000 fans will match boxing’s all-time indoor attendance record, initially set in 2017 in Joshua’s title defense against Carlos Takam at the same venue.



The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT from ringside in Cardiff as IBF and WBA Champion Joshua (20-0, 20 КО) and WBO Champion Parker (24-0, 18 КО) meet in just the second unification between undefeated heavyweight champions in history.



The 6-foot-6 Joshua will make his fifth defense as champion against the 6-foot-4 Parker, who defends his title for the third time. Joshua owns a 100 percent knockout ratio while Parker has never been knocked down as an amateur or professional.



Here’s what the fighters had to say on Wednesday:




“This is bigger than last time. Boxing is bigger than ever right now. This is the golden era and I’m happy to be a part of it.



“It’s good news that he wants a war. В боксе, all you need is a good chin and a right hand but I’ve been working on finesse, техника, counter punching. I hope Joseph Parker falls into my booby traps because I’m going to set him up with some power shots as well. Да, I’ll be up for a war. I’ll hopefully be up for some blood, пот, and cheers from my corner.



“Physically I believe in my ability. I’m focused and I understand it’s a boxing match and the people are expecting the pinnacle of boxing. Hopefully they’ll be able to see me through to victory.



“You need to still keep that challenger’s mind-set. I’m still the challenger in my head, and sometimes I don’t want to be seen with the belts around me too much. Now that I’m the hunted, it’s no time to just put my feet up and relax. I’m out there defending my throne в субботу ночь.



“I can’t worry about it [future bouts]. Суббота night is where it’s at. Суббота night is big enough. Суббота night is massive.”




“Since we’ve been here we’ve been welcomed with open arms. I expect a good crowd, a fair crowd. There are a lot of people supporting Joshua here, but we have a lot of support back home. It’s great to see all my family and friends here, and we’ve got some support here, также.



“All Black (New Zealand rugby) style has always done well here in Wales, so I’m looking to keep that record clean.”



“I think some of the things our team has said has gotten under his skin. I’m not unhappy. He looks a little unhappy and a little tense. I think everyone’s different in how they approach a fight. We’re quite relaxed and calm. Я в восторге от этой борьбы, but it’s a controlled excitement.



“Klitschko’s a great fighter and champion who we respect, but Klitschko is Klitschko. I’m a different story altogether. I’m young and hungry, I’m fit and strong and I got my speed back. I will show that в субботу.



“I’ve got the speed, мощность, навыки и умения, техника, all of the above.



“See you soon, [Энтони Джошуа]. Let’s go to war!"


“I win by knockout, 100 percent.” – IBF & WBA Champion Anthony Joshua

“I’m not here for a payday. I’m here to take those belts back with me.” – WBO Champion Joseph Parker

SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® На 5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT From Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Уэльс


Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит: Эстер Лин / Showtime

ЛОНДОН (Март 27, 2018) – Undefeated heavyweight world champions Anthony Joshua and Joseph Parker kicked off fight week with a tense faceoff at the sprawling Sky Headquarters outside London as they approach Субботу Heavyweight World Championship Unification live on SHOWTIME from Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Уэльс.

The British sensation Joshua (20-0, 20 КО) owns the IBF and WBA titles, while New Zealand’s Parker (24-0, 18 КО) is the reigning WBO Champion. The two will meet в субботу in just the 11й unification in heavyweight history in front of what is expected to be nearly 80,000 boxing fans at the national stadium of Wales.

The blockbuster matchup marks just the second heavyweight championship unification between undefeated world titleholders. The last fighter to emerge victorious from a matchup of unbeaten heavyweight champions was Mike Tyson in 1987.

Here’s what the fighters had to say at Вторник пресс-конференция.


“I feel like this is what we have to do. If champions don’t face off, then we won’t bring excitement to boxing, and I feel like we heavyweights are the flagbearers for the sport.

“I’m peaking, but what I need to do is remain where I am. If you want to see my peak then I need to face stern challenges. The better opponent, the better I get.

“We embrace the challenge of facing an undefeated champion. Он чемпион, he’s done well for himself. He’s quick and he can take a punch.

“I have to mentally say the fight will go 12 rounds in my head, but if I had to pick I’d say nine rounds. I win by knockout, 100 процентов ".

“For a long time, I’ve had to rely on my strength and my physicality. Over the 10 years I’ve been boxing, I’ve built a lot of mental strength as well. And now I’m combining the two. I feel confident and I’m looking forward to the challenge.

“I take it one thousand percent one fight at a time. A lot of talk has been happening about AJ vs. Deontay (Уайлдер). People need to be realistic. I’m looking at Joseph Parker, who is a lively challenger. Он чемпион по причине.

“Let’s say we look into a crystal ball and I’m victorious, then we can start talking about future plans. Но, на данный момент, my future startsв субботу. That’s where I’ve got to look to and not really beyond that moment.

“There’s definitely a fear of losing because it keeps me going. I have to make sure I stay focused on the task at hand. The fear of losing keeps me motivated because I know how quickly the tables can turn. One minute you’re the man and the next you’re not.

“I’m definitely preparing for a 12-round fight. One hundred and ten percent. It isn’t a problem to go the distance. But let’s say I’ve got 20 quid in my pocket and I’m looking at Joseph Parker vs. Энтони Джошуа. I believe Anthony Joshua will knock Joseph Parker out, myself.”


“I feel ready, confident and sharp. Я чувствую себя лучше, чем когда-либо, and I’m taking these belts back to New Zealand.

“I see Joshua as a great champion. The reason why we wanted this fight is because we respect what he’s achieved in the boxing world. We respect his team and what they’ve been able to achieve on this side of the world. And we love challenges. We see him as a big challenge and that’s the reason we want to fight him.

“I feel it’s my time. Я молод, I’m fast, Я сильный. And I’m determined to win. I’m not here for a payday. I’m here to take those belts back with me. I’m here to be part of history. I’m not doing it just for myself. I’m doing it for my team, my family and my country.

“He’s at his best. I’m at my best. This is the perfect time for the fight. There are going to be no excuses. Whoever wins is the best on the day.

“I’m going to beat Joshua. I haven’t decided how I want to beat him yet. I don’t know if it’s a knockout or if it’s points or decision. We’ll see how I feel on fight night. But I’m going to be undefeated going home with the belts. These are mine.

“I’m in the best shape ever. Whoever wins is the better man. There’s no excuses on my side. Я чувствую себя великолепно, I’m feeling strong and I’m going to leave it all in the ring. I’m punching hard, I’m punching with way more speed so I’m looking to put on a display.

“This is the perfect time because he’s undefeated. He’s got belts that I want. We’re both at the top of our game now and it’s a good time to see who the best is.

“I’m confident I’m going to win. I’m taking the belts home.”

ROBERT McCRACKEN, Joshua’s Trainer:

“Parker is a different opponent than Takam or Klitschko. Он непобедимый, so he doesn’t believe he can lose. But being fast and being calm and relaxed doesn’t prepare you for getting into a ring with Anthony Joshua. Not just the size of him, he’s very imposing in the ring, but he hits you and you don’t know where you’re getting hit. I think we’ve seen that in all of his contests to date.

“Anthony’s in great shape. He’s looking forward to the fight and he just sees it as another fight on the ladder to trying to become the undisputed champion. That’s the reason why the fight is taking place.

“Parker’s the WBO champion. Он хороший боец. He’s unbeaten and he’s a challenge that AJ is up for.

“He ticks all the boxes. Он может боксировать. Он может драться. Он разрушительным панчер, сам. And he can take a devastating shot, so he’s improving all the time. He’s learning all the time. He’s already the unified champion. He’s already an Olympic gold medalist. It’s part of the journey that he sees himself becoming the undisputed champion.”

KEVIN BARRY: Parker’s Trainer

“These are two guys that are young, two guys that are at the top of their game. Как правило, when you have two very skillful, undefeated fighters in the ring together it will come down to who can execute the game plan the best on the night. I’ve said all along that I believed out of all the heavyweight champions, that Joseph Parker has the best skill. I believe he can do more. I believe he has the fastest hands. В Субботу ночь, we’ll find out whether I’m dreaming or whether I’ve been right all along.

“I think we’ve had our best training camp, and I know trainers say that all the time but over the last two years, we’ve had a really rough time with Joseph’s elbows. I think it’s shown in his performances. We’ve had a couple of surgeries just prior to Christmas last year. Этот лагерь, 11 weeks in Las Vegas, have been the most enjoyable time that Joe and I have spent together in the five years that we’ve had.

“We decided right from the get-go that we were not going to let the occasion beat us. One of the huge strengths of Joseph Parker has always been the way he controls his emotions. I’ve said on several occasions, whether it’s 800, 8,000 или 80,000, it will be the same Joseph Parker smiling all the way to the ring. Joseph has wanted this challenge for so long, an opportunity to prove that he is the best heavyweight in the world. Очевидно, we believe that he beats Joshua or otherwise, we wouldn’t be here.”